Powemail settings for Me.com

2012-02-24 Thread Leonard Morgenstern
I recently upgraded my computer to Lion (10.7.3) from Snow Leopard (10.6.8)

Under Snow Leopard, PowerMail was able to pick up messages sent to me at my 
.mac.com and .me.com addresses. I have switched to iCloud, and changed my 
settings. Now I can use PowerMail to send messages from me.com, but I can't 
read messages arriving there. I get an odd error message:
  me@imap.mail.me.com:993 closed the POP connection
  OK iSCREAM ready to rumble (1H04:31234) st11p00mm-iscream004.mac.com

My settings in PowerMail are as follows:
Protocol: POP3
User account ID: leonardmorgenst...@me.com
Incoming mail server:  imap.mail.me.com
Use secure connection:   Checked
Use port   993

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Leonard Morgenstern

Spotlight Finder hits

2007-11-09 Thread Leonard Morgenstern
My Powermail database was corrupted in a novel way  I thought it was
worth warning everybody. Possibly the next upgrade ought to include a fix.

I did a Finder Find command looking for a certain word. In addition to
the usual hits, there were also some icons for messages in my e-mail database.

I clicked on one of them, thinking, That's nice. I don't have to do a
second search in Powermail. My mail data base was corrupted.
Fortunately, I had backed up less than 24 hours before  was able to
restore it.

I suspect the same thing would happen in Spotlight, but I didn't try it.

Leonard Morgenstern

No one is ever interesting by trying to be interesting. Mitch LaSalle

Recovering lost mail

2007-10-10 Thread Leonard Morgenstern
Owing to a computer glitch, I lost about a month's mail. Fortunately
(actually wisely) I have a backup of  the files for the affected period.

What is the best way to restore the missing messages?

Thanks for your help! You have a wonderful resource here.

Leonard Morgenstern

Leonard Morgenstern

I used to be a sexagenarian, but now I'm too old.

Re: Displaying actual email address not name

2007-03-13 Thread Leonard Morgenstern
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 14:03:03 + Shark Attack wrote:

Right now I need to see those messages displayed to show the actual
email address. In other words, rather than have the message displayed as
being from 'Joe Bloggs (work)' I want to see that it was from

I have the same problem in reverse. I have several mail accounts and
sometimes want to know which one is the source of a given message. I
click on Show Full Header under the view menu and plow through the
long listing to find it.

The e-mail address of the sender is also there. Not a convenient method,
but it works for me. I would guess that an Applescript could do the job.

Leonard Morgenstern

Re: error 43

2006-04-18 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 4/11/06 8:16 AM Rick Lecoat wrote:

Recently I've started to get a lot of errors when downloading mail --
Error -43, Operation could not be completed.
I'm not sure when this started (at least, I know it started a week or so
ago but don't know if it was because of something that I changed in my
set up).

Sorry to be so late with this reply, but I hope it's still helpful.

Small number errors are almost always system errors. The Apple website
has complete information.

Go to http://www.apple.com/support/ and insert Error -43 into the
query box. Note that it's -43 not 43. Also include the quotes, otherwise
you will get hundreds of non-relevant entries.

I looked at the titles, and I'm not sure any of them will be helpful to
you, but it's worth a try.

Leonard Morgenstern

I'm no actor, and I have 64 pictures to prove it.

(Victor Mature, on being told that the Los Angeles Country Club did not
accept actors.)

Re(2): PowerMail 5.2.3 released

2006-02-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/7/06 9:29 AM Jim Pistrang wrote:

Sorry, I know this is a stupid, lame question, but in a nutshell what
file(s) are critical to be backing up prior to doing upgrades?

Looks like your question was already answered.  I'd just like to comment
that I didn't think your question was stupid OR lame!

The only stupid questions are those that are asked to show how smart you
are. (There was one in every class when I was in school!)

Leonard Morgenstern

Life is like a tightrope. You can fall off to the right or to the left.
The distance to the ground is the same either way.

Re(2): Fugu

2005-06-04 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 5/27/05 9:55 AM Matthias Schmidt wrote:

I ate both, wild and grown Fugu, which is half as expensive as the wild one.
But I find nothing special with that, actually I don't understand why it
is that expensive. Hirame (Leave Fish) is much more delicious :-)

Fugu is expensive because the liver contains a deadly poison. In Japan,
you have to be a licensed expert to remove the dangerous parts.

In one of the James Bond books, James is poisoned with the fish. The
description of the symptoms is excellent.

Many suspect the attraction of fugu is machismo -- I ate it and lived.
Like cigarettes -- I smoke them and I don't have cancer (yet).


Leonard Morgenstern

If you are really having trouble finding yourself, go upstairs and clean
your room. You are in there somewhere. --Art Hoppe to teen-age daughter.

Keystroke for little globe

2005-03-14 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Is there a keystroke equivalent for the little blue globe at the bottom
of the letters window? If not, is there a way to activate it from Quickeys?

(If neither, this is a feature request.)

