Put up or shut up (Was Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!)

2010-12-30 Thread Owen Jacobson

On 2010-12-30 12:36:05 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 9:51 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:

Tcl is not a domain-specific language for creating GUI's. Tcl is a
full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is a peer to
Python in its capabilities,

Anybody can gloat and gush about their favorite programming language
however what separates fantasy from reality is evidence of these
"theories". Or rather, Illusions of grandeur!

One: it's "delusions" of grandeur.

and surpasses Python in some respects.

The only thing that Tcl has over Python is building Tk GUI's. Please
post evidence otherwise if you dare! In the meantime i will not be
holding my breath.

Two: were you raised in a barn? How the hell did you get so up on 
yourself that you think this is an okay way to respond to a perfectly 
civil post? Abusing people's opinions and soldiering around demanding 
everyone justify themselves to you is a great way to get people to 
ignore whatever point you were trying to make.

From your other posts, I gather that you have a very clear idea of what 
your ideal Python GUI framework would look like. That puts you in the 
best possible position to implement it. If you're successful, share it 
around; if it's good, it will gain traction on its own merit. You're 
not earning any traction on rhetorical grounds here.



Python3 Web Framework

2010-12-30 Thread Aman
Hey all... I just started with Python, and I chose Python3 because it
seemed a subtle choice as compared to doing Pthon 2.x now and then
porting to Python3.x later... I plan to start with Web Development
soon... I wanted to know what all web frameworks are available for
Python3... I heard the Django is still not compatible with 3.x... Any
idea guys?

Change in scope of handled exception variable in Python 3?

2010-12-30 Thread Baptiste Lepilleur
I stumbled on a small bug with httplib2 that I reduced to the example below.

It seems that with Python 3, when an exception is handled it "unbound" the
previously declared local variable. This did not occurs with Python 2.5.

It is a Python 3 feature? I did not find anything in the what's news, but
it's hard to search... (notes: I'm using Python 3.1.2)

def main():
msg = 'a message'
raise ValueError( 'An error' )
except ValueError as msg:
return msg


python localmask.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "localmask.py", line 12, in 
  File "localmask.py", line 10, in main
return msg
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'msg' referenced before assignment

Re: OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:46:35 -0800, harijay wrote:

> Each Thread receives a dynamically generated shell script from some
> classes I wrote and then runs the script using
> subprocess.call(["shell_script_file.sh"])

> But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error

"Text file busy" aka ETXTBSY occurs if you try to execute a file which is
open for write by any process.

Be sure to explicitly close() the script before attempting to execute it.
Don't rely upon the destructor closing it, as that may be deferred.

Also, if you spawn any child processes, ensure that they don't inherit the
descriptor being used to write to the script. Ideally, you should set the
close-on-exec flag on the descriptor as soon as the file is opened. Using
close_fds=True in subprocess.Popen() will solve the issue for processes
spawned that way, but you also need to consider subprocesses which may be
spawned "behind the scenes" by library functions.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 10:41 pm, Adam Skutt  wrote:
> On Dec 30, 11:24 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> > Exactly! All we need to do is replace the existing Tkinter with a
> > small sub-set of wxPython widgets that mirrors exactly what we have
> > now...
> > Toplevel
> > Label
> > Entry
> > Button
> > Radiobutton
> > Checkbutton
> > Canvas
> > Textbox
> > Listbox
> > Menu
> > Scale
> > Scrollbar

> I have never, ever, made a GUI that consistent only of those options
> excep when following a tutorial, sorry.  While I won't claim to stand
> for anyone else, I'm hardly alone, judging by /every application
> running on my desktop right now/.  Well, maybe notepad.

Of course a tiny widget set like this is not going to handle extensive
GUI coding, thats a no brainer. But currently that is EXACTLY what we
have to work with in the stdlib. Sure you have TIX and a few other
extensions but they will never compare to the vast features of
wxPython. Have you even aquinted yourself with wxPython Adam?

 What i (and others) are proposing is to replace the existing Tkinter
library with a matching wxPython libray. Then allocate the remaining
wxPython library (which is ginormous btw!) into a 3rd party module
available for download. My argument is that because wxPython is s
feature rich. We will break the glass ceiling that exist now with

> Interesting applications require interesting features.  Anything you
> end up writing is going to be at least as complicated as TkInter for
> the standard library, if not vastly more so,

Agreed! We need at least the same capability that Tkinter offers in
the stdlib. Why would we sacrifice?

> and have all of the same
> faults you find in TkInter.

Thats not true. Yes all projects have faults of some kind. I am not
suggesting that wxPython is some sort of "miracle" library. However
anyone of average intelligence can do a side by side comparison and
agree that wx is far superior to TclTk in many, many ways. If you have
a valid argument as to how Tkinter is better feel free to share this
information with us.

>  This would be because such problems are
> fundamentally inescapable, a simple fact of reality you have yet to
> even grasp, AFAICT, much yet acknowledge.

Adam, Adam. I feel you are desperately trying to inject negative
energy into what is now the very beginnings of a healthy and positive
community discussion on the future of Python's GUI library. If you do
care about Python's future then you should get involved with this
discussion in a positive way. You can disagree with me and still be
positive. I wish you would spend more energy bringing forth your own
ideas and thoughtful discussion instead of resorting to these wasteful
and vengeful tactics.

So with that in mind i ask you some direct questions...

1. Do you use Tkinter yourself?
2. Explain some of the applications you have created with Tkinter.
3. How do you feel about Tkinter being in the stdlib?
4. Should Python even include a GUI library?
5. If so, what traits should this library encompass?
6. If you could choose what library do you think would be in the
communities best interest?


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 10:04 pm, Robert  wrote:

> wxPython is really good. The downside is that is shows (or did show)
> its C++ roots.

Well i will admit the api is not as simplistic as Tkinter. However i
noticed over time that wx had started adopting a slight Tkinter "feel"
to the API and that is a good thing. So they are coming around. :)

> Anyway, I wasn't meaning to be rough with you. Just trying to figure
> out where you were coming from. I am acquianted with Kevin Walzer and
> he is a good guy.

No harm done Robert my skin is far thicker than your average grape. We
just ended up on opposite sides of a passionate argument. I hope you
stick around with us because I look forward to hearing more of your
opinions and ideas. And i agree that Kevin is a great guy! I've never
met him but i can tell from his writing style and mannerisms that he
is truly an honest and virtuous soul. And i totally understand why he
wants to keep Tkinter alive as he and i both have tons of code that
depends on Tkinter.

I wish we could keep Tkinter forever as it really is a great starter
GUI. I wrote my first GUI code with it and fell in love just like with
Python! However i know we will always be lacking our full potential
with Tkinter as developers and as a community. Sadly i see no other
way but to replace it with something more up-to-date. Sometimes we
have to "take one for the team". What is in our best interest may not
necessarily be in the community's best interest. If we *do* replace
Tkinter, it will be a very painful adjustment because it has been with
us for such a long time. However, just as Py3000 was painful at first,
and then started slowly gaining speed into a much better language, i
also believe this change will move us forward into an even greater


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Adam Skutt
On Dec 30, 11:24 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> > The problem with wx is that it is BIG.  And so if we want something like
> > wx to be in the stdlib then it would have to be refactored so that there
> > was a small basic wx that was part of stdlib and then import
> > wx-the-whole-enchilada if you need heavy gui artillery.
> Exactly! All we need to do is replace the existing Tkinter with a
> small sub-set of wxPython widgets that mirrors exactly what we have
> now...
> Toplevel
> Label
> Entry
> Button
> Radiobutton
> Checkbutton
> Canvas
> Textbox
> Listbox
> Menu
> Scale
> Scrollbar
> ...thats all you need in the std library "widget wise". The rest of
> what makes up wx can exist in the  "wxPython Extension Library".
> Python needs this change! We have already made incompatible changes so
> now is the time to start seriously brainstorming on how we can
> integrate the beauty, elegance, and feature rich power of wxPython.

I have never, ever, made a GUI that consistent only of those options
excep when following a tutorial, sorry.  While I won't claim to stand
for anyone else, I'm hardly alone, judging by /every application
running on my desktop right now/.  Well, maybe notepad.

Interesting applications require interesting features.  Anything you
end up writing is going to be at least as complicated as TkInter for
the standard library, if not vastly more so, and have all of the same
faults you find in TkInter.  This would be because such problems are
fundamentally inescapable, a simple fact of reality you have yet to
even grasp, AFAICT, much yet acknowledge.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 9:51 pm, Robert  wrote:
> Ok, I am curious again. Have you even tried wxPython or PySide/PyQt?

Yes i have used wxPython on a few projects and was very happy with the
feature rich nature of it. I found previously (with Tkinter) i would
have to build my own compound widgets due to non-existence or just
plain poor design. That was not the case in wx as it has more eye
candy than i could ever put to good use ;)

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 9:44 pm, Gerry Reno  wrote:

> In the spirit of "batteries included", Python needs to have "something"
> in the stdlib as far as gui.  But it cannot be overwhelming.


