IMDbPY 3.7 released

2008-09-22 Thread Davide Alberani
IMDbPY 3.7 is available (tgz, deb, rpm, exe) from:
IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of
the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies.

In this release the html parsers were replaced with new DOM/XPath-based
parsers, mostly based on the work of H. Turgut Uyar, who I thank.

Platform-independent and written in pure Python (and few C lines), it
can retrieve data from both the IMDb's web server and a local copy of
the whole database.

IMDbPY package can be very easily used by programmers and developers
to provide access to the IMDb's data to their programs.
Some simple example scripts are included in the package; other
IMDbPY-based programs are available from the home page.

Davide Alberani [EMAIL PROTECTED] [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PUB (Python Users Berlin) meeting: 24.09., 7pm, newthinking store

2008-09-22 Thread Stephan Diehl
The next PUB meeting takes place on 24.09. at newthinking store,
tucholskystr. 48, 10117 Berlin, Germany at 7pm.
Afterwards, we'll go to a restaurant for food and drink.
We welcome all people interested in the Python programming language.

best regards, stephan

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pyArkansas Set for October 4th

2008-09-22 Thread Greg Lindstrom
 This is a reminder of the upcoming pyArkansas one-day Python conference
being held on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas on Sat Oct 4,
2008. The schedule is pretty much set ( and has something for anyone
interested in Python, from intro workshops to advanced topics. Jeff Rush and
Noah Gift are scheduled to present workshops and talks while Dr. Bernard
Chen (UCA Faculty) will teach a 3-hour class on Python for the Absolute
Beginner. Eggs, pyGame, standard library, Eclipse and OLPC are some of the
other talks scheduled.

This is a *FREE* event (we have GREAT sponsors), so all you need to bring is
yourself. We have over 45 people -- from 4 States -- registered and tons of
great swag and giveaways lined up.

See our wiki ( for more details
and registration info.

Greg Lindstrom
Python Artists of Arkansas (pyAR^2)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Elisa Media Center 0.5.11 Release

2008-09-22 Thread Florian Boucault
Dear Elisa users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.11, code-named Corporal Nobbs. 

This 11th release of the 0.5 series introduces the following new

- Extended D-Bus API to control the media scanning process
- Rotation of pictures is available as a control of the photo player
- New D-Bus interface to perform common operations on the audio player:
play, pause, stop, currently playing media, etc.
- Favorites are now available for videos as well

On top of that few but hindering bugs have been resolved during this

A complete list of the new features and bugs fixed by this release is
available at:

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a nice evening,

The Elisa team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: dict generator question

2008-09-22 Thread Miles
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:51 PM, Steven D'Aprano
 Extending len() to support iterables sounds like a good idea, except that
 it's not.

 Here are two iterables:

 def yes():  # like the Unix yes command
while True:
yield y

 def rand(total):
Return random numbers up to a given total.
from random import random
tot = 0.0
while tot  total:
x = random()
yield x
tot += x

 What should len(yes()) and len(rand(100)) return?

Clearly, len(yes()) would never return, and len(rand(100)) would
return a random integer not less than 101.


External code and functions integration

2008-09-22 Thread Cro
Good day.

I am using python for quite some time now and i decided to advance a
little. I want to write a little extension, or add some C modules for
my python. I use Active version.

What i want to do is write some wrappers for a game library, called
HGE. See
I wrote some applications with HGE, in C++ and i like it pretty much.
In order to make a HGE application in C++, i need to include hge.h,
include hge.lib and hgelehper.lib, and have hge.dll in the same
directory. So it's 3 things i must have for the program to work.
This game library is open source, so i have the source for the libs
and the dll.

Now, what i was thinking was to make some wrapping code like hge.h
to call all the functions in the libs, that (i guess) call the
functions from hge.dll, that (blah blah) calls DirectX and so on.
I guess that if i write all that hge.h includes and wariables in
python, will be okay... even if i still don't have the skill.

I tried to call hge.lib like this:

from ctypes import *

But i get WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32
I tried with windll.LoadLibrary ... and i get the same error.
I tried with the other lib versions, there are 3 versions: BorlandC,
GCC, VisualC, callind cdll or windll. All lib versions report the
same error.

Recently i discovered PyInline and SciPy Weave. They say that Weave
can run C code on the fly, inline... I really dobt that it can parse
things like:

#ifndef HGE_H
#define HGE_H


#include windows.h

#define HGE_VERSION 0x180

#ifdef HGEDLL
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORT

#define CALL __stdcall

Has anyone ever encountered a problem like this ?
Any, ANY advice or idea would be useful !
Thank you very much.

Re: External code and functions integration

2008-09-22 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Cro schrieb:

Good day.

I am using python for quite some time now and i decided to advance a
little. I want to write a little extension, or add some C modules for
my python. I use Active version.

What i want to do is write some wrappers for a game library, called
HGE. See
I wrote some applications with HGE, in C++ and i like it pretty much.
In order to make a HGE application in C++, i need to include hge.h,
include hge.lib and hgelehper.lib, and have hge.dll in the same
directory. So it's 3 things i must have for the program to work.
This game library is open source, so i have the source for the libs
and the dll.

Now, what i was thinking was to make some wrapping code like hge.h
to call all the functions in the libs, that (i guess) call the
functions from hge.dll, that (blah blah) calls DirectX and so on.
I guess that if i write all that hge.h includes and wariables in
python, will be okay... even if i still don't have the skill.

I tried to call hge.lib like this:

from ctypes import *

But i get WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32
I tried with windll.LoadLibrary ... and i get the same error.
I tried with the other lib versions, there are 3 versions: BorlandC,
GCC, VisualC, callind cdll or windll. All lib versions report the
same error.

Because you need to load the DLL.


Re: understanding list scope

2008-09-22 Thread mbezzi
On Sep 21, 7:48 pm, Peter Pearson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 FWIW, since I started following this newsgroup, I've noticed
 that I no longer have those crises that revolve around the depth
 of a copy.  I conjecture that they resulted from non-pythonic
 style.  Try following this newsgroup for a while, and you might
 see a lot of startlingly elegant ways of doing things.

 To email me, substitute nowhere-spamcop, invalid-net.

I know the code is really ugly but I just make a quick and dirty
snippet to ask for help.
I should have wrapped the code between bad code/bas code tags ;-)


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Rhamphoryncus
On Sep 21, 4:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?

If defining it as a normal class, it is a namespace.  Just a way to
cluster multiple globals into a single global.  The borg pattern does
the same thing, but with a 12 page treatise on why it shouldn't do
exactly what it's doing.

If using a factory you should probably be using an instance; the fact
that your instance is a class is a relatively minor implementation
detail.  Indeed, the only reason to have a class is to have your
methods bound when looked up.

You might want a metaclass to cripple it, preventing subclassing and
whatnot.  *shrug*.

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 22 Sep, 04:05, josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have 2 questions. Say I have this class:

 class Player(object):
 def __init__(self, fname, lname, score):
 self.score = score
 self.fname = fname
 self.lname = lname
 def __cmp__(self, other):
 return (-cmp(self.score, other.score) or
 cmp(self.lname, other.lname) or
 cmp(self.fname, other.fname))
 def __repr__(self):
 return 'Player(fname={0.fname}, lname={0.lname},
 def __eq__(self, others):
 if isinstance(other, Player):
 return (self.score == other.score and
 self.lname == other.lname and
 self.fname == other.fname)
 return False
 def __ne__(self, others):
 return not self.__eq__(others)

 fnames = ['Julie', 'Ben', 'Jason', 'David']
 lnames = ['Parks', 'Smith']
 scores = [100, 95, 95, 130, 58, 74]

 import itertools as it

 score_iter = it.cycle(scores)

 P = [Player(fn, ln, next(score_iter)) for fn in fnames for ln in

 cmp(P[0], P[1]) # returns -1

 sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

 The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
 I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
 documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
 comparison functions are defined.
 Is this a bug in Python 3.0rc1, or am I missing something?

 Secondly, say that we suddenly need another sorting order, where we
 want to sort by decreasing score and then by DECREASING last name
 (instead of increasing last name, defined above). Now that the
 comparison function argument is taken away from the sorted builtin,
 how do we accomplish this with the key parameter?

 Thank you

I don't know about __cmp__ but for the second part of the question you
can probably do:

sorted(P, key=lambda p: (p.score, p.lname), reverse=True)



Re: Python newbie question re Strings and integers

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

rmac a écrit :

Ah!  Arghh!!! You are so correct on the usage of the ':'

Python syntax is a little different from what I am used to.

I don't know what you're used to, but chances are that more than the 
syntax differs !-)


matrix algebra

2008-09-22 Thread Al Kabaila

My OS is Linux (openSUSE 10.3) and my interest in retirement is Python
applications to Structural Analysis of  Civil Engineering structures,
currently in 2 dimensions only (under GPL). Modern Structural Analysis is
highly matrix oriented, but requires only a few basic matrix operations,
namely matrix creation, transposition, multiplication, invertion and 
linear equation solution. For stability analysis one would require
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. In 3 dimensions, additionally highly
desirable would be vector algebra. The packages do have all these
functions, but currently only the basic functions are in the wrapper.

There are several packages for matrix algebra. I tried Numeric, numpy and
numarray. All three are very good, but each uses different syntax. Not a
good thing for teaching...  So I wrote a little python wrapper (under GPL)
to unify all packages with the same simple and transparent syntax.
Currently it deals with the Numeric, numpy and numarray and covers creation
of zero filled matrices, transposition, matrix multiplication, solution of
equations and inversion.

