Re: [Python-ideas] Revisiting dedicated overloadable boolean operators

2018-08-06 Thread Grégory Lielens
A small remark for Todd's proposal: I think you should treat the new not (bNOT 
in the original proposal) differently: it's not binary, so it should not have 2 
dunders, the right one is not needed (or there is only the right one, in a way, 
but other unary ops use the classic dunder iirc...)

Also, not having xor is made more painful by this proposal (or for any proposal 
for new Boolean operators using variants of and/or/not)...
I have been bitten a few times writing xor in my code (not often, because xor 
is done less often), it already feel like it's missing from python. With 
additional duplicated operators, including bXOR, the missing xor is annoying 
like a missing teeth: even if you don't use it so much, you think of it all the 
time ;-)
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Re: [Python-ideas] Revisiting dedicated overloadable boolean operators

2018-08-04 Thread Grégory Lielens
You should have a look at old PEP225 "Elementwise operators", that proposed ~ 
as a modifier for many existing operator, to indicate they do mostly what their 
"normal counterpart do, but act on the inner/ elements of an object instead of 
on the whole.
This was only a memorisation technique, as all tilde operators were defined 
individually and has associated magic/dunder method (they had also the same 
precedence as the non-tilded version). It was mainly for ~* to be used as 
classic numpy multiply and * used as matrix multiply, but as an aside, ~and, 
~or, ~not and ~xor were defined as elementwise logical operators, bitwise when 
applied on int-like objects.
Also xor was proposed as a new short-circuiting 
Classic operator, for orthogonality (the value returned when doing true_a xor 
true_b was not fixed in the PEP, I can not decide between False and None ;-)

Funny this come back after all this time___
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Re: [Python-ideas] Change repr of collections.OrderedDict to be more dict-like

2018-07-26 Thread Grégory Lielens
True, I was not aware of that...
But the thread also predict  OrderedDict will become very unfrequent, and 
that's also my impression: we are currently removing our OrderedDict.
I expect OrderedDict will be used only in place where the sequential order 
is a primary characteristic, with key access the secondary use pattern. 
dict will be used in the opposite context, key are the preffered access and 
order is only a secondary charateristic (that's our use case, order is 
needed only to make iteration order deterministic).
In this sense, the current repr is imho better: it  emphasize the order 
aspect (through the list) while your proposal emphasize the dict aspect.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Change repr of collections.OrderedDict to be more dict-like

2018-07-26 Thread Grégory Lielens
I would wait a little bit. OrderedDict will probable become a pure synonym 
for dict,
in a few releases, and the repr issue will solve itself, both giving the 
even simpler/nicer {'a': '1', 'b': '2'}

Your proposal expose that dicts are ordered (which they are, but it's 
hidden). Once exposed, OrderedDict are obsolete and should be in the 
namespace only for backward compatibitlity.

On Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 10:13:12 AM UTC+2, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> Hi,
> now when dicts are sorted, can we change the repr of 
> collections.OrderedDict to look like dict?
> I mean from:
>  OrderedDict([('a', '1'), ('b', '2')])
> To:
>  OrderedDict({'a': '1', 'b': '2'})
> I assume the current list-of-tuples repr is there so copy pasting the 
> repr to the interpreter results in the same OrderedDict. When dicts 
> preserve insertion order, this now works with dict.
> I consider the dict-based repr much easier to read.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
> ___
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-25 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018 at 10:33:37 AM UTC+2, Brice Parent wrote:
> I think the use case here is not really the simple 'is  None' + 'is not 
> None'.

Sure, that's why I also proposed to manually check a non-too-small samples 
of the None-testing occurences found by Guido .
You did it on your sample, and your findings findings are what I roughly 
I didn't do it. Well, not true, I sort of did it ;-), but I was lazy so I 
did not look enough to be representative, it was only a quick look at a 
very few instances:

I did not encounter deep hierarchy descent (I think the few we have use 
hasattr), but I found a couple where the proposed syntax would help but 
just a little: it's short and would use single ?? or ??=
By far, the most common case was using None as a marker for "we need a 
default sensible in the context", most of the time for a default argument. 
?? and ??= indeed makes things slightly shorter and usually slightly 
clearer, but the improvement is very small as  things are short and clear 
already. That's also why I was interested in the default argument 
delegating: In quite a few cases, the None default was because the real 
default was in a subfunction, and a way to delegate would be much more 
useful there.

if the case is just to replace one None value by something else, it's 
> not really an improvement as we just save one short line, and once the 
> new syntax is accepted and we're used to it, both solution are quite 
> explicit with what they do, so I'd prefer the status quo over a second 
> way of doing the same thing.

