question on callback functions with ctypes

2020-06-20 Thread oyster
question on callback functions with ctypes

I try to use GoVCL( ) in python via
ctypes. GoVCL supplies C header and simple C demo under

Now the simple python code can run on both win7 and win10 according to
Eryk Sun's suggestion - thank you Eryk Sun. But I am still puzzled by
2 questions

1. the callback function does not been invoked, so there must be
something wrong when I deal with it. However, I can't figure it out.

2. in the original main.c, there is no need to call
`vcl.SetEventCallback(doEventCallbackProc)`. But I learn this in a
python code that uses cffi to call GoVCL. How can I make the python
code as simple as the C code?


The following python code is a simplified version of the C code
import sys, os
import ctypes

# In Python 3.8+, ctypes no longer searches PATH or the
# current working directory when loading DLLs.
liblcl_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0],
vcl = ctypes.CDLL(liblcl_path)

def _doEventCallbackProc(f, args, argcount):
print(f, args, argcount)
if f == ctypes.addressof(onButton1Click):
vcl.DShowMessage("Hello world!".encode('utf8'))
elif f == ctypes.addressof(onFormKeyDown):
fnOnFormKeyDown(f, args, argcount)
elif f == ctypes.addressof(onFormKeyDown):
fnOnFormKeyDown(f, args, argcount)
doEventCallbackProc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_void_p,
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_long)(_doEventCallbackProc)

def _onButton1Click(sender):
vcl.ShowMessage("Hello world!");
onButton1Click = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p)(_onButton1Click)

Char = ctypes.c_uint16
TShiftState = ctypes.c_uint32
def _onFormKeyDown(sender, key, shift):
print(key, shift);
onFormKeyDown = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p,
ctypes.POINTER(Char), TShiftState)(_onFormKeyDown)

def _onEditChange(sender):
print("%s\n", vcl.Edit_GetText(sender));
onEditChange = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p)(_onEditChange)

def main():

vcl.Application_Instance.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
Application = vcl.Application_Instance()

vcl.Application_Initialize.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,

vcl.Application_CreateForm.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_bool
vcl.Application_CreateForm.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
form = vcl.Application_CreateForm(Application, False);

vcl.Form_SetCaption.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p
vcl.Form_SetCaption(form, "LCL Form".encode('utf8'));

vcl.Form_SetKeyPreview.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_bool
vcl.Form_SetKeyPreview(form, True);

vcl.Form_SetOnKeyDown.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,
ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(Char),
vcl.Form_SetOnKeyDown(form, onFormKeyDown);

vcl.Button_Create.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,
vcl.Button_Create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
btn = vcl.Button_Create(form);

vcl.Button_SetParent.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p
vcl.Button_SetParent(btn, form);

vcl.Button_SetOnClick.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,
ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p)
vcl.Button_SetOnClick(btn, onButton1Click);

vcl.Button_SetCaption.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p
vcl.Button_SetCaption(btn, "button1".encode('utf8'));

vcl.Button_SetLeft.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32
vcl.Button_SetLeft(btn, 100);

vcl.Button_SetTop.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32
vcl.Button_SetTop(btn, 100);

vcl.Edit_Create.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,
vcl.Edit_Create.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
edit = vcl.Edit_Create(form);

vcl.Edit_SetParent.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p
vcl.Edit_SetParent(edit, form);

vcl.Edit_SetOnChange.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,
ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p)
vcl.Edit_SetOnChange(edit, onEditChange);

vcl.Application_Run.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p,



the C code
#include "liblcl.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
char *UTF8Decode(char* str) {
int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, 0, 0);
wchar_t* wCharBuffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, wCharBuffer, len);

len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wCharBuffer, -1, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
char* aCharBuffer = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char) + 1);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wCharBuffer, -1, aCharBuffer, len, 0, NULL);

return aCharBuffer;

void onButton1Click(TObject sender) {
ShowMessage("Hello world!");

void onOnDropFiles(TObject sender, void* aFileNames, intptr_t len) {
printf("aFileNames: %p, len=%d\n", 

why same ctypes code runs on win7, but not on win10?

2020-06-19 Thread oyster
The attachment is a very simple code that uses the DLL from to create a GUI application. The code
runs on my python 3.6.10 64 bits with win7 64 bits, but failed on my
python 3.6.10 64 bits and python 3.7.5 with win10 64 bits, by saying
following message. What is the problem? Thanks.
OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x9BCEE490

import ctypes

def main():
vcl = ctypes.CDLL('liblcl.dll')

Application = vcl.Application_Instance()

form = vcl.Application_CreateForm(Application, False);



release: a function to express the 4 steps of math calculation in markdown format

2018-12-21 Thread oyster
I wrote a post on

Now I wrote to answer the
post partly

I released it for it can help others.


Re: is @ operator popular now?

2017-07-15 Thread oyster
 sorry, I mean "PEP 465 - A dedicated infix operator for matrix
multiplication" on

2017-07-15 20:05 GMT+08:00 Matt Wheeler <>:
> On Sat, 15 Jul 2017, 12:35 oyster, <> wrote:
>> as the title says. has @ been used in projects?
> Strictly speaking, @ is not an operator.
> It delimits a decorator statement (in python statements and operations are
> not the same thing).
> However, to answer the question you actually asked, yes, all the time.
> For specific examples, see:
> pytest's fixtures
> contextlib.contextmanager (makes creating context managers mich simpler in
> most cases)
> @property @classmethod etc. etc. (I sometimes see these used a bit too
> freely, when a plain attribute or a function at the module level would be
> more appropriate)
> --
> --
> Matt Wheeler

is @ operator popular now?

