Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2009-01-13 Thread Arlo Belshee
For R, and others who haven't read the PEP or worked a lot with the
web, here are some really strong advantages of the new string
formatting over the old.

Note: I'm not saying that you have to use one or the other. I'm just
pointing out some of the things that the new format gives us - things
which allow the next generation of application simplification
(especially web apps).

When working on resource-oriented, generalized display applications
(eg, most any modern website), you commonly run into the problem of
wanting to display a bunch of different things in a bunch of different
ways - and on the web, display means convert to a string for the
browser. However, the mapping is not a complete graph. Rather, there
are usually some rules. For example:

 * I want to show the same thing to different people in different
ways, depending on permissions.
 * Sometimes I want to show a thing as a full display, and sometimes
as a link to go get more. Usually, the template (context) knows how I
want to show something, but the thing knows how to show itself.

I can solve this using the new string formatting. In particular, by
using the {}, {variable[index]}, and similar
substitutions (none of which can be done in the old syntax). As a
result, I end up with an entire website, of an arbitrary number of
pages, being supported with one, 5-line generate the view method.
There is 0 code per page.

Here are some of the simpler examples. First, there might be a link to
a user's page:

a href='{0.url}{0.display_name}/a

And a link to a blog entry:

a href='{0.url}{0.display_name}/a

Wait...isn't that the same? Yup. There's the first widget: a link. Any
resource that knows its own name and URL (and that's all of them) can
be shown as a link. Similar widget extraction hugely reduces the other
combinations I have to support - eliminating a lot of redundancy, and
many LoC.

However, display_name doesn't show up the same for all users.
Administrators often get additional data (such as the username),
everywhere they see a user's name. Friends of a user see little
rollovers that tell them more about that user - such as a photo.
Fortunately, I defined my user class like:

class User:
  def display_name(self):
# viewer-dependent context stuff here.

And the new string formatting calls my arbitrary code, without anyone
having to think about it. But display_name doesn't need to know how to
display a name - it just needs to choose which style to use. I can
also extract that out to a template, and then have img
src='{}' /{0.first} for friends and {0.first} {0.last}
({0.username}) for admins, and so on. My display_name code just needs
to choose which representation to use - it doesn't define that format.
It just returns one of several opaque string constants / widgets,
making refactoring trivial.

Similarly, I can use {resource.full_display_for_viewer} or
{resource.link_display} to tell the resource how I want it to
display itself.

Hm. Doesn't that make widget sets (a la ToscaWidgets / TuboGears) and
template languages (such as Cheetah / Kid / Mako) a little obsolete?
Well, sorta. After all when displaying my user class, I can do this
too: {self.blog_entries.recent.as_ordered_list.using.link_display}.
Is that pathological? Probably (unless you have a functional
programming background or like domain-specific languages). Looping is,
after all, one of the things a real templating system gives you.
However, now you don't need to use it for common (and simple) things.

Eventually, you do run into stuff for which you want a full templating
language. And I use them. For example, they define the base page
layouts. The point, however, is that a lot of the lower-level things
can be done without using the templating language. And this reduces
the number of Mako templates you have lying around, while still
allowing great decomposability.

Most of these things could be done by having the object override
__format__(self). However, that jams my display code in with the rest
of my resource class. This way, I can have templates pull out what
they want from my resources. And I can compute the template to use and
the resources to use it on independently, then just pass it to my
displayer method.

These are capabilities that %s has no chance to every approach. The
ability to use new-style format strings reducees my LoC by a half-ton,
and they make what they leave behind a lot easier to read. Being
higher-level constructs, they allow me to eliminate redundancy, and
that's the real purpose of a programmer.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-31 Thread r
You know, it is so much easier to find my posts now that someone has
been thoughtful enough to mark them for me. Thank you kind chaps, i
shall leave a shiny new nickel for you, just send me your name,
address, and phone numbers. I'll get them in the mail right away.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-29 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

  I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
  But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.

 Err... _Which_ cost exactly ?

Loss of backward compatibility, mainly.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-29 Thread Luis M . González
On 19 dic, 13:01, walterbyrd wrote:
 I have not worked with Python enough to really know. But, it seems to
 me that more I look at python 3.0, the more I wonder if it isn't a
 step backwards.

 To me, it seems that this:

 print %s=%d % ('this',99)

 Is much easier, and faster, to type, and is also easier to read and
 understand. It also allows people to leverage their knowledge of C.

 This (if it's right) is much longer, and requires more special

 print( {0}={1}.format('this',99))

 Maybe it's worth all the extra trouble, and breaking backward
 compatibilty, and all. But, I never had the idea that the old way was
 all that big a problem. Of course, I could be wrong. Was the old way
 all that big of a problem?

Well, I was playing with python 3k a little bit and, as usual, after a
few minutes everything felt natural.
The new string formating is perhaps a little more typing, much is much
more clear and readable.
I know where it came from. Long ago, Guido took a look at Boo, which
is a python-like .NET language, and he posted a comment saying how
much he liked the string formating, which is identical to the new one
in python.

I still can't get used to add the parenthesis to print, and this is
the only thing I don't like, but I'm sure there's a good reason for
this change...


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-29 Thread ajaksu
On Dec 29, 7:37 pm, Luis M. González wrote:
 I still can't get used to add the parenthesis to print, and this is
 the only thing I don't like, but I'm sure there's a good reason for
 this change...

I should know better than to post such an awful hack:

from sys import excepthook as sys_excepthook
from sys import modules
def printhook(exctype, value, traceback):
skip = True
if isinstance(value, SyntaxError):
if 'print ' in value.text:
printable = value.text.replace('print ', '')[:-1]
skip = False
toprint = 'print(' + printable +')'
print('Trying to convert your mess into', toprint)
except NameError as ne:
name = str(ne).replace(name ', '').replace(' is not
defined, '')
var = str(getattr(modules['__main__'], name))
exec('print(' + printable.replace(name, var) +
except AttributeError as ae:
sys_excepthook(NameError, ne, traceback)
except SyntaxError as se:
print('NameError workaround replaced something
skip = True
except NameError as ne2:
print('Too many names to map to objects :P')
skip = True
print('Sorry, something went wrong and I am too
lazy to find out what')
skip = True
skip = True
if skip:
sys_excepthook(exctype, value, traceback)

Then, as I'd check some stuff in parallel on 2.5 and 3.0, I do this on
the 3.0 prompt:
import sys
exchook = sys.excepthook
from __past__ import printhook
sys.excepthook = printhook

As soon as I wrote that mess^H^H^H^H helper, remembering to use print
() became easier (I think the trauma helped) and I haven't imported
much from __past__ since.

Should I hit 'send'?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-29 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:50:14 -0800, walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
  But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.

 Err... _Which_ cost exactly ?
 Loss of backward compatibility, mainly.

How do you lose backward compatibility by *adding* new functionality? The 
old functionality will continue to work as normal.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-29 Thread Luis M . González
On Dec 29, 9:44 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 How do you lose backward compatibility by *adding* new functionality? The
 old functionality will continue to work as normal.


AFAIK it still works the old way, but it will be deprecated soon.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-24 Thread Scott David Daniels

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
... Now improvements are always welcomes, and if you compare 1.5.2 with 
2.5.1, you'll find out that the core developpers did improve Python's 

Cool, palindromic inverses as compatible versions!

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-24 Thread r
On Dec 22, 7:26 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 06:58:06 -0800, walterbyrd wrote:
  On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  Strange enough,
  no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

  A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
  python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
  faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

 Who was doing this chest-thumping? Fanboys like r? Why should you tar
 all of us with their immaturity?

