RE: [NF] sql version of ttod

2014-02-10 Thread John Harvey
Do a google search on "Cast"  and sql syntax.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Allen
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 7:34 AM
To: Profox
Subject: [NF] sql version of ttod

Hi gang
I have an SQL table (MSSQL) with datetime fields and I want to get records
that have the date in them. Like TtoD in VFP.
Is this doable?

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RE: Automated bank/credit card transaction

2014-02-10 Thread John Harvey
Here is how to populate the text boxes:


Using the forms object:



-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Joe Yoder
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 8:47 AM
To: Foxpro forum
Subject: Re: Automated bank/credit card transaction

I have virtually no experience with HTML.  Looking at the VFP code it
attempts to identify the names of all the forms.  I assume this is what one
would do to find the fields that can accept data.  Looking at the site
source, the site does not appears to have any forms.
This could account for the error message but it may be that "FORMS"
are inherent in any HTML document and the term does not necessarily show up
in the source.

Can someone enlighten me?

Thanks - Joe

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Stephen Russell

> Just a guess but you are in a javascript applet instead of the plain 
> old html window.
> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:18 AM, Joe Yoder  wrote:
> > Thanks guys for the input so far!  I found some very basic sample 
> > code
> but
> > haven't succeeded in logging in.  The execution fails on the line 
> > that attempts to set the username.  I suspect that the HTML or the 
> > site has changed since the code was written but I haven't figured 
> > out how to get around it.  Here is the code if anyone cares to try 
> > it and tell me what needs to change:
> >
> > #define CR CHR(13)
> >
> > LOCAL ;
> > loIE as InternetExplorer.Application, ; llSuccess as Logical, ; x as 
> > String
> >
> > * Create an instance of IE
> > loIE = CREATEOBJECT("InternetExplorer.Application")
> > loIE.Visible = .T.
> >
> > * Tell IE to load a page
> > llSuccess = loIE.Navigate("";)
> >
> > * Wait for IE to do it
> > llSuccess = lWait( loIE )
> >
> > * Show the names of the forms:
> > x = "Forms:"
> > For lnForm = 0 to loIE.Document.forms.length - 1
> >   x = x + TRANSFORM(lnForm) + ": " +
> > TRANSFORM(loIE.Document.forms(lnForm).name)
> > EndFor
> > x = x + CR
> > ? x
> >
> > * Fill in one of the forms
> > loIE.Document.Forms.form1("login").Username.Value = "foo"  && Fails 
> > with "Member FORM1 does not evaluate to an object"
> > loIE.Document.Forms("login").Password.Value = "poo"
> > loIE.Document.Forms(0).Submit()
> > llSuccess = lWait( loIE )
> >
> > * Look at all of the objects.
> > * all(0) represents everything,
> > * 1-N are contained objects some of which are containers themselves,
> > * so the same thing may apear in different .all(x)'s x = x + "All 
> > Objects:"
> > For lnObj = 0 to loIE.Document.all.length - 1 loObj = 
> > loIE.Document.all( lnObj ) x = x + TRANSFORM(lnObj) + ": " + 
> > TRANSFORM(Substr(loObj.innerhtml, 1,
> 20))
> > x = x + TRANSFORM(loObj.TagName) + ": " + TRANSFORM(loObj.innertext) 
> > EndFor
> >
> > * Close IE.
> > * You can leave it open, doesn't seem to be a problem,
> > * unless .visible=.f. then it is harder to close cuz you cant see the X.
> > loie.Quit
> >
> > * save and display results
> > STRTOFILE(x, "WebResult.txt")
> > MODIFY FILE WebResult.txt NOWAIT
> > Return
> >
> >
> >
> > **
> > Function lWait( toIE )
> > * Wait for IE to process what you told it too.
> > * There has got to be a simpler way to do this.
> >
> > DECLARE Sleep IN Win32API INTEGER nMilliseconds
> >
> > Local ;
> > ltStartTime, ;
> > ltTimeOut, ;
> > lcCheckThis, ;
> > llRet
> >
> > ltStartTime = Datetime()
> > ltTimeOut = ltStartTime + 60
> >
> > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; AND type( "toIE.document" ) <> 
> > "O"
> > =Sleep(1000)
> > EndDo
> > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; AND toIE.busy
> > =Sleep(1000)
> > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; and type( 
> > "toie.document.readystate" ) <> "C"
> > =Sleep(1000)
> > DO WHILE (Datetime() < ltTimeOut ) ; and toie.document.readystate <> 
> > "complete"
> > =Sleep(1000)
> >
> > llRet = Datetime() < ltTimeOut
> > If !llREt
> > toie.Stop()
> > EndIf
> >
> > RETURN llRet
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:57 PM, AndyHC 
> wrote:
> >
> > > .. or search Ed's archives for 'screen scraping' or 'xmlhttp'
> > >
> > >
> > > On 07/02/2014 03:07, Alan Bourke wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014, at 07:46 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
> > >>
> > >>  Any pointers on how to proceed will be welcome.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Check if they publish an API. If not, Google 'web scraping'.
> > >>
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RE: Working with text files larger than 2GB (VFP9SP2)

2013-11-06 Thread John Harvey
I did this on a lot of very large files. I used a free-ware tool to split
the larger files into multiple files under 2 gig, then processed the
individual files.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of MB Software
Solutions General Account
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: Working with text files larger than 2GB (VFP9SP2)

A provider has decided to give us everything in 4 large behemouth files now
instead of by groups as they had in the past.  This pushes the text files
for this parsing program beyond 2GB.  I thought VFP would choke immediately
on them but it gets the handle just fine, and I did a
FGETS(liHandle,550) and it read 550 characters just fine (or so it looks
like it).  However, the FSEEK fails (returning 0).  My initial thought is
"knowing the number of rows is nice but not critical...let's just proceed to
FGETS until we're at EOF."  Your thoughts?  Here's the code below that opens
the file and attempts to get an idea of how big the file is and how many
rows it has.  lnLength is 550 in this case.

liHandle = FOPEN(this.InputFile)
liCnt = 0

* determine # of rows & count record types lnFileSize = fseek(liHandle, 0,
2)&&  get the file size =fseek(liHandle, 0, 0)&&  put the pointer back at
the begining
* the +2 below is because of the CR/LF
lnRows = ROUND(lnFileSize / (lnLength + 2),0)

I'm thinking of just throwing together some quick program up front to
process the gigantic files into smaller ones that the program can consume
normally as it used to do.


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RE: Is code self documenting?

2013-10-31 Thread John Harvey
Maybe that's what happened to Obamacare?

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Is code self documenting?

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Ed Leafe  wrote:

> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Stephen Russell 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Article is Why You Shouldn't Comment (or Document) Code
> Geez, I keep seeing this same tired argument, especially from the Ruby 
> crowd.

Indeed! One of my pet peeves with the Ruby community is the lack of

However, quoting from the fine article: "Let's say you modify some
application based on the comments you find in the code. You then put your
changes into production, and discover that there was some essential
component that the comments failed to mention. " That's asinine! You make
code changes BASED ON THE COMMENTS? Then you put them into PRODUCTION with
no TESTING? You get what you deserve.

Yes, stupid comments should not be in your code. You should choose your
> names to indicate what the code does. Your comments should be for the 
> edge cases where the expected behavior is not desired, for whatever 
> reason that might be. You can save your successors a great deal of 
> grief with a simple note as to why the obvious road was not taken; you 
> simply cannot do that with a test.

Comments need to be refactored, just like code. I bookmark many of my
changes when they are brand new, just because the chance that they'll break
something is a lot more likely. Next time I'm through the code for another
purpose, out go the old comments. They're in source control anyway, should
the need arise.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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RE: [NF] How Can Passworded Zip Files be Dangerous?

2013-09-21 Thread John Harvey
I was once at a conference on security and a guy from NASA told the story of
how they wrote their own virus and put it on a floppy labeled something
about sex, naked women or something like that, and within a few days it was
on almost every computer in the place I have never understood the
fascination with naked people and porn and such that most women appear to
have . . . . lol

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] How Can Passworded Zip Files be Dangerous?

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Ken Dibble  wrote:

> Well yeah, I actually did that exact Google before I sent this message.
> It's people's reasoning that I don't understand.

I thought you would :). It's people in dead-end, low-wage, low-morale work
whose job it is to open files sent in by random people and punch in
invoices, hours worked, or orders into systems are the perfect target for
this kind of targeting. Or clueless guys who get the email, "Here's those
pictures of that beautiful girl I promised you, " perhaps spoofed to look
like a buddy's email. Or gullible people. Or people too rushed who get
caught by accidental oversight.

> What are the odds that the recipient actually had a recent 
> conversation about a file with a person chosen at random by a bot to put
in the "From"
> field of that email? And then the person told the recipient that s/he 
> was going to send the file in a zip archive. I mean really?

Well, maybe one in a million? But divide those long odds by the cost - zero
- to send the message, and the potential earnings - bazillions - if you can
compromise yet another machine to add to the botnet.

And this assumes a random, phishing attack, and not a spear-phishing attack
specifically targeting a user. If you want the clerk in a accounting to open
a file, you spoof an email from the VP by name citing discussions with her
boss, again by name, that "he was the one to get this project done, and it
needed to be done ASAP!"

> This is what I mean about risk-benefit analysis. Organizational 
> "security experts" have taken to blocking all zip file attachments, 
> and even have resorted to forcing people to use a file drop to pick up 
> attachments instead of allowing them to come in with an email.

For some of my clients email accounts, 85% or more of the email is spam,
most of it obvious garbage, but some of it fairly sophisticated social
engineering, "eBay reciepts" or "VISA declined your payment" that trick
fairly savvy people into opening it. And again, the economics are such that
it is nearly free to send a million of these emails, and anyone you catch
puts money in your pocket.

> If you just tell people not to open any attachment that they don't 
> know exactly what it is, you've achieved the same level of security 
> without inconveniencing anybody or spending any extra money.

And if you tell people they should always have protected sex, AIDS
infections would stop tomorrow.

In theory, theory and practice have the same outcome. In practice, not so

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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RE: Application Down

2013-09-12 Thread John Harvey
That's funny. I heard Tom Rettig once say that his business phone's message
told the caller that if they were calling about an issue, reboot and try
again, If you have done this, and you still have the problem, leave a
message. Old Timmy was pretty smart.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: Application Down

That's the first thing I did Ted!  I may have been around a while but I
still learn quickly!




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

On 09/11/2013 04:05 PM, Ted Roche wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Jeff Johnson  wrote:
>> I have an application that was running fine yesterday.
> Have You Turned It Off And Back On Again?

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RE: FoxPro and twitter

2013-08-08 Thread John Harvey
Has anyone done anything automating tweets using VFP? I have downloaded the
codeplex project vfptweetapi, but am having a problem getting a pin. The
instructions are a little skimpy

John Harvey

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RE: Happy 4th of July...

2013-07-04 Thread John Harvey
Yes, after it was wrested from the King's death grip by our forefathers.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of John Weller
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: Happy 4th of July...

Fourth of July - that's the day we Brits got our independence from America
isn't it? 

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

> Happy Independence Day! Watching the DVD, "1776" in shade and with 
> lots of fans. 90+ degrees with a feel of 103+. Stay cool.

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RE: [NF] Google Calendar API - Solved!

2013-05-30 Thread John Harvey


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Google Calendar API - Solved!

I will be glad to.  It will take me a bit to make it useable outside of my

I might even include a "record layout" for a calendar event. That's a well
kept secret.  ;^)

(actually it's not a secret but does take some figuring out. "Records" 
are objects that contain fields and collections.)



