Re: [Puppet Users] ssh::auth server dependency on ~/.ssh and a scoping question

2010-02-26 Thread Alan Barrett
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
 IF homedir exists = deploy .ssh/authorized_keys , else do nothing

If you don't mind errors when you attempt to apply the manifest and the
homedir does not exist, then you could make the authorized_keys file
depend on something that fails if the homedir does not exist.

Here's an untested example:

# If the directory exists, then the unless clause in the exec
# is satisfied, so the command does not run; but the overall
# exec resource behaves as if it was successful, and anything that
# requires this exec is happy.
# If the directory does not exist, then the unless fails, so the
# command runs; but the command is /bin/false, so the command
# reports a failure, the overall exec resource fails, and anything
# that requires this exec will have a failed dependency and will
# therefore not be evaluated.
exec { fail if $homedir does not exist:
command = /bin/false,
unless = /usr/bin/test -d $homedir,

file { $homedir/.ssh/authorized_keys:
source = puppet:///wherever,
require = Exec[fail if $homedir does not exist],

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Issue with '|'

2010-02-26 Thread Michael Gliwinski
On Thursday 25 Feb 2010 23:19:33 Andrew Hamilton wrote:
  unlessIf this parameter is set, then this exec will run unless the
  command returns 0
 I interpret this to be the return value of the command and not the output
  of the command.  So if the return value of my command is 0 then the
  command will not run, yet I can verify that the return value of the
  command is 0, yet it still runs.  Unless I have this backwards and my
  interpretations are incorrect.

Yes, that's right, it's the return value that matters.  And since grep returns 
0 if match was found and 1 otherwise, this really should work.

For reference here's how my exec for creating users looks like (after 
expanding some parameters):

exec { psql:${name}:
  command = psql -c \CREATE ROLE \\\${name}\\\,
  unless = psql -P format=unaligned -tc '\\du ${name}' |grep '^ *${name}',
  user = 'postgres',
  path = ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', 
  logoutput = on_failure,
  require = [Service['postgresql'], User['postgres'],

Basically '-P format=unaligned' makes psql print tuples without spaces used to 
align their width, it uses the default separator (|) but that can be changed 
with fieldsep option.  And the '-t' option makes it print tuples only (without 
headers and footer).  That should produce exactly one line if the user already 
exists or none otherwise, the grep is mostly used to get that return value 

If that doesn't work for you, maybe try changing the field separator (i.e. '-P 
fieldsep=,' or sth) and see if you can work with that.


Michael Gliwinski
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Re: [Puppet Users] Magazine article comparing CPU usage of Puppet vs. Cfengine

2010-02-26 Thread Marc Fournier

 The version of CFEngine he is running is 3.0.1b3
 (released ??? Jan or Feb '09, sometime, maybe?)
 The version of Puppet he is running is 0.24.7
 (released 16-Dec-2008)
 So, even though this article was just released, I think it was
 written a year
 ago. The author said these were the latest stable versions at the
 time of writing.

The author also mentions that: In Puppet a server component is
mandatory [...] (probably he missed out the puppet interpreter) but
that Cfengine’s configuration agent is independent of a server

I suppose the benchmarks were made on a machine running puppetmaster +
puppetd, but cfengine was run in stand-alone mode. Probably puppet would
have performed a bit better if the manifests would have been run in
stand-alone mode too.


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Re: [Puppet Users] ssh::auth server dependency on ~/.ssh and a scoping question

2010-02-26 Thread Michael Gliwinski
That sounds like a path to solution indeed :)
Thanks for the tip.
I'll also be testing it on CentOS 5, hopefully shortly, I'll get back when I 
have some feedback.

