Re: Spreadsheet-style dependency tracking

2010-10-20 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 19, 8:59 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Carl

 Banks wrote:
  On Oct 18, 4:15 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand

  In message,
  Fuzzyman wrote:

  Allowing calculations to complete even in the presence of cycles can be
  very useful.

  But then the answer is no longer completely deterministic.

  Yes it is ...

 No, because it will change depending on the iteration number. And if the
 computation doesn’t converge, this is a recipe for oscillations, including
 chaotic ones.

Go look up deterministic in Wikipedia.

Carl Banks

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread dex
On Oct 19, 8:08 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
 On Oct 19, 1:19 am, dex wrote:

   I'm not sure if it's a good idea to let an item disappear from your
   inventory by a weak reference disappearing.  It seems a little shaky
   to not know where your objects are being referenced, but that's yout

  OK, imagine a MUD, where players can dig out new rooms. Room A has a
  door that holds reference to newly created room B. By using a door,
  player is transported to room B. At later time someone destroys room

  Using strong references, I have to remove room B from list of rooms,
  and also remove door to room B, as it holds reference to room B. To do
  that, I have to keep list of doors that lead to room B.

  Using weak references, I don't have to worry about removing all doors
  to room B. They all now have a dead reference, which better models
  actual situation. If part of mine collapses, or if a module on space
  station is destroyed, the passage to that location does not magically
  vanish - it's just obstructed.

  Can you please tell me if there's something wrong with my reasoning?

 Well, you're talking about particulars here whereas I am speaking in
 general.  If something is questionable or even bad in general it
 doesn't mean there are no particular cases for it.

 Generally speaking: in a game there's presumably some conservation of
 objects.  If you drop an item, does it disappear, or does it become an
 object of the room?  Weak referencing won't help you in the latter
 case because you have to take care of references at both ends anyway.
 That's what I mean by shaky: it lets you forget about half of the
 transaction, which might not be the best thing.  YMMV

 Carl Banks

I see your point. I'll think this through and try to build more robust
Thanks for your insight.

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread dex
On Oct 19, 6:54 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 01:19:48 -0700 (PDT), dex
 declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:

  OK, imagine a MUD, where players can dig out new rooms. Room A has a
  door that holds reference to newly created room B. By using a door,
  player is transported to room B. At later time someone destroys room

         Out of curiosity, have you looked at any of the older Python
         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN    HTTP://

I will check out your links. I did some research on several MUD
projects (evennia, PyMUD) and gained very little from them. I used MUD
only as example, my game idea is combination of Rogue and Elite, with
Darklands GUI. It's definitely overambitious, but I'm taking it slowly
and learning things on the way.

Thanks for input.

Re: merge list of tuples with list

2010-10-20 Thread Chris Torek
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Daniel Wagner wrote:
 Any more efficient ways or suggestions are still welcome!

In article
James Mills wrote:
Did you not see Paul Rubin's solution:

 [x+(y,) for x,y in zip(a,b)]
 [(1, 2, 3, 7), (4, 5, 6, 8)]

I think this is much nicer and probably more efficient.

For a slight boost in Python 2.x, use itertools.izip() to avoid
making an actual list out of zip(a,b).  (In 3.x, plain zip() is
already an iterator rather than a list-result function.)

This method (Paul Rubin's) uses only a little extra storage, and
almost no extra when using itertools.izip() (or 3.x).  I think it
is more straightforward than multi-zip-ing (e.g., zip(*zip(*a) + [b]))
as well.  The two-zip method needs list()-s in 3.x as well, making
it clearer where the copies occur:

   list(zip(*a)) makes the list [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
 [input value is still referenced via a so
  sticks around]
   [b]   makes the tuple (7, 8) into the list [(7, 8)]
 [input value is still referenced via b so
  sticks around]
   + adds those two lists producing the list
 [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), (7, 8)]
 [the two input values are no longer referenced
  and are thus discarded]
   list(zip(*that))  makes the list [(1, 2, 3, 7), (4, 5, 6, 8)]
 [the input value -- the result of the addition
  in the next to last step -- is no longer
  referenced and thus discarded]

All these temporary results take up space and time.  The list
comprehension simply builds the final result, once.

Of course, I have not used timeit to try this out. :-)  Let's do
that, just for fun (and to let me play with timeit from the command

(I am not sure why I have to give the full path to the source here)

sh-3.2$ python /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/\
Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/ \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);[x+(y,) for x,y in zip(a,b)]'
10 loops, best of 3: 2.55 usec per loop

sh-3.2$ python [long path snipped] \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);[x+(y,) for x,y in zip(a,b)]'
10 loops, best of 3: 2.56 usec per loop

sh-3.2$ python [long path snipped] \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);zip(*zip(*a) + [b])'
10 loops, best of 3: 3.84 usec per loop

sh-3.2$ python [long path snipped] \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);zip(*zip(*a) + [b])'
10 loops, best of 3: 3.85 usec per loop

Hence, even in 2.5 where zip makes a temporary copy of the list,
the list comprehension version is faster.  Adding an explicit use
of itertools.izip does help, but not much, with these short lists:

sh-3.2$ python ... -s 'import itertools' \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);[x+(y,) for x,y in itertools.izip(a,b)]'
10 loops, best of 3: 2.27 usec per loop

sh-3.2$ python ... -s 'import itertools' \
'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);[x+(y,) for x,y in itertools.izip(a,b)]'
10 loops, best of 3: 2.29 usec per loop

(It is easy enough to move the assignments to a and b into the -s
argument, but it makes relatively little difference since the list
comprehension and two-zip methods both have the same setup overhead.
The import, however, is pretty slow, so it is not good to repeat
it on every trip through the 10 loops -- on my machine it jumps
to 3.7 usec/loop, almost as slow as the two-zip method.)
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Wind River Systems
Salt Lake City, UT, USA (40°39.22'N, 111°50.29'W)  +1 801 277 2603
email: gmail (figure it out)

Python debug assertion

2010-10-20 Thread swapnil
Python disables MSCRT assertions for debug mode in the initialization
of exceptions module. Does anyone know why?

Re: merge list of tuples with list

2010-10-20 Thread Peter Otten
Daniel Wagner wrote:

 Hello Everyone,
 I'm new in this group and I hope it is ok to directly ask a question.
 My short question: I'm searching for a nice way to merge a list of
 tuples with another tuple or list. Short example:
 a = [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]
 b = (7,8)
 After the merging I would like to have an output like:
 a = [(1,2,3,7), (4,5,6)]
 It was possible for me to create this output using a for i in a
 technique but I think this isn't a very nice way and there should
 exist a solution using the map(), zip()-functions
 I appreciate any hints how to solve this problem efficiently.

 from itertools import starmap, izip
 from operator import add
 a = [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]
 b = (7,8)
 list(starmap(add, izip(a, izip(b
[(1, 2, 3, 7), (4, 5, 6, 8)]

This is likely slower than the straightforward

[x + (y,) for x, y in zip(a, b)]

for short lists, but should be faster for long lists. Of course you'd 
have to time-it to be sure. 
You should also take into consideration that the latter can be understood 
immediately by any moderately experienced pythonista.


Re: Reading Outlook .msg file using Python

2010-10-20 Thread Tim Golden

On 19/10/2010 22:48, John Henry wrote:

Looks like this flag is valid only if you are getting messages
directly from Outlook.  When reading the msg file, the flag is

Same issue when accessing attachments.  In addition, the MAPITable
method does not seem to work at all when trying to get attachments out
of the msg file (works when dealing with message in an Outlook
mailbox).  Eitherway, the display_name doesn't work when trying to
display the filename of the attachment.

I was able to get the date by using the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS

Ah, thanks. As you will have realised, my code is basically geared
to reading an Outlook/Exchange message box. I hadn't really tried
it on individual message files, except my original excerpt. If it
were opportune, I'd be interested in seeing your working code.


Re: ANN: Python-on-a-Chip release 09

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Behnel

dwhall, 18.10.2010 15:15:

Featuring the PyMite VM
Python-on-a-Chip (p14p) is a project to develop a reduced Python
virtual machine (codenamed PyMite) that runs a significant subset
of the Python language on microcontrollers without an OS.

Do you have any idea of how fast it is compared to CPython when run on a 
normal CPU? Given the size indications of a few KB of required memory, 
the entire runtime should easily fit into a couple of cache lines of the 
CPU's L1 cache, which could be quite an advantage, at least for selected 
use cases.

I assume it also uses unboxed (plain integer/float) arithmetic, right? Does 
that make a difference?



Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex wrote:
 I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
 increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
 tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
 problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?

 Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
 to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
 of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
 to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
 I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
 __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
 __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
 them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?

 In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
 unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
 before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
 this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
 first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
 health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
 means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
 happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
 various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
 effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
 class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
 that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
 limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
 pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them

 Sorry for the wall of text.

One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
function.) A lambda defines a new function:

, and you can call this function later. The created function has no
name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
like) and can be called later:

So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
be a lambda:

  effects = []

At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
lambdas to this collection.

  lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
  lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)

Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:

  class Monster():
def act(self):
  # blah and finally
  return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)

Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
it is going to perform:

  for monster in room.monsters:

Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas

  for effect in effects:

Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Hartley
On Oct 20, 11:25 am, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
 On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex wrote:

  I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
  increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
  tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
  problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?

  Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
  to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
  of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
  to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
  I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
  __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
  __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
  them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?

  In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
  unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
  before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
  this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
  first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
  health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
  means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
  happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
  various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
  effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
  class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
  that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
  limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
  pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them

  Sorry for the wall of text.

 One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
 function.) A lambda defines a new function:

 , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
 name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
 like) and can be called later:

 So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
 be a lambda:

   effects = []

 At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
 lambdas to this collection.

       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)

 Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
 could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:

   class Monster():
     def act(self):
       # blah and finally
       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)

 Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
 it is going to perform:

   for monster in room.monsters:

 Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas

   for effect in effects:

Also, I second other people's suggestions that you almost never need
to be using __del__ nor weak references in Python, unless you are
writing a project that is specifically related to complex resource
allocation issues. In an rpg game like this, just store references to
the objects that you need (which you have to do anyway, to use them),
and forget about allocation issues.

Don't be afraid to post follow-up questions, (or even to mail me off
list.) I make hobbyist OpenGL games in Python myself, and although I'm
no expert, I'd love to chat more about this for our mutual benefit.

Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Seebs wrote:

On 2010-10-19, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
Speaking without context here, so take it with as much salt as required 
;-), it is not that unusual. However there are some things to consider, 
for example are all these attributes related to each other? If so 
wouldn't it be more pythonic to have one attribute which is a dictionary 
and store your stuff in there?

I don't know.  Does pythonic mean needlessly verbose?  :)

I did, in an early draft, have something that basically came down to: = {}['a'] = a()['b'] = b()

and then I realized that I could just write:
self.a = a()
self.b = b()

and spend a lot less extra typing on repeating something that, by virtue
of being repeated constantly, was therefore meaningless.  It wasn't creating
a meaningful distinction, it wasn't showing a meaningful relationship...
All these things are attributes of the thing itself, not attributes of its

Difficult to argue about meaning when you give a meaningless example :)
The question you have to answer is : Is a and b attributes of self 
(whatever that is).

