Re(2): PM Attachment support

2009-10-08 Thread Alan Harper
Yeah--I have lots of issues with PowerMail--but I continue to use it and
love it. Putting attachments into a folder associated with a PowerMail
folder is very low on the list, maybe even lowest.

But, if CTM wanted to have a questionnaire about what we want to see in
PowerMail moving forward I would be happy to participate.


Alan Harper
5170 Parkridge Drive
Oakland, CA 94619

Portraits of a Seductive Landscape
Images of Baja California

Craig Dudley ( said on 10/8/09:

Dear PowerMail Discussion lurkers,
It has been five years now since this was proposed. We haven't seen
*ANY* indication
the PM development team is even acknowledging their attachment support
needs some
serious improvement. I don't suggest they need to implement improved
support as I proposed. But it would be nice if they suggested one or
more alternatives.

ANyone else want to chime in on this? Do you have a better idea? Please
it so PM development can see other views and/or frustrations.


Craig Dudley
Systems  Communications Sciences, Inc.
244 Poor Farm Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071-3922
603-878-1148   Fax 603-925-1978

I find the way PM handles Attachments frustrating. It is difficult
to know which attachments in the Attachments folder are associated
with messages in different PM folders.

So, since people are asking for new things to be added to PM, I
would like to request a feature that will have PM move an attachment,
associated with email that is moved to a PM folder, into a Finder
folder of the same name in the Attachment folder.

For example, if I move a message, with attachment a.pdf attached,
from my Inbox to a folder named myfolder, PM would move the
attachment a.pdf into a Finder folder (in PM Attachments) named
myfolder. If there is already a file named a.pdf in Finder folder
myfolder, then PM would do it's normal appending of a numeric suffix
to the file name. If the Finder folder does not exist, then PM would
create one.

I haven't found any script to do this and it looks tricky to do right,
especially the duplicate Finder file name problem where we need to
append a numeric to the end of the attachment file name so it doesn't
over write the existing file of the same name.


Craig Dudley
Systems  Communications Sciences, Inc.
244 Poor Farm Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071-3922
603-878-1148   Fax 603-878-1929

Re(2): PowerMail into the future

2009-09-02 Thread Alan Harper
You speak the truth, Ben. And not only is Powermail competing with Apple
Mail, there is also Gmail, which will soon rule the world. I mean, even
Microsoft is worried about Google Apps.


Alan Harper
5170 Parkridge Drive
Oakland, CA 94619

Portraits of a Seductive Landscape
Images of Baja California

Ben Kennedy ( said on 9/2/09:

Jan M.J. Storms wrote at 2:47 PM (+0200) on 9/2/09:

I believe that PowerMail can continue to thrive in the future, as a
commercial mail client on Mac OS X, if it provides [...]

PowerMail is the classic example of a great product that's no longer
commercially viable enough to dump lots of speculative development
investment into -- in part due to having had its potential marked
decimated, for several years, by a product given away for free with the
OS that's good enough for most people.

Speaking as a struggling indie developer myself, I am wholly sympathetic
with both CTM's position as well as the users'.  It's a tough
situation.  Encouragement is always nice to hear, but probably the most
useful way to make a convincing business case is to start by getting 100
of your friends to buy the current version.


Ben Kennedy (chief magician)
zygoat creative technical services

growl integration

2009-05-30 Thread Alan Harper
When I turn Growl off in Powermail's preferences I get lots of annoying
notifications every time new mail arrives. When I turn Growl on, I get
NO notifications.

For testing purposes, I set Growl preferences for PowerMail to

Notification: New Mail
Display Style: Default
Stay on Screen: Always
Priority: Normal
Play Sound: Tink

And in PowerMail Preferences I have
New Mail notification: Display Alert
Alerts: Use Growl

If change PowerMail Preferences to Alerts: Display in front of other
applications I get the annoying PowerMail alerts.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Does PowerMail play well with Growl?


growl integration

2009-05-28 Thread Alan Harper
When I turn Growl off in Powermail's preferences I get lots of annoying
notifications every time new mail arrives. When I turn Growl on, I get
NO notifications.

For testing purposes, I set Growl preferences for PowerMail to

Notification: New Mail
Display Style: Default
Stay on Screen: Always
Priority: Normal
Play Sound: Tink

And in PowerMail Preferences I have
New Mail notification: Display Alert
Alerts: Use Growl

If change PowerMail Preferences to Alerts: Display in front of other
applications I get the annoying PowerMail alerts.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Does PowerMail play well with Growl?


Re: PM 6 still open wishes

2009-05-15 Thread Alan Harper

I assume you have tried all the magic incantations to fix PowerMail
(rebuild, delete prefs, even perhaps reinstalling the system?) All of my
unexplained crashes (which used to plague me) went away w/ 6.0.2.


Urs Gruetzner ( said on 5/15/09:

First: stability ! PM crashes 2-8 times a week, even when unused by user
in the background (PM 6.0.2 ,Intel  iMac 24 OSX.5.6)

Re: Back

2009-05-12 Thread Alan Harper
Hi Mirko

This might be an unfair thing to ask on the PowerMail mailing list, but
can you give a short description of the problems you had with Postbox,
and why you did not find it to be adequate to your needs?


Mirko Kranenburg ( said on 5/12/09:

After a long absence I returned from Apple Mail to PowerMail.
I thought I could not live without imap.

But, with some rules I can can my in- and outbox in sync on my other
Macs after all.

Working in this client feels like home, like no other! And I tried Mail,
Mailsmith, Gyaz, Postbox, you name it!

Now: I dug up this mailinglist from my archives, as the ctm website does
not list it anymore. (Nor does it list the AppleScript, shame on them!)
Is this list still active?


Mirko Kranenburg

Re(2): address book sync

2009-01-24 Thread Alan Harper
Well, I don't have a better solution. You can export your PowerMail
address book in Apple Address Book format, import into Address Book,
merge all the duplicates, and then reimport into PowerMail. For what it
is worth, be careful with the automagic Look for Duplicates... menu
item in Address Book--it has cost me hours of time undoing what it did.


angel ( said on 1/24/09:

hi Alan,

thanks for the help. it seems absurd that we shouldn't be able to to
sync or syncH with address book since so many other programs are
using. i tried to avoid using it, but the wave is heavily towards
using it's database for just about everything  (including of course
iphone, PIMs, bulk mail programs, etc.)

the problem is that i've used PM much longer and more frequently than
Addres Book, especially when it comes to keep email addresses up to
date. so deleting PM's contacts means losing many (and likely more
up-to-date) email addresses.

my Address Book more often holds snail mail that i'd like to keep for
that rare occasion of needing that ancient reference,  PM more often
has not only email, but updated email.

but if i want to use virtually any other program, it's not PM that
those talk to.

anyone else have a work around that doesn't require losing PM's
contacts or retyping what could be 100s?

thanks again and cheers,

Quoting Alan Harper

 Hi Angel

 First, I asked about the same question in 2006 and got the following

 Sean McBride ( said on 10/12/06:

 Alan Harper ( on 2006-10-11 19:50 said:


 Has anyone figured out a way to keep the PowerMail address book and
 Apple's AddressBook synchronized reliably?

 Short Answer: no.

 That being said, here is the recipe I use, and it seems to work
pretty well.

 1) Delete every contact in your PowerMail address book

 2) Set your Synchronization in PowerMail to:
 Update PowerMail from Apple's Address Book
 ?   On PowerMail startup
 ?   When PowerMail is brought to the front (this is optional,
 uncheck if you wish)

 Click on Advanced and check every check box

 3) Leave unchecked Update Apple's Address Book from PowerMail

 4) Never use the Add to Address Book menu item

 That has worked for me. But when it fails, repeat step (1) above and
 then resynchronize.

 PS--Back up your address books (in PowerMail and Apple's Address Book)
 before you start!

 angel ( said on 1/22/09:


 i'm having trouble with Address Book syncing.

 When i first did a sync, new groups were created in PM that matched
 the groups in Address Book, but there were no contacts in the groups.
 i thought it was because the PM groups were inside of folders, so i
 removed them from the folders, added contacts to several of the empty
 groups and then re-synced.

 PM re-created any new groups I made in Address Book, but again, with
 no contacts. WORSE though, is that it deleted the contacts i added to
 each group in PM before the sync.

 it also creates folders called Apple Address Book Contacts with
 contacts in it and i don't understand why those particular contacts
 get put in those folders.

 i have the following checked in preferences:

 - Update from Apple's Address Book on PM startup
 - Update Appe's Address Book from PM automatically
 - Open contacts in Address Book by default.

 Under advanced... for both of them, I have everything checked except
 for delete... because i didn't want to take a chance of losing any

 does anyone have any experience with getting PM's address book and
 Apple's to keep good sync with each other? any documentation anywhere?

 i should note that i put most of my contacts within folders in PM for
 organization's sake. that way, when contacts are loose i can file
 them later and everyone gets categorized in a folder.

 any help or pointers would be much appreciated.

 thanks, angel

 PM 6.0.1 | OSX 10.5.5 | PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz 2G

PM 6.0.1 | OSX 10.5.5 | PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz 2G

Re(2): address book sync

2009-01-23 Thread Alan Harper
I'm sorry, Dave, but what is the problem with having a work or home
comment in the address book?

I could not live without having my PowerMail and Address Book addresses
automatically synched. (Yes, Apple writes syncing and synced, but I
think those words are correctly spelled synching and synched, else
one could add a k like trafficking and trafficked.)

