NEA nightmares

1999-03-13 Thread Kristen Rigney

National Endowment for the Twang:

I just reread all of tonights' postings on the NEA/Alejandro
thread with carl w. and junior. I have to say something as I
myself was on the ass end of a congressinally pressured NEA
rejection of a project I organized a couple years ago.

(Actually I think you can still find a C.Carr article about the
project Hallwalls were applying for in the 1996 archives of the
Village Voice. I'd continue about it, but I get bitter and nasty.
Suffice it to say we got boned.)

What I did want to express was to Junior that I have a problem with
his framing of NEA grants as "official institutional
validation" and nothing else. That is not at all what those grants
are about. What NEA grants should be, and it appears Alejandro's
project as described here fits this to a T, is an opportunity for an
artist to do something more than just what they do. in other words, 
going beyond themselves in order to achieve something more than the
usual. Composers and musicians frequently apply for and are
awarded grants that help them move into different mediums,
to do projects they otherwise couldn't do through commercial channels.
Actually, I mean "used to" apply for individual NEA grants.

The NEA hasn't had an individual grant program in more than
seven years. Only institutions can receive them. Alejandro's
project would have to be presented in the context of a group's
seasonal programming, or within the aegis of a related group
of projects under the wings of an arts center or some such
other entity, like California's Border Arts Workshop.

Now, I don't think the NEA should give him money just to put out
a record of just his own stuff. He has a contract and seems to do
that fine on his own. His effort to "do something more" in this case is
to enter the theatrical realm with his work and that could be
very interesting. Especially if he collaborates with other artists
which of course he will. Thus, the money affects
not only him, but the people he works with as well, and if the project
in some way involves his community, enriches the cultural life of
the community and helps raise awareness of culture, then
by God, send him the money.

In the long run, that actual cash award will be small in relation to
what the project will cost. Also thanks to the congressional insanity
of the last few years, Alejandro will have to 
guarentee at least a 2 to one match of those funds from other 
sources. (at least the last I looked). He will have some 
scrambling to do, believe me. And theatrical
productions have costs like you wouldn't believe.

Anyway, the bottom line is these grants are not tokens or some
sort of cash prize, but a venture capital investment in an artist's
efforts to bring their work to new audiences and new heights.
Or at least they used to be. Bring back the individual grants!

Shit, wish I was on that panel.

Dan Rigney

Re: NEA nightmares

1999-03-13 Thread BARNARD

Dan, I see your points.  I've been on the "ass end," as you rightly put 
it, of several NEA (and several *other* NEH) grants myself, so I'm not a
stranger to the institutional logic we're discussing here.

I know good things get done and good projects get supported with NEA
monies and I sure know how difficult it is to get one's project funded.  
I'm working in and around such projects every day. Overall, however, let's
face it, we're not talking about a hotbed of innovation or populist
initiative either in the arts in general, or in popular music in

Again, my point is about Alejandro and it's a taste point.  I find
him uninteresting.  The NEA is another and more complex ball of wax

I'm not suggesting that govt funding of the arts is somehow wrongheaded
and everything should be left to market principles.  Neither am I
suggesting that getting NEA funding de facto invalidates anyone's or any
institution's work.  Of course not.  

If I'm the only one to perceive irony in the situation, so be it.  Maybe I
have an overactive sense of humor g.  But the day NEA funding leads to
as much good popular music as, say, Texaco Truck Stops, I'll gladly
buy you a round!

--junior, off to see Big Sandy

Re: THE DRAGON'S ROAR (fwd) - Cisco at NEA

1999-03-04 Thread KATIEJOM

..not to burst anyone's bubble here, but we were lucky enough to have seen
Cisco play at the Gibson Cafe during the NEA Extravaganza and not only was the
guy VERY nice, he went out of his way to pose for pictures before their set
and was genuinely flattered by all the attention.  (He also showed up at most
of the other shows in town that weekend)  Any time we ran into him he made a
point of coming over and thanking us for coming to his show and just plain ol'
talkin' 'bout stuff.

Cisco and his band were great!  His guitar player came across like a mix of
Pete Anderson and Eddie Shaver, very nice stuff!  As for Cisco comparisons,
I'd put him in the El Vez (probably due to his stature and sideburns) meets
Dwight category. Its a great show, enjoy!!