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

On 05/30/2013 09:16 AM, John Harvey wrote:
> Okay, now that you've done the bleeding, how about freeing up the 
> code! Lol
> John
> -Original Message-
> From: ProFox [mailto:profox-bou] On Behalf Of Jeff 
> Johnson
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NF] Google Calendar API - Solved!
> Looking through all of the documentation and looking at code I found 
> out that there is - in fact - an entry id that does not change.  The 
> etag is a version id used for versioning the entry.  If I add an entry 
> in my app and then change it on my phone, the etag will change but the
entry id will not.
> It only took me about 10 hours to find the answer to this one.
> Now that I have changed over to using the entry id everything works great.
> Two way synchronization between my app and the Google Calendar.
> Jeff
> ---
> Jeff Johnson
> (623) 582-0323
> On 05/30/2013 06:08 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> Sytze: I modified the Python example calendar class and created an 
>> exe. In VFP, I create what might be called a parameter file.  When I 
>> run the exe using the run command it reads the parameter file, does 
>> the work, then it writes the results in a response file which I read 
>> in VFP to complete the process.  It works flawlessly.  The problem I 
>> am having is that there is no way I can tell to reference a calendar 
>> event unless it was created in a controlled environment.  Every time 
>> a change is made, the ID changes.
>> I have been using this technique to read data from on board computers 
>> and communications devices for years.  Before Python I used C.
>> Jeff
>> ---
>> Jeff Johnson
>> (623) 582-0323
>> On 05/29/2013 06:26 PM, Sytze de Boer wrote:
>>> If this relates to a VFP APP, I sure would like to hear more.
>>> I really want to integrate with Google Calendar and I have been 
>>> stuck for a long time (Actually, I'm still on base 1)
>>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Paul McNett  wrote:
>>>> On 5/29/13 3:28 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>>>> On 05/29/2013 02:41 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/29/13 2:27 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>> I have googled it and tried many variations of the request.  
>>>>>>> What I am
>>>> getting is a
>>>>>>> 302 redirect.  I have tried using the id where the entry was
>>>> redirected and all sorts
>>>>>>> of suggestions, but I am stumped.
>>>>>> Have you read:
>>>> i
>>>> de_protocol
>>>>>> and searched for 302 in that page?
>>>>>> Paul
>>>>> Paul:  Yes.  I have been using that as well as the Python 
>>>>> documentation.
>>>>Also in
>>>>> Googling the redirects there is some argument as to whether or not 
>>>>> it is
>>>> a bug.  The
>>>>> Python coders say that it is intermittent and therefore does not 
>>>>> need
>>>> fixing.
>>>>> Basically what happens is that the original entry is temporarily 
>>>>> moved
>>>> and give a
>>>>> gsessionid.  I pick that up and call it again but it still redirects.
>>>>It appears
>>>>> that a whole bunch of developers are experiencing it and I have 
>>>>> not
>>>> found a solution
>>>>> as of yet.  I have tried seve

RE: [NF] Google Calendar API - Solved!

2013-05-30 Thread John Harvey
Okay, now that you've done the bleeding, how about freeing up the code! Lol


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [mailto:profox-bou] On Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Google Calendar API - Solved!

Looking through all of the documentation and looking at code I found out
that there is - in fact - an entry id that does not change.  The etag is a
version id used for versioning the entry.  If I add an entry in my app and
then change it on my phone, the etag will change but the entry id will not.
It only took me about 10 hours to find the answer to this one.

Now that I have changed over to using the entry id everything works great.
Two way synchronization between my app and the Google Calendar.



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

On 05/30/2013 06:08 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Sytze: I modified the Python example calendar class and created an 
> exe. In VFP, I create what might be called a parameter file.  When I 
> run the exe using the run command it reads the parameter file, does 
> the work, then it writes the results in a response file which I read 
> in VFP to complete the process.  It works flawlessly.  The problem I 
> am having is that there is no way I can tell to reference a calendar 
> event unless it was created in a controlled environment.  Every time a 
> change is made, the ID changes.
> I have been using this technique to read data from on board computers 
> and communications devices for years.  Before Python I used C.
> Jeff
> ---
> Jeff Johnson
> (623) 582-0323
> On 05/29/2013 06:26 PM, Sytze de Boer wrote:
>> If this relates to a VFP APP, I sure would like to hear more.
>> I really want to integrate with Google Calendar and I have been stuck 
>> for a long time (Actually, I'm still on base 1)
>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Paul McNett  wrote:
>>> On 5/29/13 3:28 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
 On 05/29/2013 02:41 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 5/29/13 2:27 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> I have googled it and tried many variations of the request.  What 
>> I am
>>> getting is a
>> 302 redirect.  I have tried using the id where the entry was
>>> redirected and all sorts
>> of suggestions, but I am stumped.
> Have you read:
>>> de_protocol
> and searched for 302 in that page?
> Paul
 Paul:  Yes.  I have been using that as well as the Python 
>>>   Also in
 Googling the redirects there is some argument as to whether or not 
 it is
>>> a bug.  The
 Python coders say that it is intermittent and therefore does not 
>>> fixing.
 Basically what happens is that the original entry is temporarily 
>>> and give a
 gsessionid.  I pick that up and call it again but it still redirects.
>>>   It appears
 that a whole bunch of developers are experiencing it and I have not
>>> found a solution
 as of yet.  I have tried several work a rounds which did not work
>>> either.  I was just
 wondering if anyone in here has any experience with accessing 
>>> events from
 two different sources.  ie, an application and a smart phone.  If I
>>> access everything
 from the application it works 100% including updates.
>>> Well if a whole bunch of devs are seeing a problem, that's probably 
>>> good news.
>>> Paul
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RE: Damned Web Services....

2013-05-24 Thread John Harvey
Pitch and catch would be a good oversimplification of what webservices are.
It's like making a function call across the internet. Pass a number and it
returns a document.

Thank you,

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of John Weller
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: Damned Web Services

Could anyone give a SIMPLE idea of what web services are?  I've followed
this thread with interest and a complete lack of understanding :-)

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

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RE: [NF]MSDN alternative

2013-01-17 Thread John Harvey
It is a good deal, but you need to be an independent developer or a
business. I don't think it is intended for government use.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Frank Cazabon
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [NF]MSDN alternative

I recently bought the action pack for under US$400.  I thought it was a
pretty good deal.


Frank Cazabon

On 17/01/2013 03:14 PM, John Harvey wrote:
> I have had the Action Pack solutions in the past, but now, since I'm 
> working for a govt entity, I need a slimmed down version of MSDN, 
> which will give me the tools and Oss. Is there something like Action 
> Pack other than MSDN that is more affordable?
> John Harvey
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RE: [NF]MSDN alternative

2013-01-17 Thread John Harvey
I have had the Action Pack solutions in the past, but now, since I'm working
for a govt entity, I need a slimmed down version of MSDN, which will give me
the tools and Oss. Is there something like Action Pack other than MSDN that
is more affordable?

John Harvey

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RE: Happy New Year

2013-01-01 Thread John Harvey
Yep, Happy New Year from Ogden, Utah!


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of lelandj
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 2:10 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Happy New Year

On 12/31/2012 11:04 PM, Tracy Pearson wrote:
> futura  wrote:
>> Happy new year from Spain
>> Pepe Llopis
>> El 2013-01-01 00:00, Gérard Lochon escribió:
>>> Midnight is just ticking here, happy new year from Paris, France !
>>> Gérard.
> It has reached the New Year in the east coast of the United Started now.
> Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year from Abilene, Texas.



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2012-12-27 Thread John Harvey
VFPCONNECTION will work. Look at the example code.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Michael Oke, II
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 2:12 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: FTPS via VFP

Any pointers to a library or class to use FTPS from within my application?
I took a look at VFPConnection but cannot seem to make it function for my
case but that might be due to the port that I have to use, 2100 in this

Any help would be appreciated.

Michael Oke, II

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RE: Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox

2012-12-24 Thread John Harvey
Merry Christmas to everyone!

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of John Weller
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox


John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

> -Original Message-
> From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of 
> Jeff Johnson
> Sent: 24 December 2012 20:49
> To:
> Subject: Re: Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox
> Happy Holidays to everyone on this list!  This list is a very critical
part of my
> business and it can only be described as a "Community."  All of you 
> are always there for me when I have a question or am struggling with 
> something related to computers or software.
> Ed Leafe is a Prince among men!  He has made this "Community" possible 
> with his constant support of it including Dabo, Linux and Python.  I 
> don't
> there is anything comparable!  We all started out in FoxPro and we are
> together regardless of where our paths have taken us.
> Even Stephen is still in here! ;^)
> I appreciate all of you and your contributions to Ed's sites and wish 
> you
all a
> great holiday and especially a very prosperous 2013!!!
> Jeff

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RE: Display HTML in a Form

2012-12-02 Thread John Harvey
MS changed the DOM  for Windows 7 and IE. You will need to test for OS, then
look for object.body.firstchild.innertext if it is windows 7 or whatever
they call it in the os() function.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: Display HTML in a Form

""  wrote:

>add the internet explorer control and point to a file. or
>createobject("internet.explorer") and point that to the file Al Sent 
>from webmail :)
>On 02 December 2012 at 13:06 Jeff Johnson  wrote:
>> I have an application that creates an HTML formatted email. Up to now
>> send myself the email to see how it is formatted. It works great, but 
>> someone asked me if I could maybe preview it in a window rather than 
>> sending it. Maybe because they are composing it off line.
>> Is there a way to display HTML on a Form?

You do not need the file. I load the text into the control from a string. If
memory serves it is object.body.innerhtml

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RE: Display HTML in a Form

2012-12-02 Thread John Harvey


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 7:07 AM
Subject: Display HTML in a Form

I have an application that creates an HTML formatted email.  Up to now I
send myself the email to see how it is formatted.  It works great, but
someone asked me if I could maybe preview it in a window rather than sending
it.  Maybe because they are composing it off line.

Is there a way to display HTML on a Form?




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

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RE: [NF] Good video / audio recording program for training videos

2012-11-28 Thread John Harvey
We use Camtasia too. Great tool.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:19 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] Good video / audio recording program for training videos

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:36 PM, MB Software Solutions, LLC <> wrote:

> Camtasia


Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: Happy Thanksgiving

2012-11-22 Thread John Harvey
Happy Thanksgiving, from the South, to y'all too!

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt @ VR-FX
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Right back at ya!

On 11/22/2012 3:00 AM, Adam Buckland wrote:
> To all those celebrating today have a good one...
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
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RE: [NF] SATA Drive & a Dead PC...

2012-11-14 Thread John Harvey
You might want to get a kit that allows you to connect to the sata drive
from your laptop via usb. I ordered one of those off the internet and used
it to pull data from a drive just a few weeks ago.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt @ VR-FX
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: [NF] SATA Drive & a Dead PC...

Hello there folks,

Here's the deal. I have a desktop PC that was my main PC - but, it died
several months ago. I have my laptop - which has been my primary computing
device for quite a while now - but, the desktop PC has some stuff on there
that's not on my laptop.

FYI - the computer does attempt to Boot up - and even starts loading the OS
(WinXP Pro 64) - and comes up with the MS logo. But, during the boot up - it
eventually fails and drops to a BSOD screen - which is always a lovely thing
to see!

Someone on the list here (although he hasn't gotten back to me in a while -
and I think he has been busy and hasn't been checking e-mails for a while)
suggested I connect the main boot drive to another computer
- and run ChkDsk. Well, I tried connected it to my laptop - but, the OS did
NOT actually "SEE" the drive. I attempted to actually connect it inside of
my wife's PC - but, when it booted - Same thing - it was like the OS could
not "SEE" the drive!

So - I'm getting kinda desperate here - and hoping someone can help me out.
Again - if I put it BACK in the original PC - it does attempt to Boot - but,
then the BSOD comes up...


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RE: Do NOT use "old" FoxPro?

2012-11-11 Thread John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Kurt @ VR-FX
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:54 AM
Cc: Wes Wilson
Subject: Re: Do NOT use "old" FoxPro?

Hello again Wes,

I saw you sent me this same email to me offline from this list - but, figured I 
would make my response.

Bad enough I lost my job - now, today - Sunday - in sunny weather - we just 
lost our power again - along with a lot of our surronding neighbors. So - now I 
sit on my laptop outside a 7-11, as the power on it is dying - and I will have 
to find a place to go and plug in later today - although, glad to jack into 
OptimumWifi - which is located LOTS of places around the island - including in 
front of the 7-11.

So - truth is - I've already been giving this a lot of thought in the past 24 
hours. One option I was thinking - is that I could literally LEARN a new 
technology and "cut my teeth on it" using this project - and that would be one 
way to be assured of GETTING the project - and getting new experience! 
Although, in communicating with them about this project
- and I can ALSO suggest your really good point of lowered costs in developing 
the system using VFP - since it would not require a costlier solution like the 
extra time & effort to setup an SQL server - as well and developing the rest of 
the solution. I'm sure you would agree with me that THIS is finally a GOOD 
Idea(learning a New Tech)! Right?

But - if I DID attempt to learn a new tech. - I'd like to do something that 
would NOT have a steep learning curve - and, free dev. tools are a MUST - since 
I can't afford to buy Dev tools now! Any suggestions folks???

Anyway - gotta send this and shut down the laptop before it dies...