One problem I forgot to point out in my last post is that PowerMail
cannot intuit which is the primary email address, and you need to put
a dot next to the correct one in the PowerMail address book. And, every
time PowerMail gets confused and you re-import the addresses from
Address Book, you need to tell it again which is the primary email.


Dave Nathanson ( said on 1/23/09:

Even if you get it sync-ed ok, it adds work or home as comments to
all your PowerMail addresses - and it will not be right. A mess. In
the past most people have suggested not to use this feature.

  Dave Nathanson

 i'm having trouble with Address Book syncing.

Crashing ameliorated or eliminated

2009-01-23 Thread Alan Harper
Hard to say for sure, but it looks like 6.0.1 is crashing less than its
predecessors (so far, not at all!)

Thank you, Jerome!


Re: automatically access the network...

2009-01-23 Thread Alan Harper
Hear! Hear!

Tim Hodgson ( said on 1/19/09:

I've just realised that I haven't thanked the CTM folks for fixing that
annoyance where PM would try to connect before the network connection was up.

It's a trivial thing, but makes an enormous improvement to my daily
experience of using PM.

So thanks, CTM!


PowerMail 6.0 (build 4587) | OS X 10.4.11 | PowerBook G4/1.25GHz | 2 GB RAM

Re(2): 6.0 Crashing

2009-01-08 Thread Alan Harper
Matthias--could you explain in more detail? I use Pathfinder too. Does
it cause this problem, or fix this problem? Which version of StuffIt do
you suspect?


Matthias Schmidt ( said on 1/8/09:

looks like the crashes are connected to the installed stuff it engine.
Long time ago I had a simular problem.
Meanwhile I use Pathfinder, which installs always the last engine and I
also bought stuff it.
all the best

Am/On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 11:43:47 -0800 schrieb/wrote Alan Harper:

Well, PM support asked me to send crash logs, which I did regularly, but
I never heard anything from them. I inquired whether they wanted me to
continue, and didn't hear anything, so I stopped.

Your symptoms are identical to mine.


Bill Schjelderup ( said on 1/7/09:


I've been having these for a long time also.

Higher frequency with v5 than v6, but still the same problem.

I've sent many crash logs to ctmdev, but I have no idea if they have
helped or not.

The vast majority of these seem to occur when I'm performing a drag
event and a message is received; other times when PM is trying to image
a HTML email and some background operation occurs.

My theory is it's a threading problem...and clearly it's hard for them
to find.

Perhaps if we ALL send crash logs it will help

(about 50% of the time a relaunch is quick, the other 50% it needs to
rebuild sort indexes...)

Oh, and this occurs on both my home and office machine (I carry my PM
database between offices via an external hard disk..)

  Bill Schjelderup --

PM 6 is crashing on me a few times a week. I can't discover any pattern
to the crashes, but they are usually ( 50%) followed by a 6-minute
reindexing when I relaunch PM. It makes it difficult to respond quickly
to emails!

Has anyone else found this? Any thoughts on how to minimize crashing?


PS, FWIW, I had similar problems with PM 5. I have since reinstalled my
entire system, and upgraded to PM 6. It appears that PM 6 crashes less
often than 5, but not significantly so.

Thanks and all the best


Re: Long delay after clicking send message

2009-01-08 Thread Alan Harper
When my computer locks up like that, it is almost always because the
network is trying to find something that isn't available, like an alias
to a volume that is not on-line.

My first suggestion would be to create a new user account on this
computer, set up PM on that new account (be careful that this new
account does NOT delete mail from server!), and see the delay goes away.
If it does, search through your preferences, or throw out your
preferences and start over.

Best I can think of


Stéphane Terreaux ( said on 1/7/09:

[Third time I send the message, it seems the two firsts were
unsuccessfull, maybe because I attached a sampling file. I apologize if
you received it twice.]

Hi everybody,

my best wishes to all for a colourfull and joyfull year !

I notice a small problem with PM6, which I have never seen before.
When a new mail is ready and I click on the Send stamp button, I have
to wait a long time before the new msg window closes and I can work with
PM. A long time means, more or less, 2 minutes.

At the beginning, I thought this delay was related to the message size
and attached file size, but in fact it seems not.

In the meantime, PM shows me the rotating coloured wheel. The Activity
monitor tells me that PM is not responding (displayed in red), with 0
CPU consumption. It looks like PM is waiting for something...

My message database is only around 100 Mo big. Not that fat. Freshly
compacted, same problem. Rebuild the search index (through the menu), no
change (it looks like the command did nothing). When I try to compact
the search index (through the menu), PM crashes.

I have compacted again and rebuilt the indexes through the maintenance
dialog, no change. I have not tried the low level database rebuild.

below is a sampling of PM, obtained with the Activity monitor during the
no response time. I can't read it but maybe it can help.

Does anyone have the same problem, or did anyone find a way to end with
that ?

Thanks in advance,


Analysis of sampling pid 4053 every 10.00 milliseconds
Call graph:
300 Thread_0f07
  300 start
300 start
  300 start
300 LApplication::Run()
  300 start
300 LTSMDocApp::ProcessNextEvent()
  300 WaitNextEvent
300 WNEInternal
  300 GetNextEventMatchingMask
300 GetOrPeekEvent
  300 ToolboxEventDispatcher
300 SendEventToEventTarget
  300 SendEventToEventTargetInternal
(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
300 DispatchEventToHandlers
(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
  300 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler
(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)
300 SendEventToEventTarget
  300 SendEventToEventTargetInternal
(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
300 DispatchEventToHandlers
(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
  300 StandardWindowEventHandler
300 HandleMouseEvent
  300 HandleWindowClick
300 SendEventFromMouseDown
  300 SendEventToEventTarget
SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)

300 HIView::EventHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)

300 HIView::ClickSelf(OpaqueEventRef*)

 300 HIView::ClickInternal(CGPoint
const, unsigned long, void (*)(OpaqueControlRef*, short),
OpaqueEventRef*, bool)

   300 HIView::NotifyControlHit
(short, unsigned long)


Re(2): 6.0 Crashing

2009-01-07 Thread Alan Harper
Well, PM support asked me to send crash logs, which I did regularly, but
I never heard anything from them. I inquired whether they wanted me to
continue, and didn't hear anything, so I stopped.

Your symptoms are identical to mine.


Bill Schjelderup ( said on 1/7/09:


I've been having these for a long time also.

Higher frequency with v5 than v6, but still the same problem.

I've sent many crash logs to ctmdev, but I have no idea if they have
helped or not.

The vast majority of these seem to occur when I'm performing a drag
event and a message is received; other times when PM is trying to image
a HTML email and some background operation occurs.

My theory is it's a threading problem...and clearly it's hard for them
to find.

Perhaps if we ALL send crash logs it will help

(about 50% of the time a relaunch is quick, the other 50% it needs to
rebuild sort indexes...)

Oh, and this occurs on both my home and office machine (I carry my PM
database between offices via an external hard disk..)

  Bill Schjelderup --

PM 6 is crashing on me a few times a week. I can't discover any pattern
to the crashes, but they are usually ( 50%) followed by a 6-minute
reindexing when I relaunch PM. It makes it difficult to respond quickly
to emails!

Has anyone else found this? Any thoughts on how to minimize crashing?


PS, FWIW, I had similar problems with PM 5. I have since reinstalled my
entire system, and upgraded to PM 6. It appears that PM 6 crashes less
often than 5, but not significantly so.

Re(2): Forwarding spam to

2008-12-01 Thread Alan Harper
When I used Spamcop, I had the following applescript for PowerMail (not
sure which version). I ran it, and then pasted into an email addressed
to the spam reporting address:

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
if (count of theMessages)  1 then
error -128
end if
set theMessage to item 1 of theMessages
set theSource to source of theMessage
end tell

set the clipboard to theSource

Re: We are almost there!

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Harper
test (sorry for the interruption)

Koen Beerens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 11/27/08:

Hi all,

One more thing for the PM6 interface department. Wouldn't it be nice to
have an (iTunes/Finder) sidebar? The folder sidepane screams for this
Leopard touch. I just noticed there is a separate Folder List window
too. Does anyone use this? :)

Thanks for the Growl support!
Best Regards,

Grr! (Limits on prerelese software)

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Harper
I just had the pleasure of reinstalling Mac OS 10.5 and all my
applications on my Powerbook. Among the frustrations encountered is the

I recently upgraded my Powermail to the beta v 6 to see if I liked it.
When I reinstalled PowerMail 6 and registered it with a PM 5
registration code, I found that it would neither send nor receive mail
because it was over the 1,000 email limit. So I guess ctm wants me to
spend $62 in order to beta-test their program? I don't think so.

I'm back at PM 5 now.


Re(2): Grr! (Limits on prerelese software)

2008-11-28 Thread Alan Harper
And fairly priced at that--but I do not pay money to test beta software.

T.L. Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 11/28/08:

On 11/28/08, at 5:41 PM, Alan Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

So I guess ctm wants me to
spend $62 in order to beta-test their program? I don't think so.

I'm back at PM 5 now.

The upgrade from 5 is $29.15.

Tom Miller
The only time we see the middle of the road is as
we run from side to side. R.O.Clark

Re(3): One other wish for PM6

2008-09-18 Thread Alan Harper
For what it is worth, I have had seven random crashes of PowerMail from
9/3 to 9/18--ie about 1/2 the rate that Bill sees.

