ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 16.07.2013

2013-06-20 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
[This announcement is in German since it targets a local user group
 meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany]


 Python Meeting Düsseldorf

   Ein Treffen von Python Enthusiasten und Interessierten
in ungezwungener Atmosphäre.

  Dienstag, 16.07.2013, 18:00 Uhr
  Raum 1, 2.OG im Bürgerhaus Stadtteilzentrum Bilk
Düsseldorfer Arcaden, Bachstr. 145, 40217 Düsseldorf

Diese Nachricht ist auch online verfügbar:


 * Sprint-Planung:

   Wir möchten im Sommer/Herbst gerne einen Sprint organisieren und
   suchen dafür Themen. Falls Ihr Themenvorschläge habt, wäre es schön,
   wenn Ihr diese auf dem nächsten Treffen kurz vorstellen könntet.

   - Progammieren eines Add-ons für XBMC
   - Progammieren eines Add-ons für Blender
   - Patch für einen oder mehrere Python Bugs schreiben

 * Neuer Veranstaltungsraum:

   Wir treffen uns im Bürgerhaus in den Düsseldorfer Arcaden.
   Da beim letzten Mal einige Teilnehmer Schwierigkeiten hatten,
   den Raum zu finden, hier eine kurze Beschreibung:

   Das Bürgerhaus teilt sich den Eingang mit dem Schwimmbad
   und befindet sich an der Seite der Tiefgarageneinfahrt der
   Düsseldorfer Arcaden.

   Über dem Eingang steht ein großes “Schwimm’in Bilk”
   Logo. Hinter der Tür direkt links zu den zwei Aufzügen,
   dann in den 2. Stock hochfahren. Der Eingang zum Raum 1
   liegt direkt links, wenn man aus dem Aufzug kommt.

   Google Street View:


Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf ist eine regelmäßige Veranstaltung in
Düsseldorf, die sich an Python Begeisterte aus der Region wendet:


Einen guten Überblick über die Vorträge bietet unser YouTube-Kanal,
auf dem wir die Vorträge nach den Meetings veröffentlichen:


Veranstaltet wird das Meeting von der GmbH, Langenfeld,
in Zusammenarbeit mit Clark Consulting  Research, Düsseldorf:



Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf nutzt eine Mischung aus Open Space
und Lightning Talks.

Lightning Talks können vorher angemeldet werden, oder auch
spontan während des Treffens eingebracht werden. Ein Beamer mit
XGA Auflösung steht zur Verfügung. Folien bitte als PDF auf USB
Stick mitbringen.

Lightning Talk Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an


Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf wird von Python Nutzern für Python
Nutzer veranstaltet. Um die Kosten zumindest teilweise zu
refinanzieren, bitten wir die Teilnehmer um einen Beitrag
in Höhe von EUR 10,00 inkl. 19% Mwst, Schüler und Studenten
zahlen EUR 5,00 inkl. 19% Mwst.

Wir möchten alle Teilnehmer bitten, den Betrag in bar mitzubringen.


Da wir nur für ca. 20 Personen Sitzplätze haben, möchten wir
bitten, sich per EMail anzumelden. Damit wird keine Verpflichtung
eingegangen. Es erleichtert uns allerdings die Planung.

Meeting Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an


Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite des Meetings:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 17 2013)
 Python Projects, Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope/Plone.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2013-07-01: EuroPython 2013, Florence, Italy ...   14 days to go
2013-07-16: Python Meeting Duesseldorf ... 29 days to go

: Try our mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Django-debug-toolbar-template-timings

2013-06-20 Thread Tom .
Django-debug-toolbar-template-timings version 0.4.1 has been released and
can be found here:

What is it?
Does what it says on the tin. It's a panel for Django-debug-toolbar that
breaks down the time it takes to render a template, showing detailed timing
information for each sub-template and block. This helps you pinpoint
exactly where the bottlekneck for your page is. More info and screenshots
can be found here:

What's new in 0.4.1?
 * The sum, average, min and max execution time for each template and block
is now recorded (thanks @twidi)
 * The total time spent rendering is displayed in the sidebar
 * Added options to ignore templates and print the timings to the console

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: flufl.bounce 2.2

2013-06-20 Thread Barry Warsaw
I am happy to announce flufl.bounce version 2.2.

The flufl.bounce library provides a set of heuristics and an API for detecting
the original bouncing email addresses from a bounce message.  Many formats
found in the wild are supported, as are VERP and RFC 3464 (DSN).  flufl.bounce
is the bounce detection library used by GNU Mailman.

flufl.bounce is compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3.

My deep gratitude to Mark Sapiro for his help in preparing the 2.2 release.
Thanks also to the other contributors named below.

Here's what's new in version 2.2:

 * Added recognition for a bogus Dovecot over-quota rejection sent as an MDN
   rather than a DSN.  (LP: #693134)

 * Tweaked a simplematch regexp that didn't always work.  (LP: #1079254)

 * Added recognition for bounces from  Thanks to Andrey
   Rahmatullin.  (LP: #1079249)

 * Fixed UnicodeDecodeError in with non-ascii message.  Thanks
   to Theo Spears.  (LP: #1074592)

 * Added recognition for another Yahoo bounce format.  Thanks to Mark
   Sapiro. (LP: #1157961)

 * Fix documentation bug.  (LP: #1026403)

 * Document the zope.interface requirement. (LP: #1021383)

Full documentation is available here:

The project home page is at:

You can report bugs at:

Download the package from the Cheeseshop:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Variables versus name bindings [Re: A certainl part of an if() structure never gets executed.]

2013-06-20 Thread Michael Torrie
On 06/19/2013 11:48 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 23:16:51 -0600, Michael Torrie wrote:
 The real power and expressivity of Python comes from embracing the
 abstractions that Python provides to your advantage.  There's a certain
 elegance and beauty that comes from such things, which I believe really
 comes from the elegance and beauty of LISP, some of which manages to
 shine forth in Python, despite its deficiencies.  When I first learned
 Python, I was impressed that some of the elegance that I remember from
 Scheme (how to use lists as a basic type for example) was there, but in
 a form that appealed to me.
 Well said!

Glad you made sense of it... the bit about LISP and Scheme came out a
wee bit muddled.  In fact thinking about it, perhaps LISPers would say
about Python what a bible passage says about having the form of
Godliness but denying the power thereof!  For example, Python's lambda
functions, and Python's functional programming capabilities in general.
 But since the LISP never really got a form beyond S-expressions,
leaving us with lots of parenthesis everywhere, Python wins much as the
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy wins.

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:46:59 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

 On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:11:08 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Gah! That's twice I've screwed that up. Sorry about that!
 Yeah, and your difficulty explaining the Unicode implementation reminds
 me of a passage from the Python zen:
  If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

The *implementation* is easy to explain. It's the names of the encodings 
which I get tangled up in.

ASCII: Supports exactly 127 code points, each of which takes up exactly 7 
bits. Each code point represents a character.

Latin-1, Latin-2, MacRoman, MacGreek, ISO-8859-7, Big5, Windows-1251, and 
about a gazillion other legacy charsets, all of which are mutually 
incompatible: supports anything from 127 to 65535 different code points, 
usually under 256.

UCS-2: Supports exactly 65535 code points, each of which takes up exactly 
two bytes. That's fewer than required, so it is obsoleted by:

UTF-16: Supports all 1114111 code points in the Unicode charset, using a 
variable-width system where the most popular characters use exactly two-
bytes and the remaining ones use a pair of characters.

UCS-4: Supports exactly 4294967295 code points, each of which takes up 
exactly four bytes. That is more than needed for the Unicode charset, so 
this is obsoleted by:

UTF-32: Supports all 1114111 code points, using exactly four bytes each. 
Code points outside of the range 0 through 1114111 inclusive are an error.

UTF-8: Supports all 1114111 code points, using a variable-width system 
where popular ASCII characters require 1 byte, and others use 2, 3 or 4 
bytes as needed.

Ignoring the legacy charsets, only UTF-16 is a terribly complicated 
implementation, due to the surrogate pairs. But even that is not too bad. 
The real complication comes from the interactions between systems which 
use different encodings, and that's nothing to do with Unicode.


Re: A Beginner's Doubt

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:31 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:58:19 AM UTC-5, wrote:
 This is my first post in this group and the reason why I
 came across here is that, despite my complete lack of
 knowledge in the programming area, I received an order
 from my teacher to develop a visually interactive program,

 Ah teachers, you gotta love them! High on a power trip.
 Drunk on tenure. Most of which are overpaid and
 under-worked. Can't work with them, can't fire them!

Just FYI, Augustof, Rick is one of our resident trolls. Don't take his
words to heart :) He knows his stuff when it comes to Tkinter though,
so you'll want to read his posts but ignore the emotion.


Error running xmlrpc Client and server under different Python versions

2013-06-20 Thread stanislav . borisover

I need to run xmlrpc Server under Python 3.3 and Client under Python 2.7. But 
when I try to do so, I receive the following exception:

class 'NameError':global name 'xmlrpclib' is not defined

What is the reason for such an exception. As far as I understand xmlrpc is 
language independent. Please help.


Re: Error running xmlrpc Client and server under different Python versions

2013-06-20 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 20/06/2013 08:36, wrote:


I need to run xmlrpc Server under Python 3.3 and Client under Python 2.7. But 
when I try to do so, I receive the following exception:

class 'NameError':global name 'xmlrpclib' is not defined

What is the reason for such an exception. As far as I understand xmlrpc is 
language independent. Please help.



Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are 
watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green. Snooker 
commentator 'Whispering' Ted Lowe.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Error running xmlrpc Client and server under different Python versions

2013-06-20 Thread Fábio Santos
On 20 Jun 2013 08:46, wrote:


 I need to run xmlrpc Server under Python 3.3 and Client under Python 2.7.
But when I try to do so, I receive the following exception:

 class 'NameError':global name 'xmlrpclib' is not defined

Somewhere in your code you are trying to use the name 'xmlrpclib' but it
was not imported or otherwise assigned to. Search through your code to find
the usage.

 What is the reason for such an exception. As far as I understand xmlrpc
is language independent. Please help.

The fact that it is language independent is irrelevant since this is a code


Re: Don't feed the troll...

2013-06-20 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 19-06-13 20:40, Ian Kelly schreef:

 On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 4:57 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I don't remember making such a claim. What I do remember is
 you among others claiming that the problem was not (so much)
 the troll (Nikos) but the others.
 Count me among those who feel this way. 
Well You are entitled to your judgement, but so are those who
feel differently. For now I don't see a reason to favor your
judgement over others.

 And your last conclusion is unsound. You forget to include the
 fact that once a troll appeared, people reacting badly to the
 troll is also to be expected. So with regards to this aspect
 there is no difference between the troll and the responders,
 both being expected and so no ground to put the preponderance
 of blame on the responders.
 No, I don't agree with that at all.  Trolls are to be expected because
 there will always be those out in the world who want to have a little
 fun and have no regard for either the list or those who use it.  There
 is nothing to be done about that.  On the other hand, the flamers
 responding to the trolls are regular contributers to the list who
 presumably do care about keeping the list courteous, respectful,
 welcoming and enjoyable to participate in.  Toward that end, I do not
 think it is at all unreasonable to expect posters not to throw those
 principles out the window just because a troll showed up.
There are two problems with your reasoning. The first is that you
are equivocating on expect. Expect can mean you will be surprised
if it doesn't happen but it can also mean you will feel indignant or
disappointed or something similar when it doesn't happen.

