Re: Dispatch('Excel.Application') on Vista from Task Scheduler

2008-11-09 Thread Larry Bates

Cupric wrote:

I have a python script that runs fine from the command line or from
within IDLE, but doesn't work through the Vista Task Scheduler.

The script downloads some csv files and then uses pywin32 to combine
the csv files into a single document. When I run it through the task
scheduler, it downloads the csv files, but then doesn't seem to launch
excel. I can't figure out what is wrong or how to add enough logging
to tell.

I'm using Python 2.6 and pywin32-212.win32-py2.6 on Vista.

Code snippet below.

Any ideas? Does it have something to do with permissioning on Vista?
I'm running the task as my regular user (that has administrative

from win32com.client import Dispatch

excel = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
excel.visible =0
print 'launched excel'
workbook =excel.Workbooks.Add()
Sheets = workbook.sheets
defaultWorksheets = workbook.Worksheets(1)
excel.application.displayalerts = 0

for port in portList:
print 'about to open' + basePath + port.filename
port_book = excel.Workbooks.Open( basePath +
port_sheets = port_book.Sheets

datasheet = port_sheets(1)



Sheets.Add().Name =


Normally this has more to do with the context that the app runs in under Task 
Scheduler not having the same environment as the logged in user.  Try telling 
the Task Scheduler to run the application using the same credentials as the 
foreground user to see if that makes a difference.


Re: Python COM: Automatic wrap/unwrap?

2008-11-09 Thread Larry Bates

Greg Ewing wrote:

I'm creating a COM server in Python that will have one
main class, with methods that create and return instances
of other classes.

I've found that I need to use win32com.server.util.wrap
and unwrap on these objects when they pass over a COM
connection. This doesn't seem very convenient, especially
for methods that can be called either via COM or internally
from other Python code.

It seems that the basic Python types are wrapped and
unwrapped automatically when needed. Is there some way of
extending this mechanism? Is there a class I can inherit
from, or a magic attribute I can set, or some registration
process I can use, to get instances of my class automatically
wrapped and unwrapped?

You should post this on as Mark and the other Windows/COM 
gurus hang around there a lot.


Re: Does Python have Multiple Inheritance ?

2008-11-09 Thread Larry Bates

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve
Holden wrote:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message
Michele Simionato wrote:

On Nov 7, 4:38 pm, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Seriously, though, although Python does indeed support multiple
inheritance, I have the impression from comments over the years that
it's used a lot less than in other languages where it is more of a
common idiom.

The reason is that in Python using composition is very easy, so there
is little need for MI (which is a Good Thing).

Not to mention duck typing, which does away with the need for inheritance

That seems a somewhat extreme point of view.

Hey, I didn't design the language, I just use it. :)

I'm with Steve.  Multiple inheritance is still a "good" thing, especially for 
mixin-classes.  wxPython, for instance, wouldn't be nearly so flexible without it.


Re: Looking for a nitty-gritty Python Ajax middleware script to fire off a number of processors

2008-11-09 Thread Larry Bates

Shao wrote:

Dear All,

I am looking for a nitty-gritty Python Ajax script to fire off a
number of processing programmes, periodically checking their
operations, sending messages back to an HTML div form by sending back
the links of generated data files, to be downloaded by end users. I am
using .NET IIS 6.0 and Windows Server.



What you are asking requires so much more information than you have provided to 
actually give you an answer I doubt you will get one.  This is NOT a simple task 
but rather quite complicated.  Sounds like you need something written in Twisted 
that dispatches background processes and handles the callbacks from those 
processes.  Twisted Web could then update the HTML pages that users are watching 
by refreshing them periodically.


Re: More __init__ methods

2008-11-06 Thread Larry Bates

Mr.SpOOn wrote:

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While that's no bad thing, you don't really need to do
that simply to understand these examples: they're just
saying "do whatever you need to to make these method
class methods, not instance methods".


I think this changes the design of my class.

I mean, till now I had something like:

class foo:
def __init__(self, string=None, integer=None, someinstance=None):
 self.a = 0
 self.b = 0

 if string:
# do something to calculate "a and b"
 elif integer:
# do something else to calculate "a and b"

So I used different methods to calculate the same variables.

Now I must pass a and b to the main constructor and calculate them in
the classmethods.

class foo:
def __init__(self, a, b):
 self.a = a
 self.b = b

def from_string(self, ..):

What I mean is: I can't use anymore __init__ as the default
constructor, but I always have to specify the way I'm creating my
object. Am I right? I'm asking just to be sure I have understood.

Is there some reason not to use something like the following?

class foo:
def __init__(self, val):
self.a = 0
self.b = 0

if isinstance(val, basestring):
# do something to calculate "a and b"

elif isintance(val, int):
# do something else to calculate "a and b"

elif isinstance(val, someinstance)
# do something else to calculate "a and b"

# Don't know what to do with unknown type
raise ValueError()


Re: Is there a better/simpler way to filter blank lines?

2008-11-04 Thread Larry Bates



I'm parsing some text files, and I want to strip blank lines in the
process. Is there a simpler way to do this than what I have here?
lines = filter(lambda line: len(line.strip()) > 0, lines)

xlines = (line for line in open(filename) if line.strip())


Of if you want to filter/loop at the same time, or if you don't want all the 
lines in memory at the same time:

fp = open(filename, 'r')
for line in fp:
if not line.strip():

# Do something with the non-blank like:



Re: How to get an object's name as a string?

2008-10-28 Thread Larry Bates

Shannon Mayne wrote:

I would like to create objects with algorithmically determined names
based on other object names and use object names for general algorithm

How would one extract the name of an object from an object instance as
a string. I would think that it is stored as an attribute of the
object but successive 'dir()' calles haven't found me the attribute
with the namestring.

My thanks!

Once again (there have been many posts on this subject).  Objects can have more 
than one name in Python.  Therefore there is not a one-to-one correspondence 
between an object instance and name(s) that point to it.


a = myObject()
b = a
c = a

now a, b, c all point to the same object.  How would you define it's "name".

You are certainly free to store a name as an attribute to the object, but the 
linkage would then be purely logical.


objects = []
# Find object with name == 'a'
obj = None
for object in objects:
if == 'a':
   obj = object


Re: Need some advice

2008-10-24 Thread Larry Bates

alex23 wrote:

On Oct 23, 3:15 pm, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bruno is correct, the protocol IS https, you don't type shttp into your browser
get secure http connection.

https[1] and shttp[2] are two entirely different protocols.


Ok, I stand corrected on "shttp".  I've been a programmer for over 30 years and 
have been using python and web development for about 7 years and I've never seen 
any reference to it until now.  IMHO it wouldn't be a good idea to implement any 
production code utilizing such an obscure protocol when https is available.  You 
asked for "advice" in the Subject of OP, that's my advice.


Re: which program I need for sftp using pramiko??

2008-10-22 Thread Larry Bates

sa6113 wrote:

which program I have to install for using paramiko for sftp between a two
windows machine in local network??
I have installed freeSSHd for server machine but I got an Authentication
failed erro when try to connect to server using this code :

sock.connect((hostname, port)) 
t = paramiko.Transport(sock) 
event = threading.Event() 
if not t.is_active(): 
print 'SSH negotiation failed.' 
print "SSH negotiation sucessful" 
t.auth_password(username=username, password=password,event=event) 

if not t.is_authenticated(): 
print "Authentication failed" 


SSH negotiation successful 
Authentication failed 

May I install any program on client computer such as openssh ?
please help me.

Is security really that important between two machines on the same LAN?
If it really is that important, just use scp between the two machines.
You don't really have to reinvent the wheel to copy files between to machines.


Re: socket programming (client-server)

2008-10-22 Thread Larry Bates

ryan wrote:

i have implemented a small client server model to do file transfer
over a LAN network.

It work with some machines on the network and on others it doesnt.
when i run the file in some machine then it pops up a
windows security alert.

The message is as follows:

  Do you want to keep blocking this program?
there are three options below it. 1. Keep Blocking 2. Unblock 3. Ask
Me later.

I selected the option  unblock.Even then the client and server are not
able to communicate.
I get a error saying that:-

socket.error: (10060, 'Operation timed out')

I guess its a firewall problem... How do i go abt it?
any help?

Yes it is a firewall problem.  To make sure, turn off the firewall on a machine 
that doesn't work and try the application again.  If that works, put an 
exception in the firewall for your application's port.


Re: Need some advice

2008-10-22 Thread Larry Bates

azrael wrote:

I mean shttp. (secure hyper text transfer protocol)

On Oct 22, 9:48 am, Bruno Desthuilliers  wrote:

azrael a écrit :

There have been some discutions with my partner about which protocol
to use. We agreed to use also http. But we are looking for a
possibility to use something to trasfer python objects like Json

'like' ???

there are a couple json implementation for Python, and for PHP too IIRC.

If my memory is me well http transfers data in plaintext.
Because of
the risk of datacapturing, is there a better soulutioon to suggest to
be more secure like shttp

I suppose you mean https...

if it is implemented in python

Bruno is correct, the protocol IS https, you don't type shttp into your browser 
get secure http connection.

You don't transfer python objects with JSON, you can transfer data that was 
stored in Python objects via converting them to JSON (e.g. most JSON resembles a 
Python dictionary, but it is a text representation).  PHP couldn't do anything 
with a Python object.

You may want to pick up a copy of "RESTful Web Services", from O'Reilly.  It is 
an excellent starting place for you.


Re: quick newbie syntax question

2008-10-20 Thread Larry Bates

Robocop wrote:

oops!   Sorry about that, i should have just copied my code directly.
I actually did specify an int in range:

year = '2008'
month = '09'
limit = '31'
for i in range(1,int(limit)):

The code is currently failing due to the syntax in the filter,
particularly the section "date = year'-'month'-'i"

I believe you want something more like

date = "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, i)

but then again I can't quite figure out what is is that you are wanting to do
(Note: September doesn't have 31 days).

Where did Table object come from and what does the table.objects.filter method
do and what are the appropriate arguments to that method?  If it was "my" 
method, and I wanted to use it this way, I would think about changing it so that 
it accepted a filtering function and returned only those objects that passed the 
filtering function:

def myFilter(obj):
return ( >= '2008-09-01' and <= '2008-09-30')

class objects(object):
def __init__(self):
self.objects = []

def filter(filterFunc):
return [x for x in self.objects if filterFunc(x)]


temp = Table.objects.filter(myFilter)

temp is a list of objects you can act on.


Re: Creating single .exe file without py2exe and pyinstaller

2008-10-20 Thread Larry Bates

Tino Wildenhain wrote:


Abah Joseph wrote:
I have written a small application of about 40-45 lines which is about 
4KB, so I want to create a single .exe file from it, using py2exe it 
created unnecessary files, that just increase the size of the program 
and also less portable to me. What else can I use?

the "unneccessary files" you say, are what your 40-45 lines bring to

1) just distribute the 40-45 lines - but this requires python
   installation on users end

2) use a python to C(++) compiler and compile the result to .exe,
   works pretty well for simple applications:


3) Stop worrying about the size of the distribution.  In today's world 4Mb is 
trivial to download.


Re: windows / unix path

2008-10-20 Thread Larry Bates

Marcin201 wrote:

Is there an built-in functionality in python to convert Windows paths
to Unix paths?  I am running into problems when creating data files on
Windows and the running them on a Unix platform.  I create paths using

os.path.join('Pictures', '01.jpg') returns 'Pictures\\01..jpg' on
Win.  When I read files created on Win under Unix this is a problem,
python cannot open 'Pictures\\01.jpg'



I use posixpath when I want to "force" forward slashes that I know will work on 
Linux.  Actually the forward slashes work fine on Windows also (undocumented 
feature of Windows).


