Re: Global indent

2014-09-13 Thread Albert van der Horst
In article,
Anders Wegge Keller wrote:
On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:56:11 +1000
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Despite my comments, I don't actually have any objection to people who
 choose to use Emacs, or Vim, or edit their text files by poking the hard
 drive platter with a magnetised needle if they prefer :-) But I do think
 it's silly of them to claim that Emacs has no learning curve, or to fail to
 recognise how unfamiliar and different the UIs are compared to nearly
 everything else a computer user is likely to be familiar with in 2014.

 Really, they don't! At least not for the people, for whom they are
necessary tools. When I started in my present job, remote access was
a dial-up modem, that could do 2400 baud, if you were lucky[1]. With such a
shitty connection, a text-only editor is indisputably the right thing.

 Curiously enough, even today the same lousy kind of connections prevail. We
still have a sizeable modem bank at my job. We still do our remote support
over a telnet/ssh session. And we still are unable to reliable get the
connection speeds[2], that would make anything with a GUI remotely

 So emacs and vim still have their niches. Those of us, who are old enough
to have started our first job in a glorified teletype, OR have to support
systems that are only reachable over RFC-1149 quality datalinks, belong
there. The rest of you would probably be better off with something nicer.

1. Meaning a real switched landline all the way from Denmark to Tokyo.
Ending up with two satellite up/down-links was a killer.

2. We have an installation in the Philippines, where we ended up installing a
   satellite uplink. It feels like we have doubled the connectivity of the
   entire Manilla area by doing so. And it's still painfully slow.

Right. I remember having a 300 baud dial up line.
Edwin's editor (ee), the editor I'm using right now, was optimised for
screen access, and I could do cursor based full screen editing, quite
passably, doing a vt100 emulation on my Osborne CP/M machine.

(I've a non transferable license and ee is not for sale.)


Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters. =n


Re: Global indent

2014-08-24 Thread Joshua Landau
On 23 August 2014 22:55, Rustom Mody wrote:
 On Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:27:56 AM UTC+5:30, Joshua Landau wrote:

 Ay, so is any editor with an API. I use Sublime mostly because it's
 pretty, fast and has a Python-based API. The only actual feature it
 has that some others don't is multiple selections, and even then a lot

 You mean this?


Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Seymore4Head wrote:

 Is there a way to indent everything again?
 Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
 add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
 a global way to do that?

In kwrite, kate, geany, and any other sensible editor, you select the text
you want to indent and press the tab key.

If your editor is not sensible, it may replace the entire block of text with
a single tab. In that case, hit Ctrl-Z, or Undo from the Edit menu, and
your text will be returned. In that case, check the menu commands offered
by your editor, especially the Edit and Tools menu (if it has a Tools
menu). In kwrite, I find Indent and Unindent commands under Tools. In
geany, I find Increase Indent and Decrease Indent under EditCommands

(In case your editor is not only not sensible, but out-and-out
microcephalic, I suggest you try it on a sample piece of text first, in
case it does not allow you to undo.)



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Rob Gaddi wrote:

 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided aren't
 worth climbing.  

In my opinion, they are designed for people willing and able to commit to
memory dozens, even hundreds, of obscure key sequences to get the simplest
thing done. They are not designed for easy exploration of the application:
you either know the command that you want, or you're stuck.

Besides, the standard text editor is ed:

 Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows. 
 Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.

I have never used Notepad++, but I can give Geany good reviews. It's nearly
as good as kate in KDE 3, and much better than kate in KDE 4.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

 Rob Gaddi rgaddi@technologyhighland.invalid:
 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves
 Really now?
 When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.

You need a tutorial for a text editor???

If that's supposed to prove how easy Emacs is, you have failed miserably.
Any application which requires a tutorial should consider it a UI failure.
Ideally applications should be intuitive in the sense that all features
should be self-explanatory, obvious, and easily discovered. Of course, the
more complex the application, the less this is likely to be true, but every
feature that requires explanation is a feature that is begging for

 That's how I learned it in the 1980's and didn't experience any learning

No learning curve at all? That means one of two things:

- either you *instantly* intuited every single Emacs feature the moment you
started the application; or

- Emacs has no features at all.

I'm pretty sure neither of those is the case :-)

 Nowadays, emacs has a GUI that makes you productive immediately without
 any keyboard commands. I have seen complete newbies adopt emacs without
 any kind of duress or hardship.