This is a very active newsgroup that incudes such giants as Frederik Lundh
and countless others. I wonder:

1. Is there any interest in matrix algebra for the masses (I mean interest
in a wrapper for a subset of functions of the packages with a unified
simple syntax)?
2. What other matrix operations would be required for your area of interest?
3. What other matrix packages, if any, should one include in the wrapper?

A copy of the wrapper is stored in a small, public svn repository. If you
would like to download it, please contact me by email at. Of course, if
there is interest, I would be delighted to upload it to a generally
accessible repository.  Finally, if this is a re-invention of the wheel
(which it may well be), would you kindly let me know?

akabaila [at] pcug [dot] org [dot] au.

I would be very happy to send you the checkout instructions, but I should 
discuss that with the people who run the repository. My home page that I
quote with my signature is not a repository nor does it have the current


Al Kabaila (Dr)

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using 
the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class 
directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function 
that keeps state from one call to the next.

The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract 
class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the 
class and then instantiate the subclasses.

What do you call such a class?

Err... A possible design smell ?-)

More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is 
usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

Do you have a use case for specializing this class ?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:12:38 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I call it an obvious misuse and misunderstanding of why you'd use a
 class in the first place. Either create an instance and not make these
 things classmethods or just share the stuff in a module-level set of
 variables. But the instantiating is the best options. Your class
 attributes might not be globals, but you're still using global state
 and you should avoid it where you can.
 I concur. Use a _proper_  state object that you share amongst your other

But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to 
share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or 
Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want, but 
the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if what I 
want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say probably not.

(For the pedantic: the instances will all have the same methods, but 
I'm not including methods as state.)

 For instance, in many of my systems and applications I write, I
 often have an Environment instance, which is a container object that
 holds other objects required by parts of the system. Every other
 component/object in the system that is instantiated recievees exactly
 one instnace of thie Environment called, env.
 Accessing shared states amongst components/objects within the system is
 as simple as this:
 class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, env, *args, **kwargs):
   self.env = env
def foo(self):
   if self.env.some_state:
  print Do something useful

Seems wasteful to me. Why give every instance it's own instance-level 
reference to the shared object? Why not make env a class attribute, set 
once, instead of every time you instantiate the class?

class Foo(object):
env = env

But in any case, this is not the behaviour I want. It's the opposite of 
the behaviour I want. I don't want the objects to share state. I'm not 
exactly sure what I said that has given so many people the impression 
that I do.


A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Pekka Laukkanen

just noticed this:

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 17 2008, 19:35:17)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 {1: 2}
{1: 2}
 {True: False}
{True: False}
 {1: 2, True: False}
{1: False}

This must be because

 True == 1 and True in {1: 2}

but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a bug?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Ben Finney

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't want the objects to share state. I'm not exactly sure what I
 said that has given so many people the impression that I do.


Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Essentially, the class is used as a function that keeps state from
 one call to the next.

Perhaps if you say what you want that isn't provided by any of a
function, a module, or a class. Specifically, what state you want to
track, and why it's so important that the state not be available to
the instances.

 \   “I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and |
  `\ despise the groups they identify with and belong to.” —George |
_o__) Carlin, 2007 |
Ben Finney

Re: matrix algebra

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Leslie
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:02 PM, Al Kabaila [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My OS is Linux (openSUSE 10.3) and my interest in retirement is Python
 applications to Structural Analysis of  Civil Engineering structures,
 currently in 2 dimensions only (under GPL). Modern Structural Analysis is
 highly matrix oriented, but requires only a few basic matrix operations,
 namely matrix creation, transposition, multiplication, invertion and
 linear equation solution. For stability analysis one would require
 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. In 3 dimensions, additionally highly
 desirable would be vector algebra. The packages do have all these
 functions, but currently only the basic functions are in the wrapper.

 There are several packages for matrix algebra. I tried Numeric, numpy and
 numarray. All three are very good, but each uses different syntax. Not a
 good thing for teaching...  So I wrote a little python wrapper (under GPL)
 to unify all packages with the same simple and transparent syntax.

There is no need for a wrapper. Both numarray and Numeric have been
deprecated in favour of numpy, so numpy is the only one you need to
use. Numpy should have all the tools you need. If you find something
missing, there's a good chance it's included in scipy (which  is built
on top of numpy). For full details see



 Currently it deals with the Numeric, numpy and numarray and covers creation
 of zero filled matrices, transposition, matrix multiplication, solution of
 equations and inversion.

 This is a very active newsgroup that incudes such giants as Frederik Lundh
 and countless others. I wonder:

 1. Is there any interest in matrix algebra for the masses (I mean interest
 in a wrapper for a subset of functions of the packages with a unified
 simple syntax)?
 2. What other matrix operations would be required for your area of interest?
 3. What other matrix packages, if any, should one include in the wrapper?

 A copy of the wrapper is stored in a small, public svn repository. If you
 would like to download it, please contact me by email at. Of course, if
 there is interest, I would be delighted to upload it to a generally
 accessible repository.  Finally, if this is a re-invention of the wheel
 (which it may well be), would you kindly let me know?

 akabaila [at] pcug [dot] org [dot] au.

 I would be very happy to send you the checkout instructions, but I should
 discuss that with the people who run the repository. My home page that I
 quote with my signature is not a repository nor does it have the current


 Al Kabaila (Dr)


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
 the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
 as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.
 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.
 What do you call such a class?
 Err... A possible design smell ?-)
 More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is
 usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

I really don't know why everyone thinks I want a Singleton. I want to 
uncouple objects, not increase the coupling.

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

 f1 = factory(0)
 f2 = factory(0)

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

 f1() == f2() == [0]
 f1() is f2()

They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

 L = f1()
[0, 1]

But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around. I 
can give them more state like this:

 f1.attr = 'x'

but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own 
state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the 
factory can't know what name the function will be bound to. 

As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves 
no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances 
share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

(Pedants will argue that classes also share state, by virtue of having 
the same metaclass. Maybe so, but that's at a deep enough level that I 
don't care.)

I'm now leaning towards just having factory() instantiate the class and 
return the instance, instead of having to do metaclass chicanery. Because 
the class is built anew each time by the factory, two such instances 
aren't actually sharing the same class. I think that will reduce 
confusion all round (including mine!).

Hopefully now that I've explained what I want in more detail, it won't 
seem so bizarre. Factory functions do it all the time. Is there a name 
for this pattern?

Thanks to everyone who commented, your comments helped me reason out a 
better alternative to what I first suggested.



2008-09-22 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:42:10 -0300, Blubaugh, David A.  

Thank you for your reply.  This is as to how I developed my .pyd file.   
I entered the following commands within my MS-DOS prompt within Windows  

C:\python25\Scripts C:\python25\python -c --fcompiler=gnu95  
--compiler=mingw32 -m hello hello.f90

I am using the gfortran compiler, that was prescribed to use, as well  
as, the required commands on the following website:

I comes down to that yes, I am able to generate a .pyd file, which was  
generated by f2py.  However, when I tried to import this file into my  
python script program I was given the following error:

error 193??
I do not know as to what I am doing incorrectly, since I am generating a  
.pyd file by f2py?  If I am doing anything that is incorrect, then why  
will be greatly appreciated!

Below there is a transcript of a compile session. I've used a somewhat old  
version of mingw and g77, scipy 1.1.1, python 2.5.2:

C:\TEMP\fordir /b

C:\TEMP\fortype dscal.for
*  X - ALPHA * X

   DO I = 1, N
  X(I) = ALPHA * X(I)
   WRITE (*,*) ALPHA

C:\TEMP\forg77 --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)
Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING
or type the command `info -f g77 Copying'.

C:\TEMP\forpython -V
Python 2.5.2

C:\TEMP\forpython c:\apps\python25\scripts\ -v

C:\TEMP\forpython c:\apps\python25\scripts\ -c -m dscal dscal.for
[...lots of output...]
Found executable c:\apps\mingw\bin\g77.exe
gnu: no Fortran 90 compiler found
customize Mingw32CCompiler using scons
Found executable c:\apps\mingw\bin\g++.exe
gcc -mno-cygwin -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes  
e -IC:\Apps\Python25\include -IC:\Apps\Python25\PC -c  
~1\temp\tmpoygjnk\src.win32-2.5\dscalmodule.c -o  

gcc -mno-cygwin -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes  
e -IC:\Apps\Python25\include -IC:\Apps\Python25\PC -c  
~1\temp\tmpoygjnk\src.win32-2.5\fortranobject.c -o  

c:\apps\mingw\bin\g77.exe -g -Wall -mno-cygwin -g -Wall -mno-cygwin  
-shared c:\d


-Lc:\apps\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2 -LC:\Apps\Python25\libs  

\PCBuild -lpython25 -lg2c -o .\dscal.pyd

C:\TEMP\fordir /b

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit  
(Intel)] on

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
py import numpy
py import dscal
py print dscal.dscal.__doc__
dscal - Function signature:
Required arguments:
  n : input int
  alpha : input float
  x : input rank-1 array('d') with bounds (*)

py v = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5], 'd')
py print v
[ 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.]
py dscal.dscal(len(v), 2, v)
py print v
[  2.   4.   6.   8.  10.]

Gabriel Genellina


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread James Mills
On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
 But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
  share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
  Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want, but
  the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if what I
  want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say probably not.

Snce when are users ever involved
in programming problems or programming
languages ?


