Roundup Issue Tracker release 1.1.0

2006-02-10 Thread Richard Jones
I'm proud to release this, the 1.1.0 release of Roundup.


- trackers may configure custom stop-words for the full-text indexer
- login may now be for a single session (and this is the default)
- trackers may hide exceptions from web users (they will be mailed to the
  tracker admin) (hiding is the default)
- include clear this message link in the ok message bar


- fixes in scripts/
- fix some unicode bugs in roundup-admin import
- Xapian indexer wasn't actually being used and its reindexing of existing
  data was busted to boot
- roundup-admin import wasn't indexing message content
- allow dispname to be passed to renderWith (sf bug 1424587)
- rename dispname to @dispname to avoid name clashes in the future
- fixed schema migration problem when Class keys were removed

If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow
the Software Upgrade guidelines given in the maintenance documentation.

Roundup requires python 2.3 or later for correct operation.

To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run::


Release info and download page:
Source and documentation is available at the website:
Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:

About Roundup

Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design
from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry Track design competition.

Note: Ping is not responsible for this project. The contact for this
project is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as
description, priority, and so on) and provides the ability to:

(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues, and
(c) discuss issues with other participants.

The system will facilitate communication among the participants by managing
discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of
the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup
is therefore usable out of the box with any python 2.3+ installation. It
doesn't even need to be installed to be operational, though a
disutils-based install script is provided.

It comes with two issue tracker templates (a classic bug/feature tracker and
a minimal skeleton) and five database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, metakit,
mysql and postgresql).


Support the Python Software Foundation:

pypy pycon 2006 sprint

2006-02-10 Thread holger krekel
Post-PyCon PyPy Sprint: February 27th - March 2nd 2006 

The next PyPy sprint is scheduled to take place right after 
PyCon 2006 in Dallas, Texas, USA. 

We hope to see lots of newcomers at this sprint, so we'll give
friendly introductions.  Note that during the Pycon conference 
we are giving PyPy talks which serve well as preparation.  

Goals and topics of the sprint 

While attendees of the sprint are of course welcome to work on what
they wish, we offer these ideas:

  - Work on an 'rctypes' module aiming at letting us use a ctypes
implementation of an extension module from the compiled pypy-c.

  - Writing ctypes implementations of modules to be used by the above

  - Experimenting with different garbage collection strategies.

  - Implementing Python 2.5 features in PyPy

  - Implementation of constraints solvers and integration of dataflow
variables to PyPy.

  - Implement new features and improve the 'py' lib and py.test 
which are heavily used by PyPy (doctests/test selection/...).

  - Generally experiment with PyPy -- for example, play with
transparent distribution of objects or coroutines and stackless
features at application level.

  - Have fun!


The sprint will be held wherever the PyCon sprints end up being held,
which is to say somewhere within the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum

For more information see the PyCon 06 sprint pages:


Exact times 

The PyPy sprint will from from Monday February 27th until Thursday
March 2nd 2006. Hours will be from 10:00 until people have had enough.

Registration, etc.

If you know before the conference that you definitely want to attend
our sprint, please subscribe to the `PyPy sprint mailing list`_,
introduce yourself and post a note that you want to come.  Feel free
to ask any questions or make suggestions there!

There is a separate `PyCon 06 people`_ page tracking who is already
planning to come.  If you have commit rights on codespeak then you can
modify yourself a checkout of

.. _`PyPy sprint mailing list`:
.. _`PyCon 06 people`:

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: read-only attributes

2006-02-10 Thread bruno at modulix
limodou wrote:
 On 2/10/06, john peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what do i have to do if i want my application code to have

 I think you may consider property() built-in function:
 property( [fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc)
 Return a property attribute for new-style classes (classes that derive
 from object).
 fget is a function


 for getting an attribute value, likewise fset is a
 function for setting, and fdel a function for del'ing, an attribute.
 Typical use is to define a managed attribute x:
 class C(object):
 def __init__(self): self.__x = None
 def getx(self): return self.__x
 def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
 def delx(self): del self.__x
 x = property(getx, setx, delx, I'm the 'x' property.)

Note that you don't need to define all three accessors. For a
'read-only' attribute, just define the getter:

class ReadOnly(object):
   def __init__(self, x):
  self._x = x
   x = property(fget=lambda self: self._x)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: breaking from loop

2006-02-10 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Ritesh Raj Sarraf enlightened us with:
 bFound = True
 return bFound

I see two weird things. First of all, the retun statement won't be
reached due to the break before it. Let's assume the break isn't
needed, and you want just the return. Why set the variable if you're
going to return anyway? I'd change those three lines to return True.

 But since test directory is under temp, work_tree_copy makes two
 calls of the same function _but_ break only is able to get out from
 the inner call.

Raise an exception and catch it at the outer level.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: how to remove BR using replace function?

2006-02-10 Thread Duncan Booth
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 Duncan Booth  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Although I generally advise against overuse of regular expressions,
this is one situation where regular expressions might be useful: [ ...
 nobr = re.compile('\W*br.*?\W*', re.I)
 Agreed (on both counts), but r'\s*br.*?\s*' might be better
 (consider what happens with an unfortunate... br in the middle
 if you use \W rather than \s).

Yes, I don't really know why I wrote \W when I obviously meant \s. Thanks 
for correcting that.

Even better might be r'(\s*br.*?)+\s*' to get multiple runs of br tags.

Re: Using bytecode, not code objects

2006-02-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:51:18 -0800, rumours say that Michael Spencer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:
There's a typo in the text accompanying that example: img.get_magic() should 

The error is easy to explain: he's on PIL(s) for years.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: breaking from loop

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Otten
Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:

 Following is the code:
 def walk_tree_copy(sRepository, sFile, sSourceDir, bFound = None):
 if sRepository is not None:
 for name in os.listdir(sRepository):
 path = os.path.join(sRepository, name)
 if os.path.isdir(path):
 walk_tree_copy(path, sFile, sSourceDir, bFound)
 elif name.endswith('.foo') or name.endswith('.bar'):
 if name == sFile:

Pick /one/ the conditions

- file name must be ...
- file must end with ... or ...

 shutil.copy(path, sSourceDir)
 except IOError, (errno, errstring):
 errfunc(errno, errstring)
 except shutil.Error:
 print name +  is available in  +
 sSourceDir + Skipping Copy!
 bFound = True
 return bFound
 except OSError, (errno, strerror):
 print errno, strerror
 This function allows me to walk into a directory based tree and search
 for files ending with .foo and .bar. My requirement is to copy
 Say in directory is found. So shutil.copy will
 copy it. I want that once the copy is done, it should make bFound =
 True and get out.
 But since test directory is under temp, work_tree_copy makes two calls
 of the same function _but_ break only is able to get out from the inner
 Where am I wrong in this code ? Is there a better way to implement it ?

An implementation on top of os.walk() can simplify things a bit:

import os
import shutil

def files(root):
for path, folders, files in os.walk(root):
for file in files:
yield path, file

def copy_first_match(repository, filename, dest_dir): # aka walk_tree_copy()
for path, file in files(repository):
if file == filename:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, file), dest_dir)
return True
return False

files() and os.walk() take care of the recursion, and you can just break or
return from the loop in copy_first_match(). 



Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread bonono

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
  So what is the rationale for having list SO much harder to use in such a
  way, than either set or collections.deque?

 Sounds like a loaded question ;-)

 If you're asking why list's don't have a clear() method, the answer is
 that they already had two ways to do it (slice assignment and slice
 deletion) and Guido must have valued API compactness over collection
 polymorphism.  The latter is also evidenced by set.add() vs
 list.append() and by the two pop() methods having a different
Sounds to me that it is a preference(style, whatever), rather than some
other posts of this thread argued that del L[:] is better.

 If you're asking why your specific case looked so painful, I suspect
 that it only looked hard because the adaptation was force-fit into a
 lambda (the del-statement or slice assignment won't work as an
 expression).  You would have had similar difficulties embedding
 try/except logic or a print-statement.  Guido, would of course
 recommend using a plain def-statement:

 L = list()
 def L_clearer(L=L):
 del L[:]
 for listbunch in buncher(src, '', L, L.append, L_clearer):
 print listbunch

Is that really clearer ? While it is still very localized(just read a
few lines up for the definition), buncher(src, '', L.append, L.clear)
seems to be clearer to me, especially there are two similar construct
on set/dict above, even the Alex's lambda form conveys more info, IMO.
Usng the new partial function, may be it can be written as :

buncher(src.'', L, L.append, partial(L.__delslice__, 0, sys.maxint))

#assuming list can have at at most maxint items.


Re: Detecting filename-encoding (on WinXP)?

2006-02-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
On 2 Feb 2006 08:03:14 -0800, rumours say that Tim N. van der Leeuw
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

So now what I need to know is, how do I find out in what encoding a
particular filename is? Is there a portable way for doing this?

You said the filename comes as data, and not as contents of os.listdir(),

You can only know (for almost certain) what encoding is *not* the filename
(by looping over encodings and marking those where .decode fails).  

If it was textual data, you could be more successful in guessing (btw, it's
been a long time since I requested example texts from various encodings for
my encoding-guessing app, but I was sent only one) by testing characters in
pairs and their frequencies.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: breaking from loop

2006-02-10 Thread bruno at modulix
Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
 Following is the code:
 def walk_tree_copy(sRepository, sFile, sSourceDir, bFound = None):
 if sRepository is not None:

You're being overly defensive here. Passing None as first arg is clearly
a programming error, so the sooner you detect it the better. Hence, just
don't test, and let exceptions propagate.

 for name in os.listdir(sRepository):
 path = os.path.join(sRepository, name)
 if os.path.isdir(path):
 walk_tree_copy(path, sFile, sSourceDir, bFound)
 elif name.endswith('.foo') or name.endswith('.bar'):
 if name == sFile:

Why do you *first* test on the extension, and *then* on the whole name ?
The boolean expression:
(name.endswith('.foo') or name.endswith('.bar')) and name == sFile
logically implies that :
sFile.endswith('.foo') or sFile.endswith('.bar')

So the first test is pretty useless...

