Roundup Issue Tracker release 1.0.1

2006-02-03 Thread Richard Jones
I'm proud to release this, the 1.0.1 release of Roundup.

Features in this release:

- scripts/ will import a tracker from Sourceforge.NET
- added hasRole('Role Name') to HTMLUser

Fixed in this release:

- SQL generation for sort/group by separate Link properties (sf bug
- fix timezone offsetting in email Date: header
- fix security check for hasPermission('Permission', None)

If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow
the Software Upgrade guidelines given in the maintenance documentation.

Roundup requires python 2.3 or later for correct operation.

To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run::


Release info and download page:
Source and documentation is available at the website:
Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:

About Roundup

Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design
from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry Track design competition.

Note: Ping is not responsible for this project. The contact for this
project is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as
description, priority, and so on) and provides the ability to:

(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues, and
(c) discuss issues with other participants.

The system will facilitate communication among the participants by managing
discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of
the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup
is therefore usable out of the box with any python 2.3+ installation. It
doesn't even need to be installed to be operational, though a
disutils-based install script is provided.

It comes with two issue tracker templates (a classic bug/feature tracker and
a minimal skeleton) and five database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, metakit,
mysql and postgresql).


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Movable Python 1.0.0 for Python 2.3 2.4

2006-02-03 Thread Fuzzyman
It's finally happened, `Movable Python`_ is finally released.

Versions for Python 2.3  2.4 are available from `The Movable Python

The cost is £5 per distribution, payment by PayPal. £1 from every
distribution goes to support the development of `SPE`_, the Python IDE.

This gives you free support (via the `Movable Python Mailing List`_), and access to updates, for a

There is a minor issue with the Python 2.2 version. This will be fixed
and released in the next few days. In the meantime the previous version
(0.4.6) is available for download from the shop. If you purchase this
distribution your year will run from the date of the release of 1.0.0.

Paying for **Movable Python** supports the development of the other
Open Source `Voidspace Python Projects`_.

What is Movable Python ?

**Movable Python** is a distribution of Python for Windows that doesn't
need to be installed. It easily fits onto a USB memory stick. Python on
a stick.

It is integrated with SPE, the Python IDE, to make **Movable Python** a
portable Build, Test, and Run environment. It has a nice GUI to launch
programs and control its behaviour.

Movable Python is useful in the following situations:

* Machines where you can't install programs.
* Where you need a portable 'Build, Test, and Run' Python environment.
* Having several versions of Python on the same machine for
forward/backward compatibility testing.
* Easily deploying Python scripts without having to install Python.
* Try before you buy - test Python without having to install it,
including new versions .
* 'Python Runtime Environment'. '``.py``' files can be associated with

For more information, see `An Introduction to Movable Python`_.

What's New ?

Changes since version 0.4.6.

Completely new method for running files. This means you can launch
multiple programs from the GUI.

Lots of new libraries and tools included. Virtually all the included
tools have had version upgrades since the last release.

The GUI does a lot more :

* Version number and Python version displayed on the GUI
* You can pass arguments to your programs
* It remembers the last directory you ran a program from
* You choose if launched programs have a console box or not
* You can configure the options programs are run with
* You can edit the default options
* Four configurable Quick Launch buttons
* You can launch SPE from the GUI
* You can launch the documentation (About)
* You can launch an interpreter console
* You can close the GUI without having to launch a program or go to the

The following (command line) options are new :

* ``f`` - run script in it's directory
* ``b`` - pause after running script
* ``o`` - override default options
* ``die`` - get rid of GUI after running
* ``k`` - run with console from movpyw
* ``koff`` - run without console from movpy

Complete documentation rewrite.

Docs are now built with `rest2web`_.

``movpyw.exe`` is now included in the Python 2.2 distribution.

Bug fixed where first command line argument to your program was always
lost. {sm;:oops:}

Bug fixed so that ``IPOFF`` actually works now.

Bug fixed so that ``-p`` in ``config.txt`` now works.

Lots of other minor changes and improvements. {sm;:-)}

Known Issues

There are some (minor) known issues with version 1.0.0. These will be
fixed soon.

* Version for Python 2.2 not yet available.
* Possible issue running ``movpy.exe`` from long file paths on Windows
* The ``lib`` directory is not added to ``sys.path`` before entering
interactive mode.

There are also several items in the `TODO`_ list. Many of
these are future ways that **Movable Python** could be developed.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: How do I dynamically create functions without lambda?

2006-02-03 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Terry Hancock wrote:

 Frankly this paper sounds like a bid for the Journal of
 Irreproducible Results that somehow got accidentally
 submitted to a serious journal



Best way to determine if a certain PID is still running

2006-02-03 Thread David Hirschfield
I'm launching a process via an os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,...) call.
So now I have the pid of the process, and I want a way to see if that 
process is complete.

I don't want to block on os.waitpid(), I just want a quick way to see if 
the process I started is finished. I could popen(ps -p %d % pid) and 
see whether it's there anymore...but since pids get reused, there's the 
chance (however remote) that I'd get a false positive, plus I don't 
really like the idea of calling something non-pure-python to find out.

So, should I run a monitor thread which just calls os.waitpid() and when 
the thread indicates via an event that the process completed, I'm golden?

All suggestions welcome, looking for simple and clean over wickedly-clever,

mediocre nebula.


Movable Python 1.0.0 for Python 2.3 2.4

2006-02-03 Thread Fuzzyman
It's finally happened, `Movable Python`_ is finally released.

Versions for Python 2.3  2.4 are available from `The Movable Python

The cost is £5 per distribution, payment by PayPal. £1 from every
distribution goes to support the development of `SPE`_, the Python IDE.

This gives you free support (via the `Movable Python Mailing List`_), and access to updates, for a

There is a minor issue with the Python 2.2 version. This will be fixed
and released in the next few days. In the meantime the previous version
(0.4.6) is available for download from the shop. If you purchase this
distribution your year will run from the date of the release of 1.0.0.

Paying for **Movable Python** supports the development of the other
Open Source `Voidspace Python Projects`_.

What is Movable Python ?

**Movable Python** is a distribution of Python for Windows that doesn't
need to be installed. It easily fits onto a USB memory stick. Python on
a stick.

It is integrated with SPE, the Python IDE, to make **Movable Python** a
portable Build, Test, and Run environment. It has a nice GUI to launch
programs and control its behaviour.

Movable Python is useful in the following situations:

* Machines where you can't install programs.
* Where you need a portable 'Build, Test, and Run' Python environment.
* Having several versions of Python on the same machine for
forward/backward compatibility testing.
* Easily deploying Python scripts without having to install Python.
* Try before you buy - test Python without having to install it,
including new versions .
* 'Python Runtime Environment'. '``.py``' files can be associated with

For more information, see `An Introduction to Movable Python`_.

What's New ?

Changes since version 0.4.6.

Completely new method for running files. This means you can launch
multiple programs from the GUI.

Lots of new libraries and tools included. Virtually all the included
tools have had version upgrades since the last release.

The GUI does a lot more :

* Version number and Python version displayed on the GUI
* You can pass arguments to your programs
* It remembers the last directory you ran a program from
* You choose if launched programs have a console box or not
* You can configure the options programs are run with
* You can edit the default options
* Four configurable Quick Launch buttons
* You can launch SPE from the GUI
* You can launch the documentation (About)
* You can launch an interpreter console
* You can close the GUI without having to launch a program or go to the

The following (command line) options are new :

* ``f`` - run script in it's directory
* ``b`` - pause after running script
* ``o`` - override default options
* ``die`` - get rid of GUI after running
* ``k`` - run with console from movpyw
* ``koff`` - run without console from movpy

Complete documentation rewrite.

Docs are now built with `rest2web`_.

``movpyw.exe`` is now included in the Python 2.2 distribution.

Bug fixed where first command line argument to your program was always
lost. {sm;:oops:}

Bug fixed so that ``IPOFF`` actually works now.

Bug fixed so that ``-p`` in ``config.txt`` now works.

Lots of other minor changes and improvements. {sm;:-)}

Known Issues

There are some (minor) known issues with version 1.0.0. These will be
fixed soon.

* Version for Python 2.2 not yet available.
* Possible issue running ``movpy.exe`` from long file paths on Windows
* The ``lib`` directory is not added to ``sys.path`` before entering
interactive mode.

There are also several items in the `TODO`_ list. Many of
these are future ways that **Movable Python** could be developed.


Re: Best way to determine if a certain PID is still running

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Rubin
David Hirschfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So, should I run a monitor thread which just calls os.waitpid() and
 when the thread indicates via an event that the process completed, I'm

Umm, what OS?  And do you have any control over the program running in
the subprocess, or is it doing something arbitrary?  I.e. I'm
wondering if can you do stuff like sharing a file descriptor with the
subprocess, or keeping a pipe open.  

Using a monitor thread doesn't sound too bad, but there may be ways to
avoid it.  But if you're willing to launch a thread, why not just
spawn there without NOWAIT?

newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread marcus . tettmar

I have a script that runs fine when I run it from within PythonWin but
causes a WindowsError: Exception when I try to run it from the command
line using python.exe.  What is PythonWin doing differently?


Re: Best way to determine if a certain PID is still running

2006-02-03 Thread Lars Gustäbel
On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 05:10:24PM -0800, David Hirschfield wrote:
 I'm launching a process via an os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,...) call.
 So now I have the pid of the process, and I want a way to see if that 
 process is complete.
 I don't want to block on os.waitpid(), I just want a quick way to see if 
 the process I started is finished. I could popen(ps -p %d % pid) and 
 see whether it's there anymore...but since pids get reused, there's the 
 chance (however remote) that I'd get a false positive, plus I don't 
 really like the idea of calling something non-pure-python to find out.

You could try this:

import os, errno
os.kill(pid, 0)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
# process has finished
# process exists

Unfortunately, this way cannot save you from getting false
positives with reused pids.

The IMO better way is to use the subprocess module that comes
with Python 2.4. How to replace os.spawn* calls is described

Lars Gustäbel

To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
(Mark Twain)

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I have a script that runs fine when I run it from within PythonWin but
 causes a WindowsError: Exception when I try to run it from the command
 line using python.exe.  What is PythonWin doing differently?

is that the entire traceback ?

what is the script doing when you get that error message ?



Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Fuzzyman


 I have a script that runs fine when I run it from within PythonWin but
 causes a WindowsError: Exception when I try to run it from the command
 line using python.exe.  What is PythonWin doing differently?

Hello Marcus,

Can you post the full exception, and preferably the snippet of code
(with relevant context) that caused it. This will give people a better
chance of being able to help you.

All the best,



Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread marcus . tettmar
I'm using ctypes and loading a DLL and running a DLL function.  As I
say it works perfectly with no errors when I run from PythonWin but
gives the following exception when run from command line.

WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade

I can use the DLL with no issues in other languages too.  It works fine
in VB, C++ and in Python when run from PythonWin but gets an exception
when run from python.exe

PythonWin must be doing something different, but I can't find anything
in the documentation.


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread simonwittber
Levi Campbell wrote:
 Any and all mixing would probably happen in some sort of multimedia
 library written in C (it would be both clumsy to program and slow to
 execute if the calculations of raw samples/bytes were done in python) so
 there shouldn't be a noticable performance hit.

Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.



Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
 What do you think?

The impression I get from your suggestion is that you
haven't really understood Python. I'm sure that some
things could be better designed or better documented,
but your suggestions would actually make things worse.

Today, Python has a syntactic shortcut. If 'a' is an
instance of class 'A', a.f(x,y,z) is a shortcut for
A.f(a,x,y,z). If you don't use the shortcut, there is
no magic at all, just the unusual occurence of a type
check in Python! If you use the shortcut, Python code
looks just like most other OO languages. This isn't
very magical.

What you suggest doesn't remove magic, but it introduces
a bunch of inconsistencies!

 Does work.

I agree that this isn't completely clean, and there are
some other ways in which the distinction between functions,
unbound methods and bound methods seem a bit quirky to me.
I don't think the problem is in the syntax though, and if
it had been a real problem, it would had been solved.

 class Foo:
 return a+b
 Foo().bar(1,2) = 3

First of all, you are using a really poor example of a method,
since it doesn't use any attributes of the Foo instance. That
function doesn't seem to belong in that class at all. If it
should be in the class, it should be a static method, so self
should not be involved at all. In modern Python it would look
like this:

class Foo(object):
 def bar(a, b):
 return a+b

Anyway, my impression is that you haven't fully understood how
namespaces work in Python, at least not the distinction between
class namespaces and instance namespaces. Please study this a
bit more. Hopefully, you'll find enlightenment and things will
fall into place for you.

You are really giving self a magic meaning with your suggestion
which isn't needed at all. So far, the existence of x.y somewhere
in Python always implied that x was already introduced explicitly
in the program, and you suggest that we violate that both in the
def self.x-row, and inside the methods when we access attributes.

Provoking a language can be a way of learning it, and provoking
people can sometimes lead to new insights, but it's important to
have an open mind. When learning a new language, it's probably
better to try to adapt oneself to it, rather than the other way

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 02:29:03 -0800, marcus.tettmar wrote:

 I'm using ctypes and loading a DLL and running a DLL function.  As I
 say it works perfectly with no errors when I run from PythonWin but
 gives the following exception when run from command line.
 WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade

I find it hard to believe that this is the entire exception traceback.
This is what a traceback looks like:

 dosomething wrong(20)  # oops, space in the function name
  File stdin, line 1
dosomething wrong(20)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

See how much information is given by the traceback? If I just posted
SyntaxError: invalid syntax to the newsgroup with no further
information, what do you think the chances are anyone would guess the
cause of the problem?

So, how about trying again with the complete traceback?



Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras

 Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
 elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
 That usage (self is second parameter to B.test) is bound
 to cause trouble in general, but in this case doesn't have
 any effect I can see.  The function call test would be
 resolved from its first parameter, instance of A, and that
 function would return 1.  One of us is missing something
 here, could be me.

Probably my example wasn't clear, let's try another:

  class A:
def test(a, **kwargs): return 1
  class B:
def test(b, **kwargs): return 2
  test(a=A(), b=B())

self isn't a keyword, so nothing should forbid this code. What is the
interpreter to do if it stumbles across this test call? I mean,
named-argument lookup is a tricky thing even if you do know what
function you're calling. If this would depend on one of the parameters,
I think it would become completely unintelligible. (you can think of
more complex examples yourself)

 That's exactly the problem, it doesn't read from left to right,
 because we swap back and forth between function(parameter and
 parameter.function notation.

That's because they're doing two different things: object.method() does
an attribute lookup, while function(parameter) looks for the function
in the current scope.


Re: Server side newbie

2006-02-03 Thread jimlewis
Can you point me to sample code somewhere? If I had a server-side
python script that increments the number in an edit control on clicking
a button, I think I could take it from there.


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Fuzzyman

Ivan Voras wrote:

  Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
  elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

 ... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)

Only in as much as doing anything in Python is *really* doing it in C,
surely ?

Come to that, you're **really** doing it in machine code...

All the best,



Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Fuzzyman wrote:

 Only in as much as doing anything in Python is *really* doing it in C,
 surely ?
 Come to that, you're **really** doing it in machine code...

I've yet to see someone calling

if a == '5':
 print it's 5

machine code. It's the distinction on which level the program's logic is 
implemented, not at which level it's executed.

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
Yes, that's what I had in mind when I said it could be made
recursion-safe. It's still not thread-safe, but I think that could be
done too, using thread-local-variables instead of globals.

 class TestB:
 def do(x):
 z = __  # lambda's shouldn't directly reference '__' : z)

Yes, that's what I meant when I said it wasn't lambda-safe. That means
a completely legal and (in my code) common expression can behave
totally unexpected. Would be a no-go for me.

But I think it gets worse:

class TestA:
def do():
yield 1
yield 2
yield __

class TestB:
def bar():
for x in TestA().do():
print x


Doesn't behave as expected, and the only way I can see to fix it would
be to declare a local function inside TestA's do function...


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Ivan Voras wrote:

  Come to that, you're **really** doing it in machine code...

 I've yet to see someone calling

 if a == '5':
  print it's 5

 machine code. It's the distinction on which level the program's logic is
 implemented, not at which level it's executed.

uhuh?  so why did you just argue that


means doing it in C if bar and aba happens to be parts of an extension
library ?



Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 12:00:52 +0100, Magnus Lycka wrote:

 Today, Python has a syntactic shortcut. If 'a' is an
 instance of class 'A', a.f(x,y,z) is a shortcut for

It is easy to work around (break?) that behaviour:

class A(object):
def foo(self):
print normal method foo

a = A()

def foo(self):
print special method foo

from new import instancemethod = instancemethod(foo, a)

Now we can see that is no longer a shortcut for
special method foo
normal method foo

So instances can have methods that they don't inherit from their class!



Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
 First of all, you are using a really poor example of a method,
 since it doesn't use any attributes of the Foo instance.

Agreed. I tried to post a short example, and it obviously was to short
to make my point clear. lets take a longer one. Current syntax:

class Pair:
def __init__(self, a,b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

def sum(self):
return self.a + self.b

def product (this):
return this.a + this.b

My alternative syntax suggestion would be this one:

class Pair:
def self.__init__(a,b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

def self.sum():
return self.a + self.b

def this.product ():
return this.a + this.b

 You are really giving self a magic meaning with your suggestion
 which isn't needed at all.

No. I hope this is clearer in the example above. self shouldn't be a
keyword. It's a special kind of argument now, so why shouldn't we
explicitly _declare_ that it's a special kind of argument? (as explicit
is better than implicit)

 So far, the existence of x.y somewhere
 in Python always implied that x was already introduced explicitly
 in the program,

Yes, but y(x) also implies that x and y have been introduced explicitly
before, unless it's in a def statement. The def statement always
introduces new variables.

 and you suggest that we violate that both in the
 def self.x-row, and inside the methods when we access attributes.

  def x(self):
declares two new identifiers, x and self

Why shouldn't
  def self.x():
declare two new identifiers (x and self), too?

Attribute acces wouldn't change.


Re: Server side newbie

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Rubin
 Can you point me to sample code somewhere? If I had a server-side
 python script that increments the number in an edit control on clicking
 a button, I think I could take it from there.

Oh man, I hate to say this since it's not a good situation, but what
you're asking is a little bit more complicated than I think you're
expecting.  You need a server app with some notion of sessions (I
assume the user is supposed to be able to increment the number more
than once), so you have to know a bit about how servers and HTTP work,
plus how to write HTML, in addition to Python and some suitable server
side modules.  

Your best bet might be to use a web framework that already understands
sessions, but 1) you have to decide which one to use, since there are
several to choose from with differing sets of features; and 2) these
frameworks are designed for writing complex apps, so learning them may
be a bit much for something this simple.  But if your idea is to build
towards a real web app that does something more serious, then a
framework is the way to go.  

There's an old book about how database-backed web sites work, that
is pretty long, but well written.  It's online:

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
 I still see newbie-friendliness as a
 MAJOR plus for Python -- it increases the chance that users
 of your software will become contributors.

Yes, I 100% agree to that point!
But the point is, the current situation is not newbie-friendly (I can
tell, I am a newbie): I declare a method with 3 parameters but when I
call it I only pass 2 parameters. That's confusing. If I declare a
member variable, I write: self.x  = ValueForX, why can't I be equally
explicit for declaring member functions?


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:23:00 -0800, n.estner wrote:

 That usage (self is second parameter to B.test) is bound
 to cause trouble in general, but in this case doesn't have
 any effect I can see.  The function call test would be
 resolved from its first parameter, instance of A, and that
 function would return 1.  One of us is missing something
 here, could be me.
 Probably my example wasn't clear, let's try another:
   class A:
 def test(a, **kwargs): return 1
   class B:
 def test(b, **kwargs): return 2
   test(a=A(), b=B())
 self isn't a keyword, so nothing should forbid this code. What is the
 interpreter to do if it stumbles across this test call? 

You could try running it to see:

 class A:
... def test(a, **kwargs): return 1
 class B:
... def test(b, **kwargs): return 2
 test(a=A(), b=B())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'test' is not defined

Oops! You have defined a name test in two namespaces, the class A and
the class B, but there is no name test in the global namespace you are
trying to run it in.

Since namespaces are critical to Python, your test code is a problem that
just cannot happen in Python. It is a non-issue. Python will not get
confused between the two definitions of test.

 I mean,
 named-argument lookup is a tricky thing even if you do know what
 function you're calling. If this would depend on one of the parameters,
 I think it would become completely unintelligible. (you can think of
 more complex examples yourself)
 That's exactly the problem, it doesn't read from left to right,
 because we swap back and forth between function(parameter and
 parameter.function notation.
 That's because they're doing two different things: object.method() does
 an attribute lookup, while function(parameter) looks for the function
 in the current scope.

No, function(parameter) does not look for a function. It looks for any
object at all, and then tries to call it.

Both calls do almost the same thing. object.method() looks up the name
method in the object namespace, function(parameter) looks up the name
function in the current namespace. Neither method nor function must
be methods or functions, although if they are not callable objects,
calling them will raise an exception. But regardless of what sort of
objects they are, the look up proceeds in the same fashion.

Unless you understand namespaces, you don't understand Python, and any
criticism is likely to be due to misunderstanding.

