Re: [pygame] Redesigning the website

2012-09-18 Thread jug
I can only talk about our project, so here is a very short summary:

The (hopefully) full feature list can be found here:

We actually did migrate the data from already (in 2009) and it was 
quite easy with some small scripts.

The preview instance is online (again) at Its 
status was (and still is) release candidate, ie. it may have some minor bugs 
etc. but may not require too much work for an initial deployment.

@Katie: As I said in my last mail, we mainly finished development but no one 
wanted to use/run/launch it.

As Ian and I said, have a look at the archives for all the details.


 Datum: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 20:01:41 -0400
 Von: Katie Cunningham
 Betreff: Re: [pygame] Redesigning the website

 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Ian Mallett wrote:
  Hi all,
  If you look through the mailing list archives, there are a number of
  references to such attempts in the past, and every so often it comes up
  again (as now).
  There have been a few efforts too. I personally would like to see one of
  them adopted and used. The old site is now desperately showing its age.
  I like (or maybe am used to) the overall look of the website, but it
  needs to be polished up a lot. This suggests an improvement rather than
  scrap-and-restart method.
  I also lend my support to this project.
 How far did these other efforts get, and do we know why they were
 never pushed forward? That might be the most valuable bit of knowledge
 we can gain from past endeavors.

Re: [pygame] Redesigning the website

2012-09-18 Thread jug
 There is no wiki?

Sure there is:
We just did not want to reinvent the wheel and write our own wiki system. Maybe 
one could add an extra tab to the main navigation to directly link to the wiki.

Re: [pygame] Redesigning the website

2012-09-17 Thread jug
 As far as I know there was an effort to do that, but it never got live.

Yep, Devon, Orcun and I worked on a new site back in 2009 for nearly one
year. It had some quite nice features (imo) and Devon designed a stylish ui.
It never got live cause the pygame core team did not want to use it and
we did not have the time (and motivation) to launch it as stand alone site.
However, its still there in the repos. The backend is made with Django
and it has build-in support for embedded sphinx documentation as well as
a trac instance integrated (for wiki, tickets and repo viewer). If
anyone wants to launch it or take it as source of inspiration or use it
in any other way, feel free to do so.

For the full story have a look at the mailing list archives.

Re: [pygame] Antialiased circle

2012-01-18 Thread jug
Here is a small module that works on top of pygame.gfxdraw to draw some 
nice (filled) aacircles, lines and rounded rects (have a look at the 

this was mainly a test to see whats possible and also to compare 
different methods. Of course its damn slow :)

I also started to port the pygamedraw module from pygame2 to pygame, but 
it has no (good-working) anti-aliasing yet.

Re: [pygame] Difference Between pygame.draw and pygame.gfxdraw

2011-11-29 Thread jug
Hey Carl,

I'm the author of pygamedraw and unfortunately it was not yet merged into 
either pygame2 (this was the initial aim) or pygame. Since the end of GSoC 2010 
I had a very limited amount of free time. In my last blog post I gave a little 
overview how one could continue with the project (see 
So if you have some time it would be really cool if you'd bring it forward a 
bit. Just check out the repo, install pygame2, get it running start and playing 
with the code. If you have some experience with C extensions you could port it 
to C and speed it up a bit.
If you really start with it and have any questions or issues feel free to 
contact me and I'll be happy to help you with this. 
Maybe I'll also write some more code there if I get round to it.

Best Regards

 Datum: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 22:09:35 +0100
 Von: Carl Holmberg
 Betreff: Re: [pygame] Difference Between pygame.draw and pygame.gfxdraw

 Did the GSOC-project in 2010 ever make it in to pygame? Found the
 repository a while ago:
 I was wondering if it would be possible to create a Easy hacks-list
 (like The Document Foundation does for LibreOffice) to ease in to helping out
 in developing pygame. If I have some time over it would be interesting to
 help out, but I wouldn't know where to start!
 28 nov 2011 kl. 21.18 skrev Lenard Lindstrom:
  There is not a lot of difference. If I understand correctly, the draw
 module is based on the gfxdraw library. The gfxdraw module was backported
 into Pygame from Pygame Reloaded. It has a few antialiased draw functions
 missing in the Pygame draw module. But all gfxdraw functions produces 1 pixel
 width lines only. The draw module uses crude methods to also produce wider
 lines. In general, the gfxdraw module is more low level, but also implements
 more basic draw operations.
  Lenard Lindstrom
  On Nov 28, 2011, ANKUR AGGARWAL wrote:
  I was goofing around the web and found out the gfx draw API of the
  python module. Through search and all found out that it is used to
  draw shapes . pygame.draw also do the same work. So I want to know
  what exactly is the difference between them??? I searched on the web a
  lot but unable to find out an appropriate answers. Please help!!!
  Thanks In Advance
  Ankur Aggarwal

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Re: [pygame] Using reStructuredText for document sources

2011-03-03 Thread jug

Hi Lenard,

when I wrote my convert script [1] I reached a point when I found it 
easier to edit the output (rst files) manually instead of implementing 
proper handling for all the special cases etc. So maybe it would be 
better to take my rst-files and continue to improve them (fix last 
markup fix and improve content) as the convert script would be only used 
this single time. Then you can replace the .doc files in the source with 
the rst-files and some sphinx project files for building etc. in a doc 
or ref folder.
To the structure: I think the basic structure (module - classes - 
methods) is standard. But the way of documenting stuff could be really 
improved with the features of rst markup (and maybe sphinx 
plug-ins/extensions or however they call it). For example, 
hugoruscitti added images to the docs of the transform module. I like 
it a lot as it shows instantly what each single method does and also 
makes the page easier to read as it breaks this big text-only block. The 
template/style for the html-generator could be edited to fit into the webpage (if not the other way round :-) ). The comments 
feature of the current solution is quite useful, but the result is that 
the comments are not merged into the main documentation and so an 
offline version of the docs is more or less useless (at least for some 
modules or functions). So removing the comment feature would remove 
spam, very long and hence wrong placed example programs and stupid 
hello world/this is cool/... dummy comments from the docs. If someone 
has a serious interest to improve the docs somewhere it should not be 
too hard to post a new version (or just a note that a certain part 
should be improved) on the mailing list.

In general, I'm absolutely convinced that a migragion of the pygame 
documentation to a rst/sphinx based system would be an huge improvement 
for pygame. It would be a lot easier for more people to participate in 
writing and improving documentation. The markup would be standardized 
(well, kind of) and the output would be flexible (you can generate 
documentation as webpage, pdf, etc.)

To use a wiki could be better than the current solution, but you'd need 
to moderate it, remove spam/stupid and/or wrong content/etc. - work, no 
one has time for.



Am 04.03.2011 00:09, schrieb Lenard Lindstrom:

Hi everyone,

It seems that as useful as it has been makeref,py, the custom Pygame 
document generator, is showing its age. It makes little sense to 
continue maintaining when other, more powerful, document 
generators are available off-the-shelf. So I am proposing to convert 
Pygame's custom .doc files to reSTructuredText, and have docutils and 
Sphinx generate the documents. As well as being the tool chain used to 
produce the Python documents, Marcus uses reST for pgreloaded. Also, 
Julian (jug) has translated the Pygame doc source to reST once 
already. But I admit I did not fully appreciated his efforts at the time.