2017-07-15 Thread oyster
as the title says. has @ been used in projects?

what does type(subprocess.Popen)== mean?

2016-10-29 Thread oyster
why does not type(subprocess.Popen)==? Thanks

Python 3.4.4 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:54:04) [MSC v.1
600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> type(subprocess.Popen)

>>> import os
>>> type(os.path)


what is the difference between one-line-operation and 2-line-operation

2016-04-25 Thread oyster
for a simple code
vexList = [1, 2, 3]
print('vexList', list(vexList))

vexList=map(lambda e: e+1, vexList)
print('vexList', list(vexList))

vexList = list(vexList)
print('vexList', list(vexList))

vexList=map(lambda e: e*2,vexList)
print('vexList', list(vexList))

py27 says
('vexList', [1, 2, 3])
('vexList', [2, 3, 4])
('vexList', [2, 3, 4])
('vexList', [4, 6, 8])

but py34 says
vexList [1, 2, 3]
vexList [2, 3, 4]
vexList []
vexList []

if I change the above code in to one line
vexList = [1, 2, 3]
print('vexList', list(vexList))

vexList=list(map(lambda e: e+1, vexList))
print('vexList', list(vexList))

vexList=map(lambda e: e*2,vexList)
print('vexList', list(vexList))

then py27 and py34 get same verList
('vexList', [1, 2, 3])
('vexList', [2, 3, 4])
('vexList', [4, 6, 8])

I found 'filter' function behaves likely

I found
type(map(lambda e: e, vexList))  is  in py2
type(map(lambda e: e, vexList)) is  in py3

so, what produces this difference between py2 and py3 in nature? is
there more examples? where can I find the text abiut his difference?


real usable file/directory operation module?

2015-12-10 Thread oyster
there is shutil module, but I find it limits the user heavily. For
example, I want to move 2 directories "a/scene" and "c/scene" to "d",
but there is "scene" under d already. Then shutil.move will raise
Error, "Destination path '%s' already exists" % real_dst

So is there any module, which allow me move/copy like Windows does.
for example
useableShutil.move('a/scene', 'd', overwite=True)

Re: how to split this kind of text into sections

2014-04-26 Thread oyster
First of all, thank you all for your answers. I received python
mail-list in a daily digest, so it is not easy for me to quote your
mail separately.

I will try to explain my situation to my best, but English is not my
native language, I don't know whether I can make it clear at last.

Every SECTION starts with 2 special lines; these 2 lines is special
because they have some same characters (the length is not const for
different section) at the beginning; these same characters is called
the KEY for this section. For every 2 neighbor sections, they have
different KEYs.

After these 2 special lines, some paragraph is followed. Paragraph
does not have any KEYs.

So, a section = 2 special lines with KEYs at the beginning + some
paragraph without KEYs

However there maybe some paragraph before the first section, which I
do not need and want to drop it

I need a method to split the whole text into SECTIONs and to know all the KEYs

I have tried to solve this problem via re module, but failed. Maybe I
can make you understand me clearly by showing the regular expression
reobj = 
which can get the first 2 lines of a section, but fail to get the rest
of a section which does not have any KEYs at the begin. The hard part
for me is to express paragraph does not have KEYs.

Even I can get the first 2 line, I think regular expression is
expensive for my text.

That is all. I hope get some more suggestions. Thanks.

[demo text starts]
a line we do not need
I am section axax
I am section bbb
(and here goes many other text)...

let's continue to
let's continue, yeah
.(and here goes many other text)...

I am using python
I am using perl
.(and here goes many other text)...

Programming is hard
Programming is easy
How do you thing?
I do’t know
[demo text ends]

the above text should be splited to a LIST with 4 items, and I also
need to know the KEY for LIST is ['I am section ', 'let's continue',
'I am using ', ' Programming is ']:
'''a line we do not need
I am section axax
I am section bbb
(and here goes many other text)... ''',

'''let's continue to
let's continue, yeah
.(and here goes many other text)... ''',

'''I am using python
I am using perl
.(and here goes many other text)... ''',

'''Programming is hard
Programming is easy
How do you thing?
I do’t know'''

how to split this kind of text into sections

2014-04-25 Thread oyster
I have a long text, which should be splitted into some sections, where
all sections have a pattern like following with different KEY. And the /n/r
can not be used to split

I don't know whether this can be done easily, for example by using RE module

[demo text starts]
a line we do not need
I am section axax
I am section bbb, we can find that the first 2 lines of this section all
startswith 'I am section'
.(and here goes many other text)...
let's continue to
 let's continue, yeah
 .(and here goes many other text)...
I am using python
I am using perl
 .(and here goes many other text)...
[demo text ends]

the above text should be splitted as a LIST with 3 items, and I also need
to know the KEY for LIST is ['I am section', 'let's continue', 'I am
 '''I am section axax
I am section bbb, we can find that the first 2 lines of this section all
startswith 'I am section'
.(and here goes many other text)...''',

'''let's continue to
 let's continue, yeah
 .(and here goes many other text)...''',

'''I am using python
I am using perl
 .(and here goes many other text)...'''

I hope I have state myself clear.


how? Py extension does not depend on py version

2014-03-23 Thread oyster
I found an extension on this blog

or you can download the extension directly from

I found that I can do from DxVcl import * in py 2.5/2.6/2.7. When I try
this in py24, a msgbox says no python25.dll is found. However Dependency
Walker shows that DxVcl does not has the python??.dll dependency. Is this
a dark side of python which is not in official python doc?

