RE: Splitting PDF Files with Ghostscript

2024-03-28 Thread Graham Brown

Alternative approach is to use the free PDFTK utility. This is command line
and from memory you give it a command line argument  of "CAT".


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Paul H. Tarver
Sent: 27 March 2024 21:25
Subject: Splitting PDF Files with Ghostscript

Ok, does anyone have some sample VFP code they are willing to share to help
me split a PDF file with 50 pages or so into separate PDF files with one
page in each file? I've tried to convert several things I've seen on
multiple sites with various languages, but I've had no luck converting those
to run using the WScript.Shell. 


Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


Paul H. Tarver 
Tarver Program Consultants, Inc. 


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RE: [OT[ Other languages

2023-12-01 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks Ed.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ed Leafe
Sent: 01 December 2023 15:27
To: ProFox Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT[ Other languages

On Dec 1, 2023, at 07:48, Graham Brown  wrote:
> Has there been any thought to creating lists for other languages like Web,
> mobile, VB.Net and C#? Is there a requirement for this within the group?

Years ago (2003!) we started the ProPython list, as there were more and more
people interested in moving to Python (for good reason!). However, in the
past few years that traffic has died down to nothing.

I would propose that instead of a new list to label your subjects with
"[NF]" for "not fox", and then add "[my_language]" after that so that others
interested in that language can quickly see the message, and those who don't
care can either delete it or add a filter to their email.

-- Ed Leafe

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[OT[ Other languages

2023-12-01 Thread Graham Brown


Dumb question time.


Vis Fox has been a huge part of my career since the late 90s, I still
support my VFP apps  but I now find my new developments are either PHP or


Has there been any thought to creating lists for other languages like Web,
mobile, VB.Net and C#? Is there a requirement for this within the group?


Just wondering about our brave new world!





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SQL Upsize

2023-10-08 Thread Graham Brown

Don't know if this upsize code will help anybody else but will share it.
This has been run with SQL express 2008r2
Run the upsizing wizard to send the structure with no data. Run this on a 
backup of the fox data.

This uses Pauls CABuilder to generate CursorAdapters for the SQL database
It then scans a given folder for all DBFs, opens the CA and sends the records 
to the ca.
If the autoIdent is important then update the records one at a time with 
TableUpdate(.f.) and call the DBCC function to change the ID.

This code updates every 1000 rows with tableupdate(.t.)

Released as is with no warranties...use at your own riskblah blah

Takes about 90 minutes to run on one of my bigger databases approx. 1m records

*** Instructions
*** Sometimes the upsizing wizard is not sending data, just the structure
*** Run this and set the nulls
*** Copy the compdata to the upsize folder
*** Run upsize wizard, if it doesn't error fine
*** If it doesn't send the data come back here, run the copy upsize data
*** It takes hours to do this manually so do it late at night.
*** May need to regenerate the CAClassesSQL and DESQL in the project

Set Status Bar On


Set Multilocks On
Set Exclusive On
Set Deleted On
Close Databases
For i =1 To 255
Select (i)

Wait Window "Copy files to SQL Server Database" Nowait Noclear

Set Default To d:\app\Source

Set Multilocks On
If Type("gcConnString")="U"
Set Classlib To d:\app\source\desql Additive  && Data environment class with 
all the CAs
Set Classlib To d:\app\Source\caclassessql Additive   && CAs for SQL



If Messagebox("Read file fox",36,"Confirm")=6

oldPath=Justpath(Locfile("*.dbc","DBC","Please locate original database"))
Set Deleted On
Set Default To &oldPath
For N=1 To nNum


cSQL="delete from "+cFile

? "Converting " +cFile+" to " + ca+"start time "+Left(Time(),5)

If PEMSTATUS(odata,ca,5)
If Select(cFile)>0
Use In &cFile
Select 0

Use &cFile Alias old
Go Top

If Select("qte_d")>0
Select &ca

Select old

Scatter Memvar Memo
Select 0
* odata.&ca..cSelectCMDFilter="f_rn=0"
* odata.&ca..CursorFill()
Select old
If Recno()/25=Int(Recno()/25) OR .t.
Wait Clear
Wait Window "Processing "+cFile+" "+Str(Recno())+" of "+Str(Reccount()) Nowait 
** ?"Processing "+cFile+" "+Str(Recno())+" of "+Str(Reccount())
DoEvents Force

Select &ca
Append Blank
Gather Memvar Fields Except f_rn Memo
* Tableupdate(.f.)

IF Recno()/1000=Int(Recno()/1000)

Select old
Select &ca

Use In old

Wait Window "Unable to open table "+ca
? "End time "+TIME()

Wait Window "No CA for "+cFile Nowait Noclear

If Select("old")>0
Use In old


?? "Conversion started "
?? starttime
?? " ended at "
?? Time()


Function EXECSQL
Lparameters nHandle,cSQL

Do While .T.
DoEvents Force

If nStat<>0
If nTimes>5
Wait Window cSQL+"("+Alltrim(Str(nTimes))+")" Nowait Noclear
DoEvents Force

If nTimes=100
DoEvents Force
DoEvents Force


Return .T.

Function setnull()

Set Default To &cPath

lPack=Messagebox("Pack the local tables first",36,"Confirm")=6
For N=1 To numfiles
Wait Window cDBF Nowait Noclear

If File(cDBF)

Use &cDBF
If lPack
Wait Window cDBF+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+"Pack" Nowait Noclear
For F=1 To numfields
If Upper(cfield)="F_RN"

Wait Window cDBF+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+cfield+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+"Set Null" Nowait 
Alter Table &cDBF Alter &cfield Null


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RE: FW: SQL Upsize

2023-10-06 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks. I'll take a look.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Virgil Bierschwale
Sent: 06 October 2023 11:42
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 3:11 AM Graham Brown  wrote:

> Thanks
> What is Navicat?
> -Original Message-
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Virgil
> Bierschwale
> Sent: 05 October 2023 20:04
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize
> I use navicat.
> copy the dbf to csv or txt.
> use navicat to connect to sql server.
> and then do a import.
> I've added about 10GB data to mysql that way and it works pretty good.
> they have a version for sql server as well.
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 11:36 AM Graham Brown  wrote:
> > Hi
> > Thanks
> >
> > Yes, the database and tables all get created via the upsizing wizard so
> > definitely something to do with the data itself
> > The upsizing wizard has worked in the past probably 2000 to 2005 but
> won't
> > work in 2008r2. Havent done one of these in a long time.
> >
> > In the upsizing wizard I uncheck indices, integrity etc etc but made no
> > difference
> >
> > I have created a simple prg to create a cursor adapter on the local data
> > and another on the server data. This does scatter and gather between the
> > two but on a table with 500k records it takes two days to run so too
> slow.
> >
> > The next thing I am going to try is manually creating the insert sql
> > commands and run these in EM, just a pita if I am missing something
> obvious.
> >
> > Interesting one.
> >
> > Graham
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt Wendt
> > Sent: 05 October 2023 17:21
> > To: ProFox Email List
> > Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize
> >
> > Hey there Graham,
> >
> > Now, I know this is going to be more of a WAG or a total
> Shot-in-the-Dark,
> > Butt...
> >
> > Also, I will admit - I am not familiar with the exact process you're
> > attempting to do. I did try something similar MANY Years ago, admittedly
> -
> > back in like 2012. Anyway...
> >
> > So, my question is this - did your Process at least create the Database
> > files in SQL - and SOME of the records did make it into the Database? If
> > so, why not push the records into SQL Databases from FoxPro after the SQL
> > databases were already created?
> >
> > Now, I know - it's Not Addressing your original problem. But, I figured I
> > would throw some suggestions out there...
> >
> > -Kurt
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 8:44 AM Graham Brown 
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I am upsizing a Foxpro DBC to SQL 2008 r2. This worked fine with
> earlier
> > > versions of SQL but gives errors to newer versions of SQL. I am using
> > ODBC
> > > rather than Native client although it doesn't make any difference to
> the
> > > errors.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > For one specific table the upsize says 988 rows failed. Only a few
> > records
> > > show an error in the report (6) and this is connectivity error failed
> to
> > > convert numeric to float. The destination fields do not show float so
> not
> > > sure what it is complaining about.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Has anyone seen the same please.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Graham
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Ps Sent the last one to owner@, sorry Ed.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > > multipart/alternative
> > >   text/plain (text body -- kept)
> > >   text/html
> > > ---
> > >
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RE: FW: SQL Upsize

2023-10-06 Thread Graham Brown

What is Navicat?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Virgil Bierschwale
Sent: 05 October 2023 20:04
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize

I use navicat.
copy the dbf to csv or txt.
use navicat to connect to sql server.
and then do a import.

I've added about 10GB data to mysql that way and it works pretty good.
they have a version for sql server as well.

On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 11:36 AM Graham Brown  wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks
> Yes, the database and tables all get created via the upsizing wizard so
> definitely something to do with the data itself
> The upsizing wizard has worked in the past probably 2000 to 2005 but won't
> work in 2008r2. Havent done one of these in a long time.
> In the upsizing wizard I uncheck indices, integrity etc etc but made no
> difference
> I have created a simple prg to create a cursor adapter on the local data
> and another on the server data. This does scatter and gather between the
> two but on a table with 500k records it takes two days to run so too slow.
> The next thing I am going to try is manually creating the insert sql
> commands and run these in EM, just a pita if I am missing something obvious.
> Interesting one.
> Graham
> -Original Message-
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt Wendt
> Sent: 05 October 2023 17:21
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize
> Hey there Graham,
> Now, I know this is going to be more of a WAG or a total Shot-in-the-Dark,
> Butt...
> Also, I will admit - I am not familiar with the exact process you're
> attempting to do. I did try something similar MANY Years ago, admittedly -
> back in like 2012. Anyway...
> So, my question is this - did your Process at least create the Database
> files in SQL - and SOME of the records did make it into the Database? If
> so, why not push the records into SQL Databases from FoxPro after the SQL
> databases were already created?
> Now, I know - it's Not Addressing your original problem. But, I figured I
> would throw some suggestions out there...
> -Kurt
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 8:44 AM Graham Brown  wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> >
> >
> > I am upsizing a Foxpro DBC to SQL 2008 r2. This worked fine with earlier
> > versions of SQL but gives errors to newer versions of SQL. I am using
> > rather than Native client although it doesn't make any difference to the
> > errors.
> >
> >
> >
> > For one specific table the upsize says 988 rows failed. Only a few
> records
> > show an error in the report (6) and this is connectivity error failed to
> > convert numeric to float. The destination fields do not show float so not
> > sure what it is complaining about.
> >
> >
> >
> > Has anyone seen the same please.
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Graham
> >
> >
> >
> > Ps Sent the last one to owner@, sorry Ed.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > multipart/alternative
> >   text/plain (text body -- kept)
> >   text/html
> > ---
> >
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RE: FW: SQL Upsize

2023-10-05 Thread Graham Brown

Yes, the database and tables all get created via the upsizing wizard so 
definitely something to do with the data itself
The upsizing wizard has worked in the past probably 2000 to 2005 but won't work 
in 2008r2. Havent done one of these in a long time.

In the upsizing wizard I uncheck indices, integrity etc etc but made no 

I have created a simple prg to create a cursor adapter on the local data and 
another on the server data. This does scatter and gather between the two but on 
a table with 500k records it takes two days to run so too slow.

The next thing I am going to try is manually creating the insert sql commands 
and run these in EM, just a pita if I am missing something obvious.

Interesting one.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt Wendt
Sent: 05 October 2023 17:21
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: FW: SQL Upsize

Hey there Graham,

Now, I know this is going to be more of a WAG or a total Shot-in-the-Dark,

Also, I will admit - I am not familiar with the exact process you're
attempting to do. I did try something similar MANY Years ago, admittedly -
back in like 2012. Anyway...

So, my question is this - did your Process at least create the Database
files in SQL - and SOME of the records did make it into the Database? If
so, why not push the records into SQL Databases from FoxPro after the SQL
databases were already created?

Now, I know - it's Not Addressing your original problem. But, I figured I
would throw some suggestions out there...


On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 8:44 AM Graham Brown  wrote:

> Hi all
> I am upsizing a Foxpro DBC to SQL 2008 r2. This worked fine with earlier
> versions of SQL but gives errors to newer versions of SQL. I am using ODBC
> rather than Native client although it doesn't make any difference to the
> errors.
> For one specific table the upsize says 988 rows failed. Only a few records
> show an error in the report (6) and this is connectivity error failed to
> convert numeric to float. The destination fields do not show float so not
> sure what it is complaining about.
> Has anyone seen the same please.
> Regards
> Graham
> Ps Sent the last one to owner@, sorry Ed.
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
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FW: SQL Upsize

2023-10-05 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I am upsizing a Foxpro DBC to SQL 2008 r2. This worked fine with earlier
versions of SQL but gives errors to newer versions of SQL. I am using ODBC
rather than Native client although it doesn't make any difference to the


For one specific table the upsize says 988 rows failed. Only a few records
show an error in the report (6) and this is connectivity error failed to
convert numeric to float. The destination fields do not show float so not
sure what it is complaining about.


