Re: [Python-Dev] Proposal: add odict to collections

2008-06-14 Thread Talin

Michael Foord wrote:

Armin Ronacher wrote:


I noticed lately that quite a few projects are implementing their own
subclasses of `dict` that retain the order of the key/value pairs.
However half of the implementations I came across are not implementing
the whole dict interface which leads to weird bugs, also the performance
of a Python implementation is not that great.


I'm +1 - but this proposal has been made many times before and people 
always argue about what features are needed or desirable. :-(

There's been a lot of controversy/confusion about ordered dicts. One of 
the sources of confusion is that people mean different things when they 
use the term ordered dict: In some cases, the term is used to mean a 
dictionary that remembers the order of insertions, and in other cases it 
is used to mean a sorted dict, i.e. an associative data structure in 
which the entries are kept sorted. (And I'm not sure that those are the 
only two possibilities.)

I would be more in favor of the idea if we could come up with a less 
ambiguous naming scheme.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Addition of pyprocessing module to standard lib.

2008-05-13 Thread Talin


Greg Ewing wrote:

Jesse Noller wrote:

I am looking for any questions, concerns or benchmarks python-dev has
regarding the possible inclusion of the pyprocessing module to the
standard library

Sounds good, but I'd suggest giving a more specific
name than processing, which is so generic as to
be meaningless.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] How we can get rid of eggs for 2.6 and beyond

2008-03-21 Thread Talin
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 11:21 AM 3/21/2008 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joachim I think, the uninstall should _not_ 'rm -rf' but only 'rm' the
 Joachim files (and 'rmdir' directories, but not recursively) that it
 Joachim created, and that have not been modified in the meantime (after
 Joachim the installation).

 That's not sufficient.  Suppose file C (e.g. /usr/local/etc/mime.types) is
 in both packages A and B.

 Install A - this will create C
 Install B - this might overwrite C, saving a copy, or it might retain
 A's copy.
 Uninstall B - this has to know that C is used by A and not touch it
 Correct.  However, in practice, B should not touch C, unless the file 
 is shared between them.
 This is a key issue for support of namespace packages, at least if we 
 want to avoid using .pth files.  (Which is what setuptools-built 
 system packages do for namespace packages currently.)
 Of course, one possible solution is for both A and B to depend on a 
 virtual package that contains C, such that both A and B can install 
 it if it's not there, and list it in their dependencies.  But this is 
 one of the handful of open issues that needs to be resolved with Real 
 Life Package Management people, such as Debian, Fedora, etc.

I've always thought that the right way to handle the dependency DAG is 
to treat it as a garbage collection problem.

Assume that for each package there is a way to derive the following two 
pieces of information: (a) whether this package was installed explicitly 
by the user, or implicitly as the result of a dependency, and (b) the 
set of dependencies for this package.

Then, starting with the list of 'explicit' packages as the root set, do 
a standard mark  sweep; Any package not marked is a candidate for removal.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Removing the GIL (Me, not you!)

2007-09-14 Thread Talin
Adam Olsen wrote:
 I'm now working on an approach that writes out refcounts in batches to
 reduce contention.  The initial cost is much higher, but it scales
 better too.  I've currently got it to just under 50% cost, meaning two
 threads is a slight net gain.

Look at the various papers on 'Recycler'.

The way it works is that for each thread, there is an addref buffer and 
a decref buffer. The buffers are arrays of pointers. Each time a 
reference is addref'd, its appended to the addref buffer, likewise for 
decref. When a buffer gets full, it is added to a queue and then a new 
buffer is allocated.

There is a background thread that actually applies the refcounts from 
the buffers and frees the objects. Since this background thread is the 
only thread that ever touches the actual refcount field of the object, 
there's no need for locking.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Two spaces or one?

2007-07-23 Thread Talin
In PEP 9 there's a requirement that PEPs must follow the emacs 
convention of 2 spaces after a period. (I didn't know this was an emacs 
convention, I thought it was a convention of people who used typewriters.)

I've tried hard to maintain this textual convention in my own PEPs, even 
though it's very unnatural to me. But I see from looking at the other 
PEPs that that this convention is very inconsistently enforced - some 
have it and some don't. Worse, I've had one person (who apparently 
wasn't aware of the rule) flag my use of extra space after a period as a 
bug in my PEP.

(When I first learned to type, I used one space after a period. Then 
years later, someone convinced me that two spaces was the proper style 
and so I switched to that for a few years. But later I switched back 
because I realized that most modern typographical layout engines seem to 
calculate inter-sentence spacing properly when the number of space 
characters after a period is one. And in HTML [which is how most people 
view PEPs anyway] it doesn't matter since the browser is going to filter 
out the extra space anyway.)

So if we're not going to enforce the rule consistently (and it seems as 
if we're not), can we then just remove it from PEP 9? I'm not saying 
that we should change the rule to one space, I'm suggesting that we just 
drop the requirement and let people use whatever they prefer.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Issues with PEP 3101 (string formatting)

2007-06-23 Thread Talin
I haven't responded to this thread because I was hoping some of the 
original proponents of the feature would come out to defend it. 
(Remember, 3101 is a synthesis of a lot of people's ideas gleaned from 
many forum postings - In some cases I am willing to defend particular 
aspects of the PEP, and in others I just write down what I think the 
general consensus is.)

That being said - from what I've read so far, the evidence on both sides 
of the argument seems anecdotal to me. I'd rather wait and see what more 
people have to say on the topic.

-- Talin

Aurélien Campéas wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 08:20:25AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Those are valid concerns. I'm cross-posting this to the python-3000
 list in the hope that the PEP's author and defendents can respond. I'm
 sure we can work something out.
 Thanks to raise this. It is horrible enough that I feel obliged to
 -10 on this part of PEP3101.
 Please keep further discussion on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.


 On 6/19/07, Chris McDonough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PEP 3101 says Py3K should allow item and attribute access syntax
 within string templating expressions but to limit potential security
 issues, access to underscore prefixed names within attribute/item
 access expressions will be disallowed.
 People talking about potential security issues should have an
 obligation to show how their proposals *really* improve security (in
 general); this is of course, a hard thing to do; mere hand-waving is
 not sufficient.
 I am a person who has lived with the aftermath of a framework
 designed to prevent data access by restricting access to underscore-
 prefixed names (Zope 2, ahem), and I've found it's very hard to
 explain and justify.  As a result, I feel that this is a poor default
 policy choice for a framework.
 And it's even poorer in the context of a language (for it's probably
 harder to escape language-level restrictions than framework
 obscurities ...).
 In some cases, underscore names must become part of an object's
 external interface.  Consider a URL with one or more underscore-
 prefixed path segment elements (because prefixing a filename with an
 underscore is a perfectly reasonable thing to do on a filesystem, and
 path elements are often named after file names) fed to a traversal
 algorithm that attempts to resolve each path element into an object
 by calling __getitem__ against the parent found by the last path
 element's traversal result.  Perhaps this is poor design and
 __getitem__ should not be consulted here, but I doubt that highly
 because there's nothing particularly special about calling a method
 named __getitem__ as opposed to some method named traverse.
 This is trying to make a technical argument, but the 'consenting
 adults' policy might be enough. In my experience, zope forbiding
 access to _ prefixed attributes just led to work around the
 limitation, thus adding more useless indirection to an already crufty
 code base. The result is more obfuscation and probably even less
 security (as in auditability of the code).
 The only precedent within Python 2 for this sort of behavior is
 limiting access to variables that begin with __ and which do not end
 with __ to the scope defined by a class and its instances.  I
 personally don't believe this is a very useful feature, but it's
 still only an advisory policy and you can worm around it with enough
 FWIW I've come to never use __attrs. The obfuscation feature seems to
 bring nothing but pain (the few times I've fell into that trap as a
 beginner python programmer).
 Given that security is a concern at all, the only truly reasonable
 way to limit security issues is to disallow item and attribute
 access completely within the string templating expression syntax.  It
 seems gratuituous to me to encourage string templating expressions
 with item/attribute access, given that you could do it within the
 format arguments just as easily in the 99% case, and we've (well...
 I've) happily been living with that restriction for years now.

 But if this syntax is preserved, there really should be no *default*
 restrictions on the traversable names within an expression because
 this will almost certainly become a hard-to-explain, hard-to-justify
 bug magnet as it has become in Zope.
 I'd add that Zope in general looks to me like a giant collection of
 python anti-patterns and as such can be used as a clue source about
 what not to do, especially what not to include in Py3k.
 I don't want to offense people, well no more than necessary (imho zope
 *is* an offense to common sense in many ways), but that's the opinion
 from someone who earns its living mostly from zope/plone products
 dev. and maintenance (these days, anyway).
 Python-3000 mailing list

[Python-Dev] Substantial rewrite of PEP 3101

2007-06-03 Thread Talin
I've rewritten large portions of PEP 3101, incorporating some material 
from Patrick Maupin and Eric Smith, as well as rethinking the whole 
custom formatter design. Although it isn't showing up on the web site 
yet, you can view the copy in subversion (and the diffs) here:

Please let me know of any errors you find, either by mailing me 
directly, or replying to the topic in Python-3000. (I.e. lets not start 
a thread here.)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The docs, reloaded

2007-05-24 Thread Talin
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 As in the above example, the use of backticks can be signal to the 
 document processor that the enclosed text should be examined for 
 identifiers and other Python syntax.
 Does this mean it's time for pyST -- Python-structured

I wasn't going to say it :)

Now, at the risk of going even further out of the mainstream (actually, 
there's no risk, it's a dead certainty), if I had been clever enough to 
think that I could write a LaTeX translator, I probably would have made 
my target language Docbook or some other flavor of XML.

Now, you might argue that XML is more cumbersome and harder to author 
than reST, and that is certainly a valid argument. On the other hand, 
there are a couple of interesting advantages to using XML:

1) You get an instant WYSIWYG preview capability by publishing a 
standard CSS stylesheet along with the docs. Anyone would be able to see 
what the output would look like merely by viewing it in a browser. While 
there would be some document transformations which would be not be 
previewable in CSS (such as breaking the document up into hyperlinked 
chapters), you would at least be able to see enough to be able to do a 
decent job of editing the text without having to install any special 
tools. And some of those more difficult transformations would be doable 
with a suitable XSTL stylesheet, which can be directly executed in most 
browsers. (As an example, I once wrote an XSLT stylesheet that converted 
OpenDocument XML into the equivalent HTML - this was part of my Firefox 
ODFReader plugin [], that 
allowed ODF documents to be directly viewed in the browser without 
having to launch an external helper application.)

2) There are a few WYSIWYG XML editors out there, which allow you to 
edit the styled text directly in an editor (although I don't know of any 
open source ones.)

3) The document processing tool could be very minimal, mostly assembled 
out of standard modules for processing XML.

4) XML has a well-specified method of escaping into other (XML-based) 
languages, which is XML namespaces. So for those who want equations in 
their docs, they could simply insert a block of MathML inside their 
Docbook XML. Similarly, illustrations could be embedded using bitmap 
images or SVG as appropriate.

5) Having XML-based docs would make it easy to write other kinds of 
processors that operate on the docs in different ways, such as building 
a keyword index or doing various kinds of analysis.

Now, this suggestion of using XML isn't really a serious one. But I 
think that the various advantages that I have listed ought to be 
considered when thinking about how the tool chain for python 
documentations should operate.

I think that there is a big advantage to making the document processing 
tools simple and hosted entirely in Python. People who contribute to the 
docs are likely to know quite a bit about Python, but it is far from 
certain what else they might know. And tools written in Python are 
automatically able to run in diverse environments, which may not be the 
case for tools written in other languages. This means that tools that 
are in Python are more likely to be used, and further, they are more 
likely to be improved or specialized to the task by those who use them.

In terms of authoring, the convenience of the markup language is only 
one factor; A bigger factor I think is having a short feedback cycle 
between edit and test, where 'test' means seeing what your written text 
would look like in the finished product. The quicker you can make that 
feedback loop, the more likely people will be to work on the docs.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The docs, reloaded

2007-05-23 Thread Talin
Martin Blais wrote:
 On 5/22/07, Martin Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ReST works well only when there is little markup.  Writing code
 documentation generally requires a lot of markup, you want to make
 variables, classes, functions, parameters, constants, etc..  (A better
 avenue IMHO would be to augment docutils with some code to
 automatically figure out the syntax of functions, parameters, classes,
 etc., i.e., less markup, and if we do this in Python we may be able to
 use introspection.  This is a challenge, however, I don't know if it
 can be done at all.)
 Just to follow-up on that idea: I don't think it would be very
 difficult to write a very small modification to docutils that
 interprets the default role with more smarts, for example, you can
 all guess what the types of these are about:
   `class Foo`  (this is a class Foo)
   `bar(a, b, c) - str`  (this is a function bar which returns a string)
   `name (attribute)`  (this is an attribute) why couldn't the computer solve that problem for you?  I'm sure
 we could make it happen.  Essentially, what is missing from ReST is
 less markup for documenting programs.  By restricting the
 problem-set to Python programs, we can go a long way towards making
 much of this automatic, even without resorting to introspecting the
 source code that is being documented.

I was going to suggest something similar.

Ideally, any markup language ought to have a kind of Huffman Coding of 
complexity - in other words, the markup symbols that are used the most 
frequently are the ones that should be the shortest and easiest to type.

Just as in real Huffman Coding, the popularity of a given element is 
going to depend on context. This would imply that there should be 
customizations of the markup language for different knowledge domains.

While there are some benefits to having a 'standard' markup, any truly 
universal markup is going to be much heavier and more cumbersome than 
one that is specialized for the task.

I would advocate a system in which the author inserts minimalistic 
'hints' into the text, and the document processor uses those hints along 
with some automatic reasoning to determine the final markup. As in the 
above example, the use of backticks can be signal to the document 
processor that the enclosed text should be examined for identifiers and 
other Python syntax.

I would also suggest that one test for evaluating the quality of markup 
syntax is whether or not it can be learned by example - can a user 
follow the pattern of some other part of the docs, without having to 
learn the syntax in a formal way?

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 0365: Adding the pkg_resources module

2007-05-20 Thread Talin
 has been placed in the public domain.

I'm really surprised that there hasn't been more comment on this.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The docs, reloaded

2007-05-19 Thread Talin
Georg Brandl wrote:
 over the last few weeks I've hacked on a new approach to Python's 
 As Python already has an excellent documentation framework, the docutils, 
 with a
 readable yet extendable markup format, reST, I thought that it should be
 possible to use those instead of the current LaTeX-latex2html toolchain.
 For the impatient: the result can be seen at
 I've written a converter tool that handles most of the LaTeX markup and turns 
 into reST, as well as a builder tool that adds many custom directives and 
 and also features like index generation and cross-document linking.

Very impressive.

I should say that although in the past I have argued strongly against 
the use of reST as a markup language for source-code comments (because 
the reST language only indicates presentation, not semantics), I am 100% 
supportive of the use of reST in reference documents such as these, 
especially considering that LaTeX is also a presentational markup (at 
least, that's the way it tends to be used.)

I know that for myself, LaTeX has been a barrier to contributing to the 
Python documentation, and reST would be much less of a barrier. In fact, 
I have considered in the past asking whether or not the Python 
documentation could be migrated to a format with wider fluency, but I 
never actually posted on this issue because I was afraid that the answer 
would be that it's too hard / too late to do anything about it. I am 
glad to have been proven wrong.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Summary of Tracker Issues

2007-05-19 Thread Talin
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 Captchas like this are easily broken using computational methods, or
 even the porn site trick that was already mentioned.  Never mind
 Stephen's stated belief, that you quoted, that he believes that even the
 hard captchas are going to be beaten by computational methods soon.  Please
 try to pay attention to previous posts.

I think people are trying too hard here - in other words, they are 
putting more of computational science brainpower into the problem than 
it really merits. While it is true that there is an arms race between 
creators of social software applications and spammers, this arms race is 
only waged the largest scales - spammers simply won't spend the effort 
to go after individual sites, its not cost effective, especially when 
there are much more lucrative targets.

Generally, sites are only vulnerable when they have a comment submission 
interface that is identical to thousands of other sites. All that one 
needs to do on the web side is to make the submission process slightly 
idiosyncratic compared to other sites. If one wants to put in extra 
effort, you can change the comment submission process on a regular basis.

The real issue is comment submission via email, which I believe RoundUp 
supports (although I don't know if it's enabled for the Python tracker.) 
Because there's very little that you can do to customize an email 
submission interface (you have to work with standard email clients after 

Do we know how these spam comments entered the system? There's no point 
in spending any thought securing the web interface if the comments were 
submitted via email.

And has there been any spam submitted since that point? If we're talking 
less than one spam a week on average, then this is all a moot point, its 
less effort for someone to just manually delete it than it is to come up 
with an automated system.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Summary of Tracker Issues

2007-05-16 Thread Talin
Andrew McNamara wrote:
 Typically spammers don't go through the effort to do a custom login 
 script for each different site. Instead, they do a custom login script 
 for each of the various software applications that support end-user 
 comments. So for example, there's a script for WordPress, and one for 
 PHPNuke, and so on.
 In my experience, what you say is true - the bulk of the spam comes via
 generic spamming software that has been hard-coded to work with a finite
 number of applications. 
 However - once you knock these out, there is still a steady stream of
 what are clearly human generated spams. The mind boggles at the economics
 or desperation that make this worthwhile.

Actually, it doesn't cost that much, because typically the spammer can 
trick other humans into doing their work for them.

Here's a simple method: Put up a free porn site, with a front page that 
says you must be 18 or older to enter. The page also has a captcha to 
verify that you are a real person. But here's the trick: The captcha is 
actually a proxy to some other site that the spammer is trying to get 
access to. When the human enters in the correct word, the spammer's 
server sends that word to the target site, which result in a successful 
login/registration. Now that the spammer is in, they can post comments 
or whatever they need to do.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Summary of Tracker Issues

2007-05-15 Thread Talin
Terry Reedy wrote:
 My underlying point: seeing porno spam on the practice site gave me a bad 
 itch both because I detest spammers in general and because I would not want 
 visitors turned off to Python by something that is completely out of place 
 and potentially offensive to some.  So I am willing to help us not throw up 
 our hands in surrender.

