Boot Recommendations-Austin

1999-03-15 Thread Erik Gerding

I'm hopin' to pick up some kickers down in Austin this weekend. Anyone out
there know the best place to go?


Erik Gerding
Ultapolitan Records


Re: sxsw criticisms (preachy)

1999-02-17 Thread Erik Gerding

 I'm willing to accept this, but I still have some problems 
withthe underlying concept of the beastie. 

we do to.

That being said, I'd enjoy the heckout of playing the Broken 
Spoke on Friday night, sure and I would.(Congrats, 


After I posted I checked the snail mail and received an application for 
New Music West 1999 in Vancouver B.C. this May. Immediately I 
went in to thinking,.okay, now if we can play Seattle on the way up 
and Bellingham on the way down, maybe we can pay for gas and food. And if 
we.. Wait a minute. I'm not going to go through this again. I 
look at the app. and of course there is nothing mentioned about what the 
showcasing acts (about 150) get in return. So I call them up and ask what the 
deal is and to my amazement she says each band will have a choice of a 
wristband for everyone in the band and one pass to the conference or $100. 
I thought.h, where did they get that idea? And that's Canadian Dollars 
we're talking about, and like at SxSW I don't get a wristband as the manager. 
They will also cover the border fee to cross into Canada. I said There's a 
fee now? she said there is a fee for those who cross the border to work in 
Canada. hmm.She then went on to tell me the line about all the good 
schmoozing you can do and all the industry types that will be there and blah 
blah blah.

Well, like I said though, .okay, now if we can play Seattle on 
the way up and Bellingham on the way down, maybe we can pay for gas and food. 
And if we stay at. 



1999-01-20 Thread Erik Gerding

-Original Message-From: 
Mike Hays [EMAIL PROTECTED]The best part is I get to go head to head with 
the jerk that fired me and since I built the jerk's station up, I'll take 
great pleasure in dismantling it 1 listener at a time. 
Thanks for all your support P2!

Congrats on the new situation. Best of 
luck in the battle. 

Re: Split Enz - True Colours

1999-01-18 Thread Erik Gerding

b.s. wrote;

WAIATA .my favorite Split Enz, though I suppose
AND TIDE would have to be considered *best*. Chris mentions some great
tunes,  (mostly all from T+T) but leaves out my favorite Split Enz and Neil
Finn song, "One Step Ahead", from WAIATA. Not to mention "History Never

What do you think of the "Frenzy" album? I found it after getting True
Colours and Waiata. "Frenzy" pre dates both of those records it gave me some
insight into what they were doing before their "I Got You" smash. I really
like "Semi Detached" and "Holy Smoke". I sniffed around Portland and found
the 1975 Mental Notes, before Neil Finn joined the band. I noticed the
strong presence of Philip Judd on the sound of the band at that time.(or
maybe it was the mushrooms) What other Enz/Judd records are there, (besides
1979's Beginning of the Enz) and what became of Judd after he left the band?
Assuming there was no tragedy that I never heard about.


split enz - true colours

1999-01-15 Thread Erik Gerding

Here, here!

I was a major Split Enz freak in the late 70's early 80's. Still like 'em
too.  So that True Colours record with the etching is actually worth
somethin'? I always thought it was cool and wondered why other artists
didn't do that on their albums. I have a 1975 Enz album called Mental Notes
with Philip Judd before he left the band pre-True Colours. It is very
different than their later stuff. Lots of odd New Zealand folky-country
stuff. Judd plays a mean mandolin on a few tracks. Also, Neil Finn's
Escapade album is great too. I romanced a French girl in Montpelier with
that tape. Ooohh the memories