The crashes follow no pattern--sometimes when dragging an attachment,
sometimes when running an item from the script menu, sometimes when I am
away from the computer.

I have sent PM engineering reports for these crashes.


Bill Schjelderup ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 9/3/08:

I get frequent random crashes. i.e. 5-7 per week. Most don't require any
rebuilds, some require sorting index rebuilds.

After watching these for a long time, I believe they are related to
receiving email while performing some user activity -- long user
activities that often result in crashes are drag events and executing
applescripts with dialogs, like renaming subject line.

I have frequent mail checks, and I get approx 900 messages a day (until
our new hardware spam filter gets installed) so the difference between
my experiences and others just may be due to the frequency of incoming
messages, and thus the conflicts that could result in a crash.

I carry my email database between two different machines with similar
behavior on both - one an 8 core mac pro, the other a Macbook pro.
Clearly there may be some other common element...but so far, I've not
found any known conflicts with any other piece of software, and I run a
LOT of software.

My company's software had an issue with quicktime playing audio in a
threaded environment - so I turned off sound difference.

Hopefully time and new releases will solve this problem for me, and others.

  Bill Schjelderup, President  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  COMPanion Corporation801-365-0555 voice
  1831 Fort Union Blvd.  801-943-7752 fax
  Salt Lake City, Utah 84121-3041
Nusquam est qui ubique est. - He who is everywhere is nowhere.
This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and
may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized
review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited.  If you are NOT
the intended recipient, I'm sorry to bother you and will attempt to
address my messages more carefully in the future.

Am/On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 10:26:15 -0700 schrieb/wrote Alan Harper (by way
of Alan Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

1) Index html emails.


2) For emails that do not have a name in the From field, guess the name
from the Address Book, and include the guessed name in the index and in
the From column. This way when I am looking for emails from Bruce, I
don't need to search on Bruce1954yahoo or whatever he was using
that year!

this would be pretty uncommon.
In this case the subject is filled with No subject and this is imho
the correct behaviour.

Maybe an incoming mailfilter could do the rewrite according everyones

3) Don't be so eager to check email. When I wake up my laptop, wait a
few seconds before checking and let the wireless connection come up.

yes, this might also cure one kind of crash I rarely observe.

4) Give me one error message when you can't get email (because, eg,
wireless is down). Don't give me one modal dialog for each account! Even
better, use Growl.

you can switch the dialog off in the preferences.
Growl sounds like a good idea.

5) Stop random crashes.

I don't see any random crashes.
Crashes I observe are either connected to the IP stack, which stops
responding after the MacBook was asleep or to text encodings in
connection with a strange html mail.

Thanks and all the best


Re(3): One other wish for PM6

2008-09-03 Thread Alan Harper
Yes, Bill's experience is similar to mine. I get an attachment, and I
start dragging it, and then have to think about where I want to it go,
meanwhile PowerMail goes off and tries to download more mail, and it
crashes. Very common. Not sure if that characterizes all my random
crashes, but it is is a common symptom.


Bill Schjelderup ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 9/3/08:

After watching these for a long time, I believe they are related to
receiving email while performing some user activity -- long user
activities that often result in crashes are drag events and executing
applescripts with dialogs, like renaming subject line.

Re(2): One other wish for PM6

2008-09-03 Thread Alan Harper
I'm sorry Matthias, but what does the From header have to do with an
empty subject header?

Let me restate this. I have a friend who uses aol (ugh!). Her emails
come with the header:
If I open one of these emails up in a PowerMail window, the From: field has
However, if I look at my inbox, the From column has only her email and
not her name, and if I search on From: Elaine, these emails are not found.

However, she used to work at a school, and emails sent from there had
From: Xstone, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and a search on From: Elaine does find these emails.

Is this clear?

To be clear, the reason I use PowerMail is because it allows me to find
specific emails quickly in a sea of communications. The fact that I
cannot find emails by name of the person sent to me (the case above),
and that I cannot find html-only emails makes it much less useful, and
has made me consider using a different program.


Matthias Schmidt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 9/3/08:

2) For emails that do not have a name in the From field, guess the name
from the Address Book, and include the guessed name in the index and in
the From column. This way when I am looking for emails from Bruce, I
don't need to search on Bruce1954yahoo or whatever he was using that year!

this would be pretty uncommon.
In this case the subject is filled with No subject and this is imho
the correct behaviour.

Re(3): One other wish for PM6

2008-09-02 Thread Alan Harper
I spent a day or so recently attempting to wean myself off PowerMail. I
am so frustrated with its limitations that it really is interfering with
my effectiveness. (As far as I can tell, my frustrations with other
email clients would be worse, so I stay with PowerMail).

But my frustrations are so small, that they could be addressed in a
5.6.6 rev. They are:

1) Index html emails.

2) For emails that do not have a name in the From field, guess the name
from the Address Book, and include the guessed name in the index and in
the From column. This way when I am looking for emails from Bruce, I
don't need to search on Bruce1954yahoo or whatever he was using that year!

3) Don't be so eager to check email. When I wake up my laptop, wait a
few seconds before checking and let the wireless connection come up.

4) Give me one error message when you can't get email (because, eg,
wireless is down). Don't give me one modal dialog for each account! Even
better, use Growl.

5) Stop random crashes.

OK, granted, 5 is not necessarily an easy fix--but the other 4 should be
2 days' work, or less!


Giovanni Andreani ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 9/2/08:

One I would like to se (actually not available in 5.5.3) is the
possibility to share the same email address between different contacts
in the address book, without having to add one empty space before the
copy of an already stored email address.

Giovanni Andreani

PM 5.5.3 | OS X 10.4.11 | Power Mac G5/1.8GHz BiPro | 1GB RAM | 150GB HD

Am/On Mon, 1 Sep 2008 21:01:25 -0400 schrieb/wrote Sean McBride:

George Henne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 2008-9-1 8:09 PM said:

Here's my biggie:

Threaded emails. When I reply to a message, I want an easy way to see
all the messages already in the thread. Other email programs do this -
and it can't be tough to implement.

Here here!

For me, message threading and database  2 GB are the most desired.

threading, sorting by thread (I have here some guys who do append on any
subject Antwort, others Re etc.)
single file database to support time machine, better handling of html
and rtf mails.
Support for priority and receipts.

Thanks and all the best


Re(2): Indexing--doesn't work for Southwest Airlines confirmations?

2008-04-24 Thread Alan Harper
Thank you, Jérôme

I believe that these have plain text alternatives, since I can see plain
text (which I quoted in my email). Either (a) Show Plain Text with
Header shows text even if there isn't a plain text alternative or (b)
there is a different problem.

Can you explain further? If you want, I can send you an example email.

I use PowerMail because of its awesome indexing abilities. If it can't
index messages, I need to reconsider.


PowerMail Engineering ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 4/24/08:

Alan Harper wrote:

I was trying to find some emails, and they were not being found. The
emails were confirmation emails sent by

HTML messages with no plain text alternative part are not indexed
(except subject etc).

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I would like to comment that FoxTrot is so far superior to Spotlight
in every way that without it, I would probably have to go back to
Windows (shudder) since the ability to search my own files is mission
  Steven Merley, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Indexing--doesn't work for Southwest Airlines confirmations?

2008-04-23 Thread Alan Harper
I was trying to find some emails, and they were not being found. The
emails were confirmation emails sent by, and I was trying
to search by the name of the passenger to find out when they would be

So I turned off Foxtrot indexing, deleted the index in my PowerMail
folder, then launched PowerMail, and turned on indexing. Powermail did
that restart thing Resetting index and then indexed all 150,000 emails
again (only crashed once during the process!)

After doing all this, I still find that emails from are
not being indexed. (See below)

Is there something about southwest (or perhaps html emails) that turns
off indexing? CTM--if you want, I can send you such an email so you can
test it.

Would someone else who flies Southwest airlines confirm that indexing is
broken for the content of these emails?





I have the following email in my in box. It does NOT show up when I
Find Content includes: James.

This e-mail contains Southwest Airlines Ticketless Travel information
and is being sent to you at the request of the Purchaser, Passenger, or
individual responsible for arranging this air travel.

Confirmation Number


 Date   Flight  Routing Details
Fri Apr XX 2003Depart Tucson(TUS) at 11:10 AM
Arrive in San Diego(SAN) at 12:25 PM
Wed Apr XX 470 Depart San Diego(SAN) at 12:40 PM
Arrive in Tucson(TUS) at 01:50 PM
This is an itinerary only and is not considered a receipt.

 Click 'n Save ®
Sign up today at to receive a weekly e-mail
announcing our latest special offers!

 Important Checkin Requirement
Passengers who do not obtain a boarding pass and are not present and
available for boarding in the departure gate area at least ten minutes
prior to scheduled departure time may have their reserved space
cancelled and will not be eligible for denied boarding compensation.

 Southwest Airlines Co. Notice of Incorporated Terms
Air transportation by Southwest Airlines is subject to Southwest
Airlines' Passenger Contract of Carriage, the terms of which are
incorporated by reference.

Notice of Incorporated Terms

Additional Information for Travelers
Online Checkin | Free Baggage Allowance | Checkin Requirements | Print
Security Document
Inflight Service   |Travel Tips | Refund Information | Privacy 
Policy |
Southwest Airlines Destinations


Re: Powermail-emails - Google Apps/Gmail

2008-04-23 Thread Alan Harper
I have moved over to gmail for current and future emails, but have not
figured out how to get past emails onto a gmail account.

