Re: Why doesn't threading.join() return a value?

2011-09-02 Thread Seebs
On 2011-09-02, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Roy Smith wrote:
 I have a function I want to run in a thread and return a value.  It
 seems like the most obvious way to do this is to have my target
 function return the value, the Thread object stash that someplace, and
 return it as the return value for join().

 Yes, I know there's other ways for a thread to return values (pass the
 target a queue, for example), but making the return value of the
 target function available would have been the most convenient.  I'm
 curious why threading wasn't implemented this way.

 Because then the code launching the thread would have to block, waiting
 until the thread is completed, so it will have a result to return.

Isn't waiting until the thread is completed sort of the point of join()?

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-31 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-31, Chris Torek wrote:
 (I realize this thread is old.  I have been away for a few weeks.
 I read through the whole thread, though, and did not see anyone
 bring up this one particular point: there is already a linting
 script that handles this.)

Yes.  I've found pylint... A weird mix of very helpful, thanks and
oh, come off it.  A thread about pylint is where I got my example of
the natural Python way to express a parabola:
theValueRepresentingTheYAxisLocationOfThePoint = 
theValueRepresentingTheXAxisLocationOfThe Point *
theValueRepresentingTheXAxisLocationOfThe Point

I still say that there are times when short names are natural and
idiomatic, and much clearer than long names.  :P

But I do think that, given the basic assumption that pylint is a core
tool for vetting code, it is probably adequate for it to provide the

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: A tale of yak shaving

2011-08-29 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-29, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 This is not exactly fresh (it was written back in March), but it's the first
 time I saw it and I thought I'd share. Barry Warsaw, one of the lead Python
 developers, describes one of his most ... interesting ... debugging

That is a truly excellent debugging story.

I also like the term yak shaving, and I suspect I'll be using that for
future such endeavors.  Of which there are a fair number in my line of work.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: is there any principle when writing python function

2011-08-23 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-23, smith jack wrote:
 i have heard that function invocation in python is expensive, but make
 lots of functions are a good design habit in many other languages, so
 is there any principle when writing python function?

Lots of them.  None of them have to do with performance.

 for example, how many lines should form a function?

Between zero (which has to be written pass) and a few hundred.  Usually
closer to the lower end of that range.  Occasionally outside it.

Which is to say:  This is the wrong question.

Let us give you the two laws of software optimization.

Law #1:  Don't do it.

If you try to optimize stuff, you will waste a ton of time doing things that,
it turns out, are unimportant.

Law #2: (Experts only.)  Don't do it yet.

You don't know enough to optimize this yet.

Write something that does what it is supposed to do and which you understand
clearly.  See how it looks.  If it looks like it is running well enough,
STOP.  You are done.

Now, if it is too slow, and you are running it on real data, NOW it is time
to think about why it is slow.  And the solution there is not to read abstract
theories about your language, but to profile it -- actually time execution and
find out where the time goes.

I've been writing code, and making it faster, for some longish period of time.
I have not yet ever in any language found cause to worry about function call

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: truncating strings

2011-08-23 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-23, Roy Smith wrote:
 I want to log a string but only the first bunch of it, and add ...
 to the end if it got truncated.  This certainly works:

   logger.error(FAILED: '%s{50}', '%s', %s, %s % (message,
 route, params, e.code))

 does anything like this exist?


Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: truncating strings

2011-08-23 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-23, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 On 2011-08-23, Roy Smith wrote:
   logger.error(FAILED: '%s{50}', '%s', %s, %s % (message,
 route, params, e.code))

 does anything like this exist?


 That's not working in 2.7 or 3.2.


Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 print %.5s % (hello there, truncate me!)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: truncating strings

2011-08-23 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-23, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Ah -- that's only part of it -- the OP wants '...' to print as well.  :)

O.  Hmm.

That's harder.  I can't think of a pretty way, so I think I'd probably
write a prettytrunc(string, len) or something similar.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: relative speed of incremention syntaxes (or i=i+1 VS i+=1)

2011-08-21 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-21, Andreas L?scher wrote:
 Am Sonntag, den 21.08.2011, 14:52 -0400 schrieb Roy Smith:
 In article,
  Christian Heimes wrote:
  I don't think that's the reason. Modern compiles turn a switch statement
  into a jump or branch table rather than a linear search like chained
  elif statements.

 This is true even for very small values of modern.  I remember the 
 Unix v6 C compiler (circa 1977) was able to do this.

 What is the difference in speed between a jump table that is searched
 from top to bottom

A jump table isn't searched, it's jumped into.  You don't look through the
table for a matching element, you grab the Nth element of the table.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: try... except with unknown error types

2011-08-19 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Even if you don't think it's the ethical thing to do, consider that someday
 you might be maintaining code written by the OP :)

A common further conclusion people reach is but then I will be able to get
a job fixing it!

Trust me, this is NOT where you want to go.  :)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: List spam

2011-08-18 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-18, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
 Or 'Enter a Python keyword (search the tutorial if you do not know any)

Sounds good, but now you've trained the spammer who is without a doubt 
watching this list.
 Teach them Python before they can post, I like it!

I don't.  If I want to get started in a language, I might well want to
read about it a bit, and maybe ask questions like what is a good book
for me to start with?

If I have to know the language to do that, well...

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Word Perfect integration

2011-08-18 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-18, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Yes, we still use Word Perfect, and will as long as it is available. 
 The ability to see the codes in use (bold, margins, columns, etc) has so 
 far been unequaled in anything else I have looked at.

I have used other software that had this functionality, but not so much
lately.  (Although it appears that PageStream still does this, which is
totally of relevance to someone, I'm sure.)

But yeah, that was an AMAZING feature, and not having it is one of the
reasons I'm so often unable to get things done in MS Word.

Sadly, Corel dropped Mac and Linux support, and I don't do real work on
Windows, so WP has been off my list for a long time now.  :(

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Wait for a keypress before continuing?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, John Doe jdoe@usenetlove.invalid wrote:
 Context is lost when you quote only one level. 

Not significantly.

 I was not answering a question about my code. I was pointing out 
 the fact that my questioner's terminology is strange/corrupt. 

Well, that's the thing.  There was a question there, with perfectly valid

 If you do, it suggests that perhaps one or more of the terms are
 unfamiliar to you? 

 Yes, even the common term command line is foreign to me. I do 
 some powerful stuff in Windows, without need for a command line. 

So apparently you *do* know the term.  Normally, to say that a term is
foreign to you is to say that you have no idea what it means, not that
you know what it means but don't use it.

 I realize it exists and that some people live by it, but it has 
 been nearly useless to me. 

In which case, you're not using a command line, and are using a GUI, and
the other poster's question is answered.

The Google results you cite to are uninteresting and frankly irrelevant.
If someone asks me whether the ornamental fish in my 55-gallon tank is a
koi, that Google has no hits for ornamental fish in your 55-gallon tank is a
koi does not mean that the terminology is strange or corrupt.

The terminology was fine.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Wait for a keypress before continuing?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, peter wrote:
 Is there an equivalent to msvcrt for Linux users?  I haven't found
 one, and have resorted to some very clumsy code which turns off
 keyboard excho then reads stdin. Seems such an obvious thing to want
 to do I am surprised there is not a standard library module for it. Or
 have I missed someting (wouldn't be the first time!)

There's no direct equivalent to the whole of msvcrt.  The Unixy way to
do stuff like that on the command line is usually curses.  But to make
a long story short:  Unix evolved in a setting where there was often
not a user at *THE* console, and users were often on devices such that
it made sense to have all the line editing happen on the remote end, with
the remote end sending a completed line once the user was done with all
that stuff like backspaces.

Unix programs that do stuff like this for tty input do exist, of course,
but for the most part, they use an entire API designed for creating such
utilities, rather than one or two specialized functions.  (Another part
of the reason for this:  The Unix solution scales nicely to the case where
the five people using your program will be doing so on physically
different hardware terminals which don't use the same escape sequences
for cursor movement.)

Usually when people omit something obvious from a design, it's because of
other constraints or history to the design which make it less obvious.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Chris Angelico wrote:
 def foo(list):
Foo's the list provided and returns True on success or False on

 def bar(list):
 Counts the number of bars in the list, assuming it to be made
 of music.
 if not foo(list): return

 You call foo() once and bar() twice. How many shadowings have there
 been? How many warnings do you get?

I'd say two, one when def foo... is parsed, one when def bar... is parsed.

 A simple implementation would give five warnings for this case - once
 for each invocation that shadows a builtin. Another simple
 implementation would give two warnings, at the time that the def
 statements are executed; this is preferred, but it's still two
 warnings, and if you have a huge set of functions that do this, that
 can easily be lines and lines of warnings. Or should it set a flag
 and say I've already warned this session about shadowing 'list', so
 suppress all others? That seems confusing.

I guess I don't object to multiple warnings if I do the same thing multiple
times.  I was just thinking in terms of a single parse-time warning for the
actual point at which something is shadowed, rather than, say, a warning
every time a name is hit during execution of statements and refers to a

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 01:17 pm Seebs wrote:
 Another scope is normally a horizontal thing -- you're talking about
 a different scope such that you are *either* in this one *or* in that

 Built-ins are not in a scope you are never not in.

 That's technically incorrect. Built-ins are a scope you are never in, if
 by in you mean code is executed in this scope.

No, by in I mean lookups from your code will reach this scope if they
don't find something sooner.

 Hmm.  See, I've never reached that, in Python or any other language.  I
 figure it creates a new potential for confusion, and that I would rather
 avoid any ambiguity.  I don't *like* ambiguity in code.

 Ah, well you see the thing is, this is Python. As soon as you call any
 function you don't control, you no longer know what your environment is
 with any certainty. For all you know, the harmless-looking function is
 monkey-patching builtins like there's no tomorrow. Speaking broadly,
 perhaps too broadly, we're incredibly proud of the ability to modify nearly
 everything at runtime.


 Fortunately, while we are proud of having that ability, actually *using* it
 is considered a mortal sin. We're not Ruby developers -- if you actually
 monkey-patch something, especially built-ins, you can expect to be taken
 outside and slapped around with a fish if you get caught.

Okay, so.

Here's what I don't get.

If it's such a bad thing, *why is it allowed*?  Why are you proud of the
ability to do something that you are never socially-allowed to do?

I have mixed feelings about Ruby's general tolerance for monkey-patching,
although I've seen it do some pretty awesome things, so I am somewhat
inclined to accept that it may be worth it.  But it's clearly a feature
which is used intentionally.

It sounds to me like Python is very proud of having a feature which no
one would ever use.  ... Why?

 Sure. But they can't have that certainty regardless of whether you shadow
 something, because how do they know whether you've shadowed it or not?

Well, they could trust me.  :)

 In theory, anything could be anything at any time, and you have no
 protection. In practice, I worry more about being eaten by
 genetically-engineered flying piranhas than about rogue monkey-patching

I do too, if I know that people don't shadow built-ins.  If I know that
people are shadowing built-ins, then some of the time, when I'm editing
other peoples' code, they HAVE effectively monkey-patched it.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Wait for a keypress before continuing?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I shouldn't need to say this to anyone over the age of four, but being
 obnoxious to people trying to help does not encourage others to answer your
 question. You don't win points for insulting people who are trying to solve
 your problems.

The frustrating part, of course, is that the people who do this are doing
it for reasons such that the explanation seems only proof that they are even
more right than they had previously expected.

Pathological narcissism is scary.  If you ever find yourself going longer
than usual without being wrong, start checking your work more carefully.  :)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Wait for a keypress before continuing?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Terry Reedy wrote:
 The difference is between Hit enter to continue (which we can do in 
 portable Python) versus Hit any key to continue (which we cannot, and 
 which also leads to the joke about people searching for the 'any' key 

And more importantly, frustration and confusion when people pick control
or shift.

 The equivalent contrast for GUIs is Click OK to continue versus 
 Click anywhere to continue If having to click a specific area is okay 
 for GUIs, having to hit a specific key for TUIs should be also.

In general I agree.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 On 2011-08-17, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Ah, well you see the thing is, this is Python. As soon as you call any
 function you don't control, you no longer know what your environment is
 with any certainty. For all you know, the harmless-looking function is
 monkey-patching builtins like there's no tomorrow. Speaking broadly,
 perhaps too broadly, we're incredibly proud of the ability to modify nearly
 everything at runtime.