Steven would rather live in a bland Utopian society and could care
less for the greatness of competition and he has little respect for
loyalty. He would like to have little league games where there is no
losers, so nobody's feelings get hurt(oh NO!). And EOE so that god
forbid weather or not someone is qualified they must be hired just to
keep a equal balance in the workplace. Hey Steven, we should outlaw
individualism too, God forbid someone think outside the box!(damn

 But as they say ignorance is bliss ey Stevie?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 8:42 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 21, 6:14 pm, MRAB wrote:
  Yes, I suggested that earlier, but it isn't needed because you can
  create a format object with Format(string). However, most of the time
  you won't bother to create a format object explicitly because of:

  class str(object):
       def __mod__(self, value):
           return Format(self) % value

  f = f%r %i
  type 'Format'
    # Explicitly
    f = Format(%r %i)
  Format '%r %i'
    f % (2, 3, 4)
  Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

    # Implicitly, relying on the __mod__ method of str
    f = %r %i
  '%r %i'
    f % (2, 3, 4)
  Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

  I'd also like to add that there's nothing to prevent format objects from
  having other methods where multiple placeholders can be filled in one call:

    # By position
    f = Format(%r %i)
  Format '%r %i'
    f.fill([(2, 3, 4), 1])
  '(2, 3, 4) 1'

    # By name
    f = Format(%{tuple}r %{int}i)
  Format '%{tuple}r %{int}i'
    f.fill({tuple: (2, 3, 4), int: 1})
  '(2, 3, 4) 1'

  You're choosing to favor the '.chain()' method over the '.fill()'
  method for the behavior of '%'.  I don't think you've justified it

  Format( %r %i ).chain( ( 2, 3, 4 ) ).chain( 0 )
  '(2, 3, 4) 0'
  Format( %r %i ).fill( ( 2, 3, 4 ), 0 )
  '(2, 3, 4) 0'

  Plus, I almost think we've almost attained defeating the purpose.

 The disadvantage of the chaining method is that it's positional,
 left-to-right. For the purposes of i18n you want tagged placeholders,
 whether they be integers or names. I think... OK, if the placeholders
 include a positional tag, eg %(0)s %(1)s, then they could be filled in
 according to _that_ order. Not sure about named placeholders, though.
 Perhaps, like at present, if a dict is given to a format with named
 placeholders then several placeholders could be filled, the problem
 being how to fill a _single_ named placeholder with a dict.

Just pass a keyword argument to chain.

 Format( %(tup)r %(int_)i ).chain( tup= ( 2, 3, 4 ) ).chain( int_= 0 )
'(2, 3, 4) 0'

You might want to call it 'fchain' or 'chainf'.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Strange enough,
 no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
superior, then you figure out why.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Michael Torrie
r wrote:
 Would you like to elaborate on -why- escaped backslashes are needed in
 strings... i waiting???

Some character was needed.  It just happens that backslashes have been
used in this manner for composing nonprintable sequences, codes, etc.
It's only in use because someone arbitrarily picked it about 40 years
ago.  Any character could have been used; any such character would still
be have to escaped.

Kind of funny that you are complaining about Python in particular when
this behavior is in almost all languages today, including Perl, Ruby,

Don't blame python for a mistake that Microsoft made, that of choosing a
commonly-accepted escape character (long before Python was even though
of!) as their path delimiter.  Fortunately sane operating systems use a
standard slash.  Even Windows APIs accept forward slashes as path

So really your complaint about the backslash is a bit silly.  Are you
going to campaign that C# and Java also fix this problem by choosing
another character?

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Steve Holden
walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Strange enough,
 no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...
 A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
 python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
 faster, I guess speed is no big issue.
A fairly limited amount of chest-thumping, as I remember it.

 By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
 php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
 breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
 support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.
Python advocates shouldn't sneer at other languages. There's no need. If
you like Python, use it because of its merits, not because it's better
than something else.

Having said which, I must say that Python's breaking backward
incompatibility is of a somewhat different nature than (say) Visual
Basic's. It was known about for *several years* in advance, even before
Guido went to work for Google and finally had time to get the work
underway. Also it's defined to be a singular event, not a continuous set
of creeping changes. Python 3's updated syntax now constrains the
developers in the same way that Python 2's used to.

I wouldn't say that could remotely be described as constantly breaking
backward compatibility.

 I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
 superior, then you figure out why.
That's the way some people operate, but by no means all. Is it the
language or the people that are pissing you off. You sound a little
discontented for a reader.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Michael Torrie
r wrote:
 Thanks MRAB,
 except the float is not 2 decimal places, but its there
 Come on... They did this for the interpreter not us. It's easer to
 parse this string with positional arguments and a dict of format
 descriptions. Come on pydev, at least be honest about it!

No.  They did this for the *language*.  Come on, R.  Read the PEP on the
new string formatter.  The rationale is very clear.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread MRAB

Michael Torrie wrote:

r wrote:

Would you like to elaborate on -why- escaped backslashes are needed in
strings... i waiting???

Some character was needed.  It just happens that backslashes have been
used in this manner for composing nonprintable sequences, codes, etc.
It's only in use because someone arbitrarily picked it about 40 years
ago.  Any character could have been used; any such character would still
be have to escaped.

BCPL used '*', but C, which was developed from BCPL, uses '\'.

Kind of funny that you are complaining about Python in particular when
this behavior is in almost all languages today, including Perl, Ruby,

Don't blame python for a mistake that Microsoft made, that of choosing a
commonly-accepted escape character (long before Python was even though
of!) as their path delimiter.  Fortunately sane operating systems use a
standard slash.  Even Windows APIs accept forward slashes as path

So really your complaint about the backslash is a bit silly.  Are you
going to campaign that C# and Java also fix this problem by choosing
another character?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread r
On Dec 22, 8:58 am, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  Strange enough,
  no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

 A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
 python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
 faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

 By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
 php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
 breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
 support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

 I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
 superior, then you figure out why.

I think what walter is saying is the loyalty is gone.

If python makes great, if it doesn't, why should i care if it
goes down the toilet?  i just move to ruby

Were is your loyalty pyfans?, Has the fight left you???

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

walterbyrd a écrit :

On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Strange enough,
no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test.

I don't remember it, and honestly, I just don't give a damn.

Now that ruby is

faster than what ? Than Python ? or than it's previous version ?

I guess speed is no big issue.

Please use your google-fu (if you have any). As far as I'm concerned, my 
position didn't change these 7+ past years: Python is (and has always 
been) fast enough for most of what I use it for (and when it isn't, 
neither PHP nor Ruby are going to be solution anyway).

Now improvements are always welcomes, and if you compare 1.5.2 with 
2.5.1, you'll find out that the core developpers did improve Python's 

Now do you have any serious argument, or are you just trolling ?

By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
breaking backward compatibility is no big deal.

There's a lot 1.5.2 days code still running *unmodified* on 2.6.x. 
You'll have hard time finding (non-trivial, and even then) PHP3 code 
running unmodified on PHP5.

I guess unicode
support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
superior, then you figure out why.

Whoever said Python was superior (except your good friend 'r') ?

As far as I'm concerned, I don't think Python is superior (OMG), I 
think it's a good language that happens to fit my brain *and* solve more 
than 80% of my programmer's needs. If you're not happy with Python's 
perfs, please contribute, you are welcome.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread r
On Dec 22, 12:36 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 As far as I'm concerned, I don't think Python is superior (OMG), I
 think it's a good language that happens to fit my brain *and* solve more
 than 80% of my programmer's needs. If you're not happy with Python's
 perfs, please contribute, you are welcome.

He is contributing, by bringing up the subject for debate. Volunteers
exist on all levels, not just the people who write code for CPython.

Every OOS project needs diversity. There is base code, maintenance
code, tutorials, essays, promotion(even if you consider it
fanboyism),etc, etc. Every spoke on a wheel is just as important as
all the rest, Bruno.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on, 
 sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR 
 like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an 
 arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

 Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

Well that's easy.  I see 'r' didn't answer so I will: only accept tuples
on the right hand side of the %, so all arguments have to be put inside
a tuple.

 %s % 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'str' and 'int'
 %s % (42,)

Of course there would still be the possibility of uncaught bugs when
people forget to put the argument in a tuple if the argument itself is a
tuple of length 1.

 def foo(x):
... print foo(%s) % x
... # should be % (x,)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'str' and 'str'
 # But if x is a tuple of length 1 the error is not reported

That's why .format() is a better option IMHO.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 22, 11:40 am, r wrote:
 On Dec 22, 8:58 am, walterbyrd wrote:

  On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
   Strange enough,
   no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

  A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
  python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
  faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

  By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
  php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
  breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
  support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

  I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
  superior, then you figure out why.