I just started up emacs, and got a GUI window with an abstract picture of a
gnu and a bunch of instructions which I didn't get a chance to read. I
clicked on the text, and the instructions disappeared. I don't know how to
get them back. They were replaced with what looks like a blank page ready
to type into, except it starts with this ominous warning:

;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.

Why would I be writing notes I don't want to save? If I did, wouldn't I, you
know, just *not save them* instead of write them in a special buffer
(whatever that is!)?

Lisp evaluation? I don't have any speech impediments, thank you very much.

Okay, so let's try creating a file, using those instructions. I dutifully
type C-x C-f and, apart from C-x C-f appearing on the screen, nothing
happens. I wait a while in case it's just slow.

Ah, silly me, I need to *enter* the command to make it happen. So I press
Enter. Nothing happens except the cursor moves down a line.

Perhaps Emacs has frozen? The blinking cursor is still blinking, so that's

Okay, let's click the blank page icon, the universal symbol for creating a
new, blank document. That at least is recognisable.

Well, that's just bizarre. I expected a new document. Instead, I got a
message in the status bar at the bottom of the page, saying:

Find file: /home/steve/

and the blinking cursor. I don't want to find a file, and if I did I would
use my computer's Find or Search application, not a text editor. So still
no new document I can type into.

When all else fails, use the menus. So I try the File menu. It's a bit
disconcerting that, alone of all the applications I've used on eight
different platforms (Windows 95, 98, XP, Classic Mac, Mac OS X, Linux with
Gnome, KDE and Xfce window managers), the mouse pointer points the other
way when over a menu, but hey, I'm a sophisticated user and I refuse to be
put off by such a minor, albeit gratuitous, difference. But there is no New
Document command, and I am stymied again.

I shall not be defeated by a mere text editor. I click the New Document icon
again, hoping that what failed last time will succeed this time. But at
least I am not entirely insane, for although I did not get a new document,
at least something different occurred: an error message appeared in the
status bar:

Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer

This is the moment that I decide to give up on Emacs and take up something
trivial in comparison, like being a Soyuz pilot, если вы знаете, что я имею
в виду.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Steven D'Aprano

 Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.

 You need a tutorial for a text editor???

 If that's supposed to prove how easy Emacs is, you have failed

You see, I tend to read even the assembly instructions of Ikea furniture
and the user manual of a dryer.

More frustrating than having to read a well-thought-out manual is

 * not being able to accomplish something

 * not having any manual

For example, I never got Eclipse despite having to use it for two

 That's how I learned it in the 1980's and didn't experience any
 learning curve.

 No learning curve at all? That means one of two things:

 - either you *instantly* intuited every single Emacs feature the
 moment you started the application; or

No, I just worked through the tutorial. It was fascinating and only took
a couple of hours IIRC. That's the way learned almost everything
(including Python).

 I just started up emacs, [...]
 Well, that's just bizarre.

I'm not making you use emacs, you know.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Dan Stromberg wrote:

 The first time I saw vi, I hated it.  I thought Why would anyone
 actually choose such a terrible editor?
 But then I was forced to use vi for a while,  and I'm glad I was.  I
 choose it over other editors now.  vi/vim give you a pretty much
 orthogonal set of verbs and nouns in an editing language.

Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by orthogonal set of verbs and
nouns in an editing language. Can you explain?

 When I have to use editors that make you arrow-key around or click
 with a mouse, I feel like it's painfully slow - especially if I need
 to do the same thing 5 times in a row.  Sure, some editors let you
 define macros - vi/vim do that too. But AFAIK, only vi/vim allow you
 to define a repeatable action without forethought.

I find that between find/replace and Block Selection editing, I can't really
say I've missed either the lack of editing macros or these orthogonal
verbs, whatever they are. Occasionally I move a large editing job into
Python, but I wouldn't want to learn a separate language for that.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 23.08.14 11:08, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:

I just started up emacs, and got a GUI window with an abstract picture of a
gnu and a bunch of instructions which I didn't get a chance to read. I
clicked on the text, and the instructions disappeared. I don't know how to
get them back. They were replaced with what looks like a blank page ready
to type into, except it starts with this ominous warning:

;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.

 [...] (lots of frustrating user experience deleted)

This is the moment that I decide to give up on Emacs and take up something
trivial in comparison, like being a Soyuz pilot, если вы знаете, что я имею
в виду.

Well done, Steve! This is the exact reason that I do not recommend gvim 
to anybody, who asks me an editor question, though I use it myself for 
practically any text editing task.  (I'm pretty sure you did that C-f 
... thing on purpose to make your point clear. and that you actually 
understand it was meant to represent pressing Ctrl-key).

