[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread T.J. Crowder

I'm with Robert, is there a good use case for these or should we just
deprecate them?

But if we're going to get into renaming things, Enumerable#include is
crying out for an "s" on the end ("if this thing include*s* this other
thing then..."); without one it seems to say "include this argument in
the enumerable" -- e.g., add.

-- T.J. :-)

On Oct 3, 3:24 pm, Robert Kieffer  wrote:
> Quick reality check: Where is the value in String/Array functions that
> test for emptiness?  'These methods are nothing more than wrappers
> around code like,  "if (!aString) ...", or "if (!anArray.length) ..."
> - i.e. JS already has perfectly good constructs for this.
> It's great that Prototype is inspired by Ruby, but much of it's charm
> is due to the fact it's done a  good job of avoiding the pitfall of
> providing lots of syntactic sugar for people that don't know JS.
> (Nevermind that Array#empty() would seem to be synonomous with "!
> Array#any()", btw)
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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread Tobie Langel

Hi everyone.

There are various reasons to keep those methods around, some of which

1) Follow the Principle Of Least Surprise (POLS) by exposing a similar
API across the whole platform,
2) simplify duck-typing, and
3) abstract implementation details (for example, Hash#isEmpty isn't as
trivial to write as Array#isEmpty).

Some of these methods clearly deserve to have better names. We're
going to introduce naming changes in the upcoming versions of
Prototype. Here's a tentative schedule using Array#(empty|isEmpty) as
an example:

In version 1.7:
- Array#empty is renamed Array#isEmpty.
- Array#empty, an alias of Array#isEmpty is added to source.
- Array#empty is tagged as "deprecated" and "alias of" in the
- Array#empty is marked as deprecated in the upgrade helper.

In version 2.0:
- Array#empty is removed from source code.
- Array#empty is marked as removed in the upgrade helper.
- Array#empty is completely removed from the documentation.

It's obviously applicable to other method names.

I don't see any incentives to remove those methods altogether. If you
don't want to use them, just don't.

Thanks all for our input.


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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread artemy tregubenko

String#isEmpty checks not the length of a string, but absence of non-space  
characters, which is quite useful i.e. in form validation.

On Sun, 04 Oct 2009 11:30:00 +0400, T.J. Crowder   

> I'm with Robert, is there a good use case for these or should we just
> deprecate them?
> But if we're going to get into renaming things, Enumerable#include is
> crying out for an "s" on the end ("if this thing include*s* this other
> thing then..."); without one it seems to say "include this argument in
> the enumerable" -- e.g., add.
> -- T.J. :-)
> On Oct 3, 3:24 pm, Robert Kieffer  wrote:
>> Quick reality check: Where is the value in String/Array functions that
>> test for emptiness?  'These methods are nothing more than wrappers
>> around code like,  "if (!aString) ...", or "if (!anArray.length) ..."
>> - i.e. JS already has perfectly good constructs for this.
>> It's great that Prototype is inspired by Ruby, but much of it's charm
>> is due to the fact it's done a  good job of avoiding the pitfall of
>> providing lots of syntactic sugar for people that don't know JS.
>> (Nevermind that Array#empty() would seem to be synonomous with "!
>> Array#any()", btw)
> >

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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread joneff

On Oct 3, 5:24 pm, Robert Kieffer  wrote:
> Quick reality check: Where is the value in String/Array functions that
> test for emptiness?  'These methods are nothing more than wrappers
> around code like,  "if (!aString) ...", or "if (!anArray.length) ..."
> - i.e. JS already has perfectly good constructs for this.

It's worth noting that (!aString) is more or less equal to
(String.isUndefinedOrNullOrEmpty) than it is equal to
(String.isEmpty). Also, since we have no type hinting, (!aString) will
work easily with objects, strings, numbers, booleans and basically
everything, where as (String.isEmpty), or any string method for that
matter, should throw an argument exception when receiving different
type of arguments.

At the same time (!aString/anArray.length) are perfect examples of JS
magic in use. But then, the logical question is why use
(Object.isFunction) over (typeof object === "function")?

It seems that the more questions are asked about the core semantics of
Prototype, more questions arise.

On Oct 4, 10:30 am, "T.J. Crowder"  wrote:
> I'm with Robert, is there a good use case for these or should we just
> deprecate them?