As near as I can tell, your original complaint might be solved simply: it
seems to me that you are concerned about that extraneous self parameter
for methods that don't need it:

class Foo:
def bar(self, a,b):
return a+b
Foo().bar(1,2) = 3

If bar doesn't need the instance or class Foo, perhaps it would be better
off as an ordinary function rather than bound to a class.

But if bar does need to be a method, perhaps you want something like this:

# for Python 2.2 and up
class Foo:
def bar(a,b):
return a+b
bar = staticmethod(bar)

# for Python 2.4 and up
class Foo:
def bar(a,b):
return a+b

Foo().bar(1,2) works exactly the same as before, but your definition of
bar doesn't need that extraneous self parameter.



Re: Server side newbie

2006-02-03 Thread Ravi Teja

swisscheese wrote:
 I have a simple python desktop app with several edit controls and a
 couple of buttons. It just does some math. What's the simplest way to
 make it a server-side app so visitors to my site can run the app via
 their browser?

If the math is simple, you can just use JavaScript. No need to bother
running it on the server.


Re: HTMLDocument and Xpath

2006-02-03 Thread Alan Kennedy
 Hi, I want to use xpath to scrape info from a website using pyXML but I
 keep getting no results.

 For example, in the following, I want to return the text Element1 I
 can't get xpath to return anything at all.  What's wrong with this

Your xpath expression is wrong.

 test = Evaluate('td', doc_node.documentElement)

Try one of the following alternatives, all of which should work.

test = Evaluate('//td', doc_node.documentElement)
test = Evaluate('/html/body/table/tr/td', doc_node.documentElement)
test = Evaluate('/html/body/table/tr/td[1]', doc_node.documentElement)




Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
 You could try running it to see:

  class A:

 ... def test(a, **kwargs): return 1
  class B:

 ... def test(b, **kwargs): return 2
  test(a=A(), b=B())

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'test' is not defined

 Oops! You have defined a name test in two namespaces, the class A and
 the class B, but there is no name test in the global namespace you are
 trying to run it in.

 Since namespaces are critical to Python, your test code is a problem that
 just cannot happen in Python. It is a non-issue. Python will not get
 confused between the two definitions of test.

I've been answering to Donn Cave's suggestion. Read it, and you will
understand what I mean.

 As near as I can tell, your original complaint might be solved simply: it
 seems to me that you are concerned about that extraneous self parameter
 for methods that don't need it:

No, I wasn't talking about functions that don't use the self
parameter. I rarely ever have such functions. I just tried to make the
example as short as possible.

-- enhanced for auto-coercion (fixed-width python integers)

2006-02-03 Thread Andy Sy
Hi Dan,

I find that when doing bit-twiddling in pure Python,
fixed-width integer support is an extremely handy
capability to have in Python regardless of what
the apologists (for its absence) say.

I added some stuff to to make


the above work.  Perhaps you can review the
code to see if there are any major flaws in it?

Right after I started using it, I realized
there has to be a lot more thought put into
the conventions for the coecion rules.  What


return for example... ?


import operator

def _toFixedUnsigned(n, b):
   Truncate n to a b-bit unsigned long.
   return n  ((1L  b) - 1)# bitmask of b 1's

def _toFixedSigned(n, b):
   Truncate n to a b-bit signed long.
   result = _toFixedUnsigned(n, b)
   if result = (1L  b - 1):   # More than maxint?
  result -= 1L  b  # Then wrap around.
   return result

class _Integer(object):
   Abstract base class for SignedType and UnsignedType.
   # Numeric conversions
   def __long__(self):
  return self._value
   def __int__(self):
  return int(self._value)
   def __float__(self):
  return float(self._value)
   def __nonzero__(self):
  return self._value != 0
   # String conversions.
   def __str__(self):
  return str(self._value)
   # Arithmetic
   def __pos__(self):
  return self
   def __neg__(self):
  return type(self)(-self._value)
   def __add__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value + other._value)
return type(self)(self._value + self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __sub__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value - other._value)
return type(self)(self._value - self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __mul__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value * other._value)
return type(self)(self._value * self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __floordiv__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value // other._value)
return type(self)(self._value // self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __mod__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value % other._value)
return type(self)(self._value % self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __divmod__(self, other):
  return self // other, self % other
   # Relational
   def __cmp__(self, other):
  return cmp(long(self), other)
   # Bit-bashing
   def __lshift__(self, other):
  return type(self)(self._value  other)
   def __rshift__(self, other):
  return type(self)(self._value  other)
   def __invert__(self):
  return type(self)(~self._value)
   def __and__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value  other._value)
return type(self)(self._value  self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __or__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value | other._value)
return type(self)(self._value | self.__class__(other)._value)
   def __xor__(self, other):
  if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return type(self)(self._value ^ other._value)
return type(self)(self._value ^ self.__class__(other)._value)

_utypes = {}

def UnsignedType(bits):
   Returns a fixed-width unsigned int type with the given number of bits.
   if bits in _utypes:
  return _utypes[bits]
  class unsigned(_Integer):
__doc__ = '%d-bit unsigned integer type' % bits
def __init__(self, value):
  self._value = _toFixedUnsigned(value, bits)
def __repr__(self):
  return 'fixedint.UnsignedType(%d)(%d)' % (bits, self._value)
  return unsigned

Byte = UnsignedType(8)
UShort = UnsignedType(16)
UInt = UnsignedType(32)
ULong = UnsignedType(64)

_stypes = {}

def SignedType(bits):
   Returns a fixed-width signed int type with the given number of bits.
   if bits in _stypes:
  return _stypes[bits]
  class signed(_Integer):
__doc__ = '%d-bit signed integer type' % bits
def __init__(self, value):
  self._value = _toFixedSigned(value, bits)
def __repr__(self):
  return 'fixedint.SignedType(%d)(%d)' % (bits, self._value)
  return signed

SByte = SignedType(8)
Short = SignedType(16)
Int = SignedType(32)
Long = SignedType(64)


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2006-02-03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 First of all, you are using a really poor example of a method,
 since it doesn't use any attributes of the Foo instance.

 Agreed. I tried to post a short example, and it obviously was to short
 to make my point clear. lets take a longer one. Current syntax:

 class Pair:
 def __init__(self, a,b):
 self.a = a
 self.b = b

 def sum(self):
 return self.a + self.b

 def product (this):
 return this.a + this.b

 My alternative syntax suggestion would be this one:

 class Pair:
 def self.__init__(a,b):
 self.a = a
 self.b = b

 def self.sum():
 return self.a + self.b

 def this.product ():
 return this.a + this.b

 You are really giving self a magic meaning with your suggestion
 which isn't needed at all.

 No. I hope this is clearer in the example above. self shouldn't be a
 keyword. It's a special kind of argument now, so why shouldn't we
 explicitly _declare_ that it's a special kind of argument? (as explicit
 is better than implicit)

Self is not a special kind of argument. It is the accessing of the
method that provides for the magic. Simplified one could say the
following is happening.

def _Pair__init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

def _Pair_sum(self):
return self.a + self.b

def _Pair_product(this):
return this.a *

class Pair:

def __init__(self, ...):
self.__init__ = BoundMethod(self, _Pair__init__)
self.sum = BoundMethod(self, _Pair_sum)
self.product = BoundMethod(self, _Pair_product)

So when p is an instance of Pair, p.sum is not your defined
function but a BoundMethod.

Antoon Pardon

Re: OO conventions

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 17:00:26 -0800, Blair P. Houghton wrote:

 Image would be a superclass to JPGImage, BMPImage, PNGImage, etc...
 But which to use could only be determined AFTER opening the file,
 because file.jpg doesn't have type JPG, it has type string and
 semantic value maybe a jpeg file or maybe something misnamed as a jpeg

 So seems right as a factory function that opens
 the file, figures out what it really is, constructs the appropriate
 subclass object (likely by passing a string to the constructor, e.g.,
 JPGImage(filename)), and returns the object via the superclass type.
 The caller can then either check a flag in the superclass to see what
 type the subclass is, or just assume it's the right type of image for
 the filename extension (or does Python have RTTI? I don't recall if
 I've seen it, yet...).

RTTI = Run Time Type Information, yes?

Objects in Python are strongly typed, if that's what you mean. So if each
image kind (jpeg, tiff, png, etc.) is a subclass, then you can easily use
introspection to find out which subclass it is.

 Though if the filename doesn't match the content, someone should raise
 an exception...

That depends on whether you believe DOS style filename extensions are
significant, or that they are a poor substitute for real metadata.

If you come from Windows land, you might thing the file extension is the
file type. If you come from Linux land, you might think that file
extensions are just a label stuck on the file name as a convenience for
the user. If you come from Macintosh land, especially pre-OS X, you
probably think that file extensions are at best a useful redundancy and at
worst an abomination.

From a UI perspective, an application should never refuse to handle a file
because of a mismatch between the file type contents, the file type
metadata (if any), and the file extension, with one important proviso as
follows. In general, if your application handles (say) both JPEGs and
GIFs, and the user tries to open a JPEG named foo.gif, then the correct
action is to advise the user that the file is actually a JPEG, and
give them the opportunity to open the file anyway.

Whether that is best handed internally by making raise an
exception or not is a question for the class designer.

The proviso is, if there are potential security implications of that
mismatch (e.g. an executable file masquerading as a .text file), and the
target audience is technically naive, then I believe it may be appropriate
for the application to refuse to handle the file. Don't let the user shoot
themselves in the foot if they aren't technically sophisticated enough to
realise they are shooting themselves in the foot.



Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:51:03 -0800, n.estner wrote:

 My alternative syntax suggestion would be this one:
 class Pair:
 def self.__init__(a,b):
 self.a = a
 self.b = b
 def self.sum():
 return self.a + self.b
 def this.product ():
 return this.a + this.b

This would be a fairly major change to Python, so I think we can say right
up front that the chances of this happening before Python 3 are zero, and
even in Python 3 the chances are about the same as the chances of Richard
Stallman suddenly announcing that he's taken a job for Microsoft writing
Digital Restrictions Management software.

But still, let's continue. After all, all you have to do is convince Guido
that this syntax is better...

 You are really giving self a magic meaning with your suggestion
 which isn't needed at all.
 No. I hope this is clearer in the example above. self shouldn't be a

Which it isn't now either.

 It's a special kind of argument now, so why shouldn't we
 explicitly _declare_ that it's a special kind of argument? (as explicit
 is better than implicit)

And a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds *wink*


   def x(self):
 declares two new identifiers, x and self
 Why shouldn't
   def self.x():
 declare two new identifiers (x and self), too?

Sure, but now the call has special meaning inside a def statement
than elsewhere. Elsewhere, is an attribute access, looking up
attribute bar in foo's namespace. Using your syntax, in a def statement is a pair of declarations: it declares a name foo, and it
declares a second name bar.