I am already improving the tokenizer for use in a Pygame 
DOC to reST translator. Julian already wrote a based 
translator. I hope to using his reST version of the Pygame doc sources 
as a guide for a translator that produces reST files closer to the 
final product. If nothing else, will generate somewhat 
cleaner web pages.

Before going any further I need to know what to keep from the current 
Pygame document layout, what should change, and what can be added. I 
suppose this has been discussed before, but I kind of missed it. Also, 
if there are objections to moving to reST now is the time to raise them.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] Inconsistency in online docs

2011-03-01 Thread jug


Am 01.03.2011 18:44, schrieb Lenard Lindstrom:
Personally, I am considering translating them to reStructuredText or 

That's exactly what I did quite a while ago:
The aim was to include it here: (Of 
course there are no comments either, etc.)
I had no time (and motivation) to update and improve the rst docs, but 
if you like it feel free to use it as starting point.

Am 01.03.2011 19:30, schrieb David Burton:

What's the download location for the .doc files, from which the .html 
is compiled, and to which mailing list should improvements be submitted?
The .doc files come with python source code (see pygame website - 
download), the mailing list is this one.

Also, what is used to compile those .doc files?  I _like_ it!  I've 
never seen such nice, simple, clean HTML come from a Microsoft Word 
document!!  When Word, itself, generates the html from a .doc file (or 
when OpenOffice Writer or Wordpad does), the result is an ugly mess.
It's no Microsoft Word at all. The .doc files are simple text files with 
some own very simple markup format. You can open and edit them with an 
text editor (unfortunately there is no documentation about the format, 
There is a convertscript (, basic html skeleton, style and 
everything is hardcoded there) to gererate .html from .doc files. (I 
once rewrote that to generate rst from the .doc files).


Re: [pygame] Mask problem

2010-08-23 Thread jug
mask.outline(): Returns a list of points of the outline of the first 
object it comes across in a Mask (docs)
- this method gives you all points that build the outline of an object 
on the mask. Thus, all these
points are set on the mask. If you want to print all pixels of the mask, 
you need to loop over the size:

w, h = mask.get_size()
for x in xrange(w):
for y in xrange(h):
print mask.get_at(x,y),
print #(optional)


Hi all:

I have missunderstand something from masks, this is my problem:

I have a program that rounds frames in a minimum rects and saves the 
coordinates of them in a file, that way I know where, in a picture, 
are the frames of a animation and can get them easily.

I took all the frames of an animation in this way (been an animation 
the secuence of images of p.e. a spaceship images turning in Y-axis to 
go left or rigth in X-axis)

# Gets all the frames of a animation from the image
def __getFrameImages__(self, image, imagesIndexInY, coords):
indexes = coords.getCoordsInY(imagesIndexInY) # This works 
fine, the images are getted and drawed well
for index in indexes:  
# Only to show that I get many subsurfaces from a big surface (a .bmp 

   self.images += [image.subsurface(index)]

After take all images I make masks for each image that way:

# Makes masks for all the frames
def __makeMasks__(self):
for image in self.images:
mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(image, consts.MAGENTA)
temp =  # LOG
for x in mask.outline(): # LOG
temp += `mask.get_at(x)` # LOG
print `temp` #LOG
self.masks += [mask]

been consts.MAGENTA = 0xFF00FF the key color of the image.

Well, when running it, the output are allways that way:


So I undestand that, been no 0's, the mask is all the rect... so I'm 
doing something wrong, any ideas?

Nota: Tildes omitidas para evitar incompatibilidades.


Re: [pygame] gsoc: pygamedraw - status update

2010-06-18 Thread jug

Lorenz Quack wrote:


I have to agree with the other comments. it's really looking good so far!


On 06/17/2010 06:05 PM, jug wrote:


I'd like to give you a short status report of the pygamedraw gsoc 

I've implemented the main class structure and basic drawing methods, so
its already usable:


If you have any ideas for further Pen classes please tell me.


I just thought that it *might* be useful to have an attribute style 
or something like that
which can be set to SOLID, DOTTED or DASHED in analogy to the 
css attribute border-style [1].

I don't think this is a top priority item but might be nice to have.

keep up the good work



Yes, I also had this idea of line styles or some kind of orientation 
that could be passed to
the drawing algorithm but this is not that easy due to the generic 
implementation via
masks. However its on my ideas that would be cool to have and may be 
implemented later

if I have some time left-list :)

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

Hey, I'm in need of some fast drawing functions that can correctly
paint brush strokes... eg. if I draw a series of points 1px apart,with
alpha, is it going to look like a bunch of overlapping circles, or is
it going to look like a thick line of the correct alpha value?

By default it will look like a bunch of overlapping circles as this is the
normally expected behavior. However you could prevent this by activating
multi-part drawing. This means, that the (mask of the) last drawn shape is
removed from the (mask of the) next shape.
(note that this is not completely implemented yet.)

Also, these are implemented in pure Python?  How fast are they?  do
they do a lot of work in Python or is most of it done in existing SDL
code or something?

Currently its all done in pure Python. Since this is a rewrite of the
current modules that are only wrappers around the SDL functions
I do not use any SDL drawing routines.  This is why it is not fast
at all now, but its just a prototyping and we plan to port the critical
parts to C at the end.

And how can I test this out?  Do I just install Pygame Reloaded and
then add this to my project folder and import it?

Yes. You need pygame2 installed and the lib folder in the pygamedraw
project dir on your python part. Then you can do
from lib.solidpen import SolidPen and so on. Have a look at the example
at ./examples/


[pygame] gsoc: pygamedraw - status update

2010-06-17 Thread jug


I'd like to give you a short status report of the pygamedraw gsoc project.
I've implemented the main class structure and basic drawing methods, so 
its already usable:

# ...
red = pygame2.Color(200, 0, 0)
blue = pygame2.Color(0, 0, 200)
my_pen = SolidPen(color=red)
my_pen.width = 6
rect1 = pygame2.Rect(20, 60, 200, 150)
my_pen.width = 1
my_pen.ellipse(screen, rect1)
rect2 = pygame2.Rect(30, 20, 50, 80)
my_pen.ellipse(screen, rect2, start=30, stop=250)
my_pen.color = blue
my_pen.fill = True
my_pen.cirlce(screen, (150, 170), 60, stop=90)
my_pen.fill = False
points = [(20, 50),  (60, 10),  (70, 80)]
my_pen.line(screen, points, closed=True)
# ...

This should be mostly self-explanatory.
In comparison to the current draw module(s) you will notice
that it is object oriented!

