[Puppet Users] Problem with my puppet agent 7.27 on a Windows client

2023-12-15 Thread puppetstan

I have a problem with my puppet agent on a Windows client

I installed the puppet agent on my windows client.

I downloaded it here : 

I took the following version : puppet-agent-x64-latest.msi

here is the installed version

C:\Users\Administrateur>puppet -V

My puppet file (puppet.conf) is in this directory 


when I force the puppet agent I get the following error

C:\Users\Administrateur>puppet agent -t
Error: certificate verify failed [unable to get issuer certificate for 
CN=Puppet CA: puppet.domain.fr]
Error: certificate verify failed [unable to get issuer certificate for 
CN=Puppet CA: puppet.domain.fr]

Do you have an idea of ​​the problem?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetboard and postgresql - Reports take up space.

2023-11-21 Thread puppetstan

Thank you for your answer I will apply that but I just saw that by default 
it is 14 days. So I think my problem lies elsewhere...


Le jeudi 16 novembre 2023 à 20:54:02 UTC+1, austin...@puppet.com a écrit :

> That script looks to be related to the old puppet-dashboard, and I don't 
> think it would work with Puppetboard. To my knowledge, Puppetboard does not 
> store any reports and is only a frontend for displaying PuppetDB data. If 
> you find the reports in your PuppetDB growing too large, you can lower the 
> value of report-ttl 
> <https://www.puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/8/configure.html#report-ttl> in 
> your PuppetDB configuration.
> On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 9:07:22 AM UTC-8 puppetstan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I installed puppetboard and a postgresql database. 
>> Reports take up space. On an old server I installed a script which 
>> contained this
>> #!/bin/bash
>> DBOARD_DIR=/usr/share/puppet-dashboard
>> cd ${DBOARD_DIR}
>> rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:prune upto=1 unit=mon
>> rake RAILS_ENV=production db:raw:optimize
>> do you think this is the right solution? is there another solution?
>> Regards

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[Puppet Users] Puppetboard and postgresql - Reports take up space.

2023-11-16 Thread puppetstan

I installed puppetboard and a postgresql database. 

Reports take up space. On an old server I installed a script which 
contained this


rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:prune upto=1 unit=mon
rake RAILS_ENV=production db:raw:optimize

do you think this is the right solution? is there another solution?


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[Puppet Users] search in a section a setting and execute a command

2017-02-28 Thread puppetstan

Actually my configuation permit to search in a section a parameter and give 
it a value. this it's ok

ini_setting {'priority':
  ensure=> present,
  path  => '/etc/file',
  section   => 'main',
  key_val_separator => '=',
  setting   => 'priority',
  value => '5',

But now, i would like doing the same (search in a section a parameter) if 
he doesnt exist, not create it and give a value but execute a command...

can you have an idea?

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[Puppet Users] Re: optimize my configuration

2017-02-28 Thread puppetstan

i think the local repository is the best choice...i create it with 


Le mardi 14 février 2017 15:09:23 UTC+1, jcbollinger a écrit :
> On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 10:51:42 AM UTC-6, puppetstan wrote:
>> thanks for your answer
>> But with this conf, my package package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm is 
>> automatically downloaded even if my package version is 5.0. So it's my 
>> problem. I don't want downloaded package package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm if my 
>> version package is 5.0...
>> file { "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm":
>> #ensure => 'present',
>>source => "puppet:///modules/puppet/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"
>>   }
>> package { "package":
>> ensure => '5.0',
>> provider => 'rpm',
>> source => "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm",
>> require => File["/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"]
>> }
> I strongly recommend creating a local repository for your RPMs, and using 
> yum to manage packages (under Puppet direction).  The job you propose to 
> have Puppet do is among yum's core behaviors.
> If you insist on doing it manually, however, then you have two main 
> choices:
>1. Accept that Puppet will maintain copies of your RPMs on each 
>machine.  Give it a place to put them where they will be persistent (i.e. 
>some place other than /tmp) -- Puppet will not download your RPMs again if 
>they are already there.
>2. Create one or more custom facts by which to convey to Puppet 
>whether the RPM(s) of interest are already installed and at the desired 
>version.  Your manifests can then declare both the File resource and the 
>Package resource conditionally, based on the value of the fact.
> Option (2) seems to be what you're asking for, but it is the messiest and 
> most fragile alternative of all those available to you.
> John