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 22 Sep, 10:25, Pekka Laukkanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 just noticed this:

 Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 17 2008, 19:35:17)
 [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. {1: 
 {1: 2}
  {True: False}
 {True: False}
  {1: 2, True: False}

 {1: False}

 This must be because

  True == 1 and True in {1: 2}


That's exactly the reason!

 but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a bug?

I don't think it can be considered as a bug, for the reason you gave
above and because dictionary keys are by definition unique with
respect to equality.

Perhaps you could call it a surprising feature :)


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
class and then instantiate the subclasses.

What do you call such a class?

Err... A possible design smell ?-)

More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is
usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

I really don't know why everyone thinks I want a Singleton.

May I quote you ?

Instead of using the class to creating an instance and then operate on 
it, I use the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class 
is used as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

I want to 
uncouple objects, not increase the coupling.

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

f1 = factory(0)
f2 = factory(0)

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

f1() == f2() == [0]


f1() is f2()


They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

L = f1()

[0, 1]



But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around. I 
can give them more state like this:

f1.attr = 'x'

but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own 
state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the 
factory can't know what name the function will be bound to. 

Then define your own callable type.

As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves 
no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances 
share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

Is that a problem in your use case, and if so, why ???

(Pedants will argue that classes also share state, by virtue of having 
the same metaclass. Maybe so, but that's at a deep enough level that I 
don't care.)

I'm now leaning towards just having factory() instantiate the class and 
return the instance, instead of having to do metaclass chicanery. Because 
the class is built anew each time by the factory, two such instances 
aren't actually sharing the same class. I think that will reduce 
confusion all round (including mine!).

Hopefully now that I've explained what I want in more detail, it won't 
seem so bizarre. Factory functions do it all the time. Is there a name 
for this pattern?

Thanks to everyone who commented, your comments helped me reason out a 
better alternative to what I first suggested.

Glad to know you found something helpful in all these answers, but as 
far as I'm concerned, I'm afraid I still fail to understand what exactly 
you're after...


Re: BadStatusLine:

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

noelob a écrit :

Hi All,

During performance testing of my web application, I occasionally get a
BadStatusLine exception from httplib. Reading tells me that
it's Raised if a server responds with a HTTP status code that we
don't understand. Is there a way to find what the actual status code
returned was? I.e. the value that caused the exception to be thrown?
Under what circumstances is a BadStatusLine normally thrown? (e.g.
data corruption?)

httplib is a pure-python module, so nothing prevents you from reading 
the source code to get more accurate informations. It appears that this 
exception is raised when:

- the status line is empty
- the 'strict' flag is on and the status line didn't start with 'HTTP/'
- the 'status' part of the status line is not convertible to an int
- the status code ('status' part of the status line, converted to an 
int) is lower than 100 or higher than 999

NB: I may have missed something...

In all cases, the offending status line is accessible as either .line 
and .args attribute of the exception.

I'm quite new to python, but not to programming. Apologies if this is
a silly question ;)

Well... Not a silly question IMHO, but surely one you could have solved 
by yourself. It only requires two commands on an average posix system:

- cd /your/python/install/lib/
- grep -A5 -B5 BadStatusLine


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Re: New Web2Py framework SLASHES development time...

2008-09-22 Thread Paul Boddie
On 22 Sep, 04:49, Steve Shephed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 bhttp://www.web2py.comWeb2Py - Python Framework/b is the newest
 kid on the block for Python frameworks.

I'm not going to dwell on the merits of web2py, I'm afraid...

 It has a lot of features that simply are not there in other
 frameworks. Even Ruby!. You can design database models graphically

I had a closer look at the model designer, and the client-side magic
seems to originate from this project:

It looks quite fancy, especially since it all seems to be happening in
the browser. Thanks for indirectly bringing this to our attention! ;-)


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

 On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
 the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
 as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Tim Rowe

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Peter Otten
josh logan wrote:

 A better example would be sorting by increasing last name and
 decreasing first name. This would be easy with the sort function
 comparator, but I can't see how to do the same with the key argument.
 Is the only solution to decorate the Player objects in another class
 that has the appropriate __cmp__ function (or whatever is needed) and
 then retrieve the Player objects back?

Python's sort algorithm is guaranteed to be stable; therefore you can sort

ordered = sorted(players, key=lambda p: p.fname, reverse=True)
ordered.sort(key=lambda p: p.lname)


Re: dict generator question

2008-09-22 Thread bearophileHUGS
Steven D'Aprano:

Extending len() to support iterables sounds like a good idea, except that it's 

Python language lately has shifted toward more and more usage of lazy
iterables (see range lazy by default, etc). So they are now quite
common. So extending len() to make it act like leniter() too is a way
to adapt a basic Python construct to the changes of the other parts of
the language.

In languages like Haskell you can count how many items a lazy sequence
has. But those sequences are generally immutable, so they can be
accessed many times, so len(iterable) doesn't exhaust them like in
Python. So in Python it's less useful.

This is a common situation where I can only care of the len of the g
[leniter(g) for h,g in groupby(iterable)]

There are other situations where I may be interested only in how many
items there are:
leniter(ifilter(predicate, iterable))
leniter(el for el in iterable if predicate(el))

For my usage I have written a version of the itertools module in D (a
lot of work, but the result is quite useful and flexible, even if I
miss the generator/iterator syntax a lot), and later I have written a
len() able to count the length of lazy iterables too (if the given
variable has a length attribute/property then it returns that value),
and I have found that it's useful often enough (almost as the
string.xsplit()). But in Python there is less need for a len() that
counts lazy iterables too because you can use the following syntax
that isn't bad (and isn't available in D):

[sum(1 for x in g) for h,g in groupby(iterable)]
sum(1 for x in ifilter(predicate, iterable))
sum(1 for el in iterable if predicate(el))

So you and Python designers may choose to not extend the semantics of
len() for various good reasons, but you will have a hard time
convincing me it's a useless capability :-)


Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes similar for Python ?

2008-09-22 Thread Rui
Hi, how can i do what Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (in .net, c#) does with
the strings. I am trying to query some dns server to check its
response using udp sockets. Some of the source below:

# encoding: utf8
import socket
import sys
import struct

IP_PORT = 53
server_host = ('', IP_PORT)
transaction_id = Q1

type_string =
trailer_string = \u\u\u0001\u\u0001

address = ''
url_name_start, domain_name = address.split(.)

# Query format copied from the C# example.
#QueryString = TransactionID1 + TypeString + (char)URLNameStart.Length
+ URLNameStart + (char)DomainName.Length + DomainName+ TrailerString;
query =  (transaction_id + type_string + str(len(url_name_start)) +
url_name_start +
 str(len(domain_name)) + domain_name + trailer_string)
print query

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

data = sock.recv(512)

for data_item in data:
print chr(data_item)
print data_item

But it just returns trash:


Any advice ? Thanks!


Re: BadStatusLine:

2008-09-22 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
noelob wrote:

 Hi All,
 During performance testing of my web application, I occasionally get a
 BadStatusLine exception from httplib. Reading tells me that
 it's Raised if a server responds with a HTTP status code that we
 don't understand. Is there a way to find what the actual status code
 returned was? I.e. the value that caused the exception to be thrown?
 Under what circumstances is a BadStatusLine normally thrown? (e.g.
 data corruption?)
 I'm quite new to python, but not to programming. Apologies if this is
 a silly question ;)

Bruno gave some advice already. I can only add that for the general task of
inspecting HTTP-traffic, tools such as axis-tcpmon or wireshark are useful.
There you can see what happens on the protocol level.


Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread josh logan
On Sep 22, 3:41 am, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22 Sep, 04:05, josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I have 2 questions. Say I have this class:

  class Player(object):
      def __init__(self, fname, lname, score):
          self.score = score
          self.fname = fname
          self.lname = lname
      def __cmp__(self, other):
          return (-cmp(self.score, other.score) or
                  cmp(self.lname, other.lname) or
                  cmp(self.fname, other.fname))
      def __repr__(self):
          return 'Player(fname={0.fname}, lname={0.lname},
      def __eq__(self, others):
          if isinstance(other, Player):
              return (self.score == other.score and
                      self.lname == other.lname and
                      self.fname == other.fname)
          return False
      def __ne__(self, others):
          return not self.__eq__(others)

  fnames = ['Julie', 'Ben', 'Jason', 'David']
  lnames = ['Parks', 'Smith']
  scores = [100, 95, 95, 130, 58, 74]

  import itertools as it

  score_iter = it.cycle(scores)

  P = [Player(fn, ln, next(score_iter)) for fn in fnames for ln in

  cmp(P[0], P[1]) # returns -1

  sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

  The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
  I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
  documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
  comparison functions are defined.
  Is this a bug in Python 3.0rc1, or am I missing something?

  Secondly, say that we suddenly need another sorting order, where we
  want to sort by decreasing score and then by DECREASING last name
  (instead of increasing last name, defined above). Now that the
  comparison function argument is taken away from the sorted builtin,
  how do we accomplish this with the key parameter?

  Thank you

 I don't know about __cmp__ but for the second part of the question you
 can probably do:

     sorted(P, key=lambda p: (p.score, p.lname), reverse=True)



Thank you for the prompt reply. I didn't think my second question
completely through.

A better example would be sorting by increasing last name and
decreasing first name. This would be easy with the sort function
comparator, but I can't see how to do the same with the key argument.
Is the only solution to decorate the Player objects in another class
that has the appropriate __cmp__ function (or whatever is needed) and
then retrieve the Player objects back?

