Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Jake b
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears you are using SDL_Surface instead
of SDL_Textures?

 One problem is blend modes - many of the pygame blend modes, including
the default alphablend mode, aren't in SDL2.

Different than the alpha blend mode in SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode,  SDL_SetTextureBlendMode, and
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode ?


Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread René Dudfield
The cffi bindings have the downside that iOS doesn't work.

On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 5:15 AM, Peter Shinners wrote:

 The cffi style bindings would be so tempting because they get away from
 all the binary challenges. Originally, the SDL bindings needed some utility
 C code to be useful. After a quick review of SDL2, that seems way less true.

 I was hoping to find better hosting on the Bitbucket site for open soure
 projects, but I could not. Not even I have access to the repo. (Not that I
 would have used it in the last many years).

 On 07/11/2015 05:20 PM, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

 Hi Peter,

 On 15-07-10 07:47 PM, Peter Shinners wrote:

 I haven't been paying close attention to Pygame, but it doesn't seem
 controversial to say things have stalled. I haven't gotten much feedback
 from Rene, but I'd like to give him time to put something together. Some of
 the main things that may need help are:

 * Getting 1.9.2 actually released

 Much of the delay is due to logistics. With the loss of the automated
 build site a few years back there is no simple way to check a commit
 against all supported operating systems. It also limits user testing.

 I need someone to take over official Windows support from me, since I am
 stuck on Windows XP. I have the MinGW based dependency build chain working
 again for 32bit Windows, but did not get everything to build for 64bit
 Windows. So no official 64bit prebuilt libraries yet on the Bitbucket
 download page.

 Pygame 1.9.2 is nearly ready for release on Linux. I have tackled the
 Linux specific issues I could find, and am now going through the operating
 system independent issues.

  * Moving on to Pygame 2, whatever that means

 Yes, Pygame 2 is overdue. A while back I proposed we wait until Pygame
 1.9.2 was released before starting on 2.0. The plan was to clear out the
 Pygame bugs with SDL 1.2 before moving on to SDL 2. But I also expected we
 would be done with 1.9.2 long before now.

 Anyway, a few months back I started a Pygame 1.9.2 patch,, that replaces SDL
 1.2 with SDL 2.0 api calls. Though it uses SDL 2, it tries to remain Pygame
 1.9.2 compatible, so adds no new SDL 2 features. It is only a bridge to
 Pygame 2.0. Though it fails unit tests and needs more work, it is usable
 now with SDL 2 from GIT (Earlier SDL 2 releases have buggy 24
 bits-per-pixel surface support.).

 The structure of SDL 2 differs from SDL 1.2. It does not fit well
 Pygame's api. So I expect a significant redesign of modules and classes for
 Pygame 2. For instance, the display module will basically go away, replaced
 with a Window class.

 This is an opportunity to replace C coded extension modules with Cython
 and a Python level foreign function interface. Personally, I would like to
 see Pygame fully support PyPy as well as CPython. Also, some of the Pygame
 code can be separated out as stand-alone, Python independent, libraries to
 encourage support from outside the Pygame community.

  * Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests

 The 5 member limit for a Bitbucket project team is a nuisance.

  * Website replacement and love
 * Migrate forum to Reddit (or community forum)

 It seems there are still many great people involved with the Pygame
 project. Perhaps I can help by getting those people the control they need
 to make progress. I'm completely detached from things at this point, so I
 don't have any context to jump in and try to change anything. What parts of
 the project are going well these days?

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Jake b
 ​​I expect much of the code that defines extension classes will be
 rewritten. Pygame extensions to SDL, such as custom blitters, may be
 ​Much of the work will be writing code to support the new SDL 2.0 features.


​There's also the problem of Texture vs Surfaces.​

For future code to be backwards compatible we can default to Texture.
But if the user needs pixel access he will need to create a Texture and

The 3 options are summarized:

​ I'm pretty sure it should be possible to make a version of pygame that
runs existing pygame code while exposing new features to new code -
allowing people to exploit much of their existing knowledge.


On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

 Hi Jake,

 For the parts of SDL2 that did not see a major redesign, such as Surfaces,
 there are enough small differences that simply replacing SDL 1.2 calls with
 equivalent SDL 2.0 functions is not enough. The event types SDL2 posts has
 undergone some reorganization. There is no longer a clear mapping
 equivalence SDL 2.0 and 1.2 in some

Do you think we should​

​ start pygame2 to support SDL2 design decisions rather than trying to
support both old and new code at once? I figured if there was a time to
make potentially breaking design changes to follow modern SDL, now would be
the time to do it.