On Thursday 25 Feb 2010 23:02:51 Marcello de Sousa wrote:
 The ssh_config trick could be indeed the key for a workaround:
 But I've tested it with a Centos 5 machine and it didn't work. I suspect
  the problem is the expansion of %u to the username (our usernames have the
  mydomain\myuser format). I wonder how I can debug that and see what's
  trying to find as user name.
 I've tried the following names without success:
 I'm still curious though if someone has a 'native' puppet workaround for
 this 'conditional' situation, just in case this doesn't work on a specific
 OS/ssh version or we face a similar problem in the future.
 I also wonder if there's a way to use a user list instead of one hardcoded
 class per user.
 Thanks a lot for the tip!
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:puppet-] On Behalf Of dan trainor
  Sent: donderdag 25 februari 2010 23:16
  Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] ssh::auth server dependency on ~/.ssh and a
  scoping question
  On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Patrick wrote:
  On Feb 25, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Marcello de Sousa wrote:
   If you do that you would put all the public keys together,
  wouldn't you ?
   That means users would be able to login as any other user. That
  is of course
   not what you want.
   We need to deploy a single specific public key per user.
  I guess I misunderstood your question.  I thought you had a
  really strange setup where you were doing just that.
  Hi, Guys -
  I've been following this thread for a bit here, and I was faced with a
  similar problem.  Since we only have a small admin team for some 400+
  machines, this worked out well for us.  However, your mileage certainly
  will vary.  This is assuming that you're already pulling auth
  information from LDAP, as well.
  What I've done is, maintained /etc/ssh/sshd_config with a few choice
  options, namely the AuthorizedKeyFile directive.  Here's an excerpt
  from sshd_config, which is a template in my puppet config - you'll see
  why, down at the bottom:
  Port 22
  PermitRootLogin without-password (or no, depending on the machine)
  RSAAuthentication yes
  PubkeyAuthentication yes
  PermitEmptyPasswords no
  PasswordAuthentication no
  ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
  GSSAPIAuthentication yes
  GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
  UsePAM yes
  AllowGroups Domain?Admins wheel % if environment == 'dev' %
  Domain?Users % end %
  I then have a manifest like this:
  class sshd::config {
  File {
  require= Class[sshd::install],
  notify= Class[sshd::service]
  file { /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
  owner= root,
  group= root,
  mode= 440,
  #source= puppet:///sshd/sshd_config,
  content= template('sshd/sshd_config')
  file { /etc/ssh/authorized_keys:
  ensure  = directory,
  owner   = root,
  group   = root,
  mode= 0755,
  require= Class[ldap]
  Further, I maintain that /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/dtrainor file (my
  key) with a class similar to this:
  class sshd::users::dtrainor {
  include sshd
  file { /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/dtrainor:
  owner= 2690,   // pulled from LDAP
  group= root,
  mode= 0600,
  source= puppet:///sshd/authorized_keys/dtrainor,
  require= Class[sshd::config]
  Now, I'm no programmer, and I'm certainly not a Puppet expert.  But
  I've gotten around the chicken-and-the-egg problem by just being able
  to apply sshd::users::dtrainor to a node that this key should be
  implemented on, and there it is.
  Of course I'm open to suggestion and would appreciate some feedback,
  but moreover I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction.
  sshd_config has many options - unfortunately RHEL uses an older sshd
  version that even limits those :)
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Re: [Puppet Users] ensuring a file is copied in before evaluating another class.

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel
I dont think there's a way to enforce this because you need to reload
puppetd to activate the changes. If you use puppetrun you could
distribute only the tag for your puppet module and restart the
service. Hope this helps

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 12:53 AM, Greg Retkowski wrote:
 Thanks! That sounds like the right way to do it! How to I ensure puppet
 copies out a new puppet.conf with the changes before evaluating the class
 that uses 'case $customfact'?


 -- Greg

 Daniel wrote:

 Don't distribute your facter plugin via manifest. Use puppet's sync
 which is described her:

 This will distribute your facter addons at the beginning of your run
 and you can use them in like any normal fact.

 On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Greg Retkowski wrote:

 Hello Everyone,
  I have a case where I'm depending on custom facter rules in my puppet
 config, and those custom facter rules come from a ruby library that
 installs. I need to know how I can ensure that library is installed by
 puppet before classes that depend on those facts are evaluated..

 To illustrate...

 class facter_rules {
  file {
   source = puppet://$server/dist/custom.rb;

 class sitestuff {
  include facter_rules
  case $customfact {
  value-a: {
    # do stuff
  value-b: {
    # do other stuff

 Using this, often class sitestuff gets evaluated before my facter_rules
 copy is done - which results in puppet exiting without putting custom.rb
 place. I'm using puppet vers. 0.24.4.

 I've considered using 'before =' in my facter_rules file definition, but
 class 'sitestuff' may be defined or not defined depending on what
 services/classes are defined on the host.

 Any ideas on how I can get around this chicken and egg problem?


