ANN: matplotlib-0.98.3 - plotting for python

2008-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
matplotlib is a 2D plotting library for python for use in scripts,
applications, interactive shell work or web application servers.
matplotlib 0.98.3 is a major release but stable release which brings
many new features detailed below.




Thanks to Charlie Moad for the release and for all the matplotlib
developers for the feature enhancements and bug fixes.

The following "what's new" summary is also online at

What's new

delaunay triangularization

 Jeffrey Whitaker has added support for gridding irregularly spaced
 data using the Matlab (TM) equivalent griddata function.  This is a
 long-standing feature request for matplotlib and a major
 enhancement.  matplotlib now ships with Robert Kern's delaunay
 triangularization code (BSD license), which supports the default
 griddata implementation, but there are some known corner cases where
 this routine fails.  As such, Jeff has provided a python wrapper to
 the NCAR natgrid routines, whose licensing terms are a bit murkier,
 for those who need bullet proof gridding routines.  If the NCAR
 toolkit is installed, griddata will detect it and use it.  See for details.
 Thanks Robert and Jeff.

proper paths

 For the first time, matplotlib supports spline paths across
 backends, so you can pretty much draw anything.  See the Thanks to
 Michael Droettboom and (STScI).

better transformations

 In what has been described as open-heart surgery on matplotlib,
 Michael Droettboom, supported by (STSci) , has
 rewritten the transformation infrastructure from the ground up,
 which not only makes the code more intuitive, it supports custom
 user projections and scales.  See and the module

histogram enhancements

 hist ( can
 handle 2D arrays and create side-by-side or stacked histograms, as
 well as cumulative filled and unfilled histograms; see

ginput function

 ginput ( is
 a blocking function for interactive use to get input from the user.
 A long requested feature submitted by Gael Varoquaux.  See

wind barbs

 Ryan May has added support for wind barbs, which are popular among
 meterologists.  These are similar to direction fields or quiver
 plots but contain extra information about wind speed and other
 attributes.  See

external backends

 backend developers and users can now use custom backends outside the
 matplotlib tree, by using the special syntax
 module://my_backend for the backend setting in the rc
 file, the use directive, or in -d command line argument to
 pylab/pyplot scripts


 Introduced a recursive object search method to find all objects that
 meet some matching criterion, ef to find all text instances in a
 figure.  See

saving transparent figures now
 supports a *transparent* keyword argument to set the figure an axes
 backgrounds transparent.  Useful when you want to embed matplotlib
 figures with transparent backgrounds into other documents

axes3d support removed

 Amid considerable controversy from the users, we decided to pull the
 experimental 3D support from matplotlib.  Although basic 3D support
 remains a goal, the 3D support we had was mainly orphaned, and we
 need a developer with interest to step up and maintain it.

mathtext outside matplotlib

 The mathtext support in matplotlib is very good, and some folks want
 to be able to use it outside of matplotlib figures.  We added some
 helper functions to get the mathtext rendered pixel buffer as a
 numpy array, with an example at

image optimizations

 enhancements to speed up color mapping and panning and zooming on
 dense images

better savefig now
 supports save to file handles (great for web app servers) or unicode
 filenames on all backends

record array functions

 some more helper functions to facilitate work with record arrays:,,

version 1.4 of scalar class released

2007-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version 1.4 of my scalar class is available at

No major changes. I have corrected the "repr" function to make it more
useful, and I have added a "unit_type" function that returns the type
of a unit (e.g., time, length, force). The unit_type function is
intended mainly for interactive, "calculator-style" use.

If you do scientific or engineering calculations or programming,
please check out my scalar class. I think you'll like it.

It will relieve you of the burden of keeping track of units ("darn, I
can't remember if that angle is in radians or degrees?"). And the
really nifty thing about it is that, when you want high execution
speed for production runs, you can easily switch off the units with a
simple change of the import line. All the unit objects will then be
replaced with bulit-in types (typically floats), and your output will
be unchanged, but you will notice a dramatic speedup.

A complete user guide is available in both pdf and html formats. Give
it a try and let me know what you think!

--Russ P.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Tutorial: Introduction to Galaxy - a Python/WSGI framework for genomics

2007-10-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A free, 2 hour hands-on tutorial for genomics software developers will
be offered by the Galaxy team at the start of this year's American
Society for Human Genetics meeting Tuesday, October 23 4:00pm -
6:00pm, San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina.

See for details and signup.

Galaxy is a mature, open-source, translational genomics workbench
framework, written in Python, and designed to make it easy for
developers and bioinformaticians to provide a consistent, integrated,
web based interface to genomics applications and resources for command
line averse biologists. Galaxy supports reproducible research by
persisting each step in an analysis as seen in , and features low-
impedence integration with major data and annotation sources including
BioMart and UCSC. The main Galaxy site at
offers a free, public service, but a local Mac or Linux private server
test installation is quick (see,
and the Galaxy tool menu in a private instance is easily extended -
any command line executable that takes command line parameters
(including Python, R, and perl scripts, Java, compiled C++,  or even
Cobol...anything the target machine can execute) can be "wrapped" into a
Galaxy tool by providing a simple XML interface specification (see the
screencast at

(If you plan on coming, and have a Mac or Linux laptop, please pre-
install Galaxy to save time and load on the alternative arrangements
we're making for Win laptop users)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announcing Python North-West

2007-09-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On the wave of the great time we had at PyConUK, it was decided we
should have a proper mailing list dedicated to English North-West-
based Python
users... so here it comes!

The list is open to everyone in the area who loves
coding/playing/enjoying Python. To join, you don't need to know your
django from your pylons or your pyqt from your wxwindows... and
certainly you don't need to pronounce WSGI. Don't worry, it's going to
be uber-informal and very low-traffic, and I promise we won't use
lolcats (not much anyway).