Has anyone seen the same please.





Ps Sent the last one to owner@, sorry Ed.


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2023-07-20 Thread Graham Brown
WellReading the message on the wiki I think Mike just needs a big hug from 
all of us...!

And Steven, the block button is there for a reason, just kick 'em off and don't 
even try to reason with some people so don't deal with people who p you off

Bring back our Wiki please !

Have a really great day everyone 

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Eric Selje
Sent: 18 July 2023 15:03
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re:

It really is. I wish they could work something out. Mike Y., if you're out
there reading this can you make nice with Stephen for the benefit of the
community? We've communicated many times in the past and it's always been
pleasant and professional.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 4:02 PM MB Software Solutions, LLC <> wrote:

> That's a real shame that it's still down.
> --
> Michael J. Babcock, MCP
> Fox/VFP dev since 1997
> Developer of FabNet estimating software -
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RE: Passing parameters to an external program run from fox

2023-05-09 Thread Graham Brown
Just had the same problem

I have ps2pdf.prg. this has a function called "runme"

I don’t know who the author is...sorry

*: Procedure File PS2PDF.PRG
*: Documented using Visual FoxPro Formatting wizard version  .05
*:   PS2PDF
*:   clnpsfiles
*:   runme
*:   long2str
*:   str2long
*:   getStartupInfo
*:   num2dword
*:   num2word
*:   buf2dword
*:   Decl
Parameters m_ifilename   && checking this has to be a ps file.
If m_ifilename =="" Or Not File(m_ifilename)
**Do clnpsfiles
m_safety  = Set("safety")
Set Safety Off
If Not Directory(m.cHomeDir+"psfiles")
Mkdir &(m.cHomeDir+"psfiles")
If Not Directory(m.cHomeDir+"pdffiles")
Mkdir &(m.cHomeDir+"pdffiles")
m_psfile= m.cHomeDir+"psfiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename)+".ps"
If File(m_psfile)
**Erase (m_psfile)
If Justext(m_ifilename) == ""
m_ifilename = Juststem(m_ifilename)+".TXT"
If File(m_psfile)
Erase (m_psfile)
Rename (m_ifilename) To 
m_ifilename = m.cHomeDir+"psfiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename)+".ps"
If Justext(m_ifilename)="TXT"
Rename (m_ifilename) To 
m_ifilename = m.cHomeDir+"psfiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename)+".ps"
If Justext(m_ifilename)="ps" Or Justext(m_ifilename)="PS"
*Rename (m_ifilename) To "psfiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename)+".ps"
*m_ifilename = "psfiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename)+".ps"
gs = Filetostr(m.cHomeDir+"LocationOfgs.ini")
m_outfile = m.cHomeDir+"pdffiles\"+Juststem(m_ifilename) +".pdf"
m_cmd = [ -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE#pdfwrite 
-sOutputFile#]+m_outfile +[ -dnodisplay -dCompatibilityLevel#1.2 -c 
.setpdfwrite -f ] +;
m_cmd = (gs)+ m_cmd +Chr(0)
** this is the actual ps2pdf command sent to ghostscript

Do runme With m_cmd
Set Safety &m_safety

*! Procedure CLNPSFILES
*!  Calls
*!  clnpsfiles
*!  runme
Procedure clnpsfiles
** proceedure for clearing out the last ps file to be converted.
** general housekeeping
m_num = Adir(m_files,m.cHomeDir+"psfiles\*.ps")
If m_num  > 0
m_dir = "psfiles\"
For i=1 To m_num
m_filetoerase =(m_dir)+m_files[i,1]
Erase (m_filetoerase)
Next i

*! Procedure RUNME
*!  Calls
*!  clnpsfiles
*!  runme
Proc runme
Para m_cmd

* Return code from WaitForSingleObject() if
* it timed out.
#Define WAIT_TIMEOUT 0x0102

* This controls how long, in milli secconds, WaitForSingleObject()
* waits before it times out. Change this to suit your preferences.

Declare Integer CreateProcess In kernel32.Dll ;
INTEGER lpApplicationName, ;
STRING lpCommandLine, ;
INTEGER lpProcessAttributes, ;
INTEGER lpThreadAttributes, ;
INTEGER bInheritHandles, ;
INTEGER dwCreationFlags, ;
INTEGER lpEnvironment, ;
INTEGER lpCurrentDirectory, ;
STRING @lpStartupInfo, ;
STRING @lpProcessInformation

Declare Integer WaitForSingleObject In kernel32.Dll ;
INTEGER hHandle, Integer dwMilliseconds

Declare Integer CloseHandle In kernel32.Dll ;

Declare Integer GetLastError In kernel32.Dll

* STARTUPINFO is 68 bytes, of which we need to
* initially populate the 'cb' or Count of Bytes member
* with the overall length of the structure.
* The remainder should be 0-filled
Start = long2str(68) + Replicate(Chr(0), 64)

* PROCESS_INFORMATION structure is 4 longs,
* or 4*4 bytes = 16 bytes, which we'll fill with nulls.
process_info = Replicate(Chr(0), 16)
* Start a copy of gs (EXE name must be null-terminated)
File2Run = m_cmd 

* Call CreateProcess, obtain a process handle. Treat the
* application to run as 

Dymo Twin Turbo

2022-11-13 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


Probably a long shot but has anyone managed to get labels printing to a Dymo
450 Twin Turbo. 

I am trying to get it to choose the correct spool (printer has two) . It
always defaults to the last one printed to.


There is sample code for VB but nothing for Fox. Would've expected if I have
the driver installed I can just put the info into the frx memo field but
doesn't seem to want to play.






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CABuilder Revisited

2022-01-15 Thread Graham Brown


I posted before about the CABuilder tool asking for the original disk then
failing to find anything.


I traced the code and found the last line "Do (_browser) with (lcClassList)"
was causing the error and commenting this line allowed the code to complete
correctly. I have no idea what dependencies this needs and why it would


I hope this helps someone.




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RE: [NF] Microsoft wrongly blocking lots of emails

2022-01-06 Thread Graham Brown
I am not an expert but would a SPF record in the DNS help?
Does it need any other DNS changes to validate the email ?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of MB Software 
Solutions, LLC
Sent: 05 January 2022 22:53
Subject: Re: [NF] Microsoft wrongly blocking lots of emails

But here's what's oddmy IT guy says that his IP range is NOT on the 
blocked list.  Nor does M$ support find any problem (yet it doesn't work).

 From the M$ tech he worked with on this:


My name is Farheen and I work with the Sender Support Team.

I do not see anything offhand with IP: ( that would
be preventing your mail from reaching our customers.

You may be able to find additional information on common delivery
questions at the Postmaster Site found at I would like to highlight
some key areas that I believe are appropriate to your company.

  * has created the *Smart Network Data Services
(SNDS)*program. This is a service that helps legitimate email
senders work with their customers and partners to reduce spam
originating from their IP. To register, please go to This program allows a sender to
monitor the 'health' of their IPs.
  * Monitor user complaints. also has a sender complaint
feedback loop program called the *Junk Email Reporting Program
(JMRP)*. Enrolment in this free program will benefit you as a
sender as it will keep your email lists updated and populated
with interested customers. This program will help
you to remove those customers who do not want to
receive emails from your company. If you are interested in
joining this program, please visit

While using the SNDS tool and enrolment in the JMRP will not allow
emails from your mail servers to bypass our filters, these are in
place to help legitimate companies deliver their emails to customers.

*_ Apply for IP Certification by Return Path, a Validity Product?_*_
_If you are doing all the above and you continue to have
deliverability issues, you may wish to consider joining Return
Path's IP Certified Mail Program, *a third-party program
administered by Return Path*, *a Validity Product*. Many legitimate
mailers and marketers have qualified and joined this program to
improve mail deliverability and decrease email from being filtered
to the Junk E-mail Folder. *Return Path's IP Certification

*is the only service to which we subscribe*

The troubleshooting steps in this email are recommendations only.
Microsoft makes no guarantees that following these steps will
guarantee deliverability to MSN,, or customers.

For more detailed information about best sending practices to users, please review the following white paper:

...So now he's going to look into this IP Certification by Return Path 

On 1/5/2022 3:35 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2022, at 14:21, MB Software Solutions, 
> LLC  wrote:
>> Anybody else experiencing errors like this trying to email folks who use 
>> Office 365 as their email provider?
>> Access denied, banned sender[]. To request removal from this
>> list please forward this For
>> more information please go to
>> AS(1410)
>> [] (in reply to RCPT 
>> TO
>> command)
> I've had to deal with a lot of email providers that block this list because 
> it's hosted on a VPS from Digital Ocean. It has nothing to do with the 
> content, just that the IP address is in a banned range.
> -- Ed Leafe
> ___
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RE: CABuilder

2021-12-22 Thread Graham Brown

I have to support the vfp8 stuff so don't want to make big changes to the code 
base. Customer has asked for a link into Sage Online Accounting which is simple 
enough but it needs additional fields.

Will have to trace the CA Builder and see if I can see what it is complaining 
about. Unfortunately the Acer I always used for Fox dev breathed its last so I 
am a bit scuppered.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of MB Software 
Solutions, LLC
Sent: 16 December 2021 22:08
Subject: Re: CABuilder

Ever since Ed Leafe and some others posted that failings of CAs, I never 
spent another minute on them.  I've used Paul McNett's MakeUpdatable.prg 
for years although I morphed it into something else I think eventually 
in my framework which uses SPT exclusively.  I will admit that the Fox 
team did fix some of those errors apparently but I never looked back.

On 12/16/2021 4:25 PM, Graham Brown wrote:
> Hi all
> I use Paul's CABuilder tool under vfp8 to create Cursor Adapters. Just
> lately it has started failing under Windows 8.
> Database is SQL so I'm ticking the convert date/time to date option,
> selecting SQL and ODBC. It runs through all the tables then says I don't
> have something installed and asks for the setup.
> Doesn't say what it is missing and putting the original disc in tells me it
> can't find the setup files.
> Will trace the code to see if I can find any clues but has anyone seen this
> before?
> Regards
> Graham
Michael J. Babcock, MCP
Fox/VFP dev since 1997
Developer of FabNet estimating software -

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2021-12-16 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I use Paul's CABuilder tool under vfp8 to create Cursor Adapters. Just
lately it has started failing under Windows 8.

Database is SQL so I'm ticking the convert date/time to date option,
selecting SQL and ODBC. It runs through all the tables then says I don't
have something installed and asks for the setup.

Doesn't say what it is missing and putting the original disc in tells me it
can't find the setup files.


Will trace the code to see if I can find any clues but has anyone seen this





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RE: [NF] Winforms

2021-08-20 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

Thanks for all your replies. Don't understand why Microsoft haven't sorted
visual inheritance properly.
WPF (sigh) another technology to study.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Alan Bourke
Sent: 20 August 2021 14:54
Subject: Re: [NF] Winforms


I'd definitely consider Windows Presentation Foundation over Winforms if
this inheritance thing is a problem for you, because WPF *does* support that
sort of visual inheritance, and i will set you up for WinUI going forward.

  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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[NF] Winforms

2021-08-19 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

Are there any VB.NET Winforms gurus around.

I am struggling with custom controls in Winforms. So when I start a new
project in Visfox I create custom VCXs for the different forms and form
controls. I then use these custom controls throughout the project.

I can create an inherited form with the layout I need but when I use this
form in the project all the base controls are locked  which I think is
something to do with "Friend" but I don't understand.

In Visfox I create a VCX for controls (e.g. textbox, label, combobox etc )
and inherit from the windows controls. Customisation of these controls is
visual so click on the properties and change the font size etc.
In Winforms there doesn't seem to be any visual element to this I have to
write all the code for it.

Am I missing something?

Cheers Graham

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RE: [NF] Winforms

2021-08-18 Thread Graham Brown
Hi Alan

"Programmatically add designer support"? 

Hmm how does that work, do you know of any resources to read up on?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Alan Bourke
Sent: 18 August 2021 13:04
Subject: Re: [NF] Winforms

It's been many years since I used WinForms but if I remember visual
inheritance and WinForms designer support in Visual Studio don't work the
same as you would be used to from VFP or VB6. Basically you have to
programmatically add designer support, or as you say programmatically update
any control properties you want to change.

WPF and its successors are much better in this regard.

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RE: [NF] Winforms

2021-08-18 Thread Graham Brown
That's the problem.

I can't figure out how to create a subclassed version of a textbox for
instance in the first place.

If I want to set every textbox in the system to 10pt I don't want to edit
every control on every form to change the font size. I  would just want to
change it in the textbox base and compile.

The only way I can find in the help docs is to create a new usercontrol and
put the textbox inside a usercontrol. Every form then has the new
usercontrol and not a direct textbox.
This seems like a right pitb

What am I missing?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: 18 August 2021 17:12
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] Winforms

You could create a project where you subclassed any form widget in your way.

Then in every new solution, you include that project and use those classes
at the top instead of:
using  System.Windows.Forms.Form

you would use :
using  MyUberCoolSystem.Windows.Forms.Form

Just like you had to do in VFP as I remember.

