Re(2): why does "mark as unread" delete "answered" info?

2005-01-14 Thread fk

On 14/1/2005 at 6:32 PM I saw Mikael Byström type:

>>But, the information is still there.
>That's not a valid reason for removing the arrow.

Right. I wasn't saying that was the reason for removing the arrow. The
original poster was asking about how to access the reply information. If
you change it to unread, it does make sense for the message to not be
shown as replied in the status column.

>> If you have the status displayed
>>[that is where the little blue arrow was], then click and hold there and
>>choose "Replied" from the pop-up menu that appears. The actual reply
>>information is still associated with the message. You can right click on
>>the message and select "Show Reply" and will be taken to the proper email.
>But you could do all this when you had the arrow visible too.

Exactly. As I mentioned before, that is what Hervé was wanting when
posting about changing to unread. I just wanted to let him know that
after a reply, the reply is still connected, regardless of the original
message's status.


Re(2): why does "mark as unread" delete "answered" info?

2005-01-13 Thread fk

On 13/1/2005 at 9:33 AM I saw Rene Merz type:

>Am 12.1.2005 hat listes geschrieben:
>>Today I "marked as unread" one such mail to which I just had sent a
>>quick reply (there were the blue arrow aside its title) and... the arrow
>Yes it does - for ever.
>Simply logical: Un unread message can't be answered ...

But, the information is still there. If you have the status displayed
[that is where the little blue arrow was], then click and hold there and
choose "Replied" from the pop-up menu that appears. The actual reply
information is still associated with the message. You can right click on
the message and select "Show Reply" and will be taken to the proper email.


Feature Requests

2005-01-13 Thread fk

OK, I realize that several issues are still be addressed in the current
version, but the discussion about replies/unread messages sparked a long
held but unvoiced feature request:

There are times where I need to reply to the same email a several times:
  1). When there are multiple recipients that need different or custom

  2). When there are independent subjects that need to be addressed
separately from the original message and thus are replied to separately.

Currently only the last reply is linked via the "Show Reply" information
and the others are forgotten? I would like to see either a sub-menu or
indented menu when there are 2+ replies to a given email.

I would also like to be able to make non-contiguous selections in an
email and reply to that material [quoted or unquoted as you prefer] in
the same way you can select a section of text and reply to that.


Re(2): empty In Tray - DB corruption

2004-12-19 Thread fk

On 19/12/2004 at 1:55 AM I saw Marlyse Comte type:

> former message(s) quotes: -
>this might sound dumb, but did you ensure : menubar > view > view all ?

Or perhaps even more insidious, double check to see that there isn't
anything typed in the Quick Search field in the tool bar. More than one
time I've had something in that field and wondered where my messages were.


Re(2): One More Filter Request

2004-12-07 Thread fk

On 7/12/2004 at 5:08 PM I saw Max Gossell type:

>At Tue, 7 Dec 2004 09:25:44 -0600 (CET), Anthony Sanna
>>Another convenience that could be added to Filters window is a auto-
>>scrolling list.  When you create a new filter, it appears at the bottom.
>> If you want to move it up towards the top of a long list, it has to be
>>dragged part-way, parked, the list scrolled up manually, and then dragged
>>to its final resting place.
>>I've got a big display and it's annoying to do this once, but on smaller
>>displays you might have to drag->park->drag->park several times.
>It is indeed annoying, even with a big display. I've found it faster to
>make a copy of the filter where I wanted the new filter to be placed,
>erase everything in the filter and enter the new data.
>I think this could be solved that you mark an old filter, then press the
>New Filter button and the new filter is placed before/after the marked one.

Try dragging the new filter to the top of the list and pausing for a
moment with it about half in, half out of the filter list. The list of
filters should start scrolling up. I have no problem dragging filters up
and down through the list and the list always scrolls up or down as necessary.



Searching Headers

2004-12-05 Thread fk

Hello all,

Is there a way to search the full headers of emails?


Re(2): delete ONE email?

2004-12-01 Thread fk

On 30/11/2004 at 11:44 PM I saw Andy Fragen type:

>Use the "Delete Message Immediately" script.
>On Wed, Dec 1, 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>So I seem to have found the offending email that always causes memory
>>errors... entire trash deletes except for this piece of spam which has an
>>How can I isolate it at the finder level to force delete it?
>>I tried isolating it in its own mailbox and exporting that but no luck.
>>any help?

you may have trouble selecting it to delete it also. If that is the case,
then you can duplicate a couple of know good messages, move them into the
same folder and select them all and use the script that Andy mentioned above.


Re(2): HTML hyperlinks in 5.1

2004-11-17 Thread fk

On 16/11/2004 at 10:22 PM I saw Mikael Byström type:

>>I use PM because it's NOT a web browser and because it's got a kick-butt
>>search engine.
>>>Double clicking does not open the link either.
>>Drats ... no, not really ... double clicks still launch URLs :(
>I''d much prefer that CTM would use the standard with Command clicking.
>As you say PowerMail is NOT a webbrowser and shouldn't mimic browser

On the other side of the coin, I really enjoy the double clicking of URLs
within messages. While you rightly say that PowerMail is not a web
browser, neither is it a word processor or text editor.


