buckingham 1.0

2010-10-18 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Dimensional Analysis / Formula Validation/ Units Conversion / Error Propagation
In one single small file without dependencies



based on the Buckingham Theorem

How to use

download the module
download Python
start Python
import the module:
 from buckingham import Number, sin, cos, exp, log, allunits, pm
Example of dimensional analysis and conversions

 a = Number(10,dims='meter/second')
 b = Number(2,dims='yard/minute')
 c = a + b
 print c.convert('kilometer/hour')
(36.109728 ± 0)
 print c.value, c.error, c.units()
10.03048 0.0 meter*second^-1
Without conversion results are always in:

meters, seconds, grams, ampere, kelvin, currency (and combination)
The error is the standard deviation assuming the true value is Normal 

Error propagation assumes independence

 a = Number(1,dims='decimeter^3')
 b = Number(2,dims='liter')
 c = Number(5,dims='gram/centimeter^3')
 d = (a + b)*c
 print d.convert('kilogram')
(15.00 ± 0)
Simplified syntax

 length = (4+pm(0.5)) * meter
 velocity = 5 * meter/second
 time = length/velocity
 print time
(8.00 ± 1.00)/10 
Example of formula validation

 a = Number(10,dims='meter/second')
 b = Number(2,dims='yard^3')
 c = a + b
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Incompatible Dimensions
Examples of error propagation

 a = Number(10,error=2,dims='meter/second') # (10±2)m/s
 b = Number(5,error=1,dims='hour')  # (5±1)h
 c = a*b
 print c.convert('kilometer')
(1.800 ± 0.509)x10^2
 print c.convert('lightyear')
(1.903 ± 0.538)/10^11
 print c.convert('kilometer').value
 print c.convert('kilometer').error
Examples of more complex formulas

 c = a**4/(7*b) 
 print '%s %s' % (c,c.units())
(7.94 ± 6.54)/10^2 meter^4*second^-5
For pure numbers sin, cos, exp, log are also defined. You can use a.is_pure() 
to check if a number is pure.
Financial application example

 coupon = Number(200,error=1,dims=dollar/day)
 expiration = Number(1,error=0,dims=year)
 payoff = coupon*expiration
 print payoff.convert('dollar')
(7.3048 ± 0.0365)x10^4
I.e. $73048 dollars with $365 dollars of one sigma uncertainly

Latex Output

 print payoff.as_latex()
(7.3048 \pm 0.0365)\times 10^{4} 

Notice the output as a string always uses scientific notation and value is 
automatically rounded compatibly with error/uncertainty in result.

Supported units and combination of

ampere, angstrom, atm, attoL, attoampere, attoangstrom, attoatm, attoau, 
attobar, attocalorie, attocoulomb, attocurrency, attoday, attodollar, attoeV, 
attoev, attofarad, attofaraday, attofermi, attofoot, attogram, attohenry, 
attohour, attohz, attoinch, attojoule, attokelvin, attolightyear, attoliter, 
attometer, attomho, attomile, attominute, attommhg, attonewton, attoohm, 
attopascal, attopound, attopsi, attopure, attoquart, attosecond, attosiemens, 
attovolt, attowatt, attoweber, attoyard, attoyear, au, bar, calorie, centiL, 
centiampere, centiangstrom, centiatm, centiau, centibar, centicalorie, 
centicoulomb, centicurrency, centiday, centidollar, centieV, centiev, 
centifarad, centifaraday, centifermi, centifoot, centigram, centihenry, 
centihour, centihz, centiinch, centijoule, centikelvin, centilightyear, 
centiliter, centimeter, centimho, centimile, centiminute, centimmhg, 
centinewton, centiohm, centipascal, centipound, centipsi, centipure, 
centiquart, centisecond, centisiemens, centivolt, centiwatt, centiweber, 
centiyard, centiyear, coulomb, currency, day, deciL, deciampere, deciangstrom, 
deciatm, deciau, decibar, decicalorie, decicoulomb, decicurrency, deciday, 
decidollar, decieV, deciev, decifarad, decifaraday, decifermi, decifoot, 
decigram, decihenry, decihour, decihz, deciinch, decijoule, decikelvin, 
decilightyear, deciliter, decimeter, decimho, decimile, deciminute, decimmhg, 
decinewton, deciohm, decipascal, decipound, decipsi, decipure, deciquart, 
decisecond, decisiemens, decivolt, deciwatt, deciweber, deciyard, deciyear, 
dekaL, dekaampere, dekaangstrom, dekaatm, dekaau, dekabar, dekacalorie, 
dekacoulomb, dekacurrency, dekaday, dekadollar, dekaeV, dekaev, dekafarad, 
dekafaraday, dekafermi, dekafoot, dekagram, dekahenry, dekahour, dekahz, 
dekainch, dekajoule, dekakelvin, dekalightyear, dekaliter, dekameter, dekamho, 
dekamile, dekaminute, dekammhg, dekanewton, dekaohm, dekapascal, dekapound, 
dekapsi, dekapure, dekaquart, dekasecond, dekasiemens, dekavolt, dekawatt, 
dekaweber, dekayard, dekayear, dollar, eV, ev, exaL, exaampere, exaangstrom, 
exaatm, exaau, exabar, exacalorie, exacoulomb, exacurrency, exaday, exadollar, 
exaeV, exaev, exafarad, exafaraday, exafermi, exafoot, exagram, exahenry, 
exahour, exahz, exainch, exajoule, exakelvin, exalightyear, exaliter, exameter, 
examho, examile, examinute, exammhg, exanewton, exaohm, exapascal, exapound, 
exapsi, exapure, 

Re: Fastest way to detect a non-ASCII character in a list of strings.

2010-10-18 Thread Stefan Behnel

Dun Peal, 17.10.2010 21:59:

`all_ascii(L)` is a function that accepts a list of strings L, and
returns True if all of those strings contain only ASCII chars, False

What's the fastest way to implement `all_ascii(L)`?

My ideas so far are:

1. Match against a regexp with a character range: `[ -~]`
2. Use s.decode('ascii')
3. `return all(31  ord(c)  127 for s in L for c in s)`

Any other ideas?  Which one do you think will be fastest?

You can't beat Cython for this kind of task. If it's really a list of 
(unicode) strings, you can do this:

def only_allowed_characters(list strings):
cdef unicode s
for s in strings:
for c in s:
if c  31 or c  127:
return False
return True

Or, a bit shorter, using Cython 0.13:

def only_allowed_characters(list strings):
cdef unicode s
return any((c  31 or c  127)
   for s in strings for c in s)

Both are untested. Basically the same should work for byte strings. You can 
also support both string types efficiently with an isinstance() type test 
inside of the outer loop.

Also see here:




OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread dex
I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?

Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
__init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
__del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?

In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them

Sorry for the wall of text.

Print to an IPP printer (pkipplib?)

2010-10-18 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
I've found the module pkipplib which seems to work well for things like
interrogating an IPP (CUPS) server.  But is there a way to send a print
job to an IPP print queue? [and no, the local system knows nothing about
the print architecture so popenlp is not an option].  I just want to
send the data from a file handle to a remote IPP queue as a print job.


Print to an IPP printer (pkipplib?)

2010-10-18 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
I've found the module pkipplib which seems to work well for things like
interrogating an IPP (CUPS) server.  But is there a way to send a print
job to an IPP print queue? [and no, the local system knows nothing about
the print architecture so popenlp is not an option].  I just want to
send the data from a file handle to a remote IPP queue as a print job.


Re: Deditor -- pythonic text-editor

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Kruptein wrote:

on steven, peter and eliasf:

Well okay I'm new to the world of developing programs, if I encounter
problems I directly post a bug on the relevant page, that's maybe why
I was a bit frustrated :)

but what you three say is indeed true..