If we decide pygame2 must be fully backward compatible, I was worried it
would limit future changes. Or that supporting both old with new is adding
too much complexity for something that might not be needed?


Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Peter Shinners

I like the sound of all of this.

On 07/13/2015 06:02 AM, René Dudfield wrote:


a few notes:

  * I have dropped the ball, but would like to finish the new website
and get 1.9.2 out the door.
  * pygame_sdl2 seems the best choice going forward. For backward
compat reasons, platform support, and C/asm code is needed. Many
things have been put into SDL and related libs already, and this
is a good way to go to share with other SDL projects.
  * has only been used for the mailing list
for a number of years (7 years maybe?).
  * there are many other considerations which the new website
addresses. Reddit integration, and bitbucket is done. Also, fun is
important, as is integration with youtube and other ways of
sharing work (like playing music can be done on the new website too).
  * I have done some thinking with Tom about how to do a migration
with pygame_sdl2 to the pygame infrastructure.
  * nothing has stopped contributors for 1.9.2 being released. Many
people have admin access to the bitbucket repo, and there has been
some work been done.
  * ... more to come.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Peter Shinners wrote:

Yes! I'm motivated to make some changes sooner than later. If we
really need to we can do some amount of reverting.

I think it's time to move off of the
hosting Pygame has had since day 1. This was such a great choice
back in 2004. But nowadays there's many options beyond
sourceforge! As soon as we switch the DNS the pygame mailing list
may be inaccessible.

I think the following things should be in order before switching.
1. New website with some amount of placeholders or redirects to
the popular pages of the current site.
2. New forum or mailing option.
3. Get documentation on

On 07/12/2015 05:05 PM, Jason Marshall wrote:

René Dudfield, pygame's lead developer, has contributed
significant Python, C and assembly code to pygame and has
generously hosted the website
for years. We all should be thankful for that. However, René
has not been active on this mailing list for almost 3 months.
I guess that René has new priorities that have overtaken his
interest in pygame, so I think that he should pass his
leadership role to a new leader or leadership committee. (I'd
prefer a leadership committee so that pygame's development
would not be so susceptible to stalling if one person's
priorities change.)

I have opinions on what the website's features should be and
what pygame2 should be, but I don't think that we're ready to
discuss those topics yet. We need active leadership first. To
me, the pygame leader is the person (or people) in control of
the official website.
Fortunately, Pete Shinners is the person who keeps the name registered, so, even if
René remains inactive, it would be technically possible Pete
to redirect the name to a new
official website that would be under different leadership.

So here's the question for Pete:
Pete, if René remains uninvolved, would you be willing to
point at a new website?


PS. Sorry about the coup d'état suggestion, René.

On Friday, July 10, 2015 10:05 PM, Peter Shinners wrote:

I haven't been paying close attention to Pygame, but it
doesn't seem
controversial to say things have stalled. I haven't gotten
much feedback
from Rene, but I'd like to give him time to put something
together. Some
of the main things that may need help are:

* Getting 1.9.2 actually released
* Moving on to Pygame 2, whatever that means
* Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests
* Website replacement and love
* Migrate forum to Reddit (or community forum)

It seems there are still many great people involved with the
project. Perhaps I can help by getting those people the
control they
need to make progress. I'm completely detached from things at this
point, so I don't have any context to jump in and try to change
anything. What parts of the project are going well these days?

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Jason Marshall
What aspects of being the lead developer  website maintainer give you 
enjoyment and pride?And which parts of your roles are a bore or a nuisance to 
I want to help you to find the job in the pygame community that gives you the 
most satisfaction and maximizes the impact of your talents. I do not want 
people to have unrealistic expectations of you though, and I want to maximize 
the impact of others' talents too.

On Monday, July 13, 2015 8:02 AM, René Dudfield wrote:


a few notes:
   - I have dropped the ball, but would like to finish the new website and get 
1.9.2 out the door.
   - pygame_sdl2 seems the best choice going forward. For backward compat 
reasons, platform support, and C/asm code is needed. Many things have been put 
into SDL and related libs already, and this is a good way to go to share with 
other SDL projects.
   - has only been used for the mailing list for a number of years (7 
years maybe?).   

   - there are many other considerations which the new website addresses. 
Reddit integration, and bitbucket is done. Also, fun is important, as is 
integration with youtube and other ways of sharing work (like playing music can 
be done on the new website too).   

   - I have done some thinking with Tom about how to do a migration with 
pygame_sdl2 to the pygame infrastructure.   

   - nothing has stopped contributors for 1.9.2 being released. Many people 
have admin access to the bitbucket repo, and there has been some work been done.
   - ... more to come.   