Re(2): Most problems fixed, but one remains

2004-11-13 Thread fk

On 13/11/2004 at 12:21 AM I saw Steve Grammont type:

>on 13/11/2004 at 2:31 AM I saw Ben Kennedy type:
>>How do you know that PowerMail is idle (i.e., not writing to the
>>database) at the time your system is going down?
>Because there is no activity.  It is not tasked with receiving email or
>sending it out, and therefore shouldn't be doing anything with the index
>files.  Also as you might know, the latest version appears to have turned
>off background indexing (which is irrelevant anyway because we're talking
>about hours unattended passing before my system crashes).

Do you have background indexing turned off in the preferences? In
reference to the latest version, it's still on here.

>>Maybe there is an electrical problem with a hard drive, such that PM
>>begins to check mail, spins up disk, starts to write, loses power.
>That is grasping at straws.

And I think straws is what you are down to considering. Other issues have
been considered, discussed and evaluated. By your own admission something
is wrong. When you've ruled out the obvious, that leaves the obscure.

>>Of course I am purely speculating.  But if a file is left in an
>>inconsistent state on disk, it will result in data loss or at least
>>necessitate maintenance; since that is the symptom, we can induce that
>>for SOME REASON the database is in use or otherwise inconsistent when
>>your system dies.
>Correct.  And the most likely reason is that something isn't being "put
>to bed" correctly by PM.  Something is being left untidy and when the
>system goes down it stays that way.  And why this should require a
>complete, ground up rebuild (instead of a minor repair) also is a
>question since Jerome seemed to imply that PM is capable of partial repairs.

I have a hard time believing that PowerMail is failing to write something
out correctly or finish a critical task. If this were the case, problems
such as this would be endemic to the client and show up all across it's
user base. I support PowerMail on several systems ranging from one
lagging OS 9 user on a beige G3 to iBooks, PowerBooks, iMacs, and
PowerMacs of all sizes, shapes and flavors across multiple countries and
localizations. We've had some issues, but nothing that has resulted in
the serious problems you are facing.

>>To give confidence in PowerMail's robustness, I just saved this message
>>as I was typing it, then force-quit PowerMail point blank.  I then
>>restarted it, and up it came -- no database recovery or re-indexing
>This doesn't mean anything.  You would have to be using the same exact
>system as me for this to be relevant.  I can put a gun to my head and
>pull the trigger with nothing happening.  But if my gun is unloaded and
>yours is... your results would be a lot different :-)
>Note that the reason why I started participating on this list was due to
>frequent 16 hour rebuilds.  I found out that two interactive bugs with
>the MacOS were responsible for these crashes and that the lengthy rebuild
>is also unnecessary (in theory at least).  Did you have these problems? 
>No, but I certainly did and Jermone's helpful tips fixed my problems.

True, your system is unique. If for no other reason than you type
different words on your keyboard than I do. I think Ben and Hiro were
trying very hard to help isolate some of those differences. Don't dismiss
them out of hand.

>>Therefore, absent your observation of what the system is doing when it
>>dies, I would tend to believe that disk activity may well be going on.
>There shouldn't be any activity, therefore there shouldn't be any
>corruption.  And even if there is activity, why is the entire 100,000
>email Search index zapped into a useless heap of digital trash?  That
>doesn't sound right to me either.

>On 13/11/2004 at 7:05 AM I saw A-NO-NE Music type:
>>Now back to your machine problem, did you take a look at system.log? 
>>Have you ran Hardware Diag?
>I don't know how to do either thing.  However, I do run the latest
>version of Norton frequently.  Just ran it 2 days ago.  No problems with
>the drive that can be detected, no other problems with my system as far
>as I can tell.  And that still doesn't address the PM corruption issue
>because although it might be triggering the corruption, it isn't causing it.

If there is indeed activity when there isn't supposed to be any, then
there is a step in the right direction. I would start looking for other
problems that may be lying under the surface. Hiro's suggestion of
system.log and the Hardware Diagnostic are good ones. To just dismiss
help or potential solutions is not a good idea. The system log is most
easily viewed from the console. Applications->Utilities->Console and then
select File->Open System Log from the menu.

The Hardware Diagnostic is on one of the CD's that came with your
machine. It will require a reboot and will check your hardware for subtle
problems that may exist. These are lower level tests that I don't think
Norton could ever hop

Re(3): Address Book Syncing [was: Exporting Addresses...]

2004-10-15 Thread fk

On 15/10/2004 at 1:06 PM I saw Dan Webb type:

>I've had similar troubles.  I also use the Apple Address Book as the
>master.  The other day I couldn't get a new email address to import into
>the PM address book.  So I deleted everything in the PMAD and imported
>the AAD.  And everything was fine at that point.  But I don't trust that
>PM will remain in sync.
>Another strange thing:  With "Omit Contacts With Existing Name/Address"
>selected, some of my AAD contacts wouldn't import into PM.  I finally had
>to turn these two options off, and then everthing was imported fine.  I
>couldn't figure out what those options meant, and I couldn't find them in
>the docs.
>Original Message
>>I figured I should set one to be "the" address book, so I set Powermail
>>to read from Apple's address book but not write to it. Now when I add
>>entries to groups in the Apple Address book, no changes propagate to the
>>Power Mail Address book. I have a group with 9 entries in Apple's Address
>>Book and only 3 in Powermail's. I have two groups in Powermail's address
>>book called "Apple Address Book Contacts" one with 140 entries and one
>>with 17.