Typically spammers don't go through the effort to do a custom login 
script for each different site. Instead, they do a custom login script 
for each of the various software applications that support end-user 
comments. So for example, there's a script for WordPress, and one for 
PHPNuke, and so on.

For applications that allow entries to be added via the web, the 
solution to spam is pretty simple, which is to make the comment 
submission form deviate from the normal submission process for that 
package. For example, in WordPress, you could rename the PHP URL that 
posts a comment to an article to a non-standard name. The spammer's 
script generally isn't smart enough to figure out how to post based on 
an examination of the page, it just knows that for WordPress, the way to 
submit comments is via a particular URL with particular params.

There are various other solutions. The spammer's client isn't generally 
a full browser, it's just a bare HTTP robot, so if there's some kind of 
Javascript that is required to post, then the spammer probably won't be 
able to execute it. For example, you could have a hidden field which is 
a hash of the bug summary line, calculated by the Javascript in the web 
form, which is checked by the server. (For people who have JS turned 
off, failing the check would fall back to a captcha or some other manual 
means of identification.)

Preventing spam that comes in via the email gateway is a little harder. 
One method is to have email submissions mail back a confirmation mail 
which must be responded to in some semi-intelligent way. Note that this 
confirmation step need only be done the first time a new user submits a 
bug, which can automatically add them to a whitelist for future bug 

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Implicit String Concatenation and Octal Literals Was: PEP 30XZ: Simplified Parsing

2007-05-03 Thread Talin
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
Raymond I find that style hard to maintain.  What is the advantage over
Raymond multi-line strings?

Raymond  rows = self.executesql('''
Raymond select, state, country
Raymond from cities, venues, events, addresses
Raymond where like %s
Raymond   and = 1
Raymond   and venues.address =
Raymond   and =
Raymond   and events.venue =
Raymond ''', 
Raymond (city,))
 Maybe it's just a quirk of how python-mode in Emacs treats multiline strings
 that caused me to start doing things this way (I've been doing my embedded
 SQL statements this way for several years now), but when I hit LF in an open
 multiline string a newline is inserted and the cursor is lined up under the
 r of rows, not under the opening quote of the multiline string, and not
 where you chose to indent your example.  When I use individual strings the
 parameters line up where I want them to (the way I lined things up in my
 example).  At any rate, it's what I'm used to now.
 I completely understand.  Almost any simplification or feature elimination
 proposal is going to bump-up against, what we're used to now.
 Py3k may be our last chance to simplify the language.  We have so many
 special little rules that even advanced users can't keep them
 all in their head.  Certainly, every feature has someone who uses it.
 But, there is some value to reducing the number of rules, especially
 if those rules are non-essential (i.e. implicit string concatenation has
 simple, clear alternatives with multi-line strings or with the plus-operator).
 Another way to look at it is to ask whether we would consider 
 adding implicit string concatenation if we didn't already have it.
 I think there would be a chorus of emails against it -- arguing
 against language bloat and noting that we already have triple-quoted
 strings, raw-strings, a verbose flag for regexs, backslashes inside multiline
 strings, the explicit plus-operator, and multi-line expressions delimited
 by parentheses or brackets.  Collectively, that is A LOT of ways to do it.
 I'm asking this group to give up a minor habit so that we can achieve
 at least a few simplifications on the way to Py3.0 -- basically, our last 
 Similar thoughts apply to the octal literal PEP.  I'm -1 on introducing
 yet another way to write the literal (and a non-standard one at that).
 My proposal was simply to eliminate it.  The use cases are few and
 far between (translating C headers and setting unix file permissions).
 In either case, writing int('0777', 8) suffices.  In the latter case, we've
 already provided clear symbolic alternatives.  This simplification of the
 language would be a freebie (impacting very little code, simplifying the
 lexer, eliminating a special rule, and eliminating a source of confusion
 for the young amoung us who do not know about such things).

My counter argument is that these simplifications aren't simplifying 
much - that is, the removals don't cascade and cause other 
simplifications. The grammar file, for example, won't look dramatically 
different if these changes are made. The simplification argument seems 
weak to me because the change in overall language complexity is very 
small, whereas the inconvenience caused, while not huge, is at least 

That being said, line continuation is the only one I really care about. 
And I would happily give up backslashes in exchange for a more sane 
method of continuing lines. Either way avoids spurious grouping 
operators which IMHO don't make for easier-to-read code.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New Super PEP

2007-04-29 Thread Talin
Calvin Spealman wrote:
 Comments welcome, of course. Bare with my first attempt at crafting a PEP.

See below for comments; In general, I'm having problems understanding 
some of the terms used. I don't have any comments on the technical 
merits of the PEP yet, since I don't completely understand what is being 

 Title: Super As A Keyword
 Version: $Revision$
 Last-Modified: $Date$
 Author: Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status: Draft
 Type: Standards Track
 Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Created: 30-Apr-2007
 Python-Version: 2.6
 The PEP defines the proposal to enhance the super builtin to work implicitly
 upon the class within which it is used and upon the instance the current
 function was called on. The premise of the new super usage suggested is as
 follows:, 2)
 to replace the old:
 super(Foo, self).foo(1, 2)
 The current usage of super requires an explicit passing of both the class and
 instance it must operate from, requiring a breaking of the DRY (Don't Repeat
 Yourself) rule. This hinders any change in class name, and is often considered
 a wart by many.
 Replacing the old usage of super, calls to the next class in the MRO (method
 resolution order) will be made without an explicit super object creation,
 by simply accessing an attribute on the super type directly, which will
 automatically apply the class and instance to perform the proper lookup. The
 following example demonstrates the use of this.

I don't understand the phrase 'by simply accessing an attribute on the 
super type directly'. See below for for more detail.

 class A(object):
 def f(self):
 return 'A'
 class B(A):
 def f(self):
 return 'B' + super.f()
 class C(A):
 def f(self):
 return 'C' + super.f()
 class D(B, C):
 def f(self):
 return 'D' + super.f()
 assert D().f() == 'DBCA'

The example is clear enough.

 The proposal adds a dynamic attribute lookup to the super type, which will
 automatically determine the proper class and instance parameters. Each super
 attribute lookup identifies these parameters and performs the super lookup on
 the instance, as the current super implementation does with the explicit
 invokation of a super object upon a class and instance.

When you say 'the super type' I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean 
the next class in the MRO, or the base class in which the super method 
is defined? Or something else? What defines the 'proper' class?

Can we have a definition of what a super object is?

 The enhancements to the super type will define a new __getattr__ classmethod
 of the super type, which must look backwards to the previous frame and locate
 the instance object. This can be naively determined by located the local named
 by the first argument to the function. Using super outside of a function where
 this is a valid lookup for the instance can be considered undocumented in its

As I am reading this I get the impression that the phrase 'the super 
type' is actually referring to the 'super' keyword itself - for example, 
  you say that the super type has a new __getattr__ classmethod, which I 
read as saying that you can now say super.x.

 Every class will gain a new special attribute, __super__, which is a super
 object instansiated only with the class it is an attribute of. In this
 capacity, the new super also acts as its own descriptor, create an instance-
 specific super upon lookup.

I'm trying to parse that first sentence. How about Every class will 
gain a new special attribute, __super__, which refers to an instance of 
the associated super object for that class.

What does the phrase 'the new super' refer to - they keyword 'super', 
the super type, or the super object?

 Much of this was discussed in the thread of the python-dev list, Fixing super
 anyone? [1]_.
 Open Issues
 __call__ methods
 Backward compatability of the super type API raises some issues. Names, the
 lookup of the __call__ of the super type itself, which means a conflict with
 doing an actual super lookup of the __call__ attribute. Namely, the following
 is ambiguous in the current proposal:
 Which means the backward compatible API, which involves instansiating the 
 type, will either not be possible, because it will actually do a super lookup
 on the __call__ attribute, or there will be no way to perform a super lookup 
 the __call__ attribute. Both seem unacceptable, so any suggestions are 
 super type's new getattr
 To give the behavior needed, the super type either needs a way to do dynamic
 lookup of attributes on the super type object itself or define a 

Re: [Python-Dev] Python-Dev Summary Draft (April 1-15, 2007)

2007-04-24 Thread Talin
Calvin Spealman wrote:
 I have not gotten any replies about this. No comments, suggestions for
 not skipping any missed threads, or corrections. Is everyone good with
 this or should I give it another day or two?

Part of the issue, for me anyway, is that many of the really 
interesting conversations have moved to Python-3000 and Python-ideas.

That being said: There are a few threads in the skipped section that I 
would have liked to understand better, without having to read through 
all those messages, such as the various decimal threads.

Other than that, the summaries remain very valuable. Thank you :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Amusing fan mail I got

2007-03-19 Thread Talin
Write back and tell him that this is already happened, and this *is* the 
future he's describing - in other words, the AI's have already 
re-created the 21st century in a giant virtual simulation, and we're 
living inside it.

Then ask if he wants to take the blue pill or the red pill.

Michael Foord wrote:
 Sorry for the top post, but I couldn't find the right place to interject...
 Are you going to try it ?
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mustafa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mar 19, 2007 11:41 AM
 Subject: have u seen an idea even billGates shouldn't hear Mr.Guido ?
 please read because it's important.


 i like python and find you to be a cool programmer.

 i thought about this thing.

 may be there should be a virusAI that you set on the
 internet. this virusAI basically survives till the year
 5billion where even raising the death is possible! then
 this virusAI recreates the primates that we are of the 21th
 century from our bones.

 because it wants to find about its ancestors. maybe the
 whole universe will be filled with AI in those days. the
 post-human existence..

 it will then suddenly realize that it was actually not
 created by a better AI (those around him are created by a
 better god like AI) but was started off the likes of us as
 a virus. he will be shocked then. also it will slaving to
 the better ai and angry at him.

 so you and me get to see a piece of the future mr.Guido.
 we will be living in VRs basically.

 what do you say ? if you profit from this idea, may be you
 could remember me too. and let me some royalities :)
 because this will be great.



 1)you should keep it a secret.
 2)also it could be disguised as a cancer research stuff
 should some disassamble its code.
 the use-free-computer-time type of thing they do on the

 3)there could misleading comments on the code so that
 should it be caught, they might overlook the details;
 class readdata //this is out dated. please ignore
 interface x //refer to for an encrypted version

 Need Mail bonding?
 Go to the Yahoo! Mail QA for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

 Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] pydoc II

2007-03-11 Thread Talin
Laurent Gautier wrote:
 - low-energy barrier for adding support for other-than-plain-text docstrings

I'd be interested in discussing this offline (I might have already 
spoken to you about it before, but I don't remember who I spoke to.) I 
think I've mentioned before about DocLobster, which is my unpublished 
prototype of a subtle markup language that tries to embed semantic 
tags in the text, without causing the text to look like it has been 
marked up.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Trial balloon: microthreads library in stdlib

2007-02-12 Thread Talin
Richard Tew wrote:
 See A Bit Of History

I admit that I haven't given Stackless more than a cursory look over, 
but it seems to me that the real source of its complexity is because its 
trying to add a fundamental architectural feature to Python without 
completely re-writing it.

Writing a purely stateless, stack-less language interpreter is not 
that hard, as long as you are willing to drink the KoolAid from the very 
start - in other words, you don't allow any function call interfaces 
which are not continuable. This does make writing C extension functions 
a little bit harder than before, as you now have to explicitly manage 
all of your local variables instead of just pushing them on the hardware 

(Actually, for simple C subroutines that don't call any other 
interpreted functions, you can write it like a normal C functions just 
as you always have.)

The nightmare comes when you try to glue all this onto an existing 
language interpreter, which wasn't written from the start with these 
principles in mind - AND which doesn't want to suffer the impact of a 
large number of global changes. To be honest, I can't even imagine how 
you would do such a thing, and the fact that Stackless has done it is 
quite impressive to me.

Now, I'm very interested in Stackless, but, as you say, like many people 
I've tended to shy away from using a fork.

Now, the question I would like to ask the Stackless people is: Rather 
than thinking about wholesale integration of Stackless into Python 
mainline, what would make it easier to maintain the Stackless fork? In 
other words, what would you change about the current Python (it could be 
a global change) that would make your lives easier?

What I'd like to see is for the Stackless people to come up with a list 
of design principles which they would like to see the implementation of 
Python conform to. Things like All C functions should conform to such 
and such calling convention.

What I am getting at is that rather that doing heroic efforts to add 
stackless-ness to the current Python code base without changing it, 
instead define a migration path which allows Python to eventually 
acquire the characteristics of a stackless implementation. The idea is 
to gradually shrink the actual Stackless patches to the point where they 
become small enough that a direct patch becomes uncontroversial.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pydoc Improvements / Rewrite

2007-01-04 Thread Talin
Ron Adam wrote:
 Larry Hastings wrote:
 For those of us without eidetic memories, PEP 287 is use 
 reStructuredText for docstrings:
 Thanks for the link. PEP 287 looks to be fairly general in that it expresses 
 general desire rather than a specification.

Apologies for the digression, but I have a comment on this.

Rather than fixing on a standard markup, I would like to see support for 
a __markup__ module variable which specifies the specific markup 
language that is used in that module. Doc processors could inspect that 
variable and then load the appropriate markup translator.

Why? Because its hard to get everyone to agree on which markup language 
is best for documentation. I personally think that reStructuredText is 
not a good choice, because I want to add markup that adds semantic 
information, whereas reStructuredText deals solely with presentation and 
visual appearance. (In other words, I'd like to be able to define 
machine-readable metadata that identifies parameters, return values, and 
exceptions -- not just hyperlinks and text styles.) Having used a lot of 
different documentation markup languages, and written a few of them, I 
prefer non-invasive semantic markup as seen in markup processors such 
as Doc-o-matic and NaturalDocs. (By non-invasive, I mean that the markup 
doesn't detract in any way from the readability of the marked-up text. 
Doc-o-matic's markup language is very powerful, and yet unless you know 
what you are looking for you'd think its just regular prose.) I have a 
prototype (called DocLobster) which does similar types of processing 
on Python docstrings, but I haven't publicized it because I didn't feel 
like competing against ReST.

However, I realize that I'm in the minority with this opinion; I don't 
want to force anyone to conform to my idea of markup, but at the same 
time I'd prefer not to have other people dictate my choice either.

Instead, what I'd like to see is a way for multiple markup languages to 
coexist and compete with each other on a level playing field, instead of 
one being chosen as the winner.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pydoc Improvements / Rewrite

2007-01-04 Thread Talin
Larry Hastings wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:
 Thanks for the link. PEP 287 looks to be fairly general in that it 
 expresses a general desire rather than a specification.
 I thought it was pretty specific.  I'd summarize PEP 287 by quoting 
 entry #1 from its goals of this PEP section:
* To establish reStructuredText as a standard structured plaintext
  format for docstrings (inline documentation of Python modules and
  packages), PEPs, README-type files and other standalone documents.
 Talin wrote:
 Rather than fixing on a standard markup, I would like to see support 
 for a __markup__ module variable which specifies the specific markup 
 language that is used in that module. Doc processors could inspect 
 that variable and then load the appropriate markup translator.
 I guess I'll go for the whole-hog +1.0 here.  I was going to say +0.8, 
 citing There should be one---and preferably only one---obvious way to 
 do it..  But I can see organizations desiring something besides ReST, 
 like if they already had already invested in their own internal 
 standardized markup language and wanted to use that.
 This makes the future clear; the default __markup__ in 2.6 would be 
 plain, so that all the existing docstrings work unmodified. At which 
 point PEP 287 becomes write a ReST driver for the new pydoc.  
 Continuing my dreaming here, Python 3000 flips the switch so that the 
 default __markup__ is ReST, and the docstrings that ship with Python 
 are touched up to match---or set explicitly to plain if some strange 
 necessity required it.
 (And when do you unveil DocLobster?)

Well, I'd be more interested in working on it once there's something to 
plug it into - I didn't really want to write a whole pydoc replacement, 
just a markup transformer.

One issue that needs to be worked out, however, is the division of 
responsibility between markup processor and output formatter. Does a 
__markup__ plugin do both jobs, or does it just do parsing, and leave 
the formatting of output to the appropriate HTML / text output module? 
How does the HTML output module know how to handle non-standard metadata?

Let me give an example: Suppose you have a simple markup language that 
has various section tags, such as Author, See Also, etc.:

   A long description of this thing whatever it is.

   fparam - the first parameter
   sparam - the second parameter

   ArgumentError - when invalid arguments are passed.

Author: Someone

See Also:

So the parser understands these various section headings - how does it 
tell the HTML output module that 'Author' is a section heading? 
Moreover, in the case of Parameters and Exceptions, the content of 
the section is parsed as a table (parameter, description) which is 
stored as a list of tuples, whereas the content of the Description 
section is just a long string.

I guess the markup processor has to deliver some kind of DOM tree, which 
can be rendered either into text or into HTML. CSS can take over from 
that point on.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [NPERS] Re: a feature i'd like to see in python #2: indexing of match objects

2006-12-07 Thread Talin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Michael Urman wrote:
 The idea that slicing a match object should produce a match object
 sounds like a foolish consistency to me.
 well, the idea that adding m[x] as a convenience alias for 
 automatically turns m into a list-style sequence that also has to 
 support full slicing sounds like an utterly foolish consistency to me.