Actually everything should be driven by its meaning, not if it's quicker 
to write or something like that.

Regarding the first question about ignoring pylint:
It's a tool, and requires a lot of configuration.
1/ define *your* coding rules (PEP 8 is just one coding rule among the 
others, it's only required if you want to commit into the standard library)
2/ When you know about your rules then configure pylint so it suits with 
those rules.
3/ Never ignore a defect reported by pylint. If a pylint rule does not 
satisfy you, disable it so pylint stops reporting it.

except ValueError, e:

Use meaningful names, this is so important. 'e' is not meaningful. 
'exception' would be slighly better. On that particular case, pylint is 
right to complain. When dealing with such issue like I'm too lazy to 
write proper engligh always think that what is the most important thing 
is to save the Reader's time, not the Writer's time. Using 'e' would 
force to reader to introspect to code to get an idea of what 'e' is. 
Moreover, code completion makes use of long names costless.

You should read this very good paper about naming:



Re: OO and game design questions

2010-10-20 Thread dex
On Oct 20, 12:25 pm, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
 On Oct 18, 8:28 am, dex wrote:

  I'm building a turn based RPG game as a hobby. The design is becoming
  increasingly complicated and confusing, and I think I may have
  tendency to over-engineer simple things. Can anybody please check my
  problems-solutions and point me to more elegant solution?

  Every item/character/room is a separate object. Items/characters need
  to have references to room they are in, and room needs to have a list
  of references to items/characters that are contained within. I decided
  to use weak references. That way I can destroy object by deleting it,
  I don't have to destroy all references as well. In each object's
  __init__() that object is added to game_object list, and in each
  __del__() they are removed from game_object list. This mechanism keeps
  them safe from garbage collector. How pythonic is this design?

  In turn-based games, the order of action execution in battle can give
  unfair advantage to players. For example, if player's arm is crippled
  before his action is executed, he would do less damage. To offset
  this, I first execute all players' actions and calculate effects in
  first pass, then apply the effects in second pass. The effect can be
  health decrease by 15HP, item pick-up, 30p experience gain, etc. This
  means the player deals the same amount of damage no matter what
  happens to him in that turn. The difficult part is keeping track of
  various effects. I had to make separate class for various types of
  effects (ChangeAttributeEffect, GetItemEffect, LooseItemEffect). Each
  class stores weak reference to target object and has apply() method
  that applies the effect to object. I'm not satisfied with this as it's
  limiting, error-prone and uses metaprogramming. Is there a design
  pattern that would remember changes to an object, and apply them

  Sorry for the wall of text.

 One common way to store delayed actions is as a lambda (an anonymous
 function.) A lambda defines a new function:

 , and you can call this function later. The created function has no
 name, (but you can assign it to a variable to give it a name if you
 like) and can be called later:

 So in the game, you could have a collection 'effects', each one will
 be a lambda:

   effects = []

 At the start of the round, as each entity makes its moves, they add
 lambdas to this collection.

       lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)
       lambda: lose_item(monster_a, item_b)

 Instead of appending it directly like this, I imagine the lambdas
 could be returned by the monster's 'act' or 'update' method:

   class Monster():
     def act(self):
       # blah and finally
       return lambda: decrease_hp(monster_a, 4)

 Then for the start of a round, first you ask each monster what action
 it is going to perform:

   for monster in room.monsters:

 Then for the end of the round, call all the lambdas

   for effect in effects:

Mr. Roy Smith already proposed using closures. I already did a similar
thing in my code, but instead of decrease_hp() I have AttributeEffect
class which is able to modify any attribute (in old RPGs some monsters
could drain your intelligence, in my game laser gun hit will decrease
HP as well as armor integrity). The first version looks like this
(missing few checks):

class AttributeEffect(object):
'''Effect changes object's attribute by delta'''
def __init__(self, obj, attrib, delta):
self.obj = obj   # reference to object the effect
applies to
self.attrib = attrib # name of attribute that effect
applies to = delta   # change of value for
def apply(self):
value = getattr(self.obj, self.attrib) # todo: try, except
value +=
setattr(self.obj(), self.attrib, value)

Yesterday I learned that Python 3.0 introduces nonlocal keyword which
would simplify defining effect functions and passing them along. Nice

how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Xah Lee
A great piece about terminology in computer languages.

* 〈The Poetry of Function Naming〉 (2010-10-18) By Stephen Wolfram.

See also:

• 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

where i gave some examples of the naming.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: Windows: getting notification about power state changes

2010-10-20 Thread Gelonida
Hi Tim,

Thanks a lot.
I'll look into it.

On 10/19/2010 11:30 AM, Tim Golden wrote:
 On 19/10/2010 10:06, Gelonida wrote:
 I'd like to be notified about certain events and call certain python
 functions depending on the event.

 call a function:
 - before (or after) the screen saver kicks in
. . .
 - before (or after) the screen saver was stopped
 This should take you a certain amount of the way:
 I honestly don't know if the OS even knows when the monitor's
 switched on / when the disk is spun up.
 WMI has some power events:


Re: Python3: Is this a bug in urllib?

2010-10-20 Thread Peter Otten
Johannes Bauer wrote:

 I've experienced the following behavior with Python3 of which I do not
 know if it's a bug or not. On two Python3.1 implementations, Python's
 urllib hangs when encountering a HTTP 301 (Redirect).
 The code to reproduce is a one-liner (actually, two-liner), Python from
 Ubuntu tree:
 Python 3.1.2 (r312:79147, Apr 15 2010, 15:35:48)
 [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from urllib import request;
 Also occurs on another Python version (Gentoo):
 Python 3.1.2 (release31-maint, Jun  9 2010, 23:58:21)
 [GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
 The exchanged HTTP is:
 Accept-Encoding: identity
 User-Agent: Python-urllib/3.1
 HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
 Via: 1.1 IMMPWISA01
 Connection: Keep-Alive
 Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
 Content-Length: 218
 Expires: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 15:18:40 GMT
 Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 15:18:40 GMT
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
 Server: gws
 Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
 X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
 HTMLHEADmeta http-equiv=content-type
 H1301 Moved/H1
 The document has moved
 A HREF=;here/A.
 Although the content might indicate looping forever, it just hangs with
 no web traffic whatsoever (the TCP connection stays open, however).
 When interrupting with Ctrl-C, this is the calltrace:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/, line 1454, in open
 return getattr(self, name)(url)
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/, line 1628, in open_http
 return self._open_generic_http(http.client.HTTPConnection, url, data)
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/, line 1624, in
 response.status, response.reason, response.msg, data)
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/, line 1644, in http_error
 return self.http_error_default(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers)
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/urllib/, line 1648, in
 void =
   File /usr/lib/python3.1/, line 214, in readinto
 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
 Can anyone tell me if this is a bug or expected behavior?

While I'm not 100 percent sure it looks like a bug to me and I think you 
should report it at


Re: how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Marc Mientki

Am 20.10.2010 13:14, schrieb Xah Lee:

See also:

• 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

where i gave some examples of the naming.

  Xah ∑ ☄

  I'd like to introduce a blog post by Stephen Wolfram, on the design 
process of Mathematica. In particular, he touches on the importance of 
naming of functions.

  The functions in Mathematica, are usually very well-named, in 
contrast to most other computing languages.

  Let me give a few example. [...]

It is much easier to improve something good than to invent from scratch. 
When Lisp was born, Stephen Wolfram was still wearing diapers.

For your information: Mathematica was my first Lisp-like language. I 
used it about 10 years almost every day and I love it because of the 
beauty of the concept. But Mathematica has two serious problems: first, 
there is only one implementation and it is commercial, and secondly, 
Mathematica is very, very slowly and does not generate executable code 
that can be used without Mathematica itself. Thus, comparisons to other 
languages, such as Lisp are not fair.



Re: how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Xah Lee
On Oct 20, 4:52 am, Marc Mientki wrote:
 Am 20.10.2010 13:14, schrieb Xah Lee:

  See also:

  • 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

  where i gave some examples of the naming.

    I'd like to introduce a blog post by Stephen Wolfram, on the design
 process of Mathematica. In particular, he touches on the importance of
 naming of functions.

    The functions in Mathematica, are usually very well-named, in
 contrast to most other computing languages.

    Let me give a few example. [...]

thanks for your post. didn' t know you also use Mathematica.

on the aspect of function naming, i think Mathematica is rather unique
in its philosophy. Am not aware any other lang old or new follows a
similar philosophy... possibly except javascript.

 It is much easier to improve something good than to invent from scratch.
 When Lisp was born, Stephen Wolfram was still wearing diapers.

 For your information: Mathematica was my first Lisp-like language. I
 used it about 10 years almost every day and I love it because of the
 beauty of the concept. But Mathematica has two serious problems: first,
 there is only one implementation and it is commercial, and secondly,
 Mathematica is very, very slowly and does not generate executable code
 that can be used without Mathematica itself. Thus, comparisons to other
 languages, such as Lisp are not fair.

you are right... thought these aspects don't have much to do with
function naming.

i tend to think that Mathematica is that way due to a unique mind,
Stephen Wolfram. And if i may say, i share much mindset with him with
respect to many lang design issues. (or rather, Mathematica was my
first lang for about 6 years too) But i think rather, Mathematica's
lang design philosophy more has to do with certain pure mathematician
mindset.  This is somewhat similar to how haskell is a lang designed
such that it is much independent of any concept of hardware. Same here
with Mathematica, but on the naming aspect, Mathematica's function
names is designed without even much relation to comp sci lingoes, but
rather, the essense of ideas captured in a mathematical way.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Marc Mientki

Am 20.10.2010 14:07, schrieb Xah Lee:

On Oct 20, 4:52 am, Marc  wrote:

Am 20.10.2010 13:14, schrieb Xah Lee:

See also:

• 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

where i gave some examples of the naming.

I'd like to introduce a blog post by Stephen Wolfram, on the design
process of Mathematica. In particular, he touches on the importance of
naming of functions.

The functions in Mathematica, are usually very well-named, in
contrast to most other computing languages.

Let me give a few example. [...]

thanks for your post. didn' t know you also use Mathematica.

Not anymore, unfortunately. New job = no Mathematica. I tried with 
Maxima, but it is considered syntactically Middle Ages. Terribly 
confused (vectors, arrays, matrix, lists, sets - maxima does not know 
the motto of list for everything).

It is much easier to improve something good than to invent from scratch.
When Lisp was born, Stephen Wolfram was still wearing diapers.

For your information: Mathematica was my first Lisp-like language. I
used it about 10 years almost every day and I love it because of the
beauty of the concept. But Mathematica has two serious problems: first,
there is only one implementation and it is commercial, and secondly,
Mathematica is very, very slowly and does not generate executable code
that can be used without Mathematica itself. Thus, comparisons to other
languages, such as Lisp are not fair.

you are right... thought these aspects don't have much to do with
function naming.

Yes. I have it written because I see that you like to call Mathematica 
as a counter-example, in many cases.

i tend to think that Mathematica is that way due to a unique mind,
Stephen Wolfram. And if i may say, i share much mindset with him with
respect to many lang design issues.

Yes, me too, alone but for performance reasons, Mathematica in the area 
where I work (image processing) is not suitable. I mean - not research 
or rapid prototyping, but industrial image processing.

