[ppiindia] Jakartapress.com: Century Gate dan Respon SBY

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik Mira Wijaya Kusuma
Refleksi Laluta:

Bola Api Murka!

Bola api menggelinding murka,
ke muara lautan samudra pertiwi
Membakar memar dan menggeliat, 
di tangan-tangan penjilat

Siapa yang berani cuci-tanganmu?
Luka memar tanganmu, berbisa racun
Dosa bersilat-lidahmu, dihujat pengadilan rakyatmu
Demi tegaknya Keadilan dan Kebenaran

Amsterdam, 26 Nopember 2009

La Luta Continua!

Century Gate dan Respon SBY
[sumber: Jakartapress.com]
Rabu, 25/11/2009 | 16:48 WIB Century Gate dan Respon SBYCentury
Gate atau skandal Bank Century sudah memasuki babak transparansi dengan
pernyataan Presiden SBY di hadapan para tokoh pers atas soal itu. Sikap
tegas presiden agar kasus kontroversial  yang menyeret nama Boediono
dan Sri Mulyani serta nama-nama lainnya itu dibuka, merupakan bukti
kearifan dan kejujurannya sebagai pemimpin bangsa.

di mata publik dan pers, Century Gate tali-temali dengan kasus
Bibit-Chandra. Dalam hal ini, Presiden secara arif, bijak dan jujur
menyampaikan sikapnya kepada para tokoh pers terkait  kasus
Bibit-Chandra dan skandal Bank Century. Terkait hasil audit
investigatif BPK mengenai kasus Bank Century yang Senin ( 23/11/09 )
dilaporkan kepada DPR, Presiden mengatakan, ”Kita akan lihat sama-sama
seperti apa. Bagi saya, kalau itu ada yang mesti diklarifikasi,
dijelaskan, dan dipertanggungjawabkan, yang bertanggung jawab harus
mempertanggungjawabkan dan menjelaskan.”

Presiden menyebutkan,
dalam penanganan kasus Bank Century terdapat wilayah kewenangan Bank
Indonesia , kewenangan pemerintah, khususnya Departemen Keuangan, dan
kewenangan bank itu sendiri. Presiden berharap persoalan itu dibedah
untuk memastikan apakah ada kejahatan di dalamnya.
”Saya juga ingin
tahu aliran dana talangan itu ke mana saja. Buka semua, apa adanya.
Sekali lagi untuk mengetahui proper atau tidak. Apa ada yang menyimpang
atau semua sesuai dengan yang ditentukan. Karena saya mendengar
jangan-jangan ini ada kaitan dengan dana pemilu SBY, baik pada pemilu
legislatif maupun pemilihan presiden yang lain,” tuturnya.

mengungkapkan, merupakan sesuatu yang tercela jika seorang presiden
mendapatkan dana, apalagi meminta dana atau berharap ada dana dari
sumber- sumber yang tidak semestinya. ”Dengan demikian, itu cacat bagi
saya kalau itu sebagaimana yang beredar sekarang ini dikait-kaitkan.
Saya ingin dibuka seluruhnya. Silakan PPATK (Pusat Pelaporan dan
Analisis Transaksi Keuangan), silakan bank itu sendiri lihat bukunya,
lihat rekeningnya, lihat semuanya,” katanya.

Presiden Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) mengatakan, jika DPR bermaksud menggunakan hak
angket, ia akan menunggu hasil audit investigatif BPK sebelum
menentukan sikap. ”Kalau DPR ingin menggunakan hak angket, saya pun
bisa memberikan dukungan penuh kalau itu adalah solusi terbaik untuk
membikin terangnya sesuatu yang sekarang beredar di mana-mana. Ini
bagian dari sejarah kita, pembelajaran yang penting,” kata SBY.Pada
kesempatan silaturahim tersebut, wartawan senior Rosihan Anwar
menyampaikan harapan agar kebenaran dan keadilan soial dikedepankan,
serta agar kecenderungan bangsa ini untuk tersandera pada mentalitas
legal formal dapat diakhiri. Sementara Pemimpin Redaksi Harian Kompas 
Rikard Bagun berpendapat, rasa keadilan masyarakat kerap tak terpenuhi
ketika semua persoalan dibawa ke jalur hukum karena kepercayaan
masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum belum terbangun kuat. Rencananya,
pimpinan BPK akan menyerahkan laporan hasil pemeriksaan investigasi
atas kasus Bank Century kepada pimpinan DPR, Senin (23/1).

kaitan ini, Faisal Basri, ekonom FEUI, seusai seminar PSIK Universitas
Paramadina pertengahan Nopember 2009 menyatakan kepada penulis dalam
perbincangan hangat, bahwa semestinya kasus Century dibuka semua dan
siapapun yang menerima aliran dana itu harus diungkap agar rasa
keadilan masyarakat bisa terpenuhi.  Faisal melihat, jika benar ada
aliran dana Century untuk parpol, pemilu atau pilpres, sebaiknya
dibuka dan ditransparansikan agar tidak menjadi pertanyaan dan gugatan
publik, agar kebenaran dan keadilan bisa ditegakkan.

Faisal Basri sebelumnya menilai Bank Indonesia (BI) maupun Lembaga
Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) bersalah dalam kasus pencairan dana yang
membengkak ke Bank Century. BI dianggap terlalu lemah mengawasi pemilik
lama Bank Century, Robert Tantular.

Faisal meyakini bank sentral
telah mengetahui watak Robert. Ia juga menganjurkan pemerintah dan DPR
bekerja sama mempercepat terbentuknya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) agar
tidak terjadi saling tuding secara simultan.

Bank Century, kata
Faisal, termasuk kategori bank yang nakal. Bank Century terbentuk
sebagai hasil gabungan dari tiga bank yakni Bank Danpac, Bank Pikko dan
Bank CIC pada Desember 2004.Dalam kaitan ini, Faisal mengakui,
upaya pemerintah menyelamatkan Bank Century dari kehancuran akibat
perampokan sistematis yang dilakukan pemiliknya, berkembang cepat dan
langsung masuk ke pusat medan politik yang panas.

pengucuran dana yang menurut Menkeu Sri Mulyani sebatas 

[ppiindia] perkenalan

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik medina akmar
Assalamualaikum. Wr Wb

Salam kenal semuanya, saya dina.
Semoga di milis ini, saya mendapat banyak wawasan dan harapan yang dapat
dibagi ke teman-teman semuanya.
Dan bagi yang beragama islam, selamat merayakan hari raya Idul Adha 1430 H


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[ppiindia] AFORISME

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik heri latief

pohonnya bercabang beranting berdaun berbunga
pernahkah kau bertanya dari mana asalnya?

nyala api tekadnya orang seberang
tak pernah padam ditimpa badai kehidupan

bukan anak rantau tanpa semangat
pergilah ke luar cari pengalaman!

