Re: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s

1999-04-16 Thread John Magee

I could go on and on with this thread, but there's one that pops right to mind
for me: Joe Henry's "Trampoline". This was generally written off when it came
out, but I was taken by it (and still am). There was something about the whole
feel of the record, both sonically and lyrically, that I couldn't shake. I find
it to be head and shoulders above any of his other work (including the new
"Fuse", although it has its moments).

Another might be Neil Young's "Sleeps With Angels" . . . I thought it was one
hell of a record; it kind of went back to the crazed feel of the "Beach"/"Fades
Away" period, but updated. A far, far better record than "Mirror Ball",  "Broken
Arrow", "Harvest Moon", and on most days "Freedom".


-Original Message-
From: Jacob London [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, April 15, 1999 11:45 PM
Subject: criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s

Well, I was laying in bed last night struggling to fall asleep when it
dawned on me that this would be a good thread to throw out to the list,
given that the '90s are almost over, and people on this listserve seem to
love making lists.

What are the 5 most criminally underappreciated albums of the '90s?

I know you folks won't let me down. I don't care about genre, although if
you want to list five in each genre you can think of that's cool too. Be
creative. Go year by year if you want. If you've got picks for the 5 most
criminally underappreciated albums of '99 include those too.

A plain list seems fine to me. But if you're inclined, a paragraph
justifying each choice is even better.

I wonder if there will be much agreement?

take care,


Jake London

Re: Old 97s -- arena rock?

1999-04-05 Thread John Magee

This is a pretty simple thread to deal with:

On Dallas PA - Old '97s (pretty boy college pop)
On Joe Louis Arena PA - The Nuge, Alice Cooper, etc. (real music to play hockey

The hard truth: Y'ain't gonna win the Cup with the Old '97s on the PA.

Thanks to me for bringing the p2 content back to the most worthy fluff thread
I've seen on this list :).

John Magee
(born in Dallas, raised in Detroit, knows the right hockey team to root for)

-Original Message-
From: Stuart Munro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Old 97s -- arena rock?

Chad Hamilton says:

Tar Hut Records wrote:

 That didn't stop Federov's team from slapping the Stars with a 3-0 drubbing

Which gets them within 20 points.  The Red Wings better be prepared for
a whipping come playoff time if they can make it to the Conference

Careful now, Chad.  Those Red Wings made some mighty fine additions at the
trade deadline, they still have Scotty Bowman, and as the saying goes, to
be the boss, you have to beat the boss.

Not even a Deetroit fan,
Stuart Munro

Re: Drake (Re: Kelly Willis calling the shots)

1999-04-02 Thread John Magee

Ahhh . . . a chance to wax on the wonderful work of Nick Drake. None captures
the twisted personal beauty of despair quite like him. You can truly hear him
sinking into the end of his life on record.

You can't go wrong with any of the discs. The compilation, "Way to Blue", is a
great and representative sampling. The other extreme is just to buy the box set
of 4 CDs . . . almost every track is great. The individual albums rank like this
for me:

Five Leaves Left - gorgeous stuff, a real competitor of "Astral Weeks"
Bryter Layter - a more English folk-rock feel, great if you are a Fairport
Convention et al. fan (some of those musicians appear)
Pink Moon - wacked-out, sometimes abstract, largely solo, a great but somewhat
slight record

By the way, I'm fairly thumbs-down on the Kelly Willis cover. She's a little too
sweet for the song. "A troubled cure/ for a troubled mind" just doesn't sit
right unless sung by the spooked Mr. Drake. "Cradle of Love" is much better for
her approach.


-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, April 02, 1999 3:38 PM
Subject: Drake (Re: Kelly Willis calling the shots)

Soron writes:

   As a minor Drake fan(atic), 

Which reminds me, any minor or major Drake fan want to offer up a good
starting point into that artist's catalog? I need to go buy yet another CD
that I've never gonna have enough time to appreciate to its fullest. Sigh...

Neal Weiss

Re: Welfare Music

1999-04-01 Thread John Magee

Oh, man . . . check out the "family tree" on this site. I'm not
going to comment . . . but some of the amateur historians out there might find
it amusing . . . Steve Earle makes it because he has "jammed onstage w/Bottle
Rockets and Uncle Tupelo."


-Original Message-
From: Marie Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, April 01, 1999 1:02 PM
Subject: Welfare Music

I just received this. It might interest some of you.

Well, our painstaking work has come to an end, for now. WelfareMusic has
officially launched.
The response so far has been great. Stop by and sign up for our mailings.

