Re: [pygtk] Restoring Window Positions

2004-07-30 Thread Martin Grimme

Am Do, den 29.07.2004 um 12:22 Uhr -0700 schrieb Paul Dickson:
 I have a PyGYK program I'm writing, and I'd like to restore the window
 positions that the user had the last time the program ran.  I've only
 found the .set_uposition(x,y) but I'm getting  DeprecationWarning
 Is there a replacement for .set_uposition() that isn't deprecated?  Or
 failing that, another way to restore the window's position?

I think gtk.Window.move(x, y) is excactly what you want.


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] Is a bug in gtk.Menu - Motion/Enter/Leave_Notify Event ???

2004-03-04 Thread Martin Grimme
Am Do, den 04.03.2004 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED] um 15:20:
 I want to make a menubar.deselect() when the mouse leave the application 
 (i want avoid, that the popupmenu will still on top, if the user change 
 into a other application). 
 Problem: When the menu is popup i get only events from this menu. 
 I can move the mousepointer around the toplevel window but i get the 
 motion event from the menu. When i leave the toplevel window, i get a 
 leave event from the menu. 

Menu windows grab the mouse pointer globally. Therefore other windows
cannot receive events.

 I think its wrong (bug), because leave the toplevelwindow i shout get the 
 event from the window, not from the menu. 

The grabbing is not a bug but intentional. That way you can safely click
anywhere on the screen to close the menu without action.
 If it is correct - Why (and how can i  solve my problem) ?

If you really need to work around this, then consider implementing your
own menu widget instead of using the one of GTK.
Or you could run a timer that regularly checks if the mouse pointer is
still within the application window (gtk.Window.get_position(),
gtk.Window.get_size()) and close the menu if not.

Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Font manipulations

2004-02-09 Thread Martin Grimme

 Thanks.  It complained that the pango object has no SCALE attribute, but
 plugging in 1024 instead made it work.

pango in PyGTK 2.0.0 does have the attribute. I have tested the code
before I pasted it here. Maybe it's time to upgrade your PyGTK. :)


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] Font manipulations

2004-02-08 Thread Martin Grimme
Am Mo, den 09.02.2004 schrieb David G. Mackay um 00:15:
 Is there a set of code snippets showing how to set font characteristics
 (size, slant, weight, etc.) under pango?  I found the section in the FAQ
 describing the markup capabilities, but that doesn't seem like it would
 apply to gtk.Entry widgets.  I couldn't find anything in the examples
 directory that seemed generally applicable to all widgets that utilize
 text, either.

pango.FontDescription is what you want:

import gtk
import pango


fd = pango.FontDescription()
fd.set_size(12 * pango.SCALE)

entry = gtk.Entry()


for more details.

Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] Gnome Panel Applets

2004-02-02 Thread Martin Grimme
 I would like to make a gnome panel applet.  I
 discovered a tutorial, but it's a bit outdated:
 I created the applet and fixed it so it would compile:

That's totally outdated. Panel applets use bonobo in GNOME 2.x.

This may help you to get started:

Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] gnome-python and gnome-session

2003-12-29 Thread Martin Grimme

gnome-python does not fully support session management, e.g.
methods like gnome_client_set_restart_command() are missing.

There has been a patch for the missing functions around since
the days of 1.99.11 and Redhat and (now also) Debian patch their
gnome-python with

I just wonder why this patch has never been integrated into
gnome-python CVS up to now; it looks very clean and since it only adds
lines, doesn't break anything.