Thanx to all

Leonard Morgenstern

If this is so creative, how come no one's done it before? -- Ad executive
to graphic designer.
(Thanks to Clientcopia http://www.clientcopia.com/ )

[OT]Oldest member of list

2005-03-11 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/7/05 12:31 PM Nick Keck wrote:

At 68 years of age, I wonder how many members of this find list are older
than I. (This is beginning to resemble the sic list that discusses
QuarkXPress matters; that's good.)

82 as of last Friday.

I haven't lost my marbles, but I sometimes can't find my old aggie.


Leonard Morgenstern

If you are really having trouble finding yourself, go upstairs and clean
your room. You are in there somewhere. --Art Hoppe to teen-age daughter.

Re: Snooze All?

2004-12-17 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 12/14/04 12:33 AM Lally Singh wrote:

  So I've got PM checking a few mailboxes for me, on my laptop
(primary machine).  However, when I wake it up, it's often been
checking mail when it fell asleep.  Then i get a complaint message
from every one of those accounts it was checking.

Look under SetupMail Scheduling and Locations.

Leonard Morgenstern

It matters not whether you win or lose. What matters is whether I win or lose.

Re: File Busy errors!

2004-09-13 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 9/8/04 11:43 PM Jefferis Peterson wrote:

Getting a lot of these when I click on the html button to view in a web page:

File is Busy Error
Class=file, what =100, where = 4, err = -47

This is a bit annoying. What is the cause of this and what is the fix? 

I get that, too, I can correct it by closing all windows in my browser
(Safari). Occasionally that doesn't work, and I haven't been able to
figure out why.

Leonard Morgenstern

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Keystroke equivalent for little globe

2004-08-06 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

In order to view an html message in my browser, I click on the little
blue globe at the bottom. Moving the cursor gets tedious if I have a lot
of messages.

Is there a keystroke equivalent for this? 

Leonard Morgenstern

Why be difficult, when with a little more effort you can be impossible?

Keystroke to view in browser

2004-07-31 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

To view HTML in a browser, one clicks on the little globe icon at the
bottom of the message. It would be handy to have a keystroke to do this.

Is there one?


Leonard Morgenstern

I used to be a sexegenarian, but now I'm too old.

Re(2): SpamSieve not found

2004-07-19 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 7/13/04 5:24 PM Rene Merz wrote:

3. Open SpamSieve in Get Info and change the name to SpamSieve.app. Even
if it already says this.
This one looks really very, very voodoo!
But it seems that it works in a lasting way ...

Maybe there was a space after the file name or some invisible character
within it. Either would make the name unrecognized. However, this
wouldn't explain why you don't have the problem consistently.

I've had this happen occasionally on the Mac and even on PC's.

Leonard Morgenstern

Very few business executives believe in free enterprise. Their real goal
is a monopoly with themselves as the monopolists. -- lm

Re: Stop Filters in an AppleScript

2004-01-03 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 1/2/04 1:12 PM Tom Dillon wrote:

Works great, but I want to delete a single message from a filter. For
instance, if the message subject is Huge, Throbbing Mortgage, then
delete the message immediately (not into trash). So, how do I assign the
current message that the filter is looking at to the variable 'msg' so I
can pass it to 'Delete'?

I guess I could just move the message to the trash and have a script
empty the trash, but...


If you don't want it in the trash, why not create a special folder
labeled Junque. You could then have the filter move the message to the
Junque folder, then execute a script that would delete everything in that

A bit roundabout, but I think it would work.
A Happy New Year to all

Leonard Morgenstern

I don't deserve these honors. But, then I have arthritis, and I don't
deserve that either.  --Jack Benny

Re: Needing help translating a Swedish word

2003-11-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 11/24/03 11:57 PM Max Gossell wrote:


I know this is a bit off topic, but it's for a good cause: I'm trying to
translate a nice Swedish review of SpamSieve for Michael Tsai, the
developer, and need help translating one Swedish word into English.

The word is processorsnål and the meaning is something like uses very
little of the processor's power.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Max G

How about processor-sparing? Not quite the same, but reasonably close.

Leonard Morgenstern

What good is the right answer when you have asked the wrong question?

Re(3): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-24 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 11/24/03 1:38 AM tass wrote:

Yes, of course I put in my own returns.  That's proper typing; 
whether on paper, in a computer window, or so it might be printed 
at the other end.  To do otherwise is, I'm sorry to say, a laziness 
induced by word processing programs that do the job for you, if 
you let it.  But it had never made it proper.  

Yes, putting in your own returns was proper on a typewriter; you couldn't
do it any other way. I am old enough to remember those days. You might
have to retype a whole page, or even several pages, in order to add a
comma or change a word. I'd like to have 10 cents for every minute I
spent figuring out how to make a correction that would avoid all that --
I could buy my wife and myself a fine dinner!

I call it efficiency, not laziness. 

In a way, I suppose word processing programs have made us lazy.
Corrections are so easy now, I don't think through my wording as
carefully as I once had to. I wore out a lot of pencils making drafts
back then.

Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re(2): Need help finding features/functions

2003-11-22 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 11/21/03 9:27 AM tass wrote:

The rest of the internet?  Who are they?  They are us!  And standards
aren't what some back-room consortium of techno-geeks says they are.
Standards are what is standard for a given industry or culture.
And this standard is so old that hearing about it is actually new to me.  

Again, no M$ lover, I.  But a quick thought overnight?  
We're talking TWENTY ONE YEARS and (technologically) lifetimes ago!!  

Dear tass and others who commented on this problem:

There is an analogy here with the typewriter. The QWERTY keyboard was
designed many decades ago (far more distant in the past than the 78-
character line) in order to SLOW typing so the keys would not jam. Soon,
improved design obviated the problem, but QUERTY did not change. Over 60
years ago, the Dvorak keyboard made it possible for first-year typing
students to pound out 60 words a minute, which is close to a professional
level. Still QWERTY did not change. It's the standard despite its

Today, you can make your keyboard a Dvorak with a free download, but how
many do? Would you? See http://www.mwbrooks.com/dvorak/

That's why 78-character lines are still the standard, whether or not you
and I like it. We can wish for something better and agitate for it, but I
don't see it coming soon. Nobody will change until everybody does. It
wouldn't do any good for, say, Earthlink to use it alone. However, if
Earthlink, Microsoft, AOL, and the other biggies got together and changed
all their software (and maybe hardware), the smaller fry would have to go


Leonard Morgenstern

If something looks simple but hasn't been done, maybe it isn't as simple
as it looks

Re(2): Corrupted DB - Now disk too small

2003-10-27 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 10/26/03 3:01 PM C. A. Niemiec wrote:

I don't recall where, but it seems to me that 20% of raw drive space (per
partition) is a number I read somewhere.  Mind, with the (comparatively)
immense drives we have these days, that seems like a lot.

Yeah, that doesn't really make sense.  If you have an Xserve RAID, are
you going to throw away a fifth of your rack space for virtual memory? 
Hell no.  I think somebody made that guideline up out of thin air.

I'm sure sometime in the past few months I saw a snippet that HFS+
formatted drives risk serious directory errors when at over 85%
capacity... maybe at MacFixIt? 15% is still a lot - too much in my opinion. 

The 15-20% (some advise even more) is not wasted space. It's used not
only for virtual memory, but also for all kinds of temporary files. If
you have less, your computer will experience serious slow-downs. With a
super-large drive, I suppose the percentage could be less. I've assumed
that this slack is necessary only on the main hard drive, but I could be

I've never gotten a complete answer on the value of defragmenting under
OS X either.

Like the question of whether to keep your computer on all the time,
opinions are sharply divided. Apparently the Unix underpinning of OS X
does a fair job of avoiding disk fragmentation. Also, I have heard horror
tales about loss of data after defragmentation, especially with Norton,
so I have chosen not to defragment.

Leonard Morgenstern

Do as I say, not as I do. That's not hypocricy, it's good advice.

Re(2): Corrupted DB - Now disk too small

2003-10-26 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 10/26/03 3:30 PM Scott at HobbyLink Japan wrote:

Which really doesn't contradict Joe's recommendation, because I couldn't
imagine using my computer seriously these days with less than 512k of

My first personal computer was a SOL, which I built myself from a kit in
1977. It had 32k, which I soon expanded to full capacity at 64k. None of
my acquaintances had that much.

I'm sure you meant 512M.

Leonard Morgenstern

What good is the right answer when you have asked the wrong question?

Re(2): Corrupted DB

2003-10-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 10/25/03 12:34 AM A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Lesson learned.  I must backup before compacting.  Boy I wish I have more

 I have to investigate why in why I lost the space this quick.  40GB drive is
not enough!

- Hiro

My granddaughter does a lot of graphics work. One day, she could not save
a file because there was no room on the disk. Her father discovered that
it was full of cache files. Cache Out X corrected the problem.

See http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/9538 or 


I hope this helps you. Good luck.


Leonard Morgenstern

Artificial intelligence will never replace natural stupidity.

Re(2): inability to search by content

2003-10-17 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 10/16/03 5:01 PM PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Three or four months ago, searching in PowerMail gave the result No
messages even when I looked for words that I knew must be present. It
had never done so before that time, but since then, it recurs every few

That was with the beta version.

Right! I find that I never updated to the final version.

Can you describe your problem in detail? Do you have some error messages?
Can you find some words and not some others?

I get no error messages. All that happens is that the search yields no
hits, and the result is the same no matter what word I try.

I will update and use PM for a time. If the problem does not recur, I
will let you know.



Leonard Morgenstern

Do as I say, not as I do. That's not hypocricy, it's good advice.

inability to search by content

2003-10-16 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Three or four months ago, searching in PowerMail gave the result No
messages even when I looked for words that I knew must be present. It
had never done so before that time, but since then, it recurs every few weeks.

Jerome gave me the solution: Trash the file Message Database index and
let PowerMail create a new one. It's not hard to do, but it's a nuisance,
mainly because I can never trust the result of a search.

Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?


Leonard Morgenstern

Artificial intelligence will never replace natural stupidity.

