Send with PowerMail PDF Service!

2003-03-09 Thread Jonathan Greene

Through some solid trial and (many) error(s) I was able to figure out the
send with PowerMail PDF Service!

on open these_items
tell application PowerMail
set msg to make new message with properties 
open msg
end tell
end open

Sends ANY document you print as Print Job.pdf from within PowerMail.  You
need to save it to you machine, user or network /library/PDF Services/
folder as a compiled script.

More here:


To do is to be. --  Descartes
To be is to do. --  Voltaire
Do be do be do. --  Frank Sinatra 

Re(2): flag feature (+ logical sorting bug...?)

2003-03-09 Thread Max Gossell

At 9 mars 2003, 17.01 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But this leads to a logical sorting error/bug: Priority 9 gets in top
before Priority 8 etc. and in the bottom you get Priority None. Now,
I can understand the computer itself works in terms of 9 is higher than
8 etc. But in this particular case I think we all agree that Priority
1 is higher than Priority 2, right? Thus when sorting priorities we
should get 1 at top, then 2 etc and None at the bottom.

This I believe should be fixed by CTM, no?

I think I see what you're saying. But, if you go to the right and click
the sort-order arrow (just above the scroll bar arrow) it reverses
direction. The problem: having to switch back and forth from label to
date or subject sorting -- could be confusing.

Yes but it's no solution, because now I get Priority None at top.

It's no big fuss, really. I can solve this problem by either restricting
myself to either use only one label, or to regard Priority 9 as
Priority 1 etc. when using PowerMail. I just thought it to be in CTM's
own interest to present a software using human rather than machine
logic. The days when human minds had to adopt to a PC's limited ways to
operate are supposed to be history, right?

/Max Gossell

Re: PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Jonathan Greene said:

sorted by date here and it does not work...

OS X 10.2.4 PM 4.1.2

on Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:06:22 -0800 /Andy Fragen said: 

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Jonathan Greene said:

Space Bar ... I like the usual scan through a message, but why not go to
the next message as well if you reach the end?

It does this for me. Sorted 3 pane view by subject.

I don't believe Entourage would scroll to the next message unless the
folder was sorted by subject either.

I do agree that regardless of how the messages are sorted using the space
bar should go to the next unread message in the folder.

Andy Fragen

Re(2): powermail-discuss Digest #1431 - 03/08/03

2003-03-09 Thread Jonathan Greene

This bug is happening to me as well.  No command A or select all menu
option. damn.

As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to
dispense it. 
-- Dick Cavett

on Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:19:26 -0800 /Ira Lansing said: 

Here's a benign but bizarre bug I just discovered which I can reliably

1. compose a new message.
2. select all text (presuming there is a signature pre-inserted in the
3. press backspace.
4. type some text.
5. choose 'select all' from the 'edit' menu.

...but you can't, because 'select all' is greyed out and unavailable,
when it shouldn't be.


Interestingly, even with Select All unavailable, command-A worked for me.

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #1431 - 03/08/03

2003-03-09 Thread Ira Lansing

Here's a benign but bizarre bug I just discovered which I can reliably

1. compose a new message.
2. select all text (presuming there is a signature pre-inserted in the body).
3. press backspace.
4. type some text.
5. choose 'select all' from the 'edit' menu.

...but you can't, because 'select all' is greyed out and unavailable,
when it shouldn't be.


Interestingly, even with Select All unavailable, command-A worked for me.

2) Script/Feature: Resend.

Double-click the message. Begin to type in it. A pop-up tells you this
message has already been sent and asks if you want a duplicate. Click
Duplicate then type whatever you want, add other recipients if needed,
and send it on its merry way.

Not a well-documented feature, but it exists. I found it by accident; it
has been mentioned in this list from time to time.

You can also control-click on the message and choose Send, which at
this point is really resend.  If you want to modify the message, the
above comments still apply.


Re: PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Neil Lee said:

One other thing that would be nice to see is a proper mailing list
manager, so I could set a always reply to email address for mailing
lists. This is one of the few things that Entourage does quite well that
no other client handles gracefully...

I agree. Entourage does this exceedingly well.

If you subscribe to the digest of a list I've written a script package
that will burst the digest to individual messages and optionally add a
Reply-To: header to the mailing list. It can be found on Wayne's PM
Script page.

Andy Fragen

TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.2.4 - PowerMail v4.1.2

Re(2): PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Jonathan Greene

sorted by date here and it does not work...

OS X 10.2.4 PM 4.1.2

One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the
work of one extraordinary man.
--Elbert Hubbard

on Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:06:22 -0800 /Andy Fragen said: 

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Jonathan Greene said:

Space Bar ... I like the usual scan through a message, but why not go to
the next message as well if you reach the end?

It does this for me. Sorted 3 pane view by subject.

Re: PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

On Sun, Mar 9, 2003, Jonathan Greene said:

Space Bar ... I like the usual scan through a message, but why not go to
the next message as well if you reach the end?

It does this for me. Sorted 3 pane view by subject.

Andy Fragen

TiBook 400/384 RAM - OS X 10.2.4 - PowerMail v4.1.2

Re: PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Christian Roth

Dear Jonathan,

Highlights... can this be an entire line instead of just a subject? 
Seems to be an awkward implementation.

I think this is on purpose, as it allows you to start drawing a selection
rectangle from the non-highlighted points in a line. Otherwise, if the
full line was highlighted, starting a drag from a point within that
highlighted area would have to start a drag of the message instead of
starting to draw a selection rectangle - at least from a HIG perspective.