Bye, Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] Making my own widget in Pygthon - Some more info

2003-09-25 Thread Martin Grimme

You have to derive your widget class from a GTK widget. That way, your
widget inherits all necessary methods. If you want to look at some
code to see how this is done, you could look at the projects
gDeskCal and gDesklets, both on :)

Basically, it works like this:

class MyWidget(gtk.Foo):

def __init__(self):

# invoke the super constructor


Bye, Martin Grimme

 My detailed problem:
 I want to write an application that uses many complex dialogs. These dialogs are 
 recursively built up (in an XMLized way) of many smaller (but still complex) 
 widgets. I want to build my own widgets, so I could create a nice tree of my 
 high level widgets.
 I'd prefer adding my widgets in the usual PyGTK sytle:
 Instead of this plain and ugly hack (where the 'widget' member of my classes is 
 the created PyGTK widget):
 I don't know whether it is possible or not. So please anyone drop me a line. Is 
 it posibble at all from Python?

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[pygtk] Question about Bonobo

2003-08-03 Thread Martin Grimme

I want to access the wombat of Evolution in a Python program.
As I can see in the source code of Evolution, you do this
by using the wombat: moniker.
When I try to do this in Python, however, I only get
a Bonobo.UnknownPrefix error:

 obj = bonobo.get_object(wombat:, Bonobo/ConfigDatabase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?

Does anybody know what's going wrong here?

Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] problem with rh9

2003-06-14 Thread Martin Grimme

window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) # create a top level window
# never gets past here.
Produces this message:

window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) # create a top level window
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Window'

Recent version of pygtk require you to select the version of pygtk you
want to use.
Make this line the first program line of your program and it should
import pygtk; pygtk.require(2.0)

After this you can import gtk.

Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] [pygnome] gnome2 applets

2003-04-01 Thread Martin Grimme
Hi all,

I try to do a panel applet for gnome2 in python with pygnome2, but i
don't find any help or tutorial on the web, have ou got any goods url ?
Else i don't know how put for example a label and a button in one
applet, it doesn't work, i have just the label who is displayed
Take a look into the archive of this mailing list.
On 9. Sep. 2002 you can find 'Re: [pygtk] PyGNOME 2 - Panel Applets'
which gives a good example for a panel applet.
About the button and label: are you using a container widget that
can hold more than one widget?
You put e.g. a HBox into the applet and put the button and label into
the HBox.
Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] Draw rectangle with GDK

2003-02-15 Thread Martin Grimme
I would like know, if is it possble to use GDK with pygtk ?
If yes, then what is the syntax to use it ? example : how to draw 
rectangle in window ?

Maybe this example will help you:

import pygtk
import gtk

def on_expose(da, event, *args):

gdkwin = da.window
gc = gdkwin.new_gc()
gc.foreground = gdkwin.get_colormap().alloc_color(blue)
gdkwin.draw_rectangle(gc, gtk.TRUE, 10, 10, 100, 100)

win = gtk.Window()
win.connect(delete-event, gtk.mainquit)

da = gtk.DrawingArea()
da.connect(expose-event, on_expose)


When a window has to redraw itself, it emits the expose-event.
You use the event handler to do draw into the window.
You could also use an offscreen drawable and copy the pixmap into the
window when necessary. You can force a window to redraw itself (emit
the expose-event) by calling the window method queue_redraw().
Don't put complex drawing operations into the event handler because they
will be performed each time the window has to redraw parts.

Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Setting Window Properties

2003-02-12 Thread Martin Grimme

I have a question about setting the properties of a GdkWindow
with PyGTK 1.9.x.

Since PyGTK does not yet support 'skip_taskbar', I want to
set the property manually.
How can I set this property?

window.property_change(_NET_WM_STATE, ATOM, 32,

does not work because PyGTK complains about the data not
being a sequence of integers...
How do I get the required integers from the string?

Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] ANNOUNCE: Bonobo-Tutorial

2002-11-13 Thread Martin Grimme

I have written a little tutorial about using Bonobo with
gnome-python for GNOME 2. Maybe this can help some people
to get started with Bonobo.

It is available at:

Have fun!