One nice thing is that if you use gmail's smtp server in powermail, your
outgoing email is copied to your gmail out box. And mail sent from the
gmail interface is reflected into your powermail in box. This means that
you have copies of every email sent from either Powermail or gmail in
both places. (Tho the outgoing email from gmail is in the PowerMail
In box). Trés cool.


PS--Are you sure you want to do this? What if gmail has a hiccup and
drops your mail, where will your backup be?


Per Åström ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 4/17/08:


I am considering transfering my email domain to a Google App account. If
so I would also like to move all my email into that account so I can
access it. Has anyone done that or considered it?

As of today I have about 6-7 years of email stored in powermail but I
dont see exporting as an issue (well done Powermail!) but I dont know
how to make the import to the new account.

/per å

Re(2): Spamsieve stopped working

2008-01-16 Thread Alan Harper
I reinstalled PowerMail and it fixed the problem.

Michael Tsai ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 11/7/07:

On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:40 AM, Jonathan Brady wrote:

 Powermail stopped sending any messages to
 spamsieve. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. So
 no idea what could have caused this sudden loss of
 functionality. I tried rebooting the system, reconfiguring
 spamsieve, going through the spam filter assistant, and
 nothing helped.

Did you try deleting the folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

so that PowerMail will use fresh spam AppleScripts?

Michael Tsai

Re: powermail quits when connected without waiting for user interaction

2007-12-14 Thread Alan Harper
Perhaps this is what is happening

PowerMail decides to get mail
You decide to quit while it is getting mail
PowerMail puts up a dialog warning you
PowerMail finishes getting mail
PowerMail closes the dialog for you, and then quits

This is the behavior I have seen (I don't use IMAP), and it seems
consistent and useful to me, and exactly what I want PM to do.


MB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 12/14/07:

Whenever I'm connected to IMAP and select quit I get a dialog saying
you're connected. Do you really want to quit? and the choice of Quit
Anyway and Abort. Before I can make a choice and click Powermail
quits on me.
Isn't the expected behaviour PowerMail waits for the chosen action?

Re: powermail quits when connected without waiting for user interaction

2007-12-14 Thread Alan Harper
Perhaps this is what is happening

PowerMail decides to get mail
You decide to quit while it is getting mail
PowerMail puts up a dialog warning you
PowerMail finishes getting mail
PowerMail closes the dialog for you, and then quits

This is the behavior I have seen (I don't use IMAP), and it seems
consistent and useful to me, and exactly what I want PM to do.


MB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 12/14/07:

Whenever I'm connected to IMAP and select quit I get a dialog saying
you're connected. Do you really want to quit? and the choice of Quit
Anyway and Abort. Before I can make a choice and click Powermail
quits on me.
Isn't the expected behaviour PowerMail waits for the chosen action?

Re(2): PowerMail 5.6.1 universal released

2007-12-14 Thread Alan Harper
Process ID: 560
Process Name: PowerMail
User: alan
%CPU: 1-4% (varying)
# Threads: 10
Real Memory: 71.27MB
Virtual Memory: 426.97MB
Kind: Intel

OSX 10.4.11
Database size 1GB
PowerMail v 5.6 build 4497


A-NO-NE Music ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 12/14/07:

CTM info / 07.12.13 / 5:50 PM wrote:

We are pleased to announce the release of PowerMail 5.6.1

5.6.1 still uses a huge chunk of memory under Leo.  900MB Rsize, and
1.8GB Vsize.  Can this be improved or something is wrong with my
system?  The vm piling up (was it a memory leak?) seems to be better
with 5.6.1 but still I am choking up with PM memory usage.

Is anyone experiencing this?


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA

Re(2): powermail quits when connected without waiting for user interaction

2007-12-14 Thread Alan Harper
If you use PowerMail without IMAP, and you quit while it is checking
mail, a dialog comes up that says You are currently connected. Are you
sure you want to quit?

MB ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 12/15/07:

Well, no this dialog is specific to IMAP I'm pretty sure

Re: What happens with CTM Development?

2007-12-06 Thread Alan Harper
Its back up at too noticed that it was down yesterday.

Raphaël PAREJO ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said on 12/6/07:


I'm an old franch user of Powermail.

I have some problems with Powermail since I've installed Leopard... i've
wrote various mails to CTM Development, without any answer. The web site
is inaccessible.

Someone have some idea on what happens?

Best regards.

Raphaël Parejo

Re: Minor Leopard problems

2007-10-31 Thread Alan Harper
I set my default account for sending in 

Setup:Mail Schedulings and Locations...

[Tab:] Locations

Not perhaps intuitively located.


On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 21:10:20 -0700 Bob Parks said:

I am trying Leopard.  I did a new install on an external drive and had
it copy over my old disk.  (if it works out the external drive gets
moved to an internal boot drive).

Overall, pretty good.  I did hit the keychain problem, but the patch
seems to have fixed it.

I have 2 problems with Powermail.

First is that none of the schedules seem to run.  I even made a new one,
and made it active, but none of the auto connect parts work.

Second, it reset the default account for sending new emails.  I know I
was able to set it before, but I cannot figure out how to do it now.

Any suggestions?




Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison  


Re(2): powermail-discuss Digest #2709 - 10/19/07

2007-10-19 Thread Alan Harper
In my humble opinion, a great addition to PowerMail would be Smart
Folders like in iTunes. This would allow you to have a folder that lists
Email from every folder with Received-date in last 2 days
and then sort that by Received Date, and there you are.

Wouldn't it be great if there were a button at the top of a search
window to Save this search as a smart folder?


On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:51:01 -0700 Joe Hallett said:

I agree completely. We should not have to manage the Recent Mail
Window. This is the only area where I find that PowerMail has been not
been a step up from the features of Emailer. (Remember the auto-file logs?)

Joe Hallett


Hunting through hundreds of nested folders looking for 'bolded'
folders and opening them to look at the mail is unnecessarily
convoluted, which is why I rely on the RMW.

Having that collation wiped between restarts is incredibly unhelpful to

Re: once again

2007-07-10 Thread Alan Harper

You might just see if something else is somehow changing the state of
the option and command keys. I don't have any real suggestions, but I
have noted that often when I launch Parallels Desktop for Mac the state
of the command key is somehow reversed--other programs think the key is
down when it is up, and vice versa. You might log in with the shift key,
to at least turn off auto-launched programs.

Wish I had more help I could offer.


On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 17:40:05 -0500 Marlyse Comte said:

Alright, I've done it in the past, but to make sure I'm not doing
something wrong, I looked it up in the PM manual and it states clearly :

launch PowerMail with the option- and command-keys down. This will
invoke PowerMail's built-in recovery facility known as PowerMail First Aid.

I have said so in the past and now again - this does NOT work for me
(any longer).

I can try it from the dock or in the Finder, I hold down the keys before
even touching the PM icon, just to make sure I'm fast enough (who
knows, maybe age IS beginning to show).

No matter what I try, First Aid will NOT launch.

Using PM 5.5.2 and have this problem probably since 5.2 - and now I need
it, got a fat folder but no unread messages in there.

Any ideas why PM just refused to open in First Aid mode?



Re: Attachment link failing WAS Re(2): bug or feature ?

2007-04-22 Thread Alan Harper

I can confirm that I also do NOT have this problem (perhaps you are the
only one!) One thing I love about PowerMail is that it usually can track
an attachment link even after I move the attachment to another folder
and rename the file. (Though I usually have to quit and relaunch the
program). I assume it uses aliases to track attachments.


On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:26:16 -0400 A-NO-NE Music said:

Yes, this is another problem.  Message which is a month or two old shows
attachment list in gray.  I have to go to Attachment folder to find the
file by its name.  This has been this way since I start using PM.  I
have posted this problem a few times but it seems I am the only one
having this problem.

Re(2): Turning indexing on

2007-04-14 Thread Alan Harper
OK, thanks

On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:04:48 +0200 PowerMail Engineering said:

Alan Harper wrote:

As part of my spam filter, I say Don't Index Message if it is spam.
How do I turn on indexing for emails that I want indexed? The switch
appears to be permanent.

Mark as good.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'd been using Entourage X ever since switching to Macs 2 years ago
and was growing frustrated with its slow searches and increasing
instability as my database grew. Decided to look for an alternative
and tried Mail, MailSmith, Thunderbird and PowerMail. Settled on
PowerMail and am extremely happy with this application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Turning indexing on

2007-04-12 Thread Alan Harper
As part of my spam filter, I say Don't Index Message if it is spam.
How do I turn on indexing for emails that I want indexed? The switch
appears to be permanent.


Re(2): locking PowerMail on download

2007-04-10 Thread Alan Harper
As I said, PowerMail locks up. Clicking on the X has no effect. What you
are seeing is different than what I am talking about.


On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 13:24:46 -0400 A-NO-NE Music said:

I usually click on (X), which results in an ghost message.  I use
Download Now to see if it was a SPAM, and it is always has been.

Re(2): locking PowerMail on download

2007-04-10 Thread Alan Harper

I wanted to isolate this for you, but so far I can't.

I just received two more emails like this today. My ISP uses Horde as a
web interface to email, and I did the following:

1) Confirm which message was causing the problem
2) Copy the offending email to another folder in Horde
3) Delete (and purge) the offending message
4) Confirm that I could now download emails with the offending email removed

However, the problem is that if I now copy the email from the other

I suspect that this is a problem with a malformed email (eg, malformed
headers) that are fixed when I copy the email from one folder to the other.