Draw functions on module level are replaced by draw methods
on class level. This is the main change that brings along some
advantages and changes:

1.) possibility of inheritance
This is a great new feature that allows it to manipulate the way
of drawing without touching any shape algorithms. These are
implemented in the Pen base class and work on a mask as
intermediate. This mask is then passed to the Pen.render() method
that does some preparation and then calls the Pen.draw() method
that implements the actual drawing. So you just need to subclass
Pen and overwrite one method (namely Pen.draw()) and have a
completely new drawing behavior for all shapes.
Of course there will be some default Pens that already implement
the most common drawing methods. There are some screen shots
of already implemented Pens at my blog:
If you have any ideas for further Pen classes please tell me.

2.) shorter parameter lists
Having a Pen object allows it to store general parameters as class
attributes, so drawing methods take only a minimum of parameters.
However, I plan to add a way to set these class attributes on method
class, so if you don't like to write my_pen.width=1/2/... all the time,
you could set it directly on method call (like with the current pygame.draw
module): my_pen.rect(surf, rect, width=2).

 3.) cleaner code
I think this makes the code cleaner, more structured and more pythonic.

A more complex example is included with the sourcecode:
hg clone


Re: [pygame] poll: GUI library advice / current GUI info ( for wiki )

2010-05-11 Thread jug

Hi jake,

1]  What libraries do you use most?
The first pygame gui I used was gooepy but I think it was a bit buggy 
and inflexible.
Then I tried spg (the first version) which was quite cool but the code 
was very

unpythonic and thus very hard to hack and extend eg. to write new widgets.
After some time of not using pygame guis I needed one again and thought 
to write my
own small and easy-to-use gui. As nearly always if you plan to write 
your own small

and easy version of a complicated and complex module X I wrote my own quite
complex pygame gui. But I hope that it is less complicated than others. 
it's still in (more or less) active development and not yet released 
(there is just a
public svn repo at ) so I'm currently the 
only user and

haven't got any feedback from normal users yet.

2]  Advantages to that library, over others? ( Special notes, ie: good 
with X. GooeyPy uses CSS, etc...)

The 4 most important aspects:
- flexible measurements: Any positions and sizes can be absolute or 
relative or
  mixed (eg. 20%+30px). This 
allows more flexible layouts
  since resizing the pygame 
window won't crash your gui.
- flexible styling: Styling can (but don't have to) be done completely 
distinct from
the widgets and changed all the time (i.e. 
you can change the
entire appearance of your gui on runtime). 
Since styles are cached
only widgets with a changed style will be 
redrawn. The use of pre-
and suffixes makes it easy to define 
different styles for different

states (like mouse-over, ...).
- flexible event system: All kinds of callbacks, notifications, etc. are 
done via events
(of  an own event system, no 
pygame user-events are needed).
Its easy to send and listen to 
events and implement any

communication this way.
- flexible widget system: Since game UIs may be very individual and game 
  its very important to provide 
an easy way to write new
  widgets. Thanks to the first 
three features own widget
  classes often consist of just 
a few lines.

3] Disadvantages of those libraries? ( Special notes, ie: hard with X)
The pygame guis I have used were mostly widget sets but no guis. They 

a set of widgets with styling options (using a (kinda inflexible) predefined
image set) but no (or a very limited) geometry manager and no easy way 
to extend

them and write own widgets.

4] Recommended games to view for examples?
I've used it for two of my projects recently:

5] Any changes to be aware of in pygreloaded , or already exist that is 
relevant for GUIs?
Hu? pygame2 != pygame. pygame2 has another api and thus guis (and 
programs/libs in general)

for pygame won't run with pygame2.

7] Anything else?
Pygame (g)uis is a difficult topic. I think lots of people here have 
their own (mostly private)
pygame-utils package and use it to build a new gui for every game. I 
know of at least two

other guys who started working on their own (generic) gui or ui-helper lib.
So, the ultimate pygame gui is yet to be written.


[pygame] GSoC 2010: A New Draw Module

2010-05-02 Thread jug


I'm going to write a new draw module for pygame and pygame2 as part of
GSoC this year. The aim is to have one draw module for pygame that
implements not only the very basic drawing of a few plain color shapes but
also drawing of more advanced shapes and whith more advanced attributes
(ie. curves, rounded corners, aa, etc.) as well as alternative filling 

(ie. procedural or image based textures, filling from another surface/image
(cloning), etc.). Unlike now the code will be object oriented thus you'll
need to create a (pen) object before using it to draw stuff. That is to 
to keep

code clean and structured and avoid functions with (terribly) long parameter
lists. However, I plan to add some shortcuts for basic functionality 
(and maybe


I'm still thinking about concepts and have some more vague ideas in mind so
if you have any ideas or suggestions please tell me :)

While development I'll blog about any progress at

Even though I've got svn access to the pygame repo (thank you, rene) I also
have a (currently still empty) hg repo with wiki and issue tracker at


Re: [pygame] GSoC project proposal: A new draw module

2010-04-03 Thread jug

Marcus von Appen wrote:

What would be interesting here is, what the Pen class would offer except
from the drawing functions wrapped up in a class and som additional

What about e.g. an aa-property to keep the argument amount low,
transformation and rotation angles for the x- and y-axis (implicit
transformation done upon drawing) or even vector support (e.g. for
faster 2d, 2.5d, 3d operations on the shapes) using the math module?

What do you think about working out some basic Pen (and utility)
class(es) as an example (no need to implement any function or property,
just a stub of the class, we can examine and design)?


I've created a page with all ideas and concepts that everyone can
(and should) edit or comment on:


[pygame] GSoC project proposal: A new draw module

2010-03-07 Thread jug


I'd like to rewrite/improve the pygame draw module(s) as a GSoC project.
Currently, there are pygame.draw and pygame.gfxdraw, but both are not
very usable. There is just a small set of basic shapes to draw. Another 
point is the missing anti-aliasing. Well, the new gfxdraw has some 
but they are too inflexible.  Lets say you need to draw a filled, 
anti-aliased circle.
There is no function to do that, even though there are four (!) 
functions to draw
some kind of circle. These functions can draw a circle either filled or 
(or not anti-aliased and not filled) but not both. The same applies to 
the other


I made some small tests[1] and it was really easy to get some nice 
shapes[2]. Of course,
the code is dirty and slow, but its just a test to get an idea of an 
usable draw module.

To handle all these options and parameters, the code could be organized 
more object

oriented. One idea was to handle it like PIL:

mypen = pygame.draw.Pen(surface, ...), rad, ...)

Then, shapes could not only be filled with plain color, but also pixel 
data from another

surface or maybe some kind of texture or so.

Just some first thoughts and rough ideas.



Re: [pygame] Improving documentation

2009-12-27 Thread jug

Yeah, nice, could be really helpful.
Can we use these images or would you like to add them and help us?
If you have a bitbucket account I'll give you write perms.

-- Julian

Horst JENS wrote:
i love the graphic examples ! 


I like this idea, maybe we can put some visual examples like
this page too:

Re: [pygame] Pygame community platform?

2009-12-18 Thread jug

Hi Olof,

Olof Bjarnason wrote:

I have this crazy idea of making a pygame community platform to make
distributing/finding/testing/installing pygames simpler.

Interesting idea.

