Re: [pygame] Python and Speed

2008-04-18 Thread Richard Goedeken
Learn to write C.  The best software is written as a hybrid of multiple 
technologies, each serving a different purpose.  Python's strengths are rapid 
development and succint, easy to read code.  C's strengths are flexibility and 
machine optimization.  MMX and SSE assembly code are for maximum performance in 
core mathematical routines.

Bruce Lee said that a true practitioner must be like the water - able to adapt 
to any attacker's style and defend in the most effective manner.  Since Python 
will never be as fast as C, you must learn C in order to become a better 
programmer.  Don't expect anyone to change the laws of the universe for you.


Ian Mallett wrote:
-I think it has been thoroughly established that Python cannot be as 
fast as C.
-As far as algorithms go, intelligence is better, but I hold by using 
vastly simpler ones to speed development.  Someone just mentioned 
sorting methods.  In that case, obviously, a little extra coding doesn't 
hurt, but changing your game's architecture each time an largish 
optional feature is added is a bad idea. 
-I also still hold by wanting Python to be faster.  I don't care if it 
is impossible; I still want it to be.  I'm not going to give up on 
Python's great niceness just for a want of some speed.


Re: [pygame] award winning pygames.

2008-03-31 Thread Richard Goedeken
This is a really bizarre thread.  It seems like you're discussing the wrong 
thing here.  Let's talk about what really matters:

1. What makes a game FUN?  It is enjoyable to play and captures your attention.

2. What are some recent award-winning commercial games?  Halo 3, Portal, Super 
Mario Galaxy, BioShock, Gran Turismo.

2a. Can these games be made in Pygame?  Hell no.

Here's a fact: making a modern, commercial (somebody would shell out their $$) 
game takes hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS of dollars.  Nobody playing 
around in their spare time can do it.

So what about 10, 15, 20 years ago?  People shelled out lots of $$ for Carnival, 
Smurf Rescue, Asteroids, Super Cobra, Super Mario Brothers, Contra, Metroid, and 
others.  These games are nowhere near as complex as modern games, but they were 
still FUN.  And you can make much better games than these with Pygame.  And it 
takes less development time.

People are focused on the wrong things.  Go check out my Invasion 3D game:

I did it in a couple of months (not with Pygame though).  It's a heck of a lot 
of fun to play.  But not many people would pay for it.  Why?  Because there's a 
lot of awesome stuff that you can get for free these days.  That was not true 15 
years ago.

If you want to make $$ writing games, you need to get hired by a company.  If 
you want to make some really fun games and get the pleasure of receiving 
compliments about a creation that was almost entirely your own, make a game with 


Talat Fakhri,

Re: [pygame] award winning pygames.

2008-03-31 Thread Richard Goedeken

Dave LeCompte (really) wrote:

People have used Python in commercial games, but as a rule, the
applications of Python are for game scripting, not access to the graphics,
audio, or input subsystems.

I have a friend at work who's pretty serious about a few MMORPGs.  He has a 
bunch of kids and they all play Toon Town, and he told me this game itself was 
written in Python.  That's pretty impressive.  I've been writing C and assembly 
code for more than 15 years, and I'm amazed at how quickly you can crank out 
really sophisticated software with Python.  As long as it meets your speed 
requirements, you can do the development much faster in Python every time.


Re: [pygame] AGG library

2008-03-10 Thread Richard Goedeken

Brian Fisher wrote:

My own poor choice of phrasing notwithstanding, Maxim has put his time
and energy into getting the capabilities of AGG's drawing and
transformation code to places that achieve a lot more than SDL_gfx and
pygame.draw  transform have achieved. Since he shares his work so
generously, I think it would be great for pygame and/or SDL_gfx to use
his work to reach that level without having to do all the work he did.

Ahh, but you're going to have to fight a C/C++ war to make that happen.  Good 
luck with that. :)

I've seen this happen several times in my professional work.  In the end, it 
comes down to where the people really driving the project want to go with it. 
If the pygame authors really want the advanced functionality of AGG then they'll 
find a way to make it work.  If they decide it's too complex and to extend their 
own software libraries instead, then it'll go that way.

But since it's open source, anyone can make a go for it.  If it's easy to cobble 
the pieces together and make some impressive demos with aggdraw+numpy+pygame 
then someone who believes in it should just do it and show everyone how cool it 
could be.  Maybe it wouldn't require major changes to pygame.

Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken
Are there other people interested in adding this kind of function to the pygame 
library?  If there is significant interest in a 'warping' function like this, I 
can take the time to code it up.  But be warned that it will be quite a bit 
slower than a pure scaling function.