Now I won't feel surprise when a troll turns up and I also won't feel
surprise when the troll attracts flamers and it is my guess this is
the meaning you use when you write trolls are to be expected. I doubt
you want to express indignation or disappointment with the prospect
of no trolls showing up. But then you seem to switch meaning when
you talk about the flamers. There it sure looks like you are expressing
indignation at the prospect of community members not upholding the
principles you find important.

The second problem is that I find it a one sided view. If you want
a courteous, respectful, welcoming and enjoyable to participate in
list, shouldn't you also be careful in not encouraging trollish
behaviour? Being courteous to or cooperating with someone behaving
trollishly, is IMO enabling that kind of behaviour and so those
doing so, seem to already throw those priciples out the window because
they are cooperating with the troll who is making this list less
courteous, respectful, welcoming and enjoyable to participate in
for a significant number of people.

There is also the aspect that you can only try to keep something
if you have the feeling it is still present. If contributers 
start feeling this list is no longer the hospitable place it once
was, they feel less inclined to do the effort themselves. If
you'd like people not to throw out certain principles you'd better
make sure they don't feel those principles have already been thrown

 Well others don't appreciate you drawing the lines for them
 either. If you think others have no business drawing the line
 for what is acceptable on this mailinglist/newsgroup then you
 have no business drawing such a line yourself.
 Ultimately there is no enforcement on this list, and all of us must
 draw our own lines.  The question then is: will one draw the line
 somewhere that is respectful of the list and promotes positive
 contributions, or somewhere that will push others toward kill-filing
 one and/or giving up on the list altogether?
Indeed, and how is it promoting positive contributions if you answer
trollish contributions about the same way as you do interesting 

 So their ideal solution is to flame him until he goes away, with the
 result being that the threads don't exist to begin with?  If it's
 difficult to filter valuable contributions from a thread while
 trying to ignore every other post, think how much harder it will be to
 got those same valuable contributions from a thread that doesn't
 exist in the first place. 
Those valuable contributions will then probably turn up in an other
thread. One that isn't a resource hog for all contributors.

 I don't know it is that clear. I have the impression it can be
 rather effective in cases where the whole community makes it
 clear trolls are not welcome. Of course if part of the community
 is more bothered by those making trolls feel unwelcome than by
 the trolls themselves, such strive will of course attract them.
 I don't think you understand the troll mindset.  They don't care
 whether the community does or does not welcome them, because they
 don't view themselves as part of the community.  They just want
 affirmation and attention, which is exactly what they get when
 somebody flames them.  They may even find it 

Re: Idea for key parameter in all() builting, would it be feasible?

2013-06-20 Thread Russel Walker
 If you're getting this via the mailing list, just hit Reply, and then
 change the To: address to - that's the simplest
 (assuming you don't have a Reply To List feature, but you wouldn't be
 saying the above if you had one). That way, you get a citation line,
 quoted text is marked, and it's taken a minimum of effort.

I guess it was pretty late last night but I didn't notice the huge post reply 
button *palmface*.

 Awesome! Hey, if you *can* switch to Py3, do try to. It has heaps of
 improvements, and it has a future. :)

Also I realized that aside from using map or the better alternative imap, an 
even better way to go might be a generator expression. Completely forgot about 

So with a slightly less trivial example than the first

 all(map(lambda x: n%x, xrange(2, n)))

could be better written as

 all(n%x for n in xrange(2, n))

which is roughly 10 times faster and memory efficient, plus syntax is cleaner.
And roughly 1.5 times faster than imap which isn't much but prevents having to 
import itertools.

But I discovered a new itertools tool and my sieve was successful.

def primeset(upper):
set([2]+range(3,upper,2)).difference(set.union(*[set(xrange(p+p,upper,p)) for p 
in [n for n in xrange(3,int(pow(upper, 0.5)+1)) if all(n%x for x in xrange(2, 
int(pow(n, 0.5)+1)))]]))

Here is the more sane version of the one-liner above.

def primeset(upper):
def isprime(n):
# brute force trial division
for d in xrange(2, int(pow(n, 0.5)+1)):
if n%d == 0: return False
return True
# Initial set of only odd numbers except for 2
numbers = set([2]+range(3, upper, 2))
# List of prime numbers up to square root of upper using brute force.
primes = [n for n in xrange(2, int(pow(upper,0.5)+1)) if isprime(n)]
# Multiples of all the prime numbers in the list above.
all_multiples = (set(xrange(p+p,upper,p)) for p in primes)
# This was allot faster than reduce(set.union, all_multiples)
multiples = set.union(*all_multiples)
# And the sieving action.
return numbers.difference(multiples)

Rough benchmarks:

 timer(primeset, 10**6)

 # straight forward Eratosthenes sieve
 timer(primes, 10**6)


Re: Idea for key parameter in all() builting, would it be feasible?

2013-06-20 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 19-06-13 18:14, schreef:

 all(map(lambda x: bool(x), xrange(10**9)))

Since you already have your answer, I just like to get your attention
to the fact the the lambda is superfluous here. Your expression
above is equivallent to

  all(map(bool, xrange(10**9)))


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread MRAB

On 20/06/2013 07:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:46:59 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:11:08 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Gah! That's twice I've screwed that up. Sorry about that!

Yeah, and your difficulty explaining the Unicode implementation reminds
me of a passage from the Python zen:

 If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

The *implementation* is easy to explain. It's the names of the encodings
which I get tangled up in.

You're off by one below!

ASCII: Supports exactly 127 code points, each of which takes up exactly 7
bits. Each code point represents a character.

128 codepoints.

Latin-1, Latin-2, MacRoman, MacGreek, ISO-8859-7, Big5, Windows-1251, and
about a gazillion other legacy charsets, all of which are mutually
incompatible: supports anything from 127 to 65535 different code points,
usually under 256.

128 to 65536 codepoints.

UCS-2: Supports exactly 65535 code points, each of which takes up exactly
two bytes. That's fewer than required, so it is obsoleted by:

65536 codepoints.


UTF-16: Supports all 1114111 code points in the Unicode charset, using a
variable-width system where the most popular characters use exactly two-
bytes and the remaining ones use a pair of characters.

UCS-4: Supports exactly 4294967295 code points, each of which takes up
exactly four bytes. That is more than needed for the Unicode charset, so
this is obsoleted by:

UTF-32: Supports all 1114111 code points, using exactly four bytes each.
Code points outside of the range 0 through 1114111 inclusive are an error.

UTF-8: Supports all 1114111 code points, using a variable-width system
where popular ASCII characters require 1 byte, and others use 2, 3 or 4
bytes as needed.

Ignoring the legacy charsets, only UTF-16 is a terribly complicated
implementation, due to the surrogate pairs. But even that is not too bad.
The real complication comes from the interactions between systems which
use different encodings, and that's nothing to do with Unicode.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread rusi
On Jun 20, 12:38 am, Rick Johnson
 On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 2:17:35 PM UTC-5, Ahmed Abdulshafy wrote:
  I'm reading the tutorial right now, and I found
  this part rather strange and incomprehensible to me

  Important warning: The default value is evaluated only
  once. This makes a difference when the default is a
  mutable object such as a list, dictionary, or instances of
  most classes

  def f(a, L=[]):
      return L


  This will print

  [1, 2]
  [1, 2, 3]

  How the list is retained between successive calls? And

 By the evil hands of an illogical consistency.

 Have you ever heard the old adage: The road to hell is
 paved in good intentions? Well, apparently the original
 designers of the language called in sick the day that class
 was taught. It's unfortunate because the same functionality
 that this intention claims to solve can be reproduced
 easily, and in a less astonishing manner, by the programmer

Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.

If you are a beginning python programmer, really the best answer is:
Just dont do it!  Dont do what? Dont use mutable arguments as function
And when you feel that you need to, use Steven's trick: use a
immutable indicator 'None' for the mutable [].

Once you cross the noob stage you can check that its a standard
gotcha: Just run a search for 'python gotcha default []'

Its even been discussed repeatedly on the python-ideas list
Heres a correction suggestion:
Here's Terry Reedy's nicely explaining the 'why-of-the-how' :

FWIW here is a conceptual/philosophical explanation of your confusion:

There are 2 fundamental ways for approaching the programming task --
functional and imperative.
In FP, the primary requirement is that the behavior of a function
should be entirely determinable by its arguments.
In Imp. P, computation proceeds by changing state.

Now from the time of Backus turing award
it is known that the two philosophies are mutually incompatible.  Now
python is in a rather unique position in this respect: it supports
many of the features of modern FPLs and one can almost do functional
programming in it.  In a few cases the imperative/Object-based
internals leak out, this is one of those cases.

That such leakage will occasionally happen see:

And you've had a little excess of the FP koolaid read :

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 rusi wrote:

   def f(a, L=[]):
       return L

 Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.

One of our pre-interview screening questions for Python programmers at 
Songza is about this.  I haven't been keeping careful statistics, but 
I'd guess only about 50% of the candidates get this right.

New line conversion with Popen attached to a pty

2013-06-20 Thread jfharden

Sorry if this appears twice, I sent it to the mailing list earlier and the mail 
seems to have been swallowed by the black hole of email vagaries.

We have a class which executes external processes in a controlled environment 
and does things specified by the client program with each line of output. To 
do this we have been attaching stdout from the subprocess.Popen to a pseudo 
terminal (pty) made with pty.openempty and opened with os.fdopen. I noticed 
that we kept getting a bunch of extra new line characters.

This is all using python 2.6.4 in a centos6 environment.

After some investigation I realised we needed to use universal_newline support 
so I enabled it for the Popen and specified the mode in the fdopen to be rU. 
Things still seemed to be coming out wrong so I wrote up a test program boiling 
it down to the simplest cases (which is at the end of this message). The output 
I was testing was this:

as seen through hexdump -C:

 hexdump -C output.txt 
  46 61 6b 65 0d 0a 44 61  74 61 0d 0a  |Fake..Data..|

Now if I do a simple subprocess.Popen and set the stdout to subprocess.PIPE, 
then do I get the correct output of


When do the Popen attached to a pty I end up with


Does anyone know why the newline conversion would be incorrect, and what I 
could do to fix it? In fact if anyone even has any pointers to where this might 
be going wrong I'd be very helpful, I've done hours of fiddling with this and 
googling to no avail.

One liner to generate the test data:

python -c 'f = open(output.txt, w); f.write(Fake\r\nData\r\n); f.close()'

Test script:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.6.4
import os
import pty
import subprocess
import select
import fcntl

class TestRead(object):

def __init__(self):
super(TestRead, self).__init__()

def outputPipe(self):
p1 = subprocess.Popen(
(/bin/cat, output.txt),
print 1: %r %

def outputPty(self):
outMaster, outSlave = pty.openpty()
fcntl.fcntl(outMaster, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)

p2 = subprocess.Popen(
(/bin/cat, output.txt),

with os.fdopen(outMaster, 'rU') as pty_stdout:
while True:
rfds, _, _ =[pty_stdout], [], [], 0.1)
except select.error:

for fd in rfds:
buf =
print 2: %r % buf

if __name__ == __main__:
t = TestRead()



Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread rusi
On Jun 20, 6:19 pm, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,

  rusi wrote:
def f(a, L=[]):
    return L
  Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.

