Re(2): Powermail slow after security update

2016-01-27 Thread Peter Lovell
I'm having no problems after applying the 10.11.3 Combo update. I'm not using 
SpamSieve though. This is on a 2012 quad-i7 Mini with lots of memory

C. A. Niemiec  wrote:

A single short message takes minutes to retrieve, and PowerMail
beachballs and is unusable during that time.
>>>You can take a sample of the PowerMail process using Activity Monitor
>>>(while it is unresponsive), and send it to me. If you are using
>>>SpamSieve, you can also sample it if it may be involved.
>>>Does the problem persists after relaunching PowerMail (and SpamSieve),
>>>and after a reboot?
>>>In case the problem is related to SpamSieve, you can quit both
>>>applications, then delete the folder "{home}/Library/Application Support/
>>>PowerMail", then relaunch SpamSieve, then PowerMail.
>>I'd already tried restarting PowerMail and it had no effect - but
>>restarting the system seems to have cleared the problem. I previously
>>assumed that the system had restarted itself with the update so there
>>was no point in restarting it again, but I was obviously wrong about that!
>For an additional data point, I have had the same difficulty on 10.11.2
>and now 10.11.3 (finally updated the system after a long time on
>10.6.8). Oddly enough, when I checked for mail just now PowerMail didn't
>lock up. Frustrating to have a 2-3 minute check for new mail turn into a
>40 minute wait.
>I still have a Mac mini that runs 10.6.8 as a kind of mail archive: it
>alone has the setting to delete old messages from the server. The only
>problem with PowerMail there is occasionally it will disconnect when
>retrieving. I can just reconnect again and it will pick up where it left
>off. I'm guessing a malformed message in that case. But I never get the
>long wait _per message_ nor the total lock-up that I do under El Capitan.

Re: I did it again -- what a dummy!

2015-07-01 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Tom,

when you have this issue, it might be good to go to File - Database ... - 
Switch User Environment.

This will start out at the currently chosen one - so at least you know which 
one is selected. You can then navigate back to your preferred one.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015, T.L. Miller wrote:

Using Find (Command F) in the Finder (PowerMail was not open) I looked
for some information from years ago.  It located the item in old
PowerMail messages.  Didn't think about it, but when I clicked on one of
these old messages, the Mail Browser window that opened up looked like
one from years ago -- missing folders that I had added long ago.
Missing messages, too.  This looked like the same mess I created months
ago using Spotlight.  That time got PM back to normal by replacing all
the contents of my hard drive with a week old SuperDuper clone.

The key, all databases, old versions, attachments, everything that's
related to PowerMail is in one folder.  When I shut down PM today after
I caused the problem and clicked on the message database, this old
Message Browser window opened again.

I'm guessing that when I clicked on the old PM message that the Find
function found, it opened an old database, and that somehow replaced the
current one.

Another oddity, just now when I started up from a 10 day old SuperDuper
clone, even my current messages and a draft were already in PowerMail. I
just don't understand that!!

Well, I guess I'm going to SuperDuper a clone back to my iMac after I
save recent items to a flash drive that aren't on that 10 day old
clone.  That's the only way I know to keep PM up-to-date on my iMac's
internal drive.

Looks like every time I look for something in old PowerMail messages, I
totally mess up PowerMail.

What am I doing wrong?

Tom Miller, 10.10.3

Re(2): View message in web browser

2015-05-03 Thread Peter Lovell

On Sun, May 3, 2015, T.L. Miller wrote:

On 4/27/15, at 10:00 AM, PowerMail Engineering said:

T.L. Miller wrote:

Lately, when I choose to view a message in my web browser, Safari gives
me Top Sites instead of the message.  I can't figure out how to get it
to perform as it used to.

Strange; have you tried to repair your disk permissions?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Jérôme, thanks for the response.  I have repaired permissions twice with
Disk Utility and also run Disk Warrior, and Top Sites still comes up in
Safari. I don't know if the problem is in PM or Safari.  It's only an
irritation, not a show-stopper.


Tom Miller

Hi Tom,

I suspect that there might be something amiss with your Safari preferences. I'm 
not sure but that's where I would start looking as there hasn't been any 
substantive change recently in PM to explain what you now see. Unfortunately 
Safari no longer has the Reset option it did a short while ago.

As an experiment, how about switching your default browser to Firefox or 
Chrome. Does opening a message in PM show the message, or the default home page 
for that browser?

My own experience with PM on  both desktop (Mini) and laptop with Yosemite 
10.10.3 is that the message opens correctly in Safari. Something's different in 
your scenario so we just need to find what that difference is.


Re(2): PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite

2015-04-06 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Bob,

that's possible but not common. Most people who have two computers set up on a 
POP account have preferences set so that all mail goes to both. So if computer 
A downloads first, the items will show as read when B looks at them, but 
B will still download them. Otherwise you have two split mailboxes and things 
get lost. Your problem doesn't sound like this.


Bob Parks wrote:

I wonder if some messages are causing the problem, and downloading with
the other POP client just removes them from the server?


Peter Lovell wrote:
 Do I understand correctly that downloading things on computer B (old
PowerMac) causes downloads on computer A (new iMac) to work? That is
very un-POP behavior. I don't think we're near the bottom of this yet.

Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite

2015-04-05 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Bob,

I have been using PM for many years and have occasionally had a problem of the 
type you describe. Not many, but more than a single one.

In my experience, it has been related to a very large (i.e. huge) message when 
I have HTML set as default. The underlying issue is that PM's rendering of 
HTML is not the same as that of Apple Mail, and there are a few things that 
cause it to stumble. I could speculate about the differences but it would be 
just that - speculation.

So instead I'll suggest a couple of things that might move things forward for 

First is to turn off HTML as the default (Preferences  HTML Reader) if you 
haven't already done so. Then see if the messages download OK. You might find, 
as I did, that then switching from plain text to HTML on the suspect message 
took a *very* long time - indicating that it's a rendering issue rather than 
one of the download process

Second - if there's still a problem then, before you start PM, start Activity 
Monitor (in /Applications/Utilities) to watch what's happening. If PM hangs 
during the download then use Activity Monitor to sample the PM activity and 
send the output to CTM [I am skipping the details here for the sake of brevity 
-- if this is not familiar to you please email me and I'll send more detailed 

It also helps if you have the exact message content that is causing the 
problem. In my experience, the best way to do this is to use Apple Mail and 
Forward as Attachment.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2015, Bob Parks wrote:

Sorry if this topic has been discussed before, but I have not been
saving the messages on this list.

I have been using Powermail for many years.   For the last few years, it
has been on a Macbook Pro with OS 10.7.   It is connecting mostly with
an EIMS server via POP.  No issues at all.

I just upgraded the computer to a new iMac running 10.10.2 Yosemite.  I
upgraded Powermail to the most recent version (6.2.1).  Several times a
day, PM hangs up while downloading a message.  PM becomes totally non
responsive and has to be force quit.   It seems like the same message is
hanging it up every time, but its hard to tell.

I can go back to my old PowerMac, and then PM works just fine (its
actually still 6.1.5).  No issues at all.  After I do that, then the
iMac can download OK for a while.

Re(2): PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite

2015-04-05 Thread Peter Lovell
Well, this *does* seem strange. I'm also running 10.10.2 with PM 6.2.1 (on 2012 
Mini and 2015 rMBP) and have not seen a problem such as this. Admittedly, most 
of my mail is iCloud (IMAP) but I still get 5% or so on a POP3 account.

I am puzzled with this scenario from your original message...

I can go back to my old PowerMac, and then PM works just fine (its
actually still 6.1.5).  No issues at all.  After I do that, then the
iMac can download OK for a while.

Do I understand correctly that downloading things on computer B (old 
PowerMac) causes downloads on computer A (new iMac) to work? That is very 
un-POP behavior. I don't think we're near the bottom of this yet.

Bob Parks wrote:


Thanks for the info.

I have always kept HTML reader turned off.  I just use the little icon
on the bottom of the message window to render the HTML when needed, but
usually, I just open the message in a browser.

When I was testing this afternoon, one of the messages that hung PM was
a single word test in the body, plus the usual headers.  It was sent
from Apple Mail, so it did have an HTML part.