Also, why hardcode such tests ? Python makes it easy to write generic
(hence reusable) code.

 shutil.copy(path, sSourceDir)
 except IOError, (errno, errstring):
 errfunc(errno, errstring)

??? What is this function doing ?

 except shutil.Error:
 print name +  is available in  +
 sSourceDir + Skipping Copy!

Don't assume the cause of the exception. FWIW, try the following snippet:

 f = open('test.txt', 'w')
 for i in range(10):
... shutil.copy('test.txt', 'testcopy.txt')

Also, stdout is meant to be used for normal program outputs. Other
messages should go to stderr.

 bFound = True
 return bFound

Err... this last statement won't be executed.

 except OSError, (errno, strerror):
 print errno, strerror

 This function allows me to walk into a directory based tree and search
 for files ending with .foo and .bar. My requirement is to copy
 Say in directory is found. So shutil.copy will
 copy it. I want that once the copy is done, it should make bFound =
 True and get out.

What's the use of setting bFound to True ? If you want to get out
returning a value, just return that value :

# dummy exemple
def test(seq, target):
  for item in seq:
if item == target:
  return True
  return False

 But since test directory is under temp, work_tree_copy makes two calls
 of the same function _but_ break only is able to get out from the inner

You should first focus on making it work without worrying about error
handling. Ensure that all return path are covered (in your actual
implementation, your function always return None). Use a callback
function for testing if a file should be copied, so your code has a
chance of being reusable when specs evolve. And two hints:
 * exceptions are not only for error handling, they are also useful to
control flow of execution...
 * generators and iterators are great

AFAICT, what you're trying to do here is mainly to
1/ recursively search files matching a given condition in a directory tree
2/ do something with these files.

A solution could be to split your code accordingly:

def find_in_tree(tree_path, match):
  join = os.path.join
  isdir = os.path.isdir
  isfile = os.path.isfile
  for name in os.listdir(tree_path):
fpath = join(tree_path, name)
  if isdir(fpath):
for foundpath in find_in_tree(fpath, match)
  yield foundpath
  elif isfile(fpath) and match(fpath):
yield fpath
  raise StopIteration

def find_and_copy_to(tree_path,
 dest_path, match,
  done = []
  for fpath in find_in_tree(tree_path, match):
if fpath not in done:
  shutil.copy(fpath, dest_path)
  if stop_on_first_match:
  return done

match_foo_bar = lambda fpath: \
 fpath.endswith('.foo') or fpath.endswith('.bar')

done = find_and_copy_to(sRepository,

NB1 : not tested

NB2: I'm not sure I clearly undestand your specs (you're mixing
functional specs and implementation details in your description of
you're trying to do), so this may not be exactly what you want...

Also some stylistic advices:

1/ hungarian notation is *evil* - and even worse in a dynamically typed
language. Better use explicit names. What's important is not the type of
a variable, but it's role.

2/ string formating is fine

print  sys.stderr, \
%s is available in %s - skipping copy % (filename, source_dir)

 Is there a better way to implement it ?

Probably. Anyway, the better implementation is usually no
implementation. What about:

find $Repository -name *.bar -exec cp {} 

Re: Hi reliability files, writing,reading and maintaining

2006-02-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 00:29:16 +0100, rumours say that Xavier Morel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

You can also nest Raid arrays, the most common nesting are Raid 01 
(creating Raid1 arrays of Raid0 arrays), Raid 10 (creating Raid0 arrays 
of Raid1 arrays), Raid 50 (Raid0 array of Raid5 arrays), and the Raids 
for Paranoids, Raid 15 and Raid 51 arrays (creatung a Raid5 array of 
Raid1 arrays, or a Raid1 array of Raid5 arrays, both basically means 
that you're wasting most of your storage space for redundancy 
informations, but that the probability of losing any data is extremely low).

Nah, too much talk.  Better provide images:

TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: random playing soundfiles according to rating.

2006-02-10 Thread Ed Singleton
On 8 Feb 2006 19:49:09 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a little bit stuck 

 I want to play a bunch of soundfiles randomly, but i want to give each
 soundfile a rating (say 0-100) and have the likelihood that the file be
 chosen be tied to its rating so that the higher the rating the more
 likely a file is to be chosen.  Then i need some additional flags for
 repetition, and some other business. I am guessing a dictionary would
 be a great way to do this, with the key being the soundfile name and
 the values being my ratings and other flags  associated data.

It depends how accurate you want the likelihood to be and how
important performance is.

I was thinking about this in respect of queueing mp3s from my
collection (10,000+) to be played based on a 1-5 star rating (five
stars is five times more likely to be played than 1 star).

If speed is no issue (for example you can queue an mp3 while the
current one is playing), then Ben's solution is the classic one. 
Store the total of all your scores (or calculate it on the fly if you
don't have too many files), pick a random number up to that total, and
then iterate through all your scores, subtracting each score from the
total, until the total reaches zero, and then play that file.

However that approach gets slower and slower the more files you have
(slower to calculate the total and slower to iterate through the

If speed is more of an issue, you could give up on trying to use a
perfect probability, and just pick 10 (or 50, or 100) files at random,
and then play one of those based on the above approach.


Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
Bryan Olson wrote:
 Magnus Lycka wrote:
 Do you really have a usecase for this? It seems to me that your
 argument is pretty hollow.
 if item_triggering_end in collection:
 Or maybe moving everything from several collections into
 a single union:
 big_union = set()
 for collection in some_iter:

I don't understand the second one. Where did 't' come from?
Anyway, tiny code snippets are hardly usecases. Are these from
real code? If they are, why aren't there support for emptying
lists? Have you patched your Python? Didn't you actually need
to support lists?

I still don't see any convincing usecase for the kind of
ducktyping you imply. There are certainly situations where
people have used lists or dicts before there were sets in
Python, and want to support both variants for a while at least,
but since their APIs are so differnt for these types, .clear()
seems like a non-issue.

If this was a problem in the real world, I bet we'd see a lot
of code with functions similar to this:

def clear(container):
 del container[:]
 except TypeError:

If you *do* have this problem, this is a very simple workaround.

 As far as I understand, the only operation which is currently used
 by all three collections is .pop, but that takes a different number
 or parameters, since these collections are conceptually different!
 The all support len, iteration, and membership test.

Ok. Forgot that. id(), str() and repr() as well. Still, after almost
10 years of Python programming I can't remember that I ever ran into
a situation where I ever needed one single piece of code to empty
an arbitrary container. It's trivial to solve, so I wouldn't have
stopped to think about it for even a minute if it happened, but I
still don't think it happened.This was never a problem for me, and
I don't think I saw anyone else complain about it either, and I've
seen plenty of complaints! ;)

I can understand the argument about making it easy to remember how
to perform an action. I think the current situation is correct. To
introduce redunancy in this case (del x[:] == x.clear()) would not
be an improvement of Python. In the long run, such a strategy of
synonyms would make Python much more like Perl, and we don't want
that. So I can understand that the question pops up though (but
not why it gets such proportions).

I don't buy this duck-typing argument though. Considering how little
it would change in unifying these divergent APIs, it still sounds
as hollow to me.

 Many algorithms make sense for either sets or lists. Even if they
 cannot work on every type of collection, that's no reason not
 to help them be as general as logic allows.

  class BryansList(list):
... add=list.append
... def clear(self):
... del self[:]
  b = BryansList([1,2,3,4,5])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Happy now? You can keep it, I don't need it. :)
Most of us consider minimal interfaces a virtue.

Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread bonono

Magnus Lycka wrote:
   class BryansList(list):
 ... add=list.append
 ... def clear(self):
 ... del self[:]
   b = BryansList([1,2,3,4,5])
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 Happy now? You can keep it, I don't need it. :)
 Most of us consider minimal interfaces a virtue.

What kind of performance penalty are we talking about here ? list being
such a fundamental thing, no one would like to use a slower version
just for the clear/add method. And if it is a use when you really need
to, it would make the code harder to understand as it would be
sometimes it is BryansList, sometimes it is builtin list.

That said, I don't find clear() to be useful as unless one needs to
pass around a single copy of list object around and saved them for
future use(which can be a source of subtle bug), just lst=[] is usually
good enough for localized usage.


Re: random playing soundfiles according to rating.

2006-02-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:59:43 +, rumours say that Ed Singleton
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

If speed is no issue (for example you can queue an mp3 while the
current one is playing), then Ben's solution is the classic one. 
Store the total of all your scores (or calculate it on the fly if you
don't have too many files), pick a random number up to that total, and
then iterate through all your scores, subtracting each score from the
total, until the total reaches zero, and then play that file.

However that approach gets slower and slower the more files you have
(slower to calculate the total and slower to iterate through the

Hm... just playing:

import random, itertools

scored=[('bad',1), ('not that bad',2),('ok',3),('better',4),('best',5)]

def player(lst):
def forever(lst):
while 1:
for item in lst:
yield item
total_score= sum(x[1] for x in lst)
scanner= forever(lst)
while 1:
next_score= random.randrange(total_score)
for item in scanner:
if next_score = item[1]:
yield item[0]
next_score+= random.randrange(total_score)
next_score-= item[1]

print list(itertools.islice(player(scored), 0, 20))

['better', 'ok', 'best', 'not that bad', 'best', 'best', 'best', 'not that
bad', 'ok', 'best', 'best', 'bad', 'better', 'better', 'better', 'ok', 'ok',
'not that bad', 'best', 'best']
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread Bryan Olson
Magnus Lycka wrote:
 Bryan Olson wrote:
 Magnus Lycka wrote:

 Do you really have a usecase for this? It seems to me that your
 argument is pretty hollow.


 if item_triggering_end in collection:

 Or maybe moving everything from several collections into
 a single union:

 big_union = set()
 for collection in some_iter:
 I don't understand the second one. Where did 't' come from?