There are ways to put these editors into Beginner's mode, for vim there 
is evim, and for sure emacs has something similar, where the editor 
behaves more like you expect. In evim, this means you can't go to 
command mode, and you need to use the menus and toolbars to save/load 
text. But if you do that, you also loose the functionality that comes 
from the command mode - it's actually better to recommend Notepad++ or kate.

Sometimes I impress my colleagues with what they call magic, i.e. 
creating special repeated lists of numbers by a few keystrokes in gvim, 
and that has triggered the request from them to learn a bit of (g)vim. 
But when they asked me, which editor they should use, I pointed them to 



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread alister
On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 18:19:21 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Rob Gaddi wrote:
 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided aren't
 worth climbing.
 In my opinion, they are designed for people willing and able to commit
 to memory dozens, even hundreds, of obscure key sequences to get the
 simplest thing done. They are not designed for easy exploration of the
 application: you either know the command that you want, or you're stuck.
 Besides, the standard text editor is ed:
 Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows.
 Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.
 I have never used Notepad++, but I can give Geany good reviews. It's
 nearly as good as kate in KDE 3, and much better than kate in KDE 4.

I'll give Geany another thumbs up

it is quite well featured but still light weight (i tend to do my 
personal work on a netbook so I don't have much in the way of resources)

for the original problem Shift  Cursor UP/Down to highlight the block 
then Ctrl-I to indent or Ctrl-u to unindent.

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
-- Steven Wright

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread mm0fmf

On 22/08/2014 20:46, Seymore4Head wrote:   Has a snazzy look, but I think it is not
compatible with Windows so it looks like I might have to try Emacs.

Others will disagree but I find keeping Windows and *nix separate helps 
me a lot.

So I'll use emacs on Linux for C++/Python/Tcl and VisualStudio / 
NotePad++ on Windows. Using Windows style editors on Windows just seems 
to be easier, whenever I try emacs on Windows it doesn't feel right and 
I start thinking more about the editor and less about what is being edited.

You may be comfortable with emacs on Windows but part of my job is 
producing C++ and C# code for Windows so VisualStudio is the order of 
the day and so using NotePad++ for Python works for me.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Joshua Landau
(Since this is already an editor war...)

On 23 August 2014 10:41, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
 Sometimes I impress my colleagues with what they call magic, i.e. creating
 special repeated lists of numbers by a few keystrokes in gvim, and that has
 triggered the request from them to learn a bit of (g)vim.

I have yet to be truly impressed by Vim, in that Sublime Text with a
few extensions seems to do the same things just as easily. I find that
Vim and Emacs users consistently underrate the powers of these
editors, presumably because they've never put nearly as much effort
into them as they have into their Vim or Emacs.

For example, to make a numbered list in (my) Sublime Text (fully
custom shortcuts ahead):

Alt-1 Alt-0 Alt-0   to repeat the next command 100 times
Enter   to insert 100 new lines, so 101 in total
Ctrl-A  to select all text (can be done more fancily, but
keep this simple for now)
Ctrl-l  to select lines (creates multiple selections),
ignoring the blank end of selection
$:  to write some text
Ctrl-Shift-Home to select to beginning of line
Ctrl-e  to replace $ with consecutive numbers (also
supports using Python's {} with all of its formatting options)

With an increment function and macros:

1:  to write some text
Ctrl-q  to start macro recording
Ctrl-d  to duplicate line (and select it)
Leftto go to start of selection
INCREMENT   to increment number (emulated by evaluating
1+number with Python [1, +, Ctrl-left, Shift-Home, Ctrl-Shift-e])
Ctrl-q  to finish macro recording
Alt-1 Alt-0 Alt-0   to repeat the next command 100 times
Ctrl-Shift-qto repeat macro

Compare with Vim:

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Gene Heskett
On Saturday 23 August 2014 06:17:24 alister did opine
And Gene did reply:
 On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 18:19:21 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Rob Gaddi wrote:
  Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided
  aren't worth climbing.
  In my opinion, they are designed for people willing and able to
  commit to memory dozens, even hundreds, of obscure key sequences to
  get the simplest thing done. They are not designed for easy
  exploration of the application: you either know the command that you
  want, or you're stuck.
  Besides, the standard text editor is ed:
  Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows.
  Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.
  I have never used Notepad++, but I can give Geany good reviews. It's
  nearly as good as kate in KDE 3, and much better than kate in KDE 4.
 I'll give Geany another thumbs up

I would too, but for the code carving I do, gedit has syntax highlighters 
for calling attention to GCode formatting mistakes, Geany doesn't.  It 
does look like a capable editor, but it just doesn't fit my instant needs.

 it is quite well featured but still light weight (i tend to do my
 personal work on a netbook so I don't have much in the way of
 for the original problem Shift  Cursor UP/Down to highlight the block
 then Ctrl-I to indent or Ctrl-u to unindent.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page
US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Rustom Mody
On Saturday, August 23, 2014 2:38:10 PM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

  Rob Gaddi :
  Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves
  Really now?
  When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.