It does not work with python 2.5 (with statement).

__future__.with_statement allow me to only get to the next error:

Looks like it's using a different version of wx than mine:
In [4]: wx.__version__
Out[4]: ''

You should include the requirements somewhere so that people don't 
bother downloading it if they don't have the proper python version.


Re: what difference does redirection make?

2010-10-18 Thread Nikola Skoric
Dana Sun, 17 Oct 2010 15:36:13 -0400, 
Benjamin Kaplan benjamin.kap...@case.edu kaze:
 On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Nikola Skoric n...@fly.srk.fer.hr wrote:
 You're trying to write Unicode to a file. But there's no such thing as
 .encode(cp1252) or whatever encoding you want to use to the end of
 the mytemplate.render_unicode(...) call on the last line.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I got it now...

Now the storm has passed over me
I'm left to drift on a dead calm sea
And watch her forever through the cracks in the beams
Nailed across the doorways of the bedrooms of my dreams

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 18, 12:28 am, dex josipmisko...@gmail.com wrote:
 Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
 to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
 of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
 to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
 I don't have to destroy all references as well.

You're aware Python can collect reference cycles, correct?  You don't
have to delete references; Python will get them eventually.  If you
feel you're overengineering things perhaps getting rid of weak
references would be a substantial simplification.

 In each object's
 __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
 __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
 them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?

I would say overriding __del__ is not particularly Pythonic at all.

Using __del__ has some undesirable side-effects (like potential for
memory leaks), and is unreliable (there are different reasons it might
not be called at all).  I recommend that only experts deeply familiar
with these issues override it, and then only for objects whose sole
purpose is to own a resource.  It's tricky to get right.

Instead, I'd recommend managing the lifetime of all objects (creating
and destroying) through game_object methods.  To create an object,
don't call its constructor, call obj =
game_object.create(object_type,args) and game_object.destroy(obj).
(If you really want to be strict about it, you can override __init__
to raise an exception (thus disabling the normal way to create an
object), and create the objects in you create method by calling the
class's __new__ method directly.)

More generally, Python's dynamicism makes it hard for the language to
manage resources other than RAM automatically; this is something we
give up to get dynamicism's benefits.  Therefore, the Pythonic
approach is to manage resources with constructs like with and
try...finally, although sometimes that's not possible so you have to
just release the resource by hand.  In your case, it'd be hard to
manage the resource, i.e., an entry in youg game_object list, with
try...finally because presumably the object lives for an indefinite
abount of time.

One thing I do in my games--you may or may not find this helpful--is
to distinguish between lightweight and heavyweight objects.
Lightweight objects do not need any sort of finalization and I use
them whenever possible.  Heavyweight objects not only need to be
finalized but it must be explicit.  I have a base class for
heavyweights (written in C) that checks if the finalization occurred
as a debugging aid, but it can't clean up automatically for various

 In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
 unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
 before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
 this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
 first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
 health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
 means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
 happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
 various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
 effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
 class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
 that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
 limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
 pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them

Your objects should have two sets of attributes (beginning of round,
end of round) and a method to copy the end-of-round attributes to the
beginning-of-round area at the end of the round.

Carl Banks

Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

I am pleased to announce the first public release of stats for Python.


stats is a pure-Python module providing basic statistics functions 
similar to those found on scientific calculators. It currently includes:

Univariate statistics including:
* arithmetic, harmonic, geometric and quadratic means
* median, mode
* standard deviation and variance (sample and population)

Multivariate statistics including:
* Pearson's correlation coefficient
* covariance (sample and population)
* linear regression

and others.

This is an unstable alpha release of the software. Feedback and 
contributions are welcome.


I already have a stats module:

stats.py module

(Requires pstat.py module.)

###  Written by:  Gary Strangman  ###
###  Last modified:  May 10, 2002 ###

A collection of basic statistical functions for python.  The function
names appear below.

It looks like it is part of the standard debian python distro (python 
2.5). That would mean that 'sats' is already used.



Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

dex wrote:

 In each object's
__init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
__del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?
You don't have to manage memory with python, I don't know if you wrote 
C++ in the past (looks like) but consider that python is taking care of 
everything and you'll be fine.

So do not override __del__ (anyway it is not called as you may expect it).

Keep a game_object list only if you need the game to know wich objects 
are in the game, not to keep references.


Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Tim Wintle
On Sun, 2010-10-17 at 17:10 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I am pleased to announce the first public release of stats for Python.

Quick comment on your sum() function:


(in 2.6 and above)

should do the same thing, but faster.

It looks like a useful module though.


Re: Reading Outlook .msg file using Python

2010-10-18 Thread Tim Golden

On 17/10/2010 20:25, John Henry wrote:

Not knowing anything about MAPI, I tried a number of the MAPI flags,
the only one that works appears to be PR_SUBJECT.
PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME, PR_CREATION_TIME and so forth doesn't work.

I'll try to fish out some of the code we use, but for most
of the fields, having got the body, I simply used the email
module to parse it. (Obviously that doesn't give you anything
which isn't included in the MIME version of the email).

I have a lightweight wrapper that does some of the MAPI
spadework. If you're interested, let me know and I can
send it across or post it somewhere.


Re: Spreadsheet-style dependency tracking

2010-10-18 Thread Fuzzyman
On Oct 17, 12:35 pm, Florian Weimer f...@deneb.enyo.de wrote:
 * Chris Torek:

  In article 87y69xbz6h@mid.deneb.enyo.de
  Florian Weimer  f...@deneb.enyo.de wrote:
 Are there libraries which implement some form of spreadsheet-style
 dependency tracking?  The idea is to enable incremental updates to
 some fairly convoluted computation.  I hope that a general dependency
 tracking framework would avoid making the computation even more
 convoluted and difficult to change.

  Don't know of any libraries myself, but I wrote some code to do
  topological sort for dependencies, which I can paste here.  It
  is also worth noting that a lot of spreadsheets cheat: they just
  repeat a sheet-wide computation until values stop changing (or a
  cycle count limit runs out).

 I think most of the relevant implementations use dependency
 information to speed up incremental recomputation.  For instance,
 gnumeric seems to have code for this.  This is the part I'm most
 interested in.  I already have got an explicit ordering of the
 computations (fortunately, that part is fairly simple).

And note that the repeating sheet-wide computation is a feature not a
cheat (the default should still be to report cycles). Allowing
calculations to complete even in the presence of cycles can be very

Michael Foord

error in loading data into the code

2010-10-18 Thread nakisa
hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
into the code. I have added this libaraies
from pylab import *
from scipy import *
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
from numpy import *
from scipy import optimize

but get this following error :

DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
  warnings.warn(use numpy.loadtxt, DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13

any idea ?


Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread fab

I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

class A:
  class B:
self.x = 2
  class C:

Is there a way to access the x  defined in B in class C?


F. Delente

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2010-10-18, f...@slick.airforce-one.org f...@slick.airforce-one.org 

 I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

 class A:
   class B:
 self.x = 2
   class C:

 Is there a way to access the x  defined in B in class C?

That's not valid Python code. Do you mean:

Class A:
  Class B:
x = 2


Class A:
  Class B:
def __init__(self):
  self.x = 2

Neil Cerutti

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2010-10-18, Neil Cerutti ne...@norwich.edu wrote:
 On 2010-10-18, f...@slick.airforce-one.org f...@slick.airforce-one.org 

 I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

 class A:
   class B:
 self.x = 2
   class C:

 Is there a way to access the x  defined in B in class C?