 One of our pre-interview screening questions for Python programmers at
 Songza is about this.  I haven't been keeping careful statistics, but
 I'd guess only about 50% of the candidates get this right.

(search forward to 'disastrous blending' )
No I am not saying that such knowledge is not required in the 'real

However I do feel that just as a view of literature that does not go
beyond gothic horror is a poor view;
and just because for languages like C (even more C++) expertise more
or less equivales gothicness,
for a cleaner world like python we should distinguish the seedy areas
we know about but avoid and the clean areas we live in.
Clearly flagging gotchas as such helps in that direction.

In short (and to the OP): If you did NOT find this confusing, it would
be cause for more concern :-)

Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Joshua Landau
On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the only
 way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one line, actual
 mistake far before).

 See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
 If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is to
 go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a closing
 bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening one is.

Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:26:17 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 The *implementation* is easy to explain. It's the names of
 the encodings which I get tangled up in.

Well, ignoring the fact that you're last explanation is
still buggy, you have not actually described an
implementation, no, you've merely generalized ( and quite
vaguely i might add) the technical specification of a few
encoding. Let's ask Wikipedia to enlighten us on the
subject of implementation:

#  Define: Implementation  #

# In computer science, an implementation is a realization  #
# of a technical specification or algorithm as a program,  #
# software component, or other computer system through #
# computer programming and deployment. Many#
# implementations may exist for a given specification or   #
# standard. For example, web browsers contain  #
# implementations of World Wide Web Consortium-recommended #
# specifications, and software development tools contain   #
# implementations of programming languages.#

Do you think someone could reliably implement the alphabet of a new
language in Unicode by using the general outline you
provided? -- again, ignoring your continual fumbling when
explaining that simple generalization :-)

Your generalization is analogous to explaining web browsers
as: software that allows a user to view web pages in the
range www.* Do you think someone could implement a web
browser from such limited specification? (if that was all
they knew?).

 Since we're on the subject of Unicode:

One the most humorous aspects of Unicode is that it has
encodings for Braille characters. Hmm, this presents a
conundrum of sorts. RIDDLE ME THIS?!

Since Braille is a type of reading for the blind by
utilizing the sense of touch (therefore DEMANDING 3
dimensions) and glyphs derived from Unicode are
restrictively two dimensional, because let's face it people,
Unicode exists in your computer, and computer screens are
two dimensional... but you already knew that -- i think?,
then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?

That should haunt your nightmares for some time.

Re: About GIL Questions!

2013-06-20 Thread Joshua Landau
On 20 June 2013 05:13, Thanatos xiao wrote:
 Hey everyone!
 Recently I see the python source code, but i still not understand about gil.
 first, why single core quicker multi-core ?

Chris Angelico touched on your other points, but not this as clearly;

Python threads run on one thread because they have to. It is not
because they're faster. Python theoretically would be faster if its
threads could run multicore, but it's really hard to make that work.

See for an example of the acrobatics it
would take to get a propper GIL-free Python.

Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2013-06-20, Joshua Landau wrote:
 On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the
 only way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one
 line, actual mistake far before).

 See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
 If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is
 to go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a
 closing bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening
 one is.

 Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.

The auto-indent feature of Vim catches this type of syntax error,
and I imagine other good autoindent support will do the same.
After I press enter and the following line's indent isn't what I
expect, it is nearly always due to a missing bracket, quote or

So if you press enter and the autoindent is unexpected, don't
just press space or backspace to fix it. It's usually a sign of
an earlier syntax error, so look for that first.

Neil Cerutti

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2013.06.20 08:40, Rick Johnson wrote:
 One the most humorous aspects of Unicode is that it has
 encodings for Braille characters. Hmm, this presents a
 conundrum of sorts. RIDDLE ME THIS?!
 Since Braille is a type of reading for the blind by
 utilizing the sense of touch (therefore DEMANDING 3
 dimensions) and glyphs derived from Unicode are
 restrictively two dimensional, because let's face it people,
 Unicode exists in your computer, and computer screens are
 two dimensional... but you already knew that -- i think?,
 then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?
Two dimensional characters can be made into 3 dimensional shapes.
Building numbers are a good example of this.
We already have one Unicode troll; do we really need you too?

CPython 3.3.2 | Windows NT 6.2.9200 / FreeBSD 9.1

Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 I use vi/vim and it both shows the matching bracket when the cursor
 is on one and also have a keystroke to bounce the curser between
 this bracket and the matching one.

 If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is to
 go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a closing
 bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening one is.

I use this technique sometimes and it works if the unclosed bracket is
still in view.

If you use vim then you can do [( i.e. type  '[' followed by '(' in
normal mode. It will jump backwards to the first unmatched opening
bracket. Use ]) to find the next unmatched closing bracket. You can
also do [{ and ]} for curly brackets. I'm not sure how to do square
brackets - [[ and ]] are used for navigating between functions.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:57:06 AM UTC-5, rusi wrote:
 Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.

So are we purposely injecting illogic into our language just
to be part of some cool crowd of programming languages with

 You thought intuitiveness was a virtue? Haha, we gotcha!

Or maybe this is reminiscent of the fraternity hazing rituals
of days gone by:

 Thank you Sir, may i have another?

 If you are a beginning python programmer, really the best
 answer is: Just dont do it!  Dont do what? Dont use
 mutable arguments as function defaults. Once you cross the
 noob stage you can check that its a standard gotcha: Just
 run a search for 'python gotcha default []'

 And when you feel that you need to, use Steven's trick:
 use a immutable indicator 'None' for the mutable []. Once
 you cross the noob stage you can check that its a standard
 gotcha: Just run a search for 'python gotcha default []'
 Its even been discussed repeatedly on the python-ideas

Your attempting to excuse an inexcusable language flaw by
pointing out that the effects of the flaw can be avoided by
using a workaround. And, to add insult to injury, you
provide no good reason for the flaw to exist:

 Just do x, y, and z and shut up. Yes we made a mistake
 but we are not about to admit our mistake and the onerous
 will be on all the noobs to re-invent the workaround each

To me that is unacceptable.

 Heres a correction suggestion: [...] Here's Terry Reedy's
 nicely explaining the 'why-of-the-how' : [...] FWIW here
 is a conceptual/philosophical explanation of your
 confusion: There are 2 fundamental ways for approaching
 the programming task -- functional and imperative.

All these explanations ignore a fundamental fact about

A call to a subroutine should exists as a unique transaction
within the entire program. It is expected to optionally take
inputs, and optionally return an output (depending on the

When the subroutine is completed, all inputs and local
variables are expected to be destroyed. If the programmer
wants a return value, he need simply ask. Data persistence
is not a function of subroutines! Finally, a subroutine
should never have side effects UNLESS the programmer
explicitly ask for a side effect.

However, the Python flaw of allowing mutable sequence
arguments to persist between successive calls of a
subroutine is breaking the entire definition of a
subroutine, and for what noble purpose i ask? What purpose
is SO important that you change a well established interface
in a totally unintuitive manner?

If your answer is that recursion is easier, then i say that
is foolish because a programmer can keep a reference
to a mutable sequence OUTSIDE the subroutine and you can
save the gotchas for Guido's next birthday party.


Re: Idea for key parameter in all() builting, would it be feasible?

2013-06-20 Thread Russel Walker
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:45:27 PM UTC+2, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 19-06-13 18:14, schreef:
  all(map(lambda x: bool(x), xrange(10**9)))
 Since you already have your answer, I just like to get your attention
 to the fact the the lambda is superfluous here. Your expression
 above is equivallent to
   all(map(bool, xrange(10**9)))

That's true, I didn't notice that. Although it was a trivial example I was 
setting up from the actual code and couldn't think of what to shove inside 
lambda so bool got the short straw.

The latest example I showed was actually.

 all(map(lambda x: n%x, xrange(2, n))) 

Re: dynamic if statement

2013-06-20 Thread upperdecksu
On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 10:10:42 AM UTC-4, wrote:
 I am new to python and struggling with creating a dynamic if statement. 
 I have a set of queries that are run against various databases/tables.  The 
 result is all the same in that I always get back the same field names.
 What I want to do is total the results differently based on the table. so for 
 I query fld1, fld2, fld3, qty, qty2 from table1
 then I loop thru the results 
   if fld1 = 'a' add qty to some_total1 
 I query fld1, fld2, fld3, qty, qty2  from table2
 then I loop thru the results 
   if fld2 = 'b' add qty to some_total1 
 I query fld1, fld2, fld3, qty, qty2  from table3
 then I loop thru the results 
   if fld3 = 'c' add qty2 to some_total1 
 I created a database pair that contains (table1,fld1 = 'a',add qty to 
 (table2,fld2 = 'b',qty to some_total1)
 (table3,fld3 = 'c',qty2 to some_total1)
 So I know which table I am using, I query my list pair but I cant see how to 
 build the if statement using the results from the query. 
 something like this would be the result 
 var1 = fld1 = 'a'
 result = add qty to some_total1
 if var1:

thanks for the help.. with a bit of tweaking i got it working as needed

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:04:50 AM UTC-5, Andrew Berg wrote:
 On 2013.06.20 08:40, Rick Johnson wrote:

  then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?
 Two dimensional characters can be made into 3 dimensional shapes.

Yes in the real world. But what about on your computer
screen? How do you plan on creating tactile representations of
braille glyphs on my monitor? Hey, if you can already do this, 
please share, as it sure would make internet porn more 

 Building numbers are a good example of this.

Either the matrix is reality or you must live inside your
computer as a virtual being. Is your name Tron? Are you a pawn
of Master Control? He's such a tyrant!

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 1:12 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:04:50 AM UTC-5, Andrew Berg wrote:
 On 2013.06.20 08:40, Rick Johnson wrote:

  then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?
 Two dimensional characters can be made into 3 dimensional shapes.

 Yes in the real world. But what about on your computer
 screen? How do you plan on creating tactile representations of
 braille glyphs on my monitor? Hey, if you can already do this,
 please share, as it sure would make internet porn more

I had a device for creating embossed text. It predated Unicode by a
couple of years at least (not sure how many, because I was fairly
young at the time). It was made by a company called Epson, it plugged
into the computer via a 25-pin plug, and when it was properly
functioning, it had a ribbon of ink that it would bash through to
darken the underside of the embossed text. But sometimes that ribbon
slipped out of position, and we had beautifully-hammered ASCII text,
unsullied by ink. And since the device did graphics too, it could be
used for the entire Unicode character set if you wanted.

Not sure that it would improve your porn any, but I've no doubt you
could try if you wanted.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:40 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 Your generalization is analogous to explaining web browsers
 as: software that allows a user to view web pages in the
 range www.* Do you think someone could implement a web
 browser from such limited specification? (if that was all
 they knew?).