For end users, it would be a program to install, maybe called
something like PygamePlatform. It would provide a graphical user
for the ubuntu platform to begin with, since that is what I'm using.
It would feature search/install/uninstall/run interaction.

What do you do with dependencies? Include them to your game source?
Or add some often used 3rd party packages as extra projects?

Installing would mean downloading .py+bin files and placing them in a
PygamePlatform local games pool. Thus uninstalling is as easy as

Rene is working on something like this, but I think its more for bin files
including python and all dependencies. So for people who do not know
python etc. but want to play your games. Is that what you want to do or
just making it easier for people with python to find and install pygame

GUI: Much like Ubuntus add programs, combined with the start menu.

A GUI wouldn't be a problem I think.

The database of pygames would reside on some wiki-like web page, so
pygame-developers could easily add their creations without any updates
to the PygamePlatform-installations out there.

Of course this is a great deal of work, but provided it does
PygamePlatform could be ported to Windows, Mac etc. without any
changes to the wiki-database or the games themselves.

Depends on what existing tools and libs you use/ what you want to do
You could also just write a wrapper for easy_install with a
project filter/ own db with project names, a nice GUI and some additional
game informations.

Feedback? Is there earlier projects that has tried (and failed) doing
this kind of thing?

Well, there is a pygame community platform/website with project listing:

Its still a beta/rc version, but it has an api (actually two: XMLRPC and 

see the more-tab) that allows you to get some (maybe more soon) data
about the projects. Currently you could use it for a check for 
version inside your games/programs. It also gives you the download urls 

bin and source files (if available).

So if people would add their games to pypi and insert a game description and
pypi-url/-name on the website, only the GUI would be left to do.



[pygame] Improving documentation

2009-12-18 Thread jug


Some months ago, there was a discussion about the documentation system
of pygame (and it's output), but without any results.

Some say its ugly (like the website), some say its a bit unclear, some 
may like it.

Some parts could definitively be improved.

Then, there is this comment system inside the documentation with some 
very useful
comments that are essential for understanding (ie. the docs are 
incomplete there)
but also lots of comments with spam, useless content or really large 
examples that
may be useful but should not belong to documentation (better in the wiki 
or pcr or

snippets section or so).

Another point is, that the documentation is not portable. You can only 
build the docs

as html pages in this ... green(?) style and without comments.

In the earlier discussion, Marcus made a case for Sphinx, a tool also 
used for the

python documentation. It has several advantages:

- Its a standardized tool that uses reStructuredText, an easy but 
powerful markup

 language known by many python'ists (- easier for contributors)
- It generates several formats like html or pdf from plain text files. 
That also makes
 it easy to mix api documentation with with deeper explanations. 
- It supports some kind of theming, ie. you can use one of a few default 
styles or

 even write your own one and/or edit/extend the templates.
- It has a plugin system with some useful extensions

That's why I (and some others) think that porting pygame documentation 
to Sphinx

would be a good start to improve it. And thats what I did.

I've created a project on bitbucket, so everyone who'd like to 
participate can do that
easily.  I've already converted the docs to a Sphinx project, but it 
needs some manual

control and cleanup and then content improvements.

A small preview how it *could* look can be found here (using a default 
style - as I said, you

can change this style nearly completely):

(This page is manually converted, the other pages are build with a
modified version of



Re: [pygame] Re: Announce: PygWeb2.0rc

2009-12-07 Thread jug

B W wrote:

I like the aesthetics of your redesign, and the layout is very


I'm curious to see if your conversion will fix HTML-wrapping
issues like this: And
whether project screenshots will be ported and the default N/A images
will be replaced.

I don't see any errors there.
Since the pygame developers who run are not interested in the 
website, it will (probably) run as a individual website, independent of (if anyone is interested, email me). In this case, it will 
not migrate any data from
We did not migrate screenshots for the demo cause its just a lot of data 
(of course it would be possible).

One content-related feedback. This occurs on the following converted
snippet from the Pygame Code Repository.

The original distribution bundles files critical to the code's
function. While your converstion exposes the code for convenient
viewing--a very nice touch--it seems to have lost the other
components: an image file, and POV files if anyone should want to dig
into the 3D image with POV. I predict this would be a frustrating
discovery for anyone wishing to see the code in action.

I do not know how many are like this, but I'm sure you would want to
follow up on it, in the spirit of insuring converted content is
either unchanged or improved. :)

There are a few snippets that have additional data like images or extra 
files with it. Normally, Snippets (on pygWeb) are just code and maybe 
some explanatory text. Thus, migrating additional files it not possible 
(when using a converter script). Of course these extra data may be 
important. Not for the demo, but for a productive usage. The problem is, 
that there is no option for normal users to attach any files to snippets 
(which is, I think, basically appropriate). So these snippets either 
have to work without additional data or host this data somewhere else 
and link to it or use the wiki that allows attachments (but is not meant 
for code hosting).

Devon Scott-Tunkin wrote:
I can't remember right now if the code was using different templates 
than the rest of the site.

Yes, the code tab is the one handled by Trac (with its own templates 
and style sheets).

-- Julian

Re: [pygame] Re: Announce: PygWeb2.0rc

2009-12-06 Thread jug


Thanks for the feedback.

I have a suggestion: If you download a code snippet, it gets named like '' 
or ''.  But a filename would be more useful, like '' instead 
of '

Good idea, I've changed that.

if clicking on the code tab, the whol website recenter and has smaller
width (1024) than before. you may have to test with high browser
I know that. Not yet sure whats better. The smaller, fixed width was the 
original style, but sometimes its not enough space for the entire 
content (logged in as admin or with very long user name).

I only have one question; how is updating the new site different from the old?  
Is the Django site still serving most things from static pages and just using 
the database to store comments and such, or did they use one of the little CMS 
doo-dads available for use with Django?
The site runs with an own database. Currently its sqlite, but since its 
done with Django, most other db backends should work as well. All 
content except the documentation is stored in the database. It's 
possible to convert data from the current db, but you cannot 
use the same data or database without converting.

The issue is some people felt Jug and the others went ahead without 
proper discussion before-hand. 
Some people wanted to rewrite the website as well, but not with Django. 
The discussion got nowhere fast, so we just started (otherwise, I think 
we would be still discussing). Also, those who wanted to write a website 
with other tools, did not do that (afaik). The same applies to the 
details. You cannot discuss every single detail on such a mailing list. 
Everyone has his own opinion, but you can only implement it one way. So 
we did it how we deemed it right and then showed it to the list so that 
everyone could have a look at it, test it, and tell us whether it is ok 
or he found any no-go's.

-- Julian

[pygame] Announce: PygWeb2.0rc

2009-11-29 Thread jug


We would like to announce we have finished working on the PygWeb website 
that was originally intended to replace the current site on Although this caused some controversy  and the 
maintainer(s) of did not seem interested, 
we kept working. We now have a fully functional website with the same 
basic functions provided by the current 
website, but also many new features:

-  a *real* user system with small profile pages, statistics, privacy 
settings and more

- improved project management with intelligent tagging, uploading 
multiple screen shots, integrating youtube videos and a project of the 
month poll (as replacement for spotlight)

- a snippets section that allows users to post small, useful snippets of 
source code that others may learn from or reuse. Its quite the same idea 
like the pygame code repository (pcr), but easier to manage and to use. 
It also supports tagging and bookmarking.