I would never do that again, personally.  If I need to override something
I'd do it in just this application, and not everything I did.  Extending
the functionality of classes is easy as needed.  In all of my data objects,
I override the ToString() to output a serialized json string of the data.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 7:04 AM Alan Bourke  wrote:

> It's been many years since I used WinForms but if I remember visual
> inheritance and WinForms designer support in Visual Studio don't work the
> same as you would be used to from VFP or VB6. Basically you have to
> programmatically add designer support, or as you say programmatically
> update any control properties you want to change.
> WPF and its successors are much better in this regard.
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[NF] Winforms

2021-08-17 Thread Graham Brown

Hi all

Are there any VB.NET Winforms gurus around.

I am struggling with custom controls in Winforms. So when I start a new
project in Visfox I create custom VCXs for the different forms and form
controls. I then use these custom controls throughout the project.

I can create an inherited form with the layout I need but when I use this
form in the project all the base controls are locked  which I think is
something to do with "Friend" but I don't understand.

In Visfox I create a VCX for controls (e.g. textbox, label, combobox etc )
and inherit from the windows controls. Customisation of these controls is
visual so click on the properties and change the font size etc.
In Winforms there doesn't seem to be any visual element to this I have to
write all the code for it.

Am I missing something?

Cheers Graham

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2018-11-29 Thread Graham Brown

The ConnectString just shows the DSN name.

I did create a file dsn, located the file in the common folder and it has an
"OPTION=524298". Still not showing me the MyODBC.SQL file though.

Nothing else in the DSN so not sure what else it needs.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: 29 November 2018 18:55
Subject: Re: MyODBC

I don't know, but here's how I would go about figuring it out:

1. Start up the ODBC Administrator (make sure it's the 32-bit version!) 2.
Create a new System DSN using the MyODBC driver. Search through the
Options/Properties dialogs for the logging function and turn it on.
3. In VFP, using SQLConnect() to connect to a database.
4. Using the connection number you got in #3, query the connection like:

MyString = SQLGetProp(cnMyConnectionNumber, "StringConnect")

and that should get you the connection string settings.

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 1:30 PM Graham Brown  wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone know how to switch on the logging function in the ODBC 
> driver please.
> MyODBC says use "option=4" in the sqlstringconnect but this doesn't 
> appear to do anything.
> Graham
> ---
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2018-11-29 Thread Graham Brown


Does anyone know how to switch on the logging function in the ODBC driver

MyODBC says use "option=4" in the sqlstringconnect but this doesn't appear
to do anything.




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RE: MyODBC not updating tables

2018-11-28 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks for the pointers 

The app runs local on Windows 7 and uploads a lot of Excel data to an
external online portal on shared hosting.

The hosting has a remote SQL option to unlock the port for my IP. If the
port is locked it won't even connect. 
Also I get a connection and I can fire off select and delete commands but
not update and insert commands.
I've checked the size of the MySQL DB and it isn't over quota.

I don't know anything about the set up as it is shared hosting with As the domain is managed by another company I can't even talk
to 20i myself.
I don't know where MySQL is in relation to PHPMyAdmin. They just say use the in the hostname and they resolve this to the correct box.

The domain was originally hosted by and the update
always worked.

One thing the 20i have said in the last hour is that there are a number of
"discarded" commands in the event log. I haven't found out why they are
discarded but there doesn't appear to be any problems with the SQL as I can
run the same sql in PHPMyAdmin.

I don't get any error so don't know how to check what the ODBC or MySQL is
doing or why commands are being discarded if they are mine.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: 28 November 2018 14:01
Subject: Re: MyODBC not updating tables

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 6:38 AM Graham Brown  wrote:

> nMySQL=Sqlstringconnect("Driver=MySQL ODBC 5.1 
> Driver;
> ;UID={aw};PWD={test};DATABASE={aw16};port=52905")
> and sqlexec(nMySQL,cSQL)

Do you capture the results of these functions and test that they are not
returning an error?

> It has worked for years but the client recently moved to a new hosting 
> company. No errors at runtime, no data arrives in the table but I can 
> run these commands in PHPMyAdmin so the SQL commands are fine.

PHPMyAdmin is running on the same machine as the MySQL, or a different one?

The VFP is surely running on a Windows box. The PHP and MySQL, well, you
didn't say.

Offhand, I'd confirm that port 52905 is open in any firewall in place.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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MyODBC not updating tables

2018-11-28 Thread Graham Brown


I've just had to revisit a foxpro app I wrote about 10 years ago.


This just reads an excel spreadsheet, generates an SQL statement and fires
it at a MySQL database.

I'm using MyODBC 5.1 and Foxpro 8.


This is a sample of the SQL. 

insert into aw_due
ls_ref) values (544,0,

'AB ','An','1990/01/01',3735.49,'117 ','');


The code opens a connection with 

nMySQL=Sqlstringconnect("Driver=MySQL ODBC 5.1

and sqlexec(nMySQL,cSQL)


It has worked for years but the client recently moved to a new hosting
company. No errors at runtime, no data arrives in the table but I can run
these commands in PHPMyAdmin so the SQL commands are fine.


Has anybody seen anything like this please?




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VFP6 / Codemine7 kill switch

2017-02-15 Thread Graham Brown



I have a legacy app written in VFP6 with Codemine7. The customer has just
asked for some new reports but I'm finding it will not compile on Windows 7,
8 or 10.

It throws messages which may be Codemine related saying Session not
initialised. It also complains about not being able to write to the


SP5 will not install because MDAC is not installed, MDAC install just
freezes or quits the install with no error.


Is anybody aware of any reasons or whether there are any kill switches in
either product.


I've got a Windows XP (yes I know) computer on the way to try it on that.





Graham Brown

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Registry errors in Windows 10

2016-06-27 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

I have several apps written in VFP8 with the Codemine8 framework, when the 
application runs it comes up with the initial registration screen normally not 
a problem just complete the screen fill in the path to local data and click 

Windows 10 now throws up a message saying it can't find file appreg02.  I've 
attempted to trace this through but cannot find anything.

Has anyone come across the same error message please?


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RE: [NF] Two DHCP servers on a network - Changed to [NF]

2016-02-23 Thread Graham Brown

No reason why Server 2012 DHCP can't be turned off, just trying to
understand the implications of doing so.
It is one of the things I've never found "best practice", if there is such a
thing, just different opinions. Even the MCSEs I know tend to look blank at
me on this one...!

Bigger networks will have wired and wireless devices so I wouldn't think I'm
doing anything out the ordinary.
Not even sure if I should care if it is the first responder giving the IP
address, this never seems to be the server in any case as it is always the
higher range.

Different subnets sounds interesting though, I'll have a read on that one.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: 23 February 2016 11:39
Subject: Re: [NF] Two DHCP servers on a network - Changed to [NF]

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:42 AM, Graham Brown  wrote:
> My thinking was if anything logs into the domain it will take the 
> server DHCP IP address range and wifi devices from the router DHCP IP

I think this is wishful thinking. On startup, the ethernet devices
essentially broadcast a plea over the network, "Who can give me an IP
address?" and pick one of the responders. IIRC, the first to answer, but no
guarantee who.

> It appears it is a bad idea to have 2 DHCP servers but not sure if 
> this will stop the tablets and smartphones getting a connection.

It sounds like a bad idea to me.

Is there a reason why you can't just turn off the DHCP server on the Win
2012 box?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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[NF] Two DHCP servers on a network - Changed to [NF]

2016-02-23 Thread Graham Brown


I have test platform network running server 2012, the PCs are cat cabled
back to the network switch.
All the PCs connect to the domain.

I also have several wifi devices (laptops/tablets/smartphones) which connect
the internet but not the server or domain. The Virgin Media router also has

The router is fixed to
The server is fixed to

I've also set the ranges for DHCP so the server has to The router has the range and above.

My thinking was if anything logs into the domain it will take the server
DHCP IP address range and wifi devices from the router DHCP IP range.

Having checked all the connected devices they all seem to be 239 and above.

It appears it is a bad idea to have 2 DHCP servers but not sure if this will
stop the tablets and smartphones getting a connection.

Could anyone point me towards best practices please. Not sure if I can turn
off DHCP on the server altogether.


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[OT] Two DHCP servers on a network

2016-02-21 Thread Graham Brown

I have test platform network running server 2012, the PCs are cat cabled
back to the network switch.
All the PCs connect to the domain.

I also have several wifi devices (laptops/tablets/smartphones) which connect
the internet but not the server or domain. The Virgin Media router also has

The router is fixed to
The server is fixed to

I've also set the ranges for DHCP so the server has to
The router has the range and above.

My thinking was if anything logs into the domain it will take the server
DHCP IP address range and wifi devices from the router DHCP IP range.

Having checked all the connected devices they all seem to be 239 and above.

It appears it is a bad idea to have 2 DHCP servers but not sure if this will
stop the tablets and smartphones getting a connection.

Could anyone point me towards best practices please. Not sure if I can turn
off DHCP on the server altogether.


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[OT] Two DHCP servers on a network

2016-02-20 Thread Graham Brown

I have test platform network running server 2012, the PCs are cat cabled
back to the network switch.
All the PCs connect to the domain.

I also have several wifi devices (laptops/tablets/smartphones) which connect
the internet but not the server or domain. The Virgin Media router also has

The router is fixed to
The server is fixed to

I've also set the ranges for DHCP so the server has to The router has the range and above.

My thinking was if anything logs into the domain it will take the server
DHCP IP address range and wifi devices from the router DHCP IP range.

Having checked all the connected devices they all seem to be 239 and above.

It appears it is a bad idea to have 2 DHCP servers but not sure if this will
stop the tablets and smartphones getting a connection.

Could anyone point me towards best practices please. Not sure if I can turn
off DHCP on the server altogether.


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[NF] Reporting in .NET

2015-08-13 Thread Graham Brown


I'm evaluating Visual Studio  and have got as far the built in RDLC
report writer  which isn't anywhere near as good as fox.


One of my reports is a standard invoice layout, in fox I'd just draw the
lines from the page header to the page footer and all works fine.

In RDLC this doesn't work.


It has this thing called a Tablix which I can put a border round but
this box border is only as big as the number of lines in the table.

So with one line item on the invoice I get a small box with a load of
white space which looks rubbish.


Does anyone know how to get the Tablix border  to fill the space between
page header and page footer please?


The only answer  I can find on the web is adding blank records to the
report datasource which sounds even worse, that or using Crystal.





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RE: Excel 2013 slow automation

2015-05-23 Thread Graham Brown

Excel is not visible until the function completes but will give that a go.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox on behalf of Man-wai Chang
Sent: Sat 23/05/2015 14:45
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Excel 2013 slow automation
Did you use ApplicationUpdating to lock screen changes until the end
of processing?

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Graham Brown  wrote:
> Has anyone seen any problems with Excel automation?
> My code creates an excel spreadsheet, writing out various info from the 
> tables, in 2010 and earlier it takes about 1 minute to write out 1500 lines 
> but in 2013 it is more like 45 minutes.
> Checked with AV on and off, closed all other apps etc etc so it definitely 
> seems to be 2013.

 .~. Might, Courage, Vision. SINCERITY!
/ v \ 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10 (Linux kernel
/( _ )\
^ ^ May the Force and farces be with you!

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Excel 2013 slow automation

2015-05-23 Thread Graham Brown

Has anyone seen any problems with Excel automation?

My code creates an excel spreadsheet, writing out various info from the tables, 
in 2010 and earlier it takes about 1 minute to write out 1500 lines but in 2013 
it is more like 45 minutes.
Checked with AV on and off, closed all other apps etc etc so it definitely 
seems to be 2013.


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RE: Shield icon and "Allow this program to make changes"

2015-03-11 Thread Graham Brown

The app runs from a mapped network drive. The UAC message comes up
before it launches anything.
Not sure about whether the project properties have fixed it though, sent
a revised exe to the client to check.


Graham Brown

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Chris Davis
Sent: 11 March 2015 13:15
Subject: RE: Shield icon and "Allow this program to make changes"

Where is it running from? Program Files? If it is then is it trying to
do "STUFF" in Program Files which without UAC turned off is not allowed
without responding to that prompt.

-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of
Graham Brown
Sent: 11 March 2015 12:18
Subject: Shield icon and "Allow this program to make changes"



Has anyone seen this before please?


I have just replaced my aging Windows XP development pc with a Windows 7


Every VFP8 app I now compile on Windows 7 now shows a blue/yellow shield
icon and when the application is run it shows a User Account Control
message asking if it is ok for this program to make changes to the local


The app runs on a network so disabling security controls is a no-no.


Not worried about the shield icon but the UAC message is going to annoy
the customers.


Appreciate any pointers.





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RE: Shield icon and "Allow this program to make changes"

2015-03-11 Thread Graham Brown

Thanks, it is definitely an odd problem.  From what I can see there is
no whitelist option and it only appeared after a build with Windows 7.

Not sure if it is a fluke but I've just filled in the project properties
author etc, built the exe as a different name and the shield icon has
It also isn't asking for UAC.


Graham Brown

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Shield icon and "Allow this program to make changes"

2015-03-11 Thread Graham Brown


Has anyone seen this before please?