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[Puppet Users] Re: optimize my configuration

2017-02-13 Thread puppetstan
thanks for your answer

But with this conf, my package package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm is automatically 
downloaded even if my package version is 5.0. So it's my problem. I don't 
want downloaded package package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm if my version package is 

file { "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm":
#ensure => 'present',
   source => "puppet:///modules/puppet/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"

package { "package":
ensure => '5.0',
provider => 'rpm',
source => "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm",
require => File["/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"]


Le lundi 13 février 2017 16:44:03 UTC+1, Michael Watters a écrit :
> ensure => '5.0' should work but you may want to add a dependency to the 
> package resource to ensure that the file is downloaded first.
> package { "package":
> ensure => '5.0',
> provider => 'rpm',
> source => '/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm',
> require => File['/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm',
> }
> On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 7:56:09 AM UTC-5, puppetstan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i would like modify my conf because is not satisfactory
>> i would live verify my package version and if my version is 5.0 i do 
>> notfhing but if the version is 2.0 for example i download my package in 
>> /tmp and i update package...this is my conf but it's not very good...
>> file { "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm":
>> ensure => 'present',
>>source => "puppet:///modules/package/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"
>>   }
>> package { "package":
>> ensure => '5.0',
>> provider => 'rpm',
>> source => "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"
>> }
>> can you have an idea with condition if i do nothing else dwonload package 
>> and i update...
>> regards

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[Puppet Users] optimize my configuration

2017-02-13 Thread puppetstan

i would like modify my conf because is not satisfactory

i would live verify my package version and if my version is 5.0 i do 
notfhing but if the version is 2.0 for example i download my package in 
/tmp and i update package...this is my conf but it's not very good...

file { "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm":
ensure => 'present',
   source => "puppet:///modules/package/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"

package { "package":
ensure => '5.0',
provider => 'rpm',
source => "/tmp/package-5.0.el6.noarch.rpm"

can you have an idea with condition if i do nothing else dwonload package 
and i update...

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[Puppet Users] Re: check if the package is installed and compare the version

2016-06-17 Thread puppetstan
Ithank you

I understand, I do not use puppet as he would really

Le vendredi 17 juin 2016 11:23:45 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm not an expert on puppet and I have some syntax problems
> I would check if the package is installed and compare the version of the 
> package with the version I would like to see installed
> IF the package is installed with the correct version DO NOTHING
> BUT if it is not installed or installed but not the correct version, 
> uninstall it and download the right package with the right version and 
> install
> I started to do something that is not terrible and I would like your help 
> to answer my problem
> thank you very much in advance
> here is the beginning of what I've done
> if package { 'xyz' ensure=> '1.2'}
> do nothing
> else {
> exec => rpm -e xyp-packagebadversion
> file { "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion":
>ensure => 'present',
>source => "puppet:///modules/package/xyz-packagegoodversion"
> }
> package { "xyz":
> ensure => '1.2',
> provider => 'rpm',
> source => "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion"
> }

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[Puppet Users] check if the package is installed and compare the version

2016-06-17 Thread puppetstan


I'm not an expert on puppet and I have some syntax problems

I would check if the package is installed and compare the version of the 
package with the version I would like to see installed

IF the package is installed with the correct version DO NOTHING

BUT if it is not installed or installed but not the correct version, 
uninstall it and download the right package with the right version and 