Wow. That spec isn't limited, it's downright faulty. Or do you really
think that (a) there is such a thing as the range www.*, and that
(b) that range has anything to do with web browsers?


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 When the subroutine is completed, all inputs and local
 variables are expected to be destroyed. If the programmer
 wants a return value, he need simply ask. Data persistence
 is not a function of subroutines!

Funny, C violates your description too.

int counter()
static int count;
return ++count;

Function defaults in Python, being implemented as attributes on the
function object, are very similar in nature to static variables in C.
They're constructed once at function creation time, they're available
to that function (okay, C doesn't have any concept of reaching into
a function from the outside, Python does), they out-last any
particular execution of that function.

 Finally, a subroutine
 should never have side effects UNLESS the programmer
 explicitly ask for a side effect.


By default, a function is assumed to have side effects. The
programmer/sysadmin has to explicitly ask for PostgreSQL to treat the
function as NOT having side effects (the IMMUTABLE attribute, or
possibly its weaker cousin STABLE).


Re: Idea for key parameter in all() builting, would it be feasible?

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Russel Walker wrote:
 On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:45:27 PM UTC+2, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 19-06-13 18:14, schreef:


  all(map(lambda x: bool(x), xrange(10**9)))

 Since you already have your answer, I just like to get your attention
 to the fact the the lambda is superfluous here. Your expression
 above is equivallent to

   all(map(bool, xrange(10**9)))

 That's true, I didn't notice that. Although it was a trivial example I was 
 setting up from the actual code and couldn't think of what to shove inside 
 lambda so bool got the short straw.

Yeah, I've been guilty of that fairly often - making a trivial example
that can be trivialized even more. Sometimes all you need to do is
acknowledge it with a comment and move on, other times the additional
trivialization is a clue to the actual problem :)

In this particular case, all() will boolify anyway, so you don't even
need map. But that would completely destroy your example:

all(xrange(10**9)) # Doesn't help with figuring out the original issue!


Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Neil Cerutti wrote:
 On 2013-06-20, Joshua Landau wrote:
 On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the
 only way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one
 line, actual mistake far before).

 See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
 If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is
 to go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a
 closing bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening
 one is.

 Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.

 The auto-indent feature of Vim catches this type of syntax error,
 and I imagine other good autoindent support will do the same.
 After I press enter and the following line's indent isn't what I
 expect, it is nearly always due to a missing bracket, quote or

 So if you press enter and the autoindent is unexpected, don't
 just press space or backspace to fix it. It's usually a sign of
 an earlier syntax error, so look for that first.

Yes, though editors (like everything else!) can be buggy - SciTE, for
instance, has a bug with handling two adjacent braces in C code:

void dummy_function() {}
//SciTE will indent after that line

But autoindentation is a *hugely* valuable feature, because it gives
INSTANT feedback. You hit enter, the line is indented, you expected no
indent, problem found. And I've even used it as a means of probing -
if there's a problem in this area somewhere, I just go to the middle
of the area, hit enter to insert a blank line, and see if the
indentation is wrong. If it is, the problem's in the top half, else
the problem's in the bottom half. That is: The problem is in the
top-if-indentation-wrong-else-bottom half, using Python's ternary
syntax. Or the (indentation-wrong? top: bottom) half, in C notation.
Or... okay, I'll stop now.


Looking for a scalable Python cloud platform ? Go try Clever Cloud!

2013-06-20 Thread Adrien Cretté
If you'are looking for hosting some Python in the cloud, let me introduce you 

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Disclosure: I work at Clever Cloud.

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread wxjmfauth
Le jeudi 20 juin 2013 13:43:28 UTC+2, MRAB a écrit :
 On 20/06/2013 07:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:46:59 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:
  On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:11:08 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Gah! That's twice I've screwed that up. Sorry about that!
  Yeah, and your difficulty explaining the Unicode implementation reminds
  me of a passage from the Python zen:
   If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
  The *implementation* is easy to explain. It's the names of the encodings
  which I get tangled up in.
 You're off by one below!
  ASCII: Supports exactly 127 code points, each of which takes up exactly 7
  bits. Each code point represents a character.
 128 codepoints.
  Latin-1, Latin-2, MacRoman, MacGreek, ISO-8859-7, Big5, Windows-1251, and
  about a gazillion other legacy charsets, all of which are mutually
  incompatible: supports anything from 127 to 65535 different code points,
  usually under 256.
 128 to 65536 codepoints.
  UCS-2: Supports exactly 65535 code points, each of which takes up exactly
  two bytes. That's fewer than required, so it is obsoleted by:
 65536 codepoints.
  UTF-16: Supports all 1114111 code points in the Unicode charset, using a
  variable-width system where the most popular characters use exactly two-
  bytes and the remaining ones use a pair of characters.
  UCS-4: Supports exactly 4294967295 code points, each of which takes up
  exactly four bytes. That is more than needed for the Unicode charset, so
  this is obsoleted by:
  UTF-32: Supports all 1114111 code points, using exactly four bytes each.
  Code points outside of the range 0 through 1114111 inclusive are an error.
  UTF-8: Supports all 1114111 code points, using a variable-width system
  where popular ASCII characters require 1 byte, and others use 2, 3 or 4
  bytes as needed.
  Ignoring the legacy charsets, only UTF-16 is a terribly complicated
  implementation, due to the surrogate pairs. But even that is not too bad.
  The real complication comes from the interactions between systems which
  use different encodings, and that's nothing to do with Unicode.

And all these coding schemes have something in common,
they work all with a unique set of code points, more
precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
the set of implemented code points (byte)).

Just what the flexible string representation is not
doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
to handle eache subset differently.

On this other side, that is because it is impossible to
work properly with multiple sets of encoded code points
that all these coding schemes exist today. There are simply
no other way.

Even exotic schemes like CID-fonts used in pdf
are based on that scheme.



Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 2:27 AM, wrote:
 And all these coding schemes have something in common,
 they work all with a unique set of code points, more
 precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
 the set of implemented code points (byte)).

 Just what the flexible string representation is not
 doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
 to handle eache subset differently.

UTF-16 divides Unicode into two subsets: BMP characters (encoded using
one 16-bit unit) and astral characters (encoded using two 16-bit units
in the D800::/5 netblock, or equivalent thereof). Your beloved narrow
builds are guilty of exactly the same crime as the hated 3.3.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Andreas Perstinger
Rick Johnson wrote:

 Since we're on the subject of Unicode:

One the most humorous aspects of Unicode is that it has
encodings for Braille characters. Hmm, this presents a
conundrum of sorts. RIDDLE ME THIS?!

Since Braille is a type of reading for the blind by
utilizing the sense of touch (therefore DEMANDING 3
dimensions) and glyphs derived from Unicode are
restrictively two dimensional, because let's face it people,
Unicode exists in your computer, and computer screens are
two dimensional... but you already knew that -- i think?,
then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?

That should haunt your nightmares for some time.

The intent of encoding the 256 Braille patterns in the Unicode
Standard is to allow input and output devices to be implemented that
can interchange Braille data without having to go through a
context-dependent conversion from semantic values to patterns, or vice
versa. In this manner, final-form documents can be exchanged and
faithfully rendered.

I wish you a pleasant sleep tonight.

Bye, Andreas

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread rusi
You know Rick, you are good at python, you are better at polemics.
If only you would cut the crap I would (be able to) agree with you.
See below

On Jun 20, 7:49 pm, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:57:06 AM UTC-5, rusi wrote:
  Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.

 So are we purposely injecting illogic into our language just
 to be part of some cool crowd of programming languages with

  You thought intuitiveness was a virtue? Haha, we gotcha!

Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
someone malevolently put them there.
In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
entrenched code too great.
Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

 Or maybe this is reminiscent of the fraternity hazing rituals
 of days gone by:

  Thank you Sir, may i have another?

  If you are a beginning python programmer, really the best
  answer is: Just dont do it!  Dont do what? Dont use
  mutable arguments as function defaults. Once you cross the
  noob stage you can check that its a standard gotcha: Just
  run a search for 'python gotcha default []'

  And when you feel that you need to, use Steven's trick:
  use a immutable indicator 'None' for the mutable []. Once
  you cross the noob stage you can check that its a standard
  gotcha: Just run a search for 'python gotcha default []'
  Its even been discussed repeatedly on the python-ideas

 Your attempting to excuse an inexcusable language flaw by
 pointing out that the effects of the flaw can be avoided by
 using a workaround. And, to add insult to injury, you
 provide no good reason for the flaw to exist:

  Just do x, y, and z and shut up. Yes we made a mistake
  but we are not about to admit our mistake and the onerous
  will be on all the noobs to re-invent the workaround each

 To me that is unacceptable.

  Heres a correction suggestion: [...] Here's Terry Reedy's
  nicely explaining the 'why-of-the-how' : [...] FWIW here
  is a conceptual/philosophical explanation of your
  confusion: There are 2 fundamental ways for approaching
  the programming task -- functional and imperative.

 All these explanations ignore a fundamental fact about

 A call to a subroutine should exists as a unique transaction
 within the entire program. It is expected to optionally take
 inputs, and optionally return an output (depending on the

 When the subroutine is completed, all inputs and local
 variables are expected to be destroyed. If the programmer
 wants a return value, he need simply ask. Data persistence
 is not a function of subroutines! Finally, a subroutine
 should never have side effects UNLESS the programmer
 explicitly ask for a side effect.

 However, the Python flaw of allowing mutable sequence
 arguments to persist between successive calls of a
 subroutine is breaking the entire definition of a
 subroutine, and for what noble purpose i ask? What purpose
 is SO important that you change a well established interface
 in a totally unintuitive manner?

 If your answer is that recursion is easier, then i say that
 is foolish because a programmer can keep a reference
 to a mutable sequence OUTSIDE the subroutine and you can
 save the gotchas for Guido's next birthday party.


You are saying in different language what I said: Functional
programming is a good idea, imperative programming is a bad idea.
From the invention of subroutines (ie 50 years) PL designers are
hearing this truth but somehow or other fail to listen; for more
details see

Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread MRAB

On 20/06/2013 17:37, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 2:27 AM, wrote:

And all these coding schemes have something in common,
they work all with a unique set of code points, more
precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
the set of implemented code points (byte)).

Just what the flexible string representation is not
doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
to handle eache subset differently.

UTF-16 divides Unicode into two subsets: BMP characters (encoded using
one 16-bit unit) and astral characters (encoded using two 16-bit units
in the D800::/5 netblock, or equivalent thereof). Your beloved narrow
builds are guilty of exactly the same crime as the hated 3.3.

UTF-8 divides Unicode into subsets which are encoded in 1, 2, 3, or 4
bytes, and those who previously used ASCII still need only 1 byte per


Re: Variables versus name bindings [Re: A certainl part of an if() structure never gets executed.]

2013-06-20 Thread Roel Schroeven

Νίκος schreef:

Στις 18/6/2013 12:05 μμ, ο/η Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:

Names are *always* linked to objects, not to other names.

a = []
b = a  # Now a and b refer to the same list
a = {} # Now a refers to a dict, and b refers to the same list as before

I see, thank you Steven.

But since this is a fact how do you create complicated data structures 
that rely on various variables pointing one to another liek we did in 
C++(cannot recall their names) ?