I have just replaced my aging Windows XP development pc with a Windows 7


Every VFP8 app I now compile on Windows 7 now shows a blue/yellow shield
icon and when the application is run it shows a User Account Control
message asking if it is ok for this program to make changes to the local


The app runs on a network so disabling security controls is a no-no.


Not worried about the shield icon but the UAC message is going to annoy
the customers.


Appreciate any pointers.





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RE: [NF] Garbaged folder structure

2015-01-29 Thread Graham Brown

The workstation is Windows 7, server is an old SBS server.
I RDP'd to the server and the folders appeared corrupted on the server
as well.

The original folders were still there as well but hidden.

Does sound like some malware got in but scans were clean like your

Definitely something weird.


What's the workstation OS? Is this a desktop shortcut that's going all

I'm chasing down a problem that *might* be related: a Windows 7 Pro
workstation has problems with desktop shortcuts that just turn to mush -
sometimes links to non-existent registry entries, or broken links to
existing exe's. Machine has layers upon layers of anti-malware
(firewall, active scanner, MSE, etc.) so I don't *think* it's a malware
more than a misfire.

Here's a website (don't know of the accuracy) claiming it's a desktop
maintenance task:

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 3:13 AM, Graham Brown 

> Hi
> I have a Foxpro 6 app running on an SBS server from a mapped network 
> drive (O:)
> In the O: root  I should have a gage_tup folder but if I right click 
> properties on this folder I actually see a shortcut instead with this 
> command line.
> C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start cmd.exe /C if exist 
> "\\SBS\cbs\FDP5\CLIPART\cJVssV.AYl
>  " start ""
> "\\SBS\cbs\FDP5\CLIPART\cJVssV.AYl
>  " && start ""
> "\\SBS\cbs\GAGE_TUP  "
> All the folders have been replaced with the same weird shortcuts. I 
> have scanned workstations and servers for problems and all reports
> This has happened once before on a different network and a vfp8 
> application.
> I've fixed by restoring a clean backup and reimporting the tables but 
> would be interested to know if anybody else has seen the problem.
> Cheers
> Graham
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
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> ---
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[NF] Garbaged folder structure

2015-01-29 Thread Graham Brown



I have a Foxpro 6 app running on an SBS server from a mapped network
drive (O:) 

In the O: root  I should have a gage_tup folder but if I right click
properties on this folder I actually see a shortcut instead with this
command line.


C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start cmd.exe /C if exist
 " start ""
 " && start ""
"\\SBS\cbs\GAGE_TUP  "


All the folders have been replaced with the same weird shortcuts. I have
scanned workstations and servers for problems and all reports clean.

This has happened once before on a different network and a vfp8


I've fixed by restoring a clean backup and reimporting the tables but
would be interested to know if anybody else has seen the problem.





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[NF] Telerik

2014-09-09 Thread Graham Brown


Has anyone used the Telerik Rad controls for Winforms.


Just wondering if they are any good.





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RE: Any Codemine 8 gurus out there?

2014-09-02 Thread Graham Brown
Just heard back from Dave at Tech Soft Classics/Codemine tech support.
The source to this is in the template folder in the .SQL file.

If that helps anyone else.


Graham Brown

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 02 September 2014 12:15
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Any Codemine 8 gurus out there?

Hi all


Just messing with some old VFP8/CM8 apps trying to upsize the eventlog
and registry keys to SQL Server.

It is saying it can't find sproc sp_cm_incrementcounter.


Does anyone still have CM8 around and can let me have the source to
whatever sprocs it is trying to create please.





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Any Codemine 8 gurus out there?

2014-09-02 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


Just messing with some old VFP8/CM8 apps trying to upsize the eventlog
and registry keys to SQL Server.

It is saying it can't find sproc sp_cm_incrementcounter.


Does anyone still have CM8 around and can let me have the source to
whatever sprocs it is trying to create please.





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RE: Opening PDFs

2014-06-06 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks but not clear how to use this.

I've opened object browser for Adobe reader, the interfaces show
IAcroAXDocShim and _IAcroAXDocShimEvents.
Dragging either of these to a prg does show all the methods but
attempting to run says it can't find "AcroPDFLib.AcroPDF" 

Not sure what installs this as I've only got the viewer not full


Graham Brown

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Tracy
Sent: 06 June 2014 16:46
Subject: RE: Opening PDFs 

Graham Brown wrote on 2014-06-06: 
>  Hi all
>  One of my clients wants to be able to show a pdf document but disable

> Save/Email/Print/Copy.
>  I've embedded the activex into a fox form but there doesn't seem to 
> be  any way to hide the autohide menu in the view (called a heads up 
> display  or HUD)
>  Doesn't seem to be any way to bindevents to the methods either.
>  Has anyone come across a simple way to achieve this please?
>  Regards
>  Graham


It might be simplest to set a password on to the PDF files that prevent
those functions from working.

But going with your VFP solution...

I have, in the past, with VFP, needed to work with an Interface class,
then use EventHandler() to connect the ActiveX/COM object and the
Interface object together.

If you open the ActiveX in Object Browser, you can drag an Interface
(one that is bolded) to a new prg. It will create the interface
structure for you. There might be an event that is fired when attempting
to do one of these things which you can block the action from happening.

For instance, the CodeStone SMTP control (
has an ILogHandler interface. It allowed me to capture more details when
I was having troubles with a particular server. This is how they get
  This.oLog = CREATEOBJECT("csmail.loghandler")
  This.oLogHandler = NEWOBJECT("csmailloghandler",
  EVENTHANDLER(This.oLog, This.oLogHandler)

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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Opening PDFs

2014-06-06 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


One of my clients wants to be able to show a pdf document but disable

I've embedded the activex into a fox form but there doesn't seem to be
any way to hide the autohide menu in the view (called a heads up display
or HUD)

Doesn't seem to be any way to bindevents to the methods either.


Has anyone come across a simple way to achieve this please?





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RE: Recreate VCX,SCX from SCC

2014-05-19 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks, I'll check that 

The laptop I use is getting a bit old, it freezes periodically and
whatever project I'm working on garbages either the scx or vcx files. 
I'm using the SCC files as a secondary backup so I can cut and paste
code back in.

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Recreate VCX,SCX from SCC

2014-05-14 Thread Graham Brown


I'm using the SCC utility to create source backups of VCX, FRX and SCX

Has anyone come across  a way to recreate the original files from the
VCA, SCA and FRA files SCC creates?






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RE: Convert HTML from image link to embedded image

2014-05-02 Thread Graham Brown
Hi Paul

Don't know if helps but I used a product called html2exe a long time
ago. This creates a single file with all the images embedded
I think I used this for some ebook type thing years ago.


Graham Brown

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Paul Newton
Sent: 02 May 2014 10:01
Subject: Convert HTML from image link to embedded image

Hi all

I have some HTML files containing text and images (which when I examine
the HTML contains references/links to JPG files).  I need to convert
these links to embedded images, using VFP, so that the HTML does not
rely on the presence of the JPGs.  Any suggestions?  Is this even

Many thanks

Paul Newton 

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RE: [NF] PDF to CSV or Excel

2014-02-14 Thread Graham Brown

I had a project which took emailed pdfs from outlook. I grabbed the text
from these and created jobs in the MySQL database.
I looked for ages for an easy way to do this, pdflib seemed to be the
only real contender but it cost more than the customer would pay.

My project opened the attachment with Adobe Reader then used an API call
to find the opened instance.
Once it had a handle it stuffed a CTRL A  and CTRL C 

I then used _cliptext to read and process the info.

Not elegant but it worked. 

Happy to dig out some code if you'd like to have a look see.


Graham Brown

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: 14 February 2014 16:16
Subject: [NF] PDF to CSV or Excel

Greetings:  I have used a number of tools to convert a PDF to CSV with
no success.  Has anyone found a Windows application that can do PDF to
CSV conversions reliably?  Paid application does not matter at this



Jeff Johnson
SanDC, Inc.
Fax 623-869-0675

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RE: Invalid seek offset

2014-01-21 Thread Graham Brown
Less than 24 hours after speaking to the server guys, the server failed
with hard drive errors.
At this point they said the monitoring software on the network had been
warning of impending doom for some time but they'd done nothing about it
except blaming the software.

Thought I'd share that just in case anybody else gets the same.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 11:45
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: Invalid seek offset

Thanks. Very interesting, I've asked the network techs to check this
I'll report back later.

I think this link was posted on here recently. If not then I apologise
but M$ seem to have found a resolution for network shares dropping out
intermittently, which as Christof says is one cause of the error:


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 10:50
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: Invalid seek offset

Thanks Dave

I'll grab the codemine data folder later and rebuild it.

Have you found any way to monitor the network for timeouts?

I think this network has issues because I know when I try to copy new
exes on it will tell me the file is in use, the server open files shows
the exe as being open several times on each pc  (single instance exe so
isn't possible) and when I check these pcs they are switched off. 

The hardware guys don't understand or don't want to understand so don't
bother investigating.

Only this one site reporting reporting problems.

All very strange.

Usually index corruption or a corruption of the DBF header. Normally
copying the data to a new table then zapping and appending back cures
the problem. The cause of the corruption I most often found was network
timeouts caused by cheap network cards or switches.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 10:05
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Invalid seek offset

Hi all


One of my clients has just started getting invalid seek offset errors.
The app is vfp8/codemine8 with a SQL 2005 database.

I'm just trying to pin it down to see if it is antivirus or power saving
etc. Also asked the hardware guys to see if anything appears in any of
the log files.


Has anyone come across a definitive reason for this error?





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RE: Invalid seek offset

2014-01-14 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks. Very interesting, I've asked the network techs to check this
I'll report back later.

I think this link was posted on here recently. If not then I apologise
but M$ seem to have found a resolution for network shares dropping out
intermittently, which as Christof says is one cause of the error:


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 10:50
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: Invalid seek offset

Thanks Dave

I'll grab the codemine data folder later and rebuild it.

Have you found any way to monitor the network for timeouts?

I think this network has issues because I know when I try to copy new
exes on it will tell me the file is in use, the server open files shows
the exe as being open several times on each pc  (single instance exe so
isn't possible) and when I check these pcs they are switched off. 

The hardware guys don't understand or don't want to understand so don't
bother investigating.

Only this one site reporting reporting problems.

All very strange.

Usually index corruption or a corruption of the DBF header. Normally
copying the data to a new table then zapping and appending back cures
the problem. The cause of the corruption I most often found was network
timeouts caused by cheap network cards or switches.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 10:05
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Invalid seek offset

Hi all


One of my clients has just started getting invalid seek offset errors.
The app is vfp8/codemine8 with a SQL 2005 database.

I'm just trying to pin it down to see if it is antivirus or power saving
etc. Also asked the hardware guys to see if anything appears in any of
the log files.


Has anyone come across a definitive reason for this error?





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RE: Invalid seek offset

2014-01-14 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks Dave

I'll grab the codemine data folder later and rebuild it.

Have you found any way to monitor the network for timeouts?

I think this network has issues because I know when I try to copy new
exes on it will tell me the file is in use, the server open files shows
the exe as being open several times on each pc  (single instance exe so
isn't possible) and when I check these pcs they are switched off. 

The hardware guys don't understand or don't want to understand so don't
bother investigating.

Only this one site reporting reporting problems.

All very strange.

Usually index corruption or a corruption of the DBF header. Normally
copying the data to a new table then zapping and appending back cures
the problem. The cause of the corruption I most often found was network
timeouts caused by cheap network cards or switches.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 14 January 2014 10:05
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Invalid seek offset

Hi all


One of my clients has just started getting invalid seek offset errors.
The app is vfp8/codemine8 with a SQL 2005 database.

I'm just trying to pin it down to see if it is antivirus or power saving
etc. Also asked the hardware guys to see if anything appears in any of
the log files.


Has anyone come across a definitive reason for this error?





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Invalid seek offset

2014-01-14 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


One of my clients has just started getting invalid seek offset errors.
The app is vfp8/codemine8 with a SQL 2005 database.

I'm just trying to pin it down to see if it is antivirus or power saving
etc. Also asked the hardware guys to see if anything appears in any of
the log files.


Has anyone come across a definitive reason for this error?





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[OT] Website hacks.

2013-11-26 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I've had one of my websites attacked over the weekend, ended up with
loads of random text in the various fields.

The common theme seems to be a string featuring "2rand[0,1,1]" 


Anybody seen this before please? 



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texbox in grid header (VFP8)

2013-10-09 Thread Graham Brown


Is it possible to replace the header of a grid cell with a textbox.


The form is something like this


ProductRedYellow   Blue

Product 1 Yes No  Yes

Product2  No  Yes No


So product1 is available in red and blue

Product 2 is just available in yellow


The customer asked if he can change the colours headings on the fly so I
pop up a modal window that allows him to do that but he wants to enter
this directly in into the grid header.


Is possible to add a textbox directly to a grid header? Can't find
anything to suggest it is.








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Overwrite autoinc field

2013-09-30 Thread Graham Brown


I need to fix a dbf that has some missing records. The system has a good
audit trail so I can find the missing data.