I started to do something that is not terrible and I would like your help 
to answer my problem

thank you very much in advance

here is the beginning of what I've done

if package { 'xyz' ensure=> '1.2'}
do nothing

else {
exec => rpm -e xyp-packagebadversion

file { "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion":
   ensure => 'present',
   source => "puppet:///modules/package/xyz-packagegoodversion"
package { "xyz":
ensure => '1.2',
provider => 'rpm',
source => "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion"

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[Puppet Users] puppetdlock and puppet dashboard

2015-02-03 Thread puppetstan

I have a problem with the command: puppet -t agent

# Puppet -t agent
Record: Ignoring --listen we onetime run
Record: Run of Puppet client configuration already in progress; skipping

There are many tutorials that say to delete the file
# rm /var/lib/puppet/state/puppetdlock

and the command # puppet -t agent working again

This solution is ok but my problem is if the puppet service restarts, I have 
same problem again and on my puppet dashboard, my server has not reported

the problem is random, I have servers that do not have a problem (even 
release agent puppet) and others have this problem

Is someone found why this problem and have a solution?


Puppet Server
# Rpm -qa | grep puppet

Puppet Client
# Rpm -qa | grep puppet

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[Puppet Users] Re: update package with condition

2015-01-15 Thread puppetstan

Hi John,

It's ok with unless = /bin/bash -c '[ `/bin/rpm -q --qf %{VERSION} 
facter` = 1.7.6 ]'

thanks a lot

Le mercredi 14 janvier 2015 18:34:58 UTC+1, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to update the package facter on all of my servers. (I can not 
 use INSTALL_OPTIONS because my puppet version is too old)

 I added a condition-- if the package facter is installed AND if facter 
 version is not facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm I install the package but I 
 I have an error in my onlyif condition because it does not work.

 Can you have an idea please?
 Thanks in advance


 class paquet::redhat6-64 {

 package {'facter':
   provider = 'rpm',
 #  install_options = ['-Uvh'],
   source = /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm,
   require = File[/tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm],
   notify = Service[puppet],

file { /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm:
source = puppet:///modules/paquet/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

 exec {'rpm updates':
 command = '/bin/rpm -Uvh /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm',
 onlyif = /bin/rpm -q facter and ('/usr/bin/facter -v' != 

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[Puppet Users] Re: update package with condition

2015-01-15 Thread puppetstan

Yes it's a solution but for the moment i would like to use a condition ;) 
but i have a problem with it ;)


Le mercredi 14 janvier 2015 18:34:58 UTC+1, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to update the package facter on all of my servers. (I can not 
 use INSTALL_OPTIONS because my puppet version is too old)

 I added a condition-- if the package facter is installed AND if facter 
 version is not facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm I install the package but I 
 I have an error in my onlyif condition because it does not work.

 Can you have an idea please?
 Thanks in advance


 class paquet::redhat6-64 {

 package {'facter':
   provider = 'rpm',
 #  install_options = ['-Uvh'],
   source = /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm,
   require = File[/tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm],
   notify = Service[puppet],

file { /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm:
source = puppet:///modules/paquet/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

 exec {'rpm updates':
 command = '/bin/rpm -Uvh /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm',
 onlyif = /bin/rpm -q facter and ('/usr/bin/facter -v' != 

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[Puppet Users] Re: update package with condition

2015-01-15 Thread puppetstan

Le jeudi 15 janvier 2015 11:24:27 UTC+1, simon.o...@gmail.com a écrit :

 exec {'rpm updates':
 command = '/bin/rpm -Uvh /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm',
 onlyif = /bin/rpm -q facter and ('/usr/bin/facter -v' != 

 I think the problem lies in the onlyif rule, have you tried running that 
 command on a machine? It should be a valid command and result in an exit 
 code 0 to be true and nonzero to be false...

yes it's my problem my onlyif rule but i not understand where is the 
problem ...



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[Puppet Users] update package with condition

2015-01-14 Thread puppetstan

I would like to update the package facter on all of my servers. (I can not 
use INSTALL_OPTIONS because my puppet version is too old)

I added a condition-- if the package facter is installed AND if facter 
version is not facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm I install the package but I think 
I have an error in my onlyif condition because it does not work.