 That's not valid Python code. Do you mean:

 Class A:
   Class B:
 x = 2


 Class A:
   Class B:
 def __init__(self):
   self.x = 2

Oops! Python has no Class.

Neil Cerutti

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread fab
Neil Cerutti ne...@norwich.edu wrote:
 I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

 class A:
   class B:
 self.x = 2
   class C:

I only wanted to show the structure of the code, not the actual

 That's not valid Python code. Do you mean:
 Class A:
  Class B:
x = 2

 Class A:
  Class B:
def __init__(self):
  self.x = 2

Any of these, aslong as I can access x  in C.

By the way, is the first proposition (that is, x = 2, without the
self.) valid? Is x a global variable then?


F. Delente

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread dex
 You're aware Python can collect reference cycles, correct?  You don't
 have to delete references; Python will get them eventually.  

I'm not sure I understand this part? If I don't delete all strong
references, the object will not be deleted.
It will persist and occupy memory as long as there's at least one
reference to it (it could be part of inventory, or target of some

 Instead, I'd recommend managing the lifetime of all objects (creating
 and destroying) through game_object methods.  To create an object,
 don't call its constructor, call obj =
 game_object.create(object_type,args) and game_object.destroy(obj).
 (If you really want to be strict about it, you can override __init__
 to raise an exception (thus disabling the normal way to create an
 object), and create the objects in you create method by calling the
 class's __new__ method directly.)

This makes sense, I will make these modifications.

 Your objects should have two sets of attributes (beginning of round,
 end of round) and a method to copy the end-of-round attributes to the
 beginning-of-round area at the end of the round.

Perhaps I could utilize properties. Make getters return start-of-round
and setters set end-of-round attributes. Things would get a bit messy
if two or more players modify the same attribute or chest content.
I need to think about this some more.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Gary Herron

 On 10/18/2010 06:45 AM, f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:

Neil Ceruttine...@norwich.edu  wrote:

I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

class A:
   class B:
 self.x = 2

   class C:

I only wanted to show the structure of the code, not the actual

That's not valid Python code. Do you mean:

Class A:
  Class B:
x = 2
Class A:
  Class B:
def __init__(self):
  self.x = 2

Any of these, aslong as I can access x  in C.

By the way, is the first proposition (that is, x = 2, without the
self.) valid? Is x a global variable then?


Well, your code still doesn't make sense, but the generic answers are:

This defines a class variable:
class A:
and access to the variable is

This defines an instance variable:
class A:
  def __init__(self):
self.x = 123
and once you have an object of class A,
  a = A()
access is
from outside the class, and
from inside the class.
(Those are really the same, the instance is named 'a' in one case and 
'self' in the other.)

If *any* object, class or instance of a class (or module or whatever) 
contains another, access is by chaining the dots.


Hope that answers your question.

Gary Herron


Re: Fastest way to detect a non-ASCII character in a list of strings.

2010-10-18 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-18, Steven D'Aprano steve-remove-t...@cybersource.com.au wrote:

 Neither is accurate. all_ascii would be:

 all(ord(c) = 127 for c in string for string in L)


 all_printable would be considerably harder. As far as I can tell, there's 
 no simple way to tell if a character is printable.

There's no easy way to even define what printable means.  Ask three
different people, and you'll get at least four different answers

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! If elected, Zippy
  at   pledges to each and every
  gmail.comAmerican a 55-year-old
   houseboy ...

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread fab
Gary Herron gher...@islandtraining.com wrote:
 Well, your code still doesn't make sense, but the generic answers are:

I'll clarify what I need then:

I'm drawing Bézier curves. I draw them on a zone that is defined as a
subclass of GtkDrawingArea.

In a zone, I define a system of coordinates by 4 values: xmin, xmax,
ymin, and ymax that define the viewing port.

A curve is defined in this system of coordinates by a collection of

So my way of coding it is the following:

class zone(GtkDrawingArea):

  class systemOfCoordinates:
self.xmin = -5
self.xmax = 5
self.ymin = -5
self.ymax = 5

  class Curve:
self.listOfPoints = ()

def draw(self):
  # for each point in self.listOfPoints: draw this point
  # then draw the Bézier curve passing through these points 

  class Point:
   def __init__(self, x, y):
 (self.x, self.y) = (x, y)

   def draw(self):
 # ... code for drawing a dot in the system of coordinates...

  def __init__(self): # for the zone object
 self.coord = self.systemOfCoordinates()
 self.listOfCurves = ( self.Curve() )

  def expose(self, widget, event):
 # for each curve of self.listOfCurves: draw it

Now to actually draw the dot on the screen, I need to access
coord.xmin, coord.xmax, coord.ymin and coord.ymax to Point.draw(). I
could do this by passing a reference to Point.draw(), but I'd like to
do this implicitely.

I guess that in that case, xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax should be class variables 
of zone, right?

 If *any* object, class or instance of a class (or module or whatever) 
 contains another, access is by chaining the dots.
 Hope that answers your question.

This should help, I'll make some tests.


F. Delente

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:

Neil Cerutti ne...@norwich.edu wrote:

I have a class A that contains two classes B and C:

class A:
  class B:
self.x = 2
  class C:

I only wanted to show the structure of the code, not the actual

Always post working code, or at least something we can paste in the 
python interpreter (even if it's buggy)

class A:
   class B:
   class C:
   def __init__(self):
   print A.B.x

c = A.C()




Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:50 AM, dex josipmisko...@gmail.com wrote:
 You're aware Python can collect reference cycles, correct?  You don't
 have to delete references; Python will get them eventually.

 I'm not sure I understand this part? If I don't delete all strong
 references, the object will not be deleted.
 It will persist and occupy memory as long as there's at least one
 reference to it (it could be part of inventory, or target of some

No it won't. Python has a garbage collector. The object will persist
as long as it is reachable through code. If it becomes unreachable,
the garbage collector will delete it even if there is a reference

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread fab
Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:
 Always post working code, or at least something we can paste in the 
 python interpreter (even if it's buggy)

Ok, noted.

 class A:
class B:
class C:
def __init__(self):
print A.B.x
 c = A.C()

Good, thanks.

I've made further tests and here is what I have come to:

class zoneDeDessin(gtk.DrawingArea):
  xmin = -5.5
  xmax = 5.5
  ymin = -5.5
  ymax = 5.5

  class Handle:
def __init__(self, xEcran, yEcran):
  (self.xEcran, self.yEcran) = (xEcran, yEcran)
  (self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 

  def __init__(self):  
(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (0,0)

  def expose(self, widget, event):
rect = self.get_allocation()
(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (rect.width, rect.height)
  def XdeLEcranAuRepere(self, x):
  def YdeLEcranAuRepere(self, y):

I have further code that should add a Handle when I double-click on
the screen.

However I get this error when executing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 161, in boutonRelache
zoneDeDessin.Courbe.ajouterUnHandle(self.courbeCourante, event.x, event.y)
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 36, in ajouterUnHandle
self.listeDesPoints.append(zoneDeDessin.Handle(xEcran, yEcran))
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 22, in __init__
(self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 
TypeError: unbound method XdeLEcranAuRepere() must be called with zoneDeDessin 
instance as first argument (got float instance instead)

I understand the error (XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method, not a
class method), but I don't see how to fix it, except by making largeur
and hauteur class variables...

Any hint?


F. Delente

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:35:58 +, fab wrote:

 So my way of coding it is the following:
 class zone(GtkDrawingArea):
   class systemOfCoordinates:
 self.xmin = -5
 self.xmax = 5
 self.ymin = -5
 self.ymax = 5

self isn't meaningful within a class definition.

It's far from clear what the intent of your code is.

