Re: How do you practice Python?

2006-06-02 Thread Doug Bromley
On 6/2/06, Norbert Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ray wrote:[...]> Um, I mean, what if you have to use something other than> Python/Jython/IronPython? :) How do you keep your Python skill sharp?>You could use IPython as your primary shell. Than you have the
opportunity to do all these nasty automation tasks -- create test data,deploy configuration files, search in logfiles for errors, etc. -- foryour project in Python.Convince your project manager to develop prototypes. No one in your
company is better and faster in prototyping than the Python expert Ray.HTHNorbert--It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.--'ve got a couple of posts at my blog that could help you here because I've often had your problem with new languages.  <-- A list of resources such as quizes, practice, games, tests and info.
  <-- Just some ideas for automating tasks on your system(s).All the best.Doug

Re: Best IDE for Python?

2006-05-05 Thread Doug Bromley
On 5/5/06, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 04:50:11PM +0100, Doug Bromley wrote:> I have a Python IDE review I did a few months back you may want to view:>
Sounds interesting. Could you fix the screenshots? I just get a 404 here.Kindly ChristophP.S.: [Rant about TOFU posting suppressed.]-- for that - Thanks for pointing it out.  The links and images are now fixed.All the best.Doug 

Re: Best IDE for Python?

2006-05-05 Thread Doug Bromley
I have a Python IDE review I did a few months back you may want to view: that helps.
DougOn 5 May 2006 08:28:00 -0700, Saurabh Sardeshpande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pardon if this is already discussed extensively. But what is the bestIDE for Python for a newbie? I have experience in C++ and Java and thisis the first time I am learning a scripting language.Thanks in advance

Re: Can I use python for this .. ??

2006-05-05 Thread Doug Bromley
Careful of using the wrong tool for the job.  Don't use Python for the sake of it unless its as a learning experience.All of the things you ask for can be done by simply using the Windows start menu to launch a shortcut with various command line options.  Voila - problem solved.
On 5 May 2006 05:15:46 -0700, nikie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
san wrote:> Hi>> I am using windows xp and have installed python and win32. I am> familiar with basic Python. I wanted to control some of the> applications via python script.>
> I would like to write a python script to say:> 1. Open firefox and log on to gmail> 2. Another firefox window to visit slickdeals> 3. Open winamp and tune in to a shoutcast station> 4. Open groupwise ...
> etc ..>> These are the task I do every day whenever I log on my computer .. it> just seems repetitive and hence probably can be coded in python.>> Can I do this in python? Where do I find the COM objects/interfaces for
> all these different programs? Are there any sample codes ?I just googled for "iTunes com python", there are lots of samples. Ifyou can't find any, or want to find out about an applications
interfaces yourself, you can sill use MakePy to find out what cominterfaces are installed on your computer, and simply use the "dir" and"help" commands in the interactive console on those interfaces to find
out what they do. (There are other tools to explore COM interfaces,like OleView, but if you're familiar with Python already, usingdir/help is probably going to be easier)Reading Mark Hammond's excellent book (or at least the sample chapter
on automation) wouldn't hurt either ;-)--

Re: Best IDE for Python?

2006-03-31 Thread Doug Bromley
You may find the IDE review at Straw Dogs worth a look: 3/31/06, 
Keith B. Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To me, it just doesn't behave the same way as Eclipse for java.  I have used the plug-in, and I usually use it on my home machine ( I am still a student).  For example, in Java eclipse, if you import a module like math, then if you want to use a math function, you just type math + period, and then all the functions pop up in a scroll menu.  I love this.  I am not searching through online documentation...etc just to find some stupid method/function that I know is there.  It doesn't seem to behave like this for PythonI wish it did.