The group homepage, from where you can subscribe, is:
and the email address to use for posting:
(ideas on how to link this list/announce to other social software are

Best regards, and happy coding!
Giacomo Lacava


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Job Fair F/OSS project

2007-08-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello Pythonistas!

I'm looking for some volunteers for a new open source project. At the
Institute of Design ( ), our next project is a
system for the management of our job fair (
recruitID/ )

The systems goal is to allow students and employers to enter their
availability for interviews and have the system designate times and
rooms for each to meet for interviews. The system includes much more
than just this of course, but that is the main goal. We decided that
this application is generic enough that it should be made into an F/
OSS project.

So far the system will be built on Django and uses (hopefully)

The project is on the ground floor and some basic wire frames and a
few other preliminary designs.

I'm personally located in Chicago and West Virginia (about half of my
time spent in each place), though you are welcome to help out from
anywhere around the world!

If you're interested, reply to this message, or contact me at cezar AT


Support the Python Software Foundation:

bug fix for scalar package

2007-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A few days ago (May 28th), I announced release 1.3 of my scalar
package. Unfortunately, it had a bug in the "format" function for
output, but I just fixed it in release 1.3.1. My apologies to anyone
who downloaded version 1.3.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

update of scalar package

2007-05-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just released version 1.3 of my scalar package in Python. This
package implements scalar physical units (meters, seconds, feet,
degrees, etc.). It eliminates unit errors, a common source of bugs in
engineering and scientific applications.

The entire SI (metric) system is implemented, plus many other common
units. You can also easily define your own smaller set of units for
specific applications or domains.

The advantage of my implementation over others, I believe, is that it
allows the user to easily switch off the unit checks for efficient
production runs. This speeds up the processing dramatically (by well
over an order of magnitude), making it virtually as efficient as using
built-in numeric types (without changing the output, of course).

It's free, and it comes with a complete user guide (in both pdf and
html). Take a look at it. I think you'll like it.

I think it's well written, but I would also be interested in any
feedback on code quality from Python experts.

You can get it at


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Volume 2, Issue 2 of The Python Papers is now available! Download it from

2007-05-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Volume 2, Issue 2 of The Python Papers is now available! Download it

This issue marks a major landmark in our publication. We present a
number of industry articles. These include "Python in Education" and
"MPD WebAMP", as well as a great insight into Python in Germany, a
wrap-up of PyCon 2007, a preview of EuroPython 2007 and a look at some
great videos prepared by primary school students. Our peer-reviewed
section reproduces two selected papers which were originally presented
at the Open Source Developer's Conference 2006 (Melbourne, Australia).

Check it out and let us know what you think.

All the best,
The Python Papers Team


Support the Python Software Foundation:

MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment 1.1

2007-03-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version 1.1 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

  Addition of ARIA tracks for auto-generated melodies,

  Fixed solo/harmony volumes,

  Chord fixes,


  -0 sync command line switch,

  Many library additions/enhancements,

  Minor bug fixes.

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:

If you have any questions or comments, please send them


Support the Python Software Foundation:

wxTayLayout 00.00.12 i

2007-03-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wxTayLayout 00.00.12 is now available for download! This brings the
wxPython version of TayLayout very close to feature parity with the
IronPython version. Just compound controls to go (e.g. File browser,
colour picker).



Support the Python Software Foundation:

The Python Papers Volue 2 Issue 1 now available

2007-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
G'day Pythonistas! Welcome to Issue Two of The Python Papers. It has
been an exciting time and we are pleased to have reached this
milestone. I'd like to say a big hello to all the people who have
provided their input in making this a reality: the python-advocacy
list, comp.lang.python, the Python User Groups that responded to the
call to participate and also many individuals. This is also the first
issue where we have attempted to publish both a PDF and an HTML

The latest version, and most recent blog posts are available at If you would like to show up on our tracking
statistics, please use this path. Direct links also available:

PDF available at :
HTML  available at :

Please note the new volume number commences with the calendar year, so
the volume number has increased while the issue number is the same as
the last issue.

The choice of format was clearly an issue for many people on both
sides. Going forward, we will continue to use PDF as our primary
'authorative' version for the purposes of page numbering and
referencing, however the HTML edition will be made public in a day or
two after further editing to cope with conversion effects.

Table of Contents: Editorial | Page 1
Python 411 Interview | Page 2
Coding Idioms pt 2 -- Design Patterns | Page 5
Python User Group Highlights | Page 7
Firebird Database Backup by
Serialized Database Table Dump | Page 10
Python Events | P15
Cheers, -Tennessee Leeuwenburg (Editor-In-Chief)
Posted by Tennessee Leeuwenburg on 2007/02/09


Support the Python Software Foundation:

TayLayout 00.00.16

2007-02-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TayLayout 00.00.16
Layout and Controls helpers for rapid and dynamic IronPython WinForms

This is a small release of TayLayout with a few new handy classes.
LDForm, LDPrompt and LDDialog provide a few more helpers and the main
layout code has an important tweak.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

TayLayout Release 00.00.15

2007-01-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TayLayout Release 00.00.15 for IronPython

New This Release
 * Wordsearch generator sample (80% functional)
 * More controls supported (listbox, webbrowser)
 * More compound controls
 * Controls can now be right-aligned
 * Plenty of bug fixes

TayLayout is a more sophisticated version of the flow layout - you can
add controls to a panel or form and it takes care of positioning them.
Controls are added in a Left to Right order until you specify that a
new line is required.

More info available at


Davy Mitchell


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Got questions to pose to the Python-Dev panel at PyCon?