This is frequent now.. like EVERY time it tries to download.  Giving it
a lot of time, it will eventually download one message (out of a half
dozen on the server).  The Activity Monitor detail shows lots of recent
hangs.. about 15 to 20 before it finally downloads the message.  I did
grab several samples if anyone wants to see them.  CPU use is a small
fraction of a percent.

Meanwhile, PM on the old computer works just fine.

Hmm.. while I was writing this (in a different program), PM easily
downloaded a 700kb message (with large enclosures), and then hung on the
next message.

BTW, when this started, I did start a new cache folder on the server for
my account.  They normally accumulate some old messages (a few per year
that somehow do not get deleted).

The other confusing part is that PM worked just fine for a day or so on
the new computer before this problem started.

 Peter Lovell
 April 5, 2015 at 6:55 PM
 Hi Bob,

 I have been using PM for many years and have occasionally had a
 problem of the type you describe. Not many, but more than a single one.

 In my experience, it has been related to a very large (i.e. huge)
 message when I have HTML set as default. The underlying issue is
 that PM's rendering of HTML is not the same as that of Apple Mail, and
 there are a few things that cause it to stumble. I could speculate
 about the differences but it would be just that - speculation.

 So instead I'll suggest a couple of things that might move things
 forward for you...

 First is to turn off HTML as the default (Preferences  HTML Reader)
 if you haven't already done so. Then see if the messages download OK.
 You might find, as I did, that then switching from plain text to HTML
 on the suspect message took a *very* long time - indicating that
 it's a rendering issue rather than one of the download process

 Second - if there's still a problem then, before you start PM, start
 Activity Monitor (in /Applications/Utilities) to watch what's
 happening. If PM hangs during the download then use Activity Monitor
 to sample the PM activity and send the output to CTM [I am skipping
 the details here for the sake of brevity -- if this is not familiar to
 you please email me and I'll send more detailed steps]

 It also helps if you have the exact message content that is causing
 the problem. In my experience, the best way to do this is to use Apple
 Mail and Forward as Attachment.


Re(2): PowerMail 6.2.1 Build 4668

2014-01-17 Thread Peter Lovell
Tom Dillon wrote:

Just to report in; 6.2.1 build 4668 on iMac 3.4 GHz i7, 16 GB RAM, OS 10.9.1:

No issues.

Similarly:- no issues with this build on either Mac Mini (10.9.1) or MBP 
(10.9). Both have 4 GB.

My Mini is on wired ethernet (fast), the MBP mostly on WiFi.


Re: PowerMail 6.2.1 build 4668 on X.9.0 Issue

2013-12-04 Thread Peter Lovell
No problem for me on a slightly older (about 2 years old) MBP with Mavericks 

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013, Tom Bulat wrote:

Mac OS X version: Mac OS X 10.6

I have been having an issue on my laptop, a newer MacBook Pro that is
running Mavericks.

Don't know why, but all of a sudden I was experiencing hangs galore. So I
upgraded to the beta PowerMail pm6.2b5 and got things working, but today I
was notified of the upgrade to PowerMail 6.2.1 build 4668, and because
PowerMail 6.2.1 build 4668 appeared to be working fine on my desktop iMac
(same ISP and network), I let it install, and now it's back to downloading
mail, but then not making any progress, just the spinning beach ball, and
then I have to force quit. This is very unusual behavior. Any suggestions or
help would be appreciated.

Thanks, and so long for now, TOM

Re(2): [ANN] PowerMail 6.2.1b1 available for testing

2013-11-27 Thread Peter Lovell
PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Are there other people also having this problem?

I have experienced no problems so far (with OS X 10.9 on Mac Mini)


Re: invalid helo cmd - bug or what?

2013-11-03 Thread Peter Lovell
Heh - I didn't report a problem because I didn't encounter one :)

I'm running 6.2 on Mavericks and everything is OK. Both on a Mac Mini and MBP.

From the look of the helo I wonder if this might be an issue with IPv6 ? In 
my setup, IPv6 is link-local only, and all servers are accessed through IPv4. 
In my case, most mail goes via iCloud, and a little on gmail.


 On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:12 PM, CTM info wrote:
 Matthias, all,
 YES there seems to be a bug in our new networking code for dealing with 
 certain SMTP servers, possibly (but not certainly) having to do with SSL.
 IF YOU ARE NOT RUNNING Mavericks: PLEASE REVERT TO 6.1.5 for now until we 
 resolve this:
 IF YOU ARE RUNNING Mavericks: PLEASE USE PowerMail 6.2 fopr fetching and 
 searching only, and use something else fo sending, until we resolve this.
 Sorry for the inconvenience, but we did send 6.2 out for testing and nobody 
 cared to try this and report it in a way that we could have known about it 
 before release !
 Kind regards,
 jean michel/ctm qa
 On Sun, 3 Nov 2013 17:12:23 +0900, Matthias Schmidt 
 since updating to Powermail 6.2 emails can't be sent anymore.
 The error is invalid helo command.
 What I see at the server side is something like this:
 Helo command rejected: invalid ip address; from=n...@doamin.tls
 to=n...@doamin.tls proto=ESMTP helo=[::1]
 and of course the server is right, this helo cmd is invalid ;-)
 So what's going on?

Re(2): Index file problem

2013-09-10 Thread Peter Lovell
PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Peter Lovell wrote:

for a few days now I have experienced a problem where PowerMail can't
open the index file. The sequence of dialogs is ...

I have performed the various database rebuilds but the problem remains.
It occurs when I try to connect to iCloud SMTP server and also if I try
a search.

There is a separate search index for each IMAP account, and it seems it
is corrupted. PowerMail First Aid only rebuilds the main index (for POP
retrieved messages). To rebuild the search index of an IMAP account,
clear the cache (clear now button) in the Mail Accounts window for
this account.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Hi Jérôme,

thank you for your response. This fixed the problem completely.


Index file problem

2013-09-02 Thread Peter Lovell
Hello all,

for a few days now I have experienced a problem where PowerMail can't open the 
index file. The sequence of dialogs is ...


Can't open the index file

   More info ...OK


An indexing error occurred

   More info ...OK


An indexing error occurred


I'm running PM 6.2b1 on Mac OS X 10.8.4.

Looking at files in the PM directory I see one named .PMLock but the date is 
after the problem started.

Last login: Thu Aug 29 11:17:48 on console
alta:~ peter$ ls -al /Users/peter/Mail/PowerMail\ Files
total 3988776
drwxr-xr-x@23 peter  staff 782 Sep  1 16:24 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 peter  staff 136 Feb 26  2008 ..
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 peter  staff   15364 Sep  2 18:34 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  12 Sep  1 16:21 .PMLock
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff 1681408 Sep  2 18:34 Address Database
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff 1671168 Sep  1 16:20 Address Database.old
drwxr-xr-x@ 17081 peter  staff  580754 Sep  2 09:31 Attachments
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff   0 Dec 20  2002 Custom Dictionary
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 peter  staff 170 Nov 16  2003 Custom Scripts
drwxr-xr-x@ 2 peter  staff  68 Apr 20  2004 Custom Sounds
drwxr-xr-x  8 peter  staff 272 Feb 15  2013 IMAP Cache
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff   0 Feb  4  2003 Icon?
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  1020617868 Sep  2 18:34 Message Database
drwxr-xr-x@  7122 peter  staff 4698596 Sep  2 18:34 Message Database 
Spotlight cache
drwxr-xr-x@22 peter  staff 748 Sep  1 17:32 Message Database index
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  1017124860 Sep  1 16:20 Message Database.old
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  305147 Sep  2 11:01 Server-side Database
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  285130 Sep  1 16:20 Server-side Database.old
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  238740 Sep  2 18:34 Setup Database
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff  229376 Sep  1 16:20 Setup Database.old
drwxr-xr-x@ 2 peter  staff  68 Sep  2 09:31 Temp Incoming
drwxr-xr-x@ 2 peter  staff  68 Sep  2 11:01 Temp Outgoing
-rw-r--r--@ 1 peter  staff   0 Sep  2 11:01 User Prefs
alta:~ peter$

I have performed the various database rebuilds but the problem remains. It 
occurs when I try to connect to iCloud SMTP server and also if I try a search.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Is there some suggestion of how to deal with 


Re(2): PowerMail 6.2b1, now with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks support !