Re: Finding the instance reference of an object

2008-10-16 Thread Larry Bates

Joe Strout wrote:

On Oct 16, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Larry Bates wrote:

how do i find that the name is 'bob'

Short answer is that you can't.  This because Python's names (bob) are 
bound to objects (modulename.objectname()).  They are NOT variables as 
they are in "other" programming languages.

Which other programming languages?  I've never seen an OOP language that 
didn't work the same way as Python.

However, 'bob' here really is a variable.  It's a variable whose value 
(at the moment) is a reference to some object.

It is perfectly legal in Python to bind multiple names to a single 


Right -- three variables (a, b, and c) that all have the same value, 
i.e. all refer to the same object.  There's nothing more mysterious here 


where i, j, and k all have the same value.  (The OP's question would be 
like asking "what is the name of the variable referring to 42?  And 
while you might, in theory, be able to produce a list of all such 
variables by trolling through the Python's internals, it's a bit of a 
silly thing to do.)

a, b, and c all point to the same object.  An object can have an 
unlimited number of names bound to it.  This is one of the most 
difficult concepts for many beginning Python programmers to understand 
(I know I had a difficult time at first).  It is just not how we 
taught ourselves to think about "variables" and you can write quite a 
lot of Python treating the names you bind to objects like they were 

Well, they are variables.  I'm not quite grasping the difficulty here... 
unless perhaps you were (at first) thinking of the variables as holding 
the object values, rather than the object references.  That is indeed 
something important to grasp, since it explains why if you do

 a = b   # where b was some object with an attribute 'foo'... = 42 now find that is 42 too.  Nothing mysterious once you 
realize that the value of a and b is a reference to some object that has 
a "foo" attribute.

Not sure if all this was helpful to anyone, but I hope so!

- Joe

Sorry Joe, but I respectfully disagree about "not being mysterious".  I've been 
on this list for about 8 years and this question/issue comes up EVERY week with 
newbies.  Python names are just not variables in the traditional sense.  If they 
were then:


would create three independent variables that each contained a list with a 
single element of 42.  That is not what Python does and just about every newbie 
gets bitten by that fact at least once.

ow many posts have a read here where people do things like:

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = a

and can't figure out why a now contains [1,2,3,4,5,6]?

Without fail they thought that b = a copied the contents of a into b.  That is, 
they thought of a and b as variables that "hold" values.  Now the term 
"variables" may mean something different to you than most of the other newbies 
that frequent this list, but they all (including me when I first started) miss 
the subtilety of the name/value bindings at first (but boy are they beautiful 
when you finally see the light).  Perhaps you were lucky and were able to grasp 
this quite powerful concept more easily than most of us.

I think this is one of the most difficult concepts about Python to grasp for 
people coming from VB, C, Fortran, Cobol (oops showed my age there), etc.  We 
trained our minds to treat "variables" like named buckets (or memory locations). 
 Even the OP here wants to interrogate the object in the bucket and coerce it 
into giving him the bucket (variable) name.

The problem, as Steven so eloquently shows in a separate post, is that is is 
hard to talk about names that are bound to objects.  So we fall back into 
familiar language and use "variable" which confuses a lot of newbies because 
they have preconceived notion about what a "variable" is and what it does.


Re: Finding the instance reference of an object

2008-10-16 Thread Larry Bates

Astley Le Jasper wrote:

Sorry for the numpty question ...

How do you find the reference name of an object?

So if i have this

bob = modulename.objectname()

how do i find that the name is 'bob'

Short answer is that you can't.  This because Python's names (bob) are bound to 
objects (modulename.objectname()).  They are NOT variables as they are in 
"other" programming languages.  It is perfectly legal in Python to bind multiple 
names to a single object:


a, b, and c all point to the same object.  An object can have an unlimited 
number of names bound to it.  This is one of the most difficult concepts for 
many beginning Python programmers to understand (I know I had a difficult time 
at first).  It is just not how we taught ourselves to think about "variables" 
and you can write quite a lot of Python treating the names you bind to objects 
like they were "variables".

To accomplish what you want, put your instances in a dictionary.

instances = {}
instances['bob'] = modulename.objectname()
instances['joe'] = modulename.objectname()

Then you can reference them as:


and/or you can pass the name in as an argument to the __init__ method of 
objectname so that it can "hold" the name of the dictionary key that references 
it (good for debugging/logging).


Re: using SSh problem!

2008-10-02 Thread Larry Bates

sa6113 wrote:

I want to connect form a windows machine to a Linux one using SSH (I use
Paramiko) and simply copy a file to Linux machine.
Would you please help me how should I start?
Is there any useful code?

I find that one of the easiest ways of doing this is to install Cygwin on the 
windows machine, then you have all the Linux capabilities under Windows.  Open 
Cygwin console and you can use ssh, scp, etc. to connect to Linux box, copy a 
file, etc. All with ssh security.


Re: questions from a lost sheep

2008-10-02 Thread Larry Bates

johannes raggam wrote:

On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 15:18 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Joe> I've started to think fondly of the rock-solid stability of Python,
Joe> and have been wondering if perhaps aggressive unit testing could
Joe> mitigate most of the problems of weak typing.

Note:  Python is not weakly typed.  It is dynamically typed.  But, yes,
there is no substitute for unit tests in a language like Python.

just to make it maybe clearer - here an excerpt from the excellent book
dive into python, which is also free available:

statically typed language: A language in which types are fixed at
compile time. Most statically typed languages enforce this by requiring
you to declare all variables with their datatypes before using them.
Java and C are statically typed languages.

dynamically typed language: A language in which types are discovered at
execution time; the opposite of statically typed. VBScript and Python
are dynamically typed, because they figure out what type a variable is
when you first assign it a value.

strongly typed language: A language in which types are always enforced.
Java and Python are strongly typed. If you have an integer, you can't
treat it like a string without explicitly converting it.

weakly typed language: A language in which types may be ignored; the
opposite of strongly typed. VBScript is weakly typed. In VBScript, you
can concatenate the string '12' and the integer 3 to get the string
'123', then treat that as the integer 123, all without any explicit

So Python is both dynamically typed (because it doesn't use explicit
datatype declarations) and strongly typed (because
once a variable has a datatype, it actually matters).

cheers, hannes

That is a GREAT explanation of statically, dynamically, strongly and weakly 
typed languages. So many programmers are confused about these differences.  Many 
believe that statically typed is the only way to have strongly typed and they 
are incorrect.  Thanks for this.


Re: How to send Data Transfer Objects across the network?

2008-10-02 Thread Larry Bates

Daniel wrote:


I've been building a system that has need to send object data across
the network.  The approach I've taken has been to build Data Transfer
Objects, which just contain the attributes of the objects, and to
pickle them and send them over a socket connection.

As I get deeper this is a bit problematic, and so I was wondering if
there is a package or framework that is already designed to do this?

Again, all I need to do is serialize an object, send it somewhere
where it is deserialized and processed after which a response object
is serialized and sent back to the client to complete the transaction.

Thanks in advance...


You might also want to take a look at Twisted's Perspective Broker:


Re: del and sets proposal

2008-10-02 Thread Larry Bates

Chris Hebert wrote:

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can do the following:

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
del a[0]


a = {1:'1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4:'4', 5:'5'}
del a[1]

why doesn't it work the same for sets (particularly since sets are based on
a dictionary)?

a = set([1,2,3,4,5])
del a[1]

Sets don't support subscripting, so if you can't go
'a_set[something]', why would you expect to be able to be able to
'del' such an expression? What would the subscription even mean
without the 'del'? It doesn't make sense and would just be

Yes I know that sets have a remove method (like lists), but since
dictionaries don't have a remove method, shouldn't sets behave like more
like dictionaries and less like lists?  IMHO del for sets is quite

No, sets are a datatype unto themselves. They are based on
dictionaries internally (at least in CPython), but that's an
implemention detail to be hidden, not emphasized.

intuitive.  I guess it is too late to change now.

Most likely.


I believe that the fact that Sets don't support indexing is an implementation 
artifact that is due to the FACT that their underlying implementation is based 
on dictionaries (a good choice in my opinion).  One could just as easily have 
implemented (but then they would not have performed so well) Sets as an ordered 
list of unique values and have provided indexing capabilities (but I can't quite 
think of a use case for such an animal right now).

I didn't mean to imply that del a[1] would delete the first thing in the set, 
but rather the item with a value of 1.  Just as when we use it on a dictionary:

del a[1]

doesn't mean delete the first dictionary entry but rather delete the entry in 
the object with a value of 1, which IMHO would be perfectly logical for a set 
(which is why I started this discussion).  There is no ambiguity because sets, 
like dictionaries, require uniqueness.

Maybe dictionaries should have had a .remove method then things would be more 


del and sets proposal

2008-10-02 Thread Larry Bates

You can do the following:

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
del a[0]


a = {1:'1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4:'4', 5:'5'}
del a[1]

why doesn't it work the same for sets (particularly since sets are based on a 

a = set([1,2,3,4,5])
del a[1]

Yes I know that sets have a remove method (like lists), but since dictionaries 
don't have a remove method, shouldn't sets behave like more like dictionaries 
and less like lists?  IMHO del for sets is quite intuitive.  I guess it is too 
late to change now.


Re: writing dll in python?

2008-09-30 Thread Larry Bates

nishalrs wrote:

Hello All,

My main motivation is to build a collection of useful mathematical
models (that I have developed over the years) to design ultrasonic
sensors. This should be some sort of a library that should be able to
be used for desktop/web application development, to run in variety of
operating systems.

I am more than convinced after looking at website, it is
the right tool for the job. I intend to learn python, but I am not
really sure, where to begin. 

Should I write all the functions as simple python scripts? Or is there
some facility for creating a .dll like library, that could be more
suitable for what in intend to develop?

Any help is much appreciated.



DLLs are so 1990s .

You can more easily write COM objects in Python that can easily be utilized by 
essentially virtually every programming language that exists on Windows.


Re: Making small executive file for distribution

2008-09-24 Thread Larry Bates

Marin Brkic wrote:

Not commercial distribution, but an academic kind of sorts - giving
the exe file to coleagues, so they can use it in their work. Giving
.py file is not an option, since due to centralized computer
maintenance, they don't (and cannot) have installed python (except the
ones that bring their own computer at work, but those are an

As far as I know py2exe is the only option which can do such a thing
(make exe files from scripts). Is there a way to make those exe files
a little smaller (for a small script they easily go up to 5-10 mb).

Has anyone had a situation like this ? All your inputs and suggestions
are more then welcomed.


Times have changed, 5-10Mb is REALLY small.  Flash drives hold 4000-8000Mb
for less than $20 and standard hard drives are now 500Gb.  IMHO you are 
concerned about a problem that doesn't actually exist.


Re: Python style: exceptions vs. sys.exit()

2008-09-23 Thread Larry Bates

Drake wrote:

I have a general question of Python style, or perhaps just good
programming practice.

My group is developing a medium-sized library of general-purpose
Python functions, some of which do I/O. Therefore it is possible for
many of the library functions to raise IOError Exceptions. The
question is: should the library function be able to just dump to
sys.exit() with a message about the error (like "couldn't open this
file"), or should the exception propagate to the calling program which
handles the issue?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can either answer my question or
point me to where this question has already been answered.

IMHO libraries should always just let the exception propagate up to the caller. 
 That allows the caller the option of taking the appropriate action.


Re: new style classes, __new__, __init__

2008-09-16 Thread Larry Bates

Torsten Mohr wrote:


i have some questions related to new style classes, they look
quite useful but i wonder if somebody can give me an example
on constructors using __new__ and on using __init__ ?