You almost never need to do that in Python. But if you really want to, 
out of curiosity, you can. For example, you could create a simple singly 
linked list like this:

 class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value = None

 first = Node(1)
 second = Node(2) = second

You could iterate over it like this:

 def iterate_linked_list(node):
while node:
yield node.value
node =

 for v in iterate_linked_list(first):
print v

People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of
proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.
-- Pascal Blaise


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:17 AM, MRAB wrote:
 On 20/06/2013 17:37, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 2:27 AM, wrote:

 And all these coding schemes have something in common,
 they work all with a unique set of code points, more
 precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
 the set of implemented code points (byte)).

 Just what the flexible string representation is not
 doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
 to handle eache subset differently.

 UTF-16 divides Unicode into two subsets: BMP characters (encoded using
 one 16-bit unit) and astral characters (encoded using two 16-bit units
 in the D800::/5 netblock, or equivalent thereof). Your beloved narrow
 builds are guilty of exactly the same crime as the hated 3.3.

 UTF-8 divides Unicode into subsets which are encoded in 1, 2, 3, or 4
 bytes, and those who previously used ASCII still need only 1 byte per

Yes, but there's never (AFAIK) been a Python implementation that
represents strings in UTF-8; UTF-16 was one of two options for Python
2.2 through 3.2, and is the one that jmf always seems to be measuring


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Jussi Piitulainen
Rick Johnson writes:
 On Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:04:50 AM UTC-5, Andrew Berg wrote:
  On 2013.06.20 08:40, Rick Johnson wrote:
 then what is the purpose of a Unicode Braille character set?
  Two dimensional characters can be made into 3 dimensional shapes.
 Yes in the real world. But what about on your computer screen? How
 do you plan on creating tactile representations of braille glyphs on
 my monitor? Hey, if you can already do this, please share, as it
 sure would make internet porn more interesting!

Search for braille display on the web. A wikipedia article also led me
to braille e-book. (Or search for braille porn, since you are so
inclined - the concept turns out to be already out there on the web.)

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:12 AM, rusi wrote:
 Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
 someone malevolently put them there.
 In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
 entrenched code too great.
 Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

Or, in many MANY cases, the choice was the right one, but isn't
obvious to everyone.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread rusi
On Jun 20, 10:19 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:12 AM, rusi wrote:
  Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
  someone malevolently put them there.
  In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
  entrenched code too great.
  Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

 Or, in many MANY cases, the choice was the right one, but isn't
 obvious to everyone.



If you've ever taught a first programming class you would know how
frequent is the complaint (said by a beginning student in a loud
confident voice): THE COMPILER HAS A BUG!

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:12 AM, rusi wrote:
 Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
 someone malevolently put them there.
 In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
 entrenched code too great.
 Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

 Or, in many MANY cases, the choice was the right one, but isn't
 obvious to everyone.

I think it's worth pointing out that changing function defaults to
late-binding would merely change the nature of the gotcha, not eliminate it.

words = (one, two, red, blue, fish)

def join_strings(strings=words):
return ' '.join('%s %s' % (s, strings[-1]) for s in strings[:-1])

# Later:
words = open(gettysburg_address.txt, r).read().split()
# Oops, the default argument of join_strings just changed.

Additionally, with late-binding semantics the default values would no
longer be default *values*.  They would be initialization code
instead, which sort of flies in the face of the idea that late-binding
would somehow be better for functional programming -- if the default
expressions have no side effects and since they don't depend on the
function arguments, why should they need to run more than once?  If
the goal is indeed to make the the functions more functional, then the
proper solution would be to keep the binding early but just disallow
mutable defaults altogether -- which is tricky to achieve in Python,
so we simply emulate it with the advice don't use mutable function

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:38:34 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Function defaults in Python, being implemented as
 attributes on the function object, are very similar in
 nature to static variables in C.

Oh wait a minute. i think it's becoming clear to me now!

Python functions are objects that take arguments, of which
(the arguments) are then converted to attributes of the
function object. Ah-Ha! Urm, but wait! We already have a
method to define Objects. Heck, I can even create my own
callable objects if i want! 

  py class FuncAdd(object):
  ... def __init__(self, ivalue):
  ... self.ivalue = ivalue
  ... def __call__(self, numeric):
  ... return self.ivalue + numeric
  py fa = FuncAdd(10)
  py fa(10)
  py fa(20)

I can even emulate (quite easily) this idea of
persistence of function arguments with mutables 
too, Yippee!

  py class ArgPersist(object):
  ... def __init__(self, lst):
  ... self.lst = lst
  ... def __call__(self, arg):
  ... self.lst.append(arg)
  ... return self.lst
  py fp = ArgPersist([1,2,3])
  py fp(4)
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  py fp([5,6,7])
  [1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7]]
But then, i can even do it WITHOUT creating an object

  py mutable = []
  py def expandMutable(arg):
  ... mutable.append(arg)
  py expandMutable(1)
  py mutable
  py expandMutable([2,3,4])
  py mutable
  [1, [2, 3, 4]]

ANY of those approaches are much less confusing than the
current flaw and do not violate the least astonishment law..
I'm quite Okay with Python functions being first class
objects, however, i am not okay with violating the
fundamental nature of subroutines, especially when that
violation can offer no clear and arguable benefits and is in
fact unreasonably esoteric in nature.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:12:01 PM UTC-5, rusi wrote:

 Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have
 gotchas because someone malevolently put them there. In
 most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of
 changing entrenched code too great. 

Okay. So now you are admitting the problem. That is a good
start. Thanks for being honest.

 Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

Both the problem and solution are clear, however, the will to execute
the solution remains to be seem. Are you telling me we can
justify breaking backwards compatibility for the sake of
print[1] but we cannot justify breaking it for this
monstrosity? Come on Rusi, you've gone too far with the
comedy now.

[1]: FYI I personally think print as function is the correct implementation.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread rusi
On Jun 20, 10:57 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 the goal is indeed to make the the functions more functional, then the
 proper solution would be to keep the binding early but just disallow
 mutable defaults altogether -- which is tricky to achieve in Python,
 so we simply emulate it with the advice don't use mutable function

Nicely put.  Imperative programming is a bad idea; FP is a good idea
is an attractive religious dogma.
When put into practice with full religious zeal, we then need
something like monads to make realistic programming possible.
Which then becomes a case of remedy worse than disease.

Which is why I prefer to keep FP in the limbo region between ideology
and technology

Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?

2013-06-20 Thread Wanderer
Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?


Re: Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?

2013-06-20 Thread Alister
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:35:49 -0700, Wanderer wrote:

 Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?

that will depend on your operating system an possibly the variety of 

I don't even butter my bread.  I consider that cooking.
-- Katherine Cebrian

Re: Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?

2013-06-20 Thread MRAB

On 20/06/2013 19:35, Wanderer wrote:

Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?



Problems with pkg_resources

2013-06-20 Thread Skip Montanaro
I'm trying to get setup to work on pylint source.  I've installed
pylint, logilab-common and astroid in the usual manner, specifying
--user to get them into my private space:

python install --user

If I attempt to import astroid from a Python prompt, everything's

% PYTHONPATH=/home/skipm/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages python
Python 2.7.2 (default, Oct 17 2012, 03:11:33)
[GCC 4.4.6 [TWW]] on sunos5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import astroid

but pylint can't find it:

% PYTHONPATH=/home/skipm/3rdParty/astroid pylint Traceback (most
recent call last):
  File /home/skipm/.local/bin/pylint, line 6, in module
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
  File /opt/TWWfsw/distribute06/lib/python27/, line
2709, in module
  File /opt/TWWfsw/distribute06/lib/python27/, line
686, in require
needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
  File /opt/TWWfsw/distribute06/lib/python27/, line
584, in resolve
raise DistributionNotFound(req)
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: logilab-astroid=0.24.3

How do I work around this problem?  I'd rather be hacking on pylint
than struggling with distutils.



Re: Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?

2013-06-20 Thread Wanderer
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:47:52 PM UTC-4, MRAB wrote:
 On 20/06/2013 19:35, Wanderer wrote:
  Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?

You're right. I had no problems. FYI the operating system is Windows 7.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-20 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 20/06/2013 17:27, wrote:

Le jeudi 20 juin 2013 13:43:28 UTC+2, MRAB a écrit :

On 20/06/2013 07:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:46:59 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:11:08 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Gah! That's twice I've screwed that up. Sorry about that!

Yeah, and your difficulty explaining the Unicode implementation reminds

me of a passage from the Python zen:

  If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

The *implementation* is easy to explain. It's the names of the encodings

which I get tangled up in.

You're off by one below!

ASCII: Supports exactly 127 code points, each of which takes up exactly 7

bits. Each code point represents a character.

128 codepoints.

Latin-1, Latin-2, MacRoman, MacGreek, ISO-8859-7, Big5, Windows-1251, and

about a gazillion other legacy charsets, all of which are mutually

incompatible: supports anything from 127 to 65535 different code points,

usually under 256.

128 to 65536 codepoints.

UCS-2: Supports exactly 65535 code points, each of which takes up exactly

two bytes. That's fewer than required, so it is obsoleted by:

65536 codepoints.


UTF-16: Supports all 1114111 code points in the Unicode charset, using a

variable-width system where the most popular characters use exactly two-

bytes and the remaining ones use a pair of characters.

UCS-4: Supports exactly 4294967295 code points, each of which takes up

exactly four bytes. That is more than needed for the Unicode charset, so

this is obsoleted by:

UTF-32: Supports all 1114111 code points, using exactly four bytes each.

Code points outside of the range 0 through 1114111 inclusive are an error.

UTF-8: Supports all 1114111 code points, using a variable-width system

where popular ASCII characters require 1 byte, and others use 2, 3 or 4

bytes as needed.

Ignoring the legacy charsets, only UTF-16 is a terribly complicated

implementation, due to the surrogate pairs. But even that is not too bad.

The real complication comes from the interactions between systems which

use different encodings, and that's nothing to do with Unicode.

And all these coding schemes have something in common,
they work all with a unique set of code points, more
precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
the set of implemented code points (byte)).

Just what the flexible string representation is not
doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
to handle eache subset differently.

On this other side, that is because it is impossible to
work properly with multiple sets of encoded code points
that all these coding schemes exist today. There are simply
no other way.

Even exotic schemes like CID-fonts used in pdf
are based on that scheme.


I entirely agree with the viewpoints of jmfauth, Nick the Greek, rr, 
Xah Lee and Ilias Lazaridis on the grounds that disagreeing and stating 
my beliefs ends up with the Python Mailing List police standing on my 
back doorsetep.  Give me the NSA or GCHQ any day of the week :(

Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are 
watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green. Snooker 
commentator 'Whispering' Ted Lowe.

Mark Lawrence


Re: New line conversion with Popen attached to a pty

2013-06-20 Thread Peter Otten wrote:

 Sorry if this appears twice, I sent it to the mailing list earlier and the
 mail seems to have been swallowed by the black hole of email vagaries.
 We have a class which executes external processes in a controlled
 environment and does things specified by the client program with each
 line of output. To do this we have been attaching stdout from the
 subprocess.Popen to a pseudo terminal (pty) made with pty.openempty and
 opened with os.fdopen. I noticed that we kept getting a bunch of extra new
 line characters.