2013-08-14 Thread Peter Lovell
Hhmmm. I have an interesting problem. Fortunately it is cosmetic (i.e. things 
works and no data loss) but it is quite annoying (and confounds my mail flow).

I'm running 6.2b1 on latest OS 10.8.4 with all updates.

The issue I'm seeing is with new incoming messages. It certainly happens with 
IMAP which is where most mail arrives (i.e. iCloud). I might happen with POP3 
but I get so little mail that way that I can't be sure. Maybe, maybe not.

I have preferences set to enable HTML, but the setting to prefer it is NOT 
enabled. That is, if mail has both HTML and text, I want text.

What I'm seeing is that when I click on a message in Mail Browser, the text 
displays for a very brief time (1/4 second or so) and then disappears. This 
happens with text-only and text+html messages. The PM envelope icon is only 
half-there, seemingly indicating that the message is not available (only the 
RFC822 header is shown). But the message *did* appear for a brief time. 
Clicking on another message and back again does not seem to help. Clicking on 
another mailbox and then back to InBox does cause the message to show, as text. 
At the third try, selecting another message and coming back did get the message 
content to display (previously it was just the RFC822 header, as I have 
show-full-headers enabled). The message had text/plain and text/html parts.

A second message with the problem was text/plain with quoted-printable encoding.

A third was text/plain, 7bit.

I am not certain that this change came with version 6.2b1. It might have been 
earlier but hasn't been there long.

Has anyone else observed this ?


Re: PowerMail 6.2b1, now with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks support !

2013-07-23 Thread Peter Lovell
CTM info wrote:

The main feature brought in by this new release is a complete rewrite of
our networking code to do away with OpenTransport, which as some of you
know will bed ropped by Apple in Mac OS X 10.9.

Ahh OpenTransport -- I knew you well. And I am surprised that you stayed with 
us so long.

So regardless of the OS version you run, please try 6.2b1 and report
back to this mailing list.

So far (~24 hrs), the update has not been any problem.


Re(2): Incoming email crashes PowerMail

2013-06-24 Thread Peter Lovell
I've found that keeping the mail item in PM or webmail doesn't always keep all 
the info needed to reproduce the problem.

Apple's Mail does seem to keep it all. You can use Message-Forward as 
Attachment or View-Message-Raw Source to get the full message as received. 
That might be more helpful.

Tom Dillon wrote:

I've had this happen a few times, quite some time ago, and I had to go
to the mail server or web mail interface and delete the offending
emails. They each had attachments, but I never figured out why they
crashed PowerMail.

Winston Weinmann wrote:

Happened again. No thoughts on why this might happen?

Winston Weinmann wrote:

There are emails from one source (airline sale announcement) that
regularly crash PowerMail when I try to download it. Then PowerMail has
to rebuild the sort index. In order to download mail I have to use
webmail to delete the message that's causing the problem, then PowerMail
can proceed with downloading new messages as normal.

Not every message from the airline causes the crash. I have started
saving those that do cause the crash in web mail and could forward an
example if that would help fix the problem.

Re(2): Reliability under Mountain Lion

2013-04-03 Thread Peter Lovell
PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Version 6.1.5b1 should have brought more stability when displaying HTML
messages, especially when dragging an unread HTML message to the trash
or to another folder.

If some of you still have recurrent crashes, please let us know!

It has indeed. I have not had any crashes with the new version.


Re: Reliability under Mountain Lion

2013-02-13 Thread Peter Lovell
Daniele Procida wrote:

I am finding that I am getting regular crashes from PowerMail, a program
that rarely gave me any trouble.

The latest crash report, which occurred when deleting a message, is

I'd hate to give up PowerMail for something else, so I keep using it
despite the lack of IMAP support that would make it far more convenient
for me. But to have crashes and to lose work regularly is becoming an
increasing problem.

Are these crashes troubling anyone else?


Hi Daniele,

I have been having them once or twice a week. In my case they seem to be 
triggered by dragging an item from In Tray to one of the folders. Some of the 
messages are displayed in the Mail Browser preview pane briefly when they're 
selected for drag, and other times they are not. I suspect that this may have 
something to do with the crash but can't tell for sure.

I have been forwarding the crash reports as feedback.

There does not seem to have been any data loss - just the frustration of having 
to restart PM.


Re: Should have been smarter!!! Lost stuff.

2013-02-12 Thread Peter Lovell
T.L. Miller wrote:

Too many apps open on my iMac w/ 4 gigs of RAM and I crashed PowerMail.
Looks like all my messages since July 30, 2012 have disappeared. When my
Mac started struggling a bit, I should have closed some apps.

I do have a clone from Saturday on an external drive, so I may drag
PowerMail over from there. I guess there's no way of salvaging things on
the PowerMail app that lost the data -- or is there?

I would first try the command-option-keys-down-at-startup procedure to bring up 
first aid.

PM has never lost mail irretrievably for me.


Re: crashing

2012-12-16 Thread Peter Lovell
My approach is ...

1. when the Apple crash reporter comes up, click in the bottom pane, cmd-A then 
cmd-C to copy the crash info. Click OK to send the report to Apple
2. start PM and select Help-Send feedback to CTM
3. cmd-V to paste the dump into the message, send to CTM


ramito wrote:

 could someone please remind me the steps to locate the appropriate
crash log to send to developers?

because with latest update of PM and 10.8.2 it is daily .gr

Re: Powermail keeps quitting

2012-09-15 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sat, Sep 15, 2012, Robert Bauer wrote:

My version of Powermail 6.1.3 fails and quits on me at least 4 times a
day now that I am on OS 10.8.1 on my iMac. It is unpredictable and I am
constantly relaunching it. Any suggestions?

I also have crashes about once a day on average, and I suspect that they're 
related to use of IMAP for iCloud mail. In almost every case, the crash occurs 
when moving a mail item it a folder. Most of those moves are from In Tray, of 

I've also noticed a higher incidence of beachballs. Most don't lead to a crash, 
but they're more common that before.


p.s. also PM 6.1.3, OS X 10.8.1 on Power Mac and MBP

Re(2): Annoying repetitive question by PowerMail

2012-08-02 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012, Mark Gerber wrote: was only then (at 3:02 PM on 08/01/2012), that Rene Merz whispered
from the dark ...

In Mac's Keychain I had to change manually allaccess privileges for 
mail accounts and to give it free to any programs - which is not the
safest way, but no more annoying by the obvious PowerMail 6.1.1 bug.

Oh my gosh!
Since this update to 6.1.1 PowerMail asks me _every_ time if I will
allow the program to have access to the confidential information on my
Mac key ring! Allways and before connecting to the mail servers.
And of course I've given the permission several times for ever. But
PowerMail disregard it.
What can I do to stop this annoying questions once for ever?

This is driving me nuts. I'd rather downgrade to the previous version
than mess with my Keychain access. Where can I find the version prior to


I'm not having this problem on either desktop or laptop. I have 6.1.1 build 

Interestingly, it shows as 6.1.1 on one system, and 6.1.1b2 on the other, 
with same build number 4649.


Re(2): Annoying repetitive question by PowerMail

2012-08-02 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012, Rene Merz wrote:

Peter Lovell wrote:

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012, Mark Gerber wrote: was only then (at 3:02 PM on 08/01/2012), that Rene Merz whispered
from the dark ...

In Mac's Keychain I had to change manually all  access privileges for 
mail accounts and to give it free to any programs - which is not the
safest way, but no more annoying by the obvious PowerMail 6.1.1 bug.

Oh my gosh!
Since this update to 6.1.1 PowerMail asks me _every_ time if I will
allow the program to have access to the confidential information on my
Mac key ring! Allways and before connecting to the mail servers.
And of course I've given the permission several times for ever. But
PowerMail disregard it.
What can I do to stop this annoying questions once for ever?

This is driving me nuts. I'd rather downgrade to the previous version
than mess with my Keychain access. Where can I find the version prior to


I'm not having this problem on either desktop or laptop. I have 6.1.1
build 4649.