Ditto. I have sync'd the two address books since it was initially offered
as a feature, but I don't know if this latest update has affected it or
what. I have address that I've added from within PowerMail that are now
completely missing from PowerMail's address book, but have duplicates in
Apple's Address Book.


Re: PMail and Entourage

2004-10-04 Thread fk

On 4/10/2004 at 7:49 AM I saw Chris Walker type:

>This has probably been asked before but does anyone know how to get mail
>from Entourage into PMail?  
Entourage mail folders can be dragged to the desktop and will be
available in .mbox format and can be easily dragged back into PowerMail.


Re(2): Deleteing Messages in Trash

2004-09-28 Thread fk

On 28/9/2004 at 1:00 PM I saw Andy Fragen type:

>ow the hard part. Go to VersionTracker and download Cronix. Set up a
>repeating cron job to run the script with the following command.
>osascript "path to script" 
>The 'path to script' should be in quotes with unix delimiters of "/" not ":".

Thanks Andy,
That was the part I was missing in my puzzle.

Re(2): First Aid/Compact Database crashing...

2004-09-28 Thread fk

On 28/9/2004 at 6:22 PM I saw Urs Gruetzner type:

>It seems that several users have the same problem reported, but I newer
>saw any help posted here. Did I miss something during my absence last week?
>Mittwoch, 22. September 2004 20:17 Uhr   Zeph Bender   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Greets -
>>I tried to compact my database from the File menu, and crashed.  Figured
>>I should run PM First Aid, but it crashes a couple seconds after bringing
>>up the (entirely greyed-out) First Aid window.  Help?

Is This The Answer?
I felt this tip was too good to keep for myself, so I am copying both the
list, and James Thomson of DragThing on it!


Mirko Kranenburg
Maastricht, Netherlands

PowerBook G4 (15" FW-800) OS X 10.3.5
Freeway Pro 3.5.12, NavPack, GraphPack
PowerMail 5.0.1, 3 panes
The whole MarinerPak

Bill Schjelderup wrote on Wed, 22 Sep 2004 13:44:02 -0600:

>I had this happen too. It turned out to be related to the latest version
>of DragThing. All I did was quit Dragthing and I was able to rebuild my
>database, and compact the data file. 
>I hope this turns out to be your problem too, losing email even with a
>day old backup is a pain. 

Re(2): Deleteing Messages in Trash

2004-09-28 Thread fk

On 28/9/2004 at 8:59 AM I saw Jim Pistrang type:

>>Is there any way to trigger this without my having to actually QUIT
>>powermail. In normal operation I don't quit very often so the trash tends
>>to build up. A background process that ran on a timed basis (every hour,
>>every 6 hours) that performed this function would be nice. Alternatively,
>>a command that would let me do it manually would suffice (I assume the
>>EMPTY TRASH command deletes everything).
>I would also like to see this.

If you can use something to schedule AppleScripts to run at an interval,
then you can use the following script. Change the value of days in the
first line to reflect how many days you would like to save. This also
calculates based on the message date, as I haven't be able to try when
they are moved to the trash. [N.B. I have commented out the actual delete
part of the script as I didn't want messages to be deleted without
testing it first. Remove the -- infront of delete theMessage to play with

Programs that I used to know of that would do AppleScripts on a schedule
are iDo and perhaps even Cronnix [though I can't profess any ability with
them.] but I use Spark to map it to a function key for quick fire.

set days to 365

tell application "PowerMail"
set messageList to the messages in message container "Mail Trash"
repeat with theMessage in messageList
set messageDate to time sent of theMessage
set messageLable to label of theMessage
if (messageDate < ((current date) - (days * 24 * 3600))) then
set label of theMessage to 3
--delete theMessage
end if
end repeat
end tell


Re: More feature requests

2004-09-24 Thread fk

On 24/9/2004 at 1:07 PM I saw Derry Thompson type:
>1. Option to have send & receive errors logged rather than an popup alert.

It would be nice to have a whole set of robust logging options...
a.  connection/server logs
b.  session transcripts
c.  filter results
d.  database logging
e.  error logging

And I'm sure other things that I'm not thinking about...


Re: feature requests

2004-09-24 Thread fk

On 24/9/2004 at 9:43 AM I saw Jan M.J. Storms type:

>I don't know if it is possible, but it can't hurt to ask for this:

It's always good to ask!

>1 - a "New Message" menu item in PowerMail's dock menu which when
>selected opens a new message window and brings PowerMail to the
>foreground with only that new message window displayed. It would be handy
>when you need to attach a file from a folder that is open in the Finder

You can just drag the file to the PowerMail application in the Dock and
it will automatically open a new message with the file attached.


More feature requests - Window Backgrounds

2004-09-24 Thread fk

It would also be nice to be able to adjust the backgrounds of windows/
panes. There are people who like to ease the strain on their eyes by
selecting an off-white or other color for the background.


Re: edit incoming messages

2004-09-23 Thread fk

On 22/9/2004 at 2:59 PM I saw Dr Dave type:
>What it does do is write the time & date at the top of the message.
>However, when I try to type anything myself, PowerMail tells me that this
>is an incoming message, and do I want to duplicate it? No, I don't I just
>want to delete some of this one, or maybe add a comment to myself. 
>Does anyone have an updated script to enable editing of incoming messages? 

Here's a swipe at it...