2007-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On the first conference day of PyCon after lunch there is going to be a
discussion panel for Python-Dev (see for the schedule).  It is going to
be moderated by Steve Holden and is slated to have myself (Brett
Cannon), Andrew Kuchling (AMK), Neal Norwitz, and Jeremy Hylton on the

But in order to make the panel a success we need some questions.  We
will have a portion of time open to questions from the floor, but we
would also like to have some questions lined up.  If you have any
questions you would like to have answered by the panel, please add them
to .  The wiki page will be
considered the definitive location of collected questions so please do
not leave any questions as a reply to this announcement as it will not
get noticed.

I do not know if there will be an audio or video recording of the panel
discussion, but there is a decent chance if last year's PyCon is any
indication.  Plus someone in the audience might be kind enough to type
up a transcript and post it online.

Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes a question.

-Brett C.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

taylayout 00.00.10

2007-01-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
taylayout 00.00.10

Layout and Controls helpers for rapid and dynamic IronPython WinForms
TayLayout is a more sophisticated version of the flow layout - you can
add controls to a panel or form and it takes care of positioning them.
Controls are added in a Left to Right order until you specify that a
new line is required.

TayLayout also has a set of convenience functions to quickly build up a
functional interface. Controls can be added and configured in the
layout with a single line of code. Once the layout is complete the form
is sized to match the number of controls. TayLayout therefore suits
dynamic applications or for rapid prototyping.

This is an early release for developer feedback. 2 sample applications
are supplied.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: ewa 0.62 released

2007-01-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm pleased to announce the first release of ewa (East-West Audio), a
server program for podcasters that dynamically adds intros and outros
files (typically promotional material) to mp3s on the basis of
user-defined rules.

Ewa is available under the GPL.  Its home page is

Development of ewa has been supported by WNYC, New York Public Radio


Jacob Smullyan


Support the Python Software Foundation:

new Python-Ideas mailing list

2006-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At Guido's suggestion, a new mailing list has been created named
Python-Ideas (
This list is meant as a place for speculative, pie-in-the-sky language
design ideas to be discussed and honed to the point of practically
being a PEP before being presented to python-dev or python-3000.  This
allows both python-dev and python-3000 to focus more on implementation
work or final approval/denial of ideas instead of being flooded with
long threads where people discuss ideas that are too nebulous to be
considered for inclusion into Python.

Like python-dev and python-3000, Python-Ideas requires you subscribe
before you can post, but there is no moderator approval required to
subscribe.  If you are interested in helping me out by being an
administrator or moderator for the list, please let me know.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

LDBackup Release 00.08.05

2006-12-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Release 00.08.05


Why another Backup tool? Simple, I wanted something that would suit a
Home or Small office environment and that I could hand out to friends.
A batch file and xcopy would probably be enough but friendly a GUI
would be worthwhile for the non-techies.

11/12/06 - Release 00.08.50 - This is and early public release of LD
Backup and it is not quite 'ready'. The purpose of this release is to
get some feedback and maybe find a developer or two to contribute. It
is a small project to encourage newbies to Python to take part in OSS
software. The program has been tested on Windows XP SP2 and on Ubuntu
Linux 6.06 so it may still need some work on other platforms.
Cross-platform support is a high priority for version 1.0.

Davy Mitchell


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Ann: FarPy GUIE v0.5.3

2006-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxWidgets.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program with some helpful additions for
.NET. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files and translates it to either
wxPython Python code or wxRuby Ruby code (more languages in the
future). You may ask yourself why I took the extra step? Why didn't I
go straight from C# controls to wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary?
Well, it isn't. It is there simply for people (or maybe I) to take the
GUIML and convert it to other languages. This, by effect can convert
this tool from a Python GUI editor, to "any programming language with a
GUI module" GUI editor.

The GUI Editor was built to be as point & click as possible, trying to
avoid wx's sizers completly. This means that controls can go anywhere,
and you have the freedom to play with the GUI however you want.

*new* GUIE goes Open Source - Source-Code now available for download!

Changes (as of v0.5.3)
Added: Support for different tab-types (space & real-tabes), see
Fixed: Error when trying to export empty PictureBox
Changed: Removed dotted background
Fixed: Align to grid offset fix
Added: Align to grid to settings file, now choice is saved

Changes (as of v0.5.2)
Added: IronPython GUI Support! (Microsoft .NET Windows Forms in

Changes (as of v0.5.1)
Added: Drag & Drop functionality for adding controls
Changed: Settings mechanism. "settings.opt" replacing
Fixed: Bug causing panel background color to be other than white

Changes (as of v0.5)
Added: Source release
Added: Partial wxPerl support
Fixed: Splash screen causes loading delay
Fixed: When saving guiml, controls got a gray background-color
Changed: Certain GUI improvements in settings form
Fixed: Actions should be disabled when no form is open
Changed: Logo in splash screen
Fixed: XY Coords incorrect when hovering controls
Added: Unicode support in guiml files


Support the Python Software Foundation:

LDBackup Release 00.08.01

2006-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Release 00.08.01 This is the fifth public release of LD Backup and it
is not quite 'ready'. The purpose of this release is to get some
feedback and maybe find a developer or two to contribute. It is a small
project to encourage newbies to Python to take part in OSS software.
The program has been tested on Windows XP SP2 and on Ubuntu Linux 6.06
so it may still need some work on other platforms. Cross-platform
support is a high priority for version 1.0.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment 1.0

2006-11-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version 1.0 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

  Minor changes in the install scripts,

  Command line option cleanup,

  Minor bug fixes.