 -- Greg

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Re: [Puppet Users] Augeas type: Removing an entry from /etc/hosts

2010-02-26 Thread Rob McBroom
On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:32 PM, David Lutterkort wrote:

 On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 14:02 -0500, Rob McBroom wrote:
 I’d love to hear there’s a way (in 0.24.8).
 I'd wager that the problem was that you were missing an onlyif that
 would keep the changes from being applied when the entries are there

I know that, and in theory you’re right. But bug #2141 has prevented so many of 
my `onlyif`s from working in 0.24.8 that I don’t even bother trying.

I’m basically waiting until EPEL gets 0.25.x to really use Augeas.

Rob McBroom

Because it screws up the order in which people normally read text.

Original message:

 Why is it bad to top-post your reply?

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[Puppet Users] Foreman environments vs. Puppet Environments

2010-02-26 Thread Marcello de Sousa
Does anybody know or have a Howto on how to use Foreman environments and
their relationship and interaction with puppet environments ?

If they are not related, is there a way to assign a machine to a puppet
environment via Foreman's interface ?


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[Puppet Users] Using --no-client option in puppet.conf

2010-02-26 Thread christian

is there a way to use the puppetd command line option --no-client in
the puppet.conf file?

Things like no-client = true or noclient = true don't seem to
work...just want to get rid off the mandatory puppet run after
restarting the daemon.


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[Puppet Users] Y[es] on Upgrade whith puppet

2010-02-26 Thread Ghislain Mokolomboka
Hi everyone,

I'm newer in use of puppet.

I have installed the puppet-master with this manifest site.pp

*class update_class {

Exec { path = /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin }

exec { aptitude update  aptitude upgrade -s | mail -s 'Puppet
master-update on $mycomputer' }

node puppet-client.localhost.loc {

$mycomputer=Calavero Development workstation
include update_class


What I would like to understand is:

1. Why my client (puppet-client) run periodicly  the command *puppetd --test
*? Does someone know how to desactivate it or where can I configure this. [I
do not have any cron scheduled on puppet-client].

2. The client *send me an email:


*Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Reading extended state information...
Initializing package states...
The following packages will be upgraded:
  foomatic-filters libgssapi-krb5-2 libk5crypto3 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0
  libpurple-bin libpurple0 linux-firmware python-uno
  ttf-opensymbol uno-libs3 ure
24 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 74.6MB of archives. After unpacking 8192B will be used.*
*Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Abort.

2. Question:

How can I do to tell [Y] to puppet-master or to the puppet-client to
install these packages.

Thx for your help!



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Re: [Puppet Users] Using --no-client option in puppet.conf

2010-02-26 Thread James Turnbull
Hash: SHA1

On 26/02/10 5:58 AM, christian wrote:
 is there a way to use the puppetd command line option --no-client in
 the puppet.conf file?
 Things like no-client = true or noclient = true don't seem to
 work...just want to get rid off the mandatory puppet run after
 restarting the daemon.

- --client  ==client=true
- --no-client   ==client=false


James Turnbull

- -- 
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* Pro Linux System Administration (
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[Puppet Users] Using tags in custom classes, and their scope

2010-02-26 Thread RyanC

Hope someone can help shed some light on this. I'm written a class
that installs various software packages that we use in our
organisation, and configures them to how we like. I'm trying to use a
tag to determine which type of config to apply, so we can just tag a
load of nodes with one thing, and have the right software and config
automatically applied.

The class is structured like so (simplified):

class my_class
class my_software
if tagged(my_tag_1)
notify{Tagged as my_tag_1: }
Install config A
else if tagged(my_tag_2)
notify{Tagged as my_tag_2: }
Install config B
notify{Not tagged: }
Install default config

Then on a node you'd do the following to have a particular software
package installed and configured based on the tag:

In site.pp

node '' inherits default
include my_class::my_software

After running Puppet through a catalog, the software is installed

Now the software installs properly, but it logs that it is using the
default config, so the tag being assigned in the site.pp is obviously
not being detected right?

If anyone can shed any light on this that would be really
appreciated :)

Thanks in advance!

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[Puppet Users] Re: How to conditionally include classes based on environment?

2010-02-26 Thread jcbollinger

On Feb 25, 10:01 am, ascodemus wrote:
 I thought also before that this could do the trick, but as indicated
 on the web (
 function.html#generate) the generate executes a command on the puppet
 MASTER-server (not on the client), so this does not work as such -

Indeed.  All the information the Puppetmaster has about any client
comes ultimately from the facts that client presents to it and the
manifests you write.  Even if you use storeconfigs to retain and share
client information, that information is still originally derived from
those same sources.