On 11/11/2012 8:49 AM, Wes Wilson wrote:
> Kurt,
> My message has been aimed at those businesses who already have FoxPro. I 
> assume your email relates to a new project.
> The real question is not how "old" FoxPro is but whether for this customer 
> with his constraints, is it the best solution.
> If we gave all of the specifics to 100 seasoned programmers with a variety of 
> backgrounds and skill sets, we would likely get about 50 different solutions 
> with about 5 of the solutions clustering around the major languages. But 
> based on my 31 years experience, almost all of the solutions would be from a 
> technical point of view, not from a business persons point of view.
> A business person's very first question is always "Can I afford this 
> solution?” not "Is this the best language?". If he can afford it, the next 
> question is "Do I want to put that much of my limited resources into this 
> project?". In other words, the return on investment may not be as high as the 
> return on investment in, for example, increasing his marketing and sales 
> staff.
> Those 2 questions are then followed by many others that all need to be 
> carefully considered. My plan is, with the help of all of our programmers' 
> experiences, develop a comprehensive checklist that will be sent to all of my 
> current and prospective customers. It will also be on my website.
> But I digress. Your email specifically talked about Visual FoxPro 9 being too 
> old. What makes a computer language old? Does old mean applications are going 
> to develop fatal diseases and die? Does it mean the other solutions are less 
> expensive to write and support? Exactly what does it mean? I think for most 
> technical people, it means that Microsoft will no longer support Visual 
> FoxPro 9 as of January 2015. Does that mean all of our programs will stop 
> working in February 2015? Question: how many decades ago did Microsoft stop 
> supporting DOS? Question: how many DOS applications are still in use? Answer: 
> lots. Why do so many DOS apps still work? Because only the lack of a platform 
> and operating system will stop DOS from working.
> Only the lack of a 32 bit operating system will stop Visual FoxPro from 
> working and that day, in my opinion and many others, is 10-20 years away but 
> more likely 30 or more years away. By that time, there will certainly be 
> solutions infinitely better than anything available today. Meantime, the 
> business person can use the vast sums saved by using Visual FoxPro (yes, VFP 
> is demonstrably less expensive to write and maintain) for better and more 
> profitable purposes.
> Conclusion: for many businesses, investing in Visual FoxPro 9 is one of the 
> smartest business decisions they will ever make.
> More later and thanks for your feedback. Please let me know what feed back 
> you get. I want to broadcast it to the world.
> Wes
> Wes Wilson, President
> ERW Custom Programming, Inc.
> Crescent Lake Plaza
> 5459  Elizabeth Lake Rd.
> Waterford, MI 48327
> (248) 683-4182
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipa

RE: Do NOT use "old" FoxPro?

2012-11-11 Thread John Harvey
Needs are not changing that fast. We've known VFP was going to die for
several years. You need to be adding more arrows to the quiver, if you
haven't already done that, years ago. I think I will be using VFP for years
to come, if only for data munging, but as for developing apps, I will
continue doing some Web Connection stuff, because it just works, and can be
the middleware for a lot of stuff. However, I have decided to move into PHP
primarily because it seems to be fairly robust, has a large community base,
is freeware that functions and you don't have to worry about which dot net
version is running. 

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 8:26 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Do NOT use "old" FoxPro?

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Wes Wilson  wrote:

> Kurt,
> A business person's very first question is always "Can I afford this 
> solution?" not "Is this the best language?". If he can afford it, the 
> next question is "Do I want to put that much of my limited resources 
> into this project?". In other words, the return on investment may not 
> be as high as the return on investment in, for example, increasing his 
> marketing and sales staff.
> ---

People at "the" company say that Foxpro is dead and we don't want it.  Do
you think that was started for a reason?  Was it one group of programmers
who were attempting to take over a lot of business that use to be xBase?

Or is it really the fact that file based data systems of the 80s and 90s are
no longer appropriate for the needs of today?

Needs are changing fast and VFP is in a frozen state.

I feel that more people in business have more on the ball with respect to
technology then they did 10-15-20 years ago.  I think that they are looking
for solutions that they can put 5 to 10 years into for an expected lifetime.
I would not rely on 32 bit systems to maintain a life in near future
releases of OS.

> Those 2 questions are then followed by many others that all need to be 
> carefully considered. My plan is, with the help of all of our programmers'
> experiences, develop a comprehensive checklist that will be sent to 
> all of my current and prospective customers. It will also be on my
> But I digress. Your email specifically talked about Visual FoxPro 9 
> being too old. What makes a computer language old? Does old mean 
> applications are going to develop fatal diseases and die? Does it mean 
> the other solutions are less expensive to write and support? Exactly 
> what does it mean? I think for most technical people, it means that 
> Microsoft will no longer support Visual FoxPro 9 as of January 2015. 
> Does that mean all of our programs will stop working in February 2015? 
> Question: how many decades ago did Microsoft stop supporting DOS?
Question: how many DOS applications are still in use?
> Answer: lots. Why do so many DOS apps still work? Because only the 
> lack of a platform and operating system will stop DOS from working.

Getting a system for web consumption is difficult.  Consumption of data from
customers or suppliers is difficult with foxpro compared to other
contemporary languages.

> Conclusion: for many businesses, investing in Visual FoxPro 9 is one 
> of the smartest business decisions they will ever make.


Aging programmer pool.  No real youth, in industry, supporting the product.
 Owning company has put a fork in future development.  Why is it the
smartest decision?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

2012-11-05 Thread John Harvey
Bigfoot roams wherever hunters happen to be. I would imagine there are
bigfoots in the upper peninsula of Michigan even.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 8:40 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

There's a lot of Bigfoot in the forests of Tennessee and Kentucky. 

- Original Message -
From: John Harvey 
To: 'ProFox Email List' 
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

I think it's kinda like the Nessie videos. These folks are playing us for
fools, and I ain't buying. 


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 1:43 AM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

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RE: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

2012-11-05 Thread John Harvey
I think it's kinda like the Nessie videos. These folks are playing us for
fools, and I ain't buying. 


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 1:43 AM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [OT] Bigfoot in Utah

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RE: Happy Halloween and test, test, test

2012-10-31 Thread John Harvey
I'm not here.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Ted Roche
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 1:09 PM
Subject: Happy Halloween and test, test, test

Just got internet connectivity back and noticed no ProFox postings on the artchive today, including NF and OT. Hence, this email.

Anyone out there?


Happy Hallowed Eve, Samhain, or the candy-laced holiday of your choosing!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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RE: PHP and Web Connection

2012-09-13 Thread John Harvey
Is anyone running PHP and Web Connection on the same server? I installed PHP
on one of our servers and it appears to have killed the Web Connection

John Harvey

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RE: Speed

2012-09-11 Thread John Harvey
You might try using a statement like 

...where (Date>=?startdate and date<=?enddate)


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Sytze de Boer
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Speed

Yes, config.fpw points to c:\temp
They didn't to begin with (c:\) but I changed that

I installed a basic little server at my office (Win 2003) I copied their
data to it

Running with 100 Mbit cable and swith, I get 30 secs and 5 secs on
subsequent runs Running Gigabit cable and switch, I get 7 secs and 2 secs on
subsequent runs

If I log in 2 users (where 2nd user does nothing except log in to the App) ,
running 100 Mbit, time is 60 secs

Can you see an issue with my code?
Should I try 3 separate select statements?

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Michael Madigan

> Since it only takes 5 seconds locally, it can't be a index issue or an 
> optimization issue.
> Are the temp files set to local client disk?
> editwork=c:\temp
> sortwork=c:\temp
> progwork=c:\temp
> tmpfiles=c:\temp
>  From: Sytze de Boer 
> To: profox 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 9:35 PM
> Subject: Speed
> I'm losing my mind over this
> At a client site, they run a report which can take 30 mins to 
> generate, over the network When they run it on a local pc, it takes 5 
> secs
> Without boring you with all the details, essentially, the following 
> code makes up the report *trcask4=a date *trcask5=a date
>Select Date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,qty,ttlamount,disc,ppb,cost,Desc,
> "H" As SRCE From winhst   Where Between(Date,trcask4,trcask5) Union All;
> Date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,qty,ttlamount,disc,ppb,cost,Desc,
> "I" As SRCE  From wininvs  Where Between(Date,trcask4,trcask5) Union All ;
> Date,stockcode,stktype,invnum,qty,ttlamount,disc,ppb,cost,Desc,
> "J" As SRCE From wintime  Where Between(Date,trcask4,trcask5) Into 
> Table
> (myfile)
> The Winhst file has about 500,000 records The other 2 less than a 1000 
> combined
> There seems to be a big difference in time if no-ones else has logged 
> into the app from a different workstation
> Can anyone suggest a way to make this go quicker?
> --
> Kind regards
> Sytze de Boer
> Kiss Software
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
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RE: [NF] Server

2012-08-21 Thread John Harvey
VNC or a variant is pretty cheap, as in free.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ted Roche
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Server

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Jeff Johnson  wrote:

> Ted:  This is a general question, but I do have a customer that is 
> concerned about his installation.  First, I use RDT from my Linux 
> system to do all of my Windows work - on XP and SBS2003.  I never use 
> the computers locally.  I have also had access to corporate networks 
> using RDT into a single PC set up for remote access and the 
> performance was fine.

When you say RDT you mean Remote Desktop, Microsoft's implementation of the
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), right? I haven't seen that acronym before.

>  You mention that VFP access over VPN or ODBC is not acceptable.
> That sounds like running the program locally and accessing the data 
> over a VPN.  What I am talking about is accessing the server using RDT 
> and running the application on the server. Wouldn't that be acceptable 
> since everything is running on the server?

With the usual disclaimers, yes. If it's all running on the local machine or
local network, performance should be acceptable, Rushmore Willing.

> He is renting an office and is concerned about his two computers in 
> the rented office.  He could place a server in his house or use the 
> COLOcated server that was mentioned in this thread.  He would then 
> access the server using RDT and nothing of any significance would be 
> on the commuters in the office.

So, you're looking for a technical solution to a non-technical problem?
Maybe he should buy laptops so he can take them with him when he leaves the
office :).

Yes, hosting a machine "somewhere else," whether it's an ISP or his home or
your office, likely would solve the security problem. If you're just running
a VFP app that runs locally on the remote machine and you're just sharing
screens via RDP or VNC, performance should be acceptable. Be careful of
Windows licensing regarding Terminal Services; I know some people have found
those to be overly restrictive.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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RE: [NF] Server

2012-08-21 Thread John Harvey
COLO would give him the greatest piece of mind. No worries about power,
backup, etc.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Server

On 08/21/2012 07:04 AM, Ted Roche wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Paul Hill 
>> Upload speed sucks on ADSL.
> That depends on your provider. You can often work out the best deal 
> for you, depending on your needs. For the office (usually two of us, 
> but as many as 6-9 machines, including servers, on a busy day) I've 
> got 6M down, 2M up, fixed IP address, for under $60/mo. For remote 
> access by only one or two individuals, RDP or VNC under SSH, response 
> is quite adequate, and the lower latency of DSL actually makes it feel 
> perkier than slower-latency cable connections rated higher. For 
> sustained file transfer, sure, you'll see the bottleneck. It's not the 
> blazing fast speed of first-class fiber or big enterprises, but it's 
> usually not too restrictive.
> Jeff: whether this can meet your needs depends on what it is you're 
> trying to do. VFP access over VPN or even using ODBC (it really 
> doesn't matter) will not be acceptable, but lower-bandwidth 
> applications like email or client-server might be okay, depending on 
> the specifics of speed, number of users, size of files/requests, 
> bandwidth, phase of the moon, etc. Telling us more details on what 
> you're trying to do might get more accurate recommendations.
Ted:  This is a general question, but I do have a customer that is concerned
about his installation.  First, I use RDT from my Linux system to do all of
my Windows work - on XP and SBS2003.  I never use the computers locally.  I
have also had access to corporate networks using RDT into a single PC set up
for remote access and the performance was fine.  You mention that VFP access
over VPN or ODBC is not acceptable.  
That sounds like running the program locally and accessing the data over a
VPN.  What I am talking about is accessing the server using RDT and running
the application on the server. Wouldn't that be acceptable since everything
is running on the server?

He is renting an office and is concerned about his two computers in the
rented office.  He could place a server in his house or use the COLOcated
server that was mentioned in this thread.  He would then access the server
using RDT and nothing of any significance would be on the commuters in the



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

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RE: [NF] Server

2012-08-20 Thread John Harvey
If you get a COLO you would have total control of the box. You can put
anything you want on it.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 7:49 PM
Subject: [NF] Server

I know you can rent servers at Internet service providers for installing a
web site.  Is it possible to put SBS 2003 on a server at one of these sites
and access the computer using remote desktop?