> The problem with wx is that it is BIG.  And so if we want something like
> wx to be in the stdlib then it would have to be refactored so that there
> was a small basic wx that was part of stdlib and then import
> wx-the-whole-enchilada if you need heavy gui artillery.

Exactly! All we need to do is replace the existing Tkinter with a
small sub-set of wxPython widgets that mirrors exactly what we have


...thats all you need in the std library "widget wise". The rest of
what makes up wx can exist in the  "wxPython Extension Library".
Python needs this change! We have already made incompatible changes so
now is the time to start seriously brainstorming on how we can
integrate the beauty, elegance, and feature rich power of wxPython.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 23:04:33 -0500, Robert wrote:

> The
> second way the Tcl community irks me is the "not invented here"
> attitude. I like the syntax of Tcl and I like the community. They are
> some good folks. Try asking "I want to build a Nagios clone in Tcl" type
> question and invariably you get "Why? There is already Nagios?".

You're the one who wants to re-write Nagios in Tcl, the Tcl community are 
perfectly happy using the existing Nagios instead of re-inventing the 
wheel, and you accuse *them* of suffering from NIH syndrome.

Oh the irony.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 22:28:39 -0500, rantingrick said:

 On Dec 30, 8:41 pm, Robert  wrote:

On 2010-12-30 19:46:24 -0500, rantingrick said:
Just to clarify...I like Python. I am learning it at the moment.

Glad to have you aboard Robert!


3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the

No, I really don't see the need for it to be in the stdlib but that
isn't my call.

But it is your call Robert. Anyone who writes Python code --whether
they be a beginner with no prior programming experience or a fire
breathing Python Guru-- has a right to inject their opinion into th
community. We really need input from first time users as they carry
the very perspective that we have completely lost!

I speak up.  :-)

5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?

I would say "no" but that is my opinion only and it doesn't matter.
Python's domain isn't GUI programming so having it readily available on
the sidelines would be fine for me.

I agree that Python's domain is not "specifically" GUI programming
however to understand why Tkinter and IDLE exists you need to
understand what Guido's dream was in the beginning. GvR wanted to
bring Programming to everyone (just one of his many heroic goals!). He
believed (i think) that GUI programming is very important , and that
was 20 years ago!!. So he included Tkinter mainly so new Python
programmers could hack away at GUI's with little or no effort. He also
created a wonderful IDE for beginners called IDLE. His idea was
perfect, however his faith in TclTk was flawed and so we find
ourselves in the current situation we have today. With the decay of
Tkinter the dream has faded. However we can revive this dream and
truly bring Python into the 21st century!

I don't think Tkinter was in there for "large" programming. Tkinter is 
crufty and probably should be moved out. For whipping up quick gui 
things to scratch an itch it is good.

I lurk more on the Tcl side of things. When the mention of "separating" 
Tcl and Tk development, I fall on the side of separating them. Tcl, 
like Python should stand on its own. Widget frameworks are extras to 
me. One way the Tcl community has "stagnated" has been its insistence 
on Tk. There was a wxTcl project...it died. That would have been good 
for the Tcl community. Luckily there is a GTk framework (Gnocl) that is 
really good. But it still doesn't get the props that it deserves. The 
second way the Tcl community irks me is the "not invented here" 
attitude. I like the syntax of Tcl and I like the community. They are 
some good folks. Try asking "I want to build a Nagios clone in Tcl" 
type question and invariably you get "Why? There is already Nagios?". 
That stems from the "glue" language roots I think but to me that is the 
wrong attitude. You want people to take a look at a language (any 
language), you build stuff with it that people want to use. Ruby would 
not be as big as it is if Rails hadn't come along.

Nuff of that...  ;-)

6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
community best?

This is a good one.

It should be:

- cross platform
- Pythonic
- as "native" as possible

Cross platform and native are hard. Just look at all the work with
PyQt/PySide and wxPython. It took them years to get where they are.

Hmm, wxPython is starting to look like the answer to all our problems.
WxPython already has an IDE so there is no need to rewrite IDLE
completely. What do we have to loose by integrating wx into the
stdlib, really?

wxPython is really good. The downside is that is shows (or did show) 
its C++ roots.

Nokia is making a run with PySide (their version of the PyQt framework) 
and since it has a company behind it might go pretty far. Qt can be 
used for a lot of problem domains.

Anyway, I wasn't meaning to be rough with you. Just trying to figure 
out where you were coming from. I am acquianted with Kevin Walzer and 
he is a good guy.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 22:44:52 -0500, Gerry Reno said:

On 12/30/2010 10:28 PM, rantingrick wrote:

Hmm, wxPython is starting to look like the answer to all our problems.
WxPython already has an IDE so there is no need to rewrite IDLE
completely. What do we have to loose by integrating wx into the
stdlib, really?

In the spirit of "batteries included", Python needs to have "something"
in the stdlib as far as gui.  But it cannot be overwhelming.

The problem with wx is that it is BIG.  And so if we want something like
wx to be in the stdlib then it would have to be refactored so that there
was a small basic wx that was part of stdlib and then import
wx-the-whole-enchilada if you need heavy gui artillery.

It's BIG.

The question really is, do we need a GUI toolkit in the stdlib. I would 
say "no". In wxPython's case it is a no-brainer to install (even as a 
second package). I am not sure if PySide is "that easy" but it could be.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 22:06:57 -0500, rantingrick said:

What is your opinion (or anyone) on wxPython?

Ok, I am curious again. Have you even tried wxPython or PySide/PyQt?



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Gerry Reno
On 12/30/2010 10:28 PM, rantingrick wrote:
> Hmm, wxPython is starting to look like the answer to all our problems.
> WxPython already has an IDE so there is no need to rewrite IDLE
> completely. What do we have to loose by integrating wx into the
> stdlib, really?

In the spirit of "batteries included", Python needs to have "something"
in the stdlib as far as gui.  But it cannot be overwhelming.

The problem with wx is that it is BIG.  And so if we want something like
wx to be in the stdlib then it would have to be refactored so that there
was a small basic wx that was part of stdlib and then import
wx-the-whole-enchilada if you need heavy gui artillery.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
 On Dec 30, 8:41 pm, Robert  wrote:
> On 2010-12-30 19:46:24 -0500, rantingrick said:
> Just to clarify...I like Python. I am learning it at the moment.

Glad to have you aboard Robert!

> > 3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the
> > stdlib?
> No, I really don't see the need for it to be in the stdlib but that
> isn't my call.

But it is your call Robert. Anyone who writes Python code --whether
they be a beginner with no prior programming experience or a fire
breathing Python Guru-- has a right to inject their opinion into th
community. We really need input from first time users as they carry
the very perspective that we have completely lost!

> > 5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?
> I would say "no" but that is my opinion only and it doesn't matter.
> Python's domain isn't GUI programming so having it readily available on
> the sidelines would be fine for me.

I agree that Python's domain is not "specifically" GUI programming
however to understand why Tkinter and IDLE exists you need to
understand what Guido's dream was in the beginning. GvR wanted to
bring Programming to everyone (just one of his many heroic goals!). He
believed (i think) that GUI programming is very important , and that
was 20 years ago!!. So he included Tkinter mainly so new Python
programmers could hack away at GUI's with little or no effort. He also
created a wonderful IDE for beginners called IDLE. His idea was
perfect, however his faith in TclTk was flawed and so we find
ourselves in the current situation we have today. With the decay of
Tkinter the dream has faded. However we can revive this dream and
truly bring Python into the 21st century!

> > 6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
> > community best?
> This is a good one.
> It should be:
> - cross platform
> - Pythonic
> - as "native" as possible
> Cross platform and native are hard. Just look at all the work with
> PyQt/PySide and wxPython. It took them years to get where they are.

Hmm, wxPython is starting to look like the answer to all our problems.
WxPython already has an IDE so there is no need to rewrite IDLE
completely. What do we have to loose by integrating wx into the
stdlib, really?


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 7:54 pm, Katie T  wrote:

> It's very hard to write a good gui framework, very very few people
> have managed to do it well.

This is a very good point Katie. Creating a Python GUI is a huge
undertaking and it will take much time to work out the bugs. A truly
Pythonic GUI may be (i must admit) a pipe dream at this time. However
i know that unless we start thinking about something new right now, it
will be two, three, ten years down the road and we will be in the same

A lot of folks are probably thinking that since Python3000 is here
that Python is up to current technology but i must differ with that
opinion. Yes Python3 is much better than the 2.x line however Tkinter
and IDLE are so dated and antique that Py3000 is a bit lackluster.

Look, when Guido breathed life into Tkinter many years ago he did so
with good intentions. I believe at that time (and for a while after)
Tkinter was an asset to this community. However, now Tkinter just
looks old and dumpy.