 Fortunately, while we are proud of having that ability, actually *using* it
 is considered a mortal sin. We're not Ruby developers -- if you actually
 monkey-patch something, especially built-ins, you can expect to be taken
 outside and slapped around with a fish if you get caught.

 Here's what I don't get.

 If it's such a bad thing, *why is it allowed*?  Why are you proud of the
 ability to do something that you are never socially-allowed to do?

 Monkey-patching built-ins would be something along the lines of

  import sys
  sys.modules['__builtin__'].str = my_super_string

 and is what stands you in jeopardy of being fish-slapped.  ;)

 Merely shadowing a built-in, or stdlib, or whatever, isn't monkey-patching.

Oh, I know.  I was just noticing that Steven's post is specifically talking
about how Python users are proud of having the ability to monkey-patch.

If monkey-patching like that is a mortal sin, leads to fish-slapping, and
so on..

Why is it possible?  Why not just reject such things as invalid code?

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Seebs wrote:
 If it's such a bad thing, *why is it allowed*? ?Why are you proud of the
 ability to do something that you are never socially-allowed to do?

 Going back to my original three examples:

I may have been unclear about jumping topics; that comment was about
monkey-patching, not about shadowing.

 I greatly prefer this to the alternative, which is another 133
 reserved words (based on Python 3.2 for Windows).

You have a point there.

I guess I'm just used to the assumption that the confusion caused by
shadowing names outweighs the benefits of using them -- the world is rich
with plausible names.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-17 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Part of the fun of Python is experimentation.  And how much fun is it to 
 be told over and over, No, you can't do that?

Okay, I buy that.

Actually, this sort of fits with my experience of how (sane) people do it
in Ruby.

And I'm really the wrong person to criticize people for monkey-patching:

(In which I monkeypatch *the entire Unix filesystem API*.  On Linux and
OS X.  For C programs.)

I guess maybe my question shouldn't have been why is it allowed, but and
why is it bad to use it?  It just seemed like you should never do this,
it's horrible and we're proud of being able to do this were not entirely

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Anyone here can do a comparation between Djang and RoR

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, smith jack wrote:
 what is the advantage of Django over RoR:)

This question is pretty much... I mean, you're not gonna get useful
answers.  They're based on such different languages that I think any
comparison past that is likely going to be uninteresting to a programmer,
and I'm not sure any non-programmers are going to use either.

I will say, the things I most value in Rails are pretty much contrary
to conventional Python design philosophy.  Python's stress on explicit
over implicit is probably in contradiction with the Rails philosophy of
convention over configuration.

So for instance, if all you want of a class that maps to a database table
in Rails is that it map the fields in the database, the class body is
empty because that's the default.  If you want to tell it that the database
column foo_id represents the id of the foo object with which this record
is associated, and you want to call that, you write:
belongs_to :foo
and the rest is all implicit.

This is really handy sometimes, but it's not very Pythonic...

Mostly, I think you'd probably be better off asking in a completely
different kind of forum, but even then, you're going to get mostly language

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:23 pm Philip Semanchuk wrote:
 Why should built-ins be treated as more sacred than your own objects?
 Because built-ins are described in the official documentation as having a
 specific behavior, while my objects are not.

 *My* objects certainly are, because I write documentation for my code. My
 docs are no less official than Python's docs.

Sure they are.  I can't get yours from

 You can shadow anything. Sometimes shadowing is safe, sometimes it isn't. I
 don't see why we should necessarily fear safe shadowing of built-ins more
 than we fear unsafe shadowing of non-built-ins.

I think largely because anyone coming to your code will have expectations
about the built-ins.  For non-built-ins, they'll have to look around the code
to see what they do, but for built-ins, they come to the table with an
otherwise-reasonable expectation that they already know what that word means.

 A warning that is off by default won't help the people who need it, because
 they don't know enough to turn the warning on. A warning that is on by
 default will be helpful to the newbie programmer for the first week or so,
 and then will be nothing but an annoyance for the rest of their career.

Will it?

I am pretty sure that I'd keep it on and fix anything that triggered it,
because shadowing built-ins strikes me as Asking For Trouble.

 Protecting n00bs from their own errors is an admirable aim, but have you
 considered that warnings for something which may be harmless could do more
 harm than good?

I would distinguish between may not be causing bugs and may be harmless.

I think code which shadows a built-in has a pretty real risk of being
harmful at some unspecified future point when some maintainer who hasn't
memorized every last line of the code makes the totally reasonable assumption
that basic language features are still working and available.

 Perhaps. But I'm not so sure it is worth the cost of extra code to detect
 shadowing and raise a warning. After all, the average coder probably never
 shadows anything, and for those that do, once they get bitten *once* they
 either never do it again or learn how to shadow safely. I don't see it as a

I would guess that it happens moderately often entirely by accident.

Not a Python example, but I recently had a heck of a time with some
JavaScript I was trying to maintain.  Couldn't get it to work on a slightly
older Firefox, and the diagnostics from Firebug came across as basically

Problem:  I was declaring an array named 'history'.

My thoughts would be:
1.  It's hard to avoid shadowing anything unless you know the entire language
and never forget things.
2.  In particular, Python likes to use clear, obvious, names for things.
Meaning that your choice of a clear, obvious, name for a similar thing
could be the name of a thing in the language.
3.  I am not sure at all that shadowing can be safe in code which will
some day be maintained.

The chances of someone coming along and trying to write clean, idiomatic,
Python which happens to blow up interestingly because their code runs in
an environment where part of the standard language has been shadowed
strike me as Too High.

MHO, but speaking only for myself, I'd want that warning on and I'd not
consider it harmless.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Ethan Furman wrote:
 I think warnings should be reserved for language changes and such (like 
 DeprecationWarning, RuntimeWarning, and FutureWarning), not for possible 
 programmer mistakes.

I disagree, on the basis of the following:

The quality of C code I have to deal with has increased dramatically as
gcc's aggressive use of warnings has spread.

 Python can be improved -- I don't see 'hand-holding' as an improvement. 
   IDEs and lints can do this.

-W ignore

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Ethan Furman wrote:
 What makes you think it's unintentional?

Programming experience.

People *often* do things unintentionally.

 Seems to me the real issue is somebody using a builtin, such as str or 
 int, and that they somehow manage to do this without realizing, wait a 
 sec', that's one of my variables!  I don't see that as a problem that 
 Python needs to solve.

I think the word my prejudices the case.

Imagine stepping into a large project that uses multiple frameworks and
class libraries and so on.  You know Python but you're new to the project.

Under which circumstance will you have more problems?

1.  There is not a single shadowed built-in in the entire project.
2.  There are dozens of shadowed built-ins based on when the original
programmer felt there wasn't going to be a need for a given built-in
feature, or possibly just didn't know about it.

Also, how easy or hard do you think it will be to debug those problems?
What's your first response going to be if, on a screen which doesn't
contain the word file at all, you try to use the file built-in and you
get some cryptic error?  Are you going to know to go looking for the
shadow right away?

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 The quality of C code I have to deal with has increased dramatically as
 gcc's aggressive use of warnings has spread.

 With gcc you pay the cost once, with Python you would pay it with every 
 run.  A linter would be more along the lines of 'pay it once'.


That is a really good point, which I had not considered.  I still prefer
to get warnings, but... Hmm.

I wonder whether there's a way to mitigate the cost of these things by
messing with -W settings, such that runtime that wants to be fast can
omit the checks, but the default could still be to, well, prevent likely

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
What exactly is the downside to indentation as flow control?

I think a lot of it is personal taste or differences in how peoples'
brains work.

I don't want free form code, I don't want to write stuff that isn't
correctly indented.  I want a visual cue I can match up with the start
of a loop so I know for sure what I meant, and a way to recover code in
the event of Something Going Wrong.

I am not sure why people are so stuck on braces. I figured other
people would be like me and tired of having to do things like
figuring out where I missed an end brace.

For me, if I've made an error of that category, the options are:
1.  In C, finding out where I missed an end brace, because the compiler
warned me, so I go look for an outdent without a brace.
2.  In Python, having no clue at all what's wrong or why the program
isn't running, and having no cue I can look to to see where the error

Basically, it's parity bits.  I love me some parity bits.  :)

I also recognize that this is a matter of taste; there are sound reasons
for other people to have different preferences.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 8/16/2011 2:56 PM, Seebs wrote:
 I wonder whether there's a way to mitigate the cost of these things by
 messing with -W settings, such that runtime that wants to be fast can
 omit the checks, but the default could still be to, well, prevent likely

 Warning messages have a cost even if suppressed.

Yes, but is it a *significant* cost?  My assumption is that the suppression
would be of checking, not just of displaying messages.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Seebs wrote:
 Yes, but is it a *significant* cost? ?My assumption is that the suppression
 would be of checking, not just of displaying messages.

 It mightn't be very significant, but there'd still be some cost.
 However, IMHO the greatest cost is the spamminess; forcing the user to
 deal with lines and lines of warnings is not a useful way to design a

Lines and lines?

I'd say if it's to be allowed to shadow built-ins (and I'm not sure that's
a good thing at all), you'd still be looking at one warning per shadowing,
which shouldn't be too many.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 On 2011-08-16, Steven D'Aprano
 *My* objects certainly are, because I write documentation for my code. My
 docs are no less official than Python's docs.

 Sure they are.  I can't get yours from

 And what makes that unofficial? is not the sole arbiter of official documentation in the world.

But it is the sole arbiter of official *Python* documentation.  If I am
looking at code in Python, I reasonably expect the Python docs to be
correct about that code.  Incomplete, sure, but *correct*.

 I think code which shadows a built-in has a pretty real risk of being
 harmful at some unspecified future point when some maintainer who hasn't
 memorized every last line of the code makes the totally reasonable
 assumption that basic language features are still working and available.

 Am I the only person who writes functions and methods any more? *wink*

Yes.  Everyone else converted to single giant blocks of code because they
are easier to develop.  :P

 Modern languages, and by modern I mean most languages more than, oh, about
 fifty years old, provide ways to limit the scope of variables. You don't
 need to memorise every last line of the code to safely edit a function.

Only the parts that are in scope, but...

I seem to recall (and I'm pretty Python newbiesh, so I could be wrong)
that Python classes create a scope in which bits of the class become
visible, and some classes are sorta biggish.

 def process(list, arg):
 cheese(list, arg)

 The scope of parameter list is limited to within the function process
 itself. Inside, it shadows the built-in list. Outside, it doesn't do squat.

Yes.  But what about the built-in spam?  :)

 Define the entire language. Does that include the names of all the
 plethora of exceptions? How about the standard library?

I'd think standard library or close to it.

 For what it's worth, I don't care about memorising all the built-ins. I
 delegate that job to my editor, which has a syntax highlighter for Python.
 It never forgets built-ins. (In fact, sometimes this is a nuisance. When
 I'm editing Python 3 code, it still insists that apply and reduce are


I mostly don't use syntax highlighters; at best, they distract me, at worst,
they distract me a lot.  I also don't use one in English, although I am
sure some people would love to have nouns in blue and punctuation in green.

 Yes, and Python also encourages the use of scopes, so that the clear,
 obvious name for something in one scope does not clash with the clear,
 obvious, identical name for something completely different in another

Another scope is normally a horizontal thing -- you're talking about
a different scope such that you are *either* in this one *or* in that

Built-ins are not in a scope you are never not in.

 Oh there's no doubt that shadowing *can* be unsafe. But then, very few
 things can't be abused.


 As I see it, there are (at least) four stages related to shadowing.

 (1) At first, you don't even know enough to be concerned by shadowing. You
 blithely call variables list and str without a care in the world...
 until something goes wrong.

 (2) Second stage, you know enough to realise that shadowing can be bad. You
 avoid shadowing everything. Your code is full of variables called my_list
 and astr and some_tuple. You call your functions things like izip
 even though it is designed as a replacement for zip, because the caller
 might use from itertools import * and accidentally replace the built-in zip
 with my zip. 

 You even avoid using string as a variable name because it might shadow the
 string module -- even though you haven't actually imported or used the
 string module in the last four years.

Heh.  (I got advised by pylint not to grab something from it, but I no
longer remember why; I seem to recall being totally unable to find a way
to avoid that warning and still have the string processing I needed.)

 (3) Eventually, you get frustrated writing doc strings like this:

 def function(astr, myint=0):
 function(astr [, myint]) - list

 astr - string
 myint - integer

 Do something tool-like to a string and optional integer...

 and begin writing them like this:

 def function(astr, myint):
 function(str [, int]) - list

 Do something tool-like to a string and optional integer...