 You need a tutorial for a text editor???

 If that's supposed to prove how easy Emacs is, you have failed miserably.
 Any application which requires a tutorial should consider it a UI failure.
 Ideally applications should be intuitive in the sense that all features
 should be self-explanatory, obvious, and easily discovered. Of course, the
 more complex the application, the less this is likely to be true, but every
 feature that requires explanation is a feature that is begging for

  That's how I learned it in the 1980's and didn't experience any learning

 No learning curve at all? That means one of two things:

 - either you *instantly* intuited every single Emacs feature the moment you
 started the application; or

 - Emacs has no features at all.

 I'm pretty sure neither of those is the case :-)

  Nowadays, emacs has a GUI that makes you productive immediately without
  any keyboard commands. I have seen complete newbies adopt emacs without
  any kind of duress or hardship.

 I just started up emacs, and got a GUI window with an abstract picture of a
 gnu and a bunch of instructions which I didn't get a chance to read. I
 clicked on the text, and the instructions disappeared. I don't know how to
 get them back. They were replaced with what looks like a blank page ready
 to type into, except it starts with this ominous warning:

 ;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
 ;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
 ;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.

 Why would I be writing notes I don't want to save? If I did, wouldn't I, you
 know, just *not save them* instead of write them in a special buffer
 (whatever that is!)?

 Lisp evaluation? I don't have any speech impediments, thank you very much.

 Okay, so let's try creating a file, using those instructions. I dutifully
 type C-x C-f and, apart from C-x C-f appearing on the screen, nothing
 happens. I wait a while in case it's just slow.

 Ah, silly me, I need to *enter* the command to make it happen. So I press
 Enter. Nothing happens except the cursor moves down a line.

 Perhaps Emacs has frozen? The blinking cursor is still blinking, so that's

 Okay, let's click the blank page icon, the universal symbol for creating a
 new, blank document. That at least is recognisable.

 Well, that's just bizarre. I expected a new document. Instead, I got a
 message in the status bar at the bottom of the page, saying:

 Find file: /home/steve/

 and the blinking cursor. I don't want to find a file, and if I did I would
 use my computer's Find or Search application, not a text editor. So still
 no new document I can type into.

 When all else fails, use the menus. So I try the File menu. It's a bit
 disconcerting that, alone of all the applications I've used on eight
 different platforms (Windows 95, 98, XP, Classic Mac, Mac OS X, Linux with
 Gnome, KDE and Xfce window managers), the mouse pointer points the other
 way when over a menu, but hey, I'm a sophisticated user and I refuse to be
 put off by such a minor, albeit gratuitous, difference. But there is no New
 Document command, and I am stymied again.

 I shall not be defeated by a mere text editor. I click the New Document icon
 again, hoping that what failed last time will succeed this time. But at
 least I am not entirely insane, for although I did not get a new document,
 at least something different occurred: an error message appeared in the
 status bar:

 Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer

 This is the moment that I decide to give up on Emacs and take up something
 trivial in comparison, like being a Soyuz pilot, если вы знаете, что я имею
 в виду.

emacs = Editor for Middle Aged Computer Scientists - Generally Not Used

vi = a program with two modes -- one in which it beeps and the other in
which it corrupts your file

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

 Am 23.08.14 11:08, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
 This is the moment that I decide to give up on Emacs and take up
 something trivial in comparison, like being a Soyuz pilot, если вы
 знаете, что я имею в виду.
 Well done, Steve! This is the exact reason that I do not recommend gvim
 to anybody, who asks me an editor question, though I use it myself for
 practically any text editing task.  (I'm pretty sure you did that C-f
 ... thing on purpose to make your point clear. and that you actually
 understand it was meant to represent pressing Ctrl-key).

Of course I did, but only because I've been a Linux user and programmer for
about 15 years now. Except for Emacs, the rest of the world says Ctrl-F (or
Command-F if you have a Mac), and use it to mean Find. Emacs is a universe
of its own, but you can hardly be a Linux programmer without coming across
Emacs terminology enough to at least recognise it.