(or rather, Mathematica was my
first lang for about 6 years too)

Mathematica = first language at all? No FORTRAN/BASIC/Pascal/C?



Re: Python3: Is this a bug in urllib?

2010-10-20 Thread Justin Ezequiel
On Oct 20, 12:47 am, Johannes Bauer wrote:

  from urllib import request; request.URLopener().open(;)

aren't you supposed to call read on the return value of open?

Re: Unicode questions

2010-10-20 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Tobiah wrote:
 I've been reading about the Unicode today.
 I'm only vaguely understanding what it is
 and how it works.
 Please correct my understanding where it is lacking. 
 Unicode is really just a database of character information
 such as the name, unicode section, possible 
 numeric value etc.  These points of information
 are indexed by standard, never changing numeric
 indexes, so that 0x2CF might point to some 
 character information set, that all the world
 can agree on.  The actual image that gets 
 displayed in response to the integer is generally
 assigned and agreed upon, but it is up to the
 software responding to the unicode value to define
 and generate the actual image that will represent that

Correct. The actual images are called glyphs in Unicode-speak.

 Now for the mysterious encodings.  There is the UTF-{8,16,32}
 which only seem to indicate what the binary representation
 of the unicode character points is going to be.  Then there
 are 100 or so other encoding, many of which are language
 specific.  ASCII encoding happens to be a 1-1 mapping up
 to 127, but then there are others for various languages etc.
 I was thinking maybe this special case and the others were lookup 
 mappings, where a
 particular language user could work with characters perhaps
 in the range of 0-255 like we do for ASCII, but then when
 decoding, to share with others, the plain unicode representation
 would be shared?  Why can't we just say unicode is unicode
 and just share files the way ASCII users do.  Just have a huge
 ASCII style table that everyone sticks to.  Please enlighten
 my vague and probably ill-formed conception of this whole thing.

UTF-n are transfer encodings of the Unicode table (the one you
are probably referring to). They represent the same code points,
but using different trade-offs.

If you're looking for a short intro to Unicode in Python,
have a look at these talks I've given on the subject:

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 20 2010)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

exception during module initialization + python3

2010-10-20 Thread Neal Becker
Has behavior of exception thrown during module initialization changed with 

using boost::python, throwing a c++ exception in module initialization, I 

SystemError: initialization of ldpc_45 raised unreported exception

I exepected to see the string associated with exception, which gave useful 
information (file not found, in this case).

I believe under python2.6 this would have happened (but I could be mistaken)


Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread Lucasm
On 19 Okt, 16:07, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 Lucasm lordlucraft at writes:

  I would like to override the property for an instance of A to say the
  string 'bla'.

 A.return_five = blah

I guess you did not test that. :)

Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread Lucasm
On 19 Okt, 18:28, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:39:56 -0700, Lucasm wrote:

  A question. Is it possible to dynamically override a property?

  class A(object):
      def return_five(self):
          return 5

  I would like to override the property for an instance of A to say the
  string 'bla'.
  class A(object):

 ...     _five = 5  # class attribute shared by all instances
 ...     @property
 ...     def return_five(self):
 ...         return self._five

  a = A()
  a._five = 'bla'  # set an instance attribute
  b = A()
  print a.return_five
  print b.return_five



Thanks for the answers. I would like to override the property though
without making special modifications in the main class beforehand. Is
this possible?

Re: annoying CL echo in interactive python / ipython

2010-10-20 Thread kj
In Jed Smith writes:

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:35 PM, kj wrote:
 In Jed Smith j...@jed= writes:

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 1:37 PM, kj wrote:

 % stty -echo

That doesn't do what you think it does.

 Gee, thanks. =A0That really helped. =A0I'll go talk to my guru now,
 and meditate over this.

You're right, I could have been more clear. I was nudging you to go
read the man page of stty(1), but since you won't and want to get
snarky instead, I will for you:

 echo (-echo)
 Echo back (do not echo back) every character typed.

I read that, and it did not add anything new to what I already knew
about stty -echo.

I'm going to guess that the percent sign in your prompt indicates that
you're using zsh(1).  With my minimally-customized zsh, the echo
option is reset every time the prompt is displayed. That means you can
type stty -echo, push CR, the echo option is cleared, then zsh
immediately sets it before you get to type again.

Wrong guess.  After I run stty -echo, the echoing stays disabled:

% stty -echo
% date
Wed Oct 20 10:01:46 EDT 2010
% date
Wed Oct 20 10:01:47 EDT 2010
% date
Wed Oct 20 10:01:48 EDT 2010
% date
Wed Oct 20 10:01:49 EDT 2010

As to the guess about readline, I only observe this problem with
python (interactive) and ipython, but not with, say, the Perl
debugger, which uses readline as well.  FWIW.


Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread Peter Otten
Lucasm wrote:

 On 19 Okt, 18:28, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:39:56 -0700, Lucasm wrote:

  A question. Is it possible to dynamically override a property?

  class A(object):
  def return_five(self):
  return 5

  I would like to override the property for an instance of A to say the
  string 'bla'.
  class A(object):

 ... _five = 5  # class attribute shared by all instances
 ... @property
 ... def return_five(self):
 ... return self._five

  a = A()
  a._five = 'bla'  # set an instance attribute
  b = A()
  print a.return_five
  print b.return_five


 Thanks for the answers. I would like to override the property though
 without making special modifications in the main class beforehand. Is
 this possible?

You can dynamically change the instance's class:

 class A(object):
... @property
... def five(self): return 5
 a = A()
 b = A()
 class B(type(b)):
... @property
... def five(self): return FIVE
 b.__class__ = B

But still -- what you are trying looks like a bad idea. What's your usecase?



Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread Lucasm
On 20 Okt, 16:09, Peter Otten wrote:
 Lucasm wrote:
  On 19 Okt, 18:28, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
  On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 06:39:56 -0700, Lucasm wrote:

   A question. Is it possible to dynamically override a property?

   class A(object):
   def return_five(self):
   return 5

   I would like to override the property for an instance of A to say the
   string 'bla'.
   class A(object):

  ...     _five = 5  # class attribute shared by all instances
  ...     @property
  ...     def return_five(self):
  ...         return self._five

   a = A()
   a._five = 'bla'  # set an instance attribute
   b = A()
   print a.return_five
   print b.return_five



  Thanks for the answers. I would like to override the property though
  without making special modifications in the main class beforehand. Is
  this possible?

 You can dynamically change the instance's class:

  class A(object):

 ...     @property
 ...     def five(self): return 5
 ... a = A()
  b = A()
  class B(type(b)):

 ...     @property
 ...     def five(self): return FIVE
 ... b.__class__ = B


 But still -- what you are trying looks like a bad idea. What's your usecase?


Thanks for your answer. That's exactly the thing I'm doing right now
and it works :) My use case is testing. I want to test a class and
reduce the complexity of the output generated by certain properties.
It would be nice to know alternatives to this approach.

Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread John Posner

On 10/20/2010 9:59 AM, Lucasm wrote:


Thanks for the answers. I would like to override the property though
without making special modifications in the main class beforehand. Is
this possible?

Take a look at

The last paragraph of Section Invoking Descriptors says:

  The property() function is implemented as a data descriptor.
  Accordingly, instances cannot override the behavior of a property.


Re: Print to an IPP printer (pkipplib?)

2010-10-20 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 15:28:10 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

 I've found the module pkipplib which seems to work well for things like
 interrogating an IPP (CUPS) server.  But is there a way to send a print
 job to an IPP print queue? [and no, the local system knows nothing about
 the print architecture so popenlp is not an option].  I just want to
 send the data from a file handle to a remote IPP queue as a print job.

See RFC 2910.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Tkinter (and IDLE) window docking? effect when dragging root window to edge of display

2010-10-20 Thread python
Python 2.6/2.7 (32-bit) for Windows: When I drag a Tkinter root
window to the left, upper, or right edge of my display ... as
soon as my mouse cursor hits the visible edge of the display ...
as if I'm trying to dock the window on the edge in question ... a
giant phantom Tkinter window pops up underneath my window showing
the size and placement of my root window if I would release my
mouse button.

You can see the identical behavior if you drag a non-maxmized
IDLE window to one of your screen edges (left, top, bottom). This
behavior seems to be by design.

I'm looking for a way to either disable this docking
functionality or trap the docking event and size and position
my root window according to custom needs. I've been googling this
question and I can't seem to find the right terms to describe the
event that is being raised or the behavior that I'm observing.

Any ideas?

Re: overriding a property

2010-10-20 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Lucasm writes:

 Thanks for the answers. I would like to override the property though
 without making special modifications in the main class beforehand. Is
 this possible?

That will not be easy.  When you access obj.return_five, python looks up
'return_five' in type(obj) to see what the return_five property even
means.  (See for
details of how this works.)

Since you can't change the source of A, you are left with two options:
you can monkey-patch A.return_five to make it optionally consult the
instance, or you can assign to instance's __class__ to make it point to
a subclass of A that implements a different 'return_five'.  Both options
are fairly unpleasant, but I think I'd go with the first one.

Others have spelled out the __class__-changing variant.  While
monkey-patching is not the cleanest of practices to adopt, in my mind it
still beats assigning to __class__.  Here is an example:

# Wrap return_five so it supports per-instance customization, but
# without copy-pasting the original.
def wrap_return_five(orig):
def wrapper(self):
if 'return_five' in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__['return_five']
return orig.__get__(self, type(self))
return wrapper

 A.return_five = wrap_return_five(A.return_five)
 a = A()
 b = A()
 a.__dict__['return_five'] = 10

If you want, you can make a.return_five itself settable, but I'll leave
that as an excercise for the reader.

Re: Reading Outlook .msg file using Python

2010-10-20 Thread John Henry
On Oct 20, 1:41 am, Tim Golden wrote:
 On 19/10/2010 22:48, John Henry wrote:

  Looks like this flag is valid only if you are getting messages
  directly from Outlook.  When reading the msg file, the flag is

  Same issue when accessing attachments.  In addition, the MAPITable
  method does not seem to work at all when trying to get attachments out
  of the msg file (works when dealing with message in an Outlook
  mailbox).  Eitherway, the display_name doesn't work when trying to
  display the filename of the attachment.

  I was able to get the date by using the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS

 Ah, thanks. As you will have realised, my code is basically geared
 to reading an Outlook/Exchange message box. I hadn't really tried
 it on individual message files, except my original excerpt. If it
 were opportune, I'd be interested in seeing your working code.


When (and if) I finally figure out how to get it done, I surely will
make the code available.  It's pretty close.  All I need is to figure
out how to extract the attachments.

Too bad I don't know (and don't have) C#.  This guy did it so cleanly:

May be somebody that knows both C# and Python can convert the code
(not much code) and then the Python community will have it.  As it
stands, it seems the solution is available in Java, C#, VB  but
not Python.

python shell silently ignores termios.tcsetattr()

2010-10-20 Thread kj

This post is a continuation of an earlier thread called

annoying CL echo in interactive python / ipython

I found some more clues to the problem, although no solution yet.
First, I found a post from 2009.05.09 that describes exactly the
same situation I've observed (although it got no responses):

I tried to fix the problem by applying the equivalent of stty
-echo within a python interactive session, but discovered that
this setting is immediately (and silently) overwritten.  The
following interaction illustrates what I mean.  (I've added my
comments, preceded by ###.)