That seems safe enough to me.  :)

 (4) And then, after a while, you decide that perhaps shadowing is not always
 so bad. (It helps if the Effbot tells you off for objecting to shadowing in
 a two-line function.) At first, you limit yourself to using parameter names
 that shadow built-ins in small tool-like functions. Then when the world
 doesn't implode, you rethink the use of top-level function names

Re: Wait for a keypress before continuing?

2011-08-16 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-17, John Doe jdoe@usenetlove.invalid wrote:
 Using does your code have a GUI produces zero search results. 
 Maybe that works better in some other language. 

You shouldn't need a search engine to answer a question about your code.
If you do, it suggests that perhaps one or more of the terms are unfamiliar
to you?

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-15 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 I tend to write stuff like { block }.join(, )
 I like this a lot more than
 array = foo.array_of_things
 sorted_array = array.sort()
 mapped_array = [block(x) for x in sorted_array]
 , .join(mapped_array)

 If you insist on a one-liner for four separate operations, what's wrong with

 , .join([block(x) for x in sorted(foo.array_of_things)])

Nothing in particular; I was just contrasting two styles, not asserting
that Python couldn't do that.

In general, I don't like to do things that either involve making a lot of
variables that are assigned to once and then read from once, or making a
whole lot of x = foo(x) type assignments to one variable.  It feels cluttered
to me.

 I think I would be less skeptical about fluent interfaces if they were
 written more like Unix shell script pipelines instead of using attribute
 access notation:

 foo.array_of_things | sort | map block | join , 

Interesting!  I think that's probably why I find them so comfortable;
shell was one of the first languages I got serious about.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-15 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Roy Smith wrote:
 Demand, no, but sometimes it's a good idea.  I've been writing computer 
 programs for close to 40 years, and I still have no clue what most of 
 the order of operations is.  It's just not worth investing the brain 
 cells to remember such trivia (especially since the details change from 
 language to language).  Beyond remembering the (apparently) universal 
 rule that {*, /} bind tighter than {+, -}, I pretty much just punt on 
 everything else and put in extra parens everywhere.

 It's not the most efficient way to write code, and probably doesn't even 
 result in the prettiest code.  But it sure does eliminate those 
 face-palm moments at the end of a long debugging session when you 
 realize that somebody got it wrong.

Wholehearted agreement.  It is conceivable for me to misremember precedence.
I am pretty reliable at recognizing which things are in which parens.

So I use them even in obvious cases:

foo + (3 * 4)

Never regretted that.  Yes, it's extra typing, a little, but it prevents a
whole category of bugs.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Why no warnings when re-assigning builtin names?

2011-08-15 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Gerrat Rickert wrote:
 What sayest the Python community about having an explicit warning 
 against such un-pythonic behaviour (re-assigning builtin names)?

 What makes you think this behavior is unpythonic?  Python is not about 

It seems like something which is sufficiently likely to be a mistake might
deserve a warning -- especially since, so far as I can tell, there's never
going to be a program which can't easily be written to avoid the problematic

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-15 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article 4e492d08$0$30003$c3e8da3$,
  Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I'm reminded of this quote from John Baez:

 The real numbers are the dependable breadwinner of the family, the complete
 ordered field we all rely on. The complex numbers are a slightly flashier
 but still respectable younger brother: not ordered, but algebraically
 complete. The quaternions, being noncommutative, are the eccentric cousin
 who is shunned at important family gatherings. But the octonions are the
 crazy old uncle nobody lets out of the attic: they are nonassociative.

 Wow, at first glance, I mis-parsed that name as Joan Baez.  Had me 
 really confused for a moment.

Would it have been that much weirder than Hedy Lamarr?

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Ten rules to becoming a Python community member.

2011-08-15 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-16, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Gregory Ewing wrote:

 I don't mind people using e.g. and i.e. as long
 as they use them *correctly*.

 The only correct way to use i.e. is to use it to download a better 


Boy, is there, e.g., on my face now!

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Ten rules to becoming a Python community member.

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, rantingrick wrote:
 Follow these simply rules to become an accepted member of the Python

 1. Bash rantingrick and Xah Lee every chance you get.

... If I'd known you were in the same category as him, I wouldn't have
needed to wait until now to know to plonk you.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 I guess... The parser is explicitly pushing those tokens, but I can't
 *SEE* those tokens.  If I am looking at the end of a really long
 thing, and I see:
 I only know what's happening if I have absolute confidence that the
 indentation is always by the same amount, etectera.

 I believe this is a dubious argument. With only two lines of code in
 isolation, understanding the indentation changes is the least of your
 worries. Adding block delimiters doesn't give you any significant help --
 ESPECIALLY if the block delimiters don't align with the indentation!


Interesting.  I am sort of getting to an insight into this, which I am not
sure I can articulate.

FWIW, I've had to debug C (well, C++) much worse than that (... long story,
but rest assured, the lulz justified the effort of reading the transcendantly
awful code).  I could still do it.  :)

 In isolation, you don't even know whether the above is syntactically valid,
 since you have no way of knowing that either end brace is closing an open
 brace or not. 

Ahh, but the computer can tell me that.  I don't have to see it.

 Who would write such a horrible mis-aligned piece of code? Good question.
 If you're going to have style-guides that prohibit writing code like the
 above, then what exactly do the braces give you?

I think what they give me is... basically a parity bit.

It's easy for people to screw up code, such that the code written does not
reflect intent.

Braces give me a likely red flag -- if they are screwed up, I know that this
is a good palce to start looking.  If they're not, then all they're costing me
is a little vertical space.

 Yes, yes, if you paste the code into a web forum the indentation may
 disappear, and if your hard drive controller is faulty it may randomly
 overwrite blocks with data belonging to other files. We all agree that
 environments that destroy data are Bad.

Destroy data is a sort of fungible concept.  I was reading a comic book
recently and it contained a URL for a poem which had been parodied.  The
URL had been hand-lettered... in block capitals.  The actual URL had exactly
one upper case letter in it.


In general, I don't think all data-loss is identical in severity.  Outside
of Python and Makefiles, I don't use anything where whitespace damage of
the sort of losing or changing leading spaces is usually significant,
so I *normally* regard it as a trivial change.

 Do you get worried by books if the last page doesn't include the phrase The
 End? These days, many movies include an extra clip following the credits.
 When the clip finishes, and the screen goes dark, how long do you sit
 waiting before you accept that the movie is over?


It's an actual thing I have been bitten by, especially because I often really
enjoy those clips, and I've seen a movie that had two.

 The above example bugs me too, because it is too close to what I'm used to
 in Python. I see an open bracket, I wait for a close bracket. Perhaps this
 would be better:

 a = array 
 b = array 

 Not so bad now, I betcha.

Interesting!  For me this triggers the same WHERE IS THE END MARKER???
reflex.  These bug me like unmatched brackets.

 but you still can't nest arrays. This potential syntax doesn't feel like a
 unified whole, but like a bunch of unrelated fixes for problems. Sometimes
 a literal START and END delimiter is the right answer.

I think so.

 Python's use of indentation to delimit blocks doesn't feel like that. Unlike
 arrays, you can't use blocks in an expression, and I think that's the
 factor which makes all the difference. Ruby folks may call the lack of
 block expressions a problem with Python, but even if they're right, I don't
 think it's a *big* problem.

I actually really *like* that Ruby and Lua let pretty much everything just
be an expression.  I was utterly dumbfounded when I found out that print
in Python is a kind of statement, not a function or something comparable.
(This seems to have changed recentlyish.)

 Either way, given the restriction that blocks
 are statements, not expressions, the lack of an overt block markers is not
 a problem for code (with the proviso that a rogue editor doesn't go making
 arbitrary changes to your source code).

Yeah.  I suspect that if I'd never used something with braces, I might not
mind as much, but the kinds of errors I've had would probably still be issues.

Say I try to indent or outdent something and I grab the wrong set of lines.
It's certainly possible for this to result in valid code... And I have no
cue as to what happened.  Even if I get a warning, I can't necessarily
tell what happened.

To some extent, I think I like braces for the same reason I like to use
ECC memory whenever hardware supports

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Yes. Not everything's an expression; a block of code is not an
 expression that returns a code object, and variable assignment is a
 statement. Some day, I'd like to play around with a language where
 everything's an expression and yet it doesn't look like LISP - just
 for the fun of it. It probably won't be any more useful for real world
 coding, but it'd be fun to tinker with.

Ruby and Lua are both pretty close.  I'm not an expert in either, but I
can't think of anything I can write in Ruby which isn't an expression.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 Destroy data is a sort of fungible concept.  I was reading a comic book
 recently and it contained a URL for a poem which had been parodied.  The
 URL had been hand-lettered... in block capitals.  The actual URL had
 exactly one upper case letter in it.

 Er, most URLs are case insensitive, at least the most common ones, including
 HTTP and HTTPS. So I don't quite see why you think this was a Whoops.

Sort of.  Host names are case insensitive, so far as I can tell always.
Paths past that are distinctly NOT always case insensitive, and since the
server in question happened to be doing what appear to be straight path
lookups, it mattered a great deal that you had to downcase all but one of
the letters.  (The obvious technique of downcasing them all failed.)

 Ys, nd n rdnry nglsh txt, th lss ar chng af vwls cn olsu b e trvl chng.

 But try that with your source code :)

Eh, I'm a C programmer, what makes you think I had any vowels to begin with?

 Yes, print as a statement was a mistake. But assignment as a statement, not
 so much. Assignment as an expression in languages that have it tends to be
 associated with frequent errors.

It does.  I'm not sure whether the errors are compensated for by the
expressiveness.  I *think* on the whole they are, but I am honestly not
sure.  I do like gcc's warning for assignment used as a truth value.

 The way I see it, if something operates by side-effect, then it has no
 business being treated as an expression.

Interesting!  I tend to really like the ability to chain methods, depending
on context.  I find the side-effect/expression mix pretty normal, so I'm
used to it.

 Say I try to indent or outdent something and I grab the wrong set of
 lines. It's certainly possible for this to result in valid code... And I
 have no
 cue as to what happened.  Even if I get a warning, I can't necessarily
 tell what happened.

 Then don't do that.

If not doing that were a realistic option for me, I'm guessing I'd have
stopped making typos thirty years ago.

 I'm not impressed by arguments based on but if I do something stupid, like
 select text with my eyes closed and reindent it without looking, I expect
 the compiler to save my bacon. In my opinion, it's not the compiler's job
 to protect you from errors caused by sheer carelessness at the keyboard.

I don't know about sheer carelessness.  Typos happen.  Typos are not
something you can prevent from happening just by wanting it very much.

 In any case, while reindenting an arbitrary set of lines may *possibly*
 result in valid code that runs but does the wrong thing, the likelihood of
 that happening is remote enough that I'm not going to lose any sleep over

Ahh, but what about the case where it results in invalid code?  It's not
necessarily obvious which lines need to be moved after that.

 foo.each do |bar|
 something else

 I know immediately that it's wrong.


The end is misaligned.  Therefore SOMETHING is wrong.  I don't know what,
but I can be confident that something went wrong.

 Unless I understand the intent of the code, how can I tell whether the END
 token is in the right place or not? And if I understand the intent of the
 code, then the END token is redundant.

The question is not whether it's on the right line.  No amount of indenting or
outdenting can ever break that.  The question is whether I've gotten the
indentation screwed up.

 If I do something in my editor and end up with:
 if foo:
 something else

 I can't immediately see that I hit the wrong number key when telling
 the editor how many lines to adjust.

 Typos happen.  I rely heavily on things that let me catch them in as many
 ways as possible.

 I call that a poor user interface design. If you have to count the number of
 lines before applying an edit, instead of selecting a range of text, then
 you should stop using a tool that is stuck with a UI from the early 1980s.

You keep telling me to stop using this editor.  I have not seen a suggested
improvement.  (Hint:  GUI editors are not an improvement for my purposes,
as I do about 99.5% of my editing on machines that aren't in the same state
that I am.  No, the GUI editor cannot offer enough improvement in anything
to justify the cost of copying files back and forth constantly.)

 Please don't take this as an insult, because it is not meant as one, but it
 seems to me from this discussion that you're a more careless coder than I
 am[1], and you want more insurance to protect you from your own mistakes.
 Braces give you that insurance.

I have really, really, bad ADHD.  When I was a kid a firecracker blew up in
my hand because I *forgot* I was holding it.