 There are ways to put these editors into Beginner's mode, for vim there
 is evim, and for sure emacs has something similar, where the editor
 behaves more like you expect. In evim, this means you can't go to
 command mode, and you need to use the menus and toolbars to save/load
 text. But if you do that, you also loose the functionality that comes
 from the command mode - it's actually better to recommend Notepad++ or

Despite my comments, I don't actually have any objection to people who
choose to use Emacs, or Vim, or edit their text files by poking the hard
drive platter with a magnetised needle if they prefer :-) But I do think
it's silly of them to claim that Emacs has no learning curve, or to fail to
recognise how unfamiliar and different the UIs are compared to nearly
everything else a computer user is likely to be familiar with in 2014.

I'm especially annoyed and/or amused by the tendency of many people to
assume that there are only three editors: Emacs, Vim (one of which is used
by all right-thinking people, the other being sent by the Devil to tempt us
from righteousness) and Notepad (which is used only by the most primitive,
deprived savages who are barely capable of bashing out Hello World using
one finger). Besides, ed is the one true editor *wink*

My own feeling is that Emacs and/or Vim very likely are extraordinarily
powerful, and for those who want to take the time and effort to become
proficient they can probably solve certain editing tasks more quickly than
I can. But that's okay: I suspect that they're optimizing for the wrong
things, or at least things for which I personally have no interest in
optimizing: while they can probably replace the third letter of every
second word in all sentences beginning with W ten times faster than I can,
that's hardly a bottleneck in my world. I've watched touch-typing Vim
users, and they can pound the keys much faster than me, but that seems to
mean that they just make mistakes faster than me. (Possibly unfair, since
everyone probably loses accuracy when being watched. But still, it's the
only data I have.)

When I'm programming, actual fingers on keys is just a small proportion of
the time spent. Most of my time is reading, thinking and planning, with
typing and editing a distant fourth, and I not only don't mind moving off
the keyboard onto the mouse, but actually think that's a good thing to
shift my hands off the keyboard and use a different set of muscles. So I'm
not especially receptive to arguments that Vim or Emacs will make me more

But, to each their own.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Seymore4Head
On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that?

I did two things.  I decided to skip trying a second level of while
loops for the moment.

I also took a block of text and highlighted it and then pushed tab. It

Thanks everyone

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Hi Steven,

I agree with all you said.

Am 23.08.14 16:56, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:

Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

There are ways to put these editors into Beginner's mode, for vim there
is evim, and for sure emacs has something similar, where the editor
behaves more like you expect. In evim, this means you can't go to
command mode, and you need to use the menus and toolbars to save/load
text. But if you do that, you also loose the functionality that comes
from the command mode - it's actually better to recommend Notepad++ or

I'm especially annoyed and/or amused by the tendency of many people to
assume that there are only three editors: Emacs, Vim (one of which is used
by all right-thinking people, the other being sent by the Devil to tempt us
from righteousness) and Notepad (which is used only by the most primitive,
deprived savages who are barely capable of bashing out Hello World using
one finger).

Just in case that was misleading: Notepad++ is a different editor than 

This one I actually recommend to people on Windows, who ask me, which 
editor should they use.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Christian Gollwitzer

Am 23.08.14 16:19, schrieb Joshua Landau:

(Since this is already an editor war...)

On 23 August 2014 10:41, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

Sometimes I impress my colleagues with what they call magic, i.e. creating
special repeated lists of numbers by a few keystrokes in gvim, and that has
triggered the request from them to learn a bit of (g)vim.

I have yet to be truly impressed by Vim, in that Sublime Text with a
few extensions seems to do the same things just as easily. I find that
Vim and Emacs users consistently underrate the powers of these
editors, presumably because they've never put nearly as much effort
into them as they have into their Vim or Emacs.

I never looked into Sublime, because it costs money. But no doubt it is 
a powerful editor, judging from comments of other people.

For example, to make a numbered list in (my) Sublime Text (fully
custom shortcuts ahead):

Alt-1 Alt-0 Alt-0   to repeat the next command 100 times

 [ ... some keystrokes ...]

Ctrl-Shift-qto repeat macro

Compare with Vim:

I'd actually do this in gvim to put numbers at each line:

- Select text (by mouse, or v + cursor movements)
- ! awk '{print NR .  $0}'

Yes, it is cheating, it pipes the selected text through an external 
tool. But why should I do the tedious exercise of constructing an editor 
macro, when an external tool like awk can do the same so much easier?


