Re: [Puppet Users] Locally Written Puppet Module Does Not Dislay Version Number With: puppet module list

2014-09-19 Thread Nikola Petrov
Try changing the Mdoulfile instread of the metadata file.
On 19 Sep 2014 04:35, Allen Santora wrote:


 (puppet-server-3.5.1 on CentOS 6.4)

 I'm writing my own nodejs manager in Puppet and I want to enforce a
 version number

 I have generated the module skeleton with the command: # puppet module
 generate company-nodejs
 in /etc/puppet/modules

 I then created /etc/puppet/modules/company-nodejs/metadata,json with the
 basic content found at the URL:

 (... with appropriate local edits to metadata.json including...

 version: 0.0.1,


 I then check the module with the command below but I am not getting a
 version number

 #  puppet module list | grep node

 company-nodejs (???)

 Does anyone know why I am not getting a version number?

 Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetDB 2.1.0 final now available

2014-07-09 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 06:38:53PM +0100, Ken Barber wrote:
 ** Final Release **
 PuppetDB 2.1.0 final - July 8th, 2014.
 PuppetDB 2.1.0 Downloads
 Available in native package format in the release repositories at: and
 For information on how to enable the Puppet Labs repos, see:
 Binary tarball:
 Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs tickets site, using an
 affected PuppetDB version of 2.1.0:
 Puppet module:
 PuppetDB 2.1.0 Release Notes
 PuppetDB 2.1.0 is a feature release focusing on new query
 capabilities, streaming JSON support on all endpoints and a new report
 status field for determining if a Puppet run has failed. Note that
 this release is backward compatible with 2.0.0, but users must upgrade
 PuppetDB terminus to 2.1.0 when upgrading the PuppetDB instance to
 Things to take note of before upgrading:
 * There is a known issue in Puppet 3.4.0, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 with
 duplicate failed events here: We recommend upgrading
 to Puppet 3.4.3 or greater.
 * If you receive the error “Could not open
 /etc/puppet/”, this is because we have changed the
 packaged config.ini to point at a new logging configuration file:
 logback.xml. However during package installation some package managers
 will cowardly refuse to just update config.ini, this in particular
 affects RPM. After upgrading you should ensure any .rpmnew files are
 reviewed and that changes to our vendored version are now merged with
 your version of config.ini on disk. See this ticket for more

Nice to see you switch to logback. I have found it to be much
better(more than most people actually expect) :)

 * Make sure all your PuppetDB instances are shut down and only upgrade
 one at a time.
 * As usual, don’t forget to upgrade your puppetdb-terminus package
 also (on the host where your Puppet Master lives), and restart your
 master service.
 New Features:
 * (PDB-660) Switch all query endpoints to stream JSON results
   The following endpoints have been switched over to streaming:
   - event-counts
   - reports
   - nodes
   - environments
   - events
   Using 'event-query-limit' is now deprecated, use the normal
   paging/streaming functionality to achieve the same results.
 * (PDB-658, PDB-697) Implement new query engine for v4
   This rewrite of the v4 API query infrastructure unifies query
   operators across all endpoints. Each endpoint now supports all
   operators appropriate for the given field of that type. As an
   example, any string field can now be searched by regular expression.
   All dates can be search with inequality operators like  or  for
   searching via date ranges. There are also many new queryable fields.
   Below summarizes the new features of the switch to this query engine
   events endpoint
- Added configuration-version as a queryable field
- Added containment-path as a queryable field (queryable in a way
 similar to tags)
   nodes endpoint
- Added facts-timestamp, catalog-timestamp, report-timestamp  as a
 queryable field
   reports endpoint
- Added puppet-version, report-format, configuration-version, start-time,
  end-time, receive-time, transaction-uuid as queryable fields
   null? operator
- new operator that checks for the presence or absence of a value
   Some endpoints previously returned NULL values when using a not
   query such as [not, [=, line, 10]]. The query engine follows
   SQL semantics, so if you want NULL values, you should explicty ask
   for it like:
 [not, [=, line, 10]]
 [null?, line true]]
 * (PDB-162) Add regexp support to resource parameter queries
   The query engine supported this, but the existing rewrite rule, to go
   from the shorthand parameter syntax to the nested resource query didn't
   recognize ~. That is fixed with this commit, so regexps will now
 work on parameters.
 * (PDB-601) Do not require query operator on reports endpoint
   With this pull request, hitting the reports endpoint without a query 
   will return the full reports collection.  This behavior is consistent with
   that of the nodes, facts, and resources endpoints.
 * (PDB-651) Allow the web app URL prefix to be configurable
   Previously PuppetDB always used the context root /, meaning all
   queries etc would be something like

Re: [Puppet Users] Extracting gzipped sql archive, importing and finally deleting

2014-06-11 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 07:30:56AM -0700, Richie wrote:
 I'm a little stuck with a puppet manifest due to the declarative nature of 
 things and it's taking some time for the concept to fully sink in so could 
 someone guide me in the right direction here (if this is the correct route 
 of course).
 At the moment the setup is using vagrant, puppet and modules from puppet 
 forge. The site manifest declares your typical LAMP stack which in it's 
 most basic form works fine using the puppet modules and configuring 
 Currently I have a 'files/mysql/backup.sql.gz' structure inside Vagrantfile 
 root dir and unfortunately the gz won't extract to /tmp/ using the 
 /vagrant/files/mysql/back.sql.gz path as it's not recognised even though 
 ssh'ing in reveals it - at a guess shares aren't active whilst provisioning?
 Following the successful extraction of the sql backup I'd like to import it 
 then remove all traces of it so I guess the big question here would be is a 
 routine task like this of scope for puppet and if not what approach should 
 one taken given you can't declare the same resource twice (e.g. file { 
 '/tmp/backup.sql':... ), one to ensure it exists and the other to ensure 
 it's deleted.
 Thanks, any help appreciated.

Here is something that works for us:

define omysql::do($source=undef, $db, $content=undef) {
  include omysql
  include mysql::params

  $script = ${omysql::sql_snippets}/${name}.sql

  file { $script:
mode= '0600',
source  = $source,
content = $content,

  exec {mysql-import-${name}:
path= ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
command = mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf -A ${db}  ${script}  
touch ${script}.semaphore,
creates = ${script}.semaphore,
require = [File[$script],Package[$mysql::params::server_package_name]],
timeout = '0',

Basically this creates a semaphore file to indicate if the file was
already imported. This was used on a simple project to do migrations and
initial data imports. Note that it requireds the puppetlabs module and
adds our sane defaults in omysql. A basic usage would be:

source = 'puppet:///modules/myproject/data.sql'


content = 'alter table ...'

This won't delete the data sql neither the 'alter table'. Not sure how
you would do that...

Note that for more complex requirements I would write a provider. Tell
us if you do so, I would be glad to use it(the define is just a little
hacky for this)

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Re: [Puppet Users] Problem using Vagrant + Puppet

2014-05-21 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 07:06:20AM -0700, Rafaella Keury wrote:
 I'm using Vagrant and i'm trying to use Puppet as a tool for provisioning 
 one of my virtual machines.
 I created a folder named 'manifests' in the same directory of my 
 VagrantFile. Inside the 'manifests' folder I created a file named db.pp 
 with the following content:
 exec { apt-update:
 command = /usr/bin/apt-get update
 package { mysql-server:
 ensure = installed,
 require = Exec[apt-update],

You will need to wrap that in 

node default {

The  file that you give as manifest_file to vagrant should be a
manifest with node definitions

 My VagrantFile looks like this:
 Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = hashicorp/precise32
 config.vm.define :db do |db_config| :private_network, :ip =
 db_config.vm.provision puppet do |puppet|
 puppet.manifest_file = db.pp
 But when I type vagrant up db on command line, I receive the following 
 error message:
 The configured puppet manifest is missing. Please specify a path to an 
 existing manifest
 Does anyone know what is it?
 My OS is Windows 7.
 Thanks a lot!
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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-17 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 06:46:21AM -0700, Alexander Fortin wrote:
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:10:05 PM UTC+2, Felix.Frank wrote:
  On 04/15/2014 09:25 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote: 
   I haven't used catalog-diff but I 
   am suspecting that it might be a substitute for the rspec tests. Tell me 
  No. rspec allows you to implement unit tests to catch certain regression 
  bugs. catalog-diff is rather concerned with integration testing 
  (although you can use rspec for that as well). 
 I think with catalog-diff we're catching regression bugs too, meaning that 
 if the module interface is broken in the proposed commit, it will show up 
 as an error (unless no node is actually including the refactored module).

Hmm I am suspecting that sadly we are talking about sort of different
things here. In my company we have reusable puppet modules between
different teams - those are build by experts and require major testing
because we don't want to break things in incremental versions. The thing
is that those modules are not applied as is but are mostly reused in
different project specific modules(i.e. site modules)

I can see catalog-diff valuable for our site modules because it is
actually testing the end result - what will be applied to a given host.
In most cases the reusable modules are used in different ways with
different parameters - let's say a tomcat module that is responsible for
deploying war files and what not but cannot be used standalone(you have
to wrap it in some way)

   does it provide the following: 
   * Automatic runs through guard/rake/whatever on every commit to verify 
   that I am not breaking things like permissions on files 
  You could do that, but compiling each of your nodes' catalog on every 
  commit would be excessive. 

I don't see it as such a big problem. You can always put more resources
on your CI server to make that possible which leads me to my next
question - have you guys automated this in some way. I would be glad to
catch regressions from catalog-diff on all my hosts but automatically -
let's say through rspec or some other srcipt.

Shameless plug: I have been doing a more mature approval port for java
lately and although it is not
ready, there is a good looking thing for ruby here The idea is that you approve the
output of master compile the first time the test is run and then(on
further runs) if there are differences(detected through catalog-diff)
you are prompted(let's say in your editor).  This allows you to
approve the differences if you know that they won't do any harm but in
a more automatic way.

 I agree it can be overkill for many environments, I guess depends on what 
 you actually want to test, or better, what kind of confidence you want to 
 have that your committed code is not actually breaking anything.
 To me seems that the catalog-diff approach is catching a broad variety of 
 problems, also some that (I think) can't be easily catch by expressions in 
 For example, somewhere in a random manifest I'm just changing declaration 
 style for a class, from 'include myclass' to class {'myclass': }, leading 
 to possible declaration dependency order / duplicated declarations 
 problems: Node A (which I am currently working on) is including only one 
 declaration, but node B was evaluating that class declaration two times, 
 hence the duplicate declaration only on node B.
 Can rspec-puppet catch also this kind of problems? More in general, I'd 
 like to know if rspec-puppet can give me the confidence that, given a node 
 resource, the new version of the catalog will compile for that node.
Actually no - that's what we use staging for. You push your modules up
there and see if they run properly on real machines. We also use the
modules through vagrant on every developer machines - so they are
constantly tested.

Of course we want to start using beaker for those kind of tests so we
don't push crap on the bear metal(although it is not metal most of the
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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-17 Thread Nikola Petrov
:D. Too fast for da bears.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 09:46:18AM +0200, Felix Frank wrote:
 On 04/17/2014 09:06 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
  Of course we want to start using beaker for those kind of tests so we
  don't push crap on the bear metal(although it is not metal most of the
 ...but usually just bears. ;-D
 (Yeah I know. Sorry. It is just such a cute typo that I couldn't resist.)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Slides TDD with puppet - puppetcamp paris yesterday

2014-04-15 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 07:05:49AM -0700, Alexander Fortin wrote:
 On Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:57:19 AM UTC+2, Johan De Wit wrote:
  I still am so surprised when asking who is doing some kind of 'testing', 
  almost nobody raises is hand . 
  Most people just don't' see the sense of doing rspec unit tests - why 
  writing the same code twice ? 
  Well, I think there is still a lot of talking to do  
 Hi Johan,
 sorry for the missed presentation at Puppet User Group Berlin, I'll make it 
 one day or another and I'll share the slides at least ;)
 I'll be very happy to discuss further the testing topic, because testing is 
 also very important to us. Actually we do lots of testing on our manifests 
 (but not with rspec) and catalogs, and precisely I think that puppet 
 catalog-diff [1] is the key piece in the pipeline for us, because it shows 
 us for real what's actually changing with every commit we push to our 
 manifests, plus the noop runs before merging to prod give us the final safe 
 net to be sure we don't get any unexpected change in production. For the 
 last 8 months or so it's been working surprisingly well for us and I'm 
 really willing to share our experience with the community and also getting 
 and suggestions about how to improve it even further.
 By the way, I'm another one that's not so convinced about the rspec tests 
 value, to me seems that the unit tests themselves are much less relevant 
 for a declarative-like language like Puppet. I mean, there's no 'design' 
 that has to emerge by the unit tests getting green, in our team we already 
 share a defined design for module structure, and, say, if the coder write 
 the spec for a file to be there, I don't see why I should trust that more 
 than a definition of that same thing in the manifest itself, hence the 
 feeling of code duplication with no real value added.

I see the value of using rspec in TDD just because I can then go back
and refactor the manifests properly. I haven't used catalog-diff but I
am suspecting that it might be a substitute for the rspec tests. Tell me
does it provide the following:

* Automatic runs through guard/rake/whatever on every commit to verify
that I am not breaking things like permissions on files
* Does it work on the catalog semantic level or syntactic level - what
I mean by that is that if I have defined 4 files in a class each with
the same user/group/mode and I move those into default parameters for
the File resource in the scope - will it detect that I am not changing
* Will I be able to test that things haven't changed once I move to
another puppet version - let's say the default mode for directories
change in the next major puppet version?

 What I can see very clearly for normal software development, those values 
 coming from TDD, I can't see easily for Puppet manifests writing. Something 
 like Beaker [2] is what we'd like to add to our testing pipeline, i.e. 
 running tests for the full stack in a VM, but again, stil more then willing 
 to change my mind about rspec-puppet ;)

Beaker with is quite nice - note that I am still
not using it long enough to complain(waiting it to happen :))


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Re: [Puppet Users] Books and resources for Test Driven Development for Puppet?

2014-03-28 Thread Nikola Petrov
Check out rspec-puppet home page then just get and you should be
ready to go. The thing that was hidden at least for me were the resource
testing types from so look
there too(some of them are used in the skeleton so your setup should be
ready) :)

For the skeleton just run 

bundle install
bundle exec guard -c

in one terminal(a second monitor helps) and then start coding in another
window(in the first monitor).