Interestingly, it shows as 6.1.1 on one system, and 6.1.1b2 on the
other, with same build number 4649.


And you're on Macintosh too? (If so, which OS version? I'm still on 10.6.8)

The one showing 6.1.1b1 is on Lion 10.7.4. The laptop showing 6.1.1 is on 10.8


Re(2): Annoying repetitive question by PowerMail

2012-08-02 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012, Rene Merz ... wrote:

@ Peter Lovell:
Please chance you reply settings for this mailing list in a way, that
you don't show the mail addresses of others in the body text of your
reply; to avoid SPAM.
Thank you.

Hi Rene,

I expect that spammers will harvest all addresses in email and not only those 
in the body text. In other words, if you have ever posted to this list, your 
address is known.


p.s. the reply setting are the PowerMail default, and not anything I have set 

Re(2): Annoying repetitive question by PowerMail

2012-08-02 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012, Rene Merz ... wrote:

Peter Lovell wrote:

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012, Rene Merz ... wrote:

@ Peter Lovell:
Please chance you reply settings for this mailing list in a way, that
you don't show the mail addresses of others in the body text of your
reply; to avoid SPAM.
Thank you.

Hi Rene,

I expect that spammers will harvest all addresses in email and not only
those in the body text. In other words, if you have ever posted to this
list, your address is known.


p.s. the reply setting are the PowerMail default, and not anything I
have set myself

No, Peter, you are mistaken, there is no other way to find out the mail
address of any member of this mailing list! The addresses are not listed
publicly somewhere.

I'm sorry Rene, but your statement is incorrect.

Your email address is clearly shown as the From address in the reply you just 
sent. You are correct that the address list is not available, but the address 
of any poster to the list is available to all members of the list.

In fact, this is *exactly* why your address was shown in my earlier reply -- it 
was the From:  address in the email, and that's why PM inserted it in the 
reply-heading to which you referred.

In other words, if anyone has ever posted to the list, their sending address is 
known to all subscribers. Addresses of *members* may well be private, but 
addresses of *posters* are not.


Re(2): IMAP stuff

2012-07-28 Thread Peter Lovell
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012, PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Peter Lovell wrote:

- I tried to make a filter to copy new mail from the IMAP InBox to the
regular In Tray.

Mail filters can't be applied on an IMAP mailbox; they only work on
messages stored in local folders.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Thanks for the clarification.

Is there any way to automatically copy incoming IMAP (from iCloud) messages to 
the In Tray ?

Doing it by hand is a real problem (and error-prone since I am doing it on my 
home system and a laptop).

Thanks.Peter Lovell

p.s. your email was sent on 11 July rather than 26 Oct, but you already know 
about that issue

IMAP stuff

2012-07-04 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi all,

a couple of questions about the switch to IMAP.

- I tried to make a filter to copy new mail from the IMAP InBox to the 
regular In Tray. I based it on Account equals iCloud (which is the name I 
used for this). But it doesn't happen. Does anyone have an idea why not, and/or 
a way to make it work?

- whenever the system goes to sleep I get SSL errors when it wakes up. THis is 
a pain. Is there a way to get PowerMail to disconnect from IMAP when the system 
goes to sleep?


Re(2): Address Change

2012-04-11 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012, Chris wrote:

It appears that all your replies are getting bounced, but there is
nothing appearing in the the spam filters and there is no obvious reason
why the server it should be bouncing specific messages from your mail
server, since those from the list are getting through.

There may be nothing obvious but it does sometimes happen that .mac servers 
are blacklisted. That happened to a friend of mine a month or so ago. So some 
mail would go through, and some would not. It depended upon which mail server 
was used for sending. In her case, there was a reject-message from the 
receiving SMTP server back to her indicating the failure. But not all servers 
that reject a message will send a rejection.

The real irony is that the rejecting server was hotmail !


Re(2): powermail-discuss Digest #2979 - 03/23/12

2012-03-23 Thread Peter Lovell
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012, Ira Lansing wrote:

Is this (below issue) related to the View mode, 2- or 3-pane?

It occurs with 3-pane. I haven't tried it with 2-pabe.


Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.1.1b2 available for testing

2012-03-19 Thread Peter Lovell
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012, CTM info wrote:

attention: PowerMail-discuss listmembers


We are pleased to announce the release of PowerMail 6.1.1b2, available from:


Kindly post your findings on the above points to this list.


jean michel/ctm qa

Hi all,

I have seen no functional problems and only one cosmetic one, and that's minor. 
I'm running SNow Leopard 10.7.3 on a Mac Pro and MacBook Pro and it occurs on 

When changing a lot of messages read - unread, the whole list of them flashes 
very briefly and a couple of small pieces aren't cleared. To reproduce it, 
select a few hundred unread messages and select mark as read. The icon and 
checkmark for the entire list will be drawn, not just the messages that are in 
the list in the browser window. Most of this is cleared very quickly but a few 
remnants are left. This is purely cosmetic.

Overall the update looks solid.


Re(2): [ANN] PowerMail 6.1.1b2 available for testing

2012-03-19 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012, Peter Lovell wrote:

I have seen no functional problems and only one cosmetic one, and that's

There is a second, minor one. The folder icon (for In Tray, Out Tray and 
all the others) has a very small shadow. This goes away when the folder is 
redrawn, e.g. by selecting and de-selecting it.

Re(2): Powemail settings for

2012-02-27 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi all,

I've been worrying about this for some time.

For various reasons, I have never been a fan of IMAP and haven't used it. I 
prefer to download mail locally and not have it stored or managed on someone 
else's server. But it seems that we will soon have no choice.

But in a way we do. We'll be forced to use IMAP protocol for fetching mail, but 
that's all. We're not forced to do anything else.

So let me make a suggestion --   POP-over-IMAP.

In this scheme, PowerMail would download mail using IMAP ports/protocol but 
otherwise behave as it does today. So, for example, moving a message into a 
folder would be purely a local action, as it is today. As far as iCloud is 
concerned, it would still be in the InBox. The only time a message might be 
changed would be if it is moved to PowerMail's Mail Trash.

It seems to me that this might be a simple change for CTM to make - much 
simpler than the full IMAP behavio(u)r.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2012, T.L. Miller wrote:

Perhaps, Jérôme or Jean Michel will take a look at the situation and let
us know.

Tom Miller

On 2/25/12, at 9:21 PM, Midi Cox said:

I strongly would second a submission to CTMdev on how to  better
integrate mac/me mail with PowerMail.

I have use PowerMail to read my gmail and earthlink email; I had been
using Mail to read one account that was on an Outlook server. Now I am
using it for email as well, and it leaves a lot to be desired.

On the OSXlist, I see confusion about implementing Spam Sieve with Mail,
looking for a way like PowerMail to mark spam. I find that Mail gives me
a signal that there is mail (red dot in the upper right corner of the
Mail icon) but that can apply to spam that Mail has not downloaded. The
only way to clear that to try to keep the signal meaningful is to go to
the Cloud via the web browser and delete the spam that hasn't been sent.

GRRH. I used to check online about every 2 weeks for spam to be sure
that nothing was caught that should not be. But now that incoming mail
notification alert is meaningless!.

CTMdev, please hear our cry.


San Diego CA
User of PowerMail seems like forever, but I did use Claris Emailer
before PowerMail.

On Feb 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, T.L. Miller wrote:

 On 2/25/12, at 3:29 PM, Troy V. Barkmeier said:

 The only options seem to be 1) start using IMAP (which is not
 PowerMail's strong suit

 I wonder what it would take for CTMdev to improve?

 Tom Miller

clean install on Lion

2011-09-15 Thread Peter Lovell
A note for anyone who loads PowerMail onto a clean install of Lion, and not an 
upgrade from Snow Leopard.

The Verdana font is disabled so any window using it (message pane in my case) 
will look a bit weird.

To fix this, go to /Library/Fonts, double-click on Verdana.ttf and enable the 
variations you want. Normal and Bold are usually required.


Re: Text wrapping and quoted-printable

2011-02-25 Thread Peter Lovell
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011, Ben Kennedy wrote:

Hey all,

I'm loath to revive an old and (I thought settled) discussion, but I did
a search of my saved email and can't seem to find the particulars.