This inconsistency is, I think, worse than the implicit use of self.



Embedding Python into C/C++ applications

2006-02-03 Thread John Dean

Could somebody, please tell me where I can find information about embedding
Python into a C/C++ application. The example in the docs is rather simple. I
am looking for something a bit more complex and longer

Best Regards

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:59:10 -0800, n.estner wrote:

 I still see newbie-friendliness as a
 MAJOR plus for Python -- it increases the chance that users
 of your software will become contributors.
 Yes, I 100% agree to that point!
 But the point is, the current situation is not newbie-friendly (I can
 tell, I am a newbie): I declare a method with 3 parameters but when I
 call it I only pass 2 parameters. That's confusing.

Yes, I understand what you mean now. When I was a newbie, it took me a
little while to get the difference between ordinary functions and methods
too, although I had little OO experience before Python. I don't know if
that helped or hindered the learning experience.

With the current syntax, you have to learn some special behaviour:

class Foo:
def bar(self, x, y):

but you call Foo().bar(x, y) 

But with your syntax, you still have to learn special behaviour:

# outside the class definition  # look up bar in self's namespace. self must already exist.

# inside a class definition
class Foo:

self = Something()  # normal class attribute self created
# this works because self is not a keyword
# Foo now has an attribute self

def, y):
# create a method bar with self in bar's namespace
# Foo now has an attribute bar (which is a method)
pass = None   # normal attribute access
# Foo attribute self is modified to have an attribute bar

# there is no conflict between self the attribute and self the 
# special parameter because they live in different namespaces
# but looking at them, there is an apparent conflict

So, most of the time, looks up attribute bar in foo; but in a
method definition, assigns attribute foo in bar. That's special
behaviour too, and it seems to me probably harder to live with and even
more confusing than the behaviour you aim to remove.



Re: OO conventions

2006-02-03 Thread Nicola Musatti

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 If a class has a natural, obvious default state (e.g. a mutable string
 class might start off empty, a mutable int class might start off as zero,
 a binary tree might start off as an empty node with no children) then it
 makes sense to initialise the class, then add your data.

 But if the class has no natural default state, then it makes no sense to
 create an empty object with no data, a non-image image so to speak.

I don't think this is all there is to it. Even though a class such as
Image might not have a sensible default, initial state it still might
not be reasonable to burden it with the ability to collect the
information needed to reach such an initial state. To put it it another
way: a car is a car, it isn't a car factory.

 In other words, if you find yourself writing methods like this:

 class Klass:
 def foo(self):
 if is None:
 raise KlassError(Can't foo an uninitialized Klass object.)
 # do something

Factory functions (or classes) are there to solve this problem and
still allow a clean separation of concerns. Although instances of Klass
are created uninitialized, they only live in this state within their
factory and only reach trhe outside world only when they are in a
usable state.

Nicola Musatti


Re: Server side newbie

2006-02-03 Thread jimlewis
Thanks but the math is a bit complex and already coded and debugged in
a python desktop gui.


Re: Control if a input text is IP

2006-02-03 Thread Fuzzyman

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Sbaush wrote:

  My app has in input an ip address in IPv4 notation.
  is there a function that control if input is a string in IPv4 notation?

 here's one way to do it:

Here's a function from the 'validate' module that comes with ConfigObj

def dottedQuadToNum(ip):

Convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer

 dottedQuadToNum('1 ')
 dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2')
 dottedQuadToNum(' 1.2.3 ')
 dottedQuadToNum('1.2.3. 4')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good dotted-quad IP: 1.2.3. 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Not a good dotted-quad IP:

# import here to avoid it when ip_addr values are not used
import socket, struct

return struct.unpack('!L',
except socket.error:
# bug in inet_aton, corrected in Python 2.3
if ip.strip() == '':
return 0xL
raise ValueError('Not a good dotted-quad IP: %s' % ip)

All the best,



Re: Best way to determine if a certain PID is still running

2006-02-03 Thread Roy Smith
David Hirschfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm launching a process via an os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,...) call.
 So now I have the pid of the process, and I want a way to see if that 
 process is complete.
 I don't want to block on os.waitpid(), I just want a quick way to see if 
 the process I started is finished.

On Unix, you can do kill (pid, 0), and if you get back ESRCH, you know the 
pid doesn't exist.  It is the classic way to ask if a process is running on 
Unix.  But, there's several problems with that, the biggest one being that 
those semantics don't seem to be exposed by phthon's os.kill() method.

 So, should I run a monitor thread which just calls os.waitpid() and when 
 the thread indicates via an event that the process completed, I'm golden?

That's what I would do.

Re: How do I dynamically create functions without lambda?

2006-02-03 Thread Magnus Lycka
Terry Hancock wrote:
 Note also in the datasets that *overperformers* *underrated*
 their performance.

Well, if you're the best in the group and aren't perfectly exact
in your evaluation of your position relative to others, you can't
overrate yourself. It's quite natural that the self evaluation curve
would be flatter than the actual curve, since noise will drive
the curve towards the middle, and it's also natural that the bad
performers are also less good at evaluating their own work, but
the strange thing is that the lowest quartile has higher self-
evaluation than the second lowest. I can't say my general picture
of coworkers generally support *this*, but I supect we've all run
across people who were incompetent and unaware of it now and then...

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Ben Sizer

 The main reason (at least for me) is that there's simply too much
 magic in it. Why does the expression left of the '.' get promoted to
 the first parameter?

One of the reasons I like Lua is because it doesn't do this, instead
using the : operator to designate method-style calls.

a:foo(b, c) -- looks up foo within a, and calls it with (a, b, c) as
parameters, c) -- looks up foo within a, and calls it with (b,c) as

This means there doesn't need to be a distinction between methods and
functions, just a different operator to treat a function as if it was a

When I started out in Python I figured that I could just assign
functions to objects and treat them then as if they were methods, as I
would in Lua, but quickly learned that it wasn't that simple.

Ben Sizer


Regular expression query

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Biddiscombe
It's probably quite simple, but what I want is a regular expression to
parse strings of the form:

parameter=12ab foo bar
parameter='12ab' biz boz
parameter=12ab junk

in each case returning 12ab as a match. parameter is known and fixed.
The parameter value may or may not be enclosed in single or double
quotes, and may or may not be the last thing on the line. If the value
is quoted, it may contain spaces.

I've tried a regex of the form:
re.compile(r'parameter=([\']?(.*?)\1( *|$)')

This works fine when the parameter's value is quoted, but if the quotes
are missing, it falls over since the \1 is empty and so the non-greedy
match anything ends up matching nothing.

Any suggestions?




Re: HTMLDocument and Xpath

2006-02-03 Thread swilson

Alan Kennedy wrote:
  Hi, I want to use xpath to scrape info from a website using pyXML but I
  keep getting no results.
  For example, in the following, I want to return the text Element1 I
  can't get xpath to return anything at all.  What's wrong with this

 Your xpath expression is wrong.

  test = Evaluate('td', doc_node.documentElement)

 Try one of the following alternatives, all of which should work.

 test = Evaluate('//td', doc_node.documentElement)
 test = Evaluate('/html/body/table/tr/td', doc_node.documentElement)
 test = Evaluate('/html/body/table/tr/td[1]', doc_node.documentElement)



I tried all of those and in every case, test returns [].  Does
Evaluate only work with XML documents?



Re: OO conventions

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
Blair P. Houghton wrote:


 So seems right as a factory function that opens
 the file, figures out what it really is, constructs the appropriate
 subclass object (likely by passing a string to the constructor, e.g.,
 JPGImage(filename)), and returns the object via the superclass type.

Why via the superclass type ? returns the object is enough.

 The caller can then either check a flag in the superclass to see what
 type the subclass is,

Why the h... ? We don't care what type it is, as long at it does what we
expect it to do.

 or just assume it's the right type of image


 (or does Python have RTTI?

Much better than 'RTTI'.

 I don't recall if
 I've seen it, yet...).

obj.__class__ is a reference to the class (which is itself an object...)

 Though if the filename doesn't match the content, someone should raise
 an exception...

Why ? filenames and extensions are nothing more than conventions. 's responsability is to create an object of the appropriate
class, period. If *your program* needs to ensure that the image type
matches the filename, it's your problem to check this.

 But this means that is a static method of the
 superclass, not requiring instantiation.

AFAIK, it's just a function in the Image module (which is itself an
object - instance of class module - but that's orthogonal).

  Image(string) could easily
 default to assuming string is a filename, doing the same work as, though it would at least partially construct an
 Image instance each time it's called, which isn't what you want. defined as a static method ( that
 possible in Python? I hate being the newbie) 

It is (search for 'staticmethod' and 'classmethod'). But there's not
much use for 'static methods' in Python - we usually just use plain
functions ('classmethods' are another beast - much more useful than

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])
-- + cheetah delivering incomplete pages

2006-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yesterday i started with / flup / cheetah, and managed to get a
first webpage to diaplay on my windows box running apache.
unfortunately, the following code

import web

urls = (
  '(.*)', 'view'

class view:
def GET( self, name ):
web.render( 'view.html' )
web.internalerror = web.debugerror

if __name__ == '__main__': urls )

using this template, view.html:

#if $name
I just wanted to say hello to $name.
Hello, world!
#end if

#set $ninetyNine = 99

#for $count in $range($ninetyNine, 0, -1)
#end for


will never print out the finis line -- it always stops short of that,
displaying a 7 at the bottom of the page. it is tho the last few lines
end up in a buffer and get see the light of day. any ideas?



Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2006-02-03, Ben Sizer schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The main reason (at least for me) is that there's simply too much
 magic in it. Why does the expression left of the '.' get promoted to
 the first parameter?

 One of the reasons I like Lua is because it doesn't do this, instead
 using the : operator to designate method-style calls.

 a:foo(b, c) -- looks up foo within a, and calls it with (a, b, c) as
 parameters, c) -- looks up foo within a, and calls it with (b,c) as

 This means there doesn't need to be a distinction between methods and
 functions, just a different operator to treat a function as if it was a

That is nice. I wonder if the following is possible in Lua:

  fun = a:foo
  fun(b, c)

with the same effect as:

  a:foo(b, c)

Antoon Pardon

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread marcus . tettmar

This is all I get:

error 250477278
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 5, in ?
Inst = lib.Initialize(0)
WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade

I get this when running python.exe

** When run from inside PythonWin it runs beautifully and returns with
no errors **

Regardless of what the error actually is it *works* when run from
PythonWin.  It fails only when run from the command line.  I'm trying
to find out why there is a difference.  Clearly both either run a
different interpreter or with different switches.  I was hoping someone
knows what the difference is.


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
 Having read previous discussions on python-dev I think I'm not the only
 Python programmer who doesn't particularly like python's self

bang ! You're dead !