Can you have an idea please?
Thanks in advance


class paquet::redhat6-64 {

package {'facter':
  provider = 'rpm',
#  install_options = ['-Uvh'],
  source = /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm,
  require = File[/tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm],
  notify = Service[puppet],

   file { /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm:
   source = puppet:///modules/paquet/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

exec {'rpm updates':
command = '/bin/rpm -Uvh /tmp/facter-1.7.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm',
onlyif = /bin/rpm -q facter and ('/usr/bin/facter -v' != 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Problem with facter/ipaddress with puppet client 2.7

2014-12-24 Thread puppetstan
Thanks a lot for your answer : It's good now with facter 1.7

#  wget 

# rpm -Uvh facter-1.7.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

and it's OK


Le mercredi 24 décembre 2014 00:45:40 UTC+1, Felix.Frank a écrit :

 On 12/23/2014 07:21 PM, puppetstan wrote: 
  Can you have this problem with this puppet and facter version? 

 No, that's a pretty serious issue. Please note that Facter 1.6.x is 
 obsolete - from my gut feeling, it's even more dusty than Puppet 2.7. 
 Any chance for you to get Facter 1.7? 

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[Puppet Users] Problem with facter/ipaddress with puppet client 2.7

2014-12-23 Thread puppetstan

On my centos6 and redhat6 i have puppet client update with puppet 2.7.25-2 
and facter-1.6.18-7 version with epel repo

My problem is with ipaddress facter, now i have

# facter
ipaddress = eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 
00:50:12:AZ:01:F9inet adr:  Bcast:  
Masque:  adr inet6: fe80::250:56ff:feaf:f9/64 
Metric:1  RX packets:36042965 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 
frame:0  TX packets:32410578 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 
carrier:0  collisions:0 lg file transmission:1000   RX 
bytes:14080706754 (13.1 GiB)  TX bytes:41166159624 (38.3 GiB)loLink 
encap:Boucle localeinet adr:  
Masque:  adr inet6: ::1/128 Scope:H▒te  UP 
LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1  RX packets:10055 errors:0 
dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0  TX packets:10055 errors:0 dropped:0 
overruns:0 carrier:0  collisions:0 lg file transmission:0   
RX bytes:626380 (611.6 KiB)  TX bytes:626380 (611.6 KiB)

before i had

# facter
ipaddress = x.x.x.x

Can you have this problem with this puppet and facter version?


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[Puppet Users] file_line manifest

2014-04-14 Thread puppetstan

I would like to check in my manifest the presence of a line in a 
configuration file under [main] and above [config] 

With my manifest configuration, it adds my line at the end of file 

Can you have an idea? 

thank you in advance

my manifest : 

file_line { yum protect:
line  = protect=1,
path  = /etc/yum.conf,
match = protect=.*$,
ensure = present

my file : 

enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
priority = 10
protect = 1

enabled = 1

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet line

2014-03-26 Thread puppetstan
ah yes thanks a lot , it's better!!

Le mardi 25 mars 2014 18:16:21 UTC+1, Spencer Krum a écrit :


 I really think you want to use the file_line type from the 
 puppetlabs-stdlib module.


 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:11 AM, puppetstan 


 I have 2 problems with lines functions : the first and the second ;)

 My configuration :

 I create line functions (present, absent...)

 define line ($file, $line, $ensure = 'present') {
 case $ensure {
 default : {
 err(unknown ensure value ${ensure})
 present : {
 exec {
 /bin/echo '${line}'  '${file}' :
 unless = /bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}',
 logoutput = true
 absent : {
 exec {
 /bin/grep -vFx '${line}' '${file}' | tee '${file}'  
 /dev/null 21 :
 onlyif = /bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}',
 logoutput = true

 Il create a profil class with line function

 class profil::redhat {
 line {'alias vim':
 file = '/root/.bashrc',
 line = alias vi=\'vim\',
 ensure = present
 line {'alias color':
 file = '/root/.bashrc',
 line = alias grep=\'grep --color\',
 ensure = present

 First problem : a single quote problem

 My result in my '/root/.bashrc' file, i would like

 alias grep='grep --color'
 alias vi='vim'

 but i have

 alias grep=grep --color
 alias vi=vim

 Can you have an idea to protect single quote?