Our launch issue has interviews with the Bottle Rockets, Hayseed, and The
Handsome Family.

We have built a very cool community section named The Back Porch. It has
much better message threads than
the Yahoo site. They are threaded and it is much easier to follow

I hope you like our site and keep coming back. WelfareMusic's success
depends on all of us.

Upcoming interviews: Jay Farrar, The Ex-Husbands, The Hangdogs.

Steve Wynn

1999-03-26 Thread John Magee

P2ers -

I saw Steve Wynn in Boston last night . . . I've caught him the last 2 or 3
times around and have been pretty bored. But last night, especially the 2nd
half, was pretty awesome. Some good new material, some of the old Dream
Syndicate hits . . . the band he's touring with (including Chris Brokaw of Come)
has got it together. I was especially impressed given that it was the 1st night
of the tour. They do the rave-up thing to perfection. Highly recommended when he
comes to your town.

Bob Egan was also impressive with the bittersweet pop tunes. He's doing them in
trio format, and the rhythm section is super-solid. I suspect they'll get better
and better as they keep going.


Neil Young for the birds?

1999-03-08 Thread John Magee


Just got this from a friend of mine . . . figured some of you might appreciate .
. .


Neil Young for the birds? Apparently so. A fan letter posted on the "Hyper
Rust" website excerpts an article from a recent issue of Cottage Life
magazine that swears a liberal dose of Young's finest hits soothed an
ailing loon. Seems bird rehabilitators Michael and Janice Enright could not
comfort an inconsolable loon chick in their care. After the bird had been
crying for weeks, the couple got the bright idea of playing the infant bird
music. They went through their record collection, playing jazz, classical,
pop. But nothing worked until they put on Long May You Run, by Neil Young,
and according to Michael Enright, "the chirps turned into chirps." (Huh?)
Just to make sure that it wasn't just a coincidence, the couple continued
their musical tests, and interspersed Young with other artists. But the
bird responded only to Neil. "He really liked 'Thrasher' and 'Birds,' of
course," said Michael. The couple was astounded at their results and has
included Neil Young music as a regular part of their therapy. When a second
loon was brought in to recover from an injury, they immediately put Harvest
Moon on the CD player, and, like the first bird, the second loon was
quieted. When the magazine approached Young's father, Scott Young, about
this strange phenomenon, he replied: "I always knew loons were smart. They
probably heard in Neil's voice a kindred spirit, for he used to . . . watch
loons and serenade them. He has a loon-like sound, I'm sure he tried to
imitate them. That is why he's gotten so successful." Cottage has not yet
weighed in with a report on how Young's charms work on former Byrd David
Crosby, with whom Young is collaborating for new Crosby, Stills, Nash 
Young tracks . . .

Re: Beantown Bound/Spurs

1999-03-05 Thread John Magee

The Spurs are my pick for best band in the Boston area. Bostonians -
don't miss 'em. Last time they played the Midway, people were dancing
that I'd never seen move a muscle before. It was a strange roadhouse


Tom Smith wrote:

 Evan wrote:
  I was wondering if anything interesting (twang or otherwise) was
  going on this weekend.

 The Spurs, a Western swing band, are playing at The Midway
 in Jamaica Plain. Haven't seen them, but have heard they're
 big fun. I'm coming to town to pick up some drums, so I'm

 Tom Smith

Re: 1999 Edges from the Postcard2: Call For Submissions!

1999-02-18 Thread John Magee

Dear Edges guy:

May I ask for a clarification and some advice?

The submission from Scrimshanders was recently rejected from this compilation,
yet the deadline for submissions has been extended. I was kind of surprised to
see that. I can only take this to mean that a certain bar was set for the level
of the material to even be considered, and our work didn't pass muster . . . it
was placed in a "definitely won't make it!" pile. You must have had to extend
the deadline because the "good enough" pile was a few beers short of a six pack.
I can understand.

While we Scrimshanders are nowhere near a Fulks, Ireland, Wooden Leg, Five
Chinese Bros, One Riot One Ranger, et. al., we're pretty proud of and serious
about what we do. In the hopes of improving ourselves, we ask: why didn't we
make it? Do the songs blow, was the performance too shoddy, is the demo-quality
recording not good enough, or some combination of the above? Had we sent a
picture, I would completely understand rejection based on the hairstyle of our
lead guitar player, but you've never seen him.

Thanks for your time.

John Magee

-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 3:51 PM
Subject: 1999 Edges from the Postcard2: Call For Submissions!