This is set up based on how I work through the messages in a list. Any
changes made will insert the line:
[Edited on: ]
at the top of the message. Other things can be filled in there as well.
If you don't want the "Edited" message, feel free to delete that part.

If you don't want to work with multiple messages, you can delete the 2nd
and 3rd lines and the next to last line.

{Also, just because I forget this 90% of the time I copy scripts, make
sure that the wrapped lines are either reconnected or end with the ¬
[newline in applescript].}

tell application "PowerMail"
set messageList to the current messages
repeat with theMessage in messageList
set theContent to content of theMessage
tell me to set newContent to text returned ¬
of (display dialog "Change Content:" default answer 
if newContent is not theContent then ¬
set content of theMessage to ¬
("[Edited on: " & ((current date) as text) & 
"]" & return & newContent)
end repeat
end tell

Again, great thanks to Wayne and Sub and the other great icons of
scriptitude on the list for their great inspiration. 

Re(3): edit incoming messages

2004-09-23 Thread fk

On 23/9/2004 at 9:10 AM I saw computer artwork by subhash type:

>[Dr Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 22.9.2004 um 22:45 Uhr:]
>>Hello CheshireKat,
>>Thanks for your reply. That's pretty neat, and it does successfully
>>(permanently) insert the date & "cheshirekat". But when I try to type on ...
>You cannot edit an incoming message manually, only per AppleScript. There
>is a Script tu shrink the content to the selected content. Maxbe that is

There is also the PM_Shortcuts helper application that uses Facespan to
create a OS9/Classic program that allows you to edit messages. It is
available on the Scripts page at CTM 

I still use it fairly often, but would really like to either be able to
update it for OS X, or convert it to just some scripts to run from the menu.


Re: Menu Shortcuts

2004-09-18 Thread fk

On 9/18/04 at 6:40 AM I saw Giovanni Andreani type:

>I wonder if this happens to you out there as well:  the key combination 
>  ^command B under the window menu don't work and neither the ones
>envolving  te  ^ character

No problems here. I regularly use the control-command-b and control-
command-r to move back and forth between the recent mail and mail browser

Do you have any programs, utilities, services et cetera that interfere
with those command keys? Not sure it that is the issue or not. I know "A
Better Finder Rename" defaults to the control-command-r sequence and will
override the Recent Mail command.


Re(2): How to delete non-deleted trash content?

2004-09-14 Thread fk

On 9/14/04 at 9:27 AM I saw Rene Merz type:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] has written:
>>>Is there a way to delete manually such undeleted trash?
>>Shift - Command - Delete
>This command delets *all* in the trash directory.
>Not helpful.

I'm sorry. I misunderstood and thought that is what you were looking for.
I really was trying to be helpful.


Re: How to delete non-deleted trash content?

2004-09-14 Thread fk

On 9/14/04 at 8:16 AM I saw Rene Merz type:

>Is there a way to delete manually such undeleted trash?

Shift - Command - Delete


Re: imported dates

2004-09-12 Thread fk

On 9/12/04 at 3:36 AM I saw fk type:

>Where does PowerMail read message dates from when importing messages? 

Anyone know?

>I have a large mbox file with a couple thousand messages in it. When they
>are imported, the dates are changed to ones way out in the future. 2002
>becomes 2031 or something equally wrong. I can't "see" anything wrong
>with the messages in their headers the dates look correct, just the "Date
>Sent" is wrong in the message listing.

I have also tried importing the same mbox into Apple's Mail application
and the dates are correctly interpreted there. I exported the mbox from
Mail and re-imported to PowerMail and the dates were again wrong.
Entourage [shudder] manages to import them fine also.

Thoroughly baffled,

imported dates

2004-09-12 Thread fk

Where does PowerMail read message dates from when importing messages? 

I have a large mbox file with a couple thousand messages in it. When they
are imported, the dates are changed to ones way out in the future. 2002
becomes 2031 or something equally wrong. I can't "see" anything wrong
with the messages in their headers the dates look correct, just the "Date
Sent" is wrong in the message listing.


scripts in the toolbar

2004-09-05 Thread fk

Hello all,

Is there a way to add a script to the tool bar? I thought I remembered
something about someone doing so in the past, but looking over the
message from the last year I couldn't find it.


It is impossible to make anything foolproof
because fools are so ingenious.

Re: PM Sync w/ Address book

2004-08-11 Thread fk

On 11/08/2004 at 10:36 AM I saw alan type:

>I have been wanting to turn on PowerMail/Address Book Synchronization,
>but I have been afraid that I will lose data and spend hours trying to
>get myself out of yet another computer tarball. I have about 1000 people
>in my address book and in my Power Mail address book. Any other advice--
>or should I just do what Lally suggests?
>Lally Singh at Wed, 11 Aug 2004 12:53:30 -0400 said:
>>I use the synchronization features extensively.  It's pretty good. 
>>The trick is to make sure that you keep the books *completely* sync'd.
>> Make sure everyone you want is in your apple address book, then wipe
>>your PM address book clean, then turn on the features in the
>>'synchronization' section of PM's prefs.

I've been syncing them both since PM started offering it as an option. It
works wonderfully. I remember having a couple of hitches with 4.x, but
they were minor, and since 5.0 have had no problems at all. I sync them
and have it update every time it's brought to the fore. I also sync them
with a Palm 515 and a Sony/Ericsson T68i via iSync. I regularly make
changes/additions/deletions via all three platforms and have had no
errors. Your mileage may vary.