  At 02:13 PM 3/2/99 EST, you wrote:
  In a message dated 3/2/99 12:59:33 PM Central Standard Time,
   punk camp than the pop world. He's constantly alienating people at
   by spouting off about something. 
   Well, that might make our SXSW party kinda fun.. or not. 
  Can I come? I promise not to start any fights, but I will not hesitate to
  finish them.
  You all are invited, of course.
  Here are the details:
  Saturday , March 20, 2-6pm 
  Broken Spoke 
  3201 S. Lamar in Austin 
  Bob Egan
  Continental Drifters
  Hazeldine/Neal Casal
  Damnations TX 
  Hope to see some of you there.

Re: THE DRAGON'S ROAR (fwd) - Cisco at NEA

1999-03-04 Thread Jeff Weiss

At 10:21 AM 3/4/99 EST, you wrote:
..not to burst anyone's bubble here, but we were lucky enough to have
Cisco play at the Gibson Cafe during the NEA Extravaganza and not only was
guy VERY nice, he went out of his way to pose for pictures before their set
and was genuinely flattered by all the attention.  (He also showed up at most
of the other shows in town that weekend)  Any time we ran into him he made a
point of coming over and thanking us for coming to his show and just plain
talkin' 'bout stuff.

Cisco and his band were great!  His guitar player came across like a mix of
Pete Anderson and Eddie Shaver, very nice stuff!  As for Cisco comparisons,
I'd put him in the El Vez (probably due to his stature and sideburns) meets
Dwight category. Its a great show, enjoy!!

The guy has the goods as a musician. He just has a reputation for saying
really inappropriate things from the bandstand. On the other hand, all the
conversations Corrie (my wife and business partner) has had with him about
the upcoming appearance at SXSW has found him to be nothing less than
gracious and appreciative. As long as he shows up, does a good show and
says thanks, I'll walk away happy.

BTW, Chris Lawrence, his axeman, is amazing.


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Re: THE DRAGON'S ROAR (fwd) - Cisco at NEA

1999-03-04 Thread KATIEJOM

Hi Jeff,

 BTW, Chris Lawrence, his axeman, is amazing.

ditto that!

Kate (who got some pretty nice shots of Cisco and Chris in action)

NEA photos

1999-02-17 Thread Hellcountry

hardly any folks this time, mostly music...including a lot of shots from the
David Lindley tribute show at the Sutler on 2/14.



Re: NEA (was sxsw criticisms)

1999-02-17 Thread marie arsenault

. But when all is said and done, it's the music that matters.
And that is not the message these mega-festivals send to the bands.
The bands are sent a very different message.

I thought that NEA came off pretty well, which totally shocked the
hell out of me. Up until the event started, I was complaining loudly how
unorganized it was. I couldn't get anyone on the phone. It was nearly impossible
to find out essential information like show, load-in, and sound check times.

I recently read an interview with the director of NEA. It appears that he only
over the event in September. The previous director and event coordinator quit
the summer. Now, I've planned big events. Five months is not nearly enough time
to prepare for something like NEA. I can't believe he even pulled it off.

The event went very smoothly. Bands started on time. Sound checks and the like
seemed to go smoothly. Great networking opportunities. All the bands that
I spoke to said that they had very positive experience. Sponsor presence was
NEA really seemed to be about the bands and the music.


np: Hadacol

Re: NEA (was sxsw criticisms)

1999-02-17 Thread James Gerard Roll

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, marie arsenault wrote:

 all the bands I spoke to said that they had very positive experiences.
 Sponsor presence was subdued.  NEA really seemed to be about the bands
 and the music.

I have to agree.  NEA was a good experience.  As Marie mentioned, the
sound/mix people were professional, the sets started and finished on time,
the shows (that I know of and played) were very well attended, and there
was not a lingering corporate cloud.  It was fun.

I didn't schmooze much, and the night I played I hadn't heard of
anyone but maybe Josh Rouse and possibly one other act, but none-the-less
the quality of the music seemed good, and from a music watching and
playing standpoint I thought it was pulled off rather well.

oh well . . . 


NEA (Middle sized and fluffy)

1999-02-16 Thread Christopher M Knaus

Hey there,

OK, my turn.