What was the final word on the state of PowerMail's handling of text-
wrapping in outbound messages?

I routinely get hell from my colleagues using when I try to
send them URLs that get broken across line breaks. does not
respect the angle-bracket convention, so it only sees the first part of
the URL.

It appears that PM sends outbound messages with a Content-Transfer-
Encoding: quoted-printable, which should facilitate soft wrapping by
encoding soft EOLs with =.  However, PM omits the = in favour of a
plain CR/LF, which is interpreted as a hard line break.

Why is this?  Is there some rationale in its favour?  It is not obvious
to me how this is at all desirable.



Hi Ben,

I have noticed similar issues and filed a bug report back in November
about the issue.

I hadn't recognized it as an encoding issue - so I just complained that
PM was hard-folding lines when sending, unlike

So far I've not received any response but maybe it's time to push the
issue again as it is quite problematic.

I'm also having a *lot* of problem with PM not dealing with multi-part
MIME content boundaries, such as
Content-type: multipart/alternative;

I get many messages formatted this way and PM is useless - it shows zero
content!. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.  This is a real pain.


Re(4): HTML display no longer working in 6.0.6

2010-12-23 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Mirko,

thanks for your suggestion - I would not have thought of an interaction
with Safari.

And this indeed solved the problem. I deleted Safari, restarted and
installed a new copy (5.0.3) and HTML display is working again.


On Thu, Dec 23, 2010, Mirko Kranenburg wrote:

Maybe you could try to reinstall Safari. I think PM builds its HTML
display on WebKit installed with Safari, so this could clean up some
bits that went astray??


On Dec 23, 2010, at 12:46 AM, Peter Lovell wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 22, 2010, Michael J. Hußmann

 Peter Lovell ( wrote:

 I find that HTML display is no longer working for me in PM 6.0.6 (the
 final version).

 Is anyone else seeing this?

 Works for me; I didn't observe any changes in this area with 6.0.6.

 - Michael

 Hi Michael,

 thanks for this info. I didn't think that something like this would not
 have been noticed.

 So my puzzle now is to find out what is different with my setup. My
 build is 4630 -- is that what you have?


HTML display no longer working in 6.0.6

2010-12-22 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi all,

I find that HTML display is no longer working for me in PM 6.0.6 (the
final version).

Is anyone else seeing this?

I have HTML enabled in Preferences, and it's preferred if plain-text is
also available.

The small pop-up icon is there at the bottom of the Mail Browser and the
message pane (when there is HTML to display), and says View message in
web browser and Show HTML. If I select to show in web browser, it
opens and shows styled text, etc. But if I select Show HTML then I
just get plain text again.

I'm puzzled.


Re(2): HTML display no longer working in 6.0.6

2010-12-22 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010, Michael J. Hußmann wrote:

Peter Lovell ( wrote:

 I find that HTML display is no longer working for me in PM 6.0.6 (the
 final version).

 Is anyone else seeing this?

Works for me; I didn't observe any changes in this area with 6.0.6.

- Michael

Hi Michael,

thanks for this info. I didn't think that something like this would not
have been noticed.

So my puzzle now is to find out what is different with my setup. My
build is 4630 -- is that what you have?


Re(2): Is there a (current) upgrade price from PM 5 to 6?

2010-12-20 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Winston,

there is a 30% discount for upgrades, as mentioned here

You may need to use this
to request a coupon code if you didn't receive one.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010, Winston Weinmann wrote:

So I guess the answer is no. Well, I am pretty used to the quirks and
limits of PM 5 by now.

Also, I would be interested in a PM/FoxTrot offer as discussed recently
as a work-around for the 2 GB database limit.

- Winston

Winston Weinmann wrote:

I am a longtime user of PowerMail. So far I have let the upgrade
promotions for owners of a previous version to PM 6 pass me by.

Is there a current upgrade price for PM 5 users?


- Winston

Re(4): Is there a (current) upgrade price from PM 5 to 6?

2010-12-20 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi Winston,

I've usually had good response to customer service queries such as this.


On Mon, Dec 20, 2010, Winston Weinmann wrote:

Peter -

Thanks for sending the links. I have sent a request for a new discount
code. The code I had did not work (presumably expired).

Now we'll see if CTM responds. They never have when I've emailed them in
the past.

- Winston

Peter Lovell wrote:

Hi Winston,

there is a 30% discount for upgrades, as mentioned here

You may need to use this
to request a coupon code if you didn't receive one.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010, Winston Weinmann wrote:

So I guess the answer is no. Well, I am pretty used to the quirks and
limits of PM 5 by now.

Also, I would be interested in a PM/FoxTrot offer as discussed recently
as a work-around for the 2 GB database limit.

- Winston

Winston Weinmann wrote:

I am a longtime user of PowerMail. So far I have let the upgrade
promotions for owners of a previous version to PM 6 pass me by.

Is there a current upgrade price for PM 5 users?


- Winston

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b2 for testing

2010-12-16 Thread Peter Lovell
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010, PowerMail Engineering wrote:


A new beta of PowerMail 6.0.6 is available, and fixes some newly
introduced bugs that were reported on this list.
It is currently only available from the built-in version checking, from
the PowerMail menu.


Jérôme - CTM Engineering

Hi Jérôme,

the 6.0.6b2 update died when it started (Install and relaunch). It
said my PMkey file was invalid.

I started again and it seems to be OK.


Re(3): Deleting Attachments

2010-11-22 Thread Peter Lovell
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010, George Henne wrote:

I have 13,795 items in my Attachments folders, going back to 2003. I'm
convinced that many of them are orphans. I wish there was a way to clean
them out.

I wonder if there's a way to identify orphans?

Anyone know of one? Perhaps CTM has a suggestion?


Re(4): 2 GB limit

2010-11-16 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010, CTM info wrote:

for people trying to work
around the 2GB limit, being asked to buy another application is not a
good answer, IMHO.

I can agree to this point of view. There is something we can do here: if
a consensus builds that our approach to indexing archived mail in
FoxTrot Personal Search is a technically acceptable, second-best
acceptable option to working around the 2GB max database size (one that
also has advantages, since:
- it lets you index the rest of your life, including attachments and
- archiving allows you not to have to backup one huge database at every
change, i.e. in TimeCapsule

then we would be ready to make these PowerMail owners a fair , one-time
offer they can't refuse on FoxTrot Personal Search. Let me know in
private e-mail.

On the IMAP topic: I agree too. Since the iPhone came along, personally
I've been running PowerMail in parallel with the iPhone mail client
Apple Mail. PowerMail is the client of choice for authoring messages,
replying to received mail, archiving while I use AppleMail as a second
opinion view on my e-mail accounts, one which has the advantage of
good, multi-account IMAP and notifications in the dock. The two really
coexist well.

Kind regards,

jean michel

Hi Jean Michel,

I haven't seen much response to your proposal but I think it is a good
one. Does anyone else agree? Do we have any takers for it ??

As regards the dual approach for IMAP (PowerMail + AppleMail) - I have
been doing this for a while (even though I don't have multiple IMAP
accounts, as some do). It does work quite well.


Re(3): 2 GB limit

2010-11-11 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010, George Henne wrote:

I just checked - PowerMail is responsible for 90% of of the backup
activity on my system. (I use TimeMachine). The problem is that if just
one email comes in an hour (which always happens), the complete database
gets backed up again. One database per folder would reduce the backup
requirements dramatically. There would be less load on the system, and
my Time Machine would be able backups for a much longer time period.

This scenario is perfect for the sparse-bundle-disk-image setup.

Re(3): 2 GB limit

2010-11-11 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010, George Henne wrote:

I just checked - PowerMail is responsible for 90% of of the backup
activity on my system. (I use TimeMachine). The problem is that if just
one email comes in an hour (which always happens), the complete database
gets backed up again.

Further on this ... in my instance the database is 860 MB and database
index data (in Message Database index package) is 101 MB. Both of
these will change for every new message.

On the other hand, the Message Database Spotlight cache package is 571
MB and contains about 107 K items. Most of these are 4 KB which is the
minimum allocation size for my disk.

