Re: Forthcoming with support

2007-07-14 Thread Cotty
On 13/7/07, Winston Weinmann, discombobulated, unleashed:

With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
requests. I could copy them here, which would be tedious, but I assure
you they have all been polite.

The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
written, but they have not followed through.

My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.

The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
in its effect. The disadvantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
community informed of questions than a forum might.

However, the spam problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
many people from signing up at all.

With no respect at all, may I suggest that you unsubscribe from this
spam list and help cut down on wasted bandwidth?



Re: Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)

2007-07-14 Thread C. A. Niemiec
BUT if the volume were 10 times the current level, even at 
better quality, I'd unsubscribe.

Actually, this list has been very quiet this year.

I miss the eyeball discussions. ;)


Re(2): annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Moritz Majce
i run powermail on a powermc quad g5. so it is not intel-related.

Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:50:57 +0200 schrieb/wrote Rene Merz:

Mikael Byström hat am Freitag, 13. Juli 2007 geschrieben:

i put a screenshot on
Well, we see the name field being somewhat displaced, yes. Could you
please restart PM under english and see if the problem remains? You do
this by quitting PM and show info on the PM app icon and change the
settings under language.

It has nothing to do with the language version.
I run the german version too but don't know that problem.

same here ... never seen this.
We run PM in German and English (all still PPC) maybe it's an Intel
related problem or some haxie installed on that box.

Thanks and all the best


Re(2): annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Moritz Majce

this is how it looks like when i click the reply-button the first time.

this is how it looks like after i closed the window and then re-clicked
the reply-button.

it has nothing to do with language settings or intel/ppc.


Re: Forthcoming with support

2007-07-14 Thread Carl Darby

With no respect also, I totally agree with Winston's comments. The
sooner CTM realise that not everybody is happy - and there are lots of
us; I myself have had 22 private emails since posting my comment - the
better for all concerned. How can that be wasted bandwidth if some good
becomes of it?

On 13/7/07, Winston Weinmann, discombobulated, unleashed:

With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
requests. I could copy them here, which would be tedious, but I assure
you they have all been polite.

The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
written, but they have not followed through.

My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.

The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
in its effect. The disadvantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
community informed of questions than a forum might.

However, the spam problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
many people from signing up at all.

With no respect at all, may I suggest that you unsubscribe from this
spam list and help cut down on wasted bandwidth?



Re(2): Forthcoming with support

2007-07-14 Thread Winston Weinmann
Please understand that when I say spam (in quotes) it means email that
I do not find helpful which fills my in box. I do not mean spam in the
classic sense of junk mail, phishing schemes, etc. Clearly there is a
need for a word which explains email of which a portion may be of
interest, but the vast majority of which I don't need.

As and example, I prefer to go to a news site when I have an interest in
a topic than to have RSS feeds or most other newsletters sent to my in
box. This happens to be the most convenient way for me. It may not be
for you or others.

There is a cost in time to research any question. In my case, I think a
forum would be more efficient for my needs. I was on the PM list some
time ago, and did unsubscribe. I came back because CTM did not answer my
questions as its web site said it would. I still have some questions, so
I have stayed, for now.

That does not mean it is my preferred option, simply that on balance it
is more useful for me than not, right now. I feel the same thing about
Microsoft Word, which I would gladly drop if WordPerfect for Mac came
back. I have in the past lobbied for WordPerfect to come back to the Mac.

This list provides feedback to CTM. If you had a request of them, would
you not post it here?

- Winston

Cotty wrote:

On 13/7/07, Winston Weinmann, discombobulated, unleashed:

With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
requests. I could copy them here, which would be tedious, but I assure
you they have all been polite.

The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
written, but they have not followed through.

My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.

The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
in its effect. The disadvantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
community informed of questions than a forum might.

However, the spam problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
many people from signing up at all.

With no respect at all, may I suggest that you unsubscribe from this
spam list and help cut down on wasted bandwidth?