Actually i would't mind keeping Tkinter and just tweaking it a bit but
that is impossible! There will always be a glass ceiling between us
and Tcl. We are confined from the Tcl folks and there is nothing we
can do about. Tkinter has had a decade to become more relevant in the
21st century however the Tcl folks have failed to deliver. We cannot
keep depending on outsiders, we must start the transition to something

> There's not the expertise or the investment in the Python community to
> build a strong Python GUI solution. From an educational viewpoint I
> see that there could be value in having a pure Python solution, but in
> terms of having a GUI solution that people will actually want to use
> in their apps, I'm dubious that it's achievable.

Also a good point Katie. But i think i have just a little more
optimism than you :).

I will conceded that if we cannot build a truly Pythonic GUI then we
must at least pick a GUI that is up to date with Python3000. A good
choice might be a limited version of wxPython in the stdlib and a 3rd
party extension module available for download. We can use Tkinter as
the template. All you need in the stdlib are the same widgets that are
in Tkinter now. However unlike Tkinter, now a rich 3rd party module
will be available. By doing this we will have removed the glass
ceiling, and we did not have to re-invent the wheel to do it.

What is your opinion (or anyone) on wxPython?


Career in IT and management

2010-12-30 Thread gaurav
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Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 6:43 pm, Gerry Reno  wrote:
> For those that are lurking, this might provide a little background:
>    http://journal.dedasys.com/2010/03/30/where-tcl-and-tk-went-wrong

That was a great and thought provoking article Gerry. Thanks!


Re: OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:46:35 -0800, harijay wrote:

> But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error
> Everytime I run the same job queue a different part of the job fails.
> Unfortunately I dont see anybody else reporting this OSError. ANy help
> in troubleshooting my "newbie" thread code will be greatly appreciated.

Try catching the OSError exception and inspecting the filename attribute. 
Something like this might help:

# Untested
def report_error(type, value, traceback):
if type is OSError:
print value.filename
sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)

sys.excepthook = report_error


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 19:46:24 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 6:32 pm, Robert  wrote:

Exactly how is Tcl too limited in your view?

Well Robert if have explain to you why C and Python make Tcl look
limited by comparison then explaining will probably do neither of us
any good. But if you think Tcl is so great by all means go spend the
next couple of years writing legacy code until you realize one day it
was all for nothing.

You make a big assumption. That I program in Tcl.  I do not. I am 
simply curious why you are being such a non-gentleman. If I was going 
to program in Tcl, I would use Gnocl (a GTk binding) and not Tk. Tcl 
and C will get anyone just as far as Python and C or you suck as a 

Just to clarify...I like Python. I am learning it at the moment.

But let's get back on topic here shall we. I have some questions
specifically for you Robert...

1. Have you ever used Tkinter?

Yes...nothing big though.

2. If so, explain what you created with it in detail?

Simple utilities is all. Simple meaning ~500-1000 LOC. I have done a 
few of those just to scratch an itch.

3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the

No, I really don't see the need for it to be in the stdlib but that 
isn't my call. I am not a huge fan of Tk as it is.

4. How long should we keep Tkinter in the stdlib?

See the last answer. I would yank it.

5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?

I would say "no" but that is my opinion only and it doesn't matter. 
Python's domain isn't GUI programming so having it readily available on 
the sidelines would be fine for me.

6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
community best?

This is a good one.

It should be:

- cross platform
- Pythonic
- as "native" as possible

Cross platform and native are hard. Just look at all the work with 
PyQt/PySide and wxPython. It took them years to get where they are.

I will be really surprised if you answer any of these questions. And
sorry, but i did not have time to spec out a multiple choice Q&A for
you. So take your time Robert. :)

Hey, there you go. At least I have real answers.  :-)



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 19:43:21 -0500, Gerry Reno said:

For those that are lurking, this might provide a little background:


Essentially, there is nothing "wrong" with Tcl and Tkinter.  They are
part of a long evolutionary chain of how we got to where we are today.
They deserve to be respected for the contributions that they have made.

The question now is whether Python needs to evolve its own GUI toolset.


You mean outside of wxPython or PySide/PyQt? I don't see the need really.



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Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Katie T
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 12:15 AM, rantingrick  wrote:
> However i need to stress that my intention is towards a 100% Python
> GUI. Not a binding, not a wrapping (except for OS calls!) but a *real*
> Python GUI. The only thing that i know of at this point is pyGUI
> although there are probably others. Allowing the average Python
> programmer the ability to read OS specific calls written in Python
> would not only benefit their GUI knowledge, but also there knowledge
> of OS's in general.

It's very hard to write a good gui framework, very very few people
have managed to do it well. Microsoft, Sun and Google have all had the
resources to hire very good developers and designers to dedicate to
the task and still haven't managed to do it well.

There's not the expertise or the investment in the Python community to
build a strong Python GUI solution. From an educational viewpoint I
see that there could be value in having a pure Python solution, but in
terms of having a GUI solution that people will actually want to use
in their apps, I'm dubious that it's achievable.

The Software Developer Job Board

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Gerry Reno
For those that are lurking, this might provide a little background:


Essentially, there is nothing "wrong" with Tcl and Tkinter.  They are
part of a long evolutionary chain of how we got to where we are today. 
They deserve to be respected for the contributions that they have made. 

The question now is whether Python needs to evolve its own GUI toolset.



Re: Catching user switching and getting current active user from root on linux

2010-12-30 Thread Aahz
In article ,
mpnordland   wrote:
>First, to pacify those who hate google groups: What is a good usenet

trn3.6  ;-)
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"Think of it as evolution in action."  --Tony Rand

Re: using python ftp

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
Hello Matt,

On 2010-12-23 01:03, Matt Funk wrote:
> i was wondering whether someone can point me whether the following
> already exists.
> I want to connect to a server , download various files (for whose name i
> want to be able to use a wildcard), and store those files in a given
> location on the hard drive. If the file already exists i do not want to
> download it.
> [...]

You might want to check out ftputil:


> Otherwise i was going to do it "by hand" using ftplib:
> 1) connect to server,
> 2) change to directory on server
> 3) get listing
> 4) match the file pattern i want to the listing
> 5) check if file already exists
> 6) download file if matched and doesn't exist
> Can anyone offer any advice whether this already done somewhere?

ftputil will do most of these tasks easily. For step 4
you probably want to use Python's fnmatch module, see
http://docs.python.org/library/fnmatch.html .

If you have questions on ftputil, there's also a
mailing list:
(You need to be subscribed to the list to post, though.)


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 6:32 pm, Robert  wrote:
> Exactly how is Tcl too limited in your view?

Well Robert if have explain to you why C and Python make Tcl look
limited by comparison then explaining will probably do neither of us
any good. But if you think Tcl is so great by all means go spend the
next couple of years writing legacy code until you realize one day it
was all for nothing.

But let's get back on topic here shall we. I have some questions
specifically for you Robert...

1. Have you ever used Tkinter?
2. If so, explain what you created with it in detail?
3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the
4. How long should we keep Tkinter in the stdlib?
5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?
6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
community best?

I will be really surprised if you answer any of these questions. And
sorry, but i did not have time to spec out a multiple choice Q&A for
you. So take your time Robert. :)


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 18:12:21 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 1:51 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

How to add two numbers in C:

[...snip code example...]

None of the three are exactly clones of each other, but it seems to me
that Tcl and Python are quite close in spirit, if not syntax.

Yes i'll agree to that if you also agree that Python and Perl are the
same.  Then i "maybe" your "suggestion" holds water, maybe. But you
forgot to comment on the other big point which is... What language
would you rather spend your time learning if you only had C and Tcl to
choose from? If you answer Tcl you are either foolish or just trying
to win the argument by playing devils advocate, and in that case
you're even more foolish!

The moral is that C and Python are far more useful to any programmer
than Tcl will ever be -- whether you consider them together or apart
does not matter. Tcl is too limited whereas Python and especially C
are far more useful in various situations.

I'll bite. Exactly how is Tcl too limited in your view?



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 11:02:46 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 9:52 am, Stefan Behnel  wrote:

I hope you invested as much time into writing this "expose" as you did
searching the web before writing it.

And ditto to you. If you would have followed the thread so far, in my
second post i said...

"""However i need to stress that my intention is towards a 100% Python
GUI. Not a binding, not a wrapping (except for OS calls!) but a *real*
Python GUI. The only thing that i know of at this point is pyGUI
although there are probably others."""[198:203]

Good luck with that.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Robert

On 2010-12-30 13:04:19 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 10:02 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:


This library isn't much different from other Python GUI toolkits--it's
dependent on underlying, rather large, platform-specific
implementations--but it provides an even higher level of abstraction. On
the Mac, it is dependent on PyObjC;  on Windows, pywin32; and on X11,
pygtk. In short, it's a wrapper over other wrappers.

hmm. And what is Tkinter exactly? And more importantly how is it
better than pyGUI (design wise)? And even more importanly, how will it
be better in the long run? Is this just more FUD Kevin "Gates"?

I am sorry, are you always an inconsiderate idiot? That is exactly what 
you are coming across as.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/30/10 6:17 PM, rantingrick wrote:

Ok, thats swell. But do you have any real examples, links, or some
evidence of this? Or are we witnessing more wishful thinking?