If you have a lot of info in your PM address book that may not be in your
Apple Address Book [AAB], I would sync once, turn it off, and then clear
your PM address book. Open your AAB and deal with any duplicates there.
The AAB has a menu item to merge two cards if there are duplicates that
you want to deal with. After this you can turn sync'ing back on and
happily know that you only have to keep one address book up-to-date.


Re: Feature Requests

2004-07-16 Thread fk

On 15/07/2004 at 7:01 PM I saw Dr Dave type:

>8) In the Folder List; It would be better if the user could click not
>just letters of the folder name, but a larger area that is a horizontal
>stripe. Short folder names are a small target. 

Try double clicking in that horizontal space to the side of the folder
name. I have a set of project folders A-D, E-H, etc... and can have
trouble getting them quickly. The ability to double click and select them
was discovered quite by mistake.


Re(2): My PowerMail adventure with HTML

2004-07-02 Thread fk

On 02/07/2004 at 2:48 AM I saw Barbara Needham type:

>There are a couple of books on using OS X unix but we are supposed to be
>able to do that stuff in OS X anyway. So there must be some way. To find
>that folder.

Re: Annoyances with views and attachments

2004-06-29 Thread fk

On 28/06/2004 at 8:27 PM I saw cheshirekat type:

>This message is about the Views menu and viewing options.
>First, shouldn't "View Options..." be listed right under the "View All",
>"View Unread" and "View Only..." choices?

No idea. Sounds like a good idea.

>Secondly, I prefer the 3 pane views of the Browser Layout because then I
>don't have PM message windows opening in different places and sizes.
>However, when viewing messages in either of the 3 pane views, I can't
>figure out a shortcut for "Delete current viewed message" and go to the
>previous or next message. If I double-click a message in the list, it
>opens in a separate window, and THEN I can use shortcuts for deleting and
>moving to the next message.

Command-Delete will delete the current message and select the next/
previous message based on your preferences. Note: This may reflect the
fact that I'm using 10.3.4 instead of 10.2.8 OS X.

>Also, when viewing messages in the 3-pane views, why are all the
>attachment options in File>Attachments always unavailable? It would be
>nice to right-click (sorry, control-click for those without multiple
>input device buttons) or select one of the menu options to act on the
>attachments of an incoming message without opening the message.

This threw me at first. I regularly deal with a lot of attachments and
thought maybe I was doing something different. I went back and checked,
and I can access the attachment options via the contextual menu. Again,
it may be partially an issue of OS versioning too. Is your mailserver

>"Open attachment", "Show in Finder" and "Move to Finder trash" are the
>enabled choices. Is it possible to have these options available when in
>list view without resorting to the multiple-step process of opening the
>message and clicking in the attachment area?

I'd also like to suggest one addition option to the contextual menu when
dealing with attachments. For those attachments that have lost their
connection, it would be nice if the contextual menu could offer the
"Reattach Lost Attachments" functionality found in the script menu. It
seems like the natural extension of the menu and location.


Re: inconsistency with addresses

2004-06-29 Thread fk

On 28/06/2004 at 2:18 PM I saw cheshirekat type:

>That tiny and easy to overlook dot (eyeball?) that is for searching the
>PM address book should be changed. Every time I end up in the PM address
>book, I'm looking all over for a search trigger. There is a lot of space
>next to the "To", "CC", and "BCC" buttons, and I do literally mean a LOT
>of room for a visually acute "FIND" button. Some people don't have
>perfect vision and that tiny thing looks like a smudge - be considerate
>of those with visual impairments.

In Mac OS X 10.3.x it is 'fixed' as it were... The PM address book has a
rather large, standardized search field.


Re(3): IMPORTANT NEWS: New Archive

2004-06-27 Thread fk

On 27/06/2004 at 7:51 PM I saw computer artwork by subhash type:

>>I already have multiple opportunities that
>>have presented themselves to me, ...
>>I want some time off ...
>Then best wishes for your change!


Thank you very much for you input and presence here. [And at Apple].


Re(2): Boolean Filters

2004-06-21 Thread fk

On 21/06/2004 at 12:11 PM I saw PowerMail Engineering type:

>Christian Roth wrote:
>>>it would be a TREMENDOUS feature if the options within a filter
>>>could be individually grouped in a boolean fashion
>>And for a IMO nice graphical interface solution to complex boolean
>>expressions, see ChronoSync's Rules tab, Intermediate mode:
>Using both AND and OR operators in a filter would be way to difficult to
>configure for most users. A lot of users already have difficulties to
>order their filters and use the "stop" checkbox correctly, so a complex
>interface like this one just out of question.

Perhaps a preference [off by default] that would allow for 'advanced'
filtering? Just a thought.


Kudos on filter to fix replies

2004-06-20 Thread fk

I was looking around the filter list when I noticed the action for
"Remove extra Re: from subject' and decided to try it out. Wonderful. I
configured it to work on incoming and outgoing messages, always and to
let other filter continue to affect the message and then put it at the
top of my filter list.

I do a lot of back-and-forth emails related to specific problem/solution/
project pairs and often the subjects are not carefully monitored in the
dialog. It's wonderful to be able to automatically see them cleaned up.
First Rate. It's like learning that your wife 'accidentally' made an
extra bowl of creme caramel!