I just see that when using it i can't give parameters to __new__
and when i additionally define __init__ then __new__ is not

So i can use __new__ only for classes whose constructors don't
have parameters?

class C2:
def __new__(self):
print "new called"
self.a = 8

def __init__(self, a):
print "init called"
self.a = a

def fct(self):
print self.a

a = C2(7)

This way __new__ is not called, if i remove __init__ then
there are too many parameters to __new__, if i add a parameter
to __new__ then it says that __new__ does not take arguments.

Thanks for any hints,

New style classes should be based on object:

class C2(object):


Re: code style and readability [was: Re: Checking the boolean value of a collection]

2008-09-13 Thread Larry Bates

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :

Larry Bates a écrit :
IMHO it reads better if you use the __call__ method of the class to 
return the value 

IMHO, it makes no sense at all to abuse the __call__ magic method here.

Sorry - after a more careful re-read of other posts in the thread, it 
might make sense, given the use case :

condition = FolderInUse(core)
if condition.true_for(folder):
   # code here

but then, a plain function (or a partial) might be even better - that 
is, if the FolderInUse class doesn't have other responsabilities.

Sorry but I respectfully disagree that this is "abuse" of the __call__ method. 
I do agree that a plain function probably makes more sense but it appears that 
the class does "other"things because of references to other class instances, etc.

I also have a personal dislike for early returns because I've found it makes it 
harder insert execution trace logging into the code.  Just my experience.


Re: code style and readability [was: Re: Checking the boolean value of a collection]

2008-09-13 Thread Larry Bates

Marco Bizzarri wrote:

On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marco Bizzarri wrote:

class FolderInUse:

   def true_for(self, archivefolder):
   return any([instance.forbid_to_close(archivefolder) for instance in

Is this any better? The true_for name does not satisfy me a lot...

well, "true_for" is indeed pretty inscrutable, but I'm not sure that would
be the first thing I'd complain about in that verbose mess...

"verbose mess".

It is always frustrating when you do what you think is your best and
you read that.

Anyway: I'm here to learn, and, of course, part of it is to listen
those who've been there much longer than you.

So, thanks for your sincere evaluation, Fredrik :-).

(when you pick method names, keep in mind that the reader will see the
context, the instance, and the arguments at the same time as they see the
name.  there's no need to use complete sentences; pick short short
descriptive names instead.)

Maybe I'm looking at the wrong direction, right now. From the point of
view of the FolderInUse clients, they will do:

condition = FolderInUse(core)


Is this too verbose? This is not a polemic statement, I'm really
asking your opionion.

The expression inside the true_for is indeed complex, and maybe I can
simplify it; however, I'm deeply convinced that


has some good points on it; I mean, once I read this kind of code, I
can hope to understand it without looking at what forbid_to_close

>>> class FolderInUse:
>>>def true_for(self, archivefolder):
>>>return any([instance.forbid_to_close(archivefolder) for instance in

IMHO it reads better if you use the __call__ method of the class to return the 
value and rewrite it as a regular loop for clarity.  Sometimes the simplest way 
is the easiest to read.

class FolderInUse:
   def __call__(self, archivefolder):
   result = False
   for instance in self.core.active_outgoing_registration_instances():
   if instance.forbid_to_close(archivefolder):
   result = True

   return result

Then it can be called with:

if FolderInUse(archivefolder):


Re: testing if another instance of a script is already running

2008-09-13 Thread Larry Bates

Strato wrote:

Hi folks,

I want to write some kind of test to check at startup if another 
instance of my script is already running.

I don't want to handle writing of a PID file because it is too 
Unix/Linux specific way to do this, and I need to keep the code to be 

I think the better way to achieve this is to use some process control, 
but I'm a neebie and I don't see how to do this in a safe and clean way.

Any idea ?

Best regards,

Here is a recipe for Windows version of singleinstance class:

and I wrote and contributed the equivalent Linux version:

Hope this helps.


Re: testing if another instance of a script is already running

2008-09-13 Thread Larry Bates

Strato wrote:

Hi folks,

I want to write some kind of test to check at startup if another 
instance of my script is already running.

I don't want to handle writing of a PID file because it is too 
Unix/Linux specific way to do this, and I need to keep the code to be 

I think the better way to achieve this is to use some process control, 
but I'm a neebie and I don't see how to do this in a safe and clean way.

Any idea ?

Best regards,

Here is a recipe for Linux version of singleinstance class:

and I wrote and contributed the equivalent Windows version:

Hope this helps.


Re: wxpython ms-dos black window popping up in background

2008-09-09 Thread Larry Bates

icarus wrote:

Oh ok. Thanks. In windows xp I just renamed the file extension to .pyw
That did it.

one more question...

how do I create a pythonw standalone executable that works on w32,
linux, mac, etc..?

My intent is to have the process transparent to the user. He wouldn't
even know the app was written in python. All he knows that when he
double-clicks on it, the application pops up without the DOS black
screen in the background (for w32 users.)

On Sep 9, 10:49 am, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You need to have the script be run by pythonw.exe as opposed to python.exe
pythonw.exe suppresses the DOS box from coming up and should be used
for running GUI applications such as yours.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:33 PM, icarus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

platform: windows xp professional, python 2.5, wxpython
When I double-check on my program file (for simplicity I'll be
using this code below), I see the window just fine.  But the ms-dos
black window pops up in the background. On Linux, no issues at all.
How can I get rid of that ms-dos black window in the background?
something I need to add to my code? a setting to adjust in windows?
thanks in advance.
import wx
appwx = wx.App()
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, '')

Follow the path of the Iguana...

On Windows use py2exe and Inno Setup to create "frozen" application that is easy 
to distribute.  On Mac/Linux there are other solutions.


Re: dynamic allocation file buffer

2008-09-09 Thread Larry Bates

castironpi wrote:

I will try my idea again.  I want to talk to people about a module I
want to write and I will take the time to explain it.  I think it's a
"cool idea" that a lot of people, forgiving the slang, could benefit
from.  What are its flaws?

A user has a file he is using either 1/ to persist binary data after
the run of a single program (persistence) or 2/ share binary data
between concurrently running programs (IPC / shared memory).  The data
are records of variable types and lengths that can change over time.
He wants to change a record that's already present in the file.  Here
are two examples.

Use Case 1: Hierarchical ElementTree-style data

A user has an XML file like the one shown here.


He wants to change "Foo" to "Foobar".


The change he wants to make is at the beginning of a 4GB file, and
recopying the remainder is an unacceptable resource drain.

Use Case 2: Web session logger

A tutor application has written a plugin to a webbrowser that records
the order of a user's mouse and keyboard activity during a browsing
session, and makes them concurrently available to other applications
in a suite, which are written in varying lanugages.  The user takes
some action, such as surfing to a site or clicking on a link.  The
browser plugin records that sequence into shared memory, where it is
marked as acknowledged by the listener programs, and recycled back
into an unused block.  URLs, user inputs, and link text can be of any
length, so truncating them to fit a fixed length is not an option.

Existing Solutions

- Shelve - A Python Standard Library shelf object can store a random
access dictionary mapping strings to pickled objects.  It does not
provide for hierarchical data stores, and objects must be unpickled
before they can be examined.
- Relational Database - Separate tables of nodes, attributes, and
text, and the relations between them are slow and unwieldy to
reproduce the contents of a dynamic structure.  The VARCHAR data type
still carries a maximum size, no more flexible than fixed-length
- POSH - Python Object Sharing - A module currently in its alpha stage
promises to make it possible to store Python objects directly in
shared memory.  In its current form, its only entry point is 'fork'
and does not offer persistence, only sharing.  See:

Dynamic Allocation

The traditional solution, dynamic memory allocation, is to maintain a
metadata list of "free blocks" that are available to write to.  See:
The catch, and the crux of the proposal, is that the metadata must be
stored in shared memory along with the data themselves.  Assuming they
are, a program can acquire the offset of an unused block of a
sufficient size for its data, then write it to the file at that
offset.  The metadata can maintain the offset of one root member, to
serve as a 'table of contents' or header for the remainder of the
file.  It can be grown and reassigned as needed.

An acquaintence writes: It could be quite useful for highly concurrent
systems: the overhead involved with interprocess communication can be
overwhelming, and something more flexible than normal object
persistence to disk might be worth having.

Python Applicability

The usual problems with data persistence and sharing apply.  The
format of the external data is only established conventionally, and
conversions between Python objects and raw memory bytes take the usual
overhead.  'struct.Struct', 'ctypes.Structure', and 'pickle.Pickler'
currently offer this functionality, and the buffer offset obtained
from 'alloc' can be used with all three.

Ex 1.
s= struct.Struct( 'III' )
x= alloc( s.size )
s.pack_into( mem, x, 2, 4, 6 )
Struct in its current form does not permit random access into
structure contents; a user must read or write the entire converted
strucutre in order to update one field.  Alternative:
s= struct.Struct( 'I' )
x1, x2, x3= alloc( s.size ), alloc( s.size ), alloc( s.size )
s.pack_into( mem, x1, 2 )
s.pack_into( mem, x2, 4 )
s.pack_into( mem, x3, 6 )

Ex 2.
class Items( ctypes.Structure ):
_fields_= [
( 'x1', ctypes.c_float ),
( 'y1', ctypes.c_float ) ]
x= alloc( ctypes.sizeof( Items ) )
c= ctypes.cast( mem+ x, ctypes.POINTER( Items ) ).contents
c.x1, c.y1= 2, 4
The 'mem' variable is obtained from a call to PyObject_AsWriteBuffer.

Ex 3.
s= pickle.dumps( ( 2, 4, 6 ) )
x= alloc( len( s ) )
mem[ x: x+ len( s ) ]= s
'dumps' is still slow and nor does permit random access into contents.

Use Cases Revisited

Use Case 1: Hierarchical ElementTree-style data
Solution: Dynamically allocate the tree and its elements.

Node: tag: a
Node: tag: b
Node: tag: c
Node: text: Foo

The user 

Re: creating an (inefficent) alternating regular expression from a list of options

2008-09-09 Thread Larry Bates wrote:

Pyparsing has a really nice feature that I want in PLY. I want to
specify a list of strings and have them converted to a regular

A Perl module which does an aggressively optimizing job of this is
Regexp::List -

I really dont care if the expression is optimal. So the goal is
something like:

vowel_regexp = oneOf("a aa i ii u uu".split())  # yielding r'(aa|a|uu|

Is there a public module available for this purpose?

Perhaps I'm missing something but your function call oneOf(...) is longer than 
than actually specifying the result.

You can certainly write quite easily:

def oneOf(s):
return "|".join(s.split())


Re: Submitting forms over HTTPS with mechanize

2008-09-03 Thread Larry Bates

Rex wrote:


I am working on an academic research project where I need to log in to
a website ( over HTTPS and execute a bunch of queries to
gather a data set. I just discovered the mechanize module, which seems
great because it's a high-level tool. However, I can't find any decent
documentation for mechanize apart from the docstrings, which are
pretty thin. So I just followed some other examples I found online, to
produce the following:

baseurl = ''
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Firefox')]
result = br.submit()

This code hangs at br.submit(), and I can't tell what I'm doing wrong.
Typically I would inspect the HTTP data with an HTTP debugging proxy
(Fiddler), but I guess since this is HTTPS I can't do that. Any
glaring errors in my code?

By the way, does anyone have suggestions for Python modules that I
should use instead of mechanize (and that are sufficiently easy)? If
mechanize fails, I might try modifying some similar Perl code a friend
sent me that logs into

Thanks so much,


I've used mechanize quite successfully but others have suggested Twill  It seems to be at least documented.


Re: Access to Windows "Add/Remove Programs"?

2008-09-03 Thread Larry Bates

Sean DiZazzo wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to find a way to get a list of all the installed programs
on a Windows box via Python.  I thought of a few hacks that might
partially work, and then thought about "Add/Remove Programs"  Seems
like the right way to go.  I looked over the pywin32 docs a bit, but
nothing slapped me in the face.

Is there any reliable way to get at that info?