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread harijay
I am writing to a unique script file . Each script file has prefixes
like script1.sh script2.sh and they reside in different directories .
The scripts will never trample each other since they are all
sequential and shell scripts and no directory will have more than one
shell script.

The only thing I am doing is dir1 and dir2 will each have a
script1.sh . But that still makes it mutually exclusive paths.


On Dec 30, 5:34 pm, "Thomas L. Shinnick"  wrote:
> At 03:46 PM 12/30/2010, harijay wrote:
> >Hi,
> >I am writing some multithreaded code which aims to automate three
> >sequential data processing applications and distribute the processing
> >on my 16GB RAM, 64 bit Ubuntu box running Python 2.6.5
> >The basic class that orchestrates these jobs use Queue.Queue() to feed
> >the product of the first job into the Queue for the next job.
> >Each Thread receives a dynamically generated shell script from some
> >classes I wrote and then runs the script using
> >subprocess.call(["shell_script_file.sh"])
> You say dynamically generated.  Any chance you are (re)using the same
> filename each time?  Is it possible that two uses of that filename
> could occur at the same time?  That is, is it possible that at the
> same time while one process is running from the script file, another
> process is trying to re-write the script file?  And so maybe you need
> to have dynamically generated and unique filenames
> Most often I see references to binary executable files for the error
> message, but I've also seen references to script files, e.g.
>      http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/binbash-bad-interpreter-text-file-busy/
> >I tested the code on a mac laptop and also on ubuntu. Curiously on Mac
> >OSX 32 bit Core duo running snow leopard, the code always runs fine.
> >However on my ubuntu box I get sporadic errors detailed below.
> >I tried replacing the
> >subprocess.call() with
> >subprocess.Popen(["shellscriptfile.sh"],stdout=open("unique_process_id.log 
> >","w"),stderr=open("unique_error_log.log","w")
> >But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error
> >Everytime I run the same job queue a different part of the job fails.
> >Unfortunately I dont see anybody else reporting this OSError. ANy help
> >in troubleshooting my "newbie" thread code will be greatly
> >appreciated.
> >Thanks
> >hari
> >The orchestrator class is at:
> >https://github.com/harijay/auriga/blob/master/process_multi.py
> >A sample thread subclass is at :
> >https://github.com/harijay/auriga/blob/master/scatomtzrunthread.py
> >Detailed error:
> >Exception in thread Thread-1:
> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in
> >__bootstrap_inner
> >     self.run()
> >   File "/home/hari/Dropbox/auriga/scatomtzrunthread.py", line 28, in
> >run
> >     stat = subprocess.call([file])
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 480, in call
> >     return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 633, in __init__
> >     errread, errwrite)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1139, in
> >_execute_child
> >     raise child_exception
> >OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Arndt Roger Schneider

rantingrick schrieb:

On Dec 29, 6:41 pm, Gerry Reno  wrote:

wxPython looks good but I don't see anyone developing support for things
like smartphones.

No wx is not the answer to our problems

Rather: ... to *your* problem...

Also, what do you think about frameworks such as pyjamas?  It lets you
write in python and compiles everything down to Javascript so it can be
used across the Web as well as on the desktop.

Hmm, this is like two double edged swords smashing one another in

Sword One: On one hand web frameworks are going to be really big soon
-- however legacy GUI's are not going away any time soon!

There are enough out there in the wild,
they will last quite for awhile indeed;
but it's time for them to die.

Sword Two: On the other hand web frameworks provide awesome cross
platform ability that is surly only going to get better as time goes
-- however i utterly hate JavaScript (although much worse web
languages exist!). And sending requests back and forth between Python,

Apparently the authors do know that, too:
*sigh* no svg.

BTW: Look in comp.lang.javascript:
javascript is framework/toolkit resistent.

 and BrowserX is also a real PITA. Because even though

everyone knows this is coming all the major browsers are trying to
insert their API into the mix. So that Joe Scripter has to write code
that is compatible between many browsers. Until the world agrees on a
unified API --AND IMPLEMENTS IT SERIOUSLY-- we are at the mercy of
drunken sailors at the helm.

svg: opera, chrome, safari(including ios), ie9, firefox.
Although svg is missing under webkit/android
--Apple kept the hardware accelerated part to themeselves.
Goolge is currently implementing hardware acceleration for svg in 
chrome/webkit, likewise Microsoft/ie.

Lets wait and see when svg becomes available in android, too.

Although smil is quiet another subject.

I believe pyjamas has a bright future in the web playground, however
we still need to focus our community efforts towards a Python based
GUI. I can see a pythonGUI and pyjamas existing side by side in mutual
harmony for many years.

pyjamas: Perhaps without javascript.


Re: Building sys.path at run-time?

2010-12-30 Thread Jon Clements
On Dec 30, 4:24 am, Roy Smith  wrote:
> In article <87k4irhpoa@benfinney.id.au>,
>  Ben Finney  wrote:
> > Roy Smith  writes:
> > > I've got a problem that I'm sure many people have solved many times.
> > > Our project has a bunch of python scripts
> > A very common problem. The solution is to switch to Perl.
> > (Merry solstice silliness, everyone :-)
> I have another problem.  I hit the "Post" button by accident.  Please
> ignore.

Sorry all, festive joy and all that.

+1 for a laugh that your problem is "[a] bunch of python scripts", and
another +1 'cos "I have another problem"... Damn it, if this was 10-15
years ago, with bash.org/qdb.us etc..., I'd have posted that...

Thanks Roy for the laugh,


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 4:44 pm, Kevin Walzer  wrote:

> You can build web servers, database tools, FTP clients, test
> suite/automation tools, chat clients, and drivers of other CLI tools
> with Tcl, just to name a few.

Ok, thats swell. But do you have any real examples, links, or some
evidence of this? Or are we witnessing more wishful thinking?

> In terms of what can be done with the
> language, I'm not aware of anything that can be done in Python that
> can't be done in Tcl.

Again the proof is in the pudding my friend!

> The size of Python's community and its large standard library are an
> advantage over Tcl.

Yes, go on...

> While Tcl is technically capable of many things,
> it's often easier to find a Python library already coded for specific
> functions--for instance, while Tcl has XML parsing and can parse RSS, it
> doesn't have a rich library like feedparser all wrapped up and ready to go.

Thanks, well i must say that it it getting easier to win this

> I find that Tcl's "everything is a string" representation offers a more
> flexible and expressive approach in certain contexts.

Maybe but that is hardly going to "woo" the masses is it?

> Tcl's "exec"
> function makes interacting with external tools simpler than os.popen and
> subprocess--I can get the output of a command with less code.

Newsflash!, NewsFlash!, Python has an exec function. Am i missing
something here? :)

> Of course, this is partly a matter of taste.

Well your posts so far are leaning heavily that way Kevin :)


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 1:51 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> How to add two numbers in C:
> [...snip code example...]
> None of the three are exactly clones of each other, but it seems to me
> that Tcl and Python are quite close in spirit, if not syntax.

Yes i'll agree to that if you also agree that Python and Perl are the
same.  Then i "maybe" your "suggestion" holds water, maybe. But you
forgot to comment on the other big point which is... What language
would you rather spend your time learning if you only had C and Tcl to
choose from? If you answer Tcl you are either foolish or just trying
to win the argument by playing devils advocate, and in that case
you're even more foolish!

The moral is that C and Python are far more useful to any programmer
than Tcl will ever be -- whether you consider them together or apart
does not matter. Tcl is too limited whereas Python and especially C
are far more useful in various situations.

Re: OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/30/2010 4:46 PM, harijay wrote:

"OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error

Searching 'errno 26', the third Google response suggests that you are 
trying to write to a file (especially an executable or shared library?) 
that is already in use. Perhaps just trying to read when locked will 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/30/10 12:36 PM, rantingrick wrote:

On Dec 30, 9:51 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:

Tcl is not a domain-specific language for creating GUI's. Tcl is a
full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is a peer to
Python in its capabilities,

Anybody can gloat and gush about their favorite programming language
however what separates fantasy from reality is evidence of these
"theories". Or rather, Illusions of grandeur!

You can build web servers, database tools, FTP clients, test 
suite/automation tools, chat clients, and drivers of other CLI tools 
with Tcl, just to name a few. In terms of what can be done with the 
language, I'm not aware of anything that can be done in Python that 
can't be done in Tcl.

The size of Python's community and its large standard library are an 
advantage over Tcl. While Tcl is technically capable of many things, 
it's often easier to find a Python library already coded for specific 
functions--for instance, while Tcl has XML parsing and can parse RSS, it 
doesn't have a rich library like feedparser all wrapped up and ready to go.

and surpasses Python in some respects.

The only thing that Tcl has over Python is building Tk GUI's. Please
post evidence otherwise if you dare! In the meantime i will not be
holding my breath.

I find that Tcl's "everything is a string" representation offers a more 
flexible and expressive approach in certain contexts. Tcl's "exec" 
function makes interacting with external tools simpler than os.popen and 
subprocess--I can get the output of a command with less code.