This is basically my setup at the moment for new modules :)


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 10:24:35AM -0700, Alex Scoble wrote:
 Hi All,
 Was wondering if anyone knew of any good books or resources for learning 
 Test Driven Development of Puppet including puppet-rspec, beaker and 
 Jenkins. Yes, I know that beaker is more for acceptance testing than unit 
 testing, but I still see it as part of the testing tool chain that Puppet 
 pros should ultimately know how to use.
 I'm looking for resources that really start with the basics for each 
 subject and then help people ramp up to more advanced usage.
 Yes, I know there's 
 this and 
 some other blog posts, but they don't really start basic enough or go deep 
 What I'm looking for are resources that help me build our testing tool 
 chain and also show how to use the tool chain once it's built.
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Re: [Puppet Users] versioncmp.rb example

2014-03-21 Thread Nikola Petrov
Create a custom fact for the java version installed. There are some
suggestions here!topic/puppet-users/W67dvqS-GdU
then you do something like the following:

$new_version = versioncmp($::java_version, '') ? {
1   = '1.7.1',
default = $::java_version

package { 'jdk':
ensure = $new_version

note that this is not tested ;)


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 09:01:46PM -0400, wrote:
 I looked at versioncmp example available out of box.
 It is like strcmp.
 I have a need to write a manifest to check for the existence of java version. 
 If it is or less, upgrade to 1.7.1. This should be done on 10 nodes.
 Appreciate any example to accomplish this task. thanks
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Re: [Puppet Users] Announce: puppetdb-stencil 0.0.1

2014-03-20 Thread Nikola Petrov
This looks nice. Although I think that for the usecase you are
presenting with nagios resources it will be much easier to use
puppetdbquery[1]. The script you wrote might have other usecases. Nice
work again :)


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 02:56:18PM -0700, Daniele Sluijters wrote:
 Good news everyone,
 After about 4hrs of food, beer and code Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden (ekohl 
 on Github) and I are intoxicated to release puppetdb-stencil. 
 Puppetdb-stencil is designed to render resource types based on a template.
 The canonical example of this is the nagios types in Puppet:
 $ cd examples  python ../ nagios_host nagios_hostgroup
 define host {
 hostgroups +mysql
 use mysql
 alias MySQL Cluster node
 define hostgroup {
 hostgroup_name mysql
 alias MySQL Cluster 1
 On a PuppetDB with 600+ machines and 900+ host groups generating the files 
 for these types takes about 1s in total.
 Because of the templating this principle can be applied to any resource 
 available through PuppetDB as long as a template is created for that type. 
 Templating is done with the Jinja2 library allowing for inheritance and 
 many other advanced templating features.
 This work has been inspired by the work done by eBay/Marktplaats and Github.
 You can find puppetdb-stencil at:
 We expect to shortly add:
 * packaging and availability through PyPi
 * additional configuration switches to fully configure connecting to 
 * allow for an arbitrary query to be passed in to the resource request
 * allow to specify a file to which the output will be written instead of 
 * tests, Travis integration and the works
 Daniele Sluijters
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Re: [Puppet Users] when a puppet exec resource contains several single commands, puppet exec only fails if the last exec command fails

2014-03-11 Thread Nikola Petrov
Actually you can emulate what you want if you join the commands with .
Something like the following:

$command = /bin/ls /doesnotexit; /bin/echo hello

exec { 'cool':
command = join(split($command, '; '),   ),

Note1: you will need for
this. Although I suppose you already have it.

Note2: this is not tested but it should work. Of course it written
in a generic way so you can wrap it in a define let's say.

Note3: the error messages from this can be cryptic...

P.S. Hate using execs..


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 12:57:13PM -0700, David Portabella wrote:
 I don't agree with this statement.
 in bash, for example, if you type set -e first, bash will stop and fail 
 as soon as a concatenated command fails.
 (i agree that this behaviour is unfortunatelly not enabled by default in 
 bash scripts)
  If you need to control each of the return codes just use different exec 
  If you,
 the problem is that there are many puppet modules which use concatenated 
 commands, without realising about this problem.
 to be safe, I am suggesting that puppet should enable that behavior by 
  need to control each of the return codes
 i don't suggest executing every concatenated command and control each 
 return control.
 i am suggesting failing as soon as a concatenated command fails. (as in 
 bash set -e)
  just use different exec resources
 as a side note, 
 another improvement about puppet exec would be that the exec command can be 
 an array of strings, executed in order as long as none fails.
 On Monday, March 10, 2014 6:46:32 PM UTC+1, Jose Luis Ledesma wrote:
  When you use concatenated commands any shell will only return the last 
  command return code by design, and this is what puppet receives. So its a ' 
  works at a expected'
  If you need to control each of the return codes just use different exec 
  El 10/03/2014 16:02, David Portabella 
  exec {'test':
command = /bin/ls /doesnotexit, 
  fails as expected:
  Error: /bin/ls /doesnotexit returned 1 instead of one of [0]
  Error: /Stage[main]//Exec[test]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: 
  /bin/ls /doesnotexit returned 1 instead of one of [0]
  exec {'test':
command = /bin/ls /doesnotexit; /bin/echo hello, 
  does not fail, because the last command did not return an error!
  that's a problem, because there are many puppet modules which concatenate 
  several commands in one puppet exec, and they do not explicitly handle the 
  (inserting set -e at the head of the command line does not work, as it 
  is bash script specific)
  *I think that, by default, the puppet exec resource should fail if any of 
  the single commands fail (as *
  *in the second example). and if it is not by default, at least there 
  should be an option in puppet exec to do so (equivalent to set -e in 
  (tested on puppet 3.3.2)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Any Puppet Labs alternatives to test-kitchen

2014-03-10 Thread Nikola Petrov
Look at although I am not using it
myself so I cannot tell you if it is stable enough.


On Sun, Mar 09, 2014 at 10:35:53AM -0700, Louis wrote:
 Any Puppet Labs alternatives for ...
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Re: [Puppet Users] Versioned Deployment of Modules?

2014-03-10 Thread Nikola Petrov
Look at especially
this part
You can specify different modules directories based on the environment
and then put different version of base.pp depending on the environment


On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 10:35:17PM -0800, Atom Powers wrote:
 I have, I think, a fairly modern setup of Puppet 3, hiera, ENC for
 external facts, role/stack meta-module etc. I have a single puppetmaster
 and I'm not inclined to do any kind of master-less puppet.
 I am implementing a new monitoring system and it is a pretty big change. I
 don't want to deploy that to every host in my infrastructure at the same
 time. I want to be able to deploy a different version of my meta-module to
 different hosts.
 What is the best way to deploy different version of a module to different
 hosts? I expect I could do something with environments but I'm not sure
 what that looks like?
  Simple host description
 ENC data for host.domain.tld:
  - base
  - nginx
 base.pp v1
 include nagios
 base.pp v2
 include pandorafms
 Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
 --Atom Powers--
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Re: [Puppet Users] Condition on class existence on agent

2014-02-27 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 03:12:53AM -0800, wrote:
 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:52:04 AM UTC+1, nikolavp wrote:
 A specific example I think will be of much help. Some ideas: 
  1) Is role B just a more specific role A or they aren't so much 
  related. You can use inheritance if they are and change the file/define
 Yes, B is some sort of more specific A.
 Not easy to explain because they use custom apps, services, and files (and 
 I don't even fully know how they work), but maybe this example will fit:
- role A is web server
- role B is secure web server
- the same set of resources (packages, users, files, configuration 
edits...) is applied for both roles, but role A sets some permissions in 
httpd.conf while role B needs more strict permissions for the same web 
paths, so they need to use different parameters for the same line in the 
same file.
 Maybe inheritance is the way to go?
 I can put my resource (and related ones) in a separate class with a 
 parameter for the value to be inserted in the conf file, and then create 
 two different classes for roles A and B which inherit the class and 
 override the resource attribute through the parameter.
 Is that right?

With inheritance you get the following:

class webA {
file { '/etc/myapp/':
content = template('my-default-template')


class webB inherits webA {
File['/etc/myapp/'] { # note the capital File and the 
same resource name as above
content = template('my-custom-template'),

More can be found in
look at the Overriding Resource Attributes section. Although I don't
like inheritance as you describe it if roleB is a secure web server and
roleA is a web server I would go for it.

 Other ways to do this would be to just propagate the parameter for the 
  change to both role A and role B with default values.
 What do you mean?

Something like

class webA (
port = '8080' # this is the default
) {

class webB (
port = '8081' # this is the default
) {

now at this point if you want to declare them both you just use another

class mynewrole {
class { 'webA':
port = '8081',

class { 'webB':
port = '8081',

sadly this way the augeas or the way you do the change will be fired two
times :(

  I am not sure if understood the idea. I am not saying that you have to 
  create a dependant fact but just to set a fact with the value you want 
  to change. So let's say you want to have a database connection URI. Role 
  A sets it to something by default and Role B sets it to something else. 
  You can specify the wanted connection URI on the host with custom fact. 
 Ok, but how can I create this custom fact on the hosts?
 I'm provisioning the hosts through Foreman, I need the installation and 
 configuration of the hosts to be automated, based on the classes/roles 
 selected in the Foreman GUI. I do not want to create the custom fact by 
 hand on each host.
 That's why I was thinking about checking the classes applied to the host, 
 as a way to automatically detect the value to be assigned to the fact.

Ok so the fact is not an option ;)

  N.B. Can you also tell us how do you assign the roles for each host 
  because that might help us be more specific with a solution. 
 I assign puppet classes to the hosts using the Foreman web GUI; either 
 specific classes during tests, or by associating the classes to different 
 host groups and then assigning hosts to groups.
 Thank you very much.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Condition on class existence on agent

2014-02-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
Hmm not sure what but there is something smelly here going on...

What is the reason for the definition of those classes on the same host?
Can't it just be a single class with a parameter moved to hiera or
something else? My other suggestion would be to create a fact that
changes the setting on the machine based on the fact value.


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 05:25:39AM -0800, wrote:
 how can I create a condition based on the presence of a specific puppet 
 class on the host?
 I'm using Foreman, some hosts have myclass_a applied, while others have 
 myclass_a AND myclass_b.
 Resources in myclass_b are applied after resources in myclass_a.
 Both classes change a parameter inside a configuration file, using augeas. 
 But this causes two changes in the file on each puppet run (from state b to 
 a, and then from state a to b again).
 So I'm trying to do something like this, to prevent myclass_a from applying 
 the modification if also myclass_b is present:
 class myname::myclass_a {
   if defined(myname::myclass_b) {
 $confchanges = [
  'set anotherpath_b anothervalue_b', # if class B is 
 present, I only apply my specific edits
   else {
 $confchanges = [
  'set anotherpath_b anothervalue_b',
  'set mypath myvalue_a', # if class B is absent, I also 
 apply the conflicting edit
   augeas { 'myconffile_a':
 lens= 'Puppet.lns',
 incl= '/etc/myconf.conf',
 changes = $confchanges,
 class myname::myclass_b {
   augeas { 'myconffile_b':
 lens= 'Puppet.lns',
 incl= '/etc/myconf.conf',
 changes = 'set mypath myvalue_b',
 ...but this does not work, it never gets to the else section. Probably 
 because the defined function is evaluated on the puppet master, where the 
 class always exists.
 I cannot use a condition on the existence of the myconffile_b resource, 
 because this is parse order dependent and would always return false when 
 evaluated inside myclass_a.
 Any suggestions?
 I'm looking into alternatives like virtual resources or defined types, but 
 I cannot see anything better suited at the moment.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Condition on class existence on agent

2014-02-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 07:12:19AM -0800, wrote:
 On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 2:47:32 PM UTC+1, nikolavp wrote:
  What is the reason for the definition of those classes on the same host? 
 That's because I have some more general role A to which some hosts 
 belong, but I also have role B which is some sort of further 
 specification of role A, and host B belongs to it and thus needs a more 
 specific configuration file.

A specific example I think will be of much help. Some ideas:

1) Is role B just a more specific role A or they aren't so much
related. You can use inheritance if they are and change the file/define
you are interested in. Although inheritance is almost always abused
in this setup it is OK.

  Can't it just be a single class with a parameter moved to hiera or
 Er... I never used hiera until now.
 I had a look at the doc but it seemed to me a bit overkill for this 

Other ways to do this would be to just propagate the parameter for the
change to both role A and role B with default values.

 something else? My other suggestion would be to create a fact that 
  changes the setting on the machine based on the fact value. 
 Would be a good idea, but can a fact be created with a value which depends 
 on puppet classes assigned to the host?
 Uhm... maybe assign the fact value based on the output of a command like 
 puppet resource user someuser_created_only_on_host_b?
 I'm afraid the result would be based on existence on the master again, not 
 on the agent.

I am not sure if understood the idea. I am not saying that you have to
create a dependant fact but just to set a fact with the value you want
to change. So let's say you want to have a database connection URI. Role
A sets it to something by default and Role B sets it to something else.
You can specify the wanted connection URI on the host with custom fact.

N.B. Can you also tell us how do you assign the roles for each host
because that might help us be more specific with a solution.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Let puppet configure your monitoring (here: nimsoft)

2014-02-25 Thread Nikola Petrov
I am not familiar with nimsoft but I will try to help anyways here -
sorry if I am missing something but you can correct me. Let's say you
want to monitor the oracle instance:

First you specify the nimsoft_oracle_connection you already have
written(as I saw from the readme in github) and then on the actual
server that is checking each host in your network you will have build the 
with something like For
that you will surely need a puppetDB configuration setup that is
connected to your puppet master.

Something like the following should then work(WARNING not tested code):

class nimsoft::server {
$hosts = query_nodes('Nimsoft_oracle_connection[PROD]')
file { '/etc/nimsoft-config-file':
template('template-that-interpolates-hosts variable')

Hope this helps at least a little


On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 11:01:10PM +0100, Stefan Schulte wrote:
 Hi puppet users,
 just wanted to know if there are any puppet users who are using nimsoft
 as a monitoring tool? We are currently switching to nimsoft at $work and
 I noticed that for a proper monitoring configuration I need information
 that is already written down in our puppet manifests.
 E.g. to correctly set up logfile monitoring I need to know if the server
 is running an oralce database and if so I need to know the configured
 oracle instances and the location of the alertlog files. Since we
 install the oracle software and instances through puppet, puppet already
 has all the info.
 I created a few custom types to modify the nimsoft agent's configuration
 [1] and would love to get some feedback from other nimsoft users or just
 share your experience with nimsoft and puppet and how you automate things.
 If you use a different monitoring tool: How much is your monitoring
 puppetized? Do you configure your monitoring by hand? Is your monitoring
 system so smart that it does not need a lot of manual configuration, or
 do you use tools like puppet to automatically create configurations?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Best practices: client/server VS Git

2014-02-25 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 07:15:50AM -0800, Julien Deloubes wrote:
 Hello there,
 i'm actually learning Puppet in order to pass the exam.
 I have no professional experience on the product yet, and wanting some 
 feedback from you professional devops.
 For the moment i see 2 ways for Puppet to synchronize nodes:
 -Puppet client/server way with a puppetmaster node

This is the approach we are currently taking and it allows you to use
virtual resources. This is the only thing which should drive you to this
setup - the other is much simpler in my opinion. Of course there might
be a way to use a central PuppetDB service in masterless setup but at
least I am unaware of how to do this.

 -Decentralized way, with node pull their configuration from a Git repo and 
 make a puppet apply on their own.

This is the thing that we were doing until there were some needs for
hosts to configure them selfs based on configuration on other
hosts(virtual resources)

 Can you told me what is the pro/cons for this two methods?
 And for a large scale of node which is the preferred one?
 Thanks for your help.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet module template mentioned at contributor summit

2014-02-25 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 06:38:24PM +0100, Gareth Rushgrove wrote:
 This came up in discussion a couple of times at the Puppet contributor
 summit at Config Management Camp in Gent over the last couple of days
 so I thought I'd write up.
 A while ago I put together a pretty complete/opinionated skeleton for
 puppet modules. Especially if you're not too familiar with ruby or the
 ruby ecosystem, or just getting started with testing it should be a
 useful starting point.

Damn! I have to confess that I have used your module and I have a
Guardfile that also checks the templates. Maybe it's time I send a pull
request (shame) :). Just know that there are people out there that are
using this!