(no no, just kidding !-)

 class Foo:

old-style classes are deprecated.

class Foo(object):

 def bar(self, a,b):
 return a+b


 The point is, I _do_ think it's a good idea to explicitly write
 self.SomeMember for member-access,

With Python's lookup rules, it couldn't be otherwise anyway !-)

 so I thought: why can't we be
 equally explicit about member function declaration?

Because there's no such thing as a member function in Python.

 Wouldn't it be nice
 if I could write (say, in Python 3k, or maybe later):
 class Foo:
 return a+b
 Foo().bar(1,2) = 3

'bar' is not an instance attribute, but a class attribute - it belongs
to *class* Foo, not to an instance of Foo.

BTW, 'self' does not yet exist (and cannot possibly exist) when this
code is eval'd (how could an instance of class Foo exists before class
Foo itself exists ?).

 That way, the declaration would match the invocation (at least
 syntactically), and the magic-feeling is gone. In the long run, the
 old-style syntax (i.e. if there's no '.' in the method name) could be
 used for static methods.


 What do you think?

That you should learn more about the inners of Python's object model
(and specially at the Descriptor protocol).

class Foo(object):
  def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a

def bar(obj, b):
 return obj.a + b

f = Foo(1)
bar(f, 2) = bar, 2)

The only 'magic' here is that when bar() is called *as an attribute of a
Foo instance*, the instance is passed as the first parameter. In fact,
this is much more explicit (well, IMHO) than the 'this' reference in
Java or C++.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-02-03, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
 elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

 ... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)

If that's the way you want to look at it, there is nothing that
can be done in pure python.  Both the built-ins and the basic
operators and sematics are implimented in C.  Unless you're
running Jython on a platform that has a hardware JVM, I
suppose.  But noboby in this discussion is doing that.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Should I get
  at   locked in the PRINCICAL'S
   visi.comOFFICE today -- or have

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Thomas Heller


 This is all I get:

 error 250477278
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 5, in ?
 Inst = lib.Initialize(0)
 WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade

 I get this when running python.exe

 ** When run from inside PythonWin it runs beautifully and returns with
 no errors **

 Regardless of what the error actually is it *works* when run from
 PythonWin.  It fails only when run from the command line.  I'm trying
 to find out why there is a difference.  Clearly both either run a
 different interpreter or with different switches.  I was hoping someone
 knows what the difference is.

One difference is that PythonWin runs a messageloop.  Does the
documentation of the library you call say something about the error code
you get?


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Alex Martelli
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 which isn't needed at all. So far, the existence of x.y somewhere
 in Python always implied that x was already introduced explicitly
 in the program, and you suggest that we violate that both in the

Almost... import (and from) statements are exceptions to this.

import x.y

binds or rebinds name x on the fly, as well as attribute y of x.


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Andrew Gwozdziewycz
 If that's the way you want to look at it, there is nothing that
 can be done in pure python.  Both the built-ins and the basic
 operators and sematics are implimented in C.

What makes python a powerful programming language? It's the fact that
it bundles up all sorts of c-code into a nice easy to use language.
When you write _any_ python, you are taking a peice of c here, a piece
of c here, and when you import a pure python module, you're really
just importing more c, because it's all being built from c.

What makes a builtin faster? It's the fact that there's less work to
be done before it's called. As more work needs to get done to find the
builtins that make it possible to run, execution time increases. Plain
and simple.

So, to answer the original posters question, Use python to peice
together the things you need. You're development time will be fast,
and you will probably see some good results.

Andrew Gwozdziewycz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-02-03, Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Come to that, you're **really** doing it in machine code...

And probably not the machine code emitted by the assembler but
rather the actual micro-code that's implemented in hardware
that's running a program that implements the VM for the machine
code emitted by the assemblers.

Hell, from the Python point of view it might as well be
tortoises all the way down.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Dehydrated EGGS are
  at   STREWN across ROULETTE

Re: Fromatting an xml file

2006-02-03 Thread Harry George
sir_alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi! I have a little problem writing xml files formatted in a way like
 the following:
 Every new node element should have a tabulation before it, but when I
 use xml.dom.minidom I use writexml, which considers as a new node also
 the text (in my little example, bla phrases), so the best result I
 achieved has been the following
 but I don't want the text to be written on newlines... is there a good
 solution? Thanks!

Based on recommendations from this newsgroup, I write XML directly,
instead of going through DOM.  That in turn requires a mechanism for
tabbed indents, so I wrote tabbedwriter:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6-6M21 BCA CompArch Design Engineering
Phone: (425) 294-4718

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Alex Martelli
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why shouldn't
def self.x():
  declare two new identifiers (x and self), too?
 Sure, but now the call


 has special meaning inside a def statement
 than elsewhere. Elsewhere, is an attribute access, looking up
 attribute bar in foo's namespace.

or setting it, as in, or setting both names, as in


 Using your syntax, in a def statement is a pair of declarations: it declares a name foo, and it
 declares a second name bar.

declares isn't really pythonic -- let's talk about binding or setting
names, instead.

 This inconsistency is, I think, worse than the implicit use of self.

I don't think there's any inconsistency in deciding that syntax x.y has
different meanings (as to what gets looked up or bound) in different
contexts, because it already does: mostly look up y in namespace x,
but in x.y=... it's bind y in namespace x and in import x.y it's
bind x AND then bind y in namespace y.

Since def x.y(... is currently a syntax error, it would introduce no
backwards compatibility to assign a meaning to it.  Since the 'def'
statement binds something to the name that follows it (which currently
must be a plain identifier), that's what it should do if it allowed the
following name to be a compound one, too.

Unfortunately, none of this suggests that it's reasonable to have

def x.y(z): ...

mean the same as

def y(x, z): ...

and I have no idea of how it would generalize to def x.y.z(t): ...
(while import x.y.z generalizes in a pretty obvious way wrt import x.y).

So, I'm not supporting the OP's idea; just rejecting the specific
objections to it.


Re: Regular expression query

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
Martin Biddiscombe wrote:
 It's probably quite simple, but what I want is a regular expression

If it's simple, then you probably *dont* want a regexp.

 parse strings of the form:
 parameter=12ab foo bar
 parameter='12ab' biz boz
 parameter=12ab junk
 in each case returning 12ab as a match. parameter is known and fixed.
 The parameter value may or may not be enclosed in single or double
 quotes, and may or may not be the last thing on the line. If the value
 is quoted, it may contain spaces.
 I've tried a regex of the form:
 re.compile(r'parameter=([\']?(.*?)\1( *|$)')
 This works fine when the parameter's value is quoted, but if the quotes
 are missing, it falls over since the \1 is empty and so the non-greedy
 match anything ends up matching nothing.
 Any suggestions?

yes : forget regexps, use str methods.

parse = lambda l: \ l.split('=',1)[1].split()[0].strip().strip('\)

NB : I tried my best to make it as obfuscated as a regexp so you still
gain extra bonus points from Perl-addicts !-p - but feel free to rewrite
this cleanly.


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

problems writing tuple to log file

2006-02-03 Thread localpricemaps
i am having a problem writing a tuple to a text file.  my code is

what i end up getting is a text file that looks like this

burger, 7up
burger, 7up
burger, 7up

and this is instead of getting a list that should look like this

burger, 7up
fries ,coke
cake ,milk

note that i have print statements that print out the results of the
scraping and they are fine.  they print out burger, fries, cake and
then 7up, coke, milk

however there is something faulty in my writing of the tuple to the
text file.  perhaps related to the indentation that causes it to write
the same stuff over and over?

for row in bs('div'):


for incident in bs('span'):
foodlist = []
b = incident.findPrevious('b')
for oText in b.fetchText( oRE):
#foodlist.append(oText.strip() + ',)
foodlist += oText.strip() + ','
food = ''.join(foodlist)
print food

for incident in bs('span2'):
drinklist = []
for oText in incident.fetchText( oRE):
drinklist += oText.strip() + ','
drink = ''.join(drinklist)
print drink

tuple = (food + drink \n)
  f = open(data.txt, 'a')
  f.write ( ''.join( tuple ) )


Re: Regular expression query

2006-02-03 Thread Tim Chase
 parameter=12ab foo bar
 parameter='12ab' biz boz
 parameter=12ab junk
 in each case returning 12ab as a match. parameter is known and fixed.
 The parameter value may or may not be enclosed in single or double
 quotes, and may or may not be the last thing on the line. If the value
 is quoted, it may contain spaces.
 I've tried a regex of the form:
 re.compile(r'parameter=([\']?(.*?)\1( *|$)')

Below is a test-harness that seemed to spit out the results you 
want (I threw in some bogus tests to make sure they failed too) 
with the given value for exp.

The resulting match object will have your desired value in 
group(1)...though it will include whatever quotes happened to be 
in it.  You may also need to anchor accordingly with ^ and $

It doesn't gracefully handle escaped quotes in your value


import re
tests = [
('parameter=12ab', True),
('parameter=12ab foo bar', True),
(parameter='12ab', True),
(parameter='12ab' biz boz, True),
('parameter=12ab', True),
('parameter=12ab junk', True),
('parameter=12ab', False),
('parameter=\'12ab', False),
('parameter=12ab\'', False),
('parameter=12ab\' foo baz', False)
exp = r'parameter=(([\'])(.*?)\2|[^\' ]+).*'
r = re.compile(exp)
print Using regexp: %s % exp
for test,expectedResult in tests:
 if r.match(test):
 result = True
 result = False
 if result == expectedResult:
 print [%s] passed % test
 print [%s] failed (expected %s, got %s) % (test, 
expectedResult, result)


py2exe question

2006-02-03 Thread mitsura

I just installed py2exe to create a binary of my Python script.
However, py2exe does not seem to create a binary from my .py script.
This is what I have done:
I create a script:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

setup(name=APP1, scripts=[C:\\Python24\\],)

I then ran python py2exe
I see a lot of stuff scrolling on the screen. A 'built' directory is
created. At the end I get a message saying that I may or may not need
to include some DLL (all windows system DLLs). and that's it. No error
message but also no binary.

When I remove 'scripts=[C:\\Python24\\]' from the
file, I  get exactly the same result. The same output, no error, no

Any idea what I am doing wrong here? Where should the compiled binary

Any help much appreciated.



Re: Best way to determine if a certain PID is still running

2006-02-03 Thread Thomas Guettler
Am Thu, 02 Feb 2006 17:10:24 -0800 schrieb David Hirschfield:

 I'm launching a process via an os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT,...) call.
 So now I have the pid of the process, and I want a way to see if that 
 process is complete.
 I don't want to block on os.waitpid(), I just want a quick way to see if 
 the process I started is finished. I could popen(ps -p %d % pid) and 
 see whether it's there anymore...but since pids get reused, there's the 
 chance (however remote) that I'd get a false positive, plus I don't 
 really like the idea of calling something non-pure-python to find out.


at least on linux you can test this:
os.path.exists(/proc/%d % mypid)

If you want to be sure that the pid is not reused, you
can look at: /proc/PID/cmdline

Maybe you can read the parent-pid in the proc directory. This should be
the pid if your script.