Yep, ditto. That's why I am -1 on ?? and ??= : They are useful, but not 
enough imho

It gets interesting in json-like cases, when we traverse a deep tree in 
> which we might encounter None at multiple levels. 

I hoped the PEP writers would submit such reallife examples, I think that's 
the motivation behind the PEP. But either I missed it, or they didn't show 
it yet. 
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-25 Thread Grégory Lielens
BTW, I did (very quickly, so it's rough, my regexps are not really catching 
everything) the same or our code base:

"is None"+ "is not None": 5600
AttributeError: 160
3 args getattr: 60
hasattr: 1800

So very similar to your patternexcept for hasattr, which is much more 
common in my case...
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-24 Thread Grégory Lielens
Interesting, looking into, let's say, 100 of those is [not] None, randomly 
chosen, should give an very good idea of typical use for your code base.

I am curious about why you don't like solutions involving exceptions?
Catching too much, like typing errors?
Less easy to distinguish between None and attr missing?
Less easy to combine None-aware and classic attr lookup on the same expression?
Something else?___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-24 Thread Grégory Lielens
Both approaches should not be exposed as core language, but as facilitating 
tools to be used if, in your application, you have to traverse deep 
semi-regular attributes hierarchies.
The operator approach, by definition, is part of the core, so -1
The wrapper does not need to be included in python, so the discussion is 
meaningless: people define the tools they want and use them as they please.
Personally, I think it would be nice to have that in the standard distrib, 
especially wrapt or something as powerful. But I don't really care in fact, 
what good is that now I know about it so I can use it...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-24 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 1:38:42 PM UTC+2, Rhodri James wrote:
> -snip-
> I'm still of the opinion that both approaches are trying to solve a 
> problem that's too niche to merit them, BTW. 

That's also my impression. Hence the second approach: it does not require 
any change to python, it's just a tool for that niche, so imho it's the 
right approach. Such a wrapper can even be provided by the lib that 
produced such nested attributes in the first place. The operator are a tool 
which seems designed to the same niche issue, but is exposed as a core 
language feature. It may be interesting if it provides a lot of side 
benefits, so the tool is so braodly useful it outgrowned it's niche origin. 
At this point, I do not think it does.
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-24 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 9:28:02 AM UTC+2, Brice Parent wrote:
> Le 24/07/2018 à 00:39, Chris Angelico a écrit :
> > On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 8:22 AM, Thomas Jollans  > wrote:
> ...
> > What about:
> >
> > 5 < x < 10
> >
> > Can you add parentheses to that to "make precedence and evaluation order 
> clear"?
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge, this is just a shorthand 
> to `5 < x and x < 10`.

I learned something here:
>>>   -5<-2<-1<=-1>-3

I wonder how this works, especially as < and friends have magical __ 
methods... How is it expanded in tne AST?
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-24 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 2:39:19 AM UTC+2, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> PEP 505 has a section explaining why catching AttributeError 
> is undesirable. I find the reasons it gives are compelling. 
> Can you explain why you reject the PEP's arguments against catching 
> AttributeError? 

Yes, and people have done it multiple time already. I will try to make it 
as explicit as possible, with a terminology that some may find useful...
when u have a object hierarchy linked through attributes, which -seems- the 
use pattern of ?. , the hierarchy is either
- 1) fully regular (each attribute contains the same type of objects (same 
type=with the same attributes), then normal . access is what you want
- 2) regular-or-None (contain same type of objects, or None). That's what 
?. is for, and ?. is only for that.
- 3) its partially regular (does not contain the same type of objects, some 
objects have more attributes than other, e.g. partial objects).
- 4) its irregular (objects may be of completely different type (int, 
str,... and do not specailly share attributes).

?. is intended for 2).
2) and 3) can be dealed with swallowing AttributeError
4) can also be traversed swallowing AttributeError, but it's probably a 
very bad idea in almost all cases.