The problem is that I want to use the same autoinc fields in the

The only way I can think is to issue alter table  alter
 I AUTOINC  first then run the insert sql.


Is there a better way to do this?









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[NF] Selling software intellectual property.

2013-09-12 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


One of my customers has asked to buy out the rights to one of my products. 
Currently there is only the one company using this.


Normally my projects do not include the source because previously another 
client took the source, developed his own application with my libraries and set 
up in competition with me. Cost me about £30k in lost business.


Previously when this happened I had one customer try to enforce "no writing 
software for 8 years after the sale" and another wanting 20% royalty on all 
derivative works which is basically everything and everybody. I told both of 
them where to go.


This new chap wants ownership of just the one product. The chap has said he 
will pay for this but I've no idea what to charge or what terms I should impose 
or accept.


Just wondering how to deal with this





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RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

2013-08-22 Thread Graham Brown

Is it normal for the emulator to take 25 mins to start up?
Is there any minimum memory or processor specs for this?

PC spec is 2.4ghz with 2gb of ram.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: 22 August 2013 14:45
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

I am starting to work with

Bought in at a much cheaper amount.  :)  Also have to work with barcodes and 
camera for this app.  Has local data and can hook up as soon as wifi is 
available which is a big issue for my environments.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 5:43 AM, Graham Brown  wrote:

> Hi Dave
> Thanks.
> B4A looks really cool.
> I've been trying to get Eclipse working without success. The emulator 
> refuses to load, Wasted days on this which is real disappointment. Not 
> sure if the processor or ram is enough for Eclipse. Have you had any 
> similar problems with B4A?
> The initial request from the client is an android only application for 
> their field service engineers. The FSE will fill in a form, take some 
> pictures and get the customer to sign on screen. Signatures will store 
> this against the job either by emailing or later downloading. 
> Everything from the Android app will be sent back to the office for 
> processing in the VFP app, I'll need to print the signature at some 
> point so would need to be image file rather than points.
> Does B4A allow you to manage the camera e.g. take pictures, save or 
> email them?
> Also capture a signature?
> I often work with an IT chap who is looking for business apps on all 
> three platforms. Mobiforms infers you write once and can deploy to 
> Android, IPhone and Windows mobile. Just thinking as a solution that 
> asks a dozen or so questions, fill in some notes, take a few pictures 
> and collect a signature possibly Mobiforms may be able to do that across 
> platforms?
> In your opinion does Mobiforms do what it says on the tin just not in 
> a feature rich  way?
> I'd be interested to see some screenshots of things you've created if 
> you are ok to share.
> Graham at compsys dot co dot uk or info at
> Cheers
> Graham
> -Original Message-
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Dave 
> Crozier
> Sent: 22 August 2013 10:16
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?
> Graham,
> Forget it, it is completely crap. I spent a few days evaluating it and 
> it is just not flexible enough. If you are looking at Android 
> development then instead look at Basic4Android. Absolutely excellent 
> and the full dev system is only £40 UK money.
> I rewrote our old Microsoft PDA complete stock take system on it in 3 
> days from scratch, linked it into our wifi system for data transfer 
> and then interfaced it into VFP. All on £80 tablets and I have run the 
> app unchanged on a complete range from smartphones to 10" tabs.
> I have nothing but praise for it, forget that it is called basic as it 
> has all the oops bits in there with classes, etc. and a really strong 
> user group and once over the initial strangeness of writing Android 
> apps with all the "screen states" you need to understand about it's an 
> easy learn from VFP.
> If you want any more details then drop me an email as I can also get 
> it for you at a reduced price.
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham 
> Brown
> Sent: 22 August 2013 09:27
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?
> Hi
> Has anyone come across Mobiforms?
> I have a vfp8 project, the customer wants an Android based front end 
> on a smartphone.
> The Eclipse/ADT route looks like a complete nightmare, mobiforms says 
> it is a RAD environment for Android, Windows Phone and Iphone.
> Sounds too good to be true...
> If anybody has come across this product I'd appreciate any comments.
> Cheers
> Graham
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
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RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

2013-08-22 Thread Graham Brown
Hi Dave

B4A looks really cool. 

I've been trying to get Eclipse working without success. The emulator refuses 
to load, Wasted days on this which is real disappointment. Not sure if the 
processor or ram is enough for Eclipse. Have you had any similar problems with 

The initial request from the client is an android only application for their 
field service engineers. The FSE will fill in a form, take some pictures and 
get the customer to sign on screen. Signatures will store this against the job 
either by emailing or later downloading. Everything from the Android app will 
be sent back to the office for processing in the VFP app, I'll need to print 
the signature at some point so would need to be image file rather than points.

Does B4A allow you to manage the camera e.g. take pictures, save or email them?
Also capture a signature?

I often work with an IT chap who is looking for business apps on all three 
platforms. Mobiforms infers you write once and can deploy to Android, IPhone 
and Windows mobile. Just thinking as a solution that asks a dozen or so 
questions, fill in some notes, take a few pictures and collect a signature 
possibly Mobiforms may be able to do that across platforms?

In your opinion does Mobiforms do what it says on the tin just not in a feature 
rich  way?

I'd be interested to see some screenshots of things you've created if you are 
ok to share.
Graham at compsys dot co dot uk or info at


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Dave Crozier
Sent: 22 August 2013 10:16
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

Forget it, it is completely crap. I spent a few days evaluating it and it is 
just not flexible enough. If you are looking at Android development then 
instead look at Basic4Android. Absolutely excellent and the full dev system is 
only £40 UK money.

I rewrote our old Microsoft PDA complete stock take system on it in 3 days from 
scratch, linked it into our wifi system for data transfer and then interfaced 
it into VFP. All on £80 tablets and I have run the app unchanged on a complete 
range from smartphones to 10" tabs.

I have nothing but praise for it, forget that it is called basic as it has all 
the oops bits in there with classes, etc. and a really strong user group and 
once over the initial strangeness of writing Android apps with all the "screen 
states" you need to understand about it's an easy learn from VFP.

If you want any more details then drop me an email as I can also get it for you 
at a reduced price.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 22 August 2013 09:27
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?



Has anyone come across Mobiforms?


I have a vfp8 project, the customer wants an Android based front end on a 

The Eclipse/ADT route looks like a complete nightmare, mobiforms says it is a 
RAD environment for Android, Windows Phone and Iphone.


Sounds too good to be true...


If anybody has come across this product I'd appreciate any comments.





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[OT] Anyone used Mobiforms smartphone rad ?

2013-08-22 Thread Graham Brown


Has anyone come across Mobiforms?


I have a vfp8 project, the customer wants an Android based front end on
a smartphone.

The Eclipse/ADT route looks like a complete nightmare, mobiforms says it
is a RAD environment for Android, Windows Phone and Iphone.


Sounds too good to be true...


If anybody has come across this product I'd appreciate any comments.





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RE: Fee tables from DBC

2013-07-08 Thread Graham Brown
I stopped using free tables and went to DBC quite a few years back. (think when 
I moved from CA-Clipper to Fox)
Anything that needs to be more resilient I convert to SQL Server and use Cursor 
Adapters or SQLExec.
Certainly when I've had to free a table the long field names are the biggest 
headache because it means so many code and report changes and then serious 
testing. Hence the reason I avoid doing this.
May I ask what issues do you get with DBC or is it a preference thing.
Depending how many tables/fields I would probably write a convert proc to do 
this so something like
for each table
  for each record in table
 append record from old to new with scatter/gather shortening any fields 
long than 10.
Possibly echoing out each variable long than 10. I suppose it would then be 
feasible to open each scx, frx, and vcx looking for these fields and replacing 
them with the new names.
Just a thought.

From: ProFox on behalf of James Harvey
Sent: Mon 08/07/2013 13:45
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: Fee tables from DBC 

I think I've finally decided to stop using a DBC, and would like to revert
back to a "Free" table scenario.

One issue is that there are about a dozen field names in several tables
longer than 10 char that will need to be changed in the structure and code.

After that I will open the DBC and then "remove" each table.

Once that's done I suppose I could just open Windows Explore and delete the
dbc from the folder?

A complete backup will be made prior to any changes being made.

Does anyone who has done this before have any advice?



James E Harvey
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

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RE: CDO email error

2013-06-12 Thread Graham Brown

I've just posted your comments to my ISP (Heart Internet) and got this
Would be useful if they actually told us this stuff wouldn't it ...!


Hi Graham,

 Thanks for your reply.

 This would definitely be a possible cause of the problem. We have
sending limits in place to prevent our mail servers from getting
blacklisted due to blacklist criteria classing lots of emails being sent
at once as spam. 

 Below are the usage details for the various methods of using our
systems to send email:- 

 Webmail: 50 emails per day. 

 PC Software (such as Outlook): 1000 messages per hour and 100
recipients per message. 

 Mailing List: This can be used as many times as you like, although it
is limited to 2500 users per list. 

 Web Servers: Scripts running on the web servers are limited to 1000
emails per 12 hours.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Tracy
Sent: 12 June 2013 12:45
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: CDO email error

Graham Brown  wrote:

> Oops: sorry meant to ask if anybody has seen this error before!


I've seen this from providers when sending too fast. I have started
putting a 500 millisecond pause between each send request.

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CDO email error

2013-06-12 Thread Graham Brown

Hi all


I've got some simple code that scans a table for email addresses and
uses cdo to send bulk emails from Fox.


Yesterday and today it has started throwing "The server rejected one or
more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 time so please
try again later. Err code 7" part way through the table. I've checked
the recipient email addresses and they appear ok.


The mailserver appears to be blacklisted by CASA-CBL, just in the
process of getting this delisted but I'd expect it to not send anything
rather than get a third of the way through then error on every following


Not an error I've seen before. The hosting company say it is not a
problem at their end.

 Oops: sorry meant to ask if anybody has seen this error before!






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CDO email error

2013-06-12 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I've got some simple code that scans a table for email addresses and
uses cdo to send bulk emails from Fox.


Yesterday and today it has started throwing "The server rejected one or
more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 time so please
try again later. Err code 7" part way through the table. I've checked
the recipient email addresses and they appear ok.


The mailserver appears to be blacklisted by CASA-CBL, just in the
process of getting this delisted but I'd expect it to not send anything
rather than get a third of the way through then error on every following


Not an error I've seen before. The hosting company say it is not a
problem at their end.







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RE: [OT] Sourcesafe - how to roll back to previous build

2013-06-03 Thread Graham Brown
Okay okay

Looks like we need some bad taste jokes, it is Monday after all.

"What do you do if you see a ginger person drowningthrow another in quick."

"Daddy, daddy why do I have to keep walking in circles?  Be quiet or I'll 
nail your other foot to the floor too"

Need a laugh today so keep 'em coming.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Pete Theisen
Sent: 03 June 2013 11:01
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Sourcesafe - how to roll back to previous build

On 06/03/2013 03:47 AM, Adam Buckland wrote:

Another win for the wrong kind of PC (political correctness)

> Not even that anymoreŠ [OT] - [RIP]
> On 02/06/2013 23:39, "Pete Theisen"  wrote:
>> On 06/02/2013 05:21 PM, Graham Brown wrote:
>> Hi Graham,
>> Hmm, good question for the [NF] folks. We are all about politics, 
>> religion, sex, terrible jokes and sheep over here on [OT].
>>> I recently had a big problem which involved rolling a development 
>>> back to a previous build.  Ended up having to restore backups which 
>>> was a complete nightmare.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Pete
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Sourcesafe - how to roll back to previous build

2013-06-02 Thread Graham Brown

Hi all

I recently had a big problem which involved rolling a development back
to a previous build.  Ended up having to restore backups which was a
complete nightmare.

At the moment every project I've written uses the incremental build
option. So I normally set these so YYY.M.x so 2013.6.1 would be the
first build in June 2013.
I may also build  more than one release in a day depending what the
client asks for.

I've just set up VSS with three umbrella projects containing all
codemine6, codemine7 and codemine8 applications. Each application is  a
folder in one of these projects. Not sure if this is the right way to
set the thing up.

So I've just sent an update for the $/codemine8/courtson to the client,
this is version 2013.6.1.
Does Sourcesafe allow me to label the check-in to the courtson folder on
the 2/6/2013 so it says 2013.6.1?  Also would Sourcesafe allow me to get
this exact version in a few weeks (or months) time if I need to?

Not sure if the best bet is to not bother with sourcesafe and just zip
the files into separate folders e.g.
c:\releases\courtson\ when I release an exe to the

Not sure if any of this makes any sense !


Would appreciate your thoughts.





Graham Brown

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[OT] Sourcesafe - how to roll back to previous build

2013-06-02 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I recently had a big problem which involved rolling a development back
to a previous build.  Ended up having to restore backups which was a
complete nightmare.


At the moment every project I've written uses the incremental build
option. So I normally set these so YYY.M.x so 2013.6.1 would be the
first build in June 2013.

I may also build  more than one release in a day depending what the
client asks for.



I've just set up VSS with three umbrella projects containing all
codemine6, codemine7 and codemine8 applications. Each application is  a
folder in one of these projects. Not sure if this is the right way to
set the thing up.