 I think what walter is saying is the loyalty is gone.

 If python makes great, if it doesn't, why should i care if it
 goes down the toilet?  i just move to ruby

 Were is your loyalty pyfans?, Has the fight left you???

Point: It is not rational for the crew to go down with the ship, only
the captain.

Case: Loyalty is a complex emotion, and it's not clear that it's our
highest priority, or that it's anyone's.

I want to use a good language.  If Python stops being good (that is, a
good version of Python stops being maintained and supported), then
I'll stop using it, and that's the rational thing to do.

Just to be fair, though, it's (contraction) not obviously irrational
for a captain to go down with the ship.  The mentality, commitments,
and principles that it lets him keep and make may be better on the
whole in the long run for captains, crews, and ships, only if they
have that consequence.  That is, captains that will go down with the
ship are better captains of ships, and captains that have the capacity
to betray, forge, or abandon principles make worse captains; therefore
a good captain will go down, and can't change his mind.

However, as critics and fans of Python, our actions don't really have
the same consequences as the captains.  That is, it is not rational
for the crew to go down with the ship, only the captain.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread r
On Dec 22, 5:53 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 On Dec 22, 11:40 am, r wrote:

  On Dec 22, 8:58 am, walterbyrd wrote:

   On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Strange enough,
no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...

   A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
   python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
   faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

   By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because
   php constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
   breaking backward compatibility is no big deal. I guess unicode
   support was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

   I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is
   superior, then you figure out why.

  I think what walter is saying is the loyalty is gone.

  If python makes great, if it doesn't, why should i care if it
  goes down the toilet?  i just move to ruby

  Were is your loyalty pyfans?, Has the fight left you???

 Point: It is not rational for the crew to go down with the ship, only
 the captain.

 Case: Loyalty is a complex emotion, and it's not clear that it's our
 highest priority, or that it's anyone's.

 I want to use a good language.  If Python stops being good (that is, a
 good version of Python stops being maintained and supported), then
 I'll stop using it, and that's the rational thing to do.

 Just to be fair, though, it's (contraction) not obviously irrational
 for a captain to go down with the ship.  The mentality, commitments,
 and principles that it lets him keep and make may be better on the
 whole in the long run for captains, crews, and ships, only if they
 have that consequence.  That is, captains that will go down with the
 ship are better captains of ships, and captains that have the capacity
 to betray, forge, or abandon principles make worse captains; therefore
 a good captain will go down, and can't change his mind.

 However, as critics and fans of Python, our actions don't really have
 the same consequences as the captains.  That is, it is not rational
 for the crew to go down with the ship, only the captain.

What if the crew sabotage the ship, should the captain still go down
with it, even though sabatuers are to blame?

All ships need a good captain, all captains need a good crew, and all
crews need a good ship.(also True in reverse()). Without loyalty
python will fail, so will Ruby, so will C. Sometimes even when loyalty
is scarce, a language will survive solely because it is the only ship

You do not have to fight for python as I do to use it and benefit from
it, that's OK. I don't care either way. But don't piss on me for
trying to keep her a-float, Mate!.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 06:58:06 -0800, walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 21, 12:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Strange enough,
 no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...
 A few years back, there was a certain amount of chest thumping, when
 python/django easily beat ror in a benchmark test. Now that ruby is
 faster, I guess speed is no big issue.

Who was doing this chest-thumping? Fanboys like r? Why should you tar 
all of us with their immaturity?

 By the same reasoning, python advocates used to sneer at php because php
 constantly broke backward compatibility. Now that python does it,
 breaking backward compatibility is no big deal.

No, breaking backward compatibility IS a big deal. That's why Python is 
doing it slowly and carefully: the minimum amount of breakage necessary, 
and with the Python 2.x series kept going in parallel for at least two 
additional versions.

 I guess unicode support
 was not that important, until python caught up to perl.

Python has had unicode support for a long time. You just needed to write 
u'' instead of ''.

 I guess, the way it works is: you first assume that python is superior,
 then you figure out why.

Just keep on trollin'.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Patrick Mullen
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:15 PM, r wrote:
 On Dec 20, 11:11 pm, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 20, 5:05 pm, Roy Smith

  He got really hung up on the % syntax.

 I guess it's good to know that there is, at least, one person in the
 world doesn't like the % formatting. As least the move was not
 entirely pointless.

 But, you must admit, of all the things people complain about with
 Python, the % formatting is probably one of the least common
 complaints. Complaints about Python's speed seem much more common.

 Yet, 3.0 makes the speed worse, and fixes a non-problem.

A few points:
1) The new formatting is NOT the reason for the speed slowdown.  So
this change at least was a no cost change.  No cost to interpreter
speed, and no cost as it doesn't replace the old sprintf style.  Of
all the things to complain about in python 3.0, the format method is
the silliest.
2) In my experience, major version changes tend to be slower than
before.  When a lot of things change, especially if very low-level
things change, as happened in python 3.0, the new code has not yet
went through many years of revision and optimization that the old code
has.  In my opinion, python 3 was rushed out the door a bit.  It could
have done with a few more months of optimization and polishing.
However, on the other hand, it is going to take so long for python
infrastructure to convert to python 3, that an earlier release makes
sense, even if it hasn't been excessively polished.  The biggest
reason for the speed change is the rewritten stdio and
unicode-everything.  Hopefully this stuff can be improved in future
updates.  I don't think anyone WANTS cpython to be slower.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 22:15:23 -0800, r wrote:

 It would be nice to get a vote together and see what does the average
 pythoneer want? What do they like, What do they dislike. What is the
 state of the Python Union? Does anybody know, Does anybody care? I think
 python is slipping away from it's dominate foothold on the world.
 Google's use of python may be the only thing holding this house of cards
 together. Ruby's hype is defiantly growing and unless we strive for
 greatness, python may fail. I think ruby may have their act together a
 little better than us right now. And since Ruby is such a hodge-podge of
 different languages, the __init__ hold is there for many.
 what does joe-python want???

That's not completely irrelevant but I think one of Python's strength is 
that we have a BDFL who decides carefully what he thinks is best for the 
language instead of integrating every random idea some newbie comes up 
with and which might sound useful at first sight.

Python has its quirks but even with things I don't like I often realize 
later it was a wise decision that integrates well into the language 
whereas my ideas for fixes of the quirks wouldn't.  joe-python most 
often doesn't see the whole picture and demands changes that look easy at 
first sight, but are hard to implement right and efficient or just shifts 
the problem somewhere else where the next joe-python trips over it.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 15:27:43 -0800, walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:
 Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.
 Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people have
 with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people complain
 about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the speed. Lots
 of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have not come across
 any complaints about the string formatting.

Many newbie code I have seen avoids it by string concatenation:

greeting = 'Hello, my name is ' + name + ' and I am ' + str(age) + ' old.'

That's some kind of indirect complaint.  :-)

 In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
 seem to be non-problems.

And even if nobody has problems with the limitations of ``%`` string 
formatting why shouldn't they add a more flexible and powerful way!?  
Python 3.0 is not a bug fix release.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 00:57:46 -0800, Patrick Mullen wrote:

 2) In my experience, major version changes tend to be slower than
 before.  When a lot of things change, especially if very low-level
 things change, as happened in python 3.0, the new code has not yet went
 through many years of revision and optimization that the old code has. 

I was around for the change from Python 1.5 - 2.x. By memory, I skipped 
a couple of versions... I think I didn't make the move until Python 2.2 
or 2.3 was released. Python 2.0 was significantly slower than 1.5 in a 
number of critical areas, but not for long.

Actually, it's quite possible that Python 1.5 is still faster than Python 
2.x in some areas -- but of course it misses a lot of features, and at 
the end of the day, the difference between your script completing in 0.03 
seconds or in 0.06 seconds is meaningless.

