Correction to URL for Web orders of Twangfest tix

1999-04-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

We (we this time being not the Twang Gang, but me) inadvertently included some
ASCII formatting junk in the URL you can use to order Twangfest 3 tickets
online through Village Records.  Try this:

I tried this out, and it works great.  Sorry for any confusion!

--Your red-faced Twang Gang representative aka Mark Wyatt

Twangfest 3: Advance Tickets, More News, and Much, Much Less!

1999-04-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

That steady "thump, thump, thump" you're hearing, ever increasing in intensity?
No, it's not Excedrin Headache #43, brought on by the latest P2 dustup, it's
just us (us being your Twang Gang) beating the drum for Twangfest 3. We're a
mere seven weeks away from the blessed event--June 10-12--and so we're going to
try to keep you informed on all the latest happenings just as often as you can
stand it.


First off, thanks to our kind sponsors Miles of Music and Village Records, we
have advance tickets available for the first time in our short history.  With
headliners like the V-Roys, Damnations TX, and Dale Watson, not to mention all
the great P2 bands, you'd have to be crazy to risk waiting until the last
minute to get your ducats!  Here's the scoop:

Tickets are $10 per night. A shipping/handling charge will be added to each

For phone or mail orders from Miles of Music, here's the skinny:

toll free phone #: 888 766-8742
20929-47 Ventura Blvd. #286 Woodland Hills CA 91364
fax 818 992-8302=20

To order via the web, go to the Village Records web page:

You can also contact Village Records at the following addresses and numbers and

12156 W 63 St
Shawnee Mission, KS 66216, USA
Answering Machine or Fax:
1-800-327-5264 (USA  Canada)

### TWANGPIN ###

Due to popular demand, or at least no unified opposition, we are bringing back
Twangpin for the second year.  It will be held on Friday June 11th from 12 noon
til 5 pm.  And while you might think that just bowling would be enough, we do
not, mesdames and messieurs.  This year, Twangpin will also be the site of the
CD release party for this year's Edges From the Postcard 2, which is appearing
this year on Hayden's Ferry Records.  Hayden's Ferry is also sponsoring this
party, which will feature the following combos, live and in bowling shirts:

*The Sovines
*Belle Starr
*Buck Shots
*Even more surprise musical guests!

Bowling will start right around, with the swingin' bands cranking it up at 1
PM. We'll have more details soon on this event; for now, contact Marie
Arsenault at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

### MUCH LESS! ###

Yep, that's about all the news for now.  For all the pertinent stuff in one
place, you can't beat, our info-licious corner of the web.
More to come!

Muchas smooches,

Your Twang Gang

Twangfest 3 update

1999-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Brace yourselves, folks, there'll be a lot more of these, but we (we being your
Twang Gang) want to keep you apprised of all the latest regarding the last
Twangfest of the millenium.

First off, it looks like the Oak Grove Inn is, at least temporarily, sold out--
due to reservations made by two different wedding parties, as well as the
T'fest rooms reserved so far.  More rooms may be made available by the Oak
Grove after May 11, but in the meantime, we suggest giving Motel 6 a call
(314-894-9449).  Their rates are the usual reasonable Motel 6 rates, and it's
just a stumble away from the Oak Grove.

Secondly, we're going to have a super sale of last year's P2 and Twangfest 2
T-shirts; check out the Twangfest web site for details (
Details on the Twangfest auction will be forthcoming, and we're rapidly
approaching the deadline for items to be donated for bidding.  Contact Marie
Arsenault ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Meshel Watkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for more
info on how to donate.  And please consider becoming a Friend of Twangfest;
we've got three hellaciously cool days planned for y'all, and we sure could use
some help paying for it.  Details are given on the web site, natch.

Speaking of that site, you'll want to keep checking there often, as it's being
updated frequently and will continue to be kept current right up to T-day, June

Lots more news to come, folks, including details on the second Twangpin event
on the afternoon of Friday June 11, and the expanded P2 picnic on Saturday
afternoon of that weekend at the historic Jefferson Barracks.