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Peter Shinners wrote:

Yes! I'm motivated to make some changes sooner than later. If we really need to 
we can do some amount of reverting.

I think it's time to move off of the hosting Pygame has had since day 
1. This was such a great choice back in 2004. But nowadays there's many options 
beyond sourceforge! As soon as we switch the DNS the pygame mailing list may be 

I think the following things should be in order before switching.
1. New website with some amount of placeholders or redirects to the popular 
pages of the current site.
2. New forum or mailing option.
3. Get documentation on

On 07/12/2015 05:05 PM, Jason Marshall wrote:

René Dudfield, pygame's lead developer, has contributed significant Python, C 
and assembly code to pygame and has generously hosted the website 
for years. We all should be thankful for that. However, René has not been 
active on this mailing list for almost 3 months. I guess that René has new 
priorities that have overtaken his interest in pygame, so I think that he 
should pass his leadership role to a new leader or leadership committee. (I'd 
prefer a leadership committee so that pygame's development would not be so 
susceptible to stalling if one person's priorities change.)

I have opinions on what the website's features should be and what pygame2 
should be, but I don't think that we're ready to discuss those topics yet. We 
need active leadership first. To me, the pygame leader is the person (or 
people) in control of the official website. Fortunately, Pete 
Shinners is the person who keeps the name registered, so, even if 
René remains inactive, it would be technically possible Pete to redirect the name to a new official website that would be under different 

So here's the question for Pete:
Pete, if René remains uninvolved, would you be willing to point at a 
new website?


PS. Sorry about the coup d'état suggestion, René.

On Friday, July 10, 2015 10:05 PM, Peter Shinners wrote:

I haven't been paying close attention to Pygame, but it doesn't seem
controversial to say things have stalled. I haven't gotten much feedback
from Rene, but I'd like to give him time to put something together. Some
of the main things that may need help are:

* Getting 1.9.2 actually released
* Moving on to Pygame 2, whatever that means
* Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests
* Website replacement and love
* Migrate forum to Reddit (or community forum)

It seems there are still many great people involved with the Pygame
project. Perhaps I can help by getting those people the control they
need to make progress. I'm completely detached from things at this
point, so I don't have any context to jump in and try to change
anything. What parts of the project are going well these days?


Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread René Dudfield

a few notes:

   - I have dropped the ball, but would like to finish the new website and
   get 1.9.2 out the door.
   - pygame_sdl2 seems the best choice going forward. For backward compat
   reasons, platform support, and C/asm code is needed. Many things have been
   put into SDL and related libs already, and this is a good way to go to
   share with other SDL projects.
   - has only been used for the mailing list for a number of years
   (7 years maybe?).
   - there are many other considerations which the new website addresses.
   Reddit integration, and bitbucket is done. Also, fun is important, as is
   integration with youtube and other ways of sharing work (like playing music
   can be done on the new website too).
   - I have done some thinking with Tom about how to do a migration with
   pygame_sdl2 to the pygame infrastructure.
   - nothing has stopped contributors for 1.9.2 being released. Many people
   have admin access to the bitbucket repo, and there has been some work been
   - ... more to come.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Peter Shinners wrote:

 Yes! I'm motivated to make some changes sooner than later. If we really
 need to we can do some amount of reverting.

 I think it's time to move off of the hosting Pygame has had
 since day 1. This was such a great choice back in 2004. But nowadays
 there's many options beyond sourceforge! As soon as we switch the DNS the
 pygame mailing list may be inaccessible.

 I think the following things should be in order before switching.
 1. New website with some amount of placeholders or redirects to the
 popular pages of the current site.
 2. New forum or mailing option.
 3. Get documentation on

 On 07/12/2015 05:05 PM, Jason Marshall wrote:

 René Dudfield, pygame's lead developer, has contributed significant
 Python, C and assembly code to pygame and has generously hosted the website for years. We all should be thankful for that.
 However, René has not been active on this mailing list for almost 3 months.
 I guess that René has new priorities that have overtaken his interest in
 pygame, so I think that he should pass his leadership role to a new leader
 or leadership committee. (I'd prefer a leadership committee so that
 pygame's development would not be so susceptible to stalling if one
 person's priorities change.)

 I have opinions on what the website's features should be and what pygame2
 should be, but I don't think that we're ready to discuss those topics yet.
 We need active leadership first. To me, the pygame leader is the person (or
 people) in control of the official website. Fortunately, Pete
 Shinners is the person who keeps the name registered, so,
 even if René remains inactive, it would be technically possible Pete to
 redirect the name to a new official website that would be
 under different leadership.