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:

MMA is written entirely in Python.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Spasmoidal 0.1.0 - Asynchronous I/O with Python 2.5 Extended Generators

2006-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"...from little towns with strange names like Smegma, Spasmodic, Frog,
and the far-flung Isles of Langerhans".

Someone on SourceForge has a project that includes the name
'spasmodic' so I'm using the name spasmoidal. But this code will
always be spasmodic to me.

Asynchronous I/O (and other tasks) proceeding in fits and spasms
The SpasmodicEngine selects tasks (spasmoids) from a (heapqueue based)
priority queue. The tasks are Python 2.5 extended generators (some
call them coroutines: PEP 342). The engine calls task.send() with an
appropriate argument. One of the library of tasks is Pollster.
Pollster calls poll() with for tasks that are waiting I/O. Tasks that
are ready for I/O are fed to the priority queue.

Spasmodic provides an efficient way to manage a large number of
sockets and/or files. Other processing works well too, if it can be
subdivided into brief spasms.


Doug Fort, Consulting Programmer


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Ann: FarPy GUIE v0.5.2

2006-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This release includes support for IronPython (Windows forms GUI).

GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxWidgets
and IronPython. The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was
created to a XML format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard
representation of the GUI created with the program with some helpful
additions for .NET. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files and translates
it to either wxPython Python code or wxRuby Ruby code (more languages
in the future). You may ask yourself why I took the extra step? Why
didn't I go straight from C# controls to wxPython code? Why is GUIML
necessary? Well, it isn't. It is there simply for people (or maybe I)
to take the GUIML and convert it to other languages. This, by effect
can convert this tool from a Python GUI editor, to "any programming
language with a GUI module" GUI editor.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Beta 0.23 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment

2006-09-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beta 0.23 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

A number of minor bugfixes; new RNDSEED command;
a number of new and improved library files.

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:

If you have any questions or comments, please send them


Support the Python Software Foundation:

FarPy GUIE v0.5.1 Released!

2006-08-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxWidgets.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program with some helpful additions for
.NET. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files and translates it to either
wxPython Python code or wxRuby Ruby code (more languages in the
future). You may ask yourself why I took the extra step? Why didn't I
go straight from C# controls to wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary?
Well, it isn't. It is there simply for people (or maybe I) to take the
GUIML and convert it to other languages. This, by effect can convert
this tool from a Python GUI editor, to "any programming language with a
GUI module" GUI editor.

The GUI Editor was built to be as point & click as possible, trying to
avoid wx's sizers completly. This means that controls can go anywhere,
and you have the freedom to play with the GUI however you want.

Changes (as of v0.5.1)
Added: Drag & Drop functionality for adding controls
Changed: Settings mechanism. "settings.opt" replacing
Fixed: Bug causing panel background color to be other than white

Changes (as of v0.5)
Added: Source release
Added: Partial wxPerl support
Fixed: Splash screen causes loading delay
Fixed: When saving guiml, controls got a gray background-color
Changed: Certain GUI improvements in settings form
Fixed: Actions should be disabled when no form is open
Changed: Logo in splash screen
Fixed: XY Coords incorrect when hovering controls
Added: Unicode support in guiml files


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Beta 0.22 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment

2006-06-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beta 0.22 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

   Minor (and not-so-minor) bug fixes, added options to
   option for keyboard tracks, and some command line

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:

If you have any questions or comments, please send them


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: Podcast of comp.lang.python.announce

2006-04-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Podcast RSS

For more detail, please see:

Davy Mitchell


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Beta 0.21 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment

2006-04-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Beta 0.21 of MMA - Musical MIDI Accompaniment - is now
available for downloading. Included in this release:

   Minor bug fixes, MAJOR change to the modules filename
   and import routines (shout if broken), MidiInc fixes,
   MidiInc lyrics import. Yet again, this may be the last BETA!!!

MMA is a accompaniment generator -- it creates midi tracks
for a soloist to perform with. User supplied files contain
pattern selections, chords, and MMA directives. For full details
please visit:

If you have any questions or comments, please send them


Support the Python Software Foundation:

An Efficient Scalar Class in Python

2006-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My previous announcement on this was only nine days ago, but in
retrospect I think that release was premature. I have made substantial
simplifications and improvements since then. Here is the abstract from
the three-page user guide (which is in PDF):

A Python class was designed to represent physical scalars and to
eliminate errors involving implied physical units (e.g., confusing
angular degrees and radians). The standard arithmetic operators are
overloaded to provide syntax identical to that for built-in numerical
types. The scalar class allows the user to easily define a set of
appropriate physical units for any particular application or domain.
Once an application has been developed and tested, the units can easily
be switched off, if desired, to achieve the execution efficiency of
operations on built-in numerical types (which can be two orders of
magnitude faster). The scalar class can also be used for discrete units
to enforce type checking of integer counts, thereby enhancing the
built-in dynamic type checking of Python.

Give it a try. If you do scientific or engineering computation, I bet
you'll like it!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

cPAMIE 2.0 released!!

2006-02-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PAMIE is a "FREE" open-source tool written in Python for Automating
Internet Explorer.