Re(2): Outgoing filters don't work?

2004-06-20 Thread fk

On 20/06/2004 at 2:14 PM I saw Victor Eijkhout type:

>>>I set all my filters to apply to both incoming and outgoing mail, but my
>>>replies stay in my outbox after they're sent. Am I misunderstanding
>>I had this problem for a bit and it confused me. Make sure that in the
>>filter, the option for execute is set to "If any conditions are met".
>Did that. No effect. The strange thing is that if I apply filters
>(command-option-M) to the stuff in my outbox then it does get moved.
>I'd say there is a bug here.

Perhaps. But for us to help, we really need more information about how
the filter is configured. Is the condition being matched 'is', 'contains',...

The fact that you can apply it manually suggests that some other filter
may even be affecting it. Try moving the filter the top of the list and
see if that help.


Re: Outgoing filters don't work?

2004-06-19 Thread fk

On 19/06/2004 at 1:19 PM I saw Victor Eijkhout type:

>I set all my filters to apply to both incoming and outgoing mail, but my
>replies stay in my outbox after they're sent. Am I misunderstanding
>Victor Eijkhout

I had this problem for a bit and it confused me. Make sure that in the
filter, the option for execute is set to "If any conditions are met".

Also, it would be a TREMENDOUS feature if the options within a filter
could be individually grouped in a boolean fashion. For example:

Re: SmartWrap(TM) for PowerMail

2004-06-13 Thread fk

On 12/06/2004 at 1:09 PM I saw Nick Keck type:

>I seem to be having trouble making SmartWrap(TM) for PowerMail do its magic
>in PM 5. 
>Is there an upgrade that I need? Does anyone have the URL, it's been a
>LONG time since I purchased it.


Re: Font for printing

2004-06-10 Thread fk

On 09/06/2004 at 2:42 PM I saw H.R. Riggs type:

>Does PM have the capability to separately specify the font size for
>viewing and for printing. I use the default (I guess) 12-pt Courier for
>viewing, but this size is too big for printing. I would prefer to be able
>to set a smaller font size for printing, a la BBEdit.

You can use the Zoom buttons [little mountains] at the bottom of a
message window to temporarily raise/lower the point size of the font for


PM, iCal and Followups

2004-06-09 Thread fk


I have been mulling and playing with the combined scripts by Andy Fragen,
Marlyse, cheshirekat and others both on and off the list, and came up
with the script below to help handle followups to emails received in
PowerMail. I hadn't really thought about handling it with Applescript
until Marlyse brought it up, and afterwards I couldn't put it down.

The script is highly customizable for different tastes. If you use a
standard number of days to follow up change the property defaultDays to
reflect that, and just hit return when prompted to enter how long.

Another feature I added was adding the subject to the URL handed to iCal.
I found myself forgetting which mail I was following up on after 3, 7,
20+ days. Now the current subject will be carried forward with a "Follow
Up" prepended.

Again, it's probably one of 1000s of possibilities, but I thought someone
else might like it. Feel free to share it.


Pieces of this script are from Andy Fragen, chesirekat, and Marlyse
[PowerMail Discussion List], URL encoding is from Name: Jonathan Nathan

The above script will act on the message selected, or list of messages
selected in the Mail Browser window. You will get two dialogs; One
prompting you to choose a calendar from a list of your editable
calendars, the second prompts you to enter how many days until the
message is due. The ToDo summary will include the text in the property
reply Prompt, the name of the sender of the message and the original
subject of the message. The URL in iCal will also include a modified
subject line for a message generated from the ToDo. The text of the
properties can be modified to; include a different message, scale or
extend the list of due date numbers. Modify or fix the script as you
will, if it doesn't work as you want.

property allowed_URL_chars : (characters of "$-_.+!
property hex_list : (characters of "0123456789ABCDEF")
property msgPrompt : "Which Calendar do you want to create the ToDo in?"
property replyPrompt : "Reply by email to: " & return
property mySubject : "[Follow Up]:"
property defaultDays : "7"

to getCalendarChoice()
tell application "iCal"
set the writableCalendars to the title of calendars whose 
writable is true
set the listChoice to item 1 of (choose from list 
with prompt msgPrompt OK button name "This One" without multiple
selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
on error
return false
end try
end tell
return the listChoice
end getCalendarChoice

to encode_URL_string(this_item)
set character_list to (characters of this_item)
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in character_list
set this_char to item i of character_list
if this_char is not in allowed_URL_chars then set item i of
character_list to my encode_URL_char(this_char)
end repeat
return character_list as string
end encode_URL_string

to encode_URL_char(this_char)
set ASCII_num to (ASCII number this_char)
return ("%" & (item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of hex_list) & (item
((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of hex_list)) as string
end encode_URL_char

to makeAToDo(calPick, replyDue, sURL, replySum)
tell application "iCal"
set the calVar to the first calendar whose title is the calPick
set theToDo to (make new todo at the end of the todos of the 
with properties {due date:replyDue, summary:replySum, url:"mailto:"; & sURL})
activate theToDo
show theToDo
end tell
end makeAToDo

tell application "PowerMail 5.0.1b1 4304"
set the msgList to the current messages
repeat with targetMsg in the msgList
set the msgSubject to the subject of the targetMsg
set the targetMsgSender to the sender of the targetMsg
set the msgSenderName to the display name of the targetMsgSender
set the sURL to the email address of the targetMsgSender & 
& my encode_URL_string(mySubject & msgSubject)
set the replySum to the replyPrompt & the msgSenderName & 
return & the
set calendarPick to my getCalendarChoice()
if not (calendarPick is false) then
set the numberGiven to text returned of (display dialog 
"How many days
until reply?" default answer defaultDays buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default
button 2) as integer
set the replyDueDate to (the (current date) + 
(numberGiven * days))
my makeAToDo(calendarPick, replyDueDate, sURL, replySum)
end if
end repeat
end tell