I'm not exactly careless in the pejorative sense (I don't accept

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, Teemu Likonen wrote:
 I understand that Python philosophy does not value freedom of expression
 that much. It values a general Pythonic rule which must obeyed and is
 called readability. Other languages give too little or too much
 freedom. :-)

There is an interesting tradeoff, there, because I tend to find stuff
like variable = {fancy if expression} to be much *more* readable, since
I immediately get the top-level information (we're assigning variable)
and then I can look for details if I care.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: pythonw.exe

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-14, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Just to confuse things even further, it's not unlikely that a Mac or
 Linux or Windows computer will have DOSBox installed. Is *that* DOS?
 Technically no, but practically yes.

Depending on how you define unlikely, I'd guess it is.

Assume that unlikely means roughly the equivalent of if I were optimizing,
I'd use a compiler branch prediction hint at this point.  :)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Ten rules to becoming a Python community member.

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 And yet, here you are, engaging him in conversation and feeding him the
 attention he craves :(

Many cultures have a tradition of almsgiving.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Interesting!  I tend to really like the ability to chain methods,
 on context.  I find the side-effect/expression mix pretty normal, so I'm
 used to it.

 As a rule, chaining method calls risks violating the Law of Demeter. Just

Risks violating isn't the same thing as violates.

 But a good editor can minimise command typos. User interfaces matter. If
 your car required you to reach over your left shoulder and pull a lever in
 order to slow down, it would be a really bad design. It would join these


 If your editor doesn't help you minimise bad commands, then your editor
 doesn't work for you, it works against you.

Life is full of tradeoffs.  The editor does a lot of things which very
much improve my performance, with costs which are usually pretty easily

 I don't know about sheer carelessness.  Typos happen.  Typos are not
 something you can prevent from happening just by wanting it very much.

 I sympathise, but don't care. That's your problem man, not Python's.

Debatable.  There's a sort of fuzzy boundary between clearly this is a
defect in the product (see interfaces that kill), and clearly this is
a defect in the user.  In fact, one of the major areas of interesting UI
research involves interfaces that accommodate things which are generally
regarded as defects in the user.

Think about colorblindness.  Obviously, it's the user's problem, not the
editor's, but an editor which picks colors which most colorblind people
can't distinguish for something important is going to get castigated for it.

 I hope you can still be productive in Python, and it's not like anyone
 *wants* you to stop using Python and use another language, but you have to
 understand that Python wasn't designed for *your* needs precisely. That
 doesn't make indentation as syntax a bad choice.

I think it depends a lot on the goals.  So far as I can tell, the primary
goal of the policy was to eliminate a class of errors.  It... well, it does
this in a strictly technical sense, in that every error which occurs is no
longer of that class.  It does not seem to me that it's done very much to
turn the kinds of things which used to result in that class of errors into
non-errors; rather, it's turned them into different errors.

 Are you talking about code you've moved from somewhere else and need to
 reindent? Then if the code was working before, it will keep working if you
 have the same relative indentation. (At least indentation-wise. It may
 break due to other factors.) Revert your bad reindent and try again, more
 carefully this time.

The point is...

I can't *TELL* what the boundaries of the bad-reindent are.  Because there's
no unambiguous point at which I can say oh, look, here is the line where
the indentation starts being wrong, unless there's a syntax error... and
even then, the syntax error might be before or after the actual bounds of
the bad indent.

With properly-braced code in a brace language, any mis-indent you do can be
unambiguously identified -- you have a 100% guarantee that you know what
the first and last misindented lines are.  In Python, you can usually guess
within a couple of the lines, more easily if you're familiar with the

 If you're making semantic changes to the code, not just a simple move, then
 surely you understand what changes you're making and not just randomly
 indenting and dedenting until it complies? Read the code and decide how to
 fix it.

The case that has historically bitten me is that I move N lines of code, and
then I try to adjust the indentation of those N lines, and... SOMETHING
happens.  Maybe someone somewhere introduced tabs and adding four leading
spaces doesn't do anything.  Maybe I mis-counted N.

 I get it that sometimes there will be code which is hard to follow and hard
 to edit. But if that's the case, you've got more maintenance problems than
 indentation, and indents are the least of your problems.

Not if the only reason that it's hard to follow is that the indentation
is screwed up.

 The end is misaligned.  Therefore SOMETHING is wrong.  I don't know
 what, but I can be confident that something went wrong.

 Okay, now I'm confused... if indentation doesn't matter, how is the end

Indentation doesn't affect the *compiler*, but we know the rules for

It's a parity bit.  If the indentation and the begin/end don't agree, then
I *know something is wrong*.  And I know on exactly which line it becomes

That turns out to save me a fair bit of time if I have to look at code and
try to figure out what's wrong.

 The question is not whether it's on the right line.  No amount of
 indenting or
 outdenting can ever break that.  The question is whether I've gotten the
 indentation screwed up.

 But if indentation doesn't matter, you can't screw it up. Isn't that the
 whole point of this discussion?

I think there is some 

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-14 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-15, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 As a rule, chaining method calls risks violating the Law of Demeter. Just

 Not in the specific case of fluent interfaces[1] though, which could
 have been what Seebach had in mind.

They're the most obvious example, from my point of view.

I tend to write stuff like { block }.join(, )

I like this a lot more than
array = foo.array_of_things
sorted_array = array.sort()
mapped_array = [block(x) for x in sorted_array]
, .join(mapped_array)

(I am still not used to Python's attachment of join to strings rather
than to arrays.  I don't really object to it, it's just not how I think
about join operations.)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
Before I get to the rest of this:

Thinking it through, I've been unreasonable and grumpy here, and I'm trying
to figure this out a bit more.

A general observation:  There's no real data here, so far as I can tell.
There is no pair of languages which are exactly identical except for whether
they use whitespace or some kind of brace/bracket/thing to indicate blocks,
such that we can compare results between them.  Humans are *notoriously*
unreliable at evaluating the ease with which they do things, how long it
takes them, how many mistakes they're making, and so on...

So really, this is probably in large part a matter of taste or preference.

On 2011-08-11, Ethan Furman wrote:
 The times that whitespace indentation has bitten me, it was still not 
 difficult to fix -- I just had to look and see which line(s) 
 should/should not be where they were.

I've been thinking about this, and I just plain can't understand how this
could, in general, be done.  Given a bunch of lines of code with no indication
of where the blocks were supposed to be, I can't figure how this could be
fixed in a way that is not-difficult, at least in general.

 Not so.  If the braces do not match /intent/ (which is the problem I 
 care most about) then it cannot be fixed by machine.

Question for y'all:

Has anyone here ever ACTUALLY encountered a case where braces -- not
indentation -- did not match intent in a C-like language?  I'm talking
only about cases where braces are *actually present*.

I haven't.  Now, I've only been using C for maybe 20-25 years, but in all
that time, I have never, ever, not *once*, seen braces not match intent.
I've seen indentation errors galore.  I've seen nutjobs writing }}} on
a line all by itself.  I've seen people forget to add braces and do stuff

... but I've never, ever, seen braces not match intent.  It just hasn't ever
happened in code I've seen.

 people who'd picked Python for some stuff I have to work for, point out the
 hostility of the Python community to newcomers whose workflows don't happen
 to have been preemptively built entirely around Python's design decisions,
 and suggest that maybe we use another language.  Heck, since I've been
 encouraged so much to do so, I think I will.

 Your choice, obviously -- seems a shame to me, though, to give up on 
 Python because of one or two ouchy areas on  By and large it's a 
 very helpful and courteous community.

I was thinking about this more, and I think the issue that's historically
bugged me is this:

Most of the people I know and talk to about programming languages regard
preferences as a matter of personal taste.  I've seen people say that they
prefer the significant-indentation thing, and I've seen people say they
dislike it.

The Python community, as a whole, seems particularly dogmatic about the
indentation thing.  And coming here as someone who doesn't much like it,
and has been bitten by it a few times...

Imagine that I were taking care of a cat for the first time, and I came to
a cat-owners newsgroup, and found the following:

1.  Nearly everyone there hated dogs, utterly.
2.  The people who hated dogs were snide and insulting about people who
didn't hate dogs.

... oookay, then.  So I post my question, about a cat peeing on a bed, and
I get the following responses:

1.  What kind of idiot are you to continue using a broken non-waterproof
matress?  You should be using a solid vinyl cover over your mattress to
prevent it from geting cat pee.
2.  Once you've had a cat for a while you'll find that overall cat pee is
superior to a dry mattress.

... At this point, I'm not exactly going to feel like a welcome member of the
community.  :)

Now, that analogy is a little extreme, perhaps, but...  Programmers get
attached to their editors.  And having a bunch of people insist that it's
crazy of me to use an editor which has worked perfectly for me in the other
ten programming languages I use, with settings that are not merely tolerable
but *mandatory* for at least one of them, is... well, it doesn't create the
impression that people who don't happen to already have fallen in love with
an editor that coexists well with the whitespace thing are welcome.

And part of this really is personal taste.  I *LIKE* having a matching outdent
for everything.  I like to look at code and see

because then I know it's balanced.  If one of them is missing, *something is
wrong*.  And I have to keep that instinct to stay functional in most of the
other languages I know.  I don't have the option of ceasing to use C, but if
I used C and didn't watch for missing close-braces, I'd be pretty badly hosed.

So I have this strong incentive to prefer an explicit thing that I can see.
And in any event, I *do* prefer it.

In other language communities, when I find things about the language

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Ben Finney wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 I am pretty sure Python is a pretty nice language. However, the
 indentation thing has screwed me a few times. Furthermore, I know
 people who like Python a great deal and acknowledge, without much
 difficulty, that the indentation thing has caused problems or
 incompatibilities for them.

 Yes. It's caused problems for me too, so I'm not going to deny that.

 This is different from saying ???indentation as block structure??? is a
 problem; that statement is what I disagree with, and what I think most
 respondents who disagree with you are objecting to.

See below; I think I agree with what I meant by it, and disagree with what
you seem to interpret it as.  Your interpretation makes as much sense as mine,
so far as I can tell.

 I don't see anyone making the denials you're referring to there. If I
 did, you would have my support in considering those denials mistaken.

I suspect, thinking about it more, that it's a communications problem.

 Likewise, ???end of line as end of statement??? has caused me and many
 others problems. I'd go so far as to say that any Python programmer for
 whom that's not true has not done any significant Python programming.
 That doesn't make ???end of line as end of statement??? a problem.

True, although it does make it a thing which *has* at least one problem.

 If a language feature is beneficial in far greater proportion to the
 inconveniences of that feature, I'd say that feature *is not a problem*
 for users of that language.

I wouldn't.

Lemme give a concrete example, from C, since that's the language I know best.
There are sound technical reasons for which C lets you manipulate pointers.
If you couldn't, it wouldn't be C, and you couldn't do the bulk of the stuff
that makes C useful.  But...

Pointer manipulation leads to crashes.  LOTS of crashes.  I have never met
a C programmer with over a day or two of experience who has not had a
program crash due to some mishap involving a pointer.

When people say that a language like, say, Java, is trying to solve the
problems of C's pointer system, I think that's a reasonable thing to try to
do.  There are tradeoffs.  But it would be, IMHO, silly to claim that there
are no problems with pointers; there are just benefits which outweigh them
*for the things the language is trying to do*.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Ben Finney wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 Question for y'all:

 Has anyone here ever ACTUALLY encountered a case where braces -- not
 indentation -- did not match intent in a C-like language?  I'm talking
 only about cases where braces are *actually present*.

 What a strange limitation. Why are you not comparing apples with apples?

I am trying to.  I'm trying to compare C-like languages, with braces, to
Python, with indentation.

 The correct comparison would be ???getting the braces to match the
 intended structure??? compared with ???getting the indentation to match the
 intended structure???.


I have seen Python programs in which indentation, while it obviously matched
what actually happened, did not match intent.  It is (at least in principle)
easier to debug because you can see that, but...

I've seen people in C do stuff like:

for (i = 0; i  N; ++i);
a[i] = 0;

This is clearly a case where indentation matches intent, but doesn't match
functionality, because C allows indentation to not-match functionality; this
is the famous problem Python is solving.

However, I've never, ever, seen a problem like that *when people were using

An apples-to-apples comparison between indentation and braces should be a
comparison *to braces*, not to people who cleverly omit braces.

(If you are looking for a debate on whether C's optional-braces are a good
idea, I'm afraid you will have to look elsewhere; if it were up to me, I
would totally approve a language change making them mandatory.)