Re(3): Endless Spinning Beachball

2003-10-13 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

I originally wrote:

I run into it occasionally. In my case it's due to a corrupted file
(always an HTML file, I think). The instant I click on it, I get the
ever-spinning beach ball.

On 10/12/03 4:34 PM C. A. Niemiec wrote

You'd think there was a way to recognize the message is hung or at least
timeout on these things. Even if PowerMail in OS X eventually hooks in to
the new-Safari-whatchamacallit-renderer over the current one, PowerMail
for OS 9 and below would still benefit from some kind of safety net.

(n.b.: This is not a cry for HTML over text. Just an observation to keep
the spam at bay. Potentially corrupted messages too, but... we know it's
spam! ;)

To which I reply:
Not so. All of the offending messages that I encounter come from
regular sources such as ZDNet. There are probably many others, but I
don't see them, since I don't try to open anything that looks like spam.
Leonard Morgenstern

When you get over-praised for a thing that's really no big deal, accept
it. Next time you may be blamed for something that wasn't your fault.

Re(2): Endless Spinning Beachball

2003-10-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 10/12/03 2:20 PM Larry Samberg wrote:

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 08:34:32 -0400 Tom Miller wrote:

I continue to run into this problem with PM 4.2.1 (recent previous
versions, too) on a QS DP800 using the good 10.2.8. I'm not sure what I
do that causes it, but maybe it comes from clicking on or close to the
subject instead of the orange envelope when trying to open a message. I
have to force quit PM and restart. Are enough other people running into
this to warrant a fix?

Tom Miller

I run into it occasionally. In my case it's due to a corrupted file
(always an HTML file, I think). The instant I click on it, I get the
ever-spinning beach ball.

I was told recently on this site several ways to fix it. The simplest is
to control-click (or right-click) on the offending file, and select Move
to Mail Trash. This puts the file instantly into the trash without
opening it, and it is gone the next time I empty the trash.

Leonard Morgenstern

You must upgrade your download software before you can download our
upgrade software.

Re(2): PowerMail Questions Wish List

2003-09-01 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/31/03 11:25 PM RockLily wrote:

oh, too bad.. I liked having that complete delete option (or whatever it
was called) where it never even landed in the trash bin

There is a script in the menu called Delete message immediately that
will do what you want.

Leonard Morgenstern

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3 Now 4.2b6

2003-08-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/24/03 10:17 PM Marlyse Comte wrote:

still doesn't work - meaning what exactly? getting no results? no search
window opening? which type of search exactly are you trying to achieve?
do you have a folder or a single message selected before beginning a search?


original message(s) follows
As I mentioned in a message that probably crossed yours, searching on a
word gives me an instant No item found even when I know the word is
common, for example, that. Other searches seem OK.

I have tried searching with messages selected or no messages selected;
still no change.

Also, as I mentioned before, this is a fairly new problem. I can't relate
it to anything particular, since I don't do searches very often, but I
first noticed it a couple of days ago.

I thank all of you who are trying to help!


Re(3): Cannot search in 4.2b3

2003-08-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/24/03 8:06 PM A-NO-NE Music wrote:

As Scott reminded, are you still having the problem with 4.2b6?

Yes. I have installed 4.2b6 and rebuilt the database and the index.
Searching for a word in any field still gives me an instant No item
found message, but searches on date, etc. seem to work fine.

Leonard Morgenstern

Why be difficult, when with a little more effort you can be impossible?

Re(2): Cannot search in 4.2b3

2003-08-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/24/03 I wrote:

I have just encountered a similar problem with PM 4.2b1; in my case,
searching on words fails, but other searches (dates, etc.) are OK.
Restarting with cmd-opt and clicking all the first four boxes doesn't
help, nor does opening in PM 4.1.3. Otherwise, PM seems to work fine.

I am using OS 10.2.6 on a G4 with 512M RAM.


It's working fine on mine.

Did you rebuild indices?

Yes. I did it both within PM and on opening with cmd-opt. This is a
recent problem.


Leonard Morgenstern

There are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters. But
there are no old, bold mushroom hunters. --David Smith, M. D., leading
authority on mushroom poisoning.

Re: Cannot search in 4.2b3

2003-08-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/24/03 6:19 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well I now have PM working again after the rebuild but the search doesn't
work at all.  I did another rebuild and it still doesn't work.  Any
suggestions on how to fix this.
667 TiBook G4
OS X 10.2.6
768 MB Ram
PM 4.2b3

I have just encountered a similar problem with PM 4.2b1; in my case,
searching on words fails, but other searches (dates, etc.) are OK.
Restarting with cmd-opt and clicking all the first four boxes doesn't
help, nor does opening in PM 4.1.3. Otherwise, PM seems to work fine.

I am using OS 10.2.6 on a G4 with 512M RAM.

Leonard Morgenstern

Every step forward is countered by two steps sideways and half a step
back. George Johnson

Re: Where did the intray contents go?

2003-08-13 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/13/03 9:40 AM Steven Mayer wrote:

It looks like all my preferences are gone and my intray contents are
missing.  Where did they all go?