So, to the end, My question is: how can I write such an extension(i.e. not
DLL foe ctypes) in C/C++?



any lib to convert 3200+ pic to animated gif?

2013-11-30 Thread oyster
I want to make an animated GIF from 3200+ png
I searched and found
and I wrote:
allPic=[ for i in allPic]
writeGif('lala3.gif',allPic, duration=0.5, dither=0)

However I got
allPic=[ for i in allPic]
  File e:\prg\py\python-2.7.3\lib\site-packages\PIL\, line
1952, in open
fp =, rb)
IOError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: 'out0572.png'

Is there other lib for py? thanks

image lib supports arbitrary canvas coordinate

2012-06-24 Thread oyster
Can any image(not for line plot, but for pixel set) lib behaves like a
person? that is to say:
when we are doing image processing( for exapmle,
, the new image maybe have a bigger canvas size than the original
image's, and sometimes, nagative coordinate is needed from the
math-side viewpoint, Of cause, we can do which by pre-caculating the
proper canvas size, coordinate translation in code, but that is
Any lib can support some code like followings? thanks

[psedu-code]'RGB', (200,300))   #begin with a canvas
size=200*300, so the x is between[0, 199], y is between [0, 299]
newImg.putpixel((500, 600), 'black')   #the lib expands the canvas
automatically, so till now the canvas size=501* 601'fin.jpg', border=(top=10, bottom=20, left=30,
right=40)) #size of fin.jpg is


how to let shell.SendKeys use unicode on windows in python

2010-08-09 Thread oyster
I want to use python to do some automatical operation on windows.
the following is the code, which try to open a file with unicode
characters in its filename in msword
but I can't get it work correctly. Can anybody help me?

if that is the shortcoming of WScript, is there any other way to do so
in python?
(I know there is something like autohotkey, but I am not willing to
learn a new langauge )

thanks in advance

import time
import win32com.client

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch(WScript.Shell)

shell.SendKeys('%fo')# Alt+F, O

path=r'c:\some unicode in file name.doc'
shell.SendKeys(path)   #
fail on this line, no unicode appeared

how to copy and move file with its attribute?

2010-07-19 Thread oyster
I mean writeonly, hidden, system and so on attributes

I use windows, but if possible, is there any method to do so in a
crossplatfrom way?


lib to do advanced geometry calculation?

2009-06-19 Thread oyster
My problem is some complex, because some condition is not supplied as a
given value
please have a look at
because I have to do futher calculation based on previous steps as,
I want to get a precise value if possible, that is to say, (sqrt(2),
0), but not (1.414.0)

(clear condition)
AC=segment(A, C)
BD=segment(B, D)
CD=segment(C, D)
AB=segment(A, B)

I=midpoint(B, D)

(vague condition)
EF=segment(E, F)

G=mirror(A, EF)

H=mirror(I, EF)



Above is the description of my question, but I also hope I can write a
problem like that to solve it.
The only lib I know is sympy, but it seems that I must write different and
long code accroding to different problem

So is there any advanced (and lazy of cause) lib to handle my question?

thank you

Re: ANN: WHIFF += Flash chart widget support (Aaron Watters)

2009-06-12 Thread oyster
the only pity is that amcharts is not a money-free product

RE replace problem too

2009-06-12 Thread oyster
in my case, I want to replace all the function name with '', that is
sin(1)  -  (1)
sin(pi*(2+4))  - (pi*(2+4))
how can I use RE in this situation? thanx

do replacement evenly

2009-06-02 Thread oyster
I have some strings, and I want to write them into a text files, one
string one line
but there is a requirement: every line has a max length of a certain
number(for example, 10), so I have to replace extra SPACE*3 with
SPACE*2, at the same time, I want to make the string looks good, so,
for I am123456line123456three(to show the SPACE clearly, I type it
with a number), the first time, I replace the first SPACE, and get I
am23456line123456three, then I must replace at the second SPACE
block, so I get  I am23456line23456three, and so on, if no SPACE*3
is found, I have to aString.replace(SPACE*2, SPACE).
I hope I have stated my case clear.

Then the question is, is there a nice solution?


Re: do replacement evenly

2009-06-02 Thread oyster
here is what I get
import re
reSplitObj=re.compile('([ \t]*)|([^ \t]*)')
def evenReplace(aStr, length):
tmp=[i for i in tmp if i not in ['', None]]
lenStr=[[0, len(i)][i.strip()!=''] for i in tmp]
lenSpc=[[0, len(i)][i.strip()==''] for i in tmp]
while sum(lenStr)+sum(lenSpc)length:
if sum(lenSpc):
newSpc=[' '*i for i in lenSpc]
for i in range(len(tmp)):
if item.strip()!='':

return ''.join(_)

if __name__=='__main__':
a='hello world'
b= evenReplace(a, 5)
print 'a=%s, len=%0i' %(a, len(a))
print 'b=%s, len=%0i' %(b, len(b))

a='helloworld   yeaheventeven '
b= evenReplace(a, 27)
print 'a=%s, len=%0i' %(a, len(a))
print 'b=%s, len=%0i' %(b, len(b))


2009/6/2 oyster
 I have some strings, and I want to write them into a text files, one
 string one line
 but there is a requirement: every line has a max length of a certain
 number(for example, 10), so I have to replace extra SPACE*3 with
 SPACE*2, at the same time, I want to make the string looks good, so,
 for I am123456line123456three(to show the SPACE clearly, I type it
 with a number), the first time, I replace the first SPACE, and get I
 am23456line123456three, then I must replace at the second SPACE
 block, so I get  I am23456line23456three, and so on, if no SPACE*3
 is found, I have to aString.replace(SPACE*2, SPACE).
 I hope I have stated my case clear.