Re: Visual info bug (was"Re: loss of messages")

2004-06-09 Thread fk

On 09/06/2004 at 12:32 PM I saw Mikael Byström type:

>david.gordon, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>>View menu -> View all ?
>I consider it an interface bug, that there is no visual indication that
>you have a filtered list when using "View Only" and "View Unread". A mere
>"0 messages out of [xx]" would do as an indicator.
>Can we please have this in functionality one of the incremental updates?
>Maybe this is not one of the more important ones, but I suspect it would
>be very easy for CTM to implement it.

There is an indicator in 2 and 3 pane view. When there is something
filtered, there is a small line next to the horizontal scroll bar that
changes from "X messages" to "Y messages displayed" when something is


Re(2): No hiding

2004-06-06 Thread fk

On 05/06/2004 at 10:58 PM I saw Barbara Needham type:

>Jay on 6/5/04 said
>>In Mac OS X.2.6, I find that occasionally I can't hide PowerMail, but
>>it's not a PowerMail issue. It occasionally happens in other apps as
>>well. Simply clicking on the desktop solves the problem or, if you need a
>>mindless diversion, you can select "Show All" in the PowerMail menu, then
>>hide each open app one by o
>Don't forget you can restart the finder which sometimes fixes issues like
>Very hazard free operation.
>Barbara Needham

Also, if you have managed to hide the finder and any other apps except
for PowerMail, trying to hide PowerMail will not have any effect.


Re(3): Purchasing PM5. How does it work?

2004-05-31 Thread fk

On 31/05/2004 at 5:54 PM I saw Tim Hodgson type:

Clipped from the headers for context...
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Reply-To: "PowerMail discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Precedence: List


Re(4): Removing recent messages

2004-05-27 Thread fk

On 27/05/2004 at 7:05 PM I saw Marcus Jarrett type:

>On Thursday, 27 May 2004, computer artwork by subhash, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>thoughtfully composed the following:
>>[Christian Roth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 27.5.2004 um 10:18 Uhr:]
just the
>>>This is not possible directly.
>>Why not? Command-delete - as in the Finder.
>Yes, but that would move mails to the trash, wouldn't it? I think what
>Christian is talking about is simply removing them from the RMW. Perhaps
>we could have a 3rd button?

I'd like to suggest the 'Esc' key for removing in order selected
messages, and if none are selected, all read messages.


Re(3): Spanners in the works

2004-05-24 Thread fk

On 24/05/2004 at 6:20 PM I saw Adam de Zoete type:

>On Mon, 24 May 2004 20:06:54 +0300 smelik wrote:
>>>Finally upgraded to 5. Awesome Spamsieve integration. However, I find it
>>>very bizarre how the Send button has gone from new messages and replies.
>>>The only way around this seems to be Apple->L.
>>I don't understand - you have the red stamp (= send button) in the
>>toolbar, or not?
>Yes, but not in the individual message window that i'm writing...

Select "Customize Toolbar..." from the view menu with a new message open
and drag the send icon into your toolbar.

>>>Further more i've lost the mini window that allows the mailboxes to be
>>>searched by just from/to/subject. (was there when I first launched)
>>Had the same question, but it's there in the toolbar: the magnifying
>>glass icon.
>That brings up the large search dialogue. There used to be a small window
>for filtering the contents of a mailbox by from/to/subject.

Ah, the quick view/filter is now built into the toolbar as well. On the
right on in a default toolbar configuration. It has a 'little' magnifying
glass in a text field that might say: Subject, From, To, From or To.



2004-05-22 Thread fk

Is there any chance that PowerMail will offer integration with PGP like
it does with SpamSieve? Does anyone else use PGP? That integration alone
would cause me to upgrade.


[PM5b26] Keyboard Access and Alert Dialogs

2004-05-15 Thread fk

When PM encounters an error and presents a dialog box to either "Snooze"
or "OK" it is impossible to choose either button after selecting/hi-
lighting them from the keyboard. The button accurately receives the
focus, and even hi-lights when the space bar is hit, but no action takes

The ability to utilize full keyboard access is fairly essential to some


Re: AOL access

2004-05-07 Thread fk

On 05/05/2004 at 9:44 PM I saw david scott type:

>I first tried it using Apple's Mail, and got that working. Then I set up 
>a similar account in PM 5.0B18, and I can RECEIVE my AOL mail, but 
>whenever I try to send, PM shows "Login as " where  is my AOL 
>name, in the status bar. It sits there for several minutes, then finally 
>Unexpected error on ""
>Class='NetC', what=1,when=6
>Has anyone else got this working?  This is important, as it will allow 
>all us Emailer hold outs to FINALLY switch and get rid of Classic!
>Thanks,   --dave

Sort of.