 Second problem : my manifect consider that *alias grep=grep --color*
  is absent in my '/root/.bashrc' file but is present so he create this 
 line all the time

 alias grep=grep --color
 alias grep=grep --color
 alias grep=grep --color
 alias grep=grep --color

 I think it's the space beetween grep and --color 

 can you have an idea

 thanks a lot in adavace

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 Spencer Krum

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[Puppet Users] puppet line

2014-03-25 Thread puppetstan

I have 2 problems with lines functions : the first and the second ;)

My configuration :

I create line functions (present, absent...)

define line ($file, $line, $ensure = 'present') {
case $ensure {
default : {
err(unknown ensure value ${ensure})
present : {
exec {
/bin/echo '${line}'  '${file}' :
unless = /bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}',
logoutput = true
absent : {
exec {
/bin/grep -vFx '${line}' '${file}' | tee '${file}'  
/dev/null 21 :
onlyif = /bin/grep -qFx '${line}' '${file}',
logoutput = true

Il create a profil class with line function

class profil::redhat {
line {'alias vim':
file = '/root/.bashrc',
line = alias vi=\'vim\',
ensure = present
line {'alias color':
file = '/root/.bashrc',
line = alias grep=\'grep --color\',
ensure = present

First problem : a single quote problem

My result in my '/root/.bashrc' file, i would like

alias grep='grep --color'
alias vi='vim'

but i have

alias grep=grep --color
alias vi=vim

Can you have an idea to protect single quote?

Second problem : my manifect consider that *alias grep=grep --color*
 is absent in my '/root/.bashrc' file but is present so he create this line 
all the time

alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color
alias grep=grep --color

I think it's the space beetween grep and --color 

can you have an idea

thanks a lot in adavace

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Re: [Puppet Users] exclusion/exception in server.pp file

2014-03-21 Thread puppetstan
Thanks for your answer, can you have an example with two zones please?


Le jeudi 13 mars 2014 21:07:44 UTC+1, Jose Luis Ledesma a écrit :

 Facts + hiera is the short answer.

 If different IP ranges means different zones or sites, just create a 
 custom fact that returns the zone/site name. Setup the zone/site 
 hierarchically in hiera and set the data there. Setup a higher level with 
 the hostame in hiera and put the exceptions there.

 El 13/03/2014 19:28, puppetstan stanisla...@gmail.com javascript: 


 Thanks for your answer.

 You say This kind of code is screaming, but what is your solution when 
 you have a lot of server and the only solution is to locate with the IP 

 your prefer :

 node 200


 Le mercredi 12 mars 2014 19:02:06 UTC+1, Jose Luis Ledesma a écrit :


   This kind of code is screaming for hiera!

 But if you want to continue this way, just set another if
 if $::ipaddress =~ /^ {
Data here
 } elsif  $::ipaddress =~ /^172.17.3./ {
 Another data here
  El 12/03/2014 17:40, puppetstan stanisla...@gmail.com escribió:


 I have define in my server.pp file diferent zone and I defined my dns 
 (resolv_servers). for my /etc/resolv.conf for this zone 

 #Zone 1
 if $::ipaddress =~ /^172.17.3./ {
 $ntp_heure = ntp.domain.fr
 $fusioninventory_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
 $resolv_servers = [ '', '' ]
 $resolv_search = domain.fr
 $yumconf_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
 $yumconf_exclude = kernel*
 include base::minimal

 The problem is that in this zone one server ( that does not 
 the same dns. Is it possible to make an exclusion on this server and 
 other addresses ips in this config file? 

 thank you in advance

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Re: [Puppet Users] exclusion/exception in server.pp file

2014-03-13 Thread puppetstan

Thanks for your answer.