 I've added a bunch more features (including a Guardfile, resource
 coverage and support for Beaker integration tests) and got round to
 writing up a blog post about what and why:
 Hopefully it's useful to a few people. Any features or issues let me know.
 Gareth Rushgrove
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Re: [Puppet Users] Use the same resource in two dependent classes

2014-02-18 Thread Nikola Petrov
Hi Marco,

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 03:41:14AM -0800, wrote:
 I have this situation:
 Class A: contains a File resource, and a Service resource which requires 
 the File resource (the service needs to be restarted when the file changes).
 Class B: will be applied only on a subset of machines where class A is 
 applied, and it requires class A - resources belonging to class B must be 
 applied only after resources from class A have been applied. Class B also 
 contains some File resources, and after they are applied also the _same_ 
 service from class A needs to be restarted.

class A {
service {'myservice':
ensure = 'started',

file { '/etc/default/myservice.conf':
ensure = present,
notify = Service['myservice'],
template = '...',

class B {

file { '/etc/default/myservice.conf1':
notify = Service['myservice'], #  note that this is sort of global
template = '...',

Class['A'] - Class['B']

 How do you deal with this situation?
 I cannot declare the same Service resource again in class B.
 And I cannot declare the Service in class A as dependent from the File in 
 class B.

Why do you need this? You can just use the name of the service which
will be sort of global to the catalog.

 Thanks for any suggestions.

Sorry If I am missing something...


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Re: [Puppet Users] Use the same resource in two dependent classes

2014-02-18 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 04:25:43AM -0800, wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:11:15 PM UTC+1, nikolavp wrote:
  class A { 
  service {'myservice': 
  ensure = 'started', 
  file { '/etc/default/myservice.conf': 
  ensure = present, 
  notify = Service['myservice'], 
  template = '...', 
  class B { 
  file { '/etc/default/myservice.conf1': 
  notify = Service['myservice'], #  note that this is sort of 
  template = '...', 
  Class['A'] - Class['B'] 
 Uhm, I expected the notify parameter to create a File ~ Service 
 dependency, and so a Class['B'] - Class ['A'] dependency which would 
 create a loop with the other one, according to : 
 […notify…] it creates a dependency relationship like before.

Hmm (shame) good point. Haven't tried the code. In that case I would
move the service(thingy) in a separate module with a define for a config
file with proper relationships there. Then A and B will both have
dependencies on that module and it(the new module) will handle the order
and dependencies.

I find this pattern far cleaner and when you think about it services are
just separate things so giving each of them a module makes sense.


 Does it work instead? Maybe I should just try it. But time's up for today.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Code coverage for puppet resources

2014-02-05 Thread Nikola Petrov

I am waiting for this from months. Thanks so much!

Now I will be able to actually measure my coverage and not blindly rely
on proper TDD.


On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:50:44PM +, Gareth Rushgrove wrote:
 For anyone else who likes writing tests for their puppet manifests,
 I've just added basic code coverage to rspec-puppet:
 A blog post here about how to use it:
 I'd be interested in any feedback on how to improve or add to this.
 Gareth Rushgrove
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Re: [Puppet Users] Dynamic Nagios Hostgroup members via collected resources?

2014-01-15 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 08:57:08AM -0800, smalderma wrote:
 Greetings All,
 I've referenced a few older discussions about nagios hostgroups and the 
 nagios_hostgroup resource.  I admit I'm somewhat new to this game, so 
 please excuse my ignorance on the complexities.  I'm looking for a way that 
 puppet can use collections / exported resources to create nagios host 
 groups.  For instance, I'd like a hostgroups for osfamilies, puppet 
 environments, domains, and perhaps virtual or hardware platform.
 It seems like using @@nagios_hostgroup on the nodes, and collecting the 
 resources on the Nagios server is not sufficient, when what I'm looking for 
 is one hostgroup named RedHat with members of this osfamily, and another 
 hostgroup named Solaris whose members are of the solaris osfamily.  I've 
 not had much success writing this into puppet, so is this just not 
 possible?  Would I be better served creating custom resource(s) that simply 
 collect lists of node names by the facts I'm interested and then the Nagios 
 server uses those collections as data to populate its set of 
 nagios_hostgroup resources?
 Thanks for your thoughts and wisdom.

I think that the only real way to do this properly is to not realize
nagios resources in the standard way. Check out and see if you can do
your nagios configuration with it. This is currently on my TODO list as
I am feeling the same pain(currently I am defining those in a big hiera


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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: logstash module to control service

2014-01-14 Thread Nikola Petrov
Not that it is related to puppet but you should check their wiki for
example proper init scripts. I can remember there were systemd, upstart
and normal systemv scripts for logstash. Also is there a reason why you
are not using the official module. It suits our needs more than good and
it is always up to date with different plugins.


On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 06:17:05AM -0800, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:05:34 AM UTC-6, Dick Davies wrote:
  Are you sure that 'service logstash status' is working properly? 
  That's what puppet is using to confirm 
  logstash is running. 
 Indeed, the debug output suggests that 'service logstash status' is 
 *not*working as Puppet expects it to do.  It shows puppet running that 
 (to determine whether logstash is running) and then not following up with 
 anything.  That shows that Service['logstash'] is indeed in the catalog, 
 and that Puppet thinks it is already in the desired target state.
 On second reading I observe at least one strange thing about the 
 initscript's 'status' command: it relies on a variable $PID that seems 
 nowhere initialized.  I can't immediately explain why that would lead to 
 the observed behavior, but it's certainly erroneous.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Unpleasant puppetlabs experience

2013-12-12 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Sat, Dec 07, 2013 at 10:11:24AM +1300, xav wrote:
 On Fri, 2013-12-06 at 11:31 -0500, Jerald Sheets wrote:
  Please note that the exact same documentation is expected to be used
  for either and people spending crap-tons of money are expected to put
  up with the same issues.  This is not a licensed/open source
  argument.  This is a do a better job of documentation argument.
  I shouldn't have to go hunt down other admins in my town to learn
  things with/from because none of us can make sense of the
  documentation...or its wrong... or it ignores systems or development
  best practices, or whatever your particular gripe may be.  
  Puppet is the best there is, but it (and its docs) can be better. 
 This feels like it's a very negative discussion and I wanted to
 highlight my own experiences with Puppetlabs.
 Puppetlabs make their money in part from their excellent additions to
 the open source version (which makes deployment a bunch easier), but
 also from paid support engagements - if someone wants to pay them to
 update the docs for the open source parts, they will.  If not then we
 either wait for them to get the time to do so, or we submit a pull
 request.  We're not talking about a company the size of Google here,
 Puppetlabs doesn't have large bunches of cash to throw around, and my
 overall experience of the Puppet documentation has been excellent.  The
 particular page in the bug report was extremely helpful when I started
 out with Puppet.
 I'd be keen to see more examples and helpful tutorials, but that's not
 core product documentation - the actual reference documentation on the
 puppetlabs site is bang up to date, complete, and way beyond the level
 of documentation available for many other products that sell for big
 money.  And even better, if that's not enough the source is very
 readable and well commented.
 There are several areas in the documentation where gaps exist, and I
 commend Puppetlabs for highlighting these and over time filling them in.
 The product is still in active development and over time just gets
 better and better.

Exactly my thoughts on the subject. Basically if you don't like the
documentation you can research the problem(in this case custom
providers) and then just populate the missing gaps in the documentation.
This is how most of the open source projects out there improve their
documentation. If for some reason your pull request is REJECTED then
this is a different topic and is one I will be mad about(if at all

The fact is that the puppet project has one of the best documentations I
have seen out there. Maybe it's just me but I find my around REALLY FAST
these days.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Create array from node facts

2013-11-22 Thread Nikola Petrov
Hi, take a look at this :). It should do exactly what you want. 


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 02:15:15PM -0800, JamieC wrote:
 I'm looking of a way to create an array of IPs of puppet clients which are 
 currently assigned a certain class\module.
 Would anyone be able to tell me if this would be possible and if so, point 
 me in the right direction of implementing it? I'm using puppetdb so assume 
 the details could be pulled from there somehow? Or perhaps directly from 
 the latest catalog?
 Thank you in advanced.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Monitoring services

2013-11-01 Thread Nikola Petrov
You better use another tool for this that will provision your process.
There are many examples for this:

maybe more. I am currently using upstart and it is maybe one of the
easiest to setup and integrates with the puppet service type


On Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 08:41:43AM -0700, Yasha Zislin wrote:
 I have multiple instances of a service running on linux server. This 
 service has status, restart, start and stop init scripts.
 One of the instances keeps dying for unknown reasons (probably network 
 I have puppet configured to monitor the service but it doesnt consider it 
 to be down when one of the instances dies.
 Is there a way to configure puppet to initiate restart when one of the 
 instances dies? 
 Here is my current config
 class myApp::service {
   service { myService:
 ensure = running,
 hasstatus  = true,
 hasrestart = true,
 enable = true,
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet for deployment of Java apps

2013-08-27 Thread Nikola Petrov
I can only recommend a push based solution(puppet is a pull based). I
like python so I use fabric[1] but I know that other shops(ruby based) use

If the DB will be the only precondition it might be ok to do this with
puppet but for something more distributed a push based solution is far



On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 04:47:03AM -0700, Bhuwan wrote:
 Is Puppet a good choice to deploy JAVA applications (Tomcat) where there 
 exists a cross-system dependency (i.e. the database should be deployed 
 before the web app)?
 If not, any suggestions for alternatives?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet, Yum, Cassandra, openjdk and --nodeps

2013-07-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
This is rather unfortunate. The only way that I can think of is to
change the deb/rpm package and serve that on your own. 

We are using cassandra on some deployment too but force JAVA_HOME
explicitly in configuration files to the oracle jdk


On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 02:29:44PM -0700, Paul Pham wrote:
 Hello, puppet n00b here.
 Trying to install cassandra via puppet. Works great, only caveat is 
 cassandra (dsc12 package) lists openjdk as a dependency. Ironically enough, 
 the datastax guys themselves recommend using Oracle JRE instead of openjdk, 
 and there is even a bug prevents cassandra 
 from starting if it's using openjdk. Anyway, I 
 fixed it by adding an exec to my puppet-java module that sets the Oracle 
 JRE runtime as the defaults via alternatives, and it works fine. However, I 
 still end up with two different java runtimes installed which I find to be 
 a bit unclean.
 The root of the problem to me, though, is that by having puppet install 
 dsc12, I lose visibility into what all those dependencies were that got 
 installed along with it (I didn't realize openjdk was even installing until 
 I started investigating why cassandra wasn't starting). So what I'd prefer 
 to do is add each individual package dependency into my cassandra module 
 itself, thereby explicitly installing only what I intend to install, and 
 nothing else.
 The only way this works, though, is if I can somehow pass the --nodeps 
 option into yum during puppet apply time. Otherwise, regardless of whether 
 I already installed Oracle JRE, using yum to install dsc12 will 
 automatically install openjdk.
 How have you guys handled scenarios like this? I tried searching through 
 the topics here for yum nodeps but it seems people found different ways 
 of solving their individual problems rather than sending flags to the yum 
 provider itself. I also noticed this puppet feature 
 request unfortunately has 
 remained open(?) for 3 years. I've also seen people 
 suggest that nodeps should never be used with yum since the purpose of yum 
 is to handle dependencies... but we also like some of the other features of 
 yum, like being able to pull packages down by name automatically from our 
 yum repo (which we manage in-house).
 Anyway, any insights would be great! Thanks,
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Nagios resources

2013-07-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can set 
Nagios_host {
target = /etc/nagios/conf.d/${::fqdn}.cfg,

somewhere in site.pp file; just make sure it is in the global scope.

This is just defining a default parameter for the resource. Note that
this is a bad practice as everything global


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 03:08:49PM +0100, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
 Hi all,
 We've been using Puppet to write out our Nagios configs for ages. I
 think I understand it pretty well. Recently we've had reason to set
 'target' on all Nagios resources, based on the fqdn of the monitored
 host. However I don't want to have to set 'target' by hand on all
 Nagios resources (nor remember to set it on all future ones).
 So my question is: what's the easiest way to bulk-set the 'target'
 parameter according to the fqdn?
 So far I tried setting it on the Nagios server, which didn't work
 because $::fqdn is always the name of the Nagios server, not the
 monitored host
   Nagios_host | | {
 notify = Service['nagios'],
 target = /etc/nagios/conf.d/${::fqdn}.cfg,
 I also tried including this on the monitored host, which didn't work
 because it attempts to realise all Nagios_host resources on the
 monitored host, not the Nagios server.
 Nagios_host | | { target = /etc/nagios/conf.d/${::fqdn}.cfg, }
 Is there an easy way to easily making all nagios_* resources have a
 fqdn-specific target?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Welcome Cloudsmith to Puppet Labs!

2013-07-18 Thread Nikola Petrov
Glad to hear this is coming. I am currently not using Geppetto for speed
considerations but I think that tools are lacking and Cloudsmith can
really change that!


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 07:05:53PM -0700, Nigel Kersten wrote:
 Some of you will already be familiar with Cloudsmith products such as
 Geppetto, an IDE for Puppet modules, and some of you may be familiar with
 the excellent work Cloudsmith folks like Henrik have done in areas like the
 Puppet core parser.
 We've been working together for a while now, and today we're thrilled to
 announce the acquisition of Cloudsmith into the Puppet Labs family.
 There is more about the acquisition on our blog:
 For more info about the Puppet Module IDE Geppetto:
 Geppetto: A Puppet IDE (blog)
 Geppetto 3.0 Overview (video)
 Geppetto, A Puppet IDE and Your Favorite Backseat Driver (podcast)
 Nigel Kersten
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Re: [Puppet Users] Delegation of responsability for SOME things

2013-07-12 Thread Nikola Petrov
Why don't you use some other tool for application deployment? This will
make your life a lot easier! In my experience puppet is not the best
option for application deployment because it uses pull based changes.

In some usecases this is just not possible and a push based solution is
far better. Tools like fabric or capistrano are examples of push based
solutions for deployment

In the best scenario you declare what needs to be installed on each
system for the application to run properly and then let the users
deploy/redeploy their systems.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 10:06:27AM -0700, Philip Brown wrote:
 Howdy folks,
 we the sysadmins at $DAYJOB, are liking puppet for our OS setups.
 Now we are interested in something that's going to make application 
 deployment and config easier.
 Trouble is, we're a large shop. So we have a separate application support 
 group, whom we dont particularly want to give out root access to.
 Is there some best practices method to allow some non-root-blessed group, 
 to have *partial* access to puppet, for purposes of application deployment 
 And/or is there some other tool that is better suited for this sort of 
 In some ways, we'd prefer to keep the appdevelopers off our puppetmaster 
 machine entirely, since we wouldnt want them to accidentally get access to 
 some machine because we forgot to chmod some directory that is not their 
 responsability, that also has passwords or public keys in it.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Fwd: [Module team] Much ado about modules

2013-07-10 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 09:23:39AM -0700, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Monday, July 8, 2013 11:02:25 AM UTC-5, Ashley Penney wrote:
  This is definitely something we want to do and need to do.  I've been a 
  little hesitant to wade down into the whole these are the specific 
  parameter names we want to use and building out a huge set of guidelines, 
  but I do have a straightforward question for the list along these lines:
  We're refactoring the ntp module to try and be a little bit of a better 
  design rather than one giant class.  We've been having some discussions in 
  the PR about the right way to name the following options:
  I was leaning towards:
  But it's been proposed that:
  Makes better sense in terms of being able to scan for things.
  Does anyone reading this have strong preferences either way?  Now is the 
  time for us to slowly start renaming parameters across the modules as we 
  work on bringing in PRs, so speak up now. :)

 In an abstract sense, I think I prefer component_ensure over 
 ensure_component, on the principle that the most-significant name 
 component should come first.  It's not really about scanning for things for 
 me, but rather about grouping related things together.  That carries 
 advantages for visual scanning, but the grouping aspect is more fundamental.