Re(2): Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)

2007-07-14 Thread Winston Weinmann
Matthias -

Please re-read Bruce's post. You find the mailing list forum very
useful. Others may find a forum format more useful. There is nothing
wrong with having a difference of opinion on that.

I do in fact use PM to easily trash most of the mailing lists posts, and
yes, it is relatively easy to do. But I'd prefer not to have to do it at
all. You don't mind doing that. Because we have different working styles
does not mean that some people would not find a forum more convenient.

I can certainly make arguments why a forum would be less convenient for
many users. You have made some of them. However, the convenience depends
on how someone uses them. I do agree that getting answers on the mailing
list is faster than using a forum, but at the cost of getting some
extraneous email. As Bruce said, there is a trade-off point. I suspect
even you would not want to be on a mailing list that included every
question submitted to Apple's forums, for example.

Different people will have a different trade-off point. That does not
mean that one or the other is wrong about what works for them.

- Winston

Matthias Schmidt wrote:


I receive between 300 to 500 mails per day from different mailinglists
and approx. 0.5 mails from those are coming from the pm list!
With the help of PowerMail I manage to read everything I'm interested in
and to trash the rest.
I can't help, but I have the impression you guys just can't really use
this precious piece of software.
Webforums are not an alternative at all. They are so much more time
intensive, extremely slow, you always have to login etc.


Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 18:39:16 -0700 schrieb/wrote Bruce Barrett:

Hi Matthias,

I think if you re-read what he actually said you'll find it is
not the quality of the (mostly) polite, reasoned, informed,
helpful, understanding, compassionate messages that are being 
exchanged that Mr. Weinmann is referring to that he was attaching
the potential spam-like label to. It's the quantity 
and possibly the lack of organization of the messages.

The quantity and signal to noise ratio is still high enough 
for me to continue reading for the volume of email on the list.
BUT if the volume were 10 times the current level, even at 
better quality, I'd unsubscribe. Too much to process, not
worth the effort. It's the volume that would be spam-like,
not the messages. :-)

In a forum you can select the topics of interest to you
so you can avoid 100s of messages that are not of interest
with next to zero effort.

That was his argument for forum over email.

Obviously the 3 of us are willing, at this point, to use
the mail system, it's just that at least 2 of us would prefer
a forum. (Maybe we should switch to the archive to get closer 
to what we want.)

All the best,


Bruce BarrettSee my website at: 

As Matthias Schmidt wrote...

Mr. Weinmann,

calling this list a source of spam is a serious offense to all list
If you can't read the users manual nor search the archive, with all
respect, go somewhere else.
CTM never lacked support, but they won't answer you questions if you can
find the answer in the users manual. That are not support cases that's a
lack of reading ability.


Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 18:10:08 -0400 schrieb/wrote Winston Weinmann:

The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
in its effect. The advantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
community informed of questions than a forum might.

However, the spam problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
many people from signing up in the first place.

powermail-discuss Digest #2662 - 07/14/07

2007-07-14 Thread PowerMail discussions
powermail-discuss Digest #2662 - Saturday, July 14, 2007

  Re: annoying problem with power mail
  by Bruce Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by Charles Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: annoying problem with power mail
  by T.L. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Web support vs. email support groups
  by Bruce Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Web support vs. email support groups
  by Jim Pistrang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Web support vs. email support groups
  by Bruce Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by T.L. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Bad aftersales Service
  by Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: annoying problem with power mail
  by Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)
  by Bruce Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)
  by Matthias Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  Re: Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)
  by C. A. Niemiec [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re(2): annoying problem with power mail
  by Moritz Majce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re(2): annoying problem with power mail
  by Moritz Majce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re: Forthcoming with support
  by Carl Darby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re(2): Forthcoming with support
  by Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Re(2): Forthcoming with support ( re: calling things spam)
  by Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: annoying problem with power mail
From: Bruce Barrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:58:33 -0700

Hi All,
trying to help out with this even though I was not the original reporter.

