Leo 4.4.4 beta 3 released

2007-10-23 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.4.4 beta 3 is available at:

Leo 4.4.4 contains many important features originally planned for later 
It's been a good month :-)

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

The highlights of Leo 4.4.4:

- The Great Graph Aha (tm): simple scripts allow Leo outlines to represent
  arbitrary directed graphs. There is no need for a separate 'graph world'. 
  graphed.py plugin is a direct result of this Aha. The graphed.py plugin 
  you to create general graphs from Leo outlines.

- @menus trees in settings files create all of Leo's menus.  It is now dead
  easy to make Leo's menus look the way you want.

- @buttons trees in settings files create common @button nodes created in 
  Leo outlines.

- @auto nodes eliminate sentinels in derived files, thereby allowing people 
  collaborate using Leo more easily.

- New commands for resolving cvs conflicts.

- A threading_colorizer plugin replaces the __jEdit_colorizer__ plugin.
  This plugin features much better performance and a new, elegant algorithm.

- Leo is now compatible with jython.

- The usual assortment of bug fixes and other minor improvements.

Leo:  http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html
Home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=3458
CVS:  http://leo.tigris.org/source/browse/leo/
Quotes:   http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/testimonials.html

Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html


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Re: Monitoring external processes

2007-10-23 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Oct 23, 3:09 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to track external processes launched by python on the
 Mac? I am using subprocess module to launch the process.


If using Python 2.3/2.4, you can use os.wait().

If using Python 2.5, there is also have os.wait3() and os.wait4().

See the operating system manual pages for the difference. Ie.,

  man wait4



Re: ignoring chinese characters parsing xml file

2007-10-23 Thread Stefan Behnel
Fabian López wrote:
 Thanks Mark, the code is like this. The attrib name is the problem:
 from lxml import etree
 context = etree.iterparse(file.xml)
 for action, elem in context:
 if elem.tag == weblog:
 print action, elem.tag , elem.attrib[name],elem.attrib[url],

The problem is the print statement. Looks like your terminal encoding (that
Python needs to encode the unicode string to) can't handle these unicode


Re: ignoring chinese characters parsing xml file

2007-10-23 Thread limodou
On 10/23/07, Fabian López [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am parsing an XML file that includes chineses characters, like
 ^�u�u啖啖才是�w.���扉L锍才是�� or ヘアアイロン... The problem is that I get an error like:
 UnicodeEncodeerror:'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position
 The thing is that I would like to ignore it and parse all the characters
 less these ones. So, could anyone help me? I suppose that I can catch an
 exception that ignores it or maybe use any function that detects this
 chinese characters and after that ignore them.

Sorry, that's not Chinese but Japanese. And I don't know which
encoding is in the source xml, because most of xml files should be
encoded in utf-8, and it'll be ok for CJK characters, and how did you
get this error?

I like python!
UliPad The Python Editor: http://code.google.com/p/ulipad/
meide wxPython UI module: http://code.google.com/p/meide/
My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou

Microsoft drops appeal of European antitrust case

2007-10-23 Thread j.d.walker
On Oct 22, 9:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Microsoft drops appeal of European antitrust case
 The software giant, which faces a $1 billion fine, will make some of
 its Windows operating system code available so developers can better
 design products for it.
 By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
 11:43 AM PDT, October 22, 2007
 WASHINGTON -- Microsoft Corp. will drop its appeal of a long-running
 and costly European antitrust case and make some of its highly guarded
 software code available at low prices so developers can better design
 products that work with the Windows operating system, European
 officials said today.

 The decision came after Europe's second-highest court last month
 rejected Microsoft's appeal of a 2004 antitrust decision that had led
 to a record $703-million fine for abuse of its dominance in computer
 operating systems. On top of that fine, the European Commission in
 2005 started levying a daily noncompliance fine against Microsoft that
 has brought the total to more than $1 billion.

 Running out of legal options, Microsoft agreed to abide by the 2004
 decision, ending a case that began in 1998, said Neelie Kroes,
 European Commissioner for Competition Policy.

 Now that Microsoft has agreed to comply with the 2004 decision, the
 company can no longer use the market power it derived from its 95%
 share of the PC operating system market and 80% profit margin to harm
 consumers by killing competition on any market it wishes, she said in
 a written statement.

 Kroes said she had been in almost daily contact with Microsoft Chief
 Executive Steve Ballmer over the last two or three weeks in an attempt
 to resolve the case.

 Microsoft agreed to drop its appeal and provide information to
 software developers to allow their products to work with Windows.
 Microsoft had agreed to provide the information before but at costs
 that European officials said were wholly unreasonable, Kroes said.

 Microsoft said in a statement that it would continue to work closely
 with the commission and the industry to ensure a flourishing and
 competitive environment for information technology in Europe and
 around the world.

 The Redmond, Wash., company will lower its fee for a worldwide license
 to use its software code, from 5.95% of the requesting company's
 revenue to just 0.4%. Microsoft also dropped its demand for a royalty
 of 2.98% of the money made from software developed using Microsoft's
 protocols. Now, companies will have to pay only a one-time fee of
 10,000 euros, or about $14,161.

 Microsoft also will make its code available to open-source developers,
 such as those that design applications for the Linux operating system,
 under terms that allow other users of the software to copy and modify

 Microsoft's obligation to document its protocols is an ongoing one --
 the documentation needs to be maintained as products evolve and new
 issues may arise once it is being used by developers, Kroes said.
 But as of today, the major issues concerning compliance have been

 Microsoft officials declined to comment.



It's The Oil

2007-10-23 Thread j.d.walker
On Oct 22, 9:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hiroshima,Nagasaki,Genocide in Australia and North America


 It's The Oil

 By Jim Holt

 22 October, 2007
 London Review Of Books

 Iraq is 'unwinnable', a 'quagmire', a 'fiasco': so goes the received
 opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush-Cheney
 perspective, it is none of these things. Indeed, the US may be 'stuck'
 precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is no
 'exit strategy'.

 Iraq has 115 billion barrels of known oil reserves. That is more than
 five times the total in the United States. And, because of its long
 isolation, it is the least explored of the world's oil-rich nations. A
 mere two thousand wells have been drilled across the entire country;
 in Texas alone there are a million. It has been estimated, by the
 Council on Foreign Relations, that Iraq may have a further 220 billion
 barrels of undiscovered oil; another study puts the figure at 300
 billion. If these estimates are anywhere close to the mark, US forces
 are now sitting on one quarter of the world's oil resources. The value
 of Iraqi oil, largely light crude with low production costs, would be
 of the order of $30 trillion at today's prices. For purposes of
 comparison, the projected total cost of the US invasion/occupation is
 around $1 trillion.

 Who will get Iraq's oil? One of the Bush administration's 'benchmarks'
 for the Iraqi government is the passage of a law to distribute oil
 revenues. The draft law that the US has written for the Iraqi congress
 would cede nearly all the oil to Western companies. The Iraq National
 Oil Company would retain control of 17 of Iraq's 80 existing
 oilfields, leaving the rest - including all yet to be discovered oil -
 under foreign corporate control for 30 years. 'The foreign companies
 would not have to invest their earnings in the Iraqi economy,' the
 analyst Antonia Juhasz wrote in the New York Times in March, after the
 draft law was leaked. 'They could even ride out Iraq's current
 instability by signing contracts now, while the Iraqi government is
 at its weakest, and then wait at least two years before even setting
 foot in the country.' As negotiations over the oil law stalled in
 September, the provincial government in Kurdistan simply signed a
 separate deal with the Dallas-based Hunt Oil Company, headed by a
 close political ally of President Bush.

 How will the US maintain hegemony over Iraqi oil? By establishing
 permanent military bases in Iraq. Five self-sufficient 'super-bases'
 are in various stages of completion. All are well away from the urban
 areas where most casualties have occurred. There has been precious
 little reporting on these bases in the American press, whose dwindling
 corps of correspondents in Iraq cannot move around freely because of
 the dangerous conditions. (It takes a brave reporter to leave the
 Green Zone without a military escort.) In February last year, the
 Washington Post reporter Thomas Ricks described one such facility, the
 Balad Air Base, forty miles north of Baghdad. A piece of (well-
 fortified) American suburbia in the middle of the Iraqi desert, Balad
 has fast-food joints, a miniature golf course, a football field, a
 cinema and distinct neighbourhoods - among them, 'KBR-land', named
 after the Halliburton subsidiary that has done most of the
 construction work at the base. Although few of the 20,000 American
 troops stationed there have ever had any contact with an Iraqi, the
 runway at the base is one of the world's busiest. 'We are behind only
 Heathrow right now,' an air force commander told Ricks.

 The Defense Department was initially coy about these bases. In 2003,
 Donald Rumsfeld said: 'I have never, that I can recall, heard the
 subject of a permanent base in Iraq discussed in any meeting.' But
 this summer the Bush administration began to talk openly about
 stationing American troops in Iraq for years, even decades, to come.
 Several visitors to the White House have told the New York Times that
 the president himself has become fond of referring to the 'Korea
 model'. When the House of Representatives voted to bar funding for
 'permanent bases' in Iraq, the new term of choice became 'enduring
 bases', as if three or four decades wasn't effectively an eternity.

 But will the US be able to maintain an indefinite military presence in
 Iraq? It will plausibly claim a rationale to stay there for as long as
 civil conflict simmers, or until every groupuscule that conveniently
 brands itself as 'al-Qaida' is exterminated. The civil war may
 gradually lose intensity as Shias, Sunnis and Kurds withdraw into
 separate enclaves, reducing the surface area for sectarian friction,
 and as warlords consolidate local authority. De facto partition will
 be the result. But this partition can never become de jure. (An
 independent Kurdistan in the north might upset Turkey, an independent
 Shia region in 

The finger of suspicion

2007-10-23 Thread j.d.walker
On Oct 22, 9:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The time of fall
 The fake anthrax letters
 The absence of pentagon video, the most highly defended building
 The thermate residue
 The molten metal pools
 The pyroclastic flow of dust
 The shattering of the whole building into dust and small pieces
 The spherical particles of molten iron with sulfur, potassium and
 permanganate elements

 The finger of suspicion, nay certainty points to only the yank and the
 anglo-saxon bastards

 And all that to steal the oil.

 Bin Laden and Adam Gadahn productions are make in the Langley HQ of

 Al-Qaida does not exist.

 The goal is to prevent democratic order in the oil rich arab countries.