This tool allows Software Quality Assurance Engineers or others
to write Python scripts to Automate the testing of their Web

* Windows 2000 pro or Win XP
* Python  2.4 an above ( will work in 2.3 but not recommended)
* Ctypes

2006-02-16  Release PAMIE 2.0

 Added:  Added nameProp to imageGet()
 Added: findText() - finds text on a page can be used with regex
 Added: outerHTML() - gets outer HTML from body - also used with
 Added: Increased _init() timeout to 300
 Added: goBack() - Navigates back one page
 Added: stop() - Stops navigation
 Fixed:  ie.Document bug in pageGetText()
 Fixed:  class properties are now instanced.
 Added:  busyTuner to _wait methods to allow for adjustments when
experiencing pages that don't fully load
 Added:  radioButtonsGet() method
 Fixed:  "TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects" on
certain debug messages
 Fixed:  int.strip() error in findElement() method

2006-01-11  Release PAMIE 2.0 Beta

 Added:  updated docs with a reference guide!
 Added:  timeout routine to windowFind() function
Change:  fireEvent() now elementFireEvent()
 Fixed:  catch and ignore very occassional Access Denied message in
wait functions
 Fixed:  frameWait() to support nested frames
 Fixed:  getFrame() needed a frame wait to sync properly
 Added:  regular expression support for findElement() val parameter,
which propagates up to most methods
 Added:  writeDocs script to generate class file documentation
 Fixed:  elementGetList() now case insensitive
 Fixed:  elementGetList() elementList parameter now properly accepts a
 Added:  elementGetChildren() method
 Added:  support for nested frames
 Added:  name parameter on widgetGet() methods will now accept index as
 Added:  most widget...() methods will now accept either index or an
element for name parameter
 Added:  tableCellExists() method
 Added:  tableExists() method
 Added:  tableGet() method
 Added:  tableRowExists() method
 Added:  tableRowGetIndex() method
 Added:  tablesGet() method
Change:  elementClick() now accepts an element only
 Added:  elementFindByIndex() method
Change:  widgetClickIndex() methods were removed.  use
elementFindByIndex() instead
 Fixed:  elementFind() compares attribute values correctly

2006-01-01  Release PAMIE 2.0 Alpha

A whole new start!  The whole PAMIE structure has been revamped,
reorganized, reworked and redone.  In addition to this, the main
features of this release are full support for frames, forms (or not!),
optional debugging, optional fancy HTML reporting, consistent function
naming, many new functions, and much much more.  Your old PAMIE scripts
are going to need some updating, but it is well worth it.  A build
certification script ( has also been included that will
not only validate the PAMIE builds, but will serve as an excellent
example script on how to use the various PAMIE methods.  You should
take a look at it and run it first.  Please remember this is an Alpha
release so we can hear some feedback, so don't go throwing this into a
production environment.

Original Development
20040415 - modifications by Jeff Hinrichs
20040511 - modifications by Rob Marchetti
20040606 - modifications by Rob Marchetti
20040801 - added Frames modifications by Steve Mcdonald
20050301 - added Frames modifications by Tom Cunningham
20050301 - added modifications by Dave K
20050301 - added modifications by Drunk Bum
20060101 - whole class revamped by Drunk Bum, start of 2.x
20060220 - - modifications by Rob Marchetti


Support the Python Software Foundation:

FarPy GUIE v0.4.2

2006-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxWidgets.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program with some helpful additions for
.NET. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files and translates it to either
wxPython Python code or wxRuby Ruby code (more languages in the
future). You may ask yourself why I took the extra step? Why didn't I
go straight from C# controls to wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary?
Well, it isn't. It is there simply for people (or maybe I) to take the
GUIML and convert it to other languages. This, by effect can convert
this tool from a Python GUI editor, to "any programming language with a
GUI module" GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.4.2)
Fixed: RadioButton not exported
Fixed: New form opened even though file import failed
Changed: Default font to- MS Sans Sarif (windows default)
Added: Error reporting in more areas
Fixed: Attempt at fixing error saving files ("file in use" error)
Added: Snap to grid functionality


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Ann: FarPy GUIE v0.4

2006-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wx.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by effect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.4)
Added: wxRuby support!
Fixed: Minor bugs
More languages to come!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announcing the release cPAMIE2b - Browser Automation tool for Python

2006-01-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Free open-source Browser automation tool. The main python class that allows you to write scripts to
automate the Internet Explorer browser client for function and unit


PAMIE  -  Reference Guide  -  What's New  -  SourceForge  -  Yahoo

Required Packages
The following packages must be installed before installing PAMIE.

Python 2.4
Mark Hammond's win32all package for Python
Ctypes package for Python

Recommended Packages:
These packages are optional, but they are deemed worthy by the PAMIE

ActivePython distribution package for Python, which also includes the
win32all package.
Stani's Python Editor if you are looking for a Python editor.

PAMIE Contents:
These are the files of importance that are included with the PAMIE
package. The Build Certification script that performs a full range
of tests with PAMIE. This script is an excellent resource for examples,
and also makes for a pretty cool demo! The class that handles pop up windows, such as file
dialogs, alert dialogs, prompt dialogs and confirm dialogs. The main python class that allows you to write scripts to
automate the Internet Explorer browser client for function and unit
testing. A reporting class to keep track of pass and failed steps. Simon Brunning's Windows GUI automation utilities, which
can be used with PAMIE to find and control open IE windows. The script used by the PAMIE developers that generates the
PAMIE reference guide.

Python and all the required packages must be installed.
Unzip the PAMIE package to a folder.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Ann: FarPy GUIE v0.3.1

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by effect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.3.1)
Added: Cut + Copy + Paste Functionality!
Added: Code window (shows exported code; possible to disable in
Added: Error reporting option
Changed: Preperations for multi GUI language support


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: FarPy GUIE v0.3

2005-12-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by effect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.3)
-Migrated to .NET Framework v2.0!
-Added: ListView, TreeView, GroupBox
-Added: All Common Dialogs
-Added: Improved setup
-Added: Aligning & Placement functionality!
-Added: Properties to GUI Form
-Fixed: Control Flickering
-Added: GUIML File drag & drop functionality
-Added: GUIML File association


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Guppy-PE: A Python Programming Environment

2005-11-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I would like to announce Guppy-PE 0.1

The first version of Guppy-PE, a programming environment providing
object and heap memory sizing and analysis and comes with a
prototypical specification language that can be used to formally
specify aspects of Python programs and generate tests and
documentation from a common source.