 We're officially extending the deadline for this (but not for
much longer!) so if you're new to the Postcard2 mailing list
or you figured this deal was past due, well...send us your songs!
Last year's "EDGES FROM THE POSTCARD 2" featured unreleased material
by Robbie Fulks, Kimmie Rhodes, Mike Ireland  Holler, Wooden Leg,
Five Chinese Brothers, The Meat Purveyors, One Riot One Ranger, Bill Lloyd
and Elena Skye among many others, and we're looking for this volume of
EDGES to be just as unique. So regardless of whether you're a seasoned pro
or a ready-to-go newer act, get us your stuff!--Your Twang Gang

-- Forwarded message --

Even while the wildly-acclaimed "Edges From the Postcard2" still continues to
grace the CD changers of the urban hip intelligentsia and sexy librarian types,
it's time to issue the call to you music makers out there to send us your
nocturnal (and diurnal, for that matter) emissions for consideration for the
1999 version of Edges.  In other words, send us your songs!

Of course, we've got some ground rules here, mainly to help the selection
committee maintain the shred of sanity they have left.  So here they are:

(1)  We're asking for original, previously unreleased material.  If you submit
a cover tune, it will probably be passed over unless its sheer genius causes
the selection committee to have simultaneous orgasms.  The tunes submitted may
be demo versions, but realize that you will need to have a well-recorded
version in our hands if we chose your song for the compilation.

(2)  Since the Edges CD is first and foremost a reflection of the Postcard2
community, we ask that all submitting bands have at least *some* tenuous
connection to the list--in other words, either a band member or someone
connected with the band (manager, booking agent, bail bondsman) should
subscribe to P2.

(3)  No more than four songs will be considered, so don't bother sending
more--they won't get listened to.

(4)  We will need THREE (3) identical copies of the submitted tunes, in
format only.

(5)  Send these submissions, along with generous bribes, to:

  Dave Purcell
  720 Overton St.
  Newport, KY  41071

Be sure to email Dave at [EMAIL PROTECTED] after you send the material so
that Mr. P can confirm that he got everything he was supposed to.

(6)  If one of your songs is chosen for the CD, we'll eventually need a
professionally recorded DAT copy of it, so keep this in mind.

(7)  All proceeds from the project will go toward the staging of Twangfest3 and
future Postcard2 projects.  Honest.  If you saw what kind of cars we drive, you
wouldn't even *ask* if we were skimming.

That's it!  Last year's Postcard2 CD has done quite well, and we think
that this year's will do even better.  To paraphrase what Tom Cruise said
to Cuba Gooding, Jr. in "Jerry McGuire":  help us help *you*.  Send us the
results of your talent, determination, and substance abuse today.


Your Twang Gang

Whoops!!! Personal message to list.

1999-02-18 Thread John Magee

Awesome! A personal message to the list by me . . . you may all make your
comments on our music if you want.

Egg on face. Edges committee, please respond anyway.


-Original Message-
From: John Magee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: 1999 Edges from the Postcard2: Call For Submissions!

Dear Edges guy:

May I ask for a clarification and some advice?

The submission from Scrimshanders was recently rejected from this compilation,
yet the deadline for submissions has been extended. I was kind of surprised to
see that. I can only take this to mean that a certain bar was set for the level
of the material to even be considered, and our work didn't pass muster . . . it
was placed in a "definitely won't make it!" pile. You must have had to extend
the deadline because the "good enough" pile was a few beers short of a six
I can understand.

While we Scrimshanders are nowhere near a Fulks, Ireland, Wooden Leg, Five
Chinese Bros, One Riot One Ranger, et. al., we're pretty proud of and serious
about what we do. In the hopes of improving ourselves, we ask: why didn't we
make it? Do the songs blow, was the performance too shoddy, is the demo-quality
recording not good enough, or some combination of the above? Had we sent a
picture, I would completely understand rejection based on the hairstyle of our
lead guitar player, but you've never seen him.

Thanks for your time.

John Magee

-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, February 18, 1999 3:51 PM
Subject: 1999 Edges from the Postcard2: Call For Submissions!

 We're officially extending the deadline for this (but not for
much longer!) so if you're new to the Postcard2 mailing list
or you figured this deal was past due, well...send us your songs!
Last year's "EDGES FROM THE POSTCARD 2" featured unreleased material
by Robbie Fulks, Kimmie Rhodes, Mike Ireland  Holler, Wooden Leg,
Five Chinese Brothers, The Meat Purveyors, One Riot One Ranger, Bill Lloyd
and Elena Skye among many others, and we're looking for this volume of
EDGES to be just as unique. So regardless of whether you're a seasoned pro
or a ready-to-go newer act, get us your stuff!--Your Twang Gang

-- Forwarded message --

Even while the wildly-acclaimed "Edges From the Postcard2" still continues to
grace the CD changers of the urban hip intelligentsia and sexy librarian
it's time to issue the call to you music makers out there to send us your
nocturnal (and diurnal, for that matter) emissions for consideration for the
1999 version of Edges.  In other words, send us your songs!