Re: ignoring chinese characters parsing xml file

2007-10-23 Thread limodou
On 10/23/07, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fabian López wrote:
  Thanks Mark, the code is like this. The attrib name is the problem:
  from lxml import etree
  context = etree.iterparse(file.xml)
  for action, elem in context:
  if elem.tag == weblog:
  print action, elem.tag , elem.attrib[name],elem.attrib[url],

 The problem is the print statement. Looks like your terminal encoding (that
 Python needs to encode the unicode string to) can't handle these unicode

I agree. For Japanese, you should know the exactly encoding name, and
convert them, just like:

print text.encoding('encoding')

I like python!
UliPad The Python Editor: http://code.google.com/p/ulipad/
meide wxPython UI module: http://code.google.com/p/meide/
My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou

Re: Automatic Generation of Python Class Files

2007-10-23 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:31:51 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:

 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
 refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' I'd 
 say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll need 
 computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the rationale for 
 using explicit getters/setters ?
 I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.

Stupid little example: A circle object with `radius` and `diameter`
attributes.  It doesn't make sense to store both a as normal attributes
because they will eventually get out of sync.  One can be implemented as a

Another one is delegation of attribute access.  I'm thinking of a wrapper
class around an object with an attribute, say `is_active`, and a wrapper
that has a property with the same name that returns the value of the
wrapped objects attribute.

Or lazy computation of an attribute.  Breaks expectations for the first
access -- long calculation for simple attribute access -- but meets it for
every subsequent access.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Automatic Generation of Python Class Files

2007-10-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Steven Bethard a écrit :
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Steven Bethard a écrit :
 In Python, you can use property() to make method calls look like 
 attribute access.  This could be necessary if you have an existing 
 API that used public attributes, but changes to your code require 
 those attributes to do additional calculations now.

 But if you're creating a class for the first time, it should *never* 
 use property().  There's no need to retrofit anything.

 May I kindly disagree here ?-)
 Of course. ;-)
 Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
 refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' I'd 
 say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll need 
 computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the rationale 
 for using explicit getters/setters ?
 I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.

I once wrote a small ORM-like wrapper for LDAP access, and, for reasons 
that might be obvious for anyone having worked with LDAP, I choosed to 
keep the record values in the format used by the lower level LDAP lib 
and let user code access them thru computed attributes (actually 
custom-made descriptors). Talking about ORMs, most of them surely use a 
similar scheme.

I could also list the CS101 examples, like Shape.area, 
Rect.bottom_right, Person.age, etc... And yes, some of these attributes 
are obviously read-only. That doesn't prevent them from being 
semantically *properties*, not *behaviour*.

 Generally, people expect that attributes are used for simple state, and 
 methods are used when some sort of computation is required.
 If you use 
 attributes when some computation is required, you violate your users' 

Depends on which kind of people and on their background. I obviously 
don't advocate the use of computed attributes for heavy, non-cachable 
computations (please don't call me stupid !-), but not suffering from a 
too long exposures to some low-level mainstream languages, I never 
assume that attribute syntax implies direct attribute access.

 Of course, you can always document that your attributes require 
 computation. But you're definitely adding some cognitive load by 
 violating the normal expected behavior of attributes and methods.

normal expected behaviour ? normal according to which norm, and 
expected by who ? In a language with a very strong builtin support for 
computed attributes, the only thing to expect is that you don't have to 
call an attribute to get to the value.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Marco Mariani marcarta.com wrote:

 I don't see how my answer is in any way worse than those based on 
 lambda. Maybe I'm just envious because when I was his age I couldn't 
 google for answers. He should at least be able to do that, shouldn't he?
 But wait. That would mean understanding what a factorial is. That would 
 require a second search, or a textbook, or an understanding of 
 arithmetics before programming with or without recursion. Should we 
 blame the teachers?

Yes.  And burn their cars to get their attention!

Asking someone to write a factorial algorithm before he knows WTF a 
factorial is, is either insane, or the ultimate demonstration of deliberate 
lack of cooperation and coordination between departments.
I feel kind of strongly about this ever since, as a student, the physics people
expected me to use mathematics that I had not been taught yet...


I shall try to refrain from commenting on the concept of introducing
recursion into a first course in CS - I am too much tainted by my ability
to mentally see the stack growth in a small processor to be qualified 
to comment.

- Hendrik


Re: Need help parsing with pyparsing...

2007-10-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Paul McGuire ptstin.rr.com wrote:

 By the way, are these possible data lines?:
 A Line With No Upper Case Words
 SOME UPPER CASE WORDS A Title That Begins With A One Letter Word

That last one is a killer, and comes under the heading of cruel and unusual.

try this:

THIS IS NONSENSE, SAY I A Fellow Needs A Break

I can't think of a way to handle these without explicitly programming for them.

- Hendrik


Re: Need help parsing with pyparsing...

2007-10-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality ihatemail.com wrote:

 FAHRENHEIT 451 2000 Copies Sold
 1984 Book Of The Year
 The last example is actually okay but the first one is honestly 

hey - Fahrenheit 451 - if my memory serves me correctly, by
Ray Bradbury, is a classic of SF. - firemen burn stuff instead of
putting fires out, and they have a marvellous mechanical dog
equipped with a syringe, for hunting down survivors...

And the title purports to be the temp at which paper spontaneously

Worth a read, if you haven't yet.

So 'I' have no problem parsing the title, but I have to agree with the
statement above.

- Hendrik


Re: Write by logging.FileHandler to one file by many processess

2007-10-23 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Oct 18, 4:08 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yes, output from several processes comes horribly mixed...
 I've avoided it using separate log files for each process; but if that's
 not possible, one could try using syslog or a SocketHandler and a separate
 listening process.

The Python logging docs even contain a working example of such a
listening process (receiver):



Vinay Sajip


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread cokofreedom
On Oct 23, 8:53 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Marco Mariani marcarta.com wrote:

  I don't see how my answer is in any way worse than those based on
  lambda. Maybe I'm just envious because when I was his age I couldn't
  google for answers. He should at least be able to do that, shouldn't he?
  But wait. That would mean understanding what a factorial is. That would
  require a second search, or a textbook, or an understanding of
  arithmetics before programming with or without recursion. Should we
  blame the teachers?

 Yes.  And burn their cars to get their attention!

 Asking someone to write a factorial algorithm before he knows WTF a
 factorial is, is either insane, or the ultimate demonstration of deliberate
 lack of cooperation and coordination between departments.
 I feel kind of strongly about this ever since, as a student, the physics 
 expected me to use mathematics that I had not been taught yet...


 I shall try to refrain from commenting on the concept of introducing
 recursion into a first course in CS - I am too much tainted by my ability
 to mentally see the stack growth in a small processor to be qualified
 to comment.

 - Hendrik

Completely agree with this point of view. After being on the receiving
end of such problems when first introduced to Haskell and told to look
at a database written in it and work my way through it (without having
started the course on databases, locks, or any of that jargon) you
find yourself almost helpless at times.

Hard to google for something you don't know about.

Recursive calling is a fun, and yet painful, thing...


Re: Python - why don't this script work?

2007-10-23 Thread cokofreedom
On Oct 23, 6:50 am, Ohmster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Adam Atlas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:1193108392.089611.91170

  I think you're executing it as a shell script. Run python image-
  harvester.py, or add #!/usr/bin/env python to the top of the file.

 Hey that is a cool idea, I think I will try it. I found out what is wrong
 and did not get the results I want, I think the images are protected with
 script. See my other post in this thread for details.

 Shoot, the followup might have gone to alt.os.linux. I will repost for you

 I figured it out, I have to run python I think first then the script and
 the URL like this:

 $ python image-harvester.pyhttp://public.fotki.com/DaGennelman/

 Now that actually seems to be doing something and it sure is busy now. It
 is making a lot of little subdirectories in my test directory. I had to
 copy image-harvester.py to the test directory first, then run python and
 image-harvester.py w/URL and it is going to town. Tons of subfolders, so
 far not images yet but it is not done. At least it is doing something now
 and not bitching and hanging. I guess I had to call up python and pass it
 to the script as the script does not seem to pull up python on it's own. So
 far I have 60 directories and about 45 robots.txt but no jpg files yet. I
 will let you know what happens. I think that these images are protected by
 script, you never get a valid URL to the imgage file, just referrers, and
 numbers and what not. When the image is finally displayed in your browser,
 then you can save it but not until then. Pretty good way to stop a
 harvester. Is this assumption pretty much correct or is there a way to make
 this work? Now that I use python as the first command, I can run it in an
 ssh window now and do not require an x-server.

 Feel free to jump right in with your input on how this should or won't work
 and what can be done to make it better. I have all of my scripts in a
 $HOME/scripts/ directory and it is in my path but running this from another
 directory does not work if image-harvester.py is not in the harvest
 directory where I run the script from. I can right click on the image and
 save it but the amazing script trips all over itself with these wacky file
 name. I am all ears if someone figures it.

 ~Ohmster | ohmster /a/t/ ohmster dot com
 Put messageforohmster in message body
 (That is Message Body, not Subject!)
 to pass my spam filter.

Do note that the reason you may not see images is that the website
has, '''correctly''', identified your program as an automated bot and
blocked it access to things...



2007-10-23 Thread cokofreedom
This was from a random website I found on practising good programming
techniques and I thought I'd see what ways people could find to write
out this example. Below are my two examples (which should work...).

I am merely interested in other techniques people have (without
resorting to overusage of C modules and such like), just python and
good computer science techniques.

For the wordlist go to this link a href=http://codekata.pragprog.com/
2007/01/kata_six_anagra.htmlKata Anagrams/a
Anyway here are my two examples.

This one uses a dictionary to store prime values of each letter in the
alphabet and for each line multiple the results of the characters
(which is unique for each anagram) and add them to a dictionary for
printing latter.
def anagram_finder():
primeAlpha = {'a':2, 'b':3, 'c':5, 'd':7,'e' : 11, 'f':13, 'g':17,
  'i':23, 'j':29, 'k':31, 'l':37, 'm':41, 'n':43, 'o':
47, 'p':53,\
  'q':59, 'r':61, 's':67, 't':71, 'u':73, 'v':79, 'w':
83, 'x':89,\
  'y':97, 'z':101}
dictAna =  {}
file = open (wordlist.txt, r)
for line in file:
value = 1
for s in line:
if s.lower() in primeAlpha:
   value *= primeAlpha[s.lower()]
dictAna.setdefault(value, []).append(line.strip())
print \n.join(['Anagrams are: %s' % (v) for k, v in
dictAna.items() if len(dictAna[k])  1])

My second is a little bit simpler. Each dictionary key is an
alphabetical ordering of the line in question, so that anagrams will
appear the same. It will add to the dictionary the new word either in
an existing key, or create a new one for it.

def anagram_finder():
dict = {}
file = ('wordlist.txt', 'r')
for line in file:
strip_line = line.strip().lower()
sort_line = str(sorted(strip_line))
dict.setdefault(sort_line, []).append(strip_line)
print '\n'.join(['Anagrams are: %s' % (v) for k, v in dict.items()
if len(dict[k])  1])

Comparing them with timeit, they both took around 1 second or so, with
the first being slightly faster.