Re: Global indent [levity]

2014-08-23 Thread Peter Pearson
On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 19:08:10 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Rob Gaddi rgaddi@technologyhighland.invalid:
 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves
 Really now?
 When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.

 You need a tutorial for a text editor???

Did you ever watch a bar scene in a cowboy western, and suddenly
there's a loud noise, and a shout in a growly voice, and you just
know that a brawl is about to break out?

To email me, substitute nowhere-runbox, invalid-com.

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-08-23 19:31, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by orthogonal set of verbs
 and nouns in an editing language. Can you explain?

In the context of vi/vim, an orthogonal set of verbs and nouns in an
editing language mean that you have a collection of verbs
(such as d=delete, v=visual/highlight, y=yank/copy, c=change, zf=fold,
gU=transform-to-uppercase, gu=transform-to-lowercase, g~=swap-case,
g?=ROT13, ==reformat, etc) and nouns (often called motions as most
of them can be used to move the cursor in normal-mode) such as
b=back, }=next-paragraph-boundary, {=previous-paragraph-boundary,
*=next-match-of-the-word-under-the-cursor, etc.

They're orthogonal because learning a new verb allows you to apply it
to all of the nouns/motions you already know; and learning a new
noun/motion lets you use it with any of the verbs you know.  And you
can prefix any command (verb+noun) with a count which increases the
power further.

Thus, learning one new thing has a multiplying effect.

 I find that between find/replace and Block Selection editing, I
 can't really say I've missed either the lack of editing macros or
 these orthogonal verbs, whatever they are. Occasionally I move a
 large editing job into Python, but I wouldn't want to learn a
 separate language for that.

Much of the power comes in the repeatability of last action.  Once
the editor understands that your last action meant
transform-to-uppercase from the cursor to the end of the line, you
can move anywhere else in the document and instruct the editor to do
the same thing with a single command (in vi/vim, that's the period).
Drew Neil's _Practical Vim_ spends quite a bit of ink covering the
implications of repeatability.

[from another message from Steven]
 When I'm programming, actual fingers on keys is just a small
 proportion of the time spent. Most of my time is reading, thinking
 and planning, with typing and editing a distant fourth, and I not
 only don't mind moving off the keyboard onto the mouse, but
 actually think that's a good thing to shift my hands off the
 keyboard and use a different set of muscles. So I'm not especially
 receptive to arguments that Vim or Emacs will make me more

I agree that a much smaller percentage of my time is spent actually
entering text and a far greater amount of time is spent navigating
(reading/thinking/planning) the document.  Most vi/vim users spend
their time in normal mode where that navigation is quick and can all
be done from a keyboard.  I find that 

[and from yet another message from Steven]
 You need a tutorial for a text editor???
 If that's supposed to prove how easy Emacs is, you have failed

Indeed, both vim and emacs provide tutorials precisely because they
are NOT so easy to get started with.  But while I might not need
instruction for a hand-saw to remove a small tree, if I had multiple
trees to cut down, I might want a chainsaw and seek to read the
instructions to get the most out of my investment.  And if I had a
LOT of trees to cut down, I might make a major investment and read the heck out of
the instructions.

I happen to use vi/vim because it works just about everywhere (and
even comes installed from the factory on most *nix-likes), but as long
as people are using an editor that is sufficient to meet their needs,
I'm content to live in amicable harmony.  It's when your needs exceed
what your editor can provide that I start to recommend
editor-shopping.  I can't help you if you choose something other than
Vim, but I can encourage complainers to use a more powerful editor.

[and yet one other message from Steven]
 Besides, the standard text editor is ed:

THERE is the truth ;-)  ('s far more powerful than Notepad)



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-08-23 15:19, Joshua Landau wrote:
 I have yet to be truly impressed by Vim, in that Sublime Text with a
 few extensions seems to do the same things just as easily

Can it be run remotely in a tmux session which can be accessed via
SSH from multiple machines? ;-)

Using the command-line:  it's a terminal condition.



Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Joshua Landau
On 23 August 2014 17:17, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
 Am 23.08.14 16:19, schrieb Joshua Landau:

 On 23 August 2014 10:41, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

 Sometimes I impress my colleagues with what they call magic, i.e.
 special repeated lists of numbers by a few keystrokes in gvim, and that
 triggered the request from them to learn a bit of (g)vim.

 I have yet to be truly impressed by Vim, in that Sublime Text with a
 few extensions seems to do the same things just as easily. I find that
 Vim and Emacs users consistently underrate the powers of these
 editors, presumably because they've never put nearly as much effort
 into them as they have into their Vim or Emacs.

