El Capitan?

2015-10-01 Thread RockLily
so will PM run ok on the new OS?


* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

He's alive, Jim. Should I blast him again?

Re: El Capitan?

2015-10-01 Thread RockLily
Long long ago (or possibly at 2:49 PM on 10/1/15), in a galaxy far far away, 
CTM, of ctm-feedb...@ctmdev.com bespoketh thus:

>We are indeed running PowerMail on El Capitan.

thank you!


?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?
The most valuable function performed by the federal government is

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #3101 - 11/17/14

2015-02-07 Thread RockLily
Around or about 3:02 PM on 11/17/14, Judith Beiss proclaimed:

this is not fancy, but it works for me: Mini,  [OS 10.9.5, iPhoto '11,
(9.5.1)]: I just open the iPhoto album with the photo showing among all
the othrs in the album, drag the photo to the side of my desktop. Open
an email in PM 6.2.1 and drag the photo icon onto the email.  Been doing
this for years ad it always works.

you can drag directly from iPhoto into your open email that you're composing, 
too - problem being sometimes you don't want to send such a large file. (less 
of a problem nowadays)



Jo __

Practice safe eating -- always use condiments.

Re: PM going forward

2012-08-19 Thread RockLily
Long long ago (or possibly at 9:51 AM on Mon, Aug 13, 2012), in a galaxy far 
far away, Tom bespoketh thus:

I'd be more than willing to pay an annual fee to get upgrades at no
charge. I wouldn't stay with a system that would stop working if the fee
wasn't paid or the company went out of business.

I certainly don't mind paying for upgrades. Even small ones, like one to
maintain compatibility with OS changes.

Either way, I sure would like to see CTM make enough money to do well in
business. I'd like to pay more to use PowerMail rather than see it go away.


.. Jo 

Buckle up. It makes it harder for the aliens to snatch you from your car.


Re: PowerMail and Hotmail

2012-01-20 Thread RockLily
Long long ago (or possibly at 2:49 AM on Sat, Jan 14, 2012), in a galaxy far 
far away, Chris bespoketh thus:

Has anyone been able to send and receive mail to/from a Hotmail account
using PowerMail?

I've never had trouble receiving from hotmail accounts. Never had one myself to 
do any sending though.

If electricity comes from electrons... does that mean that morality comes from 

iPhoto and powermail... again

2010-09-29 Thread RockLily
I can't believe I'm asking this again, but apparently I trashed the
answer the last time. *How* do I get my little PM orange envelope back
at the bottom of iPhoto? Just had to reload everything on a new hard
disk and apparently my back-up didn't include whatever I had done to it
last time. DUH.




Real women don't have hot flashes, they have power surges.

Re: iPhoto and powermail... again

2010-09-29 Thread RockLily
Long long ago (or possibly at 1:39 AM on Wed, Sep 29, 2010), in a galaxy
far far away, Karsten bespoketh thus:

The iPhoto-mailer-patcher 4.1 works just fine:

thank you SO much. I knew it was something stupidly easy, but my brain
just wouldn't take me there.

`º'º~º'º´ `º'º~º'º´ `º'º~º'º´ `º'º~º'º´ `º'º~º'º´

If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #3023 - 11/09/09

2009-11-10 Thread RockLily
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009, at 6:48 PM, Judith compellingly composed,
painstakingly penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an
email then hastily scribbled

I've run into numerous spinning and quitting events of late. Very
annoying: PM 5.2.2, Mac G4. compacting and rebuilding has not helped.
Deleting, downloading and installing seems like a lot of work with much
to go wrong.

I did it yesterday (I was the one who wrote in complaining). It is
barely any work at all. Took about 2 minutes, if that. It's too early
for me to report whether or not it helped, of course. I also deleted the
prefs (2 different ones:
PowerMail Prefs

both found in my user library prefs folder.

*I only deleted the application itself, not the whole PM folder with
databases, etc.