What other ways do people think will work (and do mine actually work
for other people!)


Re: C++ version of the C Python API?

2007-10-23 Thread Martin Marcher
2007/10/21, Robert Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 10/21/07, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, I literally meant that the Python C API is object-oriented.
  You don't need an object-oriented language to write object-oriented

 I disagree with this statement. C is not an object oriented language,
 and I've seen attempts to make it somewhat object oriented, however it
 failed miserably in readability and manageability overhead.

just FYI. What about the linux kernel? It's (in large parts) perfectly
designed by OO principles (the vfs for example). And I can't remember
that it was written in C++.

Make a struct with some funtion pointers in it and you are at a basic
OO level. the pointers could then manipulate the variables in the
struct (remember a C++ struct ist just a class with all things being

How does that differ from python? - I can't remember having visibility
modifiers in python (so that would lead to that python isn't
object oriented as any programmer could at any time directly
manipulate any method/variable/whatsoever of your classes)


How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Yinghe Chen
Hello gurus,

I have a question, a function like below, it is implemented by me, :)

def funcA(tarray):
   a = [2,3,4]
if len(tarray) =3:
 return a[0],a[1], a[2]
elif len(tarray) == 2:
return a[0],a[1], funcB(1)[0]
elif len(tarray) == 1:
   return a[0], funcB(2)[0], funcB(2)[1]
return funcB(3)[0], funcB(3)[1], funcB(3)[2]

The return of funcA is always 3 values, but depending on the length of 
tarray, I need to return different values accordingly.  if tarray lenght is 
2, I need to get another one value from funcB, if tarray length is 0, I need 
to get all three values from funcB.

Is there a brief way to achieve it?



Re: Monitoring external processes

2007-10-23 Thread Simon Brunning
 Is there a way to track external processes launched by python on the
 Mac? I am using subprocess module to launch the process.

Depending on how much detail you are looking for, PSI might be worth a look.


Simon B.
GTalk: simon.brunning | MSN: small_values | Yahoo: smallvalues

Re: How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:28:37 +0800, Yinghe Chen wrote:

 Hello gurus,
 I have a question, a function like below, it is implemented by me, :)
 def funcA(tarray):
a = [2,3,4]
 if len(tarray) =3:
  return a[0],a[1], a[2]
 elif len(tarray) == 2:
 return a[0],a[1], funcB(1)[0]
 elif len(tarray) == 1:
return a[0], funcB(2)[0], funcB(2)[1]
 return funcB(3)[0], funcB(3)[1], funcB(3)[2]
 The return of funcA is always 3 values, but depending on the length of 
 tarray, I need to return different values accordingly.  if tarray lenght is 
 2, I need to get another one value from funcB, if tarray length is 0, I need 
 to get all three values from funcB.


def func_a(t_array):
result = [2, 3, 4]
t_array_length = len(t_array)
remaining_length = len(result) - t_array_length
if t_array_length  len(result):
result = (result[:t_array_length]
  + func_b(remaining_length)[:remaining_length])
return tuple(result)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Paul Rubin
Yinghe Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 def funcA(tarray):
a = [2,3,4]
 if len(tarray) =3:
  return a[0],a[1], a[2]
 elif len(tarray) == 2:
 return a[0],a[1], funcB(1)[0]
 elif len(tarray) == 1:
return a[0], funcB(2)[0], funcB(2)[1]
 return funcB(3)[0], funcB(3)[1], funcB(3)[2]


from itertools import chain, islice
def funcA(tarray):
   xB = max(3 - len(tarray), 0)
   return chain(a, islice(funcB(xB), xB))

Re: How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Loic Mahe
even shorter:

def funcA(tarray):
 s = min(len(tarray), 3)
 return [2, 3, 4][0:s] + [e for e in funcB(3-s)[0:3-s]]

Re: How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:48:08 +0200, Loic Mahe wrote:

 even shorter:
 def funcA(tarray):
  s = min(len(tarray), 3)
  return [2, 3, 4][0:s] + [e for e in funcB(3-s)[0:3-s]]

Why the list comprehension!?

Marc 'Blackjack' Rintsch

japanese encoding iso-2022-jp in python vs. perl

2007-10-23 Thread kettle
  I am rather new to python, and am currently struggling with some
encoding issues.  I have some utf-8-encoded text which I need to
encode as iso-2022-jp before sending it out to the world. I am using
python's encode functions:
 var = var.encode(iso-2022-jp, replace)
 print var

 I am using the 'replace' argument because there seem to be a couple
of utf-8 japanese characters which python can't correctly convert to
iso-2022-jp.  The output looks like this:

 However if use perl's encode module to re-encode the exact same bit
of text:
 $var = encode(iso-2022-jp, decode(utf8, $var))
 print $var

 I get proper output (no unsightly question-marks):

So, what's the deal?  Why can't python properly encode some of these
characters?  I know there are a host of different iso-2022-jp
variants, could it be using a different one than I think (the
default)?  I'm quite liking python at the moment for a variety of
different reasons (I suspect perl will forever win when it comes to
regular expressions but everything else is pretty darn nice), but this
is a bit worrying.



Re: How to implement function like this?

2007-10-23 Thread Loic Mahe
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch a écrit :
 On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:48:08 +0200, Loic Mahe wrote:
 even shorter:

 def funcA(tarray):
  s = min(len(tarray), 3)
  return [2, 3, 4][0:s] + [e for e in funcB(3-s)[0:3-s]]
 Why the list comprehension!?
   Marc 'Blackjack' Rintsch

sorry I just read too fast
and thought he worked with lists ...
anyway 'e for e in' and so list comprehension was useless here

def funcA(tarray):
  s = min(len(tarray), 3)
  return (2, 3, 4,)[0:s] + funcB(3-s)[0:3-s]

this is ok if funcB(...) returns a tuple ...
if it returns a list just add: tuple(funcB(...))

note: list comprehension transforms a tuple into a list

Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Marco Mariani
Tim Chase wrote:

 fact = lambda i: i  1 and reduce(mul, xrange(1, i+1)) or not
 i and 1 or None
 Stunts like this would get a person fired around here if they
 were found in production code :)

eheh, indeed.

def fact(n):
 return eval('*'.join(str(x) for x in range(1,n+1)))
 return 1

Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread tokland
On 22 oct, 23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nope, still doesn't work:

 def fact(x):
 return reduce(operator.mul,xrange(1,x+1),1)

 fact() should raise an exception if x is negative.

So, where is the problem? if not allowing negative numbers is so
important for you, add a if statement and raise a ValueError exception.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread cokofreedom
On Oct 23, 1:58 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22 oct, 23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Nope, still doesn't work:

  def fact(x):
  return reduce(operator.mul,xrange(1,x+1),1)

  fact() should raise an exception if x is negative.

 So, where is the problem? if not allowing negative numbers is so
 important for you, add a if statement and raise a ValueError exception.

indeed, especially considering that fact(x) is essentially just a
lambda statement as Marco Mariani said.


numpy confusion

2007-10-23 Thread Papalagi Pakeha
Hi all,

I'm trying to do some calculations with NumPy but apparently didn't
quite got the basics. For example I need Exponential Moving Average
function. That is, I have an array of values and want to apply a
function F(current, previous) to each element of the array. How can I
pass the 'previous' element to the function? In plain python it would
be a simple loop:

for index in arange(len(in_data[1:])):
result[index] = F(in_data[index], result[index-1])

I assume it's somehow possible with numpy.frompyfunc() and actually
found one example in SciPy TimeSeries library. Unfortunately I don't
fully understand how that one works :-/

Is anyone able to shed some light on this thing?



Problem with PEXPECT in Python

2007-10-23 Thread jai simhan
import sys,os
import pexpect

source_file= 'sourcefile.txt'



cmd ='scp'+' '+source_file+' '+user+'@'+ip+':'+desti_path


foo = pexpect.spawn(cmd)





except Exception,e:

Its simple, this should work, it works for me

pure python data compression (zip)

2007-10-23 Thread Rene Maurer

I wonder if there are any pure python implementations available/known
for the zip (or any other) data compression... As far as I know
python's zlib uses http://www.zlib.net/, which is written in
C. Unfortunately this is not solution for me, because my target only
has a python interpreter

I have googled for a while, but I don't have found anything useful.


RE: japanese encoding iso-2022-jp in python vs. perl

2007-10-23 Thread Ryan Ginstrom
 On Behalf Of kettle
   I am rather new to python, and am currently struggling with some
 encoding issues.  I have some utf-8-encoded text which I need to
 encode as iso-2022-jp before sending it out to the world. I am using
 python's encode functions:
  var = var.encode(iso-2022-jp, replace)
  print var

Possibly silly question: Is that a utf-8 string, or Unicode?

print unicode(var, utf8).encode(iso-2022-jp)

On my computer (Japanese XP), your string round-trips between utf-8 and
iso-2022-jp without problems.

Another possible thing to look at is whether your Python output terminal can
print Japanese OK. Does it choke when printing the string as Unicode?

Ryan Ginstrom


Re: pure python data compression (zip)

2007-10-23 Thread Guilherme Polo
2007/10/23, Rene Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I wonder if there are any pure python implementations available/known
 for the zip (or any other) data compression... As far as I know
 python's zlib uses http://www.zlib.net/, which is written in
 C. Unfortunately this is not solution for me, because my target only
 has a python interpreter

 I have googled for a while, but I don't have found anything useful.


I have implemented Huffman in Python, it is not very fast yet. Further
improvements would requires writing some parts in C and use as a
module in Python, or maybe I just didn't think enough on how to
improve the python code.

If you don't know how huffman works, you may read this:
I have described the improvements I have done to this teaching
version here: http://gpolo.ath.cx:81/texts/opc

If you don't want to read at all, you can search at pypi for huffman

It doesn't have all the functionalities of any normal compressor, like
compressing directories, but it could be implemented of course.

Feedback is welcome

-- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

Re: pure python data compression (zip)

2007-10-23 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:47:40 +0200, Rene Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder if there are any pure python implementations available/known
for the zip (or any other) data compression... As far as I know
python's zlib uses http://www.zlib.net/, which is written in
C. Unfortunately this is not solution for me, because my target only
has a python interpreter

I have googled for a while, but I don't have found anything useful.

What is your target, that it can only run programs written in Python,
not C?  And what Python interpreter are you using?


Re: Problem with PEXPECT in Python

2007-10-23 Thread Laszlo Nagy



 cmd ='scp'+' '+source_file+' '+user+'@'+ip+':'+desti_path

You might wanna try to login with a public/private key pair, then scp 
won't ask for a password.


Re: Monitoring external processes

2007-10-23 Thread arunasunil
On Oct 22, 11:33 pm, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Oct 23, 3:09 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Is there a way to track external processes launched by python on the
  Mac? I am using subprocess module to launch the process.