 In my opinion, python 3 was rushed out the door a bit.  It could have
 done with a few more months of optimization and polishing. However, on
 the other hand, it is going to take so long for python infrastructure to
 convert to python 3, that an earlier release makes sense, even if it
 hasn't been excessively polished.  The biggest reason for the speed
 change is the rewritten stdio and unicode-everything.  Hopefully this
 stuff can be improved in future updates.  I don't think anyone WANTS
 cpython to be slower.

I understand that the 3.0.1 release due out around Christmas will have 
some major speed-ups in stdio.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 20, 8:26 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:55:35 -0800, Aaron Brady wrote:
  This behavior is currently legal:

  %i %%i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'

  So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

  %i %i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'

 Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced. You have
 implicitly silenced the TypeError you get from not having enough
 arguments for the first format operation. That means that you will
 introduce ambiguity and bugs.

No, it's not part of the (new) '%' operation.  '%' handles one flag at
a time.  It's not an error if the author intends it.

 %i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7

 Here I have four slots and only three numbers. Which output did I expect?

 '%i 5 3 7'
 '5 %i 3 7'
 '5 3 %i 7'
 '5 3 7 %i'

Anything, so long as it's (contraction) consistent and general.

 Or more likely, the three numbers is a mistake, there is supposed to be a
 fourth number there somewhere, only now instead of the error being caught
 immediately, it won't be discovered until much later.

Leave that to unit testing and your QA team.

To make the change, the burden of proof (which is large) would fall to
me.  However, in the abstract case, it's not clear that either one is
favorable, more obvious, or a simpler extrapolation.

Bug-proneness is an argument against a construction, just not a
conclusive one.  How heavy is it in this case?

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 20, 8:49 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
  Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
  sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
  like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
  arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

  Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

  Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.

  This behavior is currently legal:

  %i %%i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'

  So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

  %i %i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'
  %r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1
  '(2, 3, 4) 1'
  %r %i % (2, 3, 4)
  '(2, 3, 4) %i'

  Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.

 A couple of problems:

 1. How do you handle a literal '%'? If you just double up then you'll
 need to fix the string after all your substitutions.

 2. What if a substitution introduces a '%'?

 I suppose a possible solution would be to introduce a special format
 string, including a literal, eg:

      f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

 and then convert the result to a true string:

      print(str(f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1))

 (although print() would call __str__ anyway).

 The format string would track where the last substitution occurred.

 Hmm... I think I'll just learn the new method. :-)

Now that I'm fighting 'r's war for him/her...

Um, here's one possibility.  On the first interpolation, flags are
noted and stored apart from subsequent interpolations.  Then, use a
sentinel to terminate the interpolation.  (Unproduced.)

 %r %i % ( 2, 3 ) % 0
'(2, 3) 0'
 %% %r % ( 2, 3 ) % str.interp_end
'% (2, 3)'
 %sss%i % %d % 0

The first %s is replaced with %d, but doesn't hijack the '0'.  If you
want to interpolate the %d, use the sentinel.  The sentinel is what
causes '%%' to be handled.

 %sss%i % %d % 0 % 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
 %sss%i % %d % 0 % str.interp_end % 1

Treating tuples as a special case appears to be the simpler solution,
but this, 'chaining', to adopt the term, is still feasible.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced. You
 have implicitly silenced the TypeError you get from not having enough 
 arguments for the first format operation. That means that you will 
 introduce ambiguity and bugs.
 %i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7
 Here I have four slots and only three numbers. Which output did I
 '%i 5 3 7'
 '5 %i 3 7'
 '5 3 %i 7'
 '5 3 7 %i'
 Or more likely, the three numbers is a mistake, there is supposed to
 be a fourth number there somewhere, only now instead of the error
 being caught immediately, it won't be discovered until much later.
You seem to have made an unwarranted assumption, namely that a binary 
operator has to compile to a function with two operands. There is no 
particular reason why this has to always be the case: for example, I 
believe that C# when given several strings to add together optimises this 
into a single call to a concatenation method.

Python *could* do something similar if the appropriate opcodes/methods 
supported more than two arguments:

a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string 
concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as 

In that alternate universe your example:

%i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7

simply throws TypeError: not enough arguments for format string, and

  %s % (1,2,3)

just converts the tuple as a single argument. It also provides the answer 
to how you put a percent in the format string (double it) and what happens 
if a substitution inserts a percent (it doesn't interact with the 
formatting operators).

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:45:32 +, Duncan Booth wrote:

 You seem to have made an unwarranted assumption, namely that a binary
 operator has to compile to a function with two operands. There is no
 particular reason why this has to always be the case: for example, I
 believe that C# when given several strings to add together optimises
 this into a single call to a concatenation method.
 Python *could* do something similar if the appropriate opcodes/methods
 supported more than two arguments:
 a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
 concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as

But that needs special casing strings and ``%`` in the comiler, because 
it might not be always safe to do this on arbitrary objects.  Only in 
cases where the type of `a` is known at compile time and ``a % b`` 
returns an object of ``type(a)``.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:45:32 +, Duncan Booth wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced. You have
 implicitly silenced the TypeError you get from not having enough
 arguments for the first format operation. That means that you will
 introduce ambiguity and bugs.
 %i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7
 Here I have four slots and only three numbers. Which output did I
 '%i 5 3 7'
 '5 %i 3 7'
 '5 3 %i 7'
 '5 3 7 %i'
 Or more likely, the three numbers is a mistake, there is supposed to be
 a fourth number there somewhere, only now instead of the error being
 caught immediately, it won't be discovered until much later.
 You seem to have made an unwarranted assumption, namely that a binary
 operator has to compile to a function with two operands. There is no
 particular reason why this has to always be the case: for example, I
 believe that C# when given several strings to add together optimises
 this into a single call to a concatenation method.


 Python *could* do something similar if the appropriate opcodes/methods
 supported more than two arguments:
 a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
 concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as

That's only plausible if the operations are associative. Addition is 
associative, but string interpolation is not:

 %%%s % (%s % b)
 (%%%s % %s) % b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Since string interpolation isn't associative, your hypothetical __mod__ 
method might take multiple arguments, but it would have to deal with them 
two at a time, unlike concatenation where the compiler could do them all 
at once. So whether __mod__ takes two arguments or many is irrelevant: 
its implementation must rely on some other function which takes two 
arguments and must succeed or fail on that.

Either that, or we change the design of % interpolation, and allow it to 
silently ignore errors. I assumed that is what Aaron wanted.

 In that alternate universe your example:
   %i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7
 simply throws TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

That has a disturbing consequence.

Consider that most (all?) operations, we can use temporary values:

x = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
= x == 10

gives the same value for x as:

temp = 1 + 2 + 3
x = temp + 4

I would expect that the same should happen for % interpolation:

# using Aaron's hypothetical syntax
s = %s.%s.%s.%s % 1 % 2 % 3 % 4

should give the same result as:

temp = %s.%s.%s.%s % 1 % 2 % 3
s = temp % 4

But you're arguing that the first version should succeed and the second 
version, using a temporary value, should fail. And that implies that if 
you group part of the expression in parentheses, it will fail as well:

s = (%s.%s.%s.%s % 1 % 2 % 3) % 4

Remove the parentheses, and it succeeds. That's disturbing. That makes 
the % operator behave very differently from other operators.

Note that with the current syntax, we don't have that problem: short-
supplying arguments leads to an exception no matter what.

   %s % (1,2,3)
 just converts the tuple as a single argument. It also provides the
 answer to how you put a percent in the format string (double it) 

I trust you know that already works, but just in case:

 %g%% % 12.5

 and what happens if a substitution inserts a percent (it doesn't
 interact with the formatting operators).


 %s % %g


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Steve Holden
r wrote:
 On Dec 20, 11:11 pm, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 20, 5:05 pm, Roy Smith

 He got really hung up on the % syntax.
 I guess it's good to know that there is, at least, one person in the
 world doesn't like the % formatting. As least the move was not
 entirely pointless.

 But, you must admit, of all the things people complain about with
 Python, the % formatting is probably one of the least common
 complaints. Complaints about Python's speed seem much more common.