Mixing subprocess and explicit select() looks a bit odd to me. Perhaps you 
should do it completely without subprocess. Did you consider pexpect?

 This is all using python 2.6.4 in a centos6 environment.
 After some investigation I realised we needed to use universal_newline
 support so I enabled it for the Popen and specified the mode in the fdopen
 to be rU. Things still seemed to be coming out wrong so I wrote up a test
 program boiling it down to the simplest cases (which is at the end of this
 message). The output I was testing was this:
 as seen through hexdump -C:
 hexdump -C output.txt
   46 61 6b 65 0d 0a 44 61  74 61 0d 0a  |Fake..Data..|
 Now if I do a simple subprocess.Popen and set the stdout to
 subprocess.PIPE, then do I get the correct output of
 When do the Popen attached to a pty I end up with
 Does anyone know why the newline conversion would be incorrect, and what I
 could do to fix it? In fact if anyone even has any pointers to where this
 might be going wrong I'd be very helpful, I've done hours of fiddling with
 this and googling to no avail.
 One liner to generate the test data:
 python -c 'f = open(output.txt, w); f.write(Fake\r\nData\r\n);
 Test script:
 #!/usr/bin/env python2.6.4
 import os
 import pty
 import subprocess
 import select
 import fcntl
 class TestRead(object):
 def __init__(self):
 super(TestRead, self).__init__()
 def outputPipe(self):
 p1 = subprocess.Popen(
 (/bin/cat, output.txt),
 print 1: %r %
 def outputPty(self):
 outMaster, outSlave = pty.openpty()
 fcntl.fcntl(outMaster, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK)
 p2 = subprocess.Popen(
 (/bin/cat, output.txt),
 with os.fdopen(outMaster, 'rU') as pty_stdout:
 while True:
 rfds, _, _ =[pty_stdout], [], [], 0.1)
 except select.error:
 for fd in rfds:
 buf =
 print 2: %r % buf
 if __name__ == __main__:
 t = TestRead()

The universal newlines translation happens on the python level whereas the 
subprocesses communicate via OS means (pipes). Your pty gets \r\n, leaves 
\r as is and replaces \n with \r\n. You end up with \r\r\n which is 
interpreted by universal newlines mode as a Mac newline followed by a DOS 

I see two approaches to fix the problem:

(1) Add an intermediate step to change newlines explicitly:

p = subprocess.Popen(
[/bin/cat, output.txt],
q = subprocess.Popen(
[python, -c, import sys, os; 
sys.stdout.writelines(os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rU'))],

(2) Fiddle with terminal options, e. g.

attrs = termios.tcgetattr(outSlave)
attrs[1]  =  attrs[1]  (~termios.ONLCR) | termios.ONLRET
termios.tcsetattr(outSlave, termios.TCSANOW, attrs)

p = subprocess.Popen(
(/bin/cat, output.txt),

Disclaimer: I found this by try-and-error, so it may not be the proper 


Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Jun2013 15:33, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
| On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  I use vi/vim and it both shows the matching bracket when the cursor
|  is on one and also have a keystroke to bounce the curser between
|  this bracket and the matching one.
|  If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is to
|  go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a closing
|  bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening one is.
| I use this technique sometimes and it works if the unclosed bracket is
| still in view.

Standing on a bracket, the '%' key jumps to the matching bracket.
No need for it to be in view.

Cameron Simpson

Vy can't ve chust climb?  - John Salathe

Re: Problem with the for loop syntax

2013-06-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Jun2013 13:55, Neil Cerutti wrote:
| On 2013-06-20, Joshua Landau wrote:
|  On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:
|  Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the
|  only way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one
|  line, actual mistake far before).
|  See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
|  If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is
|  to go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a
|  closing bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening
|  one is.
|  Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.
| The auto-indent feature of Vim catches this type of syntax error,
| and I imagine other good autoindent support will do the same.

Interesting. I use autoindent but grew up with it for prose.
I hadn't realised vim's support inderstaood python indentation.
I'll have to pay more attention...
Cameron Simpson

Do I have it all?  Yes.
Do I want more?  Yeah, sure.- Demi Moore

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:19:48 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 In article,
  rusi wrote:
   def f(a, L=[]):
       return L
 Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.
 One of our pre-interview screening questions for Python programmers at
 Songza is about this.  I haven't been keeping careful statistics, but
 I'd guess only about 50% of the candidates get this right.

What exactly is the question? Because it's not always a bug to use a 
mutable default, there are good uses for it:

def func(arg, cache={}):

Now you can pass your own cache as an argument, otherwise the function 
will use the default. The default cache is mutable, and so will remember 
values from one invocation to the next.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article 51c39b88$0$2$c3e8da3$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 09:19:48 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:
  In article,
   rusi wrote:
def f(a, L=[]):
    return L
  Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.
  One of our pre-interview screening questions for Python programmers at
  Songza is about this.  I haven't been keeping careful statistics, but
  I'd guess only about 50% of the candidates get this right.
 What exactly is the question? Because it's not always a bug to use a 
 mutable default, there are good uses for it:

It's a screening question; I'd rather not reveal all the details (it's 
really annoying when you find your screening questions posted to stack 
overflow).  But, yes, I understand that there are good uses.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread alex23

On 21/06/2013 4:07 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:

Okay. So now you are admitting the problem. That is a good
start. Thanks for being honest.

If you think mutable default arguments is a problem, then you don't 
really understand Python. The only gotcha here is in people's heads.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:05:32 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

 On Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:38:34 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Function defaults in Python, being implemented as attributes on the
 function object, are very similar in nature to static variables in C.
 Oh wait a minute. i think it's becoming clear to me now!

If only that were true, but I fear that you're just looking for an 

 Python functions are objects that take arguments, of which (the
 arguments) are then converted to attributes of the function object.

Arguments in general are *not* converted to attributes. If you call a 
function func(x=1, y=2), arguments 1 and 2 are not stored as attributes 
anywhere. That would be silly, since 1 and 2 become local variables and 
there is no point in storing them for later use since they don't get used 

Only default values for parameters are stored for later use. They have to 
be stored *somewhere*, and Python chooses to store them as an attribute 
of the function object, where they can be easily inspected, rather than 
by storing them inside some undocumented and hidden location locked up in 
a binary blob.

Even if Python chose late binding instead of early binding for function 
defaults, the default would *still* need to be stored somewhere. The only 
difference is that with early binding, the default value is calculated 
once, and the object stored, while with late binding the default value is 
re-calculated over and over again, every time it is needed, and a piece 
of code that calculates the default value is stored.

 Ah-Ha! Urm, but wait! We already have a method to define Objects. Heck,
 I can even create my own callable objects if i want!

Yes, you can create callable objects by defining a __call__ method. 
That's okay. It is pure slander, invented by Perl programmers, that 
Python gives you only one way to do it. Python has functions for 99% of 
your subroutine needs, and for more complex cases where your subroutine 
needs to store permanent data and make them available to the caller, you 
have class-based callables.

But really, using a class-based callable is a PITA. You have to define a 
class, write an __init__ method, write a __call__ method, instantiate the 
class, store the instance, and call it. 99% of the time a function will 
do the job more easily, especially now that Python supports closures.

 But then, i can even do it WITHOUT creating an object definition:
   py mutable = []
   py def expandMutable(arg):
   ... mutable.append(arg)

The biggest, most obvious problem with the expandMutable approach is that 
it relies on a global variable. I find it implausible that you, an 
experienced programmer, is unaware of the dangers of global variables. 
Global variables considered harmful has been a well-known principle of 
programming dating back to the 1970s.

 ANY of those approaches are much less confusing than the current flaw

Confusing for whom? Beginners, who don't know the first thing about 
Python? Programmers who are experienced with some other language but have 
no clue about what these weird __init__ and __call__ methods do? 
Programmers with 40 years experience who don't know anything about object-
oriented code? People who have been immersed in Python coding for 15 
years? Every feature is confusing to *some* people and not others.

 and do not violate the least astonishment law..

That's a misuse of the Principle of Least Astonishment. Not just a 
misuse, but in fact you've got it backwards: late binding of default 
variables would violate the principle of least astonishment.

Python functions are created *once*, when defined. The cost of building 
the function -- compiling the source code to byte code, assembling the 
pieces into a function object, binding it to a name -- happens once and 
once only, not every time you call the function. So it is reasonable to 
expect that since the function is defined once, so are any default 

There are two obvious arguments against late binding: efficiency, and 
consistency. Late binding is less efficient: if the code that defines the 
default is expensive, you have to pay that cost once, that can't be 
avoiding. But late binding makes you pay it again and again and again:

def f(arg, value=time.sleep(100)+5):  # simulate an expensive default

I have no doubt that if Python recalculated the default every time, you 
would be arguing that this is surprising and painful and that Python 
ought to calculate the value once and cache it somewhere.

The other gotcha with late binding is that because the default is 
recalculated each time, it can surprise you by changing unexpectedly:

def f(arg, value=x+5):

If the value of x changes, so does the value of the default. This may 
surprise you. (It would certainly surprise me.)

 I'm quite Okay with
 Python functions being first class objects, however, i am not okay with
 violating the fundamental nature of 

Re: Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?

2013-06-20 Thread Terry Reedy

On 6/20/2013 2:44 PM, Alister wrote:

On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:35:49 -0700, Wanderer wrote:

Do I need to uninstall Python 2.7.3 before installing Python 2.7.5?


that will depend on your operating system an possibly the variety of

Python 2.7.3' and 'Python 2.7.5' are by trademark PSF CPython 
implementations of the Python 2.7 language.

The Windows installers *replace* previous micro releases because the new 
bugfix release is presumed to be better than any before. When that turns 
out to be sufficiently false, there is a new bugfix release as soon as 
possible to remove the regressions. Hence 2.7.4 was quickly replaced by 
2.7.5 (and same for recent 3.2 and 3.3 releases). (Such regressions, as 
with any bug, expose deficiencies in the test suite, which also get 

I presume that *nix package managers also replace, but have not used them.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:57:34 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Additionally, with late-binding semantics the default values would no
 longer be default *values*.  They would be initialization code instead,
 which sort of flies in the face of the idea that late-binding would
 somehow be better for functional programming -- if the default
 expressions have no side effects and since they don't depend on the
 function arguments, why should they need to run more than once?  If the
 goal is indeed to make the the functions more functional, then the
 proper solution would be to keep the binding early but just disallow
 mutable defaults altogether -- which is tricky to achieve in Python, so
 we simply emulate it with the advice don't use mutable function

Well said!

At the risk of having twice as many gotchas, and at making the 
implementation become even more complex, I would very slightly lean 
towards allowing some sort of syntactic sugar for late binding default 
values just to shut people up about this issue. Here's my syntax plucked 
out of thin air:

def func(arg, x=expression, !y=expression):

where y=expression is late-bound, and the above is compiled to:

def func(arg, x=expression, y=None):
if y is None:
y = expression

Then Ranting Rick can bitch and moan about how this violates Explicit is 
better than implicit.


Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-06-21 01:08, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Here's my syntax plucked out of thin air:
 def func(arg, x=expression, !y=expression):
 where y=expression is late-bound, and the above is compiled to:
 def func(arg, x=expression, y=None):
 if y is None:
 y = expression

I think it would have to translate to something like

  _temp_semaphore = object()
  def func(arg, x=expression, y=_temp_semaphore):
if y is _temp_semaphore:
  y = expression


because there are times you want to be able to pass None as a legit
value in such a case (speaking from the trenches after getting stung
by exactly that case on multiple occasions).



Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 07:49:37 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:

 When the subroutine is completed, all inputs and local variables are
 expected to be destroyed. If the programmer wants a return value, he
 need simply ask. Data persistence is not a function of subroutines!
 Finally, a subroutine should never have side effects UNLESS the
 programmer explicitly ask for a side effect.

Correct. And by using a default value, you are explicitly asking for a 
side-effect, namely, use this object as the default (not, use this 
expression, and re-evaluate it at call-time). 

That some people do not comprehend the *consequences* of doing so is not 
Python's fault, any more that it is Python's fault when people write:

a = b = []

and then are surprised that b is no longer empty. That doesn't happen 

x = y = 0
x += 1

therefore Python is buggy, yes? No.

In short, your invalid understanding of Python's execution model is your 
lack of knowledge, not a bug in Python to be fixed.


Finding all instances of a string in an XML file

2013-06-20 Thread Jason Friedman
I have XML which looks like:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  LEVEL_2 ATTR=hello
  LEVEL_2 ATTR=goodbye
LEVEL_3 ATTR=aloha
ATTRIBUTE NAME=Property Z VALUE =welcome/

The Property X string appears twice times and I want to output the path
that leads  to all such appearances.  In this case the output would be:

LEVEL_1 {}, LEVEL_2 {ATTR: hello}, ATTRIBUTE {NAME: Property X,
LEVEL_1 {}, LEVEL_2 {ATTR: goodbye}, LEVEL_3 {ATTR: aloha},

My actual XML file is 2000 lines and contains up to 8 levels of nesting.

I have tried this so far (partial code, using the xml.etree.ElementTree
def get_path(data_dictionary, val, path):
  for node in data_dictionary[CHILDREN]:
if node[CHILDREN]:
if not path or node[TAG] != path[-1]:
print(CR + recursing ...)
get_path(node, val, path)
for k,v in node[ATTRIB].items():
if v == val:
print(path- ,path)
print(  + node[TAG] +   + str(node[ATTRIB]))

I'm really not even close to getting the output I am looking for.
Python 3.2.2.
Thank you.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Tim Chase wrote:

 On 2013-06-21 01:08, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Here's my syntax plucked out of thin air:
  def func(arg, x=expression, !y=expression):
  where y=expression is late-bound, and the above is compiled to:
  def func(arg, x=expression, y=None):
  if y is None:
  y = expression
 I think it would have to translate to something like
   _temp_semaphore = object()
   def func(arg, x=expression, y=_temp_semaphore):
 if y is _temp_semaphore:
   y = expression
 because there are times you want to be able to pass None as a legit
 value in such a case (speaking from the trenches after getting stung
 by exactly that case on multiple occasions).

You can go around and around on that one.  Whatever distinguished value 
you set aside to mean no argument passed, somebody will come up with a 
use case for why they might want to pass that as a real value.

If you really want to avoid then, then you need to go to something like:

def func(arg, **kwargs):
if 'x' not in kwargs:
kwargs['x'] = expression

and so on.  But that's klunky enough, I'm willing to accept the in-band 
signalling consequences of using None as a sentinel.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-06-20 21:40, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Tim Chase wrote:
  On 2013-06-21 01:08, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   Here's my syntax plucked out of thin air:
   def func(arg, x=expression, !y=expression):
   where y=expression is late-bound, and the above is compiled to:
   def func(arg, x=expression, y=None):
   if y is None:
   y = expression
  I think it would have to translate to something like
_temp_semaphore = object()
def func(arg, x=expression, y=_temp_semaphore):
  if y is _temp_semaphore:
y = expression
 You can go around and around on that one.  Whatever distinguished
 value you set aside to mean no argument passed, somebody will
 come up with a use case for why they might want to pass that as a
 real value.

That's why I suggested using an is test against a custom/local(ish)
semaphore instance that is only used for the particular invocation in
which the def statement occurs.



Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread 88888 Dihedral
rusi於 2013年6月21日星期五UTC+8上午1時12分01秒寫道:
 You know Rick, you are good at python, you are better at polemics.
 If only you would cut the crap I would (be able to) agree with you.
 See below
 On Jun 20, 7:49 pm, Rick Johnson wrote:
  On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:57:06 AM UTC-5, rusi wrote:
   Every language has gotchas. This is one of python's.
  So are we purposely injecting illogic into our language just
  to be part of some cool crowd of programming languages with
   You thought intuitiveness was a virtue? Haha, we gotcha!
 Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
 someone malevolently put them there.
 In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
 entrenched code too great.
 Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.
  Or maybe this is reminiscent of the fraternity hazing rituals
  of days gone by:
   Thank you Sir, may i have another?
   If you are a beginning python programmer, really the best
   answer is: Just dont do it!  Dont do what? Dont use
   mutable arguments as function defaults. Once you cross the
   noob stage you can check that its a standard gotcha: Just
   run a search for 'python gotcha default []'
   And when you feel that you need to, use Steven's trick:
   use a immutable indicator 'None' for the mutable []. Once
   you cross the noob stage you can check that its a standard
   gotcha: Just run a search for 'python gotcha default []'
   Its even been discussed repeatedly on the python-ideas
  Your attempting to excuse an inexcusable language flaw by
  pointing out that the effects of the flaw can be avoided by
  using a workaround. And, to add insult to injury, you
  provide no good reason for the flaw to exist:
   Just do x, y, and z and shut up. Yes we made a mistake
   but we are not about to admit our mistake and the onerous
   will be on all the noobs to re-invent the workaround each
  To me that is unacceptable.
   Heres a correction suggestion: [...] Here's Terry Reedy's
   nicely explaining the 'why-of-the-how' : [...] FWIW here
   is a conceptual/philosophical explanation of your
   confusion: There are 2 fundamental ways for approaching
   the programming task -- functional and imperative.
  All these explanations ignore a fundamental fact about
  A call to a subroutine should exists as a unique transaction
  within the entire program. It is expected to optionally take
  inputs, and optionally return an output (depending on the
  When the subroutine is completed, all inputs and local
  variables are expected to be destroyed. If the programmer
  wants a return value, he need simply ask. Data persistence
  is not a function of subroutines! Finally, a subroutine
  should never have side effects UNLESS the programmer
  explicitly ask for a side effect.
  However, the Python flaw of allowing mutable sequence
  arguments to persist between successive calls of a
  subroutine is breaking the entire definition of a
  subroutine, and for what noble purpose i ask? What purpose
  is SO important that you change a well established interface
  in a totally unintuitive manner?
  If your answer is that recursion is easier, then i say that
  is foolish because a programmer can keep a reference
  to a mutable sequence OUTSIDE the subroutine and you can
  save the gotchas for Guido's next birthday party.
 You are saying in different language what I said: Functional
 programming is a good idea, imperative programming is a bad idea.
 From the invention of subroutines (ie 50 years) PL designers are
 hearing this truth but somehow or other fail to listen; for more
 details see

Well, that was the story of the expensive memory era.the 
In 198X -2000 the auto GC of LISP was beaten 
by practical engineers using C, C++, PASCAL, and object pascal.

But now it is different in 201X.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 10:12:01 -0700, rusi wrote:

 Python (and all the other 'cool' languages) dont have gotchas because
 someone malevolently put them there.
 In most cases, the problem is seen too late and the cost of changing
 entrenched code too great.
 Or the problem is clear, the solution is not etc etc.

And sometimes the gotcha is unavoidably in the nature of the problem. 
This is remarkably common in real life, so much so that in English there 
is even a proverb for it: You can't have your cake and eat it too, or 
to put it another way, you can't save your cake for later and eat it now 
at the same time.

For default arguments, you cannot simultaneously have them evaluated once 
*and* evaluated each time they are needed. Whichever choice you make, 
there will be situations that lead to a gotcha. Even if Python supported 
syntax for both, there would be cases where people used the wrong syntax, 
not knowing any better, and would trip over unexpected behaviour. 


Re: Don't feed the troll...

2013-06-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 3:41 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 There are two problems with your reasoning. The first is that you
 are equivocating on expect. Expect can mean you will be surprised
 if it doesn't happen but it can also mean you will feel indignant or
 disappointed or something similar when it doesn't happen.

Perhaps I am, but it doesn't change my argument in any way.  When a
troll shows up I am not happy about it, but I am not disappointed
either, because Trolls Happen.  I am disappointed when members of the
community act in ways that are detrimental to the community.  Better?

 The second problem is that I find it a one sided view. If you want
 a courteous, respectful, welcoming and enjoyable to participate in
 list, shouldn't you also be careful in not encouraging trollish
 behaviour? Being courteous to or cooperating with someone behaving
 trollishly, is IMO enabling that kind of behaviour and so those
 doing so, seem to already throw those priciples out the window because
 they are cooperating with the troll who is making this list less
 courteous, respectful, welcoming and enjoyable to participate in
 for a significant number of people.

You'll note that I haven't engaged Nikos at all in some time.  That's
because I think he's a troll.  I think though that those who are
continuing to help him do so because they do not think that he is a
troll.  I am not going to try to thrust my own opinion of who is or is
not a troll and who can or cannot be given help upon the list -- that
is their opinion, they are entitled to it, and maybe they see
something in the exchange that I don't.

That is different in my eyes from somebody who does identify Nikos as
a troll and then goes on to egg him on anyway, whether it be courteous
or belligerent.

Re: Default Value

2013-06-20 Thread Rick Johnson
On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:57:28 PM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:05:32 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:
  Python functions are objects that take arguments, of
  which (the arguments) are then converted to attributes
  of the function object.
 Arguments in general are *not* converted to attributes. If
 you call a function func(x=1, y=2), arguments 1 and 2 are
 not stored as attributes anywhere. That would be silly,
 since 1 and 2 become local variables and there is no point
 in storing them for later use since they don't get used
 later. Only default values for parameters are stored for
 later use.

Obviously you've lost the ability to recognize sarcasm. :(

 They have to be stored *somewhere*, and Python chooses to
 store them as an attribute of the function object, where
 they can be easily inspected, rather than by storing them
 inside some undocumented and hidden location locked up in
 a binary blob.

I like how that last sentence implicitly argues against an
argument i never made, whilst explicitly supporting your
argument. But, by all means Steven, proceed.

 Even if Python chose late binding instead of early binding
 for function defaults, the default would *still* need to
 be stored somewhere.

No, if your passing in a symbol, then the object it points to
must exist *somewhere*. OTOH if your passing in a literal,
or an expression, then the subroutine will need to store
the resulting object. Yes.

 The only difference is that with early binding, the
 default value is calculated once, and the object stored,
 while with late binding the default value is re-calculated
 over and over again, every time it is needed, and a piece
 of code that calculates the default value is stored.