Just wondering.




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

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RE: allow HTML emails with embedded screen shots

2012-08-09 Thread John Harvey
Only allowing the links keeps storage requirements to a minimum, I suspect.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of James Harvey
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 7:49 AM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: allow HTML emails with embedded screen shots

I'm sure there is a good reason for not allowing this option, but at work it
has been very helpful with support and training users.

We use a program called "Snagit".  One option is to do a "printscreen" and
then you can edit the image, add text, symbols, etc., and save it, or copy
and paste.

James E Harvey
Corresponding Officer/M.I.S.
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dave Crozier
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 7:32 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: allow HTML emails with embedded screen shots

NO, you can only post links...


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of James Harvey
Sent: 09 August 2012 12:17
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: allow HTML emails with embedded screen shots

Is it possible to send HTML emails to ProFox with embedded screen shots of
code, examples, etc.

Sometimes a picture helps explain the situation.

James E Harvey
Corresponding Officer/M.I.S.
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

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RE: VFP needs to REST

2012-08-07 Thread John Harvey
Yep, I've got a conference call with them tomorrow.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ed Leafe
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:15 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: VFP needs to REST

On Aug 7, 2012, at 3:08 PM, John Harvey wrote:

> I need to see how you send client side certs up to the server for 
> LexisNexis
> (Accurint) and was hoping someone had some experience with that. I've 
> been looking through Rick Strahl's wwhttp class and I see he has the 
> addpostkey() method, but I think I need more on what the exact syntax
should be.

Generally authentication credentials are sent in a header for the
request; you'd have to contact the service to get the exact header name they

-- Ed Leafe

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RE: VFP needs to REST

2012-08-07 Thread John Harvey
I need to see how you send client side certs up to the server for LexisNexis
(Accurint) and was hoping someone had some experience with that. I've been
looking through Rick Strahl's wwhttp class and I see he has the addpostkey()
method, but I think I need more on what the exact syntax should be. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Alan Bourke
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: VFP needs to REST

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012, at 12:52 PM, John Harvey wrote:
> Alan,
> Care to share any code?

Are you having issues with anything in particular ?
  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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RE: VFP needs to REST

2012-08-07 Thread John Harvey

Care to share any code?

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Alan Bourke
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: VFP needs to REST

I have done some sending of JSON, yes.
  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

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RE: VFP needs to REST

2012-08-06 Thread John Harvey
Has anyone done anything using restful apis and VFP? 

I'm going to be pulling records from Accurint and/or CLEAR using REST and
don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Thank you,

John Harvey

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RE: VFP has stopped working

2012-08-02 Thread John Harvey
I install the runtime files into a specific folder and read the directory
information from an ini file. That gets around the problem.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dan Covill
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: VFP has stopped working

On 08/02/12 01:11, Allen wrote:
> One thing bugging me though. In the past I have heard several comments 
> on placing the runtimes in the exe (app) directory. Ok what if you 
> have more than one app as some users do. As the runtime requires 
> registering this would seem to be an odd idea. You can't register the 
> runtimes in two locations after all.

The runtimes do NOT require registering.  My (sole remaining) client (I'm
officially retired) is running my VFP9 app, with run-times in the app
folder, on a machine that also has VFP6 installed.  I assume that the VFP6
run-times were registered as part of the install.  We have never had any
problems.  If we did, I'd uninstall VFP6, since we only use it on rare
occassions to look at data problems.


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RE: VFP9 windows 8

2012-07-26 Thread John Harvey
I think all exe's start in the windows\system32\ folder when they don't have
a "start in" defined. That's why my first few lines of code navigate to the
proper location before executing further.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Allen
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: VFP9 windows 8

That's exactly what it still does even thought the full path is in the
target Al

-Original Message-

I remember this happening way back in the 90s.  I was trying to do a com app
for reindexing SBT tables on the server instead of dragging them across the
network.  I knew what folder my app was in but sys(5), or what ever that
function is to get you your path, always came back with
\\Server\Windows\System32\ initially.

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RE: VFP9 windows 8

2012-07-25 Thread John Harvey
That's  a security thang. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Allen
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:35 AM
Subject: VFP9 windows 8

Well that was a surprise. Loaded a VFP exe on Windows 8 and it worked. Once.
Then it says about not being able to open a dbf in windows/system32. WFT I
do not even put a table there. Looks like Windows 8 is going to be harder
than windows 7 to work with Bugger Al

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RE: West-wind SMTP

2012-07-19 Thread John Harvey
Make sure to recompile all the classes in the classes folder.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: West-wind SMTP

On 07/19/2012 01:42 PM, Ted Roche wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Jeff Johnson  wrote:
>> I hope you don't mind me asking this question here, but I am stuck 
>> and need some help.  I am using wwsmtp form the latest Internet
>> I can't get past "Unable to load wwDotNetBridge" which is in the init 
>> of wwDotNetBridge.
> Check that you are running a more recent wwIPStuff.
> Ref: 
Ted:  Thanks.  I just upgraded yesterday and downloaded it from West-wind at
the link the order sent me.  Since I downloaded it yesterday I am guessing
it is the latest version.



Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323


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RE: [NF] Found a Great Backup Program for Windows

2012-07-19 Thread John Harvey
Right, it won't capture the system state, but all the other stuff works


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] Found a Great Backup Program for Windows

John:  Just the OS, right?  Because I am backing up data and profiles and it
seems to work great.  I really like the configuration of full and
incremental backups.




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

On 07/19/2012 07:56 AM, John Harvey wrote:
> I've been using it for years. It doesn't back up the system though, 
> just data.
> John
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: [NF] Found a Great Backup Program for Windows
> I was researching backup programs for Windows for my customers and 
> found Cobian.  I installed it on my system and I immediately like it 
> better than Syncback!  You can tell it when to do full backups, how 
> many to keep, do incremental every day, saves files in folders for 
> easy restore, and your profile is as easy to set up as anything I have
>Jeff --- Jeff Johnson (623) 582-0323 
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RE: [NF] Found a Great Backup Program for Windows

2012-07-19 Thread John Harvey
I've been using it for years. It doesn't back up the system though, just


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:47 AM
Subject: [NF] Found a Great Backup Program for Windows

I was researching backup programs for Windows for my customers and found
Cobian.  I installed it on my system and I immediately like it better than
Syncback!  You can tell it when to do full backups, how many to keep, do
incremental every day, saves files in folders for easy restore, and your
profile is as easy to set up as anything I have seen.


  Jeff --- Jeff Johnson (623) 582-0323

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RE: What was that old trick for getting Intellisense to work in a PRG class with THIS. references?

2012-07-18 Thread John Harvey
I think you have to create the instance from the command prompt and attach
it to a global variable, like _screen, then intellisense will kick in when
you are in the programming window.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of MB Software Solutions, LLC
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:58 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: What was that old trick for getting Intellisense to work in a
PRG class with THIS. references?

But that doesn't work when I'm writing/creating code and using THIS.

For example, if in a method in my class I want to write
   IF THIS.SystemName = "ABC" THEN
   messagebox("Rock on, man!")

...and I want Intellisense to kick in right after I type "THIS."

See what I mean?  I want to use THIS.


On 7/18/2012 3:47 PM, Richard Kaye wrote:
> LOCAL myvar AS [myclass.myobject]
> You have to have "set classlib to myclass" in scope.
> --
> rk
> -Original Message-
> From: []
On Behalf Of MB Software Solutions, LLC
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 3:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: What was that old trick for getting Intellisense to work in a PRG
class with THIS. references?
> I've got a PRG based class that I'm writing and I want Intellisense to
kick in for "THIS." when I'm writing procedure code.  I can't recall the
trick.  Was it with a #DEFINE or something?  Remember -- this is not the
instantiated object I'm talking about...rather, I'm writing the class code
> Thanks,
> --Mike
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RE: [NF] Network Question

2012-07-17 Thread John Harvey
The simple answer is "yes, it can be done." The long answer depends on your
skillset. Google is yo frien.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:39 PM
Subject: [NF] Network Question

I have a customer that has two computers hooked up to Ring Central.  
They have separate connections to the Internet and separate IP addresses.  I
do not know if they are static or dynamic.  The question is, can I network
those two computers together so they can share files?  
Possibly using additional network cards and a router?




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

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RE: [NF] 10 Security measures you should consider

2012-07-10 Thread John Harvey
I was an early advocate of MS SBS and ran into a "minor" issue with it's
security. It seems the SBS team decided to hard code the administrator
account name into the OS, so when you went in and did what you always did,
rename the administrator to something else, you got to reinstall the system,
while fighting a major case of Tourettes I guess that is one reason I
have little respect for programmers, developers, analysts, etc. lol


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:09 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] 10 Security measures you should consider

Just removing Admin and Administrator does wonders.  Changing the remote
desktop port from 3389 to something else also does wonders.   

 From: Stephen Russell 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:38 AM
Subject: [NF] 10 Security measures you should consider

I use a few of these for the past few years.   "security by obscurity"
defense is my style.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [NF] IE6 CSS Fixer

2012-07-10 Thread John Harvey
Gee, I'm so sorry I never used that tool, even though it promises it "could"
introduce new errors. . . .


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:44 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [NF] IE6 CSS Fixer

Just saw this, never used it.

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] California fleeces both state and federal tax payers.

2012-07-07 Thread John Harvey
This train is bound for glory!


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:34 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] California fleeces both state and federal tax payers.

Just like the proposed train from Los Angeles to Vegas ran right through
property owned by Harry Reid, you can be this train runs through the
property of some connected politicians.  

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Oke, II" 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2012 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] California fleeces both state and federal tax payers.

Browndoggle actually. 

You can't exactly blame Californians tho. The federal government, yes Barry,
dangled the money in front of them and dared them not to take it.  Of
course, they did the same with at least two other states that had the sense
and guts to say no. 

It is actually supposed to run from Anaheim to San Francisco but it never
will. The current plan violates the proposition that was voted on but that
won't stop them.  As for where the first leg (and probably the only) will be
built, well you will have to talk to Barry and his administration about that
as well. They have dictated that in a misguided attempt to do something
about unemployment in the central valley. 

They have 10 billion sort of dollars now but aren't concerned that most
estimates peg the total for completion at somewhere north of 200 billion.
There have been so many shenanigans surrounding how they have calculated the
value of this project to the state that you know it's a money grab for the

The final vote was so full of attempts to steal more of the money for other
projects that it was embarrassing. 

It will ultimately come down to whether or not the intent of the people

Michael Oke, II

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On Jul 7, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Michael Madigan  wrote:

> A completely worthless boondoggle.   Installing high speed rail from
Madera to Bakersfield.  Wasting billions and billions of dollars for a train
nobody will use.  
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RE: [OT] I'm still getting suggestions from Facebook to add Kristyne McDaniel as a friend.

2012-07-07 Thread John Harvey

I think that's pretty cool though. I hadn't thought about her in years, and
now I have. We enjoyed some healthy debates!

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 6:06 PM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [OT] I'm still getting suggestions from Facebook to add Kristyne
McDaniel as a friend. 

It's kind of creepy when every so often Facebook suggests that I add
Kristyne McDaniel to my friends list.   An example of the strange side
effects of the Internet.  

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RE: [OT] Refrigerator problems

2012-07-04 Thread John Harvey
This may help -


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 12:26 AM
To: undisclosed recipients:
Subject: [OT] Refrigerator problems

I have a 20 year-old refrigerator that just now is just a little on the warm
side over the last few weeks.   The refrigerator is getting down to about 45
and the freezer is only getting down to about 5 at the lowest.   The ice
cream doesn't freeze solid now and the milk seems to go bad more quickly.  

I've cleaned the coils, but it's still not getting cold enough  Obviously
it's not a completely broken since it still keeps things somewhat cool.

Does anyone have any suggestions of a quick fix that might save me from
buying a new refrigerator?  I've guessing a repair would be about $200 -
$300 dollars minimum, which isn't worth it since a new basic refrigerator
would cost $500.    

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RE: Active Directory from VFP

2012-07-03 Thread John Harvey
This might help-


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Oke, II
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 6:09 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Active Directory from VFP

Anyone have any tools or libraries that would allow is to validate a login
against the AD tree?  Windows Server 2008. 

Michael Oke, II

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RE: [ADMIN] Abuse on the lists

2012-07-02 Thread John Harvey
He was the "author of his own destruction."