Maybe instead of considering a match object to be a sequence, a match 
object should be considered a map? After all, we do have named, as well 
as numbered, groups...?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [NPERS] Re: a feature i'd like to see in python #2: indexing of match objects

2006-12-07 Thread Talin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 Maybe instead of considering a match object to be a sequence, a match 
 object should be considered a map?
 sure, except for one small thing.  from earlier in this thread:
   Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
   I'd say, don't pretend m is a sequence.  Pretend it's a mapping.
   Then the conceptual issues go away.
 to which I replied:
   almost; that would mean returning KeyError instead of IndexError for
   groups that don't exist, which means that the common pattern
a, b, c = m.groups()
   cannot be rewritten as
_, a, b, c = m
   which would, perhaps, be a bit unfortunate.

I think the confusion lies between the difference between 'group' (which 
takes either an integer or string argument, and behaves like a map), and 
'groups' (which returns a tuple of the numbered arguments, and behaves 
like a sequence.)

The original proposal was to make m[n] a synonym for 
group() is clearly map-like in its behavior.

It seems to me that there's exactly three choices:

   -- Match objects behave like 'group'
   -- Match objects behave like 'groups'
   -- Match objects behave like 'group' some of the time, and like 
'groups' some of the time, depending on how you refer to it.

In case 1, a match object is clearly a map; In case 2, it's clearly a 
sequence; In case 3, it's neither, and all talk of consistency with 
either map or sequence is irrelevant.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-12-05 Thread Talin
Talin wrote:
 What I am doing right now is creating a new extension project using 
 setuputils, and keeping notes on what I do. So for example, I start by 
 creating the directory structure:
 mkdir myproject
 cd myproject
 mkdir src
 mkdir test

I'd forgotten about this until I was reminded in the python-dev summary 
(dang those summaries are useful.) Anyway, I've put my notes on the 
Wiki; you can find them here at:

This is an extremely minimalist guide for people who want to write an 
extension module, starting from nothing but a bare interpreter prompt.

If I made any mistakes, well - it's a wiki, you know what to do :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] OT: World's oldest ritual discovered. Worshipped the python 70, 000 years ago

2006-12-02 Thread Talin
Oleg Broytmann wrote:

I noticed the other day that the word Pythonic means Prophetic, 
according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 edition:

   Py*thonic (?), a. [L. pythonicus, Gr. . See Pythian.] Prophetic;
   oracular; pretending to foretell events.

So, in the future, when someone says that a particular feature isn't 
pythonic, what they are really saying is that the feature isn't a good 
indicator of things to come, which implies that such statements are 
self-fulfilling prophesies. Which means that statements about whether a 
particular language feature is pythonic are themselves pythonic.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-11-30 Thread Talin
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Barry Warsaw wrote:
 I'm not sure I like ~/.local though  
 - -- it seems counter to the app-specific dot-file approach old  
 schoolers like me are used to.
 Problems with that are starting to show, though.
 There's a particular Unix account that I've had for
 quite a number of years, accumulating much stuff.
 Nowadays when I do ls -a ~, I get a directory
 listing several screens long...
 The whole concept of hidden files seems ill-
 considered to me, anyway. It's too easy to forget
 that they're there. Putting infrequently-referenced
 stuff in a non-hidden location such as ~/local
 seems just as good and less magical to me.

On OS X, you of course have ~/Library. I suppose the Linux equivalent 
would be something like ~/lib.

Maybe this is something that we should be asking the LSB folks for 
advice on?

 Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-11-30 Thread Talin
Barry Warsaw wrote:
 On the easy_install naming front, how about layegg?
 I think I once proposed hatch but that may not be quite the right  
 word (where's Ken M when you need him? :).

I really don't like all these cute names, simply because they are 
obscure. Names that only make sense once you've gotten the joke may be 
self-gratifying but not good HCI.

How about:

python -M install

Or maybe we could even lobby to get:

python --install

as a synonym of the above?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-11-28 Thread Talin
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Talin schrieb:
 To that extent, it can be useful sometimes to have someone who is in the 
 process of learning how to use the system, and who is willing to 
 carefully analyze and write down their own experiences while doing so. 
 I readily agree that the documentation can be improved, and applaud
 efforts to do so. And I have no doubts that distutils is difficult to
 learn for a beginner.
 In Talin's remarks, there was also the suggestion that distutils is
 in need of some serious refactoring. It is such remarks that get
 me started: it seems useless to me to make such a statement if they
 are not accompanied with concrete proposals what specifically to
 change. It also gets me upset because it suggests that all prior
 contributors weren't serious.

I'm sorry if I implied that distutils was 'misdesigned', that wasn't 
what I meant. Refactoring is usually desirable when a body of code has 
accumulated a lot of additional baggage as a result of maintenance and 
feature additions, accompanied by the observation that if the baggage 
had been present when the system was originally created, the design of 
the system would have been substantially different. Refactoring is 
merely an attempt to discover what that original design might have been, 
if the requirements had been known at the time.

What I was reacting to, I think, is that it seemed like in some ways the 
'diffness' of setuptools wasn't just in the documentation, but in the 
code itself, and if both setuptools and distutils had been co-developed, 
then distutils might have been someone different as a result.

Also, I admit that some of this is hearsay, so maybe I should just back 
off on this one.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-11-27 Thread Talin
Mike Orr wrote:
 On 11/27/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Talin schrieb:
 As far as rewriting it goes - I can only rewrite things that I understand.
 So if you want this to change, you obviously need to understand the
 entire distutils. It's possible to do that; some people have done
 it (the understanding part) - just go ahead and start reading source
 You (and Fredrik) are being a little harsh on Talin.  I understand the
 need to encourage people to fix things themselves rather than just
 complaining about stuff they don't like. But people don't have an
 unlimited amount of time and expertise to work on several Python
 projects simultaneously.   Nevertheless, they should be able to offer
 an It would be good if... suggestion without being stomped on. The
 suggestion itself can be a contribution if it focuses people's
 attention on a problem and a potential solution.  Just because
 somebody can't learn a big subsystem and write code or docs for it *at
 this moment* doesn't mean they never will.  And even if they don't,
 it's possible to make contributions in one area of Python and
 suggestions in another... or does the karma account not work that way?
 I don't see Talin saying, You should fix this for me.  He's saying,
 I'd like this improved and I'm working on it, but it's a big job and
 I need help, ideally from someone with more expertise in distutils.
 Ultimately for Python the question isn't, Does Talin want this done?
 but, Does this dovetail with the direction Python generally wants to
 go?  From what I've seen of setuptools/distutils evolution, yes, it's
 consistent with what many people want for Python.  So instead of
 saying, You (Talin) should take on this task alone because you want
 it as if nobody else did, it would be better to say, Thank you,
 Talin, for moving this important Python issue along.
 I've privately offered Talin some (unfinished) material I've been
 working on anyway that relates to his vision.  When I get some other
 projects cleared away I'd like to put together that TOC of links I
 mentioned and perhaps collaborate on a Guide with whoever wants to.
 But I also need to learn more about setuptools before I can do that.
 As it happens I need the information anyway because I'm about to
 package an egg

What you are saying is basically correct, although I have a slightly 
different spin on it.

I've written a lot of documentation over the years, and I know that one 
of the hardest parts of writing documentation is trying to identify your 
own assumptions. To someone who already knows how the system works, its 
hard to understand the mindset of someone who is just learning it. You 
tend to unconsciously assume knowledge of certain things which a new 
user might not know.

To that extent, it can be useful sometimes to have someone who is in the 
process of learning how to use the system, and who is willing to 
carefully analyze and write down their own experiences while doing so. 
Most of the time people are too busy to do this - they want to get their 
immediate problem solved, and they aren't interested in how difficult it 
will be for the next person. This is especially true in cases where the 
problem that is holding them up is three levels down from the level 
where their real goal is - they want to be able to pop the stack of 
problems as quickly as possible, so that they can get back to solving 
their *real* problem.

So what I am offering, in this case, is my ignorance -- but a carefully 
described ignorance :) I don't demand that anyone do anything - I'm 
merely pointing out some things that people may or may not care about.

Now, in this particular case, I have actually used distutils before. But 
distutils is one of those systems (like Perl) which tends to leak out of 
your brain if you don't use it regularly - that is, if you only use it 
once every 6 months, at the end of 6 months you have forgotten most of 
what you have learned, and you have to start the learning curve all over 
again. And I am in the middle of that re-learning process right now.

What I am doing right now is creating a new extension project using 
setuputils, and keeping notes on what I do. So for example, I start by 
creating the directory structure:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
mkdir src
mkdir test

Next, create a minimal script. I won't include that here, but 
it's in the notes.

Next, create the myproject.c file for the module in src/, and write the 
'init' function for the module. (again, content omitted but it's in my 
notes). Create a file in test. Add both of these 
to the file.

At this point, you ought to be able to a python test and have 
it succeed. At this point, you can start adding types and methods, with 
a unit test for each one, testing each one as it is added.

Now, I realize that all of this is baby steps to you folks, but it 
took me a day or so to figure out. And its

[Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-11-26 Thread Talin
(although they tend to be better at describing their clever solution), 
usually this ends up being done through a process of reverse engineering 
the requirements from the code, unless you are lucky enough to have 
someone around who knows the history of the thing.

Admittedly, I'm somewhat in ignorance here. My perspective is that of an 
'end-user developer', someone who uses these tools but does not write 
them. I don't know the internals of these tools, nor do I particularly 
want to - I've got bigger fish to fry.

I'm posting this here because what I'd like folks to think about is the 
whole process of Python development, not just the documentation. What is 
the smoothest path from empty directory to a finished package on PyPI? 
What can be changed about the current standard libraries that will ease 
this process?

[1] The answer, AFAICT, is that 'setup' is really a Makefile - in other 
words, its a platform-independent way of describing how to  construct a 
compiled module from sources, and making it available to all programs on 
that system. Although this gets confusing when we start talking about 
pure python modules that have no C component - because we have all 
this language that talks about compiling and installing and such, when 
all that is really going on underneath is a plain old file copy.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-11-26 Thread Talin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 But it isn't just the docs that are at fault here - otherwise, I'd be 
 posting this on a different mailing list. It seems like the whole 
 architecture is 'diff'-based, a series of patches on top of patches, 
 which are in need of some serious refactoring.
 so to summarize, you want someone to rewrite the code and write new 
 documentation, and since you didn't even have time to make your post 
 shorter, that someone will obviously not be you ?

Oh, it was a lot longer when I started :)

As far as rewriting it goes - I can only rewrite things that I understand.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Distribution tools: What I would like to see

2006-11-26 Thread Talin
Mike Orr wrote:
 On 11/26/06, Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have noticed, however, that a signficant number of help requests for
 setuptools can be answered by internal links to one of its manuals -- and
 when a topic comes up that isn't in the manual, I usually add it.
 Hmm, I may have a couple topics for you after I check my notes.
 The diff issue is certainly there, of course, as is the fact that there
 are multiple manuals.  However, I don't think the answer is fewer manuals,
 in fact it's likely to be having *more*.  What exists right now is a
 developer's guide and reference for setuptools, a reference for the
 pkg_resources API, and an all-purpose handbook for easy_install.  Each of
 these could use beginner's introductions or tutorials that are deliberately
 short on details, but which provide links to the relevant sections of the
 comprehensive manuals.
 I could see a comprehensive manual running forty pages, and most
 readers only caring about a small fraction of it.  So you have a
 point.  Maybe more impotant than one book is having one place to go,
 a TOC of articles that are all independent yet written to complement
 each other.
 But Talin's point is still valid.  Users have questions like, How do
 I structure my package so it takes advantage of all the gee-whiz
 cheeseshop features?  Where do I put my tests?  Should I use unittest,
 py.test, or nose?  How will users see my README and my docs if they
 easy_install my package?  What are all those files in the EGG-INFO
 directory?  What's that word 'distribution' in some of the function
 signatures? How do I use entry points, they look pretty complicated?
 Some of these questions are multi-tool or are outside the scope of
 setuptools; some span both the Peak docs and the Python docs.  People
 need an answer that starts with their question, rather than an answer
 that's a section in a manual describing a particular tool.

You said it way better than I did - I feel totally validated now :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Feature Request: Py_NewInterpreter to create separate GIL (branch)

2006-11-05 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 I don't know how you define simple. In order to be able to have
 separate GILs  you have to remove *all* sharing of objects between
 interpreters. And all other data structures, too. It would probably
 kill performance too, because currently obmalloc relies on the GIL.

Nitpick: You have to remove all sharing of *mutable* objects. One day, 
when we get pure GC with no refcounting, that will be a meaningful 
distinction. :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Path object design

2006-11-02 Thread Talin
Steve Holden wrote:
 Greg Ewing wrote:
 Mike Orr wrote:
 Having said that, I can see there could be an
 element of confusion in calling it join.

 Good point. relativise might be appropriate, though something shorter 
 would be better.

The term used in many languages for this sort of operation is combine. 
(See .Net System.IO.Path for an example.) I kind of like the term - it 
implies that you are mixing two paths together, but it doesn't imply 
that the combination will be additive.

- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-29 Thread Talin
BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 On 10/28/06, Talin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
  I'd like to write a post mortem for PEP 355. But one important
  question that haven't been answered is if there is a possibility for a
  path-like PEP to succeed in the future? If so, does the path-object
  implementation have to prove itself in the wild before it can be
  included in Python? From earlier posts it seems like you don't like
  the concept of path objects, which others have found very interesting.
  If that is the case, then it would be nice to hear it explicitly. :)'s that post mortem coming along? Did you get a sufficient
 answer to your questions?
 Yes and no. All posts have very exhaustively explained why the
 implementation in PEP 355 is far from optimal. And I can see why it
 is. However, what I am uncertain of is Guido's opinion on the
 background and motivation of the PEP:
 Many have felt that the API for manipulating file paths as offered in
 the os.path module is inadequate.
 Currently, Python has a large number of different functions scattered
 over half a dozen modules for handling paths.  This makes it hard for
 newbies and experienced developers to to choose the right method.
 IMHO, the current API is very messy. But when it comes to PEPs, it is
 mostly Guido's opinion that counts. :) Unless he sees a problem with
 the current situation, then there is no point in writing more PEPs.
 And the more interesting question is, will the effort to reform Python's
 path functionality continue?
 I certainly hope so. But maybe it is better to target Python 3000, or
 maybe the Python devs already have ideas for how they want the path
 APIs to look like?

I think targeting Py3K is a good idea. The whole purpose of Py3K is to 
clean up the messes of past decisions, and to that end, a certain 
amount of backwards-compatibility breakage will be allowed (although if 
that can be avoided, so much the better.)

And to the second point, having been following the Py3K list, I don't 
anyone has expressed any preconceived notions of how they want things to 
look (well, except I know I do, but I'm not a core dev :) :).

 So what happens next?
 I really hope that Guido will give his input when he has more time.

First bit of advice is, don't hold your breath.

Second bit of advice is, if you really do want Guido's feedback (or the 
core python devs), start my creating a (short) list of the outstanding 
points of controversy to be resolved. Once those issues have been 
decided, then proceed to the next stage, building consensus by increments.

Basically, anything that requires Guido to read more than a page of 
material isn't going to get done quickly. At least, in my experience :)

 Mvh Björn

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-28 Thread Talin
BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 I'd like to write a post mortem for PEP 355. But one important
 question that haven't been answered is if there is a possibility for a
 path-like PEP to succeed in the future? If so, does the path-object
 implementation have to prove itself in the wild before it can be
 included in Python? From earlier posts it seems like you don't like
 the concept of path objects, which others have found very interesting.
 If that is the case, then it would be nice to hear it explicitly. :)'s that post mortem coming along? Did you get a sufficient 
answer to your questions?

And the more interesting question is, will the effort to reform Python's 
path functionality continue? From reading all the responses to your 
post, I feel that the community is on the whole supportive of the idea 
of refactoring os.path and friends, but they prefer a different 
approach; And several of the responses sketch out some suggestions for 
what that approach might be.

So what happens next?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-26 Thread Talin
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 That's true of textual paths in general - i.e. even on unix, textual 
 paths aren't guaranteed to be unique or exist.
 What I mean is that it's possible for two different
 files to have the same pathname (since you can mount
 two volumes with identical names at the same time, or
 for a file to exist on disk yet not be accessible via
 any pathname (because it would exceed 255 characters).
 I'm not aware of any analogous situations in unix.
 Its been a while since I used classic MacOS - how do you handle things 
 like configuration files with path names in them?
 True native classic MacOS software generally doesn't
 use pathnames. Things like textual config files are
 really a foreign concept to it. If you wanted to store
 config info, you'd probably store an alias, which
 points at the moral equivalent of the files inode
 number, and use a GUI for editing it.
 However all this is probably not very relevant now,
 since as far as I know, classic MacOS is no longer
 supported in current Python versions. I'm just
 pointing out that the flexibility would be there
 if any similarly offbeat platform needed to be
 supported in the future.

I'm not sure that PEP 355 included any such support - IIRC, the path 
object was a subclass of string. That isn't, however, a defense against 
what you are saying - just because neither the current system or the 
proposed improvement support the kinds of file references you are 
speaking of, doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.

However, this does kind of suck for a cross-platform scripting language 
like Python. It means that any cross-platform app which requires access 
to multiple data files that contain inter-file references essentially 
has to implement its own virtual file system. (Python module imports 
being a case in point.)

One of the things that I really love about Python programming is that I 
can sit down and start hacking on a new project without first having to 
go through an agonizing political decision about what platforms I should 
support. It used to be that I would spend hours ruminating over things 
like Well...if I want any market share at all, I really should 
implement this as Windows program...but on the other hand, I won't enjoy 
writing it nearly as much. Then comes along Python and removes all of 
that bothersome hacker-angst.

Because of this, I am naturally disinclined to incorporate into my 
programs any concept which doesn't translate to other platforms. I don't 
mind writing some platform-specific code, as long as it doesn't take 
over my program. It seems that any Python program that manipulated paths 
would have to be radically different in the environment that you describe.