And that is *ONLY* the case using the currently broken
system. You're arguing that the status-quo is better
because the only alternative would be to re-evaluate the
argument every time, when in fact, i provided three code
examples that will not require re-evaluation of the mutable
and i did so without sacrificing readability. Your argument
is weak.

  Ah-Ha! Urm, but wait! We already have a method to define
  Objects. Heck, I can even create my own callable objects
  if i want!
 Yes, you can create callable objects by defining a
 __call__ method. That's okay. It is pure slander, invented
 by Perl programmers, that Python gives you only one way
 to do it. Python has functions for 99% of your subroutine
 needs, and for more complex cases where your subroutine
 needs to store permanent data and make them available to
 the caller, you have class-based callables. But really,
 using a class-based callable is a PITA. You have to define
 a class, write an __init__ method, write a __call__
 method, instantiate the class, store the instance, and
 call it.

Mother of GOD call the authorities because a little girly
man has been violated! That mean old Rick and his insistence
on readability is causing a pandemic of carpal tunnel and
PTSD syndrome. Haul him away, lock him up, and throw away
the keys! Psst: That was sarcasm.

  But then, i can even do it WITHOUT creating an object
py mutable = []
py def expandMutable(arg):
... mutable.append(arg)
 The biggest, most obvious problem with the expandMutable
 approach is that it relies on a global variable. I find it
 implausible that you, an experienced programmer, is
 unaware of the dangers of global variables.

I am quite aware of the dangers of globals, and i abhor
their use in 99 percent of the cases. But we're talking
about Python here *giggle*. The limits of a Python global
are the module for which it is declared. Plus, this is
quite amusing that you are now seemingly preferring the OOP
style; how many times have you made snide remarks about my
penchant for OOP? I dunno because i stopped counting after i
ran out of fingers! 

Yes i can only count to ten, there, i beat you to the joke.
Now we can focus again.

  ANY of those approaches are much less confusing than the
  current flaw
 Confusing for whom? Beginners, who don't know the first
 thing about Python?

Of course programming noobs are going to be confused by this.

 Programmers who are experienced with
 some other language but have no clue about what these
 weird __init__ and __call__ methods do?

So now your going to argue that experienced programmers are
going to intuit an IMPLICIT and unconventional subroutine
data persistence, but they cannot intuit EXPLICIT words like
init and call? Oh Please! 

 Programmers with
 40 years experience who don't know anything about object-
 oriented code?

Even those old dogs who refuse to use GUI's and code in the
OOP style deserve a little more credit than you are giving
them Steven. They might be dinosaurs but they're not stupid.
Hardheaded, yes. Incapable of accepting change, yes. But
stupid, no no no.

 People who have been immersed in Python coding for 15 years?

Well, if they are confused after 15 years i would 

[issue18269] Clarify which integer is required in os.chmod() exception

2013-06-20 Thread anatoly techtonik

New submission from anatoly techtonik:

(type 'int', '0755')
(type 'int', '0644')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./tools/, line 185, in extract_zip
os.fchmod(outfile, unixperm)
TypeError: an integer is required

Here the integer that is required is not `unixperm`, but `outfile`.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 191502
nosy: docs@python, techtonik
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Clarify which integer is required in os.chmod() exception
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 
3.4, Python 3.5

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[issue11016] Re-implementation of the stat module in C

2013-06-20 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

I still fail to understand why you just don't ditch the Python implementation.


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[issue13483] Use VirtualAlloc to allocate memory arenas

2013-06-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 I plan to test the Low Fragmentation Allocator, at least on Windows 7.

I don't think it can be any better than raw mmap() / VirtualAlloc()...


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[issue18250] In itertools.repeat() object shadows object()

2013-06-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

I don't think this is a problem, since it is only a local variable in a 

nosy: +pitrou

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[issue13483] Use VirtualAlloc to allocate memory arenas

2013-06-20 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 I plan to test the Low Fragmentation Allocator, at least on Windows 7.
 I don't think it can be any better than raw mmap() / VirtualAlloc()...

I mean using the Low Fragmentation Allocator for PyObject_Malloc()
instead of pymalloc.

Martin wrote (msg148605):
As an alternative approach, Python could consider completely dropping
obmalloc on Windows, and using a Windows Low Fragementation Heap (LFH)
instead, with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE (as the heap would be protected by the


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[issue13483] Use VirtualAlloc to allocate memory arenas

2013-06-20 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

Ok, I'm going to commit this patch. Any further revisions (including 
reversions) can be done then.


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[issue3329] API for setting the memory allocator used by Python

2013-06-20 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Update patch according to the last version of the PEP.

Added file:

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[issue18231] What's new in Python should explain what's new in UCD

2013-06-20 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

I don't think anything of this is worth mentioning, except to mention the 
precise version number of the database. Anybody interested in the consequences 
of the change should read the announcement of the Unicode Consortium.


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[issue18234] Unicodedata module should provide access to codepoint aliases

2013-06-20 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

I think the best way would be to provide a function unicodedata.aliases, 
returning a list of names for a given character or sequence.


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[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2013-06-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 1dbbed06a163 by Andrew Kuchling in branch '3.3':
#4153: update Unicode howto for Python 3.3


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[issue16507] Patch selectmodule.c to support WSAPoll on Windows

2013-06-20 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Changes by Richard Oudkerk

keywords: +gsoc -patch
resolution:  - rejected
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

It applies cleanly, builds without noticeable problems and does what it's 
advertised to do.  In other words, looks great to me!

I say go for it.


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[issue4153] Unicode HOWTO up to date?

2013-06-20 Thread A.M. Kuchling

A.M. Kuchling added the comment:

As far as I can tell, there are no other outstanding suggestions for howto 
updates, so I'll now close this item.  Feel free to re-open or file a new item 
if there are further improvements that can be made.

resolution:  - fixed
stage: commit review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue9122] Problems with multiprocessing, Python embedding and Windows

2013-06-20 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

We don't do non-security updates on Python 2.6 anymore.

As a workaround you might be able to do something like

import sys, multiprocessing
sys.frozen = True# or multiprocessing.forking.WINEXE = True


if __name__ == '__main__':

(I am not familiar with using Cython.)


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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

python -I and spython sound like two ways to get the same results. I would 
prefer to only have one way.


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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jun 20, 2013, at 02:26 PM, STINNER Victor wrote:

python -I and spython sound like two ways to get the same results. I
would prefer to only have one way.

Where does spython come from?

Personally, I'd much rather this be an option on the existing python
executable (i.e. `python -I`) than some other command.  That makes it easier
to discover and promote.


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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

We don't have spython yet. Py_IsolatedFlag is also required if we ever going 
to have spython, too. We can always remove the command line flag before 
Python 3.4 hits beta.


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[issue18270] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'interp'

2013-06-20 Thread Dennis Backhaus

New submission from Dennis Backhaus:

It just worked fine yesterday, but when I start IDLE (with and without trying 
to open a file at the same time) I get this error.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/idle, line 5, in 
 line 1560, in main
shell.interp.runcommand(''.join((print(', tkversionwarning, '
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'interp'

components: IDLE
messages: 191518
nosy: dbackhaus
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'interp'
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue6461] multiprocessing: freezing apps on Windows

2013-06-20 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

I just tried freezing the program

  from multiprocessing import freeze_support,Manager

  if __name__ == '__main__':
  l = m.list([1,2,3])

using cx_Freeze with Python 2.7, and it worked fine:

  PS cxfreeze.bat
  copying C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\bases\Console.exe - 
  copying C:\Windows\system32\python27.dll - C:\Tmp\dir\dist\python27.dll
  writing zip file C:\Tmp\dir\dist\foo.exe

  PS dist\foo
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  ListProxy object, typeid 'list' at 0x206f410


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[issue11390] doctest: add cmdline parameters

2013-06-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Here is a patch that implements the ones I'm interested in (-o for any option, 
and -f as a shortcut for -o FAIL_FAST).  It's a good question whether doctest 
should support other unittest options, but doing so is more complicated than 
supporting -o and -f.

Adding a couple people to nosy who have an interest in testing and doctest, 
hoping for a patch review :)

keywords: +patch
nosy: +barry, ezio.melotti, r.david.murray
stage: needs patch - patch review
versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue11390] doctest: add cmdline parameters

2013-06-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Oh, a documentation update is still needed here, so I guess I'm not really 
ready for review yet :(

stage: patch review - needs patch

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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

It comes from Nick and . Once PEP 432 
is in place we can easily create variants of Python binaries with special flags.

I'm in favor with python -I, too.


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[issue18269] Clarify which integer is required in os.chmod() exception

2013-06-20 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

os.chmod is implemented in posixmodule.c and the argument parsing code can be 
found at . 
You will notice that the argument parsing is specified as Oi|$Op. That 
means the first argument is parsed as a Python object which is passed through a 
converter function and the second argument is required to be an integer. That 
converter function can be found at 
Looking at that code doesn't suggest that TypeError is raised with that message.

What were the exact arguments you passed into os.chmod() that triggered the 

assignee: docs@python - 
components: +Library (Lib) -Documentation
nosy: +brett.cannon
status: open - pending
versions:  -Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 

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[issue18270] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'interp'

2013-06-20 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:, line 1541:
if shell and cmd or script:
Does it need parentheses?
if shell and (cmd or script):

nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc

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[issue17018] Inconsistent behaviour of methods waiting for child process

2013-06-20 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Changes by Richard Oudkerk

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue16499] CLI option for isolated mode

2013-06-20 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

CPython's startup sequence and collection of global flags are organically
evolved madness, so I think adding even more complexity to them is a bad
idea. When you're in a hole, the first thing to do is *stop digging*.

I could use help laying the foundations for PEP 432 though - getting the
separate Programs directory split out, breaking up the monstrosity that is
pythonrun.c, etc. Implementing that basic refactoring in default will make
it more feasible to keep the PEP branch up to date without major conflicts.
On 21 Jun 2013 00:40, Christian Heimes wrote:

 Christian Heimes added the comment:

 It comes from Nick and . Once
 PEP 432 is in place we can easily create variants of Python binaries with
 special flags.

 I'm in favor with python -I, too.


 Python tracker


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[issue18271] get_payload method returns bytes which cannot be decoded using the message's charset

2013-06-20 Thread Marko Lalic

New submission from Marko Lalic:

When the message's Content-Transfer-Encoding is set to 8bit, the 
get_payload(decode=True) method returns the payload encoded using 
raw-unicode-escape. This means that it is impossible to decode the returned 
bytes using the content charset obtained by the get_content_charset method.

It seems this should be fixed so that get_payload returns the bytes as found in 
the payload when Content-Transfer-Encoding is 8bit, exactly like Python2.7 
handles it.

 from email import message_from_string
 message = message_from_string(MIME-Version: 1.0
... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
... Content-Disposition: inline
... Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
... ünicöde data..)
b'\xfcnic\xf6de data..'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 0: invalid 
start byte
'ünicöde data..'

components: email
messages: 191526
nosy: barry, mlalic, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: get_payload method returns bytes which cannot be decoded using the 
message's charset
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue18122] RuntimeError: not holding the import lock

2013-06-20 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

See also #9573 and #15914.


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[issue11390] doctest: add cmdline parameters

2013-06-20 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

Removed file:

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