If you want the Puppetmaster to know about the result of running a
command on the client, then you need to write a custom fact.  Tim
already referred you to some docs on that.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Foreman environments vs. Puppet Environments

2010-02-26 Thread Ohad Levy
Foreman can manage puppet environment assignments to hosts if you use
external nodes mode (

Foreman can scan your existing modules assigning the right classes to the
relevant environments.

there is another environment settings in foreman (e.g. if you start the
server in the command line) - this is rails environment and is not related
to puppet at all.

hope this helps,

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Marcello de Sousa li...@area151.comwrote:

 Does anybody know or have a Howto on how to use Foreman environments and
 their relationship and interaction with puppet environments ?

 If they are not related, is there a way to assign a machine to a puppet
 environment via Foreman's interface ?


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[Puppet Users] How to determine what puppetmasterd is using its memory on?

2010-02-26 Thread Trevor Vaughan
Does anyone have any pointers on how to determine where puppetmasterd
0.24.9 is using the bulk of its memory?

A couple of gigs of RAM usage is getting a bit excessive.



Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699

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Re: [Puppet Users] Using tags in custom classes, and their scope

2010-02-26 Thread Ohad Levy
while its possible to use tags, I would recommend you using variables
(either with external nodes or extlookup).


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:23 PM, RyanC wrote:


 Hope someone can help shed some light on this. I'm written a class
 that installs various software packages that we use in our
 organisation, and configures them to how we like. I'm trying to use a
 tag to determine which type of config to apply, so we can just tag a
 load of nodes with one thing, and have the right software and config
 automatically applied.

 The class is structured like so (simplified):

 class my_class
class my_software
if tagged(my_tag_1)
notify{Tagged as my_tag_1: }
Install config A
else if tagged(my_tag_2)
notify{Tagged as my_tag_2: }
Install config B
notify{Not tagged: }
Install default config

 Then on a node you'd do the following to have a particular software
 package installed and configured based on the tag:

 In site.pp

 node '' inherits default
include my_class::my_software

 After running Puppet through a catalog, the software is installed

 Now the software installs properly, but it logs that it is using the
 default config, so the tag being assigned in the site.pp is obviously
 not being detected right?

 If anyone can shed any light on this that would be really
 appreciated :)

 Thanks in advance!

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Re: [Puppet Users] How to determine what puppetmasterd is using its memory on?

2010-02-26 Thread Ohad Levy
Thats the main reason why people use passenger (IMHO) that doesnt allow the
processes to grow too much; the other alternative is to use something to
restart the process if they grow too much (e.g. monit), if you are
interested in the internals a bit more, you can read a bit here -


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Trevor Vaughan tvaug...@onyxpoint.comwrote:

 Does anyone have any pointers on how to determine where puppetmasterd
 0.24.9 is using the bulk of its memory?

 A couple of gigs of RAM usage is getting a bit excessive.



 Trevor Vaughan
 Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
 (410) 541-6699

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Re: [Puppet Users] ensuring a file is copied in before evaluating another class.

2010-02-26 Thread Greg Retkowski

I also tried this in my top-level puppet config:

if $defined_after_bootstrap_var {
 import definitions/*.pp
} else {
 import bootstrap.pp

However it looks like the 'import definitions/*.pp' is still evaluated 
even though $defined_after_bootstrap_var isn't defined. Is there a way 
to conditionally use import?

-- Greg

Daniel wrote:

I dont think there's a way to enforce this because you need to reload
puppetd to activate the changes. If you use puppetrun you could
distribute only the tag for your puppet module and restart the
service. Hope this helps

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Re: [Puppet Users] How to determine what puppetmasterd is using its memory on?

2010-02-26 Thread Trevor Vaughan
Thanks Ohad.

I've been meaning to look at Passenger but I haven't had the time.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Ohad Levy wrote:
 Thats the main reason why people use passenger (IMHO) that doesnt allow the
 processes to grow too much; the other alternative is to use something to
 restart the process if they grow too much (e.g. monit), if you are
 interested in the internals a bit more, you can read a bit here

 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Trevor Vaughan

 Does anyone have any pointers on how to determine where puppetmasterd
 0.24.9 is using the bulk of its memory?