It's not even clear whether you understand the difference between a
class and an object.

   class Curve:
 self.listOfPoints = ()

self isn't meaningful within a class definition.

 def draw(self):
   # for each point in self.listOfPoints: draw this point
   # then draw the Bézier curve passing through these points 

In light of this, I'add assume that the above:

   class Curve:
 self.listOfPoints = ()

should have been:

class Curve:
  def __init__(self):
self.listOfPoints = ()

This will give each *instance* of Curve a member named listOfPoints.

   def __init__(self): # for the zone object
  self.coord = self.systemOfCoordinates()
  self.listOfCurves = ( self.Curve() )

I suspect that you should use a list [...] rather than a tuple (...) here.
The main difference is that you can modify a list, but you can't modify a

 Now to actually draw the dot on the screen, I need to access
 coord.xmin, coord.xmax, coord.ymin and coord.ymax to Point.draw(). I
 could do this by passing a reference to Point.draw(), but I'd like to
 do this implicitely.
 I guess that in that case, xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax should be class
 variables of zone, right?

Not if you want to have more than one instance of zone. Class variables
are effectively global, i.e. you only have one set of variables regardless
of how many instances of the class you create. Putting them into a class
simply avoids polluting the module's top-level namespace.

If you don't want to pass the systemOfCoordinates to Point.draw, pass it
to Point.__init__. Or pass a reference to the zone to either of these.

If you're assuming that instances of a nested class get an implicit
reference to some instance of the outer class, you're mistaken.

Nested classes are simply a scoping feature, i.e. the name of the inner
class is added to the outer class' dictionary, not to the module's
dictionary. Other than that, the situation is no different than if the
inner class had been declared at the top level.

If you want objects to have a reference to some parent entity, you have
to explicitly pass the reference to the constructor and store it as an
instance member.


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 18.10.2010 16:35, schrieb f...@slick.airforce-one.org:
 So my way of coding it is the following:
 class zone(GtkDrawingArea):
   class systemOfCoordinates:
 self.xmin = -5
 self.xmax = 5
 self.ymin = -5
 self.ymax = 5
   class Curve:
 self.listOfPoints = ()
 def draw(self):
   # for each point in self.listOfPoints: draw this point
   # then draw the Bézier curve passing through these points 
   class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
  (self.x, self.y) = (x, y)
def draw(self):
  # ... code for drawing a dot in the system of coordinates...
   def __init__(self): # for the zone object
  self.coord = self.systemOfCoordinates()
  self.listOfCurves = ( self.Curve() )
   def expose(self, widget, event):
  # for each curve of self.listOfCurves: draw it

Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good approach
in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic. Your code can
easily be implemented without nested classes.



Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread fab
Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de wrote:
 Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good approach
 in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic. Your code can
 easily be implemented without nested classes.

I think you're right. It would have been more aesthetically pleasant
to me (a Handle has only sense on a drawing zone), but if it's more
complicated I'll avoid nested classes.

F. Delente

How to get key values when iterating a mailbox?

2010-10-18 Thread tinnews
I'm trying to delete some messages from a mailbox when they are older
than a certain number of days. 

If I iterate through the mailbox and find a message that needs
deleting how do I get its key so I can do remove(key)?

The trouble is that, as the documentation says: The default Mailbox
iterator iterates over message representations, not keys as the
default dictionary iterator does. So if you try something like:-

for f in os.listdir(junkdir):
mbxPath = os.path.join(junkdir, f)
mbx = mailbox.mbox(mbxPath, factory=None) 
for k, msg in mbx:  
if something is true

Then you get an exception on for k, msg in mbx which is an attribute
error, presumably because a mailbox isn't a 'real' iterator. So how,
do I get that key value?

Chris Green

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:17:52 +0200 Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de

 Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good
 approach in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic.



To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: Fastest way to detect a non-ASCII character in a list of strings.

2010-10-18 Thread Tim Chase

On 10/18/10 09:28, Grant Edwards wrote:

There's no easy way to even define what printable means.  Ask three
different people, and you'll get at least four different answers

I don't have a printer...that makes *all* characters unprintable, 
right?  Now I can convert the algorithm to O(1)

  def is_printable(L):
return False



Re: error in loading data into the code

2010-10-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
nakisa nakisa.noor...@gmail.com writes:

 hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
 I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
 into the code. I have added this libaraies
 from pylab import *
 from scipy import *
 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
 from numpy import *
 from scipy import optimize

 but get this following error :

 DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
   warnings.warn(use numpy.loadtxt, DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13

 any idea ?

You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
authors of mlab should.


Re: error in loading data into the code

2010-10-18 Thread nakisa
On Oct 18, 5:02 pm, de...@web.de (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 nakisa nakisa.noor...@gmail.com writes:
  hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
  I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
  into the code. I have added this libaraies
  from pylab import *
  from scipy import *
  import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
  from numpy import *
  from scipy import optimize

thanks Diez :)

  but get this following error :

  DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
    warnings.warn(use numpy.loadtxt, DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13

  any idea ?

 You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
 can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
 authors of mlab should.



Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:

Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de wrote:

Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good approach
in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic. Your code can
easily be implemented without nested classes.

I think you're right. It would have been more aesthetically pleasant
to me (a Handle has only sense on a drawing zone), but if it's more
complicated I'll avoid nested classes.

I would disagree to the point. Nested classes are perfectly fine, class 
can but used as class and/or namespaces.
However Nested classes are rarely absolutely required so if you decide 
not to use them, that's not a big deal.


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Andreas Waldenburger
use...@geekmail.invalid wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:17:52 +0200 Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de

 Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good
 approach in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic.


Private classes that are closely related to another class can be
simply be defined at the module level with an appropriate name
indicating the privacy (e.g. _Private vs. Public) rather than inside
their associated class; this saves on indentation and is thus more
pleasant to read.

Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes,
don't work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are
common would expect:

class Foo(object):
class FooBar(object):
def baz(self):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 5, in baz
NameError: global name 'SHARED_CONSTANT' is not defined

Since you must use Foo.SHARED_CONSTANT and similar anyway when you're
in FooBar, nesting FooBar within Foo doesn't really confer any
advantages in the conciseness department.


Re: How to get key values when iterating a mailbox?

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:42 AM,  tinn...@isbd.co.uk wrote:
 I'm trying to delete some messages from a mailbox when they are older
 than a certain number of days.

 If I iterate through the mailbox and find a message that needs
 deleting how do I get its key so I can do remove(key)?

 The trouble is that, as the documentation says: The default Mailbox
 iterator iterates over message representations, not keys as the
 default dictionary iterator does. So if you try something like:-

    for f in os.listdir(junkdir):
        mbxPath = os.path.join(junkdir, f)
        mbx = mailbox.mbox(mbxPath, factory=None)
        for k, msg in mbx:
            if something is true

 Then you get an exception on for k, msg in mbx which is an attribute
 error, presumably because a mailbox isn't a 'real' iterator.

No, it's probably because iterating over a Mailbox yields Message-s
rather than (key, Message) pairs; Python thus tries to unpack each
Message into a (k, msg) pair (since that's how you wrote your
for-loop), but this fails since (I would assume) Messages aren't

 So how,
 do I get that key value?

If you want to iterate over key-value pairs (aka items), then ask
Mailbox for items in the first place:

for k, msg in mbx.iteritems():
# rest of code


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:
Always post working code, or at least something we can paste in the 
python interpreter (even if it's buggy)

Ok, noted.


class A:
   class B:
   class C:
   def __init__(self):
   print A.B.x

c = A.C()


Good, thanks.