Now that is and interesting question. To me, to using (aString ==
String.empty) over (aString == "") is all about the sugar.

Never the less I agree that any JS library should be bloated with
useless code.
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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread Robert Kieffer
Tobie, I find myself wondering what other reasons you might have for keeping
these methods, because the arguments you give don't seem to convincing (to
me).  In fact, it seems like you may have just phrased the same argument
three different ways ...

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:25 AM, Tobie Langel  wrote:

> There are various reasons to keep those methods around, some of which
> are:
> 1) Follow the Principle Of Least Surprise (POLS) by exposing a similar
> API across the whole platform,

Even when this conflicts with the principle of KISS? (I.e. "Does POLS make
it okay to over-complicate an API by having multiple ways of doing the same

And isn't this pretty much the same thing as your next argument? ...

> 2) simplify duck-typing

... which is confusing, because where empty() is concerned, I don't know
which objects it is you want to have "quacking" the same way.

If you want String and Element - the only objects that currently implement
empty() - to quack the same than they should test for the same thing, which
they don't. (String tests for zero-length strings, Element tests for strings
that only contain whitespace.)

If you want Array to quack like other collection objects, well, it already
does, by virtue of being an Enumerable.  The duck typing argument doesn't

And if you want String and Array/Enumerable to quack like eachother, than I
think you're headed down a slippery, problematic slope.  If String is going
to "quack" like a collection, than it shouldn't it be an Enumerable?  I'm
sure there are good reasons it's not... and whatever those reasons are would
seem to be compelling arguments for why developers probably ought to know
what type of object their dealing with, rather than trying to do the
duck-type thing with them.

Bottom line: where Array/Enumerable/String/Element are concerned the duck
typing aspect of Prototype is a mess right now.  The only place I think you
can make this argument would be for some sort of String-like interface that
Element and String would share.  Which might actually be interesting and
useful(???), but until it's actually in Prototype, I don't think there's any
merit in this argument as a reason for keeping String#empty around.

3) abstract implementation details (for example, Hash#isEmpty isn't as
> trivial to write as Array#isEmpty).

Implementation details don't have to be exposed as part of the public API
however.   And if such a detail is useful enough to be public, than isn't
this the same thing as argument #2 (or #1)?

- rwk

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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread Robert Kieffer

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:53 AM, joneff  wrote:

> It's worth noting that (!aString) is more or less equal to
> (String.isUndefinedOrNullOrEmpty) than it is equal to (String.isEmpty).

It just means developers have to know the difference between "!
aString" and "aString == ''".  'Don't think that changes the "reality-
check" questions.

> Also, since we have no type hinting, (!aString) will work easily with
> objects, strings, numbers, booleans and basically everything, where as
> (String.isEmpty), or any string method for that matter, should throw an
> argument exception when receiving different type of arguments.

Good point... although that laxness is part of the charm of javascript
and (for me) is more of an advantage than a hindrance.

Note, too, that by that same logic there should be functions for all
sorts of native JS operators.  Boolean#isFalse/isTrue, Number#add/
multiply...etc.   It's a slippery slope.

> At the same time (!aString/anArray.length) are perfect examples of JS
> magic in use. But then, the logical question is why use
> (Object.isFunction) over (typeof object === "function")?

You're right, this sort of thing is always a judgement call.  But to
address your specific question, I see isFunction as offering several
concrete advantages that isEmpty() lacks:
  - isFunction() is noticeably more compact than it's native
  - isFunction() avoids the all-too-frequent and insidious bug that
happens when you misspell "function" (e.g. "typeof object == 'fuction'
is always false).
  - it centralizes a non-trivial test that may be improved in the
future.  (Specifically, some platforms will return a typeof 'object'
for functions defined in other windows, which breaks the current
isFunction() implementation).

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[Prototype-core] Re: Suggestion: String#isEmpty instead String#empty

2009-10-04 Thread Tobie Langel

Hi all.

Can we please try to stay on topic.

This thread's topic is about renaming methods whose ruby counterparts
were suffixed with a question mark.

It would be very helpful to list all of the methods which fall in that
category so we have a better idea of the implications of such a

For discussing deprecation of particular methods, please create
another thread. Please keep in mind that deprecation makes upgrading
harder and is generally best avoided.



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