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] PyGNOME2 panel applets

2002-11-01 Thread Martin Grimme
The topic of panel applets in pygnome2 has been raised before, and 
seemingly, answered succinctly:
However, I'm still confused.  Using the files attached to the above post,
I put GNOME_HelloApplet.server in /home/btonkes/lib/oaf which is in the oaf
	$ oaf-sysconf --display-directories
	OAF configuration file contains:
and python-applet in /home/btonkes/src/pyapplet, changing the PATH TO PYTHON
APPLET string in GNOME_HelloApplet.server to
/home/btonkes/src/pyapplet/python-applet.  My question: what next?  Running
python-applet seems to do nothing.  Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

You have to start the applet by adding it to the panel like any other
applet. It should appear in the panel menu for adding applets.

Btw, panel applets are Bonobo Controls now. So they are a little bit
different from the applets in GNOME 1.x.

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Question about Bonobo

2002-10-01 Thread Martin Grimme


the bonobo bindings of gnome-python2 work well, so I
tried to write a simple component which implements its
own interface (similar to the Bonobo/Sample/Echo).

As far as I have figured out of C examples, I would
have to create a BonoboObject in the factory function
called by GenericFactory and return it.
My problem is: bonobo.Object claims to be an abstract class
so I cannot instantiate it...

Is it a bug in the bonobo bindings or is instantiating
bonobo.Object just the wrong way for creating a simple
BonoboObject (I don't want to create a Control, or similar,
just a plain BonoboObject, like in the echo example of libbonobo) ?

Can anyone help, please?

Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] PyGNOME 2 - Panel Applets

2002-09-09 Thread Martin Grimme

Michele Campeotto wrote:
 Martin Grimme wrote:
 I would be very happy if anyone could post a short
 example of how to do panel applets with PyGNOME 1.9.x.
   Here you can find a simple example, this code is not mine, I got it 
 from RM [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm giving it away with his permission, 
 and I haven't yet looked at it, so don't blame me if it doesn't work :)

Thank you very much. It works well and it was exactly what I was looking
for. :)

Bye, Martin Grimme --

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [pygtk] How to get the X window ID?

2002-01-18 Thread Martin Grimme


 Is there an easy way to get the X window ID from an pygtk window?

If you are working with the stable version of PyGTK, there is an
easy way:

  1. Your window must be realized. You can realize it by calling 'realize()' on it.
 If your window is already visible, you don't have to realize it.

  2. Get the GdkWindow of your GtkWindow.

  3. The GdkWindow has the attribute 'xid' which is what you want.


from gtk import *

win = GtkWindow()

gdkwin = win.get_window()
xid = gdkwin.xid

print xid

Bye, Martin Grimme --
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] pygtk - gtk Drawing Area - need help!

2001-10-07 Thread Martin Grimme

 I need help on how to use a drawingarea - how to draw colored
 lines/circles, how to clear the area, and so on.

 Is there sample code somewhere, or a geek who knows all this? :-)

Maybe here's a geek who knows these things... :)

OK, after you created a GtkDrawingArea, you should connect the
expose-event to it. This event occurs every time parts of the drawing
area have to be repainted.

The callback function for the event gets 2 parameters:
 1. the GtkDrawingArea object
 2. an event structure (which tells you useful things about the event)

To actually draw on the drawing area, you need a GdkGC object.
A GC is a graphics context and encapsulates settings for drawing.
You would, for example, change the drawing color in the GC.
You should also know that each window has its own GC (so if you have 2
drawing areas, you would usually need 2 GCs).

There is a difference between GtkWindows and GdkWindows. While the
GtkWindow is a GtkWidget, many widgets do have their own GdkWindows.
To get the GC of the drawing area, you call the new_gc() method of its
GdkWindow. Luckily, the event structure provides you with this GdkWindow
(it is also possible to get the GdkWindow of a _realized_ widget by calling
get_window() on that widget).

OK, now that you have the GC, you want to set a drawing color.
Using the colormap of the GdkDrawingArea, creating a GdkColor is as simple
as this:

  new_color = drawingarea.get_colormap().alloc(r, g, b)

where r, g, b are the RGB values of the color (ranging from 0 to 65535).