 Then the question is, is there a nice solution?



re: Dabo 0.9.2 released

2009-06-01 Thread oyster
I have to say: please let dabo use english if it does not find any
langauge resource!
I have 'e:\prg\py\sap-24\python
e:\prg\py\pure_pylib\_dabo\tools\  .', but then the
scripts says 'I don't know _

any lib to extract pages form pdf and then merge?

2009-05-25 Thread oyster
I want to extract some pages from vary pdf files, then write them
with/witout rotation into one new pdf file. something likes this
import gfx
doc =, rTheory.pdf)
pdf = gfx.PDF()
for pagenr in [1,5,7]:
page = doc.getPage(pagenr)

if pagenr==1:
page.rotate(90) #for some pages

pdf.startpage(page.width, page.height)
pdf.endpage() pdf.pdf)

I have tried pypdf, but it errs and exits on some of my pdfs(no, the
files have no password)

can someone suggest on such a lib for python on windows/or a pure C-dll?
(I mean pdf page-pdf, not pdf page-pic-pdf)


html ui + py background? any tut?

2009-05-23 Thread oyster
I have read for many times that the modern appliaction (not a web one,
but desktop on) uses html + js for its UI, and python code is for the
background work
but I have never found event a simple (yet completed) article on how
to develop such a thing from scrach in these advocacy thing.

Can anyone point out some simple, can-be-followed tutorial on such
thing especially for windows os?


free chart lib for Python?

2009-05-07 Thread oyster
I mean chart, not plot. If you don't know the difference, you can
check, which is a commercial program

is there such a thing with many kinds of chart, i.e. pie-chart,
line-chart, ..?

A long time ago, I programmed a rmchart interface, however rmchart is
windows only, and disappeared now

See you

any complete and actual pysqlite example?

2009-04-18 Thread oyster
I mean not a code to do seperated functions, but a real project

I have read the doc of pysqlite, but since I know little about
database, I found it is still very hard for me to cook a real database
app from the scratch with the help of codelet in pysqlite doc. here is
the simplified details:
bookName text
price num
author -- this is actually linked with the [TABLE 2], for one author
maybe write many books, I think it is better to do an external link
[/TABLE 1]

authorName text
[/TABLE 2]

[record  for TABLE 1]
id  bookName  price authoridx
1   The Definitive Guide to SQLite  30  1
2   Core Python 40  2
3   Dive Into Python35  3
[/record  for TABLE 1]

[record  for TABLE 2]
id  authorName
1   Michael Owens
2   Wesley J. Chun
3   Mark Pilgrim
[/record  for TABLE 2]

what I need
1. of cause, create the TABLE, and add real data into it. I don't know
how to deal with the author item in [TABLE 1]

2. list the data. A question is, when I list the record in [TABLE 1],
can I get something like following?
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, 30.0, Michael Owens
I mean, the authorName is returned automatically, but not only the authoridx

3. what if I del the 1st record in [TABLE 2] since a record in [TABLE 1] use it?

4.I want to do some group, for example, group the record in [TABLE 1]
according to their price, so that
does sqlite support this? or I have to do this in python?


lib to auto-click mouse

2009-03-17 Thread oyster
is there any this kind of lib for python?

Re: can multi-core improve single funciton?

2009-02-10 Thread oyster
Hi, guys, my fib(xx) is just an example to show what is a single
function and what is the effect I expect to see when enable

My real purpose is to know whether multi-core can help to improve the
speed of a common function. But I know definitely that the answer is

can multi-core improve single funciton?

2009-02-09 Thread oyster
I mean this
def fib(n):
if n=1:
return 1
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)

timeit(fib(500)) #this show 20 seconds

timeit(fib(500)) #this show 10 seconds

Is it possible?

and more, can threads/multi-processors/clusters be used to improve fib?


check whether a JPG is completed?

2008-12-20 Thread oyster
there are some pics(most of them are JPGs) on my disk, but some are
not completed, that is to say, if I view it in irfanview, the bottom
is displayed as a gray block.
so I want to check where they are completed. but how to do that in python?

(No, I am not saying how to tell the fileszie when I download a file
from internet)


bind to HTMLayout or ubrowser

2008-11-06 Thread oyster uses its own lightweight
HTML rendering engine, helps you to create applications with the Web
style user interface is a library that makes it a little easier to
embed the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine into your application

is there any python interface to it/them?


Re: Creating single .exe file without py2exe and pyinstaller

2008-10-21 Thread oyster
you can try jungle ( ) also

 -- 已转发邮件 --
 Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:47:55 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: Creating single .exe file without py2exe and pyinstaller
 On Oct 20, 4:48 pm, Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tino Wildenhain wrote:
   Abah Joseph wrote:
   2) use a python to C(++) compiler and compile the result to .exe,
  works pretty well for simple applications:

search for a python compiler program whose name is jingle

2008-10-19 Thread oyster
I don't remember its name very clear, it may be 'jingle' or not
this program runs on windows and can compile a python program into exe
file without gcc
it has no webspace but is announced on the author's blog when I find
it some times ago.
I can't find the link now. I there anybody else know it and tell me?
Thanx in advance

Re: ANN: pyparsing 1.5.1 released

2008-10-19 Thread oyster
but the in pyparsing-1.5.1.tar.gz is marked as 2008-10-02
I think it is good too touch all the files'  time up-to-date.

Re: a question about Chinese characters in a Python Program

2008-10-19 Thread oyster
I believe that is the problem with encode/code.
you can find more @

Re: how to set the time of a directory?

