Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 11:39 AM, George Van Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you tried running the fix permissions routine from Apples' Disk
 Utility? It would seem that, if you have permission problems, this should
 be the first logical step.

Did it, didn't help.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread George Van Wagner

Have you tried running the fix permissions routine from Apples' Disk
Utility? It would seem that, if you have permission problems, this should
be the first logical step.

People who make no noise are dangerous.
Jean de la Fontaine, Fables, 1678

On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 09:49:18 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] implied:

On 6/15/03 9:38 AM, Jefferis Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to set up a new ID by restoring the ~/Library/powermail prefs BUT
 removing the User prefs from my ~/Documents/PM 3 folder [my current
 database] and tried to import  the mail and address databases into it, but
 it says a file is locked or I don't have permission to open it. I checked
 all permissions with Batchmod and all are owner Read/Write/Execute and no
 file is locked, but still can't import the files.

Let me rephrase this to make it understandable.
I restored my PM preferences in my user library, I then  removed my user
preferences inside my PM database folder, which allowed me to open PM again,
but all my data is not accessible. I tried to import my old data but the
error says that the files are locked or I don't have permission to open
them. So... Unless I can undo the midstream IMAP crash that locked the
mailboxes, I have lost all my files. I even dumped the IMAP indexes, but
that didn't help.


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 9:38 AM, Jefferis Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to set up a new ID by restoring the ~/Library/powermail prefs BUT
 removing the User prefs from my ~/Documents/PM 3 folder [my current
 database] and tried to import  the mail and address databases into it, but
 it says a file is locked or I don't have permission to open it. I checked
 all permissions with Batchmod and all are owner Read/Write/Execute and no
 file is locked, but still can't import the files.

Let me rephrase this to make it understandable.
I restored my PM preferences in my user library, I then  removed my user
preferences inside my PM database folder, which allowed me to open PM again,
but all my data is not accessible. I tried to import my old data but the
error says that the files are locked or I don't have permission to open
them. So... Unless I can undo the midstream IMAP crash that locked the
mailboxes, I have lost all my files. I even dumped the IMAP indexes, but
that didn't help.


Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Re: Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

On 6/15/03 8:21 AM, Jefferis Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was trying to select PM 4.1.3 for my default mail and to startup on login,
 but I was getting repeatable crashes.  Now I have a terrible problem.
 I went online to an IMAP box for my spam mail box [ storing spam for a
 Baysean filter]. There are several hundred messages there, and PM failed in
 midstream with a UID Fetch Error. I had to force quit the program.  I tried
 to restart with factory default prefs in the dialog, but Now whenever I
 restart PM it fails to open with this error:
 An error occurred while opening user's files
 File permission error.  It was working before the force quit.
 How do I restore this if possible to working order?
 Later I tried to remove preferences.
 If I remove prefs from the User folder, everything disappears: messages,
 addressbook, folders, etc.

I tried to set up a new ID by restoring the ~/Library/powermail prefs BUT
removing the User prefs from my ~/Documents/PM 3 folder [my current
database] and tried to import  the mail and address databases into it, but
it says a file is locked or I don't have permission to open it. I checked
all permissions with Batchmod and all are owner Read/Write/Execute and no
file is locked, but still can't import the files.

Also, what happened, I remember is I force quit the Finder Windows manager
not PM and I tried running Restore Disk Permissions, but that didn't help.

Now I have a dead database :-(, lost rules and accounts.

Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
Web Design and Marketing

Crashes due to Norton AV 9

2003-06-15 Thread Karsten Liere

Yesterday, while receiving mails, NAV 9 warned me about an BugBear.exe
file virus and while deleting the file Powermail crashed 'unexpectedly' 
:-). However, here's the crash log, maybe it's of some help for the



Date/Time:  2003-06-14 14:08:51 +0200
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:   localhost


Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:  KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x0526

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x9068ba50 in objc_msgSend
 #1   0x90131f64 in CFRelease
 #2   0x91c742a4 in _Z11FSRefToPathPK5FSRefPPt
 #3   0x91c75c64 in _Z16CoerceAliasToObjPK6AEDescmlPS_
 #4   0x91b60138 in InvokeAECoerceDescUPP
 #5   0x91b78400 in _ZN19UserCoerceDescThunk10coerceDescEPK6AEDescmPS0_
 #6   0x91b5535c in _Z15tryDescCoercionhPK6AEDescmPS_
 #7   0x91b67cc0 in _Z25_fixupDescCoercionHandlerPK6AEDescmlPS_
 #8   0x91b60138 in InvokeAECoerceDescUPP
 #9   0x91b78400 in _ZN19UserCoerceDescThunk10coerceDescEPK6AEDescmPS0_
 #10  0x91b5535c in _Z15tryDescCoercionhPK6AEDescmPS_
 #11  0x91b57028 in _Z16tryDescCoercionsPK6AEDescmPS_
 #12  0x91b56048 in AECoerceDesc
 #13  0x8d334994 in _Z19ComponentCoerceDescPK6AEDescmPS_
 #14  0x8d369d7c in _ZN11TUASRawData14WriteForTargetER8AEStreamh
 #15  0x8d34d64c in _Z24UASFinishObjectSpecifierR8AEStream
 #16  0x8d380304 in _ZN9TUASValue12BecomeAEDescER6AEDescP15TUASApplicationh
 #17  0x8d317e98 in _Z13UASBuildEventP25TStackFrame_UASRemoteSendhP6AEDesc
 #18  0x8d318e1c in _Z13UASRemoteSendhPh
 #19  0x8d30ca9c in _Z10UASSetDatahh
 #20  0x8d310264 in _Z11UASExecute1v
 #21  0x8d30c754 in _Z10UASExecuteh
 #22  0x8d35ff18 in _Z9ASExecutemmlPm
 #23  0x9022235c in CallComponentFunctionCommon
 #24  0x8d3022c8 in AppleScriptComponent
 #25  0x8d36ef58 in _ZN15AGenericManager13HandleOSACallEP19ComponentParameters
 #26  0x8d300f58 in GenericComponent
 #27  0x91c723c8 in OSAExecute
 #28  0x0054e634 in SpendTime__11URun1ScriptFRC11EventRecord
 #29  0x00559d7c in DevoteTimeToRepeaters__11LPeriodicalFRC11EventRecord
 #30  0x0022a360 in DoApplAction__17C
 #31  0x00421f34 in DoApplAction__19C
 #32  0x004203c0 in DoAction__19CMsgF
 #33  0x0041ed54 in DoFilterMsg__19CM
 #34  0x0041e8b8 in DoFilterMsg__19CM
 #35  0x003f3ed4 in MakeMsgFromParser
 #36  0x003f2520 in 0x3f2520
 #37  0x004a9d30 in Idle__4CMASFv
 #38  0x00209534 in SpendTime__6CPMAppFRC11EventRecord
 #39  0x00559aac in DevoteTimeToIdlers__11LPeriodicalFRC11EventRecord
 #40  0x00558dd0 in UseIdleTime__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
 #41  0x005cbcc4 in ProcessNextEvent__10LTSMDocAppFv
 #42  0x002080f0 in ProcessNextEvent__6CPMAppFv
 #43  0x0055160c in Run__12LApplicationFv
 #44  0x001f6948 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009190 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xcefc in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x005501d4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
 #7   0x005c7624 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
 #8   0x005c74d0 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
 #9   0x0054e9fc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
 #10  0x005509b4 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
 #0   0x9000512c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x0054f7b8 in Suspend__7LThreadFv
 #7   0x003dcdf8 in SuspendPPThread__10CThreadImpFP9CPPThread
 #8   0x003dc244 in Wait__13CConditionImpFP6CMutex
 #9   0x003dbfd8 in Wait__13CConditionImpFR6CMutex
 #10  0x003bd06c in Wait__10CConditionFR6CMutex
 #11  0x003dbad8 in Wait__10CSemaphoreFR6CMutex
 #12  0x0032008c in Get__42CPipeQ219
 #13  0x0031e794 in Run__19CAddrBookSyncThreadFv
 #14  0x003bf64c in Run__15CBasicThreadImpFv
 #15  0x003dc62c in Run__9CPPThreadFv
 #16  0x005509b4 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #17  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread

Sigh... So much for powermail

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

I was trying to select PM 4.1.3 for my default mail and to startup on login,
but I was getting repeatable crashes.  Now I have a terrible problem.

I went online to an IMAP box for my spam mail box [ storing spam for a
Baysean filter]. There are several hundred messages there, and PM failed in
midstream with a UID Fetch Error. I had to force quit the program.  I tried
to restart with factory default prefs in the dialog, but Now whenever I
restart PM it fails to open with this error:
An error occurred while opening user's files
File permission error.  It was working before the force quit.
How do I restore this if possible to working order?

Later I tried to remove preferences.
If I remove prefs from the User folder, everything disappears: messages,
addressbook, folders, etc.


Starting up

2003-06-15 Thread Francois Torti

PowerMail 4.1.3 se lance plus lentement que la version 3...
Est-il possible de corriger cet inconvénient ?

( Text translates with Reverso)

PowerMail 4.1.3 dashes more slowly than the version 3...
Is it possible to correct this inconvenience?
François Torti

Mac os 9.1 / adsl

Speaking of applescripts...

2003-06-15 Thread Tim Lapin

Hello all,

Under OS 9, I had written a script to invoke PH to check people's full
info for a mailing list I manage.  Today I decided to modernize that script.

Well, I have yet to find a version of PH or equivalent that is free, OS X
savvy *AND* scriptable.  Does anybody know of such a beast?  Please note
that I have already tried Mac OS X's own Network Utility.  Like the
other candidates, it seems to lack an applescript dictionary.

Many thanks in advance.

Tim Lapin

Crashes on startup from login

2003-06-15 Thread Jefferis Peterson

Repeatable crash:
2003-06-14 20:40:51.310 PowerMail[537] An uncaught exception was raised
2003-06-14 20:40:51.311 PowerMail[537] connection timeout: did not receive
2003-06-14 20:40:51.311 PowerMail[537] *** Uncaught exception:
NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply

2003-06-14 20:40:59.153 pbs[429] NSThread: 0x68fa0{num = 2,
threadDictionary = 
}: tossing reply message sequence 1
2003-06-14 20:40:59.154 pbs[429] NSThread: 0x68fa0{num = 2,
threadDictionary = 
}: tossing reply message sequence 1

Date/Time:  2003-06-14 20:38:23 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host:   JG4.local.


Exception:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006)