Cut-and-past carelessness. Meant to update with 'collection'.

 Anyway, tiny code snippets are hardly usecases.

The task is the usecase.

 I still don't see any convincing usecase for the kind of
 ducktyping you imply.

I didn't say I could convince you. I said that when different
types can support the same operation, they should also support
the same interface. That's what enables polymorphism.


Re: Parsing XML scheme (xsd) to python objects

2006-02-10 Thread Bizarro-02
Yes, documents should also be validated against the schema. I finally
managed to compile my schema with but I haven't tested
the result because of my poor knowledge of Python. So I have to wait
until the group does which wanted to use my schema.
Thanks for your answer!



Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread Raymond Hettinger
  If you're asking why list's don't have a clear() method, the answer is
  that they already had two ways to do it (slice assignment and slice
  deletion) and Guido must have valued API compactness over collection
  polymorphism.  The latter is also evidenced by set.add() vs
  list.append() and by the two pop() methods having a different
 Sounds to me that it is a preference(style, whatever), rather than some
 other posts of this thread argued that del L[:] is better.

It was simply design decision reflecting Guido's values on language

  If you're asking why your specific case looked so painful, I suspect
  that it only looked hard because the adaptation was force-fit into a
  lambda (the del-statement or slice assignment won't work as an
  expression).  You would have had similar difficulties embedding
  try/except logic or a print-statement.  Guido, would of course
  recommend using a plain def-statement:
  L = list()
  def L_clearer(L=L):
  del L[:]
  for listbunch in buncher(src, '', L, L.append, L_clearer):
  print listbunch
 Is that really clearer ? While it is still very localized(just read a
 few lines up for the definition), buncher(src, '', L.append, L.clear)
 seems to be clearer to me, especially there are two similar construct
 on set/dict above,

Hmm, my post was so long that the main points were lost:

* the example was tricky only because of the unnecessary in-place
update requirement

* eliminating that requirement solves the adaptation problem and
simplifies the client code

* the constructor API is polymorphic, use it

* adding clear() doesn't help with the other API variations between
set, list, dict, etc.

* Guido's decision for distinct APIs is intentional (i.e. set.add vs

* Alex's adapter PEP is likely a better solution for forcing
polymorphism on unlike APIs

* When a lambda becomes awkward, Guido recommends a separate def

* Guido has no sympathy for atrocities resulting from squeezing
everything into one line

* Alex's example can be simplified considerably:

def buncher(sourceit, sentinel, constructor):
for k, g in groupby(sourceit, lambda x: x != sentinel):
if k:
yield constructor(g)

for setbunch in buncher(src, '', set):
print setbunch

* The improved version has no need for list.clear().   End of story.



a second TKinter

2006-02-10 Thread linda.s
I found if I opened a second TKinter, Python will go out of work. But
I need two graph outputs at the same time. What to do?

Re: Determining an operating system's default browser

2006-02-10 Thread Juho Schultz
John McMonagle wrote:
 Is there a python module which can determine an operating system's
 default web browser application.
 I would like to use it in the following context:  I have a GUI
 application where all the documentation is written as html pages.  I
 wish to have these html help pages open in the default browser when
 selected from the application's Help menu
 If python can determine the path to the default browser, I can then just
 spawn it.
 John McMonagle
I think the htmlview command is used for this purpose (displaying html 
documentation of applications) on many Linuxes. So you could try 
os.system('htmlview'). Given the variety of Unixes (and even Linuxes) 
out there this is not a general solution.

So I would try htmlview first. If it does not work, the program could 
ask the user for his favourite browser the 1st time he looks at docs, 
and save this to a configuration file.

AdaptionFailure: How to use Interfaces with PyProtocols ?

2006-02-10 Thread Nebur
I tried to understand the docs of Peak's PyProtocols, and failed.
I use PyProtocols v0.93 final. I fetched the ...tar.gz file for Linux
and installed it using the
Here's my Hello-World-like example, that defines a Duck, which
implements the given Interface:

 from protocols import Interface,adapt,advise

 class Quackable(Interface):
 def quack(loudness):
  print how loud to quack 
 class Duck:
 def quack(self, loudness):
 print quack! %s loud%(loudness)

 if __name__ == __main__:
 d = adapt(Duck, Quackable) # this line raises the failure

 But it does not work that way. It get this
AdaptionFailure :

  File, line 14, in ?
d = adapt(Duck, Quackable)
  File C:\cygwin\home\pje\PyProtocols\src/protocols/_speedups.pyx,
line 199, in _speedups.adapt
  File C:\cygwin\home\pje\PyProtocols\src/protocols/_speedups.pyx,
line 188, in _speedups._adapt
protocols.adapters.AdaptationFailure: (Can't adapt, class
__main__.Duck at 0xb7bcc47c, class '__main__.Quackable')


Or is my Duck code wrong ?  Anybody knowing how to use an Interface ?
Thank you very much-

Remark:There seems to be some windows stuff in PyProtocols (C:\...) -
a bug ? (I re-installed PyProtocols with option --without-speedups but
nothing changed.)


Re: a second TKinter

2006-02-10 Thread linda.s
On 2/10/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/02/06, linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I found if I opened a second TKinter, Python will go out of work. But
  I need two graph outputs at the same time. What to do?

 Hello linda (?),

 How are you opening a 'second Tkinter' ? There is no problem with having two
 top level windows at the same time, you can't hjave two 'mainloops' though.

 All the best,

What does having two top level windows mean?
Can you give an example?
For opening a second tkinter, i mean that I run python using
PythonWin: if I run the code again when the first Tk is still open,
then the program will crash.

Re: pythonic exec* spawn*

2006-02-10 Thread Daniel Nogradi
  os.fork() does that (on Mac and Unix).
 Okay, but how?

 Sorry, fork() is implemented strictly on a 'need to know' basis :-)

 It seems to me that if the process which issued os.fork() ends, then
 the forked process also ends.

 No, no, they're not a quantum mechanic photon pair. Every process decides
 for itself if and when to end. As long as it's not signalled/killed, that

 But the execute of longer( data ) should keep going even though the
 original program ended. I'm pretty sure it's something basic and
 probably I'm not aware of the right concepts and that's why I can't
 find the right place to look in the docs.

 You can search for daemonize.

 Here's a recipe:

 The concept is best explained in this book:

Okay, thanks a lot, I'll look into that.

Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread Bryan Olson
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 If you're asking why list's don't have a clear() method, the answer is
 that they already had two ways to do it (slice assignment and slice
 deletion) and Guido must have valued API compactness over collection

That's a decision from long ago. Now that we have sets and
the iterable protocol, the case is quite different.


Re: module with __call__ defined is not callable?

2006-02-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 07:14:04 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:

Someone had to code Python so that it raised an error when you try to call
a module object. Is there a reason why module() should not execute
module.__call__()? I would have thought that by the duck typing principle,
it shouldn't matter whether the object was a class, a module or an int, if
it has a __call__ method it should be callable.

 It would nice if you could make modules callable.
 Right. While we're at it, why don't we make strings callable. 

I don't believe strings have a __call__ method, nor do I see any
compelling case for giving one to them. But one could sub-class strings so
they had a __call__ method, in which case they should be callable. Just
like objects with a __len__ method work with len(), and objects with a
__getitem__ method are indexable.

 Calling a 
 string could call the function whose name (in some namespace or other) 
 was in the string. 

Or it could do whatever the __call__ method says it should do.

 And we can make integers callable too - that could 
 just assume that the integer was the address of a function to be called.

No, that wouldn't work, because Python doesn't have pointers. You can't
just jump to an address in memory and execute it. That would be Bad.

 In case you think I'm joking, I am.

I'm not.

 Why should a module be callable? What's the advantage? 

Modules could behave not only as collections of functions, methods,
classes etc., but as single entry-point functions themselves. Or, to put
it another way, modules are not just collections of code which gets called
by other code, but could also be tools in the Unix sense.

Here is a (trivial) hypothetical example:

py import sillycase
py sillycase(hello world)
hElLO wOrLd
py sillycase.start_with_lowercase  # can still see the internals

A side-effect of this is you wouldn't need so many calls like glob.glob,
dis.dis or bisect.bisect.

If Python were smart enough to automatically execute the __call__ method
of a module (if it has one) when the module is given as a command line
argument, we could get rid of this boiler-plate code found in oh-so-many

if __name__ == '__main__':
main()  # __call__() would be better

 Should we be able 
 to add two modules together, yielding a module that contains all the 
 code of both modules? 

If modules had a __add__ method, then moduleA + moduleB should do whatever
the __add__ method says. Just as when you add a module to a class
instance, it will do whatever the class __add__ method says.

Frankly I can't think of anything useful adding two modules would do, but
maybe that's my failure of imagination.



Re: Thread Dump of a python process

2006-02-10 Thread Shanon

Thank you for your info. Now I have read that a simple call os.getpid()
returned the linux identifier of the thread in latest python versions, but
I'm using Python 2.3 and 2.4 and this call returns always the same id 
I only want to take the pid of the thread but isn't as easier as it seems.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list forum at


Re: Determining an operating system's default browser

2006-02-10 Thread Fuzzyman

John McMonagle wrote:
 Is there a python module which can determine an operating system's
 default web browser application.