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread bearophileHUGS
Pekka Laukkanen:
 but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a bug?

It feels wrong because it is. In a tidier language (Pascal, Java, etc)
a boolean and an integer must be different types. Keeping booleans and
integers separated may avoid some bugs too (I don't know how many/
But the Python language copies many things from C, where most things
are chosen for practical purposes and maximum efficiency (and from
much simpler Python implementations, where there was no boolean type,
so bools are grafted in), so it's not a bug, and I think it will not
be fixed soon (Python 3 was probably the last chance to change it, for
several years to come).
So you probably have to live with this illogical behavior.

On the other hand it has some little practical advantages, you can do:
sum(x == y for x in iterable)

That also equals to a more tidy:
sum(1 for x in iterable if x == y)

Regarding the dict, they are dynamically typed, but good programming
practice (that comes from experience of bugs that have bitten you)
tells you that generally it's better to be careful with the inserting
different types into a dict; often it's better to avoid doing it.


Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
josh logan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
comparison functions are defined.

You're either misreading or forgetting that __eq__ and __ne__,
which you define, are rich comparison functions. __cmp__ will only
be called for a comparison when *none* of the rich comparison
functions are defined, not just the one in question.

   Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Tim Rowe a écrit :

2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__ 
method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol 
if it's meant to be usable as a method.


Re: Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes similar for Python ?

2008-09-22 Thread Tino Wildenhain


Rui wrote:

Hi, how can i do what Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (in .net, c#) does with
the strings. I am trying to query some dns server to check its

What would it do?

response using udp sockets. Some of the source below:

# encoding: utf8
import socket
import sys
import struct

IP_PORT = 53
server_host = ('', IP_PORT)
transaction_id = Q1

type_string =
trailer_string = \u\u\u0001\u\u0001

address = ''
url_name_start, domain_name = address.split(.)

# Query format copied from the C# example.
#QueryString = TransactionID1 + TypeString + (char)URLNameStart.Length
+ URLNameStart + (char)DomainName.Length + DomainName+ TrailerString;
query =  (transaction_id + type_string + str(len(url_name_start)) +
url_name_start +
 str(len(domain_name)) + domain_name + trailer_string)
print query

You should refrain from trying a 1:1 translation from one language
to another. This makes funny things with natural languages as well
as it is horribly with computer languages.

You should really read on string formatting in python.

Also, while indeed usefull to understand whats going on for production
use this is not recommended anymore, since you would have to randomize
ports for requests instead of using fixed 53UDP.

I'd recommend having a look on python adns -

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

data = sock.recv(512)

for data_item in data:
print chr(data_item) 

this is never going to work since recv() returns a string buffer, not
a list of integers.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 22 Sep, 11:52, josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 22, 3:41 am, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 22 Sep, 04:05, josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have 2 questions. Say I have this class:

   class Player(object):
   def __init__(self, fname, lname, score):
   self.score = score
   self.fname = fname
   self.lname = lname
   def __cmp__(self, other):
   return (-cmp(self.score, other.score) or
   cmp(self.lname, other.lname) or
   cmp(self.fname, other.fname))
   def __repr__(self):
   return 'Player(fname={0.fname}, lname={0.lname},
   def __eq__(self, others):
   if isinstance(other, Player):
   return (self.score == other.score and
   self.lname == other.lname and
   self.fname == other.fname)
   return False
   def __ne__(self, others):
   return not self.__eq__(others)

   fnames = ['Julie', 'Ben', 'Jason', 'David']
   lnames = ['Parks', 'Smith']
   scores = [100, 95, 95, 130, 58, 74]

   import itertools as it

   score_iter = it.cycle(scores)

   P = [Player(fn, ln, next(score_iter)) for fn in fnames for ln in

   cmp(P[0], P[1]) # returns -1

   sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

   The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
   I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
   documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
   comparison functions are defined.
   Is this a bug in Python 3.0rc1, or am I missing something?

   Secondly, say that we suddenly need another sorting order, where we
   want to sort by decreasing score and then by DECREASING last name
   (instead of increasing last name, defined above). Now that the
   comparison function argument is taken away from the sorted builtin,
   how do we accomplish this with the key parameter?

   Thank you

  I don't know about __cmp__ but for the second part of the question you
  can probably do:

  sorted(P, key=lambda p: (p.score, p.lname), reverse=True)



 Thank you for the prompt reply. I didn't think my second question
 completely through.

 A better example would be sorting by increasing last name and
 decreasing first name. This would be easy with the sort function
 comparator, but I can't see how to do the same with the key argument.
 Is the only solution to decorate the Player objects in another class
 that has the appropriate __cmp__ function (or whatever is needed) and
 then retrieve the Player objects back?

You can use the stability of the sorting algorithm as Peter pointed
out.  If decorating, you don't need to decorate the Player objects,
but you can decorate the keys instead: e.g

class RevStr(str):
def __lt__(self, other): return str.__lt__(other, self)
def __ge__(self, other): retrn str.__gt__(other, self)

then you can write:

sorted(P, key=lambda p:(p.lname, RevStr(p.fname)))


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 22 Sep, 10:32, Steven D'Aprano

 but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own
 state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the
 factory can't know what name the function will be bound to.

 As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves
 no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances
 share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

Here is a simple way to make a function able to refer to its own

def bindfunction(f):
def bound_f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(bound_f, *args, **kwargs)
bound_f.__name__ = f.__name__
return bound_f

... def foo(me, x):
... me.attr.append(x)
... return me.attr
 foo.attr = []
[3, 5]


Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread josh logan
On Sep 22, 7:32 am, Sion Arrowsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 josh logan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

 The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
 I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
 documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
 comparison functions are defined.

 You're either misreading or forgetting that __eq__ and __ne__,
 which you define, are rich comparison functions. __cmp__ will only
 be called for a comparison when *none* of the rich comparison
 functions are defined, not just the one in question.

    Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
         -- Arthur C. Clarke
    her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Hello Sion,

When I don't define the __eq__ and __ne__ comparison functions, the
same unexpected behavior occurs.

Re: Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes similar for Python ?

2008-09-22 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:23:09 -0700, Rui wrote:

 Hi, how can i do what Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (in .net, c#) does with
 the strings. I am trying to query some dns server to check its response
 using udp sockets. Some of the source below:
 # encoding: utf8
 import socket
 import sys
 import struct
 IP_PORT = 53
 server_host = ('', IP_PORT)
 transaction_id = Q1
 type_string =
 trailer_string = \u\u\u0001\u\u0001

Are you sure you want normal byte strings with *that* content!?

In [90]: s = \u\u\u0001\u\u0001

In [91]: len(s)
Out[91]: 30

In [92]: print s

This is not 5 unicode characters but 30 ASCII characters.  But why using 
unicode anyway?  I guess the DNS server expects bytes and not unicode 

 address = ''
 url_name_start, domain_name = address.split(.)
 # Query format copied from the C# example. #QueryString = TransactionID1
 + TypeString + (char)URLNameStart.Length + URLNameStart +
 (char)DomainName.Length + DomainName+ TrailerString; query = 
 (transaction_id + type_string + str(len(url_name_start)) +
 url_name_start +
  str(len(domain_name)) + domain_name + trailer_string)
 print query
 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
 data = sock.recv(512)
 for data_item in data:
 print chr(data_item)
 print data_item

This will always end up in the ``except`` branch because `data` is a 
string and `chr()` expects integers.  Any chance you wanted `ord()` 

When you print out trash please use `repr()` so we can see what trash 
*exactly* you get.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

 The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
 I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
 documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
 comparison functions are defined.
 Is this a bug in Python 3.0rc1, or am I missing something?

What documentation are you referring to, exactly?  The whole __cmp__
thing was supposed to be removed from Python 3, so mention of it
sounds like a documentation bug.

 Secondly, say that we suddenly need another sorting order, where we
 want to sort by decreasing score and then by DECREASING last name
 (instead of increasing last name, defined above). Now that the
 comparison function argument is taken away from the sorted builtin,
 how do we accomplish this with the key parameter?

By calling sort twice on the sequence:

lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.score)
lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.last_name, reverse=True)

As much as I like the key argument, I believe it was a mistake to
remove cmp, simply because it was the more general mechanism.
Emulating cmp with key is possible, but it requires creating a bunch
of objects for each sort.  (I'm aware that list.sort caches the
calculated keys, but it still has to create as many of them as there
are list items.)

Re: matrix algebra

2008-09-22 Thread Michael Palmer
On Sep 22, 4:02 am, Al Kabaila [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a very active newsgroup that incudes such giants as Frederik Lundh

He looks rather small to me in this picture:

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

 Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
 method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
 it's meant to be usable as a method.

Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
class [to be] used as a function.

Tim Rowe

Re: understanding list scope

2008-09-22 Thread Tino Wildenhain


Alex wrote:

Hi all!

I have a problem understanding the behaviour of this snippet:

data_set = ({param:a},{param:b},{param:c})

for i in range(len(data_set)):
ds = data_set[:]
data = ds[i]
if i == 1: data['param'] = y
if i == 2: data['param'] = x

print data_set

Beside the data copy which is explained in the other posts,
what is the problem you want to solve? Would


not doing the same?

or more to your point:



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread josh logan
On Sep 22, 9:29 am, Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 josh logan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  sorted(P) # throws TypeError: unorderable types Player()  Player()

  The sorted function works when I define __lt__.
  I must be misreading the documentation, because I read for the
  documentation __cmp__ that it is called if none of the other rich
  comparison functions are defined.
  Is this a bug in Python 3.0rc1, or am I missing something?