You could also use X-color-names:

  new_color = drawingarea.get_colormap().alloc(green)

Finally, we can draw on the drawing area:

  drawingarea.draw_line(gc, x1, y1, x2, y2)

Here's tiny working example of all this stuff:


  from gtk import *

  def _on_expose(drawingarea, event):
  # get the GdkWindow
  window = event.window

  # get the GC
  gc = window.new_gc()

  # create a green color
  color = drawingarea.get_colormap().alloc(0x, 0x, 0x)

  # use this color for drawing
  gc.foreground = color

  # draw a line
  drawingarea.draw_line(gc, 0, 0, 200, 200)

  # the usual stuff
  win = GtkWindow()
  win.connect(destroy, mainquit)

  # create the drawing area
  drawingarea = GtkDrawingArea()
  drawingarea.connect(expose-event, _on_expose)

  # enter the mainloop


This example always draws the complete line whenever a part has to be
redrawn. You could only redraw the parts which need to be redrawn by
looking at the area variable (a rectangle) of the event structure.

To clear the area, you draw a filled rectangle over it:
  drawingarea.draw_rectangle(gc, TRUE, 0, 0, window.width, window.height)

However, if you seriously want to make use of the drawing area, then
you should create an off-screen pixmap where to draw on. And the expose
handler just copies this pixmap into the drawing area.

If you need more description and examples, you may contact me. The
Gdk-API Reference is also useful for exploring the GC and drawing
primitives. Not everything is implemented in PyGTK, though :(

Bye, Martin Grimme ---
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Re: [pygtk] queue draw area?

2001-04-22 Thread Martin Grimme

 In other words, if I only update a small piece of the pixmap, is there 
 any way to synthesize the expose event to tell it to only update the 
 drawingarea from that small piece?

Look at at the 'event' structure of the expose event. It contains the
attribute 'area', which is a 4-tuple describing the rectangular area that
has changed.

An example (this code is not complete but only shows how to do it):

def on_expose(widget, event, *args):

# get the area
area = event.area

# redraw the area
widget.draw_pixmap(gc, destination, area[1], area[2], area[0], area[1], area[2], 

This is the way I handle this problem.

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] How to get screen width and height

2001-03-13 Thread Martin Grimme

 I'm using :

 window = GtkWindow(WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
 window.set_usize(800, 600)

 But, it would be better if I could use :

 window = GtkWindow(WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
 window.set_usize(screen_widht, screen_height)

Change this to:

window = GtkWindow(WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
window.set_usize(screen_widht(), screen_height())

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Window without decors?

2001-03-10 Thread Martin Grimme

On 2001.03.09 02:03:24 +0100 Galen Brooks wrote:
 I had the same problem a few years back, and I solved it by switching
 managers to FVWM2, and using the neat little Python plug-in for
 controlling all
 aspects of the windows.  You can trigger certain behaviour based on the
 title of a window or on almost anything else.  I don't know if modern
 managers give you such fine control, but I wouldn't be surprised.

This is not quite what I want. I want to have a fullscreen mode which works
independently of the used window manager, i.e. a decorless window which
uses the full screen.
I somehow managed to get the size of the decor and position the window so
that the decor is off-screen. However, I doubt that this works with all
window managers...

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Window without decors?

2001-03-07 Thread Martin Grimme

can really nobody help?

My questions again:

I want to make a window full-screen and therefore need a way to remove
the window manager decor from a window. Is there any way to achieve this
in PyGTK without using 'GtkWindow(WINDOW_POPUP)' (which does not result in
decorless windows on some configurations)?

Maybe this is related to my question:
When I get the GdkWindow of a GtkWindow widget via 'win.get_window()',
it provides the methods 'property_change()', 'property_delete()' and
What arguments do these methods take and how do I use them?