I still love programming in Python, though. 
On 3/31/06, Fabio Zadrozny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

On 31 Mar 2006 06:46:35 -0800, kbperry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 
I have recently been trying out NewEdit, and it is a pretty good "IDE"for Python.
The reason that I have it in quotes is because I haven't really found atrue IDE (like the way Eclipse behaves for Java) for python.  (I realize that Eclipse has a plug-in for Python, too).
So, why wouldn't you consider Pydev (the python plugin for Eclipse) a Python IDE?  



Re: Python Evangelism

2006-03-09 Thread Doug Bromley
A defector!Release the hounds!Burn the scum!

Re: Python Evangelism

2006-03-09 Thread Doug Bromley
Python is in desperate need of marketing and I don't think its new site will help it.The Ruby community has a fanaticism we could learn from and its going some way to 'converting' me.  The community is alive, growing, shouting from the roof tops while the Python community seems to sit in its ivory towers conducting research and corporate development in 'forward-thinking' companies such as Google.
I can see Ruby overtaking Python if we don't ALL do something about it.On 9 Mar 2006 02:43:53 -0800, Gerard Flanagan <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Steve Holden wrote:> I've been thinking (and blogging) about python evangelism since PyCon,
> as a result of which I created a squidoo lens:>>>> Imagine my surprise at discovering that this has gone up in rank (by
> number of views) from # 442,000 or so to #153! Clearly there's some> mileage in marketing Python, and I'd like to keep the buzz going if it> means more people will adopt the language.>> Any suggestions for improvement?
> '-nology' not '-nlogy' in the link.I like the 'What's Happening on Planet Python' section - I find gives too much of an intro to the pages it links to. A
line or too, as in the lens site,  would be preferable in my view.Just a thought - would a similar section be suitable for ''main page?Gerard--

Re: New website

2006-03-09 Thread Doug Bromley
I much prefer the look and feel of the potential Ruby websites being developed at the moment.  The Python site is very corporate and academic which could put many early adopters off.  I'm sure you've all heard accusations that Python doesn't have the marketing drive of Ruby.  Perhaps this is an example where we could do with taking a leaf out of Ruby's book? (
On 8 Mar 2006 14:20:29 -0800, Kay Schluehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael Tobis wrote:> > No one> > of the complainers and negativists do claim that they could do it much> > better.>> Indeed, I do not have to be able to write a particular program to
> notice it has bugs.>> On the other hand, (since I think the design, while not brilliant, is> good) fixing the logo is something that can be achieved without too> much fuss.>
> > But I think at times it might be usefull to consult> > professional aid.>> In the case of the logo design, I am not sure I agree.>> I think the twisted logo>>>> and the PyCon logo>>>> were probably not designed by professional designers but rather by> people who appreciate Python, and yet do have more appeal to the
> community and the outside world alike. If we are going to use a snake> motif, we should use snakes that look like snakes.Maybe its time for me to abandone this discussion. If you and othersfeel quite well represented by a pasty and wordy snake than go for it.
I do neither feel embraced nor bitten by it. And I don't just mean thelogo. We can do an awfull lot of comparisons with pages that failed butthis doesn't bring forth anything.This evening we talked at the Hofbraeuhaus at Munich about Michelangelo
whose sixtine chapel images where once overpainted because his figuresappeared naked "as god created them". But maybe he was wrong and hiscustomer, the pope, was right and they were actually born with a leaf
covered their pubic hairs? The pope had to take responsibility and hadto appease possible and real critics. We can assume he was far frombeing an idiot but a serious man - a politician. As a serious person
myself I'm always a little splitted between Michelangelo and the pope.My own idealism expects Michelangelo doing such outstanding things thatit is beyond anything. Nothing could be better than having the uptights
as the most severe enemies. What a fun! But as it seems my politicalparty is guided by ordinary indifferent humans as well and Michelangelomay be as much attracted by it as I am by e.g. the german socialdemocratic party? So I should track back and rethink "the professional
aid" which might be not what I'm really looking for. Guido feels a deepjoy about the resonance between Python and an programmer and artist -Juergen Scheible - who likes the language, feels inspired by it and
creates a little artwork for Nokia 60s. So there is some inversion inthe right direction. Suddenly Python appears a bit distorted withinanother context and it becomes sexy again. Should we talk about Apple
next ... ?--