1. For me this is VERY rare. Maybe even hasn't happened since 5.5.3,
I can't say for sure.

OS X version? 10.4.9 of late. Except for not going to 10.4.10 right away
I generally update right away. I may have never seen this in 10.4.9

Any haxies installed?

Hardware? MacBookPro, 2GB, 120MB HD

Display size? 1440 x 900

More than one display? No, just 1

PM 5.5.3 currently. English.

Does the problem remain if you switch user? Never tried this.

The picture that Moritz provided exactly matches my recollection
for this condition. The To/CC/BCC column is missing (or more likely
jammed under the left-hand side of the scrolling area) and the
left part of the user name is jammed under the left side too.

I hope this helps.

Again, this is not an issue for me, I haven't seen it in quite a while.
I'm just trying to provide a second data point in the hopes this
can be fixed for Moritz.


Bruce BarrettSee my website at:

As Rene Merz wrote...

Moritz Majce wrote

i put a screenshot on

Sorry, but this shot doesn't help to understand the problem.
Could you please show it with filled-in (fictive) name and/or mail-address?

Anyway your Mail-Window looks strange.
I miss the column-names (in german=: Als [for To/CC/BCC] and Name and
Konto: [for your account] as well).

Seems that you should make a new installation of PM.

By the way:
It's very normal that the Name-field ist activated first. There you can
write-in the mail-address (if you don't know or don't like to write a
name) - after the mail-address-field will be filled automatically.


Subject: Re: Forthcoming with support
From: Charles Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 14:15:15 -0400

The Cat wrote (13/07/2007):

My masters dropped the ball a number of times, but I thank you for
pinging me since I have no access to the keyboard otherwise.

Maybe that explains it.  My last attempt to contact you (using the help
menu) was to request a multi-user rate for FoxTrot, after I had failed
to obtain one by e-mailing Sales.  After you did not answer that, I
figured that you must be trapped within a bag, so there was no point
ever to try contacting CTM again.

Anyway, since you appear to be alive, I would appreciate your contacting
me off the list about another matter.

Derry Thompson wrote (13/07/2007):

If the developers don't
have the time to support the product, they might at least set up a web-
based forum.

What's wrong with an e-mail forum?

Let's say that I know nothing about computers, I just want to use them.
I have a question about Apple's Mail, I go to Apple's web-based forum
and search for an answer.  There is a good chance that I will find one
and if I do not, I can ask a 

Re(2): Bad aftersales Service

2007-07-14 Thread Winston Weinmann
My apologies for using the word spam if that offended you. I have
tried to explain that in another post, as has Bruce Barrett.

You argue that I should search the archive, then go to the mailing list
for answers. This is more efficient than a forum?

I have only submitted questions to CTM which do not have answers in the
user's manual. Have you looked at the user's manual? It is pretty
limited in what it covers. So are the FAQs on CTM's web site.

While you may feel that CTM answers questions, my experience is that it
does not. I just went to the web site and found that they no
longer even mention sending an email to CTM to ask for help. They also
have taken down their notice that they would respond to 80% of help
requests within 2 days. The option to email CTM from the PowerMail Help
menu is still there, however. 

But since CTM doesn't answer, email to CTM works more like the Apple
reporter that appears when a program quits unexpectedly. CTM should note
in PM that they rarely answer. Most people who send in a request for
help would assume they'd get an answer. Setting up a method to send in a
support request when there is little likelihood of an answer is wrong.


- Winston

Matthias Schmidt wrote:

Webforums are not an alternative at all. They are so much more time
intensive, extremely slow, you always have to login etc.

Mr. Weinmann,

calling this list a source of spam is a serious offense to all list members.
If you can't read the users manual nor search the archive, with all
respect, go somewhere else.
CTM never lacked support, but they won't answer you questions if you can
find the answer in the users manual. That are not support cases that's a
lack of reading ability.


what's wrong with this list?
If you have a problem, search first the archives, which can be found here: 
then you can ask here on the list.
The list is read by the developers and they will respond if there's a
real problem.

all the best


Re: annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Rene Merz
Moritz Majce hat am Samstag, 14. Juli 2007 geschrieben:

this is how it looks like when i click the reply-button the first time.

this is how it looks like after i closed the window and then re-clicked
the reply-button.

it has nothing to do with language settings or intel/ppc.