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of MB Software Solutions, LLC
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 5:25 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Abuse on the lists

On 7/2/2012 5:01 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>   I have received a flood of complaints from list members about the
recent disgusting posts of hatred. The poster has been suspended from the
tech list for a period of two weeks.
>   I am sorry for having to take this action, but we've always had a
sensible policy of permitting all sorts of posts on the OT list, but
restricting the profoxtech list to technical matters. Some people receive
the list at work, and cannot be having such backwards, brainless hate
spewing into their inbox.

Well deserved sanction.

Watch the listserve count get cut in half.  All he posts is crap.

Mike Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
President, Chief Software Architect

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RE: [NF] if you have performance issues with your laptop, look at overheating

2012-07-01 Thread John Harvey
Cool, pun intended!


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2012 11:12 PM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [NF] if you have performance issues with your laptop, look at

I had an issue with a laptop that was as slow as molasses and couldn't
figure out why.  Turns out two of the rubber feet on the bottom were missing
and the box was either stepping down or just running slow due to over

I cleaned the vents, put on a few new feet and put it on a laptop cooling
mat, and the thing fast and staying fast.   

Since the machine is on almost all the time, it never really got a chance to
cool.   So far after a few hours, no loss in speed.   

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RE: Sending E-mails from VFP

2012-06-29 Thread John Harvey
Cdo email is easiest probably and doesn't require Outlook. You could setup a
gmail account for the company at no cost (so far) and use pure vfp code.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Kurt Wendt
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: Sending E-mails from VFP

Hey folks,


I know this has been covered several times here on this list. But, I was
hoping to get people's opinions.


A client of ours has just made a request - to be able to automatically send
Invoices to clients as PDF attachments to e-mails that could get
automatically sent from our system.


I've done e-mail transmissions in the past, for a project of my own - but,
at the time I used VFP along with PERL. But, I don't want to use that option
this time around.


I'm basically trying to find out which is the Easiest and Cheapest method to
use to implement this for the client. If its difficult - it will drive up
costs - and I was told that this client won't pay for a Big job. So - if it
requires a tool external to VFP that we must buy - that would also drive up


Opinions anyone?




Senior Developer

Waitex Information System, Inc.

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RE: Repair vcx

2012-06-27 Thread John Harvey
My first thought is "restore from backup."


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Richard Kaye
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: Repair vcx 

That means the memo portion of the table has a problem. You're going to need
a more sophisticated tool such as Abri Recover to repair memo corruption and
restoring from a recent backup, if you have one, will be the fastest route. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Graham Brown
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: Repair vcx 

VCT is missing or invalid

Have tried tablevalidate 0 and that doesn't work.

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RE: display a html page in foxpro

2012-06-24 Thread John Harvey
Use the webbrowser control and be sure to put nodefault in the init.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of jerry foote
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 10:38 AM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: display a html page in foxpro

I have html code that I need to display in a vfp form.

Any suggestions?


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RE: [OT] A plain crook

2012-06-22 Thread John Harvey
I don't usually watch John Stewart because he is only marginally less
offensive than Bill Maher. However, even John Stewart understands Obama's
hypocrisy on the claim of executive privilege.

Gee, I can't believe I'm referencing huffpo


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 4:17 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] A plain crook

On 06/22/2012 04:49 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 3:02 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:
>> It is a very bold move to take but Prez has the protection that 
>> nobody is going to to try and stop it for the backlash it can only bring
>> Of course every little weasel there is desperate to get re-elected as 
>> well as tow the company line and keep the top people from a potential 
>> loss.
>   Funny you should use the word 'weasel'. I was thinking about that
very word after seeing how the statement Obama made that Krauthammer seized
upon was taken out of context, and immediately after the clip he showed
ended, Obama had gone on to say what he *could* do legally, and included
exactly what he did last week in that. So the very notion that Obama somehow
contradicted himself is ludicrous at best, and deliberately deceitful at
worst. I'll leave it up to you to judge how intentional this was.
>   As usual, John Stewart summed up the hypocrisy of the complaints
best; the bit on Obama's statement starts around 3 minutes into this clip:
>   ( -or- )

Hi Ed,

Everybody does it, so it must be OK. It is true that everybody does it. 
They want that cheap labor to beat the rest of us over the head about our $9
per hour wages. Meanwhile, the pols are falling over themselves to have it
both ways.


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RE: [OT] Here she is, the poster child for Liberalism. Enjoy.

2012-06-20 Thread John Harvey
O, she's hot, er I mean Not! Lol

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 6:41 AM
To: undisclosed recipients:
Subject: [OT] Here she is, the poster child for Liberalism. Enjoy. 

You're welcome.! 

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RE: Check for Running VFP .EXE

2012-06-18 Thread John Harvey
Yes, I use it all the time on windows 7 and it works flawlessly.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jeff Johnson
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: Check for Running VFP .EXE

Mike:  Thanks for your help.  I found someone that would test it and I will
let you know of my results.




Jeff Johnson
(623) 582-0323

On 06/18/2012 02:20 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
> Shooting from the would probably be easiest to determine the 
> answer by trying your code on a Win7 workstation.
> If you don't have access to a Win7 machine, maybe you could send 
> someone who does a copy of your app to see if it throws any errors? 
> I'm running Win7Pro, send an exe to my email and I'll test it.
> Mike Copeland
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Check for Running VFP .EXE
> From: Jeff Johnson
> To:
> Date: 6/18/2012 3:55 PM
> I have a program that checks for the caption of a running VFP 
> application.  It uses these API's:
> GetActiveWindow in Win32API
> GetWindow in Win32API
> GetWindowText in Win32API
> The question is, will this work on Windows7 to check for a VFP9 
> application or do I need to use different API's
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RE: [NF] He invented the Web.

2012-06-16 Thread John Harvey
I'm wondering if Algore doesn't really know the things he says are
ludicrous, but maybe also believes it's a business decision. He can say
stuff the wackos will lap up and it has been extremely profitable for him.
So, in a twisted sort of way, you have to admire his business acumen! Lol


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:22 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] He invented the Web.

Al Gore is a genius.    He's too stupid to realize he is off by MAGNITUDES. 

- Original Message -
From: Jean Laeremans 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] He invented the Web.

And as always Robert Cailliau isn't mentioned.


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Michael Oke, II  wrote:
> Gore's claim was about the Internet not just the web. Berners-Lee, while a
bit nuts, is the real deal.

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RE: ipad app for remote desktop connection

2012-06-11 Thread John Harvey
Teamviewer from is an excellent product.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of James Harvey
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 6:56 AM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: ipad app for remote desktop connection

Can anyone recommend an Ipad app to remote in to Terminal Services on our
domain.  Our new Veterinarian wants to run our office software (vfp9) out in
the field to post her treatment records. 

I have downloaded an app to my Xoom (can't remember the name?) previously,
but have no experience with the Ipad.

James E Harvey
Corresponding Officer/M.I.S.
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

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RE: [OT] Your OT Thought For The Day

2012-06-10 Thread John Harvey
Then again, the pigeon might be like that chicken who beats everyone at


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ed Leafe
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 4:33 PM
To: ProFox Mailing List
Subject: [OT] Your OT Thought For The Day

-- Ed Leafe

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RE: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee purchase

2012-06-08 Thread John Harvey
Hmmm, less than 100 per month= <1200 per year (interest free). If the laptop
is 1000, do the math.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Allen
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee

1200 for a laptop a year? Bloody hell

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of John Harvey
Sent: 08 June 2012 21:12
Subject: RE: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee

I get a new laptop every August on tax free day. Purchase from Walmart, 12
months same as cash (free money), so it costs me less than 100.00 per month.


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RE: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee purchase

2012-06-08 Thread John Harvey
I get a new laptop every August on tax free day. Purchase from Walmart, 12
months same as cash (free money), so it costs me less than 100.00 per month.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 1:20 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee

My 2yo Compaq just bit the dust, so buying a 3yo doesn't sound good to me
especially since you have to buy an operating system for it

- Original Message -
From: "MB Software Solutions, LLC"

To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 11:26 AM
Subject: [NF] old laptops coming off lease, available for employee purchase

We've got some Dells coming off lease soon able to be purchased by
employees.  We have to wipe the drives completely, including no operating
system files left on it.  The price they're selling to us for is $275.  That
seems a bit high to me for a completely blank laptop. 
About 2.5 GHz processor, 3.5 GB RAM.  Used for about 3 yrs.  I'm betting
there's at least 3 years of life left in them if treated right.

Does that sound like a good deal to you?

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RE: [NF] Recommend forum software?

2012-06-02 Thread John Harvey

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:21 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [NF] Recommend forum software?

We are interested in putting a forum on our web site. This would only be an
online system, not an email system like profox. Anyone have any

We would like our users to be able to register, we would verify their
registration, then they could use the forum to discuss things with other

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RE: [NF] Let the bitching begin

2012-06-01 Thread John Harvey
Did it ever stop?

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 9:22 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [NF] Let the bitching begin

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Colored father of 30 must be Muslim

2012-05-28 Thread John Harvey
I'll bet we've got "fathers" who have been even more prolific here in

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 8:29 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Colored father of 30 must be Muslim

Hi Everybody,

The Prophet told the slimmies they could have several wives and unlimited
concubines so . . .


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RE: [OT] - Fox News Viwers are less informed than those who watch no TV...

2012-05-24 Thread John Harvey
Hmmm, it looks to me like the numbers were statistically insignificant. The
sample was on 1185 people and I WOULD LOVE to be able to see the slant of
the questions. Additionally, the professor lumped Fox, CNN and MSNBC
together in his estimation of the relative intelligence of viewers. 

So, the NPR listeners scored 1.5 out of a possible 5 and that makes THEM

Typical liberal bs bias. NPR makes my blood boil for the most part and the
daily show isn't funny.


>From the article:

"The study, which surveyed 1,185 people, found that in comparison, those who
listened to National Public Radio fared best, answering 1.51 questions
correctly, while those watching The Daily Show, which mixes current affairs
with humour, scored 1.42."
"These differences may be small, but even small differences are important
when we're talking about millions of people," said Dan Cassino, political
scientist and poll analyst. "We expect that watching the news should help
people learn, but the most popular of the national media sources - Fox, CNN,
MSNBC - seem to be the least informative."

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RE: [OT] Can't lie well enough or fast enough

2012-05-24 Thread John Harvey
I'm good with her stepping down, regardless of the reason.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 3:03 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Can't lie well enough or fast enough

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Nicholas Geti  wrote:
> You have to realize that the political machines were doing a number on 
> her and she would have to spend millions fighting the lawsuits that 
> they were threatening to bring against her. Totally unfounded but that 
> is what crazed politicians do to defeat their opponents. She would 
> have spent the next four years dealing with these issues rather than
manage her office.

Do you believe that?

When you are the CEO of the State you don't just quit because it is
difficult.  Do you?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Can't lie well enough or fast enough

2012-05-23 Thread John Harvey
She is anything but an idiot. She defeated a sitting incumbent governor, and
prior to that won the mayors race of her hometown. Plus she is SMOKING HOT!
The MSM loves to ignore the king and his jestor when they say stupd stuff
like Obama and the 57 states, or Joe and . . . who has room to enumerate all
of his idiocies.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:27 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Can't lie well enough or fast enough

They keep calling Sarah an idiot, are they honestly going to tell us that
Joe Biden is smarter than her?  

- Original Message -
From: Pete Theisen 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] Can't lie well enough or fast enough

On 05/23/2012 01:44 PM, Kurt Wendt wrote:

> had the nerve to put someone in the White House who sounded on TV - 
> when he gave speeches - like a Southern HillBilly! Just the way he 
> spoke. It was LUDICROUS!

Hi Kurt,

I thought he was funny :-)

> But, in the end - I don't think there was a Single time that people 
> tried to put a case against him - and try to impeach him - like has 
> been done to a number of our past Dem Presidents.
> I was glad to see a Pres. on TV again - who actually sounded 
> Intelligent when he spoke to our country - even though I know you and 
> Pete totally Hate Obama!

"Hate Obama" is the wrong phrase. We hate to see an entertainer trying
statesmanship and failing catastrophically. Especially when we really need a

> Of course, if somehow Hillary had won - you both would have Basher her 
> just as much!

Nice to see that you know our hearts and minds so well.

> Yet - if that Idiot woman from Alaska had gotten into office - you 
> both probably would have thought she was the GREATEST Thing since 
> Sliced Bread!!!

Idiot? If she is an Idiot how come the Ds get turned inside out when they
debate her? Most won't even try. Have you challenged her?