 As you say, the data is thin on the ground for this issue. Would you
 accept the charge that you're being just as dogmatic about the
 superiority of braces-as-block-syntax?

I don't think so.

 If not, what makes your position less dogmatic than ours?

A couple of things.

1.  I do assert that people who are happy with an editor and have been using
it for twenty years ought to change their editor to accommodate a language
which uses braces.
2.  I will happily grant that braces, written legibly, cost you an extra
line per block, and that this space cost can make it harder to see all the
code at once.
3.  I don't have a problem agreeing that there certainly appear to be people
for whom the Python syntax is easier to read.

I think #1 is the real point at which I think there's a dogmatism problem.
Maybe editors shouldn't helpfully convert spaces to tabs, but that feature
has been nearly entirely beneficial to me in everything else I've edited
for a long time, and I don't *want* to learn a new editor just for one

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Seebs wrote:
 If Python with braces wouldn't be Python at all, why on earth does the
 language even exist?

 Every language has its philosophy.


 Etcetera. These are the philosophical decisions made by GvR and the
 Python community, and these define Python's syntax. If you go against
 these, you could make something that compiles down to Python's byte
 code; in fact, I'd say you could make something that produces a .pyc
 file and then hands it to the regular Python interpreter for
 execution. Is it Python? No, no more than NetREXX is Java just because
 it can make a .class file. It's a different language.

I would argue that any pure syntactic-sugar change which can be done entirely
by a naive preprocessor does not constitute a significant shift in the
language itself.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, rantingrick wrote:
 What is with you guys and this need to have your hand held to read

Good question!  Great to see that the helpful and welcoming community
is living up to its reputation.

My brain has quirks.  Some people call them defects, some don't, but it
really doesn't matter; there are things about which my brain is just plain
unreliable and I rely moderately heavily on extra visual cues to reduce
the frequency with which I get things wrong when skimming.

 Out-dents are noise and nothing more.

Not for me.

 When you're driving on a
 two lane highway that becomes one lane, would you forget to merge
 (OUTDENT) simply because the merge sign was missing?

No, because the *LANE BOUNDARIES* would move.

 If you did then
 i would say you need to keep your eyes on the road (CODE) instead of
 looking for signs on the side of the road. In other words; you need to
 start acting like an intelligent agent instead of a zombie.

Interesting theory.

I propose we extend it to expression processing in general.  Instead
of writing
a = (x + y) * z
let's just write
a = (x + y * z
It's obvious that no one would have needed to introduce parentheses here
unless they wanted to bind the + more closely than the *, so the ) is
just noise and not needed.

 Hmm, Python's exclusive use of indent/dedent for denoting blocks is
 rather unique in a world of braces (barring a few other less known
 languages). Removing that feature and replacing it with braces (or
 tags or whatever) would change the language significantly!

It would, but unless that's the only distinctive trait of the language,
I don't think it would make the language cease to be Python.

 Likewise allowing a directive like use braces = True would also be
 detrimental to our code bases. A language must always strive to remove
 ambiguities and multiplicity. Having more than one way to mark blocks
 is insanity. You never want to induce more overhead than necessary
 because such things are detrimental to work flow and language


 This statement leads me to believe you have very little experience
 with the Python language. Python has many wonderful attributes and
 design philosophies. Significant indentation is just ONE of many.

It was a reductio-ad-absurdum.

 I don't understand this need for braces. You yearn so badly to be
 dominated by them. Is this a psychological disorder, a Helsinki
 syndrome that you cannot shake? There is life after braces my friend,
 and the future is bright!

Man, you really love pushing them buttons, don't you?

You don't understand a thing.  Therefore... there is no such thing, anyone
who experiences life differently from you needs to be insulted?

 As much as we love people getting on board we are not about to
 sacrifice our strong beliefs in clean source code just so you and
 other hardwired C programmers will come along.

But you will happily insult people and call them names in order to
keep them from having anything to listen to?

 PS: I will admit that a few of our community members can be rather
 acerbic at times.

Yeah.  And the thing is...  This can't possibly lead to convincing people of
your position, so presumably the purpose is that you don't want anyone who
didn't start out agreeing with you to ever come to agree with you?  Why's

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Chris Rebert wrote:
 One argument I've heard from braces fans is that sometimes they want
 their own structure, which does not match the actual block structure.



 FILE* f = fopen(...);
 // do stuff with f
 // at this indent level
 // back to normal

 But really this is just working around other limitations in the
 language (i.e. lack of a with-statement equivalent).

That's horrid.

FWIW, the C idiom is:

FILE *f = ...

It isn't used all that widely, but it is a lot less horrible than
random indenting would be.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Why is left-to-right inherently more logical than

I'd say it's certainly more Pythonic in a vacuum.
Multiplication-before-addition, and all the related rules, require
you to know a lot of special rules which are not visible in the
code, and many of which have no real logical basis.  Left-to-right
is, if nothing else, the way the majority of us read.

The problem is that since everyone's used precedence before, not using
it violates the principle of least astonishment.

... Hmm.  There is a thought; I think it may be useful to distinguish
between Pythonic and Pythonic in a vacuum.  That is to say, there
are things which would fit the basic philosophy of Python very well
if previous programming languages and tools were not widespread, and
there are other things which fit anyway.  Using a simple left-to-right
evaluation would probably be easier for people to understand, and
more self-explanatory, *IF* there were no prior art.

 Why is it more logical than
 right-to-left? And why is changing people's expectations more logical
 than fulfilling them?

Well, playing devil's advocate's advocate here... You could argue that
switching from braces to indentation might be changing peoples'
expectations, or might be fulfilling them, depending on the people.

I think there's certainly cases where it is probably better to say
that expectation proves to make it impossible to build a clean
language, so we're going to ask you to do things this way, and cases
where it is probably better to say that expectation is very deeply
established, and doesn't really hurt the language, so we'll adapt
to you.

 Python uses the + and - symbols to mean addition
 and subtraction for good reason. Let's not alienate the mathematical
 mind by violating this rule. It would be far safer to go the other way
 and demand parentheses on everything.

I wouldn't mind that.

 Incidentally, in the original expression, it would be slightly more
 sane to write it as:

 a = x + y) * z

 borrowing from the musical concept that a repeat sign with no
 corresponding begin-repeat means to repeat from the beginning. But
 both of these violate XKCD 859.

Yes, yes they do.


You know, that's why the outdents-without-symbols bug me; I have a
thing with a colon on it introducing something, and then there's nothing
ending it.  I want that match so I can let the naive stack-depth-counter
off somewhere in my brain do its thing without leaving me with a huge
feeling of unclosed blocks.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, rantingrick wrote:
 On Aug 12, 11:33?am, Seebs wrote:
 My brain has quirks. ?Some people call them defects, some don't, but it
 really doesn't matter; there are things about which my brain is just plain
 unreliable and I rely moderately heavily on extra visual cues to reduce
 the frequency with which I get things wrong when skimming.

 I think that really boils down to you refusing to open your eyes up to
 new ways of doing things.

You think that, then?  Okay.

 You are clutching the past and it is taking
 you down with it.

I see.  This is a brilliant new theory.  I will further explore the notion
that actually my brain is 100% normal with no limitations except that I have
used languages with braces.  Doubtless this will prove illuminating.

 No, because the *LANE BOUNDARIES* would move.

 The lane boundaries will also move whilst reading code that uses the
 indent/dedent paradigm. Are you honestly telling me that you will skip
 over a four spaced dedent without seeing it however you can easily
 spot a single closing brace and instantly know which corresponding
 opener brace to which it referrers without looking, and counting, and
 wasting time? Sorry, i just don't believe you.

Nope, not telling you that.  Here's my example:

if foo:
if bar:
if quux:
if baz:

It's not easy for me to be sure, looking at something roughly like that,
what's being closed and what isn't.  If I have braces, I can tell how many
things are being closed.  I like that.  It makes me happy.

 I propose we extend it to expression processing in general. ?Instead
 of writing
 ? ? ? ? a = (x + y) * z
 let's just write
 ? ? ? ? a = (x + y * z

 I'm glad you brought this up! How about this instead:

 a = x + y * z

 ...where the calculation is NOT subject to operator precedence? I
 always hated using parenthesis in mathematical calculations. All math
 should resolve in a linear fashion. 3+3*2 should always be 12 and NOT

Doesn't matter.  At some point, somewhere, it would become desireable
to introduce precedence with (), at which point, it is quite possible
that the trailing ) would be redundant, so why not omit it?

 I am not trying to discredit you simply by disagreeing with you.

No, but you're certainly being insulting.

 I have offered facts as to why significant indention is far superior to
 braces and yet you continue to use the same emotionally charged babble
 in your defense.

Pry your lips from Ritchie's left teet and stop slurping
that brace milk; because it is polluting your mind!

Emotionally charged babble:
My brain has quirks. Some people call them defects, some don't,
but it really doesn't matter; there are things about which
my brain is just plain unreliable and I rely moderately
heavily on extra visual cues to reduce the frequency with
which I get things wrong when skimming.

 When you offer some real facts then i will give then
 just consideration, until then i will try to enlighten you of the
 merits of significant indentation.

Well played!

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Seebs wrote:
 I've seen people in C do stuff like:

 ? ? ? ?for (i = 0; i  N; ++i);
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?a[i] = 0;

 This is clearly a case where indentation matches intent, but doesn't match
 functionality, because C allows indentation to not-match functionality; this
 is the famous problem Python is solving.

 There's several solutions to this. One is linting utilities that
 detect unexpectedly-indented code, which is the concept that Python
 took to the logical extent of syntactic errors. Another is (again
 linting) to disallow a direct trailing semicolon; if you want an empty
 body, you put whitespace before the semicolon.

 But that wasn't your point, I realise :)

I think it sort of is.  My current preference would be that C-like languages
would simply absolutely eliminate optional-braces.  Then the whole category
of errors would partially-go-away.  You could still have code which didn't
do what you meant, but it would be reliably easy to see what it did, and
so on.  But it's interesting to note that there are many ways to address

Most of the C I've done has been in circumstances where misindented code
was in fact a thing that would fail reviews.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Please don't feed the troll. Responding to Rick's standard obnoxious posts
 is like wrestling with a pig -- you get tired and filthy, you never
 accomplish anything useful, and after a while, you realise that the pig is
 enjoying it. Save yourself a lot of aggravation and kill-file him now.

You know...

I think I just realized where a big part of my misperception of the Python
community was.

Which is that until todayish, I had not realized that he was regarded as a
troll by the rest of the community.  But now that a couple of people have
told me this, I am a lot more comfortable referring to the Python community
in general as welcoming.

I sometimes enjoy trying to extract information from people like that, but
I will respect the preferences of the actually-helpful people and drop that
line of inquiry.  :)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-12, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 You know, that's why the outdents-without-symbols bug me; I have a
 thing with a colon on it introducing something, and then there's nothing
 ending it.

 But there is something ending it: a change in indentation level.


Okay, here's what I'm not getting.  Consider this:

if foo:
if bar:

if baz:

 Python's parser explicitly pushes INDENT and OUTDENT tokens into the stream.

What's being pushed into the stream to indicate that the first outdent
is two outdents and the second is one?

I guess... The parser is explicitly pushing those tokens, but I can't
*SEE* those tokens.  If I am looking at the end of a really long
thing, and I see:


I only know what's happening if I have absolute confidence that the
indentation is always by the same amount, etectera.

 They're just a change of state in indentation level, which is much more
 easily seen without the need for counting braces. Python's parser may need
 to count tokens, but for the human reader merely needs to use its intuitive
 and highly accurate ability to notice when things line up.

Well, that's the thing.

In a case like:

if foo:
if bar:

I notice that *NOTHING* lines up with if bar:.  And that affects me
about the way unmatched brackets do.

 (Aside: this is why I dislike two-space indents. That's narrow enough to
 make the does this line up detector subject to too many false positives.)


 I want that match so I can let the naive stack-depth-counter 
 off somewhere in my brain do its thing without leaving me with a huge
 feeling of unclosed blocks.

 Yet another reason to consider brace languages harmful: they spoil the
 user's intuitive grasp of intuition as grouping.

I assume you mean indentation as grouping.

I'm... not sold on this.  It's not that I don't see indentation as a kind
of grouping.  It's just that I really, really, want groups to have ends.

Consider the hypothetical array syntax:

a = [
b = [

This *bugs* me.  It's perfectly legible, and if you define it that way, it's
unambiguous and everything, but... It bugs me.  I want beginnings to have
an actual corresponding end.