Thanks in advance,


I would guess that that program gets the information from the registry.


Re: Fastest way to write huge files

2008-08-30 Thread Larry Bates

Mohamed Yousef wrote:

If connection is over Internet via HTTP the connection speed is so slow in
relation to the speed of your CPU that it doesn't really matter.

this is not always true , espicially when using a localhost or a local
netwtork server
the problem is the increase in cpu and memory usage make it a painful bug
such that downloading a big file (say 1 GB ) would introduce a big cpu
usage (already tested)

Thanks ,

Mohamed Yousef

I disagree.  There is very little overhead in file writing if you stream your 
writes to disk in small blocks as they arrive via HTTP.  Don't wait for the 
entire 1Gb to arrive and then write it.  Python can write small to a file 
blazingly fast with normal file writing I/O. Any extra CPU overhead you may see 
is probably due to reading the entire 1Gb into memory and seeing swapping to 
disk as you exhaust main memory.  Interleaving your HTTP reading with file 
writing should be very fast.


Re: Ensure only single application instance.

2008-08-30 Thread Larry Bates

Cameron Laird wrote:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Uberman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Heston James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good afternoon all.

I have an application/script which is launched by crontab on a regular
basis. I need an effective and accurate way to ensure that only one instance
of the script is running at any one time.

You could create a named pipe in /tmp with a unique (static) name and
permissions that disallow any kind of read/write access.  Then simply have
your script check for its existence when it starts.  If it exists, then
another instance of your script is running, and just terminate.  Make sure
your original instance removes the pipe when it exits.

I'll write an article on this subject this fall.  The
essentials are:
A.  There's no canonical answer; every apparent solution
has problems;
B.  The suggestions offered you are certainly among the
popular ones;
C.  My personal favorite is to open a (network) socket
server.  For reasons I'll eventually explain, this
has particularly apt semantics under Unix.


I found this recipe ( on 
ActiveState's site that had a working version of a single instance class for 
Windows that I've used quite successfully.  Since I also work a lot Linux, I 
wrote and donated this version ( for 
Linux that also seems to work well for me.


Re: How to check is something is a list or a dictionary or a string?

2008-08-30 Thread Larry Bates



How to check if something is a list or a dictionary or just a string?

for item in self.__libVerDict.itervalues():
self.cbAnalysisLibVersion(END, item)

where __libVerDict is a dictionary that holds values as strings or
lists. So now, when I iterate this dictionary I want to check whether
the item is a list or just a string?


Are you sure that is what you want to do or do you want to make sure that 
"something" is an iterable.  What if someone passed in a generator or a class 
instance that is iterable, do you really want to fail?


Re: microsoft terminal server

2008-08-30 Thread Larry Bates

Tim Golden wrote:


i would like to know if there is a way to create a python script for
automate mstsc.exe username and pwd credential, i mean i would create
a script that first open mstsc.exe and in the same time is able to
fill [computer+username+pwd].

Haven't tried it, but in principle you should be
able to use the win32cred package from pywin32
to store your username / password and use an .rdp
file to automate the rest of the settings, including
the server.


Use Remote Desktop Connection to create/save an .rdp file that can connect to 
your remote computer.  Then use os.startfile(''.rdp).  It will call 
mstsc for you.


Re: Fastest way to write huge files

2008-08-30 Thread Larry Bates

Mohamed Yousef wrote:

Thanks all ,
but there is still something i forget to state -sorry - all
communication will be via Http with a server
so data is received via Http
so local network solutions won't work
the problem really starts after receiving data in storing them without
much of a CPU/Memory usage and with a good speed

@James Mills : didn't understand fully what you mean and how it will
improve writting effciency


Mohamed Yousef

2008/8/29 Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Terry Reedy wrote:

Mohamed Yousef wrote:

let's say , I'm moving large files through network between devices
what is the fastest way to do this ?
what i came up with :-

Use your OS's network copy command.  On unix, that was once uucp.  On
Windows, I drag-and-drop to/from a Network Neighborhood location, including
to a printer, so I don't know whether you can use copy and if so how.

For completeness' sake, on Windows you could use any of the following
techniques with a UNC as the destination (and/or source):


If connection is over Internet via HTTP the connection speed is so slow in 
relation to the speed of your CPU that it doesn't really matter.  You are 
prematurely optimizing your application.  Get it working first and then see if 
the file writing is the bottleneck (it probably won't be).


Re: JSON from Python mysqldb

2008-08-26 Thread Larry Bates

jpuopolo wrote:


I am using Python to read some records from the MySQL database. I am
using the mysqldb library, and things are working well.

Now, I would like to pass back the results of the query to a Web-based
front end, and I would like to use JSON. Is there a library/example of
creating a JSON array from a mysqldb row or row set?


Google turns up several high quality links, just look for 'python json'.


Re: 'While' question

2008-08-21 Thread Larry Bates

Ben Keshet wrote:
Thanks for the reference.  I tried it with a general example and got it 
to work - I used an index that counts up to a threshold that is set to 
break.  It does not work though with my real code. I suspect this is 
because I cannot really read any lines from an empty file, so the code 
gets stuck even before I get to j=j+1:

line = f.readline()[:-1]
   while 'PRIMARY' not in line:
   line = f.readline()[:-1]
   j=j+1 if j==30:
Any suggestions?


Wojtek Walczak wrote:

On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 18:01:25 -0400, Ben Keshet wrote:
somehow. I use 'while 'word' not in line' to recognize words in the 
texts. Sometimes, the files are empty, so while doesn't find 'word' 
and runs forever. I have two questions:
1) how do I overcome this, and make the script skip the empty files? 
(should I use another command?)
2) how do I interrupt the code without closing Python? (I have 

Try the docs first. You need to read about 'continue' and
'break' statements:



You might consider turning this around into something like:

for j, line in enumerate(f):
if 'PRIMARY' in line:

if j == 30:

IMHO this is MUCH easier to understand.


Re: how to add property "dynamically"?

2008-08-16 Thread Larry Bates

akonsu wrote:


i need to add properties to instances dynamically during run time.
this is because their names are determined by the database contents.
so far i found a way to add methods on demand:

class A(object) :
def __getattr__(self, name) :
if name == 'test' :
def f() : return 'test'
setattr(self, name, f)
return f
else :
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))

this seems to work and i can invoke method test() on an object. it
would be nice to have it as property though. so i tried:

class A(object) :
def __getattr__(self, name) :
if name == 'test' :
def f() : return 'test'
setattr(self, name, property(f))
return f
else :
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))

but this does not work, instance.test returns a callable but does not
call it.

i am not an expert in python, would someone please tell me what i am
doing wrong?


Are you sure you can't get by by adding attributes to the instance that hold the 
values that the property would return?

class A(object):
def __init__(self, dbvaluedict):

>>> dbvaluedict = dict('test': 'test')
>>> a = A(dbvaluedict)
>>> print a.test

If this doesn't help. You might want to start at the beginning and explain what 
it is you are trying to accomplish.  What you are trying to do is very unusual.


Re: Fixed-length text file to database script

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates

Michael Ströder wrote:

Larry Bates wrote:


I have a machine (PLC) that is dumping its test results into a fixed-
length text file.  I need to pull this data into a database (MySQL
most likely) so that I can access it with Crystal Reports to create
daily reports for my engineers.
I need to know how to write a script that will DAILY pull this text
file into a MySQL database.

Just use the built in import SQL statement to import the information.  
You don't really need a Python script.  import can handle fixed field 
records (as well as CSV, etc.).

If the input data has to be pre-processed before storing it into the 
database a Python script would be needed.

Just in case somebody needs a module for reading fixed-length files in 
the spirit of module csv:

For the MySQL part:

Ciao, Michael.

While you are correct, that is not what the OP asked.  There is no reference to 
processing data prior to insertion into MySQL database.  Also the OP said they 
had a 1 day deadline.


Re: Getting stdout using ctypes.

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates

Mathias Lorente wrote:

Hello all.

I have a simple application (C++) that relies on shared libraries. It 
works fine in console mode.
Lot of job is done into the shared library, so there is some calls to 
'std::cout' to inform the user in it.

Now, I would like to wrap everything into a GUI, remove the application 
and call directly everything from Python using ctypes. (I still need the 
console application to launch it manually if needed).
I've made a simple library to test ctypes and everything works fine 
except that I don't know how to get stout in order to redirect it 
somewhere (dialog box or so).

I've looked for some help into the mailing list history and found 
nothing useful (until now).

Do someone has any suggestion?


If I'm understanding your question correctly, you can replace sys.stdout with 
any class that provides a write method.

class myStdout(object):
def __init__(self):
self.lines = list()

def write(self, data):

Then in program do something like

import sys
sys.stdout = myStdout()

Now everything that would have gone to stdout will be buffered into the list in 


Re: ActiveState Python v2.5 doesn't come with Tkinter or Tk installed.

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates

Dudeja, Rajat wrote:


So, now I've finally started using Eclipse and PyDev as an IDE for my
GUI Application. I just wrote some sample programs as an hands on.

Now I would like to take up Tkinter. I'm using Active State Python
version 2.5 and found that there is not Tkinter and Tk module in it.

To use Tkinter do I actually require Tk installed on my machine? Please
suggest and where can I find both these modules?

Also, please direct me to a good and short document on using Tkinter or
Tk in Python.


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of this e-mail message and/or any file attachment(s).

NOTE: Please begin your posts with what platform (Linux/Mac/Windows) you are 
running on so we can answer your questions better.

From ActiveState's webpage:

All platforms

* Tcl/Tk 8.4.14 and Tix 8.4.2 upgrades.

It is certainly on my machine which is Windows ActiveState install.  You better 
check again.

If you are on Windows, you can use py2exe to package up your program and you 
won't have to have Python/Tk installation.

First hit on Google is:



Re: Factory for Struct-like classes

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates

eliben wrote:


I want to be able to do something like this:

Employee = Struct(name, salary)

And then:

john = Employee('john doe', 34000)
print john.salary

Basically, Employee = Struct(name, salary) should be equivalent to:

class Employee(object):
  def __init__(self, name, salary): = name
self.salary = salary

Ruby's 'Scruct' class (
does this. I suppose it can be done with 'exec', but is there a more
Pythonic way ?

Thanks in advance

P.S.  I'm aware of this common "pattern":

class Struct:
def __init__(self, **entries):

Which allows:

john = Struct(name='john doe', salary=34000)
print john.salary

But what I'm asking for is somewhat more general.

That's about as "general" as it gets ;-).  It works for any number/type of 
attribute.  I would probably make it a new-style class by subclassing object, 
but for simulating a generic row container, this is quite good.  You might 
extend it with a __str__ method, __len__ method, make it an iterator, etc.

but that is quite easy.



Re: i want to control python using keyboard

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates


i want to play alarm sound when i press a particular key in someone help me in doing it.

Thanks and Regards

When you post to this list you need to give us more to go on than you have.

1) What have you tried that doesn't work?
2) What type of sound file is "alarm sound" or do you just want a beep?
3) What key should be monitored on the keyboard?
4) What platform (operating system) are you running on?
5) Will this be a console or GUI application?

All these things need to be known to answer your question?  People are more than 
willing to help, but you have to be willing to try something on your own and to 
provide enough information so we can help.  When something does not work, post 
your code (and any tracebacks) with your question.


Re: for y in range (0,iNumItems)--> not in order?

2008-08-14 Thread Larry Bates

korean_dave wrote:

for y in range(0,iNumItems):

How do i make the output go IN ORDER

instead of

That's not what it does on my system (Python 2.5.2 on Windows).  Please post the 
code that you are "actually" running.

>>> for y in range(15):
... print str(y)

You must have put them in a list and sorted them prior to printing them to get 
the output you show.  If you sort the list, the output is correct.  To make it 
different, you will need to pass sort a custom cmp function.