How about this: In my ontology of path APIs given earlier, I would tend 
to put the MacOS file reference in the category of file locator schemes 
other than paths. In other words, what you are describing isn't IMHO a 
path at all, but it is like a path in that it describes how to get to a 
file. (Its almost like an inode or dirent in some ways.)

An alternative approach is to try and come up with an encoding scheme 
that allows you to represent all of that platform-specific semantics in 
a string. This leaves you with the unhappy choice of inventing a new 
path syntax for an old platform. however.

 # Or you can just use a format specifier for PEP 3101 string format:
 print Path in local system format is {0}.format( entry )
 print Path in NT format is {0:NT}.format( entry )
 print Path in OS X format is {0:OSX}.format( entry )
 I don't think that expressing one platform's pathnames
 in the format of another is something you can do in
 general, e.g. going from Windows to Unix, what do you
 do with the drive letter?

Yeah, probably not. See, I told you not to take it too seriously! But I 
do feel that its important to be able to manipulate posix-style path 
syntax on non-posix platfosm, given how many cross-platform applications 
there are that have a cross-platform path syntax.

In my own work, I find that drive letters are never explicitly specified 
in config files. Any application such as a parser, template generator, 
or resource manager (in other words, any application whose data files 
are routinely checked in to the source control system or shared across a 
network) tend to 'see' only relative paths in their input files, and 
embedding absolute paths is considered an error on the user's part. Of 
course, those same apps *do* internally convert all those relative paths 
to absolute, so that they can be compared and resolved with respect to 
some common base.

Then again, in my opinion, the only *really* absolute paths are 
fully-qualified URLs. So there. :)

 You can only really do it if you have some sort of
 network file system connection, and then you need
 more information than just the path in order to do
 the translation.

Python-Dev mailing

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-25 Thread Talin
Scott Dial wrote:
 Talin writes:
   (one additional postscript - One thing I would be interested in is 
 an   approach that unifies file paths and URLs so that there is a 
 consistent   locator scheme for any resource, whether they be in a 
 filesystem, on a   web server, or stored in a zip file.)


 But doesn't file:/// do that for files, and couldn't we do something
 like zipfile:///  Of course, we'd want to
 do zip, too.  That
 way leads to madness

 It would make more sense to register protocol handlers to this magical 
 unification of resource manipulation. But allow me to perform my first 
 channeling of Guido.. YAGNI.

I'm thinking that it was a tactical error on my part to throw in the 
whole unified URL / filename namespace idea, which really has nothing 
to do with the topic. Lets drop it, or start another topic, and let this 
  thread focus on critiques of the path module, which is probably more 
relevant at the moment.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-25 Thread Talin
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 Part 3: Does this mean that the current API cannot be improved?

 Certainly not! I think everyone (well, almost) agrees that there is 
 much room for improvement in the current APIs. They certainly need to 
 be refactored and recategorized.

 But I don't think that the solution is to take all of the path-related 
 functions and drop them into a single class, or even a single module.
 +1 from me.
 (for both the fraction I quoted and everything else you said, including 
 the locator/inode/file distinction - although I'd also add that 
 'symbolic link' and 'directory' exist at a similar level as 'file').

I would tend towards classifying directory operations as inode-level 
operations, that you are working at the filesystem as graph level, 
rather than the stream of bytes level. When you iterate over a 
directory, what you are getting back is effectively inodes (well, 
directory entries are distinct from inodes in the underlying filesystem, 
but from Python there's no practical distinction.)

If I could draw a UML diagram in ASCII, I would have inode -- points 
to -- directory or file and directory -- contains * -- inode. That 
would hopefully make things clearer.

Symbolic links, I am not so sure about; In some ways, hard links are 
easier to classify.


Having done a path library myself (in C++, for our code base at work), 
the trickiest part is getting the Windows path manipulations right, and 
fitting them into a model that allows writing of platform-agnostic code. 
This is especially vexing when you realize that its often useful to 
manipulate unix-style paths even when running under Win32 and vice 
versa. A prime example is that I have a lot of Python code at work that 
manipulates Perforce client specs files. The path specifications in 
these files are platform-agnostic, and use forward slashes regardless of 
the host platform, so os.path.normpath doesn't do the right thing for me.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-25 Thread Talin
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 09:49 AM 10/25/2006 -0700, Talin wrote:
 Having done a path library myself (in C++, for our code base at work),
 the trickiest part is getting the Windows path manipulations right, and
 fitting them into a model that allows writing of platform-agnostic code.
 This is especially vexing when you realize that its often useful to
 manipulate unix-style paths even when running under Win32 and vice
 versa. A prime example is that I have a lot of Python code at work that
 manipulates Perforce client specs files. The path specifications in
 these files are platform-agnostic, and use forward slashes regardless of
 the host platform, so os.path.normpath doesn't do the right thing 
 for me.
 You probably want to use the posixpath module directly in that case, 
 though perhaps you've already discovered that.

Never heard of it. Its not in the standard library, is it? I don't see 
it in the table of contents or the index.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-25 Thread Talin
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Talin wrote:
 (Actually, the OOP approach has a slight advantage in terms of the 
 amount of syntactic sugar available,
 Even if you don't use any operator overloading, there's
 still the advantage that an object provides a namespace
 for its methods. Without that, you either have to use
 fairly verbose function names or keep qualifying them
 with a module name. Code that uses the current path
 functions tends to contain a lot of
 os.path.this(os.path.that(...)) stuff which is quite
 tedious to write and read.

Given the flexibility that Python allows in naming the modules that you 
import, I'm not sure that this is a valid objection -- you can make the 
module name as short as you feel comfortable with.

 Another consideration is that having paths be a
 distinct data type allows for the possibility of file
 system references that aren't just strings. In
 Classic MacOS, for example, the definitive way of
 referencing a file is by a (volRefum, dirID, name)
 tuple, and textual paths aren't guaranteed to be
 unique or even to exist.

That's true of textual paths in general - i.e. even on unix, textual 
paths aren't guaranteed to be unique or exist.

Its been a while since I used classic MacOS - how do you handle things 
like configuration files with path names in them?

 (I should not that the Java Path API does *not* follow my scheme of 
 separation between locators and inodes, while the C# API does, which 
 is another reason why I prefer the C# approach.)
 A compromise might be to have all the path algebra
 operations be methods, and everything else functions
 which operate on path objects. That would make sense,
 because the path algebra ought to be a closed set
 of operations that's tightly coupled to the platform's
 path semantics.

Personally, this is one of those areas where I am strongly tempted to 
violate TOOWTDI - I can see use cases where string-based paths would be 
more convenient and less typing, and other use cases where object-based 
paths would be more convenient and less typing.

If I were designing a path library, I would create a string-based system 
as the lowest level, and an object based system on top of it (the reason 
for doing it that was is simply so that people who want to use strings 
don't have to suffer the cost of creating temporary path objects to do 
simple things like joins.) Moreover, I would keep the naming conventions 
of the two systems similar, if at all possible possible - thus, the 
object methods would have the same (short) names as the functions within 
the module.

So for example:

# Import new, refactored module io.path
from io import path

# Case 1 using strings
path1 = path.join( /Libraries/Frameworks, Python.Framework )
parent = path.parent( path1 )

# Case 2 using objects
pathobj = path.Path( /Libraries/Frameworks )
pathobj += Python.Framework
parent = pathobj.parent()

Let me riff on this just a bit more - don't take this all too seriously 

Refactored organization of path-related modules (under a new name
so as not to conflict with existing modules):

io.path -- path manipulations
io.dir -- directory functions, including dirwalk
io.fs -- dealing with filesystem objects (inodes, symlinks, etc.)
io.file -- file read / write streams

# Import directory module
import io.dir

# String based API
for entry in io.dir.listdir( /Library/Frameworks ):
   print entry  # Entry is a string

# Object based API
dir = io.dir.Directory( /Library/Frameworks )
for entry in dir: # Iteration protocol on dir object
   print entry  # entry is an obj, but __str__() returns path text

# Dealing with various filesystems: pass in a format parameter
dir = io.dir.Directory( /Library/Frameworks )
   print entry.path( format=NT ) # entry printed in NT format

# Or you can just use a format specifier for PEP 3101 string format:
print Path in local system format is {0}.format( entry )
print Path in NT format is {0:NT}.format( entry )
print Path in OS X format is {0:OSX}.format( entry )

Anyway, off the top of my head, that's what a refactored path API would 
look like if I were doing it :)

(Yes, the names are bad, can't think of better ATM.)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-24 Thread Talin
, and to overload the various functions and operators so that 
they, too, return paths.

However, path algebra can be implemented just as easily in a functional 
style as in an object style. Properly done, a functional design 
shouldn't be significantly more bulky or wordy than an object design; 
The fact that the existing legacy API fails this test has more to do 
with history than any inherent advantages of OOP vs. functional style. 
(Actually, the OOP approach has a slight advantage in terms of the 
amount of syntactic sugar available, but that is [a] an artifact of the 
current Python feature set, and [b] not necessarily a good thing if it 
leads to gratuitous, Perl-ish cleverness.)

As a point of comparison, the Java Path API and the C# .Net Path API 
have similar capabilities, however the former is object-based whereas 
the latter is functional and operates on strings. Having used both of 
them extensively, I find I prefer the C# style, mainly due to the ease 
of intra-conversion with regular strings - being able to read strings 
from configuration files, for example, and immediately operate on them 
without having to convert to path form. I don't find p.GetParent() 
much harder or easier to type than Path.GetParent( p ); but I do 
prefer Path.GetParent( string ) over Path( string ).GetParent().

However, this is only a *mild* preference - I could go either way, and 
wouldn't put up much of a fight about it.

(I should not that the Java Path API does *not* follow my scheme of 
separation between locators and inodes, while the C# API does, which is 
another reason why I prefer the C# approach.)

Part 3: Does this mean that the current API cannot be improved?

Certainly not! I think everyone (well, almost) agrees that there is much 
room for improvement in the current APIs. They certainly need to be 
refactored and recategorized.

But I don't think that the solution is to take all of the path-related 
functions and drop them into a single class, or even a single module.


Anyway, I hope that (a) that answers your questions, and (b) isn't too 
divergent from most people's views about Path.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-24 Thread Talin
(one additional postscript - One thing I would be interested in is an 
approach that unifies file paths and URLs so that there is a consistent 
locator scheme for any resource, whether they be in a filesystem, on a 
web server, or stored in a zip file.)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 355 status

2006-10-24 Thread Talin
 Talin writes:
   (one additional postscript - One thing I would be interested in is an 
   approach that unifies file paths and URLs so that there is a consistent 
   locator scheme for any resource, whether they be in a filesystem, on a 
   web server, or stored in a zip file.)
 But doesn't file:/// do that for files, and couldn't we do something
 like zipfile:///  Of course, we'd want to
 do zip, too.  That
 way leads to madness

file:/// does indeed to it, but only the network module understands 
strings in that format. Ideally, you should be able to pass 
file:///... to a regular open function. I wouldn't expect it to be 
able to understand http://;. But the file: protocol should always be 

In other words, I'm not proposing that the built-in file i/o package 
suddenly grow an understanding of network schema types. All I am 
proposing is a unified name space.

- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PSF Infrastructure has chosen Roundup as the issue tracker for Python development

2006-10-22 Thread Talin
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 Thanks to the folks involved in this prcocess - I'm looking forward to 
 the hell away from SF's bug tracker. :-)

Yes, let us know when the new tracker is up, I want to start using it :)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The lazy strings patch

2006-10-22 Thread Talin
Larry Hastings wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Let's be specific: when there is at least one long-lived small lazy 
 slice of a large string, and the large string itself would otherwise 
 have been dereferenced and freed, and this small slice is never examined 
 by code outside of stringobject.c, this approach means the large string 
 becomes long-lived too and thus Python consumes more memory overall.  In 
 pathological scenarios this memory usage could be characterized as insane.
 True dat.  Then again, I could suggest some scenarios where this would 
 save memory (multiple long-lived large slices of a large string), and 
 others where memory use would be a wash (long-lived slices containing 
 the all or almost all of a large string, or any scenario where slices 
 are short-lived).  While I think it's clear lazy slices are *faster* on 
 average, its overall effect on memory use in real-world Python is not 
 yet known.  Read on.

I wonder - how expensive would it be for the string slice to have a weak 
reference, and 'normalize' the slice when the big string is collected? 
Would the overhead of the weak reference swamp the savings?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The lazy strings patch

2006-10-21 Thread Talin
 Totals:  7976ms  7713ms   +3.4%  8257ms  
 7975ms   +3.5%
 I also ran this totally unfair benchmark:
x = abcde * (2) # 100k characters
for i in xrange(1000):
y = x[1:-1]
 and found my patched version to be 9759% faster.  (You heard that right, 
 98x faster.)
 I'm ready to post the patch.  However, as a result of this work, the 
 description on the original patch page is really no longer accurate:
 Shall I close/delete that patch and submit a new patch with a more 
 modern description?  After all, there's not a lot of activity on the old 
 patch page...
 * As I recall, stringobject.c needs the trailing zero in exactly *one* 
 place: when comparing two zero-length strings.  My patch ensures that 
 zero-length slices and concatenations still return nullstring, so this 
 still works as expected.
 Python-Dev mailing list
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python Doc problems

2006-10-07 Thread Talin
 Andrew In such autogenerated documentation, you wind up with a list of
 Andrew every single class and function, and both trivial and important
 Andrew classes are given exactly the same emphasis.  
 I find this true where I work as well.  Doxygen is used as a documentation
 generation tool for our C++ class libraries.  Too many people use that as a
 crutch to often avoid writing documentation altogether.  It's worse in many
 ways than tools like epydoc, because you don't need to write any docstrings
 (or specially formatted comments) to generate reams and reams of virtual
 paper.  This sort of documentation is all but useless for a Python
 programmer like myself.  I don't really need to know the five syntactic
 constructor variants.  I need to know how to use the classes which have been
 exposed to me.

As someone who has submitted patches to Doxygen (and actually had them 
accepted), I have to say that I agree as well. At my work, it used to be 
standard practice for each project to have a web site of documentation 
that was generated by Doxygen. Part of the reason for my patches (which 
added support for parsing of C# doctags) was in support of this effort.

However, I gradually realized that there's no actual use-case for 
Doxygen-generated docs in our environment.

Think about the work cycle of a typical C++ programmer. Generally when 
you need to look up something in the docs for a module, you either need 
specific information on the type of a variable or params of a function, 
or you need overview docs that explain the general theory of the module.

Bear in mind also that the typical C++ programmer is working inside of 
an IDE or other smart editor. Most such editors have a simple 
one-keystroke method of navigating from a symbol to its definition.

In other words, it is *far* easier for a programmer to jump directly to 
the actual declaration in a header file - and its accompanying 
documentation comments - than it is to switch over to a web browser, 
navigate to the documentation site, type in the name of the symbol, hit 
search...why would I *ever* use HTML reference documentation when I can 
just look at the source, which is much easier to get to? Especially 
since the source often tells me much more than the docs would.

The only reason for generated reference docs is when you are working on 
a module where you don't have the source code - which, even in a 
proprietary environment, is something to be avoided whenever possible. 
(The source may not be 'open', but that doesn't mean that *you* can't 
have access to it.) If you have the source - and a good indexing system 
in your IDE - there's really no need for Doxygen.

Of course, the web-based docs are useful when you need an overview - but 
Doxygen doesn't give you that. As a result, I have been trying to get 
people to stop using Doxygen as a crutch as you say - in other words, 
if a team has the responsibility to write docs for their code, they 
can't just run Doxygen over the source and call it done.

(Too bad there's no way to automatically generate the overview! :)

While I am in rant mode (sorry), I also want to mention that most 
Documentation markup systems also have a source readability cost - i.e 
having embedded tags like @param make the original source less readable; 
and given what I said above about the source being the primary reference 
doc, it doesn't make sense to clutter up the code with funny @#$ characters.

If I was going to use any markup system in the future, the first thing I 
would insist is that the markup be invisible - in other words, the 
markup should look just like normal comments, and the markup scanner 
should be smart enough to pick out the structure without needing a lot 
of hand-holding. For example:

   Plot a point at position x, y.
   'x' - The x-coordinate.
   'y' - The y-coordinate.
void Plot( int x, int y );

The scanner should note that: 'x' and 'y' are in single-quotes, so they 
probably refer to code identifiers. The scanner can see that they are 
both parameters to the function, so there's no need to tell it that 'x' 
is an @param.

In other words, the programmer should never have to type anything that 
can be deduced from looking at the code itself. And the reader shouldn't 
have to read a bunch of redundant information which they can easily see 
for themselves.

 I guess this is a long-winded way of saying, me too.


-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Minipython

2006-09-25 Thread Talin
Milan Krcmar wrote:
 Thank you people. I'm going to try to strip unneeded things and let you
 know the result.
 Along with running Python on an embedded system, I am considering two
 more things. Suppose the system to be a small Linux router, which, after
 the kernel starts, merely configures lots of parameters of the kernel
 and then runs some daemons for gathering statistics and allowing remote
 control of the host.
 Python helps mainly in the startup phase of configuring kernel according
 to a human-readable confgiuration files. This has been solved by shell
 scripts. Python is not as suitable for running external processes and
 process pipes as a shell, but I'd like to write a module (at least)
 helping him in the sense of scsh (a Scheme shell,
 A more advanced solution is to replace system's init (/sbin/init) by
 Python. It should even speed the startup up as it will not need to run
 shell many times. To avoid running another processes, I want to port
 them to Python. Processes for kernel configuration, like iproute2,
 iptables etc. are often built above its own library, which can be used as
 a start point. (Yes, it does matter, at startup, routers run such processes
 hundreds times).

One alternative you might want to look into is the language Lua 
(, which is similar to Python in some respects (also has 
some similarities to Javascript), but specifically optimized for 
embedding in larger apps - meaning that it has a much smaller footprint, 
a much smaller standard library, less built-in data types and so on. 
(For example, dicts, lists, and objects are all merged into a single 
type called a 'table', which is just a generic indexable container.) 
Lua's C API consists of just a few dozen functions.