Another question:
It is possible to get the size of the WM decor the following way:

  gdkwin = win.get_window()
  winx = gdkwin.x
  winy = gdkwin.y
  x, y, nil, nil = win.get_allocation()
  print winx - x, winy -y

However 'get_allocation()' does not return the correct position after
moving the window. Is there a way to ensure that 'get_allocation()'
returns the correct window position? Or is there a similar way to get
the window's position (including the decor)?

Please help.

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Setting clip rectangles?

2001-03-04 Thread Martin Grimme

 How do I set clip rectangles in pygtk?  Am I missing something obvious? 
 only method I can think of is allocating a pixmap of the equivalent size
 using it as the mask.  Given that I'm masking an area on the order of
 the size of the screen, that just isn't acceptable.

 Can I get some help on this?

This is easy, once you know it.

  # you have a pixmap (pix) and a clipping mask (mask)
  # 1. get the GC of pix
  gc = pix.new_gc()
  # 2. set the clip mask
  gc.clip_mask = mask

  # 3. if you don't want to apply the mask at (0, 0), change it
  gc.clip_x_origin = 100
  gc.clip_y_origin = 200

  # That's all to it. 

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Alpha channels in GtkPixmap

2001-01-10 Thread Martin Grimme

 I'm having problems using a GtkPixmap to display the icon for an image in

 the Gnome panel. I have created a pixmap using Gimp which is transparent
 wish to display this as the icon. The problem is that the icon never gets

 displayed with the proper transparency information (alpha channel).


I once discovered a similar problem with GdkImlib. It simply did not want
to load the alpha channel. The problem is somehow depending on the
currently installed GTK-theme (weird, I know), where a certain type of
entry has to be.

My simple workaround is this at the beginning of the program:

  rcstring = """
  style "trans" {
engine "pixmap" {}
  class "GtkWindow" style "trans"

It works well for me.

I hope it works for you, too.

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Window decorations

2001-01-10 Thread Martin Grimme

 Is there any way using pytk to request a window manager not dress a
 with decorations (like title bar, close widgets, etc). You can do this
 regular x programming with playing with override_redirect or with Xt apps
 specifying a -Xrm command line (or modding the x resources another way).


window = GtkWindow(WINDOW_POPUP)

should help (with most window managers).

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Focus of self-defined widgets

2000-12-12 Thread Martin Grimme


I built a widget containing a GtkLayout with a GtkDrawingArea
in it. The widget class is derived from GTKLayout.
Now my problem is that I need to connect "key_press_events"
to this widget which doesn't seem to work as the widget
cannot receive focus.

Is there any way to implement this functionality by only
using Python/PyGTK?

The next problem is the other way round...
Can I tell widgets which receive focus and thus catch key
presses not to accept focus? GtkScale is the focus-taking
widget of which I want that it ignores key presses
(but acts on mouse clicks).

Please help.

Bye, Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Widget/Window position and geometry like GtkWidgeyAuxInfo

2000-12-09 Thread Martin Grimme


if you really need to know the absolute coordinates of widget,
read the properties from the widget's GdkWindow..

First you need to get the absolute position of the main
window ('win' is a GtkWindow here):

  x, y = (win.get_window().x, win.get_window().y)

You can get the positions of other widgets the same way.
But you still need to add the parent window's absolute
position to it.

The method 'set_uposition(x, y)' sets the absolute position of
a window and a GtkFixed widget can be used to place widgets
at absolute positions. GtkAlignment widgets may also help.

I hope, I could help.

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Switching pixmaps using GtkPixmap.set()

2000-11-06 Thread Martin Grimme

Tessa Lau wrote:
 There seems to be another problem.  When I do the following, I get
 unexpected output:
  img = GdkImlib.Image(filename)
  pix = img.make_pixmap()
  print pix
 gtk.GtkPixmap instance at 80f28b8
  pmap, mask = img.get_pixmap()
 Gdk-CRITICAL **: file gdkwindow.c: line 716 (gdk_window_ref): assertion
 `window != NULL' failed.
 Do I have to do something to the image before getting its pixmap?
This apparently is a bug in PyGTK's GdkImlib module (or in Imlib itself).
It should work fine if you add a "img.render()" just before the "get_pixmap"-
line. Maybe "make_pixmap" does some changes to the image which shouldn't be...