First I start the barest possible instance of Emacs (only the bare
mininum of environment settings, and loading no configurations from
an ~/.emacs file):

% env -i HOME=$HOME DISPLAY=$DISPLAY TERM=$TERM /opt/local/bin/emacs -Q

Within Emacs, the first command I execute is M-x shell, to bring
up an Emacs shell.  What follows is the interaction within this shell:

sh-3.2$ stty -a  ### first I get the initial settings for the terminal
speed 9600 baud; 0 rows; 0 columns;
lflags: icanon isig iexten -echo echoe -echok echoke -echonl echoctl
-echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho -pendin -nokerninfo
iflags: -istrip icrnl -inlcr -igncr ixon -ixoff ixany imaxbel -iutf8
-ignbrk brkint -inpck -ignpar -parmrk
oflags: opost -onlcr -oxtabs -onocr -onlret
cflags: cread cs8 -parenb -parodd hupcl -clocal -cstopb -crtscts -dsrflow
-dtrflow -mdmbuf
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = undef;
eol2 = undef; erase = undef; intr = ^C; kill = undef;
lnext = ^V; min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q;
status = ^T; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;
### note the echo setting under lflags and the onlcr setting under
### oflags; also note that the stty -a command above was not echoed
sh-3.2$ python  ### next I start an interactive python session
Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import termios
import termios   ### note the echoing 
 old = termios.tcgetattr(1)
old = termios.tcgetattr(1)
 new = termios.tcgetattr(1)
new = termios.tcgetattr(1)
 new[3] = new[3]  ~termios.ECHO  ~termios.ONLCR
new[3] = new[3]  ~termios.ECHO
 old[3], new[3]
old[3], new[3]
(536872395, 536872385)
 (termios.tcsetattr(1, termios.TCSANOW, new), termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], 
 old[3], new[3])
(termios.tcsetattr(1, termios.TCSANOW, new), termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], 
(None, 536872385, 536872395, 536872385)
### The output above shows that the setting attempted through
### tcsetattr took momentarily...
 termios.tcgetattr(1) == old
termios.tcgetattr(1) == old
### ...but by this point it has already been reset back to its original value. 
 termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], new[3]
termios.tcgetattr(1)[3], old[3], new[3]
(536872395, 536872395, 536872385)
sh-3.2$ stty -a  ### after quitting python, the echo and onlcr settings have 
been reversed 
stty -a
speed 9600 baud; 0 rows; 0 columns;
lflags: icanon isig iexten echo echoe -echok echoke -echonl echoctl
-echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho -pendin -nokerninfo
iflags: -istrip icrnl -inlcr -igncr ixon -ixoff ixany imaxbel -iutf8
-ignbrk brkint -inpck -ignpar -parmrk
oflags: opost onlcr -oxtabs -onocr -onlret
cflags: cread cs8 -parenb -parodd hupcl -clocal -cstopb -crtscts -dsrflow
-dtrflow -mdmbuf
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = undef;
eol2 = undef; erase = ^?; intr = ^C; kill = ^U; lnext = ^V;
min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q; status = ^T;
stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;

Does anyone understand what's going on?  Is there any way to prevent
python from resetting the settings made with tcgetattr?  (I realize
that this is relatively low-level stuff, so it is unlikely that
there's a clean solution; I'm hoping, however, that there may be
a way to fool python into doing the right thing; after all, this
strange behavior only happens under the Emacs shell; I don't observe
it under, e.g., Terminal or xterm.)



Re: Reading Outlook .msg file using Python

2010-10-20 Thread John Henry
On Oct 20, 9:01 am, John Henry wrote:
 On Oct 20, 1:41 am, Tim Golden wrote:

  On 19/10/2010 22:48, John Henry wrote:

   Looks like this flag is valid only if you are getting messages
   directly from Outlook.  When reading the msg file, the flag is

   Same issue when accessing attachments.  In addition, the MAPITable
   method does not seem to work at all when trying to get attachments out
   of the msg file (works when dealing with message in an Outlook
   mailbox).  Eitherway, the display_name doesn't work when trying to
   display the filename of the attachment.

   I was able to get the date by using the PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS

  Ah, thanks. As you will have realised, my code is basically geared
  to reading an Outlook/Exchange message box. I hadn't really tried
  it on individual message files, except my original excerpt. If it
  were opportune, I'd be interested in seeing your working code.


 When (and if) I finally figure out how to get it done, I surely will
 make the code available.  It's pretty close.  All I need is to figure
 out how to extract the attachments.

 Too bad I don't know (and don't have) C#.  This guy did it so cleanly:

 May be somebody that knows both C# and Python can convert the code
 (not much code) and then the Python community will have it.  As it
 stands, it seems the solution is available in Java, C#, VB  but
 not Python.

BTW: For the benefit of future search on this topic, with the code
listed above where:


I had to change it to:


otherwise I get a sharing violation (see

For now, I am using a brute force method (
pipermail/python-win32/2009-February/008825.html) to get the names of
the attachments and if I need to extract the attachments, I pop up the
message in Outlook and let Outlook extract the files.  Ugly but fits
my client's need for now.  Hopefully there will be a cleaner solution
down the road.

Here's my code for brute forcing attachments out of the msg file (very

def get_attachments(self, fileID):
#from win32com.storagecon import *
from win32com import storagecon
import pythoncom

flags = storagecon.STGM_READ | storagecon.STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE |
storage = pythoncom.StgOpenStorage (fileID, None, flags)
return []

flags = storagecon.STGM_READ | storagecon.STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE
for data in storage.EnumElements ():
print data[0], data[1]
if data[1] == 2 or data[0] == __substg1.0_007D001F:
stream = storage.OpenStream (data[0], None, 
msg = stream.Read (data[2])
msg = repr (msg).replace(\
if data[0] == __substg1.0_007D001F:


return attachments


Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread gb345

I have a handy Python script, which takes a few command-line
arguments, and accepts a few options.  I developed it on Unix, with
very much of a Unix-mindset.  Some Windows-using colleagues have
asked me to make the script easy to use under Windows 7.  I.e.:
no command-line.

Therefore, I want to adapt my script, with the minimum amount of
work, so that it can have a double-clickable icon that brings up
a small GUI to accept command-line options (including a couple of
file-selectors for input and output files).

I am Windows-illiterate, so I really would like to keep this as
barebones as possible.  Where should I look to learn more about
how to do this?



(P.S. in case it matters, it's OK to assume that Python will be
installed on the Windows system; IOW, the script need not bring
with it a Python interpreter and libraries.)

Re: Tkinter (and IDLE) window docking? effect when dragging root window to edge of display

2010-10-20 Thread Jerry Hill
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:32 AM, wrote:
 Python 2.6/2.7 (32-bit) for Windows: When I drag a Tkinter root window to
 the left, upper, or right edge of my display ... as soon as my mouse cursor
 hits the visible edge of the display ... as if I'm trying to dock the window
 on the edge in question ... a giant phantom Tkinter window pops up
 underneath my window showing the size and placement of my root window if I
 would release my mouse button.

 You can see the identical behavior if you drag a non-maxmized IDLE window to
 one of your screen edges (left, top, bottom). This behavior seems to be by

 I'm looking for a way to either disable this docking functionality or trap
 the docking event and size and position my root window according to custom
 needs. I've been googling this question and I can't seem to find the right
 terms to describe the event that is being raised or the behavior that I'm

It sounds like you are describing the Aero Snap feature in Windows
7.  If you want to turn it off system wide, you can do that in the
control panel:

Open the Ease of Access control panel
Click Make it easier to focus on tasks
Check Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to
the edge of the screen

I'm afraid I don't have any Tk experience to contribute, but this
Stack Overflow thread may be slightly helpful, even though it's
talking about trying to do this in .NET, and there aren't really any
conclusions reached.

At a guess the windows message triggering the resize would be a
WM_SIZE.  You may be able to override how your application responds to
those messages to dock the way you want to.  It'll probably take some
experimentation, though.


Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Shawn Milochik
Write a small GUI in the easy-to-use and cross-platform wxPython module. All 
this GUI needs to do is allow them to input the arguments. The code can then 
import your stand-alone version of the script and execute its code, passing the 
arguments in.

wxPython is just Python.

Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-20, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
 except ValueError, e:

 Use meaningful names, this is so important.

It's important, but meaning can come from idiom, not from the word used.

 'e' is not meaningful. 

Sure it is.  It's like i for a loop index.

There's a reason mathematicians use x, not the_value_that_can_vary.

 When dealing with such issue like I'm too lazy to 
 write proper engligh always think that what is the most important thing 
 is to save the Reader's time, not the Writer's time. Using 'e' would 
 force to reader to introspect to code to get an idea of what 'e' is. 

If the reader can't track a single-letter idiomatic name over two consecutive
lines of code, I don't think I can save the reader time.  The reader is beyond
my ability to help at that point.

Furthermore, long names take longer to read and process.

As a *reader*, I vastly prefer:
except foo, e:
print Fatal error:, e
to anything you could do with a longer name.

Consider, admittedly a C example:
for (int i = 0; i  n; ++i)
a[i] += 1;
for (int index_into_array = 0; index_into_array  size_of_array; 
array_into_which_we_are_indexing[index_into_array] += 1;

Here's the thing.  The issue is not that I'm too lazy to write English.  The
issue is that English, like every other language, USES PRONOUNS.  Because
pronouns are a good way to MASSIVELY streamline communication.  It's not just
a convenience to the writer/speaker; it also makes life easier for the

Short variable names are pronouns.  They make sense when you'd use a
pronoun in English.

If we catch a KeyError, we print an error message including it.

We'd use a pronoun.  Makes sense to use a short variable name.

 Moreover, code completion makes use of long names costless.

No, it doesn't.  It preserves their higher cognitive load in parsing.

Dogmatism about rejecting short variable names is inconsistent with the
psychology of human readers.  Compilers don't care about length of
variable names.  Humans do, and there are times when they benefit more
from a short and recognizeable name than they do from a long and
expressive one.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:

 Write a small GUI in the easy-to-use and cross-platform wxPython
 module. All this GUI needs to do is allow them to input the
 arguments. The code can then import your stand-alone version of the
 script and execute its code, passing the arguments in.

 wxPython is just Python.

No, it's not.

You can't assume that any windows machine with Python installed also
has wxPython installed.  The only GUI kit that you can come close to
assuming is Tkinter.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! !!  I am having fun!!!

Re: Tkinter (and IDLE) window docking? effect when dragging root window to edge of display

2010-10-20 Thread python

 It sounds like you are describing the Aero Snap feature in Windows 7.

Bingo! You hit the nail and the head. 

Thank you very much!


Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Shawn Milochik

On Oct 20, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:

 On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:
 ript and execute its code, passing the arguments in.
 wxPython is just Python.
 No, it's not.
 You can't assume that any windows machine with Python installed also
 has wxPython installed.  The only GUI kit that you can come close to
 assuming is Tkinter.

I didn't mean to imply that wxPython is in the standard library. Just that you 
write Python code when you create a wxPython app. I apologize for the lack of 

I recommended wxPython instead of Tkinter because of the opinions I've heard 
from other Python developers who prefer the former (I've never used Tkinter). 
Also, wxPython automatically looks native Mac, Windows, and Linux.