 In a more concrete sense, if you are naming parameters of a class, then the 
 datum we abstractly refer to as component_ensure might more sensibly be 
 named something else in that context.  For example, in a class 
 ntp::service, I would certainly choose the parameter name ensure over 
 service_ensure.  There is therefore some dependency on module structure 
 and intended use.


NB: I can't remember the last time I agreed with someone on everything that
he says.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Parameterizing puppet agent --test with 'puppet agent $svn_branch --test

2013-07-08 Thread Nikola Petrov
Now sure what you want to achieve here?!?!? If those are different
modules or something you can move that as a variable in facter and then
run the puppet agent by overriding the fact at runtime

Something like this

FACTER_MYENVPROPERTY=7.3 puppet agent -t
FACTER_MYENVPROPERTY=trunk puppet agent -t

then you can have conditional code around the global myenvproperty as
a variable. 

But please give more info for your particular usecase so we
can better help you.


On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 05:54:22AM -0700, Kamal Ahmed wrote:
 how can i parameterize puppet command line run, to be able to use the same 
 host, and have multiple subversion branches being updated / managed by the 
 same puppet agent, depending on what i specify on the command line as an 
 so i can have 3 subversion branches:
 1. 7.3
 2. trunk
 3. RC
 currently each one is hardcoded , what i would like to do is to be able to :
 puppet agent 7.3 --test - to update 7.3 
 puppet agent trunk --test - to update trunk 
 puppet agent RC --test - to update trunk
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppetmaster performance optimization/best practices?

2013-07-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
Start by setting up passenger. I am always amazed why people even start
with mongrel for anything but debugging.

The packages from puppetlabs are there and are stable. They will setup
the whole thing for you - you just apt-get install or yum install them.

Also I am not sure if you will get better memory usage from puppetdb
but it will be much faster for exported resources. 

Migration to puppet3 might also help although I will start with the
others first.


On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 10:09:42PM -0400, Jeff Zellner wrote:
 I've recently started to have a problem with my puppetmaster using
 more and more memory over a few days, and eventually hitting swap.
 Restarting the puppetmaster services puts things back to normal for a
 bit. (see:
 I'm running 2.7.11 on distro-standard ruby 1.8.7, with 4 mongrel
 puppetmaster processes, on a pretty standard Ubuntu 12.04 VM,
 puppetmasters are behind nginx. Nginx handles the files (ala: Running
 foreman on the same machine, though it's not used for much. Puppet is
 setup to use a remote MySQL db.
 We have ~200 servers in a single environment running against this
 puppetmaster, which doesn't seem like it should be a seriously taxing
 load, so having to restart the service occasionally seems like an
 indication I'm doing something wrong.
 What am I missing? Should I be using Unicorn? Should I be using a
 different Ruby? What should I be tuning or optimizing? Is there a good
 resource for puppetmaster setup best practices?
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Re: [Puppet Users] variables inside variable names

2013-07-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
I think that you are having a problem here because $java is not
expanded/interpolated as a variable and the template solves it. You can
safely use the fully qualified name and this should work:

$java_home = ${java::jdk_1_7_u10::home}

Of course if you want to use $java as a variable you will have to use a
templates. If you tell us more about your usecase and setup - there are
often better ways to do what you want - hiera comes mind first; also
java::params class comes second with the home set as parameter for
different setups


On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 05:53:24PM -0700, Schofield wrote:
 class java::jdk_1_7_u10{
 $java = jdk_1_7_u10
 $java_home = ${java::$java::home}
 I would like $java_home to be equal to /usr/java/jdk-1.7.0-10.  Is there an 
 elegant way to make this work?  We currently use an inline template to make 
 it work.
 java_home = inline_template(%=scope.lookupvar('java::${java}::home')%),
 But this has always felt like a hack to me so I am curious to know if there 
 is a better way?  Currently running puppet 3.0.0.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet for Cassandra cluster automation

2013-07-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
I like to use fabric[1] for this. I always think that some things are
better done with push tools like fabric instead of pull tools like
puppet. Of course there are other tools that solve the same problem and
are based on other languages - I just like python



On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 04:56:57PM -0700, Jingyan Wang wrote:
 I am using Puppet to set up (and later resize) a Cassandra cluster, where I 
 would like to have the configuration changes applied immediately instead of 
 after a certain time interval.
 Is MCollective the only method to push configuration changes from master to 
 clients (since puppet kick is deprecated)? What are the possible ways to 
 achieve this Cassandra deployment?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re-create my.cnf when using Puppet MySQL module

2013-07-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can use custom settings that will be put in /etc/mysq/conf.d/ and
will be included in you setup by overriding any setting in my.cnf. Here
is an example from our setup:

  mysql::server::config{ 'my-cool-settings':
settings  = {
  'mysqld'= {
'max_connections' = '400', #the maximum number of open 
'max_connect_errors'  = '1000', # sane value because the 
default is 10 which is not enough at all!
'character-set-server'= 'utf8', #use utf8 by default
'innodb_buffer_pool_size' = $innodb_buffer_pool_size, #innodb 
buffer size


On Tue, Jul 02, 2013 at 04:42:56AM -0700, 
 I am using Puppet MySQL module from forge and everything works as expected. 
 It downloaded and installed mysql, created database, set pass, etc. 
 I wanted to make few configuration changes, so I changed 
 but it seems Puppet did not detected that change. What be the best way to 
 trigger re-creation of my.cnf file ? 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: trying to get a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit platform with Package provider

2013-06-24 Thread Nikola Petrov
Package['jdk'] { 
name = 'jdk.i1586'

will be a better option. Note that I wouldn't use inheritance here but a
simple parameter for the package name and move that somewhere else like
hiera(although I see that you are using puppet2.7)

Inheritance is almost always not the right answer.


On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:31:23PM +0100, Dick Davies wrote:
 Ah cracked it!
 class jdk::32bit inherits jdk {
   Package['jdk'] { ensure = undef }
   package { jdk.i586: ensure = present }
 On 21 June 2013 12:15, Dick Davies wrote:
  i was hoping I could do this with the right ensure parameter on Package,
  but I'm hitting a wall.
  We've got 64-bit servers running tomcats on RHEL that need to be 32-bit
  (external vendor, JNI, funny story).
  2.7 Puppetmaster and the yum repo hosts the Oracle JDKs.
  Currently we just push out what we want with:
  class jdk {
package { jdk: ensure = present }
  which essentially does 'yum install jdk' (some other bits too, but
  they're not relevant).
  I was hoping to include something like
  class jdk::32bit inherits jdk {
Package['jdk'] { ensure = 1586 }
  for these servers, but that seems to run the equivalent of : yum
  install jdk-i586
  Is there a way to coerce the resource to install the right thing, or
  am I going to have
  to go with an Exec ?
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet node deactivate

2013-06-21 Thread Nikola Petrov

What is the storage engine behind puppetdb? Can you please provide the
hostname for the machine that wasn't deactivated. I can remember that I
had some problems with hostnames that contained uppercase characters.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 04:28:40PM -0700, David Kerr wrote:
 I'm in the process of upgrading my puppet from 2x to 3.2.1.
 During my testing i found that it appears that puppet node deactivate isn't 
 removing nodes from storeconfigs.
 On my puppet server:
  puppet node deactivate
 Submitted 'deactivate node' for with UUID 
 followed by:
 On my haproxy:
  puppet agent --test --noop
  backend b1
   balance  roundrobin
 @@ -72,15 +65,16 @@
option  httpclose
option  forwardfor
server  hub01  check
 -  server  hub02  check
server  hub03  check
server  hub04  check
 -  server  hub10  check
 -  server  hub15  check
 +  server  hub05  check
 +  server  hub12  check
 +  server  hub14  check
 +  server  hub15  check
 I usually do puppet node clean/puppet node deactivate.
 Any ideas?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Set environment variable that is visible to package installation

2013-06-20 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can get the environment variable from puppet.conf or if it is
another variable, you can use facter. As long as you are controlling
your packages you can check those after that.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:08:46AM -0700, Kevin Lange wrote:
 We have RPMs which requires an environment variable to be set prior to 
 installation (contains conf information).  What is the best way to do 
 this?  I'd like to avoid setting this environment var in each systems' 
 profile.  It would be nice to have an option to do this within the package 
 type, but I think that's not very likely.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: installing carbon / passing PYTHONPATH to pip package provider?

2013-06-11 Thread Nikola Petrov
I also have some packages that were produced with fpm. Here is the
script that I am using - which
was borrowed from a blog post I found on the net. You can of course
change the versions if you want.

Feel free to add dependency metadata to fpm when building the packages
and please comment on the gist if you end up with something useful ;)


On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 03:32:35PM -0700, Amos Shapira wrote:
 This is similar to a solution suggested 
 (there he adds a symlink instead of providing a copy).
 What I don't like about these (practical) solutions is that they are 
 fragile - either the symlink target could change (newer version, for 
 instance) or the content of the copied file could change (and the change 
 could be lost).
 In the meantime I'm exploring a different direction - there are .deb 
 packages for the version I want in later versions of Ubuntu than 12.04. 
 They install cleanly on 12.04 (I assume this is because they are pure 
 Python) and even if they didn't, I could rebuild them for 12.04 from 
 source-deb. I intend to make them available on our internal repository and 
 install them with the apt provider instead.
 On Thursday, 6 June 2013 23:23:21 UTC+10, Ben Whaley wrote:
  Yep, I ran in to this as well, both with carbon and graphite-web. I solved 
  it by adding the Python metadata in the appropriate location on my system. 
  Check this gist for the code
  Hope this helps.
  - Ben
  On Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:30:56 PM UTC-7, Amos Shapira wrote:
  My environment: Ubuntu LTS 12.04, carbon ( 0.9.9 installed using pip.
  I just learned why when I run pip freeze on a system I don't see the 
  carbon package even when it installed successfully - I should run it 
  PYTHONPATH=/opt/graphite/lib/ pip freeze.
  This causes Puppet to re-install the package on every run (and reload 
  dependant servers), even though it's already installed and there is 
  that really needs to be done.
  I guess this is the package's fault, but it made me hit once more a 
  limitation in Puppet i.e. that I don't have a way to pass options or 
  environment variables to pip.
  Apparently there are already a couple of issues and pull requests for 
  this in and, but they don't seem likely 
  to be accepted.
  Alternatively - can anyone point me to how they solved the carbon package 
  (or a similar) issue? i.e. that it doesn't get re-installed on every 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Grouping hosts within environments

2013-05-31 Thread Nikola Petrov
Yes you can just tag them from there:

ensure: present
home: /home/sysadmin
managehome: true
shell: /bin/bash
uid: 4000
gid: sysadmin
comment: Systems Admin

tags aren't special in any way - they are just a metaparameter that each
resource in puppet can have -

If you don't want to repeat yourself and can deduce the user team(group)
from the yaml file or something, you can use the third parameter for
create_resource which is just the default parameters. So you would have
something like this:

$tags = {
tag = 'app1'

create_resource(user, $myhash, $tags)


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 09:51:48AM -0700, przemol wrote:
 This approach requires to keep all the users in *.pp files.
 Currently we keep users in yaml file:
 ensure: present
 home: /home/sysadmin
 managehome: true
 shell: /bin/bash
 uid: 4000
 gid: sysadmin
 comment: Systems Admin
 and create them using create_resource. Is it possible to use hiera to 
 associate all the users to particular servers ?
 On Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:39:02 PM UTC+1, nikolavp wrote:
  You can always use tags with virtual resources of some sort. Let's say 
  that user1 is in group app1,  user2 and user3 are in group app2. You can 
  tag those user accounts with that: 
  tag = 'app1', 
  user {['user2', 'user3']: 
  tag = 'app2', 
  now in your hiera configurations or somewhere else(like ENC) you can 
  specify which user accounts belong to that host by realizing only those 
  that you need. 
  node node10,node20 { 
  User| tag == 'app1' | 
  I would also introduce a fact that exposes the fact that user accounts 
  of 'app1' belong to a particular host 
  On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 08:02:34AM -0700, przemol wrote: 
   we have been using puppet 3 with hiera based config and several (usually 
   typical) environments: 
   Basically we apply the puppet config to test, then predev, then dev, etc 
   But within each environment we have quite a large number of hosts 
   We would like to group them into sort of subgroups. For example dev 
   are for developers from different applications teams: app1, app2, app3, 
   We need to create accounts (user accounts are just an example - there 
   other similar tasks) on all servers from dev environments: 
   user accounts for dev team app1 don't need to be on all dev servers - 
   on the following nodes: node10 - node20 
   user accounts for dev team app2 should be just on the following nodes: 
   node35 - node88 
   (and I can't use any regular expressions to select nodes - the same 
   in each group could have quite different FQDN) 
   Can you recommend what puppet/hiera feature could I use to group servers 
   It would be good if I could use it just on central puppet master server 
   not need to login to every node 
   and assign it locally to a group. 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Grouping hosts within environments

2013-05-30 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can always use tags with virtual resources of some sort. Let's say
that user1 is in group app1,  user2 and user3 are in group app2. You can
tag those user accounts with that:

tag = 'app1',

user {['user2', 'user3']:
tag = 'app2',

now in your hiera configurations or somewhere else(like ENC) you can
specify which user accounts belong to that host by realizing only those
that you need.

node node10,node20 {
User| tag == 'app1' |

I would also introduce a fact that exposes the fact that user accounts
of 'app1' belong to a particular host

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 08:02:34AM -0700, przemol wrote:
 we have been using puppet 3 with hiera based config and several (usually 
 typical) environments:
 Basically we apply the puppet config to test, then predev, then dev, etc
 But within each environment we have quite a large number of hosts 
 We would like to group them into sort of subgroups. For example dev 
 are for developers from different applications teams: app1, app2, app3, 
 We need to create accounts (user accounts are just an example - there are 
 other similar tasks) on all servers from dev environments:
 user accounts for dev team app1 don't need to be on all dev servers - just 
 on the following nodes: node10 - node20
 user accounts for dev team app2 should be just on the following nodes: 
 node35 - node88
 (and I can't use any regular expressions to select nodes - the same servers 
 in each group could have quite different FQDN)
 Can you recommend what puppet/hiera feature could I use to group servers ?
 It would be good if I could use it just on central puppet master server and 
 not need to login to every node
 and assign it locally to a group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] How to trace an order of all execs ?

2013-05-23 Thread Nikola Petrov
Well you can run echo with the parameters in a wrapper script. I am not
sure if puppet has support for this. Of course you can watch the order

--trace --debug

but it might not give you the whole command parameter but just the exec
title. If you can make those to match you will be ok with that method.


On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 01:05:56AM -0700, przemol wrote:
 I have some class which has quite a lot of execs with notify etc. Since 
 puppet is not required to run them in the order they are in a file
 is it possible to monitor an order of all execs including 
 parameters/arguments for each exec ?
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Re: [Puppet Users] if word1 match so I replaced it with word2

2013-05-23 Thread Nikola Petrov

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 01:43:23PM -0700, Stan wrote:
 I would like to replace a word with another in a config file
 if word1 match so I replaced it with word2
 I looked augeas but it does not seem to.