Heri Latief
Amsterdam, 24/09/2009


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[ppiindia] Vietnam diaspora urged to return

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

last updated at 17:26 GMT, Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Vietnam diaspora urged to return 

Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled their country after the Communist 
victory over the US-backed forces of South Vietnam in 1975. 

Now, as the BBC's Nga Pham has been finding out, the Hanoi government is trying 
to lure some of the diaspora back to the country to help it modernise. 

With red flags and loud revolutionary music, the gathering inside the massive 
National Conference Hall in Hanoi's outskirts resembles a regular meeting of 
Vietnamese political cadres, only with better-cut suits and more fluent 

This is the first meeting of Vietnam's diaspora to be held inside the country, 
attracting nearly 1,000 Vietnamese living overseas for a three-day conference. 

It is being hailed by Vietnam's official media as a major step towards 
national unity for a nation that was ravaged and divided by decades of war. 

Vive la difference? 

Bui Kien Thanh, 77, a senior financial adviser, has spent half his life living 
in France and the United States. 

I first went overseas in 1949 to study, but then came back to work for [former 
South Vietnamese President] Ngo Dinh Diem, he says. 

 I believe in democracy, in market economy and the state of law and that's how 
I want to help change this country  
Returned Vietnamese financial adviser Bui Kien Thanh 
After Mr Diem was toppled in a coup, and the war continued, I left Vietnam 
again in 1965. 

After working for American insurance giant AIG, Mr Thanh was invited back by 
the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry in 1991. Since then has acted as an economic 
and financial adviser to the government. 

Some people criticised me as naive and pro-communism when I returned to 
Vietnam, but I knew what I was doing, he says. 

I believe in democracy, in market economy and the state of law and that's how 
I want to help change this country. 

See how fast Vietnam has been changing. We can do something different for our 
nation, Mr Thanh adds. 

Time for change 

Another delegate, Nguyen Ngoc My, is equally excited about the changes in 

Mr My served in South Vietnam's navy during the war. After the North Vietnamese 
took over in 1975 he was put in a re-education camp for more than two years 
until he fled to Australia by boat in 1978. 

I used to take part in anti-Hanoi protests whenever Vietnamese government 
officials visited Australia, up until 1986-1987, when Vietnam began the reform 

In 1992, Mr My started making made regular visits back and since 2000 he has 
spent most of his time in Vietnam pursuing a number of investment projects. He 
eventually become chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese (or Viet kieu) Business 
Club in Ho Chi Minh City. 

But he admits that there are still parts of the Vietnamese diaspora who remain 
suspicious of the country's Communist rulers. 

Some of them would never come back to visit, let alone to invest or do 
business here. 

Is talk enough? 

The purpose of the Viet kieu meeting, according to chief organiser Nguyen Thanh 
Son, who is also vice minister of foreign affairs, is to provide them with a 
forum to discuss issues close to their hearts. 

A large number of the Viet kieu left Vietnam in despair and hatred when the 
war finished, he says. 

This is an opportunity for them to see and to understand what has been 
happening inside the country. 

It took the Hanoi government years and a budget of 8bn dong ($450,000; 
£270,000) to organise the conference. 

But there is criticism that the conference has missed the point, as all the 
delegates are seen as pro-regime and cannot represent the whole diaspora. 

Tran Nam Binh, an Australian Vietnamese who teaches at the New South Wales 
University, decided not to go to the conference and doubts that it can bring 
about any concrete results. 

I don't think this kind of meeting will make any tangible change, even in the 
government's policies towards the Viet kieu. So I don't regret not taking 

Money and brains 

There are nearly four million Vietnamese living overseas, mostly in the United 

Each year, they send relatives back home up to $10bn, a major source of hard 
currency in the communist country. 

But knowledge and expertise, not money, are what the government expects most 
from the Viet kieu. 

Vietnamese experts living overseas are being urged to come back to teach and 
contribute their skills to the country. 

In 2004, the Vietnamese government began a series of legal changes to give the 
Viet kieu rights to re-claim their Vietnamese citizenship and even to own 
property in Vietnam. 

But for some, economic incentives are not enough for them to consider coming 
back to Vietnam. 

Dr Hoang Kim Phuc, a scientist at the University of Oxford, England, sees a 
lack of respect from Vietnamese officials for the country's intelligentsia. 

He thinks that only when local experts are treated properly, 

[ppiindia] From stability to chaos in Indonesia

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Nov 26, 2009

From stability to chaos in Indonesia
By Patrick Guntensperger 

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono delivered earlier this 
week an eagerly awaited announcement on the scandal involving the Attorney 
General's Office (AGO) and National Police's alleged efforts to undermine the 
quasi-independent and widely respected Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), 
which in recent years has convicted top-level officials from both institutions. 

But Yudhoyono's vague pronouncement on November 23 failed to clear the air and 
left unanswered questions about his own possible involvement in the alleged 
plot. Re-elected in July with an overwhelming democratic mandate, Yudhoyono has 
more recently experienced a reversal of political fortunes as his 
corruption-busting credentials have come into doubt and protesters in cities 
across the country have taken to the streets calling for his resignation. 

The political stability Yudhoyono previously represented to both domestic and 
foreign investors has in recent weeks suddenly come undone, with the specter of 
possible impeachment proceedings against Yudhoyono and doubts about his freshly 
elected government's survival. How he handles the allegations and street 
protests will put his commitment to democratic processes and reform to a stiff 
test in the weeks and months ahead, political analysts say. 

The first hints of potential foul play among Yudhoyono's top ranks emerged with 
his previous administration's bailout of the mid-sized PT Bank Century. 
Allegations that part of the rescue funds were diverted to his re-election 
campaign coffers have been officially and consistently denied, but not yet 
disproved through a truly independent investigation. On Monday, the Supreme 
Audit Agency released a report indicating massive financial irregularities in 
the US$717 million bailout scheme. 

Street protesters have called for the KPK to investigate the bailout scandal 
and more immediately for Yudhoyono, Vice President Boediono and Finance 
Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati to resign over the allegations of wrongdoing. 
The KPK scandal appears to involve a wider conspiracy at the highest levels of 
the judicial and law-enforcement agencies, both of which answer ultimately to 
Yudhoyono. Whether it was targeted to suppress a possible KPK investigation 
into the circumstances surrounding the Bank Century bailout is still unclear. 