 I would like to use it in the following context:  I have a GUI
 application where all the documentation is written as html pages.  I
 wish to have these html help pages open in the default browser when
 selected from the application's Help menu

 If python can determine the path to the default browser, I can then just
 spawn it.

The module webrowser module does this - and I use it for exactly this
purpose. :-)



 John McMonagle

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.


Re: Determining an operating system's default browser

2006-02-10 Thread Paul Boddie
John McMonagle wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-02-09 at 17:53 -0600, Larry Bates wrote:
  You don't have to determine it.  Just os.startfile('page1.html')
  and let the OS figure it out.

 Works great for Windows - not available on Unix though.

Take a look at the desktop module for similar functionality for KDE,
GNOME and the Mac OS X desktop environment (as well as Windows, of



Re: Scientific Computing with NumPy

2006-02-10 Thread linda.s
where to download numpy for Python 2.3 in Mac?

help regarding installing python documentation

2006-02-10 Thread N Sharmishta-in1769c

I have installed the 
python 2.4 version and downloaded the HTML documentation also.
But when I give the 
command help( ) in the 
IDLE command prompt and ' while ' ,it says 

Sorry, topic and keyword documentation is 
not available because the PythonHTML documentation files could not be 
found. If you have installed them,please set the environment variable 
PYTHONDOCS to indicate their location.

I don't know how to 
set the variable PYTHONDOCS .kindly help .



Re: a second TKinter

2006-02-10 Thread Steve Holden
linda.s wrote:
 On 2/10/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/02/06, linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found if I opened a second TKinter, Python will go out of work. But
I need two graph outputs at the same time. What to do?

Hello linda (?),

How are you opening a 'second Tkinter' ? There is no problem with having two
top level windows at the same time, you can't hjave two 'mainloops' though.

All the best,

 What does having two top level windows mean?
 Can you give an example?
 For opening a second tkinter, i mean that I run python using
 PythonWin: if I run the code again when the first Tk is still open,
 then the program will crash.

You are actually doing well to run even *one* Tkinter-based application 
under PythonWin, since PythonWin is an MFC-based Windows application. 
There may well be conflict between the multiple windowing modules in use.

Not a good idea to run GUI-based applications under an IDE that isn't 
designed to handle them. Sorry.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: a second TKinter

2006-02-10 Thread linda.s
On 2/10/06, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 linda.s wrote:
  On 2/10/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/02/06, linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found if I opened a second TKinter, Python will go out of work. But
 I need two graph outputs at the same time. What to do?
 Hello linda (?),
 How are you opening a 'second Tkinter' ? There is no problem with having two
 top level windows at the same time, you can't hjave two 'mainloops' though.
 All the best,
  What does having two top level windows mean?
  Can you give an example?
  For opening a second tkinter, i mean that I run python using
  PythonWin: if I run the code again when the first Tk is still open,
  then the program will crash.

 You are actually doing well to run even *one* Tkinter-based application
 under PythonWin, since PythonWin is an MFC-based Windows application.
 There may well be conflict between the multiple windowing modules in use.

 Not a good idea to run GUI-based applications under an IDE that isn't
 designed to handle them. Sorry.

 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC
 PyCon TX 2006
so run from the terminal?

Re: a second TKinter

2006-02-10 Thread Steve Holden
linda.s wrote:
 On 2/10/06, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
linda.s wrote:

On 2/10/06, Michael Foord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/02/06, linda.s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found if I opened a second TKinter, Python will go out of work. But
I need two graph outputs at the same time. What to do?
 so run from the terminal?

Yes, but wouldn't just trying that have been easier than asking me? ;-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Pulling all n-sized combinations from a list

2006-02-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
 But using the free SDK compiler from MS? That seems elusive.

Have you seen this?

Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
slogging_away wrote:
 Adding it back in
 cause it to not run - no error message - just a return to the  in
 the IDLE console window much as if I had executed the 'Check Module'

What happens if you run it from the command line instead
of IDLE? After all, it might be some problem in IDLE involved
here. Even if it doesn't work correctly outside IDLE, I was
thinking that IDLE might swallow some kind of error message.

Re: Determining an operating system's default browser

2006-02-10 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
John McMonagle  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a python module which can determine an operating system's
default web browser application.

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: AdaptionFailure: How to use Interfaces with PyProtocols ?

2006-02-10 Thread Jay Parlar

On Feb 10, 2006, at 4:21 AM, Nebur wrote:
 I tried to understand the docs of Peak's PyProtocols, and failed.
 I use PyProtocols v0.93 final. I fetched the ...tar.gz file for Linux
 and installed it using the
 Here's my Hello-World-like example, that defines a Duck, which
 implements the given Interface:

  from protocols import Interface,adapt,advise

  class Quackable(Interface):
def quack(loudness):
 print how loud to quack 
  class Duck:
def quack(self, loudness):
print quack! %s loud%(loudness)

  if __name__ == __main__:
d = adapt(Duck, Quackable) # this line raises the failure

You've *almost* got it. The adaption adapts *instances* of a class. 
Your setup is correct, but change your __main__ to:

if __name__ == __main__:
 d = Duck()
 adapted_d = adapt(d, Quackable)

or more concisely:

if __name__ == __main__:
 d = adapt(Duck(), Quackable)

Of course, it's kind of a pointless example, because you're adapting 
something that declares to be Quackable to a Quackable object, but I'm 
sure you know that :)

Most of my own work with PyProtocols would not involve objects that 
just had 'instancesProvide', but would also have 'asAdapterFor' (at 
least, I think it's 'asAdapterFor', it's been a few months since I've 
touched my PyProtocols related code)

Jay P.


Re: Is Python good for web crawlers?

2006-02-10 Thread gene tani

Paul Rubin wrote:
 Xavier Morel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The API of the package is extremely simple, straightforward and... obvious.

 I did not find that.  I spent a few minutes looking at the
 documentation and it wasn't obvious at all how to use it.  Maybe I

1. read about Soup and mechanize

2. flip thru oreilly spidering hacks book (put on YAPH t-shirt)

3. go at your task

4. write Spidering Hacks in Python, 1st edition.  Cite me as


RE: Python-list Digest, Vol 29, Issue 147

2006-02-10 Thread Brett Cohen
nope, we where one short plus mark just pulled out so now we're two short. if 
you can get ANYONE that would be great?

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Re: anybody help me

2006-02-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 02:44:41 -0800, Rahul wrote:

 Hi Everybody
 I have some problem in my script. please help me.

I'll do better: I'll help you help yourself.

First step: what is the problem? Saying I have a problem and expecting
us to guess what it is will not give good results.

Second step: what is the ENTIRE traceback you get when you run the script?
Do not write it out by memory -- copy and paste it exactly as Python
prints it.

Third step: do you understand what the traceback is telling you? Hint:
Python almost always knows what you've done wrong. You just have to pay

Fourth step: if you still can't determine the error, don't expect others
to debug a 1000+ line script. Spend some time cutting the script back to
the smallest possible version that still gives you the same error. This
may even help you understand what the error is.



Re: apostrophe or double quote?

2006-02-10 Thread Terry Hancock
On 09 Feb 2006 12:54:04 + (GMT)
Sion Arrowsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Terry Hancock  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just to present a complete picture, not mentioned in
 this  thread are triple-quoted strings:
  [ ... ]
 Also in the mode of beating a dead horse ... ;-)
 Some people prefer to use single quotes for 'labels'
 (i.e. a name which is meaningful to the program, but not
 to the user), and reserve either double-quotes or
 triple-double-quotes for text to be shown to the user.
  [ ... ]
 Hmm, I made both these points a couple of posts upthread,
 but it didn't appear to get through the news-mail

Ah well, it all came up on the list about a month or two ago
anyway (I guess. I don't know, maybe it was a year ago), so
I'm just repeating it.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: Thread Dump of a python process

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Hansen
Shanon wrote:
 Thank you for your info. Now I have read that a simple call os.getpid()
 returned the linux identifier of the thread in latest python versions, but
 I'm using Python 2.3 and 2.4 and this call returns always the same id 
 I only want to take the pid of the thread but isn't as easier as it seems.

I believe the underlying call to thread.start_new_thread() already 
returns the thread identifier that you want, but I haven't tried it 
recently and don't recall for sure.  To use this, however, you'd have to 
patch the source or subclass, as I mentioned.

I did this once and stored the result in the Thread as an attribute 
called .threadId and don't recall any problem using that.



Re: Thread Dump of a python process

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Hansen
Shanon wrote:
 Thank you for your info. Now I have read that a simple call os.getpid()
 returned the linux identifier of the thread in latest python versions, but
 I'm using Python 2.3 and 2.4 and this call returns always the same id 
 I only want to take the pid of the thread but isn't as easier as it seems.

Oops, please ignore my other reply to this post.  I didn't grab the 
start_new_thread() result, but instead grabbed the result of 
thread.get_ident() and stored that.  The docs claim this is not a value 
that necessarily relates to anything in the outside world (Return the 
`thread identifier' of the current thread. This is a nonzero integer. 
Its value has no direct meaning; it is intended as a magic cookie ...) 
so if it happens to match the thread id from the OS's point of view, 
it's an implementation detail you couldn't rely on.

So the general idea I gave might be useful, but I don't know precisely 
how to do exactly what you are asking.  Sorry.



Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread bruno at modulix
slogging_away wrote:
 It appears it may not be a 'if' statment limitation at all.  This is
 because I added another 800 element array 

Looks like a memory problem then...

 in which to store the various
 error messages generated when a configuration file error is deteceted
 based on their severity level. 