2008-10-13 Thread oyster
so, let alone the 'bad' os.utime, is there any way to set the time of
directory in windows within official python release? can ctypes be
helpful, and how ?

I am using totalcommander, which is programmer in delphi, but can set
the time of a directory


 Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 11:29:12 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: how to set the time of a directory?
 On Oct 11, 1:18 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Oct 11, 1:27 am, Timothy Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, Oct 
  10, 2008 at 10:16 PM, oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
os.utime works only against files. so what to do for a directory?
   Not sure why you'd say that.
  I am. He's running Windows.
   drwxr-xr-x  2 tjg  tjg   68 Oct 10 22:23 test
   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) python
   Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 17 2008, 19:35:16)
   [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
   Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. 
   import os
   Help on built-in function utime in module posix:
   utime(path, (atime, mtime))
   utime(path, None)
   Set the access and modified time of the file to the given values.  If 
   second form is used, set the access and modified times to the current 
os.utime('test', None)
   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ls -ltr
   drwxr-xr-x  2 tjg  tjg   68 Oct 10 22:24 test
   Stand Fast,
   tjg.  [Timothy Grant]
   os.utime('WinDir', None)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File (stdin), line 1, in module
  WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'WinDir'
  I consider this a bug. (Note that os.utime works for directories under

 This in issue #214245 (2000-09-16). See also

how to set the time of a directory?

2008-10-10 Thread oyster
os.utime works only against files. so what to do for a directory?

how to start thread by group?

2008-10-06 Thread oyster
my code is not right, can sb give me a hand? thanx

for example, I have 1000 urls to be downloaded, but only 5 thread at one time
def threadTask(ulr):

for url in all_url:
 task=threading.Thread(target=threadTask, args=[url])

for every5task in groupcount(threadsAll,5):
for everytask in every5task:

for everytask in every5task:

for everytask in every5task:#this does not run ok
while everytask.isAlive():

any tool can shrink DLL?

2008-09-22 Thread oyster
For many external lib, python( and use only the DLL
version, whcih is very big often if we want to release our program.
So, is there such a tool that can scan a DLL then strip the unused
function's code out, so yields a small working DLL?

for example, in my program I use only 'compress' function in zlib.dll, then
1. I write a list file in which I emurate the function that I used
[code func.lst]

2. run the application
shrink zlib.dll func.lst
the shrink scans zlib.dll, dumps function 'compress' and all function
code on which 'compress' rely, and at last writes tiny-zlib.dll

BTW, I know why there is DLL.
BTW2, forget upx and so on, they lead to obvious speed down in my experiment

Re: embed python in ms-word?

2008-09-06 Thread oyster
in fact, during my work, I often write documnets in ms-word. But the
doc has many numbers in it, which need to be calculated and to be
modified frequently.

Is there a method to write a ms-word add-in, so that
1.I can type in the calculation steps in some program language,
please have a look at

2.then the result (here, it is 8) is shown in the doc when I close this window?
please have a look at

3.when I double-click the result 8, I can view/edit the code again

4.the code for calculation  is stored in DOC file too, I can change it later

mathtype equation is a kind of such thing, but only for displaying
nice equation

I don't think vba is a good answer, the main reason is: the vba code
has an incompact link with its result in the documnet

embed python in ms-word?

2008-09-05 Thread oyster
In my ms-word documnet, there are some calculation whihc I have to
change due to different argumnet. is there any way to embed python
code in word, so that I can write the following as a macro or
something else, then the result (i.e. 2) is shown in the word

def f(n):
  if n2:
return 1
return f(n-1)+f(n-2)
  return 'fib(3)=%0i' % f(3)

if that is impossible, does there exist such word-addons can do that? thanx

Re: CAB files

2008-08-08 Thread oyster
there is 2 files: and
but I get a cab, in which there is a file in it, but is created as a directory!
[your starts]

if __name__ == __main__:
   import os, glob

   hfci = HFCI(, verbose=1)

   files = glob.glob(r*.py)

   for fnm in files:

[/your ends]

 From: Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 16:29:10 +0200
 Subject: Re: CAB files
 Virgil Stokes schrieb:
  I would appreciate python code for creating *.cab files.
  --V. Stokes

 Here is some code that I have still laying around.  It has never been
 used in production and I do not know what you can do with the cab files
 it creates, but I have been able to create a cab and open it with winzip.


a module.pth question

2008-07-14 Thread oyster
My py24 is installed in h:\python24
I installed pyglet( in
H:\pure_pylib\Multimedia\pyglet-1.0\, if I do
 import sys
 import pyglet
it is ok.

but if I created h:\pure_pylib\pyglet.pth file, which containts

 import sys
 import pyglet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named pyglet


what is wrong with it? and How to fix it? thanks in advance

Re: a module.pth question

2008-07-14 Thread oyster
there are 2 reasons:
1. I use both py24 and py25, I don't like to install 2 copies of
pyglet, which is a pure python module and can be used by py24/25 at
the same time, thus I am not willing to put a module under
site-packages, instead I use a separate directory(h:\pure_pylib in my

2. I also carry python on my U-disk, as you know the driver letter
assigned to it is not always same. so I can't use full path name

 -- 已转发邮件 --
 From: Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:12:25 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: a module.pth question
 On Jul 14, 6:26 am, oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My py24 is installed in h:\python24
  I installed pyglet( in
  H:\pure_pylib\Multimedia\pyglet-1.0\, if I do
  [code] import sys
   import pyglet
  it is ok.
  but if I created h:\pure_pylib\pyglet.pth file, which containts
  [code] import sys
   import pyglet
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
  ImportError: No module named pyglet
  what is wrong with it? and How to fix it? thanks in advance

 I looked in my easy_install.pth and it looks like it should be:


 But I don't really see any reason not to do it the way you were
 earlier with the full path name. Besides, you should be able to
 install pyglet to your site-packages folder. Or you could use buildout
 if you're just testing modules and you don't want to screw up your


how to judge urllib.Request is finished?

