Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-25 Thread William T. Cocke

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 19:05:48 -0500 (EST) "Terry A. Smith" 

Anonymity erodes credibility. And we promise not to laugh 
if your name is Ethelbert or Seymour or Eula or something 
like that. -- Terry Smith, whose mom's name is Eula -- a 
good ol' fashioned Texas name

Or, ummm, Cocke. (Now having a flashback to the 
lunchroom in fifth-grade: "You know what your last name 
means, doncha...?").

NPIMH -- "Boy Named Sue" -- Johnny Cash.

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-25 Thread Stevie Simkin

Bit late on this thread, but just wanted to chuck in my 2 cents...

I understand the whole thing about artists' rights.  I also understand a
little about  the conflict between the artist's creative process and the
marketing of the "product".  With a few notable exceptions, legit live
recordings are released once in a blue moon not necessarily because a band
don't want any more than that in the public domain, but because the record
company would not "allow" them to release any more due to limited market
appeal or whatever.

I suffer some guilt pangs over my live tape collection, but I know my life
would be the poorer if I had never got to hear Son Volt covering "Aint No
More Cane", "Holocaust" or "Sing Me Back Home", countless unreleased Neil
Young recordings, or the Dylan 66 material (to name but a very few) - the
latter, remember, finally got released 32 years later, and I don't think this
necessarily had a lot to do with Dylan not WANTING those tapes in the public

It's a poor 2 cents, mebbe, but it's all I got right now...


Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/24/99 12:04:39 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Also, I own all of the legit commercial products from both bands. Bought a
 bunch of Todd Snider to pass on to friends as well.

Oh well, that makes it okay to steal, doesn't it?


Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread NancyApple

In a message dated 3/24/99 12:04:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm trying to track down some digital Todd Snider and Blue Mt. I would

prefer to receive in CDR format, but will trade my CDRs or videos (ask for

list) for DAT as well.

Well, I have been trying to keep my mouth shut, but this really pisses me off.
You know Todd is so nice that he does not really give a shit, but since he is
trying to make a living, and since he does have a new record coming out soon
why don't you just wait to buy it, rather than steal from him.

By the way, I sent this on to Todd, and his manager you  asshole!

RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Hill, Christopher J

I deleted the original e-mail, being uninterested in the subject,
but was he looking for a boot of the new album (which is
cheap and inexcusable) or digital versions of peoples' taped
concerts (which I'm all for, providing it's a fair trade, seeing
as how it's not money from the artist's/label's pocket)?

From the clipped bit, it reads like he's looking for non-released
material, and wants to trade.   As an artist, what's your take on


 In a message dated 3/24/99 12:04:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm trying to track down some digital Todd Snider and Blue Mt. I would
 prefer to receive in CDR format, but will trade my CDRs or videos (ask for
 list) for DAT as well.
 Well, I have been trying to keep my mouth shut, but this really pisses me off.
 You know Todd is so nice that he does not really give a shit, but since he is
 trying to make a living, and since he does have a new record coming out soon
 why don't you just wait to buy it, rather than steal from him.
 By the way, I sent this on to Todd, and his manager you  asshole!

RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Jon Weisberger

From the clipped bit, it reads like he's looking for non-released
material, and wants to trade.   As an artist, what's your take on

If a record label released material without the consent of the artist,
wouldn't it be obvious that something rotten was going on?  If so, what's
the difference here?  The financial principle is an important one, but it's
not the only one; the principle of an artist's control over what material
gets into the marketplace is another one, and there's a pretty obvious
violation of it here.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread NancyApple

In a message dated 3/24/99 11:18:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the principle of an artist's control over what material

gets into the marketplace is another one, and there's a pretty obvious

violation of it here.

Right on someone taped me when I had flu, thought it was great and wanted
to include it on a cd. I am just glad that the dude understood that I don't
want stuff that I am not proud off out there.

Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Svb442

In a message dated 3/24/99 12:18:57 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  If a record label released material without the consent of the artist,
 wouldn't it be obvious that something rotten was going on?  If so, what's
 the difference here?  

the difference is that there's a contractual, legal relationship between
artist and company that either disallows, or allows, the company to release
with or without consent of the artist. there is no such agreement between the
public and the artist. 

ive yet to meet any fans who trade or purchase live stuff that hasn't
purchased much, if not all, of the artist's catalog. many artists encourage
such activity. ive been to several todd shows,  and he has been pretty clear
that he doesn't have a problem with taping and trading. hell, bet he's even
got a few items in his collection. 

RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Hill, Christopher J

 If a record label released material without the consent of the artist,
 wouldn't it be obvious that something rotten was going on?  If so, what's
 the difference here?  The financial principle is an important one, but it's
 not the only one; the principle of an artist's control over what material
 gets into the marketplace is another one, and there's a pretty obvious
 violation of it here.
 Jon Weisberger 
I guess it's like arguing politics and religion - people have pre-set
opinions and discussion isn't going to change one's mind. 

The financial aspect is the overwhelming point, imo.  If he's looking
to get concert recordings or unreleased b-sides on cdr, without
money exchanging hands, then I'm all for it.  (Most audience-
recorded boots bite in the quality range, as far as I've found.)  This
also naively assumes that the person buys all the official product
once it becomes available anyway (the few boots I have are in
addition to owning entire available catalog - Lloyd Cole, the 
Replacements, etc...) 

I can respect the "artist's control over material" argument, but 
when it comes to a decision over trading (or even buying) cdrs of
material that isn't currently available (like current Mark Eitzel shows
with new songs and no release date in sight), my fannish devotion
overwhelms that concern, and I can sleep with that burden.  I'll be
at the shows, I'll buy the official record, but I want more than that.
I want cd versions of vinyl only songs from old 12" singles, I want
that live cover of a VU song, etc...  In elementary terms, it's a 
"what they don't know, won't hurt them" logic - not very defensible,
but I'm sticking to it.

Reading Nancy's well-written post, I still feel this way.  Because the
artist wouldn't have a way of directly netting money from taped
concerts (unless they release their own concert cds), I can't see it
as money from the artist.  All the Dead, Dylan, Van Morrison tapes
out there, where each concert has its own unique moments - some
people want tapes of as many shows as they can find, and there's
no way a single (or multiple) official release would satisfy the craving.
And - unless the artist AND venue have come out as tape-friendly - 
I doubt someone would risk losing their MiniDisc recorder by asking
a performer for permission, so it'll remain an underground pursuit.

But within my gray moral boundaries, I'd never dub a cdr of an
official recording.  That subverts the whole fan/devotee platform
from where I derive a lot of my listening pleasure.  I would tape
a song or two on a mix tape, in hopes of influencing official
purchases by the recipient, however.

Chris, music slut
np: Yo La Tengo - Electr-O-Pura, official version...

Lloyd Cole (was RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades)

1999-03-24 Thread Todd Larson

once it becomes available anyway (the few boots I have are in
addition to owning entire available catalog - Lloyd Cole, the
Replacements, etc...)

There's a name I don't believe I've seen show up here before (or at least
not in a long time)anyone know what Lloyd Cole is up to these days?


(ob. twang content: he mentions George Jones in a song on his self-titled

RE: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Bob Soron

At 10:29 AM -0800  on 3/24/99, Hill, Christopher J wrote:

And - unless the artist AND venue have come out as tape-friendly -
I doubt someone would risk losing their MiniDisc recorder by asking
a performer for permission, so it'll remain an underground pursuit.

There's a list of taper-friendly performers on the Web; it also
includes any conditions they set. I don't have a URL, but it's posted
at many sites; searching for something along the lines of "tape" and
"trade" and "permission" should nail it pretty quickly.


Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Terry A. Smith

I don't have near enough time, or energy, to listen to all the "official"
recordings out there, even in our funny little genre. Where do you folks
find the time to not only listen to the legit stuff, but to ferret out all
the boots, too? How do you find time to watch "The Simpsons" or go see a
movie, or have a job, or eat food? -- Terry Smith

ps I did have the time to read all the entertaining posts about SXSW --
I'm glad you all posted them, rather than shoving them over to the
Wangfest list.

Re: ISO digital Todd Snider Blue Mt. trades

1999-03-24 Thread Terry A. Smith

Lately, a few folks have been posting and then not putting their names on
their contributions. I think it's polite -- just from the standpoint of
more effective communication -- to sign your messages, so we'll know who
the hell is writing them, and be able to connect the P-2er with earlier
posts. I don't give a shit if the names are real; what's needed is an
identifier, a label, a tag. And not signing your post results in instant
deflation in value of whatever you're saying. Anonymity erodes
credibility. And we promise not to laugh if your name is Ethelbert or
Seymour or Eula or something like that. -- Terry Smith, whose mom's name
is Eula -- a good ol' fashioned Texas name