Why storing error messages ? Why don't you just write'em out (be it to
stdout or to a file) ?


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: help regarding installing python documentation

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Hansen
N Sharmishta-in1769c wrote:
 I have installed the python 2.4 version and downloaded the HTML 
 documentation also.
 But when I give the command help( ) in the IDLE command prompt and ' 
 while '  ,it says
 */Sorry, topic and keyword documentation is not available because the Python
 HTML documentation files could not be found.  If you have installed them,
 please set the environment variable PYTHONDOCS to indicate their location./*
 I don't know how to set the variable PYTHONDOCS .kindly help .

Environment variables are handled by the operating system, so until we 
know what operating system you are on, we can't provide a complete answer...


Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread py
I have two lists which I want to use to create a dictionary.  List x
would be the keys, and list y is the values.

x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = ['a','b','c','d','e']

Any suggestions?  looking for an efficent simple way to do this...maybe
i am just having a brain fart...i feel like this is quit simple.



Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
py wrote:

 I have two lists which I want to use to create a dictionary.  List x
 would be the keys, and list y is the values.
 x = [1,2,3,4,5]
 y = ['a','b','c','d','e']
 Any suggestions?  looking for an efficent simple way to do this...maybe
 i am just having a brain fart...i feel like this is quit simple.



Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 08:51, py wrote:
 I have two lists which I want to use to create a dictionary.  List x
 would be the keys, and list y is the values.
 x = [1,2,3,4,5]
 y = ['a','b','c','d','e']
 Any suggestions?  looking for an efficent simple way to do this...maybe
 i am just having a brain fart...i feel like this is quit simple.

d = dict(zip(x,y))



Post-PyCon PyPy Sprint: February 27th - March 2nd 2006

2006-02-10 Thread Michael Hudson
The next PyPy sprint is scheduled to take place right after 
PyCon 2006 in Dallas, Texas, USA. 

We hope to see lots of newcomers at this sprint, so we'll give
friendly introductions.  Note that during the Pycon conference 
we are giving PyPy talks which serve well as preparation.  

Goals and topics of the sprint 

While attendees of the sprint are of course welcome to work on what
they wish, we offer these ideas:

  - Work on an 'rctypes' module aiming at letting us use a ctypes
implementation of an extension module from the compiled pypy-c.

  - Writing ctypes implementations of modules to be used by the above

  - Experimenting with different garbage collection strategies.

  - Implementing Python 2.5 features in PyPy

  - Implementation of constraints solvers and integration of dataflow
variables to PyPy.

  - Implement new features and improve the 'py' lib and py.test 
which are heavily used by PyPy (doctests/test selection/...).

  - Generally experiment with PyPy -- for example, play with
transparent distribution of objects or coroutines and stackless
features at application level.

  - Have fun!


The sprint will be held wherever the PyCon sprints end up being held,
which is to say somewhere within the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum

For more information see the PyCon 06 sprint pages:


Exact times 

The PyPy sprint will from from Monday February 27th until Thursday
March 2nd 2006. Hours will be from 10:00 until people have had enough.

Registration, etc.

If you know before the conference that you definitely want to attend
our sprint, please subscribe to the `PyPy sprint mailing list`_,
introduce yourself and post a note that you want to come.  Feel free
to ask any questions or make suggestions there!

There is a separate `PyCon 06 people`_ page tracking who is already
planning to come.  If you have commit rights on codespeak then you can
modify yourself a checkout of

.. _`PyPy sprint mailing list`:
.. _`PyCon 06 people`:

  M-x psych[TAB][RETURN]
 -- try it

Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Paul McGuire
py [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have two lists which I want to use to create a dictionary.  List x
 would be the keys, and list y is the values.

 x = [1,2,3,4,5]
 y = ['a','b','c','d','e']

 Any suggestions?  looking for an efficent simple way to do this...maybe
 i am just having a brain fart...i feel like this is quit simple.


 x = [1,2,3,4,5]
 y = ['a','b','c','d','e']
{1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'e'}

-- Paul


Re: breaking from loop

2006-02-10 Thread Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Thanks to everyone. It is really the best place and the best people to
learn from.
Here's what I followed from the discussion:

def files(root):
for path, folders, files in os.walk(root):
for file in files:
yield path, file

def copy_first_match(repository, filename, dest_dir): # aka
for path, file in files(repository):
if file == filename:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, file), dest_dir)
sys.stdout.write(%s copied from local cache %s. %
(file, repository))
except shutil.Error:
sys.stdout.write(%s is available in %s. Skipping
Copy! % (file, dest_dir))
return True
return False

All I've added is the exception check because in case file is
available in dest_dir, I want to display a message.
Since I'm still new and learning will be great if you let me know if
this is the proper way or not.

Thanks to everyone once again. It's been a very good experience
understanding everyone's comments.



How to invoke a tkinter menu *itself*

2006-02-10 Thread Edward K. Ream

I've spent a pleasant hour or so trying to bring up a top-level Tk menu at 
the same spot as it would appear if I had actually clicked the menu.  That 
is, I want to bring up a menu from the keyboard.

The problem is computing the x and y args to  menu.winfo_x and 
menu.winfo_rootx are always 0, presumably be cause the menu isn't packed.

And I haven't been able to use menu.invoke(??) to invoke the menu *itself*. 
One would think this would be a basic Tk functionality.

Any ideas?  Thanks.


P.S. Here is my best so far. (It must be run from Leo for the Leo magic to 

import tkFont

name = 'File' # The menu to be invoked.

# A list of all of Leo's menus.

menus = ('File','Edit','Outline','Plugins','Cmds','Window','Help')

# Compute the *approximate* x offsets of each menu.

offsets = {} ; n = 0

for z in menus:

menu =

fontName = menu.cget('font')

font = tkFont.Font(font=fontName)

offsets[z] = n

# A total hack: sorta works on windows.

n += font.measure(z+' '*4)+1

top = # Leo magic.

topx,topy = top.winfo_rootx(),top.winfo_rooty()

menu = # Leo magic.,0),topy)


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Xavier Morel
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 py wrote:
 I have two lists which I want to use to create a dictionary.  List x
 would be the keys, and list y is the values.

 x = [1,2,3,4,5]
 y = ['a','b','c','d','e']

 Any suggestions?  looking for an efficent simple way to do this...maybe
 i am just having a brain fart...i feel like this is quit simple.
I'd even suggest using izip (from itertools), it's often much faster 
than zip (end result is the same).


  from itertools import izip
  l1 = range(5000)
  l2 = range(5000, 1)
  from timeit import Timer
  t1 = Timer(dict(zip(l1, l2)), from __main__ import l1, l2)
  t2 = Timer(dict(izip(l1, l2)), from __main__ import l1, l2, izip)
  min(t1.repeat(5, 1))
  min(t2.repeat(5, 1))

42% speed gain from using izip instead of zip (memory was not an issue 
during the test, machine had 1.3Gb of available ram)

Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread py
Thanks, itertools.izip and just zip work great.  However, I should have
mentioned this, is that I need to keep the new dictionary sorted.

d = {1:'first', -5 : 'negative 5', 6:'six', 99:'ninety-nine',
keys = d.keys()
vals = map(d.get, keys)

At this point keys is sorted [-5, 1, 3, 6, 99] and vals is sorted
['negative 5', 'first', 'three', 'six', 'ninety-nine']

Using zip does not create the dictionary sorted in this order.
new_d = dict(zip(keys, vals))

How can I use the two lists, keys and vals to create a dictionary such
that the items keep their order?



Re: Mental Abuse

2006-02-10 Thread BJ in Texas
|| My abuser has been using the medical device to harass me the
|| last 4-5 years. I have no idea what type of a device is being
|| used on me. I believe the device is only available to
|| licensed pharmacist(s). I am not very familiar with the
|| intend usage of the device. As I understand, the device can
|| be used as a stimulator; 24 hours therapeutic session; ease
|| off a lot of emotion--anger, sadness, fear...ect.; enhance
|| recovery of mental illnesses. If abuse is the intention, it
|| can be used to sense what the other person's thinking or as a
|| form of communication through inner voices. In my case, the
|| abuser has been using it to insult me in every way he could
|| possible think of. As I know, a single device is only
|| effective if you are in the same city. Mulitple devices can
|| reach billion of people world wide.  Fear of being evaluate
|| as mental ill due to lack of physical evidence. I am hoping
|| to find out more about the device, before reporting to the
|| police. If anyone know what type of a device has been using
|| on me. Who manufacture such a device. What can I do to stop
|| the abuser from such criminal act? Please email me at
|| [EMAIL PROTECTED], I would greatly appreciated.

I am not sure of the device being used but try this

The power of artificial intelligence is nothing compared to the
power of human stupidity.


Re: What editor shall I use?

2006-02-10 Thread Jaroslaw Zabiello
On 8 Feb 2006 06:48:30 -0800, Lad wrote:

 What editor shall I use if my Python script must contain utf-8
 I use XP

The best (and free) are:

with pydev


win32 binary:

All of them contain cool debugger and a lot of usefull options.

If you want only plain text editor, you can use SciTe, vim, Notepad++ or

Jarosław Zabiełło

To paletted image

2006-02-10 Thread bearophileHUGS
Hello, this time I have a question about PIL usage, maybe if Lundh has
some time he can answer me.
I am experimenting different color quantization algorithms, so having
computed the palette with a clustering function, I use the code below
to quantize the original image to produce an image without dithering
(so I can see better the quantization results).