Ian Mallett wrote:
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Richard Goedeken 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Regarding your previous message, I presume you are referring to
transforming a
rectangular pixel map into an arbitrary quadrilateral?


Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
Giving this more thought it is too late in the Pygame release cycle to 
add an Intel translation of the assembly code to Pygame 1.8.0. This 
would lead to four versions of each of four subroutines. The resulting 
conditional expressions will be ungainly. Also the Intel translations 
will need properly tested. The ATT assembly code has been out for 
awhile and shows no problems. For the moment a MinGW compiled 
transform.pyd can be used in the Windows binaries for Pygame 1.8.0. But 
it is desirable to translate the ATT assembly code to Intel at some 
point in the future. If the gcc x86 C compiler truly handle VC style 
inlined assembly, including C identifiers within assembly code, then the 
ATT code can be entirely replaced. Otherwise separate ATT and Intel 
versions will need to be maintained. It has also been discussed to 
reintroduce the original SSE versions of the routines. But this will 
involve a rethink on how MMX/SSE support is provided.

A good portion of the work that I do in my day job involves writing MMX/SSE2 
code, most of which needs to run in both Win32 and Linux, and on both 64-bit and 
32-bit systems.  So I deal with this problem a lot.  To my knowledge, there is 
no effort to add an Intel-style inline assembly capability to GCC.  If someone 
knows of such an effort then I would be very interested to learn about it.  I 
agree that writing, testing, and supporting 2 or 3 implementations of the same 
routine with #ifdefs really sucks.

The other way I deal with this problem at work is to use an external assembler 
such as NASM.  This can be made to work under both Linux and Win32 with the same 
assembly source code quite easily.  The disadvantage with this approach is that 
it introduces another tool dependency.


[pygame] New transformations for future Pygame releases

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken

Brian Fisher wrote:

If  were going to have something like that (a warping function) in
PyGame, I would definitely want it to use anti-grain-geometry
( ) rather than use a newly coded up function. AGG
has been around for a very long time, is highly tested, and once you
code up the basic integration issues a huge world of completely
awesome 2d software rendering falls out fairly easily (gaussian blur,
vector shape rendering, textured lines, etc. etc.)

I was previously unaware of this project; thanks for the link.  It looks quite 
impressive.  It appears that AGG does not have a function to do what Ian was 
asking for though - transforming a rectangle to an arbitrary quadrilateral. 
What it can do, though, is transform a rectange to an arbitrary parallelogram.

Does anyone else on the list have any requests for any image transformations 
that they would like?  Something that would give their games some more flash or 


[pygame] ASM code in pygame

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
Deciding how to handle assembly code in future Pygame releases will 
probably take up its own mailing list thread. But when I do a Google 
search on the topic of Intel assembly code and gcc I get this, , which claims the GNU 
assembler 'as' takes input as an ATT or Intel syntax asm file. 
Pygame's assembly routines will likely end up in there own libraries and 
be linked in, possibly dynamically, as needed. So gcc C will no longer 
be a factor for assembly language compatibility.

GUN 'as' may take intel-style code, but I'm pretty sure that the compiler (GCC) 
will only accept the ATT style.  The back end of the compiler needs to know the 
input/output registers, and if that information is not explicitly given in the 
extended-asm syntax, then the compiler must parse the ASM and extract the 
information by itself.  This is what VC does, but I think GCC probably doesn't 
have support for this.

If you're considering keeping separate libraries for the ASM code then I think 
breaking the code out into .asm files and assembling it with NASM/YASM is the 
right way to go.


Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken

Ian Mallett wrote:
On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Richard Goedeken 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But be warned that it will be quite a bit
slower than a pure scaling function.

Why?  3D engines like OpenGL can do this operation for thousands of 
quads each frame while maintaining a great framerate.  Doing it for one 
quad shouldn't be too hard.

Because I wrote vector assembly code in MMX to accelerate the smooth scaling 
function, plus I used some algorithmic simplifications.  But this warping 
operation requires rasterization, which is a more complicated algorithm, and I 
was only planning to write it in C.  The execution time would be proportional to 
the size of the transformed quad, so for a few small quads it would be fast. 
But scalar C code can't get close to the performance of hand-written vector code 
running on dedicated hardware (GPUs); not even MMX code can get close.


Re: [pygame] ASM code in pygame

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken
Hey, that's great!  Are you sure that this switch allows one to write inline asm 
in Intel format? The man page says:

 Output asm instructions using selected dialect.  Supported choices are 
intel or att (the default one).  Darwin does not support intel.