You say This kind of code is screaming, but what is your solution when you 
have a lot of server and the only solution is to locate with the IP address

your prefer :

node 200


Le mercredi 12 mars 2014 19:02:06 UTC+1, Jose Luis Ledesma a écrit :


   This kind of code is screaming for hiera!

 But if you want to continue this way, just set another if
 if $::ipaddress =~ /^ {
Data here
 } elsif  $::ipaddress =~ /^172.17.3./ {
 Another data here
  El 12/03/2014 17:40, puppetstan stanisla...@gmail.com javascript: 


 I have define in my server.pp file diferent zone and I defined my dns 
 (resolv_servers). for my /etc/resolv.conf for this zone 

 #Zone 1
 if $::ipaddress =~ /^172.17.3./ {
 $ntp_heure = ntp.domain.fr
 $fusioninventory_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
 $resolv_servers = [ '', '' ]
 $resolv_search = domain.fr
 $yumconf_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
 $yumconf_exclude = kernel*
 include base::minimal

 The problem is that in this zone one server ( that does not have 
 the same dns. Is it possible to make an exclusion on this server and specify 
 other addresses ips in this config file? 

 thank you in advance

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[Puppet Users] Re: my puppets clients are unreachable

2014-03-13 Thread puppetstan
Thanks for you answer 

I'll look mcollective


Le mardi 11 mars 2014 17:35:18 UTC+1, puppetstan a écrit :


 After to change a network device beetween my puppetmaster and my puppets 
 clients my puppetmaster, my puppets clients are unreachable.

 I changed a network device in front of a zone server. I need to edit the 
 file / etc / resolv.conf for all servers behind this network with my 
 puppetmaster but my puppets clients are unreachable, The puppet-dasboardsay : 

 I m obliged to go to each server and restart puppet client service on 
 each server so that it works again 

 Is there another solution because i have a lot of puppets clients? 

 thank you in advance

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[Puppet Users] Re: my puppets clients are unreachable

2014-03-12 Thread puppetstan

Thanks for your answer but its not a DNS problem because i not join my 
puppet client.

After to change a network device beetween my puppetmaster and my puppets 
clients, all my puppet client have this problem --

#/etc/init.d/puppet status
puppetd is dead but pid file exist

My puppet client lose the connection with a new device beetween my 
puppemaster and my puppet client and stop puppet daemon..

this is not very reassuring

Le mardi 11 mars 2014 17:35:18 UTC+1, puppetstan a écrit :


 After to change a network device beetween my puppetmaster and my puppets 
 clients my puppetmaster, my puppets clients are unreachable.

 I changed a network device in front of a zone server. I need to edit the 
 file / etc / resolv.conf for all servers behind this network with my 
 puppetmaster but my puppets clients are unreachable, The puppet-dasboardsay : 

 I m obliged to go to each server and restart puppet client service on 
 each server so that it works again 

 Is there another solution because i have a lot of puppets clients? 

 thank you in advance

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[Puppet Users] exclusion/exception in server.pp file

2014-03-12 Thread puppetstan

I have define in my server.pp file diferent zone and I defined my dns servers 
(resolv_servers). for my /etc/resolv.conf for this zone 

#Zone 1
if $::ipaddress =~ /^172.17.3./ {
$ntp_heure = ntp.domain.fr
$fusioninventory_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
$resolv_servers = [ '', '' ]
$resolv_search = domain.fr
$yumconf_proxy = http://proxy.domain.fr:8080;
$yumconf_exclude = kernel*
include base::minimal

The problem is that in this zone one server ( that does not have 
the same dns. Is it possible to make an exclusion on this server and specify 
other addresses ips in this config file? 

thank you in advance

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[Puppet Users] my puppets clients are unreachable

2014-03-11 Thread puppetstan

After to change a network device beetween my puppetmaster and my puppets 
clients my puppetmaster, my puppets clients are unreachable.