Did you set your In Tray to show only new messages? MenuViewView Unread?

This is a mistake several users (including me) have made.

I can't help on your preferences.

Good luck
Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re(2): Evaluating Powermail: 3 Questions

2003-08-09 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 8/8/03 7:32 PM Ben Kennedy wrote:

(Or, delete the message altogether without reading it since HTML in e-
mail is a bloody annoying scourge and a waste of your time)

I agree that it's always a scourge, and it's a waste of time in 99% of
cases. But there are exceptions. Unfortunately, some e-mail servers have
a setting to send all messages as HTML, and inexperienced users will do
it that way either because they don't know any better, or because they
look prettier. It happened when my granddaughter got her own computer and
started sending me email letters.


N. Leonard Morgenstern

I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, rich is better. Sophie Tucker

Re(2): Clearing address history

2003-07-18 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 7/17/03 11:21 AM Zeph Bender wrote:

Preferences  Address Book then either uncheck the towards the middle of
the window about Address History or click on the Clear button.

What I like about people around here is that the most obvious answers are
given without spite.  :-)  

Thanks much,

It wasn't obvious to you (obviously).

PowerMail's most obvious need is a good users' manual.

Leonard Morgenstern

No one believes a hypothesis except its originator, but everyone believes
an experiment except the experimenter. --W. Beveridge.

Re(2): could we have cmd-z to 'un-trash' a msg ?

2003-07-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 7/12/03 12:33 PM Ben Kennedy wrote:

Am I alone in wishing the 'cancel last action' function would also apply
to msg deletion ?

You can see what's new in the trash if, before you download your mail,
you select all trash messages and label them to a certain priority. New
additions will stand out. It helps if you rename the label TRASH.

This is clumsy and somewhat slow, but not too inconvenient if you write a
script which will do that and then download the mail.

I used the method for a long time until I developed good habits; I now so
seldom accidentally trash messages that it isn't worth the trouble.

I agree that it would be nice to have that feature built-in, but I
suspect it wouldn't be easy to do.


Leonard Morgenstern

Q: If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they find a cure for the
common cold?
A: Obviously, it's a lot easier to put a man on the moon than to find a
cure for the common cold.

Re(2): PC alternatiaves to PowerMail SpamSieve

2003-06-17 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 6/16/03 5:57 PM Barbara Needham wrote:

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a man who uses a PC in his business.
When I told him how PowerMail filters can sort messages into appropriate
folders and can invoke Spamsieve to identify spam. He clearly was not
aware that a mail program could have that power.

Are PowerMail and Spamsieve available for the PC? If not, are there
programs that could do the job for him?

Thanks for any suggestions

Talk about being off topic!!

Yes, maybe it's off topic. But I couldn't think of any other place where
I could get help for him. And I certainly did receive a lot of valuable

Thank you all very much
Leonard Morgenstern

Fritz, Fritz! she cried in English.

--Arthur Conan Doyle in The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb. Was this
a blooper, or did Doyle have a sense of humor

PC alternatiaves to PowerMail SpamSieve

2003-06-16 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a man who uses a PC in his business.
When I told him how PowerMail filters can sort messages into appropriate
folders and can invoke Spamsieve to identify spam. He clearly was not
aware that a mail program could have that power.

Are PowerMail and Spamsieve available for the PC? If not, are there
programs that could do the job for him?

Thanks for any suggestions
Leonard Morgenstern

If our food is not up to your standards, please lower your standards.

Re(2): Database Error 7-can't correct it

2003-06-11 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 6/11/03 2:45 AM Mikael Byström wrote:

It is recommended by many to only use Combo updaters also when doing
incremental updating, as some people discovered that they were not
affected by certain problems affecting a smaller percentage of users,
when they had used Combo updaters. This means the update is bigger of
course and should be downloaded on a steady connection or ordered on CD.

Pardon my ignorance, but what are Combo updaters?

Leonard Morgenstern

If our food is not up to your standards, please lower your standards.

Re: powermail-discuss Digest

2003-06-01 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 5/31/03 2:58 PM Mike Edwards wrote:

If you click on a mail folder in Eudora you open up a
separate window, in PM you open your list in the top pane. This was my
main reason for switching to PM years ago.

If you select a folder and then double-click on it, it will open up in a
separate window.

Leonard Morgenstern

I am grateful to my teachers at [Omaha] Central High because they never
got in the way of my education. --Saul Kripke 

Trashing corpus.plist

2003-05-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Until recently, I never achieved the 90+ percent performance with
Spamsieve that others consistently report. Only about 70% of my spam was
moved to the Spam folder. I was satisfied because my good messages were
many times easier to find, and only rarely was a good message miscalled spam.

Recently, I had a computer crash and had to run Spamsieve with an new
corpus. Suddenly the results were almost perfect! When I managed to
restore my system, I was back to 70%.

A recent message here (thank you, whoever sent it) suggested trashing the
corpus.plist file. I did so, and am now getting excellent results again,
with only a little training.