 So here's the question for Pete:
 Pete, if René remains uninvolved, would you be willing to point at a new website?


 PS. Sorry about the coup d'état suggestion, René.

 On Friday, July 10, 2015 10:05 PM, Peter Shinners

 I haven't been paying close attention to Pygame, but it doesn't seem
 controversial to say things have stalled. I haven't gotten much feedback
 from Rene, but I'd like to give him time to put something together. Some
 of the main things that may need help are:

 * Getting 1.9.2 actually released
 * Moving on to Pygame 2, whatever that means
 * Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests
 * Website replacement and love
 * Migrate forum to Reddit (or community forum)

 It seems there are still many great people involved with the Pygame
 project. Perhaps I can help by getting those people the control they
 need to make progress. I'm completely detached from things at this
 point, so I don't have any context to jump in and try to change
 anything. What parts of the project are going well these days?

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Lenard Lindstrom


On 15-07-13 04:09 AM, Jake b wrote:

​ ​I expect much of the code that defines extension classes will
be rewritten. Pygame extensions to SDL, such as custom blitters,
may be salvaged.
​ Much of the work will be writing code to support the new SDL 2.0

​ ​
​ There's also the problem of Texture vs Surfaces.​

For future code to be backwards compatible we can default to Texture.
But if the user needs pixel access he will need to create a Texture 
and Surface.

The 3 options are summarized:
Actually, Pygame Surfaces would stay about the same. What would go are 
such pixel format manipulations such as set_masks(). SDL2 has a strict 
policy on valid formats.

Textures would be an addition. I see Textures as a limited form of 
Surface. In fact, Textures and Surfaces could share a common parent class.

Also, SDL2 does support display surfaces and the flip and update 
operations. They are tied to individual windows rather than being global 

​  I'm pretty sure it should be possible to make a version of pygame 
that runs existing pygame code while exposing new features to new code 
- allowing people to exploit much of their existing knowledge.


On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Hi Jake,

For the parts of SDL2 that did not see a major redesign, such as
Surfaces, there are enough small differences that simply replacing
SDL 1.2 calls with equivalent SDL 2.0 functions is not enough. The
event types SDL2 posts has undergone some reorganization. There is
no longer a clear mapping equivalence SDL 2.0 and 1.2 in some 

Do you think we should​
​ start pygame2 to support SDL2 design decisions rather than trying to 
support both old and new code at once? I figured if there was a time 
to make potentially breaking design changes to follow modern SDL, now 
would be the time to do it.

If we decide pygame2 must be fully backward compatible, I was worried 
it would limit future changes. Or that supporting both old with new is 
adding too much complexity for something that might not be needed?
Pygame2 can never be fully backward compatible. SDL2 is more strict that 
SDL 1.2 in some areas. Overlays and cd rom support are gone. Pygame2 can 
support a large subset of Pygame1 though.


Re: [pygame] Problem with pytmx and tiled

2015-07-13 Thread Daniel Foerster

On 07/13/2015 09:01 AM, ck421 wrote:


I am new to these forums and to pygame in general. I have been trying to use
pytmx in order to load in a tiled .tmx file but I keep getting this error:

File C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\pytmx\, line 258, in __init__
   File C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\pytmx\, line 280, in
 self.add_layer(TiledTileLayer(self, subnode))
   File C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\pytmx\, line 821, in __init__
   File C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\pytmx\, line 864, in
 data = b64decode(data_node.text.strip())
   File C:\Python32\lib\, line 83, in b64decode
 raise TypeError(expected bytes, not %s % s.__class__.__name__)
TypeError: expected bytes, not str

I am running python 3.2.4 and pygame 3.2. The code I am trying to run is

import sys, pygame, pytmx
from pygame.locals import *

tiled_map = pytmx.TiledMap(map.tmx)

Like I said, I am new to this entire interface, so could anyone help me
figure out this problem?
I suspect that you are using an older version of PyTMX that doesn't have 
Py3 support. How did you get the library?

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Daniel Foerster

On 07/12/2015 10:05 AM, Paul Vincent Craven wrote:

  * I don't think a Pygame website needs to be build on Python. I've
got the domain and I think a
Wordpress site that has several verified contributers would be the
way to go. Share the 'love' and efforts across several people.

It isn't a requirement. However, I'm a full-stack developer who uses 
Python so that's what would make sense for me. Not a big fan of 
Wordpress to be honest.

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Ian Mallett

​As a long-time member here, I recall many *many* different attempts to
redesign the website. Three in memory, which is several years. Probably
more if I looked through my archives.