 Yet, 3.0 makes the speed worse, and fixes a non-problem.

 I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
 But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.
 This all really comes down to the new python users. Yea, i said it.
 Not rabid fanboys like Steven and myself.(i can't speak for walter but
 i think he would agree) Are we going to make sure joe-blow python
 newbie likes the language. And doesn't get turned off and run over to
 ruby or whoever. Like it or not, without newusers python is doomed to
 the same fate as all the other great languages who had their 15 mins
 of fame.
 We must proactively seek out the wants of these new users and make
 sure python stays alive. But we also must not sell are pythonic souls

 that's our (possessive), r, not are (verb)
 in the process.
 It would be nice to get a vote together and see what does the average
 pythoneer want? What do they like, What do they dislike. What is the
 state of the Python Union? Does anybody know, Does anybody care? I
 think python is slipping away from it's dominate foothold on the
 world. Google's use of python may be the only thing holding this house
 of cards together. Ruby's hype is defiantly growing and unless we
 strive for greatness, python may fail. I think ruby may have their act
 together a little better than us right now. And since Ruby is such a
 hodge-podge of different languages, the __init__ hold is there for
 what does joe-python want???

Don't make the mistake of assuming there is a Joe Python whose needs
neatly encapsulate the sum of all Python users' needs. There's plenty of
evidence from this group that different people like, want or need
different things from Python, and attempting to measure user
requirements by democratic means is not likely to produce much useful

There is no such thing as the average Python programmer: an average
can only be measured for one-dimensional values on some sort of linear
continuum. Python users live in a multi-dimensional space where the
concept of an average has little meaning and less use.

As for your assertion that Google's use of Python may be the only thing
maintaining Python's popularity, it's complete twaddle. Take a look
around at who's involved in using Python. I suspect Industrial Light and
Magic ,may have more Python programmers than Google, who also make
extensive use of Java and one other language (C++?), as well as a bevy
of others as justified by project needs. Rackspace, NASA, Canonical and
many others are keen supporters of the language, and they put their
money where their mouths are by incorporating it into their products.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread skip

Marc Many newbie code I have seen avoids it by string concatenation:

Marc greeting = 'Hello, my name is ' + name + ' and I am ' + str(age) + ' 

Marc That's some kind of indirect complaint.  :-)

I see Python code like that written by people with a C/C++ background.  I
don't think you can necessarily chalk that up to %-string avoidance.  They
learn that + will concatenate two strings and don't look further.

Skip Montanaro - -

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

 a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
 concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as
 But that needs special casing strings and ``%`` in the comiler, because 
 it might not be always safe to do this on arbitrary objects.  Only in 
 cases where the type of `a` is known at compile time and ``a % b`` 
 returns an object of ``type(a)``.
I could be wrong, but I don't see that would be the case.

I think it would be safe (in this hypothetical universe) any time that 'a' 
had a method __mod__ which accepted more than one argument.

It might be simpler if I'd suggested an imaginary __mmod__ method so the 
opcode for multiple-mod could check for that method or fall back to doing 
mod of the first two values and then mmod of the result and any remaining 
values until only two remain.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
 concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as
 That's only plausible if the operations are associative. Addition is 
 associative, but string interpolation is not:

Addition is not associative on arbitrary types.

 %%%s % (%s % b)
 (%%%s % %s) % b
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
 Since string interpolation isn't associative, your hypothetical
 __mod__ method might take multiple arguments, but it would have to
 deal with them two at a time, unlike concatenation where the compiler
 could do them all at once. So whether __mod__ takes two arguments or
 many is irrelevant: its implementation must rely on some other
 function which takes two arguments and must succeed or fail on that.

I don't see that. What I suggested was that a % b % c would map to 
a.__mod__(b,c). (a % b) % c would also map to that, but a % (b % c) could 
only possibly map to a.__mod__(b.__mod__(c))


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 7:34 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:45:32 +, Duncan Booth wrote:
  You seem to have made an unwarranted assumption, namely that a binary
  operator has to compile to a function with two operands. There is no
  particular reason why this has to always be the case: for example, I
  believe that C# when given several strings to add together optimises
  this into a single call to a concatenation method.

  Python *could* do something similar if the appropriate opcodes/methods
  supported more than two arguments:

  a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
  concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as

 But that needs special casing strings and ``%`` in the comiler, because
 it might not be always safe to do this on arbitrary objects.  Only in
 cases where the type of `a` is known at compile time and ``a % b``
 returns an object of ``type(a)``.

'x+y' makes no guarantees whatsoever.  It could return an object of
type(x), type(y), or neither.  'a%b' in the case of strings is just,
str.__mod__, returning string.

In a+b+c, 'a' gets dibs over what the rest see, so there's no more
danger in the multi-ary case, than in binary; and that hasn't stopped
us before.

You might be confusing the cases of arbitrary operators vs. uniform
operators.  'a' does not get dibs in 'a+b*c'; 'b*c' are allowed to
carry out their affairs.  But in 'a+b+c', 'a*b*c', 'a%b%c', and so on,
'a' has final say on b's and c's behaviors via its return value, so
loses nothing by combining such a call.

In short, you can force it anyway, so it's syntactic sugar after that.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 8:50 am, Steve Holden wrote:
 r wrote:
  This all really comes down to the new python users. Yea, i said it.
  Not rabid fanboys like Steven and myself.(i can't speak for walter but
  i think he would agree) Are we going to make sure joe-blow python
  newbie likes the language. And doesn't get turned off and run over to
  ruby or whoever. Like it or not, without newusers python is doomed to
  the same fate as all the other great languages who had their 15 mins
  of fame.

  We must proactively seek out the wants of these new users and make
  sure python stays alive. But we also must not sell are pythonic souls

                          that's our (possessive), r, not are (verb)

  in the process.

  It would be nice to get a vote together and see what does the average
  pythoneer want? What do they like, What do they dislike. What is the
  state of the Python Union? Does anybody know, Does anybody care? I
  think python is slipping away from it's dominate foothold on the
  world. Google's use of python may be the only thing holding this house
  of cards together. Ruby's hype is defiantly growing and unless we
  strive for greatness, python may fail. I think ruby may have their act
  together a little better than us right now. And since Ruby is such a
  hodge-podge of different languages, the __init__ hold is there for

  what does joe-python want???

 Don't make the mistake of assuming there is a Joe Python whose needs
 neatly encapsulate the sum of all Python users' needs. There's plenty of
 evidence from this group that different people like, want or need
 different things from Python, and attempting to measure user
 requirements by democratic means is not likely to produce much useful

 There is no such thing as the average Python programmer: an average
 can only be measured for one-dimensional values on some sort of linear
 continuum. Python users live in a multi-dimensional space where the
 concept of an average has little meaning and less use.

You've confused dimensions with modes.  There is such thing as the
center of a bivariate distribution--- it is merely the most common of
the individual variables, the top of a 3-D hill, or the center of

However, an average only makes sense for unimodal distributions.  If
the distribution is bi-modal, there's no average in the neat sense.

Dollars earned per hour spent writing in Python is a good candidate.
There are two modes in that distribution.  One at 0, the other in the
tens or hundreds.  And the global average is less common than either
mode individually.  So in this case, we have one Joe Py for every
mode: Joe Free Py, and Joe Paid Py.  (You might actually get multi-
modal on that one-- Joe Salary Py, Joe Wage Py, Joe Stipend Py, Joe
Free Py, but $0.01/hr. is less common than 0, and less common than

You might also argue that the standard deviation is so high as to make
any one data point unrepresentative of many others.  But if you have
variables in two dimensions, they're independent by definition (or
there exists a basis set that is).

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Mel
Duncan Booth wrote:

 I don't see that. What I suggested was that a % b % c would map to
 a.__mod__(b,c). (a % b) % c would also map to that, but a % (b % c) could
 only possibly map to a.__mod__(b.__mod__(c))

There's a compiling problem here, no?  You don't want a%b%c to implement as
a.__mod__(b,c) if a is a number.



Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 15:30:34 +, Duncan Booth wrote:

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 a+b+c+d might execute a.__add__(b,c,d) allowing more efficient string
 concatenations or matrix operations, and a%b%c%d might execute as
 But that needs special casing strings and ``%`` in the comiler, because
 it might not be always safe to do this on arbitrary objects.  Only in
 cases where the type of `a` is known at compile time and ``a % b``
 returns an object of ``type(a)``.
 I could be wrong, but I don't see that would be the case.
 I think it would be safe (in this hypothetical universe) any time that
 'a' had a method __mod__ which accepted more than one argument.

And returns an object of ``type(a)`` or at least a duck type so that it 
is guaranteed that ``a.__mod__(b, c)`` really has the same semantics as 
``a.__mod__(b).__mod__(c)``.  For arbitrary objects `a`, `b`, and `c` 
that are not known at compile time, how could the compiler decide if it 
is safe to emit code that calls `a.__mod__()` with multiple arguments?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread MRAB

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 20, 8:49 pm, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.
Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.
This behavior is currently legal:

%i %%i % 0 % 1

'0 1'
So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

%i %i % 0 % 1

'0 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

'(2, 3, 4) 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4)

'(2, 3, 4) %i'
Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.

A couple of problems:

1. How do you handle a literal '%'? If you just double up then you'll
need to fix the string after all your substitutions.

2. What if a substitution introduces a '%'?

I suppose a possible solution would be to introduce a special format
string, including a literal, eg:

 f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

and then convert the result to a true string:

 print(str(f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1))

(although print() would call __str__ anyway).

The format string would track where the last substitution occurred.

Hmm... I think I'll just learn the new method. :-)

Now that I'm fighting 'r's war for him/her...

Um, here's one possibility.  On the first interpolation, flags are
noted and stored apart from subsequent interpolations.  Then, use a
sentinel to terminate the interpolation.  (Unproduced.)

%r %i % ( 2, 3 ) % 0

'(2, 3) 0'

%% %r % ( 2, 3 ) % str.interp_end

'% (2, 3)'

%sss%i % %d % 0


The first %s is replaced with %d, but doesn't hijack the '0'.  If you
want to interpolate the %d, use the sentinel.  The sentinel is what
causes '%%' to be handled.

%sss%i % %d % 0 % 1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

%sss%i % %d % 0 % str.interp_end % 1


Treating tuples as a special case appears to be the simpler solution,
but this, 'chaining', to adopt the term, is still feasible.

A possible solution occurred to me shortly after I posted, but I decided 
that sleep was more important. :-)

The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if 
there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class 
Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object 
supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1 
placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more 
than one.

 f = %r %i
type 'str'
 f = f % (2, 3, 4)
type 'Format'
 f = f % 1
type 'str'

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:
 Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 20, 8:49 pm, MRAB wrote:
  Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
  Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
  sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
  like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
  arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.
  Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.
  Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.
  This behavior is currently legal:
  %i %%i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'
  So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)
  %i %i % 0 % 1
  '0 1'
  %r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1
  '(2, 3, 4) 1'
  %r %i % (2, 3, 4)
  '(2, 3, 4) %i'
  Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.
  A couple of problems:

  1. How do you handle a literal '%'? If you just double up then you'll
  need to fix the string after all your substitutions.

  2. What if a substitution introduces a '%'?

  I suppose a possible solution would be to introduce a special format
  string, including a literal, eg:

       f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

  and then convert the result to a true string:

       print(str(f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1))

  (although print() would call __str__ anyway).

  The format string would track where the last substitution occurred.

  Hmm... I think I'll just learn the new method. :-)

  Now that I'm fighting 'r's war for him/her...

  Um, here's one possibility.  On the first interpolation, flags are
  noted and stored apart from subsequent interpolations.  Then, use a
  sentinel to terminate the interpolation.  (Unproduced.)

  %r %i % ( 2, 3 ) % 0
  '(2, 3) 0'
  %% %r % ( 2, 3 ) % str.interp_end
  '% (2, 3)'
  %sss%i % %d % 0

  The first %s is replaced with %d, but doesn't hijack the '0'.  If you
  want to interpolate the %d, use the sentinel.  The sentinel is what
  causes '%%' to be handled.

  %sss%i % %d % 0 % 1
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File stdin, line 1, in module
  TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
  %sss%i % %d % 0 % str.interp_end % 1

  Treating tuples as a special case appears to be the simpler solution,
  but this, 'chaining', to adopt the term, is still feasible.

 A possible solution occurred to me shortly after I posted, but I decided
 that sleep was more important. :-)

 The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
 there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
 Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
 supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
 placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
 than one.

   f = %r %i
 type 'str'
   f = f % (2, 3, 4)
 type 'Format'
   f = f % 1
 type 'str'

Alright, so how are you handling:

 f= %s %i
 type( f )
type 'str'
 f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
 type( f )
type 'Format'
 f= f% 1
 type( f )

In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread MRAB

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 20, 8:49 pm, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.
Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.
This behavior is currently legal:

%i %%i % 0 % 1

'0 1'
So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

%i %i % 0 % 1

'0 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

'(2, 3, 4) 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4)

'(2, 3, 4) %i'
Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.

A couple of problems:
1. How do you handle a literal '%'? If you just double up then you'll
need to fix the string after all your substitutions.
2. What if a substitution introduces a '%'?
I suppose a possible solution would be to introduce a special format
string, including a literal, eg:
 f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1
and then convert the result to a true string:
 print(str(f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1))
(although print() would call __str__ anyway).
The format string would track where the last substitution occurred.
Hmm... I think I'll just learn the new method. :-)

Now that I'm fighting 'r's war for him/her...
Um, here's one possibility.  On the first interpolation, flags are
noted and stored apart from subsequent interpolations.  Then, use a
sentinel to terminate the interpolation.  (Unproduced.)

%r %i % ( 2, 3 ) % 0

'(2, 3) 0'

%% %r % ( 2, 3 ) % str.interp_end

'% (2, 3)'

%sss%i % %d % 0

The first %s is replaced with %d, but doesn't hijack the '0'.  If you
want to interpolate the %d, use the sentinel.  The sentinel is what
causes '%%' to be handled.

%sss%i % %d % 0 % 1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

%sss%i % %d % 0 % str.interp_end % 1

Treating tuples as a special case appears to be the simpler solution,
but this, 'chaining', to adopt the term, is still feasible.

A possible solution occurred to me shortly after I posted, but I decided
that sleep was more important. :-)

The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
than one.

  f = %r %i
type 'str'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
type 'Format'
  f = f % 1
type 'str'

Alright, so how are you handling:

f= %s %i
type( f )

type 'str'

f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
type( f )

type 'Format'

f= f% 1
type( f )


In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?

Let's assume that Format objects display their value like the equivalent 
string format:

 f = %r %i
'%r %i'
 f = f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
 f = f % 1
'(2, 3, 4) 1'

 f = %s %i
'%s %i'
 f = f % '%i'
Format '%%i %i'
 f = f % 1
'%%i 1'


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread bearophileHUGS
 Interesting. The re module uses a form of bytecode. Not sure about the
 relative cost of the dispatch code, though.

I was talking about the main CPython VM, but the same ideas may be
adapted for the RE engine too.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Christian Heimes
Patrick Mullen schrieb:
 2) In my experience, major version changes tend to be slower than
 before.  When a lot of things change, especially if very low-level
 things change, as happened in python 3.0, the new code has not yet
 went through many years of revision and optimization that the old code
 has.  In my opinion, python 3 was rushed out the door a bit.  It could
 have done with a few more months of optimization and polishing.
 However, on the other hand, it is going to take so long for python
 infrastructure to convert to python 3, that an earlier release makes
 sense, even if it hasn't been excessively polished.  The biggest
 reason for the speed change is the rewritten stdio and
 unicode-everything.  Hopefully this stuff can be improved in future
 updates.  I don't think anyone WANTS cpython to be slower.

The 3.0 release targets third party developers. Authors of 3rd party
extensions and libraries need a stable API to port their software to a
new major release. The main objective was feature completeness and
stability. If you need speed either stick to the 2.x series or wait
until 3.1 is out.