Of course, this is partly a matter of taste.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 03:46 PM 12/30/2010, harijay wrote:

I am writing some multithreaded code which aims to automate three
sequential data processing applications and distribute the processing
on my 16GB RAM, 64 bit Ubuntu box running Python 2.6.5

The basic class that orchestrates these jobs use Queue.Queue() to feed
the product of the first job into the Queue for the next job.

Each Thread receives a dynamically generated shell script from some
classes I wrote and then runs the script using


You say dynamically generated.  Any chance you are (re)using the same 
filename each time?  Is it possible that two uses of that filename 
could occur at the same time?  That is, is it possible that at the 
same time while one process is running from the script file, another 
process is trying to re-write the script file?  And so maybe you need 
to have dynamically generated and unique filenames

Most often I see references to binary executable files for the error 
message, but I've also seen references to script files, e.g.


I tested the code on a mac laptop and also on ubuntu. Curiously on Mac
OSX 32 bit Core duo running snow leopard, the code always runs fine.
However on my ubuntu box I get sporadic errors detailed below.

I tried replacing the
subprocess.call() with


But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error

Everytime I run the same job queue a different part of the job fails.

Unfortunately I dont see anybody else reporting this OSError. ANy help
in troubleshooting my "newbie" thread code will be greatly


The orchestrator class is at:

A sample thread subclass is at :

Detailed error:

Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in
  File "/home/hari/Dropbox/auriga/scatomtzrunthread.py", line 28, in
stat = subprocess.call([file])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 480, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 633, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1139, in
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy


OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy during subprocess.check_call() :seems os dependent

2010-12-30 Thread harijay
I am writing some multithreaded code which aims to automate three
sequential data processing applications and distribute the processing
on my 16GB RAM, 64 bit Ubuntu box running Python 2.6.5

The basic class that orchestrates these jobs use Queue.Queue() to feed
the product of the first job into the Queue for the next job.

Each Thread receives a dynamically generated shell script from some
classes I wrote and then runs the script using


I tested the code on a mac laptop and also on ubuntu. Curiously on Mac
OSX 32 bit Core duo running snow leopard, the code always runs fine.
However on my ubuntu box I get sporadic errors detailed below.

I tried replacing the
subprocess.call() with

But I get the same "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy"  error

Everytime I run the same job queue a different part of the job fails.

Unfortunately I dont see anybody else reporting this OSError. ANy help
in troubleshooting my "newbie" thread code will be greatly


The orchestrator class is at:

A sample thread subclass is at :

Detailed error:

Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in
  File "/home/hari/Dropbox/auriga/scatomtzrunthread.py", line 28, in
stat = subprocess.call([file])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 480, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 633, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1139, in
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Mel
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 07:24:04 -0800, rantingrick wrote:
>> Also one could argue that C and Python are very similar.
> One could also argue that black is white, that diamond is softer than
> chalk, and that bananas are a type of spaceship. Doesn't make it so.
> How to add two numbers in C:
> #include 
> int main()
> {
>int a, b;
>scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
>printf("%d\n", a + b);
>return 0;
> }
> And in Python:
> a, b = input().split()  # use raw_input in Python 2
> print(int(a) + int(b))
> And in Tcl:
> scan [gets stdin] "%d %d" x y
> puts [expr {$x + $y}]
> None of the three are exactly clones of each other, but it seems to me
> that Tcl and Python are quite close in spirit, if not syntax.

They both have the interpreter spirit.  Very different under the hood; Tcl 
is the LISP of strings.  They could have called it STRP.



Re: default argument in method

2010-12-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 11:26:50 -0800, DevPlayer wrote:

> There's some_object.some_method.func_defaults 

Not quite -- method objects don't expose the function attributes 
directly. You need some_object.some_method.im_func to get the function 
object, which then has a func_defaults attribute.

> and
> some_function.func_defaults both are a settable attribute. How to set
> the methods func_defaults? 

(1) You shouldn't mess with func_defaults unless you know what you're 

(2) If you do know what you are doing, you probably won't want to mess 
with func_defaults.

(3) But if you insist, then you would so the same way you would set any 
other object's attribute.

>>> class C(object):
... def method(self, x=[]):
... print x
>>> C().method()
>>> function = inst.method.im_func
>>> function.func_defaults
>>> function.func_defaults = ("spam",)
>>> inst.method()

(4) Seriously, don't do this.

> You'd have to have code in
> _getattribute__(yourmethod) if not __getattr__(yourmethod)
> def __getattribute__(self, attr):
> if attr == self.my_method:
> # something like this, but i'm probably a little off 
> # you might need to use super or something to prevent
> recursive __getattribute__ calls here
> self.my_method.func_defaults = self.foo


A much better solution would be:

class MyClass:
def my_method(self, x=None):
if x is None:
x = self.foo

Don't write slow, confusing, complex, convoluted, self-modifying code 
when you can write fast, simple, straight-forward, obvious code. Unless 
you're doing it to win a bet.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/30/2010 10:51 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

In 2010, Tk only lacks two major features common to GUI toolkits:

1. A cross-platform printing API. This is mainly an issue on Windows,
which lacks a rich command-line printing framework. The canvas widget
can generate PostScript,

1. Postscript is somewhat obsolete; being superseded somewhat by svg.
2. It is not as useful on Windows as it seems to be on *nux and macs -- 
not easy to either view or print.

3. The files it calls '.eps' are not readable by OOo. They can be read 
by Photoshop, which can then write a file, supposedly the same but 
actually not, that *can* be read by OOo. There was a thread on this list 
about the issue.

I do not know whether tk is too sloppy in what it writes (and the file I 
look for a trivial drawing did look sloppy, with lots of near 
repetition) or whether OOo is too strict. But clearly, TK *could* write 
better .eps files (like Photoshop does). And the current output is 
clearly limited for my purposes.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 07:24:04 -0800, rantingrick wrote:

> Also one could argue that C and Python are very similar.

One could also argue that black is white, that diamond is softer than 
chalk, and that bananas are a type of spaceship. Doesn't make it so.

How to add two numbers in C:

int main()
   int a, b;
   scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
   printf("%d\n", a + b);
   return 0;

And in Python:

a, b = input().split()  # use raw_input in Python 2
print(int(a) + int(b))

And in Tcl:

scan [gets stdin] "%d %d" x y
puts [expr {$x + $y}]

None of the three are exactly clones of each other, but it seems to me 
that Tcl and Python are quite close in spirit, if not syntax.



Re: default argument in method

2010-12-30 Thread DevPlayer
There's some_object.some_method.func_defaults and
some_function.func_defaults both are a settable attribute. How to set
the methods func_defaults? You'd have to have code in
_getattribute__(yourmethod) if not __getattr__(yourmethod)

def __getattribute__(self, attr):
if attr == self.my_method:
# something like this, but i'm probably a little off
# you might need to use super or something to prevent
recursive __getattribute__ calls here
self.my_method.func_defaults = self.foo


Re: Tkinter accessability options (was Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!)

2010-12-30 Thread Octavian Rasnita
Subject: Tkinter accessability options (was Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and 
the ugly!)

> Octavian,
>> Not all the people were happy because the darkness disappeared partially for 
>> some of them and more and more blind people started to use a computer, and 
>> discovered that the Tk interfaces are absolutely inaccessible for them.
> Might this package help? (I have no experience with this project)
> Tka11y 0.1.1 - accessibility-aware Tkinter
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Tka11y
> Another idea: Use Tkinters  events to speak TTS descriptions of
> the current control and/or its contents?
> I would love to hear from anyone using either of techniques ... or other
> techniques or screen reader products ... to make their Tkinter
> applications accessible to low vision/blind users.
> Malcolm

Thank you very much for those projects! I will test them.

Unfortunately they are not a solution because if I want to create an accessible 
app I can do it using an accessible library, but if the other programmers of 
the world use a non-accessible by default GUI, than their programs won't be 
accessible, or they will offer a limited accessibility like Java Access Bridge 
offers to SWING-based apps.

If Tkinter would use that project that should offer the accessibility by 
default, that would be a real solution.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Hank Fay
That (the desktop app issue) was the big game-change for me.  It looks like a 
desktop app, it acts like a desktop app, and our enterprise customers would be 
delighted to a) have no installs to do for fat clients; or b) not have to run a 
TS or Citrix farm. 



Tkinter accessability options (was Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!)

2010-12-30 Thread python

> Not all the people were happy because the darkness disappeared partially for 
> some of them and more and more blind people started to use a computer, and 
> discovered that the Tk interfaces are absolutely inaccessible for them.

Might this package help? (I have no experience with this project)

Tka11y 0.1.1 - accessibility-aware Tkinter

Another idea: Use Tkinters  events to speak TTS descriptions of
the current control and/or its contents?