 What documentation are you referring to, exactly?  The whole __cmp__
 thing was supposed to be removed from Python 3, so mention of it
 sounds like a documentation bug.

  Secondly, say that we suddenly need another sorting order, where we
  want to sort by decreasing score and then by DECREASING last name
  (instead of increasing last name, defined above). Now that the
  comparison function argument is taken away from the sorted builtin,
  how do we accomplish this with the key parameter?

 By calling sort twice on the sequence:

 lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.score)
 lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.last_name, reverse=True)

 As much as I like the key argument, I believe it was a mistake to
 remove cmp, simply because it was the more general mechanism.
 Emulating cmp with key is possible, but it requires creating a bunch
 of objects for each sort.  (I'm aware that list.sort caches the
 calculated keys, but it still has to create as many of them as there
 are list items.)

It looks like __cmp__ is still in the documentation, and it seems to
work somewhat in Python 3.0rc1. Here is the link to the documnetation

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Tino Wildenhain



Pekka Laukkanen:


On the other hand it has some little practical advantages, you can do:
sum(x == y for x in iterable)

That also equals to a more tidy:
sum(1 for x in iterable if x == y)

len([x for x in iterable if x==y])

or even shorter:


not work and read better anyway?

even calculating with boolean values isn't neccessary
since 'and' and 'foo if bar else blub' are working much better
so the type coalescing

bool - int - float can really go away.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread bearophileHUGS
Tino Wildenhain:

 len([x for x in iterable if x==y])
 or even shorter:
 not work and read better anyway?

The first version creates an actual list just to take its length,
think about how much memory it may use.
The second version requires the 'iterable' object to have a count()
method, and in general this is false.

 even calculating with boolean values isn't neccessary
 since 'and' and 'foo if bar else blub' are working much better
 so the type coalescing
 bool - int - float can really go away.

I don't understand.


Reading Windows CSV file with LCID entries under Linux.

2008-09-22 Thread Thomas Troeger

Dear all,

I've stumbled over a problem with Windows Locale ID information and 
codepages. I'm writing a Python application that parses a CSV file,
the format of a line in this file is LCID;Text1;Text2. Each line can 
contain a different locale id (LCID) and the text fields contain data 
that is encoded in some codepage which is associated with this LCID. My 
current data file contains the codes 1033 for German and 1031 for 
English US (as listed in 
Unfortunately, I cannot find out which Codepage (like cp-1252 or 
whatever) belongs to which LCID.

My question is: How can I convert this data into something more 
reasonable like unicode? Basically, what I want is something like 
Text1;Text2, both fields encoded as UTF-8. Can this be done with 
Python? How can I find out which codepage I have to use for 1033 and 1031?

Any help appreciated,

Re: Reading Windows CSV file with LCID entries under Linux.

2008-09-22 Thread skip

Thomas My question is: How can I convert this data into something more
Thomas reasonable like unicode? Basically, what I want is something
Thomas like Text1;Text2, both fields encoded as UTF-8. Can this be
Thomas done with Python? How can I find out which codepage I have to
Thomas use for 1033 and 1031?

There are examples at end of the CSV module documentation which show how to
create Unicode readers and writers.  You can extend the UnicodeReader class
to peek at the LCID field and save the corresponding codepage for the
remainder of the line.  (This would assume you're not creating CSV files
which contain newlines.  Each line read would be assumed to be a new record
in the file.)


Re: Reading Windows CSV file with LCID entries under Linux.

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Golden

Thomas Troeger wrote:
I've stumbled over a problem with Windows Locale ID information and 
codepages. I'm writing a Python application that parses a CSV file,
the format of a line in this file is LCID;Text1;Text2. Each line can 
contain a different locale id (LCID) and the text fields contain data 
that is encoded in some codepage which is associated with this LCID. My 
current data file contains the codes 1033 for German and 1031 for 
English US (as listed in 
Unfortunately, I cannot find out which Codepage (like cp-1252 or 
whatever) belongs to which LCID.

My question is: How can I convert this data into something more 
reasonable like unicode? Basically, what I want is something like 
Text1;Text2, both fields encoded as UTF-8. Can this be done with 
Python? How can I find out which codepage I have to use for 1033 and 1031?

The GetLocaleInfo API call can do that conversion:

You'll need to use ctypes (or write a c extension) to
use it. Be aware that if it doesn't succeed you may need
to fall back on cp 65001 -- utf8.


Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Tino Wildenhain



Tino Wildenhain:

len([x for x in iterable if x==y])
or even shorter:
not work and read better anyway?

The first version creates an actual list just to take its length,
think about how much memory it may use.

yes it seems len() does not alternatively iterate or __len__ of
the generator objects don't allow for an optimization yet. This
could be improved so len(x for x in iterable ...) would work and
save memory.

The second version requires the 'iterable' object to have a count()
method, and in general this is false.

of course this always depends on the usecase.

even calculating with boolean values isn't neccessary
since 'and' and 'foo if bar else blub' are working much better
so the type coalescing
bool - int - float can really go away.

I don't understand.

if you have a operator b and type(a)  type(b) then
coercing goes on to convert one partner to the type
of the other. So bool currently gets upgrated to int
(as int is upgraded to float and so on). If this goes away,
the type ambiguity is gone. This would result in

1==True - False


PS: are you per chance using a news gateway to post? This seems
to screw up threading somehow...


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature


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Re: Why are broken iterators broken?

2008-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Cameron Simpson wrote:

you probably want the consumer thread to block when it catches up with  
the producer, rather than exit.

It sounds like he wants non-blocking behaviour in his consumer.

Roy gave an example, he didn't post a requirements specification.

A common example is try to gather a lot of stuff into a single packet,
but send a smaller packet promptly if there isn't much stuff.

that use case is better solved with a plain list object.  no need to 
make things harder than they are.



Regex Help

2008-09-22 Thread Support Desk
Anybody know of a good regex to parse html links from html code? The one I
am currently using seems to be cutting off the last letter of some links,
and returning links like


the code I am using is 

regex = r'a href=[|\']([^|\']+)[|\']'

page_text = urllib.urlopen('')
page_text =

links = re.findall(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)


Re: Regex Help

2008-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Support Desk wrote:

the code I am using is 

regex = r'a href=[|\']([^|\']+)[|\']'

that's way too fragile to work with real-life HTML (what if the link has 
a TITLE attribute, for example?  or contains whitespace after the HREF?)

you might want to consider using a real HTML parser for this task.

page_text = urllib.urlopen('')
page_text =

links = re.findall(regex, text, re.IGNORECASE)

the RE looks fine for the subset of all valid A elements that it can 
handle, though.

got any examples of pages where you see that behaviour?



Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

  Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
  method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
  it's meant to be usable as a method.

 Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
 rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
 safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
 it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
 singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
 class [to be] used as a function.

 Tim Rowe

I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
generator that has a reference to itself.

Re: Question about sorted in Python 3.0rc1

2008-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy

josh logan wrote:

Here is a minimal example showing the problematic behavior.

class Int():
def __init__(self, i):
self.i = i
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.i, other.i)

Is = [Int(i) for i in range(8)]
Is.sort()  # throws TypeError: unorderable types Int()  Int()
sorted(Is) # ditto, if above not present

The 3.0b2 version of LibRef/ Built-in Types/ Comparisions says
Instances of a class cannot be ordered with respect to other instances 
of the same class, or other types of object, unless the class defines 
enough of the methods __cmp__(), __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__(), and 
__ge__() (in general, either __cmp__() or both __lt__() and __eq__() are 
sufficient, if you want the conventional meanings of the comparison 

The notes for Mutable Sequence .sort() say nothing more.  So the 
exception appears to be a bug, perhaps left over from when there was a 
plan (since aborted) to delete cmp and __cmp__.  If the 3.0c1 version of 
the docs say the same, and no one says otherwise, I would file a report 
on the tracker at, using the minimal example above.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Matimus
On Sep 21, 3:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?


It actually sounds like you are doing something similar to the
monostate pattern. In Java the monostate pattern is usually
implemented by creating a class that only has static functions and
variables. You _can_ instantiate it, but every instance will share the
same state. In that way it is very similar to the Singleton pattern

In Python I haven't found a need for monostate, since you can override
__new__ and return exactly the same instance. However, you you wanted
to be able to inherit a monostate object and share some of the state
between the class and subclass it might still be useful.

Perhaps if you post some example code?


Problems running on hp dual core processor

2008-09-22 Thread jim-on-linux
Python help,

I have a number of clients running a program built with 
python 2.5.  One has just purchased an HP with a duel 
core processor,  2.2G with .099g ram.

On the new hp, when they try to print they get an 
import error;
File win32ui.pyc line 12, in module
File win32ui.pyc, line 10, in _load
ImportError: DLL load failed:  The specified module 
could not be found.

The file is there The only difference I could find from 
their other machines is the processor.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

f1 = factory(0)
f2 = factory(0)

Your factory is returning closures.  This is the functional equivalent 
of a class returning instances.

class factory(object):
  def __init__(self, x):
self.alist = [x]
  def __call__(self):
return self.alist

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

f1() == f2() == [0]


f1() is f2()


same results

They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

L = f1()

[0, 1]



same results

But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around.

That is why Python has class statements.

 And instances share at least some state, by virtue of having the same 

If the only class attributes are methods and you do mutate the class, 
then the fact that f1.__class__ is f2.__class__ is not really shared state.