2008-07-01 Thread oyster
currently I am using
if '/htm' not in data:

Is there any other ready-to-use function? And what if the internet
connection is chocked so that the html page can not be loaded

instructions on adding external Tcl/Tk widget into Tkinter?

2008-06-26 Thread oyster
It is so funny that the official GUI lib for python is Tkinter, but I
cannot find an articles which explains indetail how can we use
thounsands of Tcl/Tk widget in Tkinter.

For example, I have download the dll at, renamed it to tkhtml12.dll
and put it in
then I edited a h:\python25\bin\tcl\Tkhtml1.2\pkgIndex.tcl file:
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8]} {return}
if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} {return}
if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(debug)]} {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12g.dll] Tkhtml]
} else {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12.dll] Tkhtml]

but says
attempt to provide package Tkhtml 1.2.3 failed: package Tkhtml 0.0
provided instead

ask for a RE pattern to match TABLE in html

2008-06-26 Thread oyster
that is, there is no TABLE tag between a TABLE, for example
table something with out table tag/table
what is the RE pattern? thanks

the following is not right

Any GUI lib wiget is capable of a WYSIWYG editor?

2008-06-24 Thread oyster
that is an html editor with text and picture, while the picture is
linked to the local image file.

for wxPython, the richtextcontrol save the image as en embedded
object, so it is not my choice

is there any other GUI lib and/or sample code to do so?


problem with 'global'

2008-01-20 Thread oyster
why the following 2 prg give different results? is ok, but
is 'undefiend a'
I am using Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC
v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
def run():
if 1==2:# note, it always False
global a

def run():


ANN: pyharu-2.0.8, the interface to libharu(PDF generate lib)

2008-01-18 Thread oyster
Pyharu is a pure python interface to haru(Haru Free PDF Library, via ctypes. All of the C API is
usable. All the example programs in haru C src has been ported. It
(should) run on windows/linux without modification.

Pyharu is only 1M, which is small and easy to use than ReportLab.

Download and discuss, please go to

jpype with JFreeChart, anyone interested to help?

2008-01-14 Thread oyster
As you may know, there is no beautiful and free chart(not plot, you
can find the examples at, module for python than runs on
windows/linux/mac osx.

On the other hand, there is a living
package( for java, and it is nice. So
what about make the interface to JFreeChart via
jpype(, or rewrite JFreeChart in and for
Python to kick off JVM?

I have tried this, but since I don't know Java, I did not go further.
If anyone can help me with the following code, or organzie a
py_jfreechart team, or put up a pyFreeChart team, that would be great.


import jpype

r'-Djava.class.path=h:\jfreechart-1.0.9\lib\jfreechart-1.0.9.jar' )

print pkg.DefaultKeyedValues
print pkg.DefaultKeyedValues.DefaultKeyedValues
print pkg.DefaultKeyedValues.DefaultKeyedValues.DefaultKeyedValues


Java package
Java package
Java package
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File H:\jfreechart-1.0.9\lib\, line 11, in module
  File H:\jfreechart-1.0.9\lib\jpype\, line 54, in JClass
raise _RUNTIMEEXCEPTION.PYEXC(Class %s not found % name)
jpype._jexception.ExceptionPyRaisable: java.lang.Exception: Class not found

Re: jpype with JFreeChart, anyone interested to help?

2008-01-14 Thread oyster
However I knew Chaco and matplotlib, and I use matplotlib during my
school days. And as I have pointed out, they are for plot, but not
chart. If you don't know the difference between plot and chart, you
can have a look at at,
Yes, it is true we can use plot lib to draw chart, but that is tedious.

 From: Peter Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 07:58:02 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: Re: jpype with JFreeChart, anyone interested to help?
 On Jan 14, 6:51 am, oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As you may know, there is no beautiful and free chart(notplot, you
  can find the examples 
  at, module for python 
  than runs on
  windows/linux/mac osx.

 Actually, may I humbly suggest two:





Re: hkimball's question on ctypes

2008-01-08 Thread oyster
 Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 17:11:18 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: ctypes
1. please make your title more specific

  from ctypes import *
  cdecl =
2. are you sure '\' is ok?

3. if possibile, you can upload your dll and post the link in the mail-list

4. there is a ctypes official maillist on but it seems that it is
closed to the users since some of my mail from 2007.12 does not appear
here. but  maybe you can have a try.

Re: Why python says unexpected parameter '' for my code?

2008-01-06 Thread Oyster
you need from on linux
My source uses wx-c.dll, because I am in ms win2k
On Jan 4, 10:30 pm, Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The following is my pure-python wxwidgets test.

 It is hardly pure python since it depends on wxWindows and ctypes...

  It runs and give a frame, but soon python comes up to say
   unexpected parameter
   '' and I have to close it.
   I cannot find the reason. Can somebody give me a hint to let it work
   well? Thanks

 I tried it but it doesn't work at all on linux.

 I suggest you use wxPython and stop re-inventing the wheel!

 Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --


Why python says unexpected parameter '' for my code?

2008-01-04 Thread oyster
The following is my pure-python wxwidgets test. It runs and give a
frame, but soon python comes up to say unexpected parameter
'' and I have to close it.
I cannot find the reason. Can somebody give me a hint to let it work
well? Thanks

Pure Python GUI lib?