- comments on nearly every content on the website, except for 
documentation and a few other pages

- lots of feeds (Atom  RSS), eg. for all new projects, new releases of 
either one special project or all projects, news, project of the month, ...

- subscriptions for most content with feeds, ie. you could get a mail on 
every new release of your favorite game or on pygame news

- full text search: Search in some subsections or the whole site

- consistent markup support including most common markup languages like 
reStructuredText, Markdown, Textile, Creole, bbCode (its very easy to 
add one) for all formatted text. All text edit fields have an preview 

- timezone localization, even for anonymous users (the latter needs js)

- a shiny, modern style and an option to add more styles and every user 
can use the style he likes best (more styles are yet to be written)

- apis to access data programmatically: XML-RPC, for simple read 
requests, and REST, for enlarged read and write requests. A small 
example of use could be a check for newer version option in your game 
or even a possibility to directly download the new version

- enclosed irc bot with some useful commands (some use the website 
database) and an optional announcer feature (eg. announce news or even 
new releases)

- integrated Trac that provides a wiki, bug tracer, svn browser, plugin 
system (with lots of plugins out there) and more

- full admin interface with some nice and useful features to administer 
the site easily

- lots of configuration settings to change specific behavior (but with 
good default values)

Our site is open source and if someone would like to host it we will 
support it and help in getting it setup.
We would, of course, like to see it on, 
but that's up to the owner of or the 

The demo site sill runs at . There is 
already some data from for seriously 
testing content and also to show that we could successfully migrate 
data. The irc bot can be tested in #pygame on freenode. Just write b0t 
help to get a list of available commands.

Besides looking for a host for the site, we would like to get some more 
testers and feedback. There may still be some bugs or details that could 
be improved.

If you want a shiny, modern, new website representing your favorite 
python game library, get in touch!

It's up to you!


Julian and Devon

[pygame] Rect.contains - bug or feature?

2009-10-22 Thread jug

import pygame
r1 = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
r2 = pygame.Rect(50, 50, 0, 0)


r3 = pygame.Rect(50, 50, 50, 50)


r4 = pygame.Rect(100, 100, 0, 0)


I would expect a 1 in the last line as well.


Re: [pygame] Rect.contains - bug or feature?

2009-10-22 Thread jug

Hm, but than, r1.bottomright should be (99, 99) and not (100, 100)!?
Or is topleft inside and bottomright outside the rect?


Lorenz Quack wrote:

Hi Julian

jug wrote:

import pygame
r1 = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
r2 = pygame.Rect(50, 50, 0, 0)


r3 = pygame.Rect(50, 50, 50, 50)


r4 = pygame.Rect(100, 100, 0, 0)


I would expect a 1 in the last line as well.

I wouldn't.
r1 starts at position (0,0) and has a width and height of 100 each 

is goes from 0,0 to 99, 99 which amounts to 100 pixels in each direction.
r4 lies just outside of that.
Note that the arguments to Rect aren't start and end position but 
rather x,y,w,h


Re: [pygame] Rect.contains - bug or feature?

2009-10-22 Thread jug

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:44 PM, jug wrote:

Hm, but than, r1.bottomright should be (99, 99) and not (100, 100)!?
Or is topleft inside and bottomright outside the rect?

Yep, I think it says this in the docs.

Agreed. Thanks for the resolution.


Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki

2009-08-02 Thread jug

Lorenz Quack wrote:

But I do think captchas are fine if they help reduce the spam.

I'm not sure about this. Some of the spam comments seem to be from bots, 
but there are (were?) a lot of comments like hgjnyhh. I don't think 
they are from bots. Then, there are comments posting complete example 
programs then a few criticizing that program or asking for help for 
their programming problems. (eg. comments of Font.render).

So, thats not spam, but I think they should go elsewhere. It's 
interesting how to get 'truly' transparent text, but that should be 
posted in a wiki or snippets or cookbook or howewer you call it. Maybe 
you could add a comment with a link to that snippet post (if links would 

If you allow comments for anonymous on docs or elsewhere, you have to 
care for it. So, remove spam directly, add comments that should be 
included to the docs directly (or mark them, so its easier to find them 
later). Maybe find someone who could help there and give him restricted 
rights for these jobs.

Another way would be to call it not add comment but suggest 
improvement, and to add some functions to easily manage it. A suggested 
improvement would be checked by some admin or moderator and then either 
marked as accepted (- will be displayed  like a comment until 
included to the docs) or not accepted (- could stay for a while on an 
extra side so users could write it to the wiki or so).  Spam would be 
directly deleted. I think there aren't so many new comments per month 
and if people know what happens with their suggestions, they'd post 
example programs directly elsewhere. That would keep the docs clean, but 
is a bit more work and won't be to everyone's liking.

And if using captchas, don't take those with images noone can read. Take 
something like what is 2+5? or so. As long as the bots don't know this 
format, it will be fine.

The questions are:
- Should all comments be deleted or included to the docs some day?
- Should the docs just be an api reference or more?


Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki

2009-07-30 Thread jug

Hi Brian,

Brian Fisher wrote:
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:55 AM, jug wrote:

Yeah, sorry. It uses simple text files with an own simple
structure and markup. So, it's not as bad as I thought. But still
bad. IMHO, bad enough to be replaced.
It *is* something self-made, the html and css is *hardcoded* into
the generator script and therefore it *is* impossible to change
easily. Finally, the output *is* ugly and *invalid*


However, after some trial and error and some changes on the
generator code, I got the docs integrated into the website (used
code from svn, so docs are for pygame 1.9.0):

So, if no one is interested in a more professional documentation
system, we should at least update the generator script to produce
some more valid code, use a simple template for html and css and
become a bit more configurable.

   good job on working with current documentation content to get a 
page working. However I have to say that I do not find this page:

to be any improvement at all over this page:

I don't think the aesthetics or usability have been improved. But my 
real critique of it is that you dropped what I considered to be a 
highly effective and useful format for documentation - to have single 
page docs for a module, where the top half of the page is functions 
for the module that links down to the dull description later on the 
same page.

The problem is that with your main page being a list of all modules 
and their functions together, it's hard to get a good overview of the 
modules compared to a list of each module with short descriptions. 
Likewise, once I've decided a module is for me, and choose to go to 
it's page to drill into it, I don't get a clear and simple overview of 
that module.

I hope the doc pages are something you continue to improve from the 
perspective of easily getting overviews of things and getting a high 
level picture of what the library has to offer.