I will forward to Jérôme the offending emails privately, and I will
think about how I might be able to isolate them. FWIW, they appear to be
emails in Russian which don't correctly identify the character set used.
They do not appear to be spam, they are an undelivered mail message in
response to a spammer who is using my return address.


On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 11:13:11 +0200 PowerMail Engineering said:

Alan Harper wrote:

I have not isolated the email in question--it will take some time
fiddling with the web-interface and I haven't had time to do so. What I
do right now is go to the web interface at my ISP and delete all the
spam in my inbox and then it works again.

We would be very interested to get such a message, in order to reproduce
and fix the problem.
If you can't isolate the specific message causing the problem, maybe you
can create a temporary account in another mail client (Apple Mail for
example) then retrieve the messages there (make sure that this other
mail client does not delete the message from the server, to avoid
missing some messages in PowerMail); then if you send me the Apple Mail
mailbox I can check if it contains a message that can cause problems in

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Powermail's search capabilities, already mind-boggling fast, seem to
be even faster. You'll never say I think I have that in an email
somewhere, ever again. Because, you'll know in a half second.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

locking PowerMail on download

2007-04-02 Thread Alan Harper
I am getting emails, I think from Russia, that are causing PowerMail to
lock up.

When I get my email, it starts to download the emails (using POP), and
then hangs. I have to restart PowerMail, and then it rebuilds its
indices (a 5 minute process). It then hangs on the first email that it
tries to download (and luckily does not have to rebuild its indices
after a second force-quit).

I have not isolated the email in question--it will take some time
fiddling with the web-interface and I haven't had time to do so. What I
do right now is go to the web interface at my ISP and delete all the
spam in my inbox and then it works again.

Any thoughts about what might be causing this? Is this a general problem
with email clients, or a PowerMail-only issue?



Re(2): Printing email Problem fix (+ Req for CTM to really fix)

2007-04-01 Thread Alan Harper

At least on my computer, you left out a step to replicate this bug--the
email in question must be displayed using Show HTML, printing works as
it should when Show Plain Text and Header is chosen.

How long has this bug been in Powermail unfixed???


On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 13:54:13 -0700 Dave N said:

selecting Print... from the file menu (or command p) results in NO
Dialog box. (as IF Print one was selected- but it's not). But it does
print to the currently selected printer. Header info (to/from/subject)
was missing. Only message printed. This is on plain text messages. 

FIX: using PM toolbar menu icon to click  hold until Print... drops
down  select that. 
Now you get a dialog box  a change to make a pdf, or choose printers,
or choose how many copies, etc.  :-) 

PowerMail 5.3.3 Mac OSX 10.4.x (non intel) Just installed last week. 

Re: attachments

2007-03-31 Thread Alan Harper
Well, I tried to show you using an attachment, but this list rejects

In the filter Spam: Actions (at least that is what mine is called) use
Move attachments to trash. Consider using don't index and others as well.


On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 13:35:38 -0500 Marlyse Comte said:

When I was cleaning out the other day old messages and archiving  
them, I suddenly realized that my attachment folder is choke full  
with attachments from spam email. I daily delete spam and up to now I  
thought that when I empty trash attachments get automatically  
trashed too... but why then would I have 2,000 spam attachments in my  
attachment folder?

Can somebody refresh my - obviously weak memory - on how to ensure  
that attachments do get trashed when the message gets trashed?


Re(2): Basic questions from a possible newbie

2007-02-21 Thread Alan Harper
FWIW, I use PowerMail because when I moved to OSX from OS 9, I tried a
bunch of email clients, on my then large email database. (I am adamant
that I will not throw out old email). PowerMail was then the only email
client that didn't grind to a halt or quickly corrupt the files. Now,
with the addition of FoxTrot, it serves almost every need.

I have written a few applescripts, and have a complex set of filters
that allow me to nearly painlessly deal with ~150 spams/day.

The two problems with it that I find annoying:

It is difficult to forward html email. You can redirect it, but
forwarding it is difficult/impossible (keeping the formatting).

It is asks me once a day to wait while it reindexes my files. The wait
is just long enough for me to switch to FireFox, type in a web address,
but not long enough for the address to load and let me read something
while I am waiting for PowerMail. (Ie, about 10 seconds).


On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 14:55:20 -0500 Don V. Zahniser said:

Hi, Elaine - 

On or about 2/19/07, ETM wrote:

Options wanted:  Redirect mail smoothly for others
(mailing lists), 

No comment - I don't use this kind of functionality.

WYSIWYG compose/send, 

PowerMail is text-only; no formatting.

ability to
fend off HTML (TB! uses tabs and I read the plain
text mail on top of HTML and rarely even look at
the HTML tab), 

From what you describe, PowerMail has similar flexibility in doing this,
but instead of a tab-based interface, the reading 'engine' is chosen by
an icon at the bottom of the window.

delete duplicates across an

I believe there are some Applescripts out there to do this.

multiple accounts, 


no limits on size
beyond limits of PC on which PowerMail is

PowerMail has a database size limit of 2GB.  Several users are
requesting that this limit be removed/enlarged.

built-in backup and restore system.

I'm not aware of such capability in PowerMail.

Decent search capability across the entire mail
program.  I tend to use the mail program for
filing important notes and attached graphics.

I would describe PowerMail's search capability as 'superlative'...

Many thanks for a response.  I haven't yet
installed the trial program, assume that it is
only good for so many days, I'd like to get a feel
for whether most or all of these options are there
before I give the program a go.

The trial is fully featured, with no time limit, but with a limit of 200
messages in the database to allow for testing out its functionality. 
When you register, you get a key that unlocks this limitation.

No trees were killed in the sending of this
message. However, a large number of electrons were
terribly inconvenienced.

Love the tagline!

 - Don

Don V. Zahniser
PowerMac G4 Cube, 450 MHz,  Mac OS 10.4.8, 1.25 GB RAM

Re: Spotlight cache in PM folder?

2007-02-21 Thread Alan Harper
I don't know what back-up software you are using, but I just label the
cache Yellow and have the software not back up yellow files/folders.

Another point you might not be aware of, if you open (control click) the
cache, you will find it full of tiny little files. In my case, I think,
5*10^5 files. Most backup software will try to compare each file to the
backed-up versions, and will quickly grind to a halt. I know this from
intimate experience.

I believe that Fox-Trot needs this PowerMail cache to work properly, but
I might be mistaken.


On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:26:40 -0600 Anna Silliman said:

When I first set up Spotlight (on OS 10.4.8) it asked if I wanted my PM
indexed, then it automatically put a PM Database cache inside my
PowerMail folder (in User~Mail). Does anyone know if I can move that
cache somewhere else? I am worried about Spotlight losing track of it if
I do. I don't see any way of getting under Spotlight's hood, except for
the basic Prefs file.

I want to be able to easily back up my PowerMail files, but that cache
inside makes it huge. I've also just started using FoxTrot and I see it
puts its index neatly in the User Library.


Re(2): Spotlight cache in PM folder?

2007-02-21 Thread Alan Harper
Nice web site:! Keep up the good work.

On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:17:09 -0600 Anna Silliman said:

From: Anna Silliman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Snooze doesn't work

2007-02-09 Thread Alan Harper

I am having the same behavior (not with Traceroute, I didn't try that).
I started a discussion at .mac on this.
thread.jspa?threadID=848951tstart=0. Please let me know if/when .mac
starts working again for you.


On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 00:03:25 -0500 A-NO-NE Music said:

P.S.  Does anyone know what the hell is going on with .mac last 3 days? 
I can't ping, I can't traceroute, PM reports POP not there, but web
access is still OK.  According to Traceroute, it stops at San Jose so it
isn't my problem.

Re(2): Snooze doesn't work

2007-02-09 Thread Alan Harper
Apple is back up now for me. See the discussion at
to see how to ping 

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 08:52:29 -0800 Alan Harper said:


I am having the same behavior (not with Traceroute, I didn't try that).
I started a discussion at .mac on this.
thread.jspa?threadID=848951tstart=0. Please let me know if/when .mac
starts working again for you.


On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 00:03:25 -0500 A-NO-NE Music said:

P.S.  Does anyone know what the hell is going on with .mac last 3 days? 
I can't ping, I can't traceroute, PM reports POP not there, but web
access is still OK.  According to Traceroute, it stops at San Jose so it
isn't my problem.

Re(2): curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-08 Thread Alan Harper
How many Microsoft Engineers does it take to change a light bulb? 

(You can google the punch-line)

On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 09:12:21 +0100 PowerMail Engineering said:

These messages are badly encoded. Microsoft should fix this problem.
Some other email programs display these messages correctly, either
because they display the HTML part (which do not have this problem), or
because they have hard-coded the fact that entourage messages are badly
encoded. But if Microsoft fixes the problem, good Entourage messages
will now look as if they were badly encoded...

Re(2): curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-08 Thread Alan Harper
While we are on the subject of Microsoft engineers, this is a good
article on those stupid winmail.dat files:

And if you are really a glutton for punishment, catch up on Verity
Stob's postings at

On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 10:11:08 -0700 Tom Dillon said:

Jérôme sez:

These messages are badly encoded. Microsoft should fix this problem.

