Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Peter Meier
Hash: SHA1


 These are the ones I know about:

or the one at

which is developed by several people, works on Centos, Debian and
OpenBSD and can even setup itk-specific things and in combination with
other modules such as the webhosting [1], you have the possibility to
create a whole webhosting account with only a few lines of puppet code.

More modules can be found at [2].

cheers pete.

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Re: [Puppet Users] multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-12 Thread Rohan McGovern
On Tuesday 11 May 2010, ext Dick Davies wrote:
 I've been using Puppet very happily for the last 6 months
 or so to manage our CentOS and RHEL servers.

 Over the summer I want to knock things up a notch bam /,
 and part of that is going to be supporting a wider range of OSes.
 First on the hit list are likely to be Solaris 10 and Suse

 I know a lot of people do support multiple OSes, just wondered
 what sort of approach you've found works best?

I've been doing it like this, for an example module 
named baselayout:


import *
class baselayout {
  case $operatingsystem {
Darwin:   { include baselayout::mac }
OpenSuSE: { include baselayout::suse }


class baselayout::mac {


class baselayout::suse {

 ... etc.  I've just started, so there could be problems with this I 
haven't hit yet.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Julian Simpson

I'd be delighted to see my apache module be made redundant.  Every module I
tried either:
- had assumptions that I didn't like (e.g. one depended on augeas and I'm
not a fan of machine-edited files),
-  had baked-in things like file locations from RedHat-style distros (cough
- only worked on Puppet 0.25 for no discernible reason

If we agree on some features that we'd all like, then we could describe
those in a cucumber spec.  And then test it on the matrix of operating
systems and Puppet versions  - which Hudson ought to do nicely.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread R.I.Pienaar

- Julian Simpson wrote:

 - only worked on Puppet 0.25 for no discernible reason

I'd consider this a feature at this point.  We dont want to be the next php4.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Marc Fournier

  I've open-sources Digg's apache module:
  I know this isn't much more advanced than what I've seen a lot of
  people using. Here's my proposition, though. Let's get all the
  disparate apache modules out there merged together into One
  Awesome Module. What do you think?
  One module to rule them all
  One module to find them
  One module to bring them all
  And via Puppet bind them.

Excellent initiative !

Things I see missing in most of the apache modules found out there and
which we worked on in ours (

 - abstraction of debian/ubuntu - redhat/centos differences (I agree by
   debianizing the way apache works on redhat)
 - management of ssl certificates
 - selinux support for redhat/centos

Furthermore, I'd like to drive your attention to the fact that augeas
has experimental support for apache-like configuration files.
Maybe would it be an idea to use this to edit config files shipped by
the distribution instead of overwriting them with files/templates from
the module ?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Disabling exec type output

2010-05-12 Thread Ken
 How can I stop the returns successfully messages from the exec {}
 type unless their is a failure? Don't really want to see it. Using
 logoutput = on_failure with exec doesn't seem to work (as this person
 I also tried that however, with:

     exec {
             command = cat /etc/passwd | grep \^${name}\ 
             onlyif = test /var/sftp/chroot/${name}/etc,
             logoutput = on_failure,
             tag = bitbucket;

Use 'unless' instead of 'onlyif' ... you want to run the command
_unless_ the test returns positive (ie. the file exists). In your
case, its running each time so the behaviour is correct (but not as
you expect). You could also use 'creates' instead:

exec {dummy-password-${name}:
  command = cat /etc/passwd | grep \^${name}\  /var/sftp/chroot/$
  creates = /var/sftp/chroot/${name}/etc

Consult the reference docs for all the parameters and behaviour for


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[Puppet Users] Re: multiple OS support conventions?