And lest you think I'm biased, I didn't do a single thing to work on 
the current pygame website or doc system, and have no particular love 
of the current website. I just happen to have had a really great 
experience working with pygame's website doc pages over the years - 
it's always been a lovely experience to browse them for me because 
it's so easy to get a high level picture and find what I want. I find 
them to be far more usable and effective than python's own doc web 
pages, which are at times overwhelming and impossible to get a good 
high level view from (like say the urllib  firends docs for instance 
- where you don't even know what classes or modules you want to use, 
and once you do have a guess at that, it's hard to find a useful 

Indeed, the docs at pygameweb are not better than the ones on
I just had a look into the generator script and modified it to produce 
I can use with the rest of the website (so that the recent-releases and 
the menubar are still there). Then, its valid XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Surely it needs more improvements. I'll try to get the index page 
clearer, for the rest, I don't know yet. Eg. ist not really easy to 
read, but I don't know exactly why.

Feel free to help improving it.

Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki

2009-07-29 Thread jug


René Dudfield wrote:

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:39 PM, jug wrote:


We are still working on the pygame website rewrite. I'm currently
implementing a snippets
app that should replace the cookbook section in the wiki. The code
is handled as code,
apart from the description. Thus, you can download the snippets
directly as .py file. Then,
its easier for everyone (who has an account) to add new snippets,
to find useful snippets
and to remember them.

There's a cook book and code search for this now.  This searches the 
1000s of projects on the internet for each use.  It's much better than 
a snippet section you decided on.
Well, I can add a google search, too, but seaching is not the main point 
here. A wiki is not designed to manage code snippets. Surely its 
possible, you could even manage projects in a wiki, just give each an 
own page. In my opinion, a snippets app is more user-friendly. You have 
one snippet, one description text and one author. If someone has a good 
tip, he should be mentioned when sharing it with the community. Users 
can review the code and tell in a comment if it helped them or not, if 
there is something to improve etc.
I know, it may be new to you and not convince you directly, but while 
development, I got a lot of useful tips and snippets from

General tips, tutorials or other stuff can still be handled in the wiki.

Since comments will be reserved for registered users, number of
spam comments and other
waste content should decrease a lot. For the rest, we may have
something like mark as spam
buttons, so you can tell the site admins directly if you notice
any spam.

why do you get to decide this?  Many of the valid comments are made 
without login, those would not exist if it required a login.

Well, I discussed that with Marcus. I think that there will be more 
users with an account (or more users, that actually already have an 
account, will login) if there is more than just projects. Currently, you 
just login if you want to edit a project, a wiki page or comment on a 
project. And you get automatically logged-out. On the new site, its more 
worthwhile to log in, and you can stay logged-in longer, if you don't 
log out. So most active pygame users should have and account and it's 
really easy, you just need a valid email address.
But besides that, to open comments for anonymous wouldn't be difficult 

Documentation is another problem. I think, with the website
rewrite, also the docs should
modernized. AFAIK, The current system is something self-made that
uses documentation thats
already written in html. It blends htms and stlyle to one html
file, so it is quite impossible to change
the style or to include it to the rest of the site. I don't know
how the comments work, but it looks not
good. As well, it would be better to have some kind of api access
or at least methodical urls to
access documentation programmatically form the rest of the site,
the apis or even the attached
irc bot.

You're completely wrong about the documentation system.  I suggest you 
actually read it before commenting on it.
Yeah, sorry. It uses simple text files with an own simple structure and 
markup. So, it's not as bad as I thought. But still bad. IMHO, bad 
enough to be replaced.
It *is* something self-made, the html and css is *hardcoded* into the 
generator script and therefore it *is* impossible to change easily. 
Finally, the output *is* ugly and *invalid* 

However, after some trial and error and some changes on the generator 
code, I got the docs integrated into the website (used code from svn, so 
docs are for pygame 1.9.0):

So, if no one is interested in a more professional documentation system, 
we should at least update the generator script to produce some more 
valid code, use a simple template for html and css and become a bit more 

I don't know about all the possible documentation systems and
generators, but sphinx[1] may be
adequate. Further on, I'm not sure if documentation should include
comments. I think it would be
better to use the snippets section to show really useful code
snippets (we could link against them
from the online docs) and for other stuff the wiki. If there is
really sth. missing in the docs, it should
be added to them, so also users who download the docs an read it
offline should see these additions.

Next (maybe pre-final) testing phase will come soon,
including the new snippets app and much more.

The comments section is staying.

Why do you get to decide this (alone and without argumentation)?
I admit, some comments in the docs are really helpful

Re: [pygame] how to remove spam comments in pygame wiki

2009-07-28 Thread jug


We are still working on the pygame website rewrite. I'm currently 
implementing a snippets
app that should replace the cookbook section in the wiki. The code is 
handled as code,
apart from the description. Thus, you can download the snippets directly 
as .py file. Then,
its easier for everyone (who has an account) to add new snippets, to 
find useful snippets

and to remember them.

Since comments will be reserved for registered users, number of spam 
comments and other
waste content should decrease a lot. For the rest, we may have something 
like mark as spam

buttons, so you can tell the site admins directly if you notice any spam.

Documentation is another problem. I think, with the website rewrite, 
also the docs should
modernized. AFAIK, The current system is something self-made that uses 
documentation thats
already written in html. It blends htms and stlyle to one html file, so 
it is quite impossible to change
the style or to include it to the rest of the site. I don't know how the 
comments work, but it looks not
good. As well, it would be better to have some kind of api access or at 
least methodical urls to
access documentation programmatically form the rest of the site, the 
apis or even the attached

irc bot.

I don't know about all the possible documentation systems and 
generators, but sphinx[1] may be
adequate. Further on, I'm not sure if documentation should include 
comments. I think it would be
better to use the snippets section to show really useful code snippets 
(we could link against them
from the online docs) and for other stuff the wiki. If there is really 
sth. missing in the docs, it should
be added to them, so also users who download the docs an read it offline 
should see these additions.

Next (maybe pre-final) testing phase will come soon,
including the new snippets app and much more.




Paulo Silva wrote:

otherwise, it's extremelly important Pygame being plenty of small
snippets, and having them on places like wiki or
is extremelly important, specially for newbies like me

On 7/27/09, Paulo Silva wrote:

i don't know... maybe Pete Shinners?

On 7/27/09, Horst JENS wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 26.07.2009, 22:06 +0100 schrieb Paulo Silva:

would be great if we can notify them for the administrator removing
them - if we allow anyone to remove everything, the same spammers may
wish to remove very useful information we waste our precious time on
posting them...

who is the official wiki admin to notify ?


Horst JENS



Re: [pygame] Extending Surface Class

2009-07-25 Thread jug
You have to call pygame.Surface.__init__ with your surface object first 

then pass further arguments like size:

class ExtendedSurface(pygame.Surface):
   def __init__(self, string):
   pygame.Surface.__init__(self, (100, 100))
   # ...

ERName wrote:

Is it possible to extend the surface class? Every time I do the
surface ends up dieing somehow right after it is created... I may just
be doing it in the wrong way, though. The main point is to override
the __str__() method, so if you know another way besides extending
pygame.Surface, I'd be happy to hear it.

class ExtendedSurface(pygame.Surface):

def __init__(self, surface, string):
pygame.Surface.__init__(surface, surface.get_size()) #The docs
say to include a size, etc. but that just gives me too many values to
unpack errors.
self.string = string

def __str__(self):
return self.string



Re: [pygame] status report

2009-07-10 Thread jug

el lauwer wrote:


I like the new logo, and it seems to work ok.