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x90844988 in _NSRaiseError
 #1   0x907ede28 in -[NSConnection sendInvocation:]
 #2   0x907f10b4 in -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation) forward::]
 #3   0x9068c130 in _objc_msgForward
 #4   0x931a247c in _NSLookupPBServer
 #5   0x931a20dc in +[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #6   0x93129250 in -[NSApplication(NSServicesMenuPrivate)
 #7   0x931a6fdc in -[NSSpellChecker init]
 #8   0x931a6e90 in +[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker]
 #9   0x02018458 in SetIgnoredWords
 #10  0x0060193c in SetIgnoredWords__11CSpellCheckFPC9__CFArrayi
 #11  0x00602570 in Load__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFv
 #12  0x00601ecc in _ct__21CSpellCheckIgnoreListFRC5FSRef
 #13  0x002e2978 in FinishCreateSelf__7CPMTextFv
 #14  0x00568040 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #15  0x00567fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #16  0x00567fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #17  0x00567fd0 in FinishCreate__5LViewFv
 #18  0x0023598c in 0x23598c
 #19  0x0022ffa4 in CreateMessageView__12CMailBrowserFv
 #20  0x002300e0 in SizerGetPane__12CMailBrowserFUl
 #21  0x004df684 in 0x4df684
 #22  0x004dee30 in
 #23  0x0022efec in 0x22efec
 #24  0x002208ac in
 #25  0x0044 in LoadWindows__11CWindowListFP9CMASMsgDB
 #26  0x00200800 in 0x200800
 #27  0x001ff70c in SwitchUserFiles__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #28  0x001fcbf0 in StartUpPM__6CPMAppFP6FSSpec
 #29  0x001fc03c in StartUp__6CPMAppFv
 #30  0x00552e6c in
 #31  0x0055607c in
 #32  0x002094d0 in HandleAppleEvent__6CPMAppFRC6AEDescR6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #33  0x00578ca0 in
 #34  0x005746c4 in HandleAppleEvent__14LModelDirectorFRC6AEDescR6AEDescl
 #35  0x00575cd4 in AppleEventHandler__14LModelDirectorFPC6AEDescP6AEDescl
 #36  0x91b56570 in _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_mPh
 #37  0x91b590cc in _Z25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_
 #38  0x91b56478 in aeProcessAppleEvent
 #39  0x96a83778 in AEProcessAppleEvent
 #40  0x00209690 in EventHighLevel__6CPMAppFRC11EventRecord
 #41  0x005591fc in DispatchEvent__16LEventDispatcherFRC11EventRecord
 #42  0x005ccca8 in ProcessNextEvent__10LTSMDocAppFv
 #43  0x002090f0 in ProcessNextEvent__6CPMAppFv
 #44  0x0055260c in Run__12LApplicationFv
 #45  0x001f7948 in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0xc0009190 in __ape_internal
 #3   0xcefc in __ape_agent
 #4   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x901489f0 in __CFRunLoopRun
 #3   0x90180f58 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #4   0x94d9c1c0 in _ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv
 #5   0x94d911b0 in _ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_
 #6   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
 #0   0x90073c28 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90005f70 in mach_msg
 #2   0x90229cf8 in SwitchContexts
 #3   0x902245a0 in YieldToThread
 #4   0x90242700 in SetThreadState
 #5   0x9026cf08 in SetThreadStateEndCritical
 #6   0x005511d4 in SemWait__7LThreadFP10LSemaphorelR4QHdrRUc
 #7   0x005c8624 in BlockThread__10LSemaphoreFl
 #8   0x005c84d0 in Wait__10LSemaphoreFl
 #9   0x0054f9fc in Run__Q27LThread7CleanupFv
 #10  0x005519b4 in DoEntry__7LThreadFPv
 #11  0x9023b180 in CooperativeThread
 #12  0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
 #0   0x9000512c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d0c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x905156dc in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dbf0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9053c600 in CarbonATOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90020d28 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x90034828 in semaphore_wait_trap
 #1   0x90034764 in pthread_join
 #2   0x0215d214 in 0x215d214

Thread 8:
 #0   0x9003ea88 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003e8a4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9029f79c in 

Re: Powermail Scripting /SpamCop

2003-06-15 Thread C. A. Niemiec

Can something similar be done for PM?  Is there a script site?

Wayne Brissette maintains such a page. Check out the PowerMail
AppleScript Archives:

You might even find one there that already does what you want.


Re(2): powermail-discuss Digest Sounds

2003-06-15 Thread Pat O'Halloran

It appears that on 14/6/03 Ira Lansing spake thus:

Not that complicated.  You only need to open the sound suitcase in OS 9,
then add your sounds.  Alternatively, here is an old post from someone
else on this list.  Alas, my notes do not indicate the author.

Thanks, Ira, but only having classic I can't see a way to open the
suitcase or to make a system 7 sound.

G4, 1.25 GHz DP, 1 GB RAM, 120 GB hard drive, Mac OS 10.2.6

Pat O'Halloran
Incompatible operating systems have taken over where religious
differences left off - Guisewite