We could have waited a few more months or even a few more years with a
3.0 release. There is always - I repeat ALWAYS - work to do. For an open
source project like Python release early, release often works better.



Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread r
I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
There could be many reasons why...

0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists
1.) nobody cares(doubt it)
2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)
3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)
4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
it. (good possibility)
5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

I think Guido's intension's are pure, but this is a major turnoff to
new users. Do we really need to hold a new users hand that much. Does
it really matter if they know the path of said obj. If you can't
fiqure this out for yourself you have much greater problems.

I do not like self, and i lamented it from day one, now it is second
nature to me but does that mean it is really needed?? I feel i have
been brainwashed into its usage.

This was the reason for using indention over the bracket plague in
python. REDUNDANCY!!! Why not dump self and make the language cleaner.
I love python's classes, but HATE self.redundant! This really needs to
be fixed, and you have not heard the last from me about it!!!

3000 would have been the perfect time to dump self and really clean up
the language, and it's not too late, dawn is not upon us yet.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia

Quoting r

 I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
 There could be many reasons why...
 0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists
 1.) nobody cares(doubt it)
 2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)
 3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)
 4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
 it. (good possibility)
 5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

You forgot
6.) it is the best, cleanest, most consistent and extensible way to do it.
 This was the reason for using indention over the bracket plague in
 python. REDUNDANCY!!! Why not dump self and make the language cleaner.
 I love python's classes, but HATE self.redundant! This really needs to
 be fixed, and you have not heard the last from me about it!!!

Do you also hate cls.redundant on a classmethod? Would you rather type 'self'
even when it is referring to a class? Would you like to resort to a hack, like
C#3.0's 'this' explicit argument, when monkey-patching?

I used to hate 'self'. Then I met classmethods, metaclasses and decorators, and
the 'new'/'types' modules. It's just one of those examples where Guido's time
machine works flawlessly.

 3000 would have been the perfect time to dump self and really clean up
 the language, and it's not too late, dawn is not upon us yet.

No need to wait for python 3000.

You can have a 'selfless metaclass' right now:

(BTW, I really hope you are complaining about the explicit self on the argument
list, and not about the 'self.' prefix - if that were the case, what magic would
you propose for the compiler to guess when you are referring to locals, globals,
class or instance variables?)

Luis Zarrabeitia
Facultad de Matemática y Computación, UH


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread MRAB

r wrote:

I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
There could be many reasons why...

0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists
1.) nobody cares(doubt it)
2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)
3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)
4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
it. (good possibility)
5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

6.) nobody here wants to go through that whole discussion yet again


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Patrick Mullen
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 11:26 AM, r wrote:
 I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
 There could be many reasons why...

 0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists
 1.) nobody cares(doubt it)
 2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)
 3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)
 4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
 it. (good possibility)
 5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

It's a combination between (4) (5) and (6).  6 being, we have
discussed self every week for the past 6 years, it hasn't changed
yet, it's not going away, it's not a trivial problem, deal with it.

(0) is ridiculous, there are more than 10 respondents to this post alone.
(1) - if nobody cared it wouldn't come up every week, but it's been
discussed so much most are tired of it
(2) - people question it all the time, usually people who are new to
the language but not always.  The discussion generally doesn't amount
to anything
(3) - It's not about wanting to type self over and over again, it's
about being able to start with functions or start with classes, and
easily refactor to the other way when needed; and never having a
chance to wonder where a variable came from.  There are ups and downs
to self, it is generally more work to remove it than it is worth, what
would the gain be?  We'd be trading some ups and downs for some other
ups and downs.  And no, BDFL is not going to bend on self.  He almost
bent on the issue a few weeks ago, but his proposition merely changed
some syntax - self was still there.

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Christian Heimes wrote:
 We could have waited a few more months or even a few more years with a
 3.0 release. There is always - I repeat ALWAYS - work to do. For an open
 source project like Python release early, release often works better.

Good point, and I agree.  It's too early for people to complain about
python 3 being
slow.  It's also too both too late and too early to complain about
things in python 3
that are thought of as a step backward.  It's too late, because python
3 is out and
it's already been changed!  Things are not going to change back.  Complaints are
a bit useless at this point, except to let off steam.  It's too early,
because without
using python3 in a major project, from the ground up, with the new features,
the benefits or negatives for all of the changes cannot truly be known.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

r a écrit :
(snip clueless rant)

One more big complaint THE BACKSLASH PLAGUE. ever tried regexp?


exp = re.compile(rno \problem \with \backslashes)

, or
file paths?. 

You mean _dos/windows_ file path separator ? It was indeed a stupid 
choice _from microsoft_ to choose the by then well established escape 
char (the backslash) as a file path separator. But hopefully, Python 
handles it gracefully: you can either use raw strings (which I stronly 
advise you learn about instead of whining) or just the traditional unix 
one (forward slash) instead.

All because that little backslash char is a line
continuation character,

Totally clueless, as usual... Why don't you just READ THAT FUCKING MANUAL ?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

walterbyrd a écrit :

On Dec 20, 5:05 pm, Roy Smith

He got really hung up on the % syntax.

I guess it's good to know that there is, at least, one person in the
world doesn't like the % formatting. As least the move was not
entirely pointless.

But, you must admit, of all the things people complain about with
Python, the % formatting is probably one of the least common
complaints. Complaints about Python's speed seem much more common.

People complaining about the perceived issues wrt/ Python's speed are 
welcome to fix it. As far as I'm concerned, I find the perfs more than 
acceptable when you take Python's dynamism into account. Strange enough, 
no one seems to complain about PHP or Ruby's performances...


Yet, 3.0 makes the speed worse,

first make it right, then make it fast...

and fixes a non-problem.

I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.

Err... _Which_ cost exactly ?

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

r a écrit :

I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
There could be many reasons why...

0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists
1.) nobody cares(doubt it)
2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)
3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)
4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
it. (good possibility)
5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

6.) you are definitevely clueless.


I love python's classes, but HATE self.redundant!

This declaration only makes clear that answer to your above question is #6.

This really needs to
be fixed,

Your ignorance needs to be fixed, yes, indeed. Please go and fix it - 
all the relevant materials is available in (or linked from somewhere in) 
this newgroup's archives.

and you have not heard the last from me about it!!!

As far as I'm concerned, yes. Welcome to my bozo filter. Please come 
back when you'll have grown a brain.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread r
Hey Bruno,
Thanks for spelling it out for me :D

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread r
I thought i had already gone up, up, and away to your kill filter.
hmm, guess you had a change of heart ;D

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 2:26 PM, r wrote:

 I noticed when i mentioned self nobody wants to touch that subject.
 There could be many reasons why...

 0.) nobody but the 10 regulars i see here exists

if you only see 10 people, you must not be following this list very well.

 1.) nobody cares(doubt it)

If people cared that much, they wouldn't use python.

 2.) nobody is brave enough to question it(maybe)

Check the archives. There have been plenty of people who questioned it.
People got so bored with them that the only answer you're likely to get now
is people quoting the zen.

 3.) most people like to type self over and over again(doubt it)

You have to type self over and over again? I don't know about the other
editors, about Eclipse/PyDev's autocomplete will add it to any function
declared within a class unless it has @staticmethod or @classmethod above

 4.) most people here have given up on changing the BDFL's mind about
 it. (good possibility)
 5.) this is a hot-button topic(no doubt in my mind!)

Not really. Again, if you care that much about explicit self, use another

 I think Guido's intension's are pure, but this is a major turnoff to
 new users. Do we really need to hold a new users hand that much. Does
 it really matter if they know the path of said obj. If you can't
 fiqure this out for yourself you have much greater problems.

 I do not like self, and i lamented it from day one, now it is second
 nature to me but does that mean it is really needed?? I feel i have
 been brainwashed into its usage.

 This was the reason for using indention over the bracket plague in
 python. REDUNDANCY!!! Why not dump self and make the language cleaner.
 I love python's classes, but HATE self.redundant! This really needs to
 be fixed, and you have not heard the last from me about it!!!