Thomas Güttler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de


Re: learning python, using string help

2006-02-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Fri, 2 Feb 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 silly newbie mistake

 your code runs fine on my openbsd box. ( I didnt uncomment the return
 map(...) line

My apologies - i should have made it clearer in the comment that it was 
hardwired to return example data!

 thanks for the awesome example!

I'm not sure how awesome it is - it's pretty simple, and probably has lots 
of bugs. Is the BSD ruptime output format the same as on HP-UX? I have a 
Mac myself, but no local machines broadcasting rwho data, so i don't get 
any output to play with when i run ruptime!


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Molotov cocktail  snafu  buzz  pissed off  DNA  mobile phone  megabucks
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awesome  bossa nova  peacenik  byte  miniskirt  acid  love-in  It-girl
microchip  hypermarket  green  Watergate  F-word  punk  detox  Trekkie
naff all  trainers  karaoke  power dressing  toy-boy  hip-hop  beatbox
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dot-commer  text message  google  bling bling  9/11  axis of evil  sex
up  chav

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread marcus . tettmar
Unfortunately not.  Is there any doc anywhere that shows how to make
the script run from the command line the same way it does within


Wanted: Django Programmer Seeking PyCon Fame and Glory

2006-02-03 Thread Jeff Rush
Coming to PyCon 2006 in Dallas in a few weeks?  Want to make a name for 
yourself before you arrive?  Think Django is cool and want everyone else to 
know it?

Whip up a Django app to slide into the PyCon website (already running Django 
in part) that hooks into Google's Map API.  Provide a way for conference 
attendees to stick virtual pins on where they are from (and perhaps leave a 
popup note for others to find ;-).

There are already 350 people signed up, so your application must scale that 
far.  The PyCon website already runs PostgreSQL or store the data in a local 
file of some flavor, your choice, but make sure its reasonably CPU 
efficient.  The trick is to provide a user API for attendees to enter or 
mark their origin.  Must be themable to drop into the site's existing layout.

You only have until Feb 22 to implement it, and achieve glory.  The 
conference website is at  Drop me a line if you have 
questions to get your finished application installed on the conference server.

(offer includes fame only, no fortune).


P.S. Can't make it to PyCon this year?  Hey, you too can write the app and 
let'm know what they missed!


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 07:40:38 -0800, Alex Martelli wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why shouldn't
def self.x():
  declare two new identifiers (x and self), too?
 Sure, but now the call

Call? Who said anything about a call?


Okay, poor choice of words. I'm not exactly sure what a better choice
would be. Token? Too specific. Maybe it would have been better to just
have just said ...but now has 

 has special meaning inside a def statement
 than elsewhere. Elsewhere, is an attribute access, looking up
 attribute bar in foo's namespace.
 or setting it, as in, 

Conceptually, both setting and getting an attribute involves a look up
in the general sense: you need to look up the attribute to get its value,
or to find out where to put its value. You are correct (of course!) that can either be a get or a set, but I'm doing lots of hand-waving
here and I didn't think it was necessary to get bogged down in too much

 or setting both names, as in

Ah, I completely forgot about import. But see below.

 Using your syntax, in a def statement is a pair of declarations: it declares a name foo, and it
 declares a second name bar.
 declares isn't really pythonic -- let's talk about binding or setting
 names, instead.

Yes, you're right, it is a bad habit. Years of Pascal don't die easily.

 This inconsistency is, I think, worse than the implicit use of self.
 I don't think there's any inconsistency in deciding that syntax x.y has
 different meanings (as to what gets looked up or bound) in different
 contexts, because it already does: mostly look up y in namespace x,
 but in x.y=... it's bind y in namespace x 

Which from my perspective are conceptually two sides of the coin. The
model I have is y is a label in some namespace x, and you have to (in
some sense) look up where y should go regardless of whether you are
setting the value or getting the value.

Do you think this model is so far from the actual behaviour of Python that
it is useless? Or is it fair to lump getting and setting attributes/names

 and in import x.y it's
 bind x AND then bind y in namespace y.

I assume that's a typo and you mean bind y in namespace x.

But even import x.y is conceptually a lookup, equivalent to x.y =
__import__(x.y), with the understanding that x = __import__(x) is
automagically run first.

[hand-waving, hand-waving, hand-waving... of course imports do a lot more
than just setting a name in a namespace]

But in all three of: = something
something =

the hierarchy goes from left to right, with bar being inside foo, for
some meaning of inside. The Original Poster's syntax would reverse that,
with def,y) creating parameter foo inside method bar.



Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Ivan Voras wrote:

 Levi Campbell wrote:

 Hi, I'm thinking about writing a system for DJing in python, but I'm 
 not sure if Python is fast enough to handle the realtime audio needed 
 for DJing, could a guru shed some light on this subject and tell me if 
 this is doable or if I'm out of my fscking mind?

Perhaps surprisingly, it is:

At least, you can certainly mix in realtime in pure python, and can 
probably manage some level of effects processing. I'd be skeptical about 
decoding MP3 in realtime, but then you don't want to write your own MP3 
decoder anyway, and the existing ones you might reuse are all native code.

 Any and all mixing would probably happen in some sort of multimedia 
 library written in C (it would be both clumsy to program and slow to 
 execute if the calculations of raw samples/bytes were done in python)

Clumsy? Clumsier than C? No, python isn't as good with binary data as it 
is with text or objects, but on the whole program scale, it's still miles 
ahead of C.

My advice would be to tackle the task in the same way you'd tackle any 
other: write it in pure python, then fall back to native code where it's 
unavoidable. When i say 'pure python', i don't mean 'not using any native 
modules at all', obviously - if someone's written an MP3 decoder, don't 
eschew it because it happens to be in C. Also, bear in mind that resorting 
to native code doesn't automatically mean writing in C - you can start 
doing stuff like moving from representing buffers as lists of ints to 
using NumPy arrays, using the functions in the standard audioop module, 
whatever; if that's not fast enough, rewrite chunks of the code in pyrex 
(a derivative of python that can be compiled to native code, via 
translation to C); if it's still not fast enough, go to C.

Oh, and before you start going native, try running your program under 


Throw bricks at lawyers if you can!

Re: problems writing tuple to log file

2006-02-03 Thread Juho Schultz
 i am having a problem writing a tuple to a text file.  my code is
 what i end up getting is a text file that looks like this
 burger, 7up
 burger, 7up
 burger, 7up
 and this is instead of getting a list that should look like this
 burger, 7up
 fries ,coke
 cake ,milk
 note that i have print statements that print out the results of the
 scraping and they are fine.  they print out burger, fries, cake and
 then 7up, coke, milk
 however there is something faulty in my writing of the tuple to the
 text file.  perhaps related to the indentation that causes it to write
 the same stuff over and over?
 for row in bs('div'):

What kind of function is 'bs'? Should you use 'row'
(which you are looping over) inside the loop?
Seems that your code is equal to

for row in range(len(bs('div'))):

   for incident in bs('span'):

Just like you use 'incident' here, inside the other loop.

   foodlist = []
   b = incident.findPrevious('b')
   for oText in b.fetchText( oRE):
   #foodlist.append(oText.strip() + ',)
   foodlist += oText.strip() + ','
   food = ''.join(foodlist)
   print food

After print food you repeat the loop, overwriting food until last 
round. And after you have found the last food, you put it in tuple.

 tuple = (food + drink \n)

A tip: 'tuple' is a built-in function, just like 'open' you use.
This statement overwrites that function with a string.
It is usually a good idea to leave the built-ins as they are,
and use some other names for variables.

Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread n . estner
 Unfortunately, none of this suggests that it's reasonable to have

 def x.y(z): ...

 mean the same as

 def y(x, z): ...

Actually, it shouldn't. The idea was, that
def x.y(z): ...
(explicitly) introduces an unbound method. That's not introducing a new
conect to python, it's just making the difference between an unbound
method and a not-bindable function explicit.

Currently, def(x,y): ... can mean two different things: In the
context of a class, it introduces an unbound method, in global or local
contexts it introduces a function. I don't want to have a new syntax
for that, I want two different syntaxes for these two different

 and I have no idea of how it would generalize to def x.y.z(t): ...

Nor do I. Is that a problem?



2006-02-03 Thread Simon Faulkner
Pardon me if this has been done to death but I can't find a simple 

I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the 
Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a 
compiler for Python?

I guess it's not that simple eh?


Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 07:00:37 -0800, marcus.tettmar wrote:

 This is all I get:
 error 250477278

What is this line? That doesn't look like part of a Python traceback. I
suppose it is possible that the DLL is printing it before the exception is
raised. Or did you type it yourself?

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 5, in ?
 Inst = lib.Initialize(0)
 WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade
 I get this when running python.exe

You're still making it as hard as possible for anyone to help you. Is it a
secret what DLL you are trying to call? What is lib?

Googling on 0xeedfade suggests that it is an internal Delphi error,
possibly an out-of-memory error. Are you calling a Delphi DLL? What does
that exception mean?



Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Thomas Heller wrote:

  This is all I get:
  error 250477278
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 5, in ?
  Inst = lib.Initialize(0)
  WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade
  I get this when running python.exe
  ** When run from inside PythonWin it runs beautifully and returns with
  no errors **
  Regardless of what the error actually is it *works* when run from
  PythonWin.  It fails only when run from the command line.  I'm trying
  to find out why there is a difference.  Clearly both either run a
  different interpreter or with different switches.  I was hoping someone
  knows what the difference is.

 One difference is that PythonWin runs a messageloop.  Does the
 documentation of the library you call say something about the error code
 you get?

a quick googling indicates that 0xEEDFADE is usually caused by an
internal unhandled exception in Delphi.  maybe there's some Borland-
specific DLL that's not found when the code is running from the con-
sole ?

I suppose you could use process explorer to see if you can figure out
what Borland DLL:s the program is using:



Re: problems writing tuple to log file

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
 i am having a problem writing a tuple to a text file.  my code is

I'd rather say you are having a problem with logic.

 what i end up getting is a text file that looks like this
 burger, 7up
 burger, 7up
 burger, 7up

Which is exactly what one would expect (in the best case...) given the
code you've written.

 and this is instead of getting a list that should look like this
 burger, 7up
 fries ,coke
 cake ,milk
 however there is something faulty in my writing of the tuple to the
 text file. 

Nope, the problem is elsewhere.

 perhaps related to the indentation that causes it to write
 the same stuff over and over?

