R: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-20 Thread vector180
Hm Im wondering if this idea was dropped as the posts have gone quiet.
I have uninstalled gimp glade gtk and pygtk and installed gimp and gimps 
gtk and pygtk. seems to be working. if only we had glade now we would be 
right. Ivan Wong seperated gtk from his gtk/glade installer, thanks but 
we really need a glade only win32 installer that works with the gtk that 
comes with gimp ie the one that works with pygtk.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-17 Thread Maik Hertha
Sorry, I don't understand this discussion.
Sure, dropline was "PyGtk Easy for Win32". But the installer is ceased. This
means not more as "The Easy is put off PyGtk/32". All goes fine with
PyGtk/32 if one will install all the stuff mentioned on the gimp/32 site.
What we need is "Who will give us back the Easy?". For myself, I installed
most of the time the gimp-gtk installer, as
I use gimp/32 concurrent with PyGtk/32.
The dllpath-stuff could be solved easily at installation time. The location
for gtk2.x is well known. If it could be found there, okay add a registry
key for this on HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App
Paths\Python.exe Keyname: "Path" => Value: "//". No more is
needed to get this available for PyGtk/32. (Or I don't understand why this
will run on my windows-box. ;-)
Second: M$ put his installer utility (WiX http://www.sf.net/projects/wix/)
under a open source license. So, if there are no license issues for all
depending libraries (source code required?), could someone made a
pygtk-2.x.msi binary package OR should we wait until the gimp guy's will
have an installer? Both decisions have it's charme.
So we should vote for a) "I want gtk-2.x with libxml2 and libglade and no
gimp" -> own PyGtk/32 installer OR b) "I need only gtk-2.x and want use
gimp" -> Gimp/32 installer. There are more combinations available, but not
in the scope for the next decision.


mit freundlichem Gruß /
with best regards

Maik Hertha

it design


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-17 Thread John Ehresman
Cedric Gustin wrote:
you can py2exe your pygtk application but including the all GTK+ runtime 
with your application is overkill IMHO (the minimal distribution does 
not only include a few DLLs but also some configurations files (in the 
etc subdir) and locales.
The minimal distribution that we use is 9.5 MB on disk.  With disk sizes 
measured in the GB's these days, I don't think this is huge.  What is 
still worth worrying about is the size of the code pages when the 
program is running.

This of course implies that this GTK+ distribution is stable enough so 
that developers don't feel the need of embedding their own "patched" 
gtk+ runtime in their application installer.
This is part of the issue -- gtk on Windows is not as mature as on 
Linux.  Because of this, there is likely to more need to distribute 
different versions.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Cedric Gustin
At 03:34 AM 6/17/2004, Joel Becker wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 02:14:11PM -0400, John Ehresman wrote:
> I think this should continue to be an option, but I'd like to see a
> distutils / py2exe type solution so the 1st 3 steps can be eliminated.
> I'm not talking about eliminating pygtk / gtk distributions entirely,
> but rather making it easy for applications to easily include and use a
> private copy of the libraries.
you can py2exe your pygtk application but including the all GTK+ runtime 
with your application is overkill IMHO (the minimal distribution does not 
only include a few DLLs but also some configurations files (in the etc 
subdir) and locales.

Welcome to DLL Hell.  No Thanks.
This discussion is not limited to the Windows world
See the post by Havoc on his blog
and the discussion on OSNews
Personally, I'm in favor of a GTK+ framework installer (à la .Net or Java) 
that only contains the GTK+ runtime as the basic component, with additional 
components (libraries, headers and development tools: libxml2, libglade, 
glade, gtkmm,...) available as extra packages (ideally through a net 
install package manager, something like the cygwin setup). Applications 
(gimp, gaim,...) would then each have their own installer that checks for 
the presence of this GTK+ framework. Same for pygtk, through its 
distutils-generated installer.

This of course implies that this GTK+ distribution is stable enough so that 
developers don't feel the need of embedding their own "patched" gtk+ 
runtime in their application installer. This is not a trivial request. For 
example, gtk+-2.4.3 is not yet available in binary form for win32 on Tor's 
page (http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html). However, the 
gladewin32 project (http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net) has a all-in-one 
installer that claims that the "Gtk+ runtime is updated to 2.4.3 with 
unofficial bug fixes". Can we rely on this one and what does "unofficial 
bug fixes" mean ?