I've made further tests and here is what I have come to:

class zoneDeDessin(gtk.DrawingArea):
  xmin = -5.5
  xmax = 5.5
  ymin = -5.5
  ymax = 5.5

  class Handle:
def __init__(self, xEcran, yEcran):
  (self.xEcran, self.yEcran) = (xEcran, yEcran)
  (self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 

  def __init__(self):  

(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (0,0)

  def expose(self, widget, event):
rect = self.get_allocation()
(self.largeur, self.hauteur) = (rect.width, rect.height)
  def XdeLEcranAuRepere(self, x):
return zoneDeDessin.xmin+x*(zoneDeDessin.xmax-zoneDeDessin.xmin)/float(self.largeur)   
  def YdeLEcranAuRepere(self, y):


I have further code that should add a Handle when I double-click on
the screen.

However I get this error when executing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 161, in boutonRelache
zoneDeDessin.Courbe.ajouterUnHandle(self.courbeCourante, event.x, event.y)
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 36, in ajouterUnHandle
self.listeDesPoints.append(zoneDeDessin.Handle(xEcran, yEcran))
  File ./zoneDeDessin.py, line 22, in __init__
(self.xRepere, self.yRepere) = (zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran), 
TypeError: unbound method XdeLEcranAuRepere() must be called with zoneDeDessin 
instance as first argument (got float instance instead)

I understand the error (XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method, not a
class method), but I don't see how to fix it, except by making largeur
and hauteur class variables...

Any hint?



Quite simple in fact,

XdeLEcranAuRepere is an instance method (any method with self as 1st parameter 
is an instance method).

However you called it as a class method: zoneDeDessin.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran)
Just change that code to  self.XdeLEcranAuRepere(xEcran). 'self' allows you to 
access attributes and methods of an instance.

Also don't code in french, you use meaningful names which is good, but they're 
meaninful only to french speaking people. That will reduce the help you can't 
get in this international list for instance.

Another detail, my guess is that 
 xmin = -5.5

 xmax = 5.5
 ymin = -5.5
 ymax = 5.5

should be instance attributes not class attributes (you don't want 2 instances 
of zoneDeDessin sharing the same xmin value).
A classic pattern for default values is:

class DrawArea:
   DFT_XMIN = -5.5
   DFT_XMAX = 5.5
   DFT_YMIN = -5.5
   DFT_YMAX = 5.5

   def __init__(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None):
   for attribute in ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax']: 
   if getattr(self, attribute) is None: # then let's assign the default value

setattr(self, attribute, getattr(self, 'DFT_' + 
attribute.upper())) # there's a little bit of magic here, it could be improved 
but this is not the purpose here

print 'd1 ', d1.__dict__
print 'd2 ', d2.__dict__

execution output:
d1  {'xmin': -5.5, 'ymin': -5.5, 'ymax': 5.5, 'xmax': 5.5}
d2  {'xmin': -5.5, 'ymin': -5.5, 'ymax': 5.5, 'xmax': 8}


PS : to those how would wonder why not include self.xmin=xmin into the 
'for attribute'  loop, it's just to not mess with most linter(including 
pylint), and for attributes, it's always a good think to 'declare' them 
explicitly in the __init__ method.


Re: error in loading data into the code

2010-10-18 Thread Peter Otten
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 nakisa nakisa.noor...@gmail.com writes:
 hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
 I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
 into the code. I have added this libaraies
 from pylab import *
 from scipy import *
 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

This is idiomatically written as 

from matplotlib import mlab

 from numpy import *
 from scipy import optimize

When you (nakisa) use *-imports on large beasts like pylab and scipy you are 
likely to encounter name clashes. The behaviour of your program becomes 
dependent on the order of imports, and for every name in pylab that you want 
to use you have to verify that there isn't an object of the same name in 
scipy or numpy. I'd say this is more hassle than the few characters you save 
are worth.

 but get this following error :

 DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
   warnings.warn(use numpy.loadtxt, DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13

 any idea ?
 You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
 can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
 authors of mlab should.

... unless you are invoking matplotlib.mlab.load() in the code you wrote 
yourself. In this case follow the advice in the warning and replace it with 


Re: Fastest way to detect a non-ASCII character in a list of strings.

2010-10-18 Thread Felipe Bastos Nunes
Printable in the screen, all of them are, except for blank spaces ehhehehe

2010/10/18, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com:
 On 10/18/10 09:28, Grant Edwards wrote:
 There's no easy way to even define what printable means.  Ask three
 different people, and you'll get at least four different answers

 I don't have a printer...that makes *all* characters unprintable,
 right?  Now I can convert the algorithm to O(1)

def is_printable(L):
  return False



Felipe Bastos Nunes

Re: Reading Outlook .msg file using Python

2010-10-18 Thread John Henry
On Oct 18, 4:09 am, Tim Golden m...@timgolden.me.uk wrote:
 On 17/10/2010 20:25, John Henry wrote:

  Not knowing anything about MAPI, I tried a number of the MAPI flags,
  the only one that works appears to be PR_SUBJECT.
  PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME, PR_CREATION_TIME and so forth doesn't work.

 I'll try to fish out some of the code we use, but for most
 of the fields, having got the body, I simply used the email
 module to parse it. (Obviously that doesn't give you anything
 which isn't included in the MIME version of the email).

 I have a lightweight wrapper that does some of the MAPI
 spadework. If you're interested, let me know and I can
 send it across or post it somewhere.


In case you didn't receive my message sent via reply to author,
please sent wrapper to e c s 1 7 4 9 (at) gmail (dot) com.


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread John Nagle

On 10/18/2010 8:17 AM, Christian Heimes wrote:

Am 18.10.2010 16:35, schrieb f...@slick.airforce-one.org:

So my way of coding it is the following:

class zone(GtkDrawingArea):

   class systemOfCoordinates:
 self.xmin = -5
 self.xmax = 5
 self.ymin = -5
 self.ymax = 5

   class Curve:
 self.listOfPoints = ()

 def draw(self):

   No, that's not the way to do it.  You're not clear on the
difference between a class and an object instance.  Data
is normally stored in object instances, not classes themselves.
(You can store data in a class itself, but that's just creates a single
global variable.  That's rarely done.)

   Something like this is more usual:

class SystemOfCoordinates(object) :

def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) :
self.xmin = xmin
self.xmax = xmax
self.ymin = ymin
self.ymax = ymax

class Curve(object) :

class Zone(GtkDrawingArea) :

def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
self.coords = SystemOfCoordinates(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

myzone = Zone(0,200,0,200) # make a Zone

When you call Zone like that, an empty Zone object is created and the 
__init__ function of Zone is called to fill it.  That function in turn 
calls SystemOfCoordinates, which calls the __init__ function of 
SystemOfCoordinates, which returns a SystemOfCoordinates object.

That's stored in self.coords, a data attribute of the Zone object.
You get back a filled-in Zone object, which you can then use.

John Nagle



2010-10-18 Thread richard
When I do   import tkMessageBox  the Python Shell tells me that this
does not exist.  Where do I find it?   You may reply to my academic
email: rdrie...@nps.edu

Re: tkMessageBox

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM, richard catbird.isl...@gmail.com wrote:
 When I do   import tkMessageBox  the Python Shell tells me that this
 does not exist.  Where do I find it?

What OS are you using? How did you install Python? Can you `import Tkinter`?


Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-18 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 18, 6:50 am, dex josipmisko...@gmail.com wrote:
  You're aware Python can collect reference cycles, correct?  You don't
  have to delete references; Python will get them eventually.  