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RE: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

2012-05-23 Thread John Harvey
The issue is the "fair use policy", which means they meter you after you hit
a certain bandwidth and it will slow to a trickle unless you pay big bucks.
I am a certified HughesNet installer, and had a direcway system because they
didn't offer dsl or anything else when I first built this house. I now have
DSL. I like satellite for remote systems and emergency systems, but not for
heavy usage.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 5:33 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

If i'm not mistaken, satellite is only for the down traffic, the up traffic
still goes through a phone line.  

- Original Message -
From: Leland Jackson 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

The below web page states:

As long as you have a clear view of the southern sky where the provider can
stick the small satellite, and you have a PC or Mac, you can access the


Anyway, satellite internet is expensive and doesn't provide much more
bandwidth than an analog modem, so it's probably only good where DSL or
Cable are not available.

A router with two WAN  Ethernet ports might work.  You might need a cable
with an RJ45 connection at one end to connect into the router and a com
connection on the other end to connect to the dialup modem.  I'm not sure
how you would talk to the modem when its connected to the router, (eg to
initialize it and call the ISP, but this could be explored.  There is
software in Linux that allows talking to a modem connected to a com port,
but doing this through the router might be a problem.  I think some dual WAN
port routers only allow only one WAN port to be open at a time.  LOL


Leland J

On 05/23/2012 03:57 PM, Michael Madigan wrote:
> Satellite has issues with heavy rain, wind or snow.
> Here's a network 56k modem that might work.  You might have to teach 
> the users to manually connect, though
> From: Leland Jackson
> To: ProFox Email List
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 4:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
> What about satellite internet?  It might be reliable enough that you 
> wouldn't need a dialup fallback.
> You could use Nagios to monitor services and have it notify you if 
> anything goes down.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> On 05/23/2012 03:30 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
>> Excellent!  I should be able to figure the configuration out from that!
>> Would you care to share or point to an example Python script?
>> Thanks - Joe
>> On Wednesday, May 23, 2012  4:20 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>>> Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:20:33 -0700
>>> From: Paul McNett
>>> To:
>>> cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
>>> The linux box I was talking about *was* the gateway, and had a 
>>> static IP address of The box had two network interfaces, 
>>> eth0 with a dhcp-assigned address by the cable ISP, and ppp0 with a 
>>> dhcp-assigned address by the dialup ISP. So client computers didn't 
>>> need to change anything with their addresses, gateway, or routing
>>> Paul
>>> On 5/23/12 1:15 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
>>>> Paul,
>>>> In my case I would not want the dialup to be active unless the DSL 
>>>> was down as the Dialup modem will be connected to the fax line.  In 
>>>> my current configuration when I manually switch between DSL and 
>>>> EVDO routers,  I switch the IP addresses so that the active device 
>>>> is always at the same address.  This allows the connected machines 
>>>> to access the gateway without needing to hit the DHCP server.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Joe
>>>> On Tuesday, May 22, 2012  4:37 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>>>>> Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 13:37:31 -0700
>>>>> From: Paul McNett
>>>>> To:
>>>>> cc:
>>>>> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
>>>>> On 5/22/12 1:13

RE: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

2012-05-23 Thread John Harvey
That was the first gen stuff. Now it goes up and down via satellite.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 5:33 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

If i'm not mistaken, satellite is only for the down traffic, the up traffic
still goes through a phone line.  

- Original Message -
From: Leland Jackson 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup

The below web page states:

As long as you have a clear view of the southern sky where the provider can
stick the small satellite, and you have a PC or Mac, you can access the


Anyway, satellite internet is expensive and doesn't provide much more
bandwidth than an analog modem, so it's probably only good where DSL or
Cable are not available.

A router with two WAN  Ethernet ports might work.  You might need a cable
with an RJ45 connection at one end to connect into the router and a com
connection on the other end to connect to the dialup modem.  I'm not sure
how you would talk to the modem when its connected to the router, (eg to
initialize it and call the ISP, but this could be explored.  There is
software in Linux that allows talking to a modem connected to a com port,
but doing this through the router might be a problem.  I think some dual WAN
port routers only allow only one WAN port to be open at a time.  LOL


Leland J

On 05/23/2012 03:57 PM, Michael Madigan wrote:
> Satellite has issues with heavy rain, wind or snow.
> Here's a network 56k modem that might work.  You might have to teach 
> the users to manually connect, though
> From: Leland Jackson
> To: ProFox Email List
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 4:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
> What about satellite internet?  It might be reliable enough that you 
> wouldn't need a dialup fallback.
> You could use Nagios to monitor services and have it notify you if 
> anything goes down.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> On 05/23/2012 03:30 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
>> Excellent!  I should be able to figure the configuration out from that!
>> Would you care to share or point to an example Python script?
>> Thanks - Joe
>> On Wednesday, May 23, 2012  4:20 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>>> Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:20:33 -0700
>>> From: Paul McNett
>>> To:
>>> cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
>>> The linux box I was talking about *was* the gateway, and had a 
>>> static IP address of The box had two network interfaces, 
>>> eth0 with a dhcp-assigned address by the cable ISP, and ppp0 with a 
>>> dhcp-assigned address by the dialup ISP. So client computers didn't 
>>> need to change anything with their addresses, gateway, or routing
>>> Paul
>>> On 5/23/12 1:15 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:

 In my case I would not want the dialup to be active unless the DSL 
 was down as the Dialup modem will be connected to the fax line.  In 
 my current configuration when I manually switch between DSL and 
 EVDO routers,  I switch the IP addresses so that the active device 
 is always at the same address.  This allows the connected machines 
 to access the gateway without needing to hit the DHCP server.



 On Tuesday, May 22, 2012  4:37 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 13:37:31 -0700
> From: Paul McNett
> To:
> cc:
> Subject: Re: [NF] Fail safe Internet using DSL and Dialup
> On 5/22/12 1:13 PM, Joe Yoder wrote:
>> I have been looking for a modem that connects to the Internet via DSL
as long as that service is up but then automatically switches to Dialup if
the DSL is down.  I have had no luck finding that functionality in one box. 
If someone knows of such a device I am all ears!
> I did this about 8 years ago using a Linux box and a python 
> script. It kept both the high-speed and dialup links live as much 
> as possible but when it detected a problem with the high-speed, it
reset the priority of the dialup link in the routing table.
> Paul
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RE: Win XP Pro SP1 Version 2002

2012-05-23 Thread John Harvey
Call MS tech support and see if you can get a replacement cd.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ajoy Khaund
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: Win XP Pro SP1 Version 2002

Kurt you are right.

The WinXp CD which I have is original. I had no problem for the last 8
years. I must have used it three times or so. My cd drive is about 12 years
old so that must have spoilt the CD with use.

If I had a pirated XP CD I would not have asked in this forum of which I
have been a member for quite a no. of years.

Anyway no hard feelings I hope.


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Kurt Wendt  wrote:

> Nicholas - I think its possible you may be jumping to conclusions! I 
> think Ajoy bought a legit copy of Windows. But, now that he has a 
> problem - and its an OLD OS to begin with - now he has a serious 
> problem trying to fix it. He simply brought up the fact that others 
> within his country get illegal versions of SW - but, that does NOT 
> mean that he did.
> Of course - Ajoy - feel free to jump in here - in case I have 
> something wrong.  (Although - considering where he is from - he is 
> probably sleeping right now - while the rest of us are slaving away at 
> work...)
> :-)
> -K-
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Nicholas Geti
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 10:26 PM
> Oh, I knew alright. I am amazed that this fellow said it explicitly. I 
> am not about to send him any help.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kurt Wendt" 
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> > Nicholas - you really don't know?
> >
> > I think it was a buddy of mine from Pakistan - told me he goes into 
> > these stores - and you can get almost ANY SW - and they burn a copy
> onto
> > a CD for you - SUPER Cheap - and they even have Copies of books - 
> > and
> I
> > saw one - it was like a paper back book - a BIG book - but, the 
> > pages
> -
> > they were like Newspaper print! Really strange indeed.
> >
> > So - no - I don't think he means people steal it - but, rather - 
> > they get it free or super cheap - but, in the end - its kinda the 
> > same
> thing.
> > Other countries don't have the same issue w/SW Piracy that we have
> here
> > in the USA (Not sure where you are located) - but, more and more ARE 
> > Cracking down - even in China!
> >
> > And - of course - you know that Microsoft has a whole division that
> goes
> > on MAJOR Busts to stop trafficking of illegal SW - and they work 
> > with the FBI and do Stings. I read about it a while ago - and I 
> > think there were big Sting Ops going on at that time in Mexico! 
> > There exists
> > BIG Operations and money made in illegal software sales!
> >
> > -K-
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [] On 
> > Behalf Of Nicholas Geti
> >
> > Are you needing a Windows Recovery CD or the Foxpro CD?
> > Do you mean everyone there is stealing the software?
> >
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RE: download emails with vfp9

2012-05-10 Thread John Harvey
I don't receive email via vfp9, but I do send  to gmail with it. I use
outlook to pull the gmail stuff in.

oMSG = Createobject("cdo.message")
oMSG.Subject = "Prowler Requested Tag Hits Report
>From "+_Screen.lcpno  && put your own subject line here.
oMSG.TextBody = "Sending an email using VFP and

on/sendusing") = 2

on/smtpserver") = ""

on/smtpauthenticate") = 1

on/sendusername") = ""

on/sendpassword") = "thisiswhereyourpasswordwouldbe"

on/smtpserverport") = 465

on/smtpusessl") = .T.

on/smtpusessl") = .F.

on/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60

on/smtpserver") = ""
oMSG.To=' someotherusername'
oMSG.From=' myusername'
Release oMSG

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Angel Dario Rodriguez
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:47 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: download emails with vfp9

Hi pals. Can someone give any clue about to downlaod emails using gmail
directly by vpf9 code ?

--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative
  text/plain (text body -- kept)

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RE: String too long to fit....

2012-04-17 Thread John Harvey
Change a data type?

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Desmond Lloyd
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:13 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: String too long to fit

Good Morning All,

This piece of code has worked for ages.  Now all of a sudden I am getting a
"String too long to fit" error.  Broke the union all into three different
cursors,  the first two are fine,  the third errors out?

Does anyone see anything blatantly wrong that would throw this error


select womast01.step,stepcode.tbldesc as
step_desc,womast01.sub_step,subCodes.tbldesc as sub_desc,00 as
as commit,womast01.location, ;
womast01.descrip,,womast01.reqdate,date() -
womast01.recdate as house_days,alltrim(complaint) as
txt_comp,workreq,space(254) as wo_note from
womast01,stepcode,subcodes,arcust01 where womast01.step = stepcode.code and
womast01.sub_step = subcodes.code and ;
womast01.custno = arcust01.custno and womast01.step
= '22' and womast01.sub_step # '22'  and womast01.status # 'H'  into cursor
hold1 *union all select womast01.step,stepcode.tbldesc as
step_desc,womast01.sub_step,subCodes.tbldesc as sub_desc,00 as
as commit,womast01.location, ;
womast01.descrip,,womast01.reqdate,date() -
womast01.recdate as house_days,alltrim(complaint) as txt_comp,workreq
,space(254) as wo_note from womast01,stepcode,subcodes,arcust01 where
womast01.step = stepcode.code and womast01.sub_step = subcodes.code and ;
womast01.custno = arcust01.custno and
womast01.sub_step = '22' and womast01.step # '22' and womast01.status # 'H'
into cursor hold2 *union all
>>>>>>>>> BLOWS U HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<< 8-(

select womast01.step,stepcode.tbldesc as
step_desc,womast01.sub_step,subCodes.tbldesc as sub_desc,00 as
as commit,womast01.location, ;
womast01.descrip,,womast01.reqdate,date() -
womast01.recdate as house_days,alltrim(complaint) as
txt_comp,workreq,space(254) as wo_note from
womast01,stepcode,subcodes,arcust01 where womast01.step = stepcode.code and
womast01.sub_step = subcodes.code and ;
womast01.custno = arcust01.custno and
womast01.sub_step = '22' and womast01.step = '22' and womast01.status # 'H'
into cursor hold3

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RE: [NF[ Founder of Commodore Computer dies

2012-04-15 Thread John Harvey
I started programming when all we had were zeros. The ones didn't come along
for years lol

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Malcolm Greene
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [NF[ Founder of Commodore Computer dies

Dating myself a bit here ... I had the 2 predecessors to the C-64: MOS
Technologies KIM-1 (1K memory and a hex key pad) and an 8K Commodore Pet.

Great memories!


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RE: Brain fart moment ...