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

RE:[pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread vector180
well from reading the posts i can see that this is not a unique problem 
to me. I apologise for the incorrect link I gave which would have 
cleared up the subject greatly.
this one should work

Not knowing anything about gtk makes me useless and priceless at the 
same time. I certainly offer my guinnea pig services to anyone who wants 
to try an installer on me its results, I can post to the above link.
NOTE the link indeed records the interaction between GTK,GLADE and GIMP 
as well as pygtk.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Ehresman
Daniel K. O. wrote:
The user should have an 
option and then the user could select where he installed the GTK+. Would 
be nice if somebody could provide scripts for popular installers (like 
Inno Setup) pre-configured to install GTK+ this way, so the developers 
would just need to add their own files to the setup. This could even be 
the recomended way to create Win32 installers for GTK+ apps.
Any volunteer?
I agree and will work on support for this, both for putting the files on 
disk and for selecting libraries to use at runtime -- for people with 
more than enough disk space, but who want to reduce ram usage.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Ehresman
dave wrote:
As a Windows GTK+ developer who distributes pyGTK-based commercial 
applications, I'd really appreciate continued support of a win32 
installer. Right now our install.txt says:
1. Install Python2.3.exe
2. install GTK+.exe
3. install pyGTK.exe

I'd really like to keep it that way, or at least keep that as an option.
I think this should continue to be an option, but I'd like to see a 
distutils / py2exe type solution so the 1st 3 steps can be eliminated. 
I'm not talking about eliminating pygtk / gtk distributions entirely, 
but rather making it easy for applications to easily include and use a 
private copy of the libraries.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread dave
As a Windows GTK+ developer who distributes pyGTK-based commercial 
applications, I'd really appreciate continued support of a win32 
installer. Right now our install.txt says:
1. Install Python2.3.exe
2. install GTK+.exe
3. install pyGTK.exe

I'd really like to keep it that way, or at least keep that as an option.

John Ehresman wrote:
Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
Well, this places a lot of burden on the application developer, who then
needs to keep track of which runtimes are kept up to date and which ones
are well distributed. It also forces him to justify and support the N
[potentially incompatible] distributions that are out there, because
users usually don't know or care the runtime is broken, "the app just
doesn't work!" Also, requiring every GTK+/PyGTK application user to
download and install Yet Another Distribution is harsh.

I think the application developers would pick one distribution to work 
with and preferably include the distribution with their app.  I 
recently installed X-Chat on windows and was glad to see that it 
didn't require any separate gtk distribution -- I just ran the 
installer and it works.  I almost wouldn't know it used gtk, except 
for some of the win32 differences I notice.  IMHO, end users shouldn't 
need to care whether they're using a gtk based app or not.

There are going to be different runtimes out there because some will 
have bugs and have less features than others.  It's a lot easier to 
support an app when you distribute the runtime with it because then 
you can reproduce & fix problems and then distribute the fixes.

Standardization would really help us here; it's hurting win32 adoption
of GTK+.

Where I differ is that I don't think standardization is the primary 
problem -- instead I think the problem is that it's difficult to 
compile, package, and deliver the complete chain of runtime libraries. 
I suspect Qt would run into the same issues if every Qt app required a 
separate shared runtime to be installed.

There's a difference between packaging for developers and end users. 
Developer's want something that will let them write applications and 
then distribute those applications to as many people as possible.  End 
users want to be able to easily install an application (which usually 
means a single installer) and then to be able to use it.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Ehresman
Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
Well, this places a lot of burden on the application developer, who then
needs to keep track of which runtimes are kept up to date and which ones
are well distributed. It also forces him to justify and support the N
[potentially incompatible] distributions that are out there, because
users usually don't know or care the runtime is broken, "the app just
doesn't work!" Also, requiring every GTK+/PyGTK application user to
download and install Yet Another Distribution is harsh.
I think the application developers would pick one distribution to work 
with and preferably include the distribution with their app.  I recently 
installed X-Chat on windows and was glad to see that it didn't require 
any separate gtk distribution -- I just ran the installer and it works. 
 I almost wouldn't know it used gtk, except for some of the win32 
differences I notice.  IMHO, end users shouldn't need to care whether 
they're using a gtk based app or not.