 I never looked into Sublime, because it costs money. But no doubt it is a
 powerful editor, judging from comments of other people.

Ay, so is any editor with an API. I use Sublime mostly because it's
pretty, fast and has a Python-based API. The only actual feature it
has that some others don't is multiple selections, and even then a lot

My point is more about how using Emacs or Vim and having a powerful
editor is mostly the symptom of the same thing, not a causal relation.

 For example, to make a numbered list in (my) Sublime Text (fully
 custom shortcuts ahead):

 [ ... some keystrokes ...]

 I'd actually do this in gvim to put numbers at each line:

 - Select text (by mouse, or v + cursor movements)
 - ! awk '{print NR .  $0}'

 Yes, it is cheating, it pipes the selected text through an external tool.
 But why should I do the tedious exercise of constructing an editor macro,
 when an external tool like awk can do the same so much easier?

Because it normally happens more like this:

Move to copy something that I wish to postfix with a number
Ctrl-d a few times to select copies of that fragment
Write $ and select it
Press Ctrl-e to turn $s into numbers

Luckily that one doesn't happen too often either because numbering
things sequentially is better left to loops. The key binding is
primarily used for evaluating snippets of code inline.

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Rustom Mody
On Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:27:56 AM UTC+5:30, Joshua Landau wrote:

 Ay, so is any editor with an API. I use Sublime mostly because it's
 pretty, fast and has a Python-based API. The only actual feature it
 has that some others don't is multiple selections, and even then a lot

You mean this?

Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Anders Wegge Keller
On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:56:11 +1000
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Despite my comments, I don't actually have any objection to people who
 choose to use Emacs, or Vim, or edit their text files by poking the hard
 drive platter with a magnetised needle if they prefer :-) But I do think
 it's silly of them to claim that Emacs has no learning curve, or to fail to
 recognise how unfamiliar and different the UIs are compared to nearly
 everything else a computer user is likely to be familiar with in 2014.

 Really, they don't! At least not for the people, for whom they are
necessary tools. When I started in my present job, remote access was
a dial-up modem, that could do 2400 baud, if you were lucky[1]. With such a
shitty connection, a text-only editor is indisputably the right thing. 

 Curiously enough, even today the same lousy kind of connections prevail. We
still have a sizeable modem bank at my job. We still do our remote support
over a telnet/ssh session. And we still are unable to reliable get the 
connection speeds[2], that would make anything with a GUI remotely

 So emacs and vim still have their niches. Those of us, who are old enough
to have started our first job in a glorified teletype, OR have to support
systems that are only reachable over RFC-1149 quality datalinks, belong
there. The rest of you would probably be better off with something nicer.

1. Meaning a real switched landline all the way from Denmark to Tokyo.
Ending up with two satellite up/down-links was a killer.

2. We have an installation in the Philippines, where we ended up installing a
   satellite uplink. It feels like we have doubled the connectivity of the
   entire Manilla area by doing so. And it's still painfully slow.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-23 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Anders Wegge Keller

  Curiously enough, even today the same lousy kind of connections
 prevail. We still have a sizeable modem bank at my job. We still do
 our remote support over a telnet/ssh session. And we still are unable
 to reliable get the connection speeds[2], that would make anything
 with a GUI remotely pleasant.

I do emacs over SSH terminal connections all the time both for business
and pleasure. I have occasionally even run the SSH connection (and
emacs) from my cell phone.

The connections aren't all that lousy, but I wouldn't run X11 over them.
Rdesktop is ok but not nearly as convenient as a terminal connection.


Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Seymore4Head
Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that?


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@hotmail.invalid wrote:
 Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
 add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
 a global way to do that?

Depends on your text editor/IDE. In Emacs using either python-mode.el
or python.el, I use C-c  to shift the selected region right, C-c  to
shift it left. Other editors probably have similar commands.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Neil D. Cerutti

On 8/22/2014 2:19 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that?

This sort of simple task is why fancy text editors were invented.

I use and recommend gvim (press  in select mode using the standard 
python plugin), but there are plenty of options out there.

Neil Cerutti


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Neil D. Cerutti wrote:
 On 8/22/2014 2:19 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:

 Is there a way to indent everything again?

 Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
 add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
 a global way to do that?

 This sort of simple task is why fancy text editors were invented.

 I use and recommend gvim (press  in select mode using the standard python
 plugin), but there are plenty of options out there.