 But the human brain is a funny thing: you can train
 it to expect to do more work than is necessary, and it will complain when
 you make its job easier.

Easier varies somewhat from person to person.  I need a LOT of parity checks
(speaking metaphorically) because my brain is fantastically prone to dropping
bits.  But I'm really fast.  So a thing with lots of parity checks is much
easier for me to actually *successfully* use than a thing which omits all
that extra stuff.

I was overjoyed when I saw that Ruby would let me write 1_048_576.  I can
read that with fewer errors than I can read 1048576.  (And yes, I could
also write 120.)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-13, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I have been indenting code neatly for at least 32 years whenever the 
 language I used allowed it. Just over 14 years ago, when Python was an 
 obscure little known or used languge, I adopted it *because* it dropped 
 all the redundant bracket noise and looked to me like 'executable 
 pseudocode', as I explained (with an unfortunate misspelling) in
 Indentation is part of that. Python-with-brackets would, to me, be 
 something different -- sure, derived from Python, but not the same.

Fair enough.

 I do not need for you to adopt and use Python to validate my choice. If 
 you like it fine, welcome. If not, have fun with something else.

If this were among my options, it's probably what I'd do.  It is what I do
for things where I get a choice of languages.

FWIW, yes, I spec machines with ECC memory whenever I can.  I am a big
fan of redundant data that can detect likely errors.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-12 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-13, Ben Finney wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 What's being pushed into the stream to indicate that the first outdent
 is two outdents and the second is one?

 See URL: for a
 comprehensive discussion of the lexing done on Python source.

Interesting, thanks.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-11 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-11, Ben Finney wrote:
 What evidence do you have of these? The latter, especially, seems to be
 mere opinion unfounded in any measurement.

Well, on new collection of data, I'm less convinced.

The basic rule is:

Engineers are nearly always aware of tradeoffs.  If I suddenly encounter
something where many engineers perceive a tradeoff, and a few deny that
there is any tradeoff at all, that usually means that the latter category
are not actually doing the engineering thing.

 Again, I don't know where you've been observing that, but it's not what
 I've seen.

I've seen it some here, and in other Python discussion threads.  I've also
seen counterexamples, though, more now that I brought it up.

 You're welcome to attempt to demonstrate the superiority of some other
 Python-with-braces, but it will (a) be un-Pythonic, and (b) be unlikely
 to gain the efforts of people who don't think what you're addressing is
 a problem.

I have noticed a tendency for Pythonic to produce fierce debates in
which there is absolutely nothing measurable to point to.  I'm not sold
on it.

I guess the thing is this:

I am pretty sure Python is a pretty nice language.  However, the indentation
thing has screwed me a few times.  Furthermore, I know people who like Python
a great deal and acknowledge, without much difficulty, that the indentation
thing has caused problems or incompatibilities for them.

So when I see people deny that it is at all a problem, or that there are
any possible shortcomings to it, I infer that they have some compelling
reason to deny the existence of a thing which is reliably and easily observed.

See, that's the thing.  If you want to tell me that there are problems with
braces, I'll *agree*.  I am aware of those problems.  I don't feel a need to
deny that they exist.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-11 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:

 I have seen all the counterarguments, and what I've
 mostly become convinced of is this:

 1.  Indentation as flow control was a bad idea.

 I'm not aware of any language where indentation is used for flow control.
 Python is not one of those languages: it uses for, while, if, etc. for flow
 control, just like most other languages. It does however use indentation
 for grouping code into blocks -- a different concept.

Agh!  Point granted.  Presumably you knew what I meant, but you're right
that I said it wrong.

 You are free to hold whatever opinions you like, but have you considered
 that the reason people get emotional and angry when others insist that
 indentation as flow control should be discarded is because they actually
 believe that the off-side rule (as it is called) makes for a better
 language and a better coding experience?


And when I talk to people who are *able to admit that there exist problems*,
and who argue that the benefits outweigh them, I believe that they are
probably making a good point.

It's the people who insist that there are no problems that worry me.

 There are dozens, hundreds of brace languages, and 1-2 dozen using
 indentation, including Python. If braces are so important to you, go use
 one of those other languages, don't wreck the language we like by taking
 away one of the best features of the language.

If I had a choice, believe me, I'd do just that.

 We're fully aware of the tradeoffs of significant indentation.

You are.  A couple of other people I've talked to are.  Many others
are not.

 We believe
 that brace languages get the trade-offs backwards: they optimise code for
 environments which mangle source code. 99.999% of code will never pass
 through a broken mail server that strips leading whitespace, or pasted into
 broken web forum software that mangles indentation, or go through any other
 broken tool that messes with indentation. Brace languages optimise for the
 0.001% case, Python optimised the 99.999% case. 

This is a really interesting analysis.  My experience, though, puts it
more at about 99% and 1%.  And the thing is...

 Because people simply don't like it when their code's indentation doesn't
 match the actual semantics, people usually manually ensure that the two
 match, braces or no braces. Editors still have commands to indent and
 outdent blocks of code. There is no difference between (say) C or Pascal
 and Python in that regard.

Yes, there very much is.

You can't outdent a block in Python unless it is already correctly

The underlying thing I've noticed is:

Braces have problems more often, but the problems are *always* 100%
machine-fixable and therefore trivial.  It takes milliseconds to get
a program fixed so it looks like what it means.

Indentation has problems less often, but the problems are *never*
machine-fixable.  It takes minutes or hours to figure out what was
supposed to be there.

 There is nothing implicit about indentation. This false dichotomy between
 so-called explicit braces and allegedly implicit indentation gets thrown
 around all the time, but it is simply *wrong*. Indentation is not implicit.

Hmm.  Maybe implicit isn't quite the right word, but...  The end of an
indented block is not a thing, it's the lack-of-a-thing.


How many unindents are there between foo and bar?

If you can't answer this from looking between foo and bar, but must
instead look at previous lines and *INFER* the number of unindents, then
it seems to me that there is something implicit going on here.

 And ABC, Boo, BuddyScript, Cobra, CoffeeScript, Curry, F#, Genie, HAML,
 Haskell, ISWIM, Miranda, Nemerle, Occam, PROMAL, Spin and XL, plus any
 other languages with significant indentation.

Point made.

 No, most mail servers don't mangle whitespace in the body of the email, or
 in attachments.

Most don't, that's true.

Part of my frustration comes from a 6-month period during which most of my
email was sent through a mail server which, for reasons no one was able to
determine, was dutifully converting any plain text it received into HTML,
and stripping irrelevant spaces along the way.  :)

 Some mail clients do, usually because they default to using
 HTML for text. So get a better mail client.

I have tried occasionally.  Mine does not default to use HTML, but it
does sometimes mangle lines.  Unfortunately, it's the closest to having
other funcitonality I want I've ever seen.

 Avoid pig-ignorant web forums
 that think that source code can be reflowed or that remove leading
 whitespace. Stop using Notepad, and use an editor that offers indent and
 outdent commands.

I'm not using Notepad.  And actually, it's the indent/outdent that bit me
worst, so far.  :)

 If your mail server had a bug that deleted braces from emails, would you fix
 the bug, or would you insist that braces were a failed experiment and that

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-11 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 indentation as flow control

 Gah! Of course, I meant indentation for blocks... after making the earlier
 point that indentation is *not* used for flow control, this was a
 particularly egregious error.

 How embarrassment.

My fault, I probably hypnotized you with my bad word choice.  :)

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-10 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-10, Chris Angelico wrote:
 And if we require {} then truly free indentation should be OK too! But
 it wouldn't be Python any more.

Would it really not be Python at all?

I've seen bits of code in preprocessing-based Python with {} type things,
and they still look like Python to me, only they favor explicit over
implicit a little more strongly.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-10 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 On 2011-08-10, Chris Angelico wrote:
 And if we require {} then truly free indentation should be OK too! But
 it wouldn't be Python any more.

 Would it really not be Python at all?

 Of course it wouldn't be. Every function, class, if, while, for,
 try...except block etc. in existing Python code would be illegal if {} were


Since there has never been an indentation-related problem in the history
of human endeavors, automatically adding the braces would be completely

How much of the language *specification* would change?

 In general, languages that aim to look like executable pseudo-code will
 converge on a similar look, because executable pseudo-code tends to be
 based on natural language (usually English) and mathematics syntax. 

This is an interesting point.  I guess I meant look like in a more abstract
sense; the basic idea of what it's like to read the code, and what you have
to keep in mind while doing so.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-10 Thread Seebs
On 2011-08-10, Ben Finney wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 On 2011-08-10, Chris Angelico wrote:
  And if we require {} then truly free indentation should be OK too!
  But it wouldn't be Python any more.

 Would it really not be Python at all?

 See the Python interpreter's response to ???from __future__ import braces???.

I'm aware of that.  I have seen all the counterarguments, and what I've
mostly become convinced of is this:

1.  Indentation as flow control was a bad idea.
2.  People are subconsciously aware of this.
3.  There is a HUGE degree of emotional investment in defending it.

The responses I have seen on this issue are highly emotional, full of insults,
full of blame-throwing, and utterly contrary to the basic engineering spirit
I usually see in programming communities.  In other languages, and even in
Python on any issue but this one, I regularly see people acknowledge
shortcomings and explain either why they think the tradeoffs are good, or why
they are willing to put up with it anyway.

The characteristic vehemence and hostility this issue produces are the surest
sign of people who have a desperate need not to acknowledge the elephant in
the room.

 I've seen bits of code in preprocessing-based Python with {} type
 things, and they still look like Python to me, only they favor
 explicit over implicit a little more strongly.

 They introduce unnecessary ambiguity: the indentation-as-structure and
 braces-as-structure can then disagree.

Yes, they can.

 In which case either the Python interpreter must guess the programmer's
 intent (very un-Pythonic), or it throws an error and the programmer must
 do busy-work to keep braces and indentation in agreement (also

The obvious answer would be:

* Braces win because they are explicit rather than implicit.
* Everyone would use things configured to throw a warning or error.

The thing is...  This whole argument rests on the assumption that if there
are no braces, there is only one set of things, but if you have braces,
there are two.

This is untrue.

If there are no braces, there are two things describing flow control;
indentation and programmer intent.  With braces, there's three.

The most common misalignment is between the code as interpreted by the
computer and the programmer's intent.  Neither system prevents this, but
that's where all the real hassle comes from.

My expectation would be that the only times braces and indentation
would be ambiguous would be cases where the indentation got screwed up.

In these cases, I would MUCH prefer to get a fatal error than to have
things run in a way entirely unrelated to the intent I had when I wrote
the code.

 The ambiguity is resolved by having exactly one of indentation or braces
 determining structure: Python uses indentation. In which case, braces
 are pointless for indicating block structure.

I don't think so, any more than I think parentheses which happen to align
with the existing precendence rules are pointless.

In the real world, we are confronted constantly with tools which work
perfectly with every programming language but Python or very old FORTRAN,
but which mangle Python code sporadically and inexplicably.  Mail servers
chew up whitespace like there's no tomorrow.  Web pages find innovative new
explanations for why those leading spaces don't need to be displayed.

I like Python a lot in some ways, but I am really sick of the insistance that
this godawful wart is the sublime epitome of all perfection, never to be
improved on.  It was a really interesting experiment.  As sometimes happens,
the experiment discovered things that no one could have reasonably anticipated
without running the experiment.

Copyright 2011, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-14 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-14, Jorge Biquez wrote:
 I was wondering if you can share what was the strategy you followed 
 to master Python (Yes I know I have to work hard study and practice a 
 lot). I mean did you use special books, special sites, a plan to 
 learn each subject in a special way. I would like to know, if 
 possible, comments specially from some of you who in the past had 
 other languages, frameworks and platforms and left (almost) all of 
 them and stayed with Python.

I've been learning Python the same way I learn any language; get a
book, read it over lunch for a few days, start typing, ask people
how to improve my code once I have some.

This information is almost certainly useless to you, though, unless
you've already learned at least six or seven programming languages.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-11 Thread Seebs
(Note followups, this has stopped being very Pythony.)

On 2010-11-11, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 Another function that should be deprecated is strncat???I myself was caught 
 out misunderstanding it recently. What purpose does it serve?

I'm wondering if you're thinking of strncpy(), which is the famously bogus
one.  strncat() just has a fencepost error -- given a limit N, it will
write at most N+1 characters.  strncpy(), however, pads with null bytes
if the source string isn't long enough, and does not null terminate if there
isn't room to.