2007-12-22 Thread oyster
For the word Pure, I mean it is not a C/C++/Z++.. extension, so that
we can use it under  pythons of different version. Is it possible?
I don't like to update the module for different python and the module

Currently, I am writing the interface to
iup( via ctypes, but find 2 too
strange things which have let me feel blue for some days, and I don't
know whether it can be successful or not. Can anyone give me some
lights? Thank you. :)

You can download the files at
I am using python 2.5.1 on win2k with sp4

1. in, if I delete
_IupMap.argtypes= [
then when I choose the menu MDI-New, no MDI window come out. Why it
behaves like this?

2. for most of the time, I can only choose menu MDI-New 3~4 times,
then it crashes with this msg:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File \loewis\25\python\Modules\_ctypes\callbacks.c, line 206, in
'calling callback function'
 File, line 372, in mdi_new IupShow(dlg)
 File H:\my_project\iup4py\mini\iup\, line 434, in IupShow
WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x72292AA4
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 455, in module
 File, line 447, in main
 File H:\my_project\iup4py\mini\iup\, line 247, in IupMainLoop
   return _IupMainLoop()
WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x9B73F12E

sometimes the above happens when I delete some ???.argtypes=??? form

3. and some time, python crashes with this msg:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 455, in module
 File, line 447, in main
 File H:\my_project\iup4py\mini\iup\, line 247, in IupMainLoop
   return _IupMainLoop()
WindowsError: exception: priviledged instruction

ANN: pyRMChart 0.0.1 is released

2007-11-27 Thread oyster
1. What is it?
  pyRMChart is an interface to DLL-verison
RMChart(, which is a free, lightweight and elegant
chart creator

2. Dependency?
  Python + ctypes

3. How to install?
  a) you should install RMChart and make sure it works. On
win2k/me/98, maybe you have to get a copy of gdiplus.dll
  b) copy directory [pyrmchart] and all contents to a directory that
in your python's sys.path, eg, python\Lib\site-packages\
  c) put rmchart.dll and gdiplus.dll either a directory in your
environment PATH or just directory [pyrmchart]

4. How to use?
  Just read rmchart.chm and check the demos under pyrmchart\demo\,
most of them are the Python peer to the *.rmc file in RMChart.
  Please note, some of the demos needs csv/dat/rmc file from the full
RMChart, so you have to check the path in these demos

5. How to pass a parameter via reference?
  If it is a string, you just give it Pyhthon string.

  If it is a simple type and the function does not modify it,
currently there is only function RMC_AddDataAxis fits it, you just
need to pass number [0,4] (in other word, constant RMC_TEXTCENTER,

  If it is a cunstom type and the function does not modify it, for
example parameter T in RMC_CreateChartI, which is tRMC_CHART type,
please check demo_exploding pie tru

  If it is array of number, for example, nFirstDataValue in
RMC_AddBarSeries, you just make a variant list/tuple of number and
give its name to nFirstDataValue, please check As
for the following parameter nDataValuesCount which points out the
length of the array,
  if nDataValuesCount in [0, None], the length of nFirstDataValue
will be used
  if nDataValuesCount  len(nFirstDataValue), nDataValuesCount will be used
  if nDataValuesCount  len(nFirstDataValue), len(nFirstDataValue)
will be used
  since nDataValuesCount has a default as 0, you need not to pass it

  For other parameter via reference which will be changed in the
function, there are 3 ways to pass it. please check
RMC_GetChartSizeFromFile section in

6. Buggy
  There are bugs in [gui demo], but I believe it comes from my poor
GUI experience. If you can fix it or supply more complex example,
please let me know.
  If there are other bugs, please let me know too.

7. License
  Python license and mention license, or to say, this pacakge is free
even for commercial use, but you should make it clear in your manual
that you used pyrmchart( in your

8. Contact me
  My e-mail in Python

  Webspace for pyrmchart

9. Question
  Is there other free chart tool or python lib that can create nice
and modern chart?
  I mean chart, so matplotlib is not the answer.
  I said nice and modern, so I don't think and fit.
  And I don't like JAVA and .NET

how to get the native DC value in Tkinter/wxPython for drawing?

2007-11-23 Thread oyster
I am porting to python, now the code is almost
finished, and I have supplied some which write to
picturefiles directly, but the example to draw the chart on GUI stops

that is the vb declaration
nResult (LONG) = RMC_CreateChartOnDC(
ByVal nParentDC (LONG),
ByVal nCtrlId (LONG),
ByVal nX (LONG),
ByVal nY (LONG),
ByVal nWidth (LONG),
ByVal nHeight (LONG),
nParentDC (LONG) is Device context, on which the chart shall be painted

If I pass DC=ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0) to it, the chart is shown
on the windows, but I don't know how to get the DC in wxPython. It
seems that self.GetHandle() in wxPython does not help.

Can anyone help me?


why ctypes+dll gives a strange result

2007-11-11 Thread oyster
you can download the files at
the dll and exe are created by freebasic

import ctypes

_TwoTimes=getattr(mydll,'[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
def TwoTimes(i):
return _TwoTimes(i)

in fact, twotimes function return double*2, but when I use
print TwoTimes(10)
in python, I get 2226880


Any free python module acts like Image Processing Toolbox in matlab?