 Also, I looked at two Imlib-based image viewers written in C, and they both
 set the backing pixmap using gdk_window_set_back_pixmap and
 gdk_window_clear.  Why aren't these functions available in the Python

Yes, why? I am missing them, too!

 I'm trying to make a slideshow app, and using the gtk_pixmap_set method to
 switch images results in flickering in the display, whereas the C image
 viewers (electric eyes and gqview) don't have any flickering when they
 change images.
You could use GdkPixmaps and double buffering to avoid flickering.

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] Switching pixmaps using GtkPixmap.set()

2000-11-02 Thread Martin Grimme

 This looks like a bug in pygtk.  You should be able to fix it by editing
 generate/gtkmisc.defs, and finding the following section:
 (define-func gtk_pixmap_set
   ((GtkPixmap pixmap)
(GdkPixmap val)
(GdkBitmap mask)))

 and change it to:
 (define-func gtk_pixmap_set
   ((GtkPixmap pixmap)
(GdkPixmap val)
(GdkBitmap mask (null-ok

Another way without hacking into pygtk and thus making your program incompatible for
the rest of the world would be to check if Imlib returns None for the mask.
If this happens, you can create a mask by yourself:

  width, height = (img2.rgb_width, img2.rgb_height)
  mask = create_pixmap(None, width, height, 1)
  gc = mask.new_gc()
  gc.foreground = GdkColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
  draw_rectangle(mask, gc, TRUE, 0, 0, width, height)

This is the way I handle this.

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Threads

2000-10-30 Thread Martin Grimme

as people sometimes had problems with threads in PyGTK, I'd like to share my 
with you.

First, be sure that your version of Python and your version of PyGTK support threads.
If the following doesn't work, they have no thread support.
From Python 2 on, Python compiles with thread support by default (and yes, Python 2
works well together with PyGTK. You just have to recompile PyGTK).

To use threads in Python, you use the thread module.

  import thread
  import time

  # this is the function for my thread (a thread function takes 2 arguments)
  def my_thread(l1, l2):
  print "this is my thread"
  l1.release()   # locks can be acquired and released to communicate between 

  lock1 = thread.allocate_lock() # create lock
  lock1.acquire()  # lock it
  lock2 = thread.allocate_lock()

  # start the new thread and let it use both locks
  thread.start_new_thread(my_thread, (lock1, lock2))

  # wait forever
  while(1): time.sleep(0.5)

Now comes the part concerning PyGTK:
The way described above works well as long as you don't use GTK functions. If you want 
to use
GTK functions, you have to tell GTK that you're in a thread. Use threads_enter() and
threads_leave() to do so. You place these calls into your thread function:

  def my_thread( ... ):
  ...  # don't use GTK functions here
  ...  # here you may use GTK functions
  ...  # don't use GTK functions here

If you want to use time.sleep() to delay your threads, be sure to not call it inside 
of a
"threads_enter() / threads_leave()"-block. Because then time.sleep() would block the 
mainloop(), too.

If your thread function is a member of a class, you can use the "self"-pointer to 
access the
class in your thread.

I hope, this helps you. Have fun with threads!