I have seen that the *standard* distance function I use isn't standard
enough, because given the fixed palette computed by me, most graphics
programs give me a different (better) quantized image. I don't know
what's wrong/different in this quantize function, maybe you can tell

I'd also like to know if there is a simpler code for PIL to do the same
thing (given my palette and a truecolor image), but this is less
important. I know the dither=Image.NONE for the im.convert() method,
but I don't know a good way to use it in this problem. (Note that the
quantize function below uses a perceptual-based color distance, but to
do the quantization with PIL I can settle with its standard color
distance function.)

Thank you,

# Input:
# im = input truecolor image
# palette = a palette computed by me, of about 32 colors
# im_out = output image with no dithering

def quantize(data, palette_short):
  out_data = []
  for rgb in data:
dist_min = 1e100
closest_col = None
for col_pos, pal_col in enumerate(palette_short):
  # Standard distance
  #dr = rgb[0] - pal_col[0]
  #dg = rgb[1] - pal_col[1]
  #db = rgb[2] - pal_col[2]
  #d = dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db
  d = perceptualColorDistance(rgb, pal_col)
  if d  dist_min:
dist_min = d
closest_col = col_pos
  return out_data

import psyco; psyco.bind(quantize)

# Copy of palette, to speed up quantization
palette_short = list(palette)

# Add duplicated colors (the last one) to produce a palette of 256
palette.extend( palette[-1] for i in xrange(256 - len(palette)) )

# Create empty paletted output image
im_out =, im.size, 0)

# Flatten the list of colors, for PIL
#flattened_palette = flatten(palette)
flattened_palette = [component for color in palette for component in

# Put the computed palette in the output image

# quantize the input image with the computed palette
out_data = quantize(data, palette_short)

# Put the computed data inside the output image

# Save computed output image


Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread slogging_away
bruno at modulix wrote:

 Looks like a memory problem then...

The system I am using has 2GB of memory, (unless you are syaing the
memory is faulty).

 Why storing error messages ? Why don't you just write'em out (be it to
 stdout or to a file) ?

I guess I could do that, (write them to a file as they are discovered).
Right now the error messages are stored in the array and then the the
array is scanned via, a for loop and the error messages are written to
several files in different formats based on the severity of the errors,
(on a per device basis, a per severity basis, etc.).  This keeps the
write statements to a minimum and in a central location of the script
instead of having several statements for each individual error message
spread throughout the script, (three write statements per error message
at over 500 error messages would be a significant change).

Not to complain but if I can't use arrays then thats a pretty
significant limitation.


Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Mikael Olofsson
py wrote:
 Thanks, itertools.izip and just zip work great.  However, I should have
 mentioned this, is that I need to keep the new dictionary sorted.

Dictionaries aren't sorted. Period.


Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread bearophileHUGS
 Thanks, itertools.izip and just zip work great.  However, I should have
 mentioned this, is that I need to keep the new dictionary sorted.

A Python dictionary is an unsorted data structure, so you cannot have
it sorted as you please.
(I have seen that lot of people ask for a sorted dictionary and for
permutation/combination functions, maybe they are batteries to be
included too in the standard library.)
If you need an ordered dict you can manage it yourself, keeping the
lists of keys, etc, or you can use an ordered dict implementation:



Re: What editor shall I use?

2006-02-10 Thread Colin J. Williams
Peter Maas wrote:
 Lad schrieb:
 What editor shall I use if my Python script must contain utf-8
 I use XP
 An extremely capable, easy to use and small editor is Neil
 Hodgson's SciTE. It's my favorite editor on Windows and Linux.
 There is a Windows installer at
 Peter Maas, Aachen
Yes, Scite is an excellent editor for Windows or Linux, but PyScripter
offers more, including call completion and call tips.

It's true that call completion is advertised with SciTE but I have
not been able to use it with Windows.

Colin W.

Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread Kent Johnson
slogging_away wrote:
 bruno at modulix wrote:
Why storing error messages ? Why don't you just write'em out (be it to
stdout or to a file) ?
 I guess I could do that, (write them to a file as they are discovered).
 Right now the error messages are stored in the array and then the the
 array is scanned via, a for loop and the error messages are written to
 several files in different formats based on the severity of the errors,
 (on a per device basis, a per severity basis, etc.).  This keeps the
 write statements to a minimum and in a central location of the script
 instead of having several statements for each individual error message
 spread throughout the script, (three write statements per error message
 at over 500 error messages would be a significant change).

Sounds like you might like the logging module. A single log entry can be 
written to multiple destinations based on level or source of the entry. 
The distribution of log entries is controlled by the logging 
configuration which can be stored in a text file if you like.


Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread slogging_away
Magnus Lycka wrote:

 What happens if you run it from the command line instead
 of IDLE? After all, it might be some problem in IDLE involved
 here. Even if it doesn't work correctly outside IDLE, I was
 thinking that IDLE might swallow some kind of error message.

Excellent suggestion, (behold the power of the command line!).  I ran
two saved versions of the script that had produced the symptom
originally described.  The fist seemed to be caused by too many 'if'
statements, the second by adding another array, but both came up with
the same system error at the command prompt level shown here:

SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large

This error is not produced with the IDLE console but is seen only when
executing from the command line.  I'll search around and see if I can
determine what this means and a possible fix.  Thanks for the


Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread Iain King

py wrote:
 Thanks, itertools.izip and just zip work great.  However, I should have
 mentioned this, is that I need to keep the new dictionary sorted.

 d = {1:'first', -5 : 'negative 5', 6:'six', 99:'ninety-nine',
 keys = d.keys()
 vals = map(d.get, keys)

 At this point keys is sorted [-5, 1, 3, 6, 99] and vals is sorted
 ['negative 5', 'first', 'three', 'six', 'ninety-nine']

 Using zip does not create the dictionary sorted in this order.
 new_d = dict(zip(keys, vals))

 How can I use the two lists, keys and vals to create a dictionary such
 that the items keep their order?


Short answer - you can't.  Dictionaries aren't sequential structures,
so they have no sorted form.  You can iterate through it in a sorted
manner however, as long as you keep your list of keys:

for k in keys:
print d[k]



Re: Create dict from two lists

2006-02-10 Thread py
Iain King wrote:
 Short answer - you can't.  Dictionaries aren't sequential structures,
 so they have no sorted form.  You can iterate through it in a sorted
 manner however, as long as you keep your list of keys:

 for k in keys:
 print d[k]



Re: Rethinking the Python tutorial

2006-02-10 Thread Ed Singleton
On 09/02/06, Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While the official Python Tutorial has served its
 purpose well, keeping it up to date is hardly anyones
 top priority, and there are others who passionately
 create really good Python tutorials on the web.

 I think 'A Byte of Python' by Swaroop C H is a good
 beginners tutorial, and 'Dive Into Python' by Mark
 Pilgrim is a good tutorial for more experienced

 My radical idea is that we mirror these at and, and
 simply remove the old tutorial from the Python
 2.5 (or 2.6?) docs. Give these two good texts an
 official status as the Python tutorials.

 Just as we want to adopt best of breed packages
 for the standard library, I think we should use
 best of breed documentation, and I think there are
 less backward compatibility issues with tutorials
 than with libraries. :)

 I think this change would give us better docs as
 well as a smaller maintenance burden. If a day
 comes when Mark Pilgrim or Swaroop C H don't want
 to maintain these texts, I strongly suspect that
 there are other tutorials we can replace them with
 if noone else steps in to keep them up to date.

How about putting the current tutorial into the wiki and seeing if
people start updating it?  I'm not saying it would work, but it might
have interesting effects...


Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 06:50:25 -0800, slogging_away wrote:

 Excellent suggestion, (behold the power of the command line!).  I ran
 two saved versions of the script that had produced the symptom
 originally described.  The fist seemed to be caused by too many 'if'
 statements, the second by adding another array, but both came up with
 the same system error at the command prompt level shown here:
 SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large

Is this a Python error or a shell error?

If it is a Python error, perhaps you would like to post the entire



Re: Too Many if Statements?

2006-02-10 Thread Juho Schultz
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 06:50:25 -0800, slogging_away wrote:
Excellent suggestion, (behold the power of the command line!).  I ran
two saved versions of the script that had produced the symptom
originally described.  The fist seemed to be caused by too many 'if'
statements, the second by adding another array, but both came up with
the same system error at the command prompt level shown here:

SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large
 Is this a Python error or a shell error?
 If it is a Python error, perhaps you would like to post the entire

I would believe CamelCaseErrorMessages are produced by Python.

The message is exactly the same I reported with the 2500 elifs. I fooled 
around a bit with this, and it seems that also for/while blocks 
containing more than ~4860 lines give this error.

slogging_away claims his script is about 4900 lines, most of that in a 
for loop, so my bet is he has trouble with the same bug.

Re: Question about idioms for clearing a list

2006-02-10 Thread Magnus Lycka
Bryan Olson wrote:
 Magnus Lycka wrote:
 Bryan Olson wrote:
 big_union = set()
 for collection in some_iter:

 I don't understand the second one. Where did 't' come from?
 Cut-and-past carelessness. Meant to update with 'collection'.

If some_iter gives you dicts, the code above will throw away
your values, and put the set of keys in big_union. Is that what
you meant to do? I suspect most people would find this somewhat
surprising. For sets and BryanLists it will put a set of all
the contents of those collections in big_union. I think this
just verifies my previous arguments. It's rarely meaningful to
write functions that are meaingful for all builtin collections.

html entity to unicode

2006-02-10 Thread zunbeltz

I'm parsing html. I have a page with a lot of html enitties for hebrew
characters. When i print what i get are blanks, dots and commas. How
can i decode this entities to unicode charachters?




Re: Simple Tkinter app works in Linux, not in Windows

2006-02-10 Thread john . orlando

 There is a difference between the above code and your prior code, namely
 in that you have explicitly instantiated Tk and put your canvas into the
 root toplevel. Try this in idle where it was failing:


Problem solved...I tried James' suggestion (explicitly instantiating
the root Tk window, and then running the mainloop() as suggested), but
it produced the same result i.e. no photo.  Ugg...