Almost exactly two months to go...damn, this is going to be fun!  Stay tuned.

Muchas smooches,

Your Twang Gang

And you think earthquakes and floods bite...

1999-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

In an attempt to reverse the faux cowboy "cleansing" of our nation's west
coast--I'll bet you think Roy Rogers and Gene Autry died of natural causes,
don't you?--the Rangers will be singin', playin', eatin', and sleepin' out that
way August 12-23.  We've got gigs in the LA area on Saturday Aug 14 and a
bluegrass festival in Hood River, OR on the succeeding Saturday and Sunday (Aug
21-22), in addition to a club gig in Independence, OR on Aug 20.

I'm hoping I can tap into the collective brain trust of P2 to get more bookings
in the week in between--Aug 15-19.  San Diego on the 13th is not for sure,
either.  Those of you with ideas--or better yet, who work for/are friendly with
clubs--please contact me OFFLIST.  House concerts would be fantabulous, too.

Please don't force me to play accordion on the street...  Thank you kindly.

  Mark Wyatt * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * One Riot One Ranger * Columbus, OH
  ** "That ain't no part of bluegrass...
 that ain't no part of nothin'" (Bill Monroe) **

Twangfest accommodations

1999-03-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Looks like you early birds got the best rooms, as the Oak Grove Inn, the
official Home Away From Home of Twangfest, tells us there are no more rooms
available with two double beds for the weekend of June 10-13.  They do have
rooms with one bed still available, so hop on it (1-800-OAK-GROV) if you want
to stay there.  Be sure to mention Twangfest for the best rates.

Luckily, you have another good option for rooms, as there is a Motel 6 right
across the street from the Oak Grove Inn (314-892-3664).  This may be even a
better option for those of you who travel with your dog, cat, ferret, ocelot,
etc., as this particular Motel 6 accepts pets.  Watch where you step.

Don't forget we have our very our Queen of Airline Travel in Jo Wendland
(1-800-208-4158), who will be happy to set you up with airline tix for St.
Louis.  She has a special deal on TWA flights, and it just so happens St. Louee
is a hub for that airline.  Be sure to mention Twangfest with her as well.

Coming soon...we announce ALL the bands who will be playing Twangfest 3 and
some of the other fun-type activities we've got planned for that weekend!

Muchas smooches,

Your Twang Gang

Twangfest web banner

1999-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Just a quick note from your Twang Gang to let you know that we've got a spiffy
new animated GIF banner announcing Twangfest 3 for your personal or business
web page.  Placing this li'l gem on your web page will help get out the word on
Twangfest (be sure to hot-link it to!) and will earn you
substantial rewards in the next life.

Here's where to go:

For those of you without a WYSIWYG-type web page program, the necessary source
code to hot-link the thang is given, too.  Thank you kindly.

Your Twang Gang

P.S. Stay tuned for some mighty big Twangfest announcements this week.

Re: Inflammable Material on WXDU Playlist

1999-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

As Chad was saying:

Soft Boys/Yodelling Hoover/Wading Through a Ventilator

Does anyone know if it is possible to find Soft Boys albums anywhere?  I
have been searching for a while for anything I can find on CD or LP on the
web and in used record stores and special order stores, but no no avail.

If anybody can find this for you, Jeff Weiss at Miles of Music can
(  I s'pose you could try EveryCD, too, if Jeff has to
punt (  The 2-CD set on Ryko that came out a while back is
phee-nominal, even for a fella that owns *all three versions* of "A Can of
Bees" such as myself. All the essentials, and boatloads of rarities.

And I should add that your show was pretty damn phee-nominal, too, Steve.
Although I think I would have played "My Baby Does Good Sculptures" from that
Rezillos album...  Good move getting the first Dead Boys record this time
around, too.  Makes that second LP sound like an aural turd, don't it?