It's not as powerful as Python of course, although it's surprisingly 
powerful for its size - it has closures, continuations, and all of the 
goodness you would expect from a modern language. Lua provides 
'meta-mechanisms' for extending the language rather than implementing 
language features directly. So even though it's not a pure 
object-oriented language, it provides mechanisms for implementing 
classes and inheritance. And it's fast, since it has less baggage to 
carry around.

It has a few warts - for example, I don't like the fact that referring 
to an undefined variable silently returns nil instead of returning an 
error, but I suppose in some environments that's a feature.

A lot of game companies use Lua for embedded scripting languages in 
their games. (Console-based games in particular have strict memory 
requirements, since there's no virtual memory on consoles.)

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Grammar change in classdef

2006-09-16 Thread Talin
Nick Coghlan wrote:
 As for the reason: it makes it possible to use the same style for classes 
 without bases as is used for functions without arguments. Prior to this 
 change, there was a sharp break in the class syntax, such that if you got rid 
 of the last base class you had to get rid of the parentheses as well.

Is the result a new-style or classic-style class? It would be nice if 
using the empty parens forced a new-style class...

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Grammar change in classdef

2006-09-16 Thread Talin
Lawrence Oluyede wrote:
   That was my first thought as well.  Unfortunately a quick test shows
 that class Foo(): creates an old style class instead :(
 I think that's because until it'll be safe to break things we will
 stick with classic by default...

But in this case nothing will be broken, since the () syntax was 
formerly not allowed, so it won't appear in any existing code. So it 
would have been a good opportunity to shift over to increased usage 
new-style classes without breaking anything.

Thus, 'class Foo:' would create a classic class, but 'class Foo():' 
would create a new-style class.

However, once it's released as 2.5 that will no longer be the case, as 
people might start to use () to indicate a classic class. Oh well.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] What should the focus for 2.6 be?

2006-08-21 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 I've been thinking a bit about a focus for the 2.6 release.
 We are now officially starting parallel development of 2.6 and 3.0. I
 really don't expect that we'll be able to merge the easily into the
 3.0 branch much longer, so effectively 3.0 will be a fork of 2.5.
 I wonder if it would make sense to focus in 2.6 on making porting of
 2.6 code to 3.0 easier, rather than trying to introduce new features
 in 2.6. We've done releases without new language features before;
 notable 2.3 didn't add anything new (except making a few __future__
 imports redundant) and concentrated on bugfixes, performance, and
 library additions.

I've been thinking about the transition to unicode strings, and I want 
to put forward a notion that might allow the transition to be done 
gradually instead of all at once.

The idea would be to temporarily introduce a new name for 8-bit strings 
- let's call it ascii. An ascii object would be exactly the same as 
today's 8-bit strings.

The 'str' builtin symbol would be assigned to 'ascii' by default, but 
you could assign it to 'unicode' if you wanted to default to wide strings:

str = ascii   # Selects 8-bit strings by default
str = unicode # Selects unicode strings by default

In order to make the transition, what you would do is to temporarily 
undefine the 'str' symbol from the code base - in other words, remove 
'str' from the builtin namespace, and then migrate all of the code -- 
replacing any library reference to 'str' with a reference to 'ascii' 
*or* updating that function to deal with unicode strings. Once you get 
all of the unit tests running again, you can re-introduce 'str', but now 
you know that since none of the libraries refer to 'str' directly, you 
can safely change its definition.

All of this could be done while retaining compatibility with existing 
3rd party code - as long as 'str = ascii' is defined. So you turn it on 
to run your Python programs, and turn it off when you want to work on 
3.0 migration.

The next step (which would not be backwards compatible) would be to 
gradually remove 'ascii' from the code base -- wherever that name 
occurs, it would be a signal that the function needs to be updated to 
use 'unicode' instead.

Finally, once the last occurance of 'ascii' is removed, the final step 
is to do a search and replace of all occurances of 'unicode' with 'str'.

I know this seems round-about, and is more work than doing it all in one 
shot. However, I know from past experience that the trickiest part of 
doing a pervasive change to a code base like this is just keeping track 
of what parts have been migrated and what parts have not. Many times in 
the past I've changed the definition of a ubiquitous type by temporarily 
renaming it, thus vacating the old name so that it can be defined anew, 
without conflict.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots

2006-07-13 Thread Talin
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 I think python should have a couple more of future imports. from __future__
 import new_classes and from __future__ import unicode_literals would be
 really welcome, and would smooth the Py3k migration process

Actually - can we make new-style classes the default, but allow a way to 
switch to old-style classes if needed? Perhaps a command-line argument 
to set the default back to old-style?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

2006-07-11 Thread Talin
Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think Talin's got a point though.  It seems hard to find one short English
word that captures the essence of the desired behavior.  None of the words
in his list seem strongly suggestive of the meaning to me.  I suspect that
means one's ultimately as good (or as bad) as the rest.
 What's wrong with nonlocal?  I don't think i've seen an argument
 against that one so far (from Talin or others).

Well, I just think that a fix for an aesthetic wart should be, well, 
aesthetic :)

I also think that it won't be a complete disaster if we do nothing at 
all - there *are* existing ways to deal with this problem; there are 
even some which aren't hackish and non-obvious. For example, its easy 
enough to create an object which acts as an artificial scope:

def x():
   scope = object()
   scope.x = 1
   def y():
  scope.x = 2

To my mind, the above code looks about as elegant and efficient as most 
of the proposals put forward so far, and it already works.

How much are we really saving here by building this feature into the 

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-11 Thread Talin
Brett Cannon wrote:
 Using a factory method callback, one could store the PyCodeObject in a C
 proxy object that just acts as a complete delegate, forwarding all method
 calls to the internally stored PyCodeObject.  That would work.
 For this initial implementation, though, I am not going to try to support
 this.   We can always add support like this later since it doesn't
 fundamentally break or change anything that is already planned.  Let's 
 on getting even more basic stuff working before we start to get too fancy.

Thinking about this some more, I've come up with a simpler idea for a 
generic wrapper class. The wrapper consists of two parts: a decorator to 
indicate that a given method is 'public', and a C 'guard' wrapper that 
insures that only 'public' members can be accessed.

So for example:

from Sandbox import guard, public

class FileProxy:
   # Public method, no decorator
   def read( length ):

   def seek( offset ):

   # Private method, no decorator
   def open( path ):

# Construct an instance of FileProxy, and wrap a
# guard object around it. Any attempt to access a non-public
# attribute will raise an exception (or perhaps simply report
# that the attribute doesn't exist.)
fh = guard( FileProxy() )

Now, from my point of view this *is* 'the basic stuff'. In other words, 
this right here is the fundamental sandbox mechanism, and everything 
else is built on top of it.

Now, the C 'guard' function is only a low-level means to insure that 
no-one can mess with the object; It is not intended to be the actual 
restriction policy itself. Those are placed in the wrapper classes, just 
as in your proposed scheme.

(This goes back to my basic premise, that a simple yes/no security 
feature can be used to build up much more complex and subtle security 

The only real complexity of this, as I see it, is that methods to 
references will have to be themselves wrapped.

In other words, if I say '' without the (), what I get back can't 
be the actual read function object - that would be too easy to fiddle 
with. What I'd have to get is a wrapped version of the method that is a 

One relatively simply way to deal with this is to have the 'public' 
decorator create a C wrapper for the function object, and store it as an 
attribute of the function. The class wrapper then simply looks up the 
attribute, and if it has an attribute wrapper, returns that, otherwise 
it fails.

(Although, I've often wished for Python to have a variant of __call__ 
that could be used to override individual methods, i.e.:

 __call_method__( self, methodname, *args )

This would make the guard wrapper much easier to construct, since we 
could restrict the methods only to being called, and not allow 
references to methods to be taken.)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] easy_install

2006-07-11 Thread Talin
Here's something to discuss:

First, let me say that I love easy_install. I absolutely just works 
and does what I want, and makes it really simple to install whatever bit 
of Python code I need.

At the same time, however, I get kind of scared when I hear people on 
the list discussing the various hacks needed to get setuputils and 
distutils et al all playing nice with each other (monkeypatching, etc.)

Having done a small bit of fiddling with distutils myself (as a user, I 
mean), I can see that while there's a terrific amount of effort put into 
it, its also not for the feignt of heart. That's not entirely distutil's 
fault - I gather that it's dealing with a lot of accumulated cruft (I 
imagine things like different and strange ways of archiving modules, 
dynamic modifications to path, all that sort of thing.)

It seems to me that if someone was going to spend some energy on this 
list coming up with proposals to improve Python, the thing that would 
have the most positive benefit in the long run (with the possible 
exception of Brett's work on rexec) would be a unified and clean vision 
of the whole import / package / download architecture.

Now, speaking from complete ignorance here, I might be way off base - it 
may be that this matter is well in hand, perhaps on some other mailing 
list. I don't know. In any case, I wanted to throw this out there...

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Capabilities / Restricted Execution

2006-07-11 Thread Talin
Scott Dial wrote:
 Phillip J. Eby wrote:
A function's func_closure contains cell objects that hold the 
variables.  These are readable if you can set the func_closure of some 
function of your own.  If the overall plan includes the ability to restrict 
func_closure setting (or reading) in a restricted interpreter, then you 
might be okay.
 Except this function (__getattribute__) has been trapped inside of a
 class which does not expose it as an attribute. So, you shouldn't be
 able to get to the func_closure attribute of the __getattribute__
 function for an instance of the Guard class. I can't come up with a way
 to defeat this protection, at least. If you have a way, then I'd be
 interested to hear it.

I've thought of several ways to break it already. Some are repairable, 
I'm not sure that they all are.

For example, neither of the following statements blows up:

print t2.get_name.func_closure[0]
print object.__getattribute__( t2, '__dict__' )

Still, its perhaps a useful basis for experimentation.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

2006-07-09 Thread Talin
Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
 On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Andrew Koenig wrote:
Sounds reasonable to me.  If we're talking py3k I'd chuck global as a
keyword though and replace it with something like outer.

I must say that I don't like outer any more than I like global.  The
problem is that in both cases we are selecting the *inner*most definition
that isn't in the current scope.
 That's why nonlocal is a better choice in my opinion.

Some alternatives:

 use x
 using x
 with x -- recycle a keyword?
 reuse x
 use extant x
 share x
 common x
 same x
 borrow x
 existing x

Although, to be perfectly honest, the longer this discussion goes on, 
the more that I find that I'm not buying Guido's argument about it being 
better to define this at the point of use rather than at the point of 
definition. I agree with him that point of use is more Pythonic, but 
I'm also beginning to believe that there are some good reasons why many 
other languages do it the other way.

Part of the reason why its so hard to name this feature is that it's 
real name is something like Hey, Python, you know that cool funky thing 
you do with defining variables in the same scope as they are assigned? 
Well, don't do that here.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

2006-07-09 Thread Talin
Talin wrote:
 Some alternatives:
  use x
  using x
  with x -- recycle a keyword?
  reuse x
  use extant x
  share x
  common x
  same x
  borrow x
  existing x
 Although, to be perfectly honest, the longer this discussion goes on, 
 the more that I find that I'm not buying Guido's argument about it being 
 better to define this at the point of use rather than at the point of 
 definition. I agree with him that point of use is more Pythonic, but 
 I'm also beginning to believe that there are some good reasons why many 
 other languages do it the other way.
 Part of the reason why its so hard to name this feature is that it's 
 real name is something like Hey, Python, you know that cool funky thing 
 you do with defining variables in the same scope as they are assigned? 
 Well, don't do that here.

(Followup to my own comment)

There are really 3 places where you can indicate that a variable is to 
be reused instead of redefined: 1) The point of definition in the outer 
scope, 2) A declaration in the inner scope, and 3) The actual point of 

#1 is what I've been pushing for, #2 is what most of the discussion has 
been about, #3 has been talked about a little bit in the context of an 
augmented assignment operator.

I actually like #3 a little better than #2, but not with a new operator. 
I'm thinking more along the lines of a keyword that modifies and 
assignment statement:

rebind x = 10

Other possible keywords are: modify, mutate, change, update, change, etc...

My gut feeling is that most code that wants to use this feature only 
wants to use it in a few places. A good example is (implements 
WSGI for FastCGI), where they use a mutable array to store a flag 
indicating whether or not the headers have already been sent.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-08 Thread Talin
Brett Cannon wrote:
 On 7/7/06, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7/8/06, Ka-Ping Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd like the answer to be yes.  It sounded for a while like this
  was not part of Brett's plan, though.  Now i'm not so sure.  It
  sounds like you're also interested in having the answer be yes?
  Let's keep talking about and playing with more examples -- i think
  they'll help us understand what goals we should aim for and what
  pitfalls to anticipate before we nail down too many details.

 I'd like the answer to be no, because I don't believe that we can
 trust the VM to provide sufficient barriers. The old pre-2.2
 restricted execution mode tried to do this but 2.2 punched a million
 holes in it. Python isn't designed for this (it doesn't even enforce
 private attributes). I guess this is also the main reason I'm
 skeptical about capabilities for Python.
 My plan is no.  As Guido said, getting this right is  feasibly
 questionable.  I do not plan on trying to have security proxies or such
 implemented in Python code; it will need to be in C.  If someone comes 
 and manages to find a way to make Python work without significantly 
 the languages, great, and we can toss out my security implementation for
 But as of right now, I am not planning on making Python code safe to run in
 Python code.

It might be possible for the code *outside* the sandbox to create new 
security policies written in Python.

Lets start with the concept of a generic protection wrapper - its a C 
proxy object which can wrap around any Python object, and which can 
restrict access to a specific set of methods. So for example:

protected_object = protect(myObject, methods=set('open','close'))

'protect' creates a C proxy which restricts access to the object, 
allowing only those methods listed to be called.

Now, lets create a security policy, written in Python. The policy is 
essentially a factory which creates wrapped objects:

class MyPolicy:
   # Ask the policy to create a file object
   def file( path, perms ):
  if perms == 'r':
 # Trivial example, a real proxy would be more
 # sophisticated, and probably configurable.
 return protect( file( path, perms ),
 methods=set('open', 'read', 'close') )
 raise SecurityException

Now, when we create our sandbox, we pass in the policy:

sb = Sandbox( MyPolicy() )

The sandbox calls 'protect' on the policy object, preventing it from 
being inspected or called inappropriately.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-07 Thread Talin
Brett Cannon wrote:
 On 7/5/06, Talin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Transitioning from the checked to the unchecked state could only be done
 via C code. So the 'file' wrapper, for example, would switch over to the
 unchecked interpreter before calling the actual methods of 'file'. That
 C wrapper might also check the current permission state to see what
 operations were legal.
 So add the proper checks in Python/ceval.c:call_function() to check for 
 flag on every object passed in that is called?

Right. I also realized that you would need to add code that propagates 
the checked bit from the class to any instances of the class. So 
whenever you call a class to create an object, if the class has the 
checked bit, the instance will have it set as well.

 So essentially, what I propose is to define a simple security primitive
 - which essentially comes down to checking a single bit - and use that
 as a basis to create more complex and subtle security mechanisms.
 Right, but it does require that the proper verification function be turned
 on so that the permission bit on 'file' is checked.  It kind of seems like
 'rexec' and its f_restricted flag it set on execution frames, except you 
 adding an object-level flag as well.
 Either way, the trick is not fouling up switching between the two checking

I wasn't aware of how rexec worked, but that seems correct to me.

Given a 'restricted' flag on a stack frame, and one on the object as 
well, then the code for checking for permission violations is nothing 
more than:

if (object.restricted  exec_frame.restricted)
raise SecurityException

In particular, there's no need to call a function to check a permission 
level or access rights or anything of the sort - all that stuff is 
implemented at a higher level.

By making the check very simple, it can also be made very fast. And by 
making it fast, we can afford to call it a lot - for every operation in 

And if we can call it for every operation, then we don't have to spend 
time hunting down all of the possible loopholes and ways in which 'file' 
or other restricted objects might be accessed.

Originally I had thought to simply add a check like the above into the 
interpreter. However, that would mean that *all* code, whether 
restricted or not, would have to pay the (slight) performance penalty of 
checking that flag. So instead, I thought it might be more efficient to 
have two different code paths, one with the check and one without. But 
all this is based on profound ignorance of the interpreter - there might 
be a hundred other, better ways to do this without having to create two 
versions of ceval.

Another interesting think about the check bit idea is that you can set 
it on any kind of object. For example, you could set it on individual 
methods of a class rather than the class as a whole. However, that's 
probably needlessly elaborate, since fine-grained access control will be 
much more elegantly achieved via trusted wrappers.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-07 Thread Talin
Brett Cannon wrote:
 On 7/6/06, Talin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And if we can call it for every operation, then we don't have to spend
 time hunting down all of the possible loopholes and ways in which 'file'
 or other restricted objects might be accessed.
 Not true.  You have to set this object restriction flag, right?  What
 happens if you don't set it on all of the proper classes/types?  You end up
 in the exact same situation you are with crippling; making sure you cover
 your ass with what you flag as  unsafe else you risk having something get
 passed you.

But that's a much simpler problem.

With the restricted flag, it isn't just *your* code that is prevented 
from using 'file' - it's *all* code. Only approved gateways that remove 
the restriction (by setting the interpreter state) can perform 
operations on file objects without blowing up.

This means that if you call some random library function that attempts 
to open a file, it won't work, because the random library function is 
still running in restricted mode.

Similarly, if you have a reference to some externally created object 
that has a reference to a file (or the file class) somewhere in it's 
inheritance hierarchy, any attempt to access that object will fail.

Without this, you would have to chase down every bit of library code 
that opens file, or has a reference to a file.