So I've just sent an update for the $/codemine8/courtson to the client,
this is version 2013.6.1.


Does Sourcesafe allow me to label the check-in to the courtson folder on
the 2/6/2013 so it says 2013.6.1?  Also would Sourcesafe allow me to get
this exact version in a few weeks (or months) time if I need to?


Not sure if the best bet is to not bother with sourcesafe and just zip
the files into separate folders e.g.
c:\releases\courtson\ when I release an exe to the



Not sure if any of this makes any sense !


Would appreciate your thoughts.





Graham Brown

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RE: VFP-Wait

2013-05-29 Thread Graham Brown
Wait clear ?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Sytze de
Sent: 29 May 2013 02:16
To: profox
Subject: VFP-Wait

I think I'm having a bad year today.

I process something in a do while loop
Before I do so, I issue Wait window nowait "Processing, hold yer horses
After the Enddo, I say Wait window "" nowait but it doesn't clear the
horses So I've tried Wait window clear That causes an error Variable
clear not found

Kind regards
Sytze de Boer

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RE: [NF] Browser redirect virus (

2013-05-28 Thread Graham Brown
Had one of these drive bys a while back. Mine redirected to (?) 

Kapersky TDSSKiller repaired it from memory although it may have been
MSE and AVG did not clear the problem.

I blocked the javacreachures website on the router while I was cleaning
the pc.

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Lew Schwartz
Sent: 28 May 2013 17:31
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [NF] Browser redirect virus (

Centers on, but throws up a few other sites randomly. So far
chrome and firefox are infected. None of the removal schemes on line
seem to work (eg: I can't find anywhere n the machine or

-Lew Schwartz

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RE: A Form & a Strange Date Problem

2013-03-05 Thread Graham Brown
I've never trusted empty!
I always use len(trim(var))=0 or dDate
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RE: [OT] Facebook chaos

2013-02-19 Thread Graham Brown
Hi David
Thanks for the advice, 
I've used similar registrations in the past but they've continued to take 
payments despite cancelling the service. Had to cancel my card in the end to 
get them to stop and wait ages for the credit card company to sort it.
Wouldn't want to get burned like that again!

From: ProFox on behalf of David Almada
Sent: Tue 19/02/2013 16:00
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: [OT] Facebook chaos

Hi Graham,

You can go to and they have a free 7 day trial of free video
training on how to use facebook.  You have to sign up with a credit card and
remember to cancel before the 7 days but they have all the functions of
facebook coverered.  They also have about every other type of software.
They charge $25 a month normally.

David Almada Consulting
Email:   Phone:  619-295-5535
San Diego, California  -  Databases:  FoxPro/SQL/MS-Access
Data Translation - Information Extraction - Migrating Applications

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:29 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Facebook chaos

Hi all

I don't use Facebook but my youngster does. We have some bullying issues.

I've gone through all the privacy settings and made her profile private to
invited friends only which appears to be ok.

The problem is she is getting bullied by other children using the message
function. I think the bullies are looking for people my youngster is
connected to who aren't private and instead of using the "Add as friend"
they click the message function.

I had a quick look but can't see how to block people messaging from unknown
Any Facebook gurus out there who know if this is possible please?



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[OT] Facebook chaos

2013-02-19 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

I don't use Facebook but my youngster does. We have some bullying issues.

I've gone through all the privacy settings and made her profile private to 
invited friends only which appears to be ok.

The problem is she is getting bullied by other children using the message 
function. I think the bullies are looking for people my youngster is connected 
to who aren't private and instead of using the "Add as friend" they click the 
message function.

I had a quick look but can't see how to block people messaging from unknown 
Any Facebook gurus out there who know if this is possible please?





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[OT] Facebook chaos

2013-02-19 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

I don't use Facebook but my youngster does. We have some bullying issues.

I've gone through all the privacy settings and made her profile private to 
invited friends only which appears to be ok.

The problem is she is getting bullied by other children using the message 
function. I think the bullies are looking for people my youngster is connected 
to who aren't private and instead of using the "Add as friend" they click the 
message function.

I had a quick look but can't see how to block people messaging from unknown 
Any Facebook gurus out there who know if this is possible please?





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RE: Import From Excel

2013-02-12 Thread Graham Brown
This is some simple code from one of my projects for importing XL.
The aNVL function is just a wrapper to NVL to check for null values.
For Each oRow In oWS.Rows

 If Len(Trim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,1].Value,"")))=0 And 
Len(Trim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,2].Value,"")))=0 And 
 If lAction
*   m.rn=aNVL(oRow.cells[1,26].Value,"0")
*   If Type("m.rn")="C"
*   Endif
  If Len(Trim(m.pr_code))>0
  If Eof()
 and UPPER(pr_model)='"+Upper(Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,2].Value,"")))+"'"
   Locate For ;
UPPER(Alltrim(pr_manu))==Upper(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,1].Value,"")) And ;
And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_engine)==Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,3].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_enginespec)==Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,4].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_engine_code)==Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,5].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_year_from) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,6].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_year_to) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,7].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_veh_part) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,8].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_orig_manu) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,9].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_category)==Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,10].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_system_type)==Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,11].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_manu_part) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,12].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_make) == Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,14].Value,"")) And ;
ALLTRIM(pr_comPloc)== Alltrim(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,23].Value,""))
  If Eof()
   Append Blank
  Replace pr_code With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,25].Value,"")
  Replace pr_manu With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,1].Value,"")
  Replace pr_model With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,2].Value,"")
  Replace pr_engine With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,3].Text,"")
  Replace pr_enginespec With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,4].Value,"")
  Replace pr_engine_code With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,5].Value,"")
  Replace pr_year_from With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,6].Text,"")
  Replace pr_year_to With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,7].Text,"")
  Replace pr_veh_part With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,8].Value,"")
  Replace pr_orig_manu With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,9].Value,"")
  Replace pr_category With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,10].Value,"")
  Replace pr_system_type With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,11].Value,"")
  Replace pr_manu_part With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,12].Value,"")
  Replace pr_locn With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,13].Value,"")
  Replace pr_make With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,14].Value,"")
** Replace pr_action With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,14].Value,"")
  Replace pr_dead With "S"
   If "=HYPERLINK" $ Upper(oRow.cells[1,11].formula)

  If Type("cUrl1")="C"
   If Len(Trim(cUrl1))>0

  Wait Window Alltrim(Str(Recno()))+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+" 
"+Left(Alltrim(pr_veh_part)+Alltrim(pr_manu),50) Nowait Noclear

  If cPrice>="A" And cPrice<="Z"
  Replace pr_cprice With cPrice
  If sPrice>="A" And sPrice<="Z"
  Replace pr_sprice With sPrice
  Replace pr_invcnt With Val(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,17].Value,0))
  Replace pr_oncomm With Val(aNVL(oRow.cells[1,18].Value,0))
  If Isnull(cDesc)
  Replace pr_desc With cDesc
  Replace pr_action With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,20].Value,"")
  Replace pr_comment With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,21].Value,"")
  Replace pr_fault With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,22].Value,"")
  Replace pr_comPloc With aNVL(oRow.cells[1,23].Value,"")
  If Alltrim(pr_category)==Alltrim(pr_system_type)
 If !Eof()

From: ProFox on behalf of John Weller
Sent: Tue 12/02/2013 10:45
Subject: Import From Excel

I have some data in the form of an Excel spread sheet which I want to import
into a table.  The problem is that one colu

RE: SQL Server optimisation

2013-02-10 Thread Graham Brown
I've tried various combinations 
e.g. where (len(ltrim(custname))>0 and custname like '%abc%' ) or 
(len(ltrim(address))>0 and address like '%abc%')
Makes no real difference.

From: ProFox on behalf of Fred Taylor
Sent: Sun 10/02/2013 17:30
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: SQL Server optimisation

SInce you're building up the SQL statement, are you only including fields
they entered a value for in your WHERE clause?


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Graham Brown  wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm trying to work out whether it is possible to optimise a query on
> approx. 70,000 records.
> The problem is that the customer wants to do an "All fields" search so I
> have something like: -
> nH=sqlstringconnect(gcConnString)
> cSQL="select f_rn from tablename where field1 like '%ABC%' or field2
> like '%ABC%' or field3 like '%ABC%' "
> sqlexec(nH,cSQL,"curs")
> The sql select statement contains about 20 fields. One of these fields
> is also a text/memo column.
> I also had the query as select f_rn from tablename where
> (field1+field2+field3...) like '%ABC%' but that was always over a minute
> to run
> I built indices on  most of the fields but sometimes it takes 2-3
> seconds whereas other times it can take over a minute to run exactly the
> same query. Doesn't matter if use pass-thru or directly into the query
> analyser, result is either 2-3 seconds or over a minute.
> If I limit this search to less than 5 fields the result is always
> returned quickly 2-3 seconds as far as I can see.
> Not sure whether the 2-3 seconds on the full query is just SQL caching
> the results.
> Does anyone know of any possible solutions to this one please?
> Also looking at full text search to see if that provides the answer.
> I'm just thinking I should just tell the customer "fast and all fields"
> is just not possible.
> Regards
> Graham
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RE: SQL Server optimisation

2013-02-10 Thread Graham Brown

The data structure looks like fine to me. The table I am querying
contains 70,000 records and the fields because that is what the customer
It is basically vehicle information going back to 2006, customer needs
this info because they offer lifetime warranty on the parts. The
searches are basically to find out the history of given customer and/or

I already  give the customer the option to limit the search to either
the vehicle registration or part number or client name and this is
always quick. 
I reckon they are just being a little lazy so instead of choosing the
search from a combobox they just leave it set at any field.

I have to deliver what the customer wants otherwise I am not going to be
in business very long..!

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of AndyHC
Sent: 10 February 2013 15:46
Subject: Re: SQL Server optimisation

On 10/02/2013 21:09, Graham Brown wrote:

looks like you need to do a major redesign of your data structure!

> Hi all
> I'm trying to work out whether it is possible to optimise a query on 
> approx. 70,000 records.
> The problem is that the customer wants to do an "All fields" search so

> I have something like: -
> nH=sqlstringconnect(gcConnString)
> cSQL="select f_rn from tablename where field1 like '%ABC%' or field2 
> like '%ABC%' or field3 like '%ABC%' "
> sqlexec(nH,cSQL,"curs")
> ...
> Does anyone know of any possible solutions to this one please?
> Regards
> Graham
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SQL Server optimisation

2013-02-10 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

I'm trying to work out whether it is possible to optimise a query on
approx. 70,000 records. 
The problem is that the customer wants to do an "All fields" search so I
have something like: -

cSQL="select f_rn from tablename where field1 like '%ABC%' or field2
like '%ABC%' or field3 like '%ABC%' "

The sql select statement contains about 20 fields. One of these fields
is also a text/memo column.

I also had the query as select f_rn from tablename where
(field1+field2+field3...) like '%ABC%' but that was always over a minute
to run

I built indices on  most of the fields but sometimes it takes 2-3
seconds whereas other times it can take over a minute to run exactly the
same query. Doesn't matter if use pass-thru or directly into the query
analyser, result is either 2-3 seconds or over a minute.

If I limit this search to less than 5 fields the result is always
returned quickly 2-3 seconds as far as I can see.

Not sure whether the 2-3 seconds on the full query is just SQL caching
the results.

Does anyone know of any possible solutions to this one please?

Also looking at full text search to see if that provides the answer. 
I'm just thinking I should just tell the customer "fast and all fields"
is just not possible. 


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RE: Math whizzes required...!

2012-07-20 Thread Graham Brown
Yep maths wise it is working out the management charge on 0.992% not 1%

The website consistently undervalues the management charge, just trying
to work out if it is always 0.008%
And whether 0.008 has a significance just like 42.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Allen
Sent: 20 July 2012 14:01
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Math whizzes required...!

A quick guess it's to do with decimal places Al

-Original Message-

Hi all


I've written a simple calculator for a mate of mine.

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RE: Repair vcx

2012-06-27 Thread Graham Brown
VCT is missing or invalid

Have tried tablevalidate 0 and that doesn't work.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Richard Kaye
Sent: 27 June 2012 14:16
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Repair vcx 

It depends on the type of corruption. Can you open the VCX as a table? 


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: Repair vcx 

Hi all

Just had a power cut and one of my vcx files is now corrupted.

Is there a simple way to recover the vcx without restoring backups.


Graham Brown

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Cursor adapters and set filter to

2012-05-21 Thread Graham Brown
Thought I'd share this one because it has driven me nuts for a while


My customer reports a sporadic problem with things like "Variable
cu_name not found in read events"

Cu_name is a valid field in the customer table, the form it is contained
in ("customer") is also present although not the active form.


Once the error has appeared the read events has stopped and I'm at the
source line immediately after the read events in the main.prg file.


I have two forms open before the error (customer and product), The
customer screen also has a  set filter to for speed.

Both forms are vcx based with cursoradapters to SQL server.


All I'm doing is swapping between the two forms with or from a toolbar.


What I've found is calling method from when a form with
cursoradapter and filter will consistently crash fox.


If I remove the set filter and replace it with a requery of the database
(caProduct.cSelectCMDFilter='cu_status='O' or whatever and
caProduct.cursorfill() ) I do not get any problems.