  Mark Wyatt * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * One Riot One Ranger * Columbus, OH
  ** "That ain't no part of bluegrass...
 that ain't no part of nothin'" (Bill Monroe) **

Re: Boot recommendations

1999-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

With all due respect to you mad dogs and (one) Englishman, I can't believe
nobody has mentioned El Paso's own Tony Lama.  My first pair (black iguana)
were TL's, and I still wear them 12 years later.

For sheer pointy-toedness, though, you can't beat the pair of Chisholms
I've got; you could kill a gnat stuck in the business end of a pastry funnel
with 'em.  Way uncomfortable, but I will always suffer for fashion, as the P2
partygoers at NEA will attest.

  Mark Wyatt * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * One Riot One Ranger * Columbus, OH
  ** "That ain't no part of bluegrass...
 that ain't no part of nothin'" (Bill Monroe) **

More on Twangfest/Plea for Donations

1999-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Sometimes we P2 lifers forget that there are a heck of a lot of you out there
who don't really know the origins of Twangfest, the Twang Gang, etc., so it's
high time to give a little history here.

In early 1997, it was becoming evident that a fair amount of P2-ers were in
bands--good bands, too, but combos that many of the far-flung subscribers never
had a chance to see because they weren't seasoned touring outfits for the most
part.  So, Matt Benz, Dave Purcell, Roy Kasten, and Kip Loui, among others,
tossed around
the idea of having a show in some central location that could serve as a sort
of get-together and a happenin' musical thing to boot.  People on P2 hopped on
this notion enthusiastically, and the band members who suggested the idea in
the first place organized the event, with St. Louis being picked as the central

It didn't seem too much to ask that the bands who organized the event *play* at
the event as well, and that's pretty much the way things stayed through the
second Twangfest, too.  What became evident to us last year, though, is that
due to the growing interest in T'fest, the old framework of choosing bands
wasn't going to work.  Too many good bands that were submitting deserved a shot
at playing what was becoming the antithesis of the weasely showcase events that
have proliferated across the country over the last five years or so.  Unlike
those events, we don't make a nickel from the proceeds, and we actually pay the
bands and give them all a motel room for the night.  Hey, lots of us in the
Twang Gang are *in* bands, and that's how we'd like to be treated.

But let's get back to band selection.
This year, the Twang Gang set up a separate band selection committee--five
members, two of whom are in the Gang, three of whom are not, NONE of whom are
in a band.  This seemed the best way to keep Twangfest a P2-centric event, but
still make the selection as fair to everyone as possible.

We just thought you ought to know.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you again that YOU can be a
sponsor of this grass-roots thing, and get some pretty good loot to boot, by
being a Friend of Twangfest.  For $100, which is less than some of you spend
every time you hit a record store, you get a three-day pass to Twangfest 3, a
copy of this year's new "Edges from the Postcard 2" CD, and a Twangfest 3
T-shirt.  AND, since Twangfest is now a real-deal non-profit organization,
you can deduct your donation to us from your taxes to the maximum extent
allowed by law.  Your donation will help us directly pay for this event,
*and* it will help us in our quest to get money from larger sponsors who look
for this sort of individual support when they make up their minds on who
deserves their cash the most.  It's funny that way--donations breed more
donations.  Contact Marie Arsenault at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more
info on where to send your cash, checks, and krugerrands.  Please be aware that
ANY donation will help; we're just unable to offer the bonuses below a $100

It's really pretty exciting to think that what started out as a sorta
half-cocked party is turning out to be one hell of a good music event AND a
chance for all of us to see each other in person and hoot and holler til dawn.
If you're reading this, then you're already hooked on the looniest mailing list
on the net.  Complete the experience, help us out with a donation if you can,
and most importantly, COME TO TWANGFEST June 10-12 in St. Louis.  Write us at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and keep checking for updates.