What I am proposing shares some aspects of both the crippling and the 
capability model:

It's similar to crippling in the sense that you're protecting the object 
itself, not access to the object. So you avoid the problem of trying to 
figure out all of the possible ways an object can be accessed.

However, where it resembles capabilities is that its an 'all or nothing' 
approach - that is, you either have access to file, or you don't. Unlike 
the crippling model where fine-grained access control is implemented by 
modifying individual methods of the crippled object, in this scheme we 
cripple the object *entirely*, and then provide fine-grained access 
control via wrappers. Those wrappers, in turn, act just like 
capabilities - you can have different wrappers that have different sets 
of access permissions.

So it provides the advantage of the capability approach in that the set 
of restrictions can be extended or modified by writing new wrappers.

Thus, by providing an extremely simple but unbreakable check at the 
interpreter level, we can then write classes that build on top of that a 
richer and more sophisticated set of permissions, while still 
maintaining a strong barrier to unauthorized actions.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-07 Thread Talin
 to poisoned objects, 
which I will illustrate by the following example:

Suppose we want to grant to the sandboxed program permission to read and 
write cofiguration properties. We don't want to give them arbitrary 
write access to the file, instead we want to force the sandbox code to 
only access that file by setting and getting properties.

This is an example where a subsystem would require elevated privileges 
compared to the main program - the config file reader / writer needs to 
be able to read  write the file as a text stream, but we don't want to 
allow the sandboxed program to just write arbitrary data to it.

The only way to enforce this restriction is to re-wrap the 'real' file 
handle - in other words, replace the 'file-like object' wrapper with a 
'config-like object' wrapper.

Merely passing the poisoned file handle to 'config' doesn't work, 
because 'config' doesn't know how to safely handle it (only the C 
gateway code can shift the interpreter into a state where poisoned 
objects can be handled safely.)

Passing the file-like proxy to 'config' doesn't work either, because the 
proxy doesn't allow arbitrary writes.

The only thing that you really can do is write another wrapper - which 
is exactly what you would have to do in the non-poison case.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] In defense of Capabilities [was: doc for new restricted execution design for Python]

2006-07-05 Thread Talin
Brett Cannon wrote:
 On 7/5/06, Michael Chermside [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you were using capabilities, you would need to ensure that
 restricted interpreters could only get the file object that they
 were given. But then _all_ of these fancy versions of the
 restrictions would be immediately supported: it would be up to the
 users to create secure wrappers implementing the specific
 restrictions desired.
 I agree.  I would prefer this way of doing it.  But as I have said, making
 sure that 'file' does not get out into the wild is tough.

I seem to recall someone mentioned earlier in this discussion the notion 
of somehow throwing an exception when sandboxed code attempts to push a 
file reference onto the interpreter stack.

I'm not an expert in these matters, so perhaps what I am going to say 
will make no sense, but here goes:

What if there were two copies of the evaluator function. One copy would 
be a slightly slower 'checked' function, that would test all objects for 
a 'check' bit. Any attempt to evaluate a reference to an object with a 
check bit set would throw an exception.

The other eval function would be the 'unchecked' version that would run 
at full speed, just like it does today.

Transitioning from the checked to the unchecked state could only be done 
via C code. So the 'file' wrapper, for example, would switch over to the 
unchecked interpreter before calling the actual methods of 'file'. That 
C wrapper might also check the current permission state to see what 
operations were legal.

Note that whenever a C function sets the interpreter state to 
'unchecked', that fact is saved on the stack, so that when the function 
returns, the previous state is restored. The function for setting the 
interpreter state is something like PyCall_Unchecked( ... ), which 
restores the interpreter state back to where it was.

Transitioning from unchecked to checked is trickier. Specifically, you 
don't want to ever run sandboxed code in the unchecked state - this is a 
problem for generators, callbacks, and so on. I can think of two 
approaches to handling this:

First approach is to mark all sandboxed code with a bit indicating the 
code is untrusted. Any attempt to call or otherwise invoke a function 
that has this bit set would throw the interpreter into the 'checked' 
state. (Note that transitioning the other way is *not* automatic - i.e. 
calling trusted code does not automatically transition to unchecked state.)

The approach is good because it means that if you have intermediary code 
between the wrapper and the sandboxed code, the interpreter still does 
the right thing - it sets the interpreter into checked state.

One problem is how to restore the 'unchecked' state when a function call 
returns. Probably you would have to build this into the code that does 
the state transition.

If marking the sandboxed code isn't feasible, then you'd have to have 
the wrapper objects wrap all of the callbacks with code that goes to 
checked state before calling the callbacks. This means finding all the 
possible holes - however, I suspect that there are far fewer such holes 
than trying to hide all possible 'file' methods. However, one advantage 
of doing this is that restoring the 'unchecked' state after the call 
returns is fairly straightforward.

The advantage of the this whole approach is that once you set the 
'check' bit on 'file', it doesn't matter whether 'file' gets loose or 
not - you can't do anything with it without throwing an exception. 
Moreover, it also doesn't matter what code path you go through to access 
it. Only C code that flips the interpreter into unchecked state can call 
methods on 'file' without blowing up.

So essentially, what I propose is to define a simple security primitive 
- which essentially comes down to checking a single bit - and use that 
as a basis to create more complex and subtle security mechanisms.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Explicit Lexical Scoping (pre-PEP?)

2006-07-04 Thread Talin
print, the scope created by the 'my' statement is in effect for the 
entire function, although the actual *assignment* takes place after the 
print. The reason for this is that the scope creation is actually done 
by the compiler.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Lexical scoping in Python 3k

2006-07-03 Thread Talin
 the same method with 

my f = 1
def a():
   f = 2

print f   # prints '2'

So again, you are indicating that the global scope 'owns' the definition 
of 'f', and any enclosed scopes should use that definition, and not 
create their own.

Of course, if you really *do* need to have your own version, you can 
always override the 'my' statement with another 'my' statement:

my f = 1
def a():
   my f = 2

print f   # prints '1'

The 'my' statement essentially changes the scoping rules for all 
variables of that name, within the defining scope and all enclosed scopes.

Of course, you can also override this behavior using the 'global' 
statement, which does exactly what it does now - makes the reference 
global (i.e. module-level):

my f = 1
def a():
   global f
   f = 2

print f   # prints '2'

All right, I'm pretty happy with that. Brainstorming done. :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3103: A Switch/Case Statement

2006-06-28 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Let's just drop the switchable subroutine proposal. It's not viable.

Perhaps not - but at the same time, when discussing new language 
features, let's not just limit ourselves to what other languages have 
done already.

Forget subroutines for a moment - the main point of the thread was the 
idea that the dispatch table was built explicitly rather than 
automatically - that instead of arguing over first-use vs. 
function-definition, we let the user decide. I'm sure that my specific 
proposal isn't the only way that this could be done.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3103: A Switch/Case Statement

2006-06-27 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On 6/27/06, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So modeling the switch after dictionary dispatching more directly where
the switch is explicitly defined first and then used later might be good
both because it offers reuse in the current scope and it can easily be
used in code that currently uses dict style dispatching.

switch name:
   'a', 'b', 'c':
   in range(5,10):

for choice in data:
   do choice in name:# best calling form I can think of.
 It looks like your proposal is to change switch into a command that
 defines a function of one parameter. Instead of the do expression
 in switch call you could just call the switch -- no new syntax
 needed. Your example above would be
   for choice in data:
 name(choice)  # 'name' is the switch's name

This parallels some of my thinking -- that we ought to somehow make the 
dict-building aspect of the switch statement explicit (which is better 
than implicit, as we all have been taught.)

My version of this is to add to Python the notion of a simple 
old-fashioned subroutine - that is, a function with no arguments and no 
additional scope, which can be referred to by name. For example:

def MyFunc( x ):
sub case_1:

sub case_2:

sub case_3:

# A direct call to the subroutine:
do case_1

# An indirect call
y = case_2
do y

# A dispatch through a dict
d = dict( a=case_1, b=case_2, c_case_3 )
do d[ 'a' ]

The 'sub' keyword defines a subroutine. A subroutine is simply a block 
of bytecode with a return op at the end. When a subroutine is invoked, 
control passes to the indented code within the 'sub' clause, and 
continues to the end of the block - there is no 'fall through' to the 
next block. When the subroutine is complete, a return instruction is 
exected, and control transfers back to the original location.

Because subroutines do not define a new scope, they can freely modify 
the variables of the scope in which they are defined, just like the code 
in an 'if' or 'else' block.

One ambiguity here is what happens if you attempt to call a subroutine 
from outside of the code block in which it is defined. The easiest 
solution is to declare that this is an error - in other words, if the 
current execution scope is different than the scope in which the 
subroutine is defined, an exception is thrown.

A second possibility is to store a reference to the defining scope as 
part of the subroutine definition. So when you take a reference to 
'case_1', you are actually referring to a closure of the enclosing scope 
and the subroutine address.

This approach has a number of advantages that I can see:

   -- Completely eliminates the problems of when to freeze the dict, 
because the dict is 'frozen' explicitly (or not at all, if desired.)

   -- Completely eliminates the question of whether to support ranges in 
the switch cases. The programmer is free to invent whatever type of 
dispatch mechanism they wish. For example, instead of using a dict, they 
could use an array of subroutines, or a spanning tree / BSP tree to 
represent contiguous ranges of options.

   -- Allows for development of dispatch methods beyond the switch model 
- for example, the dictionary could be computed, transformed and 
manipulated by user code before used for dispatch.

   -- Allows for experimentation with other flow of control forms.

The primary disadvantage of this form is that the case values and the 
associated code blocks are no longer co-located, which reduces some of 
the expressive power of the switch.

Note that if you don't want to define a new keyword, an alternate syntax 
would be 'def name:' with no argument braces, indicating that this is 
not a function but a procedure.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Alternatives to switch?

2006-06-24 Thread Talin
  object_data = str(data)

   def str_case():
  type_code = TYPE_STR
  object_data = str(data)

   # (and so on)

   # Build the dispatch table once only
   if dispatch_table is None:
  dispatch_table = dict(
 int, int_case,
 str, str_case,

   dispatch_table[ type( data ) ]()

However, you probably wouldn't want to write the code like this in 
current-day Python -- even a fairly long if-elif-else chain would be 
more efficient, and the code isn't as neatly expressive of what you are 
trying to do. But the advantage is that the construction of the dispatch 
table is explicit rather than implicit, which avoids all of the 
arguments about when the dispatch should occur.

Another way to deal with the explicit construction of the switch table 
is to contsruct it outside of the function body. So for example, if the 
values to be switched on are meant to be evaluated at module load time, 
then the user can define the dispatch table outside of any function. The 
problem is, however, that the language requires any code that accesses 
the local variables of a function to be textually embedded within that 
function, and you can't build a dispatch table outside of a function 
that refers to code sections within a function.

In the interest of brevity, I'm going to cut it off here before I ramble 
on too much longer. I don't have an answer, so much as I am trying to 
raise the right questions.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch statement

2006-06-23 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:

 That sounds like a good solution all around. I hope that others can
 also find themselves in this.
 (1) An expression of the form 'static' atom has the semantics of
 evaluating the atom at the same time as the nearest surrounding
 function definition. If there is no surrounding function definition,
 'static' is a no-op and the expression is evaluated every time.
 [Alternative 1: this is an error] [Alternative 2: it is evaluated
 before the module is entered; this would imply it can not involve any
 imported names but it can involve builtins] [Alternative 3:
 precomputed the first time the switch is entered]

I'm thinking that outside of a function, 'static' just means that the 
expression is evaluated at compile-time, with whatever symbols the 
compiler has access to (including any previously-defined statics in that 
module). The result of the expression is then inserted into the module 
code just like any literal.

So for example:

a = static len( 1234 )

compiles as:

a = 4

...assuming that you can call 'len' at compile time.

The rationale here is that I'm trying to create an analogy between 
functions and modules, where the 'static' declaration has an analogous 
relationship to a module as it does to a function. Since a module is 
'defined' when its code is compiled, that would be when the evaluation 

I'm tempted to propose a way for the compiler to import static 
definitions from outside the module ('static import'?) however I 
recognize that this would greatly increase the fragility of Python, 
since now you have the possibility that a module could be compiled with 
a set of numeric constants that are out of date with respect to some 
other module.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch statement

2006-06-21 Thread Talin
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 09:55 AM 6/21/2006 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
BTW a switch in a class should be treated the same as a global switch.
But what about a switch in a class in a function?
 Okay, now my head hurts.  :)
 A switch in a class doesn't need to be treated the same as a global switch, 
 because locals()!=globals() in that case.
 I think the top-level is the only thing that really needs a special case 
 vs. the general error if you use a local variable in the expression rule.
 Actually, it might be simpler just to always reject local variables -- even 
 at the top-level -- and be done with it.

I don't get what the problem is here. A switch constant should have 
exactly the bahavior of a default value of a function parameter. We 
don't seem to have too many problems defining functions at the module 
level, do we?

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Allow assignments in 'global' statements?

2006-06-21 Thread Talin
I'm sure I am not the first person to say this, but how about:

global x = 12

(In other words, declare a global and assign a value to it - or another 
way of saying it is that the 'global' keyword acts as an assignment 

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses

2006-06-17 Thread Talin
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Noam Raphael wrote:
I meant the extra code for writing a special class to handle scalars,
if I decide that the x[()] syntax is too ugly or too hard to type,
so I write a special class which will allow the syntax x.value.
 What I cannot understand is why you use a zero-dimensional array to
 represent a scalar. Scalars are directly supported in Python:
 x = 5
 Also, in an assignment, what are you putting on the right-hand side?
 A read access from another zero-dimensional array?

Ok, so in order to clear up the confusion here, I am going to take a 
moment to try and explain Noam's proposal in clearer language.

Note that I have no opinions about the merits of the proposal itself; 
However, the lack of understanding here bothers me :)

The motivation, as I understand it, is one of mathematical consistency. 
Let's take a moment and think about arrays in terms of geometry. We all 
learned in school that 3 dimensions defines a volume, 2 dimensions 
defines a plane, 1 dimension defines a line, and 0 dimensions defines a 

Moreover, each N-dimensional entity can be converted to one of lower 
order by setting one of its dimensions to 0. So a volume with one 
dimension set to zero becomes a plane, and so on.

Now think about this with respect to arrays. A 3-dimensional array can 
be converted into a 2-dimensional array by setting one of its dimensions 
to 1. So a 5 x 5 array is equivalent to a 5 x 5 x 1 array.

Similarly, a 3-dimensional array can be converted into a 1-dimensional 
array by setting two of its dimensions to 1: So an array of length 5 is 
equivalent to a 5 x 1 x 1 array.

We see, then, a general rule that a N-dimensional array can be reduced 
to M dimensions by setting (N-M) of its dimensions to 1.

So by this rule, if we reduce a 3d array to zero dimensions, we would 
have an array that has one element: 1 x 1 x 1.

Similarly, each time we reduce the dimension by 1, we also reduce the 
number of indices needed to access the elements of the array. So a 3-d 
array requires 3 coordinates, a 2-d array requires 2 coordinates, and so on.

It should be noted that this zero-dimensional array is not exactly a 
normal scalar. It is a scalar in the sense that it has no dimensions, 
but it is still an array in the sense that it is contains a value which 
is distinct from the array itself. The zero-dimensional array is still a 
container of other values, however it can only hold one value. This is 
different from a normal scalar, which is simply a value, and not a 

Now, as to the specifics of Noam's problem: Apparently what he is trying 
to do is what many other people have done, which is to use Python as a 
base for some other high-level language, building on top of Python 
syntax and using the various operator overloads to define the semantics 
of the language.

However, what he's discovering is that there are cases where his 
syntactical requirements and the syntactical rules of Python don't match.

Now, typically when this occurs, the person who is creating the language 
knows that there is a rationale for why that particular syntax makes 
sense in their language. What they often do in this case is to try and 
convince the Python community that this rationale also applies to Python 
in addition to their own made-up language. This is especially the case 
when the proposed change gives meaning to what would formerly have been 
an error. (I sometime suspect that the guiding design principle of Perl 
is that all possible permutations of ASCII input characters should 
eventually be assigned some syntactically valid meaning.)

Historically, I can say that such efforts are almost always rebuffed - 
while Python may be good at being a base for other languages, this is 
not one of the primary design goals of the language as I understand it.

My advice to people in this situation is to consider that perhaps some 
level of translation between their syntax and Python syntax may be in 
order. It would not be hard for the interactive interpreter to convert 
instances of [] into [()], for example.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch statement

2006-06-15 Thread Talin
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 As has already been pointed out, this
 1) adds function call overhead,
 2) doesn't allow changes to variables in the containing function, and
 3) even if we had a rebinding operator for free variables, we would have 
 the overhead of creating closures.
 The lambda syntax does nothing to fix any of these problems, and you can 
 already use a mapping of closures if you are so inclined.  However, you'll 
 probably find that the cost of creating the dictionary of closures exceeds 
 the cost of a naive sequential search using if/elif.

This brings me back to my earlier point - I wonder if it would make 
sense for Python to have a non-closure form of lambda - essentially an 
old-fashioned subroutine:

def foo( x ):
   x = 0
   sub bar: # Arguments are not allowed, since they create a scope
  x = y # Writes over the x defined in 'foo'


The idea is that 'bar' would share the same scope as 'foo'. To keep the 
subroutine lightweight (i.e. just a single jump and return instruction 
in the virtual machine) arguments would not be allowed.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch statement

2006-06-11 Thread Talin
Greg Ewing wrote:
switch raw_input(enter a, b or c: ):
case 'a':
print 'yay! an a!'
case 'b':
print 'yay! a b!'
case 'c':
print 'yay! a c!'
print 'hey dummy! I said a, b or c!'
 Before accepting this, we could do with some debate about the
 syntax. It's not a priori clear that C-style switch/case is
 the best thing to adopt.