 If using Python 2.3/2.4, you can use os.wait().

 If using Python 2.5, there is also have os.wait3() and os.wait4().

 See the operating system manual pages for the difference. Ie.,

   man wait4


Ah! Exactly what I needed.



How can i protect text format ?

2007-10-23 Thread Abandoned
I want to do a forum with python but i have a problem..

I have a textarea and i write:
line 1 hi
line 2 how r u

And then i save to this database ( colomn data type is text)
And than it looks line 1 hi line 2 how r u..
How can i protect \n characters ?


Re: How can i protect text format ?

2007-10-23 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 06:30:18AM -0700, Abandoned wrote regarding How can i 
protect text format ?:
 I want to do a forum with python but i have a problem..
 I have a textarea and i write:
 line 1 hi
 line 2 how r u
 And then i save to this database ( colomn data type is text)
 And than it looks line 1 hi line 2 how r u..
 How can i protect \n characters ?

Are you sure they're getting lost on the way into the DB?  Could they be 
getting lost on the way out?  Say... into an HTML page?

You need to pinpoint your problem more clearly to get a helpful response.


Set operations on object attributes question

2007-10-23 Thread TheSeeker

I have run into something I would like to do, but am not sure how to
code it up. I would like to perform 'set-like' operations (union,
intersection, etc) on a set of objects, but have the set operations
based on an attribute of the object, rather than the whole object.

For instance, say I have (pseudo-code):

LoTuples1 = [(1,1,0),(1,2,1),(1,3,3)]
LoTuples2 = [(2,1,3),(2,2,4),(2,3,2)]

What I would like to be able to do is:

Set3 = Set1union(Set2)
Set3.intersection(Set2, use object[2])

to return:
set([(2,1,3), (1,3,3)])

How can one do this operation?



Cross-compiling porting of io.h, distutils compilator argument

2007-10-23 Thread Otacon22
Hi all,
I want to create a robot with a router board based on processor
atheros 2.6, called fonera.
I have installed a version  of linux, Openwrt and python and i want to
use it for some reasons, but i have problems to have access to GPIO
pins on the board to read and write on harware(pic, memories...) so i
want to include into python a porting of io.h
I founded an  already python wrapped version of io.h called ioport.c
that i found here:
( i can't use pyparallel because i need to specify port
address ,different from parallel )
but i have a problem: the compiler for that platform can be used only
in cross compiling mode, and i have it on my pc, so it is compiled for
my pc, and i can't use it on my router.

I know that to compile that module to been used i need to use
distutils, but distutils, when i run it, say me that can't find the
compiler gcc, so the only way that i have to compile this module is to
compile it on my pc, but i need to use the cross-compilator.So i need
to specify to distutils the path of the compilator, and also where to
pick io.h, because the io.h version for openwrt is different, and i
have it with the cross-compilator, so i need also to specify the path
of include libraries.
If someone know how i can also directly use the gcc cross-compilator
to build the module, without using distutils, but i need also to know
when i compile it, then howto use on python as library.




Re: Cross-compiling porting of io.h, distutils compilator argument

2007-10-23 Thread Paul Boddie
On 23 Okt, 15:20, Otacon22 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If someone know how i can also directly use the gcc cross-compilator
 to build the module, without using distutils, but i need also to know
 when i compile it, then howto use on python as library.

I think that this bug/patch is the most promising for cross-compiling
Python, although I'm not sure if it meets your requirements exactly:


Perhaps Python 2.6 will get improved cross-compilation support with
this patch applied.

Meanwhile, the following patch says this about distutils: Although
scons doesn't support cross-builds either, it at least doesn't prevent


I know of patches which support cross-compilation using cmake as well,
although I don't see the core developers embracing things like SCons
or cmake in preference to distutils, regardless of any lack of support
distutils might have in this area.



Re: How can i protect text format ?

2007-10-23 Thread Abandoned
On Oct 23, 4:41 pm, J. Clifford Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 06:30:18AM -0700, Abandoned wrote regarding How can i 
 protect text format ?:

  I want to do a forum with python but i have a problem..

  I have a textarea and i write:
  line 1 hi
  line 2 how r u

  And then i save to this database ( colomn data type is text)
  And than it looks line 1 hi line 2 how r u..
  How can i protect \n characters ?


 Are you sure they're getting lost on the way into the DB?  Could they be 
 getting lost on the way out?  Say... into an HTML page?

 You need to pinpoint your problem more clearly to get a helpful response.


Yes when i selected the data it have one row (there isn't \n)


Re: How can i protect text format ?

2007-10-23 Thread Amit Khemka
On 10/23/07, Abandoned [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to do a forum with python but i have a problem..

 I have a textarea and i write:
 line 1 hi
 line 2 how r u

 And then i save to this database ( colomn data type is text)
 And than it looks line 1 hi line 2 how r u..
 How can i protect \n characters ?

I don't think the issue has anything to do with python.

I guess while you are displaying the text into an HTML page the \n
characters should be replaced by br / to appear as newlines.

Amit Khemka

Re: How can i protect text format ?

2007-10-23 Thread Paul Boddie
On 23 Okt, 15:30, Abandoned [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to do a forum with python but i have a problem..

 I have a textarea and i write:
 line 1 hi
 line 2 how r u

 And then i save to this database ( colomn data type is text)
 And than it looks line 1 hi line 2 how r u..
 How can i protect \n characters ?

Some questions:

1. How do you extract the data from the textarea? Which Web framework/
library are you using?

2. Are you sure that the \n characters are missing when you extract
the data? (Printing/writing the data to a log, perhaps using the repr
function, can be very useful.)

3. How do you save the data to the database?

4. How do you view the contents in the database? If you aren't yet
viewing the contents in your application, but instead in your database
client, does your database client show \n characters? If your
application is showing the contents, what does the data look like
before you try and display it? (Again, writing to a log can be



Re: Set operations on object attributes question

2007-10-23 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
On 2007-10-23, TheSeeker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have run into something I would like to do, but am not sure how to
 code it up. I would like to perform 'set-like' operations (union,
 intersection, etc) on a set of objects, but have the set operations
 based on an attribute of the object, rather than the whole object.

 For instance, say I have (pseudo-code):

 LoTuples1 = [(1,1,0),(1,2,1),(1,3,3)]
 LoTuples2 = [(2,1,3),(2,2,4),(2,3,2)]

 What I would like to be able to do is:

 Set3 = Set1union(Set2)
 Set3.intersection(Set2, use object[2])

 to return:
 set([(2,1,3), (1,3,3)])

 How can one do this operation?

Put your data in a class, and implement __hash__ and __eq__
Finally, put your objects in sets.



Re: parsing the output from matlab

2007-10-23 Thread Travis Brady
On 10/22/07, wang frank [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 I have a big log file generated from matlabe, for each variable, it print
 the name of the variable and an empty line and then the value. such as:

 x1 =


 y =


 z =


 x1 =


 I want to use python to parse the file and selectively print out the
 vairable and its value. For example, I want to print out all the value
 related with x1, so the output will be

 x1 = 0.1
 x1 = 0.5.

Here is a fairly naive version with re named groups that should handle the
example you pasted.
In [62]: import re

In [63]: px = re.compile('(?Pvariable\w+)\s=\s+(?Pvalue\d.*\d*)')

In [64]: for var in px.finditer(s):
print %s = %s %(var.group('variable'), var.group('value'))
a = 0.1
y = 7
z = 6.7
x1 = 0.5

To filter for only the x1's just test for the group named 'variable':

In [66]: for var in px.finditer(s):
   : if var.group('variable')=='x1':
   : print %s = %s %(var.group('variable'), var.group
x1 = 0.5

But I'm betting these files get more complex than just the snippet you
included, in which case it's probably worth looking at pyparsing
http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/ and regular expressions.

Travis Brady

Re: web.py postgresql error

2007-10-23 Thread Adam Atlas
On Oct 22, 9:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi everyone, i'm very new to python and to this forum.  i'm actually
 just trying to work through the tutorial on webpy.org.  so far, so
 good, but as i tried to incorporate a postgresql database into the
 demo web app i'm receiving this error print out:

 ImportError: No module named pgdb

 any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

It looks like you just haven't installed PyGreSQL yet. http://

Future web.py questions should probably be directed to the web.py
group http://groups.google.com/group/webpy/, though.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
On Oct 22, 11:45 am, Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Er, no. And neither is mine. You may want to google for the definition
 of factorial!

Don't google for the definition... google for the answer!

import urllib
import re
urllib.URLopener.version = Mozilla/4.0

def fact(x):
r = re.compile(r%d ! = (\d+) % x)
for line in urllib.urlopen(http://www.google.cl/search?q=%d%%21;
% x):
m = r.search(line)
if m:
return int(m.group(1))

Roberto Bonvallet


Re: Bidirectional communication over unix socket (named pipe)

2007-10-23 Thread Raúl Gómez C.
Hi list,

I've been looking around and I found a very interesting solution to this
problem, but instead of using a file for communication the author (Eduardo
Fleury) uses a reference to the abstract namespace, chek it out...



Re: Regular Expression

2007-10-23 Thread Shawn Milochik

 I'm trying to learn regular expressions, but I am having trouble with
 this.  I want to search a document that has mixed data; however, the
 last line of every entry has something like C5H4N4O3 or CH5N3.ClH.
 All of the letters are upper case and there will always be numbers and
 possibly one .

 However below only gave me none.

 import os, codecs, re

 text = 'C:\\text_samples\\sample.txt'
 text = codecs.open(text,'r','utf-8')

 test = re.compile('\u+\d+\.')

 for line in text:
 print test.search(line)


I need a little more info. How can you know whether you're matching
the text you're going for, and not other data which looks similar? Do
you have a specific field length? Is it guaranteed to contain a digit?
Is it required to start with a letter? Does it always start with 'C'?
You need to have those kinds of rules in mind to write your regex.


Re: Regular Expression

2007-10-23 Thread Paul McGuire
On Oct 22, 5:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to learn regular expressions, but I am having trouble with
 this.  I want to search a document that has mixed data; however, the
 last line of every entry has something like C5H4N4O3 or CH5N3.ClH.
 All of the letters are upper case and there will always be numbers and
 possibly one .

 However below only gave me none.

 import os, codecs, re

 text = 'C:\\text_samples\\sample.txt'
 text = codecs.open(text,'r','utf-8')

 test = re.compile('\u+\d+\.')

 for line in text:
 print test.search(line)

If those are chemical symbols, then I guarantee that there will be
lower case letters in the expression (like the l in ClH).

-- Paul


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Jon Ribbens
On 2007-10-23, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yuk.  Reminds me of one of the Hitachi processors that
 has a single depth hardware link register that tells a 
 subroutine where it was called from.