 I'm not sure I understand this part? If I don't delete all strong
 references, the object will not be deleted.
 It will persist and occupy memory as long as there's at least one
 reference to it (it could be part of inventory, or target of some

I was assuming the weak referencing was used to avoid reference

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to let an item disappear from your
inventory by a weak reference disappearing.  It seems a little shaky
to not know where your objects are being referenced, but that's yout

Carl Banks

Simple logging example doesn't work!

2010-10-18 Thread robinsieb...@gmail.com
Here is an example straight out of the help, and for some reason, it
is not working. I get the error messages in the log, but I do not get
the info messages in the console.

import datetime, logging

def main():
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(%Y%m%d-%I%M%S)
#set up logging
logfile = os.path.join('db_backup_' + timestamp + '.log')
format=%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %
# define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the
console = logging.StreamHandler()
# set a format which is simpler for console use
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %
# tell the handler to use this format
# add the handler to the root logger
conlog = logging.getLogger('console')
#logging is now configured
conlog.info('In Main')
logging.error('An error occured.')

Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Vlastimil Brom
2010/10/17 Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au:
 I am pleased to announce the first public release of stats for Python.


 stats is a pure-Python module providing basic statistics functions
 similar to those found on scientific calculators. It currently includes:

 Univariate statistics including:
 * arithmetic, harmonic, geometric and quadratic means
 * median, mode
 * standard deviation and variance (sample and population)

 Multivariate statistics including:
 * Pearson's correlation coefficient
 * covariance (sample and population)
 * linear regression

 and others.

 This is an unstable alpha release of the software. Feedback and
 contributions are welcome.

 Steven D'Aprano

Thanks for this useful module!
I just wanted to report a marginal error triggered in the doctests:

Failed example:
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\doctest.py, line 1228, in __run
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File doctest __main__.isnan[0], line 1, in module
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): nan

(python 2.5.4 on win XP; this might be OS specific; probably in the
newer versions float() was updated, the tests on 2.6 and 2.7 are ok ):

I too would be interested in a comparison with the older module with
the same name:
which is likely to be the same as the above mentioned one.


Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Devin M
Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
directories that some python files are in.
FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
project/) Is there a simple way to do this? I was considering spliting
apart the path and then reconstructing it with the last folder left
off. Hope theres a better way to do this.

Devin M

Re: Simple logging example doesn't work!

2010-10-18 Thread Kev Dwyer
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:52:36 -0700, robinsieb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here is an example straight out of the help, and for some reason, it is
 not working. I get the error messages in the log, but I do not get the
 info messages in the console.


I don't see this code in the help; nevertheless, your code will work 
if you set the logging level in the logging.basicConfig() call to 
logging.INFO or lower.

I suggest that you start by trying to output to just one handler,
and play around with that before trying to configure multiple

Sorry not to be more helpful, but it's late here.

Cheers (apologetically),



pyqt4 Table Widget deleting c/c++ object

2010-10-18 Thread Andrew
I have two issues dealing with the table widget, though they may be
interconnected. I'm not sure. Both delete the cell widgets off of my
table but leave the rows, and then when I have the table update, it
complains the c++ object has been deleted.

# self.tableData.setCellWidget(rowCount, 0, trackItem)
# RuntimeError: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted

I have a list of a custom widget class that keeps track of several
directories. Each class gets put into a row on the table. I have a set
of radio buttons that will show me different views of the data: All,
New, Done, Errors, Warnings.
When I switch views, I clear my table, set the row count to 0, and
then add back in only the widgets I want to see.

Error 1:
I load in the data initially, and then repopulate the table, and then
re-size the window, instantly all listed rows are cleared, but the
rows stay. This only happened on the diagonal re-size (bottom left
corner); not the up and down, or side to side re-size. Attempting to
repopulate the table, resulted in: underlying C/C++ object has been
deleted. Though it will put in the correct number of rows required.

Everything worked fine as long as I did not re-size the window.

Error 2:
I load in the data initially, and then repopulate the table, the table
clears and then nothing happens. No error messages or even visible
rows. After several more repopulates it with either crash or tell me:
underlying C/C++ object has been deleted.

I had error 1 two days ago, then without changing the code, I now get
error 2. I do not have to re-size the window for it to break now.

I am using python 2.7 with PyQt4 4.7.7

Thanks for any insight,

Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:24:39 -0700 (PDT) Devin M devin...@gmail.com

 Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
 directories that some python files are in.
 FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
 which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
 Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
 project/) Is there a simple way to do this? I was considering spliting
 apart the path and then reconstructing it with the last folder left
 off. Hope theres a better way to do this.
Maybe os.relpath(.., FilePath) ? Python  2.6 only.

Don't know if that does what you want, but from the description, it
seems to fit:


os.path.relpath(path[, start])

Return a relative filepath to path either from the current
directory or from an optional start point.

start defaults to os.curdir.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:29:11 -0400 Andreas Waldenburger
use...@geekmail.invalid wrote:

 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:24:39 -0700 (PDT) Devin M devin...@gmail.com
 Maybe os.relpath(.., FilePath) ? Python  2.6 only.
Gah! I should learn to copypaste more. Obviously it's the second one
(os.path.relpath), not the first.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Devin M devin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
 directories that some python files are in.
 FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
 which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
 Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
 project/) Is there a simple way to do this?

parent_dir = os.path.split(FilePath)[0]

Note that os.split() does not work like str.split().
Also, don't use CamelCase for non-classes.


Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 10/18/2010 2:24 PM Devin M said...

Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
directories that some python files are in.
FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
project/) Is there a simple way to do this? I was considering spliting
apart the path and then reconstructing it with the last folder left
off. Hope theres a better way to do this.

Yes -- in the same module...



Re: Simple logging example doesn't work!

2010-10-18 Thread robinsieb...@gmail.com
If I set logging.basicConfig() call to logging.INFO, then I see info
messages in the logfile. I only want to see error messages in the


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:17:52 +0200, Christian Heimes wrote:

 Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good approach
 in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic. Your code can
 easily be implemented without nested classes.

I'll accept that nested classes are unusual, but unPythonic? Never! 
Here's a contrived example:

class K:
class Data(tuple):
def __init__(self, t):
a, b, c = t
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
def spam(self, a, b, c):
self.data = type(self).Data([a,b,c])

Of course, in Python 2.6 this *specific* example is better written using 
namedtuple, but namedtuple is just a factory function for returning a 

class K:
# One-liner to create a nested class.
Data = namedtuple(Data, a b c)

Either way, now you can subclass K by changing Data, without exposing 
your private, internal classes to the rest of the module:

class K2(K):
class Data(K.Data):
def __init__(self, t):
t = (int(x) for x in t)
super(Data, self).__init__(t)


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Alexander Kapps

On 18.10.2010 23:24, Devin M wrote:

Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
directories that some python files are in.
FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
project/) Is there a simple way to do this? I was considering spliting
apart the path and then reconstructing it with the last folder left
off. Hope theres a better way to do this.

Devin M

os.path.split() is designed for this

In [4]: path=/home/devinm/project/files

In [5]: import os.path

In [6]: os.path.split(path)[0]
Out[6]: '/home/devinm/project'

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
[snip example]

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised 
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python 
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing 
Foo in Python?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Aahz
In article 4cbcca47$0$29979$c3e8da3$54964...@news.astraweb.com,
Steven D'Aprano  st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against
writing Foo in Python?

Maybe, but there's no reason for posting that ten times!  ;-)
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:56:39 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 I already have a stats module:

The name of my module is not set in stone.

I can't help what site-packages you have, but the above is not on PyPI, 
and it's certainly not part of the standard library.

If my module (or one like it) gets accepted for the standard library, I 
don't think that could happen until version 3.3. When that happens, a 
name will be chosen. Until then, I've got the first package on PyPI 
called stats, and I'm keeping it :)

It may not stay stats forever, since it is uncomfortably close to the 
stat module.