I have no idea why moving focus from a frm with cursoradapters and a
filter will crash an application but hope this helps somebody.





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RE: PDF printing from Foxpro

2011-09-12 Thread Graham Brown

Also check out GSPrint and PDFTK

I wrote an QA application for a train manufacturer a couple of years
back, I use these to control watermarking and printing of existing pdfs.


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Reading emails from Exchange

2011-09-01 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I've previously written a simple utility to scan Outlook mail items and
store information in a fox table. 

I've just been asked if it can read emails directly from Exchange.


I have a dim distant recollection this was either Webdav or LDAP but
can't remember.


Anybody know if this is possible in fox please.



Graham Brown

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RE: In-bedded Audio Files

2011-08-25 Thread Graham Brown
I would also store the link.
Not tried but there is also quite a good article on using MCI to play
audio files at

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dave Crozier
Sent: 25 August 2011 16:16
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: In-bedded Audio Files

You have 4 options. 

1. Add the audio file into an OLE field in which case they will be
played automatically by whichever application is tied to the file
extension by the PC

2. Convert the audio file into an ascii string and save it to a memo
field then piece it back together to a temporary file and play it using

3. Save to a Blob data type field

4. Hold the audio file in its original format in a preset folder and
simply store a link to it.

Personally I would go the (4) route as you may soon break the 2Gb limit
in VFP with large files and apart from that the chances of data
corruption are small. If the database gets too large then you could
always use SQLExpress to hold the binary data which will go up to 10Gb
and is free.

The problem with memo fields is that the replaced data space never gets
reused unless the database is packed (pack memo) so if the file is
constantly updated then replaced records still take up space


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of G Gambill
Sent: 25 August 2011 14:21
Subject: In-bedded Audio Files

I am looking for hints as to how (if possible) to inbed audio files
within a
dbf (dbc) and play the via a VFP exe.

Any suggestion?



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RE: Sending E-mail from VFP

2011-08-22 Thread Graham Brown
You can also  CDOSys to send email. I use this all the time as it is
built in to Windows.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Brant E. Layton
Sent: 19 August 2011 19:01
To: GrahamB
Subject: Sending E-mail from VFP

Hi Folks,

I'm seeking some insight into sending E-mail from VFP programs.

In the past, I've seen this done by dropping .BAT files containing MAPI
into a system folder, with the .BAT file sending another .txt file.
wasn't a good way to track the success of the sending.  It also doesn't
seem to 
work if you can't get access to MAPI processes (like, you don't have a
don't have Exchange, etc.).  At least this is my understanding of the

Today, I need to be able to generate a nifty, nicely-formatted HTML
Email (with 
logos, etc.), and send it, done by a VFP program.  I'm not worried about
generating, just the sending part.

I'm assuming that the old way would still work, and have heard of some
printers that will do this.

Comments and/or experience on the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance,

Brant Layton

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RE: PDF Output

2011-08-22 Thread Graham Brown

You can automate this with a set printer to, I normally just have a
timer looking for the save window which stuffs the filename.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Weller
Sent: 22 August 2011 11:30
To: GrahamB
Subject: PDF Output

I am writing a membership system for a local charity.  The system is to
be operated by a member who may not be particularly computer literate so
I am looking for a FREE utility that I can call from VFP to print a
report as a PDF.  I know that XFRX will do it but at a price which I
can't justify.  Any suggestions gratefully received.

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631 

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RE: visual foxpro 6 to mysql

2011-08-10 Thread Graham Brown
Hi Gary

First of all download MyODBC from the MySQL website if not done already.

This will give you a new odbc driver in control panel.

The variables below for ipaddress, dbname, userid and password should all be on 
PHPMyAdmin which is the way most hosting companies allow you to manage MySQL. 
You may need to ask for the IP because it isn't always just an IP . On one of 
my sites it is "".
This fox code downloads from one of my databases.

nMySQL1=Sqlstringconnect("Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server=; 
Database=; UID=; PWD=; Option=3")
If nMySQL1>=0
SQLEXEC(nMySQL1,"select * from tblagents","crs")
Select crs

Once you have a handle to the database via Stringconnect you can fire any SQL 
commands at it.
I sometimes have weird issues where commands do not complete. AsyncMode in the 
properties usually fixes this.
SQLSETPROP(nMySQL, 'asynchronous', .F.)

UDL files are a good way to get at a connection string. If you haven't used 
them before right click on your desktop/new/text doc. Rename this to .UDL and 
run it.
You'll get the standard windows wizard. Fill in the blanks and test connection. 
Rename back to .txt open it and there's your connstring.

If you can't connect remotely to the MySQL database another way is to FTP the 
file and run a php webpage both via fox.
Google has lots of resources for parsing a csv in php. This is the page at the 
top of the list


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Gary Jeurink
Sent: 10 August 2011 04:31
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: visual foxpro 6 to mysql

I'm not great at PHP but I'm learning. Tables are cTeams, cGames, cTmstats.
The cTmstats gets updated each week along with cGames that have been played.
I don't know how to update the MySQL cTmStats with the foxpro cTmstats.dbf each 
Tuesday morning. I need to update the MySQL tables at godaddy with my foxpro 
data and I don't know how. PHP gives me access to MySQL but how do I connect 
foxpro? ... I tried delimited text but they usually crash at 1/2 to 2/3rds 
using MyAdmin... whatever its called.

Gary Jeurink

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Russell []
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 6:07 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: visual foxpro 6 to mysql

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Gary Jeurink  wrote:
> I have developed a football statistics database that I update each 
> week
> the 120 d1a college football teams and the 32 pro teams. Included is 
> the schedule so you can pick a game and the various yds and points are
> for upcoming games. Its fun  and I do well on college pickem and 
> pigskin pickem on espn. I update from web pages to excel sheets and 
> then merge to
> database with a view each week. What is the easiest way  to reload a 
> MySQL table on a server [godaddy] from my foxpro data table?

I would do update statements as well as insert statements.

You can crunch many togther via a union and pass a long string as a script

So how do you set up to accomplish this?  I would make two passes to identify 
updates to existing rows and then add in new rows.  Create a script per table 
for both types of statements.

Just a guess but you have a row for each team in a game ?  You also put in some 
rows to support players accomplishments in that game?

Inserts are pretty simple :
INSERT INTO table1 (field1, field2)
VALUES ('foo', 'bar');

UPDATE table1 SET field1 = 'foobar', field2' = 'new value' where ID=???

Stephen Russell

Unified Health Services
60 Germantown Court
Suite 220
Cordova, TN 38018

Telephone: 888.510.2667

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-08-03 Thread Graham Brown
I didn't get anywhere with AVICap but have had some success with Window
Image Acquisition (WIA) so thought I'd share. This code is from articles
from Bernard Bout on Foxite.

I've also been testing it with scanners for a document
management/billing system I'm working on at the moment.

This code grabs an image from a webcam without any preview screen
 img = cdg.ShowAcquireImage
 img.savefile(PUTFILE("Save as","MyPhoto.jpg","JPG"))

This shows the standard Microsoft screens.

aLocal cdg As Object,dev As Object, IP As Object
 * create the dialog object
 * show it
 * get the path to temp photos buffered. The WIA buffers ALL old photos
in the Documents & Settings directory. We dont need them so we delete
 cPath =
 * and erase the old ones
 Erase (cPath+"\*.jpg")
 * get a photo - WIA has its own GUI
 img = cdg.ShowAcquireImage
 If Isnull(img)
 Wait Window Timeout 1 "User Cancelled"
* I use TerminalServices so that only 256 colors are available. WIA
outputs by defa in JPG. So By converting to GIF and then BMP I get a 256
colour BMP.!!
 * used for processing the image
 IP = Createobject("WIA.ImageProcess")
 * sets up a conversion filter
 IP.Filters.Add (IP.FilterInfos("Convert").FilterID)

 IP.Filters(1).properties("FormatID").Value =
"{B96B3CB0-0728-11D3-9D7B-F81EF32E}" && GIF

 * make it a GIF - 256 colors
 img = IP.Apply(img)
IP.Filters(1).properties("FormatID").Value =
"{B96B3CAB-0728-11D3-9D7B-F81EF32E}" && BMP
 * convert the GIP to BMP (256 colors)
 img = IP.Apply(img)
* if the previous file is there then WIA complains with an error do we
delete it. Name is stored in Form var cFilename
 Erase ("\xphoto.bmp")
 * And finally - SAVE IT


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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-08-01 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all

The code switches the camera on or at least the green light comes on but
no preview.
I've also tried with an external USB webcam with no success.

Can't see what else could be causing it to fail.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: 29 July 2011 23:00
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

Graham Brown wrote on 2011-07-29: 
>  Hi John
>  Can't see what else could be holding it open. I noticed you can't
>  this together with the USB Preview.
>  I also uninstalled skype just to be sure.
>  Regards
>  Graham


The ArcSoft software has a private mode. But I can't test it with this
method since I can't get a connection to the camera when ArcSoft has the

The video window does not match the 640x480 capture area.  When you do
the video in the other applications, is it dark in the upper left?
grabbing at straws

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-07-29 Thread Graham Brown
Hi John

Can't see what else could be holding it open. I noticed you can't open
this together with the USB Preview. 
I also uninstalled skype just to be sure.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Harvey
Sent: 29 July 2011 21:15
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

It sounds like you have something else locking the port. Check your
processes to see if there is anything there.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 12:44 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: Video capture (AVICap32)


Form opens with black preview window caption is "Using Video Capture:
connected 640x480". 
Buttons for Get Frame, Preview and Close are visible.

Clicking preview makes no difference still get a black preview area

Does this code run for you? I've not seen anything running so possibly
the code didn't run in the first place?


So you get the form on the screen, click "Preview Video", which results
in a black screen, and are still able to get the video in other

Or is the caption of the form showing "Using Video Capture: failed to

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-07-29 Thread Graham Brown
Hi Tracy.

The camera is built into the laptop which is an XP Acer Travelmate 7510.
The other laptop is a Win 7 ZooStorm Fizzbook Spin. The only software I
can see is from MyComputer for USB Video Device but no option to

I disabled the camera in Device Manager just to make sure and the
caption changed to unable to connect so definitely using the right

Thanks for running the software, it's got to be a setup thing then. I'll
borrow a webcam tomorrow just to check that and report back.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: 29 July 2011 22:01
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Video capture (AVICap32)


Tinkering with what I have on my VAIO, I have discovered there is an
application on the laptop by ArcSoft. There is a service running that
determines when the ArcSoft monitor software closes another ArcSoft
product will regain the capture of the webcam. I started the Monitor,
selected to Disconnect from the webcam. Now I'm getting a preview in VFP

Do you have multiple webcam devices appearing in the device manager?

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-07-29 Thread Graham Brown

Form opens with black preview window caption is "Using Video Capture:
connected 640x480". 
Buttons for Get Frame, Preview and Close are visible.

Clicking preview makes no difference still get a black preview area

Does this code run for you? I've not seen anything running so possibly
the code didn't run in the first place?


So you get the form on the screen, click "Preview Video", which results
in a black screen, and are still able to get the video in other

Or is the caption of the form showing "Using Video Capture: failed to

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-07-29 Thread Graham Brown

The XP laptop has an icon in MyComputer which says "USB Video Device". I
click on this and get video.
I've recently uninstalled Skype from this laptop as it was blue
screening from time to time.

The other laptop has Facebook Skype working.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: 29 July 2011 17:31
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Video capture (AVICap32)

Graham Brown wrote on 2011-07-29: 
>  Hi all
>  I'm using this code to attempt to capture video from my laptops
>  The screen appears but all I get is black screen where the video  
> playback should be. Has any seen this before and know how to fix it  
> please.
>  Regards
>  Graham


With the black screen visible; Are you able to bring up another software
and get connected to the camera? You shouldn't be able to. 

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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Video capture (AVICap32)

2011-07-29 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I'm using this code to attempt to capture video from my laptops


The screen appears but all I get is black screen where the video
playback should be. Has any seen this before and know how to fix it






















Caption="Using Video Capture"








ADD OBJECT cmdGetFrame As CommandButton WITH

Left=15, Top=264, Height=27, Width=90, Caption="Get



ADD OBJECT cmdPreview As CommandButton WITH

Left=106, Top=264, Height=27, Width=100,
Caption="Preview Video",;



ADD OBJECT cmdClose As CommandButton WITH Cancel=.T.,;

Left=250, Top=264, Height=27, Width=70, Caption="Close"



IF THIS.hWindow = 0


THIS.hWindow = GetFocus()








PROCEDURE cmdClose.Click



PROCEDURE cmdGetFrame.Click



PROCEDURE cmdPreview.Click






LOCAL lcFile

lcFile = "" && File name to create

lcFile = "c:\temp\sample.bmp"


THIS.msg(WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEDIB, 0, lcFile,1)


PROCEDURE CreateCaptureWindow




DECLARE INTEGER capCreateCaptureWindow IN avicap32;

STRING lpszWindowName, LONG dwStyle,;


INTEGER nWidth, INTEGER nHeight,;



THIS.hCapture = capCreateCaptureWindow("",;


10,8,320,240, THIS.hWindow, 1)


PROCEDURE DriverConnect


IF THIS.IsCaptureConnected()


STORE .T. TO THIS.cmdGetFrame.Enabled,;


THIS.Caption = THIS.Caption + ":
connected, " +;

LTRIM(STR(THIS.capWidth)) + "x" +;



THIS.Caption = THIS.Caption + ": failed
to connect"



PROCEDURE DriverDisconnect


PROCEDURE ReleaseCaptureWindow

IF THIS.hCapture <> 0


DECLARE INTEGER DestroyWindow IN user32

= DestroyWindow(THIS.hCapture)

THIS.hCapture = 0



PROCEDURE msg(msg, wParam, lParam, nMode)

IF THIS.hCapture = 0




IF VARTYPE(nMode) <> "N" Or nMode=0

DECLARE INTEGER SendMessage IN user32;



= SendMessage(THIS.hCapture, msg,
wParam, lParam)


DECLARE INTEGER SendMessage IN user32;



= SendMess

RE: [NF] SPAM down 82% from last year

2011-07-26 Thread Graham Brown
Yep but they've just found a new one just to p*** me off.