Arrived, surprisingly, right on time in Nashville to be greeted by Meshel
and Bill. Both of whom I was glad to see, although one more than the
other. Heh. Back to the Goddess house to change out of Business Casual
and into Casual Casual. (This sounds alot like Bill's post, eh?) BBQ with
the surprisingly large and affectionate Boston crew (Morgan, his pals,
Tom Stooley who knows every damn song ever, etc.) At Magge
Maggies (that's the name, Bill) 5 Bucks cancelled and, erm, another band
who I wanted to see, but whose name escapes me cancelled.
Ray Wylie Hubbard was OK, but I dont get into the 'guy with acoustic
guitar' thing too much. And I had heard most of his stories and jokes
from p2 posts. But the tunes were good. Roy Kasten snuck in, only to be
reduced to tears by Marie's constant criticism of the length and
geographical nature of his music. (Inna Gadda Davida, Stairway to Heaven,
Tennesse River Waits for You). I've already praised Pumpskully. Caught
Chris Knight next door, but by that point I had been up for many many
hours and drunk for many hours, so I sorta pulled an Alex. I was resting
my eyes, I swear.

Slept late. Took a nap. Rough day.
Rebecca and her husband arrive to much rejoicing. Off to The Sutler for
the Checkered Past showcase, and really bad waitress service. Until Alex
did Tequila shots with the table attendant. Oh yeah, Alex started
stopping drinking again on monday. The man has the will power of John
Belushi. Erin arrived as well at this point wearing really scary
motorcycle boots. Tom House was excellent - much more electric than I
remember his CD being. Folk music needs electricity. Paul Burch also
sounded great (although he might want to spit out the gum.) As did
Lonesome Bob (with Tim Carrol and Allison Moorer *sigh*). We all split
before Tommy Womack to see 1R1R at The Station Inn. We waited in line
outside and then muscled out way through the crowd to the front by the
stage. I had to shove some waif-ish chick in a ginham dress (she had some
gross fish-like name, Gill?) out of the way for a descent view of Marks
gold accordion of love. Erin spilled her beer on some unkempt guy who
mumbled something about being 'not that well yet' or something. Lotsa
Nudie Suits in the crowd too - I think the opry rehearsal musta got out
early. Where was I, oh yeah, 1r1r played their usual great set. Including
Cool Water (which BTW is not called 'that funny water song'

Spent the moring food shopping with Meshel. It was bliss.
Yet another kick ass Goddess House party. Marcia even showed up. For a
while. Excellent chili by Jim, slaw by Marcia, potato salad by Erin and
catfish by Meshel. One of these times the weather will actually cooperate
and we'll be able to hang out and have music outside. The ExHusbands,
Hayseed, 1R1R, and an Ex Husbands 1R1R combo (The Ex Rangers?) played
kick ass living room acoustic sets. Although Jerry and Bill prattling on
about pop music drowned out most of Hayseed's set. Met Jeff Weiss and his
better half face to face (apparently I'm MoM's number one customer or
something). Apparently there were a bunch of other list folks there who I
never got a chance to talk to - my apologies (I'm sure you all bummed
about not meeting me - heh). Being a really annoying anal type guy
(clapping the back of one hand against the other) I chased everyone out
in time to catch Hillbilly Idol at Roberts. More fine fine fine music
from a p2 band (I'll be sure to play it on my radio show Al g) Since I
see Jim Roll every time he comes through chicago - I went across the
street to see The Gypsy Mechanics (Morgans band). Looking dapper in suits
(for the first song or so) They played some excellent poppy alt country.
Morgan also knew everyone in the crowd (not just p2 but also their 'moms'
from The Best Western). He's movin got Nashville, I hear. (THIS IS GREAT!
I LOVE IT HERE!) Fantasic Clash encore of Should I Stay or Should I Go.
Ended the night with a slow calzone, an infomercial and a terrible
coconut flavored drink.

Got up
Flew back to Chicago

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Re: Non-fluffy NEA stuff

1999-02-16 Thread Tar Hut Records

Got to give it up to the Ex-Husbands, too.  Why these guys still labor in
semi-obscurity while bands infinitely their inferiors get accolades
is beyond me. 

Yeah! New record soon..

Re: nea and stuff.