Re: Fixed-length text file to database script

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Bates


Hi Guys,

I'm new to Python (mostly) and I'm wanting to use it for a new project
I'm faced with.

I have a machine (PLC) that is dumping its test results into a fixed-
length text file.  I need to pull this data into a database (MySQL
most likely) so that I can access it with Crystal Reports to create
daily reports for my engineers.

I've been reading the Python manual for about a week now and I'm
learning a lot.  Unfortunately, I was given a deadline today that I
cannot meet without a little help.

I need to know how to write a script that will DAILY pull this text
file into a MySQL database.

Can anyone show me how to do this?



Just use the built in import SQL statement to import the information.  You don't 
really need a Python script.  import can handle fixed field records (as well as 
CSV, etc.).


Re: callbacks in python

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Bates

Alexandru Mosoi wrote:

On Aug 14, 12:02 am, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

your use of the word "callback" is a bit unusual, and your example isn't
valid Python code, but it looks as if functools.partial might be what
you need:

my current implementation is very similar to partial() :) (10x, i'll
use partial from now on). however it seems that I don't understand
very well positional and keyword arguments in python because I got the
error described here:
(TypeError: f() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a') which
confused me even more. so if you pass positional and keyword arguments
to both partial() and function returned the order of passed arguments
might be different than expected. i was looking for an implementation
that somehow avoids this confusion.

Positional arguments come first, keyword arguments come second.  You can pick up 
positional keywords as a list and keyword arguments as a dictionary if you want:

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
for a in args:
   # process positional arguments as a list

for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
   # Process keyword arguments by iterating over the dictionary

It is a little hard to understand exactly what you are wanting to do, but it 
sounds like you should probably ONLY use keyword arguments and then there isn't 
any problem with order or missing arguments (if you set appropriate defaults).


Re: callbacks in python

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Bates

Alexandru Mosoi wrote:

does anyone know a nice implementation of callbacks in python? i have
issues mixing named & unamed parameters. i want build a callback over
a function such that some parameters are passed when callback is
created and the rest are passed when the function is called.

callback = Callback(function, x=1, y)
callback(z, t=4, u)

First problem is that all unnamed arguments must come BEFORE named ones (Python 
limitation).  To do what you want define you callback as a class instead.

class Callback(object):
def __init__(x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

def __call__(z, t, u):
# Do what you want done at every callback

callback = Callback(x, y)

callback(z, t, u)


Re: win32service and Python

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Bates

David wrote:

I am collecting informations about win32 services for Python but, except for
few basic examples about Mark Hammond's win32serviceutil, I found nothing

Any link is welcome.

Thank you.

Actually those examples in Python for Win32 book are quite good and basically 
all services are built using the same framework shown there.  If you run into a 
problem post something here or better yet on group (I know 
Mark hangs out over there more than here ;-).


Re: newb loop problem

2008-08-13 Thread Larry Bates

Dave wrote:

arrrggg, now I feel really dumb..

hitNum = 0
stopCnt = 6 + hitNum
offSet = 5

for i in range(0,10,1):

for x in range(hitNum,len(inLst), 1):
print hitNum, stopCnt
if x == stopCnt: break
hitNum +=offSet
print hitLst

Beers, Dave

On Aug 13, 12:58 am, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 13, 12:35 am, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dave wrote:

Hey there, having a bit of problem iterating through lists before i go
on any further, here is
a snip of the script.
d = "a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 a5 b5
c5 d5 e5"
inLst = d.split()
hitLst = []
hitNum = 0
stopCnt = 6 + hitNum
for i in range(hitNum,len(inLst), 1):
   if i == stopCnt: break
print hitLst
$ python
['a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'a2']
This works fine for my purposes, what I need is an outer loop that
goes through the original list again and appends my next request.
hitNum = 5
which will return:
['a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e2', 'a3']
and append it to the previous one.
['a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'a2']
['a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e2', 'a3']
not really sure how to do this right now though, been trying several
methods with no good results.
btw, just creating lagged values (sort of shift registers) on the
incoming signal
Many thanks,

You are going to need to supply us with more info to help.
1) Are you always going to want to get 6 elements from the list
2) Are you always going to want to step by 5 elements as your offset each time
through the outer loop?
3) Is your requirement just to split inLst into equal length lists and append
them together into a list?
Depending on your answers this might be quite easy.

Hi Larry, well to answer your questions.

1) Are you always going to want to get 6 elements from the list

yes for this example, but this will change depending on the length of
the sig.
hitNum will be changing depending on what element I need to lag ie:

if hitNum = 1

['b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'a2', 'b2']

so I will be lagging the b elements.

2) Are you always going to want to step by 5 elements as your offset
each time
through the outer loop?

I think I just answered this

3) Is your requirement just to split inLst into equal length lists and
them together into a list?


Thanks for all your help,


This can also be written as:

d = "a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 " \
"a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 a5 b5 c5 d5 e5"
inLst = d.split()
sliceLen = 6
step = 5
offset = 1
hitLst = list()
for n in xrange(len(inLst)/step):
start = offset + n * step
hitLst.append(inLst[offset:offset + sliceLen])

print hitLst


Re: Random Problems

2008-08-12 Thread Larry Bates

Lanny wrote:
Well the othe day I was making a program to make a list of all the songs in 
certian directorys but I got a problem, only one of the directorys was added 
to the list. Heres my code:

import random
import os
import glob

songs = glob.glob('C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My 
asongs = glob.glob('C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My 

asongs = glob.glob('C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My 

asongs = glob.glob('C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My 

pick = random.choice(songs)

all goes well but pick awalys is from the first directory but songs awalys 
includes all the files I want it to. Im baffaled. 

-- Posted on news:// - Complaints to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

1) You need to either use raw string for your pathnames or use forward slashes.
This is because backslash is an escape character to Python and if you get any 
legal escaped sequence (like \n, \t, etc) it won't work as expected.

songs = glob.glob(r'C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My


songs = glob.glob('C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/My

Yes, forward slashes work just fine on windows.

2) When you have a list (songs) and append another list (asongs) you don't get a 
combined list, you get a list with the last element being the second list.


>>> songs = [1,2,3]
>>> asongs = [4,5,6]
>>> songs.append(asongs)
>>> songs
[1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]

What you wanted was songs.extend(asongs).  BTW-Inserting a couple of print 
statements would have shown you this problem pretty quickly.



Re: newb loop problem

2008-08-12 Thread Larry Bates

Dave wrote:

Hey there, having a bit of problem iterating through lists before i go
on any further, here is
a snip of the script.
d = "a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 a5 b5
c5 d5 e5"
inLst = d.split()
hitLst = []

hitNum = 0
stopCnt = 6 + hitNum

for i in range(hitNum,len(inLst), 1):
if i == stopCnt: break

print hitLst
$ python
['a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'a2']

This works fine for my purposes, what I need is an outer loop that
goes through the original list again and appends my next request.


hitNum = 5

which will return:

['a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e2', 'a3']

and append it to the previous one.


['a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1', 'e1', 'a2']
['a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e2', 'a3']

not really sure how to do this right now though, been trying several
methods with no good results.

btw, just creating lagged values (sort of shift registers) on the
incoming signal

Many thanks,



You are going to need to supply us with more info to help.

1) Are you always going to want to get 6 elements from the list
2) Are you always going to want to step by 5 elements as your offset each time 
through the outer loop?
3) Is your requirement just to split inLst into equal length lists and append 
them together into a list?

Depending on your answers this might be quite easy.


Re: Checking a file's time stamp.

2008-08-12 Thread Larry Bates

Christian Heimes wrote:

William Purcell wrote:

Hi all,
I am wanting to check to see the last time a file was edited. For 
example, I

have a directory containing two text files, file1.txt and file2.txt.   I
want to be able to process these files but only if they have been edited
since the last time they were processed. I think that I want to be 
able to

check the time stamp of each file. Can anyone tell me how to do that or
point me in a better direction of checking the last time a file was 

 >>> import os
 >>> stat = os.stat("/etc/passwd")
 >>> print stat
(33188, 362259, 2053L, 1, 0, 0, 1690, 1218550501, 1218118498, 1218118498)
 >>> dir(stat)
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', 
'__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', 
'__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', 
'__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'n_fields', 
'n_sequence_fields', 'n_unnamed_fields', 'st_atime', 'st_blksize', 
'st_blocks', 'st_ctime', 'st_dev', 'st_gid', 'st_ino', 'st_mode', 
'st_mtime', 'st_nlink', 'st_rdev', 'st_size', 'st_uid']

 >>> stat.st_mtime

use these shortcuts, IMHO they are easier than os.stat.

os.path.getmtime() - get modified time
os.path.atime()- get last accessed time (careful some admins turn this
 off on their servers for performance reasons)
os.path.ctime()- get creation time


Re: Extract string from log file

2008-08-09 Thread Larry Bates

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - - [01/Aug/2008:05:41:21 +0300] "GET /stat.gif?
%3B26027%3B26447%3B26003%3B22452%3B%7D&r=0.9496 HTTP/1.1" 200 43
card.html" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)"

does anyone know how can i extract certain string from this log file
using regular expression in python or using XML. can teach me.


You will get much more help on this list if you show us what you have actually 
tried so far to solve the problem on your own.  Then post what is not working 
(with full tracebacks if there are any) and you will find that people will try 
to assist you.  If you require help reading lines from a file or learning 
regular expressions, you really need to use Google to look for tutorials first.


Re: Ascii to binary conversion

2008-08-09 Thread Larry Bates

azrael wrote:

looks nice. is there an oposite function of ord() so I could also
bring a binary number also back to ascii.

the speed matters if you plan to exchange about 10 M ascii chars and
don't wont to wait a year for the results. :)

On 9 kol, 15:39, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 9, 11:18 pm, azrael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hy folks,
I googled, and searched, and can not bealive that I have not found a
built in way to convert the easy and elegant python way a function to
easily convert simple ascii data to binary and back.
I've written some my own but they were pretty slow using binascii
linbrary with hexifly and unhexifly functions conbined with a
lookuptable of binary and hex values.
Any idea how to easily write a function that recieves a character or
string and returns a binary number like:
ascii("1") is converted to bin("00110001")

Here's one way:

def a2b(a): = ord(a)
...return ''.join('01'[(ai >> x) & 1] for x in xrange(7, -1, -1))









BUT ... why are you doing this so much that the speed matters???

Opposite of ord() is chr().  These functions have been available in every 
language I've used for the last 30 years.  I would suggest that you might want 
to spend a little time reading a good Python book and to work through the 
tutorial.  It will be worth your investment of time.


Re: Large production environments using ZODB/ZOE?

2008-08-09 Thread Larry Bates

Phillip B Oldham wrote:

I've been reading a lot recently on ZODB/ZOE, but I've not seen any
reference to its use in large-scale production envrironments.

Are there any real-world examples of ZODB/ZOE in use for a large
system? By large, I'm thinking in terms of both horizontally-scaled
systems and in terms of data storage size.

I have been told (by one of the developers) that Viacom uses it for their video 
streaming website which is quite large.  There is also a list of organizations 
on Zope's webside that is pretty impressive.


Re: Trying to fix Invalid CSV File

2008-08-04 Thread Larry Bates

Ryan Rosario wrote:

On Aug 4, 8:30 am, Emile van Sebille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Machin wrote:

On Aug 4, 6:15 pm, Ryan Rosario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 4, 1:01 am, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Aug 4, 5:49 pm, Ryan Rosario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Emile! Works almost perfectly, but is there some way I can
adapt this to quote fields that contain a comma in them?

Emile's snippet is pushing it through the csv reading process, to
demonstrate that his series of replaces works (on your *sole* example,
at least).