I'll give a try some time.


René Dudfield wrote:


for your info...

gcc supports intel syntax with a command line option.


SDL uses macros for portable asm, I think.

Re: [pygame] ASM code in pygame

2008-03-09 Thread Richard Goedeken
Yeah I was afraid of something like that.  The constraints are the killer.  It's 
really not that big of deal to translate ATT--Intel inline code; I've done 
lots of it.  I can do the translation for the next release.


Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
When you offered to write Intel versions of the ATT code I looked for a 
way to automate some of  the translation process. So I tried using the 
-masm=intel and -S compiler options to translate the inline assembly 
code and write it to an .s file. The inlined instructions were simply 
copied. So it is unlikely gcc can handle VC like __asm statements, where 
the compiler definitely needs to understand assembly code. The MSDN does 
say the VC compiler has a built in assembler. gcc compilers only 
generates assembly output for the next stage in the compilation process. 
So I tried compiling a simple assembly code example in MSDN which calls 
printf, and gcc C did not recognize the __asm keyword. Finally, I just 
found a mingw-users thread* where Thomas Heller of ctypes fame was 
looking for a inline assembly formated recognized by both gcc and VC. No 
luck. The advice was to use assembly files and a free assembler like 
NASM or as. Not helpful when distutils doe not directly support 
assembler files. This is not promising.


[pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-08 Thread Richard Goedeken
VC is not clever enough to vectorize the C code and emit MMX instructions. :) 
If no-one else volunteers, I can translate the code to intel-style inline ASM. 
It might take a week or two to get it done, though.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Slightly off topic, but one thing I remembered is that the MMX scaling
code Richard Goedeken so generously donated in not used in Visual C
builds. The MMX code is in ATT form, not used by masm. So the options
are to add an masm translation of the code to transform.c or just use
the MinGW compiled transform.pyd. Of course VC may be clever enough to
do its own MMX optimization.

Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-08 Thread Richard Goedeken
The code is in src/transform.c in the pygame tree.  The task at hand is to 
translate the 32-bit MMX code (I think there's 4 sections of code, each about 
40-60 lines) from the ATT syntax used by GCC to the Intel style used by VC. 
The Intel format is compatible with masm, nasm, yasm, etc.  It's pretty easy to 
read.  The ATT style is quite powerful but very strange looking, and if you 
don't have an inclination to learn a bit about it then the translation would be 
very hard.  Take a look at it and let me know if you want to take a crack at it. 
 I could always proof-read it.


Jason Ward wrote:

what is this MMX discussion about and the transform function?
If this is to do with pygame source I may be interested. but not to 
solely do it, just to give a rather small helping hand.
I know intel asm but I haven't really gotten into MMX so this would be a 
great opportunity for me to get into it.

So I might be able to help you do it Richard.

Just direct me in exactly what it is :)

Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-08 Thread Richard Goedeken

Marcus von Appen wrote:

The code first needs to be brought into shape (there are some minor
issues, if I remember correctly) and be sync'ed with the latest changes
in SDL_gfx. At least the parts taken from it.


I added a new function to the transform module called 'smoothscale'; it's all 
computed in software and doesn't use anything from SDL_gfx.  Do you have a list 
of the problems encountered with this function?


Re: [pygame] MMX Transform for Win32

2008-03-08 Thread Richard Goedeken
The pygame.transform.smoothscale.__doc__ gives the usage information.  It scales 
 an image smoothly (and quickly, with the MMX code) using a bilinear filter for 
upsampling and a novel area-based filter for downscaling which minimizes moire 
patterns on highly downscaled images.  Each axis can be scaled independently 
(ie, there's no requirement to keep the same aspect ratio).  My goals in writing 
this routine were to achieve high image quality and high speed.

Regarding your previous message, I presume you are referring to transforming a 
rectangular pixel map into an arbitrary quadrilateral?  It would be easy enough 
to write a C function to do this but it would be slow.  Writing accelerated 
(MMX) code for this type of routine would be time-consuming, and it wouldn't 
achieve the same level of speedup that I got with the smoothscale function.


Ian Mallett wrote:

Thanks.  How can one use this with Python?