There are going to be different runtimes out there because some will 
have bugs and have less features than others.  It's a lot easier to 
support an app when you distribute the runtime with it because then you 
can reproduce & fix problems and then distribute the fixes.

Standardization would really help us here; it's hurting win32 adoption
of GTK+.
Where I differ is that I don't think standardization is the primary 
problem -- instead I think the problem is that it's difficult to 
compile, package, and deliver the complete chain of runtime libraries. 
I suspect Qt would run into the same issues if every Qt app required a 
separate shared runtime to be installed.

There's a difference between packaging for developers and end users. 
Developer's want something that will let them write applications and 
then distribute those applications to as many people as possible.  End 
users want to be able to easily install an application (which usually 
means a single installer) and then to be able to use it.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Christian Robottom Reis
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 11:20:32AM -0400, John Ehresman wrote:
> My $.02 is that what we need is not necessarily an official 
> distribution, but rather distributions that don't assume or try to be 
> the only distribution on the machine (I haven't used any of the 
> distributions, so I'm not commenting on any in particular).  This means 
> nothing put in the windows or system directory, no changes to the global 
> path, and any registry keys created should be unique to the 
> distribution.  Applications that then want to work with the distribution 
> would look for the specific distribution and use it.

Well, this places a lot of burden on the application developer, who then
needs to keep track of which runtimes are kept up to date and which ones
are well distributed. It also forces him to justify and support the N
[potentially incompatible] distributions that are out there, because
users usually don't know or care the runtime is broken, "the app just
doesn't work!" Also, requiring every GTK+/PyGTK application user to
download and install Yet Another Distribution is harsh.

Standardization would really help us here; it's hurting win32 adoption
of GTK+. At FISL, the leading Free Software forum in Brazil, I was
surprised at how many people rejected the GTK+/PyGTK development option
(in favor of WxFoo or Qt) simply because they didn't think their apps
would run on Windows. I swore it did, and that it worked well, but
whoever runs into problems with the runtime is going to call me out for
it, and with good reason.

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Ehresman
Cedric Gustin wrote:
I'm working on a modified setup.py script (with pre and post
installation) steps that would take care of this. Definitively a nice
programming project ! The win32all package installer by Mark Hammond is
a good example. See the recent bugzilla entry for details. Any help is
What I'd be interested in (and willing to help out with) is a pygtk 
installer that includes a gtk distribution, perhaps with a checkbox in 
the install gui to use it or to use another distribution.  This would be 
targeted at new developers who want to try pygtk out.  Along with this, 
it would be nice to have a single downloadable tarball or set of 
tarballs that would let developers build the entire toolchain with one 
command (provided they have a C compiler, of course) so they could build 
with debug symbols and be able to use a debugger to help understand how 
things work -- and fix bugs as they find them ;).  I have a script to do 
this that we use internally that I want to clean up so it can be used 
independently of our build process.

As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various, unofficial and
incompatible (registry-wise) installers, and the installation
questions/problems they generate. I don't think it helps in spreading
the use of GTK+ on win32. 
My $.02 is that what we need is not necessarily an official 
distribution, but rather distributions that don't assume or try to be 
the only distribution on the machine (I haven't used any of the 
distributions, so I'm not commenting on any in particular).  This means 
nothing put in the windows or system directory, no changes to the global 
path, and any registry keys created should be unique to the 
distribution.  Applications that then want to work with the distribution 
would look for the specific distribution and use it.

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

R: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Gatti Lorenzo

> -Messaggio originale-
> Da: Cedric Gustin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Inviato: mercoledì 16 giugno 2004 15.43
> A: John Hunter
> Oggetto: Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32


> pygtk/gtk+-2.4. Currently, I recommend the one provided by the
> gladewin32 project (http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net) for pygtk-2.3.x
> (and gtkmm-2.4 !!!), but this means checking for different registry
> entries and installation paths.

Does it support Gimp 2? And does the Gimp 2 runtime support pygtk and Glade?

> I think Tor Lillqvist does not want to tag an installer as "official",
> following the rules of the gnome project (no official 
> binaries. Only the
> source tarballs are official).