Exactly -- just print out the results of the passed argument:


'123,"Here is some, text ""and some quoted text"" where the quotes
should have been doubled",321'

Where it won't work is if any of the field embedded quotes are next to

I'd run it against the file.  Presumably, you've got a consistent field
count expectation per record.  Any resulting record not matching is
suspect and will identify records this approach won't address.

There's probably better ways, but sometimes it's fun to create
executable line noise.  :)


Thanks for your responses. I think John may be right that I am reading
it a second time. I will take a look at the CSV reader documentation
and see if that helps. Then once I run it I can see if I need to worry
about the comma-next-to-quote issue.

This is a perfect demonstration of why tab delimited files are so much better 
than comma and quote delimited.  Virtually all software can handle table 
delimited as well as comma and quote delimited, but you would have none of these 
problems if you had used tab delimited.  The chances of tabs being embedded in 
most data is virtually nil.


Re: What Python looks like

2008-08-04 Thread Larry Bates

iu2 wrote:


This is a little bit strange post, but I'm curious...

I learned Python from its tutorial step by step, and practicing
writing small scripts.
I haven't seen a Python program before knowing Python.

I'm curious, what did Python code look like to those of you who have
seen a bunch of Python code for the first time before knowing Python?

(I can tell, for example, that seeing perl for the first time looked
like C with many $$$, I could see "if" and "for" and "while" but they
were meaningless. Or Lisp for the first time looked like many words,
no operators, how could that make a program???)


Python looked like pseudo-code that people would write before actually coding. 
I've always thought that Python was "Pseudo-code that runs".


Re: import * and py2exe

2008-08-04 Thread Larry Bates

Paul Sijben wrote:

I am trying to turn my application into a WinXP exe. Py2exe has packaged
all my files up into one humongous executable. When trying to run the
app, it complains that it can not find modules I just saw it include.
These invariably are modules that have been imported using
from  import *
Apparently this confuses py2exe. Well I tried unconfusing it by giving
those modules as imports in the first place!

How can I convince the py2exe-generated app to look for those modules in
its own .exe file???


Don't try to bundle everything into a single .EXE (this is fraught with 
"issues").  Drop back to bundle=1 or bundle=2 and it should work for you.


Re: Using two pythons in an application

2008-08-04 Thread Larry Bates

Allen wrote:

Larry Bates wrote:

Allen wrote:
I'm in the process of developing an application that will use Python 
for a scripting support.  In light of the upcoming changes to Python, 
I was wondering if it is possible to link to and use two different 
versions of  Python so that in the future, scripts could be migrated 
to the new version, and older scripts would still work as well.  If 
so are there any code examples of this.

Brian Vanderburg II

Unlike languages you pay for, Python has on real motivation to 
"obsolete" old versions of Python (e.g. to force you to pay of an 
upgrade).  You can still get version 1.5.2 of Python and it is MANY 
years old and most could consider quite obsolete.  I just would not 
worry about it and stick with 2.5/2.6 for development and begin 
looking at Python 3.0 so I can learn what's new and exciting.


I agree.  I had wanted for scripts of the program to be able to use the 
new string format method that is only in py3k, but I'm currently looking 
into other template solutions.

Brian Vanderburg II

There are many good ones around that you can look at:


Re: from Tkinter import *,win = Tk() "from Tkinter import *"

2008-08-03 Thread Larry Bates

Pierre Dagenais wrote:

from Tkinter import *
win = Tk()

If I type those two lines at the command prompt (in WindowsXP) I get a 
new window on my screen. Yet if I copy those lines in a file called and then run "python" at the command prompt I am 
returned to the command prompt and nothing shows up on the screen. Is 
this normal behavior or is it a bug?

Thanks to all who responded to my previous post, it was quite helpfull.

The window opens and closes so fast you can't see it.  You will need to put 
something in the window and start a message loop for it to stay up there.


Re: Using two pythons in an application

2008-08-03 Thread Larry Bates

Allen wrote:
I'm in the process of developing an application that will use Python for 
a scripting support.  In light of the upcoming changes to Python, I was 
wondering if it is possible to link to and use two different versions of 
 Python so that in the future, scripts could be migrated to the new 
version, and older scripts would still work as well.  If so are there 
any code examples of this.

Brian Vanderburg II

Unlike languages you pay for, Python has on real motivation to "obsolete" old 
versions of Python (e.g. to force you to pay of an upgrade).  You can still get 
version 1.5.2 of Python and it is MANY years old and most could consider quite 
obsolete.  I just would not worry about it and stick with 2.5/2.6 for 
development and begin looking at Python 3.0 so I can learn what's new and exciting.


Re: Decimals not equalling themselves (e.g. 0.2 = 0.2000000001)

2008-08-03 Thread Larry Bates

CNiall wrote:
I am very new to Python (I started learning it just yesterday), but I 
have encountered a problem.

I want to make a simple script that calculates the n-th root of a given 
number (e.g. 4th root of 625--obviously five, but it's just an example 
:P), and because there is no nth-root function in Python I will do this 
with something like x**(1/n).

However, with some, but not all, decimals, they do not seem to 'equal 
themselves'. This is probably a bad way of expressing what I mean, so 
I'll give an example:

 >>> 0.5
 >>> 0.25
 >>> 0.125
 >>> 0.2
 >>> 0.33

As you can see, the last two decimals are very slightly inaccurate. 
However, it appears that when n in 1/n is a power of two, the decimal 
does not get 'thrown off'. How might I make Python recognise 0.2 as 0.2 
and not 0.20001?

This discrepancy is very minor, but it makes the whole n-th root 
calculator inaccurate. :\

What are they teaching in computer science classes these days?


Re: raw_input on several lines

2008-08-02 Thread Larry Bates

TP wrote:

Hi everybody,

When using raw_input(), the input of the user ends when he types Return on
his keyboard.
How can I change this behavior, so that another action is needed to stop the
input? For example, CTRL-G. It would allow the user to input several lines.



Just put raw_input() in a loop and check for something.  Actually a blank line 
would probably work best in that case.  Not tested, but you will get the idea:

lines = list()
print 'Enter your text (empty line to quit)'
while 1:
line = raw_input('')
if line.strip() == '':



Re: I donä't get while-loops

2008-08-02 Thread Larry Bates

ssecorp wrote:

in read2 it never quits when I write quit, why?

def read():
expr = raw_input("Lisp> ")
if expr != "quit":
print parse(expr)
print "Good session!"

def read2():
expr = ""
while expr != "quit":
expr = raw_input("Lisp> ")
print parse(expr)
print "Good session!"

That's because read2() is being called recursively making expr be always a blank 
string the first time you go through the loop.  Delete the call to read2() that 
is inside your while loop and try.


Re: Searching for some kind of data type

2008-08-02 Thread Larry Bates

Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:

for an FTP server I wrote I'd need to group the FTP commands in one
table that defines the command itself, the syntax string, required
permission, whether it requires authorization, whether it takes
argument and whether there's a need to validate the path from the
The more obvious way I found to do that is something like this:

class CommandProperty:
def __init__(self, perm, auth_needed, arg_needed, check_path,
self.perm = perm
self.auth_needed = auth_needed
self.arg_needed = arg_needed
self.check_path = check_path
self.syntax = syntax

ftp_cmds = {
"ABOR" : CommandProperty(perm=None, auth_needed=True,
arg_needed=False, check_path=False, syntax="ABOR (abort transfer)."),
"APPE" : CommandProperty(perm='a',  auth_needed=True,
arg_needed=True,  check_path=True,  syntax="APPE  file-name
(append data to an existent file)."),
"CDUP" : CommandProperty(perm='e',
auth_needed=True,arg_needed=False, check_path=False, syntax="CDUP (go
to parentdirectory)."),

...but I find it somewhat redundant and... "ugly".
I was wondering if there was some kind of data type which could better
fit such purpose or if someone could suggest me some other approach to
do this same thing. Maybe using a dictionary is not the better choice

Thanks in advance

--- Giampaolo

Seems completely reasonable to me.  You might just consider using keyword 
arguments in the __init__ method and eliminate the dictionary altogether.

Not tested, but you will get the idea:

class CommandProperty:
def __init__(self, perm = perm, auth_needed = True, arg_needed = True,
 check_path = False, syntax = syntax):

self.perm = perm
self.auth_needed = auth_needed
self.arg_needed = arg_needed
self.check_path = check_path
self.syntax = syntax

ftpCommands = dict(
ABOR = CommandProperty(perm = None, arg_needed = False,
 syntax="ABOR (abort transfer)."),
APPE = CommandProperty(perm = 'a',  check_path=True,
 syntax = "APPE  file-name (append data to" \
  "an existent file)."),
CDUP = CommandProperty(perm= 'e', arg_needed = False,
 syntax="CDUP (go> to parentdirectory)."),

IMHO this is a "little" easier to manage because you can take advantage of the 
default values for keyword arguments to eliminate some of the arguments.

Hope this helps,

Re: Python COM

2008-07-29 Thread Larry Bates


I have implemented a COM in C++,buy i don't know how to use this COM
in python.
For example: the COM's ProgID is "MyCOM1.AdvMethod".this COM have two
interfaces,the default interface's name is IAdvMethod,the second
interface's name is IBasicMethod.
How do i use those interfaces in python.Thank you very much,please
answer my question in code.

Suggestion: Post this to instead of here.  I think you will 
find that a better place for this question.


Re: static variables in Python?

2008-07-29 Thread Larry Bates

kj wrote:

Yet another noob question...

Is there a way to mimic C's static variables in Python?  Or something
like it?  The idea is to equip a given function with a set of
constants that belong only to it, so as not to clutter the global
namespace with variables that are not needed elsewhere.

For example, in Perl one can define a function foo like this 

*foo = do {
  my $x = expensive_call();
  sub {
return do_stuff_with( $x, @_ );

In this case, foo is defined by assigning to it a closure that has
an associated variable, $x, in its scope.

Is there an equivalent in Python?



First names in Python are just that, names that point to objects.  Those objects 
can contain any type of information including other objects.  They are NOT 
buckets where things are stored.

1) Names (variables in Perl/C) defined within a Python function are placed in 
its local namespace.  They are not visible in the global namespace.

2) Yes you can have a local name point to a global.  This is often used in 
classes with attributes because looking up local is somewhat quicker than 
looking up the class attribute.

def foo():
  x = expensive_call
  return do_stuff_with(x())

In this particular case it doesn't really help.

It would be more useful in something like:

class foo(object):
def __init__(self, initialvalue = 0)
self.currentvalue = initialvalue

def longloopingmethod(self, listtosum):
currentvalue = self.currentvalue
for v in listtosum:
currentvalue += v

BTW - There are BETTER ways to sum a list, so this is just an example.


Re: Suggestions for creating a PDF table

2008-07-28 Thread Larry Bates

Kirk Strauser wrote:

Short question:

Is there a good library for generating HTML-style tables with the equivalent
of colspans, automatically sized columns, etc. that can render directly to

Longer question:

I'm re-doing a big chunk of locally-written code.  I have a
report-generating function that takes a list of lists of lists as input and
returns either a PDF, an HTML table, or an Excel spreadsheet as requested. 
For example, input might look like:

   headers=['Invoice number', 'Customer', 'Price'],
 [['123', 'John Doe', '$50.00'],
  ['Ordered on 2008-01-01 via the website']],
 [['124', 'Peter Bilt', '$25.99'],
  ['Mail via African swallow']]

This would result in HTML like:

Invoice number
John Doe
Ordered on 2008-01-01 via the website
Peter Bilt
Mail via African swallow

Note particularly how the explanatory notes for each invoice are similar in
appearance to the "primary" report lines they're associated with.

Now, I have a similar transformation to PDF via pdflatex.  This works fairly
well but requires a bunch of temp files and subprocesses, and I've never
been 100% happy with the LaTeX output (you have to calculate your own
column widths, for instance).  Since I plan to re-write this anyway, I'd
like to find a more widely used library if one was available.