Had yet more calls from some call centre in india to say I have a virus on my 
computer, could I just give them remote access and they will fix it for me...
What nice people...

Wonder if anyone ever falls for this?

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Michael Madigan
Sent: 26 July 2011 06:30
To: GrahamB
Subject: [NF] SPAM down 82% from last year

This is good news

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [OT] - Shit happens....

2011-07-13 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks, made me smile anyway.
Have a nice day.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Adam Buckland
Sent: 13 July 2011 11:46
To: GrahamB
Subject: [OT] - Shit happens



TAOISM - "if you understand shit, it isn't shit"
HINDUISM - "this shit happened before"
CONFUCIANISM - "Confucious say 'shit happens'"
BUDDHISM - "shit will happen to you again"
ZEN - "what is the sound of shit happening?"
ISLAM - "if shit happens, it is the will of Allah"
SIKHISM - "leave our shit alone"
JEHOVA'S WITNESS - "knock. knock. shit happens"
ATHEISM - "i don't believe this shit"
AGNOSTICISM - "can you prove that shit happpens?"
CATHOLICISM - "if shit happens, you deserve it"
PROTESTANTISM - "shit happens, amen to that"
JUDAISM - "why does shit always happen to us?"
ORTHODOX JUDAISM - "so shit happens, already"
TELEVANGELISM - "send money or shit will happen to you"
RASTAFARIANISM - "let's smoke this shit"
HARE KRISHNA - "shit happens rama rama"
NATION OF ISLAM - "don't take no shit"
NEW AGE - "visualize shit happening"
SHINTOISM - "you inherit shit of your ancestors"
HEDONISM - "i love it when shit happens"
SATANISM - "sneppah tihs"
CAPITALISM - "this is MY shit"
FEMINISM - "men are shit"
EXISTENTIALISM - "what is shit, anyway?"
SCIENTOLOGY - "if shit happens, see Dianetics p.137"
MORMONISM - "excrement happens" (don't say shit)
BAPTISM - "we'll wash the shit right off you"
MYSTICISM - "this is really weird shit"
VOODOO - "shit doesn't just happen - we made it happen"
DISNEYISM - "bad shit doesn't happen here"
COMMUNISM - "let's share the shit"
MARXISM - "you have nothing to lose but your shit"
PSYCHO-ANALYSIS - "tell me about your shit"
DARWINISM - "survival of the shittiest"
AMISH - "modern shit is useless"
SUICIDAL - "i've had enough of this shit"
OPTIMISM - "shit won't happen to me"
TREKISM - "to boldly shit where no-one has shat before"
SHAKESPEAREAN - "to shit or not to shit, that is the question"
DESCARTES - "i shit, therefore i am"
FREUD - "shit is a phallic symbol"
LAWYERS - "for enough money, I can get you out of shit"
ACUPUNCTURIST - "hold still or this shit's gonna hurt"
DOG - "i just shit in your shoe"
CAT - "dogs are shit"
MOUSE - "oh shit! a cat!"
POLITICALLY CORRECT - "internally processed,
nutritionally drained, biological output happens"
EINSTEIN - "shit is relative"
FAMILY GATHERING - "relatives are shit"
MATERIALISM - "whoever dies with the most shit, wins"
VEGETARIANISM - "if it shits, don't eat it"
FATALISM - "oh shit, it's going to happen"
ENVIRONMENTALISM - "shit is biodegradable"
AMERICANISM - "who gives a shit?"
STATISTICIAN - "shit is 84.7% likely to happen"
HIP-HOP - "motherfuck this shiznit, beeatch!"
TANTRISM - "fuck this shit"
CYNICISM - "we are all full of shit"
SURREALISM - "fish happens"
WICCA - "you can make shit happen but shit will happen to you three

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RE: Variable not found in read events

2011-06-23 Thread Graham Brown
I've had a report back from the customer's IT people. I've asked them to
send me copies of the actual errors reported but thought I'd share this.

"Looked at Karens PC tonight, many errors in the event logs, indicating
network errors.
Installed latest updated network card drivers, and errors stopped.
Tested for 30 minuted between two machines using Realtek diagnostics
with no errors.

Hopefully this will sort it out, but it most likely was a network card
driver issue on Karens PC.
If it fixes it, I will update the rest of them."

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: 22 June 2011 15:30
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Variable not found in read events

Thanks Tracy, I'll get the techies on site to run through these.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: 22 June 2011 15:01
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Variable not found in read events

Graham Brown wrote on 2011-06-22: 
>  Hi
>  I have a fox 8 app running codemine. Periodically it throws an error

> like
>  Line# 123 of Start
>  "Variable 'PR_CATEGORY' is not found."
>  2 Appapplication.Start (..\common\cmapp.vct)
>  1 o:\ecuwms\ecuwmsv2.exe
>  Generated by Build 2.1.295
>  Line 123 is the codemine call to read events. The variable name is
>  always the same, in this instance it is the category field on the  
> product screen (vcx)
>  The error doesn't appear all the time, seems to be when they either  
> leave the computer for a period of time or are hammering it.
>  I've looked at Spector recordings of the session and there is nothing

> wrong there, no other errors are thrown just before.
>  They also periodically get error reading file on network drives
>  my system ( .frx files) so not sure if I'm looking at a network
>  Has any seen read events fail with errors before please.
>  Regards
>  Graham


I occasionally see this reported from end users. Usually it is our VFP 8
or VFP 9 executable running from the mapped server drive. We also see
Invalid Seek Offset errors. Every time the problem has gone away when:
1) Anti-virus on workstations are set to NOT scan network drives
2) Anti-virus on the host/server machine is set to exclude the directory
where the executable exists
3) Anti-virus site wide is set to exclude DBF, FPT, and CDX files

There has been additional culprits at some sites. These include desktop
search tools such as the Google Desktop Search, always on offsite backup
programs, and a chatty network card or bad Ethernet cable.

HTH, happy hunting,

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Variable not found in read events

2011-06-22 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks Tracy, I'll get the techies on site to run through these.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: 22 June 2011 15:01
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Variable not found in read events

Graham Brown wrote on 2011-06-22: 
>  Hi
>  I have a fox 8 app running codemine. Periodically it throws an error
>  like
>  Line# 123 of Start
>  "Variable 'PR_CATEGORY' is not found."
>  2 Appapplication.Start (..\common\cmapp.vct)
>  1 o:\ecuwms\ecuwmsv2.exe
>  Generated by Build 2.1.295
>  Line 123 is the codemine call to read events. The variable name is
>  always the same, in this instance it is the category field on the
>  product screen (vcx)
>  The error doesn't appear all the time, seems to be when they either
>  leave the computer for a period of time or are hammering it.
>  I've looked at Spector recordings of the session and there is nothing
>  wrong there, no other errors are thrown just before.
>  They also periodically get error reading file on network drives
>  my system ( .frx files) so not sure if I'm looking at a network
>  Has any seen read events fail with errors before please.
>  Regards
>  Graham


I occasionally see this reported from end users. Usually it is our VFP 8
VFP 9 executable running from the mapped server drive. We also see
Seek Offset errors. Every time the problem has gone away when:
1) Anti-virus on workstations are set to NOT scan network drives
2) Anti-virus on the host/server machine is set to exclude the directory
where the executable exists
3) Anti-virus site wide is set to exclude DBF, FPT, and CDX files

There has been additional culprits at some sites. These include desktop
search tools such as the Google Desktop Search, always on offsite backup
programs, and a chatty network card or bad Ethernet cable.

HTH, happy hunting,

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

2011-06-22 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks everyone

I've released a version with calls to WinInet based on Anatoliy's code
from the Fox Wiki

Initial feedback is that It works on all the computers and is
significantly faster than automating IE which I was surprised to hear.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: 17 June 2011 15:30
To: GrahamB
Subject: Re: Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:18 AM, Graham Brown 
> Thanks John, I'll set up some tests over the weekend.
> I've also been doing some tests with API calls to Wininet

As a heads up jQuery content may not be touchable from your app in
this case.  In that what you see is generated localy via javascript
and not in html shot from the server.

Stephen Russell

Unified Health Services
60 Germantown Court
Suite 220
Cordova, TN 38018

Telephone: 888.510.2667

901.246-0159 cell

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Variable not found in read events

2011-06-22 Thread Graham Brown


I have a fox 8 app running codemine. Periodically it throws an error


Line# 123 of Start 
"Variable 'PR_CATEGORY' is not found." 
2 Appapplication.Start (..\common\cmapp.vct) 
1 o:\ecuwms\ecuwmsv2.exe 
Generated by Build 2.1.295 


Line 123 is the codemine call to read events. The variable name is not
always the same, in this instance it is the category field on the
product screen (vcx)


The error doesn't appear all the time, seems to be when they either
leave the computer for a period of time or are hammering it.


I've looked at Spector recordings of the session and there is nothing
wrong there, no other errors are thrown just before.

They also periodically get error reading file on network drives within
my system ( .frx files) so not sure if I'm looking at a network issue.


Has any seen read events fail with errors before please.






--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
  text/plain (text body -- kept)

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

2011-06-17 Thread Graham Brown
Thanks John, I'll set up some tests over the weekend. 
I've also been doing some tests with API calls to Wininet


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Harvey
Sent: 16 June 2011 17:16
To: GrahamB
Subject: RE: Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

I have found this to work when the body object doesn't appear in the dom
IE9 and you are trying to get to innertext or innerhtml.

IF ISNULL(lctext)

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 2:33 PM
Subject: Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

Hi all


I've got some simple code to automate IE, navigate to a URL and download
the page as text. 

This code works fine in IE8 




do while oIE.ReadyState<>4



? oIE.Document.Body.InnerText


The compiled application fails with "Body is not an object" on Windows 7
and IE9.


If I run this line by in the command window Intellisense tells me there
is no body although I can just ignore Intellisense and ask for the body.
I can then see its InnerText.

Intellisense also fails in IE8/WinXP but the compiled application works


Has any come across this one please because it is driving me nuts.





--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
  text/plain (text body -- kept)

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Automate Internet Explorer 9 with fox 8

2011-06-15 Thread Graham Brown
Hi all


I've got some simple code to automate IE, navigate to a URL and download
the page as text. 

This code works fine in IE8 




do while oIE.ReadyState<>4



? oIE.Document.Body.InnerText


The compiled application fails with "Body is not an object" on Windows 7
and IE9.


If I run this line by in the command window Intellisense tells me there
is no body although I can just ignore Intellisense and ask for the body.
I can then see its InnerText.

Intellisense also fails in IE8/WinXP but the compiled application works


Has any come across this one please because it is driving me nuts.





--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
  text/plain (text body -- kept)

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Windows 7 grid highlight

2011-05-11 Thread Graham Brown
Great !

Looks like I'll have to use dynamicBackColor then.

In another part of the project I change all dynamicbackcolor to red
where a condition is true and windows 7 understands that.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mike Copeland
Sent: 10 May 2011 21:16
To: GrahamB
Subject: Re: Windows 7 grid highlight

Welcome to the wonderfully frustrating world of Windows 7!

I think Windows 7 sucks.


> Hi
> AllowCellSelection is .f. and columns[n].readonly=.t.
> Doesn't make any difference to the row highlight though?
> All very strange.
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
> Sent: 10 May 2011 18:45
> To: GrahamB
> Subject: RE: Windows 7 grid highlight
> Graham Brown wrote on 2011-05-10:
>>   Hi
>>   Sanity check required please!
>>   In Windows XP this correctly shows a grid with a black highlight
>> with white writing
>>   But in Windows 7 I get a pale blue highlight background with white
>> writing. This is the standard theme as this is the same colours used
>> in  other applications title bar.
>>   Looks like Windows 7 is ignoring the themes setting but I can't see
> why.
>>   Am I going nuts?
>>   Regards
> Graham,
> The currently selected field displays white on blue. The rest of the
> displays white on black.
> If the user doesn't need to edit the row:
> .AllowCellSelection = .F.
> Tracy Pearson
> PowerChurch Software
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