I then looked REALLY closely at my code and noticed that my __init__
function was actually ___init___ (3 underscores instead of 2).  Thus, a
Frame object was being built, but the __init__ function wasn't getting
run.  So no image was ever getting added.  Silly underscores...or,
silly Python newbie  :-)  It now works under both Linux and Windoze
just fine.

I would have thought that having no __init__ function would flag an
error, but I guess this isn't necessary.  I thought about grabbing PDB
to debug, and I bet this would have shown the error immediately (i.e.,
it would never have called the function).  Being a newbie is such a

Thanks for the help,


Re: Rethinking the Python tutorial

2006-02-10 Thread UrsusMaximus
There are now more than 300 tutorials listed at so one could even imagine a
mega-tutorial using the best-of-breed tutorial for each sub-section,
a la Turbogears ;-)))

Of course it might bear an unholy resemblance to a FrankenTutorial

Ron Stephens


ordered sets operations on lists..

2006-02-10 Thread Amit Khemka
Hello, Is there a *direct* way of doing set operations on lists which
preserve the order of the input lists ?
For Ex.  l1 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7]
l2 =  [3, 5,  10]

and (l1 intersect l2)  returns [5, 3]  (and (l2 intersect l1) 
returns [3, 5])

thanks in advance,


Amit Khemka --
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Legality of using Fonts

2006-02-10 Thread Kamilche
I have a question for all you Pythoneers out there. I'm making a game
with Python, and have a need for fonts. I am currently using a free
TrueType font, but am considering switching to a bitmap font instead.

Let's say I own a font, and use it in a paint program to 'draw some
text' on a picture that I slap up on the Internet. Everything's
probably fine, right? But what if I draw some text on a bitmap on the
hard drive, add drop shadows and decorations, and use it to 'blit' text
in a game? The answer is less obvious to me then.

Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated!



[ANN] functional 0.5 released

2006-02-10 Thread Collin Winter
Hello all,

I have released version 0.5 of my functional module, a collection of
higher-order and functional programming tools for Python. Currently
offered are tools for function composition, partial function
application, plus flip, foldl, foldr, scanl and scanr functions.

Two version of the release are available: one is written in pure
Python and aims for maximum readability and portability. The other is
coded as a C extension module and is focused on raw performance.

Where to get it:

functional is available at

and from the Python Package Index at

Both source tarballs and Python Eggs are available for both the pure
Python and C releases. I'm open to user-contributed RPM, Deb or other

Release Notes

The biggest news in this release is the addition of the C
implementation. Also, a number of functions were removed, as I had
unknowingly duplicated a lot of functionality from the itertools

As always, feedback welcome!

Collin Winter

Re: Detecting filename-encoding (on WinXP)?

2006-02-10 Thread Tim N. van der Leeuw
Actually, the directory-name comes in as a URL and as such I had no
problems yet just creating a unicode-string from it which I can pass to
os.walk(), and get proper unicode-filenames back from it.
Then I can encode them into utf-8 and pass them to the database-layer
and it all works.




Re: ordered sets operations on lists..

2006-02-10 Thread bonono

Amit Khemka wrote:
 Hello, Is there a *direct* way of doing set operations on lists which
 preserve the order of the input lists ?
 For Ex.  l1 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7]
 l2 =  [3, 5,  10]

 and (l1 intersect l2)  returns [5, 3]  (and (l2 intersect l1)
 returns [3, 5])

what do you mean by direct way ? ugly(some said) one liner ?

filter(set(l1).intersection(set(l2)).__contains__, l1)
filter(set(l1).intersection(set(l2)).__contains__, l2)


Re: AdaptionFailure: How to use Interfaces with PyProtocols ?

2006-02-10 Thread Nebur
Yes, I adapted the instance, and it's working.That's it.
Thank you !


Re: Tkinter, X-windows and ebay

2006-02-10 Thread Bob Greschke

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What I came up with was the user can just create a text file (a kind
 of a transaction log of what things were done to the copy of the
 database on his machine), then cut and paste that text into a window
 created on their machine by the main database program (using
 X-windows, ssh, etc.), then the main program can read the contents
 of that text field and update the main copy of the database.

 It should work. :)

 Yuck!  Why not use an http interface instead of the remote tkinter
 interface?  Then the user would interact with your app through a web
 browser, giving a familiar UI as well as giving that upload button
 (which tells the browser to upload the file).

Mainly because the user may be in the middle of the Himalayas trying to 
create paperwork for equipment being shipped to Japan and Chile.  The 
Internet is not always an option in our line of work.  We need to have 
standalone everythings.  We don't live in your real world. :)

The two databases (the one on the user's laptop, and the one back at the 
office) don't need to be reconciled until the user gets back.  We just need 
to (eventually) know which pieces of equipment were sent to Japan, and which 
went to Chile.



Re: Jython inherit from Java class

2006-02-10 Thread Mark Fink
Alan, Kent, many thanks this really helped!
But there is still a problem I guess with inheritance. I use the java
testsuit supplied with the original to test the server. If I use the
Java FitServer the testsuite can be completed. I commented everything
out from my class and it does not work??
Thats the trace when I run the JUnit testsuit: CreateProcess: jython
D:\AUT_TEST\fitnesse\fitnesse.jar localhost 1234 23 error=2
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.init(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(

Unfortunately I do not get much information at the prompt because both
Java FitServer and JyFitServer behave the same there.
D:\AUT_TESTjython D:\\AUT_TEST\\workspace\\JyFIT\\fit\\
D:\\AUT_TEST\\fitnesse\\fitnesse.jar localhost 1234 23
Traceback (innermost last):
  File D:\\AUT_TEST\\workspace\\JyFIT\\fit\\, line 42,
in ? Connection refused: connect
at Method)
at fit.FitServer.establishConnection(Unknown Source)
at fit.FitServer.establishConnection(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__(
at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__(
at org.python.core.PyInstance.invoke(
at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
at org.python.core.__builtin__.execfile_flags(
at org.python.util.jython.main( Connection
refused: connect

## And the Java FitServer:
D:\AUT_TESTjava -cp D:\\AUT_TEST\\fitnesse\\fitnesse.jar fit.FitServer
localhost 1234 23
Exception in thread main Connection
refused: connect
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)

is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
[X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between

I have been using something like this:

while list[0] != O:
if len(list) == 0:

But this seems ugly to me, and using while give me the heebies.  Is
there a better approach?

hope this is clear.


Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
 [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
 the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
 an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between

What not

for x in list:
  if x == O:


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Newbie Q: dynamically assigning object attribute

2006-02-10 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Ben Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to dynamically assign object attributes:

dict = {
 a : 1,
 b : 2,

for key,val in dict :
  obj.key = val

I've googled to no effect, or maybe I'm needing to be hit with the
appropriately sized clue-by-four.

The conventional clue-by-four applied to this question is Don't
do that: just put the dictionary (or a copy of it) in the object
with obj.d = d (and don't shadow the built-in dict while you're
at it). Having spent significant portions of the last two days
coping with the mess of adding functionality to a class written
by someone who thought doing what you want to do was a Good Idea,
I can only concur with that conventional wisdom.

Really. Don't do it. (Unless you have a damn good reason. In
which case, you've already been pointed at setattr().)

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Are there memory limits for external C modules?

2006-02-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I was able to modify my C code so that instead of being a Python
 module, it runs as a standalone binary, and it works as it should.
 Calling it with os.spawn* works.  The two versions are essentially the
 same, the primary differences being the necessary difference in how
 arguments and return values are handled.

 This will work if necessary, but I would think having it as a Python
 module would be slightly more elegant and efficient since we avoid the
 overhead of setting up new processes.

I was able to resolve this issue. I was missing a call into Ethereal
that allocated necessary memory.  Now the Python module version works,
and some various GLib assert warnings I was getting have gone away as

Some testing has shown that the Python module version is quicker; I'm
assuming that the overhead involved in setting up a separate process
was slowing things down.  There was a noticeable difference.

- David


Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread snoe


 You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
 [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
 the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
 an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between

 I have been using something like this:

 while list[0] != O:
 if len(list) == 0:

 But this seems ugly to me, and using while give me the heebies.  Is
 there a better approach?

 hope this is clear.

There's a few ways to do this, really depends on :

mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,0,0,0]

list comprehension (will get ALL non zeros, and strip out all zeros,
but is different from your function):
[x for x in mylist if x != 0]

list slice(same as your function):

Depends what you want to happen if your list is something like:


Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Tim Chase
 You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
 [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
 the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
 an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between
 I have been using something like this:
 while list[0] != O:
 if len(list) == 0:

While it doesn't modify your list, you can try something like

storage = [q for q in myList if q != O]

If you've already got stuff in storage that you want to keep, you 
can use

storage.extend([q for q in myList if q != O])

I suppose, if you wanted to remove all the O's, you could then 
just do

myList = [q for q in myList if q == O]

(trickiness using Oh's vs. using zeros...)



Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Paul McGuire
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
 [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
 the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
 an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between

 I have been using something like this:

 while list[0] != O:
 if len(list) == 0:

 But this seems ugly to me, and using while give me the heebies.  Is
 there a better approach?

 hope this is clear.