That's how ARM processors work, and they're everywhere these days.

Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Heh... the one saving grace of taking a CS major in a period where
 the primary languages taught were FORTRAN (IV), COBOL (74), and
 something close to KK BASIC. Heck, even the assembler class followed
 the FORTRAN parameter handling scheme (argument addresses copied to
 static locals and used via one level of indirection) -- It would take me
 some time, today, to figure out how to even create a stack (even the
 return address was passed via a reserved register and saved locally):
 call,2 sub-address
 data arg1-address
 data arg2-address
 sub-address: store,2 my-return
 load,9 *my-return,1 ;indexed access
 store,9 param1
 load,9 *my-return,2
 store,9 param2
 load,2 my-return
 addimmediate,2 2 ;number of args to
 adjust return
 label command,register argument
 *argument ;indirection
 argument,x ;indexed )

Yuk.  Reminds me of one of the Hitachi processors that
has a single depth hardware link register that tells a 
subroutine where it was called from.

I was thinking of a stack that grows when you call or push,
and shrinks when you return or pop.

When there are only 128 or so bytes, and an address is two bytes, 
recursive calling soon runs into trouble.  Especially so if you also 
use the stack to pass params... 

- Hendrik


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Marco Mariani
Roberto Bonvallet wrote:

 import urllib
 import re
 urllib.URLopener.version = Mozilla/4.0
 def fact(x):
 r = re.compile(r%d ! = (\d+) % x)
 for line in urllib.urlopen(http://www.google.cl/search?q=%d%%21; % x):
 m = r.search(line)
 if m:
 return int(m.group(1))

You solution reminds me the web-based WTF calculator.


Re: Adding idle timeout capabilities to asyncore

2007-10-23 Thread Josiah Carlson
On 22 Ott, 12:28, Giampaolo Rodola' [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there.
 We're talking about an asyncore-based server.
 Just for the heck of it I'd like to set a timeout which will
 disconnects the clients if they're inactive (i.e., no command or data
 transfer in progress) for a long period of time.
 I was thinking about putting the timeout value into an attribute:

 def settimeout(self, secs):
  self.timeout = time.time() + secs

 And then have the readable method call time.time() at every loop to
 check if time has passed or not:

 def readable(self):
 if time.time() = self.timeout:
 return 1

 My only concern is if it's a good idea calling time.time() so often.
 Since A LOT of clients could be connected simultaneously, couldn't it
 be a too much resource-intensive operation?
 I'd also be curious to know how Twisted implemented this kind of
 By calling time.time() at every loop?

 Thanks in advance.

Calling time.time() is relatively inexpensive in comparison to pure
Python function calls, but indeed, it could be a bottleneck.

I don't know what Twisted does, but what I would do is to add two
variables to each instance of the class you want to add timeouts to;
self.timeout and self.lastdata .  self.lastdata would hold the time
for the last time you sent or received data on the socket, and
self.timeout would hold the delay between when you last sent/received
data and when it should be closed due to idle timeout.

Now, since you are smart, you don't need to alter your handle_send()
or handle_receive() methods in your asyncore subclass.  Instead, you
rewrite asyncore.poll() to update .lastdata for every socket that is
in either the reader or writer list, which will result in one
time.time() call.  Further, to check for timeouts, you only ever need
to check those sockets that are *not* in the readable or writable

To be precise, add the following block to your own copy of
asyncore.poll just after the 'for fd in e:' block...

#handle timeouts
rw = set(r) + set(w)
now = time.time()
for f in (i for i in rw if i in map):
map[f].lastdata = now
for j in (map[i] for i in map if i not in rw):
if j.timeout+j.lastdata  now:

You ARE going to need to initialize .timeout and .lastdata members for
every instance, but that shouldn't be so bad (for a socket that
doesn't time out, I would actually suggest a 1 hour or 1 day timeout).

 - Josiah


Re: Set operations on object attributes question

2007-10-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger
 LoTuples1 = [(1,1,0),(1,2,1),(1,3,3)]
 LoTuples2 = [(2,1,3),(2,2,4),(2,3,2)]

 What I would like to be able to do is:

 Set3 = Set1union(Set2)
 Set3.intersection(Set2, use object[2])

 to return:
 set([(2,1,3), (1,3,3)])

 How can one do this operation?

Conceptually, there is more than one operation going on. First,
finding the attributes shared in both sets:
   ca = set(t[2] for t in LoTuples1)  set(t[2] for t in LoTuples2)
which gives:

Second, find any tuple which has that attribute (including multiple
results for the same attribute):
   set(t for t in (LoTuples1 + LoTuples2) if t[2] in ca)
which returns:
   set([(2, 1, 3), (1, 3, 3)])

Wanting multiple results for the same attribute value (i.e. both
(2,1,3) and (1,3,3) have 3 in the second position) is why multiple
steps are needed; otherwise, the behavior of intersection() is to
return a single representative of the equivalence class.



Speed of Nested Functions Lambda Expressions

2007-10-23 Thread beginner
Hi All,

It is really convenient to use nested functions and lambda
expressions. What I'd like to know is if Python compiles fn_inner()
only once and change the binding of v every time fn_outer() is called
or if Python compile and generate a new function object every time. If
it is the latter, will there be a huge performance hit? Would someone
give some hint about how exactly Python does this internally?

def fn_outer(v):
def fn_inner():
print V:%d,%d % (v,a)




greatest and least of these...

2007-10-23 Thread Shawn Minisall
I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers 
and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a menu.  
However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number.  I included 
a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my 
other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm 
stumped.   Here's the program...

def main():

#define and initialize variables
#choice as int
choice = 0
#number as int
number = 0


#Menu loop
while choice != 2:
#display menu
print Please choose from the following menu: 
print 1. Enter a number
print 2. Exit
#prompt user for their menu choice
choice = input(Enter your choice here: )
#if statements to determine which choice
if choice == 1:
nums = []
while number =0:
number = input(Please enter a number.)

elif choice == 2:
print Have a great day!

if len(nums)  0:
print The smallest number that you entered was:,min(nums)
print The largest number that you entered was:,max(nums)
print Invalid selection.  Enter either one or two.

Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it 
should display the greatest and least of them.  If they just started and 
didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying 
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment.  
Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there since if 
they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be zero. 


Re: Speed of Nested Functions Lambda Expressions

2007-10-23 Thread Gary Herron
beginner wrote:
 Hi All,

 It is really convenient to use nested functions and lambda
 expressions. What I'd like to know is if Python compiles fn_inner()
 only once and change the binding of v every time fn_outer() is called
 or if Python compile and generate a new function object every time. If
 it is the latter, will there be a huge performance hit? Would someone
 give some hint about how exactly Python does this internally?

 def fn_outer(v):
 def fn_inner():
 print V:%d,%d % (v,a)



The code is compiled only once when the file is initially read in.
During execution of fn_outer, v will be bound to a value, then a, then
fn_inner will be bound (to an already compiled code object) and so on.

Really, from the point of view of Python while executing fn_outer, the
def of fn_inner looks just like an assignment with fn_inner as the
variable name and a code object as the value.

Gary Herron


Hiding tracebacks from end-users

2007-10-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
I'm writing a command-line application that is meant to be relatively 
user friendly to non-technical users.

(Some wags might like to say that user friendly and command-line 
application are, by definition, contradictory. I disagree.)

Consequently, I'd like to suppress Python's tracebacks if an error does 
occur, replacing it with a more friendly error message. I'm doing 
something like this:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
print sys.stderr, User cancelled
except Exception, e:
if expert_mode:
# experts get the full traceback with no hand-holding.
# print a more friendly error message
if isinstance(e, AssertionError):
msg = An unexpected program state occurred
elif isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError):
msg = An Internet error occurred
# catch-all for any other exception
msg = An error occurred
printsys.stderr, msg
printsys.stderr, e

Is this a good approach? Is there another way to suppress the traceback 
and just print the error message?


Re: pure python data compression (zip)

2007-10-23 Thread Rene Maurer
Guilherme Polo writes (23.10.2007):

 2007/10/23, Rene Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I wonder if there are any pure python implementations available/known
 for the zip (or any other) data compression... As far as I know
 python's zlib uses http://www.zlib.net/, which is written in
 C. Unfortunately this is not solution for me, because my target only
 has a python interpreter

 I have implemented Huffman in Python, it is not very fast yet. Further
 improvements would requires writing some parts in C and use as a
 module in Python, or maybe I just didn't think enough on how to
 improve the python code.

 If you don't know how huffman works, you may read this:
 I have described the improvements I have done to this teaching
 version here: http://gpolo.ath.cx:81/texts/opc

Thank you very much. I will have a look this and try it out.

Leo 4.4.4 beta 3 released

2007-10-23 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.4.4 beta 3 is available at:

Leo 4.4.4 contains many important features originally planned for later 
It's been a good month :-)

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

The highlights of Leo 4.4.4:

- The Great Graph Aha (tm): simple scripts allow Leo outlines to represent
  arbitrary directed graphs. There is no need for a separate 'graph world'. 
  graphed.py plugin is a direct result of this Aha. The graphed.py plugin 
  you to create general graphs from Leo outlines.

- @menus trees in settings files create all of Leo's menus.  It is now dead
  easy to make Leo's menus look the way you want.

- @buttons trees in settings files create common @button nodes created in 
  Leo outlines.

- @auto nodes eliminate sentinels in derived files, thereby allowing people 
  collaborate using Leo more easily.

- New commands for resolving cvs conflicts.

- A threading_colorizer plugin replaces the __jEdit_colorizer__ plugin.
  This plugin features much better performance and a new, elegant algorithm.

- Leo is now compatible with jython.

- The usual assortment of bug fixes and other minor improvements.

Leo:  http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html
Home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=3458
CVS:  http://leo.tigris.org/source/browse/leo/
Quotes:   http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/testimonials.html

Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leo: http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html


Re: pure python data compression (zip)

2007-10-23 Thread Rene Maurer
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote (23.10.2007):
 On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:47:40 +0200, Rene Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder if there are any pure python implementations available/known
for the zip (or any other) data compression... As far as I know
python's zlib uses http://www.zlib.net/, which is written in
C. Unfortunately this is not solution for me, because my target only
has a python interpreter

I have googled for a while, but I don't have found anything useful.

 What is your target, that it can only run programs written in Python,
 not C?  And what Python interpreter are you using?

Target is a GPRS modem (telit 863-PY)

It comes with Python 1.5.2 including the follwoing modules: marshal,
imp, _main_, _builtin_, sys, md5 (all others are not supported, as
well as floats are not supported).


Re: Adding idle timeout capabilities to asyncore

2007-10-23 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:34:19 -, Josiah Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Calling time.time() is relatively inexpensive in comparison to pure
Python function calls, but indeed, it could be a bottleneck.

Did you benchmark this on some system?