The case against the KPK spiraled from the arrest this May of Antasari Azhar, 
then the acting chair of the KPK, for his alleged involvement in contracting 
the murder of a businessman involved in a love triangle with a young female 
golf caddy. While in custody, Antasari made and later withdrew allegations of 
bribery, influence peddling, and extortion within the KPK, a quasi-independent 
institution that hitherto had a rare reputation in Indonesia's corrupt official 
context for integrity and independence. 

Charges were later filed against two KPK deputy chairmen, Bibit Samad Rianto 
and Chandra M Hamzah, for extorting money from Angodo, the brother of a suspect 
in a case they were considering. However, secret tapes of conversations between 
Angodo and senior police and AGO officials appeared to reveal a conspiracy to 
frame the two senior KPK officials. 

The tapes were leaked to the press and later played in nationally televised 
court proceedings. They included references to Yudhoyono, suggesting that he 
was aware of and even possibly supported the alleged frame-up. Street protests 
erupted over the tapes' revelations, leading to calls for Yudhoyono's 
resignation and Bibit's and Chandra's release from detention. 

In response, Yudhoyono formed an ad hoc fact-finding team, known as the Team of 
Eight, comprised of lawyers and high-profile anti-corruption advocates to look 
into the scandal and produce a report of their recommendations. The team found 
there was no legitimate case against Bibit or Chandra and recommended that the 
investigations and case building against them be immediately halted. It also 
recommended a thorough restructuring of the police and AGO. 

Yudhoyono made his announcement on the team's findings on Monday and 
disappointed those who hoped for clear and decisive executive action. While 
suggesting that the case against Bibit and Chandra should not be taken to 
court, he was unclear as to whether the case ought to be dropped and the 
investigations halted. His recommendation was based on what he referred to as 
growing public distrust of the police and AGO. 

Going beyond the Team of Eight's recommendations, he added, Immediate efforts 
to correct and improve the three institutions are necessary, suggesting that 
fault could yet be found with the KPK, which since its establishment has 
produced a 100% conviction rate and jailed a number of former top officials. He 
added he did not want disharmony between the KPK, the police 

[ppiindia] Wealthy pilgrims offered VIP services

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau mau melalukan  ibadah haji sebaiknya kantong penuh dengan uang 
banyak supaya bisa dapat tempat baik dengan sevice yang memuaskan. 


Thursday 26 November 2009 (09 Dhul Hijjah 1430)

  Wealthy pilgrims offered VIP services
  Anwar Al-Sayed | Arab News

Some affluent pilgrims choose to perform the Haj in the comfort of 
luxurious tents offered to them in Mina and Arafat. (AN photo)

  MAKKAH: Pilgrims looking for distinguished service can find what they 
want in luxurious tents in Mina and Arafat. A number of local and foreign 
companies have introduced the VIP service to lure wealthy pilgrims.

  The VIP service is primarily based on ensuring the pilgrim the privacy 
he is looking for amid an atmosphere of calm and serenity that will enable him 
or her concentrate on worship, said Zaki Kamal Hussein, a mutawif (a Haj tour 

  He said the domestic and foreign Haj companies and tourist offices 
usually target this category of people because they represent a good source of 

  Though they are few in number, yet we must give them much emphasis 
because they can add to our gains, Hussein said. He did not specify how much a 
VIP Haj would cost.

  Asked about the difference between the ordinary and the VIP service, the 
mutawif explained that the later is a professional service that is 
characterized by distinction and privacy. 

  It means transporting them in luxurious buses, providing them with hotel 
services, giving them special meals that are suitable to their tastes and 
health condition and accommodating them in spacious tents with luxurious 
furniture, he said.

  Hussein said the VIP pilgrims would have clean toilets that are both cozy 
and hygienic in addition to medical doctors and nurses to look after their 
health. There are special playgrounds for children with amusement games and 
educational programs conducted by specialized female educationalists to keep 
them busy while their rich parents perform their duties, he added.

  Thamir Abdul Rahman Muallim, who is heading an office providing VIP 
services, said he and his team were keen to provide the atmosphere for the 
pilgrims to spend their time in spirituality and serenity away from the 
incessant occupations of daily life.

  We provide them with top hotel service and ensure their families with 
the privacy they are looking for, he said.

  Mustapha Rajab, an Egyptian investor living in Britain, said he chose the 
VIP pilgrimage to ensure himself with the comfort necessary for the performance 
of Haj and to have an atmosphere of privacy away from the noise and air 
pollution especially with the swine flu pandemic.

  He said his mutawif has provided him with a velvet bag containing cleaned 
and sterilized stones with which to pebble the pillars symbolizing Satan. 

  The mutawif has spared me the trouble of collecting these stones from 
Muzdalifah, he added.

  Sheikh Muhammad Owais, an imam of a mosque in Kent and the chairman of a 
welfare organization in Britain, said he has chosen the VIP service because it 
allows him to concentrate on the performance of the Haj and keep him away from 
the crowds in addition to the hotel service in food, accommodation and 

  The VIP service enables me to feel more the sanctity of the place and 
protects me against anything that might violate my pilgrimage, he said.

  Some critics of luxury Haj services say renting special accommodations by 
wealthier pilgrims is antithetical to the spirit of the pilgrimage. 

  One of the purposes of wearing the ihram, for example, is to eliminate 
distinctions among the pilgrims.

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[ppiindia] Iran confiscates Nobel winner's medal from hardline critic Shirin Ebadi

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Iran confiscates Nobel winner's medal from hardline critic Shirin Ebadi 
Martin Fletcher 
From: Times Online 
November 27, 2009 9:50AM 

IRAN has confiscated the Nobel peace medal and diploma of Shirin Ebadi, the 
human rights lawyer who is one of the hardline regime's most outspoken critics. 
Her bank account has also been frozen on the pretext that she owes almost 
£250,000 in tax. 

The seizure of the award, unprecedented in its 108-year history, caused outrage 
in Olso, where the Nobel Peace Committee is based. The Norwegian Government 
summoned the Iranian envoy to protest, and the committee said that it would 
make a formal complaint.

Such an act leaves us feeling shock and disbelief, said Jonas Gahr Store, the 
Norwegian Foreign Minister.

Geir Lundestad, secretary of the committee, said that Iran's action was 
unacceptable. A laureate has never been treated like that. Even political 
dissidents such as [Andrei] Sakharov and [Lech] Walesa were better treated in 
their countries, he added, referring to the Russian dissident and the Polish 
trade union leader, both of whom won the prize while living in the Soviet bloc.