2012-04-11 Thread John Harvey
I believe the help file is online at msdn. You might try 

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dave Crozier
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 7:36 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: RE: Brain fart moment ...

thanks for the reply, I can't really change the logic that I want to use ...
i.e adding the column header in the form declaration for reasons I can't go
into, but thanks anyway. 

I'm just confused as to why the syntax for the "add object.." column header
doesn't work. If you have a help file handy then would you or anyone check
the syntax for me as I'm sure it's correct but obviously I'm wrong

Damned frustrating...


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ajit Abraham
Sent: 11 April 2012 12:15
Subject: Re: Brain fart moment ...

Hi Dave,

If your design and logic allows you to manipulate the header outside the
class, then ...


_Ajit Abraham

On 11/04/2012 13:18, Dave Crozier wrote:
> OK, I'm having

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RE: [OT] Street Lights effect on crime, accidents?

2012-04-10 Thread John Harvey
I doubt that streetlights alone are responsible for a crime reduction, but
it certainly couldn't hurt.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:00 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Street Lights effect on crime, accidents?

John Harvey wrote:
> Depends on whether you have tritium sights on your pistol or not. lol

Hi John,

Plain blued steel. However, it is a Charter Bulldog Pug .44. If I miss the
bad guy five times I can still club him with the barrel.

On the other hand, the muzzle blast may have rung his bell. Or rung mine.

I read one website where they said there are 8 studies that report an
average of 7% reduction in crime with good street lighting. Is that about

> Sarasota has 1/3 of its streetlights burnt out. Workers just too lazy 
> to bother. Is this important or not?


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RE: [OT] Street Lights effect on crime, accidents?

2012-04-09 Thread John Harvey
Depends on whether you have tritium sights on your pistol or not. lol


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 11:05 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: [OT] Street Lights effect on crime, accidents?

Hi Everybody,

Sarasota has 1/3 of its streetlights burnt out. Workers just too lazy to
bother. Is this important or not?


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RE: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app

2012-04-03 Thread John Harvey
I know. It was a joke. Lol


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Sytze de Boer
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app

All 3 are IE
I was asking for an alternative to IE


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:34 PM, John Harvey 
> Sure there is an alternative.
> Oie=createobject('internetexplorer.application')
> And
> Oie=newobject('internetexplorer.application')
> And
> oie=GETOBJECT('','internetexplorer.application')
> Geez that was easy. Lol
> John Harvey
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Sytze de Boer
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 8:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app
> Now all of this is all very well but how do I avoid IE (if I wanted
> to) when using VFP
> For example, several of my modules use the statement
> loIE = Createobject('InternetExplorer.Application')
> Is there an alternative ?
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Michael Madigan 
> wrote:
>> Steve spelled "You're" correctly?   ::grasping chest, having heart
> attack::
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Stephen Russell 
>> To: ProFox Email List 
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:14 AM
>> Subject: Re: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app
>> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:54 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC 
>>  wrote:
>>> k
>>> -by-dropping-ie/
>>> WowI thought if you designed things in a neutral fashion, 
>>> they're supposed to work on all of the browsers?
>> ---
>> You're funny.
>> --
>> Stephen Russell
>> 901.246-0159 cell
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RE: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app

2012-04-03 Thread John Harvey
Sure there is an alternative.

Geez that was easy. Lol

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Sytze de Boer
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app

Now all of this is all very well but how do I avoid IE (if I wanted
to) when using VFP
For example, several of my modules use the statement

loIE = Createobject('InternetExplorer.Application')

Is there an alternative ?

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Michael Madigan 
> Steve spelled "You're" correctly?   ::grasping chest, having heart
> - Original Message -
> From: Stephen Russell 
> To: ProFox Email List 
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Vendor specifically excluded IE for their app
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:54 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC 
>  wrote:
>> -by-dropping-ie/
>> WowI thought if you designed things in a neutral fashion, they're 
>> supposed to work on all of the browsers?
> ---
> You're funny.
> --
> Stephen Russell
> 901.246-0159 cell
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RE: [NF] What's average bandwidth?

2012-04-01 Thread John Harvey
I also would like to note that I have a Droid with Verizon as the provider
and that is all I use it for. It is a hotspot for my use at work, so I don't
exceed the limits of data consumption and we have an unlimited data package.
However, it is flaky, at best. It is constantly dropping connection and
reconnecting. If you have Bellsouth in your area, you can get a dsl
connection for about $30.00 a month. At home, I am forced to use the only
local telco and pay $100.00 per month for dsl and cable. 

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Kurt @ VR-FX
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [NF] What's average bandwidth?

I agree w/John. I know several providers limit your total usage for the
month - and then you pay a MAJOR Premium if you go over it. 1 or more of
them will throttle back your speed once you start using TOO much bandwidth
in a month. I think only T-Mobile or maybe its Sprint - that claims NOT to
throttle back the speed after you go over a limit.

But - maybe we are misunderstanding what you want to do - since it does NOT
seem like a viable option to do what you stated here.

Also - as John said - some carriers have it against their policy for people
to open up a Hotspot - and let others jump onto thier bandwidth - while
others carriers actually Advertise this feature on TV - so you will have to
look into that...


On 4/1/2012 11:06 AM, John Harvey wrote:
> You might want to rethink that. The providers will kill the connection 
> for mobile devices if you are deemed an abuser. If you run a whole 
> house off a mobile hotspot, I would think they would throttle it 
> pretty quick. Google the keywords "mobile hotspots Verizon throttle"
> John Harvey
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Michael Madigan
> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:04 AM
> To: Pro Fox Email List
> Subject: [NF] What's average bandwidth?
> I'm looking at replacing my home broadband Internet service with 4G mobile
> hotspot service.   but I have no idea how much bandwidth I would need..
> Does anyone have an idea what a typical desktop uses as far as bandwidth?

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RE: [NF] What's average bandwidth?

2012-04-01 Thread John Harvey
You might want to rethink that. The providers will kill the connection for
mobile devices if you are deemed an abuser. If you run a whole house off a
mobile hotspot, I would think they would throttle it pretty quick. Google
the keywords "mobile hotspots Verizon throttle"

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 3:04 AM
To: Pro Fox Email List
Subject: [NF] What's average bandwidth? 

I'm looking at replacing my home broadband Internet service with 4G mobile
hotspot service.   but I have no idea how much bandwidth I would need..

Does anyone have an idea what a typical desktop uses as far as bandwidth?   

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RE: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

2012-03-30 Thread John Harvey
Fox does lean to the right, but they aren't in the tank like the MSM is for
the left. They will not report stories if they think it goes against their
agenda. I haven't seen that from Fox.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of MB Software Solutions, LLC
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 10:19 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

On 3/30/2012 9:23 AM, John Harvey wrote:
> I agree about Fox. I remember seething when I would see the MSM talk 
> shows where they would have 4 people on a discussion panel. Three 
> liberals would triple-team the one conservative, and the moderator 
> would be on the liberals side of any issue. With Fox, they have the 
> shows and the distribution will be equal. I like that format because 
> both sides are allowed to state their positions and I can decide on 
> the outcome. I've found the least tolerant people are those who preach

I see bias on all the channels.  Fox is biased to the right; MSNBC is biased
to the left, etc.  There are no neutral networks.  That's why I hate the
news.  Too much bias.

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RE: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

2012-03-30 Thread John Harvey
I agree about Fox. I remember seething when I would see the MSM talk shows
where they would have 4 people on a discussion panel. Three liberals would
triple-team the one conservative, and the moderator would be on the liberals
side of any issue. With Fox, they have the shows and the distribution will
be equal. I like that format because both sides are allowed to state their
positions and I can decide on the outcome. I've found the least tolerant
people are those who preach "tolerance."

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Nicholas Geti
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 12:47 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

That's for sure. A guy at my church really got nasty when he asked me
whether I watched Fox News then walked off trying to be insulting by saying
"well, it figures". I was not fast enough to make any retort but then
figured why bother.

I find that less than 5 or 10 percent of their news items are political. And
those that are usually show videos of the liberals making stupid remarks and
let the viewer decide.

I read the New York Times downloads every day to see what the liberal papers
are talking about. I even sometimes read Klugman. The Fox News bigots are
always so high and mighty that they don't have to watch Fox News because
they already know what Fox is going to say.

If you go to you can catch a good sense of the kind
of reporting they do. It covers much more than politics.

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Madigan" 
To: "ProFox Email List" 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

The Fox News bigots know a lot about something they never watch.

- Original Message -
From: Nicholas Geti 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

Another Fox News bigot. I watch it all the time and they had no slant one
way or the other on this case. There news clips are so fleeting there is not
much discussion.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ed Leafe" 
To: "ProFox Email List" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

> On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Jerry Foote wrote:
>> You guys are not listening, after he was told not to follow he was
>> returning
>> to his car when the guy came after him, punched him and knocked him to
>> ground and was beating and bashing his head into the ground or pavement.
> Yeah, what a credible story. Have you seen the video of Zimmerman shortly
> after when he was taken to the police station? I would assume not, or you
> wouldn't make such a clearly incorrect statement.
> But I'm sure people will keep believing what their Fox News tells them to
> believe anyway.
> -- Ed Leafe
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RE: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

2012-03-29 Thread John Harvey
No I wouldn't. The paramedics are pretty good at cleaning up a wound and the
video is about as clear and detailed as any video we've ever seen of say,
Sasquatch, or Nessie, or an alien. I'm waiting for this to unfold before
tossing out my opinion. I've seen a lot in my years and I've learned that
it's best to get ALL the facts. One of the main problems of making a snap
judgement is that you don't know what you don't know. Think Duke LaCrosse
case, Tawana Brawley, etc. In the end, Zimmerman may be charged, but I'm
thinking the DA called it based on the available evidence, at the time, and
I don't think anything will change on that.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ed Leafe
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:25 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

On Mar 29, 2012, at 10:19 PM, John Harvey wrote:

> A new video shows officers escorting him into the police station in 
> handcuffs. I believe he was about to undergo, As the Supremes like to 
> say, "custodial interrogation."

Note the timestamp is less than an hour after he claimed that he had
his head repeatedly smashed into the concrete and suffered repeated blows by
his "assailant". As an officer of the law, would you find any irregularities
with that timeline?

-- Ed Leafe

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RE: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

2012-03-29 Thread John Harvey
A new video shows officers escorting him into the police station in
handcuffs. I believe he was about to undergo, As the Supremes like to say,
"custodial interrogation."

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Oke, II
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 9:43 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

What I had heard is that he was never detained but that may be erroneous

Michael Oke, II

Contents of this and all messages are intended for their designated

On Mar 29, 2012, at 7:10 PM, "John Harvey" 

> Actually, whenever a person is in "custody" and not free to leave, 
> they are under arrest. He WAS arrested, but he wasn't charged.
> John Harvey
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Pete Theisen
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:52 PM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant
> Michael Oke, II wrote:
>> One of the biggest complaints has been that he was not arrested so 
>> which
> is it?
> Hi Michael,
> I guess he was not arrested. He was "detained", "handcuffed" and 
> "interviewed". Really. If they detain me and handcuff me they had 
> better have really good lawyers.
> But I guess the weasel words are there to get around the 5th amendment. 
> If I am detained and in cuffs I am deprived of liberty, though, to my 
> thinking.
> But the guy in the detained and handcuffed video is not the same guy 
> in the still shot.
>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Pete Theisen 
>>> MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
>>>> On 3/28/2012 11:06 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Jerry Foote wrote:
>>>>>> You guys are not listening, after he was told not to follow he 
>>>>>> was returning to his car when the guy came after him, punched him 
>>>>>> and knocked him to ground and was beating and bashing his head 
>>>>>> into the
> ground or pavement.
>>>>>   Yeah, what a credible story. Have you seen the video of 
>>>>> Zimmerman
> shortly after when he was taken to the police station? I would assume 
> not, or you wouldn't make such a clearly incorrect statement.
>>>>>   But I'm sure people will keep believing what their Fox News 
>>>>> tells
> them to believe anyway.
>>>> I was wondering how long it would take to throw a dagger at Fox News.
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> Kill the messenger. But I wonder why the still picture of Zimmerman 
>>> is so much different than the video of his "arrest" - which 
>>> according to other accounts didn't happen?
>>> I mean, he has a full head of hair and is young in the still, is 
>>> middle age and bald in the video.
>>> Wait, is that one of Ed's tongue in cheek home movies in the video? 
>>> Figures it could be. Cops are so bored in the middle of the night 
>>> that they wouldn't mind setting it up. Tell them "the donuts are on 
>>> me" and you are a video star.
>>> :-)
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Pete
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RE: [JOB] VFP 9/8/SQL/WestWind Contract to Perm / Dallas/Plano

2012-03-29 Thread John Harvey
The downside of telecommuting is that it also allows you to constantly be
logging in and checking on things, or "working." I just checked on something
and wound up spending an hour....