Re: Classes in a class: how to access variables from one in another

2010-10-20 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On 18 Oct 2010 22:29:27 GMT Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 09:34:07 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:
  Also, Python's scoping rules, particularly for class-level scopes,
  don't work the way programmers from languages where nested classes
  are common would expect:
 [snip example]
 I'm sorry, I don't see that language Foo programmers will be
 surprised that Python is not language Foo is an argument against
 Python programmers using nested classes. Surely it's an argument
 against writing Foo in Python?

Alright, alright, you made your point.

You should go into politics. ;)


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:

 On Oct 20, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:

 On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:
 ript and execute its code, passing the arguments in.
 wxPython is just Python.
 No, it's not.
 You can't assume that any windows machine with Python installed also
 has wxPython installed.  The only GUI kit that you can come close to
 assuming is Tkinter.

 I didn't mean to imply that wxPython is in the standard library. Just
 that you write Python code when you create a wxPython app.

Ah, I see.  While that is true, the same statement can be made for all
of the GUI toolkits: PyQT, PyGTK, wxPython, pyFltk, etc.  When
creating a Python application using a GUI toolkit with a Python
binding, all you have to do is write Python.

 I recommended wxPython instead of Tkinter because of the opinions
 I've heard from other Python developers who prefer the former (I've
 never used Tkinter). Also, wxPython automatically looks native Mac,
 Windows, and Linux.

That's sort of true, but you've got to bundle the application
correctly on Windows to make it happen (it didn't just work the last
time I tried it).  The OP didn't seem interested in bundling his app.

I find Tkinter is much easier to use that wxPython for simple
applications, but I generally switch to wxPython for anything more
complex that a single top-level window with a handful of widgets in
it.  I also find the Tkinter API to be far more stable than wxWindows.
I've one slightly complex Tkinter application that I wrote 10 years
ago whose UI code is still running unchanged on brand new installs.

The main advantage of Tkinter is that it's the standard GUI library
for Python, and you can usually depend on it being installed on a
Windows machine if Python is installed.  It's included in both the
standard Windows installer and the ActiveState windows installer.
None of the other toolkits are.

If, like the OP, you don't want to bundle up your application with a
copy of Python and GUI libraries, Tkinter is pretty much your only

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Am I accompanied by a

Re: Script to capture stderr of subprocess

2010-10-20 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:21:49 -0700, wrote:

 Actually, if it was possible, it would be nice to capture all
 the bytes going between stdin and stdout in a file as well for
 debugging purposes.

If the child process expects to be running on a terminal, you would need
to use a pseudo-terminal (pty). See the pty module (although the
documentation assumes that you already understand how Unix ptys work).

Redirecting stdin/stdout to pipes tends to interfere with interactive
behaviour for a whole variety of reasons. Not least of which being that
many programs specifically use something like isatty(fileno(stdin)) to
determine whether they are being run interactively.

 cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/runcobol'] + sys.argv[1:]
 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
 if proc.returncode:
 f = file('/tmp/boom.txt', 'w')
 f.write( .join(cmd) +  returned unexpectedly.\n)

The .communicate() method waits for the process to terminate. Once that
has happened, you can't call .read() on proc.stderr.

The .communicate method returns a tuple, where the first item is whatever
was written to stdout (provided that stdout was redirected to a pipe), and
the second item is whatever was written to stderr (provided that stderr
was redirected to a pipe).

So you should use e.g.:

errors = proc.communicate()[1]


Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:47:02 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 except ValueError, e:
 Use meaningful names, this is so important. 'e' is not meaningful.
 'exception' would be slighly better.

While I agree with everything else you had to say, I have to take 
exception to this comment [pun intended].

e as a short name for a generic exception instance is perfectly 
reasonable, like:

i, j, k for an index, or a loop variable
e.g. for i in range(100)
n for some other integer variable
s for a string
x for a float, or an arbitrary sequence object
e.g. [x.spam() for x in some_sequence]

and similar.

The last example is very instructive. What do you gain by racking your 
brain for a more meaningful name instead of x? The obvious 
alternatives, obj or item, are equally generic as x, they don't add 
any further information. And how much information do you need? It's easy 
to parody:

[some_sequence_item.spam() for some_sequence_item in some_sequence]

The very shortness of the name is valuable because it reduces the *human* 
parsing time in reading, and there is no cost because the conventions are 
so familiar. The convention of for i in ... says this is a loop over 
an integer so strongly, that I would argue that for index in ... would 
actually *delay* comprehension.

Furthermore, the use of a single letter cues the reader that this 
variable isn't notable -- there's nothing unusual or unconventional about 
it, or it isn't the important part of the algorithm, or that its scope is 
severely limited. For instance, consider the classic example of 
exchanging two variables in Python:

a, b = b, a


thing, other_thing = other_thing, thing

The first example puts the emphasis on the *technique*, not the 
variables. The second obscures it behind needlessly longer but still 
generic names.

You are absolutely right to insist on meaningful variable names. Where 
you go wrong is to assume that single letter names can't be meaningful.


socket.sendto / UDP problem

2010-10-20 Thread Todd Walter
Hash: SHA1


When transmitting via UDP to a PLC, I run into a strange problem
where socket.sendto returns double the number of characters sent in the
datagram.  I thought this was an error and used Wireshark to sniff the
connection and discovered that it did, in fact, include two copies of
the string I am transmitting in the same packet.  The only
thing differentiating this string from prior commands is its length.
The functional ones are between 5  7 bytes (with 16 byte responses
received successfully) but transmitting a 66-byte message actually
results in 132 bytes being sent!  

I am running 2.6.6 on Windows XP, which I understand has a default
minimum buffersize of 576 bytes which I would think is sufficient.

Apologies if this is somewhat incoherent, I'm cross-eyed from staring
at this!

- - Todd

- -- code --
def PLC_Functions(command, argument):
Command is one of:  GetTray, Status, SetText
Argument is one of: tray number (as string), None, message (as string)

The PC transmits and receives on socket 2260 (pcSocket)
The PLC transmits and receives on socket 2002
The protocol used is UDP

MegaMatPLC = 
# at some point it will be necessary to wrap these in TRY/EXCEPT to handle 
the socket errors
# create UDP socket 
pcSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 
# bind it

# make them blocking (i/o is 'fire-and-forget' to a PLC that may or may not 
respond in a given time.)
# non-blocking fails and raises windows exceptions for some reason 

if command == 'CallTray':
# frame 1 (see docs for frame sequence)
print 'Received call tray command for tray %s' %(argument)
getReadyMsg = '0145\r'
totalsent = 0
while totalsent  len(getReadyMsg):
sent = pcSocket.sendto(getReadyMsg[totalsent:],MegaMatPLC)
if sent == 0:
raise RunTimeError('Transmission failure.  Please confirm 
MegaMat settings in megapy.ini')
totalsent = totalsent + sent
# Frame 2
response = ''
while response.find('\r')  0:
response = pcSocket.recv(17)
if response == '':
raise RunTimeError('PLC did not respond') 
#this should be changed.  The MIF software will wait until it 
receives a response or timeout, not ABEND
print response

if response[0:4] == '0135':
print 'Drive ready received.'
#Frame 3
getReadyMsg2 = '016040\r'
totalsent = 0
while totalsent  len(getReadyMsg2):
sent = pcSocket.sendto(getReadyMsg2[totalsent:],MegaMatPLC)
if sent == 0:
raise RunTimeError('Transmission failure.  Please confirm 
MegaMat settings in megapy.ini')
totalsent = totalsent + sent
# Frame 4
response = ''
while response.find('\r')  0:
response = pcSocket.recv(16)
if response == '':
raise RunTimeError('PLC did not respond') 
#this should be changed.  The MIF software will wait until 
it receives a response or timeout, not ABEND
print response

if response[0:4] == '0130':
# Frame 5
# Transmit tray request 
if int(argument)  10:
shelfPrefix = ''
shelfPrefix = '000'

shelf = shelfPrefix + argument
unit = '001'
stack = '01'

There is a 10 digit number plus 40 blanks spaces after the 
shelf description built above.
It is possible this is for storing shelf descriptions and 
barcodes on the PLC.  We will
follow the example of the MIF software and put a phony b/c and 
blank description.
X is a field terminator and \r is the end of transmission 

fakeBarcode = '1234567890'
fortySpacesField = ' '*40 + 'X\r'
getShelfMsg = '0105' + shelf + unit + stack + fakeBarcode + 
print 'Transmitting shelf request as follows: \n' + getShelfMsg
print 'Get shelf length %i' % (len(getShelfMsg))
totalsent = 0
while totalsent  len(getShelfMsg):
sent = pcSocket.sendto(getShelfMsg[totalsent:],MegaMatPLC)
print sent, totalsent, len(getShelfMsg)
if sent == 0:

Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Urpo T. Koira
On 2010-10-20, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:

 Write a small GUI in the easy-to-use and cross-platform wxPython
 module. All this GUI needs to do is allow them to input the
 arguments. The code can then import your stand-alone version of the
 script and execute its code, passing the arguments in.

 wxPython is just Python.

 No, it's not.

 You can't assume that any windows machine with Python installed also
 has wxPython installed.  The only GUI kit that you can come close to
 assuming is Tkinter.

If using other toolkits, it's possible to compile a distributable
package with dependencies using py2exe. That way even Python need not
be installed.


Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-20, Urpo T. Koira wrote:
 On 2010-10-20, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-20, Shawn Milochik wrote:

 Write a small GUI in the easy-to-use and cross-platform wxPython
 module. All this GUI needs to do is allow them to input the
 arguments. The code can then import your stand-alone version of the
 script and execute its code, passing the arguments in.

 wxPython is just Python.

 No, it's not.

 You can't assume that any windows machine with Python installed also
 has wxPython installed.  The only GUI kit that you can come close to
 assuming is Tkinter.

 If using other toolkits, it's possible to compile a distributable
 package with dependencies using py2exe. That way even Python need not
 be installed.

But, the OP said that he could assume that Python was already
installed, that he was windows-illiterate, and that he wanted to keep
things as bare-bones as possible.

I've used wxWindows+py2exe in the past, and it can be made to work
well. But, compared to distributing a simple source file for a Tkinter
program, wxWindows+py2exe is _far_ from bare-bones, and not
something to be casually undertaken by the windows-illiterate.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I'm pretending I'm
  at   pulling in a TROUT!  Am I
  gmail.comdoing it correctly??

Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Matteo Landi
Another situation in which I needed to disable such kind of warnings
is while working with graphics modules.
I often use variable names such as x, y, z for coordinates, or r,g,b for colors.
Would longer names make the reader's life easier?

Best regards,

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:47:02 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 except ValueError, e:

 Use meaningful names, this is so important. 'e' is not meaningful.
 'exception' would be slighly better.

 While I agree with everything else you had to say, I have to take
 exception to this comment [pun intended].

 e as a short name for a generic exception instance is perfectly
 reasonable, like:

 i, j, k for an index, or a loop variable
    e.g. for i in range(100)
 n for some other integer variable
 s for a string
 x for a float, or an arbitrary sequence object
    e.g. [x.spam() for x in some_sequence]

 and similar.