The errors are the same that I get when I have the "Always Use SMTP
Server" checked in the "Mail Schedulings and Locations" window [Setup-
>Mail Schedulings and Locations..."] in the "Locations" tab.

I'm not sure if that helps, but it seems like it's not authenticating.


Re: Error Sending

2004-05-04 Thread fk

On 03/05/2004 at 4:44 PM I saw Larry Samberg type:

>An intermittent  problem that started for me several months ago (with v4)
>and continues with v5:
>I queue up a message to send ... (I believe that it has always happened
>only with a file attached). The message starts going out. When the
>progress bar gets to the very end I get an error that says: Unexpected
>error on  Class='file', what=100, when=4, err=-47. The send
>then just hangs there and the only way I can get rid of it is to quit PM
>and restart it.
>When I restart it starts send the email again which  I then kill since I
>have determined that the email actually went out.
>This happens somewhat randomly but frequently enough that it is a pain.
>It does not happen with every email that has a file attached ... and it
>seems to be independent of the file size (some are small, some are
>large). Also it has happened against two different SMTP servers (when it
>first started happening it was just after my company reconfigured the
>SMTP server so I thought the screwed something up but then a week later
>it happened when I was connecting to my own SMTP server)..
>Has anybody seen this behavior?

Yes, with b18 something similar has started.

Unexpected error on  Class = 'NetC' what=9 when=6 err=268435558

This only happens when the "Always use SMTP" setting is checked in the


Re(3): How to filter executable attachments (.exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?

2004-04-29 Thread fk

On 29/04/2004 at 7:49 AM I saw Don V. Zahniser type:

>Now - What I really want to do is to move messages (not just the
>attachments) having attachments with specific suffixes to a folder (e.g.
>- Mail Trash or one named 'Spam').

I used a script to move a message into the mail trash and the attachment
to another folder on my hard drive to archive later. The script was as

tell application "PowerMail"
set theMessages to current messages
set destination to "Macintosh HD:Users:kename:Documents:Archive:"
repeat with msg in theMessages
repeat with attach in every attachment of msg
tell application "Finder"
set f to file of attach
move f to destination
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell

You could just as easily define the destination as the Finder's trash so
the attachments end up where you want, or set the destination to a
PowerMail message container.


Re(3): How to filter executable attachments (.exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?

2004-04-29 Thread fk

On 29/04/2004 at 9:17 AM I saw computer artwork by subhash type:

>[Andy Fragen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.4.2004 um 14:21 Uhr:]
>>Now with PM5 it's much simpler and likely faster as it's baked-in.
>I cannot find any similar function. So I presume it depends on SpamSieve
>which I do not use?

menu Setup->Mail Filters...

create new filter

for a condition select "Attachment name"
select "ends with"
fill in the text box
add as many conditions as you have attachment types you want filtered

for an action select "Move Attachment to Trash"


Re(3): Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread fk

On 22/04/2004 at 7:28 AM I saw Bob Moody type:

>Spam blockers are unnecessary.

Just categorically saying they are unnecessary is a bit extreme.

>Just use your web browser to log into your pop account using webmail. 
>Look at what's there and delete everything that you don't want.  (I hit
>"select all" then individually uncheck the ones I want, then hit the
>delete button on the page.) 

Some people may not have webmail access.
Some may not want to complicate the process by adding another step.
Some need to deal with the 200 or so 'real' messages they do need, and to
manually uncheck or check them would be very time consuming.

>After doing that, log into your mail account with PowerMail and download
>what's left.
>This leaves spam, viruses, etc. behind and you only get what you want.  
>It takes an extra 1-2 minutes for me to do this, and I usually have about
>90 messages, 4-5 of which I keep.

I have anywhere from 70-150 messages that I need to keep. I do get spam,
and without something like SpamSieve, my workflow would be severely
hampered by manual editing of the inbox.

To each his own solution. I'm happy that you don't need a spam blocker


>Thu, 22 Apr 2004 12:58:51 +0200
>>david.gordon wrote:
>>>I already had SpamSieve. I think that PM 5 is running the copy supplied.
>>>Can I simply replace the copy in the PM folder with my original copy to
>>>use my own corpus etc.
>>Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
>>nothing to move.
>>PowerMail 5 requires SpamSieve 2.1.3 or higher; if you have an older
>>version installed somewhere, make sure that it is not the old one that is
>>launched when SpamSieve is called by PM.
>>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

Re: is this company still in business?

2004-04-20 Thread fk

On 20/04/2004 at 3:12 AM I saw [EMAIL PROTECTED] type:

>i "purchased" powermail online on friday; it's now tuesday, my credit card 
>hasn't been charged, and i haven't heard one peep out of ctmdev. my demo
>has way more than 200 messages in its database and i can't use it, so i'm 
>grappling with webmail...might anybody be able to suggest what the hell's 
>going on? is this company always this unresponsive? if it is, i want to
>that charge before it goes through.

Both the website and I believe the initial email posting about the
release to this email list mentioned that no charges will be made to your
credit card until the final release ships.

>Orders can be placed now, but will only be charged and processed 
>upon final release of version 5.0:

Several others have mentioned using the provided key to access the beta
outside of 'demo' version. Also you can select the menu item "File-
>Database->Switch User Environment.." to convert your existing PowerMail
4 email folders to use in the PowerMail 5.

CTM has been a very responsive and responsible company for a long time.