If only source tarballs are official, maybe the GTK+, Glade, Pango etc. maintainers 
could standardize and adopt into the official source tarballs and documentation:
- all Win32 code, to avoid incompatible hacks (why should different installers for the 
same version have different bugs?)
- one or more supported Win32 compilers (I suggest the latest Mingw GCC and maybe the 
freeware Microsoft Visual C .Net compiler)
- file names and locations and directory structures (DLLs, themes, configuration 
files; libXyz.dll vs. Xyz.dll is particularly annoying, for example)
- registry entries for the installation of every component (so pygtk and other 
dependent applications can use them)
- scripts and other source files for popular installer tools like NSIS, InnoSetup etc. 
(to avoid duplicated and incorrectly duplicated work)
Then, with all these constraints in place, whoever makes an installer is likely to 
make a correct and compatible one.

I'm not a GTK+ expert, but maybe I could help with some of this work.

Lorenzo Gatti   
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: R: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Cedric Gustin
On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 15:38, Gatti Lorenzo wrote:

> What is the "official" installer for Win32? Is there an official mantainer?
> I'd like to use a single GTK+ 2 runtime distribution to support Pygtk AND Gtkmm AND 
> Gimp 2 AND glade & libglade, but some  projects seem to be inclined to make their 
> own distribution containing just what they need and rely on it.
> The Sourceforge download you suggested, the runtime in the Gimp 2 download page and 
> the Dropline installer (now discontinued) are definitely too many.

The sourceforge download is actually home to the dropline GTK+

You can also add the win32 port of gaim to the list, with its own
version of the GTK+-2.2 runtime !!!


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Christian Robottom Reis
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 10:39:40AM -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> There is no official installer, and this is the sorry state of GTK+'s
> win32 distribution: a toolkit that works well on the platform, but which
> fumbles because there isn't a simple way to install it.

As I write this, I remove yet another link to a dead installer from FAQ

- Seo Sanghyeon has also produced a packaged version of PyGTK for
  Win32 Python2.3, which includes all necessary prerequisites
  including the GTK+ libraries. It may be a better
  one-stop-solution. Note that it was compiled using MinGW. See

This is gone as well.

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Cedric Gustin
On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 15:00, John Hunter wrote:
> Cedric> As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various,
> Cedric> unofficial and incompatible (registry-wise) installers,
> Cedric> and the installation questions/problems they generate. I
> Cedric> don't think it helps in spreading the use of GTK+ on
> Cedric> win32.
> Which ones?  Do you count the dropline in this batch?  Is there an
> "official" installer?  I have installed dropline + pygtk on at least
> 30 windows computers including 98, 2000, NT, ME and XP, and the only
> problems I have ever had are occasionally dealing with some lingering
> dlls that previous installs of glade etc left in the system path.

Development has ceased for the dropline installer, as of gtk+-2.2.4.
This means that we will have to use another installer for
pygtk/gtk+-2.4. Currently, I recommend the one provided by the
gladewin32 project (http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net) for pygtk-2.3.x
(and gtkmm-2.4 !!!), but this means checking for different registry
entries and installation paths.

I think Tor Lillqvist does not want to tag an installer as "official",
following the rules of the gnome project (no official binaries. Only the
source tarballs are official).


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Christian Robottom Reis
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 08:00:50AM -0500, John Hunter wrote:
> > "Cedric" == Cedric Gustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Cedric> I suppose you mean
> Cedric> http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq21.002.htp
> Yes, this is the one that mean is too complicated - I had written one
> that was much simpler.  For example, point 2 in the link above starts
> off with

I merged both into the current installation FAQ, but I suppose this
deserves some explanation as it may appear I've complicated things
unnecessarily. I've done all this given the rationale in this email, but
I'd be happy to revert or improve things further if someone has a
reasonable solution.

> 2. From [www.gimp.org] get the recommended versions of the following packages:
> * libintl
> * glib
> * gtk+
> * atk
> * pango
> This is going to blow 85% of the potential users out of the water.
> For my users, who are installing matplotlib, they just want to get in
> and get out, and the typical user is much happier with a guide that
> says "run these two installers and set this path" than the treatises
> which appear in the FAQ.