You clearly have a problem with indentation (hint : use spaces not
tabs), but this is not the cause of your problem.

 for row in bs('div'):
   for incident in bs('span'):
   foodlist = []

Do you understand that this reinitialise foodlist on each iteration ?

   b = incident.findPrevious('b')
   for oText in b.fetchText( oRE):
   #foodlist.append(oText.strip() + ',)
   foodlist += oText.strip() + ','

Concatening a string to a list may not exactly do what you think. Try
printing foodlist, you'll be surprised.

   food = ''.join(foodlist)

Do you understand that this overwrite 'food' on each iteration ?

   print food

   for incident in bs('span2'):
   drinklist = []

Same observation as above

   for oText in incident.fetchText( oRE):
   drinklist += oText.strip() + ','


   drink = ''.join(drinklist)


   print drink
 tuple = (food + drink \n)

1/ dont use 'tuple' as an identified, it shadows the builtin type tuple.
2/ anyway, this is *not* a tuple. What you get here is a string made of
the concatenation of the actual values of food and drink plus a newline.

Ok, at this stage, the name 'food'  *may* exist, in which case it'll be
bound to the value found for the last iteration of the first 'for' loop.
Note that it may also not exist at all, if bs('span') returns an empty
sequence - in which case you'll get a nice NameError exception. Same for
'drink' of course.


Why to you append this to a list that you don't use ?

   f = open(data.txt, 'a')

This may fail. Please use a try/except block.

   f.write ( ''.join( tuple ) )

And please close the file once done.

Your code is such a mess that it's difficult to know for sure what
you're trying to do - and you don't provide much context (hint : when
asking for help, try and post the minimal *runnable* code that exhibit
your problem - 'runnable' meaning that anyone can run your snippet in
it's python interpreter).

What follows is an attempt at rewriting the whole damn thing so it as at
least a chance to behave sensibly - I wouldn't bet that this actually
what you *should* write but I hope this may help you understand where
your errors are. But please dont ask for further help on this code
before you've folowed a good (preferably programming-newbie oriented)
Python tutorial ('learning to think like a computer scientist' may be a
wise choice).

# -
for row in bs('div'):
  foodlist = []
  for incident in bs('span'):
b = incident.findPrevious('b')
for oText in b.fetchText( oRE):

  drinklist = []
  for incident in bs('span2'):
for oText in incident.fetchText( oRE):
  # I suppose you expect to have 1 drink for 1 food
  assert len(foodlist) == len(drinklist)
  pairs = zip(foodlist, drinklist)
  data += pairs

  f = open(data.txt, 'a')
except IOError, e:
  # handle error here
  print oops, failed to open 'data.txt' : %s % e
  f.write(\n.join([%s, %s % pair for pair in data])

# -

A last advice : Python comes with an interactive interpreter, which is a
real powertool for learning, testing and debugging. So *use it*.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: newbie - script works in PythonWin - fails from Python

2006-02-03 Thread marcus . tettmar

Sorry, I'm not trying to make things hard!  I just can't figure why it
works when run from PythonWin and not from Python - PythonWin MUST load
some extra library.

Anyway, I have finally fixed it by adding import win32com to the top of
the script.  Am guessing the DLL uses COM and PythonWin must already
load it.


Python on Windows

2006-02-03 Thread Simon Faulkner
I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yy!

What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on 
other windows PCs?

I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES 
even if it was 50 Mb!



Re: Python on Windows

2006-02-03 Thread Xavier Morel
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yy!
 What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on 
 other windows PCs?
 I would love a single .exe file that would run without ANY OTHER FILES 
 even if it was 50 Mb!


Re: OS.MKDIR( ) Overwriting previous folder created...

2006-02-03 Thread nirsof
The corect way is to try os.mkdir, catch the exception and check the
errno value, which tell you why the call failed.

If the directory exists, you can ignore the exception, if its another
error, you usually had to raise it again and let the caller handle it.

import errno

except OSError, err:
if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:

Any other way may have race conditions, for example, you check if the
directory exits, and its missing, then another process or thread
creates it before you try to create the missing directory, and your
mkdir call will raise.


Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 Pardon me if this has been done to death but I can't find a simple
 I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the
 Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a
 compiler for Python?

But there *is* a compiler for Python.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Python on Windows

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 I've just written my first (simple) WxPython program - yy!
 What would folks suggest is the easiest way to package it to run on
 other windows PCs?

I can't tell for sure since I do not use Windows, but I think Py2Exe is
what you're looking for.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Scott David Daniels
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 ... why hasn't someone written a compiler for Python?
 I guess it's not that simple eh?

What would you call PyPy?

As to the idea of a python-to-machine code translator, the
benefit would not be very great without at least a PyPy
level of understanding of the code -- no simple translation
would be much faster than the CPython implementation.

By the way, be careful about your tone.  It sounds like
brick-throwing in this generally friendly newsgroup.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Rene Pijlman
Simon Faulkner:
why hasn't someone written a compiler for Python?

René Pijlman

Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Simon Faulkner
I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the
Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a
compiler for Python?
 But there *is* a compiler for Python.

ty Bruno, I must confes that I don't understand much of that chapter!

I will work harder... :-)


Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 Pardon me if this has been done to death but I can't find a simple 
 I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the 
 Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a 
 compiler for Python?
 I guess it's not that simple eh?

The simple explanation for the lack of a Python compiler is the 
massive dynamisism (sp) in Python - since you can change practically 
everything at any time, in order to compile a generic python program, 
you have to effectively include the entire interpreter.  It's been done 
before (Python2C was the name, I think), but there wasn't much of a 
speed-up vs. CPython, and it hasn't been updated to work with recent 
versions of Python.

Recently there has been work on JIT type dynamic compilation techniques, 
and static compilation of a reduced Python subset. If you want to know 
more, look up the PyPy project.

Re: + cheetah delivering incomplete pages

2006-02-03 Thread Guyon Morée
hi, i think you'd have better luck at


Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread bruno at modulix
Simon Faulkner wrote:
 I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the
 Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a
 compiler for Python?

 But there *is* a compiler for Python.
 ty Bruno, I must confes that I don't understand much of that chapter!
 I will work harder... :-)

Hint : You probably don't need to understand anything in this chapter.
This compiler compiles Python source code to Python bytecode, which is
then executed by the Python interpreter. You may not have noticed -
since the Python interpreter is smart enough to call the compiler when
needed - but Python is compiled to bytecode before execution. Just look
at all the .pyc files on your filesystem.

For short : this was kind of a joke... I understand that what you were
looking for is a 'native code' compiler. AFAIK, this could of course be
done, but due to Python's very dynamic nature, it's not sure this would
lead to drastically better performances.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Boddie
Simon Faulkner wrote:

 I love Python for it's ease and speed of development especially for the
 Programming Challenged like me but why hasn't someone written a
 compiler for Python?

There are various compilers for Python, but they vary in terms of
capabilities, language support and method of operation. Disregarding
Jython and the jythonc tool, which I believe is somewhat inspired by
earlier tools for CPython, there has been a fair amount of activity and
a number of works and/or papers on the topic.

First of all, there have been conventional compilers such as Python to
C [1] and other early attempts to do similar things [2, 3, 4]; such
work possibly informed the construction of some of the
bundler/installer tools [5]. Then, there were later attempts such as
Starkiller [6] to produce low-level language code, and also compilers
which produce other high-level languages [7, 8]. Most of the
aforementioned projects have attempted to deal with normal Python,
possibly with the exception of Starkiller. Subsequent works which deal
with more restricted dialects of Python include ShedSkin [9].

Then, there are hybrid language compilers such as Pyrex [10] which
avoid the issues of turning highly dynamic Python code into some
low-level representation by allowing programmers to write
speed-critical sections in a special Python dialect which translates
better into C/C++. Finally, there are just-in-time compilers such as
Psyco [11] which make use of run-time information to generate machine
code specialised for the operations being performed; the PyPy project
[12] appears to have such concerns in mind in the design of possible
replacement virtual machines for Python.

 I guess it's not that simple eh?

Well, there have been other projects, too. Once upon a time there was a
promising alternative implementation of Python called Vyper [13, 14]
but work on that was discontinued. One prematurely-hyped work, pycore
[15], involved translating Python to Smalltalk but disappeared almost

I believe that many Python programmers who are vocal on such topics
don't want to surrender any of the functionality that they've become
accustomed to, and with additional functionality arriving all the time
in CPython, it's arguably difficult to reconcile such functionality
with performant low-level code generation (at least in advance of
run-time). That said, there has been a movement to introduce static
typing, ostensibly for reliability purposes, but such justifications
have arguably arisen because claims about the various proposed typing
models and performance have largely gone unproven.




Re: Compiling

2006-02-03 Thread Paul Boddie
Oh, and I forgot another Aycock creation: UCPy [16].




Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On 3 Feb 2006 08:58:56 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately, none of this suggests that it's reasonable to have

 def x.y(z): ...

 mean the same as

 def y(x, z): ...

Actually, it shouldn't. The idea was, that
def x.y(z): ...
(explicitly) introduces an unbound method. That's not introducing a new
conect to python, it's just making the difference between an unbound
method and a not-bindable function explicit.

Currently, def(x,y): ... can mean two different things: In the
context of a class, it introduces an unbound method, in global or local
contexts it introduces a function. I don't want to have a new syntax
for that, I want two different syntaxes for these two different

Are you sure you actually understand what's going on?

Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01) 
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 def foo(): pass
 print type(foo)
type 'function'
 class bar:
... def foo(self): pass
... print type(foo)
type 'function'
 print type(
type 'instancemethod'


MySQLdb question... using table name as arg

2006-02-03 Thread Sean Berry
I have four tables that all have the same column names (50 in each.)

I have created an admin program to edit, delete and add records to the 
tables and would like to use the table name as a variable in each query so 
the code can be used for each of the 4 tables.  Usually I would do something 
like this by having 1 table with special column to categorize the records as 
I am doing with each table, but this specific application requires that I do 
it with 4 tables instead.

To ensure that string are quoted properly without any hassle I use the 
execute function like so assuming c is my cursor object...

c.execute(update tableName set col1 = %s, col2 = %s, col3 = %s, ..., 
(val1, val2, val3, ...))

But, not I want to do this with a variable tableName.  If I add it to the 
tuple of parameters in the second arg before val1 and replace tableName with 
%s, then the tableName will be quoted in the query, causing an error.

What is the best (easiest) way for me to accomplish this?  I know it may be 
a stupid question but I just can't figure it out.

Thanks for any help. 