The world's your oyster shell.
(so what's that funny smell?)
  -Barenaked Ladies

Re: PowerMail into the future

2009-09-14 Thread RockLily
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Mirko compellingly composed,
painstakingly penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an
email then hastily scribbled

Does this work for you?


YES!!! Thank you so much! I think this is probably what I used a few
years back to fix it in the first place, but I couldn't remember what it
was. Sooo much more convenient now. 8-)


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
   Douglas Adams

Re: 6.0.3 PPC...?

2009-09-14 Thread RockLily
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Ken compellingly composed,
painstakingly penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an
email then hastily scribbled

  If I send a message to someone and they
reply, quoting all or part of my message in their reply, the quoted part
of my original message is gibberish (although their message displays fine).

If I click forward (to forward their reply, including their quoting of
my original message), then my original message, as quoted by them,
appears fine again.

yep, that's happened here, too. MacBook 2G Intel Duo here with Snow Leopard

 ~~the gene pool could use a little chlorine~~

Re: Strange rendering of HTML emails

2009-09-14 Thread RockLily
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009, at 6:31 PM, emac compellingly composed,
painstakingly penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an
email then hastily scribbled

Hello Jo and company,

Here's another clue - the emails are originating from a Windows 2000 machine.

I followed the suggestion that Ben had from another thread, and checked
Font Book - there were a LOT of duplicate fonts, and I trashed all of
them, and it now works. Yay! I don't know if Snow Leopard installed the
trouble causing fonts (I had many many more duplicates than what would
have come from an OS install, but maybe it was just the specific system
fonts??), or just made use of them differently, but I'm happy now.


Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you
- Mary Bly

Re: Strange rendering of HTML emails

2009-09-13 Thread RockLily
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009, at 5:37 PM, emac compellingly composed,
painstakingly penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an
email then hastily scribbled

Ever since I upgraded from PowerMail 5 to 6, I have received HTML emails
from one non-profit organization only to see a bunch of Chinese/Japanese
characters appear when viewed in PowerMail.

me too, sorta. Not asian characters, but other weird stuff. Just in mail
from certain people (I can think of 2 offhand). The text quoted shows up
with various accented and alternative type characters, all spaced
strangely. And it shows in the header (simple header), replacing
'subject,' 'date sent,' etc., with SOME of the characters, intermingled
with blank spaces, like:
Su  e  :
 a  eSe  :
9e  yT  :
T :

A little strange, yes?


No animals or trees were killed or injured in the sending of this
message. However, a great number of electrons were inconvenienced.

Re: PowerMail into the future

2009-09-06 Thread RockLily
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009, at 1:52 PM, A compellingly composed, painstakingly
penned, then roundfiled a lyrical masterpiece of an email then
hastily scribbled

  What has begun to get old, though, are all the little
gooky things that people put into their html e-mails.  Now I have to
sort through a folder of .gif's to find the downloaded files.

at one point, I think I set up a filter to get rid of those win.dat (??
I can't remember exactly what they were??) files that seemed to come
regularly, but I wonder if there's some way to strip out the various
'stationery' aspects of html mail that people tend to send? I would LOVE
to be able to do that.

I was a Claris Emailer user also, who glommed onto PowerMail when
Emailer went away.. been here ever since. The only things I wish it
would do are those occasional things like someone mentioned where you
can interact with iCal or whatever (iPhoto, for instance, is the one I
would use most - and I am no longer able to figure out how to fix the
latest iPhoto so that the clickable 'email' icon directs the photo to PM
instead of Mail), which Mail is obviously set up to do.


A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after
that is the beginning of a new argument.

Re: emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-28 Thread RockLily
Upon careful review of surveillance tapes labeled 3/28/09, 8:04 PM, it
would appear that Matthias, code name p...@schmidt-system.de, divulged
this crucial information:

maybe one could mal the guy, and ask him to to update the script?

I did - haven't heard back yet

Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high. . . .