Can you please tell us the specific configuration format and maybe an
example word1, word2 pattern. Augeas will most likely work here as long
as it is a known format.

 you would have a different track?

you can always use sed if you feel powered enough(I don't)

 thank you

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Re: [Puppet Users] module namespace?

2013-05-20 Thread Nikola Petrov
Well we had that problem in the past. I now name my modules with a
prefix for the company first letter so if I was working for puppetlabs
then I would name the module pmysql. The thing is that most of the time
I want convenient wrappers for the mysql module provided by puppetlabs
or some third party. This also ensures that if they change the interface
I have stable defines/classes.

The other way arround this is to put all those things in a single module
named site or custom for example.


On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 05:10:44PM -0500, Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
 When writing modules are people namespacing them to avoid collisions
 with puppetlabs' modules?
 I wrote some (very simple) modules:
 that now have namespace conflicts when I am trying to install the
 puppetlabs modules of the same name.
 Is there a best practice or style guide that people follow when
 namespacing their in-house modules?
 For instance:
 Thanks for any hints or feedback!
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Re: [Puppet Users] Rhel based distro and multiple package version installed

2013-05-20 Thread Nikola Petrov
You should really build packages of java/tomcat with fpm. It will save
you so much time and hassle in the end. Want different versions of the
same package you just have to name them with the package version - no

Let's assume that extract the java distribution in a directory named
java-$(VERSION), just run the following:

fpm -s dir -t deb -n java-$(VERSION) -v $(VERSION) -a x86_64 --prefix /opt 

and you should be good to go. Change this as needed(like architecture,
deb/rpm prefix and the provides)


On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 01:38:47AM -0700, Luca Gervasi wrote:
 i'm starting using Puppet on my personal lab. There I'd like to reproduce a 
 multi base tomcat installation as follows:
 * Multiple jdk installations (multiple 1.6.x, multiple 1.7.x)
 * Multiple tomcat installations (multiple 6.0.x, multiple 7.0.x)
 Here is the problem:
 using the Package definition, i'm unable to have multiple jdk version (as 
 1.6.4 supersedes 1.6.3, leaving only the last one installed correctly), so 
 I created a custom define that uses a File definition to copy multiple 
 directories (/opt/java/jdk-$version) from my puppetmaster (recurse + purge) 
 and used this as follows:
 tomcat::home { 6.0.37: version = 6.0.37}
 jdk::home { 1.6.24: version = 1.6.24}
 but i'm unable to create a simple check on my tomcat istances like a 
 require tomcat-6.0.37.
 How can i accomplish what i need?
 Thanks in advance.
 Luca Gervasi
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet in an appliance model?

2013-05-18 Thread Nikola Petrov

Using puppet in standalone mode with puppet apply from a cronjob will
work without problems. The only thing that will be missing are exported
resources. But you won't need those if this is a single machine.


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 03:52:11PM -0700, Vince Taluskie wrote:
 Hey Folks,
 I am looking at using puppet to help manage/coordinate system integration 
 among several teams collaborating on an appliance product.This is a 
 little different than other environments where I've used puppet for 
 managing large numbers of systems. In the appliance case, we need to 
 build  manage only a single system so a puppetmaster becomes extra baggage 
 that is not really needed - what features will not work without one tho?   
 Will erb templates still work?   Will modules also function without a 
 puppet master?
 i'm wondering if anyone has already shared their experiences with the group 
 using puppet in this kind of mode.   If so, please share and I will 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Using puppet to install puppet modules

2013-05-15 Thread Nikola Petrov
I can second that. Not sure why puppetlabs decided to invent yet another
package system with it's own problems and metadata definition and
updates specifics


On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 09:02:53AM -0400, Trevor Vaughan wrote:
 I usually package the modules that I want in the native package manager of
 the system.
 Much easier to track and the 'package' statement works just fine.
 On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
   Hi people,
  I use puppet forge to install various modules on my puppetmaster. I'm
  thinking about the build process if I build a new puppetmaster. Manually
  reinstalling the modules is prone to error if I forget which modules I used
  to have.
  I looked at this module[1] as a way of making puppet automatically install
  its own modules. But then I realised - if I am building a puppetmaster from
  scratch then it won't have the ability to use this module to install
  itself... chicken and egg.
  How have other people handled this?
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 Trevor Vaughan
 Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
 (410) 541-6699
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Re: [Puppet Users] What do YOU do to catch undefined variables

2013-05-13 Thread Nikola Petrov
I/We currently have 32 modules - some of these are of course third party
so they don't count.

One of the modules is for our biggest project which consists of
different components and their configuration based on different
environment setups.  That module currently contains 36 *.pp files.

If you think vim can't scale I can assure you that it can. Lately I've
been using to clean my pp
files and while it is still possible with eclipse to do the same it
feels so unnatural.

Maybe eclipse can give many more features like variable checking in the
current scope but I found that you also pay a price for that
integration. There is no free lunch.


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 10:43:43PM +0200, David Schmitt wrote:
 On 10.05.2013 17:08, Nikola Petrov wrote:
 The vim plugin is the best you can find if you are already proficient
 in vim somewhat. I use it in conjuction with and it can't be better. I found the
 eclipse too heavy for my needs(although I use it for java development
 where it shines)
 Please satisfy my curiosity: how many puppet modules and/or .pp
 files do you currently have?
 Regards, David
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Re: [Puppet Users] Using Puppet to trigger a script when error occurs on log file

2013-05-10 Thread Nikola Petrov
You shouldn't search support for this in puppet but in something like
monit, upstart or nagios handlers. Puppet isn't suitable for this task
although it might be possible it will be hacky.


On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 08:19:04AM -0700, Nicola Zanetti wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I'm using Puppet on my Ubuntu servers and I would like it to restart a 
 process whenever an error occurs while running an application. The error 
 can be detected looking at the logs of the application of course, but I 
 don't want to parse the log file to detect it. Is there a way using Puppet, 
 to trigger a script when something happens in a log file without having to 
 parse it ? 
 Many thanks for your support,
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Re: [Puppet Users] What do YOU do to catch undefined variables

2013-05-10 Thread Nikola Petrov

The vim plugin is the best you can find if you are already proficient
in vim somewhat. I use it in conjuction with and it can't be better. I found the
eclipse too heavy for my needs(although I use it for java development
where it shines)


On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 08:41:42AM +1000, Peter Brown wrote:
 On 3 May 2013 06:43, Larry Fast wrote:
  I'm still a puppet newbie and these days I'm struggling with undefined
  variables.  At least once a week I hit an error message like this:
 Error: Failed to apply catalog: '' is not qualified and no path was
  specified. Please qualify the command or specify a path.
  IMO, the core issue is that Puppet has no mechanism for reporting read
  attempts on undefined variables.  So my question to the community is, what
  do YOU do to catch undefined variables?  If anyone has a first class
  solution I'd love to hear it.  But I'm also happy to consider ANY means to
  detect undefined variables. I may resort to explicitly listing all my
  variables and checking them with a custom ruby function.
 I use vim with vim-puppet (and a bunch of other vim plugins).
 It does syntax highlighting and does syntax and a few other check on saving
 a file and lets you know if something is amiss.
 I tried Gepetto but I can't us that over an ssh connection to a server if I
 need to.
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Re: [Puppet Users] How to indicate multiple dependency?

2013-05-09 Thread Nikola Petrov
Are those packages defined in different files? If they are in the same
file you can just do the following

package {['pgk1', 'pkg2']:
ensure = 'installed',
} - 

file { 'file1':

If they are in different files you maybe will be able to hack something
with the spaceship operator but it will hard and might brake in the
future because of circular dependencies :(


On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 03:52:44AM -0700, Bret Wortman wrote:
 What's the right/best way to indicate that a particular entry in a manifest 
 (a file in this case) depends on successful installation of over 30 
 packages, all indicated in the same manifest? I could do this, but it seems 
 package { 'pkg1': }
 Package['pkg1'] - File['file1']
 package { 'pkg2': }
 Package['pkg2'] - File['file2']
 file { 'file2':
 path = '/path/to/file2',
 There must be a better way that I'm just not seeing. Thanks!
 Bret Wortman
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Re: [Puppet Users] [ANN] puppet-cleaner 0.2.0

2013-04-30 Thread Nikola Petrov
Looks good to me. I will try to integrate this with the vim puppet support.
Nice work


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido wrote:

 Hi Chris,

 you're right. I've fixed the Thanks!

 El lunes, 29 de abril de 2013 22:58:50 UTC-5, Chris Hirsch escribió:

 On 4/29/13 7:43 PM, Gerardo Santana G�mez Garrido wrote:
  This release was tested successfully with puppet 3.
 If I understand correctly this should be compatible with puppet 3 so you
 may want to update your Requirements as it says it's 2.7.11 only. Thank
 for the work I'll be checking this out tomorrow!

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Re: [Puppet Users] install multiple versions with gem provider

2013-04-15 Thread Nikola Petrov
Yes it is possible with defines. You also should include the version
number in the name of the gem that is produced. This will allow you to
install multiple version of the same package. 

If you give more info about your setup we might help you even more

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 07:03:36AM -0700, Marc Genou wrote:
 We usually run apps with a couple of versions of the same gem.
 Is it possible to do that with an only manifest?
 PS: I am a little noob with puppet yet
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Re: [Puppet Users] Coding style best practise

2013-04-04 Thread Nikola Petrov
Strangely enough, I lately started to move my params out of params
classes and into the init class. I really prefer to have example::param1
in my hiera instead of the example::params::param1. Will be glad to
hear what the params class actually buys you as a pattern.

For me the params class makes more sense when you don't have hiera or
ENC in place.  I remember using it because it was used as a standard and
I found it as a nice pattern on the internet.

Will be glad to hear more on this one too so +1


On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 12:38:47PM +0200, Thomas Bendler wrote:
 Hi @all,
 I've started rewriting some of my modules to achieve separation of logic
 and data. So I did some standard layout with init.pp and params.pp for
 default values and parametrized classes for individual configuration like
 class example (
   $parameter1 = hiera('example::parameter1', $example::params::parameter1),
   $parameter2 = hiera('example::parameter2', $example::params::parameter2))
 inherits example::params {
 # Some coding
 s this approach generic enough or will a different coding style be a
 better approach with more use cases in mind? What do you think, any
 Regards Thomas
 Linux ... enjoy the ride!
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Re: [Puppet Users] calling_module vs module_name ?

2013-04-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
Calling module can serve you well if you have a reusable define that is
defined in module that is not the same from the one that it is used in.
I hope this makes sense...

Most of the time I won't recommend this for a hierarchy as it can be
hard to reason about it...

Best, Nikola

On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 09:51:17PM -0700, Kubes wrote:
 In using Hiera, what is the difference between calling_module 
 and module_name?
 Which is should be used?
   - %{environment}/%{calling_module}/common
   - %{environment}/%{module_name}/common
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Re: [Puppet Users] before and after not being honoured

2013-04-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
I think that this is because classes are not applied but are declared. 
Check the anchor pattern and declare that an puppet::start is declared
before the file. I can give you more info when you actually give us the
puppet class itself.

You can find more info about the anchor pattern here and


On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 09:13:23AM -0700, Dave Bell wrote:
 I'm running puppet 3.1.1
 I have something similar to the following configuration.
 class my_roles::puppet_master {
   file { '/etc/default/puppetmaster':
 ensure = present,
 source = 
 #before = Class['puppet'],
   class {'puppet' :
 require   = File['/etc/default/puppetmaster'],
 I would expect that the file type gets applied before the class type 
 further down. I've tried both the before, and the require keywords, but no 
 matter what, they never get honoured.
 I could use the stage's to force the puppet class into a stage after main, 
 but that really shouldn't be necessary here. 
 Does anyone have any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Ruby (Rack) application could not be started

2013-04-02 Thread Nikola Petrov
Yep. Sometimes I even wonder why are people considering other options.
By default I installed the packages from puppetlabs and I have forgotten
about it. 

P.S. I even think that puppetDB should install with postgresql by
default. It scales better debugging is much better and maintenance too.

Best, Nikola

On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 01:08:29PM +0100, Ken Barber wrote:
 This is me installing a puppetmaster for Ubuntu with the bog-standard
 apt repos the other day - took less than 5 minutes:
 As you can see it was pretty straight-forward (apt-get install
 puppetmaster-passenger, more or less) - note this was a clean Ubuntu
 12.04 installation, so do start fresh as Felix suggests. I haven't got
 a gist of an installation with the puppetlabs repos recently, but it
 should be similar - only include the Puppetlabs repos first:
 The puppetlabs repos will give you the latest version of Puppet which
 is probably the way to go.
 Note I never:
 * Installed passenger from brightbox
 * Installed using any gems
 * Made any manual changes (at least not with my basic setup, your
 mileage may vary)
 So either use the stuff hosted by Ubuntu, or by PL and you should be
 good. Let us know how you go.
 On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Felix Frank wrote:
  On 03/26/2013 08:11 PM, thinkwell wrote:
  Puppet runs always generating scads of errors Passenger enabled?
  Well, the error is titled with Passanger so I'd say yes ;)
  The error also advises to check the webservers's logfiles. Have you?
  If apache logs aren't helpful, there may be something on the puppet side
  of things. Rack applications may do some logging of their own.
  This. Is. Getting. To. Be. One. *S**crming.*Pain.
  Thanks for your help Ramin, but why oh why can't we have up-to-date
  documentation that gives correct step-by-step installation directions?
  How esoteric does this have to be?
  I've found that ruby applications can be made to be very portable, but
  the more so if you do *everything* the intended ruby way. With the
  different OS environments, there are lots of half-assed compromises
  (e.g. install some software through packages, others through gems etc.)
  and the howto's will often reflect the respective author's personal
  preference with regards to the respective details. Also, they want to
  keep things simple between differen OS releases.
  Long story short, I concur that in Debian (Ubuntu propably the same),
  getting Passenger via packages is a better choice than gems. I cannot
  comment on 3.x vs. 2.x, but I've seen good mileage with the stock Debian
  packages for apache/passenger (not tried a 3.x master yet, though).
  Sadly that won't match the docs exactly, but I think this should be
  painless enough:
  - start from scratch
  - get the components via apt
  - apply the configs from the howto as best you can
  - clean up the leftover errors from the discrepancies
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Re: [Puppet Users] Confirming nodes and assigning classes in puppet dashboard

2013-03-29 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can look into foreman. I think that this is the best you can get for
newbie maintenance support. 