My TM backup each hour is about 1 GB and takes about one minute.
Admittedly, this is with an internal drive, rather than sending over
Ethernet or wireless so it's not surprising that it's fast.

Trixi's comments, from experience, are instructive ...

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010, Beatrix Willius wrote:

Pro: fast useage, fast copying
Con: if it's hosed, then it's really kaputt. However, most issues should
be fixable by deleting the index.
Incremental backups are not so easy.

Pro: simple, problems are usually easy to fix.
Con: sllwww searches. Try using AppleMail with a mailbox of 100.000
mails. This is just a pain.

The work to be done is much the same whether the data is in a database
as we think of it, or the database consisting of files + directory. The
files + directory is a database by a different name, after all, just
with different performance characteristics with regard to speed of
access, time to back up, data space allocation on disk, and so on.
There's always a directory of some kind, either in the database or the
one in the file system.

The file system has to deal with all kinds of usage patterns so it's
optimized for an average mixture of work. But if you have more
constrained usage then you can improve performance by tailoring for
those, and that's what PM database does. You can, for example, hold a
big chunk of the directory in memory for fast access; something that a
file system won't allow you to do directly. I could go on (a lot) but
you get the point - the PM database is great for storage and access
efficiency, but not so good for incremental backup.

I'd like to see an installation option for PM to place its database on a
sparse-bundle-disk-image (for those users on Leopard and later). All the
plumbing for this already exists (you could do it yourself if you
wished) so it's not a big development effort. But it would be non-
trivial for testing and QA (I'm by no means saying that the total effort
is trivial, just that Apple already provides the support tools).


Re(2): PM G-Mail

2010-09-22 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010, MB wrote:

Now, if it'd only work a little more like PowerMail

Cuts both ways, actually. There are a few ways I'd like PowerMail to be
more like Mail. Dragging from an inactive (i.e. not frontmost) window is
my long-time hot-button.

Overall I like PowerMail much better, but there are a *few* things I'd
like to change.


Re: PM G-Mail

2010-09-08 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010, A Sanna wrote:

How do you set up PM to receive mail from a G-Mail account?


Hi Tony,

I set mine up this way ...



User account
Save Password : 

[check]Use secure connection (SSL/TL): checked
[check]Use port: 995
On a dedicated secure port: [select]

(I leave messages on server for 30 days - choose your own setting)

Outgoing SMTP Server:
[check] Authenticate as user:
Password: ..
[check]Use secure connection (SSL/TLS)
[check]Use port: 587
Using the STARTTLS command [select]


mime msg doesn't show body

2010-09-02 Thread Peter Lovell
Hi all,

I'm trying to track down an issue that started recently.

A company I deal with ( sends special-offer email with their
deals of the week. Until recently, they had text part (set as my
default) and an html part that showed if I clicked the little icon at
the bottom of the mail browser (Show HTML, Show plain text... etc)

But for about two weeks now nothing shows. No plain text, no html, and
no icon when that message is selected. The message shows fine in Apple's Mail.

Now just today I received one from a different company (financial
institution) with the same characteristic. Looking at the header, which
is all I can see after all, I notice that they're both from (an emailer company, acquired by Doubleclick and now part
of Google).

In the older messages that displayed OK there was this indicator for
content ...

MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/alternative;

The new messages have a different specification, shown in context below
with the initial part of the text

= start snippet 
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Weekly Deals
= end snippet 

I'm not familiar with rules for MIME but I notice that now there are two
boundary specifications and neither is in quotes. The two, put together,
are the same as the boundary (with two extra hyphens - before the
first and intermediate ones, and after the final one).

Does anyone have any idea what's broken here??


 PM pane begins ===

-- RFC822 Header Follows --
Received: from ([])
 by (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7u3-17.01 64bit (built
 Jun  8 2010)) with ESMTP id for; Thu, 02 Sep 2010 03:16:42 -0700 (PDT)
Original-recipient: rfc822;
Received: from ([])
 by (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7u3-16.01 64bit
 (built May 20 2010)) with ESMTP id for (ORCPT; Thu, 02 Sep 2010 03:16:42
-0700 (PDT)
X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=fsecure
 definitions=2010-09-02_05:2010-09-02,2010-09-01,1970-01-01 signatures=0
X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=notspam policy=default score=0 spamscore=0
 ipscore=0 phishscore=0 bulkscore=100 adultscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0
 reason=mlx engine=6.0.2-100420 definitions=main-1009020041
DomainKey-Signature: q=dns; a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;s=dk;;
Received: from [] ([] helo=CORE5PUMPER1)
by pcomtanode15 (envelope-from
(ecelerity r(34222M)) with ESMTP   id 
C1/10-13910-8897F7C4; Thu,
 02 Sep 2010 06:16:41 -0400
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 06:16:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Deals
Reply-to: Deals
Subject: Samsung
 20 LCD Monitor $103.00, Wii Fit Charging Stand w/ Battery Pack $14.99,
 Motorola Bluetooth Headset $28.49, Kodak 12.3MP Camera $75.99,..
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/alternative;

 PM pane ends ===

Re(2): bye bye PowerMail

2010-08-31 Thread Peter Lovell
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010, Jefferis Peterson wrote:

On 8/31/10 7:21 AM, MB   wrote:

 Well. I have looked at this problem very carefully. This set of problems
 have been there server after server (including my own), account after
 account, PM version after version and fresh database or not since 2004
 at least. You have no idea what's behind this kind of problem.
 If PM is not to blame, then why would another email application not
 display this problem with the same account and the same data on the same
 server? At least after some time as with PM, the same set problem would
 be likely to reappear.

I have had this problem intermittently with Entourage, so I suspect it is a
server hiccup. 

I've had the problem *very* rarely over many years. In each case it
turned out to be something at the server end.

I'm not sure what identifier PM uses to determine whether or not it
has seen a mail item before. I do know it has been a problematic area in
the past because different POP servers do things their own way.


Re(2): Switching to Powermail maybe

2010-08-26 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010, Tim Hodgson wrote:

On 25 Aug 2010, at 4:52pm, Tim lapin wrote:

 On 25/08/2010 3:21 AM, MB wrote:

 Unfortunately, I'm not that fond of Mails interface nor the one mailbox
 per account, but as I'm slowly moving to IMAP, PowerMail is slowly
 loosing its value for me. I wish CTM would make IMAP full citizen, but I
 have seen nothing that indicates this could be on the horizon

 Sounds *exactly* like my experience.

 I too am moving towards IMAP, be it gmail or the MS Exchange version.
It is not so much a choice as a realization that to do what I need to do
with e-mail requires the migration from POP to IMAP.

 Yes, the interface in Mail is decidedly messier and busier than that
of PowerMail.  I have always liked PM's clean look and might, therefore,
go back to it full time *IF* IMAP was given equal consideration as POP.

I think there are a lot of us out there! I moved over to Mail about 5
months ago, mainly because of the IMAP issue, but I have similar
feelings about Mail's UI, and still keep an eye on this list, hoping for
some good news on the upgrade front.

A word of caution for you IMAPers out there in the U.S.

Remember that email on servers is NOT in your house and Fourth Amendment
rules do not apply. Data on the server is owned by the service provider,
not by you.

Email that is (a) unread and, (2) less than six months old has some
protection, although the Government tried recently to remove it. Email
that has been read or is older than six months can be had with a Court
order if it's relevant to something. the something doesn't have to be
something you did, and the threshold is not probable cause.

In one recent example, lawyers for an insurance company subpoenaed, and
received, the full Facebook details on a person's spouse, even though
she was not a party to the lawsuit. They felt it was relevant and the
Judge approved it.

So, watch out out there.


Re(2): Can't Send Messages

2010-06-10 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010, Rene Merz wrote:

Thomas Miller wrote:

When I start up from my SuperDuper HD clone from Saturday when
everything was working fine, the same problem exists.  Oddly, my wife is
having the same problem using an old version of Mail (2.1.3) on Tiger on
her old iMac lamp.

Therefore, the problem must be with mac/  I've posted the
question to Apple Discussions, but no replies.  Could it be some problem
caused by my ISP, Verizon?