2010-05-12 Thread Al @ Lab42
My approach to manage different OS is similar to the ones suggested
With these basic buidelines:

- When differences among OS are rather substancial, include specific
case $operatingsystem {
debian: { include apache::debian }
ubuntu: { include apache::debian }
default: { }

- When differences are just packages names, config file paths and so
on, managge differences in a specific params subclass where interla
variables are defined accoring to the OS:
class apache::params  {

# Basic settings
$packagename = $operatingsystem ? {
freebsd = apache20,
debian  = apache2,
ubuntu  = apache2,
default = httpd,

$servicename = $operatingsystem ? {
debian  = apache2,
ubuntu  = apache2,
default = httpd,

$username = $operatingsystem ? {
debian  = www-data,
ubuntu  = www-data,
default = apache,

$configfile = $operatingsystem ?{
freebsd = /usr/local/etc/apache20/httpd.conf,
ubuntu  = /etc/apache2/apache2.conf,
debian  = /etc/apache2/apache2.conf,
default = /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf,

$configdir = $operatingsystem ?{
freebsd = /usr/local/etc/apache20,
ubuntu  = /etc/apache2,
debian  = /etc/apache2,
default = /etc/httpd/conf,

$documentroot = $operatingsystem ?{
debian  = /var/www,
ubuntu  = /var/www,
suse= /srv/www,
default = /var/www/html,


In the above examples my default is RedHat/Centos, but it should be
better to explicitely define them.

- Classic Package-Service-ConfigFiles cases are manage in an unique
class apache {

require apache::params

package { apache:
name   = ${apache::params::packagename},
ensure = present,

service { apache:
name   = ${apache::params::servicename},
ensure = running,
enable = true,
pattern = ${apache::params::servicepattern},
hasrestart = true,
hasstatus = true,
require = Package[apache],
subscribe = File[httpd.conf],

file { httpd.conf:
#   mode = 644, owner = root, group = root,
require = Package[apache],
ensure = present,
path = ${apache::params::configfile},

case $operatingsystem {
debian: { include apache::debian }
ubuntu: { include apache::debian }
default: { }

if $backup == yes { include apache::backup }
if $monitor == yes { include apache::monitor }
if $firewall == yes { include apache::firewall }


- Generally I prefer to avoid defining / setting owners/permissions on
files I leave them to the standards provided byy the relevant

My 2c


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[Puppet Users] Modules in SVN/Git repositories - How are they organised?

2010-05-12 Thread Gabriel - IP Guys
I would just like to ask the question if you have any links for publicly
available modules that are source controlled - can you forward them to
me please? Or post them to the list. I'd like to check them out and see
how module development is done.

I've also heard whispers of some people getting together to share
modules and classes. Anyone involved in that, can you please also
forward me some info, make contact etc.  I've been trying to get into
puppet for a few months now, but I've only begun to take it very
seriously in the last few weeks.

The first hurdle I noticed, was not the installation, or finding help
with regards to the installation, it was beginning to configure the
puppet master. I know what I want to do, I'm used to doing it every day
anyway, but what a lot of sysadmins may find, (and read SYSADMINS, not
ruby coders, or perl coders, or anyone with coding skill but system
admins!), is that it seems you have to go back to the beginning and do
everything you've already learnt and know, in a new way. I have no
problem with that, but as a sysadmin, time is something we don't have.
Being able to check out a module I know works, and has been tested by
the community, and do the following.

node '' {
include postfix_relay
include ftp_public
include firewall
include http
include ban_list

... and adding some variables like domain name means that I have system
up, running, and configured in a set way for each and every box I setup
is a dream that I think is worth working towards.

Seeing as so much of the work has already been done either behind closed
doors, or in test environments, I see no reason why we are all
duplicating effort. After all, is that not the reason all the top
distros have repositories, and certain people making sure the code is
good for everyone?

Maybe we should manage puppet modules and classes like packages in a
repository, like a 'distro'. Feel free to voice your opinions, I'm sorry
if I'm causing waves, and I know I'm new here, but I love the concept of
puppet, and we should run with this as far as we can!

The Puppet Apprentice   :-
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IRC :- itguru ON (feel free
to say hi!)

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[Puppet Users] Re: Modules in SVN/Git repositories - How are they organised?