Re: warning for google api users

2006-02-21 Thread Doug Bromley
Producing a SERPS scraper for Google would be very easy and possible in about 10-15 lines of code.  However, its against the Google terms of service and if they decide to bite you for breaching them then you'll be in trouble.  Its also a reason you'll not likely find one that trumpets its existence very much as the site promoting it would probably be taken off the Google index - severely effecting visitors.
On 2/21/06, Gabriel B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
the google webservices (aka google API) is not even close for any kindof real use yetif you search for the same term 10 times, you get 3 mixed totals. 2mixed result order. and one or two "502 bad gateway"
i did an extensive match agains the API and the regular searchservice. the most average set of results:results 1-10; total: 373000results 11-20; total: 151000results 21-30; total: 151000results 31-40; total: 373000
results 41-50; total: 373000results 51-60; total: 373000results 61-70; total: 151000( 502 bad gateway. retry)results 71-80; total: 373000results 81-90; total: 151000( 502 bad gateway. retry)
results 91-100; total: 373000on the regular google search, total:  2,050,000 (for every page, ofcourse)besides that, the first and third result on the regular google search,does not apear in the 100 results from the API in this query, but this
is not average, more like 1 chance in 10 :-/So, no matter how much google insists that this parrot is sleeping,it's simply, what i presume that is happening, is that they have a dozen of
machine pools, and each one has a broken snapshot of the productionindex (probably they have some process to import the index and or itexplode in some point or they simply kill it after some time). andthey obviously don't run that process very often.
Now... anyone has some implementation of that scraps theregular html service instead of using SOAP? :)Gabriel B.--


Python for PHP Programmers

2006-02-20 Thread Doug Bromley
Hi AllPlease be gentle but I'm primarily a PHP coder after a few years of academic experience in Java I've lost my object orientated programming style and have become a procedural PHP coder.  I started using Python almost 12mths ago now but I'm still very much working in a PHP style.  Obviously I need to learn the Python way and I have been doing a piece at a time, however, I was wondering if you had any specific advice for PHP -> Python programmers?  Any habits I need to pickup/drop?
Thanks for any input and thanks for your patience.Doug

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-20 Thread Doug Bromley
I did a review of Python IDE's at my blog.  If you're interested you can take a look: have a couple of links to other reviews on there too.  Worth a look if you're trying to find a good IDE.
On 2/20/06, Tim Parkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mladen Adamovic wrote:>Hi!>>I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python>programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.>>>I've been using wing for quite some time and it's an excellent dedicated
editor for python. If you want flexible debugging in a gui environmentit's hard to beat.Tim Parkin--


Re: Jedit

2006-02-14 Thread Doug Bromley
I've often wondered this.  I was thinking more along the lines of a
scriptable Python editor like Emacs.

The only thing I've noticed is:
CUTE - *nix only. - (
PyEditor - (
ViImproved - (
PythonCardEditor - (

On 2/14/06, ziggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just wondering if there is something out there like Jedit, but written
> in python ( not just supporting, but actually written in it.. )
> Nothing large like Stanzi's or Boa.. Just something quick and simple,
> with code completion, and a debugger..
> --

ElementTree - Why not part of the core?

2005-12-07 Thread doug . bromley
Why is the ElementTree API not a part of the Python core?
I've recently been developing a script for accessing the Miva API only
to find all the core API's provided by Python for parsing XML is messy
and complicated.  Many of the examples I see for parsing the data using
these API's uses a similar additional Class for collapsing the XML data
into a more manageable format.
This is clearly not following the Python-way of clean, simple code and
easy development.

ElementTree on the other hand provides incredibly easy access to XML
elements and works in a more Pythonic way.  Why has the API not been
included in the Python core?