I've encountered all cases, from time to time, but none is really typical 
of most of my code. Which is more common? not sure, I would say 3). 
What is sure is that 2) do not stand as hugely more common than the others, 
so introducing a special syntax for 2) do not  please me, so +0... 
Now as I find ?. unpleasant to parse (personal opinion), and having grown 
to share the general operaror / line noise allergy mainstream in the python 
community, i am a firm -1 on this: too small a niche, do not bring much 
compared to current approach, and visual line noise.
firm -1 on ?? too, it's less polemic, less visually displeasing, but even 
less usefull I think: it does not gain that much compared to a more general 

As the pymaybe/this thread cover 2) and 3), and do it without any change to 
python, I find it better. No change > lib change > backward compatible 
object change  - like dict becoming ordered, or None triggering 
NoneAttributeError(AttributeError) > syntax change (expecially a bunch of 
linenoisy operators).

Now I will stop for a while here, arguments have become circular, 
proponents and opponents have exposed their view, but mostly proponents 
have provided very few additional information for a while, especially about 
real use cases, despite a few requests. 
We still do not know what motivated the proposal..We had to guess (JSON). 
Even the PEP do not say, it provide a set of real world example from the 
standard library, which is admirable but different. And personaly, while am 
very thankful for providing those concrete examples, I find them 
unconvicing: the code before is usually fine and improved little by the new 
operators. Sometimes it's worse: only slightly shorter and less clear.
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
Short circuit is indeed the main difference. 
Makes me re-think about the None trigger subclasses of invalid operations 
Like None.a trigger a NoneAttributeError(AttributeError), and so on...
I think it solves many issues without much problems nor syntax changes, but 
probably I miss something...

Sure, it's a big change, but maybe less so than 3 non-classic operators working 
only on None...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
The proto here swallow and short circuit on attribute error. Changing to do it 
on Noneness is easy, and you can choose between the two behavior: it's a 
strength compared to the operator approach.

It's working in current python, another strength.

I think short-circuit behavior is similar: once stopping condition has been 
met, the gard object cascade till the end of the nested attribute lookup. Like 
None do for the operator.

More complex stuff when None-coalescing attribute access is mixed with normal 
access is better done with operators.
Maybe complex operations fine of the middle of the access chain would also be 
easier with the operators.

How many times would you encounter that in real cases? I bet on very few.
In those few case, would a one line ?. chain expression be better than a 
multiple line logic with temporaries? I think no.

That's my feeling, but in the absence of concrete examples, feelings are ok.___
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Re: [Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
Your wrapper class can also, I think:
 Swallow exceptions, especially AttributeError
 Specify the sentinel, if it is not None
 Work for getitem 

Mixing is indeed more difficult, and there is probably performance impact.
Still, it's general and does not need to touch the implementation of the class 
you want to descend...

I like it better than the operators

Another idea, may be stupid, maybe not: what if None fails with a subinstance 
of AttributeError, and a subinstance of KeyError, or IndexError. Then a 
try/except catching only those exceptions would also work quite nicely...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
 Paul Moore wrote:
> This is my impression, as well. It seems like something that's helpful
> in dealing with unstructured object hierarchies with lots of optional
> attributes - which is where JSON tends to be used.
> But given that, I'm really much more interested in seeing the new
> operators compared against a well-written "JSON object hierarchy
> traversal" library than against raw Python code.

Good point, I did not think about that when suggesting to give some 
context, but indeed if it's linked to a library in particular, there is 
always the possibility to choose another object than None as the "nothing 
here" marker. 

One that will absorb getitems and  getattr accesses so that ?.  and ?[] 
behavior is reproduced by plain . and []. Guard/NoValues should be chosen 
so that typical lib use is easier. 

Anyway, addressing partially-populated nodes would need lib support: 
None-coalescence will not help when you traverse a dict/attribute hierarchy 
where some nodes implement some attributes/keys but not others. It help 
only when a node is either regular, or a guard object without any 
attributes...So an irregular tree, but not too irregular ;-)... 

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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
Maybe it would help if you mention in which context you will benefit the 
most? If the python sub-community related to this context agree "?? and 
friends" is a good idea, then it will add weight to the proposal. Else, 
probably better to forget it.

It seems related to JSON, but as I have never used it, it's a wild guess.

Anyway, it's a special pattern with deep attribute hierarchies, whose 
traversal is shortcutted when one attribute happen to be None.
This is common, with 2 exception:
 -it's rare it's really deep, or then it is arbitrarily deep and you need a 
procedural descent, not a fixed expression.
 -None break the descend, but then so does missing attributes.
You address the first with special syntax. not the second, so I suspect in 
your case the second does not happen. Or rarely happen.