Of course, we've got some ground rules here, mainly to help the selection
committee maintain the shred of sanity they have left.  So here they are:

(1)  We're asking for original, previously unreleased material.  If you submit
a cover tune, it will probably be passed over unless its sheer genius causes
the selection committee to have simultaneous orgasms.  The tunes submitted may
be demo versions, but realize that you will need to have a well-recorded
version in our hands if we chose your song for the compilation.

(2)  Since the Edges CD is first and foremost a reflection of the Postcard2
community, we ask that all submitting bands have at least *some* tenuous
connection to the list--in other words, either a band member or someone
connected with the band (manager, booking agent, bail bondsman) should
subscribe to P2.

(3)  No more than four songs will be considered, so don't bother sending
more--they won't get listened to.

(4)  We will need THREE (3) identical copies of the submitted tunes, in
format only.

(5)  Send these submissions, along with generous bribes, to:

  Dave Purcell
  720 Overton St.
  Newport, KY  41071

Be sure to email Dave at [EMAIL PROTECTED] after you send the material so
that Mr. P can confirm that he got everything he was supposed to.

(6)  If one of your songs is chosen for the CD, we'll eventually need a
professionally recorded DAT copy of it, so keep this in mind.

(7)  All proceeds from the project will go toward the staging of Twangfest3
future Postcard2 projects.  Honest.  If you saw what kind of cars we drive,
wouldn't even *ask* if we were skimming.

That's it!  Last year's Postcard2 CD has done quite well, and we think
that this year's will do even better.  To paraphrase what Tom Cruise said
to Cuba Gooding, Jr. in "Jerry McGuire":  help us help *you*.  Send us the
results of your talent, determination, and substance abuse today.


Your Twang Gang

Re: Richard Thompson

1999-02-05 Thread John Magee

Without sounding too crass, can I suggest that the record wouldn't be as great
if they hadn't been going through the divorce? "Walking On A Wire" and "Wall of
Death" especially seem to be given added depth by the context.

I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone, but if it had to happen I'm glad to take
the record as fallout.

John Magee

How are we defining "that period"?  The whole Richard and Linda era?  The
reason I'm asking is because I hear a huge difference between the stuff they
recorded for Island and their later material for Chrysalis and Hannibal.  The
early records are very folky sounding, more acoustic with lots of tradtional
English and Irish influences.  When they changed record companies, they
noticeably shifted gears.  The accordion and fiddle were still there,
sometimes, but his guitar playing was way out front.  Their last record
together, "Shoot Out the Lights," was a great rock record.  Too bad they got
divorced in the middle of making it.

Jim N.

Re: TwangCast for Macs

1999-02-03 Thread John Magee

I know a Mac user who is having the same trouble - please make replies to the
list so I can read 'em and pass 'em along.

John Magee

-Original Message-
To: passenger side [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: TwangCast for Macs

 Owen writes: I guess I should mention that the file  comes in to your
PC compressed and does need to be opened. You also may have to  reboot. I
don't know enough about Macs. The info I sent was from my tech guru,  who
thinks we should all know as much as he does.g   NOW ONLINE,  TM   RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you  think!   Mike Hays
For  the best country artist web hosting,

If anyone (Owen?) actually gets this working on a Mac, I'd love to know
how.  I've got the media player downloaded, but my browser will not
activate it when I call up the TwangCast page.  Mike: is your "tech guru"

Off-list is cool, unless other Mac users are having the same difficulties.


Re: Steve Earle/old vinyl/Huddie Ledbetter

1999-01-14 Thread John Magee

Also--and on a completely unrelated note--can someone offer a reason why
record companies used to make double LP's with Side 1 backed with Side 4?
Call me crazy, but wouldn't it make more sense to have Side 2 on the flip
since the record is already right there on the friggin turntable?

I believe this had to do with the old "record changer" style turntables - you
stacked records at the top of the spindle and the next one dropped on the stack
as the last one finished . . . with the 1-4/2-3 arrangement, you could stack
your 2 x LP set and play 1  2, then flip it  play 3  4.

I may be wrong about this, but it's a decent explanation.

John Magee