1999-02-15 Thread Jamie DePolo

At 01:16 PM 2/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
I took off early to see the Predators play against the evil Penguins, 

So Mr. Copetas:
What was it like to attend a hockey game in Nashville?  Was there a good
crowd?  I got to see the Wings dispose of Edmonton on Thursday (my only
game this year -- so far).  And then yesterday, Peter Klima of all people
scored a goal.  I still can't believe he's the reason the Wings passed on
chow chow,
Jamie D.

P2 at the NEA- Hillbilly IDOL

1999-02-08 Thread Janice Lessman-Moss/Al Moss

Dear  Lovers of Fine Music,
I just wanted to let all of the nice folks who will be attending or
performing at the NEA Extravaganza that Hillbilly IDOL will be there too.
We are playing a set at Robert's Western Wear on Sat. at 10:00pm. Looks
like a nice lineup for the evening and doggonit we're happy to be a part of
it. The Steam Donkeys start out the night followed by  Kristi Rose,
Hllbilly IDOL, the Billy Goats, and finishing out the evening is Jim Roll.
 We will also be doing a set at the EXIT INN on the following Tues. as part
of Billy Block's Western Beat Roots Revival. Nice lineup on that evening
too. The Felsons from Scotland, ( not all of them actually, the Mavericks
rhythm section is filling in for Felsons bass and drums) , Suzy Bogguss
and somebody else, who unfortunately, I continue to forget. The house band
kicks off the evening in Opry style accompanying  a number of cameos by
select performers.This is a killer band and is loaded  with heavy hitters
including pedal steeler Mike Daly (Hank Jr., Gibson Miller, Allison Moore's
band, etc.) and Redd Volkart( Telewacker with the Hag ). The Roots Revival
show is pretty darn cool and if folks are interested in finding out a bit
more about it Billy Block has some nice stuff on the web. Sorry, I don't
have the address right in front of me. Billy Block's Western Beat Roots
Revival should  get you close on a decent search .
Ladies and gentlemen,  if you have the opportunity to catch either of our
sets please introduce yourself.  We look forward to meeting and drinking
with other distinguished, discriminating, musical  aficionados such as
Al Moss (the other)


1999-02-03 Thread Tar Hut Records

If you plan on being in Nashville for NEA, we have a pretty large change to
make in the Tar Hut showcase -

Bob Egan will be taking the 9pm slot of our showcase - Nadine had to cancel
because the Pope's trip to St. Louis interfered with their studio time.

So, one last time, here's the final lineup for Robert's on Friday, 2/12:

9pm - Bob Egan
10pm  - King Radio
11pm - Martin's Folly
mid - Ex-Husbands

Come along and thanks for your support.

NEA - Nashville next week

1999-02-03 Thread meshel

if anyone has plans to come down for NEA, or wants to know more about 
what is happening, please email me so we can let you in on where to find 
the schedules, what P2 bands are playing, and give you directions to the 



1999-01-25 Thread Jim_Caligiuri

Been checking out the schedule for NEA. Look at what's happening on
Thursday night at the Station Inn:
8pm: Blue Highway
9pm: Jerry  Tammy Sullivan
10pm: The Whites
11pm: Gibson Brothers
12am: Del McCoury Band



1999-01-25 Thread louicm

Is there a finalists list yet, a definitive one? Can someone
forward me this, if so? Much obliged.


On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Been checking out the schedule for NEA. Look at what's happening on
 Thursday night at the Station Inn:
 8pm: Blue Highway
 9pm: Jerry  Tammy Sullivan
 10pm: The Whites
 11pm: Gibson Brothers
 12am: Del McCoury Band


1999-01-24 Thread Debnumbers

What are the dates of NEA?  I was thinking Feb. 20 something but just saw
Marie post a date for a band playing Feb. 13.  


NEA (was RE: Jim Roll (was Re: Joe Henry -- was: Kevin Gordon / Southside Johnny)

1999-01-20 Thread rkatic

Hey!  Did they ever update that page on the web with the list of
performers for the weekend?  Does anyone still have that url address?


I just got confirmation that Jim  Roll is playing at the Nashville
Extravaganza on Saturday February 13th at Robert's Western Wear at
Midnight. Hope to see you're cheery faces there.
Jim, smilin'

NEA (WAS: Forward)

1999-01-19 Thread Kelly Kessler

NEA Extravaganza

O.K., y'all. I give up. What *is* the NEA, and does Jesse Helms know about