2010-05-12 Thread Ken
 I would just like to ask the question if you have any links for publicly
 available modules that are source controlled - can you forward them to
 me please? Or post them to the list. I'd like to check them out and see
 how module development is done.

David Schmidt has written some wicked plugins:

There are a shed-load of individual content that people have written
and hosted on github: A search for 'puppet' will
show these. For example the camptocamp guys have written a few tasty

And other puppetlab developers:

I believe Puppetlabs are working on a solution for user contributed
modules. Not sure what the status is - perhaps Michael DeHaan (product
manager for puppet) can provide some information.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Provisioning VM in Xen via Puppet - Howto??

2010-05-12 Thread Thomas Bellman

On 05/11/10 21:48, Gabriel - IP Guys wrote:

I've finally managed to get xen installed on a remote system via puppet

I was about to create my test machines manually, when it occurred to me,
that I should be doing this via puppet. Hence my question in the
subject. I was given some advice on the irc channel, but it didn't
really sink in very much.

If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to send me a note, I'll be
working on this privately, and post my findings and ideas, back to the
list. The way I have installed xen is noted in my blog if you would like
to reference it.

First of all, I have a definition for creating Xen config files.
It is part of my 'nsc-puppet-utils' module, which you can clone
from  You
use it like this:

xen_domu {
cpus = 2, memory = 4096,
interfaces = [ 00:16:3E:10:20:30, 00:16:3E:10:20:30 ],
disk = [ /dev/vghost/vm-myguest.system,
  /dev/vghost/ ],
ensure = running, autoboot = true;

There are more parameters available, but the above are perhaps
the most important.  It is fairly generic, and tries to impose as
little policy as possible.

I then have another definition, which sets parameters the way I
want them to be.  For each virtual guest, I actually create two
Xen config files; one for booting the guest the normal way, and
one for booting the CentOS installer with a kickstart file.  To
install OS onto the disk image I do:

# xm create -c myguest-install

and let it run.  To boot the machine after OS has been installed,
I do:

# xm create myguest

I use LVM logical volumes for disk images, using a consistent
naming for them, and my definition makes it easy to use that
convention.  I use that definition like this:

nsc_vm_guest {
memory = 3072, cpus = 3,
disk = [ +postfix, +spoolmail, +home, +mailman ],
interfaces = [ 00:16:3E:10:20:30 ];

The +foo disk names is shorthand for /dev/vgbar/,
where bar is the name of the dom0 machine hosting the guest, so
I have less to type when defining my guests.  nsc_vm_guest will
also automatically add a disk image for the system file systems
(/, /var and swap).

I don't create the logical volumes automatically, nor do I
partition or create filesystems on them automatically, to lessen
the risk of destroying important data.  Except for /, /var and
swap, which my kickstart config creates; I make sure to keep
persistent data on separate filesystem from the OS filesystems,
so I can re-install machines with very little hesitation.

I'm attaching the nsc_vm_guest definition I use, and the
kickstart template I use.  There is some documentation as
comments in there.  If you use them, you will probably want
to customize them to your liking.  Git clone the URL above
to get the nsc-puppet-utils module; hopefully it is generic
enough to not need any customization (but if you find that
you do, please tell me how it can be made better).


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$centos_srcdir = //${architecture}
$xen_anaconda_dir = /var/lib/xen/anaconda
$xen_kickstart_dir = /var/lib/xen/kickstart

 * Define a virtualization guest the NSC way.
 * This is a first prototype.  Currently, it defines the VM as a
 * Xen domU.  It creates to configurations for each guest, one
 * named $name for running normally, and one named $name-install
 * which will boot a kickstarted CentOS installer.
 *  - ensure::
 *Tells if the VM guest should be installed or not.  Possible
 *values are installed (default) and absent.  The values
 *started and stopped that xen_domu handles are forbidden
 *here.  Note though that absent will still destroy a running
 *guest with this name.
 *  - autoboot::
 *If the guest should be started automatically when the VM host
 *boots.  Possible values are true (default) and false.  This
 *parameter only applies to the normal configuration for the
 *guest; the -install configuration is never autobooted.
 *  - disk::
 *List of disk images to export to the guest, starting with xvdb.
 *The image for the system disk, xvda, will be automatically
 *prepended to this list, using /dev/vg$hostname/vm-$name.system,
 *where $hostname is the name of the VM host (dom0), and $name
 *is the name of the guest.  That image must currently already
 *be partitioned into / (xvda1), /var (xvda2) and swap (xvda3).

Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Thomas Bellman

On 05/12/10 00:31, Dan Bode wrote:

you guys don't use an external node classifier? Is there a reason you
prefer to declare nodes?

Why *should* I use an external node classifier?  I would just need to
invent a description language for describing my nodes, when there
already is an existing one in Puppet.

External node classifiers can only specify variables and classes,
not resources.  Big limitation.

And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
back the correct information to Puppet.

And so far I haven't found any big reason to use an external node
classifier even if the two problems above were solved.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Ohad Levy
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Thomas Bellman wrote:

 And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
 are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
 environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
 back the correct information to Puppet.

thats not correct (at least in the case of

my 2 cents,


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[Puppet Users] Re: Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Ken
 External node classifiers can only specify variables and classes,
 not resources.  Big limitation.

I personally like the separation. In our case we want to provide a
'model/data only' approach at that layer - and hide 'code logic'. Of
course parameterized classes (coming in rowlf I believe) will make
things look nicer as well so I can avoid the global vars.

 Why *should* I use an external node classifier?  I would just need to
 invent a description language for describing my nodes, when there
 already is an existing one in Puppet.

I'm guessing you've seen puppet-dashboard right? It avoids the need to
develop your own thing if you don't want to.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Alan Barrett
On Thu, 13 May 2010, Ohad Levy wrote:
  And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
  are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
  environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
  back the correct information to Puppet.
 thats not correct (at least in the case of

Really?  Did feature #2834 get implemented while I wasn't paying attention?

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Dan Bode
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Alan Barrett wrote:

 On Thu, 13 May 2010, Ohad Levy wrote:
   And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
   are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
   environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
   back the correct information to Puppet.
  thats not correct (at least in the case of

 Really?  Did feature #2834 get implemented while I wasn't paying attention?

 there is a workaround for it (although your feature is valid and should be
implemented) . The external classifier can access client facts from the
$vardir/yaml/facts. Ohad said it's possible, not that its pretty ;)

 --apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Nigel Kersten
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Dan Bode wrote:

 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Alan Barrett wrote:

 On Thu, 13 May 2010, Ohad Levy wrote:
   And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
   are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
   environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
   back the correct information to Puppet.
  thats not correct (at least in the case of

 Really?  Did feature #2834 get implemented while I wasn't paying

 there is a workaround for it (although your feature is valid and should be
 implemented) . The external classifier can access client facts from the
 $vardir/yaml/facts. Ohad said it's possible, not that its pretty ;)

Assuming the client has puppeted at least once against that server. This
won't work for bootstrapping a client though will it?

I'd love it if facts were available to the external node classifier. I'm
thinking of a flow like:

* new client runs puppet, has no facts
* external node classifier supplies a bootstrap environment with bootstrap
* client submits evaluated facts to external node classifier again, it can
now make decisions with full data about the client.

 --apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Dan Bode
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Nigel Kersten wrote:

 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Dan Bode wrote:

 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Alan Barrett wrote:

 On Thu, 13 May 2010, Ohad Levy wrote:
   And the absolute killer: as far as I know, external node classifiers
   are global, not per environment.  It doesn't even get to know which
   environment the node requested, so it is *impossible* for it to give
   back the correct information to Puppet.
  thats not correct (at least in the case of

 Really?  Did feature #2834 get implemented while I wasn't paying

 there is a workaround for it (although your feature is valid and should
 be implemented) . The external classifier can access client facts from the
 $vardir/yaml/facts. Ohad said it's possible, not that its pretty ;)

 Assuming the client has puppeted at least once against that server. This
 won't work for bootstrapping a client though will it?

it does, the facts yaml file is created before the external node classifier
is called ;)

 I'd love it if facts were available to the external node classifier. I'm
 thinking of a flow like:

 * new client runs puppet, has no facts
 * external node classifier supplies a bootstrap environment with bootstrap
 * client submits evaluated facts to external node classifier again, it can
 now make decisions with full data about the client.