 A couple of gigs of RAM usage is getting a bit excessive.



 Trevor Vaughan
 Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
 (410) 541-6699

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Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699

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Re: [Puppet Users] Y[es] on Upgrade whith puppet

2010-02-26 Thread Dan Bode

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Ghislain Mokolomboka

 Hi everyone,

 I'm newer in use of puppet.

 I have installed the puppet-master with this manifest site.pp

 *class update_class {

 Exec { path = /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin }

 exec { aptitude update  aptitude upgrade -s | mail -s 'Puppet
 master-update on $mycomputer' }

 node puppet-client.localhost.loc {

 $mycomputer=Calavero Development workstation
 include update_class


 What I would like to understand is:

 1. Why my client (puppet-client) run periodicly  the command *puppetd
 --test *? Does someone know how to desactivate it or where can I configure
 this. [I do not have any cron scheduled on puppet-client].

--test implies --one-time which means that puppet should run one time and
exit. this should not fire off puppet as a daemon. Most likely you
previously ran without this option.

I would kill the running puppet process, run with --test again, and verify
with `ps` that a process does not start in the background.

 2. The client *send me an email:


 *Reading package lists...
 Building dependency tree...
 Reading state information...
 Reading extended state information...
 Initializing package states...

 The following packages will be upgraded:
   foomatic-filters libgssapi-krb5-2 libk5crypto3 libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0
   libpurple-bin libpurple0 linux-firmware python-uno
   ttf-opensymbol uno-libs3 ure

 24 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 74.6MB of archives. After unpacking 8192B will be used.*
 *Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Abort.

 2. Question:

 How can I do to tell [Y] to puppet-master or to the puppet-client to install 
 these packages.

 Thx for your help!



I had a look at the man page for aptitude, there is a -y option that should
fix this.

You can always try piping the linux command `yes` to the command, its a
little hackish, but its another option.

hope this helps,



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[Puppet Users] Re: Correct user management across modules

2010-02-26 Thread jcbollinger

On Feb 25, 6:37 am, Michael Gliwinski michael.gliwin...@henderson- wrote:
 Do you define your virtual users in global scope?  I.e. in site.pp or in some
 module/class?  The reason I'm asking is because I had some trouble overriding
 parameters of resources (even virtual) declared in another class or especially
 a define.

To the best of my knowledge, you can only override resource parameters
in a subclass of the class that declares the resource.  Perhaps you
can also override properties of resources declared at global scope,
but I don't generally recommend global resources, even virtual ones.

You might be able to achieve what you want something like this
(completely untested):

# A class containing virtual declarations of all your users
class user::virtual {
# ...

@user { apache:
uid = 48,
gid = 48,
groups = apache,

# ...

# A class in your nagios module that
# exists solely to override User[apache]
class nagios::apache::user inherits user::virtual {
User[apache] { groups + nagios }

# Apache-related nagios settings
class nagios::apache {
include nagios::apache::user
realize User[apache]

# ...

Good luck,


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[Puppet Users] ssh_authorized_key - same key, different accounts?

2010-02-26 Thread Alan Sparks
Puppet 0.24.8... I am trying to use ssh_authorized_key to create
passwordless logins for a couple of accounts.  The important thing to
note is I'm trying to get the source (r...@somehost below) as part of
the key, and the same key needs to be added to two different accounts on
the system.

It appears that the resource name is the only place I can set the
originating source (whatever the correct term is) for the key.

ssh_authorized_key { r...@somehost:
   ensure  = present,
type= ssh-rsa,
target = '/home/xx/.ssh/authorized_keys',
key = ' removed for brevity xxx',
user= xx,
require = User[xx]

So the above will create an authorized_keys value like:
ssh-rsa  removed for brevity xxx r...@somehost

But if I need the same key installed for a different user, I'm stuck --
I can't use the same resource name to create the r...@somehost
restriction.  And I can't see another way to specify that value.

Is there any way to accomplish this, without abandoning
ssh_authorized_key?  Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Puppet Users] ssh_authorized_key - same key, different accounts?

2010-02-26 Thread Paul Lathrop
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Alan Sparks wrote:
 Puppet 0.24.8... I am trying to use ssh_authorized_key to create
 passwordless logins for a couple of accounts.  The important thing to
 note is I'm trying to get the source (r...@somehost below) as part of
 the key, and the same key needs to be added to two different accounts on
 the system.