Arrow Keys...Why can we not utilize the arrow keys in the recipients
space to easily move to another contact.  Having to use the mouse is ok,
but the keyboard is much faster - especially when combined with Shift+Tab

I think this is already possible:

*.. Ctrl-up/down: select recipient (if already entered)

*.. Starting to type: enter recipient

*.. Cmd-up/down: choose adressing mode 
(To / CC / BCC, while entering recipient)

*.. Backspace: delete currently highlighted recipient

*.. Tab: move from Name to Address field (while entering address)

Drafts... Anyway to set where these get saved?  Why in the Out Tray?  Why
not in a Drafts Tray?  I have found no preference for this and find it
can be easy to forget about a message or two...

Drafts are always at the top in the Out Tray (when sorted by Sent date
and if they haven't been sent yet, even if they are older than other sent
messages). Since I file sent messages with a filter away into their
corresponding folders, I can keep the Out Tray sorted by Sent date
without problem and see at a glance which messages are still in draft
mode. You may also sort by Status, of course.

Regards, Christian.

Indexing and Sleep

2003-03-09 Thread Neil Lee

Well, after a bout of troubleshooting, it looks like CTM still hasn't
fixed one of the bigger indexing problems - it doesn't allow my machine
to go into deep sleep if indexing is turned on.

As soon as I turn indexing off, my machine goes to sleep as expected. If
I leave indexing on, my machine stays awake.

This, compounded with the frequent crashes I'm getting with indexing,
leads me to believe that CTM needs to completely overhaul the indexing
engine for Powermail.

Problem is, I have never seen any acknowledgement of this problem by
Jerome or any of the CTM developers, and my requests for support have
gone unanswered. Very frustrating.


Slumming at the beatnikPad :
Working at theNonsuch:
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   yeah.

Re: PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Neil Lee

Highlights... can this be an entire line instead of just a subject? 
Seems to be an awkward implementation.

Threads... I love the idea of highlighting by thread in Mail and it is
something I always found great when scrolling through a long list of

Oh yeah! I totally agree for both of these.

One other thing that would be nice to see is a proper mailing list
manager, so I could set a always reply to email address for mailing
lists. This is one of the few things that Entourage does quite well that
no other client handles gracefully...

Slumming at the beatnikPad :
Working at theNonsuch:
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   yeah.

PowerMail bits and bytes

2003-03-09 Thread Jonathan Greene

So a few days into PowerMail and I am noticing things that work, but
perhaps not quite as expecting having used Entourage and Mail...

Highlights... can this be an entire line instead of just a subject? 
Seems to be an awkward implementation.

Threads... I love the idea of highlighting by thread in Mail and it is
something I always found great when scrolling through a long list of

Arrow Keys...Why can we not utilize the arrow keys in the recipients
space to easily move to another contact.  Having to use the mouse is ok,
but the keyboard is much faster - especially when combined with Shift+Tab

Drafts... Anyway to set where these get saved?  Why in the Out Tray?  Why
not in a Drafts Tray?  I have found no preference for this and find it
can be easy to forget about a message or two...

Message actions...Keyboard shortcuts... Why is there no way to mark read
or unread from the keyboard?  Has there been though about a contextual
menu or actual menu to transfer messages into folders?  That seems like
an obvious one - especially when viewing through the Recent Mail view.

I'm hooked - really like PM!  Just a few nits...



We don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.

-- HP executive, responding to Apple Computer founders Steve Jobs' 
and Steve Wozniak's attempts to interest the company in the personal 
computer they had designed, 1976.

Connection correction

2003-03-09 Thread martin

I've been trying to get PowerMail to wake up to the fact that a
connection is dead. It seems to respond to a dead connection by acting
dead itself. And it never reawakens unless a 'mouse up' event occurs on
the 'stop' button in the connection status window.

When the connection to the ISP dies during a connection - for whatever
reason - PowerMail sits there with the connection status window showing
whatever it was showing when the connection terminated. If I run another
connect script it will not connect. The ongoing connection can only be
terminated with the one method that I have described - clicking the stop

When this condition exists I can get a 'true' result from 'connection in
progress' in applescript. I had assumed that this would permit me to do a
disconnect but the disconnect entry in PM dictionary is for an IMAP
account. It is looking like the only option left is to 'quit' PM via
applescript if the 'connection in progress' is true, and then activate PM
again to do a new connection.

If anyone has any better insights into PM scripting and how to achieve a
disconnect without quitting I would find it helpful.

thanks, Martin

Re(3): Newbie reflections: Requesting scripts and features

2003-03-09 Thread Jonathan Greene

I am looking for a script that will auto-attach a printed PDF like the
applescript apple provided for Mail:

on open these_items
tell application Mail
set the new_message to (make new outgoing message with 
tell the new_message
tell content
repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
set this_file to item i of these_items
make new attachment with properties 
{file name:this_file} at before
the first character
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end tell
end open

I don't know anything about applescript except how to use it once written ;)


We don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.

-- HP executive, responding to Apple Computer founders Steve Jobs' 
and Steve Wozniak's attempts to interest the company in the personal 
computer they had designed, 1976.

on Sat, 8 Mar 2003 13:12:52 -0600 /Neil Lee said: 

Are their work-flow scripts to take advantage of Apple's PDF Services for
PM?  I did not see anything at the site...

What are you looking for, exactly? Apple's PDF services work specifically
with Apple's print services, so whatever you can print, you can pipe
through the PDF services.

Re: Newbie reflections: Requesting scripts and features

2003-03-09 Thread Marlyse Comte

Incoming messages have a drop down menu called 'File in: ' where you
can select a folder to file the message in.

aha - I understood you where referring to filters.