There isn't really any pure Python function calls that can replace
time.time() in a sensible way, so I made up one that does some random
things (including calling another Python function) and compared it to

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit -s '
  def g():
  return 1. + 2 + 3 * 4 - 5 / 6 + 7 ** 8
  def f():
  return g()
  ' 'f()'
  100 loops, best of 3: 1.39 usec per loop
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit -s 'from time import time as f' 'f()'
  10 loops, best of 3: 4.68 usec per loop

Not really useful in any real-world sense, but I still wouldn't
characterize time.time as relatively inexpensive.

Of course, for any real-world work, one would want to profile the
application to determine if removing calls to time.time() could
make a worthwhile difference.


Re: ignoring chinese characters parsing xml file

2007-10-23 Thread Fabian López
Thanks, I have tried all you told me. It was an error on print statement. So
I decided to catch the exception if I had an UnicodeEncodeError, that is, if
I had chinese/japanese characters because they don't interest to me and it
The strip_asian function of Ryan didn't work well here, but it's a good idea
for next goals.
Thanks a lot!

2007/10/23, limodou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 10/23/07, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fabian López wrote:
   Thanks Mark, the code is like this. The attrib name is the problem:
   from lxml import etree
   context = etree.iterparse(file.xml)
   for action, elem in context:
   if elem.tag == weblog:
   print action, elem.tag , elem.attrib[name],elem.attrib
  The problem is the print statement. Looks like your terminal encoding
  Python needs to encode the unicode string to) can't handle these unicode
 I agree. For Japanese, you should know the exactly encoding name, and
 convert them, just like:

 print text.encoding('encoding')

 I like python!
 UliPad The Python Editor: http://code.google.com/p/ulipad/
 meide wxPython UI module: http://code.google.com/p/meide/
 My Blog: http://www.donews.net/limodou


Re: greatest and least of these...

2007-10-23 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:56:33 -0400, Shawn Minisall wrote:

 I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers 
 and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a menu.  
 However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number.  I included 
 a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my 
 other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm 
 stumped.   Here's the program...
 def main():
 #define and initialize variables
 #choice as int
 choice = 0
 #number as int
 number = 0
 #Menu loop
 while choice != 2:
 #display menu
 print Please choose from the following menu: 
 print 1. Enter a number
 print 2. Exit

 #prompt user for their menu choice
 choice = input(Enter your choice here: )

 #if statements to determine which choice
 if choice == 1:
 nums = []
 while number =0:
 number = input(Please enter a number.)

Maybe you want to exchange those two last lines!?

 elif choice == 2:
 print Have a great day!
 if len(nums)  0:
 print The smallest number that you entered was:,min(nums)
 print The largest number that you entered was:,max(nums)

 Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it 
 should display the greatest and least of them.  If they just started and 
 didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying 
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment.  
 Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there since if 
 they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be zero.

Which list?  If the branch for ``choice == 1`` isn't executed then the
list will never be created an the name `nums` doesn't exist.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: greatest and least of these...

2007-10-23 Thread Jason Drew
What do you mean when you say the menu doesn't kick in? Do you get an
exception, or does simply nothing happen?

Before the if statements, you should put print choice so you can see
what value is being returned by the input function. Also maybe print
type(choice) for a bit more inspection.

Speaking of which, you should probably be using something like
int(raw_input()) instead of just input() - if you read the help on
the two functions you should see why.

Hope this helps.


On Oct 23, 11:56 am, Shawn Minisall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers
 and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a menu.
 However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number.  I included
 a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my
 other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm
 stumped.   Here's the program...

 def main():

 #define and initialize variables
 #choice as int
 choice = 0
 #number as int
 number = 0


 #Menu loop
 while choice != 2:
 #display menu
 print Please choose from the following menu: 
 print 1. Enter a number
 print 2. Exit

 #prompt user for their menu choice
 choice = input(Enter your choice here: )

 #if statements to determine which choice
 if choice == 1:
 nums = []
 while number =0:
 number = input(Please enter a number.)

 elif choice == 2:
 print Have a great day!

 if len(nums)  0:
 print The smallest number that you entered was:,min(nums)
 print The largest number that you entered was:,max(nums)

 print Invalid selection.  Enter either one or two.

 Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it
 should display the greatest and least of them.  If they just started and
 didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment.
 Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there since if
 they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be zero.


Life-time of temporary variables in list comprehensions

2007-10-23 Thread beginner
Hi All,

If I have a list comprehension:

c = ABC
[1.0 if c=='A' else c='B' for c in ab]
print c


My test shows that if c is not defined before the list comprehension,
it will be created in the list comprehension; if it is defined before
the list comprehension, the value will be overwritten. In other words,
temp variables are not local to list comprehensions.

My question is why is this and is there any way to make c local to
list comp?



Re: Normalize a polish L

2007-10-23 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
On Oct 22, 7:50 pm, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, that gets into official vs unofficial conversions.  Does the
 Spanish Academy really say 'ü' should be converted to 'u'?

No, but it's the only conversion that makes sense.  The only Spanish
letter that doesn't have a standard common conversion by convention
is  'ñ', which is usually ASCIIfied as n, nn, gn, nh, ni, ny, ~n, n~,
or N, with all of them being frequently seen on the Internet.

 But whether that should be hardcoded
 into a blog URL library is different matter, and if it is there should
 probably be plugin tables for different preferred standards.

Actually there is a hardcoded conversion, that is dropping all
accented letters altogether, which is IMHO the worst possible
convention.  I have a gallery of pictures of Valparaíso and Viña del
Mar whose URL is .../ValparaSoViADelMar.  And if I wrote a blog entry
about pingüinos and ñandúes, it would appear probably as .../ping-inos-
and-and-es.  Ugly and off-topic :)

Roberto Bonvallet


New module for method level access modifiers

2007-10-23 Thread TimeHorse
I have started work on a new module that would allow the decoration of
class methods to restrict access based on calling context.
Specifically, I have created 3 decorators named public, private and

These modifiers work as follows:

Private: A private method can only be called from a method defined in
the same class as the called method.

Protected: A protected method can only be called from a method defined
in the same or class derived from the called method's class.

Public: No access restrictions (essentially a no-op).

Programmers with a C++ or Java background will be familiar with these
concepts in those languages; these decorators attempt to emulate their


1)  These decorators will not tolerate other decorators because they
examine the call stack in order to determine the caller's frame.  A
second decorator, either before or after the access decorator will
insert a stack frame, which the current version of these decorators
cannot handle.  Making sure decorators set their wrapper functions
__name__, __doc__ and append to its dictionary would be required at
least for interoperability.

2)  As noted, staticmethod and classmethod cannot be handled by the
access decorators, not only because they are decorators themselves,
but because the current access decorators require access to an
instance of the class (self) in order to do method resolution.
classmethod support could probably be added without too much
difficulty but staticmethods, because they have no self or cls, would
be difficult.

3)  Friend classes, as defined in C++.  These would probably be defined
as a class-level list of classes that may have private/protected
access to the given class's internals.  This should not be too hard to

4)  Decorators for member variables -- these decorators can already be
applied to get_* and set_* methods for properties.  Overriding
__getattr__ may be a better solution for attribute access, however.

Source available at: http://starship.python.net/crew/timehorse/access.py



Re: greatest and least of these...

2007-10-23 Thread Erik Jones
On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Shawn Minisall wrote:

 I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers
 and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a  
 However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number.  I  
 a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my
 other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm
 stumped.   Here's the program...

 def main():

 #define and initialize variables
 #choice as int
 choice = 0
 #number as int
 number = 0


 #Menu loop
 while choice != 2:
 #display menu
 print Please choose from the following menu: 
 print 1. Enter a number
 print 2. Exit

 #prompt user for their menu choice
 choice = input(Enter your choice here: )

 #if statements to determine which choice
 if choice == 1:
 nums = []
 while number =0:
 number = input(Please enter a number.)

You're telling the script to continue asking for numbers until a non- 
positive number is entered.  Enter a negative number and you'll see  
your menu again.  What you probably want is to change this.

 elif choice == 2:
 print Have a great day!

 if len(nums)  0:
 print The smallest number that you entered  
 print The largest number that you entered was:,max 

 print Invalid selection.  Enter either one or two.

 Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it
 should display the greatest and least of them.  If they just  
 started and
 didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment.
 Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there  
 since if
 they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be  

The exception is because you're not ensure that nums is ever  

Erik Jones

Software Developer | Emma®
800.595.4401 or 615.292.5888
615.292.0777 (fax)

Emma helps organizations everywhere communicate  market in style.
Visit us online at http://www.myemma.com


Re: Hiding tracebacks from end-users

2007-10-23 Thread myonov
On Oct 23, 7:07 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cybersource.com.au wrote:
 I'm writing a command-line application that is meant to be relatively
 user friendly to non-technical users.

 (Some wags might like to say that user friendly and command-line
 application are, by definition, contradictory. I disagree.)

 Consequently, I'd like to suppress Python's tracebacks if an error does
 occur, replacing it with a more friendly error message. I'm doing
 something like this:

 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 print sys.stderr, User cancelled
 except Exception, e:
 if expert_mode:
 # experts get the full traceback with no hand-holding.
 # print a more friendly error message
 if isinstance(e, AssertionError):
 msg = An unexpected program state occurred
 elif isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError):
 msg = An Internet error occurred
 # catch-all for any other exception
 msg = An error occurred
 printsys.stderr, msg
 printsys.stderr, e

 Is this a good approach? Is there another way to suppress the traceback
 and just print the error message?


No, I think with try-catch statements only. But this is a good
approach and you have nothing to worry about.


Re: Life-time of temporary variables in list comprehensions

2007-10-23 Thread Carsten Haese
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 17:02 +, beginner wrote:
 Hi All,
 If I have a list comprehension:
 c = ABC
 [1.0 if c=='A' else c='B' for c in ab]

c='B' is invalid syntax. Maybe you mean c=='B'. That doesn't make
much sense, but at least it's correct syntax.

 print c
 My test shows that if c is not defined before the list comprehension,
 it will be created in the list comprehension; if it is defined before
 the list comprehension, the value will be overwritten. In other words,
 temp variables are not local to list comprehensions.
 My question is why is this and is there any way to make c local to
 list comp?

The only way to keep c from being overwritten currently is to avoid
using a list comprehension. Generator expressions don't leak their
iteration variable to the outside, so you can write this instead:

list(1.0 if c=='A' else c=='B' for c in ab)


Carsten Haese


Re: Life-time of temporary variables in list comprehensions

2007-10-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
beginner schrieb:
 Hi All,
 If I have a list comprehension:
 c = ABC
 [1.0 if c=='A' else c='B' for c in ab]
 print c
 My test shows that if c is not defined before the list comprehension,
 it will be created in the list comprehension; if it is defined before
 the list comprehension, the value will be overwritten. In other words,
 temp variables are not local to list comprehensions.
 My question is why is this and is there any way to make c local to
 list comp?