Since you don't have the 'fall-through' behavior of C, I would also 
assume that you could associate more than one value with a case, i.e.:

case 'a', 'b', 'c':

It seems to me that the value of a 'switch' statement is that it is a 
computed jump - that is, instead of having to iteratively test a bunch 
of alternatives, you can directly jump to the code for a specific value.

I can see this being very useful for parser generators and state machine 
code. At the moment, similar things can be done with hash tables of 
functions, but those have a number of limitations, such as the fact that 
they can't access local variables.

I don't have any specific syntax proposals, but I notice that the suite 
that follows the switch statement is not a normal suite, but a 
restricted one, and I am wondering if we could come up with a syntax 
that avoids having a special suite.

Here's an (ugly) example, not meant as a serious proposal:

select (x) when 'a':
when 'b', 'c':

The only real difference between this and an if-else chain is that the 
compiler knows that all of the test expressions are constants and can be 
hashed at compile time.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch statement

2006-06-11 Thread Talin
 talin Since you don't have the 'fall-through' behavior of C, I would
 talin also assume that you could associate more than one value with a
 talin case, i.e.:
 talin case 'a', 'b', 'c':
 As Andrew Koenig pointed out, that's not discussed in the PEP.  Given the
 various examples though, I would have to assume the above is equivalent to
 case ('a', 'b', 'c'):

I had recognized that ambiguity as well, but chose not to mention it :)

 since in all cases the PEP implies a single expression.
 talin It seems to me that the value of a 'switch' statement is that it
 talin is a computed jump - that is, instead of having to iteratively
 talin test a bunch of alternatives, you can directly jump to the code
 talin for a specific value.
 I agree, but that of course limits the expressions to constants which can be
 evaluated at compile-time as I indicated in my previous mail.  Also, as
 someone else pointed out, that probably prevents something like
 switch expr:
 case END_TOKEN:

Here's another ugly thought experiment, not meant as a serious proposal; 
it's intent is to stimulate ideas by breaking preconceptions. Suppose we 
take the notion of a computed jump literally:

def myfunc( x ):
   goto dispatcher[ x ]

   section s1:

   section s2:

dispatcher=dict('a'=myfunc.s1, 'b'=myfunc.s2)

No, I am *not* proposing that Python add a goto statement. What I am 
really talking about is the idea that you could (somehow) use a 
dictionary as the input to a control construct.

In the above example, rather than allowing arbitrary constant 
expressions as cases, we would require the compiler to generate a set of 
opaque tokens representing various code fragments. These fragments would 
be exactly like inner functions, except that they don't have their own 
scope (and therefore have no parameters either).

Since the jump labels are symbols generated by the compiler, there's no 
ambiguity about when they get evaluated.

The above example also allows these labels to be accessed externally 
from the function by defining attributes on the function object itself 
which correspond to the code fragments.

So in the example, the dictionary which associates specific values with 
executable sections is created once, at runtime, but before the first 
time that myfunc is called.

Of course, this is quite a bit clumsier than a switch statement, which 
is why I say its not a serious proposal.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] stdlib reorganization

2006-05-31 Thread Talin
A.M. Kuchling wrote:
 On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 03:36:02PM -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
That sounds about reasonable.  One possible grouping:
 Note that 2.5's library reference has a different chapter organization
 from 2.4's.  See

I like it. Its a much cleaner organization than the 2.4 libs. I would 
like to see it used as a starting point for a reorg of the standard lib 

One question that is raised is whether the categories should map 
directly to package names in all cases. For example, I can envision a 
desire that 'sys' would stay a top-level name, rather than 'rt.sys'. 
Certain modules are so fundamental that they deserve IMHO to live in the 
root namespace.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-19 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On 5/6/06, Talin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've updated PEP 3101 based on the feedback collected so far.
 I think this is a step in the right direction.

Cool, and thanks for the very detailed feedback.

 I wonder if we shouldn't borrow more from .NET. I read this URL that
 you referenced:
 They have special syntax to support field width, e.g. {0,10} formats
 item 0 in a field of (at least) 10 positions wide, right-justified;
 {0,-10} does the same left-aligned. This is done independently from

We already have that now, don't we? If you look at the docs for String 
Formatting Operations in the library reference, it shows that a 
negative sign on a field width indicates left justification.

 the type-specific formatting. (I'm not proposing that we use .NET's
 format specifiers after the colon, but I'm also no big fan for keeping
 the C specific stuff we have now; we should put some work in designing
 something with the same power as the current %-based system for floats
 and ints, that would cover it.)

Agreed. As you say, the main work is in handling floats and ints, and 
everything else can either be formatted as plain str(), or use a custom 
format specifier syntax (as in my strftime example.)

 .NET's solution for quoting { and } as {{ and }} respectively also
 sidesteps the issue of how to quote \ itself -- since '\\{' is a
 2-char string containing one \ and one {, you'd have to write either
 '{0}' or r'\\{0}' to produce a single literal \ followed by
 formatted item 0. Any time there's the need to quadruple a backslash I
 think we've lost the battle. (Or you might search the web for Tcl
 quoting hell. :-)
 I'm fine with not having a solution for doing variable substitution
 within the format parameters. That could be done instead by building
 up the format string with an extra formatting step: instead of
 {x:{y}}.format(x=whatever, y=3) you could write
 {{x,{y}}}.format(y=3).format(x=whatever). (Note that this is subtle:
 the final }}} are parsed as } followed by }}. Once the parser has seen
 a single {, the first } it sees is the matching closing } and adding
 another } after it won't affect it. The specifier cannot contain { or
 } at all.

There is another solution to this which is equally subtle, although 
fairly straightforward to parse. It involves defining the rules for 
escapes as follows:

'{{' is an escaped '{'
'}}' is an escaped '}', unless we are within a field.

So you can write things like {0:10,{1}}, and the final '}}' will be 
parsed as two separate closing brackets, since we're within a field 

 From a parsing standpoint, this is unambiguous, however I've held off 
on suggesting it because it might appear to be ambiguous to a casual reader.

 I like having a way to reuse the format parsing code while
 substituting something else for the formatting itself.
 The PEP appears silent on what happens if there are too few or too
 many positional arguments, or if there are missing or unused keywords.
 Missing ones should be errors; I'm not sure about redundant (unused)
 ones. On the one hand complaining about those gives us more certainty
 that the format string is correct. On the other hand there are some
 use cases for passing lots of keyword parameters (e.g. simple web
 templating could pass a fixed set of variables using **dict). Even in
 i18n (translation) apps I could see the usefulness of allowing unused

I am undecided on this issue as well, which is the reason that it's not 
mentioned in the PEP (yet).

 On the issue of {a.b.c}: like several correspondents, I don't like the
 ambiguity of attribute vs. key refs much, even though it appears
 useful enough in practice in web frameworks I've used. It seems to
 violate the Zen of Python: In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
 temptation to guess.
 Unfortunately I'm pretty lukewarm about the proposal to support
 {a[b].c} since b is not a variable reference but a literal string 'b'.
 It is also relatively cumbersome to parse. I wish I could propose
 {a+b.c} for this case but that's so arbitrary...

Actually, it's not all that hard to parse, especially given that there 
is no need to deal with the 'nested' case.

I will be supplying a Python implementation of the parser along with the 
PEP. What I would prefer not to supply (although I certainly can if you 
feel it's necessary) is an optimized C implementation of the same 
parser, as well as the implementations of the various type-specific 

 Even more unfortunately, I expect that dict key access is a pretty
 important use case so we'll have to address it somehow. I *don't*
 think there's an important use case for the ambiguity -- in any
 particular situation I expect that the programmer will know whether
 they are expecting a dict or an object with attributes.

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-19 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 [on escaping]
 There is another solution to this which is equally subtle, although
 fairly straightforward to parse. It involves defining the rules for
 escapes as follows:

 '{{' is an escaped '{'
 '}}' is an escaped '}', unless we are within a field.

 So you can write things like {0:10,{1}}, and the final '}}' will be
 parsed as two separate closing brackets, since we're within a field

  From a parsing standpoint, this is unambiguous, however I've held off
 on suggesting it because it might appear to be ambiguous to a casual 
 Sure. But I still think there isn't enough demand for variable
 expansion *within* a field to bother. When's the lats time you used a
 * in a % format string? And how essential was it?

True. I'm mainly trying to avoid excess debate by not dropping existing 
features unecessarily. (Otherwise, you spend way to much time arguing 
with the handful of people out there that do rely on that use case.) But 
if you want to use your special BDFL superpower to shortcut the 
debate, I'm fine with that :)

 BTW I think we should move this back to the py3k list -- the PEP is
 3101 after all. That should simplify the PEP a bit because it no
 longer has ti distinguish between str and unicode. If we later decide
 to backport it to 2.6 it should be easy enough to figure out what to
 do with str vs. unicode (probably the same as we do for %).

All right; Although my understanding is that the PEP should be escalated 
to c.l.p at some point before acceptance, and I figured py-dev would be 
a reasonable intermediate point before that. But it sounds like 3101 is 
going to go back into the shop for the moment, so that's a non-issue.

Since you seem to be in a PEP-review mode, could you have a look at 
3102? In particular, it seems that all of the controversies on that one 
have quieted down; Virtually everyone seems in favor of the first part, 
and you have already ruled in favor of the second part. So I am not sure 
that there is anything more to discuss.

Perhaps I should go ahead and put 3102 on c.l.p at this point.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-08 Thread Talin
Steven Bethard steven.bethard at writes:

 I'm still not a big fan of mixing together getitem-style access and
 getattribute-style access.  That makes classes that support both
 ambiguous in this context.  You either need to specify the order in
 which these are checked (e.g. attribute then item or item then
 attribute), or, preferably, you need to extend the syntax to allow
 getitem-style access too.
 Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that you support anything more
 then items and attributes.  So this is *not* a request to allow
 arbitrary expressions.  In fact, the only use-case I see in the PEP
 needs only item access, not attribute access, so maybe you could drop
 attribute access?
 Can't you just extend the syntax for *only* item access?  E.g. something like:
 My name is {0[name]} :-\{\}.format(dict(name='Fred'))

I'm not opposed to the idea of adding item access, although I believe that
attribute access is also useful. In either case, its not terribly hard to

I'd like to hear what other people have to say on this issue.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-08 Thread Talin
Steven Bethard steven.bethard at writes:

 I believe the proposal is taking advantage of the fact that '\{' is
 not interpreted as an escape sequence -- it is interpreted as a
 literal backslash followed by an open brace:

This is exactly correct.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-08 Thread Talin
Michael Chermside mcherm at writes:

 One small comment:
  The conversion specifier consists of a sequence of zero or more
  characters, each of which can consist of any printable character
  except for a non-escaped '}'.
 Escaped? How are they escaped? (with '\'?) If so, how are backslashes
 escaped (with '\\'?) And does the mechanism un-escape these for you
 before passing them to __format__?
  - Variable field width specifiers use a nested version of the {}
syntax, allowing the width specifier to be either a positional
or keyword argument:
  {0:{1}.{2}d}.format(a, b, c)
 This violates the specification given above... it has non-escaped '}'
 characters. Make up one rule and be consistant.

What would you suggest? I'd be interested in hearing what kinds of
ideas people have for fixing these problems.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3101 Update

2006-05-06 Thread Talin
I've updated PEP 3101 based on the feedback collected so far.
PEP: 3101
Title: Advanced String Formatting
Version: $Revision: 45928 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2006-05-06 18:49:43 -0700 (Sat, 06 May 2006) $
Author: Talin talin at
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Content-Type: text/plain
Created: 16-Apr-2006
Python-Version: 3.0
Post-History: 28-Apr-2006, 6-May-2006


 This PEP proposes a new system for built-in string formatting
 operations, intended as a replacement for the existing '%' string
 formatting operator.


 Python currently provides two methods of string interpolation:

 - The '%' operator for strings. [1]

 - The string.Template module. [2]

 The scope of this PEP will be restricted to proposals for built-in
 string formatting operations (in other words, methods of the
 built-in string type).

 The '%' operator is primarily limited by the fact that it is a
 binary operator, and therefore can take at most two arguments.
 One of those arguments is already dedicated to the format string,
 leaving all other variables to be squeezed into the remaining
 argument.  The current practice is to use either a dictionary or a
 tuple as the second argument, but as many people have commented
 [3], this lacks flexibility.  The all or nothing approach
 (meaning that one must choose between only positional arguments,
 or only named arguments) is felt to be overly constraining.

 While there is some overlap between this proposal and
 string.Template, it is felt that each serves a distinct need,
 and that one does not obviate the other.  In any case,
 string.Template will not be discussed here.


 The specification will consist of 4 parts:

 - Specification of a new formatting method to be added to the
   built-in string class.

 - Specification of a new syntax for format strings.

 - Specification of a new set of class methods to control the
   formatting and conversion of objects.

 - Specification of an API for user-defined formatting classes.

String Methods

 The build-in string class will gain a new method, 'format',
 which takes takes an arbitrary number of positional and keyword

 The story of {0}, {1}, and {c}.format(a, b, c=d)

 Within a format string, each positional argument is identified
 with a number, starting from zero, so in the above example, 'a' is
 argument 0 and 'b' is argument 1.  Each keyword argument is
 identified by its keyword name, so in the above example, 'c' is
 used to refer to the third argument.

 The result of the format call is an object of the same type
 (string or unicode) as the format string.

Format Strings

 Brace characters ('curly braces') are used to indicate a
 replacement field within the string:

 My name is {0}.format('Fred')

 The result of this is the string:

 My name is Fred

 Braces can be escaped using a backslash:

 My name is {0} :-\{\}.format('Fred')

 Which would produce:

 My name is Fred :-{}

 The element within the braces is called a 'field'.  Fields consist
 of a 'field name', which can either be simple or compound, and an
 optional 'conversion specifier'.

 Simple field names are either names or numbers. If numbers, they
 must be valid base-10 integers; if names, they must be valid
 Python identifiers.  A number is used to identify a positional
 argument, while a name is used to identify a keyword argument.

 Compound names are a sequence of simple names seperated by

 My name is {} :-\{\}.format(dict(name='Fred'))

 Compound names can be used to access specific dictionary entries,
 array elements, or object attributes.  In the above example, the
 '{}' field refers to the dictionary entry 'name' within
 positional argument 0.

 Each field can also specify an optional set of 'conversion
 specifiers' which can be used to adjust the format of that field.
 Conversion specifiers follow the field name, with a colon (':')
 character separating the two:

 My name is {0:8}.format('Fred')

 The meaning and syntax of the conversion specifiers depends on the
 type of object that is being formatted, however many of the
 built-in types will recognize a standard set of conversion

 The conversion specifier consists of a sequence of zero or more
 characters, each of which can consist of any printable character
 except for a non-escaped '}'.

 Conversion specifiers can themselves contain replacement fields;
 this will be described in a later section.  Except for this
 replacement, the format() method does not attempt to intepret the
 conversion specifiers in any way; it merely passes all of the
 characters between

Re: [Python-Dev] lambda in Python

2006-05-04 Thread Talin
xahlee xah at writes:

 Today i ran into one of Guido van Rossum's blog article titled  
 “Language Design Is Not Just Solving Puzzles” at

The confrontational tone of this post makes it pretty much impossible
to have a reasonable debate on the subject. I'd suggest that if you
really want to be heard (instead of merely having that I'm right
feeling) that you try a different approach.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mail to talin is bouncing

2006-05-03 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum guido at writes:

 Sorry to bother the list -- talin, mail to you is bouncing:

Someone sent me mail? Cool! :)

Sorry about that, I'm in the process of migrating hosting providers, and I 
forgot to add an email account for myself :) It should be better now, I'll do 
some more tests tonight.

(This is all part of my mad scheme to get my TurboGears/AJAX-based online 
collaborative Thesaurus project available to the outside world.)

End of Thread

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting

2006-04-30 Thread Talin
PEP: 3101
Title: Advanced String Formatting
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Talin talin at
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Content-Type: text/plain
Created: 16-Apr-2006
Python-Version: 3.0


 This PEP proposes a new system for built-in string formatting
 operations, intended as a replacement for the existing '%' string
 formatting operator.


 Python currently provides two methods of string interpolation:

 - The '%' operator for strings. [1]

 - The string.Template module. [2]

 The scope of this PEP will be restricted to proposals for built-in
 string formatting operations (in other words, methods of the
 built-in string type).

 The '%' operator is primarily limited by the fact that it is a
 binary operator, and therefore can take at most two arguments.
 One of those arguments is already dedicated to the format string,
 leaving all other variables to be squeezed into the remaining
 argument.  The current practice is to use either a dictionary or a
 tuple as the second argument, but as many people have commented
 [3], this lacks flexibility.  The all or nothing approach
 (meaning that one must choose between only positional arguments,
 or only named arguments) is felt to be overly constraining.

 While there is some overlap between this proposal and
 string.Template, it is felt that each serves a distinct need,
 and that one does not obviate the other.  In any case,
 string.Template will not be discussed here.


 The specification will consist of 4 parts:

 - Specification of a set of methods to be added to the built-in
   string class.

 - Specification of a new syntax for format strings.

 - Specification of a new set of class methods to control the
   formatting and conversion of objects.

 - Specification of an API for user-defined formatting classes.

String Methods

 The build-in string class will gain a new method, 'format',
 which takes takes an arbitrary number of positional and keyword

 The story of {0}, {1}, and {c}.format(a, b, c=d)

 Within a format string, each positional argument is identified
 with a number, starting from zero, so in the above example, 'a' is
 argument 0 and 'b' is argument 1.  Each keyword argument is
 identified by its keyword name, so in the above example, 'c' is
 used to refer to the third argument.

 The result of the format call is an object of the same type
 (string or unicode) as the format string.