[from a later post]
But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
share *any* state, not even their class.

Unless you can show how sharing an immutable __class__ attribute is an 
actual impediment, this strike me as artificial pedantry and unnecessary 
self handcuffing.  And you obviously can make that attribute effectively 
immutable by ignoring it and also not changing the class itself.  It is 
just internal, implementation-defined bookkeeping.

The identity of immutable objects is irrelevant.  If part of your 
'unshared state' for each instance were a string, and two instances 
happened to have the same string value, would you be upset because the 
interpreter happened to use the same string object instead of two string 
objects with the same value?  Ditto for numbers, tuples, and so on.

Terry Jan Reedy


Problems running on hp dual core processor

2008-09-22 Thread jim-on-linux

 Python help,

I have a number of clients running a program built
with python 2.5.  One has just purchased an HP with
a duel core processor,  2.2G with .099g ram.

On the new hp, when they try to print they get an
import error;
File win32ui.pyc line 12, in module
File win32ui.pyc, line 10, in _load
ImportError: DLL load failed:  The specified module
could not be found.

The file is there The only difference I could find
from their other machines is the processor.

I would appreciate any help 


Re: Problems running on hp dual core processor

2008-09-22 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Sep 22, 1:43 pm, jim-on-linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python help,

 I have a number of clients running a program built with
 python 2.5.  One has just purchased an HP with a duel
 core processor,  2.2G with .099g ram.

 On the new hp, when they try to print they get an
 import error;
 File win32ui.pyc line 12, in module
 File win32ui.pyc, line 10, in _load
 ImportError: DLL load failed:  The specified module
 could not be found.

 The file is there The only difference I could find from
 their other machines is the processor.

I have people running my compiled python applications on single and
dual core processors with no problem. I suspect that you may just need
to compile your application with some different switches, such as
bundle=3 in py2exe for example.


Re: Problems running on hp dual core processor

2008-09-22 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Sep 22, 1:43 pm, jim-on-linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python help,

 I have a number of clients running a program built with
 python 2.5.  One has just purchased an HP with a duel
 core processor,  2.2G with .099g ram.

 On the new hp, when they try to print they get an
 import error;
 File win32ui.pyc line 12, in module
 File win32ui.pyc, line 10, in _load
 ImportError: DLL load failed:  The specified module
 could not be found.

 The file is there The only difference I could find from
 their other machines is the processor.

I should note that I have had issues if I didn't include all the DLLs
that were needed. This error doesn't say exactly which DLL is the
issue. I recommend downloading Dependency Walker to find out what it


Job queue using xmlrpc and threading

2008-09-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to implement an application that will listen for requests,
run them when they are present but also be able to add new requests
even while it's running. I've tried to do this using the thread and
xmlrpc modules - the idea is that an XML-RPC exposed object tell the
queue thread object to add a job. If there are no jobs running, it
creates a file, adds the new job to the end and then another
consumption thread starts working through the jobs in the file. New
jobs coming in are just added to the end of the file by the queue

Unfortunately, I can't get it to work. The problem is that the
consumption thread seems to read the job queue before it gets written,
even though I've used a lock. I've also had the application get to the
stage where it ignores ctrl-c, which is a little worrying - I fear it
doesn't bode well for future stability... I don't have a lot of
experience with multi-threaded applications, so I may well have chosen
a poor approach.

I've posted the code below. It's in three parts, the job queue, the
manager that listens for new requests and an application to add jobs
to the queue. Sorry for the long listings...

Any guidance gratefully received,



import thread
import time
import shutil
import os

class JobQueue:

def __init__(self, filename):
self.queuefile = filename
self.jobthread = 0
# lock for the jobfile queue file
self.jfqlock = thread.allocate_lock()

def addJob(self, jobfileuri, email):
if not self.jobthread:
print starting jobfile consumption thread
if os.access(self.queuefile, os.R_OK):
print cleaning stale jobfile queue file
print problem removing jobfile queue 
self.jobthread = thread.start_new_thread(self.main, ())
print using existing jobfile consumption thread in 
fh = open(self.queuefile, a)
# choose  as a delimiter
print  fh, jobfileuri +  + email
return 1

def main(self):
while 1:
rfh = open(self.queuefile, r)
#   breakpoint()
finput = rfh.readline()
print found:, finput
if not finput:
print finished jobfiles. Closing thread
self.jobthread = 0
print found jobfile in queue: attempting to 
# most of this is to shift up the lines in the 
tmpname = self.queuefile + .tmp
wfh = open(tmpname, w)
line = rfh.readline()
while line:
line = rfh.readline()
shutil.move(tmpname, self.queuefile)
# lop off the trailing line break
print ***run Starting***
print ***run finished***
print ***run failed***

def runJob(self, job):
print running job, job
if not report:
print some problem with run. Cannot mail out report


from testqueue import JobQueue
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import *

class QM:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.jq = JobQueue(queue.txt)

def addJob(self, jobname):
self.jq.addJob(jobname, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

if __name__==__main__:
qm = QM(jobqueue.txt)
rpcserver = SimpleXMLRPCServer((localhost, 8000))

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
it's meant to be usable as a method.

Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
class [to be] used as a function.

Tim Rowe

I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
generator that has a reference to itself.


Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers


Pekka Laukkanen:

but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a bug?

It feels wrong because it is. In a tidier language (Pascal, Java, etc)
a boolean and an integer must be different types.

Some would argue (and some did by the time Python grew a 'bool' type) 
that what is wrong is to have a bool type in a language that already 
have a wider definition of the truth value of an expression...


Re: Job queue using xmlrpc and threading

2008-09-22 Thread Jeff
Try using the Queue module -
Here is a tutorial with it -

pyArkansas Set for October 4th

2008-09-22 Thread Greg Lindstrom
 This is a reminder of the upcoming pyArkansas one-day Python conference
being held on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas on Sat Oct 4,
2008. The schedule is pretty much set ( and has something for anyone
interested in Python, from intro workshops to advanced topics. Jeff Rush and
Noah Gift are scheduled to present workshops and talks while Dr. Bernard
Chen (UCA Faculty) will teach a 3-hour class on Python for the Absolute
Beginner. Eggs, pyGame, standard library, Eclipse and OLPC are some of the
other talks scheduled.

This is a *FREE* event (we have GREAT sponsors), so all you need to bring is
yourself. We have over 45 people -- from 4 States -- registered and tons of
great swag and giveaways lined up.

See our wiki ( for more details
and registration info.

Greg Lindstrom
Python Artists of Arkansas (pyAR^2)

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

  On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:
  Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
  method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
  it's meant to be usable as a method.
  Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
  rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
  safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
  it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
  singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
  class [to be] used as a function.

  Tim Rowe

  I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
  generator that has a reference to itself.


 Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
so.  Might even drop the name change, too... while I'm at it.  One
more word from you about it and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

Re: Here's something interesting: sympy crashes in Python 2.6 (Windows)

2008-09-22 Thread Robert Kern

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Mensanator wrote:

I'm not the one who wrote sympy, so I guess I'm not
the only one who didn't notice it.

If it's a well known problem, then sorry I wasted
your time.

Given that 2.5 explicitly warns about this specific change:

  as = 1
stdin:1: Warning: 'as' will become a reserved keyword in Python 2.6

it's an unknown issue only for people who has 1) never used their code 
under 2.5, or 2) never looks at the output produced by their programs.

The PEP-5 process guarantees that users will have at least a year to 
test their programs and migrate them from use of the deprecated 
construct to the alternative one, and Python 2.5 was released *two* 
years ago.

So it sure looks like the SimPy folks ignored the established process. 
Why they've done that is probably a more interesting issue than the 
change itself.

No warnings show up when importing the offending module:

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from sympy.mpmath import specfun

So what could be suppressing the warning?

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers


Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
so.  Might even drop the name change, too...

Don't !-)

while I'm at it.  One
more word from you about it  and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

Please bear with me - and understand that the above half-backed 
half-joke was also an implicit aknowledgement of the recent changes in 
your mode of communication. I should have added a wink, I think...


Re: Problems running on hp dual core processor

2008-09-22 Thread Christian Heimes

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

Interesting... The only win32ui* on my machine (running v2.4) is a
win32ui.pyd (D, not C) and it is part of the PythonWin IDE obtained as
part of the ActiveState installer for windows.

Oh, and /how much RAM/?  .099g sounds rather small; my PDA has
.5G of RAM and my desktop machine has 2.0G...

A .pyd file is a Python dynamic library file. It's a dll with a 
different extension and a Python specific entry point. Dynamic libraries 
are OS and CPU architecture dependent. It might be possible that the 
computer has an incompatible CPU or a 64bit OS.



Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 3:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

  On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
  Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

  Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
  so.  Might even drop the name change, too...

 Don't !-)

  while I'm at it.  One
  more word from you about it  and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
  Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

 Please bear with me - and understand that the above half-backed
 half-joke was also an implicit aknowledgement of the recent changes in
 your mode of communication. I should have added a wink, I think...

I can attribute it to a change in environment.  Going back to robot
mode would imply one wasn't always in it, and as such I interpreted a
tacit compliment.  Thank you for the compliment, Bruno.  I don't
suppose starting a thread is much of a threat, after all... at least
in isolation.

Regardless, as I've stated, I find the feedback valuable that there
seems (to people) to be more than one context that I'm writing from,
and I appreciate the chance to learn about it.  It's an observation an
erst friend made once that one can never perceive oneself directly.
(Whether that's a virtue depends on what difference there is between
self-conscious, and self-aware.)