 --apb (Alan Barrett)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Have I found a bug with variables in nodes?

2010-05-12 Thread Alan Barrett
On Wed, 12 May 2010, Dan Bode wrote:
  The external classifier can access client facts from the
  $vardir/yaml/facts. Ohad said it's possible, not that its pretty ;)
 it does, the facts yaml file is created before the external node classifier
 is called ;)

Excellent!  I'll change my node classifier to use that information.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Al @ Lab42
 or the one at

For sake of completeness I'd add my own module to the list:;a=tree;f=apache

It's not the most complete or evoluted of the bunch but it has its own
points, IMHO.

In any case what I find most important is to define a common naming
for defines that create virtualhosts and general .conf files so that,
whatever the apache module used, there's a common way to manage its
configuration's fragments.
Apache is the typical module that is often referenced by other
modules, right in the definition of a configuration piece that
provides the web access information for an application.

Since I'm almost convinced that people will keep on doing their own
apache modules and there will hardlly be a monstre module good for
every use (I personally find, for example, totally unfit to debianize
the apache setup on a not debian breed: IMHO a puppet module should
strictly follow the OS guidelines, directory's structure and
practices) I would concentrate the efforts in defining common
interfaces so that in an application module I can use always the same
syntax to manage its apache configuration file.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-module-apache

2010-05-12 Thread Patrick

On May 12, 2010, at 3:16 AM, Julian Simpson wrote:
 I'd be delighted to see my apache module be made redundant.  Every module I 
 tried either:
 - had assumptions that I didn't like (e.g. one depended on augeas and I'm not 
 a fan of machine-edited files), 
 -  had baked-in things like file locations from RedHat-style distros (cough 
 - only worked on Puppet 0.25 for no discernible reason 

Meaning that it doesn't work on 0.24.x, or it doesn't work on rwolf. (The next 

 If we agree on some features that we'd all like, then we could describe those 
 in a cucumber spec.  And then test it on the matrix of operating systems and 
 Puppet versions  - which Hudson ought to do nicely.

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[Puppet Users] Cannot make autosign works

2010-05-12 Thread Eric
Hi Folks,

I'm a first time user of puppet and I'm playing around with it using
Amazone EC2 instances in order to learn it. The OS is Ubuntu 10.04
server and puppet version is 0.25.4.

Right now I'm facing a hard time to make autosign feature work. I'd
like to make the master autosign any client from amazon AWS. For that
I create an /etc/puppet/autosign.conf file with only one line
containing *.compute-1.internal and the started the puppetmaster
using sudo  puppetmasterd -v --no-daemonize .

The client connects to the server but no signed certificate is
delivered. At the serve I got a message saying:

info: Could not find certificate for 'domu-12-31-38-04-

I also tried adding autosign=true and autosign=/etc/puppet/
autosign.conf under [puppetmasterd] section in /etc/puppet/
puppet.conf, but no luck so far.

What am I doing wrong here?

One think I was considering is that at some point I might messed up
with the server certificate. Not sure. Does a sudo puppetca --clean --
all remove the master certificate?

Best regards,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Cannot make autosign works

2010-05-12 Thread Dan Bode
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Eric wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I'm a first time user of puppet and I'm playing around with it using
 Amazone EC2 instances in order to learn it. The OS is Ubuntu 10.04
 server and puppet version is 0.25.4.