Yes, that could be!
I had a similar problem recently with my ISP (Swisscom) for my gmx-accounts.
It could be that the don't accept anymore the port you used until now
for your .mac-accounts (reason: avoiding SPAM).
What is your port number now?
And consult the newest security information of your ISP about account
installation on a mail client.

BTW, when Waiting messages are deleted, PM shows -4 waiting. It still
wants to send those messages I deleted. Argh

Verizon has been rolling out blocking of port 25 in various areas. I got
it about a month ago.

My config for .mac  is ...

authenticate as user your .mac ID
password your password

use secure connection   use port 587
Using the STARTTLS command

... and this works through Verizon (FiOS)

Re(2): Can't Send Messages

2010-06-10 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010, T.L. Miller wrote:

On 6/10/10, at 11:31 AM, Peter Lovell said:

Verizon has been rolling out blocking of port 25 in various areas. I got
it about a month ago.

My config for .mac  is ...

authenticate as user your .mac ID
password your password

use secure connection   use port 587
Using the STARTTLS command


To be able to send from PowerMail, I changed the outgoing server from to and used my Verizon user name
and password.

I changed it to what you recommended and that also works. I have left
Mail alone since it never had a problem on my Mac. It happens to be set
to port 993.

I used First Aid, got some DB error messages: Class=DB ;what=100;
err=130, but the DB is rebuilt, etc., etc. and PM is no longer trying
to send deleted messages.

Thanks, everyone, for the help!!!

Tom Miller

Hi Tom,

while this will work, people who receive your mail will see it as coming
from your Verizon address rather than your .mac (.me) one. I *certainly*
do not want that.

If you want your mail to remain independent of Verizon then you should
use Apple's smtp server and your .me username and password.

Apple's Mail does a good job of figuring out te right connection
parameters. It obviously excels with Apple's own servers. Port 993 is
appropriate for IMAP, which is the default for .mac/.me accounts in
Mail. If your account is set up as a POP3/SMTP account then it would use
port 995 for POP3 (under the Advanced tab). FInding the port number
for outgoing mail is harder, as it doesn't show up in the Account
anywhere. To find this, select the account in question and click the
popup at the bottom Outgoing Mail Server. When the list pops up,
select Edit SMTP Server List ... which is the last entry. Choose the
server in the top part of the window and click Advanced tab half-way
down. You can then change the settings if needed. For me using POP3/SMTP
it's Use default ports, Authentication: password, and the .mac
username and password.  This was easy to find, wasn't it :)


Re(2): Time for an update!

2010-03-12 Thread Peter Lovell
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010, Michael J. Hußmann wrote:

 The other thing that I find tiresome with PowerMail's monolithic
 database is that the entire database needs to be backed up on a daily
 basis. With Apple Mail, the only mailboxes that get backed up in an
 incremental backup are the ones that have new emails.

That might help if some mailboxes were updated much less frequently than
the others. In my case I don't really see how I could divide incoming
mail in such a way that all of the mailboxes wouldn't be updated on a
daily basis anyway. So while maintaining one or even more than one
message database does create issues with some backup strategies, I don't
see any obvious solution - one database per mailbox might be a better
solution for some users, but not for all. Storing messages as individual
files would solve this particular issue, but at the same time create
other issues.

One option for this is to put your PowerMail folder on a sparsebundle
disk image. The pieces are only 8 MB (if I recall correctly) and only
the ones that change get copied at each Time Machine backup.

Some of Apple's software use this approach.


Re(2): Time for an update!

2010-01-22 Thread Peter Lovell
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010, Michael J. Hußmann wrote:

 Here's the html in the message. The attachments get named Image001.jpg,
 Image002.jpg ..., probably by PowerMail.

That's odd. I've never seen anything like that, in all the years I've
been using PowerMail.

The naming is done by the sender as part of the MIME stuff.
Powermail might change the name by adding a number if the name is
already used, but that's all the change I've ever seen.


Re(3): Upgrade info needed

2009-11-16 Thread Peter Lovell
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009, Raphaël PAREJO wrote:

but inform you that I don't
use Growl for security reasons.

Hi Raphaël,

I don't use Growl with PowerMail either, but I wonder what your security
concerns are.

Are you able to tell us?


Re: Mysterious error 268435556

2009-02-07 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009, Sean McBride wrote:

Hi all,

PowerMail 6.0.1 is giving me this:

'Unexpected error on my.pop.server

Any idea what this means?


Well, it's 0x1064

I'm not sure what that code is for though. I've long been puzzled by
these Class/what/when errors and found that they are usually a comms
failure. That's just a guess.


Re(2): [ANN] PowerMail 6.0 universal released

2008-12-08 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008, Graham B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


As a licensed owner of PowerMail, please be informed of the availability
of PowerMail version 6.0, downloadable from:

and the link in that email contains the discount process, it is
automatically filled in as you go through the steps at Kagi. I guess the
links are personalised.

The Kagi process worked (thanks to the team for the small-but-extremely-
helpful explanation of the sequence). But I haven't received the new
license code yet.

So I'm using it in 30-day mode and it's working fine (except for my pet
peeve which has been ignored *again*, so I guess I need to file another
bug report)


Re(2): Attachment in code

2008-09-10 Thread Peter Lovell
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008, Gerald F. Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What i meant was to hold the option key down then move the mouse over
the jpg and a small menu should appear. There will be one that says open
attachment while still holding the option key move the mouse over the
menu option and click the mouse

That will probably be the control key rather than the option key.
That's the one that will bring up contextual menus, which is what I
think you're meaning here.


Re(2): reason for HTML-only?

2008-08-23 Thread Peter Lovell
 Do anyone here have clue on what possible reasons there could be to
 choosing to send HTML-only messages, instead of mixed messages without a
 pure text part as well?

As to the original question, I don't know, given that such messages are
more likely to be considered spam.

Actually, I see quite a few that are all, or almost all, html and don't
display well, or at all.

There are also some that are not very well formed - the usual ones I see
of these are airline tickets and confirmations. So I wouldn't consider
them all to be spam. Some maybe, but not all.


Re(3): Gmail

2008-07-11 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008, Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, there is something in my current PowerMail user environment which is
not letting Gmail get checked.

The obvious possibility is the kist under Connect (command-K)

I'd assume that the account is enabled there, but it's worth a check. I
don't know of any other place.


Re(3): Gmail

2008-07-09 Thread Peter Lovell
With regard to receiving POP from gmail ...

my settings have just the account ID in the User account ID field.
There's no in the field. The other settings (in Advanced
match those described by Angelica. It all works fine for me this way.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008, Winston Weinmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My Gmail works for sending mail, but not for POP receiving. I have
toggled POP on and off in my Gmail settings, and even tried setting up
another PowerMail account. Nor can I get IMAP to work. I am using the
same settings Angelica listed.

Any suggestions on how to get Gmail working with PowerMail?

Also: whenever I check email PowerMail says Checking 2 accounts even
though PM is checking more than two accounts. Why?


- Winston

Angelica Johnson wrote:

I have mine set up.

User ID: full email address with 
Advanced: check SSL, use port 995 and click on dedicated secure port

Authenticate: full email address again
Advanced: check SSL, use port 587 and click on Using the STARTTLS command


Has anyone set Powermail up to handle Gmail?  I've used most of the
possible configurations listed on the Gmail page, but none of them work
(they're all about the same anyway).  Any success stories out there?

Long Beach, CA

Re(2): Review of Power Mail

2008-06-19 Thread Peter Lovell

Could I PLEASE BE REMOVED from this list???

The way to do this is included in the headers of every message. Of
course, not everyone has full-headers turned on, so here it is.



Re(2): powermail-discuss Digest #2831 - 05/17/08

2008-05-17 Thread Peter Lovell
On Sat, May 17, 2008, Mark Winitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How do I set PowerMail to delete messages from my e-mail server
automatically when I download them to Powermail?

Mail Accounts - Receiving

Un-set the setting Leave copies of retrieved messages on the server


Re(3): PM and unexpected quits

2008-03-24 Thread Peter Lovell
I've also had occasional drag problems, but not enough to be able to
discern any pattern. I don't have Default Folder (although I'm not
criticizing anyone who does :)

I'm keeping a look out to see if there's something in common.