Re: emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-28 Thread RockLily
Upon careful review of surveillance tapes labeled 3/28/09, 8:57 AM, it
would appear that Sean, code name cwat...@cam.org, divulged this crucial

The last time iPhoto was updated we all had this problem too.  As I
recall he didn't have the time/interest to update it last time.  He sent
me the source code.  I'll try to dig it up this weekend and update it
for the new iPhoto.

That would be MUCH appreciated - thank you!

  (__)Jo Dorais
  / | ||
 *  ||w---||When cows laugh really hard,
^^^^   does milk come out their nose?

Re: emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-27 Thread RockLily
Upon careful review of surveillance tapes labeled 3/26/09, 10:29 AM, it
would appear that m., code name t...@mclink.it, divulged this crucial

should be this on http://homepage.mac.com/jacksim/software/imp.html

actually there's a slightly newer version (from 2006) here:

but it doesn't quite work. At least it has an 'uninstall' option. It
puts a PM button for emailing photos, but there's something wrong with
the scripting I guess. It gives an error message.


There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-26 Thread RockLily
Years ago, I did something to iPhoto that enabled it to recognize
PowerMail and let me email photos from within iPhoto (well, it would
open a new mail form in PM, with the photos already attached).

I've now upgraded to iPhoto 09 and I can no longer do this and I can't
remember what the hell I did to make it work in the first place. Does
anyone know?


Jo Dorais

Does killing time damage eternity?

Re: emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-26 Thread RockLily

there used to be a plugin which you could download from versiontracker.
do not know if still works with the latest version of iphoto and
powermail but do a search at www.versiontracker.com for powermail and
you will find it.

Bummer - not there anymore. I did, however find one to allow me to send
from iCal, so that's something, I suppose. G

Last time I did this, it wasn't anything I DL'd - it was something I
tweaked. Like probably via applescript. But I have NO memory of what/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - -So many stupid people...so few comets.

Re: Gmail

2008-02-16 Thread RockLily
In our last episode, airdate 2/12/08,7:14 PM, John called from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with this startling development:

Has anyone set Powermail up to handle Gmail?  I've used most of the
possible configurations listed on the Gmail page, but none of them work
(they're all about the same anyway).  Any success stories out there?

mine works fine:
incoming: pop.gmail.com 
secure connection port 995
dedicated secure port

smtp: smtp.gmail.com
authenticate as user
secure connection, port 587
starttls command

BTW, I have no idea where those port numbers came from, I set this up so
long ago.


There is no monopoly of common sense
On either side of the political fence

   . Sting

virus in email or what?

2005-10-09 Thread RockLily

I'm not sure where to start looking for the answer to this. I don't
think it's an email client question at all, but I'm starting here
because I'm hoping someone will know, anyway. 

I've been getting emails lately where the subject line has somehow,
somewhere along the line, been changed to a long string of gobbledygook.
Like these: 


and so forth. Some are ads.. not strictly spam, because I think they
came from places I've signed up with or ordered things through, and
others are from friends. No rhyme nor reason... the same friend's mail
will come through with one of these subject lines one day but not the
next. Obviously, it's not the subject line THEY put on the email to
begin with. ;-)

anyone have any idea what's causing this, or how I can make it stop?
It's annoying. 

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.

Re: Feature request: Spell check in Subject line

2004-12-11 Thread RockLily

50 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence nothing
much of importance has happened since then, until Fri, Dec 3, 2004 at 4:
02 PM, when Max proclaimed

I find it somewhat annoying that Spell Checking doesn't check the subject

if you're willing to buy commercial spellchecking software, try
SpellCatcher: http://www.rainmakerinc.com/ I couldn't live without it.


Dijon vu -- the same mustard as before

Re: Attachments in Triplicate

2004-12-08 Thread RockLily

50 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence nothing
much of importance has happened since then, until Wed, Dec 8, 2004 at 7:
34 AM, when Larry proclaimed 

I see exactly the same thing.
Not all attachments ... but quite a few

seems like I used to get some like that and they were from a particular
person.. once that person stopped sending me stuff, I don't recall having
the problem again. So I'm betting it's at the sender's end. Some
weirdness in their email client?