This behavior is nearly always undesireable.  However, if you were building
a filesystem in which file path names were given exactly sixteen bytes of
space in the directory entry, and you didn't want to truncate them to 15
bytes, you might write precisely this behavior.  So that's what we got.

I don't know whether anyone's gotten buy-in from the standards people
for strlcpy()/strlcat(), but I really hope so.  Me, I just use
snprintf with a %s format instead of str*cpy().

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: How to test if a module exists?

2010-11-11 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-11, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Tim Chase 

 Amusingly, as others have noted, you replied with an unobfuscated
 email address.

 would seem to be an independent, true record of what members of python-list 
 would see of my posting, would it not?

It might or might not be.  Not all of us are members of python-list.  I'm
reading this on Usenet.  (Where the only distinction I see is that the
country name is spelled out.)

 You would agree that it shows my e-
 mail address as obfuscated, would you not?

I don't know whether that counts as obfuscated.

 So if you claim to be seeing an 
 unobfuscated e-mail address for my posting on python-list, you would be 
 lying, would you not?

I have found that, in general, the chances that someone is lying are very
low.  The chances are much higher that they are mistaken, or that I have
misunderstood their claim.  Or for that matter, that there's Something
Strange Going On.  Say, someone's got a Usenet provider that Helpfully
Fixes things, or someone set up an aliasing thing in a Very Clever newsreader
some time back so they could reply to your posts and didn't notice it
was then performing the same aliasing when displaying the group, or...

Usually, with people who aren't obvious frothing kooks, I tend to view
lying as being an extremely unusual explanation.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: How to test if a module exists?

2010-11-11 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-11, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, MRAB wrote:
 ... the next one at 3 Nov 2010 22:40 Re: Allowing comments after the line
 continuation backslash and _all_ the subsequent ones arrived with an
 _unobfuscated_ email address.

 You mean from this one on

Just as a data point:

I'm using comp.lang.python via NNTP from Megabitz, reader is SLRN, and
I still see .gen.new_zealand.  Sounds to me like some source may be
helpfully fixing the address as it forwards things.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: How to test if a module exists?

2010-11-11 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-11, Tim Chase wrote:
 From: Lawrence D'Oliveiro unobfuscated
 Newsgroups: gmane.comp.python.general

Oh, interesting.

 Gee...your unobfuscated email addresses FROM YOU.

No, from gmane.  Out here in comp.lang.python (no gmane), it's

So it sounds like there is an entity other than Lawrence deobfuscating
the addresses, but it's not a specific poster here.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: How to test if a module exists?

2010-11-11 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-12, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 I have just received an admission from Barry Warsaw that a hack was done on 
 python-list specifically to deal with bounces caused by a list member trying 
 to reply to my obfuscated e-mail address.

That's... Fascinating.  But it does mean that the people who were reporting
seeing it were, in fact, merely accurately reporting on what they saw.

 As for those who persisted in posting my address after being warned of this, 
 I???m still deciding what to do.

I would suggest, very strongly:  Nothing.

1.  Genie, bottle, out.
2.  At least some were quoting your posts to show what they looked like,
which is hardly a great abuse.

Look... You're dealing with humans.  Walk up to a human holding something.
Say smell this, it smells like ass!.  Watch them smell it, and then react
with shock if it smells bad.  Tell them something is too hot to touch safely,
and they will touch it to see whether this is true.

You told them that your posts were under an obfuscated address, so they quoted
the address they saw and said you mean this one?

None of the people in question were the ones who decided to de-obfuscate
the address.  None of them had, prior to your announcement, any way to
know that de-obfuscation was even occurring, and from all the evidence
available to them, the most reasonable inference would have been that you
were mistaken about how your posting software was configured.

When I offered the speculative notion that some gateway somewhere was
deobfuscating this address, I didn't think it was *likely*, merely more
likely than people lying.  As a matter of fact, that you jumped directly
to the accusation that other people were lying suggests strongly that
you the possibility that this was happening *did not even occur to you*.

I put it to you that if the possibility is implausible and unusual enough
that it did not even *occur* to you to consider it until multiple people
had pointed to multiple citations, it is likely that it *also* did not
occur to the various other participants.  All they could see was posts
by you, showing a particular email address, in which you claimed that it
was very rude for people other than you to include that email address
in posts.

I would also suggest a more general observation:  Had you approached this
with less hostility, I suspect you would have gotten more cooperative
responses, rather than indignation.  People accused of doing a thing that
they very definitely did not do are not going to be inclined to respond
in a helpful manner.  Had your post said something like:

I notice that in your post, my address is no longer obfuscated.
I much prefer that my address be obfuscated on Usenet, and when
I send it out, it usually is; see for instance this source
(link to python-list) showing that my message had an obfuscated
address when it reached python-list.

... I think you would have gotten more helpful responses, and we might
have more quickly tracked down that it was apparently specific to some of
the many mirrors of this traffic.

Finally, last but not least:

Since the gmane.* archives have that address, and web crawlers are orders
of magnitude more common and more active than usenet crawlers, I would
consider the question thoroughly academic at this point.  The address is
out there.  Further use of it on Usenet is unlikely to have a statistically
measurable impact.

Just as a side note:  I have an unobfuscated address in both my signature
and my From line.  This address is live, it delivers to me, and so on.

Yes, I get spam to it.  Of the last 26,061 spams I've gotten, it's produced
a grand total of 239.  So, under 1% of my incoming spam.  You can measure
the interval during which I cared about that, but if you try to represent
it as seconds using 32-bit floating point, it'll turn into 0 because it's

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-10 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-10, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I was referring to Schildt using gets() all the time and thereby 
 teaching new C generations to do he same.

Ahh, yes.

I am told that the current plan is to kill it in C1X.  I would shed no

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-09 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Seebs wrote:
 Not so much turgidity as being WRONG.  Consistently and often.

 Wow. And the guy???s written so many books; how does he get away with it?

No one knows or cares.  I don't mean no one knows or cares how he gets
away with it; I mean no one knows or cares that he's awful.  The publisher
doesn't care whether the books are accurate, as long as they sell, and most
reviewers don't read closely enough to realize he's full of crap.

In particular, he's very good at making up complications from whole cloth
which aren't really problems, and then offering solutions which show
people a clever trick to work around the problem.  (e.g., his elaborate
revelations about how to use feof() in C to work around his failure to
understand how EOF works.)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Best exercises for beginers to learn?

2010-11-09 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-08, wrote:
 I was wondering if there are any good exercises that you
 would recommend learning?


*Write something you want to use.*

Nothing will teach you programming as fast as programming stuff you care
about for the joy of having it.  Exercises that you don't care about in
their own right will not catch you the same way.

If you write something you want to have, you will not stop when it
happens to work, but will keep tweaking it and improving it so it does
what you want.  That will teach you more than *any* prefab exercise that
has no particular significance to you.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Pythonic/idiomatic?

2010-11-09 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
 One pythonic way to do it, is to use an option parser.

That seems like massive overkill -- I don't care about any of the other
options.  It seems like it'd result in doing more work to get and then
extract the options, and most of that would be discarded instnatly.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-09 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I've been wondering why C programmers keep writing code susceptible to 
 buffer overruns ;=).

Because we're dumb!

(Actually, in my defense, my code almost never, if ever, has buffer 
overruns.  I do in some rare cases have truncation issues with sufficiently
ridiculous input data.)

 Your two 'nitpicks' about fflush have both come up on this list as real 
 issues causing people problems. So I agree that it needs to be explained 
 properly and completely as you suggest.

Huh.  Since Schildt fell out of favor, I've almost never seen people trying
to fflush(stdin), and the update rules are weird enough that I don't think
I've ever seen anyone try to use it.  :)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-09 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-10, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 What was sad to me to read was this 
 phrase of yours:

 ... but rather, takes the shortest path to something that won't get
 those complaints anymore ...

 To me, this is the sign of someone who doesn't really enjoy what they do. 


I both write and program, and I do them because I love them.  If I won
the lottery tomorrow (and hey, my chances are only very very slightly lower
than everyone else's), I wouldn't stop programming or writing.  I might
change my focus some, but both of them are things I'd keep doing.

 Because somebody who cares about what they do would take the trouble to get 
 it right. But if he can't be bothered, why does he keep doing it? There must 
 be more pleasant ways of getting a meal ticket...

It's hard to say.  I get the feeling sometimes that he's one of the people
to whom programming is sort-of-fun, but not fun when you have to get all
persnickety about it.  Similarly, writing is fun if you're getting praised
for it, but dealing with criticism is harder.  (Trust me, I know of this;
I have gotten a fair number of corrections over the years.)

That said, I suspect he's made a fairly large amount of money; multiple
bestsellers is a pretty good way to make a decent bit of pocket change.

I may have my gripes about Python, but I will say this:  The Python community
seems full of people who are passionate about writing good code.  I would
much rather be in a community of people who care a lot about how I should
do things, but I think they're wrong, than about people who figure anything
that the interpreter accepts is fine.  I can learn from people I disagree
with, but not from people who don't care.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.


2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
I have an existing hunk of Makefile code:
CPPFLAGS = $(filter -D* -I* -i* -U*,$(TARGET_CFLAGS))
For those not familiar with GNU makeisms, this means assemble a string
which consists of all the words in $(TARGET_CFLAGS) which start with one
of -D, -I, -i, or -U.  So if you give it
foo -Ibar baz
it'll say

I have a similar situation in a Python context, and I am wondering
whether this is an idiomatic spelling:

' '.join([x for x in target_cflags.split() if re.match('^-[DIiU]', x)])

This appears to do the same thing, but is it an idiomatic use of list
comprehensions, or should I be breaking it out into more bits?

You will note that of course, I have carefully made it a one-liner so I
don't have to worry about indentation*.

[*] Kidding, I just thought this seemed like a pretty clear expression.
Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-08, Michael Torrie wrote:
 On 11/06/2010 02:27 AM, Seebs wrote:
 I have yet to find an editor that allows me to, well, *edit*, more
 comfortably than vi.

 Indeed vi (or in my case, vim) works wonderfully well with python.  I
 always use the following vim settings on python files:

Ahh, but I use nvi, not vim.

 If you set up a conditional thing in your vimrc to enable these settings
 for python files, you shouldn't have any more tab problems.

And I don't think I can do that in nvi -- I don't think it has conditionals.


You've just caused me to remember something which is in context both
amusing and funny.  Which is that I believe nvi has support for some
embedded scripting functionality, at least as an optional build choice.

Which I've never used, on the grounds that I don't know Python...

So that may actually be possible.  I'll look into it, for sure.  Thanks
for nudging my memory.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-08, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Mark Wooding 
 Vertical space is a limiting factor on how much code one can see at a

 One thing that helps me is that Emacs has commands for quickly jumping 
 between matching brackets.

 Of course, this only works for languages that have brackets.

Yes.  One of the things I find frustrating about the Ruby idiom of
preferring do/end for multiline blocks is that you can't fence-match

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Pythonic/idiomatic?

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Ben Finney wrote:
 For this purpose, there is a generator expression syntax
 almost identical to a list comprehension except without the enclosing

 ' '.join(x for x in target_cflags.split() if re.match('^-[DIiU]', x))

Ahh, handy.

I am torn very much on the generator/comprehension syntax, because on the
one hand, I really prefer to have the structure first, but on the other hand,
I can't easily figure out a way to make the syntax work for that.

 The regex is less clear for the purpose than I'd prefer. For a simple
 ???is it a member of this small set???, I'd find it more readable to use a
 simple list of the actual strings::

 ' '.join(
 x for x in target_cflags.split()
 if x in ['-D', '-I', '-i', '-U'])

The regex is intentionally not anchored with a $, because I'm looking
for starts with, not is.

 The latter works only in Python with set literals (Python 2.7 or later).

I think we're stuck with backwards compatibility at least as far as 2.4.

No, I'm not kidding.  *sigh*

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Commercial or Famous Applicattions.?

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, rantingrick wrote:
 Commenting on which language is better than this one or which
 language boasts the most achievements is nothing more than time very
 poorly spent.

This is mostly true, but I don't think it's entirely true.

It is certainly possible for someone else's language choices to
affect me (if I get called in to fix their code).  And as a result, I do
try to do at least a little language advocacy.  Specifically, I try to
steer people away from PHP.  I can live with just about everything else.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Pythonic/idiomatic?

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Ben Finney wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 I think we're stuck with backwards compatibility at least as far as

 Then you don't yet have the ???any??? and ???all??? built-in functions, or the
 tuple-of-prefixes feature of ???str.startswith??? either. Bummer.