I would however try to use a lot less green, I think you should try 
something like the archlinux site
Well, it's a matter of taste. Our target is to get different styles for 
the site. Than, we could vote a default style and registered users can 
change that in their profile settings. The current design came up from 
the first version, that was more a retro style with even more green. 
Then, Devon improved it a lot and got the current, thats more a modern 
theme. A more simple style thats works also fine on older and/or slower 
browsers/computers/connections is planned.

[pygame] status report

2009-07-09 Thread jug


Time marches on, so some words about the current state of affairs.
First, I've to say that Orcun unfortunately is not any longer in our team.
Then, a slightly more delightful point, we are near at the finish! Only some
minor points and improvements are left, then we can start a final testing

Points left to do:

 * Complete the modern design before starting with a new one
* finish form design
* design administrative links like buttons (edit project, 
release.., ...)

* ticket #5
* ...
 * update the trac theme to fit the current design
(maybe ask coderanger at #pygame to help you, he did the 
current desgin plugin)

 * get the current db and help to write convert scripts
 * convince the rest of the pygame core team
 * review templates
 * test the website, its features, admin functionality, etc.
 * help me with ordering/collecting ToDos and design decisions

 * well, I've to do everything else :-)

I'll collect the hangover from my various ToDo lists and bring it to the 
wiki page.

I also made a features list:
In case I've forgotten anything please add it to this list.

I hope to complete this project soon and see it running on


Re: [pygame] pygweb milestone 1 released

2009-06-01 Thread jug

Hi Nirav

One thing I would suggest is having some kind of navigation from the
Trac parts of the site back into the Django parts of the site.  A
header bar perhaps, or even integrating the trac part into the rest of
the site like or do.

Sure. Trac is not yet really integrated. Its just running at /dev/ and uses
same user accounts. We concentrated on main website first, to get the
projects system running etc. Also, we are more or less inexperienced
with customizing Trac. So if someone here knows Trac a bit better,
please answer!

The registration confirmation email that gets sent has a broken url.
It is missing the / after the domain.

Oh, that's right. I'll fix it with next commit.

Re: [pygame] pygweb milestone 1 released

2009-06-01 Thread jug

Hi Noah,

Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

I would say I fit that bill. Let me know if there is something you need
poked with a stick.

We need a custom template and style to fit Trac into the rest of the page.
Then we have to care about configuration, plugins, etc.

Do you know if it is possible to use Trac WikiFormatting outside Trac? 
It would
be cool to have that also on the Django site so we had one markup on the 

site with all the Trac specific markup like wiki and ticket links.


Re: [pygame] pygweb milestone 1 released

2009-06-01 Thread jug

Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

Look at for
information on basic customization. If you end up needing more than that I
can explain how to write a full theme replacement.

I thought you wanted to do that because you already know how it works.
After reading the docs, some /trial and error we may manage that, but
we have enough to do before.

As for plugins, check out

Sure, I already had a look at it and bookmarked some plugins that may be
useful for us.

Making a Django filter for Trac markup probably wouldn't be too too hard.
Are you running both in the same interpreter?
The same interpreter? On the testing installation both run over (their 
own) cgi.
I think we can use formatter.format_to_html 

but I don't know what the arguments are (context, wikidom).


Re: [pygame] pygame website - the non-Django team.

2009-05-25 Thread jug


The coding on the django based website started without discussion 
finishing.  There was a discussion with some different view points, 
and you just didn't seem to care and began the website, ignoring them 
anyway.  Then I didn't have any option but to start a website myself.
Well, there was no progress in discussion any more. And why do you have 
to start an own project when we start? Do you think Django is rubbish or 
why can't you just let us (keen students) do our project even if its not 
part of GSoC? Do you have to give proof of sth.? Do you have nothing 
better to do (like me :))?

I think, we've got to a pretty nice intermediate, so why do you have to 
start a competitive project instead of helping us with testing, design, 
Trac etc. so we get one perfect website that all back and not 2 good 
ones and so. has to decide who's work will be appreciated and who's not.

I told you in other threads I was making one, and that there had been 
a plan to make one since January.  Again, neither you or jug responded.
If it was so clear that you will write the website since January, why 
was it a point on GSoC list and why don't you have already started? 
(Would you write your own page even if it was a GSoC project? What's the 
difference now?)

And since we used the pygame svn repo at google and the at the beginning 
introduced webiste/Trac everyone could always notice what we were doing 
and we don't come back from nowhere surprisingly. We telled your our 
plans and did that thus far whereas it's a bit curious to me that you 
check in your competitive product just a few hours after our fist 
preview release.


[pygame] Pygame Website Rewrite: First alpha version ready for testing

2009-05-24 Thread jug


A first version of the rewritten website is ready for testing:

Main focus is on project management and user system. News are also
yet available. Feel free to register or log in with guest/guest, create and
edit projects, releases, screenshots and your profile or vote the
(dummy-)project of the month.

Devon is still working on the design and often changes it.

For development organization we use Trac and a mailing list at google 

More information at

If you spot any bugs or have an idea for this first version thats not
already on our ToDo list (
create a ticket.

There was a problem with email and Trac, but now, all registration
and email stuff should work.


Re: [SPAM: 3.500] Re: [pygame] This one baffles me

2009-05-18 Thread jug

I think you forgot the newline:
  .replace(\n+ *4, \n\t)

[pygame] starting the rewrite

2009-04-30 Thread jug


Today, I started to write some first lines of code for the new website and
just checked it into SVN. For further questions I'd like to create 
tickets in the

development-trac (and maybe write here a mail with a link).
We are still searching for a web-designer, so please help us.
Over again, please write your name to the list there if you'd like to 


Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-26 Thread jug


using Trac with google SVN is not directly provided, but could be done. 
You need

to mirror the repo on the server where Trac is running on. Because you have
no access to SVN-hook scripts at google it's a bit tricky. Have a look at I'm not a SVN expert so who could undertake 

We are still waiting for the current database structure, but I think it 
will be
possible to import old wiki data. At 
are some
scripts to import wiki data from other wikis (eg. MoinToTrac). I think 
we could

write an equal script.

- Jug

Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-26 Thread jug


I just got the DjangoAuthIntegration (1) Trac plugin working. With this
plugin, you can login to Django, go to Trac and are logged in (without
reentering username and password). After logging out at Django,
you are logged out with Trac, too. Thats really cool.
Now need some testing.



Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-25 Thread jug


I'm kinda amazed about some points:

1) Did anyone read my concept?
   Some of the discussed ideas here I had before but no one cared.

2) I created a trac an you said nice! and created a Google project.

3) This project was an gsoc candidate and AFAIK all applicants wanted
   to use Django. At least 2 of them (Orcun and me) would like to do it
   even without google. Now you say let's do it with cherrypy because
   you don't know Django. Hm. I my view, both - Django and cherrypy -
   are mighty enough for our needs, thus its a relig. question of 
faith. But you
   asked so to do it. So, here we are! We have time and (only) want to 
do it

   with Django, cause we don't know cherrypy as you don't know Django.
   Maybe here are some php-experts why do it with php?