2007-11-01 Thread oyster
as the title says, and thanx.
for example, that is the help on cpselect(input, base) starts the Control
Point Selection Tool (

some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-23 Thread oyster
1. first of all, what is the English jargon (Optimize? But I think
this is not a very good keyword :( )for this problem? So I can use it
to search on the internet
2. is there any free/open lib for this?
3. I know for some questions(case 1, case 2, and sudoku), we can use
bundles of FOR...NEXT loop to program. however I think it is clumsy
and inconvenient, especially when there is many vars
4. I don't know how to deal with case 3 and case 4

1. choose x0~x9 from 1~9, and must use all of 1~9, let

2. choose x0~x15 from 1~16, and must use all of 1~16, let
|  x0 |  x1 |  x2 |  x3 |
|  x4 |  x5 |  x6 |  x7 |
|  x8 |  x9 | x10 | x11 |
| x12 | x13 | x14 | x15 |

sum of every column =sum of of every row
= x0+x5+x10+x11 =x3+x6+x9+x12

3: calculate the minimum of
sin((z*x-0.5)^2 + x*2*y^2-z/10)*exp(-((x-0.5-exp(-y+z))^2 + y^2-z/5+3))
where x in [-1,7], y in [-2,2]

4: calculate the root [x,y,z], let
(x-0.3)^y^z+x/y/z-x*y*sin(z)+(x+y-z)^cos(x-1) = 1
(y-0.2)^z^x+y/z/x-y*z*sin(x)+(y+z-x)^cos(y-2) = 2
(z-0.1)^x^y+z/x/y-z*x*sin(y)+(z+x-y)^cos(z-3) = 3

I have written the case 1 in python, it needs 90 seconds on my pc, and
the same approach in takes less than 1 seconds
[code for python]
import sets
import time
  import psyco

d0, d1=1, 2

for a0 in range(1,10):
  for a1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0]):
for a2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1]):
  if 2*a0 a1a2:
for b0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2]):
  for b1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0]):
for b2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1]):
  if 2*a0*b1b2 + 2*b0*a1a2  a1a2*b1b2:
for c0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2]):
  for c1 in
sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0]):
for c2 in
sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0, c1]):
  if d1*a0*b1b2*c1c2 + d1*b0*a1a2*c1c2 +
d1*c0*a1a2*b1b2 == d0*a1a2*b1b2*c1c2:
aresult=[[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]]
if aresult not in result:
print 'time elapsed: %s s' % (et-st)
for [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] in result:
  print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
  print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
  print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d %0d' %(a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,c2, d1)

Any easy-to-use email send module?

2006-12-20 Thread oyster
I find that the existing email moudle is some hard for me to
understand, especially the part of how to set the CC, BCC and attach
the files. Is there any more easy one like this p-code?

import easyemail
smtpserver.login('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', pwd)
newletter.sendto=['[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
newletter.sendcc=['[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
newletter.sendbcc=['[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
newletter.body='this is the body\nline 2'
newletter.att=['c:/file1.txt', 'd:/program files/app/app.exe']

if (newletter.send()==True):
print 'send ok'


any advanced table module for wxpython?

2006-05-28 Thread oyster
Just like excel or vb does. A grid always looks like a normal grid, and can acts as a normal gird, where we can input some text. but when we click the right-most part, this grid becomes a choice widget, so we can choose some pre-defined gizmo; or it becomes a file-selector, and there is a button with ... on it, the selected file name is filled; or it pops up a coluor/font choose dialog.

It seems that wxpython supports the choice only.
thank you


how to make bibus with win32com into a exe file

2006-05-19 Thread oyster

Hi, everyone. is a bibliographic and reference
management software, which runs on windows/linux thru wxwidget. On
windows, it uses win32com to insert reference into winword
I have installed all the modules, and can launch and use bibus in my
python successfully.
I want to make a exe file for windows for the official one can not
fire up on my chinese windows, however
for pyinstaller, the exe file quits while saying
no attribute bind or something else( sorry, it disappears so
for py2exe, many modules can not be found automatically
for cx_freeze,it says bibus.exe\win32com\gen_py\dicts.dat can not be found

So any hints? thank you.

any lib to generatre treemap?

2006-02-13 Thread oyster
I want to visualize my disk space like ie. draw the directory as a big rectangleand its size is proportionable to the file size under this directory, then draw and fill small rectangles into it to behalf the size of every files. Is there a lib/src to do so?

Or more generally, any lib to draw a list of list
this is a list of list
 [dir1, files1],

 [dirN, filesN],
to a treemap?


trap the Newwindow2 event on wxPython with IE ActiveX

2006-01-16 Thread oyster
Hi, everyone. I work on windows os and want to write a IE based webbrowser. For I find that the only method which can handle most of the HTML standard is to embed IE object, I want to change demo\ (from old wxPython) into a kind of multi-tab webbrowser( like greenbrowser, maxthon). Now the question is: how can I deal with the NewWindow2 Event? How can I get the url when a new window is to be created, and display this webpage in my app other than a new IE? That is to say: = wxPython.iewin.wxIEHtmlWin(self, -1) wxPython.iewin.EVT MSHTML NEWWINDOW2(self, -1, self.OnNewWindow2)
 def OnNewWindow2(self, evt): #how to program here?
The artilce on describes How To Use the WebBrowser Control NewWindow2 Event in VB as
Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim frmWB As Form1 Set frmWB = New Form1
 frmWB.WebBrowser1.RegisterAsBrowser = TRUE
 Set ppDisp = frmWB.WebBrowser1.Object frmWB.Visible = TrueEnd Sub
Since except self, OnNewWindow2 only need one extra parameter other that 2, I donno how to change this code into python one? 
Because I know almost nothing about VB and ActiveX, can somebody give me a ready-to-run simple demo or demo based demo\
Thanx in adavance.