This pictures were helpful!

I guess it could have to do with the used font.

Try to play with. (I use Verdana for the list letters.)

Here (german version):
PowerMail/Einstellungen/Anzeige/Eigene Schrift für die Listendarstellung
(should be activated, then choose a font [or a different one])

(The font for the lists has effects also to the letters in that boxes.)

Re: Spamsieve Blocklist

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Hi all:

A recent increase in the volume of spam I am receiving has made me a
convert to Spamsieve, an excellent product with which I am well satisfied.

Although Spamsieve correctly bins the spam even after minimal training,
is it possible to 'add sender to blocklist' (or similar) so it doesn't
get downloaded in the first place?  Every so often I could then do a
bulk clearance at the mail server. The reason I ask is that much of the
spam seems the same thing over and over.



Re: Forwarding email

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Just started using Powermail and have one small problem. If I receive an
email in HTML - graphics etc - and I want to forward it on to others the
HTML etc is stripped out of the message. The only way to send it
intact is to Redirect it. Is there any way, if I redirect, to change
the From: field to reflect MY email address as opposed to that of the
person who sent it to me? Or is there any other way of sending it
intact. Hope this makes sense!!



Re: Attachment reminder?

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Can PowerMail alert me when I try to send a message that contains
attached that the message has  no attachment? I ran across a
Thunderbird extension called AttachmentReminder that does that. You
configure it with a list of strings that it should check for in the
message ... enclosure, attached, whatever you are likely to use in
message text.

One the most useful email features I've run into recently. (Yes, I
recently sent a friend a message in PowerMail that should have had an
attached photo but didn't.) 


Re: Sharing Same Email in Multiple Contacts

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


when adding a new contact in the address book sometimes i deal with two
persons who share the same email address; this happens, for instance,
with two little brothers who's real email is their father's.
Unfortunately PM doesn't let me share the same email address in more than
one contact in the address book.
Is there any way to get around this?

Thank you

Giovanni Andreani

PM 5.2.2 | OS X 10.3.9 | Power Mac G5/1.8GHz BiPro | 1GB RAM | 150GB HD

Re: Your database file has not the expected format

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


   I got this lovely message when starting PowerMail 5.5.3 this
afternoon.  After clicking OK, PowerMail starts up and the database
opens, seemingly without problems.

   I've been using 5.5.3 since it came out; no recent disk errors or crashes.

   I can't compact the database; PowerMail gives the same error and
wants to convert the database to PowerMail 5 format, but can't, of
course, since it's already in PowerMail 5 format.  It gets an unknown
error; Class = Conv, what = 1, when = 0.

   I can rebuild, since the Your database file has not the expected
format error comes up.

   Has anybody seen and fixed this error before?


Re: once again

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Alright, I've done it in the past, but to make sure I'm not doing
something wrong, I looked it up in the PM manual and it states clearly :

launch PowerMail with the option- and command-keys down. This will
invoke PowerMail's built-in recovery facility known as PowerMail First Aid.

I have said so in the past and now again - this does NOT work for me
(any longer).

I can try it from the dock or in the Finder, I hold down the keys before
even touching the PM icon, just to make sure I'm fast enough (who
knows, maybe age IS beginning to show).

No matter what I try, First Aid will NOT launch.

Using PM 5.5.2 and have this problem probably since 5.2 - and now I need
it, got a fat folder but no unread messages in there.

Any ideas why PM just refused to open in First Aid mode?



Re: redirecting HTML Emails

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Is there any way to Redirect HTML emails which contain things such as
animation. Up until now whenever I have attempted this the animation
doesn't work and the pictures are simply sent as attachments. Forwarding
the email simply strips the HTML.