Re: [pygame] space ships (Re: Misnamed threads (Re: Posting styles (Re: Text To Speech PYTTS)))

2008-03-03 Thread Richard Goedeken
All space vehicles use staging; the space shuttle's are just on the side.  NASA 
also made the Saturn 5, don't forget.  The space shuttle is a poor investment 
but an incredibly high-performance vehicle and launch system.  It can lift 
almost as much as the Saturn 5 (including the orbiter) -- way more than any 
Russian vehicle. :)


Ian Mallett wrote:

I would not define the space shuttle as a space ship because it requires 
an external fuel tank and two extra rockets to get into space.  In fact, 
all of NASA's creations, then have not been rockets because they cannot 
travel to and from space without incredible difficulty and sacrifice of 

Re: [pygame] [BUG] SRCALPHA - unexpected behaviour.

2007-08-22 Thread Richard Goedeken
Actually, according to Wikipedia, every AMD chip since and including the
original Athlon (everything after the K6) has included the MMX
extensions from SSE.  On the Intel side, everything since and including
the P3 has SSE.

Having said that, if you want to support vanilla MMX, another option is
to just remove my original 'SSE/MMX' instructions, keep Mr Lindstrom's
changes, and get rid of the extra config parameter.  The extra makefile
complexity might not be worth it, as his changes will only hurt
performance on modern CPUs by a few percent.  These filtering-type
routines are usually highly memory-bound in performance.


René Dudfield wrote:
 yeah, sse is not everywhere yet.
 There are a lot of AMD chips out there without it.  So I think we
 should leave the SSE off unless detected.
 On 8/23/07, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Glad to here about the MMX. My SSE patch requires SSE support to be
 explicitly turned off with a NO_SSE flag. But this is at odds with other
 libraries where MMX/SSE support must be turned on: SDL has
 MMX_ASMBLIT/SSE_ASMBLIT, smpeg has USE_MMX. These could be hold-overs
 from earlier days when MMX/SSE support was less common. It is probably
 now safe to assume MMX is available. I am less sure about SSE, thought
 the majority of i386 computers in use today likely support it.

 René Dudfield wrote:
 that's all I got around to doing today... I'll apply the other patches
 later (the mmx fixes, and the fromstring() stuff.)


 On 8/22/07, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 24 bit surfaces do work when the flags are 0. It was the SRCALPHA flag
 that caused problems, whether pygame was initialized or not. It was just
 that when the surface depth was set to 24 bits implicitly, then the
 SRCALPHA flag was ignored. If explicitly then the SRCALPHA flag was
 processed and pygame segfaulted.

 René Dudfield wrote:

 ah, I fixed those segfaults in svn.  There were problems with
 get_bytesize, and get_alpha too.

 I'm not sure why using a bitdepth of 24 doesn't work without
 initializing pygame...  So that can still be considered a bug that
 needs investigation.


Re: [pygame] pygame- Installing pygame on suse linux from source

2007-08-02 Thread Richard Goedeken

In order to make python scripts executable, put a line like this at the
top of the file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

You can also call it directly, like this:


For your sdl-dev problem, run 'sdl-config --cflags' from the command
line.  There should be an option printed which says '-I/usr/include/SDL'
 though the path may be slightly different.  Try to see if the header
file is there by doing an 'ls -l /usr/include/SDL/SDL.h' (substituting
the path returned in the previous command if it was different).  If
either of these steps don't work, that means that your sdl-dev package
is not installed.


Jason Ward wrote:
 I downloaded pygame source and I've been trying to install it on my suse
 10.2 linux.
 It says I need sdl-dev when I run from the console with the
 command, python install
 So I downloaded, the source of sdl and the src.rpm and the dev rpm and
 the runtime.
 But with any or all of these installed I still get the error message.
 You should put a link on the site for the required sdl files.
 PS. How do I make python scripts executable on linux? (My first time
 using linux)
 How do I get it so that I can open with IDLE?
 running scripts from console is a mission
 Thanks guys

Re: [pygame] [PATCH] Smooth Scaling v3

2007-07-25 Thread Richard Goedeken

I'm glad to hear that you got the new scaling function in there.  I'm
not sure exactly how to fix the compiler warnings either.  There are no
truly unused variables - everything that could be #ifdef'd has been.
It's just that GCC doesn't recognize that the values are being used in
the ASM code.  For the 64-bit long long constants it may be possible
to get rid of that warning by appending LL to the constant itself - I
believe that will make it stop complaining about that.