Corpus.plist in ~:Library:Application Support:Spamsieve. The easiest way
to find it is to search for it in the Finder. It's wise to keep the old
corpus.plist on the desktop for a few days to be sure it's safe to discard it.

Leonard Morgenstern

If you are really having trouble finding yourself, go upstairs and clean
your room. You are in there somewhere. --Art Hoppe to teen-age daughter.

Is there an easy way to close a lot of messages?

2003-05-24 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Today, I was moving a lot of messages from one folder to another, and I
accidentally opened them all. To close them, I had to click on each one

Is there any quicker way?

Thanx to all
Leonard Morgenstern

I'm no actor, and I have 64 pictures to prove it.

(Victor Mature, on being told that the Los Angeles Country Club did not
accept actors.)

Re(2): I just can't take this sending email problem any longer!

2003-05-14 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 5/14/03 9:47 AM Joe Farias wrote:

It would
help if the OUT tray would be hightlighted (Bold) when there were waiting
pieces in the folder, like the other folders. This was a helpful function
in emailer.

PowerMail has always done just that for me

Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Archive vs. backup

2003-05-06 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Marlyse Comte told us:
a backup is a copy of a file, either on the same drive, or an external
drive or a cd-rom or something other external, meant to be there if the
original file gets corrupted or anything the like happens.

A backup and an archive may include all or part of the original data. My
own distinction between the two is this:

In a backup, the data on the original remains intact.

In an archive, some or all of the archived data may be erased.

Obviously there is a lot of overlap. Backups are for security and
archives are for permanent storage, but to some extent either can be used
for the other purpose.

Leonard Morgenstern

If quantum physics makes sense to you, it shows that you don't really
understand it. Neils Bohr (I think)

Cannot access spell checker

2003-05-06 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

Last week I started getting a message Couldn't access spell checker
with every word I write, sometimes twice in one word. I am using Spell
Catcher. This is an on-and-off problem, as it sometimes does not occur.
There is no obvious (to me) reason for this.

I have played around with settings in PowerMail and in Spell Catcher to
no avail. I tried to turn off spell checking altogether, but I can't see
how to do it in PM's preferences. Apparently you have to check whether
you want it or not.

I don't want to uninstall Spell Catcher, as it's very useful in other
programs. I understand that PM uses OS X's built-in spelling checker, but
I can't find it as an option in the preferences.

I am using OS 10.2.5 with PowerMail 4.1.2

Any help will be appreciated.


Leonard Morgenstern

If you are really having trouble finding yourself, go upstairs and clean
your room. You are in there somewhere. --Art Hoppe to teen-age daughter.

Re: A few suggestions

2003-04-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 4/12/03 10:24 AM Larry Samberg wrote:

.so these are things that would make the program more
usable for ME

Dear Larry:

Several of the things you want are already there. What PowerMail REALLY
needs is a good users' manual so starters like you don't get so frustrated.

1. A DELETE button in a message window. After I read the message I don't
want to go all the way up to the toolbar to get rid of it.

Pressing the option key adds garbage cans to the arrowheads in the upper
right corner. Click on one and the message is deleted and you go to the
next or previous message. This is a little extra effort if you are
looking at a single message, but is very handy when you have opened a
bunch of them. You can delete them one by one by holding one finger on
the option key and clicking the mouse with the other hand.

2. A way to toggle between REPLY and REPLY ALL after I have selected
reply. I keep my default as REPLY in order to avoid the annoying habit of
responding to everybody for trivial things. But then when I do need to do
a REPLY ALL I don't seem to have much choice but to close the REPLY and
do it again.

Again the option key does it. Hold it down and click on the little girl
with the left arrow in the toolbar and you will have a choice.

3. Timed trash removal...I depend on the fact that I can get things out
of the trash after I have accidently trashed them. The realization that I
mistakenly trashed something often will come an hour or two after I do
it. So, I am really hesitant to just empty the entire trash at one
time...it requires me to believe that I haven't accidently trashed
something in the past hour or two. I would like to say purge items in
the trash after xxx hours...

There is a very good script for this called Purge Old Trash (I think --
I may have renamed it) I have set it to delete all trash more than 9 days
old. It is necessary to have the messages sorted by date, oldest first.
And, of course, it's not automatic. You have to remember to use it.

I hope this helps.

Leonard Morgenstern

Send me a letter
Via e-mail
Send it in care of

Re: Some messages jam Powermail

2003-04-06 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 4/6/03 8:24 AM Didier Guillion wrote:


Here is the problem I have with PM 3.1.3

Sometime (about one time a week) I receive a message from some Spam
sender, when PM try to take this message from the mail server, it lock. I
ought to ask the webmaster to delete this message manualy on the mail server.

Is somebody here have the same problem ?

(I send two bug reports to the ctmdev team without any answer)

Best regards
Didier Guillion

I have the same problem. I do the following:

  Force-quit PowerMail (cmd-opt-esc etc.)
  Open PowerMail again.
  Move the offending message to Mail Trash without trying to open it.
  When you empty the trash, the message will be deleted from the data base.