Re: Forwarding scripts and headers

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


I need a script to forward messages including complete headers.  This
script works except that it excludes most of the header.  How can I get
it include the full header? 

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
 forward msg to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
end repeat
connect again
end tell

I also need a complementary script that forwards only headers, not the
body.  Can anybody suggest a way?

Charles Maurer

Re: annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


On   Thursday, July 12, 2007,   Bruce Barrett   sent forth:

I've seen this happen sometimes as well, though it's
now extremely rare for me. v5.5.3 Intel.


Bruce BarrettSee my website at: 

As Moritz Majce wrote...

I have got a really annoying problem with power mail (v. 5.5.3):

whenever I open the new message window the email address input field
is displaced to the left so that I cannot see the email address when
typing. when I close the window and (re)open a new one the problem
disappears. (see screenshot: problem.jpg)

what can I do about this? I do not want to switch to apple?s mail but
I cannot work properly with this bug..

best regards,
moritz majce

Well, I haven't seen it and your screenshot never made it to the list or
at least not to my machine.

Could you post your screenshot to a public photo hosting service on the
web (picasa, photobucket, .mac, ...) so that I might see it?  I'm
curious to understand the problem and I can't seem to visualize it in
my head.

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.9PowerMail 5.5.3 640 MB RAM 2x40 GB HDs

i put a screenshot on

Re: Bad aftersales Service

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Does anybody else get lack of response to Powermail developers. I have
sent about five emails to their customer support and have got no answer.
The only one I did get a reply to was when I complained about their
product. Might just as well ask the cat!

Re: Forthcoming with support

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Charles, dear Mr. Darby,

My masters dropped the ball a number of times, but I thank you for
pinging me since I have no access to the keyboard otherwise.

On a more serious note: yes, it is possible to redirect an HTML message
(forwarding will only forward its text portion, since we do not include
an HTML editor in the product) and we have not been able to reproduce
anything such as the disappearance of an address. 

Finally, two comments: one is that Charlie is right, we are thinking of
a forum-like format although more for FoxTrot than for PowerMail, since
the dynamic and contributions on powermail-discuss are pretty exceptional.

The other comment is that I sometimes get discouraged by certain support
messages who are repeatedly abrasive, terse or rude in their e-mails.
Developers, and their cats, have feelings too (I regret to confess this)...

Re: Web support vs. email support groups

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Hi Masters of PowerMail,

Regarding the forum vs. email method of community 

I must admit one of the perceived negatives I saw 
when considering switching to PowerMail was the
lack of any visible way to reach support.
Having a forum prominently available would have
been encouraging for me.

Here's what I wrote to a friend Sept-22-2006:
Ah,  you have hit on another con they seem a bit clueless in 
supporting materials. I think they take bug reports seriously,
but, for example I could not find a way to submit one. :-(

Here's a link to the manual (also lighter than I'd like.)

Here's their discussion forum too (also not publicized):

As far as I recall you have to subscribe in order to find
the archive, it's not available to someone surfing the
web site.

For what it's worth. :-)

Bruce BarrettSee my website at: 

Re: annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


i run powermail on a powermc quad g5. so it is not intel-related.

Am/On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:50:57 +0200 schrieb/wrote Rene Merz:

Mikael Byström hat am Freitag, 13. Juli 2007 geschrieben:

i put a screenshot on
Well, we see the name field being somewhat displaced, yes. Could you
please restart PM under english and see if the problem remains? You do
this by quitting PM and show info on the PM app icon and change the
settings under language.

It has nothing to do with the language version.
I run the german version too but don't know that problem.

same here ... never seen this.
We run PM in German and English (all still PPC) maybe it's an Intel
related problem or some haxie installed on that box.

Thanks and all the best


Re: annoying problem with power mail

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'



this is how it looks like when i click the reply-button the first time.

this is how it looks like after i closed the window and then re-clicked
the reply-button.

it has nothing to do with language settings or intel/ppc.