Tkinter 3000 WCK Install Problem

2008-09-22 Thread garyr
I'm trying to install WCK. I downloaded and installed the Windows
executable for my Python version. It appeared to run OK. I then
downloaded the demo files but find that none run due to error:
ImportError: No module named _tk3draw.
I'm using ActivePython 2.3.5 on Windows XP Home.
What can I do to fix this problem?

Re: Here's something interesting: sympy crashes in Python 2.6 (Windows)

2008-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Robert Kern wrote:

No warnings show up when importing the offending module:

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54869, Apr 18 2007, 22:08:04)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  from sympy.mpmath import specfun

So what could be suppressing the warning?

a bug in Python 2.5, it seems:

as = 1
as = 2
as = 3
 python Warning: 'as' will become a reserved keyword in Python 2.6 Warning: 'as' will become a reserved keyword in Python 2.6 Warning: 'as' will become a reserved keyword in Python 2.6

as = 1
import os
as = 3
 python Warning: 'as' will become a reserved keyword in Python 2.6

A quick look in parsetok.c reveals that it sets a handling_import flag 
when it stumbles upon an import statement, a flag that's later used to 
suppress the warning message.  The bug is that the flag isn't reset 
until the parser sees an ENDMARKER token (end of file), instead of when 
it sees the next NEWLINE token.

(if someone wants to submit this to, be my guest)



Re: Tkinter 3000 WCK Install Problem

2008-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh

garyr wrote:

I'm trying to install WCK. I downloaded and installed the Windows
executable for my Python version. It appeared to run OK. I then
downloaded the demo files but find that none run due to error:
ImportError: No module named _tk3draw.
I'm using ActivePython 2.3.5 on Windows XP Home.
What can I do to fix this problem?

the error means that the interpreter cannot find the _tk3draw.pyd file.

if you use the standard install location, it should be installed under


you could try this:

 import FixTk
 import _tk3draw

if this also gives you an error, search for _tk3draw.pyd on the disk.



a short-cut command for globals().clear() ??

2008-09-22 Thread CapnBearbossa
hi all,

forgive me , but the RTFM and Google search approaches are not
yielding an answer on this question.  I need to know if there's a top
level python interpreter command that clears all user variables (not
built-ins) from the global namespace.  In other words a statement, or
some_command_or_function(), that does this:

['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'x', 'y', 'z']


['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']

   1 desperate snake oil programmer 

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Carl Banks
On Sep 22, 3:43 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

  Pekka Laukkanen:
  but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a 

  It feels wrong because it is. In a tidier language (Pascal, Java, etc)
  a boolean and an integer must be different types.

 Some would argue (and some did by the time Python grew a 'bool' type)
 that what is wrong is to have a bool type in a language that already
 have a wider definition of the truth value of an expression...

And some would argue that it was wrong to have such a wide definition
for the truth value of an expression in the first place...

Carl Banks

Re: Here's something interesting: sympy crashes in Python 2.6 (Windows)

2008-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Robert Kern wrote:

(if someone wants to submit this to, be my guest)


Re: a short-cut command for globals().clear() ??

2008-09-22 Thread Matimus
On Sep 22, 2:31 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all,

 forgive me , but the RTFM and Google search approaches are not
 yielding an answer on this question.  I need to know if there's a top
 level python interpreter command that clears all user variables (not
 built-ins) from the global namespace.  In other words a statement, or
 some_command_or_function(), that does this:


 ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'x', 'y', 'z']


 ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']

    1 desperate snake oil programmer 

I don't think you will find anything. The interpreter is essentially
the same whether you are in interactive mode or not. That is, there is
very little use for a method that clears globals in general, so why
would we add it just so that it could be used by the interpreter.
There is almost* nothing available to the interactive interpreter
which isn't part of the core language.

* The only difference I can think of is the _ variable, which is
added to __builtins__ and contains the last value returned in
interactive mode. If you have ever tried to run code that uses the
locale module from the interpreter you will see why having any
differences between the interactive and non-interactive interpreter
can be a pain.


python timers and COM/directshow

2008-09-22 Thread Sayanan Sivaraman
Hey all,

So I've written a simple video player using directshow/COM in VC++,
and I'm in the process of translating it to python.  For example, when
the avi starts playing, I have a call media_control.Run() , etc.

I'm wondering how I should go about updating my gtk.Hscale widget as a
trackbar for the avi player.

In C++, I have the following callbacks that update the scrollbar and
video position with a timer.

void CvideoDlg::OnNMReleasedcaptureSlider1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT
{   //Slider event handler
LONGLONG lPos = 0;
LONGLONG lDuration = 0;


Videopos= m_slider.GetPos(); //Sets new video position to that of
the slider, which user inputs
lPos = ((long)Videopos * (lDuration/num_of_frames));

g_pSeek-SetPositions(lPos, AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning,NULL,
*pResult = 0;
void CvideoDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
{   //Timer event handler.
LONGLONG lPos = 0;
LONGLONG lDuration = 0;

Videopos = (int)(lPos * num_of_frames/ lDuration);
  if (Videopos==(int)(last_frame)) //If we get to the end of the
selection, the video pauses
UpdateData(); //Updates the slider controller and position


I'm wondering how I would implement similar callbacks in Python for a
gtk.Hscale, and some sort of time [I'm not familiar with Pythons
timers/threading at all].

Re: Not fully OO ?

2008-09-22 Thread Ricardo Aráoz
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 On 20 Sep., 23:07, Aaron \Castironpi\ Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sep 20, 3:22 pm, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 20 Sep., 18:33, Bruno Desthuilliers
 The following definitions are AFAIK the only commonly accepted
 definitions about OO:
 1/ an object is defined by identity, state and behaviour
 2/ objects interacts by sending messages each other
 3/ an OO program is made of interacting objects
 I let you find out whether Python meets these 3 definitions - and if
 Java does (hint : in Python, everything you can bind to a name is an
 object - this is not true in Java or C++).
 This is correct but it detracts from a more general problem of
 language paradigms.
 Assume you type
 Now you are free to interpret this as a simple, primitive arithmetic
 operation but you can also claim that 2 sends an __add__ message to 2.
 Hereby the state of the 2 objects are not altered but a new 4 object
 is created. OO babble is more impressive isn't it?
 Actually it is simply wrong in the mentioned case and here is the
 def foo():
 return 2+2
 import dis
   2   0 LOAD_CONST   2 (4)
 OO is a heuristic method used to understand the semantics of a
 programming language. It can also inspire language design but as
 you've rightly said: jugde yourself and see how far you get with it.
 Applying OO on interpreter level is by no means a sign of a high
 quality implementation whereas structuring programs in the large will
 likely benefit from class based organization and encapsulation. Of
 course one can also reverse the value hierarchy and find perverse joy
 in having a pure OO language but apply monkey patching everywhere. I
 suppose you know which language I'm talking about...
 It sounds like you think that you -can- write OO programs in Python,
 but you don't have to.  I agree.
 The whole point of OO is providing high level ( system level ) not low
 level ( interpreter level ) semantics. Partitioning a system into
 isolated and communicating objects is a strong and important metaphor.
 Recently there were some comments on the web that mentioned Erlang to
 be pretty much OO in this respect although Erlang is functional and
 has no base level notion of an object. It's even well known that Joe
 Armstrong holds low opinions about the entire object business.
 Notice that I believe that the popular meme that OO is bolted on
 Python has little if nothing to do with OO itself but with API
 consistency. When people have to type len(x) instead of x.len() this
 breaks their expectations on how the language has to behave.



Re: a short-cut command for globals().clear() ??

2008-09-22 Thread CapnBearbossa
On Sep 22, 5:52 pm, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 22, 2:31 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hi all,

  forgive me , but the RTFM and Google search approaches are not
  yielding an answer on this question.  I need to know if there's a top
  level python interpreter command that clears all user variables (not
  built-ins) from the global namespace.  In other words a statement, or
  some_command_or_function(), that does this:


  ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'x', 'y', 'z']


  ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']

     1 desperate snake oil programmer 

 I don't think you will find anything. The interpreter is essentially
 the same whether you are in interactive mode or not. That is, there is
 very little use for a method that clears globals in general, so why
 would we add it just so that it could be used by the interpreter.
 There is almost* nothing available to the interactive interpreter
 which isn't part of the core language.

 * The only difference I can think of is the _ variable, which is
 added to __builtins__ and contains the last value returned in
 interactive mode. If you have ever tried to run code that uses the
 locale module from the interpreter you will see why having any
 differences between the interactive and non-interactive interpreter
 can be a pain.


ok. thanks! guess i'll be off to define my own function ...

Re: A bit weird dictionary behavior

2008-09-22 Thread Grzegorz Staniak
On 22.09.2008, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wroted:

  but it still doesn't feel exactly right. Would it be worth submitting a 

  It feels wrong because it is. In a tidier language (Pascal, Java, etc)
  a boolean and an integer must be different types.

 Some would argue (and some did by the time Python grew a 'bool' type)
 that what is wrong is to have a bool type in a language that already
 have a wider definition of the truth value of an expression...

 And some would argue that it was wrong to have such a wide definition
 for the truth value of an expression in the first place...

Just out of idle curiosity, what could be the alternatives? Not to evaluate 
e.g. strings to true? Aren't such conventions as whatever is not empty,
is 'true' popular in dynamic langauges?

Grzegorz Staniak gstaniak _at_ wp [dot] pl
Nocturnal Infiltration and Accurate Killing

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
 But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
  share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
  Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
  but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
  what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
  probably not.
 Snce when are users ever involved
 in programming problems or programming languages ?