I would love to hear from anyone using either of techniques ... or other
techniques or screen reader products ... to make their Tkinter
applications accessible to low vision/blind users.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 10:02 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:

> >http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python_gui/

> This library isn't much different from other Python GUI toolkits--it's
> dependent on underlying, rather large, platform-specific
> implementations--but it provides an even higher level of abstraction. On
> the Mac, it is dependent on PyObjC;  on Windows, pywin32; and on X11,
> pygtk. In short, it's a wrapper over other wrappers.

hmm. And what is Tkinter exactly? And more importantly how is it
better than pyGUI (design wise)? And even more importanly, how will it
be better in the long run? Is this just more FUD Kevin "Gates"?


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 9:51 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:
> Tcl is not a domain-specific language for creating GUI's. Tcl is a
> full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is a peer to
> Python in its capabilities,

Anybody can gloat and gush about their favorite programming language
however what separates fantasy from reality is evidence of these
"theories". Or rather, Illusions of grandeur!

> and surpasses Python in some respects.

The only thing that Tcl has over Python is building Tk GUI's. Please
post evidence otherwise if you dare! In the meantime i will not be
holding my breath.

> In 2010, Tk only lacks two major features common to GUI toolkits:
> 1. A cross-platform printing API. This is mainly an issue on Windows,
> which lacks a rich command-line printing framework.

True windows has no "one-liner" "send-to-print-function" but what it
does have is GDI and GDI+ which are far more powerful for windows
programmers. Sure you may have to issue a few dc.MoveTo(x,y) and
dc.LineTo(x,y) and dc.TextOut(blah) but what is so hard about that?
Really, if you want a one liner just wrap up some Python code into a
nice interface. This argument is either completely bogus or utterly

> 2. A robust widget for HTML display.

The fact that Tkinter lacks an HTML widget is of no concern to me.
Actually if i had a choice of including HTML support or not i would
opt for not. Why? Because the simple fact is that Python needs a
simplistic GUI and not bloat-ware in the stdlib. HTML widgets, handy
dandy anolog clocks, happy faces and dancing bananas widgets belong in
3rd party extension library's and not in the Python stdlib. However we
must make sure that any GUI we support not only has these widgets
available as extension libraries but that these libraries are
currently maintained. If you are going to complain about lacking
widgets then Togl would be a good starting point.

> These days, Tkinter has pretty much everything that other GUI toolkits
> have: tree views, multi-column listboxes, plus all the basics, available
> through the core widget, the themed ttk widgets, or extension packages.
> Today, there's no excuse for developing an ugly Tk GUI--if a new Tk app
> is ugly, that's a reflection on the developer, not the toolkit.

Yes Tk is not all bad for TclTk, however it IS all bad for Python. Let
the Tcl folks use Tk and we will use a python GUI. Nuff said.

> Togl is still developed. One of its maintainers, Greg Couch, is a
> developer on the UCSF Chimera project (a Python-Tkinter based molecule
> viewer).

Have you seen the code in togl.py yourself? I mean really read it from
beginning to end? It's a hodgepodge of poorly written code. I know
this because i had to update the code myself for one of my projects.

Look i have nothing against you Kevin. However i know you and Tkinter
(and Tcl) are in bed together. So this is more of a *personal*
decision for you instead of a *community* decision. Whether Tkinter
exists in the stdlib or not should't matter to you because you can
just download it from a 3rd party site.

And *if* enough people really love Tkinter as you suggest then
removing it will not kill it. However you know as well as i do that
Tkinter is a drain on this community and the only thing keeping it
alive is the fact that it is packaged in the stdlib. Once Tkinter is
removed it will die as it should and something better will take it's
place. Something more Pythonic. And most importantly something that is
completely and totally under the direct control of the Python


Re: How to initialize each multithreading Pool worker with an individual value?

2010-12-30 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Thu, 2010-12-30 at 08:01 -0800, Aahz wrote:
> In article ,
> Valery Khamenya   wrote:
> >However it doesn't look possible to use it to initialize each Pool's
> >worker with some individual value (I'd wish to be wrong here)
> >So, how to initialize each multithreading Pool worker with the
> >individual values?
> >The typical use case might be a connection pool, say, of 3 workers,
> >where each of 3 workers has its own TCP/IP port.
> >from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
> >def port_initializer(_port):
> >global port
> >port = _port
> >def use_connection(some_packet):
> >global _port
> >print "sending data over port # %s" % port
> >if __name__ == "__main__":
> >ports=((4001,4002, 4003), )
> >p = Pool(3, port_initializer, ports) # oops... :-)
> You probably can't use initargs here.  Your port_initializer needs to be
> some kind of class instance that works with multiprocessing and emits one
> port number when its __call__() method gets invoked.  (There may be other
> ways to accomplish the same effect, but that's what springs to mind.)

Maybe this is obvious; but it is possible to create a pool of workers
all listening on the same socket.  An idle worker will pick-up the
connection. Just open the socket in the initial process and then fork
your workers - they will inherit the file handle and can accept() on it.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread python
> These days, Tkinter has pretty much everything that other GUI toolkits 
have: tree views, multi-column listboxes, plus all the basics, available 
through the core widget, the themed ttk widgets, or extension packages. 

***Today, there's no excuse for developing an ugly Tk GUI--if a new Tk 
app is ugly, that's a reflection on the developer, not the toolkit***

+1 (emphasis added)

Other tk/ttk benefits: 
- Very stable
- Cross platform (w/native look and feel via Python 2.7/3.1 ttk)
- Light weight 
- Easy to distribute
- Extensible 

Regarding lack of print support: All GUI frameworks suck in this regard. 
The best approach is to use a technology designed for generating hard
copy output - something like PDF, TeX, or RTF library.


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel

rantingrick, 30.12.2010 17:02:

On Dec 30, 9:52 am, Stefan Behnel wrote:

I hope you invested as much time into writing this "expose" as you did
searching the web before writing it.

in my second post i said...

"""However i need to stress that my intention is towards a 100% Python
GUI. Not a binding, not a wrapping (except for OS calls!) but a *real*
Python GUI. The only thing that i know of at this point is pyGUI
although there are probably others."""

Sure, fine, just making sure you know the terrain. If that's not enough for 
you, you should follow Steven's advice to get started implementing 
something, because this may become a lengthy undertaking.



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 9:52 am, Stefan Behnel  wrote:

> I hope you invested as much time into writing this "expose" as you did
> searching the web before writing it.

And ditto to you. If you would have followed the thread so far, in my
second post i said...

"""However i need to stress that my intention is towards a 100% Python
GUI. Not a binding, not a wrapping (except for OS calls!) but a *real*
Python GUI. The only thing that i know of at this point is pyGUI
although there are probably others."""[198:203]

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/30/10 10:52 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

rantingrick, 30.12.2010 00:58:

So what should we do?

The answer is simple. We need a 100% Python GUI. A GUI coded in Python
from top to bottom. A GUI that is cross platform to the big three
(Windows, Linux, and Mac). A GUI that not only is easy as Tkinter but
also a GUI that can be manipulated by the average python programmer. A
GUI that not only teaches the fundamentals of using a GUI, but also a
GUI that teaches how a GUI works under the hood

I hope you invested as much time into writing this "expose" as you did
searching the web before writing it.


(the site is currently broken for me, you can use the following instead:


This library isn't much different from other Python GUI toolkits--it's 
dependent on underlying, rather large, platform-specific 
implementations--but it provides an even higher level of abstraction. On 
the Mac, it is dependent on PyObjC;  on Windows, pywin32; and on X11, 
pygtk. In short, it's a wrapper over other wrappers.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: How to initialize each multithreading Pool worker with an individual value?

2010-12-30 Thread Aahz
In article ,
Valery Khamenya   wrote:
>However it doesn't look possible to use it to initialize each Pool's
>worker with some individual value (I'd wish to be wrong here)
>So, how to initialize each multithreading Pool worker with the
>individual values?
>The typical use case might be a connection pool, say, of 3 workers,
>where each of 3 workers has its own TCP/IP port.
>from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
>def port_initializer(_port):
>global port
>port = _port
>def use_connection(some_packet):
>global _port
>print "sending data over port # %s" % port
>if __name__ == "__main__":
>ports=((4001,4002, 4003), )
>p = Pool(3, port_initializer, ports) # oops... :-)

You probably can't use initargs here.  Your port_initializer needs to be
some kind of class instance that works with multiprocessing and emits one
port number when its __call__() method gets invoked.  (There may be other
ways to accomplish the same effect, but that's what springs to mind.)
Aahz (a...@pythoncraft.com)   <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"Think of it as evolution in action."  --Tony Rand

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/30/10 10:28 AM, Hank Fay wrote:

On Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:59:09 AM UTC-5, kw wrote:

Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C,
C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach
to GUI development is technically infeasible.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

So I thought.  Then I came across a framework (Cappucinno.org) and a Visual 
Designer (280Atlas.com) written entirely in JavaScript (well, Objective-J which 
gets compiled to JavaScript). Check out 280Slides.com or 
http://githubissues.heroku.com/#280north/cappuccino for examples of what can be 
done using JavaScript, and 280Atlas.com for a video of their visual designer.  
If that designer can be written in JavasScript (it runs on the web, BTW, and 
only as an after-thought as a desktop app), then it can be done in Python.