 The last example is very instructive. What do you gain by racking your
 brain for a more meaningful name instead of x? The obvious
 alternatives, obj or item, are equally generic as x, they don't add
 any further information. And how much information do you need? It's easy
 to parody:

 [some_sequence_item.spam() for some_sequence_item in some_sequence]

 The very shortness of the name is valuable because it reduces the *human*
 parsing time in reading, and there is no cost because the conventions are
 so familiar. The convention of for i in ... says this is a loop over
 an integer so strongly, that I would argue that for index in ... would
 actually *delay* comprehension.

 Furthermore, the use of a single letter cues the reader that this
 variable isn't notable -- there's nothing unusual or unconventional about
 it, or it isn't the important part of the algorithm, or that its scope is
 severely limited. For instance, consider the classic example of
 exchanging two variables in Python:

 a, b = b, a


 thing, other_thing = other_thing, thing

 The first example puts the emphasis on the *technique*, not the
 variables. The second obscures it behind needlessly longer but still
 generic names.

 You are absolutely right to insist on meaningful variable names. Where
 you go wrong is to assume that single letter names can't be meaningful.


Matteo Landi

logging: StreamHandler’s newline terminator now co nfigurable

2010-10-20 Thread Vinay Sajip
When StreamHandler writes a formatted log message to its stream, it
adds a newline terminator. This behaviour is inherited by FileHandler
and the other classes which derive from it (such as the rotating file

For most people, that’s what they want, since they get log messages on
separate lines without having to explicitly code newlines in their log
messages. However, some people want the flexibility to not have this
newline automatically appended to logged messages.

Starting with Python 3.2, the message terminator will be configurable.
This has been done by adding a terminator attribute to StreamHandler,
which when emitting an event now writes the formatted message to its
stream first, and then writes the terminator. If you don’t want
newline termination for a handler, just set the handler instance’s
terminator attribute to the empty string.

There’s a small chance that this approach will cause unexpected
behaviour – in the unlikely instance that someone is setting a
terminator attribute on an a StreamHandler or one of its subclasses
for their own, unrelated purposes. Other than that, the new behaviour
should be backwards compatible.

If this change is likely to adversely affect you for any reason,
please let me know, by replying to this post. The change has already
been checked into the py3k branch, and you are welcome to try it out.


Vinay Sajip

Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-20, Matteo Landi wrote:
 Another situation in which I needed to disable such kind of warnings
 is while working with graphics modules.
 I often use variable names such as x, y, z for coordinates, or r,g,b for 
 Would longer names make the reader's life easier?

Interesting point.  Which is really easier to read:

x, y, z = p.nextpoint()

xCoordinate, yCoordinate, zCoordinate = polygon.nextPointCoordinates()

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: exception during module initialization + python3

2010-10-20 Thread Neal Becker
Neal Becker wrote:

 Has behavior of exception thrown during module initialization changed with
 using boost::python, throwing a c++ exception in module initialization, I
 SystemError: initialization of ldpc_45 raised unreported exception
 I exepected to see the string associated with exception, which gave useful
 information (file not found, in this case).
 I believe under python2.6 this would have happened (but I could be
I just tried it, and I'm not mistaken.  On python2.6 I get my nice error 
message, but on python3.1.2 I just get the above  
SystemError: initialization of ldpc_45 raised unreported exception


Re: merge list of tuples with list

2010-10-20 Thread Daniel Wagner
Many thanks for all these suggestions! here is a short proof that you
guys are absolutely right and my solution is pretty inefficient.

One of your ways:

$ python /[long_path]/ 'a=[(1,2,3),(4,5,6)];b=(7,8);[x+(y,)
for x,y in zip(a,b)]'
100 loops, best of 3: 1.44 usec per loop

And my way:

$ python /[long_path]/ 'a=[(1,2,3),
(4,5,6)];b=[7,8];map(tuple, map(lambda x: x + [b.pop(0)] , map(list,
10 loops, best of 3: 5.33 usec per loop

I really appreciate your solutions but they bring me to a new
question: Why is my solution so inefficient? The same operation
without the list/tuple conversion

$ python /[long_path]/ 'a=[[1,2,3],
[4,5,6]];b=[7,8];map(lambda x: x + [b.pop(0)] , a)'
10 loops, best of 3: 3.36 usec per loop

is still horrible slow. Could anybody explain me what it makes so
slow? Is it the map() function or maybe the lambda construct?


Data files with distutils and special paths

2010-10-20 Thread Pablo Recio Quijano

I was following the documentation about distutils [1] in order to install my
application in a python-way. But installing it in /usr/local (following the
official doc [2] too) with

$ sudo python install --prefix=/usr/local

The data files are created inside the python package, in
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages... The structure is very similar at
the given in [1]:

And the

from setuptools import setup

files = ['data/gui/*.glade', 'data/icons/*.png']

  author='John Doe',
  dpackage_dir={'foo': 'foo'},
  package_data={'foo': files}, )

What I'm missing?



Pablo Recio Quijano

Desarrollador Django
Yaco Sistemas -

Re: pylint -- should I just ignore it sometimes?

2010-10-20 Thread Ben Finney
Seebs writes:

 Interesting point.  Which is really easier to read:

   x, y, z = p.nextpoint()

   xCoordinate, yCoordinate, zCoordinate = polygon.nextPointCoordinates()

The latter uses camelCase, so it's horrible right out of the gate :-)

 \   “The cost of education is trivial compared to the cost of |
  `\ ignorance.” —Thomas Jefferson |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney


2010-10-20 Thread barronmo
I'm trying to get my application to scan, create a .pdf, and then save
it in a patient's folder.  I found python-imaging-sane but I can't get
things to work correctly.  Here is what's happening at the command

import sane
(16777235, 1, 0, 19)
print sane.get_devices()
[('canondr:libusb:001:002', 'Canon', 'P-150', 'sheetfed scanner')]
s =[0][0])
i = s.snap()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File input, line 1, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/, line 243, in snap, no_cancel )
_sane.error: Operation was cancelled

Ultimately I would like to get it to scan duplex and do multipage
docs.  Thanks for any help.

Mike Barron

Re: Unix-head needs to Windows-ize his Python script

2010-10-20 Thread Waldemar Osuch
On Oct 20, 11:38 am, gb345 wrote:
 I have a handy Python script, which takes a few command-line
 arguments, and accepts a few options.  I developed it on Unix, with
 very much of a Unix-mindset.  Some Windows-using colleagues have
 asked me to make the script easy to use under Windows 7.  I.e.:
 no command-line.

 Therefore, I want to adapt my script, with the minimum amount of
 work, so that it can have a double-clickable icon that brings up
 a small GUI to accept command-line options (including a couple of
 file-selectors for input and output files).

 I am Windows-illiterate, so I really would like to keep this as
 barebones as possible.  Where should I look to learn more about
 how to do this?



 (P.S. in case it matters, it's OK to assume that Python will be
 installed on the Windows system; IOW, the script need not bring
 with it a Python interpreter and libraries.)

Teach them Windows key - Run - cmd
or very useful Open Command Window Here right click option.

Failing that you may try EasyDialogs

The build in module is Mac only.  The Windows version is available


Re: socket.sendto / UDP problem

2010-10-20 Thread MRAB

On 20/10/2010 21:20, Todd Walter wrote:

Hash: SHA1


When transmitting via UDP to a PLC, I run into a strange problem
where socket.sendto returns double the number of characters sent in the
datagram.  I thought this was an error and used Wireshark to sniff the
connection and discovered that it did, in fact, include two copies of
the string I am transmitting in the same packet.  The only
thing differentiating this string from prior commands is its length.
The functional ones are between 5  7 bytes (with 16 byte responses
received successfully) but transmitting a 66-byte message actually
results in 132 bytes being sent!

I am running 2.6.6 on Windows XP, which I understand has a default
minimum buffersize of 576 bytes which I would think is sufficient.

Apologies if this is somewhat incoherent, I'm cross-eyed from staring
at this!


The docs for 'sendto' say:

The socket should not be connected to a remote socket, since the
destination socket is specified by address.

Could your problem be caused by you binding the socket to a source
port, so it's going out both to the bound port _and_ the one given the

Have you tried using two sockets, one outgoing and the other incoming?

BTW, your code for handling the response doesn't cope with it coming in
a bit at a time. It loops discard any previous data from the previous

Also, it's more Pythonic to say:

while '\r' not in response:

Re: merge list of tuples with list

2010-10-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 14:32:53 -0700, Daniel Wagner wrote:

 I really appreciate your solutions but they bring me to a new question:
 Why is my solution so inefficient? The same operation without the
 list/tuple conversion
 $ python /[long_path]/ 'a=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]];b=[7,8];map(lambda
 x: x + [b.pop(0)] , a)' 10 loops, best of 3: 3.36 usec per loop
 is still horrible slow. 

What makes you say that? 3 microseconds to create four lists, two 
assignments, create a function object, then inside the map look up the 
global b twice, the method 'pop' twice, call the method twice, resize the 
list b twice, create an inner list twice, concatenate that list with 
another list twice, and stuff those two new lists into a new list... 
3usec for all that in Python code doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

On my PC, it's two orders of magnitude slower than a pass statement. That 
sounds about right to me.

$ python -m timeit
1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0325 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit 'a=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]];b=[7,8];map(lambda x: x + [b.pop
(0)] , a)'
10 loops, best of 3: 4.32 usec per loop

Can we do better?

$ python -m timeit -s 'a=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]; f = lambda x: x + [b.pop
(0)]' 'b=[7,8]; map(f, a)'
10 loops, best of 3: 3.25 usec per loop

On my system, moving the creation of the list a and the code being timed 
and into the setup code reduces the time by 25%. Not too shabby.

 Could anybody explain me what it makes so slow?
 Is it the map() function or maybe the lambda construct?

lambdas are just functions -- there is no speed difference between a 

def add(a, b):
return a+b

and lambda a, b: a+b

The looping overhead of map(f, data) is minimal. But in this case, the 
function you're calling does a fair bit of work:

lambda x: x + [b.pop(0)]

This has to lookup the global b, resize it, create a new list, 
concatenate it with the list x (which creates a new list, not an in-place 
concatenation) and return that. The amount of work is non-trivial, and I 
don't think that 3us is unreasonable.

But for large lists b, it will become slow, because resizing the list is 
slow. Popping from the start on a regular list has to move every element 
over, one by one. You may find using collections.deque will be *much* 
faster for large lists. (But probably not for small lists.)

Personally, the approach I'd take is:

a = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
b = [7,8]
[x+[y] for x,y in zip(a,b)]


$ python -m timeit -s 'a=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]; b=[7,8]' '[x+[y] for x,y in 
10 loops, best of 3: 2.43 usec per loop

If anyone can do better than that (modulo hardware differences), I'd be 


Re: Python3: Is this a bug in urllib?

2010-10-20 Thread Justin Ezequiel
On Oct 20, 8:32 pm, Justin Ezequiel
 On Oct 20, 12:47 am, Johannes Bauer wrote:

   from urllib import request; request.URLopener().open(;)

 aren't you supposed to call read on the return value of open?

better yet,
f = request.URLopener().open(;)

Re: merge list of tuples with list

2010-10-20 Thread Daniel Wagner
 This has to lookup the global b, resize it, create a new list, 
 concatenate it with the list x (which creates a new list, not an in-place 
 concatenation) and return that. The amount of work is non-trivial, and I 
 don't think that 3us is unreasonable.
I forgot to take account for the resizing of the list b. Now it makes sense. 