What an astounding question.

Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and 
there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily) 
who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the 
class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?


Re: a short-cut command for globals().clear() ??

2008-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy


forgive me , but the RTFM and Google search approaches are not
yielding an answer on this question.  I need to know if there's a top
level python interpreter command that clears all user variables (not
built-ins) from the global namespace.  In other words a statement, or
some_command_or_function(), that does this:


['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'x', 'y', 'z']



['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']

First, a WARNING to other readers deceived by the subject line. 
Globals().clear() clears everything and leaves nothing, so Capn... is 
looking for something that works that is a shortcut for deleting 
bindings one-by-one.

To your question.  The short answer is no.

In batch mode, only create what you need and delete (unbind) large 
objects that are not automatically deleted (unbound) when you are done 
with them.  Remember that only reference-counted implementations will 
guarantee immediate destruction and space-freeing when the last 
reference goes away. Check the gc module (and some posts in the 
archives) for more specialized control.

In interactive mode, restart the interpreter if you really need a clean 
slate and have too many bindings that you must delete to do something 
quick like 'del x,y,z' as in your example above.  In IDLE, cntl-F6 
restarts the shell with a clean slate.  I presume IPython has something 



Using vObject

2008-09-22 Thread Joshua Gardner
I'm brand new to USENET so please bear with me.

I'm writing a specialized to-do list app. I'm using Django but this is
not a question about Django. It has to have recurring tasks set by the
managers for the employees to then check off.

I've got pretty much everything in the app worked out, except for one
thing: the repeating tasks. I want to have it so that the manager puts
in a repeating task with a description and a repeat rule. This rule then
generates simpler one-time tasks. These one-time tasks have a
description, a time (a datetime.datetime object) and completed boolean.

I've looked around and think I have these options:
1. Manually put it all together with another Django model that
implements the repeat rules.
2. Do the same thing but use dateutil.rrule to help.
3. Use the icalendar ( module to access
ICS files.
4. vObject ( to do the same.

I think I want to use vObject because it uses dateutil and the
management can easily manage tasks from a desktop app.

Only thing is that I find vObject's documentation very cryptic and was
wondering if anybody here could shed some light on how to use vObject. A
simple getting-started tutorial or something similar would be nice.

Thanks all!


Python based barcode readers

2008-09-22 Thread Robocop
Does anyone know of any python based barcode readers?  I'm looking for
something (commercial or open source) that will use some OCR algorithm
to read barcodes from an image or ps/pdf file, and ideally will be
something along the lines of a callable python script.  I have some
pretty simple needs, i'm only trying to read code 93 barcodes, so i
don't need it to be able to identify multiple symbologies or
anything.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 5:32 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:
  On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
  But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
   share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
   Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
   but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
   what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
   probably not.

  Snce when are users ever involved
  in programming problems or programming languages ?

 What an astounding question.

 Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and
 there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily)
 who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the
 class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?




2008-09-22 Thread Dan Stromberg

I was asked by my employer to publish this a bit ago, so here it is:

It's a multithreaded script for running n POSIX shell commands m at a 
time with good error checking.  It allows for things like stashing in ssh 
$hostname or rsync $hostname in a convenient way - with pretty complete 
shell quoting so that your command comes out on the other side of the ssh 
command the same way it went into looper.  It also allow 

I hope someone finds it useful.  I know I have.

Followups have been directed to


Re: a short-cut command for globals().clear() ??

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 5:44 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  forgive me , but the RTFM and Google search approaches are not
  yielding an answer on this question.  I need to know if there's a top
  level python interpreter command that clears all user variables (not
  built-ins) from the global namespace.  In other words a statement, or
  some_command_or_function(), that does this:

  ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'x', 'y', 'z']


  ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']

 First, a WARNING to other readers deceived by the subject line.
 Globals().clear() clears everything and leaves nothing, so Capn... is
 looking for something that works that is a shortcut for deleting
 bindings one-by-one.

 To your question.  The short answer is no.

 In batch mode, only create what you need and delete (unbind) large
 objects that are not automatically deleted (unbound) when you are done
 with them.  Remember that only reference-counted implementations will
 guarantee immediate destruction and space-freeing when the last
 reference goes away. Check the gc module (and some posts in the
 archives) for more specialized control.

 In interactive mode, restart the interpreter if you really need a clean
 slate and have too many bindings that you must delete to do something
 quick like 'del x,y,z' as in your example above.  In IDLE, cntl-F6
 restarts the shell with a clean slate.  I presume IPython has something


I guess you have a few hackish options.

1) Define a wrapper that calls its argument immediately, and use it as
you would use anonymous blocks.

def block( ):

def block( ):

You have no globals when you are done.

2) If you need them to be global, use some introspection, and delete
the variables upon exiting the scope.

3) Declare all your variables in a namespace, and just delete the

a= type('blank',(),{})()
a.varA= 0
a.varB= 'abc'
del a


Re: Python based barcode readers

2008-09-22 Thread Robocop
I also forgot to mention that it need not be nearly as robust as
something like Jailhelper 2.0, I will not really need to compensate
for noise and irregular conditions.  All of my barcodes will be
scanned in a predictable, and consistent environment (i.e. a scanner),
so all i need is some stupid little script that will read the an image
in and decode it.

Re: looper

2008-09-22 Thread mobiledreamers
Great thanks

On 9/22/08, Dan Stromberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was asked by my employer to publish this a bit ago, so here it is:

 It's a multithreaded script for running n POSIX shell commands m at a
 time with good error checking.  It allows for things like stashing in ssh
 $hostname or rsync $hostname in a convenient way - with pretty complete
 shell quoting so that your command comes out on the other side of the ssh
 command the same way it went into looper.  It also allow

 I hope someone finds it useful.  I know I have.

 Followups have been directed to



Re: Python based barcode readers

2008-09-22 Thread mobiledreamers
This is something I have looked for too
but I have not come across a decent barcode reader?

On 9/22/08, Robocop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of any python based barcode readers?  I'm looking for
 something (commercial or open source) that will use some OCR algorithm
 to read barcodes from an image or ps/pdf file, and ideally will be
 something along the lines of a callable python script.  I have some
 pretty simple needs, i'm only trying to read code 93 barcodes, so i
 don't need it to be able to identify multiple symbologies or
 anything.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Re: dict generator question

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:21:12 -0700, bearophileHUGS wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano:
Extending len() to support iterables sounds like a good idea, except
that it's not.
 Python language lately has shifted toward more and more usage of lazy
 iterables (see range lazy by default, etc). So they are now quite
 common. So extending len() to make it act like leniter() too is a way to
 adapt a basic Python construct to the changes of the other parts of the

I'm sorry, I don't recognise leniter(). Did I miss something?

 In languages like Haskell you can count how many items a lazy sequence
 has. But those sequences are generally immutable, so they can be
 accessed many times, so len(iterable) doesn't exhaust them like in
 Python. So in Python it's less useful.

In Python, xrange() is a lazy sequence that isn't exhausted, but that's a 
special case: it actually has a __len__ method, and presumably the length 
is calculated from the xrange arguments, not by generating all the items 
and counting them. How would you count the number of items in a generic 
lazy sequence without actually generating the items first?

 This is a common situation where I can only care of the len of the g
 [leniter(g) for h,g in groupby(iterable)]
 There are other situations where I may be interested only in how many
 items there are:
 leniter(ifilter(predicate, iterable)) leniter(el for el in iterable if
 For my usage I have written a version of the itertools module in D (a
 lot of work, but the result is quite useful and flexible, even if I miss
 the generator/iterator syntax a lot), and later I have written a len()
 able to count the length of lazy iterables too (if the given variable
 has a length attribute/property then it returns that value), 

I'm not saying that no iterables can accurately predict how many items 
they will produce. If they can, then len() should support iterables with 
a __len__ attribute. But in general there's no way of predicting how many 
items the iterable will produce without iterating over it, and len() 
shouldn't do that.

 and I have
 found that it's useful often enough (almost as the string.xsplit()). But
 in Python there is less need for a len() that counts lazy iterables too
 because you can use the following syntax that isn't bad (and isn't
 available in D):
 [sum(1 for x in g) for h,g in groupby(iterable)] sum(1 for x in
 ifilter(predicate, iterable)) sum(1 for el in iterable if predicate(el))

I think the idiom sum(1 for item in iterable) is, in general, a mistake. 
For starters, it doesn't work for arbitrary iterables, only sequences 
(lazy or otherwise) and your choice of variable name may fool people into 
thinking they can pass a use-once iterator to your code and have it work.

Secondly, it's not clear what sum(1 for item in iterable) does without 
reading over it carefully. Since you're generating the entire length 
anyway, len(list(iterable)) is more readable and almost as efficient for 
most practical cases.

As things stand now, list(iterable) is a dangerous operation, as it may 
consume arbitrarily huge resources. But len() isn't[1], because len() 
doesn't operate on arbitrary iterables. This is a good thing.

 So you and Python designers may choose to not extend the semantics of
 len() for various good reasons, but you will have a hard time convincing
 me it's a useless capability :-)

I didn't say that knowing the length of iterators up front was useless. 
Sometimes it may be useful, but it is rarely (never?) essential.

[1] len(x) may call x.__len__() which might do anything. But the expected 
semantics of __len__ is that it is expected to return an int, and do it 
quickly with minimal effort. Methods that do something else are an abuse 
of __len__ and should be treated as a bug.


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