Use itertools.

 import itertools
 lst = X,X,X,O,O,O,O,O,X,X,X,X,O,X.split(,)
 [z for z in itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x==X,lst)]
['X', 'X', 'X']

-- Paul


Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
  [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
  the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
  an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between
  I have been using something like this:
  while list[0] != O:
  if len(list) == 0:
  But this seems ugly to me, and using while give me the heebies.  Is
  there a better approach?
  hope this is clear.
 Use itertools.

  import itertools
  lst = X,X,X,O,O,O,O,O,X,X,X,X,O,X.split(,)
  [z for z in itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x==X,lst)]
 ['X', 'X', 'X']

 -- Paul

duh, last line should be:

 list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x:x==X,lst))
['X', 'X', 'X']

(Also, don't name variables list)

-- Paul


Re: get output of cmd-line command under MS windows

2006-02-10 Thread calmar
On 2006-02-08, Bernard Lebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Bernhard and all,

 oPipe = os.popen( run C:/program files/my app/executable.exe )

 while 1:
   sLine =
   print sLine
   if sLine == '':
   print 'No more line from pipe, exit.'

I see. I saw also os.popen().read() or so.

Anyway, not sure if that would also catch stderr?

But doesn't matter. It seems, imagemagick (binaries) won't provide
proper error-codes, but at least when it prints something, something was
not ok probably. 

I will check the resulting file, to see if everything went ok, and try
to catch the output like you mentioned.

thanks a lot


  (o_  It rocks: LINUX + Command-Line-Interface

Re: random playing soundfiles according to rating.

2006-02-10 Thread Ben Cartwright
kpp9c wrote:
 I've been looking at some of the suggested approaches and looked a
 little at Michael's bit which works well bisect is a module i
 always struggle with (hee hee)

 I am intrigued by Ben's solution and Ben's distilled my problem quite

Thanks!-)  Actually, you should use Michael's solution, not mine.  It
uses the same concept, but it finds the correct subinterval in O(log n)
steps (by using bisect on a cached list of cumulative sums).  My code
takes O(n) steps -- this is a big difference when you're dealing with
thousands of items.

 but, welli don't understand what point is doing with
 wieght for key, weight for zlist

This line:
point = random.uniform(0, sum(weight for key, weight in zlist))
Is shorthand for:
total = 0
for key, weight in zlist:
total += weight
point = random.uniform(0, total)

 furthermore, it barfs in my
 interpreter... (Python 2.3)

Oops, that's because it uses generator expressions
(, a 2.4 feature.  Try
rewriting it longhand (see above).  The second line of the test code
will have to be changed too, i.e.:
   counts = dict([(key, 0) for key, weight in data])



ANN: Python interface to Microsoft Outlook Web Access

2006-02-10 Thread Adrian Holovaty
Hi all,

Because I telecommute, I'm limited to using my company's webmail
interface, Microsoft Outlook Web Access, rather than having direct POP
or IMAP access to e-mail. This isn't ideal, for several reasons:

* Outlook Web Access has a horrendous user interface in any browser
other than Internet Explorer. (And I'm on Linux, so I can't use
Internet Explorer.) It's hard to search, the icons are unintuitive, it
encourages top-posting and doesn't have the basic benefits of a desktop
e-mail app, such as spell-checking and address auto-completion.
* Using webmail forces me to keep a browser window/tab open to
check messages. And Outlook Web Access doesn't auto-refresh, so I have
to remember to click Inbox every so often to get the latest messages.
This is a huge disruption.
* It's just simpler and more efficient to have all my e-mail in one

So I figured I'd do a bit of programming to make my life easier. The
result: weboutlook, a Python library that screen-scrapes Outlook Web
Access. It can:

* Log into a Microsoft Outlook Web Access account on a given server
with a given username and password.
* Retrieve all e-mail IDs from the first page of your Inbox.
* Retrieve all e-mail IDs from the first page of any folder in your
webmail (such as Sent Items).
* Retrieve the full, raw source of the e-mail with a given ID.
* Delete an e-mail with a given ID (technically, move it to the
Deleted Items folder).

Also, I've included a Python implementation of a POP server that
provides a POP interface to the scraper. This means I can point my
desktop e-mail client at the script, my e-mail client will think it's a
normal POP server, and my e-mails will download nicely into my desktop
app, with the screen-scraper running silently behind the scenes.

I put this together in my free time, and it's been working nicely for a
week, so I'm open-sourcing it for other poor souls who've been
sentenced to use Outlook Web Access. I presented this at yesterday's
Chicago Python Users Group meeting and was surprised to see that, even
in a group of only 30 people, 5 or 6 people used Outlook Web Access
through their company. I hope somebody finds this useful.

Please send comments and improvements to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Adrian Holovaty | |


Martin Franklin's Tkinter/Tile wrapper--where'd it go?

2006-02-10 Thread Kevin Walzer
I believe Martin Franklin wrote a wrapper for the Tk/Tile
extension, which adds theming to the core Tk widget set. It used to
reside here:

That server seems to be down. Anyone know if the wrapper is available
elsewhere? Or if someone else has written a Tile wrapper?

Kevin Walzer
iReveal: File Search Tool

Re: Tkinter, X-windows and ebay

2006-02-10 Thread Cameron Laird
Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What I came up with was the user can just create a text file (a kind
 of a transaction log of what things were done to the copy of the
 database on his machine), then cut and paste that text into a window
 created on their machine by the main database program (using
 X-windows, ssh, etc.), then the main program can read the contents
 of that text field and update the main copy of the database.

 It should work. :)

 Yuck!  Why not use an http interface instead of the remote tkinter
 interface?  Then the user would interact with your app through a web
 browser, giving a familiar UI as well as giving that upload button
 (which tells the browser to upload the file).

Mainly because the user may be in the middle of the Himalayas trying to 
create paperwork for equipment being shipped to Japan and Chile.  The 
Internet is not always an option in our line of work.  We need to have 
standalone everythings.  We don't live in your real world. :)

The two databases (the one on the user's laptop, and the one back at the 
office) don't need to be reconciled until the user gets back.  We just need 
to (eventually) know which pieces of equipment were sent to Japan, and which 
went to Chile.
Certainly.  And, if you're content with what you have, that's
great; *I* certainly do enough funny things with Tkinter and 
X.  But what you *can* do is deploy the end-user desktop with
a browser pointed to a local Web page, presumably one with 
enough client-side processing to prepare a form.  Then, when
he's within range of an IP address, he selects an upload
link, and you get all the HTTP-related advantages Paul and
others have mentioned.

Re: by reference

2006-02-10 Thread dirvine
Thanks but I am a bit unsure as to what error I have made by posting
this question. I am not trying to be funny but can you give me a
pointer to the issue.

Many thanks


Re: Newbie Q: dynamically assigning object attribute

2006-02-10 Thread Ben Wilson
Well, my Perl way of doing it would be to have all attributes in a dict
(hash), then create the accessor vi a dynamic function. I knew Python
would have a right way to do it for Python, but when I went looking I
neglected to look at the core of the language. I suppose I'm just too
accustomed to the TIMTOWTDY approach to expect the
one-ring-to-bind-them-all solution. :-) It's a mental shift on my part,
to be certain.

What I was actually doing was reading a user configuration file and
setting an object's variables--the example I got was a fairly close
approximation of how I was trying to approach it before setattr().



Re: ordered sets operations on lists..

2006-02-10 Thread Scott David Daniels
Amit Khemka wrote:
 Hello, Is there a *direct* way of doing set operations on lists which
 preserve the order of the input lists ?

 For Ex.  l1 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7]
 l2 =  [3, 5,  10]
 and (l1 intersect l2)  returns [5, 3]  (and (l2 intersect l1) 
 returns [3, 5])

 intersection = set(list1)  set(list2)
 [element for element in list1 if element in intersection]
 [element for element in list2 if element in intersection]
Give you the result you'd like.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Legality of using Fonts

2006-02-10 Thread Scott David Daniels
Kamilche wrote:
 I have a question for all you Pythoneers out there. I'm making a game
 with Python, and have a need for fonts. I am currently using a free
 TrueType font, but am considering switching to a bitmap font instead.
 Let's say I own a font, and use it in a paint program to 

Typically you don't own a font, but you have a license to use it.
You need to read the license to figure out what you are allowed to do
with it.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Scott David Daniels
 You have a list of unknown length, such as this: list =
 [X,X,X,O,O,O,O].  You want to extract all and only the X's.  You know
 the X's are all up front and you know that the item after the last X is
 an O, or that the list ends with an X.  There are never O's between
 I have been using something like this:
 while list[0] != O:
 if len(list) == 0:
 But this seems ugly to me, and using while give me the heebies.  Is
 there a better approach?

Your names could be better as someone mentioned.
 ex, oh = 7, 13   # for example
 data = [ex, ex, ex, oh, oh, oh, oh]
If you need a list distinct from the original:
 result = data[: data.index(oh)]
 except ValueError:
 result = list(data)

Or you could simply:
 data = data[: data.index(oh)]
 except ValueError:
and data will be either the sublist you want or the original list.

-Scott David Daniels

Re: ordered sets operations on lists..

2006-02-10 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Amit Khemka]
  Hello, Is there a *direct* way of doing set operations on lists which
  preserve the order of the input lists ?
  For Ex.  l1 = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7]
  l2 =  [3, 5,  10]
  and (l1 intersect l2)  returns [5, 3]  (and (l2 intersect l1)

 what do you mean by direct way ? ugly(some said) one liner ?

 filter(set(l1).intersection(set(l2)).__contains__, l1)
 filter(set(l1).intersection(set(l2)).__contains__, l2)

The intersection step is unnecessary, so the answer can be simplified a

 filter(set(l2).__contains__, l1)
[5, 3]
 filter(set(l1).__contains__, l2)
[3, 5]


Re: is there a better way?

2006-02-10 Thread Schüle Daniel

 What not
 for x in list:
   if x == O:

i think this may take too long
better aproach would be to test for zero from the end

Regards, Daniel


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