On Sun, Mar 23, 2008, Bill Schjelderup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I own a software development company, all our products run on both Mac
and Windows so I'm all too familiar with weird program interactions.
With thousands of customers all over the world, there is a constant
stream of weird things we need to deal with. 

I recently moved from a quad G5 machine, to an 8 core Mac Pro where I
carefully, painfully, reinstalled everything as my old machine had a
lot of old junk on it. That said, I DO run a LOT of software. I've been
using Powermail since version 2, and Default Folder since version 1. For
the most part, BOTH products have been very reliable. 

I known CTMDEV recently moved from Codewarrior to xCode while at the
same time Apple has been trying to stabilize OS 10.5. I carry Powermail
on an external firewire drive between my home office and work office.
I have exactly the same issues although my work machine is a fairly
clean Intel Macbook. I don't think my issue is machine related. 

As I examine my crash logs, I see 11 Powermail crashes in the past 11
days on just my home machine. Sometimes I go 2 days between crashes. I
receive over 1200 emails per day, so it's not like I'm not using
Powermail EVERY day. 

In fact, Powermail is my most used application. It's not worth my time
to debug the problem myself... If I discovered it WAS Default
Folder...I'd not change; Default Folder is VERY useful. 

As I mentioned before, it always seems to happen during a drag event; I
can't say for sure, but I think it's a threading issue when I'm dragging
and email arrives. At one point I thought it was the notification sound,
so I turned that off. (Quicktime has caused issues in the past.) That
wasn't the issue. Activity monitor shows over 100 processes running yet
overall my machine is very stable.

I'm wondering if this is a widespread Powermail issue, and if so,
perhaps CTMDEV will spend a bit of time on solving it. 

If not, well, then I'll just keep moving forward hoping that some
combination of updates will resolve MY issue. 

One thing I'm not considering AT ALL is moving from Powermail! I want
CTMDEV to be very successful, and continue PM development

  Bill Schjelderup -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On   Sunday, March 23, 2008,   T.L. Miller   sent forth:

On 3/23/08, at 9:44 AM, Bill Schjelderup [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I too have been having a LOT more quits with Powermail since 10.5. I
too use DefaultFolder, but I'd say 99% of these failures occur during
drag events, i.e. when I'm dragging a message to a folder. 

Have you tried removing Default Folder and retesting?

I have followed all these reports over the years with interest, not only
because software like PowerMail, i.e. apps that perform what is now a
well understood function like e-mail, should just work as the mantra
goes.  I am interested also because I've rarely had a problem with the
package and that is with around 7 years of use.  I have used and
continue to use my Mac in a fairly vanilla configuration when it comes
to apps that tweak how the finder or operating system in general
behaves.  I think the clue lies there.

I work in the IT field and one option that suggests itself quite a bit -
at least with Windows systems - is that of starting over and layering on
the software cleanly and testing after each addition.  Apps such as
DefaultFolder should be checked quite thoroughly in such testing given
what they do.  I have a case right now between IBM's Via Voice and a
host of apps on a client's eMac.  I can't prove it outright until I
remove the app and if necessary go through the above procedure. 
Certainly the logs suggest that it is at least partly to blame.

Once you've managed to isolate the guilty apps, I would think that you
have a choice to make, at least until the companies in question can get
their act together.  What do you need to do your job / live your life /
whatever?  Neither CTMDEV nor Apple is responsible for anything other
than their own stuff, beyond certain obvious assumptions of stability in
the recommended vanilla environment.

Just my 2 cents.

Tim Lapin
Intel iMacOS 10.4.11PowerMail 5.6.1 1 GB RAM 250 GB HD

Re: Removing Old Addresses

2008-03-20 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008, Nick Keck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I address a new message, sometimes I am provided as an option old
addresses for the individual. They are preceded by the @ sign and not
the good address symbol.

They do not appear in my address book. Where are they being stored?

How do I remove them from my setup?


Hi Nick,

I think this happens only when you reply to an incoming message, or drag
an address from a received message into a new message. That's the only
way I see it happen.

The address description with the @ is provided with the received
address. The one with the sort-of face (shades of PowerTalk, for those
that remember that far back) are from your address book. You can see the
names if you show full headers (under View menu). If you want them to
be faces, drag the addresses into your address book. Next incoming
message they'll show up that way.


Re: Vervallen mailadres

2008-03-20 Thread Peter Lovell
Would the list-manager please unsubscribe the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.
This message says that it's no longer in use because of spam, and is no
longer being read.

Otherwise we'll all just keep getting these bounce messages :(

THanks.Peter Lovell

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wegens spam is ons oude mailadres ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) niet meer in
gebruik. Berichten verstuurd naar dit adres worden niet meer door ons
gelezen. Wilt u Option One per mail bereiken, dan kunt u het woord
'informatie' gebruiken voor het apestaartje in plaats van info.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Option One
Angelo Spiler
Postbus 51031
1007 EA  Amsterdam
tel: 020-6380821

Re(2): Removing Old Addresses

2008-03-20 Thread Peter Lovell
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008, Nick Keck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008;  Peter Lovell;  dispatched the following through
the ether:

my understanding is that the only source for the description in an
address with the @ symbol is an address in a received message. But
there's something I'm missing, obviously.

Which I THINK you're telling me that I've got a message in my database
with that address still in it.

In your case, how are adding addresses in to your new message? You start
with a new, empty message window and then   ??

I tpe the person's first name and up will pop the correct, current, e-
mail address while appearing below it will be the ones that are no
longer valid.

Appreciate your time, my friend. I know I'm getting old, (71) however,
I've been using PowerMail almost from the first day it was written but
still don't fully understand it.

Heh - I've been using it since even before then, back when some of
were working on a great idea called PowerTalk. Had some underpinnings
problems in the system (System 7 Pro) but lots of good concepts. And a
few horrible ones.

The thing with address-pop-up doesn't happen for me as I've never
integrated PM's address book and the Apple Address Book.

[ouch - that was nasty. Fortunately I'd saved this as draft. I tried
some of Barbara's suggestions and PM crashed hard. Blew the sort indices
and all. I haven't seen *that* in a while. I noticed the venerable
WaitNextEvent in the trace -- I had thought that it had gone away with
the conversion to Xcode]

... now, where were we? I use only the built-in PM address book, so
there is no address-completion, at least as far as I have been able to
find [no - I'm not about to try it *again* right now]

If you are using the Apple Address Book then maybe there are
possibilities to edit that, as Barbara suggests. I have noticed in Apple
Mail, which I use for one account, that it has some very old addresses
stored somewhere. I need to look there further.


Re: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac

2007-12-18 Thread Peter Lovell
Do remember that .Mac mail has been woefully wedged lately, especially
yesterday. Today does seem to be better, though.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007, Fabian Ramirez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I still cannot send e-mails via my .Mac account.  No problems sending  
via Comcast or Gmail.  Any ideas or suggestions, as I've gotten no  
response to my e-mail to CTM Support.

I get the following error message:

A network interface error occurred

Class=NetP; what=100; when=1

I'm at the point of ditching PowerMail and reverting back to Mail.

I've tried about deleting the preference file, but I couldn't find any  
com.CTM or com.PowerMail files in the Preferences' folder.

Is there a way to completed delete PowerMail, saving the attachments  
and message database files and reinstall PowerMail, and replacing the  
attachments and message database files?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Time Machine and Powermail

2007-11-10 Thread Peter Lovell

On Nov 10, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Paul Collett wrote:

Is anyone using Time Machine with Leopard?  How do you find the  

work if you have your Powermail folder included?

I was finding the hourly backups were taking forever - in most cases,
well over an hour if they even got completed, and generally slowing  
my computer. After playing around with including and excluding  

folders it seems Powermail was slowing things down the most; excluding
the entire Powermail folder from the backup set means Time Machine is
now working as advertised.  Unfortunately at the expense of getting
hourly backups of my mail.

I'm very interested to hear any other experiences here, especially if
people are getting successful and fast backups of their mail.

Paul Collett

I have asked about this exact issue several times and have never  
received any answer. The PowerMail Message Database is a single  
file and any change to that means that it's backed up. Same for some  
of the files in the index.

Being TM-friendly would mean an extensive rewrite of the database  
mechanism, and I haven't heard any suggestion about that.