Unfortunately, not as such. They do leak their variable names.

But what you can do ist to create generator expressions (which don't 
leak) and put a list around them:

list(1.0 if c == 'A' else c=B for c in ab)

See also



Re: Life-time of temporary variables in list comprehensions

2007-10-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:02:48 +, beginner wrote:

 My test shows that if c is not defined before the list comprehension, it
 will be created in the list comprehension; if it is defined before the
 list comprehension, the value will be overwritten. In other words, temp
 variables are not local to list comprehensions.

That's right.

 My question is why is this and is there any way to make c local to list

It was a design decision that is now regretted. There is no way for you 
to make it local to the list comp except to wait for a new version of 
Python that behaves in the way you want.

Or you can look at generator expressions, which are written just like 
list comprehensions except with round brackets (). They are not quite the 
same thing, but you can often use one in place of the other.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 23, 6:58 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22 oct, 23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Nope, still doesn't work:

  def fact(x):
  return reduce(operator.mul,xrange(1,x+1),1)

  fact() should raise an exception if x is negative.

 So, where is the problem?

The fact that it returns 1 for negative x?

And didn't you see my followup message? About how the
example, as posted, doesn't even produce correct answers
for legal values of x?

 if not allowing negative numbers is so
 important for you,

Mathematical consistency is only important to _me_?

 add a if statement and raise a ValueError exception.

Not necessary when done correctly. Didn't you see my example?


Re: Automatic Generation of Python Class Files

2007-10-23 Thread Steven Bethard
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:31:51 -0600, Steven Bethard wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
 refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' I'd 
 say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll need 
 computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the rationale for 
 using explicit getters/setters ?
 I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.
 Stupid little example: A circle object with `radius` and `diameter`
 attributes.  It doesn't make sense to store both a as normal attributes
 because they will eventually get out of sync.  One can be implemented as a

Could be.  But I'd tend to define a get_diameter() method here.  As a 
user of your class, I'd like to know which one is doing the computation. 
  What if I'm using ridiculously large ints, and I care about the 

 Another one is delegation of attribute access.  I'm thinking of a wrapper
 class around an object with an attribute, say `is_active`, and a wrapper
 that has a property with the same name that returns the value of the
 wrapped objects attribute.

This is retrofitting to an API, so it already falls under the only time 
I think you *should* be using property().  Although in this case, it 
might be that __getattr__ is more appropriate.

 Or lazy computation of an attribute.  Breaks expectations for the first
 access -- long calculation for simple attribute access -- but meets it for
 every subsequent access.

There are descriptors better than property() at achieving this behavior. 
  See for example:


My personal experience is that every time I write stuff this way (and I 
have many times), I end up re-writing it later as a method because it's 
less confusing for a method to take a long time than it is for an 
attribute access.


Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 23, 5:55 am, Marco Mariani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tim Chase wrote:
  fact = lambda i: i  1 and reduce(mul, xrange(1, i+1)) or not
  i and 1 or None

  Stunts like this would get a person fired around here if they
  were found in production code :)

 eheh, indeed.

 def fact(n):
  return eval('*'.join(str(x) for x in range(1,n+1)))
  return 1

Needs work.

IDLE 1.2
 def fact(n):
 return eval('*'.join(str(x) for x in range(1,n+1)))
 return 1



Re: Automatic Generation of Python Class Files

2007-10-23 Thread Steven Bethard
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Steven Bethard a écrit :
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Steven Bethard a écrit :
 In Python, you can use property() to make method calls look like 
 attribute access.  This could be necessary if you have an existing 
 API that used public attributes, but changes to your code require 
 those attributes to do additional calculations now.

 But if you're creating a class for the first time, it should *never* 
 use property().  There's no need to retrofit anything.

 May I kindly disagree here ?-)

 Of course. ;-)

 Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
 refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' 
 I'd say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll 
 need computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the 
 rationale for using explicit getters/setters ?

 I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.
 I once wrote a small ORM-like wrapper for LDAP access, and, for reasons 
 that might be obvious for anyone having worked with LDAP, I choosed to 
 keep the record values in the format used by the lower level LDAP lib 
 and let user code access them thru computed attributes (actually 
 custom-made descriptors).

But this is trying to match an existing API, the only case that I think 
you *should* be using property().

 I could also list the CS101 examples, like Shape.area, 
 Rect.bottom_right, Person.age, etc... And yes, some of these attributes 
 are obviously read-only. That doesn't prevent them from being 
 semantically *properties*, not *behaviour*.

But as I mentioned in another email here, I'd rather know which ones 
require computation, on the off chance that even the small amount of 
additional calculation matters (say, for large integers or in a very 
tight loop).

I guess as long as your documentation is clear about which attributes 
require computation and which don't...


Re: Can't Write to PostGIS PostGreSQL database via psycopg2

2007-10-23 Thread David Michael Schruth,
On Oct 22, 8:43 pm, Erik Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 22, 2007, at 8:19 PM, David Michael Schruth, wrote:


  I am sort of in a jam here.  I am using the PsycoPG2 library to read
  data out of a windows XP based PostGIS / PostGreSQL database but I am
  apparently unable to write (update or insert) even though I am able to
  read (select)

  I am using PsycoPG2 2.0.6 (psycopg2-2.0.6.win32-py2.5-pg8.2.4-
  release.exe )
  with Python 2.5 (python-2.5.msi)
  and PostGres 8.2.5.-1   (postgresql-8.2.5-1.zip)
  and PostGIS 8.2 (postgis-pg82-setup-1.3.1-1.exe)

  I can use PGadminIII to paste the same SQL queries and execute just
  fine, but when I try to execute them via python code like

  import psycopg2
  conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='postgis' user='postgres'
  host='localhost' password='12345')
  c.execute(INSERT INTO thetable (name) VALUES ('asdf');)
  c.execute(UPDATE thetable SET name = 'somename' WHERE id = 321;)
  #returns INSERT 0 1 and UPDATE 0 respectively

  It gives me very specialized table specific error messages if the
  query is wrong, but when it's correct, it does nothing and doesn't
  update.   The only way I can update is pasting the query into the
  PgAdminIII query window.

  This is a problem on two separate machines (XP and Windows 2003
  server) with all of the above components installed by two different

 The return value of the insert of 'INSERT 0 1' indicates that one row
 was inserted so the insert certainly worked.  If you're not seeing
 the results when you look at the database after the script has run
 it's probably because you need to call conn.commit() after your
 execute statements in order to commit your transaction as psycopg
 does not, by default, run in autocommit mode.  The update's return
 value of 'UPDATE 0' indicates that the where condition of your update
 query did not, in fact, match any existing rows in your table.

 Erik Jones

 Software Developer | Emma®
 800.595.4401 or 615.292.5888
 615.292.0777 (fax)

 Emma helps organizations everywhere communicate  market in style.
 Visit us online athttp://www.myemma.com

Thank you so much that fixed the problem!


Re: open remote terminal

2007-10-23 Thread Fabian Braennstroem
Hi Rafael,

Rafael Sachetto wrote:

 Take a look at this documentation:

thanks for the link, but it actually looks to me almost like my little
example... I somehow don't get it!? Any more hints?

  pexpect would be the usual solution, I believe, if you could get it to
  interact correctly with your virtual terminal.

 I actually gave it a first very simple try:

 import pexpect

 Unfortunately nothing happens expect the start of xterm!? Does anyone
 have an idea, what I am doing wrong?




Re: Set operations on object attributes question

2007-10-23 Thread TheSeeker

Thanks for the response! (See below for more discussion)

On Oct 23, 10:39 am, Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  LoTuples1 = [(1,1,0),(1,2,1),(1,3,3)]
  LoTuples2 = [(2,1,3),(2,2,4),(2,3,2)]

  What I would like to be able to do is:

  Set3 = Set1union(Set2)
  Set3.intersection(Set2, use object[2])

  to return:
  set([(2,1,3), (1,3,3)])

  How can one do this operation?

 Conceptually, there is more than one operation going on. First,
 finding the attributes shared in both sets:
ca = set(t[2] for t in LoTuples1)  set(t[2] for t in LoTuples2)
 which gives:

In my use case, I already know object[2] is the key I wish to use, so
I could do this without the first step.
I am thinking of object[n] as the 'key' I wish to operate on, and the
other items in the tuple are useful attributes
I'll need in the end.

 Second, find any tuple which has that attribute (including multiple
 results for the same attribute):
set(t for t in (LoTuples1 + LoTuples2) if t[2] in ca)
 which returns:
set([(2, 1, 3), (1, 3, 3)])

 Wanting multiple results for the same attribute value (i.e. both
 (2,1,3) and (1,3,3) have 3 in the second position) is why multiple
 steps are needed; otherwise, the behavior of intersection() is to
 return a single representative of the equivalence class.

This second operation is really much like what I cam up with before I
started looking into exploiting the power of sets
(this same operation can be done strictly with lists, right?)

Since what I _really_ wanted from this was the intersection of the
objects (based on attribute 2), I was looking for a set-based
kinda like a decorate - set operation - undecorate pattern. Perhaps
the problem does not fall into that category.

Thanks for your help,


Re: Hiding tracebacks from end-users

2007-10-23 Thread kyosohma
On Oct 23, 11:07 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cybersource.com.au wrote:
 I'm writing a command-line application that is meant to be relatively
 user friendly to non-technical users.

 (Some wags might like to say that user friendly and command-line
 application are, by definition, contradictory. I disagree.)

 Consequently, I'd like to suppress Python's tracebacks if an error does
 occur, replacing it with a more friendly error message. I'm doing
 something like this:

 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 print sys.stderr, User cancelled
 except Exception, e:
 if expert_mode:
 # experts get the full traceback with no hand-holding.
 # print a more friendly error message
 if isinstance(e, AssertionError):
 msg = An unexpected program state occurred
 elif isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError):
 msg = An Internet error occurred
 # catch-all for any other exception
 msg = An error occurred
 printsys.stderr, msg
 printsys.stderr, e

 Is this a good approach? Is there another way to suppress the traceback
 and just print the error message?


I think this is a good approach too. But why are you using If
statements for some errors? You should be able to do something like

do something
except AssertionError:
do something
except ZeroDivisionError:
do something
except urllib2.HTTPError:
do something

etc, etc...

If you know what errors to expect, make them into a specific except
block. And leave the catchall on there for the exceptions you've



Re: Iteration for Factorials

2007-10-23 Thread Marco Mariani

 Needs work.