 Personally, the approach I'd take is:
 a = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
 b = [7,8]
 [x+[y] for x,y in zip(a,b)]
 $ python -m timeit -s 'a=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]; b=[7,8]' '[x+[y] for x,y in 
 10 loops, best of 3: 2.43 usec per loop
 If anyone can do better than that (modulo hardware differences), I'd be 
Yeah, this seems to be a nice solution.


Re: python shell silently ignores termios.tcsetattr()

2010-10-20 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message i9n4ph$, kj wrote:

 I tried to fix the problem by applying the equivalent of stty
 -echo within a python interactive session, but discovered that
 this setting is immediately (and silently) overwritten.

That seems reasonable behaviour; the command loop is resetting the terminal 
to a reasonable state to allow it to read the next command. But the command 
you execute can do anything it likes in-between. What’s wrong with that?

Filename for stdout

2010-10-20 Thread Richard Gibbs
If my python script is called with stdout (or stdin or stderr) redirected to
a file, how can I find the filename under Linux?  Under Windows?



Re: Filename for stdout

2010-10-20 Thread James Mills
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Richard Gibbs wrote:
 If my python script is called with stdout (or stdin or stderr) redirected to
 a file, how can I find the filename under Linux?  Under Windows?

I don't believe there is a way to do this.

The shell normally takes care of pipes.

When you do:

$ ./foo  /tmp/foobar

You're telling your shell to write the stdout output of foo to the
file /tmp/foobar

sys.stdout won't actually tell you anything useful.
It's normally just a file descriptor.


-- James Mills
-- Problems are solved by method

Re: Filename for stdout

2010-10-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-21, James Mills wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Richard Gibbs wrote:
 If my python script is called with stdout (or stdin or stderr) redirected to
 a file, how can I find the filename under Linux??? Under Windows?

 I don't believe there is a way to do this.

There is, but it's not pretty.

 The shell normally takes care of pipes.

And it takes care of redirects.  Which, importantly for this case, are
not the same thing.

 When you do:

 $ ./foo  /tmp/foobar

 You're telling your shell to write the stdout output of foo to the
 file /tmp/foobar

Not quite.  You're telling the shell to attach the file /tmp/foobar to
stdout before running the program foo.  If the shell was reading data
from foo's stdout and then writing it to /tmp/foobar, we'd be out of
luck.  But that's not what a redirect does.

 sys.stdout won't actually tell you anything useful. It's normally
 just a file descriptor.

Ah, but file descriptors _can_ tell you something useful. :)

The program below will print the filename(s) (if there are any) when
stdout is a regular file.  NB: to make it easy to test, it only
searches below ., so you'd probably want to widen the search if
you're doing this in a real program.  [Asking sys.stdout for its
fileno is a bit redundant since it's defined to be 1 in the Unix

[I've no clue how to do this under Windows.]

[I also don't know what the answer is to the question the OP should
have asked.  But, I suspect this is a case of asking for a method to
implement the wrong solution to an unstated problem.]

In any case, here's how do do the wrong thing:


import sys,os,stat

write = sys.stderr.write

# search for file(s) with given device/inode values
def findFile(dev,ino):
namelist = []
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(.):
for name in files:
path = os.path.join(root,name)
statinfo = os.stat(path)
fdev,fino = statinfo[stat.ST_DEV],statinfo[stat.ST_INO]
if (dev,ino) == (fdev,fino):
return namelist

# get stat info of stdout, and if it's a regular file, search
# filesystem under '.' for matching file(s)

fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
statinfo = os.fstat(fd)
mode = statinfo[stat.ST_MODE]

if stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
write(stdout is a char device\n)

elif stat.S_ISREG(mode):
dev,ino = statinfo[stat.ST_DEV],statinfo[stat.ST_INO]
write(stdout is a regular file on device %d inode %d\n % (dev,ino))
write(filename(s): %s\n % findFile(dev,ino))

elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
write(stdout is a socket\n)

elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
write(stdout is a FIFO\n)

write(stdout unknown type\n)

how to scrutch a dict()

2010-10-20 Thread Phlip
Not Hyp:

def _scrunch(**dict):
result = {}

for key, value in dict.items():
if value is not None:  result[key] = value

return result

That says throw away every item in a dict if the Value is None.

Are there any tighter or smarmier ways to do that? Python does so
often manage maps better than that...


Re: how to scrutch a dict()

2010-10-20 Thread Paul Rubin
Phlip writes:
 def _scrunch(**dict):
 result = {}

 for key, value in dict.items():
 if value is not None:  result[key] = value

 return result

 That says throw away every item in a dict if the Value is None.
 Are there any tighter or smarmier ways to do that? Python does so
 often manage maps better than that...


def _scrunch(**kwargs):
   return dict(k,v for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None)

Note: it's best not to use dict as a parameter name, since it is a
built in function (dictionary constructor).  It's also a bit of a code
smell that you're using keyword args like that.

Re: how to scrutch a dict()

2010-10-20 Thread James Mills
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Phlip wrote:
 Not Hyp:

 def _scrunch(**dict):
    result = {}

    for key, value in dict.items():
        if value is not None:  result[key] = value

    return result

 That says throw away every item in a dict if the Value is None.

 Are there any tighter or smarmier ways to do that? Python does so
 often manage maps better than that...

Rather than creating a new dict why don't you just do:

def _scrunch(d):
   for k, v in d.items():
  if v is None:
 del d[k]


-- James Mills
-- Problems are solved by method

Re: how to scrutch a dict()

2010-10-20 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Phlip writes:
 def _scrunch(**dict):
     result = {}

     for key, value in dict.items():
         if value is not None:  result[key] = value

     return result

 That says throw away every item in a dict if the Value is None.
 Are there any tighter or smarmier ways to do that? Python does so
 often manage maps better than that...


 def _scrunch(**kwargs):
   return dict(k,v for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None)

Also, in Python 3, one can instead use a dict comprehension (see PEP
274: ), which makes this a
bit more elegant:

result = {k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}

Smarmy code; now there's an interesting concept.

Re: how to scrutch a dict()

2010-10-20 Thread Ben Finney
Phlip writes:

 Not Hyp:

I don't know what this means; I hope it's not important.

 def _scrunch(**dict):

You're clobbering the built-in ‘dict’ binding here.

You're also requiring the input to be keyword parameters. Why not simply
take a single parameter, and allow the *caller* to decide if they want
to split up the key-value pairs?

 result = {}

 for key, value in dict.items():
 if value is not None:  result[key] = value

 return result

 That says throw away every item in a dict if the Value is None.

 Are there any tighter or smarmier ways to do that?

I'm not sure “smarmy” means what you think it means; you might be amused
to read a dictionary definition for that word.

As for your code, it seems simple enough as is. You could translate it
to a generator expression and feed that to the ‘dict’ constructor::

out_dict = dict(
(key value) for (key, value) in in_dict.items()
if value is not None)

but that loses the utility of having it all wrapped up in a function,
which would be my preference::

def scrunchdict(in_dict):
out_dict = dict(
(key value) for (key, value) in in_dict.items()
if value is not None)
return out_dict

 \“Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, |
  `\   I'll use regular expressions’. Now they have two problems.” |
_o__)   —Jamie Zawinski, in alt.religion.emacs |
Ben Finney

[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Stephen Hansen

Stephen Hansen added the comment:

I can't be entirely sure, because a) I have never even glanced at the calendar 
module, and b) my locale-fu is very weak, but my buildbot has consistently 
failed on this test since this commit:

ERROR: test_localecalendars (test.test_calendar.CalendarTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 264, in test_localecalendars
locale=def_locale).formatmonthname(2010, 10, 10)
line 520, in formatmonthname
with different_locale(self.locale):
line 490, in __enter__
_locale.setlocale(_locale.LC_TIME, self.locale)
/Users/pythonbuildbot/buildarea/3.x.hansen-osx-x86/build/Lib/, line 
538, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

I will look into it in more detail tomorrow to try to provide more meaningful 
feedback, but I think this fix has introduced a problem. If someone sees what 
before I have time to dig into this unfamiliar territory, yay. :)

nosy: +ixokai

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[issue10150] Local references not released after exception

2010-10-20 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Alex is correct.  (You can prove that by raising and catching another exception 
before the second getrefcount().)

nosy: +georg.brandl
resolution:  - wont fix
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Let's see if r85735 fixed this.


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[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Georg Brandl

Changes by Georg Brandl

Removed file:

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[issue10151] Docs: can globals() be updated?

2010-10-20 Thread Thomas Guettler

New submission from Thomas Guettler


the documentation of globals() is missing a note if you can update
the dictionary:

For locals() it is documented:

assignee: d...@python
components: Documentation
messages: 119192
nosy: d...@python, guettli
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Docs: can globals() be updated?
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10128] multiprocessing.Pool throws exception with

2010-10-20 Thread Ask Solem

Changes by Ask Solem

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8863] Display Python backtrace on SIGSEGV, SIGFPE and fatal error

2010-10-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 I don't think that a command line option and an environment variable
 is pratical for an OS distributor.

Environment variables are probably the most practical for OS vendors,
since they can simply set them in /etc/profile.d (Mandriva does that

If it's an env variable, though, it should be clear that it's
CPython-specific, so I'm not sure how to call it.


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[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Boštjan Mejak

Boštjan Mejak added the comment:

 import calendar
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 522, in formatmonthname
with TimeEncoding(self.locale) as encoding:
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 489, in __enter__
self.oldlocale = _locale.setlocale(_locale.LC_TIME, self.locale)
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 531, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

Is it just my machine or is this a common thing on most machines? If I do a 
test and I try to set a locale with the setlocale() method, I get this 
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting. So I gather that the method 
setlocale() is broken and we should fix it before fixing the 
Locale{Text,HTML}Calendar ones.

The way setlocale() is implemented, is this:

def setlocale(category, value=None):
 setlocale(integer,string=None) - string.
Activates/queries locale processing.

if value not in (None, '', 'C'):
raise Error, '_locale emulation only supports C locale'
return 'C'

Please note that the online documentation documents its API like this:
locale.setlocale(category[, locale])  See

So you can see that the implementation differs from the documentation in that 
it documents the 2nd argument as 'locale' where in the implementation there is 
'value'. If that's a bug, I don't know.

Anyway, please fix the implementation. I found out some very interesting 
thing... Note the line  if value not in (None, '', 'C')  in the 
implementation. This is the faulty thing in the function because NoneType is 
not iterable.

Test it for yourself in the interpreter:
 value = None
 value not in None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

So this setlocale() always raises an error. Please fix this.

Of course, this is valid:
 value = None
 value is not None

No error here. So try to combine this into a workable patch. Thanks.


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[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Bostjan, both your points are invalid.  First, the locale settings that a 
machine supports vary greatly.  fr_FR doesn't need to be a valid setting on 
your machine.

Second, val in None will always fail.  val in (None, ...) will succeed, 
since you're testing membership in the given tuple that includes None.


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[issue10151] Docs: can globals() be updated?