Hope this will help finding why some finds the ? operators add little, 
while some others think they add enough to overcome python traditional 
operator-averse nature.

On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 1:10:03 PM UTC+2, Steve Dower wrote:
> On 23Jul2018 1145, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > 
> > Le 23/07/2018 à 12:38, Steve Dower a écrit :
> >>
> >> General comment to everyone (not just Antoine): these arguments have
> >> zero value to me. Feel free to keep making them, but I am uninterested.
> > 
> > So you're uninterested in learning from past mistakes?
> > 
> > You sound like a child who thinks their demands should be satisfied
> > because they are the center of the world.
> Sorry if it came across like that, it wasn't the intention. A bit of 
> context on why you think it's a mistake would have helped, but if it's a 
> purely subjective "I don't like the look of it" (as most similar 
> arguments have turned out) then it doesn't add anything to enhancing the 
> PEP. As a result, I do not see any reason to engage with this class of 
> argument.
> I hope you'll also notice that I've been making very few demands in this 
> thread, and have indicated a number of times that I'm very open to 
> adjusting the proposal in the face of honest and useful feedback.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> ___
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Re: [Python-ideas] slice[] to get more complex slices

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
That would be even more directbut it require syntax support, usefull 
mainly for people doing multdim complex slicing (i.e numpy users). I may be 
wrong, but I do not see it gain much support outside numpy...

slice[] is probably much more easy to swallow for standard python 
users, and almost as good imho.
It reuse getitem, so it imply the produced slice will behaves exactly like 
it would if it was not stored/reused, and almost garantee it will be the 
case indeed (even if the slice syntax is extended)

Getting this to work including a new module would be nice. Eventually, 
having it standard is positive too, it means slice manipulation will become 
more standardised.

On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 12:32:04 PM UTC+2, Jeroen Demeyer wrote:
> On 2018-07-23 12:24, Jeroen Demeyer wrote: 
> > Another solution that nobody has mentioned (as far as I know) is to add 
> > additional syntax to the language for that. For example, one could say 
> > that (1:3) could be used to construct slice(1, 3) directly. The 
> > parentheses are required to avoid confusion with type hints. I'm not a 
> > Python language expert, but I don't think that type hints can occur 
> > inside parentheses like that. 
> And this could be extended to tuples (1:3, 2:4) and lists [1:3, 2:4] of 
> slices too. 
> ___ 
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Re: [Python-ideas] slice[] to get more complex slices

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
Oh yes , I see. Seems like almost everybody think using the [...] syntax to 
define reusable slices is a good idea, the discussion is where this could 
be implemented, knowing that numpy.s_ already exists.

Discussion is not easy to follow, with the patch almost accepted then 
delayed then rejected, in a very short amount of time.

In particular, it's not clear why direct indexing of slice type (not 
instance) was not chosen. It was the first proposal, and here again Todd's 
choice. it was silently skipped/changed to slice.literal then moved to 
operators, at least that's the impression I got reading ...
Not sure slice[1::3] can be done, but this has my preference too: it's the 
most direct exposure I can think of...

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Re: [Python-ideas] slice[] to get more complex slices

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens
+1 on this. Seems easy a limited in scope, and it reduce the need to 
remember the details of slice constructor, just reuse the same syntax for 
getitem slices.

Seems that the initial proposal was skipped just for timing reasons, and 
have a large support among numpy users. More mixed outside numpy, but still 
I think it was put under the rug a little too quickly...
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-23 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Monday, July 23, 2018 at 8:24:45 AM UTC+2, Nicholas Cole wrote:

And that leads to a simple question: how many times does this actually 
> occur in real-world by python code? -- i.e. how many times do I want 
> to check the value of an existing label, and, finding it is None (and 
> None specifically), then assign it a value? 

The PEP present a few examples.

I think the compactness and clarity is really gained when doing a descent 
into an "attribute tree", where any (or selected) members can be None, like 
getting back to the  example by Steven (spell-corrected, and expanded):

 meal = obj?.spam?.eggs.tomato?.cheese ?? "Mozzarella"

Where, to put the proposal in even better light, I have assumed that eggs 
instances always have a tomato attributes (i.e. are never None).