ReportLab seemed *almost* perfect, except that it doesn't support colspans. 
As I hope I demonstrated in the example, most of our reports depend on that


So, again, any thoughts on a PDF generator that can generate tables with the
same kind of flexibility as HTML?

It does support the equivalent of colspans.  See page 75 of the userguide 


Re: We programming

2008-07-28 Thread Larry Bates

srinivasan srinivas wrote:

Could someone suggest me better python modules for developing web programming 
related projects like web-pages download and uopload??

  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to

urllib, urllib2, httplib

All depends on what you want to do with them.


Re: write unsigned integer 32 bits to socket

2008-07-27 Thread Larry Bates


On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 7:01 PM, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


i want to send unsigned 32 bit integer to socket, and looking for
something equivalent to this method...

is there such method / library available in python?!

You will need to use struct module to build the 4 byte value and then send

Something like (not tested):

import struct
us32bit = struct.pack("I", value)

thanks a lot!!!

just to make sure if I want 32 bit or 4 bytes then should I use the
short or integer or long?

this is short



this is integer



this is long



Short is 16 bits, Integer is 32 bits, long is 64 bits (as I read and have 


Re: write unsigned integer 32 bits to socket

2008-07-27 Thread Larry Bates


i want to send unsigned 32 bit integer to socket, and looking for
something equivalent to this method...

is there such method / library available in python?!

this is as far as i have gotten along

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

You will need to use struct module to build the 4 byte value and then send it.

Something like (not tested):

import struct
us32bit = struct.pack("I", value)


Re: Where is the correct round() method?

2008-07-27 Thread Larry Bates

josh logan wrote:


I need a round function that _always_ rounds to the higher integer if
the argument is equidistant between two integers. In Python 3.0, this
is not the advertised behavior of the built-in function round() as
seen below:







I would think this is a common need, but I cannot find a function in
the Python library to do it. I wrote my own, but did I miss such a
method in my search of the Python library?


I think what you want is something like:



Re: Stripping parts of a path

2008-07-26 Thread Larry Bates

Tim Cook wrote:

Hi All,

I just ran into an issue with the rstrip method when using it on path

When executing a function I have a need to strip off a portion of the
current working directory and add on a path to a log file.  Initially
this worked great but then I added a branch in SVN which caused the path
to contain 'LNCCWorkshop'.  The rstrip() then began removing the
characters 'shop' leaving an incorrect path to the log file.  When I
hard coded this path it worked okay but then did the same thing later in
the file when I needed to point to a database. The code worked fine with
a different path.  Here are some code fragments. 

this worked when the path was: 

the code above returns: 

but when I tried a branches version that has the path:

it SHOULD return:
but I get:


print logfile is correct; but when I add the .rstrip('src/oship/atbldr')
it also strips the 'shop' off of LNCCWorkshop and returns 

I had two other people looking at this as we did troubleshooting and we
could not determine the cause.  It is repeatable with this path name.
In resolution I renamed the branch to just LNCC and it works fine.



Always helps to consult documentation when things don't work.

Help on built-in function rstrip:

S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode

Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.
If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping

If you give chars to rstrip() it removes all those characters from the string 
not that substring.


Re: object persistency, store instances relationship externally

2008-07-25 Thread Larry Bates

King wrote:

This is a new test for object persistency. I am trying to store the
relationship between instances externally.
It's not working as expected. May be I am doing it in wrong way. Any

import shelve

class attrib(object):

class node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = attrib()
self.b = attrib()
self.c = attrib()
self.d = attrib()

a = node()
#store pair relationship. This relationship is created at run time.
lst = [[a.a, a.b], [a.c, a.d]]
#Write objects into file
shelf ='shelve_test_01.txt', writeback=True)
shelf['node'] = a
shelf['lst'] = lst

#Read objects from file
shelf ='shelve_test_01.txt', 'r')
a = shelf['node']
lst = shelf['lst']
print a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d
#lst does not contains the relationship of object 'a''s attributes,
instead it's creating new instances
#of 'attrib' class
print lst

You may want to take a look at Zope's ZODB.


Re: os.walk question

2008-07-23 Thread Larry Bates

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Lanny wrote:

How would one make a list of the files in the top directory
using os.walk.

I need to pick a random file from said list.

if you want a list of files from a single directory, use listdir, not walk:

 >>> import os, random
 >>> random.choice(os.listdir("/"))

Or use glob.

import glob
random.choice([f for f in glob.glob(root, "*")])


Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-22 Thread Larry Bates

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:12:54 +0200, mk wrote:

Seriously, though, would there be any advantage in re-implementing 
Python in e.g. C++?

Not that current implementation is bad, anything but, but if you're not 
careful, the fact that lists are implemented as C arrays can bite your 
rear from time to time (it recently bit mine while using lxml). Suppose 
C++ re-implementation used some other data structure (like linked list, 
possibly with twists like having an array containing pointers to 1st 
linked list elements to speed lookups up), which would be a bit slower 
on average perhaps, but it would behave better re deletion?

An operation that most people avoid because of the penalty of "shifting
down" all elements after the deleted one.  Pythonistas tend to build new
lists without unwanted elements instead.  I can't even remember when I
deleted something from a list in the past.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

When I use os.walk and need to remove directories or files.  Seems to be the 
only way to do the in-place delete that is required.  But you are right, it is 
very seldom.


Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-22 Thread Larry Bates

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-07-22, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-07-22, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You talk about "writing it in assembly language for each MPU
chip".  Actually it is even better than that.  We now have
these modern inventions, called compilers that do that type of
work for us.  They translate high level instructions, not 
into assembler but into machine language.

Actually, all of the compilers I'm familiar with (gcc and a
handful of cross compilers for various microprocessors)
translate from high-level languages (e.g. C, C++) into
assembly, which is then assembled into relocatable object
files, which are then linked/loaded to produce machine

I just learned something I did not know.  I was under the
impression that they translated directly to machine code
without ever actually generating Assembler text files.

There may indeed be compilers that work that way.  On Unix
systems (which is what I work with) compilers have
traditionally generated assembly language files.

Seems like a waste to generate the text and turn around run
that through the assembler, but what do I know.  I guess that
way the compiler can have pluggable assembler back-ends.

Since you probably need an assembler anyway, generating
assembly-language in the compiler prevents you from having to
duplicate a bunch of object-code-generation code in two places.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.  The code generation phase of the 
top level compiler would have to generate assembler mnemonics instead of just 
generating machine coded directly.  At that point it should be just as easy to 
generate machine code, unless you take advantage of macros, or other helpers 
provided in the assembly phase.

My "compiler" work was way back on mainframes and the ones I worked with 
definitely didn't produce assembler then needed to be run through the assembler. 
 They created likable objects directly.  But that was over 30 years ago!

All this may be a moot point, because assembler is just a mnemonic 
representations of machine language anyway.


Re: How do I compare files?

2008-07-22 Thread Larry Bates

Clay Hobbs wrote:

I am making a program that (with urllib) that downloads two jpeg files
and, if they are different, displays the new one.  I need to find a way
to compare two files in Python.  How is this done?

-- Ratfink

Use md5 to calculate checksum:

import md5

md5file1 = md5.md5(open(filename1).read()).hexdigest()
md5file2 = md5.md5(open(filename2).read()).hexdigest()

if md5file1 != mdfile2:
# Do whatever you want


Re: Iterating Through List or Tuple

2008-07-22 Thread Larry Bates

Samir wrote:

Is there a way to loop or iterate through a list/tuple in such a way
that when you reach the end, you start over at the beginning?  For
example, suppose I define a list "daysOfWeek" such that:

daysOfWeek = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 

If today is Sunday, I can set the variable "day" to today by:

i = iter(daysOfWeek)
day =
print day


If I want to find out the day of the week 2 days from now, then this
code works ok:

for x in xrange(2): day =

print day


However, when extending my range beyond the number of items in the
list, I receive an error.  For example, if I want to find out the day
of the week 11 days from today, I get this:

for x in xrange(11): day =

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
for x in xrange(11): day =

Is there a way to easily loop through a list or tuple (and starting
over at the beginning when reaching the end) without having to resort
to an "if" or "while" statement?

(My question concerns the more general use of lists and tuples, not
necessarily determining days of the week.  I know about using "import
datetime" and "from calendar import weekday" but thought that using
the days of the week would best illustrate my problem.)

As always, thanks in advance.


>>> import itertools
>>> i = itertools.cycle(daysOfWeek)


Re: Authentication for XML-RPC Calls

2008-07-22 Thread Larry Bates

whitemice wrote:

The only documentation regarding doing authentication for XML-RPC I
can find is -

"Both the HTTP and HTTPS transports support the URL syntax extension
for HTTP Basic Authentication: http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/path. The
user:pass portion will be base64-encoded as an HTTP `Authorization'
header, and sent to the remote server as part of the connection
process when invoking an XML-RPC method. You only need to use this if
the remote server requires a Basic Authentication user and password."

- from

Is this really the only way to do authentication for XML-RPC calls?

Like this:
server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://adam:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/zidestore/so/

This works, but is pretty ugly.  Is there no way to setup the
authentication through properties (like in most XML-RPC bindings),

server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost/zidestore/so/adam/'
server.Username = 'adam'
server.Password = 'fred123'

Just write a little factory class that does it for you:

import urlparse

class myauth(object):
def __init__(self, scheme = None, domain = None, path = None):
self.scheme = scheme
self.domain = domain
self.path = path
self.Username = None
self.Password = None

def __str__(self):

for attr in ['scheme', 'domain', 'path', 'Username', 'Password']:
if getattr(self, attr) is None:
raise ValueError('No %s attribute value given' % attr)

  '%s:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' % (self.Username, self.Password, self.domain),
  self.path, '', ''))

return url

if __name__ == "__main__":
auth = auth = myauth(scheme = 'http', domain = 'localhost',

auth.Username = 'adam'
auth.Password = 'fred123'
print auth

In program

auth = myauth(scheme = 'http', domain = 'localhost',
  path = '/zidestore/so/adam')

auth.Username = 'adam'
auth.Password = 'fred123'

print auth

'http://adam:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/params;/lib/module-xmlrpclib.html'


Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-07-22, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You talk about "writing it in assembly language for each MPU
chip".  Actually it is even better than that.  We now have
these modern inventions, called compilers that do that type of
work for us.  They translate high level instructions, not 
into assembler but into machine language.

Actually, all of the compilers I'm familiar with (gcc and a
handful of cross compilers for various microprocessors)
translate from high-level languages (e.g. C, C++) into
assembly, which is then assembled into relocatable object
files, which are then linked/loaded to produce machine

I just learned something I did not know.  I was under the impression that they 
translated directly to machine code without ever actually generating Assembler 
text files.  Seems like a waste to generate the text and turn around run that 
through the assembler, but what do I know.  I guess that way the compiler can 
have pluggable assembler back-ends.


Re: Website Creation using Python

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates

Amie wrote:


I would like some help on how to create a website using the python
programming language.
I've tried using enamel, but had some problems because I could not
create html tables and intergrating it with python, like you use it
when coding in php.

Any help would be appreciated.


Python is not PHP.  Page generation is done differently.  You might take a look 
at Django's web framework:


WARNING - Python web frameworks are MUCH more powerful than just using PHP to 
place some dynamic content on a web page.  For many people, PHP will still be an 
easy to implement solution if your project isn't very complex.  As the 
complexity grows, the need for additional power and flexibility grows also.


Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates


I'm just learning about Python now and it sounds interesting. But I
just read (on the Wiki page) that mainstream Python was written in C.
That's what I was searching for: Python was written in what other

See, my concern was something like: OK, if Python is so hot, then,
hopefully someone is writing it in assembly language for each MPU chip
out there. Otherwise, if, say, they've written it in C#, then it looks
like the REAL, generally useful language to learn is C# and Python is
akin to Visual Basic or something: a specialty languagewhereas
REAL WORLD programmers who want to be generally useful go and learn

So I was suspecting the Python compiler or interpreter is written in a
REAL language like C#. So, Wiki says it's written in C! It's almost as
if it were an intentional trick...write your own, new language in an
OLD, real world language that is passe. Compile it into executable
modules of course, so it is a real, working compiler, alright. But the
SOURCE is some old, high level language which no one wants to use
anymore! So now you've got a hot new language package and no one can
say "well, it is written in, the SOURCE code is written in, a REAL
language." No, it's not! The source is some outdated language and
compiler and no one is going to prefer learning THAT to learning your
hot new language!

I'm not dissing Python, here. Just noting that, if it is written in C,
that throws a curve at me in trying to balance the value of learning
Python vs. some other major language.

SPSS (was and may still be) written in Fortran and the Fortran compiler was 
written in C.  But NOBODY would suggest that you try to solve the problems that 
SPSS is used for in C.

You talk about "writing it in assembly language for each MPU chip".  Actually it 
is even better than that.  We now have these modern inventions, called compilers 
that do that type of work for us.  They translate high level instructions, not 
into assembler but into machine language.


Re: Trying to solve a python/mechanize "error 500" http error

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates

bruce wrote:

i'm getting the following error:
mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 500:

i'm running python 5.1
and mechanize 0.1.7b

I have no idea as to what I have to change/modify/include to handle this
issue. The link that I'm testing is at the bottom of the page. When I insert
the link into the browser, I actually get an err page.. so, I suspect that
there is a handler that I should be able to modify/use to handle this

Thoughts/Comments will be greatly appreciated...


the output is:

www =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 288, in 
q1 = shopfuncs.quant(rhref)
  File "/adkiller/", line 56, in quant
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mechanize/", line 203, in
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mechanize/", line 254, in
mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 500:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] adkiller]# ./

my code segment looks like:

from  mechanize import Browser
import mechanize
br = Browser()
user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
values1 = {'name' : 'Michael Foord',
  'location' : 'Northampton',
  'language' : 'Python' }
headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }

br.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Firefox')]

url2 ="";
#gets the page (url) from the quantcast app
print "url2=",url2


this works ok for most of the sites.. but something weird is happening with
the actual page:


Looking up 500 error (here
gives me:

10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from 
fulfilling the request.

On some servers (Amazon), when you get 500 errors you are instructed to try
the request again.  I don't know about this server.


Re: persistent deque (continued)

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates

castironpi wrote:

Some time ago, I was asking about the feasibility of a persistent
deque, a double-ended queue.

It runs into the typical space allocation problems.  If you're storing
a pickle, you have to allocate and fragment the file you've opened,
since pickles can be variable-length strings; i.e. if the new data is
too long, blank out its entry, and grow the file.  If you're storing a
data-type, you lose Python's dynamic-type advantages, as well as its
long integers, as they can be any length.  If you change the object in
the deque, such as when using any mutable type, you have to update the
container too.

Does anyone have any experience storing pickles (I am aware of the
similarities to shelf) to a database?
Can the file system facilitate the variable-length string problem?
How feasible is a length-of-length - length - data solution to the
unbounded integer problem?
Is there any alternative to completely re-pickling a large (say 1k
pickled) object you only change slightly?
What other issues are there?
Is a hybrid-storage type possible, that stores the contents of its
Python-allocated memory block to disk, including reference count, even
if it's a lot slower?  The object could not contain any references to
objects not allocated on disk.

A first approach is for the file to look like this:

00 data 01 data 02
01 data 03 data 04
02 data 05 data 06

Append would add:

03 data 07 data 08

AppendLeft would add:

-01 data 09 data 0a

Pop would remove 03, PopLeft would remove -01.  You would need a
length-and-head index to make 'rotate' available.  Remove would run a
worst-case risk of renumbering half of the indices stored, plus a

It is so much easier to implement this using a database table that IMHO most 
people would go that route.


Re: how to create GUI dynamically

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates



i m working on a project where i need  run time creation of GUI.

i have some no. of entities for which i want checkboxes in front of
them which can be checked/ unchecked by user.

But the problem is that the number and name of entities is not fixed
and it depends on the file which is used as input.

So is there any way to tackle this problem.

By the way ; i use Boa constructor (zope editor) for GUI now.

pawan pundir

All the GUI tookits (Tkinter, wxWindows, QT) allow you to build the GUI 


Re: Please recommend a RPC system working with twisted.

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates

??? wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for an RPC system working with twisted.

1. Binary.  I want it run faster than any xml based RPC.

2. Bidirectional.  Unlike  HTTP, on which the client has to poll the
sever for events, the server should "call" the client's method to
notify events.

3. C/Python support.  Part of the system shall be written in C.

4. Could easily integrated  with twisted.

Unfortunately, there seems no such resolution existed.  So maybe I
have to give up some requirements.


It would be wonderful if ICE could integrate with twisted!

Twisted Perspective Broker?


Re: Run as Service

2008-07-21 Thread Larry Bates


I have, in the past, used SRVANY to run a Python app as a Windows
service.  However, now I am interested in distributing my scripts and
want to make it as painless for the end user as possible (hands-off is
best :).  How can you go about running a Python app as a Windows
service without SRVANY?

Pick up a copy of Mark Hammond's book "Python on Win32".  It has an excellent 
chapter on using Win32 extensions to write Windows Services.  Also you might 
consider looking at usergroup.


Re: create instance attributes for every method argument

2008-07-19 Thread Larry Bates

Berco Beute wrote:

I remember reading somewhere how to create an instance attribute for
every method argument, but although Google is my friend, I can't seem
to find it. This could likely be done way more elegant:

class Test(object):

def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, e, f):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.d = d


IMHO you can't do much better than that with positional arguments, but you can 
if they are keyword arguments.

class foo(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):



Re: py2exe issues with pictures and icons

2008-07-16 Thread Larry Bates

Alexnb wrote:


I am sure most of you are familiar with py2exe. I am having a bit of a
problem. See the program has a few pictures involved and the .ico it uses
for the windows. However, the pictures are stored in the same directory as
the source, something like: C:\Docs and settings\me\My docs\python\program.
When I run the program for the interpreter, just as a .py, everything works
just as it should. However, when I compile the main source as an .exe, and
say let a friend try the program. It fails because it is missing the .ico.
The catch, is I don't want to have it have to installed, at least at this
point, I want it to be able to just run. So how can I make it just run from
any computer with the files not being in the immediate directory. If that is
not possible, how can I put them in the immediate directory and still make
it work. Because that directory may change a lot so the path will change. 

Just a few questions. I hope someone out there can help me out!

Windows can't read minds.  The icon's/pictures have to either be in the same 
directory as the .exe or the .exe has to have a way to find them in another 
folder (e.g. via .ini config file).

Takw a few minutes and go to:

It is a free Windows installer that I use to take py2exe, icons, pictures,
.ini files, documentation, etc and wrap it all up into a nice, neat package that 
can be distributed as a single .exe.  It will take a couple of hours, but it 
will be hours well spent (especially if you think you will do this more than once).


Re: Framework recommendations for web service?

2008-07-16 Thread Larry Bates

Phillip B Oldham wrote:

We're looking at the next phase of development for our webapp, and the
main focus will be to move the core from the app to a web service so
other systems can use the data we've gathered (we're thinking along
the lines of the XML API of Highrise from 37Signals).

Its possible that we'll extend the service to allow access via vanilla
XML, JSON, and YAML at some point, however we've decided to use
Facebook's Thrift for connectivity initially to support as many techs
as possible and also because our web interface for the app is written
in PHP.

As we're extracting the core we'll be translating it to Python to make
use of the wealth of well-structured libraries and hopefully make the
project shorter. However, we've hit a snag in choosing a framework
around which to rebuild the service.

It seems the more popular frameworks (django, turbogears) are all
focused on providing web content. Since our core will be using thrift
to communicate, we don't need templating, feeds, admin pages (django),
or ajax (turbogears).

What we *do* need is a lightweight, simple framework that will allow
us to create a RESTful interface and throw code together fast. We'll
probably go with SQLObject (unless we can extract the ORM from django
- lazy evaluation would be very useful), and we're just looking for
something fast and light to sit between that and the thrift interfaces
we'll create.

So, can anyone suggest a lightweight python framework which just does
the essentials?

You want thin and fast with little cruft and a focus on interfaces, look at 


Re: Best Python packages?

2008-07-16 Thread Larry Bates

Ben Sizer wrote:

Although the standard library in Python is great, there are
undoubtedly some great packages available from 3rd parties, and I've
encountered a few almost by accident. However, I don't know how a user
would become aware of many of these.
presumably lists most of the decent ones, but there's a lot there and
little indication as to quality or popularity - great if you know
exactly what you need, but not so great for just browsing. I'd love to
have some way of finding out what hidden gems are out there in the
Python world which could make my development a lot easier. Any

Ben Sizer

Hang around this list for a little while and these "hidden gems" will become 
more apparent.



Re: graphing lifelines

2008-07-15 Thread Larry Bates

E. J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman wrote:

On Jul 15, 3:38 pm, Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Certainly a "Hi-Tech Shaman" can whip something up to do this, right?

Yes, well E.J. Gold is the Hi-Tech Shaman. I'm Terrence Brannon,
stating that fact :)

So, maybe EJ could whip up such a thing :)

I like the sci.math answer I got the best and will go with that
approach -

Hey you're the one using his email address ;-).


Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-15 Thread Larry Bates

David Lees wrote:


I need to know if I'm running on 32bit or 64bit ... so far I haven't
come up with how to get this info via python. sys.platform returns
what python was built on ... but not what the current system is.

I thought platform.uname() or just platform.processor() would have
done it, but python returns an empty string on windows. Any ideas?

Thanks, Ken

On my windows box this works:

 >>> platform.architecture()
('32bit', 'WindowsPE')


On Fedora Core 5 64-bit here is what I see:

>>> import platform
>>> platform.architecture()
('64bit', 'ELF')


Re: Modify a string's value

2008-07-15 Thread Larry Bates


Hi everyone,

I've heard that a 'str' object is immutable. But is there *any* way to
modify a string's internal value?


Why would you care?  Just create a new string (with the changed contents) and 
let garbage collection take care of the old one when all the references to it 
have gone away.  Since these types of questions seem to appear almost every day 
on this list, this Python stuff is so much different than old languages people 
have hard time making the conceptual "jump".  You can basically quite worrying 
about how/where things are stored, they just are.


Re: Python internals

2008-07-15 Thread Larry Bates

Ben Finney wrote:

Larry Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Names are pointers in Python that point to values in memory.

The term "pointer" carries much extra baggage for a programmer
thinking of C (as the original poster is). Python names give no access
to the "address" of the value, and don't need to be "de-referenced".

I've had better success explaining Python names to such people in
terms of "references": there is no "address" and no "de-reference"
needed. Access the name, and you get its value.

On the other hand, I prefer to avoid using either of those concepts,
and talk in terms of "name tags" or "sticky notes". Names (and other
references, like list elements) attach to the object, and have no
other value or purpose. They don't affect the object they're attached
to; they are entirely independent of other bindings to the same
object; they re-bind to another object with no history of what they
were bound to previously.

The analogy is quite robust, and carries none of the confusing baggage
of "variable" or "pointer" or other overloaded language terms.

You are, of course, correct.  Since I'm not a C programmer, the term pointer 
doesn't carry the same "baggage" as it might to others.  The "problem" I had 
when I first started is that people were using such "vague" terms like names, 
tags, etc. that it had no meaning to me.  I like your idea of "references".



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