LOL!!! That's hilarious! And IE should use only W3C standard tags so we
don't get messages like Your browser is not supported, please use
IE... Microsoft's attitude will always be, 90% of users don't have a
problem, therefore there is no problem to fix. I agree with you in
principle, but until much more than 10% use MS standard products, MS
won't be fixing anything.

Some other email programs display these messages correctly, either
because they display the HTML part (which do not have this problem), or
because they have hard-coded the fact that entourage messages are badly
encoded. But if Microsoft fixes the problem, good Entourage messages
will now look as if they were badly encoded...

So, is there no way to detect whether a message is poorly or properly
encoded and adjust the quotes accordingly?

   Tom Dillon900 S. Coors Dr.
   DataCraft   Lakewood, CO 80228
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   720/962-4880
  The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to
  venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  -- Arthur C Clarke

Re: curly quotes become 1, 2, 3

2007-02-07 Thread Alan Harper
I think that this is an Outlook Express Bug. If I remember correctly,
Outlook Express says that it is using one character encoding and
actually uses a different one. Look at the headers to see if all are
from the same mail client, then do a google search. But I think the
answer is, if you are going to lynch someone, perhaps you should find a
microsoft engineer.


On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 09:14:38 -0800 Dave N said:

 I get a lot of emails that include numbers instead of punctuation.  Like

I1ve got an office of users ready for a lynching - mine as a result of
issues they are experiencing with Word. I1ve done a fair amount of research

I can see that where I would expect single quote ', I see a 1. Sometimes
it is a 2, or 3 for similar punctuation marks, like double quotes.
Usually these senders are using a MS mail program, and I think they are
using curly quotes. 

What can a PowerMail user do so their emails will look correct when

I'm in USA, and my PowerMail prefs are set to:
Languge family: US/Western Europe
Use Character set: ISO-8859-1 (Latin1, Western Europe)


Something happened

2007-02-01 Thread Alan Harper
Something happened with my filters. A filter used to say

Spam rating is high


Spam rating is low

Now it shows a slider. It appears that the slider means this level or

Two questions:

1) How does one set a filter for low spam ratings?

2) When did this change occur. Is this new for 5.5.3?



PS--I don't like this change.

Re(2): Something happened

2007-02-01 Thread Alan Harper
Got it. I just added a second spam filter.


On Thu, 1 Feb 2007 20:02:49 +0100 PowerMail Engineering said:

Nothing have changed. If you have a single filter that has a spam rating
criterion, and the spam rating has been set by SpamSieve, then you only
have is high (no is low). This is because you need to teach
SpamSieve when it makes mistakes, instead of adjusting the rating level
in your filters.
However if you have multiple filters that act on spam, you can adjust
the rating for each filter.

Re: Ultimate Spam

2007-01-30 Thread Alan Harper
I am using Spam Assassin on my ISP as well as Spam Sieve on my laptop.
Spam Assassin is not very aggressive (it flags spam correctly nearly
100% of the time, but lets about 50% of the spam thru). The advantage of
using Spam Assassin is that it reduces the amount of spam I have to
download when traveling by 50% (I download and review it by hand only
when I have a high-speed connection).

Spam Sieve is really good, but it has consistently failed to recognized
joe jobs--where a spammer is using a return address at my domain, and
there are automatic replies to that address from the intended addressee.
I have special filters which seem to do a good job rejecting that source
of unwanted email.

To deal with .gif email I have a rule in PowerMail:

If Spam Rating is high

Move message into folder Spam
Don't notify new message
Don't show in Recent Mail
 = Move attachments to trash =
Don't index message content
Don't apply subsequent filters to this message

The only problem with this is that PowerMail has a bug/feature lack that
once you have said Don't index message content, there is no way to
later index the message if you identify the email as legitimate. (Other
than resetting the index, which I do every few months).

Please don't ever bounce spam--it only adds to the frustrations of us
Joes who have been Jobbed.


On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:01:14 -0800 Richard Hart said:

(1) Does any hosting service or ISP offer you the capability to bounce
spam? I know many offer excellent SPAM sequestering tools, even deleting
offending messages so you never have to see them.

But what I'd like to do is have my mail server bounce messages from
specific IP addresses. For this service, I would switch mail service
providers in a heartbeat.

(2) What is the best way to deal with the relatively recent phenomenon
of GIF spam. You know the ones. The Subject and body are random text.
The attachment is a graphic containing the spam pitch. I haven't been
able to derive a common identifier for them in the headers, and they are
not easy to define in a spam rule. 

Richard Hart

Re(2): Ultimate Spam

2007-01-30 Thread Alan Harper
I mean that I receive about 10 messages like this per day, and they are
serving no-one a useful purpose because I didn't send them because the
return address was spoofed:

The original message was received at Tue, 30 Jan 2007 22:00:07 +0100
from []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown)
(expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to []:
 550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)
Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Actual-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS; []
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]...
User unknown
Last-Attempt-Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 22:00:10 +0100

I think that is what you are saying also.



On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:14:07 -0800 Richard Hart said:

By this do you mean that, if you have been spoofed as the return
address, you will receive the bounce warnings from the mailer daemon?

Richard Hart

Alan wrote:

Please don't ever bounce spam--it only adds to the 
frustrations of us Joes who have been Jobbed.

Re(2): 2nd item in list stuck as highlighted

2006-10-20 Thread Alan Harper
Now this is happening to me. The second mail in every folder is
highlighted (yellow, in my case). Selecting another email sometimes, but
not always unhighlights this email. Quitting and restarting  or changing
folders doesn't make it go away.


Derry Thompson said at Fri, Sep 29, 2006 2:07 AM -0700:

Christian Roth at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:04:19 +0200

I, for one, have seen it several versions back happen occasionally. But
since it is only a minor nuisance (compared to PM crashing, e.g. :-)), I
never went through the hoops of reporting it since I couldn't reproduce
it reliably.

Changing folders or restarting PM (don't know which) fixed it for me,
and that was/is a viable workaround.

Regards, Christian.

I saw it for the first time with this new release. Quitting and
restarting cured it for me. 



Re(2): Copying address bug still there

2006-10-13 Thread Alan Harper

In hopes of pinning this bug

On a 2 GHz Intel Core Duo Mac Book Pro with 2GB of memory, many GB of
free disk space, Mac OS X 10.4.8 in Safe Boot mode...

If I open the PowerMail Address Book (command-ctrl-A), then open a
contact in the group Apple Address Book Contacts then right click on
the contact and choose Open Contact in PowerMail Address Book, then
click on the email address in the left column of the contact, and Copy

then I get a pop-up message An error occurred: Error -4989.

This happens with every contact I have tried (sample size  5).

I have had this bug for many years, on many versions of Mac OS X (at
least since 10.3, perhaps 10.2), and on many PPC computers as well as
this Intel MBP. My settings of the Synchronization panel of
Preferences have changed over the years, so I suspect that the bug is
independent of that. The only significant haxie that I use is Default
Folder and (more recently) Keyboard Maestro and Missing Sync for Palm
OS--but a safe boot should have turned them off. Scripting Additions
include Adobe Unit Types, 24U Appearance OSAX.osax, Acme Script
Widgets.osax, Default Folder X Addition.osax, List  Record
Tools.osax, MacPackToolbox.osax, and Property List Tools.osax, some
of which are PPC only and I think can't be called by Intel code.

Mikael--your turn to pull down your pants and show us what you have :)


Mikael Byström said at Fri, Oct 13, 2006 4:29 PM -0700:

Howard suggested earlier:

On 10 October Alan Harper wrote:

 Open PowerMail's address book, open a contact in the address
 book, click on an email address for that contact and Copy. A
 message pops up: An error occurred: Error -4989.

Charles Watts-Jones Tue, 10 Oct 2006 17:54:52 +0200

Can't reproduce it on my machine.  That sequence of keystrokes works

-- Charles

This one happens to me. And I agree, it's been there for ages.

It doesn't happen for me. What versions are you guys running under? Of
OS X and PowerMail that is. Any haxies or non-standard modifications to
the OS installed? RAM? Free space on HD?

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

Stripping font and style from clipboard, WAS: Re(2): Strange bug.

2006-10-13 Thread Alan Harper
I keep a script in my User Scripts Folder for just this purpose. I just
changed it (from a version that was PPC only), so there might be some
problems, but try creating the following script in AppleScript Editor

get the clipboard
get result as text
get result as record
get «class ktxt» of result
set the clipboard to result
end try

and save it as Strip Clip Style (or your favorite name) in ~/Library/

You can also paste into a style-less text editor like BBEdit and then copy.


Mikael Byström said at Fri, Oct 13, 2006 4:36 PM -0700:

PowerMail Engineering said:

 text is
copied with PowerMail's formatting: the fonts you defined in the
preferences, and the color of URLs and quoted text.

Anyone know how to get pasted text in any app or specifically in Ragtime
6, OmniOutliner 3 and Word to adjust font, size and color to the context

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

Re(2): Copying address bug still there

2006-10-13 Thread Alan Harper

Tom Dillon said at Fri, Oct 13, 2006 7:22 AM -0700:

It only happens to me when the the address is hilited, but not in edit
mode. Like when you click on the @ icon or don't wait for the address
to switch from hilite to editable.

recipe for address synching, please [SHORT/LONG!]

2006-10-11 Thread Alan Harper
I have found synching of the PowerMail Address Book and the Apple
AddressBook to be inscrutable in the extreme.


Has anyone figured out a way to keep the PowerMail address book and
Apple's AddressBook synchronized reliably? Is there any way to tell if
they are actually synchronized?