The model is that someone gets fed up with the current design and mentions
it on this list. There's some discussion and then everyone basically agrees
that the old design is lacking at least somewhat, but there forms a schism
between those who want to update the old site and those who want to start

Usually, it devolves into the start-over people just going ahead and making
the remake, hoping it will be adopted. The result is semi-promising, but
since it is feature-deficient, no one wants to convert everything (and the
website maintainer(s) remained basically quiet throughout the whole process
anyway). Since there was no commitment to use it, the remake eventually
dies and everyone forgets about it in disgust.

Then, each time, I post a message like this and hope people will choose a
different model this time.


Re: [pygame] Problem with pytmx and tiled

2015-07-13 Thread Ian Mallett
​Assuming you're using a PyTMX version  2.16.5, this looks like a bug in
its Python 3 support.

I'd try replacing data = b64decode(data_node.text.strip()) with something
like data = b64decode(data_node.text.strip().encode()) and seeing if that
improves anything. But this isn't a PyGame issue.


[pygame] erratic behavior with 'display.update(Rect)'

2015-07-13 Thread tom arnall

I am seeing what seems to be erratic behavior with 'display.update()'
when used with a Rect argument. In all cases but one, it works fine
with 'display.update(name of Rect object)'. In the exception case,
it has no effect on the referenced Rect area.


Is it possible that the cause is that OPENGL is being used by pygame?
The doc' mentions that 'display.update()' generates an exception when
used with OPENGL. I'm wondering whether instead of generating an
exception, it's being unstable.

If display.update()' doesn't work with OPENGL, what do you use to
update just one area of the display?

I'm using Debian Stable out of the box.


Tom Arnall

On 7/10/15, Peter Shinners wrote:
 I haven't been paying close attention to Pygame, but it doesn't seem
 controversial to say things have stalled. I haven't gotten much feedback
 from Rene, but I'd like to give him time to put something together. Some
 of the main things that may need help are:

 * Getting 1.9.2 actually released
 * Moving on to Pygame 2, whatever that means
 * Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests
 * Website replacement and love
 * Migrate forum to Reddit (or community forum)

 It seems there are still many great people involved with the Pygame
 project. Perhaps I can help by getting those people the control they
 need to make progress. I'm completely detached from things at this
 point, so I don't have any context to jump in and try to change
 anything. What parts of the project are going well these days?

Faced with the possibility of its extinction, every species finds
within itself powers unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

They make the words of sounds and things their property and use them
to divide us. But they will never own the words in our eyes.

A strong drachma and global crowdfunding to pay for  imports of
necessities until her economy recovers. Either that or more bankster
hell for all of us.

Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

2015-07-13 Thread Jason Marshall
In 2009, there was a prototype of a redesign of the pygame website. It was 
written in Python (Django) instead of PHP (SiteSwing). The redesign was not 
adopted and the people who had worked it lost interest in volunteering and left 
the pygame community.

The code for this redesign still exists at


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:Daniel Foerster
Date:Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 4:03 PM
Subject:Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

On 07/12/2015 10:05 AM, Paul Vincent Craven wrote: 

I don't think a Pygame website needs to be build on Python. I've got the domain and I think a Wordpress site that has several verified 
contributers would be the way to go. Share the 'love' and efforts across 
several people.

It isn't a requirement. However, I'm a full-stack developer who uses Python so 
that's what would make sense for me. Not a big fan of Wordpress to be honest.

Re: [pygame] erratic behavior with 'display.update(Rect)'

2015-07-13 Thread Tom Rothamel
On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 6:54 PM tom arnall wrote:

 If display.update()' doesn't work with OPENGL, what do you use to
 update just one area of the display?

There isn't a way to update a portion of the display using OpenGL. OpenGL
expects you to redraw the screen from scratch every frame, and then flip to
the next frame.

How are you drawing to the screen? Are you using GL calls? Or pygame blits
to the screen surface? The later doesn't work with OPENGL.

Re: [pygame] erratic behavior with 'display.update(Rect)'

2015-07-13 Thread Ian Mallett
On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 5:34 PM, Tom Rothamel wrote:

 There isn't a way to update a portion of the display using OpenGL. OpenGL
 expects you to redraw the screen from scratch every frame, and then flip to
 the next frame.

 How are you drawing to the screen? Are you using GL calls? Or pygame blits
 to the screen surface? The later doesn't work with OPENGL.

​Yes and:

 Is it possible that the cause is that OPENGL is being used by pygame?

On Windows, afaik, this only happens if you request it with the
pygame.OPENGL flag. Nevertheless, inspecting the value of the following
should say for sure:
import os
Pro-tip: IIRC, you can also *set* that value to whatever you like *before*
you initialize PyGame. Some values
