Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-26 Thread Stuart Munro

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the List-dad...

In response to Rebecca Katic, Alex Lazarevic says:

 I see you're full of hate but try not to think about stupid politicians
and their decisions.

Sorry, but how does it follow from Rebecca's objecting to the wholesale
slaughter of Bosnians and Kosovians that she's "full of hate?"  And what in
her post--which was quite civil, by my reading--suggested the same?

Stuart Munro

Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-26 Thread James Nelson

 Stuart Munro writes:
At the risk of incurring the wrath of the List-dad...


Sorry, but how does it follow from Rebecca's objecting...blah blah blah...etc.

Sorry about this, but I agree with the List-dad.  This stuff doesn't belong here.  And 
not only that, Rebecca's response was rude and ill-informed - IMO.  Kosovo is not 
Bosnia and Alex is not Milosovic, for crissakes.  

Jim Nelson

You wanna talk about bombs? Well, here's one (was Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-26 Thread Don Yates

On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Stuart Munro wrote:

 Sorry, but how does it follow from Rebecca's objecting to the wholesale
 slaughter of Bosnians and Kosovians that she's "full of hate?"  And what
 in her post--which was quite civil, by my reading--suggested the same?

Again, if y'all wanna talk about Kosovo, please take it to private email.
Or find a more appropriate mailing list or newsgroup.  I'm tired of
hearin' from people who have unsubbed from P2 due to an abundance of
totally off-topic posts.  I'm happy to let threads stray occasionally, and
I think it's wonderful when we connect the more specific concerns of this
list to larger cultural, social or political issues, but the above has
nothing whatsoever to do with P2.  Please, people, show some courtesy, and
quit abusing this forum and your fellow P2ers' valuable time.--don

RE: NATO bombs

1999-03-26 Thread rkatic

Please stop everyone.  I'm *so* sorry.  I did not intend to start a war
(sorry!) here on P2 about this issue.  I should never have posted a response
to Alex on P2, Don's right.  It's a very personal and emotional issue for me
and my emotions got the better of my judgement temporarily.  There are many
many sides to this issue.  Again, I'm really really sorry, but please stop.

I apologize to anyone I offended,

-Original Message-
From: Paul Kirsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 1999 11:54 AM
To: passenger side
Subject: Re: NATO bombs

Sorry about this, but I agree with the List-dad.  This stuff doesn't
belong here.  And not only that, Rebecca's response was rude and
ill-informed - IMO.  Kosovo is not Bosnia and Alex is not Milosovic, for

Jim Nelson

Um Jim, I'm a little confused.  Do you:

A. Agree with the list dad that it doesn't belong here and observe that
rule yourself or are you

B. going to claim you agree, then consider yourself exempt from the rule
*and* offer your opinion about the issue and Rebecca as well like you did

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.  I don't care whether you agree or not
agree with Rebecca or Stuart.  Just don't be a hypocrite.


Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-25 Thread Lazarevic Aleksandar


Sorry to be rude but perhaps it would be a good idea to get your country's
troops out of Kosovo.  Milosevic is out of control and the only language
the man understands is military action.  I was recently in Bosnia and
Croatia and saw the lovely aftermath of the Serb's invasion of those

Not blaming you of course but your "leader" needs to be stopped!

rebecca katic

If you think that people have to suffer because of their leader than my
don't have sense. I see you were in Bosnia and suffered but believe me i'm
not guilty. I refused many times to go to war in Bosnia because i didn't
wanted to
kill anyone. As one India wise man said. Who is good to me i'm good to him
who is bad to me i'm good to him. If you answer with fire on fire how's fire
end ?
And what happened in Bosnia is very long story. If you want me to
on that please mail me privately. Let's not disturbe people on the list with
stupid themes.
I see you're full of hate but try not to think about stupid politicians
and their decisions.
Play some good music. I sugest you new Tom House - white man's burden.
I'm obsessed with this cd last 2 weeks. I hope you'll be in better mood


Aleksandar Lazarevic
p.fah 80
11400 Mladenovac
tel.+381 11 8220 554

Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-25 Thread lance davis

Play some good music. I sugest you new Tom House - white man's burden.
I'm obsessed with this cd last 2 weeks. I hope you'll be in better mood


Alex, if this was an unintentional reference, you, my friend, are a savant.

Lance . . . 

Re: NATO bombs

1999-03-24 Thread Jeff Wall

At 10:18 PM 3/23/99 +0100, you wrote:
I'm sorry for using this space for political themes
but this is faster way to inform all my friends + i'll be short.
NATO planned bombing YU tonight or some of next days and
our government proclaimed state of high combativeness
so if i don't answer on your letters it'll not be anything
unusual. Please wait a while. Thanx !  


Alex, don't forget to duck. Hopefully this unpleasentness will be over
soon. Considering the circumstances, please don't think it rude of me to
hope that we do not meet in the near future. God Bless, and be careful.

Underway in 11 days

Jeff Wall The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

NATO bombs

1999-03-23 Thread Lazarevic Aleksandar

I'm sorry for using this space for political themes
but this is faster way to inform all my friends + i'll be short.
NATO planned bombing YU tonight or some of next days and
our government proclaimed state of high combativeness
so if i don't answer on your letters it'll not be anything
unusual. Please wait a while. Thanx !  


Aleksandar Lazarevic
p.fah 80
11400 Mladenovac
tel.+381 11 8220 554

RE: NATO bombs

1999-03-23 Thread rkatic


Sorry to be rude but perhaps it would be a good idea to get your country's
troops out of Kosovo.  Milosevic is out of control and the only language the
the man understands is military action.  I was recently in Bosnia and
Croatia and saw the lovely aftermath of the Serb's invasion of those

Not blaming you of course but your "leader" needs to be stopped!

rebecca katic

-Original Message-
From: Lazarevic Aleksandar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 4:19 PM
To: passenger side
Subject: NATO bombs

I'm sorry for using this space for political themes
but this is faster way to inform all my friends + i'll be short.
NATO planned bombing YU tonight or some of next days and
our government proclaimed state of high combativeness
so if i don't answer on your letters it'll not be anything
unusual. Please wait a while. Thanx !  


Aleksandar Lazarevic
p.fah 80
11400 Mladenovac
tel.+381 11 8220 554

Off-topic posts (was RE: NATO bombs

1999-03-23 Thread Don Yates

Dear Rebecca and everybody else who wants to jump into this:  THIS IS NOT
THE KOSOVO MAILING LIST.  Please be more considerate and stop using P2 for
totally off-base discussions.  At least Alexander was just trying to let
his P2 friends know that he may be out of commission for awhile.  Your
followup post was a perfect example of what NOT to post to P2 -- it was
totally unrelated to this mailing list's topics of discussion.  Please
refrain from doing so in the future.--don (oh yeah, I'm backg)