2010-10-20 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

It is documented, however, that globals() returns the dictionary of a module, 
which can be modified.  For locals(), the situation is quite more complicated, 
which is why the warning there is warranted.

nosy: +georg.brandl
resolution:  - works for me
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10092] calendar does not restore locale properly

2010-10-20 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden added the comment:

Boštjan, the code segment you quote is the *fallback* if the
C module hasn't been built for some reason. The module simply
calls through to the underlying C Library. I notice you're
running on Windows, so this is a useful MS page:

and you can see there that a call of setlocale (LC_ALL, English)
is valid (of French if you prefer):

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import locale
 locale.setlocale (locale.LC_ALL, French)

nosy: +tim.golden

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[issue10152] symtable.c: ste_tmpname uninitialized

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Krah

New submission from Stefan Krah

Found by Valgrind:

==3947== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3947==at 0x5716D13: _itoa_word (in /lib/
==3947==by 0x5719F53: vfprintf (in /lib/
==3947==by 0x5743239: vsnprintf (in /lib/
==3947==by 0x4956AF: PyOS_vsnprintf (mysnprintf.c:74)
==3947==by 0x495661: PyOS_snprintf (mysnprintf.c:47)
==3947==by 0x49FC1E: symtable_new_tmpname (symtable.c:1092)
==3947==by 0x4A2CE6: symtable_handle_comprehension (symtable.c:1648)
==3947==by 0x4A2F7C: symtable_visit_listcomp (symtable.c:1673)
==3947==by 0x4A1C63: symtable_visit_expr (symtable.c:1363)
==3947==by 0x4A07C5: symtable_visit_stmt (symtable.c:1178)
==3947==by 0x4A0BBE: symtable_visit_stmt (symtable.c:1200)
==3947==by 0x4A08D4: symtable_visit_stmt (symtable.c:1187)

The patch fixes the issue (unless the intent was to use somewhat randomized 

files: ste_tmpname.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 119198
nosy: skrah
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: symtable.c: ste_tmpname uninitialized
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10152] symtable.c: ste_tmpname uninitialized

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Krah

Changes by Stefan Krah

stage:  - patch review
type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 3.2

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6864] IDLE 2.6.1 locks up on Mac OS 10.6

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

Richard: I don't understand your message. What abort are you talking about?


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[issue1349106] email.Generator does not separate headers with \r\n

2010-10-20 Thread Malcolm Box

Malcolm Box added the comment:

David: Great to see a patch for this.

You're right of course, 8bit isn't binary - I meant binary.  The main place 
this shows up is when you're using MIME not in email (e.g. on the web), where 
binary transport is entirely possible.

This fix should mean that the MIME libraries are much more usable in non-email 
environments.  Thanks.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10153] Memory leak in pythonrun.c

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Krah

New submission from Stefan Krah

Found by Valgrind, patch attached:

==4921== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 419 of 2,694
==4921==at 0x4C2412C: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
==4921==by 0x417F06: _PyObject_New (object.c:244)
==4921==by 0x520C4E: PyFile_NewStdPrinter (fileobject.c:364)
==4921==by 0x499438: Py_InitializeEx (pythonrun.c:281)
==4921==by 0x49951E: Py_Initialize (pythonrun.c:322)
==4921==by 0x4B2579: Py_Main (main.c:587)
==4921==by 0x417D6B: main (python.c:51)

components: Interpreter Core
files: pythonrun.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 119201
nosy: skrah
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: patch review
status: open
title: Memory leak in pythonrun.c
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10152] symtable.c: ste_tmpname uninitialized

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Krah

Changes by Stefan Krah

components: +Interpreter Core

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[issue10149] Data truncation in expat parser

2010-10-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

For other reviewers, I'm reposting just his python program as a text file.

Maciek: I myself don't know enough about expat to comment, but is it possible 
you have an issue similar to issue 10026?

nosy: +r.david.murray
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10152] symtable.c: ste_tmpname uninitialized

2010-10-20 Thread Benjamin Peterson

Changes by Benjamin Peterson

assignee:  - benjamin.peterson
nosy: +benjamin.peterson

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7473] Compile error when building a 3-way universal framework when a 2-way universal framework is present

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

I've verified that the patch does not cause problems when building the OSX 

That patch should be applied, with a short comment that explains why the code 
block is disabled for framework builds.

versions:  -Python 2.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10128] multiprocessing.Pool throws exception with

2010-10-20 Thread Michael Olson

Michael Olson added the comment:

Ummm, I think I've been unclear on where I was making changes, I changed 
lib\multiprocessing\ to fix the issue.

Patch attached.

keywords: +patch
resolution: invalid - 
status: closed - open
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10128] multiprocessing.Pool throws exception with

2010-10-20 Thread Michael Olson

Michael Olson added the comment:

As a note, I didn't attach a patch at first because I was fairly sure I was 
kludging it into submission, but at least this makes it clear as to what I did.

-- Michael Olson


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[issue7473] Compile error when building a 3-way universal framework when a 2-way universal framework is present

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

Committed the fix for 3.2 in r85744, for 2.7 in r85745 and for 3.1 in r85746

BTW. The installer does mention which architectures are supported, both in a 
README on the disk image and in one of the readme screens in the installer.

stage: needs patch - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue763708] Failures in test_macostools for --enable-unicode=ucs4

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Changes by Ronald Oussoren

Removed file:

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[issue763708] Failures in test_macostools for --enable-unicode=ucs4

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

I've attached a new patch that works for me.

The new patch doesn't try to warn when running the configure script, but bails 
out when you run make by using an '#error' in pymacconfig.h.

(Removing 2.6 because that's in security-fix-only mode and 3.1 because this 
issue only affects 2.x)

keywords:  -26backport, needs review, patch
versions:  -Python 2.6, Python 3.1
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3367] Uninitialized value read in parsetok.c

2010-10-20 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

I can still reproduce it in py3k just by hitting Ctrl-D in the interactive

$ valgrind --db-attach=yes --suppressions=Misc/valgrind-python.supp ./python 
==16724== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==16724== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==16724== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==16724== Command: ./python
Python 3.2a3+ (py3k:85735M, Oct 20 2010, 14:19:24) 
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-3ubuntu4)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
==16724== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==16724==at 0x4F4DB7: parsetok (parsetok.c:198)
==16724==by 0x4F4B03: PyParser_ParseFileFlagsEx (parsetok.c:100)
==16724==by 0x49C8FB: PyParser_ASTFromFile (pythonrun.c:1884)
==16724==by 0x49AAC6: PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags (pythonrun.c:1124)
==16724==by 0x49A7B8: PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags (pythonrun.c:1035)
==16724==by 0x49A677: PyRun_AnyFileExFlags (pythonrun.c:1004)
==16724==by 0x4B1EDE: run_file (main.c:296)
==16724==by 0x4B293E: Py_Main (main.c:681)
==16724==by 0x417D6B: main (python.c:51)
==16724==  Attach to debugger ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c]  y
==16724== starting debugger with cmd: /usr/bin/gdb -nw /proc/16725/fd/1014 16725
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type show copying
and show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as x86_64-linux-gnu...
Attaching to program: /proc/16725/fd/1014, process 16725
0x004f4db7 in parsetok (tok=0x6c705d0, g=0x80bac0, start=256, 
err_ret=0x7fefffee0, flags=0x7fe1c) at Parser/parsetok.c:198
198 if (a = tok-line_start)

nosy: +skrah
resolution: fixed - 
status: closed - open
versions: +Python 3.2 -Python 2.6, Python 3.0

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[issue6864] IDLE 2.6.1 locks up on Mac OS 10.6

2010-10-20 Thread Richard

Richard added the comment:

Sorry to be obscure, Ronald. I mistook my configuration problem, described 
below for the original problem. But I can reproduce the problem with opening an 
existing file under IDLE, which is a segmentation fault. When opening a new 
window, I get a blank screen but no  prompt.

I should have done this before on my two boxes. It shows pretty clearly that 
the abort trap problem in 2.6.x is my configuration problem. On the development 
box, I have mutliple Pythons, with varying degrees of IDLE success; on the 
production box I have only the factory installed 2.6.1 with no IDLE problem 
other than the one originally reported. Both boxes are under 10.6.4.

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
$ /usr/bin/idle2.6
CGColor with 1 components
Abort trap
# This is probably due to paths crossed with 2.6.6
$ sudo /usr/bin/idle2.6
2010-10-20 10:12:16.329 Python[11954:1707] 
__CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
2010-10-20 10:12:31.868 Python[11954:1707] 
__CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs
#IDLE works, otherwise, except for the segmentation issue

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
#IDLE works, except for the segmentation issue

for completeness:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79360M, Mar 24 2010, 01:33:18) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin
$ idle3
Floating point exception

Python 2.7 (r27:82508, Jul  3 2010, 21:12:11) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin
** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug 28 2010, 10:17:47) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
#IDLE hangs


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[issue9670] Exceed Recursion Limit in Thread

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

The attached patch explicitly sets the minimal stack size to about 704K, which 
is the minimal size where 'def f(): f()' doesn't cause a buserror when run in a 

keywords: +needs review, patch
stage: needs patch - patch review
Added file:

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[issue6763] Crash on mac os x leopard in mimetypes.guess_type (or PyObject_Malloc)

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

I'm closing this as a duplicate of #9670, that is: too deep recursion in a 
thread doesn't trigger the appropriate exception but causes a hard crash 

I have attached a patch to that issue (but haven't applied it yet, I'd like 
someone else too look at the patch as well).

BTW. I don't think this issue is serious enough to warrant a backport to 2.6.

resolution:  - duplicate
status: open - closed

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[issue9047] Python 2.7rc2 includes -isysroot twice on each gcc command line

2010-10-20 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Ronald Oussoren added the comment:

Marc-Andre: does the current HEAD of the 2.7 and 3.2 branches work for you?

The build still has duplicate flags, but that doesn't seem to cause problems on 
my machines. If it also doesn't cause problems on your machines I'd prefer to 
close this issue as won't fixed because cleaning up the duplicate flags is 


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[issue10154] locale.normalize strips - from UTF-8, which fails on Mac

2010-10-20 Thread Stephen Hansen

New submission from Stephen Hansen

In the course of investigating issue10092, Georg discovered that the behavior 
of locale.normalize() on Mac is bad.

Basically, en_US.UTF-8 is how the correct locale string should be spelled 
on the Mac. If you drop the dash, it fails: which locale.normalize does, so you 
can't pass the return value of the function to setlocale, even though that's 
what its documented to be for.

If that isn't clear, this should demonstrate (from /branches/py3k):

Top-2:build pythonbuildbot$ ./python.exe
Python 3.2a3+ (py3k:85631, Oct 17 2010, 06:45:22) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import locale
[51767 refs]
[51770 refs]
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_US.UTF8')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /Users/pythonbuildbot/test/build/Lib/, line 538, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
[51816 refs]
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'en_US.UTF-8')
[51816 refs]

The precise same behavior exists on my stock/system Python 2.6, too, fwiw. (Not 
that it can be fixed on 2.6, but maybe 2.7?)

assignee: ronaldoussoren
components: Library (Lib), Macintosh
messages: 119213
nosy: ixokai, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: locale.normalize strips - from UTF-8, which fails on Mac
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2

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