On Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 1:38:42 PM UTC+2, Rhodri James wrote:
> -snip-
> I'm still of the opinion that both approaches are trying to solve a 
> problem that's too niche to merit them, BTW. 

That's also my impression. Hence the second approach: it does not require 
any change to python, it's just a tool for that niche, so imho it's the 
right approach. Such a wrapper can even be provided by the lib that 
produced such nested attributes in the first place. The operator are a tool 
which seems designed to the same niche issue, but is exposed as a core 
language feature. It may be interesting if it provides a lot of side 
benefits, so the tool is so braodly useful it outgrowned it's niche origin. 
At this point, I do not think it does.
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