So what I did (about a week ago) was delete all my PowerMail Address
entries, then try to get AdddressBook up to date, and then synchronize them.

I have PowerMail set so that PowerMail picks up all changes every time
it comes to the front, and doesn't push any changes out, and double-
clicking on an item opens it in AddressBook.

Somehow, after a week or two, strange addresses started showing up.
There were at least 2 addresses in AddressBook that wouldn't show up in
PowerMail (I could tell by counting--but could never figure out which
ones they were). Also, I started to get some local addresses. The only
way you can see that they are local is that if you double-click on them,
they open in PowerMail's address book, not in AddressBook.

I have tried deleting the local addresses, and, sometimes, but not
always, upon bringing PowerMail to the front the entry from AddressBook
would magically appear. Sometimes editing the entry in AddressBook helps
jog PowerMail's brain, sometimes not.

So today I had a problem where groups in AddressBook weren't synching
with PowerMail--one group had 28 entries in AddressBook, but only 27 in

I first tried editing entries, groups, etc in AddressBook and
PowerMail's address book to see if this would trigger a sync--but no luck.

I then tried deleting every entry in the PowerMail address book, and
bringing AddressBook to the front, and then PowerMail to the front.
After this I had 2 entries in PowerMail's address book and 700+ in

I then tried deleting the address book file in the PowerMail folder.
After this, and fiddling with preferences, PowerMail reconstituted all
the entries in the AddressBook, but refused to reconstitute the groups.
After a bunch more fiddling, suddenly PowerMail did reconstitute the groups. 

Right now I _think_ that the groups in PowerMail are the same as in
AddressBook--but it is almost impossible to tell. And I have 769 entries
in AddressBook with email set while only 761 entries in the group
Apple Address Book Contacts in PowerMail, so maybe there is still a problem.

So, how do I know whether AddressBook and PowerMail's address book are
in sync? and how do I keep them in sync?

Re: Cannot send from one account

2006-10-11 Thread Alan Harper
simple question--you have tried selecting the mail, typing command-L,
and sending, command-hyphen, again?

PowerMail has the interesting bug (I mean, feature!) that mail that
failed to send and mail that is ready to send are not visibly
distinguished in the Out Tray. I reported this bug a long time ago on
this mailing list, and there is no evidence that it is on anyone's to
do list.


Midi Cox said at Wed, Oct 11, 2006 3:21 PM -0700:

I have upgraded to Powermail 5.5fc1 and all of a sudden I cannot send
email from some secondary email adddresses. After I compose the email it
just sits in the out tray.

I am using OS 10.4.7.


Re(2): Copying address bug still there

2006-10-10 Thread Alan Harper
O, must be something I have added. I'll work on it sometime--and I
withdraw my bug.


Charles Watts-Jones said at Tue, Oct 10, 2006 8:54 AM -0700:

On 10 October Alan Harper wrote:

 Open PowerMail's address book, open a contact in the address
 book, click on an email address for that contact and Copy. A
 message pops up: An error occurred: Error -4989.

Can't reproduce it on my machine.  That sequence of keystrokes works

-- Charles 

PM 5.5fc1 - Intel iMac - OS 10.4.7

Re(2): Copying address bug still there

2006-10-10 Thread Alan Harper
Actually, I have the default to open in AddressBook, but right-click to
open the address in PowerMail's Address Book.

Don V. Zahniser said at Tue, Oct 10, 2006 10:10 AM -0700:

Note that the Preferences under Synchronization have to be set so that
the addresses open in the PowerMail address book by default, not Apple's.

Number of addresses doesn't match after sync

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Harper
My Powermail addressbook was a mess, because I had some addresses in
PowerMail but not AddressBook, some in AddressBook, and some synching.
Remarkably, PowerMail seemed to function in this environment, but I
couldn't. The solution I found was to turn off synching, throw out every
address in my PowerMail address book, turn on synching so that
AddressBook supplied all the addresses, and then fix all the missing

I have it set up the way many others on this list have it set up--
information flows from AAB to Powermail, no information flows the other
way, and addresses open in AAB. Mostly this just works, although there
are occassional glitches that make no sense, which are not the subject
of this email.

Right now I have 733 cards in AAB with emails (smart group Email is
set), there are 728 contacts in the Apple Address Book Contacts of
PowerMail, and when I bring PowerMail to the front it says Sync 746
contacts from Apple Address Book.

Any idea why these numbers are different? One clue, I have 18 smart
groups in AddressBook, and 728 + 18 = 746, so perhaps the only question
is where are the 5 addresses that are missing from PowerMail, and how
do I identify them? (I can't just compare the lists, as PowerMail
alphabetizes its Address Book completely differently than AAB.)



How I have my spam filters set up

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Harper
Just in case someone wants to emulate this.

I get about 100 spams/day, and that rate has been approximately constant
for over 2 years.

I have spam assassin turned on at my ISP, and it shunts all spam
identified to a separate account [EMAIL PROTECTED]. It makes virtually 0
false positives, and has about a 30% false negative rate. I then set up
my locations in PowerMail so I don't collect mail from this box while I
am on the road, and I check it every day or so when I am at home.

SpamSieve, after training, then identifies the rest of the spam, with
about a 1% failure rate (false positive, false negative both).

My filters are

1) Spam evaluate
2) If identified by spam assassin (identified thru subject), raise spam
rating to 100%
3) if to a known spam address, raise spam rating to 100%
4) if from is in address book, lower spam rating -100%
5) if spam rating is high
move to spam folder
don't notify new message
don't show in recent mail
move attachments to trash

Basically, I now have nearly 100% reliable spam ratings. When there are
errors, I can usually use spam sieve training to fix them. If spam
assassin gives a false positive, I can add that address to my address book.

Now I need an applescript that deletes everything in my spam box with a
single key-press.


Re(2): How I have my spam filters set up

2006-09-30 Thread Alan Harper
I agree with your assessment of spam sieve--it is awesomely good. The
only advantage of my arrangement is that I have set up spam assassin at
my isp, with non-aggressive filtering into a separate email box. This
means that I can decide when to download the 70% of the spam that it
does identify.


Ken Pope said at Sat, Sep 30, 2006 11:21 AM -0700:

Thanks for describing your set-up.  I receive about the same amount of
spam but have had good luck using only SpamSieve.  It currently has a
99.3% accuracy rate for my system.  

Re(2): Panics, Intel and PowerMail?

2006-08-23 Thread Alan Harper
Just to follow up a thread left hanging... My original email wondered
about whether Powermail was associated with the frequent panics I saw on
my MacBook Pro--I did an archive restore of 10.4.7 a second time, and it
seemed to do the trick. The first time I did an archive restore, the
panics continued. There are numerous reports that I have read that some
MacBook Pros seem to panic when connected to a wireless network, and
that appears to have been my situation as well.

However, somewhere in the mix I also did a firmware upgrade which was
never suggested in the Software Update panel. Perhaps this made a difference.

- MacBook Pro Firmware Update 1.0.1
   available at 
- MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.0
   available at 

In any event, the frequent panics on my MacBook Pro have stopped, and I
suspect that they were never related to PowerMail.


Re: Feature Request

2006-08-16 Thread Alan Harper

How about searching for:
  Matches the Search Pattern 23.95

Don't the quotes do what you want?


Marlyse Comte said at Mon, Aug 14, 2006 3:29 PM -0700:

Next to my standard wish - for those who by chance don't know, it's an
integrated Recent Mail in the current Browser Window, just like the Spam
folder is now, but just under the Out Tray - I have another feature
request: that the search window would treat 23.95 as exactly that and
not 23-AND-95 - because when I search for a specific bill it comes up
with way too many results just because it does not see the period as
part of it all.


Re(2): Universal Binary

2006-08-16 Thread Alan Harper

Well, besides the fact that Michael Tsai obviously knows what he is
talking about, I can report that PowerMail crashes regardless of whether
SpamSieve is running native or in Rosetta. O, well--I almost switched to
Apple Mail last month, maybe I'll think about it again soon.


Michael Tsai said at Tue, Aug 15, 2006 12:11 PM -0700:

On Aug 15, 2006, at 1:29 PM, Eric Bickford wrote:

 PowerMail on my MacBook Pro crashes several times each day for me as
 well when retreiving email. However, I now think it may be SpamSieve
 2.4.4 that is actually crashing which causes PowerMail 5.2.3 to then

I doubt that. No one's reported it, and probably the worst that would  
happen to PowerMail if SpamSieve crashed is that it wouldn't get the  
proper reply to one of its Apple events (which I'm sure the CTM folks  
know how to handle). In any case, it should be obvious if SpamSieve  
has crashed, because it will bring up its own crash reporter, and  
also there will be a SpamSieve.crash.log file in:


On Aug 15, 2006, at 2:26 PM, Alan Harper wrote:

 However, I just set SpamSieve to Open using Rosetta to see if  
 that helps. I can imagine that the interprocess communication  
 between PPC and Intel processes could cause these crashes.

People used SpamSieve in Rosetta while Apple Mail was native for  
quite some time in the run up to the Intel Macs. And since January,  
lots of people have used the native SpamSieve with Entourage,  
GyazMail, or Mailsmith running in Rosetta. Nobody's sent me a crash  
report related to this.