Nikola ;)

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 05:18:55PM +0400, Max Lapshin wrote:
 I want to setup puppet or chef, or whatever else to help deploy system to a
 person, that doesn't know how to write that strange words in command line.
 So I want to have a proper copy-paste that should be launched as a root on
 target machine and web interface where configuration will happen.
 I understand that I must edit some recipes by hands, no problems, but after
 this I want admin to be able to confirm certificate requests on one click
 and assign nodes.
 Is it possible with dashboard?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Rake tests for hiera

2013-03-28 Thread Nikola Petrov
This seems like a good idea and something I should look at. The problem
is that there are third party modules which use hiera and I should
redefine parameters and pass them along in my classes. But it this is indeed 
doable ;)


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 04:36:55PM +, Wolf Noble wrote:
 What we've been doing here is trying to make all our hiera calls as class 
 parameter default values. This allows us to set param values in the unit 
 tests, thus bypassing hiera.
 This has required some refactoring, but it has the advantage of being a 
 simpler test collection to implement.
 Does this paradigm not work for you?
 On Mar 27, 2013, at 7:13 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
  Last time I tried writing tests, I just gave up because we started using
  On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 06:26:09PM +0100, Maarten Thibaut (mthibaut) wrote:
  I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make rake spec tests work 
  correctly with hiera and puppet 3. Should I just give up for now until the 
  various gems work with puppet 3?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Augeas lens dependency on valid config file parsing

2013-03-27 Thread Nikola Petrov
I think that this is mostly because of lens that are written this way.
We shouldn't blame them that this is poorly written in my opinion.
It is just more restrictive. Lens that I have written accept a
regular expression as an identifier instead of listing them.

Best, Nikola

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 03:02:51PM +1100, Gonzalo Servat wrote:
 Hi All,
 I just ran into a frustrating Augeas problem, which I thought I'd share
 with you all.
 We run a cron every morning to fetch the latest RPMs (for the packages
 we're interested in) from various places such as rpmforge, EPEL, etc.
 This morning I tried to build a VM and it failed. What happened was that
 last night, a new version of nagios-nrpe was downloaded so the VM that was
 built had this latest version. The RPM includes nrpe.cfg which had a new
 option added to it:
 In the manifest, I have an augeas block to modify the allowed_hosts line in
 the nrpe.cfg file. Puppet was failing giving a Save failed error message,
 so I went in via augtool to see what's going on.
 I noticed that it could not parse nrpe.cfg (i.e. ls /files/etc/nagios
 returned nothing). I had the previous config file saved for NRPE somewhere,
 so I diff'ed them and noticed the only new option is the option I mentioned
 above. After removing this new option, augtool could parse the file again
 and Puppet was happy.
 After having a quick read of the nrpe.lns file inside augeas-libs, I
 noticed it actually lists each of the options that it will recognise from
 the config file, and evidently fails if it finds new options that it
 doesn't recognise.
 Anyway, it hit me that there is quite a big dependency between config files
 and augeas lenses. A change in one config file can affect Augeas which
 affects Puppet runs. Or is this just a poorly written lens?
 - Gonzalo
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Re: [Puppet Users] Discover SO of my nodes

2013-03-06 Thread Nikola Petrov
You have two options(that I am aware of):
2) you can query your storeconfig option(in my case puppetdb + postgre).


On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 07:06:03AM -0800, Tiago Cruz wrote:
 Hello all!
 Using puppet 2.7.9 and Dashboard, I can see the hostname of my nodes.
 With some selects against MySQL, I can also discover their IP address.
 But that is any way to discover more details, like, with OS is running on 
 that node?
 Thanks a lot!!
 Tiago C.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet MySQL Module

2013-03-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can use the database_grant resource type. Here is an example:

  database_grant { ${user}@${::hostname}/${db}:
privileges = ['select'], # anything you want
require= Database_user[${user}@${::hostname}],

set the $user and $db variables to what you want ;)

More information can be found on the github README file for module.


On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:21:28AM +0100, Arnau Bria wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm using the MySQL module and I can't find the way
 to give certain permission to a secondary user over an already created
 DB (which has it own user):
 mysql::db { 'galaxy':
 user = 'galaxy',
 password = 'XX',
 host = 'localhost',
 grant= ['all'],
 Now I would like to give select privileges on galaxy DB to user arnau,
 but I can't find the way for doing so.
 Could someone give a hand?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Glassfish automatic installation in Puppet

2013-02-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
Not sure if this will help you at all but you can try the yes[1]

Try to change your exec to:

exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
command = '/usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar 
cwd = '/gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components',



On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:22:18AM -0800, Jithin Xavier wrote:
 Hi All,
 Can any one help to install my jar file automatically,
 When I tried to install /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar 
 is asking for confirmation like Accept or Decline? [A,D,a,d]. So how can I 
 pass answer with command.
 Please find my puppet code below
   exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
command = /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar 
cwd = /gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components,
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Re: [Puppet Users] Glassfish automatic installation in Puppet

2013-02-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
Please run the command outside of puppet or run puppet with 

--debug --trace 

to see what failed. Error status code of 1 can be anything on
earth ;)


On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 02:56:18PM +0530, Jithin Xavier wrote:
 Thanks Nikola,
 for some reason its not working.. I am getting this error now
 err: /Stage[main]/Vidispine/Exec[glassfishInstaExe]/returns: change from
 notrun to 0 failed: /usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
 returned 1 instead of one of [0] at
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
  Not sure if this will help you at all but you can try the yes[1]
  Try to change your exec to:
  exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
  command = '/usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
  cwd = '/gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components',
  On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:22:18AM -0800, Jithin Xavier wrote:
   Hi All,
   Can any one help to install my jar file automatically,
   When I tried to install /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
   is asking for confirmation like Accept or Decline? [A,D,a,d]. So how can
   pass answer with command.
   Please find my puppet code below
 exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
  command = /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
  cwd = /gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components,
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Re: [Puppet Users] Glassfish automatic installation in Puppet

2013-02-26 Thread Nikola Petrov
Well check the same command (yes) and it's man page

yes A | shell-script

should give you what you want


On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 03:37:50PM +0530, Jithin Xavier wrote:
 This command /usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
 --debug --trace not giving me any useful information.
 Glassfish installation is asking for, *Accept or Decline? [A,D,a,d]*.. So
 we wanted to answer this question.
 is there anyway to answer for this through command line?
 On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
  Please run the command outside of puppet or run puppet with
  --debug --trace
  to see what failed. Error status code of 1 can be anything on
  earth ;)
  On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 02:56:18PM +0530, Jithin Xavier wrote:
   Thanks Nikola,
   for some reason its not working.. I am getting this error now
   err: /Stage[main]/Vidispine/Exec[glassfishInstaExe]/returns: change from
   notrun to 0 failed: /usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
   returned 1 instead of one of [0] at
   On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Nikola Petrov
Not sure if this will help you at all but you can try the yes[1]
Try to change your exec to:
exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
command = '/usr/bin/yes | /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar
cwd = '/gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components',
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:22:18AM -0800, Jithin Xavier wrote:
 Hi All,

 Can any one help to install my jar file automatically,

 When I tried to install /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar

 is asking for confirmation like Accept or Decline? [A,D,a,d]. So how
 pass answer with command.

 Please find my puppet code below

   exec { 'glassfishInstaExe':
command = /usr/bin/java -Xmx256m -jar

cwd = /gx/mnt/software/Vidispine/Components,


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Re: [Puppet Users] Regd applying condition

2013-02-25 Thread Nikola Petrov
Check the creates in the exec documentation. It will make the exec type
to execute as long as the file *doesn't*exist


On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 11:04:16PM -0800, yarlagadda ramya wrote:
 Hi all,
 This is the class i have written for downloading and installing jdknow 
 i want to apply a condition using if for it such that...this downloads the 
 file and installs it only if the jdk1.6.0_24.tar.gz file is not present in 
 the specified trying for it...but not getting..can any one 
 plsss help me with this
 class maininstall {
 $software = /app/tcs/puppetdemo/software
 $server = /app/tcs/puppetdemo/server
 $URL =;
 $file = /app/tcs/puppetdemo/software/
   command = /usr/bin/wget $URL,
   cwd = $software,
 exec {untar_jdk:
command = /bin/tar -C /app/tcs/puppetdemo/server/ -zxf 
cwd = $server,
 Exec['download_jdk'] - Exec['untar_jdk']
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Re: [Puppet Users] Retrieving the name of the module where a define is used

2013-02-25 Thread Nikola Petrov
Well you can use calling_module and also all the variables defined in

Not sure why calling_module is not there at the moment. There might
be two reasons for this:
* it is more experimental
* it is older and $caller_module_name should be used instead(look at the

Maybe someone can step in and make this more clear to both of us ;)


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 09:20:57PM +0530, Francis Pereira wrote:
 Thanks Nikola. I didn't know that variable exists. Is there a list of
 all available variables somewhere ?
 On Feb 21, 2013, at 8:49 PM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
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Re: [Puppet Users] Retrieving the name of the module where a define is used

2013-02-21 Thread Nikola Petrov
Try using the variable *caller_module_name* instead

 file { ${cachedir}/${source}:
   source  = puppet:///modules/${caller_module_name}/${source},
   require = File[$cachedir],


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 07:33:00PM +0530, Francis Pereira wrote:
 How do I retrieve the name of the module where a define is used ?
 Consider the following
 file java/manifests/setup.pp
 define java::setup (
   $source= undef,){
 file { $cachedir:
   ensure = 'directory',
   owner  = 'root',
   group  = 'root',
   mode   = '644'
 file { ${cachedir}/${source}:
   source  = puppet:///modules/${module_name}/${source},
   require = File[$cachedir],
 # stripped out for readability
 file mywebapp/manifests/init.pp
 # stripped out for readability
   java::setup { 'mywebapp-java':
 source= 'jdk-7u7-linux-x64.gz',
 # stripped out for readability
 I want the source to be constructed
 as  puppet:///modules/mywebapp/jdk-7u7-linux-x64.gz instead of

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Re: [Puppet Users] Download and unzip to install a webapp

2013-02-11 Thread Nikola Petrov
I can advice you to use fmp[1] for this and build a native debian package for
your distribution. The tool also supports rpm with the same
configuration almost all the time(at least for me).

I think that with fpm, you shouldn't *ever* use a zip again. I have a
bunch of Makefiles that build my packages and the life is so much better
this way. If you prefer other build systems you can use them too ofc.

Best, Nikola


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 11:09:10PM +0100, Andreas Hilboll wrote:
 I would like to install Piwik [*], which is a PHP webstatistics package,
 on some of my nodes, using Puppet. The underlying servers are running
 Debian Squeeze. Piwik is distributed as a .zip or .tar.gz file, which is
 available at their website. They provide a constant URL always pointing
 to the latest release:
 How can I download and unzip this package to a defined location on my
 nodes, changing the UID/GID of the unzipped files from root to www-data?
 Your help is greatly appreciated!
 Cheers, Andreas.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Certificate nightmares

2013-02-11 Thread Nikola Petrov
I think this should be put somewhere in a wiki or the docs.

/me referencing this email for future

Best, Nikola

On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 03:58:22PM -0800, Nick Fagerlund wrote:
 If a brand new never-seen-before agent starts up, it goes like this:
 * Do I have a private key? Nope? Better generate one.
 * Okay, do I have a certificate? Nope? See if the master already has one 
 for me. This looks like a GET request to /certificate/node name.
   * If it gets one, it's good to go.
 * Master didn't give me a cert. Okay, have I submitted a certificate 
 signing request before? Look in $ssldir/certificate_requests for my own 
   * If there's one there, it bails and waits, assuming it's waiting for the 
 master to sign that thing. 
 * Okay, there's nothing there, but maybe I developed amnesia. Better ask 
 the master if I've asked for one. This looks like a GET request to 
 /certificate_request/node name.
   * If the master says it's already asked, it will just bail and say I'm 
 still waiting for that.
 * Okay, I never even asked for a cert, it looks like. Well, time to ask for 
 one. This looks like a PUT request to /certificate_request/node name.
   * Now if autosign is turned on, it can GET /certificate/node name and 
 continue; otherwise it'll bail and go through this whole process again next 
 time, in which case it says yes I have a private key, no I don't have a 
 cert and gets to work on the second step above. 
 What I'm seeing in that snippet from your log is that it seems to think it 
 has submitted a certificate request before. I just tested with my own 
 machines, and it looks like if your agent still has a 
 $ssldir/certificate_requests/name.pem file sitting around (and crucially, 
 it doesn't automatically destroy these when it gets a cert, so if it used 
 to have a cert and you didn't nuke the whole SSLdir, it's probably there), 
 it asks for a cert but doesn't ask the master if it's ever asked for a 
 So check that certificate_requests dir and nuke it if there's anything 
 there, then get back to us?
 On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:23:28 AM UTC-8, Bret Wortman wrote:
  My test node doesn't have its certs either.
  I've now started puppetmaster in verbose mode:
  # puppet master --no-daemonize --verbose
  Info: Could not find certificate for ''
  Info: Could not find certificate for ''
  Info: Could not find certificate for ''
  This will repeat three times whenever I try to connect. For another node 
  that tried to connect while I was testing, I get something more sinister:
  Warning: Denying access: Forbidden request: 
  access to /file_metadata/plugins [search] at :99
  Error: Forbidden request: access to 
  /file_metadata/plugins [search] at :99
  Info: access[/]: defaulting to no access for
  Also repeating four times; one [search], two [find]s and a [save].
  On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 1:18:52 PM UTC-5, Wolf Noble wrote:
  Did you try removing the cert from a node and seeing if that changes the 
  behavior? you removed the certs from the master, but the node still thinks 
  it has a valid cert maybe? 
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Re: [Puppet Users] RFC: Default File Permissions

2013-02-08 Thread Nikola Petrov
I have seen this issue for sure many times. I always forget this and
when I see it while running with --noop, I change the owner and the
group on the file resource. I am +1 on fixing this to have a more
deterministic behaviour

Best, Nikola

On Thu, Feb 07, 2013 at 05:48:58PM -0800, Josh Cooper wrote:
 Recently, the issue of copying file modes from remote sources was discussed 
 on the puppet-users mailing list[1], although it equally applies to owner 
 and group.
 One issue is what permissions to apply to newly created files when none are 
 specified? Historically, Puppet has always copied the permissions from the 
 file source to the newly created one. However, this causes problems on 
 Windows[2] agents due to the way that Puppet emulates POSIX permissions. We 
 break NTFS access control inheritance to ensure the effective permissions 
 are not greater than what Puppet has granted. It also causes problems on 
 *nix agents, when the files' source is remote and uid/gids are not 
 A second, but related issue, is that Puppet applies the same 
 copy-permissions logic to files that already exist. This goes against what 
 jcbollinger said, unmanaged resources and resource properties should not 
 be modified by Puppet[3], and what Nigel said, A core principle of Puppet 
 is that you can choose to only manage the attributes of a resource that you 
 care about, and can leave the rest unmanaged.[4] However, this bug has 
 been around so long, at least 0.24.8, that we can't change behaviors in a 
 minor release.[5]
 Patrick and I talked about this and would like to propose adding a file 
 parameter, something like `use_source_permissions`. If true and permissions 
 are unspecified, Puppet would continue copying source permissions as it 
 does today, for both newly created and existing files. This would be the 
 If false and permission are unspecified, Puppet would never copy them from 
 the source. Instead the permission defaults for newly created files would 
 be based on the user that Puppet is running as. And the permissions for 
 existing files would be unmodified.
 Doing so would provide a mechanism for resolving both #5240 and #18931.
 Comments and feedback welcome.