In 2003 Dr Ebadi became the first Iranian and first Muslim woman to win the 
peace prize, which was awarded for her campaign for democracy and human rights. 
She was abroad during President Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election in June and 
has spent the past five months travelling the world to draw attention to the 
regime's alleged electoral fraud and suppression of the opposition. I am 
effectively in exile, she said recently.

She revealed the loss of her Nobel medal in an interview on Radio Farda, a 
US-backed Persian language station. She said the regime had frozen her bank 
accounts and pension, as well as those of her husband, who is still in Tehran. 
She continued: Even my Nobel and Legion d'honneur medals, my Freedom of Speech 
ring and other prizes, which were in my husband's safe, have been confiscated.

Norwegian officials said that the medal had been taken from a bank deposit box.

Dr Ebadi, 62, told another interviewer: They say I owe them dollars 410,000 in 
back taxes because of the Nobel. It's a complete lie, given that the Iranian 
fiscal law says that prizes are excluded. The prize money was dollars 1.4 

She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but 
so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint.

Dr Ebadi's lawyer in Tehran, Nasrin Sotoudeh, said that the medal was seized on 
the order of a judge at Tehran's Revolutionary Court.

The confiscation of Dr Ebadi's prizes is only part of the regime's campaign to 
silence her. It has closed her Centre for the Defence of Human Rights in Tehran 
and locked up three of her colleagues. She has been denounced in the 
state-controlled media and charged in absentia with conspiring against the 
state. Her husband was badly beaten this autumn and her apartment is said to 
have been seized.

In an interview with The Times in September Dr Ebadi said that the intelligence 
ministry had repeatedly interrogated her husband and brother, ordered them to 
shut her up and told them that it could track her down anywhere in the world. 
In effect they have threatened me with death, she said.

She insisted that she would continue to denounce the regime's brutality - the 
shooting of innocent protesters, imprisonment, beating and torture of opponents 
- and the use of show trials and forced confessions. Naturally the Iranian 
Government doesn't want the world to know what's happening in Iran, so it's my 
duty to inform as many people as possible.

Dr Ebadi has been lobbying world leaders, urging them not to ignore Iran's 
human rights abuses in their desire to engage the regime over its nuclear 

When The Times asked where she was based, she replied: Airports around the 
world. She said that she planned to return to Iran soon despite the danger of 
being arrested at the airport. If not imprisoned, she would fight for justice 
for the families of those killed after the election. She said that those who 
had contacted her included the mother of Neda Soltan, the student who was shot 
during a demonstration and became a symbol of the opposition.

In a statement yesterday the Norwegian Foreign Ministry said that it had 
protested not just about the confiscation of Dr Ebadi's Nobel medal, but also 
about the prolonged harassment of her and her husband. The persecution of Dr 
Ebadi and her family show that freedom of expression is under great pressure in 
Iran, Mr Store said.

We made it clear that Norway will continue to engage in international efforts 
to protect human rights defenders and will follow the situation in Iran 

The Times

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[ppiindia] CIA paid magician to teach spies new tricks

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

CIA paid magician to teach spies new tricks 
November 27, 2009 

WASHINGTON: The CIA hired America's most famous magician to write a manual on 
the arts of trickery, concealment and secret communication during the Cold War.

John Mulholland was paid the then princely sum of $US3000 for tips on slipping 
a pill into the drink of the unsuspecting, tying shoelaces to give signals and 
on the ''surreptitious removal of objects by women''.

Though it was believed every copy of his report had been destroyed in 1973, one 
survived and has been turned into a book, The Official CIA Manual of Trickery 
and Deception, by Keith Melton, an espionage historian, and Bob Wallace, a 
former director of the CIA's office of technical services.

Mulholland's guidance from the 1950s was part of a larger CIA effort, called 
MK-ULTRA, developed to counter Soviet mind-control and interrogation techniques.

The scheme later involved dosing unsuspecting suspects with LSD, and wilder 
plots such as planting an explosive in Fidel Castro's cigar.

Mulholland supplies instructions on making and concealing droppers for liquids, 
how to handle small items before pocketing the vital one, and how to pick up a 
document with a book by using wads of wax.

John McLaughlin, a former CIA deputy director, writes in a foreword that the 
drink-spiking techniques ''were never actually used'', to the best of his 

Telegraph, London

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[ppiindia] Myths about Urdu

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Myths about Urdu 
By Dr Tariq Rahman 
Thursday, 26 Nov, 2009 

PICK up any Urdu textbook and the chances are that it will endorse the 
following myths: (a) the term 'Urdu' means military camp. Our language is 
called 'Urdu' because it was created in the army camps of the Mughals 
especially during the reign of Shah Jahan; (b) Urdu is a mixed language 
(khitchri zubaan); (c) Urdu is a Muslim language. 

Now let us deal with these myths one by one. 

All the histories in Persian about medieval India use the Turkish word 'Urdu' 
(which means 'camp' in original Turkish) for 'city'. The word is not used in 
the original Turkish meaning in Indian sources in Persian for the most part. 
Sometimes the terms 'Urdu-i-mualla'and 'Urdu-i-badshahi' are also used. During 
Shah Jahan's time, Urdu-i-mualla referred to the language spoken in the city of 
Shahjahanabad (Delhi). 

The language we now call Urdu has an ancestor referred to as Hindvi and Hindi 
in most medieval Persian sources. In Gujrat, however, the language is called 
Gujri and sometimes Gujrati. In the Deccan it is called Dakani and around the 
Delhi area it is also called Dehlavi. During the 18th century the word 'Rekhta' 
was also used for it. 

Meanwhile the British, and also some other outsiders, call it Indostan, Moors 
and then Hindustani. In fact, the name 'Hindustani' was used so much by the 
British that both Muslim and Hindu scholars often used it themselves for their 
common heritage during the 1930s and 1940s. 

Syed Sulaiman Nadwi and some other thinkers who wanted Hindu-Muslim unity in 
British India even suggested that the term 'Urdu' be abandoned in favour of 
'Hindustani' because the former conjured up the image of a military conquest 
and war whereas the latter had no such symbolic baggage. 

The word 'Urdu' is a contraction of the phrase 'zubaan-i-Urdu-i-mualla' (i.e. 
the language of the exalted city) which came to be used during the late 18th 
century. It is, in fact, the most recent name for a language which certainly 
existed even in the 13th century. There are words and sentences which we can 
recognise even today in the malfuzat (sayings) and tazkiras (biographies) as 
well as other records of that period. They refer to the language used in the 
marketplace, songs, conversation and in homes. The military reference does not 
exist though the language must have been used among soldiers also. 