License: MIT

For more information, see:

Best Regards,

Sverker Nilsson


Support the Python Software Foundation:

New: PPCEncoder 4 PocketPC

2005-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have written a nice Multimedia re-encoder (PPCEncoder) in Python. 
It re-encodes movies to PocketPC format.

You can find it here:

PS. I'm planning on making it OpenSource, but before I do that I 
want to clean up the code more.

Posted with NewsLeecher v3.0 Final
 * Binary Usenet Leeching Made Easy

Support the Python Software Foundation:

FarPy GUIE v0.2

2005-10-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standrad representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML neccessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by effect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.2)
Added: multi-window support!!
Fix: error saving file after opening it
Added: Calendar control
Added: extra information status bar
Fix: problem in dialogs causing .guiml to not show up
Fix: controls aligning to correct position only after shown
All over bug fix! (about 20 bugs fixed!)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.13

2005-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've just released IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.13. It contains a few bug
fixes which makes my confident calling it a Stable release. You can
read the whole announcement here:

IssueTrackerProduct is... issue/bug tracker web application and Open Source under the ZPL license
...built in Python using the Zope web application
...very easy to use and fancy features are by default switched off
...fully cross-browser compatible and platform independent
...created and maintained by Peter Bengtsson of Fry-IT

Please check out


Support the Python Software Foundation:

FarPy GUIE v0.1

2005-09-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standrad representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML neccessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by affect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

Fix: cast exception when editing form properties
Fix: exception raised when GUI form too small
Added: settings window functionality
Added: controls: Progress Bar, Picture Box, Track Bar (Slider)
Added: keyboard functionality (arrow movement and delete key)
Fix: selection made when resizing GUI form
Fix: control moved down when resized beyond its limit
Changed: default foreground color to black
Fix: Combo Box offset when moving
Added: exit confirmation system
Added: multi-selection system, enables moving and deleting (also
removing/adding single control using the control key)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: FarPy GUIE v0.0.1 - Python GUI Editor

2005-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I named this tool - FarPy GUIE, and is available at:

This is a quote from the site:

"GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wxPython.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standrad representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML neccessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by affect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to "any programming language with a GUI module" GUI editor.

The GUI Editor was built to be as point & click as possible, trying to
avoid wxPython's sizers completly. This means that controls can go
anywhere, and you have the freedom to play with the GUI however you
want. However, this also means that until some more advanced aligning
features are added, this method might be a little awkward at first."

I must add that the tool is in it's early stages of development, and
basically I need the public's help to make it better.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Beginning Python Class -- Federal Way, WA, USA

2005-07-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am developing a Beginning Python course taught in the Federal Way,
WA, USA area. (This includes surrounding areas such as Auburn, Tacoma,
and Seattle.) The course is managed under the Mayo Learning Institute.
It will be taught every Friday evening from September 9th, 2005 to
November 19th, 2005, 7-9PM at the Intellipass building. (See for directions and location.)

We will cover all the basics of the Python programming language and
teach skills fundamental to programming. The material is aimed at the
absolute beginner or those with only limited experience programming in
another language. The registration fee is only $20 to cover material
costs and room rental.

The registration form is available at . Please
complete and return the form early if you are interested because there
is only limited space.

Questions? Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.9.1 - A SourceForge & Freshmeat release tool

2005-07-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.9.1 is now available for immediate download at:


About ReleaseForge 0.9.1:

- ReleaseForge now attempts to "guess" the SourceForge CPU (Processor)
type of each file added to a release based on it's filename.

- A batch update facility was added which allows the user to quickly
modify the status (hidden or active) of multiple releases.

- Context sensitive menus (right-click) have been added to the main
window\'s projects & packages (listviews).

- ReleaseForge now also checks for Windows $HOMEDRIVE & $HOMEPATH
environment variables on startup if $HOME is not found.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new

ReleaseForge also includes support for posting Freshmeat news
announcements and SourceForge project news announcements.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.9.0 - A SourceForge/Freshmeat release tool

2005-07-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.9.0 is now available for immediate download at:



About ReleaseForge 0.9.0:

ReleaseForge 0.9.0 is a minor enhancement release. This version allows
the SourceForge developer the ability to email project announcements to
mailing lists and individual users directly from within ReleaseForge.

Additionally, the --auto command line option was added which, when
used, will automatically login to SourceForge and Freshmeat accounts
without prompting you for username/password credentials.

Also, the --config command line option has been deprecated and the
configuration file has been moved to the ReleaseForge data directory
(typically, $HOME/.releaseforge).  If you are upgrading from a previous
version  you may wish to refer to these FAQ sections for more gory

There are also some minor bug fixes and feature enhancements.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new

ReleaseForge also includes support for posting Freshmeat news
announcements and SourceForge project news announcements.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: GDL python module

2005-07-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GDL - GNU Data Language, a free IDL (Interactive Data Language - see clone.
(IDL 6.0 compatible incremental compiler capable of running programs
written in IDL)
Version: 0.8.10

Note: If you never heard of IDL or GDL you probably don't need to read

GDL can now be build as a python module, allowing IDL/GDL routines to
be called from python (for python standards the installation is quite
unusual but simple, see INSTALL and PYTHON.txt for details). This is in
early beta stage right now. Depending on the interest, the interface
might be extended in the future.

For passing arrays to and from python, GDL uses numarray.