This is indeed much more compact that the current version, and arguably 
more readable (it's easier to parse once you know the syntax...but you have 
to know the special syntax that will be used for this kind of stuff only). 
The more you deepen the attribute access, the more you gain, but of course 
deep attribute access is not so common. The new operators may make deep 
attribute hierarchies (or deeply nested dicts/lists) slightly more common, 
and there also I do not think it's a good thing.

For me the issue is that you gain little, each operator is very limited in 
scope, but at the same it's a operator, and those are introduced very 
carefully in Python (the resistance to line noise is high, it's one of the 
defining aspect of Python since forever).

Each of them do not do enough IMHO, it's too special case and do not unlock 
especially powerfull/elegant/generalization reuse of other part of Python 
syntax. If you add something, it should play nice with the existing feature 
and solve nagging issues that broaden its appeal, or be powerful/general 
enough to justify it's existence on its own, or be so self-evident for a 
python user that it feels it's solving a bug.

It's not the case for ?? and friends imho, far from it.

Also, what happen if you want to modify your deep nested tree, not only 
access it?

obj?.spam?.eggs.tomato?.cheese = "Mozzarella"

will not work, and the proposal will not really help there (Or will it? I 
am not the proposer, I am strongly against it, so I could easily miss 
If it's not possible, you lose a kind of symmetry, and that I do not like 
(orthogonality and symmetries are really nice in in a computer language, it 
helps quickly remembering the syntax as you are not cluttered by special 
cases and exceptions)

Steven wrote:

The Python community has always been conservative and resistant to 
change, but the level of conservativeness is now pushing towards fear 
of change rather than justifiable caution about adding new features that 
cannot easily be reverted. 

That's probably because you like this proposal. Really, compared to the 2.0 
days, it seems that Python has became much less resistant to change. You 
have resistance even when proposing changes in standard library, or even 
the C interpreter internal, unseen in the Python layer, and imho it's often 
justified (what can be discussed is how arbitrary the actual selection of 
change is, but a general resistance is not a bad thing)
It is a little bit optimistic to expect ?? and friends will be a walk in 
the park, especially after := ...

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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-22 Thread Grégory Lielens
Short circuit if the first argument is NOT None, I guess? ;-)

Yes, so a short circuit is sometimes good. Not often imho, for a default 
triggered by None, but sometimes...
In the case it is, do you want it to be hidden in an expression? Usually it 
would be better to draw attention, when the default is either costly to 
compute, or worse, it's evaluation have side effect. I would use an old 
fashioned if in those cases...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-22 Thread Grégory Lielens
The ?? operator is probably the less scary one regarding legibility, and in 
guessing (or remembering) what it exactly does...
Well, at least I think I understand what it does exactly, but if I'm not wrong 
there, what it does is also quite simple and minimal.

A function returning it's first non-None argument (or None, if all args are 
None) will provide the same functionality, with not much typing. You have 
parenthesis for the call, but you will probably need them anyway to group 
things, for correcting precedence, or helping the reader to parse your 
expression even if precedence was right.
You have an extra call, so ?? may be more efficient...maybe. 

Is that a reason enough, together with a few letters saved typing, to introduce 
?? ? Not for me...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-22 Thread Grégory Lielens
Except that the third possibility is not possible...if a is None, a[2] will 
throw an exception...
For now at least ;-)
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-22 Thread Grégory Lielens
To get rid of the two other ( ?. And ?[] ), we could also define getitem and 
getattr for None to always return None...;-)

I'm joking, although such an "absorbing" None may have been a good choice when 
None was introduced, and maybe a way to do an absorbing-None per-statement 
maybe nice...Nice enough to add more subtleties to python? I don't think so, 
but it would be readable...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] if we were to ever shorten `A if A else B` (was: PEP 505: None-aware operators)

2018-07-21 Thread Grégory Lielens
Coming from the @ side (I was strong +1 on this), I have troubles seeing the 
real benefits from ?? (And even more from associates): did we really have long 
and complex expressions where the compactness of an operator would help? 