 Right now I'm facing a hard time to make autosign feature work. I'd
 like to make the master autosign any client from amazon AWS. For that
 I create an /etc/puppet/autosign.conf file with only one line
 containing *.compute-1.internal and the started the puppetmaster
 using sudo  puppetmasterd -v --no-daemonize .

 The client connects to the server but no signed certificate is
 delivered. At the serve I got a message saying:

 info: Could not find certificate for 'domu-12-31-38-04-

 I also tried adding autosign=true and autosign=/etc/puppet/
 autosign.conf under [puppetmasterd] section in /etc/puppet/
 puppet.conf, but no luck so far.

 What am I doing wrong here?

 One think I was considering is that at some point I might messed up
 with the server certificate. Not sure. Does a sudo puppetca --clean --
 all remove the master certificate?

that will remove the masters ssl certs, as well as any client ssl certs

if you messed up with the client certs, you sometimes have to wipe them out
with rm (on the client)

you can also try

puppetca --list

to see the pending certs to be signed


puppetca --list --all

to see all signed and unsigned certs.

 Best regards,


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[Puppet Users] Re: Cannot make autosign works

2010-05-12 Thread Eric
Hi Dan,

In the case that I messed up with the master ssl, how could I fix it?
Since I have no client signed yet, can I just generate a cert for the
master fqdn hostname  (ie: puppetca --generate $(uname -f))?

puppetca --list outputs an empty line while puppetca --list --all
outputs the master fqdn preceded by + sign, like this:

r...@domu-12-31-39-00-65-47:~# puppetca --list --all
+ domu-12-31-39-00-65-47.compute-1.internal
r...@domu-12-31-39-00-65-47:~# puppetca --list


Any hints?

thanks for the help.

On May 12, 11:56 pm, Dan Bode wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Eric wrote:
  Hi Folks,

 that will remove the masters ssl certs, as well as any client ssl certs

 if you messed up with the client certs, you sometimes have to wipe them out
 with rm (on the client)

 you can also try

 puppetca --list

 to see the pending certs to be signed


 puppetca --list --all

 to see all signed and unsigned certs.

  Best regards,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Cannot make autosign works

2010-05-12 Thread Dan Bode
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Eric wrote:

 Hi Dan,

 In the case that I messed up with the master ssl, how could I fix it?
 Since I have no client signed yet, can I just generate a cert for the
 master fqdn hostname  (ie: puppetca --generate $(uname -f))?

I would just wipe out the ssldir on the server and run:

#puppetmasterd --no-daemonize --verbose

This is the easiest way to start over from scratch.
this will create new CA and SSL certs for the master.

 puppetca --list outputs an empty line while puppetca --list --all
 outputs the master fqdn preceded by + sign, like this:

 r...@domu-12-31-39-00-65-47:~# puppetca --list --all
 + domu-12-31-39-00-65-47.compute-1.internal
 r...@domu-12-31-39-00-65-47:~# puppetca --list


 Any hints?

 thanks for the help.

 On May 12, 11:56 pm, Dan Bode wrote:
  On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Eric wrote:
   Hi Folks,
  that will remove the masters ssl certs, as well as any client ssl certs
  if you messed up with the client certs, you sometimes have to wipe them
  with rm (on the client)
  you can also try
  puppetca --list
  to see the pending certs to be signed
  puppetca --list --all
  to see all signed and unsigned certs.
   Best regards,
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   Puppet Users group.
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   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at
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[Puppet Users] Could not match '}'

2010-05-12 Thread Amandeep Kansal
Please help me:
what would be the cause of this error:  puppetmasterd 0.24.4

define apache::apache_files($owner = root, $group = root, $mode = 644,
$source, $backup = false, $recurse = false, $ensure = file) {

file { $name:
   mode= $mode,
   owner   = $owner,
   group   = $group,
   backup  = $backup,
   recurse = $recurse,
   ensure  = $ensure,
   require = Package[httpd],
   source  = puppet:///apache/$source

This gives error:Could not retrieve catalog: Could not match '}' at
/etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/apache_files.pp:1 on node

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