René Dudfield wrote:
 added the cool new smoothscale function from Richard Goedeken.  I
 really like how nice it looks :)  There's an example in
 examples/ that you can play with to see it working.
 Committed revision 1025.
 I changed it for pygame subversion, as well as made it use an optional
 destination surface argument like the other scale functions now do.
 As well as releasing the GIL during processing for multiple threads
 like the scale functions do in subversion pygame.  Also the
 documentation is moved into transform.doc like is done now for C
 There's still a couple of compiler warnings about unused variables.
 As well as constants being too big for a long.  But I'm not so sure of
 the code yet to fix them.  Maybe it's a 64bit specific thing that can
 be #ifdef'd ?
 There's a basic unittest for it in tests/ but it
 could use a few more tests.
 (also strangely every time I try to paste the exact compiler errors
 into gmail, it crashes both my terminal and firefox... weird)
 On 6/26/07, Richard Goedeken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, this is the final version of the SmoothScale patch.  I built the
 last one on an Ubuntu/x86_64 laptop and it crashed.  I traced the
 problem to my input/output register handling with the crazy ATT syntax
 and figured out the proper way to tell the compiler what registers I
 have changed.  The attached code works on all 3 platforms and I believe
 the syntax is correct now.



Re: [pygame] pygame source compiling

2007-07-11 Thread Richard Goedeken
An ambitious Windows dev could set up a SVN server to store the binary
dependencies and grab the source from the server.  All you have
to do is set the svn:externals property on a folder of your project, to
link in as a subdirectory any path from any other server.  I can give
someone the exact command-line syntax to do the job if wanted; I manage
an SVN repository for a big project at work.


Michael George wrote:
 I think subversion has a mechanism for referencing the contents of
 another subversion repository, which might make this type of solution
 easier.  I agree though, that I don't want multiple versions of
 everything being installed by pygame - that's what my package manager is
 for, and subverting it can only lead to suffering.  But for you windows
 James Paige wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 03:45:23PM -0700, Brian Fisher wrote:
 If you see something I am not understanding, or something I don't know
 about the linux way to do things that makes checked in dependencies a
 problem, please correct me.


 The whole idea of including dependencies is a *terrible* idea for
 linux, and for any OS with package management -- but it sounds like a
 *great* idea for windows.

 May I suggest: don't put any dependencies in the pygame subversion
 repository. Instead, make a separate parallel subversion repository
 that contains an automatically updated mirror of the main svn
 repository along with all dependency sources. That gives us the best
 of both worlds, without meddling with the existing subversion
 repository at all.

 Not only that, it can function independently and be maintained by the
 people who want it, without putting any extra burden on the core
 pygame developers.

 James Paige

Re: [pygame] multicpu machine for testing some pygame code?

2007-07-08 Thread Richard Goedeken

I have a dual core machine at home, and 4-way and 8-way machines at
work.  I can get and build the SVN trunk; just email me the code or


René Dudfield wrote:
 if someone has a multicore, or multi cpu system... can you please test
 some code for me?
 I'm trying to get some code into pygame to make it work better for
 multicore machines... but I need to test it some more.
 You'll need to be able to compile subversion pygame.

Re: [PATCH] Re: [pygame] Smooth Scaling (pygame.transform.smoothscale)

2007-06-20 Thread Richard Goedeken
That's a good plan, but I haven't been able to find a good way to
determine at compile time whether or not the compiler supports MMX.  You
could always dump out a small test file and compile it to test for
errors, but I was hoping to find something better like running gcc with
a magical parameter or testing for a magical preproc definition.  Are
you aware of any 'cleaner' ways of handling this detection?


René Dudfield wrote:
 that's good :)
 SDL does it by compiling the mmx stuff in if the compiler supports it.
 Then it has runtime checks to see if the cpu supports it.  SDL also
 has a configure flag, which you can use to tell it not to even try
 compiling mmx stuff.
 So if the compiler doesn't support it, the C version is used.
 If the compiler supports it, and the runtime cpu detection finds mmx,
 then the mmx version is used.
 On 6/20/07, Richard Goedeken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would be willing to add the CPU detection functions but I can't think
 of how it could be implemented in a useful way.  The compile-time checks
 have to stay in because trying to compile the 64-bit code on a 32-bit
 architecture, or the 32-bit MMX code on a PPC or similar, will cause
 compile-time errors.  So it's given that if someone is running an i386,
 PPC, Sun, Arm, etc, they will get the C code.  If they're running i686,
 they'll get the 32-bit MMX, and for x86_64 they'll get the 64-bit MMX.

 So, the dilemma is that whatever build a user is running, the code is
 pretty much guaranteed to work on their CPU.  If someone is running the
 i686 build on a 486 or something silly like that they'll probably have
 bigger problems.  We could allow someone to 'downgrade' and run the C
 code when their CPU supports MMX, but what's the point?