It was certainly used in religious circles because even in far-off Kaniguram in 
Waziristan, a religious reformer called Bayazid Ansari wrote a book called 
Khairul Bayan in 1560 which has over 16 lines in this language which the author 
calls Hindi. 

Now for the myth that Urdu is a mixture of other languages. If a language is 
really a mixture it is called pidgin which is nobody's mother tongue and a 
reduced language. It may become a creole when it is developed and becomes 
somebody's mother tongue. 

Urdu's ancestor - call it what you will - existed in India (probably in the 
vicinity of Delhi) as a full language. Words of Persian and Arabic origin crept 
into it. This was not because of military activities but ordinary everyday 

This is a natural process and modern English came about in exactly this manner. 
That is why about half the vocabulary of English is from Latin and Greek via 
Norman French. But English is not called a 'mixed language' so why should Urdu 
be stigmatised as such? 

If one starts calling languages mixed in the sense that there was no base for 
them and words from different languages combined then Urdu is not that kind of 
product. Urdu is mixed in the same way that English is: it has absorbed words 
from many languages.The third myth that Urdu is a Muslim language is more 
problematic. For about 500 years of its existence nobody called it Urdu. It was 
called Hindi and had many words of Sanskrit origin as do other texts - until 
the 18th century. 

Then a language reform movement initiated by Muslim poets (Hatim, Mirza Mazhar, 
Nasikh's students etc) threw out certain words from the corpus of the language. 
Among them were words like chinta (worry), prem (love), sundar (beautiful) etc. 
The movement was actually an attempt to create a linguistic marker for the 
cultural elite which was mostly Muslim. However, instead of being merely a 
class movement it became a religious one. Thus, Urdu was imbued with 
distinctive Perso-Arabic cultural content and served as an identity symbol for 
the Muslims of India. 

In the same way, after 1802, modern Hindi was created by weeding out Persian 
and Arabic words and using only the Devanagari script for writing. These new 
languages - Sanskritised Hindi and Persianised Urdu - drifted apart from each 
other and still serve as identity markers for Hindu and Muslim nationalism in 
South Asia. 

During the Pakistan Movement, Urdu became a symbol of the identity 

[ppiindia] Bias against women

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Bias against women 
By I.A. Rehman 
Thursday, 26 Nov, 2009

Women shout slogans against violence during a demonstration to condemn flogging 
of women, in Lahore on Friday, April. 3, 2009. Authorities ordered an 
investigation into a video showing a man flogging a screaming woman in the 
country's northwest where the government recently agreed to introduce Islamic 
law. - Photo by AP. 
The central government's preoccupation with the threats to its survival has 
perceptibly affected its legislative programme and the worst sufferers include 
women. Among other things the biases against them have proved to be as strong 
as ever. 

The National Assembly recently won plaudits for passing a bill to amend the 
Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure to strengthen the law against 
sexual harassment. A few months earlier it had been hailed for adopting the 
Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill. However, the process and 
the delay in taking the next steps have again shown that pro-women measures 
cannot have a smooth sailing. 

The new provision in the Penal Code against sexual harassment is 
unexceptionable. Its justification has been summed up in the statement of 
objects in these words: 'Harassment is one of the most common issues faced by 
the women of Pakistan. They face intimidation in the marketplace, in buses, at 
bus stops and at the workplace. This issue alone inhibits most of the women to 
move out of their houses for education, for availing medical facilities and for 
earning a livelihood. Parents are hesitant to send their daughters out of the 
homes alone because the social environment is not safe.' 

The bill seeks to substitute Sec 509 of the PPC, which is vague and inadequate, 
with a text that widens the scope of the law by covering sexual harassment at 
the workplace and this for the first time. The amendment to the CrPC enhances 
the punishment for 'insulting modesty or causing sexual harassment' to 
imprisonment for up to three years or fine up to Rs500,000 or both. 

One hopes the measure will soon be adopted by the Senate and become law as 
early as possible. 

This bill was, however, a part of the two-bill package drafted after 
trend-setting cooperation between the government and civil society, especially 
women activists. The inability of the government to pilot the companion bill, 
which provides for the protection of women from harassment at the workplace, is 
causing dismay not only to women's organisations but also to all sections of 
society that stand for recognition of women's basic rights. 

The bill that has been withheld so far aims at checking sexual harassment in 
the formal sector - federal/provincial/district government offices, 
corporations, educational and medical institutions, registered civil society 
organisations and privately managed industrial and commercial establishments - 
by obliging the employers to abide by a code of conduct and providing for a 
mechanism for punishing wilful violators. 

Each establishment is required to set up a three-member committee (two members 
from within the organisation and one from outside) to inquire into and 
adjudicate upon complaints of sexual harassment against anyone within the 
office/establishment and award both minor and major penalties. 

This bill also has provision for offering victims counselling and medical 
treatment, something prosecution under law lacks. Appeals lie to specially 
appointed ombudsmen at the federal and provincial levels. The proposed 
arrangement not only supplements the revised section in the Penal Code but also 
constitutes a welcome step towards mobilising social support for women's 
protection against sexual abuse. 

Nobody can repudiate the argument that while laws are necessary to protect 
women from harassment they are not enough to eradicate social practices and 
attitudes that go against women's dignity. Harassment of women at the workplace 
is a social phenomenon and it can be overcome only through social engineering. 

The bill under reference aims at just that. It seeks to involve government 
authorities, private employers, trade unions and collective bargaining agents 
in a cooperative arrangement to ensure a harassment-free environment. The 
enforcement of the code of conduct and the creation of in-house redress 
mechanisms should guarantee working women's security and dignity without 
recourse to time-consuming litigation. This is something that should win the 
confidence of employers and employees both. Thus, one cannot see any valid 
reason for delaying the adoption of the bill. 

It is said the bill has been held back for the sake of developing a wider 
consensus. That the government should seek the support of different parties, 
including the religious factions, for its legislative proposals is 
understandable. What is difficult to accept is the policy of 

[ppiindia] Men's intervention needed

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Men's intervention needed 

Thursday, 26 Nov, 2009 

Men who are averse to gender violence should act to expose and prevent 
atrocities against women.-Photo by APP 

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women observed on 
Wednesday came as a timely reminder of the futility of efforts ostensibly being 
made to end this scourge. 

Women continue to be unfortunate victims of male violence worldwide. The data 
collected on the number of women who are murdered, abducted, raped or burnt 
does not give the full story, though it is bad enough. 