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygtk] making a pixmap from a bitmap or vice versa

2000-10-18 Thread Martin Grimme


I just started with pygtk and right now I am trying to create something
like an arrow widget. In oder to get that done, I am drawing an arrow on
a GtkPixmap which I create with gtk.create_pixmap and  draw the pixmap
on DrawingArea.
This works fine and I get a black arrow on a white background.
Now I want the background to be transparent instead of white. As far as
I can tell, I need a bitmap for that. So the first thing I tried to do
was to create a bitmap from the pixmap, but I could not find a way to do

As you may have noticed, create_pixmap requires to know the depth of the
pixmap. If you don't specify one, it will take the depth of the current
display. In order to create a bitmap (pixmap with depth 1), you need to
create a pixmap with a depth of 1:

  bitmap = create_pixmap(None, width, height, depth)

The next thing I tried was to create a bitmap with PIL and from that
create a GdkBitmap with create_bitmap_from_data. This worked fine as
well, but now I have to create the pixmap from the bitmap, because I can
not use the bitmap in gtk.draw_pixmap() to put it on the DrawingArea. I
also tried toconvert the bitmap I created in PIL to an rgb and than
somehow get the xpm data to create the pixmap with
create_pixmap_from_xpm_d, but PIL does not support xpm format in the
tostring method. I also tried to draw rgb data from the pil image on a
newly created pixmap by calling gtk.draw_rgb_image(), but here I only
got a segmentation fault.
Does anybody know of an easier way (or any way at all). Any help would
be appreciated.
I am using Python2.0c1, PIL 1.1 and pygtk 0.6.6.

You can copy from one pixmap to another by using the draw_pixmap command:

  draw_pixmap(destination, gc, source, xsrc, ysrc, xdest, ydest, width, height)

You can get a 'gc' for a pixmap by calling the method new_gc():

  gc = pixmap.new_gc()

Thanks a lot

In case you are interested in a more convenient way of creating and
manipulating pixmaps and bitmaps, copying with transparency information (clipping),
or reading image files, I may help you.
I've written a class for PyGTK that handles all these things for pixmaps.
It currently uses Imlib which is only required for loading images, though.
I can mail it to you as it is not yet on my web-page (it's in an too early
state). Nevertheless, it works quite well and does a great job for my programs.


P.S. Since I have not subscribed to this list yet, it would be nice if
you could reply to this address as well

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Pixmap transparency in a GdkDrawable?

2000-10-04 Thread Martin Grimme

again I've got a weird question:

When I draw pixmaps onto a GdkDrawable using draw_pixmap(),
transparency will be completely ignored. Is there any way around
this? I want to draw pixmaps _with_ transparency onto a GdkPixmap.

It seems to be possible for GdkPixmaps to have transparent areas.
Consider the following piece of code:

  from gtk import *
  import _gtk

  win = GtkWindow()
  pix = win.get_window()
  root = _gtk.gdk_get_root_win()  # _root_window() doesn't work...
  gc = root.new_gc()
  draw_pixmap(root, gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200)

This puts the background of the window into the root window.
But if there are parts of the window covered or otherwise out of view,
those parts are not copied to the root window, thus I assume there
is transparency possible for GdkPixmaps (the covered parts seem
to be transparent).

Please help, if you can!
Thank you.

Martin Grimme -

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[pygtk] Style and scroll bar problems

2000-09-05 Thread Martin Grimme


I've got two questions:

1. Is it possible to change the style property bg_pixmap with widget.set_style()?
   When I try this, Python complains that bg_pixmap can only take a GdkPixmap as
   Is pix in the following line not a GdkPixmap?

 pix, mask = create_pixmap_from_xpm(win, None, "pixmap.xpm")

print pix
   GdkPixmap at 81736f0 Python says it is one...

2. I have a code like the following:

hbox = GtkHBox(FALSE, 0)

# create the iconbox as a GtkLayout
self.iconbox = GtkLayout()

# create the scrollbar
adj = GtkAdjustment()

scrbar = GtkVScrollbar(adj)

hbox.pack_start(self.iconbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0)
hbox.pack_end(scrbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0)

  The problem is that i can use the scroll bar perfectly well
  to scroll the GtkLayout, but I cannot use its arrow buttons
  (no response), I can only drag the bar.
  What did I do wrong???

Martin Grimme

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]