I, too, would like to know whether there's a better way.


Leonard Morgenstern

Do as I say, not as I do. That's not hypocricy, it's good advice.

Re: SpamFilters, etc : I don't see the point!

2003-04-05 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 4/5/03 4:41 PM InfoXp wrote:

Hi happy users of PowerMail!
Could someone explain to me the REAL interest of filtering spam?
I get my usual load of garbage, say between 10 to 100/day, but it's so
easy to delete it that I don't see the interest to automatically do it.
And, of course, I don't worry about real messages that could have been
killed by a spam sniper in my system.
All the best - X(p)

When there is a handful of valid message among 100 or so spams, it's easy
to miss one. It's happened to me more than once before I got SpamSieve.

Even though my particular setup miscalls 10% of the garbage good, I'm
much less likely to make that mistake. Of course, I still eyeball the
spam list before trashing it, but I haven't seen a good message there for
weeks. I also hang on to my mail trash for 9 days, just in case.

In other words, I have a small number of false negatives but rare false
positives. I'm sure I could fiddle with SpamSieve to make it better, but
I'm not inclined to make that effort now.

Leonard Morgenstern

People like me like me.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re(2): (desperately) needing tech help

2003-03-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/24/03 8:15 PM Jonathan Greene wrote:

If what you nuked was something you really need you might try a service
company like http://www.drivesavers.com/.  I've seen them on TechTV and
they certainly seem to be able to work some magic.  I have no idea what
it would cost...  can't hurt to call.

Have you tried Norton SystemWorks or a similar utility package? Remember,
normally when you erase a file, it's not really erased. Instead, the
disk sectors that it occupied are flagged as available for new files. If
you use Norton before you have added too many new files, you can recover
some (or even all) your data. So, don't write anything to that disk until
you have attempted to recover the files!

I assume that's what happened to you. If your disk is physically damaged,
Norton won't work. I'm told DriveSavers is expensive but they often work

Good luck.

Leonard Morgenstern

There are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters. But
there are no old, bold mushroom hunters. --David Smith, M. D., leading
authority on mushroom poisoning.

Re(3): HTML text can't be marked, isn't quoted in replies...?

2003-03-22 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/20/03 10:18 AM Max Gossell wrote:

I just found out what the script html CleanUP by W. Eric
Tyson is for! Works great, and is found on Wayne's page http://

It seems email life without Wayne would be all that more problematic...   :-)

/Max G 

I have downloaded HTML Cleanup. It won't work for me because it
requires BBEdit, which I don't have. I can't change the script because
it's compiled; it runs as soon as I double-click on its icon or try to
open it from within Script Editor.

Is it possible to a) open it in some way, or b) have someone send me
either text or a modifiable version?


P.S. I agree with your comment about Wayne. He has been very generous
with his time and knowledge both in general and on a personal basis.

Leonard Morgenstern

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re(3): PGP Trial version?

2003-03-20 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/19/03 10:57 AM Tom Prayne wrote:

Why not use GPG? It's GNU open source and it's *really* free.



Dear Tom:

When you mention a program that is not well known, it's a courtesy to
readers to include a URL for further information and downloading.

Leonard Morgenstern

There are old mushroom hunters and there are bold mushroom hunters. But
there are no old, bold mushroom hunters. --David Smith, M. D., leading
authority on mushroom poisoning.

Re: Scripts within Folders?

2003-03-16 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/16/03 3:17 PM Jonathan Greene wrote:

How can we get Scripts to stay in folders from the PowerMail scripts
menu?  I would really like to group things together for ease of use.  The
two folders of scripts tend to make the list in the script menu a tad
unruly...  I guess we could use the system Menu as opposed to the PM one.

I rename my most-used scripts, preceding the original name by an
underscore (-) or some other character. This groups related ones together.

This isn't what you are asking for, but it might do some of what you want.

Leonard Morgenstern

Fritz, Fritz! she cried in English.

--Arthur Conan Doyle in The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb. Was this
a blooper, or did Doyle have a sense of humor

Re: Stand alone notepad for Palm/Mac?

2003-03-14 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 3/14/03 4:40 PM Max Gossell wrote:

Now with PowerMail's interaction with Address Book (if yet a bit
questionable...) and iSync's ability to sync Address Book and iCal with a
Palm, I see for the first time a real chance to completely get rid of any
dependence of Microsoft, which is a blessing.

But I lack a software to take notes/memos, and to sync them between Mac
and Palm -- I don't like to be forced to use Palm Desktop only for its
memos. Does anybody know of a stand alone software for this, complete
with OSX conduit?

/Max G

I use Now Up to Date, a good calendar-reminder and Now Contact, and
address book. Palm's HotSync works well with them. I don't know whether
Now Contact would work with PM's address book, but it does work extremely
well in co-ordinating To-do's, date book, and addresses.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work with memos; I still have to use Palm
Desktop for those. But there is a work-around: A To-do that is flagged as
special comes up at the top of the To-do list.

That's probably more program (and more expense) than you are looking for,
but it might be what you need.