Re: MySQLdb question... using table name as arg

2006-02-03 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 13:24, Sean Berry wrote:
 I have four tables that all have the same column names (50 in each.)
 I have created an admin program to edit, delete and add records to the 
 tables and would like to use the table name as a variable in each query so 
 the code can be used for each of the 4 tables.  Usually I would do something 
 like this by having 1 table with special column to categorize the records as 
 I am doing with each table, but this specific application requires that I do 
 it with 4 tables instead.
 To ensure that string are quoted properly without any hassle I use the 
 execute function like so assuming c is my cursor object...
 c.execute(update tableName set col1 = %s, col2 = %s, col3 = %s, ..., 
 (val1, val2, val3, ...))
 But, not I want to do this with a variable tableName.  If I add it to the 
 tuple of parameters in the second arg before val1 and replace tableName with 
 %s, then the tableName will be quoted in the query, causing an error.
 What is the best (easiest) way for me to accomplish this?  I know it may be 
 a stupid question but I just can't figure it out.

As you have discovered, the table name is not allowed to be a parameter.
You have to build the query string for the appropriate table, then hand
it to execute for filling in the actual parameters:

queryString = update +tableName+ set col1=%s, col2=%s,...
c.execute(queryString, (val1, val2,...))




Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Donn Cave

  That usage (self is second parameter to B.test) is bound
  to cause trouble in general, but in this case doesn't have
  any effect I can see.  The function call test would be
  resolved from its first parameter, instance of A, and that
  function would return 1.  One of us is missing something
  here, could be me.
 Probably my example wasn't clear, let's try another:
   class A:
 def test(a, **kwargs): return 1
   class B:
 def test(b, **kwargs): return 2
   test(a=A(), b=B())
 self isn't a keyword, so nothing should forbid this code. What is the
 interpreter to do if it stumbles across this test call? I mean,
 named-argument lookup is a tricky thing even if you do know what
 function you're calling. If this would depend on one of the parameters,
 I think it would become completely unintelligible. (you can think of
 more complex examples yourself)

Still see no problem.  Of course, it goes without saying that
Python 2.4 doesn't work this way, but given that it's theoretically
possible for f(a) to be resolved similarly to a.f, then I really
do not see what you're seeing here.  The kwargs parameter appears
irrelevant from where I'm sitting.

  That's exactly the problem, it doesn't read from left to right,
  because we swap back and forth between function(parameter and
  parameter.function notation.
 That's because they're doing two different things: object.method() does
 an attribute lookup, while function(parameter) looks for the function
 in the current scope.

But current scope is actually a compound lookup - function scope,
global scope etc.  Generalize it to object scope, and then you
can have a notation that expresses these things consistently - QED.


Re: MySQLdb question... using table name as arg

2006-02-03 Thread Sean Berry

Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 13:24, Sean Berry wrote:
 I have four tables that all have the same column names (50 in each.)

 I have created an admin program to edit, delete and add records to the
 tables and would like to use the table name as a variable in each query 
 the code can be used for each of the 4 tables.  Usually I would do 
 like this by having 1 table with special column to categorize the records 
 I am doing with each table, but this specific application requires that I 
 it with 4 tables instead.

 To ensure that string are quoted properly without any hassle I use the
 execute function like so assuming c is my cursor object...

 c.execute(update tableName set col1 = %s, col2 = %s, col3 = %s, ...,
 (val1, val2, val3, ...))

 But, not I want to do this with a variable tableName.  If I add it to the
 tuple of parameters in the second arg before val1 and replace tableName 
 %s, then the tableName will be quoted in the query, causing an error.

 What is the best (easiest) way for me to accomplish this?  I know it may 
 a stupid question but I just can't figure it out.

 As you have discovered, the table name is not allowed to be a parameter.
 You have to build the query string for the appropriate table, then hand
 it to execute for filling in the actual parameters:

 queryString = update +tableName+ set col1=%s, col2=%s,...
 c.execute(queryString, (val1, val2,...))


Thanks... that is kind of what I figured.


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Ivan Voras
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-02-03, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)
 If that's the way you want to look at it, there is nothing that
 can be done in pure python.  

I think people who say that deliberately misunderstand the point. Python 
is suitable for some things, not for others. So is C.

Re: OO conventions

2006-02-03 Thread I V
Nicola Musatti wrote:
 I don't think this is all there is to it. Even though a class such as
 Image might not have a sensible default, initial state it still might
 not be reasonable to burden it with the ability to collect the
 information needed to reach such an initial state. To put it it another
 way: a car is a car, it isn't a car factory.

What's the burden, though? Surely the only burden is that the class
needs to take the relevant parameters to its __init__ method, which is
no more of a burden than providing some other initialization method
that takes the relevant parameters.

 Factory functions (or classes) are there to solve this problem and
 still allow a clean separation of concerns. Although instances of Klass
 are created uninitialized, they only live in this state within their
 factory and only reach trhe outside world only when they are in a
 usable state.

This may be my limited imagination, but I can't think of a situation
when you would prefer something like:

def factory(info):
k = Klass()
data = get_initial_data(info)
return k


def factory(info):
data = get_initial_data(info)
return Klass(data)

What would be the value of doing the initialization in a separate
method, rather than the constructor?


Python - python-list

2006-02-03 Thread gilcneth (sent by


I am trying to automate my personal website logons and recently discovered cPamie, which looks like it may be a very handy tool indeed.

But, so far, I have not had any luck using it for website logons. This may or may not be a cPamie issue, so please bear with me.

The site I am trying to log on to automatically displays my username, but I must feed it my password in order to log on. No problem. I can get my password in the textbox, just fine. Where I have problems, however, is with the invocation of the log on itself.

I am no HTML guru and am much more familiar with Python than any of the more accepted web languages, but I can read it well enough to sort of partially diagnose the problem. It appears that the buttonname itself is hidden--which means (I think) that I cannot call a method requiring the input of a buttonname.

I have tried a number of methods from cPamie in order to try to log on, in lieu of the buttonname, but so far I have been unsuccessful.

Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?

(Incidently, I can log on by pressing the button with my mouse, but it is key and mouse strokes I am trying to eliminate, of course)

Thanking you in advance,

Chris N.

View this message in context: Python - python-list
Sent from the Python - python-list forum at

Re: MySQLdb question... using table name as arg

2006-02-03 Thread Scott David Daniels
Carsten Haese wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 13:24, Sean Berry wrote:
 I have four tables that all have the same column names (50 in each.)
 I ...  would like to use the table name as a variable in each query so
 the code can be used for each of the 4 tables
 To ensure that string are quoted properly without any hassle I use the 
 execute function like so assuming c is my cursor object...

 c.execute(update tableName set col1 = %s, col2 = %s, col3 = %s, ..., 
 (val1, val2, val3, ...))

 What is the best (easiest) way for me to accomplish this?  I know it may be 
 a stupid question but I just can't figure it out.
 As you have discovered, the table name is not allowed to be a parameter
queryString = update +tableName+ set col1=%s, col2=%s,...
c.execute(queryString, (val1, val2,...))

Since you are in control of the query strings, you might try:
choose a string ('table' in this example) to represent the table name
that will never appear in your queries to represent the table name,
then do something like:

 for table_name in 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth':
 def perform(query, args):
 return cursor.execute(
   table_name.join(query.split('table')), args)
 perform('UPDATE table SET col1 = %s, col2 = %s', (val1, val2))
 perform('UPDATE table SET col4 = %s, col5 = %s', (val4, val5))

Although, frankly, this doesn't sound like a well-designed database.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: How do I dynamically create functions without lambda?

2006-02-03 Thread Terry Hancock
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006 09:39:39 +0100
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Terry Hancock wrote:
  Frankly this paper sounds like a bid for the Journal of
  Irreproducible Results that somehow got accidentally
  submitted to a serious journal

Wow. It's a relief to know I'm not the only one who regards
this paper as a joke. :-)


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Terry Hancock
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 20:03:01 +0100
Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grant Edwards wrote:
  On 2006-02-03, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be
 both fast and elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or
 a similar library. 
 ... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not
 pure python... :)
  If that's the way you want to look at it, there is
  nothing that can be done in pure python.  
 I think people who say that deliberately misunderstand the
 point. Python  is suitable for some things, not for
 others. So is C. -- 

To me, doing it in C implies that I must write some C

In this case, that won't be required at all. Everything the
OP wants to do can be done exclusively by writing Python
code.  He will, of course, be *using*  some extension
libraries which might in turn have been written in C (or
Fortran, assembly language, or ADA for that matter -- but
practically speaking, C).

This will be true whether he uses PyMedia, PyGame, Numeric
or all three.

Indeed, as an implementation matter only the glue code
will be interpreted in Python -- but the OP will not have to
write anything but such glue code.

For me, who no longer writes *any* C code, not having to
write the C code is a big win. And I think this is the PoV
relevant to the OP.


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Terry Reedy

Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Today, Python has a syntactic shortcut. If 'a' is an
 instance of class 'A', a.f(x,y,z) is a shortcut for
 A.f(a,x,y,z). If you don't use the shortcut, there is
 no magic at all, just the unusual occurence of a type
 check in Python!

As was once pointed out to me some years ago, when I wrote something 
similar, a.f() is not just a shortcut for A.f(a) [a.__class__.f(a)].   The 
latter only looks for f in the class A namespace while the former also 
looks in superclass namespaces.  The 'magical' part of accessing functions 
via instances is the implementation of dynamic inheritance.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: would it be feasable to write python DJing software

2006-02-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-02-03, Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, manipulating and mixing audio samples can be both fast and
elegant, in Python, if you use Numeric or a similar library.

... at which point you're actually doing it in C, not pure python... :)
 If that's the way you want to look at it, there is nothing that
 can be done in pure python.  

 I think people who say that deliberately misunderstand the
 point. Python is suitable for some things, not for others. So
 is C.

People who say what?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Do you need
  at   any MOUTH-TO-MOUTH

Run Windows shortcut

2006-02-03 Thread Ernesto
Assuming the shortcut is in the current directory, how could I launch
the shortcut (without waiting for it to finish) ?


Re: Another try at Python's selfishness

2006-02-03 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006 15:27:51 -0500, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Today, Python has a syntactic shortcut. If 'a' is an
 instance of class 'A', a.f(x,y,z) is a shortcut for
 A.f(a,x,y,z). If you don't use the shortcut, there is
 no magic at all, just the unusual occurence of a type
 check in Python!

As was once pointed out to me some years ago, when I wrote something
similar, a.f() is not just a shortcut for A.f(a) [a.__class__.f(a)].   The
latter only looks for f in the class A namespace while the former also
looks in superclass namespaces.  The 'magical' part of accessing functions
via instances is the implementation of dynamic inheritance.

I'm not sure I follow.  Surely you're not suggesting that this doesn't work:

 class X:
... def foo(self):
... print '', self
 class A(X):
... pass
 o = A() __main__.A instance at 0xb7cab64c

But I can't think what else you might mean.

Terry Jan Reedy



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