Re: Starting Python in XP Pro

2010-10-18 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message mailman.1791.1287310653.29448.python-l...@python.org, Dave 
Angel wrote:

 As you've noticed, many times a program started from the start menu
 doesn't leave its command window open long enough to read the messages.

Windows needs an equivalent to ~/.xsession-errors.

Re: Spreadsheet-style dependency tracking

2010-10-18 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message 
Fuzzyman wrote:

 Allowing calculations to complete even in the presence of cycles can be
 very useful.

But then the answer is no longer completely deterministic.

Re: Help with paths

2010-10-18 Thread Devin M
On Oct 18, 2:43 pm, Alexander Kapps alex.ka...@web.de wrote:
 On 18.10.2010 23:24, Devin M wrote:

  Hello, I am using os.path to get the absolute paths of a few
  directories that some python files are in.
  FIlePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
  which returns a path similar to /home/devinm/project/files
  Now I want to get the directory above this one. (/home/devinm/
  project/) Is there a simple way to do this? I was considering spliting
  apart the path and then reconstructing it with the last folder left
  off. Hope theres a better way to do this.

  Devin M

 os.path.split() is designed for this

 In [4]: path=/home/devinm/project/files

 In [5]: import os.path

 In [6]: os.path.split(path)[0]
 Out[6]: '/home/devinm/project'

Thank you for the help

Re: Simple logging example doesn't work!

2010-10-18 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Oct 18, 10:45 pm, robinsieb...@gmail.com robinsieb...@gmail.com
 If I setlogging.basicConfig() call tologging.INFO, then I see info
 messages in the logfile. I only want to see error messages in the

What you need to do is,

1. Set the root logger's level to INFO. That's because you want at
least INFO messages to go somewhere.
2. Don't use basicConfig(), but instead create a console handler and a
file handler explicitly.
3. Set the file handler's level to ERROR, so only ERROR messages and
higher go to the file.
4. Set the console handler's level to INFO, so INFO messages and
higher go to console.

With this setup, the console will show INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
messages. The log file will show ERROR, CRITICAL messages.

If you need anything more involved (for example, you ONLY want INFO
messages to be shown on the console) you'll need to set up a suitable
Filter and add it to the console handler to filter out messages you
don't want. See the logging docs for more info on Filters.


Vinay Sajip

surprise: cheap wholesale Gucci jackets by payal all products are free shipping

2010-10-18 Thread honst-trade
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Getting returncode of a command executed with Popen through xterm

2010-10-18 Thread AmFreak


i have a program that have to execute linux commands. I do it like this:

retcode = Popen([xterm, -e, command],stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,  

I have to use xterm because some commands need further input from the user  
after they are executed.
But when i use xterm i can't get the returncode or the errormessage from a  

print retcode.returncode# always 0
print retcode.stderr.read() # always empty
print retcode.stdout.read() # always empty

The same code works without xterm. As i understand it, if i use xterm the  
retcode refers to the xterm window (process).
But is there a way i can get the returncode and errormessage of the  
command i sent to xterm ?

Thanks for any answers


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-18, Aahz a...@pythoncraft.com wrote:
 In article 4cbcca47$0$29979$c3e8da3$54964...@news.astraweb.com,
 Steven D'Aprano  st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:
[duplicate post]

 Maybe, but there's no reason for posting that ten times!  ;-)

I would guess that there is almost certainly a reason.  My first candidate
would be buggy software, but you never know.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
http://www.seebs.net/log/ -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au writes:

 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:56:39 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

  I already have a stats module:

 The name of my module is not set in stone.

 I can't help what site-packages you have, but the above is not on
 PyPI, and it's certainly not part of the standard library.

How did you determine that? Unfortunately, the name of the package
listed on PyPI bears no relation to the name of packages installed into

So IIUC your claim above can only be verified by checking what package
names actually get installed by each package on PyPI.

 \“Of course, everybody says they're for peace. Hitler was for |
  `\  peace. Everybody is for peace. The question is: what kind of |
_o__)peace?” —Noam Chomsky, 1984-05-14 |
Ben Finney

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:05:04 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 In article 4cbcca47$0$29979$c3e8da3$54964...@news.astraweb.com, Steven
 D'Aprano  st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised
that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python
programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against
writing Foo in Python?
 Maybe, but there's no reason for posting that ten times!  ;-)


I promise that I only clicked Send *once*, honest!


Re: ANN: stats 0.1a calculator statistics for Python

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:53:40 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au writes:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:56:39 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

  I already have a stats module:

 The name of my module is not set in stone.

 I can't help what site-packages you have, but the above is not on PyPI,
 and it's certainly not part of the standard library.
 How did you determine that? Unfortunately, the name of the package
 listed on PyPI bears no relation to the name of packages installed into

Fair point. 


Re: Spreadsheet-style dependency tracking

2010-10-18 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 18, 4:15 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message

 Fuzzyman wrote:
  Allowing calculations to complete even in the presence of cycles can be
  very useful.

 But then the answer is no longer completely deterministic.

Yes it is, unless you're using your Geiger counter random bit
generator function.

Carl Banks

Learning with Open Source Applications.

2010-10-18 Thread Jorge Biquez

Hello all.

I am sorry for the cross posting but I really would like to hear 
comments from experience people in Python.

I am new to Python, not new in programming. I am leaving the PHP path 
and moving to Python. When I was learning PHP it was very useful to 
learn to install OpenSource solutions , implemented them and study 
how they work, learn how to modify them. For example I used 
e-commerce shopping cart solution and learned a lot.

Can you recommend, similar solutions, not only for shopping cart but 
any other subject is good also so I can follow the same schema of 
learning ? I mean, solutions you consider are very well written and 
that are examples of what a good Python applications should be 
written? I know there are tons of applications but would like to hear 
advice based on experience if possible. Thanks.

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Biquez


choose value from custom distribution

2010-10-18 Thread elsa

I'm trying to find a way to collect a set of values from real data,
and then sample values randomly from this data - so, the data I'm
collecting becomes a kind of probability distribution. For instance, I
might have age data for some children. It's very easy to collect this
data using a list, where the index gives the value of the data, and
the number in the list gives the number of times that values occurs:


could mean that there are no individuals that are no people aged 0, no
people aged 1, 10 people aged 2, 20 people aged 3, and 5 people aged 4
in my data collection.

I then want to make a random sample that would be representative of
these proportions - is there any easy and fast way to select an entry
weighted by its value? Or are there any python packages that allow you
to easily create your own distribution based on collected data? Two
other things to bear in mind are that in reality I'm collating data
from up to around 5 million individuals, so just making one long list
with a new entry for each individual won't work. Also, it would be
good if I didn't have to decide before hand what the possible range of
values is (which unfortunately I have to do with the approach I'm
currently working on).

Thanks in advance for your help,


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread alex23
Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:
 I'll accept that nested classes are unusual, but unPythonic? Never!

Not even if flat is better than nested ;)

And are you the same Steven D'Aprano who once wrote:

Never nest classes, unless you need to, or to win a bet.

Given that there's little if anything gained from nesting classes
(other than possible scoping confusion) is there ever a need?

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread James Mills
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 1:37 PM, alex23 wuwe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given that there's little if anything gained from nesting classes
 (other than possible scoping confusion) is there ever a need?

15+ years of programming and I've never used nested classes in any language :)


-- James Mills
-- Problems are solved by method

Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 13:54:32 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 1:37 PM, alex23 wuwe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given that there's little if anything gained from nesting classes
 (other than possible scoping confusion) is there ever a need?
 15+ years of programming and I've never used nested classes in any
 language :)

I first started programming in the mid 1980s, and I've never once needed 
to write an SQL query. Does that imply that nobody does?