Having worked for 20 years in a windows-based development tool that painted 
controls (giving them fake hwnd's) to get enough speed to run on Windows, this 
was a real game-changer for me.


Yes, this is slick, and it looks nearly native, but, um...it's still 
running inside a browser. It's not a desktop app.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/30/10 10:24 AM, rantingrick wrote:

On Dec 30, 8:59 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:

On 12/29/10 6:58 PM, rantingrick wrote:

Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C,
C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach
to GUI development is technically infeasible.

This is a very good point Kevin however i would much rather spend time
learning a language like C --which is hugely useful in many
contexts!-- than to waste one second of my time on a domain specific
language like TCl which is created only for drawing GUIs using Tk. I
think everyone can agree that learning C is of benefit far more
benefit to anyone in the programming field. Also one could argue that
C and Python are very similar. However Python and Tcl are like night
and day.

Tcl is not a domain-specific language for creating GUI's. Tcl is a 
full-featured, general-purpose programming language that is a peer to 
Python in its capabilities, and surpasses Python in some respects.

This monkey on our back (TclTk) is dead weight. We need to free
ourselves of this GUI prison and bring Python into the 21st century.
Tk is old and ugly. Tk is slow. Tk is incomplete and it will never be
complete or extensible within our community.

In 2010, Tk only lacks two major features common to GUI toolkits:

1. A cross-platform printing API. This is mainly an issue on Windows, 
which lacks a rich command-line printing framework. The canvas widget 
can generate PostScript, and the text widget can export its contents to 
a text file, and then "lpr" can handle the rest on Unix systems 
(including the Mac). Still, if you want native dialogs and full 
integration with a platform-specific printing API, you will have to 
utilize one of several, incompatible, platform-specific extensions.

2. A robust widget for HTML display. The old TkHTML widget (authored by 
D. Richard Hipp, the author of SQLite) works, but it's very dated (last 
updated in 2002) and lacks modern features like CSS support. An effort 
to produce a next-generation HTML widget, TkHTML 3, yielded an 
alpha-quality widget that is enormously complex, somewhat buggy, and 
little used.

These days, Tkinter has pretty much everything that other GUI toolkits 
have: tree views, multi-column listboxes, plus all the basics, available 
through the core widget, the themed ttk widgets, or extension packages. 
Today, there's no excuse for developing an ugly Tk GUI--if a new Tk app 
is ugly, that's a reflection on the developer, not the toolkit.

There is no OpenGL canvas readily available. Sure you can use Togl (as
i have successfully!) however Togl is old and unmaintained. Any GUI
library in this day and age must support opengl out of the box!

Togl is still developed. One of its maintainers, Greg Couch, is a 
developer on the UCSF Chimera project (a Python-Tkinter based molecule 

Look, losing Tkinter will be very painful for me as i have tons of
code written already. However the more i learn about Tkinter the more
i realize how Tkinter is a dead end street. Why let a rotting dinosaur
stagnate in the stdlib? Anybody that has foresight knows Tkinter is
dying and cannot be revived. It is time to move on. Tkinter served us
well for a time but we must let go and evolve -- lest we wither and
die ourselves!

I have nothing against other toolkits, and if one happens to catch on, 
fine. But your assertions that Tkinter/Tk is dying have no basis in 
fact. I'm an active developer in Tk with both Tcl and Python, and the 
reason I have stayed with the toolkit is precisely because it isn't 
dying. Check out the screenshots at my website--all those GUI's are 
developed in Tk. Here's one in Tkinter/Python:



Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel

rantingrick, 30.12.2010 00:58:

  So what should we do?

The answer is simple. We need a 100% Python GUI. A GUI coded in Python
from top to bottom. A GUI that is cross platform to the big three
(Windows, Linux, and Mac). A GUI that not only is easy as Tkinter but
also a GUI that can be manipulated by the average python programmer. A
GUI that not only teaches the fundamentals of using a GUI, but also a
GUI that teaches how a GUI works under the hood

I hope you invested as much time into writing this "expose" as you did 
searching the web before writing it.


(the site is currently broken for me, you can use the following instead:




Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Hank Fay
On Thursday, December 30, 2010 9:59:09 AM UTC-5, kw wrote:
> Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C, 
> C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach 
> to GUI development is technically infeasible.
> -- 
> Kevin Walzer
> Code by Kevin
> http://www.codebykevin.com

So I thought.  Then I came across a framework (Cappucinno.org) and a Visual 
Designer (280Atlas.com) written entirely in JavaScript (well, Objective-J which 
gets compiled to JavaScript). Check out 280Slides.com or 
http://githubissues.heroku.com/#280north/cappuccino for examples of what can be 
done using JavaScript, and 280Atlas.com for a video of their visual designer.  
If that designer can be written in JavasScript (it runs on the web, BTW, and 
only as an after-thought as a desktop app), then it can be done in Python.

Having worked for 20 years in a windows-based development tool that painted 
controls (giving them fake hwnd's) to get enough speed to run on Windows, this 
was a real game-changer for me.  



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread rantingrick
On Dec 30, 8:59 am, Kevin Walzer  wrote:
> On 12/29/10 6:58 PM, rantingrick wrote:

> Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C,
> C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach
> to GUI development is technically infeasible.

This is a very good point Kevin however i would much rather spend time
learning a language like C --which is hugely useful in many
contexts!-- than to waste one second of my time on a domain specific
language like TCl which is created only for drawing GUIs using Tk. I
think everyone can agree that learning C is of benefit far more
benefit to anyone in the programming field. Also one could argue that
C and Python are very similar. However Python and Tcl are like night
and day.

This monkey on our back (TclTk) is dead weight. We need to free
ourselves of this GUI prison and bring Python into the 21st century.
Tk is old and ugly. Tk is slow. Tk is incomplete and it will never be
complete or extensible within our community.

There is no OpenGL canvas readily available. Sure you can use Togl (as
i have successfully!) however Togl is old and unmaintained. Any GUI
library in this day and age must support opengl out of the box!

Look, losing Tkinter will be very painful for me as i have tons of
code written already. However the more i learn about Tkinter the more
i realize how Tkinter is a dead end street. Why let a rotting dinosaur
stagnate in the stdlib? Anybody that has foresight knows Tkinter is
dying and cannot be revived. It is time to move on. Tkinter served us
well for a time but we must let go and evolve -- lest we wither and
die ourselves!


Re: Is there anyway to run JavaScript in python?

2010-12-30 Thread Martin v. Loewis
Am 30.12.2010 14:52, schrieb crow:
> Hi, I'm writing a test tool to simulate Web browser. Is there anyway
> to run JavaScript in python? Thanks in advance.

See PyV8: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyV8


Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Walzer

On 12/29/10 6:58 PM, rantingrick wrote:

The answer is simple. We need a 100% Python GUI. A GUI coded in Python
from top to bottom. A GUI that is cross platform to the big three
(Windows, Linux, and Mac). A GUI that not only is easy as Tkinter but
also a GUI that can be manipulated by the average python programmer. A
GUI that not only teaches the fundamentals of using a GUI, but also a
GUI that teaches how a GUI works under the hood

Any GUI framework is going to require at least some heavy lifting in C, 
C++ or Objective-C (depending on the platform). A pure-Python approach 
to GUI development is technically infeasible.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Is there anyway to run JavaScript in python?

2010-12-30 Thread Roy Smith
In article 
 crow  wrote:

> Hi, I'm writing a test tool to simulate Web browser. Is there anyway
> to run JavaScript in python? Thanks in advance.

The answer to the question you asked is, "Probably.  You might want to 
check out SpiderMonkey as a starting point".

The answer to the question you didn't ask is, "Before you invest a lot 
of effort in this, check out Selenium".


Another thing to think about is whether you really do need JS to test 
your web app.  Depending on how much your app depends on JS for its core 
functionality, you may find that just using urllib to fetch pages, 
parsing the HTML with lxml, and verifying that certain data exists in 
the appropriate HTML elements might get you 80% of the testing value for 
20% of the effort.  But, I digress.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-30 Thread Adam Skutt
On Dec 29, 7:48 pm, "Octavian Rasnita"  wrote:
> First, the interface should look exactly as the native interfaces for each 
> system named, and it should provide the same features, because otherwise the 
> interface would look strange for all the users on all the operating systems.
> And of course, it should not only look OK, but it should also follow the 
> accessibility standards for beeing accessible for screen readers also.

Which is where the contradiction comes into play: to use the actual
native widgets, you have to write some C (or Objective-C). Of course,
on Windows, people have faked the native widgets so many times that
you could probably get away with it if you made a really good fake,
though there are still a lot of gotchas that go with that
(accessibility and all that "other stuff").  On Linux, it's not like
there's really a standard anyway.  That leaves OS X as the really
troublesome one.

>WxPython is fast because it is made in C - it uses the native GUI elements of 
>the OS which are also made in C. Would a Python - only GUI have the same 
>speed? If yes, it would be great.

Speed is not even on the list of things I'd be worried about first.


Is there anyway to run JavaScript in python?