There are many more children now who are emotionally and mentally scarred for 
life after sharing as onlookers the violence experienced by their mothers and 

Many boys from abusive households grow up to be violent men. That is why this 
curse has been escalating. In Karachi alone, Madadgar reported 1,065 cases of 
violence against women in the first 10 months of 2009.

The UN secretary general has come up with an innovative idea to combat violence 
against women. He has launched a Network of Men Leaders that brings together 
politicians, activists and religious figures who influence public opinion to 
champion the cause of women's rights. 

This is an idea Pakistan could do well to emulate. The network should include 
many of the sitting male parliamentarians. It is time the men who stand for 
women's rights should be asked to speak up against those who have proved to be 
the worst enemies of women behind a progressive garb that fools no one. 

How women's issues have been treated in the National Assembly shows that it is 
not easy sailing for women in Pakistan in spite of all the activism they have 

It is also important that men who are averse to gender violence - mercifully 
there are quite a number of them around now - should act to expose and prevent 
such atrocities. 

It is well known that violence often ends when others intervene.

Tags: Violence against Women,violence,gender violence 

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[ppiindia] Dubai's debt default shakes world

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Dubai's debt default shakes world

HTC and Agencies 
Email Author
New Delhi/Dubai, November 27, 2009
First Published: 00:17 IST(27/11/2009)
Last Updated: 01:09 IST(27/11/2009)

Global stock markets fell the day after one of Dubai's state-owned holding 
firms shocked the financial world with a debt default request.

Dubai World, saddled with a $59 billion (Rs 2,74,350 crore) debt, on Wednesday 
asked creditors to defer payments for six months. Its subsidiaries include 
Nakheel, the construction firm famous for making country-shaped islands, and DP 
World, owners of five port terminals in India.

The Financial Times called it a bombshell. London and Frankfurt stocks fell 
1.86 and 1.80 per cent, in the Asian markets' footsteps. European banks hold 
$40 billion (Rs 1,86,000 crore) worth of Dubai World debt. 

Credit rating agency Standard  Poor's said Dubai World's announced plans to 
restructure its debt may be considered a default. The default and tighter 
Chinese lending contributed to the fall. But Dubai is bigger, said David 
Morrison of financial risk firm GFT. 

Dubai World's woes raised concerns about the economic state of Dubai, the 
Persian Gulf's financial and trading centre. Dubai would take a decade to 
recover from the loss of investor confidence, said analysts. 

Dubai World lost heavily when real estate prices crashed last year, Indian 
officials based in the Gulf told HT. They also said the default spells trouble 
for wealthy Indians who have invested in Dubai real estate. 

The rot in Dubai's finances poses long-term problems for India's economic 
recovery. Dubai has one of the largest Indian expatriate worker populations (1 
million) in the Gulf. The UAE became India's number one export destination in 
2008-9, buying $24 billion worth of 'made in India' products. It sends home $ 2 
billion (Rs 9,300 crore) in annual remittances

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[ppiindia] S. Korea Admits Civilian Killings During War

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

S. Korea Admits Civilian Killings During War 
Published: November 26, 2009 

SEOUL, South Korea - The South Korean military and police executed at least 
4,900 civilians in the opening months of the Korean War for fear that they were 
Communist sympathizers, the country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission 
announced Thursday. 

The commission, set up in 2005 with a parliamentary mandate, has investigated 
and confirmed similar civilian massacres by the wartime South Korean 
authorities, who summarily executed thousands of leftist prison inmates or 
machine-gunned villagers during their mountain operations to exterminate 
Communist guerrillas, dumping their bodies in the sea or mass graves. 

But the panel's announcement Thursday marked the first time a state 
investigative agency had confirmed the nature and scale of what is known as 
the National Guidance League Incident - one of the most horrific and 
controversial episodes of the 1950-3 war. 

In the months before the war, the anti-Communist and authoritarian regime of 
President Syngman Rhee forced an estimated 300,000 South Koreans to join the 
league, supposedly set up to re-educate people who had disavowed Communism. 

When the war broke out in June 1950 with the invasion from the North, Mr. 
Rhee's military and the police hurriedly detained league members in 
pre-emptive roundups to stop them from reinforcing the invaders. Many of them 
vanished, but discussion of their fate was taboo during the postwar decades of 
military rule. 

The issue became a priority when the truth commission began work under the 
liberal government of former President Roh Moo-hyun. But with their 
investigations winding down under President Lee Myung-bak, Mr. Roh's 
conservative successor, commission members said they expected the true scale of 
the killings to remain hidden. 

Given the number of victims and unlawfulness, this is the worst tragedy of 
20th-century South Korea, Kim Dong-choon, a commissioner, said at a news 

Mr. Kim said he believed at least tens of thousands of league members were 
killed without trial in the desperate first weeks of the war, when South Korean 
and United States forces were retreating. In two towns, hundreds of league 
members were locked in warehouses and sprayed with bullets by soldiers in a 
hurry to retreat, the commission said. 

But it said it could identify only 4,934 victims and could not confirm who had 
ordered the systematic, nationwide killings, though Mr. Kim suggested that it 
came from the top of the government. 

During decades of military rule in postwar South Korea, many victims' families 
remained silent, branded as untrustworthy members of society. Even as the panel 
began its work, many were afraid to come forward. 

Many former police and military officers refused to cooperate with the 
commission, which had no power to compel testimony or indict. But others did. 

Ten prisoners were carried to a trench at a time and were made to kneel at the 
edge. Police officers stepped up behind them, pointed their rifles at the back 
of their heads and fired, said Lee Joon-young, 85, a former prison guard who 
witnessed assembly-line-like executions near Daejon, south of Seoul, in July 

They did not deserve execution, said Choi Woo-young, 82, a former police 
officer who supervised 59 league members in the southern town of Hapcheon. 
They were not a threat to the government. 

On July 31, 1950, Mr. Choi said, his police contingent was ordered to kill all 
league members before retreating. He saved them, he said, when he secretly 
alerted them not to heed a police siren that was supposedly signaling them to 
gather for another session of re-education. 

A commission report said that in many cases, real Communists were hiding in the 
hills, and the authorities filled the ranks of the league with the Communists' 
relatives, as well as peasants lured with promises of bigger rice rations. 

Kim Ki-ban, 87, a villager at Cheongwon, 60 miles south of Seoul, said an 
allied aerial bombing allowed him to escape a warehouse where 65 league members 
were being held for executions in July 1950. The next day, all the others were 
gunned down, their hands trussed together with military communications wire, he 
said at the news conference Thursday. 