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: directory mode

2013-02-01 Thread Nikola Petrov

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 05:58:55AM -0800, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:11:25 AM UTC-6, Kubes wrote:
  I am trying to set all the directroes in the tree to 775 and files to 664 
  with Puppets fie resource.
  This woks fine with native chmod:   #  chmod -R a=r,ug+Xw,o+X
  But if I us this in puppet all is set to 775
  file { /etc/puppet:
  ensure = directory,
  recurse = true,
  ignore = .git,
  owner  = $puppet::params::puppet_user,
  group  = $puppet::params::puppet_group,
  mode = 'a=r,ug+Xw,o+X',
  I have also tried   mode = 'a=r,ug+X,ug+w,o+X', no luck either, same 
  result 775.
 Just use mode= '644'.  Puppet will turn on the execute bits on the 
 directories automatically.
mode = '0644'
it is a good idea also write the 0 there just to make it clearer

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet service

2013-01-30 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:21:06AM -0500, Mamta Garg wrote:
 HI All,
 Can any anyone please help me with attached screenshot.
 Actually i am not able to lauch puppet dashboard and when i have tried to
 running below command ,getting error.
 puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true

I suspect that you forgot the screenshot as I cannot see it


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Re: [Puppet Users] VMware investment in Puppet Labs

2013-01-24 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 07:25:18AM -0800, Luke Kanies wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm proud to announce that VMware has invested $30 million in Puppet Labs:
 This investment is about continuing to enable us to invest and grow, staying 
 on the track of being a great, independent company.  Just like when we 
 announced OpenStack support, we're not suddenly switching to being a VMware 
 company, a cloud company, a virtualization company - we're staying an 
 infrastructure management company that supports massive heterogeneity.
 Please contact me if you have any questions.

Glad to hear that you are receiving funding for the great job that you
are doing.

Nikola ;)

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Re: [Puppet Users] WebRick role

2013-01-08 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 06:47:55AM -0800, jcbollinger wrote:
 On Monday, January 7, 2013 11:44:00 AM UTC-6, Garrett Honeycutt wrote:
  Webrick is useful for doing a demo and learning about Puppet with a 
  couple of nodes. It is not at all meant to scale and if you attempt to 
  run your eight agents, you are likely to have performance issues. If 
  this is a production level deployment, you should look at Apache with 
 Only eight?  I have webrick reliably serving in excess of 50 clients, all 
 updating at the default rate of twice per hour.
 Webrick's biggest problem is not performance *per se*, it's lack of 
 multiple threads.  Apache / passenger does not make Puppet faster; it just 
 runs more instances and handles contemporaneous requests more gracefully.  
 Thus it improves *throughput* when there are enough system resources behind 
 it, but that's not exactly the same thing as performance.
 I think webrick works well for me because my manifests change infrequently 
 and are fairly quick to compile (even though the master is not particularly 
 well-provisioned).  In that context, the master can serve catalog requests 
 quickly enough that clients rarely time out, despite webrick's 
 single-threaded nature.

All true.
 My recommendation for a new Puppeteer would certainly be to start out with 
 webrick, since it works out of the box with no additional software or 
 configuration.  Switch to Passenger or something more capable only when 
 webrick becomes inadequate.  When that will be depends a lot on the 
 manifests involved, the hardware underneath, the number of clients, and the 
 request frequency.

Passenger works out of the box too here. I just install it from the
provided packages. It is a no brainer


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Re: [Puppet Users] Apply manifests on Puppet Managed Nodes from Puppet Master and appending to an existing file

2013-01-02 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 08:51:55AM -0500, Adam Goucher wrote:
 On 2012-12-31 7:21 AM, Sivaraman Viswanathan wrote:
 Hello All,
 I have written a manifest which will upgrade the JAVA to a recent
 version (ex: JDK 6u33 to JDK7) using exec type. The installation
 is nothing but untarring the tar.gz file into a predefined folder
 and setting the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables in the user's
 bash_profile file.
 1. Now I have to upgrade around 30 servers. Is there anyway that I
 can apply these manifests into the nodes from puppet master
Many of the examples that I found says that we have to login to
 the node and execute the command puppet agent update command. But
 doing this in all the managed nodes is tedious.
Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
 You could set up the agent to poll the master periodically.
 2. The bash_profile contains other text in them. How can we append
 these new variables (JAVA_HOME) into the existing file without
 changing the other parts of the file?
 What I would look at is creating a .java_settings file that sets
 your JAVA_* and have that sourced from the .profile. That way you
 could have puppet manage that file in its entirety and not the
 user's .profile.


You can also use the /etc/profile.d directory which is sourced in
/etc/profile at least on Arch and Ubuntu.

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: How to manage puppet modules? git submodules? hg subrepositories? own solution?

2012-12-24 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 01:28:04PM -0500, Mason Turner wrote:
 We are still using svn, but looking on adapt this to git next year.
 This is a simplified view of our svn repo:
 - nodes
 -- dev
 --- trunk
 --- tags
 -- prod
 --- trunk
 --- tags
 - modules
 -- apache
 --- trunk
 --- tags
 -- something_else
 --- trunk
 --- tags
 We then have a utility (link_puppet) that:

Can you please post the link_puppet utility. I will be happy if we can
burrow some code and not start from scratch on almost the same setup(we
are doing it manually at the moment)

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] Question on modeling multiple services sharing configuration

2012-12-18 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:47:36PM -0800, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Nikola Petrov wrote:
  You have a bunch of options for this if I understand you well. You can
  one of the following:
  * use augeas with virtual resources
  * use the concat module
 Understood. I'm leaning heavily towards augeas at this point
 (although I'm a bit scared of throwing various XML at it).
 If stock augeas doesn't pan out I think I'm going to
 go with the most basic solution of all -- having a template
 with easy markers and doing a bunch of exec's of sed -i
 (wrapped in a nice custom resource of course ;-)).
  * use the standard template function with multiple arguments; look at and scroll down to
Combining templates
 You lost me there -- would you mind elaborating how these
 type of 'Combining templates' could be useful in my case?

I hope that I understood you correctly in the first place - otherwise
ignore my advice :). You want to aggregate a common configuration file
for *all* of your services so you want one of the following:

* combine all config files to look them in one place - this is easily
done with templates if you have a bunch of service classes 

class service1(...) {...}
class service2(...) {...}

each of these has a template for it's configuration(with params and what
not). You then just call the template function with all of them and they
will be concatenated. In the case of the XML you might get clever and
include a pre and post templates to get a proper tree

* you want to provide a common config file for sane defaults and then
override some of the settings in each service. This can be done again
with templates - it is a bit harder and it might be slower for your
taste but it is still doable - you define some kind of virtual resource
for sub templates and then realize only those that you see fit. 

Note that both are almost the same(if not the same) as the concat
plugin. So you might just better use the already working implementation
from there.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Question on modeling multiple services sharing configuration

2012-12-17 Thread Nikola Petrov
You have a bunch of options for this if I understand you well. You can
one of the following:

* use augeas with virtual resources
* use the concat module 
* use the standard template function with multiple arguments; look at and scroll down to
  Combining templates

Best,  Nikola

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:09:51PM -0800, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
 I would appreciate any advice on the best practices
 on how to model a collection of services that each
 has its own configuration file, but also share a common
 Now, the trouble is, that the common configuration file
 is not *really* just a place for the common configuration
 to reside, but also may have sections dedicated to holding
 properties of a particular service (just like /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
 has [main] [agent] and [master] sections).
 Thus, in reality, the configuration properties are
 per service and whether they need to go into a common
 configuration file or a service-specific one is NOT cleanly
 partitioned and is pretty awkward to remember. Which
 means I really don't want to expose the common config
 explicitly to the end user.
 Instead, I'd like to expose the natural hierarchy of:
 class service1($foo, $bar, $baz) {
 class serviceN($qoo, $zoo) {
 but the question then becomes -- how can I model a
 common configuration file behind user's back so that
 $foo, $bar and $qoo end up there.
 At first I was thinking that I could utilize a singleton
 non-parameterized class and include it multiple
 times in all of the serviceX class definitions, but it
 seems I can't pass any values into it.
 I suppose I can still do that and create a skeleton
 of the common config in that singleton class
 that would later be manipulated either by augeas or
 concat patterns, but this seems to be pretty heavyweight.
 What would you, guys, recommend?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Help with PuppetDB

2012-12-10 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 08:27:14AM -0800, Nishant Jain wrote:
 Hello Everybody,
I am trying to install the puppetdb on the same 
 machine as am running my puppetmaster.
 I am getting the following error when am trying to connect the agent:
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for 
 to PuppetDB at Connection refused - connect(2)
 Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
 Can anybody tell me how to resolve this error???
 System Information:
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)
 puppet 3.0.1
 puppetdb 1.0.4

Can you please post your routes.yaml file. Also what is the content of
the puppetdb log and the log from the master.

Also did you run

puppet agent -t

for initial ssl authentication before configuring puppet?


 I have installed and made the changes for the pupeptdb according to the 
 following link:
 I think the error is related to the ssl certificates??
 The output with running trace is as follows:
 gnoring --listen on onetime run
 Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
 Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for Failed to find facts from PuppetDB at SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read 
 finished A
 Info: Retrieving plugin
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for 
 to PuppetDB at SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 
 state=SSLv3 read finished A
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:65:in `deserialize'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:121:in `find'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb:191:in `find'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:348:in `thinmark'
 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:347:in `thinmark'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:67:in `retrieve_catalog'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:159:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:45:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent/locker.rb:20:in `lock'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:45:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/sync.rb:230:in `synchronize'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:45:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:119:in `with_client'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:42:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:84:in `run_in_fork'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:41:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:175:in `call'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:175:in `controlled_run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/agent.rb:39:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/agent.rb:338:in `onetime'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/agent.rb:311:in `run_command'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:346:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:438:in `plugin_hook'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:346:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:500:in `exit_on_fail'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:346:in `run'
 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/command_line.rb:76:in `execute'
 Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
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Re: [Puppet Users] custom define type for array with 'case' argument pass to it

2012-12-06 Thread Nikola Petrov
You should consider using a good editor which will show those error for
you. You can incorporate puppet-lint for example and it will spot most
of the problems and warn you about the double quotes for performance and
clarity reasons.

Hope that helps :-)

Best, Nikola

On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 04:19:35PM -0800, iamauser wrote:
 No worries. Your comment helped me to notice the dollar sign in front of 
 the linkcase. That actually solved the issue. Now it works and yes, I have 
 added a default case as well :)
 On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 6:16:55 PM UTC-6, Jakov Sosic wrote:
  On 12/06/2012 12:58 AM, iamauser wrote: 
   First of all, I didn't copy paste my code, rather typed it here, so 
   indentation should be ignored. 
   You are right, dollar sign shouldn't be there, and I think it was a typo 
   on my part that I failed to notice. I disagree with your comment about 
   singlequote or doublequote for var. That shouldn't be an issue here as 
   it will consider this as string of characters. 
  Sorry if my comments sounded harsh, I didn't mean to offend you. Just 
  urge you to incorporate those tools into your daily practice, which 
  would save you a lot of time and nerves ;) 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Use random value from an array in a template

2012-12-04 Thread Nikola Petrov
You should really think about this more closely. Imagine you had the
*rand* function that gives you an integer from 1..3 now if you define 

$ipaddress = rand()

in your manifest you will now generate a new ipaddress on each puppet
agent run.

If you want that we can tell you how to do it(I even think it is in the
example at puppet custom function)

P.S. I had to learn this the hard way by trying to balance a cassandra
cluster with proper initial_tokens.

Best, Nikola

On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 08:44:03AM -0800, Matthias Kellermann wrote:
 Hi there,
 I have a network service with three IP addresses. For my client config file 
 I want to choose a random IP addresses of the three available addresses 
 (round robin via DNS won't work..).
 Is there a way to use a random IP from an array in a puppet template?
 Thanks and best regards,
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Nagios/NRPE with Plugins...

2012-12-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
Well you can tell puppet to source a whole directory and put it
somewhere for you. Here is an example from our nagios application
specific manifest

class app {
  #install the app package
  include app::install
  include base
  #generic nagios checks like memory, load, etc
  include nagios::target

  #application specific checks
  file {'/usr/local/nagios':
ensure = 'directory',

  file {'/usr/local/nagios/libexec/':
ensure  = 'directory',
recurse = 'true', #enable recursive directory management
purge   = 'true', #purge all unmanaged junk
force   = 'true', #also purge subdirs and links etc.
owner   = 'nagios',
group   = 'nagios',
mode= '0544',
source  = 'puppet:///modules/app/nagios',

  Class['app::params'] - Class['app']

Pay attention to the file resources. You can now put
your nagios checks in *modelpath/files/nagios/*. Change the path as
/usr/local/nagios/libexec is used here for historical reasons

Hope that helps. 

Best, Nikola

On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 03:47:24AM -0800, Gavin Williams wrote:
 Morning all 
 I've had a quick google, but couldn't find anything useful for our 
 Basically, we use Nagios  NRPE in our environment, along with a hand-full 
 of in-house written plugins specific to our applications etc... 
 These scripts change on a fairly regular basis, so hand rolling a RPM each 
 time is too much work as far as i'm concerned... 
 So I can easily get NRPE installed on a node using Puppet... However what 
 I'm struggling with is getting all the plugins synced over aswell... 
 One suggestion I read was to use a file resource, however I've also read 
 about severe performance issues when working with tens of files... 
 I dont really want to have to create some kind of NFS file share to 
 distribute the files... 
 So, any other ideas? 
 P.S. Env consists of a single 3.0 Puppet Master, currently with about a 
 dozen nodes connected, but this will rapidly increase once we start full 

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Re: [Puppet Users] checking if DB populated

2012-12-03 Thread Nikola Petrov
I am using the following and it serves us well. Basically it makes sure
that the importing is done and executes ' touch semaphore' file. There
are plans to put those into /var/lib/puppet/sql-snippets instead of in
/opt but oh well it seems I am too lazy to go and move them on each
server now...

class sql {
  $sqls = '/opt/sql-snippets'

  file { $sql::sqls:
ensure   = directory,
mode = 700,

  define do($source='', $db, $content='') {
$script = $sql::sqls/$name.sql

file { $script:
  mode   = 600,

case $content {
  '': {
File[$script] {
  source = $source
  default: {
File[$script] {
  content = $content

exec {mysql-import-$name:
  path= ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
  command = mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf $db  $script  touch 
  creates = $script.semaphore,
  require = File[$script],
  timeout = '0',

  define source($local_script_path, $db) {
$semaphore = $sql::sqls/$name.semaphore
exec { mysql-execute-script-$name:
  path= ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
  command = mysql --defaults-file=/root/.my.cnf $db  $local_script_path 
 touch $semaphore,
  creates = $semaphore,
  timeout = '0',

  Class['mysql'] - Class['sql']


Note that it requires a mysql class to be defined before that. 

You will get bonus points if you make it work for other databases like
postgre and what not 

Some problems:
* the name of the sql::do or sql::sourc should be lowercase as i don't
want to support that(if you want put quotes around semaphore in the


On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 06:57:28AM -0800, Luca Gioppo wrote:
 Which is the bast strategy to check if a DB has been populated?
 The target is to execute the mysql  file.sql just once since it could 
 not be idempotent.
 The idea is to use the unless clause to stop it to run if there is the 
 known data in the table, but it seems that it is just happy with the mysql 
 managing to connect and the fact that the DB return of an empy set is 
 treated as a success return from the mysql command (obviously it managed to 
 execute and the return value of the command does not depend on the result 
 of the query).
 Any hint?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Seeking some Puppet advice for a newbie (specifically Virtualmin/CSF related)

2012-12-01 Thread Nikola Petrov
You can actually install in a custom directory and build a package from
that pretty easily. Look at directory provider from on how to do that. Of course you
will then want to tweak specific configuration options like IP address
through puppet. 