4) Even if you don't know Django, you can participate by helping to develop
   the concept, writing specific requirements, care about design, read the
   old code, transfer it and write new templates (Django templates are 
   easy to learn). If we use Trac the way things are going, there will 
be some
   work on adapting it by editing the Trac templates and style to make 
it fit

   into the whole page. Then, care about plugins that could be useful or
   necessary (auth, notification, feeds, irc-announcer, ...). Be sure 
you can help

   us even when using Django for the backend.


PS, well, I'm a slow writer, so I agree with Marcus.

Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-25 Thread jug

There's one problem remaining. One of the few weaknesses of Django
is that it does not support subdomains. Thus, would
be much easier to handle.
To concretize, please specify the structure again. What would Trac be
used for? Replace the current wiki and add a ticket system for bug-tracing
and more (enhancements, etc)?
So, the rough structure would be

 - News
 - Flatpages
 - Projects
 - Wiki
 - Ticket system
 - code browser
 - (maybe more?)

I'm going to test the django-trac thing today. If we use now my Trac please
try to keep the concept up to date and edit it with our discussion results.

- Jug

Re: [pygame] Re: PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-25 Thread jug


# need a numeric version? or save it as string?
version = models.FloatField()
the version should be a string beceause it allows for different kind
of version formats like 1.0.4

Right! I thought of sorting but sorting different projects by version
is rubbish. Better by last update or so.

I've just changed that ;)

Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-24 Thread jug


Analyzing  the current page in detail  is a good aspect to exchange
the site without any problems. Do we need to run and modify the current
page or is enough to read the code? Then you could send it to me and I'll
upload it to the page (I think we don't need it in SVN, do we?).

Sure, we could do that at google code but first I think, Tracs better 
(and looks
nicer) for developing with the community and then we could run the new 
from SVM there so everyone can always have a look at the latest version 
and test it.

And you normally don't get an confirmation email. Just register and login.


Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-24 Thread jug

Have a look at
Most of your points are already listed there. Add new ones so
we get an overview.


Re: [pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-23 Thread jug


to organize the development process, I've set up a SVN-repo and a small
Trac at

You'll find there a first concept and you can take part in developing
it by adding your ideas. Some of the point are completely to work out,
so just have a look. If you have a complete concept for one of the
points (eg the design) create a new wiki page and add a link.

If you would like to participate in developing, add yourself to the list
on the start page and provide some information like I did.

I've done the setup on the quick so if there are any problems with Trac
or you need more rights, please email me.


[pygame] PyGame Website Rewrite

2009-04-21 Thread jug


Even if it was not selected as a project for GSoC, I would like to do 
the pygame website rewrite.
Like the other applicants, I'd do that with Django. Now that there can 
not only be one student/participant,

it would be cool to work together and combine forces.

Since I applied for GSoC, I've already made a small concept. Merging 
multiple implementing-/design ideas
may become difficult, but before I go into detail just say me if you are 


[pygame] Re: GSoC Proposal: Basic gui system

2009-03-24 Thread Jug
If you all think, a lot of people would use a built-in gui but it's
not worth the work, is there a chance to put one of the existing guis
into pygame? We could poll the users on the website and/or the mailing
list about the best pygame gui. Then maybe have a look on the best 2
or 3, discuss some pros and cons and include one into pygame? Because
as I said before, one big problem of all of the existing guis is that
they are at least one more dependency. In addition, new users don't
have to test all guis and find the best but can have a look at
pygame.gui and invest more time to understand it. I'm really tired
from reading up on guis (used 2 and began to read about Albow). A
pygame.gui module would get much more support (bug fixes, new ideas/
widgets, etc.) than now, too.


[pygame] GSoC Proposal: Basic gui system

2009-03-21 Thread Jug

I would really like to have a pygame.gui module. Many/all pygame
programs need to have a user interface and often it's more than two
buttons. Thats always the same and why always reinvent the wheel?
There are some pygame guis but I neither like dependences nor I want
to redistribute external modules. In addition, I haven't yet found the
ultimate pygame gui (if there is one, include that).
So, I think it would be cool to have a well thought out, easy
extensible gui system within pygame including some basic elements like
button, label, entry, etc. and a kind of geometry manager.
Of course you can write that yourself every time you need it but (i
think) its not fun but only waste of time.


[pygame] Re: GSoC Proposal: Basic gui system

2009-03-21 Thread Jug
On 21 Mrz., 16:48, Marcus von Appen wrote:

 Which is why a GUI backend within pygame was never realised. There is no
 ultimate design approach and having just a bunch of abstract base
 classes for users to implement is not worth the work :-).

Then it should be a GSoC task to search for it. Surely the existing
(or some of them) are not completely useless, but some are not
any longer, some are in an pre-alpha stadium, some work fine but have
defects in their concept so that extending/writing own widgets is very

 If you can find some good reasons, why that system would be better,
 easier and more extensible than all the solutions available, go
 ahead. Be aware however, that this will probably cause a lot of
 discussion about the pros and cons.

If there were a pygame.gui module, it would be developed faster,
programmers could help with posting new widgets they made and
bugs and ideas could be handled faster.

If you think it's too much work, call a vote, take the best pygame
put it into pygame and start helping to develop and improve it. But I
think most of the work will be to think about an easy but powerful
concept for a game gui. The implementing part should be less work
and less difficult.


[pygame] Re: Website requests

2009-03-19 Thread Jug
What techniques will be used for that? rewrite in python!!! is very

[pygame] Re: Website requests

2009-03-19 Thread Jug
I vote for Django :)

But I think thats a matter of arguments and personal interests/

My opinion:
  I would really like to participate in the rewrite, but I only know
Django and a little MoinMoin (standard installation).

Now some arguments (quotes from

-Don't write an own wiki, there are enough out there. MoinMoin would
be a good sort, but only as wiki.

 feed(rss, atom) for wiki recent changes.
MoinMoin supports rss (/atom?)

 Menu to use alternating background colours - to make it easier to read.
Should be a very simple and small js hack (backend-independent)

 Optional email notification on project change, including release and 
 comment. A per user, per project option.
Django task

 Nicer urls for projects. eg projects/512/zanthor/
Django task (very easy)

 detect tabs in code blocks, and convert to spaces. Either ask to convert to 4 
 or 8 spaces, or do some magic to figure out how many spaces.
Python task (backend independent)

 Browsing projects in more ways. By ranking, by date.
Django task (easy)

 Spotlight projects changeable from management area.
Django task

 Fix website for looking ok in 800x600 resolution - the header does not scale 
 down well.
html/css/template task (mostly backend independent)

Combination of Django and MoinMoin is not trivial and will need some
time/reading/testing,  maybe starting with
If it meets the requirements,
could be an alternative.

  In my opinion, the rewrite could be done with Django and
an integrated (MoinMoin-)wiki.