Michael Tsai

Re(2): Universal Binary

2006-08-16 Thread Alan Harper

Power Mail was crashing on me often, but the rate has decreased recently
(no, I don't know why). However, I just set SpamSieve to Open using
Rosetta to see if that helps. I can imagine that the interprocess
communication between PPC and Intel processes could cause these crashes.


Derry Thompson said at Tue, Aug 15, 2006 10:58 AM -0700:

Eric Bickford at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:29:26 -0700


PowerMail on my MacBook Pro crashes several times each day for me as
well when retreiving email. However, I now think it may be SpamSieve
2.4.4 that is actually crashing which causes PowerMail 5.2.3 to then
crash. I've not yet tried opening SpamSieve in Rosetta.

I'm starting to suspect that too. Spam always vanishes when PM quits. 

Since version 3 I never had a problem with PowerMail crashing until
moving to Intel.

Nor I. 

Derry Thompson
g l o d e r w o r k s | Design - Hosting - Programming 
+ 44 (0) 1562 631430 t + 44 (0) 7976 802487 m

Re(2): Whose error is this?

2006-03-04 Thread Alan Harper

thanks, that sums up my feelings perfectly.

At Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:59:57 +0100 Mikael Byström wrote:

Alan Harper said:
I get the following error message
(typical unhelpful PowerMail error message):

This is from PowerMail I believe:
Unexpected error on
Class='NetP', what= 100, when=2, err=0

This is most likely from the server:
This message contains a virus or other harmful

Now, just why don't we have an error list explanation online? Why no
logging? We need logging dammit! Just use the OS logging facilities to
write client server transactions to a log. Surely PM could talk to the OS

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

Re: greyed out menus

2005-11-24 Thread Alan Harper

I occasionally have very strange behavior when getting email. An email
will come in as a 135MB, and tell me that there is more to come. When I
quit (or force quit, can't remember) and requeue for download, the email
becomes a 4K message. I suspect that PM is stuck doing something modal,
and has grayed the menus and is not able to respond to command-period.

At Wed, 23 Nov 2005 23:27:24 +0100 Mikael Byström wrote:

Anyone seen this:

The PowerMail, Connection and Settings menu are greyed out and the latter
2 won't even drop down. Also all the menu selections are greyed out. I
also can't use the shortcuts in there, so I can't quit, connect or make a
new message. Choosing quit in the dock doesn't do anything.
The only way is force quitting and starting up PM again.

This have happened 3-4 times or so. Didn't do anything special to bring
this on.
Nothing in the logs.


PM 5.2.1 | OS X 10.3.9 | Powerbook G4/400 | 768MB RAM | 30GB HD

Re(2): Please, FIX SEARCHING GLITCHES and make it more user friendly!

2005-11-19 Thread Alan Harper


I do not get the same results as you do.

I just rebuilt the index in the way you suggested. I have an email that says:

-- RFC822 Header Follows --

and my address book has


I search for From includes all the words cpalmer135 and it comes up,
while a search for From includes all the words Craig does not. Are you
sure that the word David doesn't appear somewhere else and that is why
you are finding it?

Otherwise, we are just getting different behavior.


At Thu, 17 Nov 2005 13:40:31 +0100 Mikael Byström wrote:

To prove the current state of this to myself, I searched for David, who
has email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Note no David in that email address)
and 13 messages was found no problem. I then searched for his email
address and found the same 13 messages.

Re(2): Please, FIX SEARCHING GLITCHES and make it more user friendly!

2005-11-17 Thread Alan Harper

At Tue, 15 Nov 2005 22:01:03 +0100 PowerMail Engineering wrote:

The mark as good command indexes the message, if the spam filter was
set to not index spam. You can also set the preferences to automatically
mark messages as good when you move them out of the spam folder.

No it doesn't. At least there is no evidence that it does on my computer.

Here is what I did:

I received the following emails:

Email 1: At Mon, 15 Nov 2004 09:31:31 -0800 Apple Computer wrote:

Dear Alan,

Thank you for being a member of .Mac! Your .Mac membership is set to
renew on December 15, 2004  PST.

Email 2: At Tue, 15 Nov 2005 09:31:47 -0800 Apple wrote:

Dear Alan,

Thank you for being a member of
Mac! Your .Mac membership is set to renew on December 15, 2005  PST;

Email 2 was seen as spam by SpamSieve. I have the preference When
manually moving a message out of the Spam folder: mark it as good

I moved Email 2 into my In Tray and noticed that it was not indexed (ie,
search for exact phrase membership is set to renew). Upon receiving
Jérôme's email I manually dragged Email 2 to my Spam folder and selected
Mark As Good. It still doesn't show up when finding exact phrase
membership is set to renew.

Powermail 5.2.1, build 4397.


Please, FIX SEARCHING GLITCHES and make it more user friendly!

2005-11-16 Thread Alan Harper

I have two big gripes with Powermail and they are driving me crazy. By
far the most important thing when, like me, you keep everything and want
to refer to it later is SEARCHING (we're talking 100s of 1000s of
emails). Powermail is (rightfully) proud of its searching, and
integration with Spotlight.


1) When indexing is turned off by an action (say, in the spam filter),
there is no way to turn it back on. When an important email is
incorrectly filtered by my spamfilter, the only way I can figure out how
to get indexing turned back on is to mail it to myself again. Please,
GIVE ME A WAY TO UNDO the don't index action.

2) It would be so helpful if one could search for emails by the person's
name, and not just their email address. We already have all the
information necessary--the address book associates a person's email with
a name--just let me use this name in the address book for searching and
sorting. It would be so much easier to find and organize emails.



Searching on from ignores the name in the address book

2005-11-03 Thread Alan Harper

One of my biggest frustrations with PowerMail is its inability to
associate the from address with the human readable name in the address book.

For instance

I have a friend Craig Smith who sends mail from home using
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and from work using [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

When I get email from his home, the from line reads:

When I get it from work, it reads:
From: Craig Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have both these addresses associated with the same name in my address
book. When I look at the emails, they both show a little blue icon with
his real name. But I can't search for mails from him using the keyword
Craig. In fact, if I want to find them, what I do is look backwards
through my in box until I find an email from him (because who can
remember people's id's at aol?), and then copy and paste it into the
find box, and then change the find box to At least one of and then
make it At least one of: Craig craig25536. Very unintuitive, and a big
waste of time.


Reindexing spam bug. WAS: Bug or Needed feature in Powermail

2005-10-21 Thread Alan Harper


Reindexing spam does not seem to work on my PowerMail.

I have a spam message that is promoting the company Allixon. My filter is:

Spam: actions
Filter incoming messages
Spam rating is high
Move message into folder: Spam
Don't notify new message
Don't show in Recent Mail
Don't index message content
Move attachments to trash
? Don't apply subsequent filters to this message

My preferences include
Mark as Spam
When manually marking as good a message located in the Spam folder:
? move it to the In Tray
? mark it as unread
? perform mail filters again
When manually moving a message out of Spam folder:
? mark it as good

If I search for the word Allixon (Content includes at least one of the
words: Allixon ) after receiving this spam no messages are found.

If I either move this message out of the spam folder by dragging it to
the In Tray, or by marking it as not spam (cmd-shift-Y), it does not
appear to be reindexed. The only way I can tell is that when I search
for Allixon after marking as good, still no messages come up.

This appears to be a bug in Powermail. version 5.2.1 build 4397.


At Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:40:51 +0200 PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Alan Harper wrote:

Thanks. I suggest that PowerMail should act as follows:

If When manually moving a message out of Spam folder: Mark it as good
is checked, then moving it out of the spam folder should do the same as
mark as good.

At Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:23:33 +0200 PowerMail Engineering wrote:

The message should be indexed when you use the mark as good command;
but not if you manually drag it out of the spam folder.

If this option is checked, then dragging the message out of the spam
folder also indexes it; I should have added this in my message...

Re(2): Bug or Needed feature in Powermail

2005-10-19 Thread Alan Harper

Thanks. I suggest that PowerMail should act as follows:

If When manually moving a message out of Spam folder: Mark it as good
is checked, then moving it out of the spam folder should do the same as
mark as good.

If you agree, put it on the bug list.

Adding an index item to the filter actions would be a good thing also.


At Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:23:33 +0200 PowerMail Engineering wrote:

The message should be indexed when you use the mark as good command;
but not if you manually drag it out of the spam folder.

Re: PM for AppleMail user?

2005-08-28 Thread Alan Harper

Well, not having used Apple Mail extensively, I can comment that 

(a) people who know what they are doing (my stepson and my wife) both
use it and think it is just fine. 

(b) when I was upgrading from OS-9 + Eudora I tried Powermail, Apple
Mail, Eudora, and Entourage and only Powermail was able to handle my
large (50,000+ messages) email database. Apple Mail was slow, balky, and
very difficult to use when the database got large. I haven't tried it
since about OS 10.2.


At Sat, 27 Aug 2005 04:28:32 -0400 A-NO-NE Music wrote:

This week, I was surprised to receive two unrelated messages from people
who knows me through various DAW forums, that asking me about PM.  They
downloaded the demo and saw my name in the about box, which I didn't know
(!).  Nice surprise :-)
Thank you CTMDev!

When you are asked for recommendations, you need to know the
competitors, which I don't.  I only knew OutlookEx and Entourage both
which I hated especially their unstable database.  Eudora was out of
question because of its Unicode support.  And I don't know AppleMail at
all.  I never tried it.

So, what should I tell them if there is anything they need to know by
moving from AppleMail to PM?  Anything negative one?


- Hiro