Here's another way of saying it (for vi or vim or other vi clone):
1) Go to the top of the region you want to indent.
2) Type ma in command mode to set a mark named a.
3) Go to the bottom of the region you want to indent.
4) Type 'a to indent, one level, everything between the mark named
a and the cursor


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Seymore4Head
On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that? the answer is no using IDLE (Python GUI)

The top two answers so far are Emacs and gvim.  Has a snazzy look, but I think it is not
compatible with Windows so it looks like I might have to try Emacs.

Thanks everyone

Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Rob Gaddi
On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:46:33 -0400
Seymore4Head Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
 Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:
 Is there a way to indent everything again?
 Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
 add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
 a global way to do that? the answer is no using IDLE (Python GUI)
 The top two answers so far are Emacs and gvim.  Has a snazzy look, but I think it is not
 compatible with Windows so it looks like I might have to try Emacs.
 Thanks everyone

Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided aren't
worth climbing.  Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows.
Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order.  See above to fix.

Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Simon Ward

On 22 August 2014 19:44:39 BST, Neil D. Cerutti wrote:

This sort of simple task [indenting blocks of text] is why fancy text editors 
were invented.

I use and recommend gvim (press  in select mode using the standard 
python plugin), but there are plenty of options out there.

Even without the Python add-on this should work. It shifts the text based on 
the 'shiftwidth' setting.

I vaguely remember using some other editors (one or more of Nedit, Gedit, Kate, 
Notepad++, Eclipse) that use, or can be configured to use, the tab key to 
indent selected text rather than replacing it with a tab character. Shift-tab 
probably out dented too.

Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Rob Gaddi rgaddi@technologyhighland.invalid:

 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves

Really now?

When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.
That's how I learned it in the 1980's and didn't experience any learning

Nowadays, emacs has a GUI that makes you productive immediately without
any keyboard commands. I have seen complete newbies adopt emacs without
any kind of duress or hardship.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Neil D. Cerutti

On 8/22/2014 3:54 PM, Rob Gaddi wrote:

On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:46:33 -0400
Seymore4Head Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that? the answer is no using IDLE (Python GUI)

The top two answers so far are Emacs and gvim.  Has a snazzy look, but I think it is not
compatible with Windows so it looks like I might have to try Emacs.

gvim runs just fine on Windows.

Thanks everyone

Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided aren't
worth climbing.  Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows.
Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.

They do have a very long learning incline but it isn't actually as steep 
as it looks--it's just that it keeps going up as far as you can see.  :)

If simple things weren't simple to do, neither product would have ever 

The GUI version of Vim (gvim), has beginner modes and Windows-like modes 
to help with the transitional phases.

Neil Cerutti


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@hotmail.invalid wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
 Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that? the answer is no using IDLE (Python GUI)

This is very much an editor question, so you ought to have said *right
at the beginning* that you're using Idle's editor.

Try selecting a bunch of text and hitting Tab.


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/08/2014 21:20, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@hotmail.invalid wrote:

On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:19:29 -0400, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid wrote:

Is there a way to indent everything again?

Say I have a while statement with several lines of code and I want to
add a while outside that.  That means indenting everything.  Is there
a global way to do that? the answer is no using IDLE (Python GUI)

This is very much an editor question, so you ought to have said *right
at the beginning* that you're using Idle's editor.

Try selecting a bunch of text and hitting Tab.


There are also indent and dedent options on the format menu.  Using 
default settings on Windows 8.1, python 3.4.1 these are CTRL+] and 
CTRL+[ respectively.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Global indent

2014-08-22 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Neil D. Cerutti wrote:
 Emacs and vim both have huge learning curves that I've decided aren't
 worth climbing.  Notepad++ is an excellent GUI text editor for Windows.
 Geany is nearly as good, and runs on anything.

 They do have a very long learning incline but it isn't actually as steep as
 it looks--it's just that it keeps going up as far as you can see.  :)

 If simple things weren't simple to do, neither product would have ever

 The GUI version of Vim (gvim), has beginner modes and Windows-like modes to
 help with the transitional phases.

Learning vi:

The first time I saw vi, I hated it.  I thought Why would anyone
actually choose such a terrible editor?

But then I was forced to use vi for a while,  and I'm glad I was.  I
choose it over other editors now.  vi/vim give you a pretty much
orthogonal set of verbs and nouns in an editing language.

When I have to use editors that make you arrow-key around or click
with a mouse, I feel like it's painfully slow - especially if I need
to do the same thing 5 times in a row.  Sure, some editors let you
define macros - vi/vim do that too. But AFAIK, only vi/vim allow you
to define a repeatable action without forethought.