The authorities pressed us to join the league, he said. We just followed 
each other to sign up for the league, and we had no idea that we were joining a 
death row. 

On Thursday, the commission unveiled old government documents that contained 
partial lists of league members who had been killed. Documents showed that the 
police kept surveillance on their relatives as late as the 1980s to ensure that 
their children did not get government jobs, the panel said. 

A national association of victims' families lamented that the commission had 
revealed only the tip of an iceberg. It 

[ppiindia] Banjir di Jeddah ragut 77 nyawa

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Banjir di Jeddah ragut 77 nyawa

  SEBAHAGIAN jemaah haji yang berpakaian ihram berdoa di Padang Arafah 
ketika menunaikan fardu haji. - AP


JEDDAH 26 Nov. - Hujan lebat dan banjir menyebabkan sekurang- kurangnya 77 
orang maut dan beribu-ribu jemaah haji terkandas di bandar pelabuhan Jeddah 
pada permulaan ibadah haji semalam.

Sesetengah mangsa mati lemas atau terbunuh dalam insiden jambatan runtuh dan 
nahas jalan raya, manakala pasukan penyelamat melaporkan, mereka menyelamatkan 
900 orang yang terperangkap dalam banjir. 

Perjalanan sebilangan jemaah haji ke Mekah turut tergendala apabila sebatang 
lebuh raya menuju ke kota suci itu ditutup kerana ditenggelami air.

Hujan lebat luar biasa semalam, menyebabkan jalan-jalan dan bangunan dinaiki 
air di Jeddah, pintu masuk utama bagi jemaah haji.

Kira-kira tiga juta jemaah dari luar negara sudah tiba di Arab Saudi untuk 
menunaikan haji tetapi tiada seorang pun daripada mereka dilaporkan menjadi 
korban banjir. 

Seorang saksi melaporkan dia melihat beberapa mayat bersebelahan sebuah bas 
yang terbalik dalam hujan lebat.

Kesesakan teruk masih berlaku di jalan-jalan utama malam tadi selepas hujan 
berhenti dan air banjir surut.

Pegawai kerajaan, Jassem al-Yaquout berkata, dua jambatan di lebuh raya ke 
Mekah runtuh manakala agensi berita rasmi SPA melaporkan, beberapa kawasan di 
Mekah terputus bekalan elektrik.

Di Mekah, jemaah melakukan tawaf dengan membawa payung yang biasanya digunakan 
untuk berlindung daripada panas matahari.

Sesetengahnya bimbang mereka tidak dapat bermalam di kawasan perkhemahan di 
Mina, dalam perjalanan yang pernah dilalui oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW lebih 14 abad 

Kami menginap di dalam khemah buat masa sekarang. Hujan lebat menyebabkan 
koridor yang dibentang permaidani merah bertukar menjadi laluan air yang 
menghanyutkan tin-tin minuman ringan yang kosong, kata jemaah dari Maghribi, 
Zohra Nasef yang mengerjakan haji buat kali kedua.

Jurucakap Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Mansour Turki berkata, sebilangan jemaah 
tidak mendapat tempat di dalam khemah dan pihaknya terpaksa mendirikan khemah 
tambahan bagi memenuhi keperluan mereka. - Reuters

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[ppiindia] Dari Xian, China ke Tanah Suci Mekah

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Dari Xian, China ke Tanah Suci Mekah

XIAN 26 Nov. - Bandar purba Xian merupakan tempat terletaknya patung tentera 
Terracotta dan ia pernah menjadi bandar tumpuan peradaban China semasa dinasti 
Tang daripada tahun 618 hingga 907 masihi.

Xian turut menjadi tempat tinggal kepada kira-kira 60,000 golongan Islam China 
dan memiliki kemegahan sejarah Islam selama 1,300 tahun.

Bangga dengan warisan Islam dan tradisi negara, masyarakat Islam Xian 
menggabungkan budaya silam China dengan Islam dan tetap teguh berpegang kepada 
iman dalam mengamalkan rukun utama agama mereka.

Seorang daripadanya, Ma Yi Ping, 46, merupakan antara individu terkenal dalam 
komuniti Islam Xian.

Sebagai seorang daripada 10 imam di Masjid Besar Xian, beliau turut memiliki 
sebuah kedai kecil yang menjual hasil kaligrafi Islam di bandar itu dan 
berkhidmat sebagai guru agama bagi sesiapa yang mahu menunaikan rukun haji.

Saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga Islam yang taat dan saya adalah anak tunggal. 
Saya mula mempelajari al-Quran sejak kecil. Saya diberitahu bahawa saya perlu 
mengabdikan diri kepada Islam, kepada umat Islam dan menyumbang kepada keamanan 
masyarakat serta negara.

Semasa saya kecil, ayah menghantar saya belajar al-Quran di rumah seorang 
imam. Ketika itu, kanak-kanak dilarang belajar di masjid disebabkan tekanan 
politik yang dianjur oleh 'Kumpulan Empat'. Semua agama terjejas teruk,'' 
katanya kepada Al-Jazeera, semalam.

Parti Komunis China menutup semua masjid pada tahun 1959 dan semasa Revolusi 
Budaya 1966, lebih 29,000 masjid dimusnahkan. Yi Ping berusia 16 tahun ketika 
masjid dibuka semula dan beliau dilantik menjadi imam.

Yi Ping kali pertama menunaikan haji pada 1994 dan sejak itu beliau telah 
menyempurnakan rukun kelima Islam itu beberapa kali.

Tidak seperti di Singapura dan Malaysia, golongan Islam China tidak membuat 
banyak sokongan untuk menunaikan haji. Beliau membantu memberi panduan dan 
mengajar masyarakat Islam China beberapa doa tertentu untuk diamalkan sepanjang 
mengerjakan haji di Mekah.

Saya mahu membantu komuniti Islam China kerana mereka sangat warak. 
Satu-satunya masalah yang mereka hadapi ialah mereka tidak biasa dengan 
rukun-rukun haji kerana ibadah itu tidak dilaksanakan di sini,'' katanya.

Jia Wang Yi dan isterinya yang berumur 60-an, merupakan antara bakal jemaah 
haji yang dibantu Yi Ping dan mereka menyifatkan haji sebagai satu fardu yang 
penting bagi mereka. 