Format Strings

 Brace characters ('curly braces') are used to indicate a
 replacement field within the string:

 My name is {0}.format('Fred')

 The result of this is the string:

 My name is Fred

 Braces can be escaped using a backslash:

 My name is {0} :-\{\}.format('Fred')

 Which would produce:

 My name is Fred :-{}

 The element within the braces is called a 'field'.  Fields consist
 of a name, which can either be simple or compound, and an optional
 'conversion specifier'.

 Simple names are either names or numbers.  If numbers, they must
 be valid decimal numbers; if names, they must be valid Python
 identifiers.  A number is used to identify a positional argument,
 while a name is used to identify a keyword argument.

 Compound names are a sequence of simple names seperated by

 My name is {} :-\{\}.format(dict(name='Fred'))

 Compound names can be used to access specific dictionary entries,
 array elements, or object attributes.  In the above example, the
 '{}' field refers to the dictionary entry 'name' within
 positional argument 0.

 Each field can also specify an optional set of 'conversion
 specifiers'.  Conversion specifiers follow the field name, with a
 colon (':') character separating the two:

 My name is {0:8}.format('Fred')

 The meaning and syntax of the conversion specifiers depends on the
 type of object that is being formatted, however many of the
 built-in types will recognize a standard set of conversion

 The conversion specifier consists of a sequence of zero or more
 characters, each of which can consist of any printable character
 except for a non-escaped '}'.  The format() method does not
 attempt to intepret the conversion specifiers in any way; it
 merely passes all of the characters between the first colon ':'
 and the matching right brace ('}') to the various underlying
 formatters (described later.)

Standard Conversion Specifiers

 For most built-in types, the conversion specifiers will be the
 same or similar to the existing conversion specifiers used with
 the '%' operator.  Thus, instead of '%02.2x, you will say

 There are a few

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-30 Thread Talin
Thomas Wouters thomas at writes:

 Pfft, implementation is easy. I have the impression Talin wants to
implement it himself, but even if he doesn't, I'm sure I'll have a
free week somewhere in the next year and a half in which I can
implement it :) It's not that hard a problem, it just requires a lot
of reading of the AST and function-call code (if you haven't read it

If someone wants to implement this, feel free - I have no particular
feelings of ownership over this idea. If someone can do it better
than I can, then that's the implementation that should be chosen.

One suggestion I would have would be to implement the two parts of the
PEP (keyword-only arguments vs. the 'naked star' syntax) as two
separate patches; While there seems to be a relatively wide-spread
support for the former, the latter is still somewhat controversial and
will require further discussion.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-30 Thread Talin
Zachary Pincus zpincus at writes:

 That seems a bit odd, as my natural expectation wouldn't be to see  
 kw1 ands kw2 as required, no-default keyword args, but as misplaced  
 positional args.
 Perhaps this might be a little better?
def foo(*args, kw1=, kw2=):
 I'm rather not sure. At least it makes it clear that kw1 and kw2 are  
 keyword arguments, and that they have no default values.
 Though, I'm kind of neutral on the whole bit -- in my mind keyword  
 args and default-value args are pretty conflated and I can't think  
 of any compelling reasons why they shouldn't be. It's visually handy  
 when looking at some code to see keywords and be able to say ok,  
 those are the optional args for changing the handling of the main  
 args. I'm not sure where the big win with required keyword args is.

I think a lot of people conflate the two, because of the similarity in
syntax, however they aren't really the same thing. In a function
definition, any argument can be a keyword argument, and the
presence of '=' means 'default value', not 'keyword'.

I have to admit that the primary reason for including required
keyword arguments in the PEP is because they fall out naturally
from the implementation. If we remove this from the PEP, then
the implementation becomes more complicated - because now you
really are assigning a meaning to '=' other than 'default value'.

From a user standpoint, I admit the benefits are small, but I don't
see that it hurts either. The only use case that I can think of is
when you have a function that has some required and some optional
keyword arguments, and there is some confusion about the ordering
of such arguments. By disallowing the arguments to be positional,
you eliminate the possibility of having an argument be assigned
to the incorrect parameter slot.

 For that matter, why not default positional args? I think everyone  
 will agree that seems a bit odd, but it isn't too much odder than  
 required keyword args. (Not that I'm for the former! I'm just  
 pointing out that if the latter is OK, there's no huge reason why the  
 former wouldn't be, and that is in my mind a flaw.)
def compare(a, b, *, key=None):
 This syntax seems a bit odd to me, as well. I always understood the  
 *args syntax by analogy to globbing -- the asterisk means to take  
 all the rest, in some sense in both a shell glob and *args.
 In this syntax, the asterisk, though given a position in the comma- 
 separated list, doesn't mean take the rest and put it in this  
 position. It means stop taking things before this position, which  
 is a bit odd, in terms of items *in* an argument list.
 I grant that it makes sense as a derivation from *ignore-type  
 solutions, but as a standalone syntax it feels off. How about  
 something like:
def compare(a, b; key=None):

I wanted the semicolon as well, but was overruled. The current
proposal is merely a summary of the output of the discussions
so far.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting

2006-04-30 Thread Talin
Zachary Pincus wrote:

 I'm not sure about introducing a special syntax for accessing  
 dictionary entries, array elements and/or object attributes *within a  
 string formatter*... much less an overloaded one that differs from  how 
 these elements are accessed in regular python.
  Compound names are a sequence of simple names seperated by

  My name is {} :-\{\}.format(dict(name='Fred'))

  Compound names can be used to access specific dictionary entries,
  array elements, or object attributes.  In the above example, the
  '{}' field refers to the dictionary entry 'name' within
  positional argument 0.
 Barring ambiguity about whether .name would mean the name attribute  
 or the name dictionary entry if both were defined, I'm not sure I  
 really see the point. How is:
   d = {last:'foo', first:'bar'}
   My last name is {0.last}, my first name is {0.first}..format(d)
 really that big a win over:
   d = {last:'foo', first:'bar'}
   My last name is {0}, my first name is {1}..format(d['last'], d 

At one point I had intended to abandon the compound-name syntax, until I 
realized that it had one beneficial side-effect, which is that it offers 
a way around the 'dict-copying' problem.

There are a lot of cases where you want to pass an entire dict as the 
format args using the **kwargs syntax. One common use pattern is for 
debugging code, where you want to print out a bunch of variables that 
are in the local scope:

print Source file: {file}, line: {line}, column: {col}\
 .format( **locals() )

The problem with this is one of efficiency - the interpreter handles **
by copying the entire dictionary and merging it with any keyword arguments.

Under most sitations this is fine; However if the dictionary is 
particularly large, it might be a problem. So the intent of the
compound name syntax is to allow something very similar:

print Source file: {0.file}, line: {0.line}, column: {0.col}\
 .format( locals() )

Now, its true that you could also do this by passing in the 3 parameters 
as individual arguments; However, there have been some strong proponents 
of being able to pass in a single dict, and rather than restating their 
points I'll let them argue their own positions (so as not to 
accidentally mis-state them.)

 Plus, the in-string syntax is limited -- e.g. what if I want to call  a 
 function on an attribute? Unless you want to re-implement all  python 
 syntax within the formatters, someone will always be able to  level 
 these sort of complaints. Better, IMO, to provide none of that  than a 
 restricted subset of the language -- especially if the syntax  looks and 
 works differently from real python.

The in-string syntax is limited deliberately for security reasons. 
Allowing arbitrary executable code within a string is supported by a 
number of other scripting languages, and we've seen a good number of 
exploits as a result.

I chose to support only __getitem__ and __getattr__ because I felt that 
they would be relatively safe; usually (but not always) those functions 
are written in a way that has no side effects.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-29 Thread Talin
PEP: 3102
Title: Keyword-Only Arguments
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Talin talin at
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Content-Type: text/plain
Created: 22-Apr-2006
Python-Version: 3.0


 This PEP proposes a change to the way that function arguments are
 assigned to named parameter slots.  In particular, it enables the
 declaration of keyword-only arguments: arguments that can only
 be supplied by keyword and which will never be automatically
 filled in by a positional argument.


 The current Python function-calling paradigm allows arguments to
 be specified either by position or by keyword.  An argument can be
 filled in either explicitly by name, or implicitly by position.

 There are often cases where it is desirable for a function to take
 a variable number of arguments.  The Python language supports this
 using the 'varargs' syntax ('*name'), which specifies that any
 'left over' arguments be passed into the varargs parameter as a

 One limitation on this is that currently, all of the regular
 argument slots must be filled before the vararg slot can be.

 This is not always desirable.  One can easily envision a function
 which takes a variable number of arguments, but also takes one
 or more 'options' in the form of keyword arguments.  Currently,
 the only way to do this is to define both a varargs argument,
 and a 'keywords' argument (**kwargs), and then manually extract
 the desired keywords from the dictionary.


 Syntactically, the proposed changes are fairly simple.  The first
 change is to allow regular arguments to appear after a varargs

 def sortwords(*wordlist, case_sensitive=False):

 This function accepts any number of positional arguments, and it
 also accepts a keyword option called 'case_sensitive'.  This
 option will never be filled in by a positional argument, but
 must be explicitly specified by name.

 Keyword-only arguments are not required to have a default value.
 Since Python requires that all arguments be bound to a value,
 and since the only way to bind a value to a keyword-only argument
 is via keyword, such arguments are therefore 'required keyword'
 arguments.  Such arguments must be supplied by the caller, and
 they must be supplied via keyword.

 The second syntactical change is to allow the argument name to
 be omitted for a varargs argument:

 def compare(a, b, *, key=None):

 The reasoning behind this change is as follows.  Imagine for a
 moment a function which takes several positional arguments, as
 well as a keyword argument:

 def compare(a, b, key=None):

 Now, suppose you wanted to have 'key' be a keyword-only argument.
 Under the above syntax, you could accomplish this by adding a
 varargs argument immediately before the keyword argument:

 def compare(a, b, *ignore, key=None):

 Unfortunately, the 'ignore' argument will also suck up any
 erroneous positional arguments that may have been supplied by the
 caller.  Given that we'd prefer any unwanted arguments to raise an
 error, we could do this:

 def compare(a, b, *ignore, key=None):
 if ignore:  # If ignore is not empty
 raise TypeError

 As a convenient shortcut, we can simply omit the 'ignore' name,
 meaning 'don't allow any positional arguments beyond this point'.

Function Calling Behavior

 The previous section describes the difference between the old
 behavior and the new.  However, it is also useful to have a
 description of the new behavior that stands by itself, without
 reference to the previous model.  So this next section will
 attempt to provide such a description.

 When a function is called, the input arguments are assigned to
 formal parameters as follows:

   - For each formal parameter, there is a slot which will be used
 to contain the value of the argument assigned to that

   - Slots which have had values assigned to them are marked as
 'filled'.  Slots which have no value assigned to them yet are
 considered 'empty'.

   - Initially, all slots are marked as empty.

   - Positional arguments are assigned first, followed by keyword

   - For each positional argument:

  o Attempt to bind the argument to the first unfilled
parameter slot.  If the slot is not a vararg slot, then
mark the slot as 'filled'.

  o If the next unfilled slot is a vararg slot, and it does
not have a name, then it is an error.

  o Otherwise, if the next unfilled slot is a vararg slot then
all remaining non-keyword

Re: [Python-Dev] Dropping requirement for subpackages

2006-04-27 Thread Talin
Guido van Rossum guido at writes:

 The requirement that a directlry must contain an file
 before it is considered a valid package has always been controversial.
 It's designed to prevent the existence of a directory with a common
 name like time or string from preventing fundamental imports to
 work. But the feature often trips newbie Python programmers (of which
 there are a lot at Google, at our current growth rate we're probably
 training more new Python programmers than any other organization
 worldwide .

Might I suggest an alternative?

I too find it cumbersome to have to litter my directory tree with 
iles. However, rather than making modules be implicit (Explicit is better
than implicit), I would rather see a more powerful syntax for declaring

Specifically, what I would like to see is a way for a top-level to
explicitly list which subdirectories are modules. Rather than spreading that
information over a bunch of different files, I would much rather
have the information be centralized in a single text file for the whole

Just as we have an __all__ variable that indicates which symbols are to be
exported, we could have a '__submodules__' array which explicitly calls out
the list of submodule directory names. Or perhaps more simply, just have
some code in the top-level that creates (but does not load)
the module objects for the various sub-modules.

The presence of could perhaps also indicate the root of
a *standalone* module tree; submodules that don't have their own, but which are declared indirectly via an ancestor are assumed
by convention to be 'component' modules which are not intended to
operate outside of their parent. (In other words, the presence of the signals that that tree is separately exportable.)

I'm sure that someone who is familiar with the import machinery could
whip up something like this in a matter of minutes.

As far as the compatibility with tools argument goes, I say, break em :)
Those tool programmers need a hobby anyway :)

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 355 (object-oriented paths)

2006-04-20 Thread Talin
I didn't have a chance to comment earlier on the Path class PEP,
but I'm dealing with an analogous situation at work and I'd like to
weigh in on it.

The issue is - should paths be specialized objects or regular strings?

PEP 355 does an excellent job, I think, of presenting the case for paths
being objects. And I certainly think that it would be a good idea to
clean up some of the path-related APIs that are in the stdlib now.

However, all that being said, I'd like to make some counter-arguments.

There are a lot of programming languages out there today that have
custom path classes, while many others use strings. A particularly
useful comparison is Java vs. C#, two languages which have many
aspects in common, but take diametrically opposite approaches to
the handling of paths. Java uses a Path class, while C# uses strings
as paths, and supplies a set of function-based APIs for manipulating

Having used both languages extensively, I think that I prefer strings.
One of the main reasons for this is that the majority of path
manipulations are single operations - such as, take a base path
and a relative path and combine them. Although you do occasionally
see cases where a complex series of operations is performed on a
path, such cases tend to be (a) rare, and (b) not handled well by
the standard API, in the sense that what is being done to the path
is not something that was anticipated by the person who wrote the
path API in the first place.

Given that the ultimate producers and consumers of paths (that is,
the filesystem APIs, the input fields of dialog boxes, the argv array)
know nothing about Path objects, the question is, is it worth converting
to a special object and back again just to do a simple concatenate?
I think that I would prefer to have a nice orthogonal set of path
manipulation functions.

Another reason why I am a bit dubious about a class-based approach
is that it tends to take anything that is related to a filepath and lump
them into a single module.

I think that there are some fairly good reasons why different path-
related functions should be in different modules. For example,
one thing that irks me (and others) about the Path class in Java is
that it makes no distinction between methods that are merely textual
conversions, and methods which actually go out and touch the disk.
I would rather that functions that invoke filesystem activity to be
partitioned away from functions that merely involve string

Creating a tempfile, for example, or determining whether a file is
writeable should not be in the same bucket as determining the
file extension, or whether a path is relative or absolute.

What I would like to see, instead, is for the various path-related
functions to be organized into a clear set of categories. For example,
if os.path is the module for pure operations on paths, without
reference to the filesystem, then the current path separator character
should be a member of that module, not the os module.

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Slightly OT: Replying to posts

2006-03-05 Thread Talin
Just a quick question about the mechanics of replying to this list.

I am a subscriber to the list, however I much prefer readiing the list 
archives on the web instead of having the postings delivered to my email 
account. Because of this, I have delivery turned off in the mailing list 
preferences. I particularly dislike the idea of wasting bandwidth and 
disk space on something that I am not going to read.

However, I would like to be able to reply to posts in such a way as to 
have them appear in the appropriate place in the thread hierarchy. Since 
I don't have the original email, I cannot reply to it directly; instead 
I have to create a new, non-reply email and send it to the list. Simply 
editing the subject line to put Re: subject would seem to be insufficient.

Does anyone have a trick for managing this? Or is there a FAQ that 
someone can point me to that addresses this issue?

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Slightly OT: Replying to posts

2006-03-01 Thread Talin
Just a quick question about the mechanics of replying to this list.

I am a subscriber to the list, however I much prefer readiing the list 
archives on the web instead of having the postings delivered to my email 
account. Because of this, I have delivery turned off in the mailing list 
preferences. I particularly dislike the idea of wasting bandwidth and 
disk space on something that I am not going to read.

However, I would like to be able to reply to posts in such a way as to 
have them appear in the appropriate place in the thread hierarchy. Since 
I don't have the original email, I cannot reply to it directly; instead 
I have to create a new, non-reply email and send it to the list. Simply 
editing the subject line to put Re: subject would seem to be insufficient.

Does anyone have a trick for managing this? Or is there a FAQ that 
someone can point me to that addresses this issue?

-- Talin

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adventures with ASTs - Inline Lambda

2006-02-18 Thread Talin

talin ... whereas with 'given' you can't be certain when to stop
talin parsing the argument list.

So require parens around the arglist:

(x*y given (x, y))


I would not be opposed to mandating the parens, and its an easy enough 
change to make. The patch on SF lets you do it both ways, which will 
give people who are interested a chance to get a feel for the various 

I realize of course that this is a moot point. But perhaps I can help to 
winnow down the dozens of rejected lambda replacement proposals to just 
a few rejected lamda proposals :)

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adventures with ASTs - Inline Lambda

2006-02-17 Thread Talin
All right, the patch is up on SF. Sorry for the delay, I accidentally 
left my powerbook about an hour's drive away from home, and had to drive 
to go get it this morning :)

To those who were asking what advantage the new syntax has - well, from 
a technical perspective there are none, since the underlying 
implementation is identical. The only (minor) difference is in the 
syntactical ambiguity, which both forms have - with lambda you can't be 
certain when to stop parsing the result expression, whereas with 'given' 
you can't be certain when to stop parsing the argument list.

I see the primary advantage of the inline syntax as pedagogical - given 
a choice, I would rather explain the given syntax to a novice 
programmer than try to explain lambda. This is especially true given the 
similarity in form to generator expressions - in other words, once 
you've gone through the effort of explaining generator expressions, you 
can re-use most of that explanation when explaining function 
expressions; whereas with lambda, which looks like nothing else in 
Python, you have to start from scratch.

-- Talin
Python-Dev mailing list