Muchas smooches,

Your Twang Gang
Marie Arsenault, Junior Barnard, Matt Benz, Amy Haugesag, Kip Loui, Dave
Purcell, John Wendland, and Mark Wyatt

P.S.  Yes, the Damnations TX are confirmed for Twangfest.  Stay tuned for more

Twangfest 3 update

1999-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Lest you think your Twang Gang is employing the House impeachment manager
method of news dissemination, we thought we'd better let y'all in on what's
been going on with plans for Twangfest 3 (June 10-12 in St. Louis, as you'll
recall), rather than just let things sorta leak out.

(1) Headliners:  Yes, we have confirmed a date with the Damnations TX for
Twangfest.  They'll be headlining on Friday June 11.  We've got offers out to
some other great folks, too, so the fireworks ain't over yet.

(2) Other Bands:  The band selection committee is questioning their sanity as
we speak, as they pore over the nearly 50 submissions for the remaining
Twangfest performance slots.  Lots of great bands stepped up to the plate, so
we should have one hell of a lineup to announce at the end of the process.
Stay tuned.

(3) Non-Profit Status: Yes, with the aid of some generous pro bono legal aid,
we are indeed applying for our humble cause to be a non-profit organization.
This shields the committee members from personal liability, and more
importantly, it means that all donations to Twangfest are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.
Which leads me to...

(4) Sponsorship:  The kind folks at No Depression Magazine have already signed
on to be a sponsor of Twangfest 3, and while we doubt they'll go for our
suggestion of changing their name to No Twangfest Depression, they will be
giving us even higher visibility than we've had previously.  If you know of a
deep-pocketed, or even medium-deep-pocketed organization or company who would
like to market themselves to the twang community, please pass along the info to
Marie Arsenault at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Once again, we emphasize that
all money given to Twangfest will be TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.

(5) Friends of Twangfest:  This year, we'd like to make it possible for you to
help defray the ever-increasing costs of staging Twangfest--*and* save money on
your taxes next year.  For a $100 donation, you will be an official Friend of
Twangfest, which will get you a pass for all three days, a Twangfest 3 T-shirt,
and an "Edges From the Postcard 2" CD.  Not only that, but your name will be
announced from the stage of the Off Broadway club by one of our dashing emcees.
Donations of *any* amount will be most welcome, though, and any dough you part
with will guessed it, TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  Contact Marie Arsenault
at the address above for more details.

(6) Web site:  Yes, we're in the process of making the web
site even more informative than ever.  Right now you can see the brand-new
Twangfest 3 logo, which will be emblazoned over all our ads, posters, T-shirts,
and condoms.  We even have a slogan this year: "Wanna Sit In?", which won out
over such suggestions as "Wanna Have A Warm Beer?" and "Wanna Help Me Drag Alex
Millar Out Of His Room?"

There will be lots more info to come, but in the interest of X-Files style full
disclosure, we thought we ought to fill you in on at least this much.  If
you've got questions or suggestions, please direct them to us at

Muchas smooches,

Your Twang Gang

Tennessee...I hear you calling me

1999-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)

Had to use that subject line, now that the King of Bluegrass is in the

Believe it or not, I have been told that I don't pimp my band nearly often
enough in this hallowed forum--which was kind of a surprise, since I feel that
my whole life has been dedicated to the pursuit of shameless, wanton
self-promotion--so here goes.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 - Bird's Eye View Pub and Coffee House, Knoxville, TN
( - 9 PM

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 - Station Inn, Nashville, TN ( - 12

I view the latter show, which places the Rangers in the epicenter of bluegrass
in Music City, to be a sign that the Last Days are truly nigh.  Deal with it.

P.S.  Did anyone else see Riders in the Sky on Penn and Teller this past week?
A tape of that will someday be the Video Daily Double answer to the question
"What is surrealism?"

  Mark Wyatt * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * One Riot One Ranger * Columbus, OH
  ** "That ain't no part of bluegrass...
 that ain't no part of nothin'" (Bill Monroe) **