My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform
had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt!


Re: slow everything

2004-11-11 Thread RockLily

50 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence nothing
much of importance has happened since then, until Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at
11:22 AM, when Sean proclaimed 

I can confirm that on my machine it is often slow from clicking one
mailbox to another, especially when there are many messages, as in your case.

well, while it is still not lightning fast, the switch to 5.1b3 has
helped quite a bit!


Oh! I'm ringing do you hear it? I'm ringing... all... over!
(Darla pulls a cell phone out of Dru's dress)
Oh yeah. Forgot about that.


Re: slow everything

2004-11-10 Thread RockLily

50 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence nothing
much of importance has happened since then, until Tue, Nov 9, 2004 at 11:
54 AM, when Sead proclaimed 

PM5.1b3 seems to be much more stable and a better choice. I was having
few probs with 5.0.1.

didn't realize there was a newer one.. thanks-I'll check it out. I've
tried all the rebuilds except that final one.

There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.
- Unknown

Re: slow everything

2004-11-09 Thread RockLily

50 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence nothing
much of importance has happened since then, until Tue, Nov 9, 2004 at 7:
27 AM, when Jacques proclaimed 

restart PM with Cmd-Alt.

which would be cmd-option on a mac?? 

sorry I didn't mention what I'm using. OSX (10.3.5), PM 5.0.1 build 4311

I have rebooted several times lately trying to make it better... AFA
newly installed items, I haven't kept track, but I routinely add whatever
updates Apple sends out. Nothing 3rd party though, really.. Maybe Firefox
as a browser?

aibohphobia, (n.) The fear of palindromes

slow everything

2004-11-09 Thread RockLily

Everything is running very slowly in PM these days.. I click on a folder
and it takes several seconds to open. I hit reply, and it takes even
longer, etc..  Everything is affected, clicking on the toolbar icons for
trash and checking mail and address book, whatever. What do i need to
compress or trash or WHAT, to speed things up like they should be??


Bad command or file name. You have 2 wishes left.


Re: Indexing error

2003-10-10 Thread RockLily

Previously, on [EMAIL PROTECTED], at 2:28 AM on 10/9/03, the ever-
persistent PowerMail was overheard saying 

indexing error
class=QIE ; what=9; when=2 (index)

Rebuild the search index from the file / database menu.

thanks-worked like a charm!


_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Back in the 50's 
They thought it made good sense
To teach all the schoolchildren
About civil defense
Don't be scared
Do not cry
Just dive under your desk and kiss your ass goodbye.

Jimmy Buffett

Indexing error

2003-10-09 Thread RockLily


My computer shut itself off (I think the battery ran out), and when I
restarted (actually, I just plugged in the power cord and it rebooted
itself), I got this error as PM started up:

indexing error
class=QIE ; what=9; when=2 (index)
then when trying to quit, I got this (and had to force quit):

error while closing user's files
Uncaught exception type

I was unable to reply to a message (it wouldn't send... well, wouldn't
*save* to send, it looked like-it didn't get as far as trying to send...
there was a message but I clicked through it before I remembered to write
it down), so that's when I force quit and did the compact database stuff.
I clicked the first 3 options, waited for that to finish, then got the
same indexing error above as it launched.
I *was* able to send mail after that, but still, I force quit again (same
closing error), and tried the low level index.. it worked on that for
about 3 seconds then came up with the indexing error again.

Any clues??


WILLOW: There's no use arguing with me. Do you see my resolve face?
You've seen it before. You know what it means. This can help Buffy. If we
turn Angel back soon enough, we can stop him from ever awakening Acathla.
OZ: Okay, I pretty much missed out on some stuff, didn't I? Because this
is all making a kind of sense that's... not. 

_Buffy the Vampire Slayer