I've merged the entries based on two issues:

a) Having two FAQs that cover the same issue is silly. If we want to
   have a simplified FAQ then we should make 21.2 straightforward;
   no point in having a complicated FAQ for people who want
   complications and another one for people who want to get things
   done. Obviously, everybody wants installation to be easy.

   However, given point b) below, I don't see how installation *can*
   be easy at this time.

b) The Dropline installer is dead. It will not be updated anymore,
   and given this I considered it important to ensure that the FAQ
   stays up to date and doesn't refer to deprecated packages. As
   Todd has written:

   2004-05-18 - Development has Ceased

   After carefully thinking, I believe that it is best to cease
   development of this particular GTK+ Runtime Environment. Due
   to the sheer number of different GTK+ installation systems
   and the consistent lack of compatibility between them, this
   project is doing more harm than good. I suggest users instead
   download the GTK+ libraries Tor Lillqvist builds ands hosts
   at www.gimp.org/win32. As the leading Win32 GTK+ developer,
   he is in the best position to release compiled binaries, and
   users will have the fewest head-aches by sticking with his
   packages. Also, my own interest in this project has waned as
   I've moved away from splitting Win32 and GNU/Linux
   development to working solely on Linux systems. As such, I
   feel I am no longer a competent maintainer, since I so rarely
   have the need to use GTK+ on a Windows machine.

   The SourceForge site for this project has been orphaned; if
   another developer wishes to take it under his or her wing, I
   would suggest they first talk to the other GTK+ packagers and
   attempt to get everyone to agree on packaging standards so as
   to not confuse users with incompatible GTK+ installers.

   Given that *the maintainer* has suggested we stop using his
   package, and given that it's orphaned, I see no medium-term
   solution apart from reverting instructions to use the "official"
   win32 packages.

> Cedric> As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various,
> Cedric> unofficial and incompatible (registry-wise) installers,
> Cedric> and the installation questions/problems they generate. I
> Cedric> don't think it helps in spreading the use of GTK+ on
> Cedric> win32.
> Which ones?  Do you count the dropline in this batch?  Is there an
> "official" installer?  I have installed dropline + pygtk on at least
> 30 windows computers including 98, 2000, NT, ME and XP, and the only
> problems I have ever had are occasionally dealing with some lingering
> dlls that previous installs of glade etc left in the system path.

There is no official installer, and this is the sorry state of GTK+'s
win32 distribution: a toolkit that works well on the platform, but which
fumbles because there isn't a simple way to install it.

I was also disappointed in having Dropline cease to be distributed,
because it's obviously better to have a single installer than 10
packages.  However, Dropline 2.2.4-3 has outstanding bugs (see Cédric's
messages on libglade to the list) and being unmaintained means others
will pop up and remain unfixed. 

What I want to hear at this point is somebody coming up and saying "I
want to ensure we have a simple win32 distribution" and work with Tor to
make that happen. But are there any takers?

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331

R: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Gatti Lorenzo

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Cedric Gustin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: mercoledì 16 giugno 2004 14.57
A: John Hunter
Oggetto: Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32


> As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various, unofficial and
> incompatible (registry-wise) installers, and the installation
> questions/problems they generate. I don't think it helps in spreading
> the use of GTK+ on win32. 

What is the "official" installer for Win32? Is there an official mantainer?
I'd like to use a single GTK+ 2 runtime distribution to support Pygtk AND Gtkmm AND 
Gimp 2 AND glade & libglade, but some  projects seem to be inclined to make their own 
distribution containing just what they need and rely on it.
The Sourceforge download you suggested, the runtime in the Gimp 2 download page and 
the Dropline installer (now discontinued) are definitely too many.

Lorenzo Gatti
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Hunter
> "Cedric" == Cedric Gustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Cedric> I suppose you mean
Cedric> http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq21.002.htp

Yes, this is the one that mean is too complicated - I had written one
that was much simpler.  For example, point 2 in the link above starts
off with

2. From [www.gimp.org] get the recommended versions of the following packages:

* libintl
* glib
* gtk+
* atk
* pango


This is going to blow 85% of the potential users out of the water.
For my users, who are installing matplotlib, they just want to get in
and get out, and the typical user is much happier with a guide that
says "run these two installers and set this path" than the treatises
which appear in the FAQ.