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Steven D'Aprano
st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes, don't
 work the way programmers from languages where nested classes are common
 would expect:
 [snip example]

 I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be surprised
 that Python is not language Foo is an argument against Python
 programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument against writing
 Foo in Python?

Touché; however, Python's semantics here differ so drastically from
most other languages and the construction in question is so rarely
used or useful that anyone who does use it is likely either in the
running for Python language-lawyers-of-the-year or has a vendetta
against polyglot programmers. :-)

Why am I reminded of for-else...
Also, where does one get a Juris Doctor Programmatica?

Deferring a function call

2010-10-18 Thread TomF
I'm writing a simple simulator, and I want to schedule an action to 
occur at a later time.  Basically, at some later point I want to call a 
function f(a, b, c).  But the values of a, b and c are determined at 
the current time.

One way way to do this is to keep a list of entries of the form [[TIME, 
FN, ARGS]...] and at simulated time TIME do: apply(FN, ARGS)
Aside from the fact that apply is deprecated, it seems like there 
should be a cleaner (possibly more Pythonic) way to do this.   Ideas?



Re: Deferring a function call

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 9:21 PM, TomF tomf.sess...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm writing a simple simulator, and I want to schedule an action to occur at
 a later time.  Basically, at some later point I want to call a function f(a,
 b, c).  But the values of a, b and c are determined at the current time.

See the `sched` std lib module:


Re: choose value from custom distribution

2010-10-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 8:27 PM, elsa kerensael...@hotmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to find a way to collect a set of values from real data,
 and then sample values randomly from this data - so, the data I'm
 collecting becomes a kind of probability distribution. For instance, I
 might have age data for some children. It's very easy to collect this
 data using a list, where the index gives the value of the data, and
 the number in the list gives the number of times that values occurs:


 could mean that there are no individuals that are no people aged 0, no
 people aged 1, 10 people aged 2, 20 people aged 3, and 5 people aged 4
 in my data collection.

 I then want to make a random sample that would be representative of
 these proportions - is there any easy and fast way to select an entry
 weighted by its value? Or are there any python packages that allow you
 to easily create your own distribution based on collected data? Two
 other things to bear in mind are that in reality I'm collating data
 from up to around 5 million individuals, so just making one long list
 with a new entry for each individual won't work. Also, it would be
 good if I didn't have to decide before hand what the possible range of
 values is (which unfortunately I have to do with the approach I'm
 currently working on).


There's quite possibly something for this in NumPy/SciPy (or at least
a more efficient recipe utilizing one of them). Hopefully someone will
chime in.


Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 20:37:34 -0700, alex23 wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:
 I'll accept that nested classes are unusual, but unPythonic? Never!
 Not even if flat is better than nested ;)

But Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of 
those! (classes are a good thing) and Readability counts. (namespace 
pollution is a bad thing).

 And are you the same Steven D'Aprano who once wrote:
 Never nest classes, unless you need to, or to win a bet.

Yep, that was me. And I stand by it. Most of the time non-nested 
solutions is the best solution. But when it's not, there's nothing wrong 
with nesting classes. After all, a nested class is no more scary than a 
nested function.

 Given that there's little if anything gained from nesting classes (other
 than possible scoping confusion) is there ever a need?

Avoiding namespace pollution and information hiding are two good reasons 
for nesting classes. Take this recipe for example:


There's no need to expose the Node class, and no reason not to nest it. 
Nor is there particularly any reason to nest it, other than those given 
above. But it is a matter of choice -- the author choose not to nest the 
class, but he could easily have chosen to. If the author had valued 
information hiding over one extra indent level, then I would call that a 


Re: Deferring a function call

2010-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 21:21:41 -0700, TomF wrote:

 I'm writing a simple simulator, and I want to schedule an action to
 occur at a later time.  Basically, at some later point I want to call a
 function f(a, b, c).  But the values of a, b and c are determined at the
 current time.
 One way way to do this is to keep a list of entries of the form [[TIME,
 FN, ARGS]...] and at simulated time TIME do: apply(FN, ARGS) Aside from
 the fact that apply is deprecated, 

Instead of apply(f, args) you should write:


If you have keyword arguments as well (or instead):

f(*args, **kwargs)

 it seems like there should be a
 cleaner (possibly more Pythonic) way to do this.   Ideas?

Chris Rebert has already mentioned the sched module. Otherwise, put the 
function call in a thread, and have the thread use time.sleep to wait 
until the right time to execute.


Re: Deferring a function call

2010-10-18 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message 2010101821214168010-tomfsess...@gmailcom, TomF wrote:

 One way way to do this is to keep a list of entries of the form [[TIME,
 FN, ARGS]...] and at simulated time TIME do: 

fn(*args) or fn(**kwargs)

Re: Deferring a function call

2010-10-18 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 19Oct2010 04:59, Steven D'Aprano steve-remove-t...@cybersource.com.au 
| Chris Rebert has already mentioned the sched module. Otherwise, put the 
| function call in a thread, and have the thread use time.sleep to wait 
| until the right time to execute.

There is also the Timer class from the threading module.

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

A crash reduces
your expensive computer
to a simple stone.
- Haiku Error Messages 

[issue9862] PIPE_BUF is invalid on AIX

2010-10-18 Thread Sébastien Sablé

Sébastien Sablé sa...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

Thanks R. David.

I checked in 3.1 and PIPE_BUF is not defined in the select module, so the 
default value of 512 is used in subprocess.
So no correction is needed for that version.


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[issue10048] urllib.request documentation confusing

2010-10-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Changes by Senthil Kumaran orsent...@gmail.com:

assignee: d...@python - orsenthil

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1531775] HTTPSConnection request hangs

2010-10-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran orsent...@gmail.com added the comment:

Not an issue anymore as socket timeout at client is supposed to happen with the 
connection is hung due to unresponsive host.
The original bug was raised py2.3. Closing it as out of date.

nosy: +orsenthil
resolution:  - out of date
stage: unit test needed - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1520831] urrlib2 max_redirections=0 disables redirects

2010-10-18 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Changes by Senthil Kumaran orsent...@gmail.com:

assignee:  - orsenthil

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9778] Make hash values the same width as a pointer (or Py_ssize_t)

2010-10-18 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg m...@egenix.com added the comment:

Wouldn't it be better to use Py_hash_t instead of size_t for calculating the 
hash values in those hash functions ?

nosy: +lemburg

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9778] Make hash values the same width as a pointer (or Py_ssize_t)

2010-10-18 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg m...@egenix.com added the comment:

And related to my previous comment: shouldn't Py_hash_t map to size_t instead 
of Py_ssize_t ?


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[issue678250] test_mmap failling on AIX

2010-10-18 Thread Sébastien Sablé

Sébastien Sablé sa...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

I also believe this patch should be backported.

If the issue2643 is not backported, then the patch to apply should be 
patch_flush_mmap.diff instead of patch_mmap_flush_updated.diff


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[issue10135] Format specifier 'n' not working

2010-10-18 Thread Boštjan Mejak

New submission from Boštjan Mejak bostjan.me...@gmail.com:

Have your default locale set to 'Slovenian' which uses a comma for the decimal 
symbol, like 2.76 is written as 2,76. Observe that the format specifier 'n' 
does not work for the default 'Slovenian' locale setting.

Then try running this in the Python interpreter:

You get this:

Excepted the is the return value '2,76'. Please fix this bug.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 119003
nosy: Retro
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Format specifier 'n' not working
type: behavior
versions: 3rd party, Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 
3.2, Python 3.3

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