Hope that helps :)

Best, Nikola

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 01:44:01AM -0800, Laurence Cope wrote:
 Thanks Ilya, I will give this a try. 
 BUT if I remember correctly, the install process will ask input during the 
 install, to set some options... can Puppet handle entering options during 
 On Monday, November 19, 2012 10:15:57 PM UTC, Ilya Dmitrichenko wrote:
  Yes, you probably want to do something like this:
  class virtualmin::install {
$version = '1.2.3-foo'
exec { 'get installer script':
 command = 'wget
 cwd = '/tmp',
 creates = '/tmp/',
file { '/tmp/':
  mode = 0755,
  # checksum = 'the_checksum_of_that_script_if_you_feed_paranoid'
exec { 'install it now':
  command = '/tmp/',
  unless = 'test -x /usr/local/virtualmin/bin/foo  
  /usr/local/virtualmin/bin/foo --version | grep $version',
  require = File['/tmp/'],
  hope this kind of makes sense and please excuse any errors this pseudocode 
  might give you :)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet run failing

2012-11-14 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:28:54PM -0800, Pradeep Chhetri wrote:
 Hello Everyone
 I was getting the error which running 
 $ sudo puppet agent -t
 err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match 
 private key; please remove certificate from server and regenerate it with 
 the current key
 To solve this, I first removed the certs from the puppet server for this 
 host using
 $  sudo puppetca --clean hostname
 And then removed the content inside directory /var/lib/puppet/ssl on the 
 Still it is giving me the same error. Can somebody help me solving this.

Can you please try to cleanup the ssl certificate on the client too. You
can just move the ssl directory(in case you want to revert it). It is in
the same location /var/lib/puppet/ssl


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Re: [Puppet Users] Usage of puppet to deploy and configuration manage software patches

2012-11-09 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 08:04:44AM -0800, Christian wrote:
 I have some questions in terms of how to use puppet of configuration 
 management for software patches. My previous approach was it to create a 
 puppet module for each patch ... Like Patch1 includes (FileA, FileB, 
 FileC), Patch2 includes (FileD, FileE)... So far so good and that works but 
 now i have to create a Patch3 with lets say FileF and FileA included. As 
 you can see there will be a puppet conflict as i can't deploy the same 
 files within different modules. What is the right architecture and method 
 to manage software patches? Is it to use rpms instead of? Or are there 
 other ideas how to manage that with puppet.


If you should decompose them you can define them as different
classes. That however as you know will lead to an explosion of different
classes which can become pretty unmaintainable with time ...

The question is if you *should* do it this way. I don't know
so much about your system so I can't tell. We are mostly updating with
proper package management and build our software for upgrades.

Maybe if you tell us more about your system/setup, we can give you a better 

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetdb postgresql Connection refused

2012-11-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 01:40:18AM -0800, linux@bami wrote:
 we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error:
 Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
 Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: 
 Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
 puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
 Info: Retrieving plugin
 Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryhugepages.rb
 Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bstoragemanufacturer.rb
 Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmmax.rb
 Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmall.rb
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
 puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
 Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
 The puppetdb is remote for the puppetmaster and is using postgresql.
Can you post your puppet.conf master section and puppetdb.conf please?
 Direct connect from puppetmaster to the postgresql puppetdb is vaild.
By direct you mean that you can run

puppet agent -t

on the master and it's working? Did you try to connect to the database
only with telnet as described here -

 We don't see any hint in the logfiles.
 R/ Daniel

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetdb postgresql Connection refused

2012-11-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 03:32:21AM -0800, linux@bami wrote:
 Hi Nikola,
 thanks for the response!
 here are our configs:
  cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
 server = lx1ml.unix.lan
 logdir = /var/log/puppet
 rundir = /var/run/puppet
 confdir = /app/puppet/etc
 vardir = /app/puppet/var
 ssldir = $vardir/ssl
 modulepath = $confdir/modules
 manifest = $confdir/manifests/site.pp
 pluginsync = true
 certname = lx1ml.unix.lan
 dns_alt_names = lx1ml.unix.lan
 ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
 ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
 reports = tagmail,http
 reportfrom =
 #reporturl = http://lx1ml.unix.lan:3000/reports/upload
 storeconfigs = true
 storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
 #facts_terminus = yaml
 #facts_terminus = inventory_active_record
 #dbadapter = mysql
 #dbname = dashboard
 #dbuser = dashboard
 #dbpassword = x
 #dbserver = puppetdb.unix.lan
 #dbport = 
 modulepath = /app/puppet/env/production/modules
 manifest = /app/puppet/env/production/manifests/site.pp
 modulepath = /app/puppet/env/development/modules
 manifest = /app/puppet/env/development/manifests/site.pp
 cat /etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf
 server = lxj2j.unix.lan
 port = 8081
 Direkt connect from the puppetmaster to the puppetdb postgresql via psql
 [lx1ml ~]# psql -h lxj2j -U puppetdb -d puppetdb
 Telnet Connect is working:
 [root@lx1ml ~]# telnet lxj2j 8081
 Connected to lxj2j.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 ^CConnection closed by foreign host.
 Puppetdb config from lxj2j:
 cat /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/jetty.ini
 # Hostname to list for clear-text HTTP.  Default is localhost
 #host = localhost
 # Port to listen on for clear-text HTTP.
 port = 8080
 ssl-host = lxj2j.unix.lan
 ssl-port = 8081
 keystore = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/keystore.jks
 truststore = /etc/puppetdb/ssl/truststore.jks
 removed passwords from output
 [root@lxj2j data]# cat /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/database.ini |grep -v ^#
 classname = org.postgresql.Driver
 subprotocol = postgresql
 subname = //localhost:5432/puppetdb
 log-slow-statements = 10
 syntax_pgs = true
 gc-interval = 60
 username = puppetdb
 password = puppetdb
 Am Montag, 5. November 2012 10:40:18 UTC+1 schrieb linux@bami:
  we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error:
  Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
  Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: 
  Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
  puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Info: Retrieving plugin
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryhugepages.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bstoragemanufacturer.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmmax.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmall.rb
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
  Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
  puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
  The puppetdb is remote for the puppetmaster and is using postgresql.
  Direct connect from puppetmaster to the postgresql puppetdb is vaild.
  We don't see any hint in the logfiles.
  R/ Daniel

Strange ;; everything seems fine to me. Recheck the logs of the master,
the agent and the db please. Can you also make sure that you have a
signed certificate on the puppetdb host as described here -
i.e make sure that 

puppet agent -t

runs properly there. 

P.S. Also did you add a routes.yaml file?

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetdb postgresql Connection refused

2012-11-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 05:36:39AM -0800, linux@bami wrote:
 Hi Nikola,
 yes on the puppet master there ist a routes.yaml
 [root@lx1ml puppet]# cat routes.yaml
 terminus: puppetdb
 cache: yaml
 And the puppet agent -t runs fine on the puppetdb if we remove the 
 storeconfig settings from our master puppet.conf
 Is it possible to increase the jetty log, because we don't the any 
 connection attempts or Connection refused.

Well on my machine the file is at /etc/puppetdb/ There
you can configure the logging level which in my case is INFO and this should
be more than enough. Did you check the system log for your environment
for problems. For example on my ubuntu machine most of the messages from
the master go to /var/log/syslog. 

Where are you looking for the puppetdb and puppet logs


Best, Nikola

 Am Montag, 5. November 2012 10:40:18 UTC+1 schrieb linux@bami:
  we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error:
  Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
  Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: 
  Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
  puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Info: Retrieving plugin
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryhugepages.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bstoragemanufacturer.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmmax.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmall.rb
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
  Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
  puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
  The puppetdb is remote for the puppetmaster and is using postgresql.
  Direct connect from puppetmaster to the postgresql puppetdb is vaild.
  We don't see any hint in the logfiles.
  R/ Daniel
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetdb postgresql Connection refused

2012-11-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 06:26:35AM -0800, linux@bami wrote:
 so we figured out the first problem.
 We had an alias puppetdb.fqdn which was pointing to out puppet dashboard 
 db. It seems that despite from the entry in the puppetdb.conf, puppet uses 
 puppetdb as database server.
 we changed the alias and now we are getting an ssl error:
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
 Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at 
 puppetdb:8081: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server 
 certificate B: certificate verify failed: [unable to get local issuer 
 certificate for /CN=lxj2j.unix.lan]
 Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
 Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

This looks like an SSL error to me. Try to remove the storeconfigs and
make a clean

puppet agent -t

from puppetdb host before you enable it again.

 any idea ?! 
 thanks and greetings.
 Am Montag, 5. November 2012 14:36:39 UTC+1 schrieb linux@bami:
  Hi Nikola,
  yes on the puppet master there ist a routes.yaml
  [root@lx1ml puppet]# cat routes.yaml
  terminus: puppetdb
  cache: yaml
  And the puppet agent -t runs fine on the puppetdb if we remove the 
  storeconfig settings from our master puppet.conf
  Is it possible to increase the jetty log, because we don't the any 
  connection attempts or Connection refused.
  Am Montag, 5. November 2012 10:40:18 UTC+1 schrieb linux@bami:
  we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error:
  Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
  Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for 
  lxa7t.unix.lan: Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for 
  to PuppetDB at puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Info: Retrieving plugin
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryhugepages.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bstoragemanufacturer.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmmax.rb
  Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmall.rb
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
  SERVER: Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to 
  PuppetDB at puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2)
  Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
  Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
  The puppetdb is remote for the puppetmaster and is using postgresql.
  Direct connect from puppetmaster to the postgresql puppetdb is vaild.
  We don't see any hint in the logfiles.
  R/ Daniel
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetdb postgresql Connection refused

2012-11-05 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 07:52:02AM -0800, linux@bami wrote:
 we solved the problem. removed all files from /etc/puppetdb/ssl and 
 ran /usr/sbin/puppetdb-ssl-setup.
 Thanks for the support!!

I am glad that you managed to solve it.

Best, Nikola

 Am Montag, 5. November 2012 16:07:43 UTC+1 schrieb nikolavp:
  On Mon, Nov 05, 2012 at 05:36:39AM -0800, linux@bami wrote: 
   Hi Nikola, 
   yes on the puppet master there ist a routes.yaml 
   [root@lx1ml puppet]# cat routes.yaml 
   terminus: puppetdb 
   cache: yaml 
   And the puppet agent -t runs fine on the puppetdb if we remove the 
   storeconfig settings from our master puppet.conf 
   Is it possible to increase the jetty log, because we don't the any 
   connection attempts or Connection refused. 
  Well on my machine the file is at /etc/puppetdb/ There 
  you can configure the logging level which in my case is INFO and this 
  be more than enough. Did you check the system log for your environment 
  for problems. For example on my ubuntu machine most of the messages from 
  the master go to /var/log/syslog. 
  Where are you looking for the puppetdb and puppet logs 
  Best, Nikola 
   Am Montag, 5. November 2012 10:40:18 UTC+1 schrieb linux@bami: 


we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following 

Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for 
Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to 
  PuppetDB at 
puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2) 
Info: Retrieving plugin 
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryhugepages.rb 
Info: Loading facts in 
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmmax.rb 
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/bmemoryshmall.rb 
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
Failed to submit 'replace facts' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to 
  PuppetDB at 
puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2) 
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog 
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run 

The puppetdb is remote for the puppetmaster and is using postgresql. 

Direct connect from puppetmaster to the postgresql puppetdb is vaild. 

We don't see any hint in the logfiles. 

R/ Daniel 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Really long puppet runs...

2012-11-02 Thread Nikola Petrov
Is there any particular reason that you are using an older master than
the client. If not now it will pop up as a problem in the future. Why
don't you just make the move?

Best, Nikola

On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 08:28:12AM -0700, llowder wrote:
 Turns out it was a stray recurse = true
 On Friday, November 2, 2012 9:56:40 AM UTC-5, llowder wrote:
  I've got a 3.0.0 node on Ubuntu 12.04 talking to a 2.7.19 master on Ubuntu 
  10.04.  Until yesterday, this worked fine (and the other 3.0.0 node works 
  fine as well)
  This node is in my 'test' environment and the other node uses  an almost 
  identical node def except is in the 'prod' environment.
  I don't know exactly what changed, but I am hoping someone can help me 
  track this down.
  Of the two nodes, I did move the one that is still functioning normally 
  out of test and into prod, but other than hostnames and environments, they 
  use the same code base and settings.
  I've posted a partial log (sudo puppet agent -t --debug) from the node 
  having problems at
  But the basic issue is that puppet runs have started taking 15-20 minutes, 
  and in each case, the long pause is after 
  Debug: /Schedule[puppet]: Skipping device resources because running on a 
  Debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml pson raw yaml; using 
  Debug: file_metadata supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml pson raw yaml; using 
  is displayed.
  I commented out a section of the node def to simplify, and same issues.
  Any help in tracking this down would be much appreciated.
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[Puppet Users] PuppetDB + PuppetMaster with Passanger

2012-10-24 Thread Nikola Petrov
Hi everyone,

I am trying to configure a puppet master with a puppetdb for storeconfigs 
backend. I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and the packages from puppetlabs repository. 
The option I chose for the master is to use passanger as I am far more familiar 
with apache than with the ruby web servers that are available as an option. I 
will also need puppetDB for proper nagios configuration so I got that as well 
from the ubuntu packages. Here is the full package list that I installed:

apt-get install puppet-common puppetdb puppetdb-terminus 
puppetmaster-common puppetmaster-passenger

I followed the guides on puppetlabs and everything worked fine for a vagrant 
virtual machine I have locally as an agent. The problem came when I tried to 
add puppetDB to the picture. I started getting strange error on

puppet agent -t

on the agent. I am also getting the following message in the system log
when I try to connect to the master

Could not configure routes from /etc/puppet/routes.yaml: Could not find 
terminus puppetdb for indirection facts

Strangely enough I couldn't find any answers with googling so I decided to post 
here for help.

Best, Nikola

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Re: [Puppet Users] File optimizations

2012-10-22 Thread Nikola Petrov
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:09:45PM -0700, Bostjan Skufca wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'm running into slow catalog runs because of many files that are managed. 
 I was thinking about some optimizations of this functionality.
 1: On puppetmaster:
 For files with source = 'puppet:///modules...' puppetmaster should 
 already calculate md5 and send it with the catalog.
 2: On managed node:
 As md5s for files are already there once catalog is received, there is no 
 need for x https calls (x is the number of files managed with source= 
 3. Puppetmaster md5 cache
 This would of course put some strain on puppetmaster, which would then 
 benefit from some sort of file md5 cache:
 - when md5 is calculated, put in into cache, key is filename. Also add file 
 mtime and time of cache insert.
 - on each catalog request, for each file in the catalog check if mtime has 
 changed, and if so, recalculate md5 hash, else just retrieve md5 hash from 
 - some sort of stale cache entries removal, based on cache insert time, 
 maybe at the end of each puppet catalog compilation, maybe controlled with 
 probability 1:100 or something
 Do you have any comments about these optimizations? They will be greatly 
 appreciated... really :)

When using puppet I found that it is a far better idea to serf files
with something else. You will be far better with something else for this
job like sftp or ssh. My conclusions just came from the fact that we
were trying to import a big dump(2GB seems ok to me but who knows) and
puppet just died because they are not streaming the file but it is
*fully* loaded into memory.

Apart from that these ideas seems reasonable but I am not a commiter.

Best, Nikola

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