 At which point, the Pythonic thing to do is to convince your
 organisation to use a version of Python that's at least officially
 supported by the PSF :-)

Unfortunately, we're selling something to people who will explode if
we tell them to upgrade their RHEL4 systems, so we have to work on those.
(There is some tiny hope that we'll be able to move the baseline to RHEL5
within another two years.)

If it were only a matter of internal use, my job would be orders of
magnitude easier.  (I'm maintaining something that intercepts and wraps
large hunks of the standard C library; if you think dealing with
Python 2.4 is a burden, you ain't seen *nothing* compared to that.)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Dennis Lee 
 Bieber wrote:
 Have you ever looked at the reference manual for Ada?

 Or even worse, the annotated reference. I thought annotations were supposed 
 to clarify things; in this case they seemed to have the opposite effect...

Clearly, you've never seen Schildt's infamous Annotated ANSI C Standard.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Caret character (^)

2010-11-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-09, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-11-09, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand
 Or even worse, the annotated reference. I thought annotations were
 supposed to clarify things; in this case they seemed to have the opposite

 Clearly, you've never seen Schildt's infamous Annotated ANSI C Standard.

 There absolutely no chance (or at least no way I can imagine) that anyone 
 could annotate a concise language like C up to the level of turgidity of the 
 Ada spec.

Not so much turgidity as being WRONG.  Consistently and often.

 Hang on, is this Herb Schildt? I bought a couple of his books, back when I 
 was trying to get to grips with C++ (I have the edition of ???C++ The 
 Reference??? which proudly proclaims it ???Covers the New International 
 for C+???). Not as useful as I thought they would be; I ended up referring to 
 the libstdc++ sources to clarify things.

Yes, Herb Schildt:

(I know too little about C++ to criticize is writings about it, but people have
told me they're comparable.)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-07 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Nobody wrote:
 I'm arguing that the reference manual reads too much like a specification.
 E.g. look at 5.2.4. List displays and tell me whether you consider that
 it adequately /explains/ list displays to someone wishing to use them.

Seems pretty explanatory to me.  I mean, maybe it helps that I already
basically understood both of the things you could put in [], but it's
pretty clear.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-07 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-11-07, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Ben Finney wrote:
 The more general answer is: the block is explicitly ended where the
 indentation ends.

 That's implicit, not explicit.

 If you can _see_ it, how is it implicit?

Humans can see negative space.  It's still implicit.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-07 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Roy Smith wrote:
 Well, maybe I was being a little sarcastic.  The real point was that if 
 you make it hard for people to do the right thing (i.e. look up the 
 details in the reference manual), you should not be surprised if they do 
 the wrong thing (i.e. find some way to make it work by trial and error).

Fair enough.  That said, I don't think it's the *writing* of the C spec
that would make it hard for people to look up details.  Dunno for C++.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-07 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Mark Wooding wrote:
 I've no idea how people manage with these ridiculous widescreen monitors.

Side space used for Other Stuff.  It takes some reworking of the layout,
but overall I sorta like it now.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-07 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-11-05, Ethan Furman wrote:
 The verifiable benefit for me is ease of use, ease of thought, ease of 
 typing... I realize these are not benefits for everyone, but they are 
 for some -- and I would venture a guess that the ease of thought benefit 
 is one of the primary reasons Python is popular.  I am definitely one of 
 those that think indentation based structure is one of Python's best 

 Could you explain more the ease of thought thing?  I haven't yet noticed
 it, but it might be something to look out for as I get more experienced.

 Most if my programming experience is in FoxPro versions 2 and 6. 
 Control structures start with if, for, do case, do while, with, 
 procedure, and (I think) function.  Control structures end with endif, 
 endfor, endcase, endwhile, endwith, endproc, and (I think) endfunc.


 In Python, control structures start with if, for, while, try, def, and 
 class, and each one ends with a dedent.

So they're more consistent.

 This really comes into play when developing -- want to change that if to 
 a while?  Go ahead!  And no need to worry about tracking down the 
 closing endif to change it to endwhile, plus it's less clutter on the 

I can see that.  I actually mostly prefer an explicit close.  Of the things
I've used, I'm happiest with braces, because punctuation is good at
being interpreted unconsciously, but I'm okay with end as long as it's
the same for everything.  I do like having a things bounded, though; I
find it easier to read:
if (foo) {
if foo:

(I'm not quite sure why, but I think it's because the trailing boundary is
part of the thing it bounds, rather than being the start of the thing after

I would definitely agree, though, that the Python solution is better
than what you describe for FoxPro.  It's also better, IMHO, than sh.

 I also really like the dynamic typing and not having to declare nor 
 pre-initialize variable names, as well as the lack of a true global 

I am torn on declarations -- I am pretty sure I make more mistakes
with clashing variable names when they aren't explicitly declared, but
I do like the much shorter code that results from not having them.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-06, Steve Holden wrote:
 If someone were to use a text editor which had always historically
 mangled whitespace I would find myself wondering why they found it
 necessary to restrict themselves to such stone-age tools.

I have yet to find an editor that allows me to, well, *edit*, more
comfortably than vi.

As to what it does with whitespace... What it does is exactly what
is most desireable in every other kind of file I edit.  I wouldn't
normally refer to it as mangling in the pejorative sense; it mostly
leaves spaces alone, but when preserving indentation from one line
to the next, uses tabs.  That, it turns out, is useful and desireable
in nearly all programming languages, and in particular, in all
the other programming languages I use.

I don't think it's fair to accuse tools of being stone age on the
grounds that they do something which most users want most of the
time by default.  The no tabs, only spaces thing is an interesting
idiosyncrasy of a particular community, which places a high value
on telling people to change everything about their computing
environment so they can appreciate how robust Python is when you
make a point of blaming any and all quirks or nuisances on tools.

We might as well insist that everyone use editors which automatically
add the braces to C code (such exist) when they complain about
the effort of typing matching braces.  Surely, if you have to
type braces by hand, the problem isn't with C, but with your
stone age editor?  Oh, wait.  That kind of smug dismissiveness
is considered rude unless it's done in *favor* of Python.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-06, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 I don't speak for Nobody, but to me a reference manual would be a
 document intended for the user of the language.  The thing for the
 language lawyer is something intended for the implementor, or possibly
 for the very advanced user who argues with the implementor about
 intricacies of behavior.  The latter document is also known as the
 specification or the standard.

I guess I would think that if such a document cannot be used as a reference,
it's not very well done.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-06, rantingrick wrote:
 On Nov 5, 5:51?pm, Seebs wrote:
 I'm a bit lost here. ?Could you highlight some of the differences
 between a reference manual for the language itself and something
 written for language lawyers?

 In a word HUMOR!


 Obviously the commentator who has a lack of the
 hidden meaning of language lawyers has no sense of humor -- sadly
 another lost virtue of the French!

It is a shame that there was a guy standing behind you with a gun preventing
you from explaining what the alleged hidden meaning was, so all you could do
is allude to it without explaining it.

Maybe later you can get away from your captors and post an explanation
of what the hidden meaning is, in your eyes?

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: How to test if a module exists?

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-06, Roy Smith wrote:
 from __future__ import bugs

Now I want this.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Surely a tutorial tells you *how* to use the language. I wouldn't expect 
 a reference manual to teach me how to run and edit programs -- the *how* 
 of using the language.

There's a sort of fuzzy boundary about how the term reference manual is
used.  Some people view it more in terms of presenting, for each major
feature or class of functionality, an overview of what you need to know to
use it, which may not be everything you need to know to implement it


In Python, indentation determines control flow.  Statements which
take a block of code must be followed by at least one line of a
greater indentation level; all following lines of that
indentation level are part of the block, ending at the first line
which is less indented than the block.  Each block should be
indented by four spaces from the preceeding block, and tabs should
not be used.

That might be quite suitable* for a reference manual as many people use
the term, but would be useless for a language lawyer.  A language lawyer
needs to know that \t at the beginning of a line is construed to
be the same indentation level as  or \t.  A typical reference
manual might simply ignore that information because it's telling you what
you need to write good code, not what you need to know to write a compatible

That said...  I am certainly biased on the issue, but IMHO a reference manual
should not gloss over things like that, but should be at least as detailed
as a formal specification; where it might differ is in *additional* material
with explanations and clarifications.  YMMV.

[*] Well, imagine that, only written better and properly edited, and so on.
Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Seebs wrote:
 Four spaces followed by a tab nearly always actually means eight spaces
 to most editors (and Python seems to treat it that way), but it's hard to
 tell. Worse, a tab may have been intended to be the same thing as four
 spaces, and someone was expecting it NOT to be the same as eight spaces...

 Whereas explicitly-bracketed languages leave no ambiguity about how many 
 brackets you need and where.

Well, the good ones don't.  :P  (I think the optional nature of brackets is
probably a flaw in C.  It would break too much existing code to fix it,

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 It's not a matter of quality, but of intended audience.  To most
 ordinary programmers the standards documents such as the C standard, the
 C++ standard, or the Python reference are quite dense and hard to use as
 a reference, and yet they are considered quite well done.

Huh.  I quite liked the C spec as a reference.  Yeah, it's a bit dense,
but that just means it's all actually *reference*.  :)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Silly newbie question - Carrot character (^)

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Roy Smith wrote:
 Any self-respecting C++ programmer would have given 
 up the scavenger hunt by now.  Just kept throwing typecasts at your code 
 until it compiles, and move on.

That does not sound like a self-respecting programmer of anything.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-06 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-07, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:53:45 +1300, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message, Seebs wrote:

 Four spaces followed by a tab nearly always actually means eight
 spaces to most editors (and Python seems to treat it that way), but
 it's hard to tell. Worse, a tab may have been intended to be the same
 thing as four spaces, and someone was expecting it NOT to be the same
 as eight spaces...

 Whereas explicitly-bracketed languages leave no ambiguity about how many
 brackets you need and where.

 Yes, and?

In context, I think the comment was sarcastic, referring to C's famous
ambiguities caused by optional braces.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-05 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-05, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 How does an edit accidentally add a trailing space to a large number of 

I would love to know the answer to this question.

However, empirically, it happens.

My guess would be cutting and pasting in some way.

 So we keep coming back to work-arounds for tools that mangle your data 
 for no good reason...

To some extent, this is true.

How about this.  How about we make the Python TCP Stack.  The Python TCP
Stack works on the same principles that you advocate for the Python
language.  For instance, if any packet it receives is malformed or
contrary to the applicable specs, it has a 95% chance of dropping the packet,
and a 5% chance of interpreting the packet as being of a different type

This will NEVER be a problem, and is a good design, because handling
packets which contain any kind of spec violation is just work-arounds
for broken tools, right?

And the first thing we should do is *always* to ensure that, if anything
anywhere does not live up to our proposed specification, it causes us to
fail in spectacular ways.

Of course, to fully capture the feel of Python's choice here, we have
to include some common packet variant, which violates no RFCs, as
one of the broken ones on the grounds that it doesn't make sense to
us and isn't easy for a newcomer to read.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-05 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-05, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 20:17:35 +, Seebs wrote:
 That was the thing which bit me the worst.  I had a fairly large block
 of code in a first-pass ugly program.  I wanted to start refactoring it,
 so I moved a big hunk of code into a method (with plans to further
 refactor).  It took about fifteen minutes to redo the logic.

 Well there's your problem -- you are relying on tools that operate by 


 Rather than re-create the logic, why not just hit Undo and then re-paste 
 the code *without* the magic auto-reformat? Half a second, to undo and re-
 paste, followed by 10 or 20 seconds to select the appropriate lines and 
 *explicitly* re-indent the lines to the correct level.

There was no magic auto-reformat.  Where did you invent that from?  Why are
you making stuff up which I never said or referred to?

 For somebody who keeps tossing around the mantra that explicit is better 
 than implicit, you're amazingly reliant on a tool that performs massive, 
 apparently irreversible formatting operations implicitly.

No, I am not.  No such tool was involved.  I never mentioned one, referred
to one, or hinted at one -- and have never used one, because I hate them.
In fact, it is ludicrous to imagine that I was using one, given that I've
stated in this very thread that so far as I know such a tool cannot
be created for Python.

Your decision to invent something I never referred to is not a problem with
my approach to the language.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Compare source code

2010-11-05 Thread Seebs
On 2010-11-05, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 So, which of your tools are you married to that are causing your issues?


Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

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