Cedric> As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various,
Cedric> unofficial and incompatible (registry-wise) installers,
Cedric> and the installation questions/problems they generate. I
Cedric> don't think it helps in spreading the use of GTK+ on
Cedric> win32.

Which ones?  Do you count the dropline in this batch?  Is there an
"official" installer?  I have installed dropline + pygtk on at least
30 windows computers including 98, 2000, NT, ME and XP, and the only
problems I have ever had are occasionally dealing with some lingering
dlls that previous installs of glade etc left in the system path.


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread Cedric Gustin
On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 13:37, John Hunter wrote:
> > "vector180" == vector180  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> vector180> Im having great difficulty installing GTK,Glade,Pygtk
> vector180> and Gimp on an xp box. I was asked to come here. Im not
> vector180> convinced its the best place becuse its not strictly a
> vector180> pygtk problem but who am to I wield the sword.  I
> vector180> humbly submit this story, found at my link below, to
> vector180> anyone who is actually interested in making any of
> vector180> these programs work, to please read and email me back
> vector180> with any conclusions.
> vector180> 
> http://mec-symonds.eng.monash.edu.au/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Saqqara/Gtk4Win32/#InstallAll2
> vector180> It will be much appreciated
> The link doesn't work for me - I get 
>  The "Saqqara/Gtk4Win32" web does not exist
> I was going to point you to the GTK win32 quickstart FAQ entry but I
> see it's missing.  Cedric, was this intentional?  I find that both
> current FAQ entries are much too complicated for the average user who
> typically only need

I suppose you mean
http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq21.002.htp ?

>  dropline gtk installer

1. Install


>   pygtk installer

2. Install


>   PATH set

Modify your path

PATH="%PATH%;%gtkdir%\lib;%gtkdir%\bin" (win9.x : autoexec.bat, win2k,
winxp: Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables)

where gtkdir is C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\ (adapt to your
local GTK+ runtime installation if necessary).

If it does not work, you have DLL leftovers from a previous
1. Look in system folders for GTK+ related DLLs


2. Format HDD and Reinstall Windows !!! 

Ideally, everything should be handled by the pygtk installer, namely
looking for the proper runtime, allowing the user to choose one specific
runtime if multiple instances are installed, and setting some kind of
pygtk registry entry that points to the selected runtime (with automatic
download of the recommended runtime if none is found !!!). pygtk.require
('2.0') would then temporarily modify the PATH for the duration of the
pygtk script.

I'm working on a modified setup.py script (with pre and post
installation) steps that would take care of this. Definitively a nice
programming project ! The win32all package installer by Mark Hammond is
a good example. See the recent bugzilla entry for details. Any help is

As a side note, I'm getting tired of these various, unofficial and
incompatible (registry-wise) installers, and the installation
questions/problems they generate. I don't think it helps in spreading
the use of GTK+ on win32. 


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

Re: [pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-16 Thread John Hunter
> "vector180" == vector180  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

vector180> Im having great difficulty installing GTK,Glade,Pygtk
vector180> and Gimp on an xp box. I was asked to come here. Im not
vector180> convinced its the best place becuse its not strictly a
vector180> pygtk problem but who am to I wield the sword.  I
vector180> humbly submit this story, found at my link below, to
vector180> anyone who is actually interested in making any of
vector180> these programs work, to please read and email me back
vector180> with any conclusions.

vector180> It will be much appreciated

The link doesn't work for me - I get 

 The "Saqqara/Gtk4Win32" web does not exist

I was going to point you to the GTK win32 quickstart FAQ entry but I
see it's missing.  Cedric, was this intentional?  I find that both
current FAQ entries are much too complicated for the average user who
typically only need

  dropline gtk installer
  pygtk installer
  PATH set


pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Installation problems win32

2004-06-15 Thread vector180
Im having great difficulty installing GTK,Glade,Pygtk and Gimp on an xp 
box. I was asked to come here. Im not convinced its the best place 
becuse its not strictly a pygtk problem but who am to I wield the sword.
I humbly submit this story, found at my link below, to anyone who is 
actually interested in making any of these programs work, to please read 
and email me back with any conclusions.

It will be much appreciated
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/