Re: Forthcoming with support

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


Please understand that when I say spam (in quotes) it means email that
I do not find helpful which fills my in box. I do not mean spam in the
classic sense of junk mail, phishing schemes, etc. Clearly there is a
need for a word which explains email of which a portion may be of
interest, but the vast majority of which I don't need.

As and example, I prefer to go to a news site when I have an interest in
a topic than to have RSS feeds or most other newsletters sent to my in
box. This happens to be the most convenient way for me. It may not be
for you or others.

There is a cost in time to research any question. In my case, I think a
forum would be more efficient for my needs. I was on the PM list some
time ago, and did unsubscribe. I came back because CTM did not answer my
questions as its web site said it would. I still have some questions, so
I have stayed, for now.

That does not mean it is my preferred option, simply that on balance it
is more useful for me than not, right now. I feel the same thing about
Microsoft Word, which I would gladly drop if WordPerfect for Mac came
back. I have in the past lobbied for WordPerfect to come back to the Mac.

This list provides feedback to CTM. If you had a request of them, would
you not post it here?

- Winston

Cotty wrote:

On 13/7/07, Winston Weinmann, discombobulated, unleashed:

With all due respect, my experience is that CTM never answers help
requests. I could copy them here, which would be tedious, but I assure
you they have all been polite.

The reason I find CTM's lack of support particularly disturbing is that
they have stated on their web site that they will get back to users
within a couple of days. I am sure this was CTM's intent when that was
written, but they have not followed through.

My suggestion to CTM is to confess that they are unable or unwilling to
spend the time on individual support requests, and to strongly encourage
those with problems to address them to the PowerMail discussion mailing
list, as this is the only place they are likely to get help.

The disadvantage of the mailing list is that everyone on the list has to
receive every email for every topic. This comes close to being spam-like
in its effect. The disadvantage, of course, is that it keeps a larger
community informed of questions than a forum might.

However, the spam problem of the mailing list I am sure discourages
many people from signing up at all.

With no respect at all, may I suggest that you unsubscribe from this
spam list and help cut down on wasted bandwidth?



Re: Bad aftersales Service

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Tarpin
I am away for a few weeks, maybe more, and will not available by;
email;  telephonic instrumentation; text, electronic, telepathic or any
other sort of messaging. I will reply to  carrier-pigeon (or pelican for
that matter) messages ONLY! If this is of the utmost importance, you
will be able to seek out our telephone number and call us. Someone will
be able to assist you, but it ain't gonna be me...

I'm going fishin'


My apologies for using the word spam if that offended you. I have
tried to explain that in another post, as has Bruce Barrett.

You argue that I should search the archive, then go to the mailing list
for answers. This is more efficient than a forum?

I have only submitted questions to CTM which do not have answers in the
user's manual. Have you looked at the user's manual? It is pretty
limited in what it covers. So are the FAQs on CTM's web site.

While you may feel that CTM answers questions, my experience is that it
does not. I just went to the web site and found that they no
longer even mention sending an email to CTM to ask for help. They also
have taken down their notice that they would respond to 80% of help
requests within 2 days. The option to email CTM from the PowerMail Help
menu is still there, however. 

But since CTM doesn't answer, email to CTM works more like the Apple
reporter that appears when a program quits unexpectedly. CTM should note
in PM that they rarely answer. Most people who send in a request for
help would assume they'd get an answer. Setting up a method to send in a
support request when there is little likelihood of an answer is wrong.


- Winston

Matthias Schmidt wrote:

Webforums are not an alternative at all. They are so much more time
intensive, extremely slow, you always have to login etc.

Mr. Weinmann,

calling this list a source of spam is a serious offense to all list members.
If you can't read the users manual nor search the archive, with all
respect, go somewhere else.
CTM never lacked support, but they won't answer you questions if you can
find the answer in the users manual. That are not support cases that's a
lack of reading ability.


what's wrong with this list?
If you have a problem, search first the archives, which can be found here: 
then you can ask here on the list.
The list is read by the developers and they will respond if there's a
real problem.

all the best