Operators are inherently obscure (except for those that are learnt in 
elementary school), but they help when you combine multiple operators and 
benefit from their precedence rules. There you can benefit from them, even if 
explicit it's better than implicit...
It was the case for @, and even with proofs of long formulas, and a history of 
matrix algebra from hundreds of years before computing science, the resistance 
was strong: a majority of non-numpy users resisted it, saying a function 
matmul(A,B) was good enough and A@B would bring nothing.
It was eventually accepted, 7 or so years after the initial proposal, through 
another PEP, when relative weight of numpy community was probably larger.
So i'd like to see examples of long expressions that would really benefit groin 
using an very specific operator. At this point, the explicitness of "a if a is 
not None else []" wins, by a long shot...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators: operators ?= and ?? and OR

2018-07-20 Thread Grégory Lielens
I like it much better than the operator version, if I understand correctly, 
it's like a watcher for special value, that monitor the stack.
Danger is that it monitor the whole stack, so that final result is dependent on 
how much you decompose your algorithm into nested fiction calls: all return 
values will be monitored, and only return values...
But if you refactor a big function into nested functions, and happen to return 
the special value in the new subfunctions, it will have side effects, that can 
not be known within the context: it expose internals that used to be hidden, 
deliberately so...___
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Re: [Python-ideas] Idea: Deferred Default Arguments?

2018-07-20 Thread Grégory Lielens
A crazy idea, didn't think much about it yet:

def subfunc(c,a=0,b=1):

def function(c,d=3, from args(subfunc) import a,b):
  return anotherfunc(a+b+c+d,subfunc(c,a,b))

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Re: [Python-ideas] Idea: Deferred Default Arguments?

2018-07-20 Thread Grégory Lielens
Excellent point! I am not fully convinced by the syntax yet, but having 
proposed something is already very valuable and  I do not have a better 
proposal. As I had to defer defaults countless times, and each times 
grumped about it, I hope something will come out of this...
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-20 Thread Grégory Lielens

On Friday, July 20, 2018 at 11:12:26 AM UTC+2, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 5:10 PM, Grégory Lielens
> > wrote:
> Excuse me, that wasn't my words you quoted. Watch your citations please :)
> ChrisA

Yes, sorry, it was Brendan Barnwell. And I can not edit my previous 
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

2018-07-20 Thread Grégory Lielens

On 2018-07-19 02:11, Chris Angelico wrote: 


> -snip-
> As far as I can see, these null-coalescing operators would break 
> that 
> model.  The PEP doesn't seem to provide for a "real" magic method 
> allowing users to override the actual behavior of the method.  (You can 
> only override __has_value__ to hook into it, but not define by fiat what 
> A ?? B does, as you can with other operators.)  And I think the reason 
> for this is that the operator itself is too specific, much more specific 
> in semantics than other operators.  (I had similar doubts about adding 
> the matrix-multiplication operator @.) 
> People keep saying that this null-coalescing behavior is so common 
> and 
> useful, etc., but that hasn't been my experience at all.  In my 
> experience, the desire to shortcut this kind of logic is more often a 
> sign of corner-cutting and insufficiently specified data formats, and is 
> likely to cause bugs later on.  Eventually it has to actually matter 
> whether something is None or not, and these operators just kick that can 
> down the road.  In terms of their abstract meaning, they are not 
> remotely close to as common or useful as operators like & and |. 

Fully agree with you on this, so -1 on those new operators. I like 
operators (I was behind one of the early proposals for matmul operator 
(even proposed a bunch of others, for orthogonality purpose: 
element-wise/object-as-a-whole is a dichotomy that can happen for other 
things that multiplication), but they need to benefit from operators 
specifics: precendence order, tradition meaning direct translation of 
formula/recipies already written with a similar notation, and be generic 
enough to allow productive use of overloading (instead of confusing use).

Matmul have this (with possible exception for overloading, but they are 
quite a few other mathematical entities where you want to have more than 1 
multiplication, beside matrices).

Those new operators, not so much, the only benefit is more compact notation 
of something that is already quite compact (A if A is not None else B) and 
very explicit (it reads like pseudocode, which is a huge strengh of python).
?? and associates is much more cryptic, force you to think much harder 
about precedence, just to be slightly more compact. Granted, compact 
notation can be valuable, but usually if you want to couple multiple such 
things (like you often do with matmul), and precedence rules allows you to 
do it elegantly combine multiple operator with infix notation (again matmul 
is present in formulas that have scalar mul, + and -) . 
Do we do this with None-coalescence? I don't think so, not often anyway...
Do we want to do this more with None-coalescence? Not me, certainly not: 
When I None coalesce, I want it to be as clear and atomic as possible 
because it's a corner case.

so strong -1...
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