I changed a network device in front of a zone server. I need to edit the 
file / etc / resolv.conf for all servers behind this network with my 
puppetmaster but my puppets clients are unreachable, The puppet-dasboardsay : 

I m obliged to go to each server and restart puppet client service on each 
server so that it works again 

Is there another solution because i have a lot of puppets clients? 

thank you in advance

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet agent not running automatically

2013-10-25 Thread puppetstan

When you doing

/etc/init.d/puppet start 

it s not good?


Le vendredi 25 octobre 2013 16:47:15 UTC+2, Michael Buckner a écrit :

 Brand new install or Foreman/Puppet. Puppet agent runs fine manually but 
 does not run automatically.

 Any suggestions?

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[Puppet Users] replace a value in file

2013-10-25 Thread puppetstan

I would lie replace a value in my config file 

MODE = daemon

and i would like replace cron by daemon

My manifest is this but is not good, can you have an idea? I think it s 
Simplevers.lns is not good..

augeas { 'fusioninventory mode':
   lens = 'Simplevars.lns',
incl = '/etc/default/fusioninventory-agent',
changes = [ 'set MODE daemon' ],


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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-25 Thread puppetstan
Hi Sneha

Thanks a lot for your configuration but this solution is only good if i 
know latest version, but if i know, i'm oblige to modify all the time the 
configuration when there a new version but if i don't know latest version 
this solution is not possible...

An other idea is modifiy repo and change enabled=0 by enabled=1 and after 
install or update modify enabled=0 by enabled=1 ? Your opinion?
Regards and thanks

 name=$releasever-$basearch on dag

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-23 Thread puppetstan

This configuration is not good if fusioninventory-agent is installed and 
puppet want to verify the latest version because yum command option is 
install and not update . This configuration is only good if 
fusioninventory-agent is not installed.

exec { 'fusioninventory-agent':
 command = 'yum -y *install *fusioninventory-agent --enablerepo=*',
 path = '/usr/bin',

package { 'fusioninventory-agent':
 ensure = latest,
require = Exec['fusioninventory-agent'],

This configuration is not good if fusioninventory-agent is not installed 
and puppet want to verify fusioninventory-agent is present  because yum 
command option is update and not install . This configuration is only 
good  if fusioninventory-agent is installed.

exec { 'fusioninventory-agent':
 command = 'yum -y *update *fusioninventory-agent --enablerepo=*',
 path = '/usr/bin',

package { 'fusioninventory-agent':
 ensure = latest,
require = Exec['fusioninventory-agent'],

What is the solution, an idea?


Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-21 Thread puppetstan

thanks for your answer

but for use enablerepo option your oblige to pass the patch?

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-21 Thread puppetstan
i think Exec is a good alternative

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-21 Thread puppetstan
A question, if in my Exec toto i use command = yum -y --enablerepo=epel 
install fusioninventory-agent

and in my definition package there is :

ensure = latest,
require = Exec['toto'],

If i want upgrade package is not possible because the upgrade option in yum 
does not work 

and if in my Exec toto i use command = yum -y --enablerepo=epel upgrade 

If i want to install package is not possible because the install option in 
yum does not work 

Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] Re: enablerepo option

2013-09-19 Thread puppetstan
or if you have an other idea to use enablerepo i m interesting


Le vendredi 13 septembre 2013 17:23:32 UTC+2, puppetstan a écrit :


 I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
 latest version

 my manifest :

 package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
 epel, remi ]; }

 there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
 not work in my configuration

 Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple 
 rpm repo with enablerepo command?

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[Puppet Users] enablerepo option

2013-09-13 Thread puppetstan

I would like to use enablerepo option for activate repo and verify package 
latest version

my manifest :

package { fusioninventory-agent: ensure = latest, enablerepo = [ 
epel, remi ]; }

there this patch : http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/2247 but it does 
not work in my configuration

Can you have the same problem or an other solution to activate multiple rpm 
repo with enablerepo command?

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