Gaurav Khanna provides binaries for Mac OS X on his HPC page:


*FULL* syntax compatibility with IDL 6.0

*ALL* IDL language elements are supported, including:
 _EXRA, _REF_EXTRA and _STRICT_EXTRA keywords,
 Objects, Pointers, Structs,
 Common blocks, Assoc variables,
 Arrays, System variables,
 All operators, All data types...

Compiles on Linux and Mac OS X (10.2, 10.3, and 10.4)

The file input output system is fully implemented
(Exception: For formatted I/O the C() sub-codes are not supported yet)

Most image file formats (jpeg, tiff, ...) are supported.

netCDF files are fully supported.
HDF file support.
Basic HDF5 file support.
READFITS and WRITEFITS from the IDL-Astrolib are working.

Graphical output is partially implemented. The PLOT, OPLOT, PLOTS,
XYOUTS, SURFACE and TV commands (along with WINDOW, WDELETE, SET_PLOT,
WSET, TVLCT) work (important keywords, some !P system variable tags and
multi-plots are supported) for X windows, z-buffer and postscript

A GUI (widgets) is not implemeted yet.

Check it out!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.9

2005-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've now released version 0.6.9 of the IssueTrackerProduct

It's a issue/bug tracker built on top of Zope (Python) that is known
for being simple but powerful.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.8.5 - A SourceForge/Freshmeat release tool

2005-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.8.5 is now available for immediate download at:


About ReleaseForge 0.8.5:

ReleaseForge 0.8.5 is a minor enhancement release. This version adds a
new preferences dialog and allows the user to change the normal display
font. Additionally, the FTP upload routine has been modified to report
progress activity and the releaseWizard now displays this information
as necessary.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new

ReleaseForge also includes support for posting Freshmeat news
announcements and SourceForge project news announcements.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.8.0 - A SourceForge release tool

2005-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ReleaseForge 0.8.0 is now available for download at:


About ReleaseForge 0.8.0:

This latest version of ReleaseForge integrates Freshmeat functionality. and project owners can now seemlessly
release their projects on SourceForge and announce their release
details on Freshmeat within a single intuitive GUI... ReleaseForge.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Python for Maemo released!

2005-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are proudly to announce the first release of Python for Maemo

This is in *alpha* stage yet. Bug fixes, wishes, suggestions, etc, are
encouraged and welcomed. Please, contact us by mail (ok, bugzilla coming

* Ruda Moura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Osvaldo Santana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PyGTK, PyGame, PyNumeric and some packages missing for SDL are also
included. Please, visit:

for more information.

No reptiles were harmed in the making of these crafts.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.7.1 - A SourceForge release tool

2005-05-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.7.1 is now available for download.  This is a minor
bugfix release.  This version corrects a formatting bug when submitting
project news.  Additionally, auto-generated PyQt files were
re-generated with pyuic version 3.14 (which fixes a QSizePolicy

About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new



Support the Python Software Foundation:

imgSeek 0.8.5

2005-05-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
imgSeek is a photo collection manager and viewer with content-based
search and many other features. The query is expressed either as a
rough sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an
image in your collection).
You may also do slideshows, generate web photo albums, edit image
metadata including EXIF and IPTC data, organize images into a keyword
hierarchy, and more.

* fixes bug at startup on new versions of PyQT
* fixes bug at startup when detecting locale
* Applied patch by Daniel Fahlgren. Fixes bug which made
compared image (when loaded from an external file) to be loaded
* implemented a "low level" jpeg loader, which interacts
directly with libjpeg so now imgSeek doesn't have to read the whole
jpeg file in order to generate thumbnails and add an image to database.
That represents a reduction by 1/3 to the time needed to thumbnail and
add images to the database. On some benchmarks, adding 160 files
(1600x1200) would take an average of 1'10" and now it takes 32".
* fixed bug on Windows where dialogs wouldn't show up again
after being closed
* fixed some unicode bugs
* added "Rename image" menu option
* finished Portuguese (BR) translation
* added i18n support


- Python 2.2.x, QT 3.x and PyQT 3.5. (3.4 should work)
- ImageMagick development files or QT development files.
- Python Imaging Library.

Complete ChangeLog:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Python 2.3.2 for PalmOS available

2005-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some months ago i did a port of the Python2.3.2 interpreter to PalmOS.
I didnt port any C module or created modules for PalmOS API's. But you
can run an interpreter and use stdin/stdout from a form.

There is also a tool to freeze scripts and use the interpreter as a
pseudo-shared library.

While talking with Facundo while in a PyAr meeting (python-argentina, ) he told me that there is some interest in
this platform.

So, ive made an initial release that has no documentation on how to use
it or compile it (it requires codewarrior). If there is any interest on
this, please let me know so we can work on getting this as a real port.

As usual, this is just a proof of concept and is ugly in many ways.
(ie, in Palm, code segments must be less than 64K, so some files had to
be split and rearranged  ).

If anyone want to check this out, heres the url:




Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.7 - An alternative to the SourceForge File Release System

2005-04-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ReleaseForge 0.7 is now available for download at:


About ReleaseForge 0.7:

This new version adds the ability for users to submit project news to
SourceForge.  This feature is available from the newly created Actions
menu on the main window.


About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Epigrass-1.3.36 is available!

2005-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EpiGrass ( is a platform for network
epidemiological simulation and analysis. It enables researchers to
perform comprehensive spatio-temporal simulations incorporating
epidemiological data and models for disease transmission and control in
order to create sophisticated scenario analyses.

Epigrass is a pure python application and plans to stay that way. It is
supported on linux only but wellcomes volunteers  willing to try to
make it run on other platforms. 


Flávio Codeço Coelho


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.6.1 - A SourceForge project release tool

2005-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.6.1 is now available for download.  This is a minor bug
fix release.

About ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a GUI application designed for project administrators
and release engineers of projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It is
intended to make it easier and faster to create a new release and edit
existing releases rather than using the SourceForge Web interface.

ReleaseForge streamlines the release effort by prompting you for
information regarding your new release (version info, change log,
release notes, files to include, etc). It then seamlessly negotiates
with the SourceForge Web server, creating your release, posting your
release notes/change log, uploading your files to the SourceForge FTP
server, selecting the files for inclusion in your release on the
SourceForge Web server, updating the file attributes of each of the
files and then, if appropriate, notifying monitoring users of the new



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ReleaseForge 0.6 - A SourceForge project release tool

2005-03-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ReleaseForge 0.6 is now available at:

New to version 0.6:

* The ability to edit existing SourceForge releases
* Some UI tweaks
* Some random bug fixes
* Some code cleanup
* Stays crispy in milk

In case you're not already familiar with ReleaseForge:

ReleaseForge is a python GUI that allows SourceForge users (project
admins and release techs) the ability to create and edit SourceForge
releases of their projects.  ReleaseForge provides an alternative (re:
much improved, more intuitive) interface than the usual SourceForge web

ReleaseForge also allows users to create new project packages and
update existing packages.

ReleaseForge is developed in Python (requires version 2.3 or greater)
using PyQt (v3.3 or greater) and contains 100% real fruit juice.  A
Windows installer is also available that includes all of the software


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ReleaseForge 0.5 - A SourceForge project release tool

2005-03-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What is ReleaseForge?  How silly of you to ask, but I shall satisfy
your silly curiosity nonetheless.

Are you a project administrator -or- release tech/engineer of at least
one SourceForge-based project?  If not, skip this message and don't
read further... ReleaseForge is not for you.

Still with me?  Then you must be responsible for file releases of one
or more SourceForge projects, either that, or, you're desperately in
need of a life since ReleaseForge is of no use to you.

ReleaseForge is a GUI application that offers many advantages to using
SourceForge's package release system:

- ReleaseForge allows you to quickly and effortlessly create a new
release of one of your SourceForge project packages.

- When creating a new release, you enter the release information
(version number, change log, release notes) and then specify the files
to include in the release.

- ReleaseForge guesses the type of file (.gz, .zip, .rpm, .exe, etc...)
for each of your files.

Once you are satisfied with the release, ReleaseForge does all of the
tedious work so that you don't have to:

- Contacts SourceForge and adds your new release to your project's

- Uploads all of your files for the release to the SourceForge FTP

- Uploads your release notes and change log.

- Automatically selects each of your uploaded files for inclusion in
your new release.

- Automatically applies the processor type and file type to each of
your files.

- If applicable, notifies monitoring users of the new release.

These are just some of the awesome ReleaseForge features, you can learn
more by checking out the ReleaseForge site at:

There is a FAQ and lots of pretty pictures of supermodels, err,
screenshots.  Either way, you'll be glad you visited the site, or not.

ReleaseForge is written in Python (version 2.3 or greater) and uses
PyQt for it's snazzy user interface.  



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Scratchy 0.8 - Apache Log Parser and Report Generator

2005-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scratchy version 0.8 is available for download at:

Version 0.8 represents a significant upgrade to the previously released
version (0.6.9).  Some of the changes:

Prior to 0.8:
- Pickling of data
- IP-To-Country
- GDChart

New to 0.8:
- MySQL database storage of most data (SQLite and Gadfly are currently

- MaxMind GeoIP (for IP to country lookups)
- ChartDirector
- More search engines, robots and browsers are detected
- More configuration options (such as EXCLUDE_HOSTNAMES and

About Scratchy
Scratchy is a set of scripts to parse Apache web server log files and
extract useful information. From this data, Scratchy will create HTML
reports so that website administrators can easily view the information
and determine trends and their typical audience.

Scratchy began as a proof-of-concept which allowed me to compile stats
about my personal website. As time progressed I continually added
features and improvements and I felt that it was now at a point that
it would be useful to others.

Why Scratchy?
Well, the name of the project of course comes from the Simpsons "Itchy
and Scratchy Show". The functionality that the project aims to supply
is a complete log parsing and report generating tool. Also, there
seemed to be a need for such a project in Python. I have seen some
other Apache log parsers but they were developed in other languages
(such as Perl, C, etc). One goal of this project is for it to be
extensible, to that tune, most of the report appearance can be easily
modified by tweaking a single config file.

What information does Scratchy report?
* Accessed web pages
* hosts accessing your website
* operating systems
* browsers
* search engines
* robots/spiders
* file types accessed
* errors
* countries
* a trace of pages accessed by each ip address (if enabled).
* charts are produced for many of the tables (if enabled)


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FAQtor 0.7 - The FAQ generaTOR

2004-12-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New to version 0.7:

The XML input file can now contain html tag delimiters.  Prior versions
required the html tag brackets to be replaced with entities. FAQtor
will now replace these brackets with the entities before parsing the
XML.  This should make FAQ generation less tedious for the end user.

About FAQtor:

FAQtor is a python script that generates customizable FAQs from a
simple XML input file.

FAQtor can be downloaded from:

More information about FAQtor can be found at the above URL.

FAQtor is released under the GPL and generated faqs can be used for
commercial and non-commercial purposes. FAQtor makes it easy for all
websites to include a FAQ because it takes the tedious nature out of
it. There is no longer any need to manually edit the FAQ and update
links to answers, etc... After initial (optional) customization, all
that is necessary when updating a FAQ is to update the XML input file
and re-run FAQtor.

The XML file contains all of the information necessary to create a
professional looking FAQ.



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