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul McNett
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [JOB] VFP 9/8/SQL/WestWind Contract to Perm / Dallas/Plano

Companies will eventually realize that the development team doesn't need to
be in the same physical room together, at least most of the time. In fact,
everyone would probably be more productive if they were free of
distractions. Until that time, it is frustrating for telecommuters to look
for work because probably 90% of the jobs that match your skillset say "no


On 3/29/12 6:40 PM, Kurt @ VR-FX wrote:
> I personally LIKE That suggestion!!!
> Kurt
> On 3/29/2012 2:37 PM, John Harvey wrote:
>> Maybe you could get a telecommuter.
>> John Harvey
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of William Sanders / EFG
>> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:24 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: re: [JOB] VFP 9/8/SQL/WestWind Contract to Perm / 
>> Dallas/Plano
>> No takers?  Wage scale is a bit over standard.
>> Hourly when on contract, salary after conversion.
>> re: not saying Hullo.  OMG.  I am THAT busy.
>> Mondo Regards [Bill]
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RE: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

2012-03-29 Thread John Harvey
Actually, whenever a person is in "custody" and not free to leave, they are
under arrest. He WAS arrested, but he wasn't charged.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Pete Theisen
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:52 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] My son's a criminal, but that's irrelevant

Michael Oke, II wrote:
> One of the biggest complaints has been that he was not arrested so which
is it?

Hi Michael,

I guess he was not arrested. He was "detained", "handcuffed" and
"interviewed". Really. If they detain me and handcuff me they had better
have really good lawyers.

But I guess the weasel words are there to get around the 5th amendment. 
If I am detained and in cuffs I am deprived of liberty, though, to my

But the guy in the detained and handcuffed video is not the same guy in the
still shot.

> On Mar 29, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Pete Theisen  wrote:
>> MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
>>> On 3/28/2012 11:06 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
>>>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Jerry Foote wrote:
>>>>> You guys are not listening, after he was told not to follow he was 
>>>>> returning to his car when the guy came after him, punched him and 
>>>>> knocked him to ground and was beating and bashing his head into the
ground or pavement.
>>>>Yeah, what a credible story. Have you seen the video of Zimmerman
shortly after when he was taken to the police station? I would assume not,
or you wouldn't make such a clearly incorrect statement.
>>>>But I'm sure people will keep believing what their Fox News tells
them to believe anyway.
>>> I was wondering how long it would take to throw a dagger at Fox News.
>> Hi Michael,
>> Kill the messenger. But I wonder why the still picture of Zimmerman 
>> is so much different than the video of his "arrest" - which according 
>> to other accounts didn't happen?
>> I mean, he has a full head of hair and is young in the still, is 
>> middle age and bald in the video.
>> Wait, is that one of Ed's tongue in cheek home movies in the video? 
>> Figures it could be. Cops are so bored in the middle of the night 
>> that they wouldn't mind setting it up. Tell them "the donuts are on 
>> me" and you are a video star.
>> :-)
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Pete
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RE: [JOB] VFP 9/8/SQL/WestWind Contract to Perm / Dallas/Plano

2012-03-29 Thread John Harvey
Maybe you could get a telecommuter.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of William Sanders / EFG
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:24 AM
Subject: re: [JOB] VFP 9/8/SQL/WestWind Contract to Perm / Dallas/Plano

No takers?  Wage scale is a bit over standard.
Hourly when on contract, salary after conversion.

re: not saying Hullo.  OMG.  I am THAT busy.

Mondo Regards [Bill]

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RE: [OT] Love it.

2012-03-13 Thread john harvey
Where's the music? "Baby you can drive my car...."

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:30 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Love it.

John and George are dead, so there should only be 2 cars. 

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Russell 
To: ProFox Email List 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: [OT] Love it.


Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: Inno setup

2012-03-13 Thread john harvey
Thanks guys. I'll experiment.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: Inno setup

john harvey wrote on 2012-03-13: 
>  I didn't see any examples that showed where those parameters go. I am  
> creating a setup.exe, but need to know if the switches are used when I
>  setup.exe /verysilent or is there a section in the iss file?
>  Thank you,
>  John Harvey


>From what I've read, it is only available at runtime. Compile time
completely silent installs, opens up a risk of the tool being used to
install malware. So it is not in the official builds.

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: Inno setup

2012-03-13 Thread john harvey
I didn't see any examples that showed where those parameters go. I am
creating a setup.exe, but need to know if the switches are used when I call
setup.exe /verysilent or is there a section in the iss file?

Thank you,

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Inno setup

john harvey wrote on 2012-03-13: 
>  Any of you InnoSetup masters know if you can configure a silent 
> install
>  software so that the user has no interaction? I want to add a 
> webfilter  program to our LPR cars so the officers won't be able to go 
> to sites that  tend to introduce features to our computers, so I don't 
> want them to have  the ability to cancel the installation. Any ideas?
>  Thanks,
>  John Harvey


If you are able to launch the INNO, the following parameter lists gives no
/silent /verysilent /norestart

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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RE: [NF] Better roads and power YERT

2012-03-10 Thread john harvey
If it is cost effective, this would be great!

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tracy Pearson
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: [NF] Better roads and power YERT

This was a few forwards already, first time I've seen the idea.

Now this is really out of the box thinking-great idea!!

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software
Sent with K-9 Mail.

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RE: Assist

2012-03-07 Thread john harvey
Send a link to the email address they enter that points to a different
location. That will force them to use a legitimate email, though they can
create a gmail, Hotmail, etc.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Sytze de Boer
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 4:28 PM
To: profox
Subject: Assist

Hi folk

Has anyone found a solution for this.
People can download a demo system from my website It downloads a file which
they then install When they then go into the demo system, it asks to send me
an email They enter an email address and I am notified Problem is, they
enter a phantom email address

1  I don't want to change the download process
2  How can prevent the phantom email address?
3  Is there a way I can "detect" (say) their return address in Outlook

Sytze de Boer

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RE: [OT] But he is Obama white . . .

2012-03-01 Thread john harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 9:21 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] But he is Obama white . . .

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Ricardo Araoz  wrote:
> If only you would keep your dirty hands on YOUR side of the frontier
> but alas, you think you have a right to meddle in other people's affairs.

Do you want to nuke Iran for trying to get in the nuke bomb business?

Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [OT] Now David Brookes is talking

2012-02-24 Thread john harvey
Now you are starting to get it. Lies, damn lies, statistics, politicians,
republocrats, Obama.

John Harvey

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Carl Lindner
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 3:25 PM
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: [OT] Now David Brookes is talking

So, if I earn $10 a year and pay $10 to go to a federal park, that means I
pay 100% of my income in taxes?  Wow!  

As for the feds cutting taxes.  Suppose they cut 200 from a program that
would have increased by 1,000.  So, it was "cut" by 20%.  Wow again. 

Carl Lindner

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ed Leafe
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 3:45 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Now David Brookes is talking

On Feb 24, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:

> Past Fox news, or CBS, are there real facts to drive this probable 
> fiction?  I am sure there is a lot of bias in this news.

The focus on *income* tax is largely accurate: there is a minimum
income level for each family size under which you do not owe taxes. However,
these people pay a lot of federal taxes, just not as income tax. The numbers
that I have seen show that the lower your income, the larger the percentage
of it goes to the federal government when you count all forms of taxes,
fees, etc.

-- Ed Leafe

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RE: [NF] A new Honda

2012-02-19 Thread john harvey
At first glance, I had a similar feeling. However, I could see where it
might work for people who are already at the point of being limited in their
mobility. It might be difficult for someone who is morbidly obese to use one
though, and for very old people. I guess that's what the hoverround is for.

I guess Honda has enough R&D money to be able to play with this kind of
stuff though.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Thierry Nivelet
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 8:01 AM
To: pro...@leafe.coma 
Subject: Re: [NF] A new Honda

I share your Rant
We've gone too far wasting resources selfishly Let's get back to sound roots

Thierry Nivelet
Give your VFP app. a new life in the cloud

Le 19/02/12 14:52, Kurt @ VR-FX a écrit :
> I thought that was Amazing. And when they went in a diagonal - I was 
> even more blown away! As soon as I saw it - watching it on my laptop - 
> I immediately brought it out to the living room where my 10 yr old son 
> was having a play date with his friend.  I hook up my laptop to our 
> big plasma TV via HDMI - and I showed them the video. My son said he 
> was going to save up his allowance so that he could buy one. But, I 
> figured it would cost like $2500 for one - and he would probably have 
> to save up for about 5 years just to get one!
> Downside - it seems to show how lazy our society is - that we can't 
> walk around - and must be wheeled around. There they are - 2 beautiful 
> trim ladies showing us how it works. And, they should have no problems 
> walking around. Yet - there they are - rolling around and reviewing 
> art in some kinda gallery - which they could just as easily have done 
> via walking. So - in that sense - it seems kinda silly. Our country 
> also has a Major problem with Obesity. This is a known fact. And, it 
> really annoys me when I see how many HUGE People go around places like 
> a Disney park - on those kind of public scooters. When, in fact - they 
> would NOT Need them if they simply were NOT Overweight! Its even MORE 
> Insane when I see them using those things on a Disney boat - where 
> there is Unlimited Food available - and they continue to use those 
> things as they eat themselves into Oblivion!
> OK - Rant Mode off...
> Still - the Honda device IS Cool - and I would surely love to have one!
> -K-
> On 2/19/2012 12:21 AM, Dan Covill wrote:
>> On 02/18/12 13:30, Jean Laeremans wrote:
>>> A+
>>> jml
>> Neat!  I was really impressed when she started moving sideways!
>> Dan
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RE: [OT] Bammer loses observant Catholics

2012-02-14 Thread john harvey
I believe Obama's healthcare is the masterplan to take control of all
healthcare. It will become so expensive, due to obamacare, that you will
have to self medicate or go with his plan. Hitler, Jr.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 9:40 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Bammer loses observant Catholics

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Pete Theisen 
> Hi Everybody,
> Can he win now after writing off 40 million votes?
> "The new mandate will require employers to offer emergency 
> contraception drugs with no copayment, including ulipristal acetate. 
> Premium costs will increase, as will the total cost of ObamaCare as 
> religious employers are forced to drop coverage for their employees, 
> but the end result is even more troubling. Like RU486, ulipristal 
> acetate or Ella, is a selective progesterone receptor modulator. By 
> blocking progesterone receptors, it can destroy a pregnancy and 
> prevent implantation of a human embryo. In 2010, the American 
> Association of Pro Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists cited several 
> studies documenting these effects in written comments to the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration."
> --

Many companies are self funded in healthcare, that your monthly payments
goes to the internal fund.  As a matter of fact the last two employers were
that way.

So now the organization that said NO to these things has to say yes.


Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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RE: [NF] what's a good data recovery company to use?

2012-02-10 Thread john harvey
I sent a scsi drive to Ontrack way back in the 80s and they recovered all
but 1 file. It cost about 10,000.00 to do it, but do it they did. Thus the
reason I have tape backups, even jukebox configurations. Nevermore


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Madigan
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 6:11 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [NF] what's a good data recovery company to use?

He says he brought it into his local computer repair shop and they were
unable to help him, so i'm guessing it's a physical problem. 

 From: M Jarvis 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] what's a good data recovery company to use?
On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Michael Madigan 
> A friend of mine has a hard disk filled with photographs that can't be 
> recovered using the standard methods.  What's a good, reliable data
recovery company that people have used recently and were satisfied with the

What are these 'standard methods' you are referring to?

Can you boot to a Linux distro, mount the disk, and move them off to
something else?

Matt Jarvis
Eugene, Oregon USA

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RE: [OT] After billions in bailouts and subsidies, Chevy volt is still a PoS.

2012-02-09 Thread john harvey
I think we expect more out of it because it is a PRODUCTION car. If they are
selling it, it should perform. Otherwise, it is a test vehicle.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stephen Russell
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 9:58 AM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] After billions in bailouts and subsidies, Chevy volt is
still a PoS.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Michael Madigan 
> e-in-lincoln-tunnel/

This is a version 1 car.  Not sure why you expect more out of it.  I bet the
next versions will have better performance of batterys or a different take
on what it is really going to be.

Stephen Russell

901.246-0159 cell

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