Uh... ok.. this one gives an exception ;-)

def fact(n):
 return eval('*'.join(str(x) for x in range(1,n+1)))
 return n=0 or ValueError

print fact(-1)
type 'exceptions.ValueError'

Re: Hiding tracebacks from end-users

2007-10-23 Thread Alan Meyer
On Oct 23, 12:07 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cybersource.com.au wrote:

 if expert_mode:
 # experts get the full traceback with no hand-holding.
 # print a more friendly error message

Another approach is to always print a friendly error message,
but append the traceback to a log file (see the traceback
module for how to do that.)  The friendly error message can
include a note that full information is available in the log

The advantage of that is that you capture critical information
that is otherwise lost when a non-expert user hits the exception.
For intermittent bugs that are hard to reproduce, this can be
a lifesaver - especially when your favorite non-expert user
seems to have a knack for generating errors that you can't figure
out how to create ;-)



Root element name not declared

2007-10-23 Thread korovev76
Hi guys, i'm using pyrxp to parse some xml like this one:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE MyMessage SYSTEM mymessage.dtd
MyMessage release=2.0

where the dtd is defined like this:

!ENTITY % UsingLocalNames IGNORE 
!ENTITY % MyMessage  
!ENTITY % FieldA  
!ENTITY % FieldB  

While parsing, I receive an error like this one: Root element name
MyMessage not declared
Being both the file and the dtd provided by the supplier, I believe
they're correct so I don't understand what's wrong. MyMessage IS
declared... isn't it sufficient?



Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-23 Thread maco
On Oct 13, 12:34 am, Michael L Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alexandre Badez wrote:
  Personnaly, I use PyQt simply because I prefere Qt to Gtk, witch is
  much more integrated with all desktop than Gtk.
  In fact, your application in Qt on Mac, Win or Linux look like a
  native app.

 Qt doesn't look very native on my desktop.  In fact, Qt apps have always
 looked out of place on a Gnome desktop.

 On Windows and Mac, no question, they look pretty native.  You do have
 to take pains to make the app feel native, though.  Like follow the UI
 guidelines of the platform,  etc.

  Just a question of feeling I think; because most of those GUI
  framework, offer quiet the same functionality.

GTK (like Pidgin or the GIMP) looks pretty native on Windows to me.
Years of using Windows is probably why I think GTK/GNOME looks better
than Qt/KDE.


tracking/ordering log files

2007-10-23 Thread nik

I heard that there was a utility for keeping files and specifically
log files organized, but haven't been able to find anything but the
logging class. The logging class seems to help create the content of a
log file, but unless I am missing something, it doesn't keep track of
multiple log files.

What I am looking for is some utility that allows me to create a log
file, say test.log, when the program runs. Then the next time it runs
it will see that test.log already exists and will create test.log.1 or
something similiar. Ideally it would also be able to throw out log
files that are older than a certain date or sequence, so if we got to
creating the 10th file it would delete the first one and so on.

I am sorry for the ambiguois question, but I was told this existed,
can't find it and would like to know if I'm on a wild goose chase and
should just put something together myself.

Thank you,


Re: Automatic Generation of Python Class Files

2007-10-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Steven Bethard a écrit :
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Steven Bethard a écrit :

 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven Bethard a écrit :

 In Python, you can use property() to make method calls look like 
 attribute access.  This could be necessary if you have an existing 
 API that used public attributes, but changes to your code require 
 those attributes to do additional calculations now.

 But if you're creating a class for the first time, it should 
 *never* use property().  There's no need to retrofit anything.

 May I kindly disagree here ?-)

 Of course. ;-)

 Computed attributes are IMHO not only a life-saver when it comes to 
 refactoring. There are cases where you *really* have - by 'design' 
 I'd say - the semantic of a property, but know from the start you'll 
 need computation (for whatever reason). Then what would be the 
 rationale for using explicit getters/setters ?

 I'd be interested to hear what these use cases are.

 I once wrote a small ORM-like wrapper for LDAP access, and, for 
 reasons that might be obvious for anyone having worked with LDAP, I 
 choosed to keep the record values in the format used by the lower 
 level LDAP lib and let user code access them thru computed attributes 
 (actually custom-made descriptors).
 But this is trying to match an existing API,

Certainly not. There's *no* existing API here. It's just exposing as 
attributes some values that are *not* attributes, and that requires some 
computation to get at.

 the only case that I think 
 you *should* be using property().
 I could also list the CS101 examples, like Shape.area, 
 Rect.bottom_right, Person.age, etc... And yes, some of these 
 attributes are obviously read-only. That doesn't prevent them from 
 being semantically *properties*, not *behaviour*.
 But as I mentioned in another email here, I'd rather know which ones 
 require computation, on the off chance that even the small amount of 
 additional calculation matters (say, for large integers or in a very 
 tight loop).

And then ? If you need to get this value, and getting it requires 
computation, then you'll have to do that computation - whatever the 
context. Looks like premature optimization to me. And then, what then if 
the implementation changes and what was plain attributes get turned into 
properties and vice-versa ?

 I guess as long as your documentation is clear about which attributes 
 require computation and which don't...

Why should it ? FWIW, I mentionned that I would obviously not use 
properties for values requiring heavy, non cachable computation. This 
set aside, the fact that the attribute is computed (or not) is none of 
the concerns of client code. I think you know that concept, it's called 
'encapsulation' !-)

Can't refer to base class attribute?

2007-10-23 Thread mrstephengross
I've got a Base class with an attribute foo (of type Foo), and a
Derived class (derived from Base). In Derived's constructor, I try to
refer to Base.foo, but python complains:
  AttributeError: class Base has no attribute 'foo'

Any ideas? (code below)

=== CODE ===

class Foo:
  def __init__ (self):
self.x = 3

class Base:
  def __init__ (self):
self.foo = Foo()

class Derived(Base):
  def __init__(self):
Base.foo.x = 5

=== EOF ===


Re: Cross-platform GUI development

2007-10-23 Thread Chris Mellon
On 10/23/07, maco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 13, 12:34 am, Michael L Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alexandre Badez wrote:
   Personnaly, I use PyQt simply because I prefere Qt to Gtk, witch is
   much more integrated with all desktop than Gtk.
   In fact, your application in Qt on Mac, Win or Linux look like a
   native app.
  Qt doesn't look very native on my desktop.  In fact, Qt apps have always
  looked out of place on a Gnome desktop.
  On Windows and Mac, no question, they look pretty native.  You do have
  to take pains to make the app feel native, though.  Like follow the UI
  guidelines of the platform,  etc.
   Just a question of feeling I think; because most of those GUI
   framework, offer quiet the same functionality.

 GTK (like Pidgin or the GIMP) looks pretty native on Windows to me.

This can only be because you don't use these programs often, or you've
never actually looked at them. The GIMP in particular has almost
nothing in common with the native controls - it's got a different
background color, a different drawing model (note nasty delayed
repaints when resizing), clearly non-native dialogs like file pickers,
non-standard menu icons, just a huge list.

Pidgin has a fairly minimal interface so it's flaws are less obvious,
but they're still there.

If this doesn't bother you, more power to you, but don't make the
mistake of thinking that GIMP is any way native on windows.

 Years of using Windows is probably why I think GTK/GNOME looks better
 than Qt/KDE.



Re: New module for method level access modifiers

2007-10-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
TimeHorse a écrit :
 I have started work on a new module that would allow the decoration of
 class methods to restrict access based on calling context.
 Specifically, I have created 3 decorators named public, private and

Lord have mercy.


Re: japanese encoding iso-2022-jp in python vs. perl

2007-10-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis
  var = var.encode(iso-2022-jp, replace)
  print var
 So, what's the deal?  Why can't python properly encode some of these

It's not clear. As Ryan says, it works just fine (and so it does for
me with Python 2.4.4 on Debian).

What Python version are you using, and what is the precise string that
you want to encode? (use print repr(var) to report that exact value)


Re: New module for method level access modifiers

2007-10-23 Thread Simon Brunning
On 10/23/07, Bruno Desthuilliers
  Specifically, I have created 3 decorators named public, private and

 Lord have mercy.

+1 QOTW.

Simon B.
GTalk: simon.brunning | MSN: small_values | Yahoo: smallvalues

Re: Monitoring external processes

2007-10-23 Thread arunasunil
On Oct 22, 11:33 pm, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Oct 23, 3:09 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Is there a way to track external processes launched by python on the
  Mac? I am using subprocess module to launch the process.


 If using Python 2.3/2.4, you can use os.wait().

 If using Python 2.5, there is also have os.wait3() and os.wait4().

 See the operating system manual pages for the difference. Ie.,

   man wait4


I'm having a slight problem using wait3 or wait4. I want monitor a
launched process and get its resource usage information. When I call
os.wait4 with the pid the first time the call returns successfully but
the second time around I get a OSError with No child processes
error. I have tried using WCONTINUED, WNOHANG and WUNTRACED options.



Re: Can't refer to base class attribute?

2007-10-23 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 18:54:06 +, mrstephengross wrote:

 I've got a Base class with an attribute foo (of type Foo), and a
 Derived class (derived from Base). In Derived's constructor, I try to
 refer to Base.foo, but python complains:
   AttributeError: class Base has no attribute 'foo'

Because the class `Base` doesn't have an attribute `foo`.  Just believe
the error message.  :-)

 Any ideas? (code below)
 === CODE ===
 class Foo:
   def __init__ (self):
 self.x = 3
 class Base:
   def __init__ (self):
 self.foo = Foo()

`Base` has no `foo` attribute but *instances* of `Base` have.

 class Derived(Base):
   def __init__(self):
 Base.foo.x = 5

Instances of `Derived` have a `foo` attribute inherited from `Base`. So
the last line should be ``self.foo.x = 5``.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New module for method level access modifiers

2007-10-23 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 08:54:52PM +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote regarding 
Re: New module for method level access modifiers:
 TimeHorse a ?crit :
  I have started work on a new module that would allow the decoration of
  class methods to restrict access based on calling context.
  Specifically, I have created 3 decorators named public, private and
 Lord have mercy.

I invented a new decorator too.  It gets rid of many of the limitations of 
python, including duck typing and hideously flat namespaces.  It's used kind of 
like this:

def public_com.sun.lord.have.mercy():

Implementation forthcoming...

Re: Write by logging.FileHandler to one file by many processess

2007-10-23 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:08:11 -0300, Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On Oct 18, 4:08 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yes, output from several processes comes horribly mixed...
 I've avoided it using separate log files for each process; but if that's
 not possible, one could try using syslog or a SocketHandler and a  
 listening process.

 The Python logging docs even contain a working example of such a
 listening process (receiver):



Gabriel Genellina


Python on Intel A110?

2007-10-23 Thread Bob Greschke
Will the stock Windows version of Python install on a Samsung Q1U-EL 
UMPC running Vista and with an Intel A110 processor?  I want to do some 
development and just happened to think about this.  I don't know what 
these processors are compatible with at the binary level.




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