- Agensi

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[ppiindia] Korupsi Ancam Persatuan Indonesia

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny


Korupsi Ancam Persatuan Indonesia

Dalam dialog sekitar reaksi beberapa pakar terhadap pidato SBY tentang 
Rekomendasi TPF (Tim 8), Metro TV, 24 November 2009, ada pakar yang 
menyebutkan, jika pemerintah, dalam hal ini presiden, tidak tegas pendiriannya 
terhadap pemberantasan korupsi, maka akibatnya rakyat akan jemu, jengkel, dan 

Masalahnya, rakyat jelata yang menderita akibat korupsi oleh segelintir 
manusia, yaitu pejabat eksekutif, legislatif dan judikatif. Betapa tidak, 
sumber dana yang seharusnya diperuntukkan bagi kesejahteraan rakyat diambil 
secara melawan hukum oleh pejabat negara berkerja sama dengan konglomerat. 

Luka lama berupa kebencian kepada konglomerat, sejenis Anggodo, akan terkuak 
lagi. Tidak mustahil perumahan mewah, dengan kanal-kanal seperti di negeri 
Belanda, dalam sekejap mata akan luluh lantak disapu bersih oleh badai 
kemarahan rakyat. Apalagi ketika kemarahan itu diorganisasi secara baik oleh 
para penganjur (people's power). Jadi apa yang harus dibuat?

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat mumpung masih belum tercemar oleh nafsu menjadi kaya, 
segera mengundangkan undang-undang tentang pembuktian terbalik. Jika 
undang-undang ini sudah ada, KPK dalam koordinasi dengan kepolisian dan 
Kejaksaan Agung, setelah direformasi, segera meminta para pejabat, incumbent 
dan mantan, yang hidup di atas garis kesejahteraan, untuk melaporkan kekayaan 
mereka dan diminta untuk membuktikan dari mana kekayaan itu diperoleh. Kalau 
ada yang tidak dapat membuktikan perolehannya secara legal, kekayaan itu segera 
disita untuk negara. Di samping itu, perbuatan mereka yang melawan hukum harus 
diadili dan diberi hukuman se- timpal. 

Sementara itu, reformasi dan penertiban aparatur negara, terutama penegak 
hukum, dilakukan secara cepat dan tepat yang dinakhodai oleh orang-orang 
profesional dan bermoral. Mudah-mudahan dengan demikian kesejahteraan umum, 
sesuai amanat UUD 1945, segera terwujud dan selamatlah NKRI dari disintegrasi 
sosial dan disintegrasi politik. 

Agar semua ini dapat terlaksana Indonesia membutuhkan seorang chief executive 
yang negarawan, yang menempatkan kepentingan rakyat di atas segala-galanya. 

Cornelis A Boeky - Rancho Indah Jakarta Selatan

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[ppiindia] Ninety Fatah terrorists 'pardoned'

2009-11-26 Terurut Topik sunny

Ninety Fatah terrorists 'pardoned'

Nov. 27, 2009
YAAKOV KATZ and Jerusalem Post staff , THE JERUSALEM POST 

In an effort to bolster Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the 
face of a potential mass prisoner swap with Hamas, the Shin Bet (Israel 
Security Agency) pardoned over 90 wanted Fatah militiamen on Thursday on 
condition they refrain from engaging in terrorist activity. 

Under the deal, the 92 fugitives - all members of Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, 
Fatah's military wing - will be allowed to move freely throughout Palestinian 
cities within Area A of the West Bank. One of the fugitives included in the 
deal is Ala Sankara, who was the Al-Aksa commander in the Balata refugee camp 
near Nablus. 

In 2007, the Shin Bet signed an amnesty deal with over 150 wanted Palestinian 
terror suspects, offering them a chance to avoid arrest by handing in their 
weapons and refraining from terrorist activity. The Shin Bet has continued to 
offer the deal to dozens of other Palestinian terror suspects - all affiliated 
with Fatah - and eventually will consider allowing them to join the official 
Palestinian security forces. 

Defense officials said that the amnesty deal was part of Israeli efforts to 
bolster Abbas ahead of a potential swap with Hamas in which over 1,000 
prisoners would be released in exchange for Gilad Schalit. 

Israel is concerned that a massive prisoner deal with Hamas would undermine 
Abbas and boost Hamas's popularity on the Palestinian street ahead of general 

Israel is planning several wide-ranging gestures to Abbas. On Wednesday, the 
IDF announced that it was removing 50 dirt roadblocks in the West Bank, 
including one on the Jenin-Tulkarm road, one of the main arteries for 

Meanwhile, Channel 2 reported Thursday night that there had been a number of 
adjustments to the pending Schalit deal. According to accounts of Israel's 
offer as detailed Hamas officials, Israel wants to switch some of the prisoners 
Hamas has demanded be released for other prisoners. Israel would also release 
prisoners serving multiple life sentences only 3-10 years after the main 
exchange takes place, and deport them out of the area altogether. Other 
terrorists who had lived in the West Bank would be deported to the Gaza Strip, 
Channel 2 reported. 

Hamas has reportedly responded to the offer by demanding that prisoners only be 
deported in extraordinary cases and with their consent. Hamas has also 
reiterated its demand to include in the releases former Fatah Tanzim leader 
Marwan Barghouti and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) 
secretary-general Ahmed Sa'adat, as well as several prisoners of Jordanian and 
Syrian descent. It has not responded to Israel's condition that the release of 
some prisoners be delayed. 

Earlier Thursday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Schalit should be freed in a 
feasible and appropriate way, but not at any price. 

Hamas is discussing the proposal and we're holding talks, he told Israel 
Radio. We hope a deal will ensue, but I can't say whether it will really 
happen or not, and if so, when. 

The defense minister explained how he might back a deal in which Schalit would 
be exchanged for hundreds of Hamas terrorists, while at the same time objecting 
to negotiating with kidnappers. Regulated principles for conduct in such 
instances have only recently begun to be consolidated, he said, based on 
recommendations by an expert committee. 

Israel is on a slippery slope. This descent must be stopped, but not at the 
expense of a person who is already in Hamas captivity, he told the radio 
station. A year ago I appointed a commission. to recommend principles and 
processes regarding captives and prisoners of war. Incidentally, they are not 
the same, he said of the two categories. 

With prisoners of war, the rule is: all of our prisoners in return for all of 
the enemy's, even if we have 3,000 and they have three. With captives, since 
kidnapping is quite easy, it can turn into a method to extort the State of 
Israel, and we are being led down this slippery slope. Other [Western] 
countries don't negotiate with abductors, and the number of kidnappings is 
dropping, Barak pointed out. 

But as for Schalit, my position is that you don't change a 20-year process 
while you have a soldier in captivity. 

This article can also be read at http://www.jpost.com 

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2009-11-26 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar

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