2010-12-30 Thread crow
Hi, I'm writing a test tool to simulate Web browser. Is there anyway
to run JavaScript in python? Thanks in advance.

Re: os.path.isfile and wildcard for directory name

2010-12-30 Thread smainklh
Hi Cameron,

Ok, i'll try that :)


Selon Cameron Simpson :

> On 30Dec2010 09:36, smain...@free.fr  wrote:
> | I want to test if a file exists but my path contain a directory name that
> | differs from a server to another.
> | In shell i would have done something like that :
> | #!/bin/bash
> | mypath=/dire*/directory02/
> | myfile=filename
> | myfile=toto
> | if [ -f $mypath/$myfile ]
> [...]
> Check out the glob module:
>   http://docs.python.org/library/glob.html#module-glob
> Use it to do the glob, then os.path.isfile with a path constructed from
> the result:
>   http://docs.python.org/library/os.path.html#os.path.isfile
> Cheers,
> --
> Cameron Simpson  DoD#743
> http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/
> Any company large enough to have a research lab
> is large enough not to listen to it. - Alan Kay


Embedding a Python IDE on Windows based Application

2010-12-30 Thread Sathish S
Hi Ppl,

I'm trying to use python for a macro recorder. In short I have a windows
based application, which has a macro recorder. The macros are captured as a
python script and when the script is executed they accomplish the user
action done on my application. I've written python scripts that can invoke
the user events on the application through ActiveX server of my application.

I've been trying to run these macro python scripts using the command line
option from my application. I also explored the extending and embedding the
python interpreter  option for executing
my python scripts from my application. But I feel it will be great if I
can embed a simple  xpython IDE on my application to write these macro
python scripts and debug them. I tried searching for any python IDE's which
are available as ActiveX or .net containers, so that I can easily embed
them. But I had no success.

Is there any way I can accomplish this?


Re: Digitally Signing a XML Document (using SHA1+RSA or SHA1+DSA)

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel

Jorgen Grahn, 30.12.2010 10:41:

If you really *do* have a requirement to make the result XML-like and
incompatible with anything else, I'm afraid you're on your own

Well, there's always xmlsec if you need it.




Re: Digitally Signing a XML Document (using SHA1+RSA or SHA1+DSA)

2010-12-30 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Tue, 2010-12-28, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 03:25 +0530, Anurag Chourasia wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a requirement to digitally sign a XML Document using SHA1+RSA
>> or SHA1+DSA
>> Could someone give me a lead on a library that I can use to fulfill
>> this requirement?
>   Never used it though.
>> The XML Document has values such as 
>> MIIBOgIBAAJBANWzHfF5Bppe4JKlfZDqFUpNLrwNQqguw76g/jmeO6f4i31rDLVQ
>> n7sYilu65C8vN+qnEGnPB824t/A3yfMu1G0CAQMCQQCOd2lLpgRm6esMblO18WOG

> Is this any kind of standard or just something someone made up?  Is
> there a namespace for the document?
> It seems quite odd that the document contains a *private* key.
> If all you need to do is parse to document to retrieve the values that
> seems straight-forward enough.
>> And the XML also has another node that has a Public Key with Modules
>> and Exponents etc that I apparently need to utilize.
>>   1bMd8XkGml7gkqV9kOoVSk0uvA1CqC7DvqD
>> +OZ47p/iLfWsMtVCfuxiKW7rkLy836qcQac8Hzbi38DfJ8y7UbQ== 
>>   Aw== 
>> I am a little thin on this concept and expecting if you could guide me
>> to a library/documentation that I could utilize.

[The original posting by Anurag Chourasia did not reach my news server.]

I'd simply invoke GnuPG. A simple example:

% gpg --sign --armor foo
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: ...

% head foo.asc  
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


The result isn't XML, but it *is* a standardized file format readable
by anyone. That's worth a lot.  You can also create a detached signature
and ship it together with the original file, or skip the '--armor' and
get a binary signed file.

If you really *do* have a requirement to make the result XML-like and
incompatible with anything else, I'm afraid you're on your own, and
will have a lot of extra work testing and making sure it's all secure.


  // Jorgen GrahnO  o   .

Re: os.path.isfile and wildcard for directory name

2010-12-30 Thread Peter Otten
smain...@free.fr wrote:

> I'm just beginning to learn python language and i'm trying to do something
> and i can't figure it out.
> I want to test if a file exists but my path contain a directory name that
> differs from a server to another.
> In shell i would have done something like that :
> #!/bin/bash
> mypath=/dire*/directory02/
> myfile=filename
> myfile=toto
> if [ -f $mypath/$myfile ]
>echo "File $file exists"
> fi
> How can i do the same thing (wildcard in a directory name) in python
> please ?


$ mkdir yadda{1..10}
$ touch yadda{5,7}/alpha
$ mkdir yadda{2,4}/alpha

You can get a list of candidates with

>>> import glob
>>> candidates = glob.glob("yadda*/alpha")
>>> candidates
['yadda5/alpha', 'yadda2/alpha', 'yadda4/alpha', 'yadda7/alpha']

and then use isfile() to find the actual files:

>>> import os
>>> [f for f in candidates if os.path.isfile(f)]
['yadda5/alpha', 'yadda7/alpha']


Re: os.path.isfile and wildcard for directory name

2010-12-30 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 30Dec2010 09:36, smain...@free.fr  wrote:
| I want to test if a file exists but my path contain a directory name that
| differs from a server to another.
| In shell i would have done something like that :
| #!/bin/bash
| mypath=/dire*/directory02/
| myfile=filename
| myfile=toto
| if [ -f $mypath/$myfile ]

Check out the glob module:

Use it to do the glob, then os.path.isfile with a path constructed from
the result:


Cameron Simpson  DoD#743

Any company large enough to have a research lab
is large enough not to listen to it. - Alan Kay

Re: Removing an attribute from html with Regex

2010-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel

Selvam, 30.12.2010 08:30:

I have some HTML string which I would like to feed to BeautifulSoup.

But, One malformed attribute breaks BeautifulSoup.

   My String

Didn't try with BS (and you forgot to say what "breaks" means exactly in 
your case), but it parses in a somewhat reasonable way with lxml:

  Python 3.2b2 (py3k:87572, Dec 29 2010, 21:25:38)
  [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> import lxml.html as H
  >>> doc = H.fromstring('''
  ...  My String
  ... ''')
  >>> H.tostring(doc)
  b' My String'
  >>> doc.attrib
  {'text2': '', 'and': '', 'style': 'terp_header', \
   'wrong_tag': ' text1 ', 'class': 'terp_header'}

I would like it to replace all the occurances of that attribute with an
empty string.

I am unable to figure out the exact regex, which can do this job.

This is what, I have managed so far,

m = re.compile("rml_except='([^']*)")

I assume "rml_accept" is the real name of the attribute?

You may be able to do this with a look-ahead expression, e.g.:

  replace = re.compile('(wrong_tag\s*=\s*[^>=]*)(?=>|\s+\w+\s*=)').sub

  html_data = replace('', html_data)

The trick is to match everything up to the next character that looks 
reasonable again, i.e. a closing tag character (">") or another attribute.



Re: os.path.isfile and wildcard for directory name

2010-12-30 Thread Javier Collado

2010/12/30  :
> How can i do the same thing (wildcard in a directory name) in python please ?

You can get the contents of a directory with os.listdir and filter
with fnmatch.fnmatch more or less as in the example from the
import fnmatch
import os

for file in os.listdir('.'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.txt'):
print file


os.path.isfile and wildcard for directory name

2010-12-30 Thread smainklh

Hi everyone,

I'm just beginning to learn python language and i'm trying to do something and i
can't figure it out.

I want to test if a file exists but my path contain a directory name that
differs from a server to another.
In shell i would have done something like that :




if [ -f $mypath/$myfile ]
   echo "File $file exists"

How can i do the same thing (wildcard in a directory name) in python please ?

Thanks for your help !


Re: Does Python 3.1 accept \r\n in compile()?

2010-12-30 Thread jmfauth
On 30 Dez., 00:11, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 12/29/2010 4:06 PM, jmfauth wrote:
> > On 29 Dez., 21:14, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> >> On 12/29/2010 2:31 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> >>> "Changed in version 3.2: Allowed use of Windows and Mac newlines. Also
> >>> input in 'exec' mode does not have to end in a newline anymore. Added
> >>> the optimize parameter."
> >> Retest shows that above is correct.
> >>   >>>  compile("print(999)\r\n", "blah", "exec")
> >>   at 0x00F5EC50, file "blah", line 1>
> > Ok, I see. Thanks.
> > The '\r\n' acceptance has been introduced in Python 2.7
> > and I was a little bit suprised with Python 3.1.
> 2.6 was followed by 3.0 and then 3.1.
> 2.7 will be followed by 3.2 in a couple more month.
> That feature was added to 2.7 and 3.2 in Nov 2009 long after 3.1.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy

Thanks for these precisions and don't worry too much, it's
not a real isssue.

(I'v seen the "noise" on the pydev list).

Thanks again.