 It appears that the resource name is the only place I can set the
 originating source (whatever the correct term is) for the key.

 ssh_authorized_key { r...@somehost:
           ensure  = present,
            type    = ssh-rsa,
            target = '/home/xx/.ssh/authorized_keys',
            key     = ' removed for brevity xxx',
            user    = xx,
            require = User[xx]

 So the above will create an authorized_keys value like:
 ssh-rsa  removed for brevity xxx r...@somehost

 But if I need the same key installed for a different user, I'm stuck --
 I can't use the same resource name to create the r...@somehost
 restriction.  And I can't see another way to specify that value.

 Is there any way to accomplish this, without abandoning
 ssh_authorized_key?  Thanks in advance.

Abandon ssh_authorized_key - it is terrible.

My $.02

Regards, Paul

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[Puppet Users] tidy -- ignoring sockets?

2010-02-26 Thread Alan Sparks
I've a tidy resource for /tmp under 0.24.8, which throws errors each run
due to a socket file created by xfs under /tmp/.font-unix/.  It's
relatively harmless, but it fills the logs with error messages...

/var/log/messages.4:Jan 31 04:01:34 vm03 puppetd[15362]:
change from /tmp/.font-unix/fs7100(age)1264176925 to anything failed:
Cannot tidy files of type socket

Since tidy does not have a parameter for directories or files to ignore,
and there's no option to specify the types of files to consider, is
there any way short of hacking the code to eliminate these errors?


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RE: [Puppet Users] Foreman environments vs. Puppet Environments

2010-02-26 Thread Marcello de Sousa
Hi Ohad,

On your forum I've posted a bit more extensive question
( just in case this is a bit
offtopic here.

I'm already using Foreman for a while with external node mode.
But I've configured now puppet with environments like this:
modulepath = /etc/puppet/development/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
modulepath = /etc/puppet/testing/modules:/etc/puppet/modules
But I don't see these environments showing up on the Foreman interface.
I've also tried to create an environment inside foreman and assign it to a
host, but I don't see it having any effect on the class assignment. 

In other words, foreman's environments are not working here and not relating
to puppet's, and I can't find documentation about it in foreman's wiki or

It might be worth mentioning that I'm not using foreman to deploy new
machines yet. I'm managing existing machines and now they are all assigned
to production, and I would like now to assign some of them to
development and testing to be able to develop and deploy new
modules/classes to them without affecting production.

Pls Help ? :)


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:puppet-] On Behalf Of Ohad Levy
 Sent: vrijdag 26 februari 2010 18:55
 Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Foreman environments vs. Puppet
 Foreman can manage puppet environment assignments to hosts if you use
 external nodes mode
 Foreman can scan your existing modules assigning the right classes to
 the relevant environments.
 there is another environment settings in foreman (e.g. if you start the
 server in the command line) - this is rails environment and is not
 related to puppet at all.
 hope this helps,
 On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Marcello de Sousa
   Does anybody know or have a Howto on how to use Foreman
 environments and
   their relationship and interaction with puppet environments ?
   If they are not related, is there a way to assign a machine to a
   environment via Foreman's interface ?
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[Puppet Users] puppet certificate problems

2010-02-26 Thread yurkao
i have puppet distributed site:
 [*] separate puppet-ca,
 [*] puppet-master rules distribution point,
 [*] puppet-master file-server
 [*] puppet reports
and noticed the following :
1. client does not re-requests new certificate on certificate
2. puppetmaster on rules distrubution point does not recognize
client's revoked certificate until puppetmaster is restarted (CRL is

i want the puppetd do following:
1) client generation new CSR on certificate expiration\revokation
(optionally by config file) including new key pair
2) client autocleaning\moving expired\revoked certificates
(including keys) to revoked folder on the client
3) client automatic re-requesting new certificate from puppet-
CA on certificate revocation\expiration (optionally by config file

is there any version supports these features? i'm currently running
puppet version 0.24.4

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[Puppet Users] Finding the source of errors

2010-02-26 Thread Paul Lathrop

How are people locating the host that is having problems? Is everyone
getting reports via email? I'm only using store, log and unfortunately
the log messages don't identify the source host (I haven't
investigated the stored reports yet). Curious how others are solving
this problem.


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