Leonard Morgenstern

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re: How can a message become invisible? Answer found

2003-02-26 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/25/03 8:30 AM Leonard Morgenstern wrote:

I have a real puzzle.

I have written a script that contains the following line:

move m to message container destFolderName

After execution, the selected messages have become invisible, and are not
listed in the original or destination folder. However, a search using
Find shows them in the destination! Compressing the database and a low-
level rebuild did not help.

Does anyone have an explanation?


I have found the answer. The intended destination was actually a
subfolder of another folder. The script didn't recognize it; so it
created a new folder of the same name at the top level, and I didn't see it.

So, the messages were there all the time!

Thank you all for trying to solve my non-existent problem.

Leonard Morgenstern

Re: How can a message become invisible?

2003-02-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/25/03 8:30 AM Leonard Morgenstern wrote:

I have a real puzzle.
I have written a script that contains the following line:  
move m to message container destFolderName
After execution, the selected messages have become invisible, and are not
listed in the original or destination folder. However, a search using
Find shows them in the destination! Compressing the database and a low-
level rebuild did not help.

Does anyone have an explanation?


How is the View set for that specific folder? Go to Menubar  View 
Show All.
Did it become visible again?

---marlyse compte

It was already set to Show All. Playing with the various options did not help.

I have explored further. When I drag the message from the Find listing
to the destination folder, nothing happens. But, if I move it another
folder, it reappears, and then will show in the destination when I move
it there.


How can a message become invisible?

2003-02-25 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

I have a real puzzle.

I have written a script that contains the following line:

move m to message container destFolderName

After execution, the selected messages have become invisible, and are not
listed in the original or destination folder. However, a search using
Find shows them in the destination! Compressing the database and a low-
level rebuild did not help.

Does anyone have an explanation?

Leonard Morgenstern

If you are really having trouble finding yourself, go upstairs and clean
your room. You are in there somewhere. --Art Hoppe to teen-age daughter.

Re(2): backup question do-over

2003-02-23 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/23/03 6:53 AM Barbara Needham wrote:

sid world headquarters on 2/23/03 said

This may seem like a stupid question, but is said preferences file
what remembers my accounts?
I don't think its a stupid question because I don't know the answer. 

Barbara Needham

Don't confuse ignorance with stupidity!

There is only one kind of question that's stupid. That's one that is
asked to show how smart the questioner is. (I'm sure there was one in
your class in school!).

Leonard Morgenstern

When something looks stupid, there's always a reason for it. Always look
for that reason, because it might turn out to be smart after all.

Re: backup question do-over

2003-02-23 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/23/03 1:15 AM sid world headquarters wrote:

Hey kids ...

Another question: If I want to delete all traces of PowerMail and
reinstall, what do I need to back up?
My guess is the PowerMail files folder in my home directory's Mail
folder, and the PMKey.
Anything I'm missing?
Arigato gozaimashite!

... Sid

Be safe! Make a copy of everything. You can always toss it in the trash
later, but you can't recover something you need if you erase it by mistake.

Leonard Morgenstern

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--An example of why direct computer translation won't ever work.

Re: old data files?

2003-02-15 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/15/03 5:05 PM Jerry M. Keller wrote:

Jerry Keller writes:
I have been a Powermail user for a short time and have just noticed while
looking through my powermail folder, that some of the files have
duplicate files that have the same name, but followed by the word old,
such as address data base followed by another file named  Address
database old . My question is, do I need both these files or can I trash
the Old versions?

They are generated when you compress your database. If the compressed
database looks ok, you can trash them.

However, once every month or two, I like to copy them to a CD-ROM for
archival storage.

Leonard Morgenstern

I am grateful to my teachers at [Omaha] Central High because they never
got in the way of my education. --Saul Kripke 

Re(2): Looking for a home...

2003-02-12 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/11/03 8:38 AM Wayne Brissette wrote:

The nice thing about hosting them on a third party site is that support
is not generally expected. 

Although you are right in a sense, the fact is that when someone needs a
feature, there will be quite a few who will help out, making suggestions
or actually writing it.

That's what's nice about an active group like PM's


Leonard Morgenstern

It matters not whether you win or lose. What matters is whether I win or lose.

Re(2): Feature Request

2003-02-07 Thread Leonard Morgenstern

On 2/6/03 6:34 PM Ben Kennedy wrote:

 I believe it would be
the correct thing to do in 90%+ of the time. Then you only have to
manually change it less than one time out of tem (if my estimation is

Exactly.  It's nice to know I'm not alone in this thinking.  :)

FWIW, I never use the find-by-content to begin with, mainly for two
reasons:  a) indexing the database is slow and pre-emptive, and also
seems to make PM prone to crashing (from anecdotal evidence), and b) it
doesn't really work anyway (see copious amounts of list archives on the


Nevertheless, most of my messages are small. So, despite the problems, I
search the whole database probably 5 times for every time I search within
a message.

So, I would prefer that the default not be changed. Maybe add a preference?

Leonard Morgenstern

What good is the right answer when you have asked the wrong question?