 3000 would have been the perfect time to dump self and really clean up
 the language, and it's not too late, dawn is not upon us yet.

yes, it is too late. Python 3 is out and done. There will be no more
sweeping, backwards-incompatible changes until Python 4.



Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 10:58 am, MRAB wrote:
 Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:
  The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
  there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
  Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
  supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
  placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
  than one.

    f = %r %i
  type 'str'
    f = f % (2, 3, 4)
  type 'Format'
    f = f % 1
  type 'str'

  Alright, so how are you handling:

  f= %s %i
  type( f )
  type 'str'
  f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
  type( f )
  type 'Format'
  f= f% 1
  type( f )

  In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
  slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?

 Let's assume that Format objects display their value like the equivalent
 string format:

   f = %r %i
 '%r %i'
   f = f % (2, 3, 4)
 Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
   f = f % 1
 '(2, 3, 4) 1'
   f = %s %i
 '%s %i'
   f = f % '%i'
 Format '%%i %i'
   f = f % 1
 '%%i 1'

I assume you meant '%i 1' since there are no more flags in f, and it's
returned to a regular string.

'f %= 1' doesn't work any more as in-place modulo, since one time, 'f'
is a Format object, the other, 'f' is a string.  Just raise an
exception for that (or assign to __class__ IINM if I'm not mistaken).

Actually, the class you showed is kind of nifty.  Tuples are correctly
interpolated.  I think on the whole you'll use more parenthesis, since
each term in the tuple appears separately, and might be an expression
(have a lower-precedence op.), as well as more modulo signs.

You can currently do-it-yourself, you just need a constructor in the
format string.

 f = Format(%r %i)
type 'Format'
 f = f % (2, 3, 4)
type 'Format'

Or, as someone suggested earlier, a new literal marking:

 f = f%r %i
type 'Format'

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread MRAB

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 10:58 am, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:


The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
than one.
  f = %r %i
type 'str'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
type 'Format'
  f = f % 1
type 'str'

Alright, so how are you handling:

f= %s %i
type( f )

type 'str'

f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
type( f )

type 'Format'

f= f% 1
type( f )

In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?

Let's assume that Format objects display their value like the equivalent
string format:

  f = %r %i
'%r %i'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
  f = f % 1
'(2, 3, 4) 1'
  f = %s %i
'%s %i'
  f = f % '%i'
Format '%%i %i'
  f = f % 1
'%%i 1'

I assume you meant '%i 1' since there are no more flags in f, and it's
returned to a regular string.


'f %= 1' doesn't work any more as in-place modulo, since one time, 'f'
is a Format object, the other, 'f' is a string.  Just raise an
exception for that (or assign to __class__ IINM if I'm not mistaken).

All assignments rebind, even the augmented form:

 class C1(object):
def __mod__(self, value):
return C2()

 class C2(object):
def __mod__(self, value):
return C2()

 f = C1()
__main__.C1 object at 0x00D144F0
 f % 0
__main__.C2 object at 0x00D143F0
 f %= 0
__main__.C2 object at 0x00D145B0

Actually, the class you showed is kind of nifty.  Tuples are correctly
interpolated.  I think on the whole you'll use more parenthesis, since
each term in the tuple appears separately, and might be an expression
(have a lower-precedence op.), as well as more modulo signs.

You can currently do-it-yourself, you just need a constructor in the
format string.

f = Format(%r %i)

type 'Format'

f = f % (2, 3, 4)

type 'Format'

Or, as someone suggested earlier, a new literal marking:

Yes, I suggested that earlier, but it isn't needed because you can 
create a format object with Format(string). However, most of the time 
you won't bother to create a format object explicitly because of:

class str(object):
def __mod__(self, value):
return Format(self) % value

f = f%r %i

type 'Format'

 # Explicitly
 f = Format(%r %i)
Format '%r %i'
 f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

 # Implicitly, relying on the __mod__ method of str
 f = %r %i
'%r %i'
 f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

I'd also like to add that there's nothing to prevent format objects from 
having other methods where multiple placeholders can be filled in one call:

 # By position
 f = Format(%r %i)
Format '%r %i'
 f.fill([(2, 3, 4), 1])
'(2, 3, 4) 1'

 # By name
 f = Format(%{tuple}r %{int}i)
Format '%{tuple}r %{int}i'
 f.fill({tuple: (2, 3, 4), int: 1})
'(2, 3, 4) 1'

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread alex23
On Dec 21, 10:11 am, r wrote:
 Most of the complaints i hear are the redundant use of self.
 Which I lamented about but have become accustom(brainwashed) to it. I
 would remove this if it where up to me.

It's a shame Python wasn't released under some kind of license, one
that allowed its source to be, say, opened and modified. Otherwise
you would just implement this yourself and submit patches, right?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread James Mills
On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 11:37 AM, alex23 wrote:
 On Dec 21, 10:11 am, r wrote:
 Most of the complaints i hear are the redundant use of self.
 Which I lamented about but have become accustom(brainwashed) to it. I
 would remove this if it where up to me.

 It's a shame Python wasn't released under some kind of license, one
 that allowed its source to be, say, opened and modified. Otherwise
 you would just implement this yourself and submit patches, right?

+1 :)

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 21, 6:14 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 21, 10:58 am, MRAB wrote:
  Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:
  The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
  there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
  Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
  supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
  placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
  than one.
    f = %r %i
  type 'str'
    f = f % (2, 3, 4)
  type 'Format'
    f = f % 1
  type 'str'
  Alright, so how are you handling:
  f= %s %i
  type( f )
  type 'str'
  f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
  type( f )
  type 'Format'
  f= f% 1
  type( f )
  In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
  slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?
  Let's assume that Format objects display their value like the equivalent
  string format:

    f = %r %i
  '%r %i'
    f = f % (2, 3, 4)
  Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
    f = f % 1
  '(2, 3, 4) 1'

    f = %s %i
  '%s %i'
    f = f % '%i'
  Format '%%i %i'
    f = f % 1
  '%%i 1'

  I assume you meant '%i 1' since there are no more flags in f, and it's
  returned to a regular string.


  'f %= 1' doesn't work any more as in-place modulo, since one time, 'f'
  is a Format object, the other, 'f' is a string.  Just raise an
  exception for that (or assign to __class__ IINM if I'm not mistaken).

 All assignments rebind, even the augmented form:

   class C1(object):
         def __mod__(self, value):
                 return C2()

   class C2(object):
         def __mod__(self, value):
                 return C2()

   f = C1()
 __main__.C1 object at 0x00D144F0
   f % 0
 __main__.C2 object at 0x00D143F0
   f %= 0
 __main__.C2 object at 0x00D145B0

  Actually, the class you showed is kind of nifty.  Tuples are correctly
  interpolated.  I think on the whole you'll use more parenthesis, since
  each term in the tuple appears separately, and might be an expression
  (have a lower-precedence op.), as well as more modulo signs.

  You can currently do-it-yourself, you just need a constructor in the
  format string.

  f = Format(%r %i)
  type 'Format'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
  type 'Format'

  Or, as someone suggested earlier, a new literal marking:

 Yes, I suggested that earlier, but it isn't needed because you can
 create a format object with Format(string). However, most of the time
 you won't bother to create a format object explicitly because of:

 class str(object):
      def __mod__(self, value):
          return Format(self) % value

  f = f%r %i
  type 'Format'

   # Explicitly
   f = Format(%r %i)
 Format '%r %i'
   f % (2, 3, 4)
 Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
   # Implicitly, relying on the __mod__ method of str
   f = %r %i
 '%r %i'
   f % (2, 3, 4)
 Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

 I'd also like to add that there's nothing to prevent format objects from
 having other methods where multiple placeholders can be filled in one call:

   # By position
   f = Format(%r %i)
 Format '%r %i'
   f.fill([(2, 3, 4), 1])
 '(2, 3, 4) 1'
   # By name
   f = Format(%{tuple}r %{int}i)
 Format '%{tuple}r %{int}i'
   f.fill({tuple: (2, 3, 4), int: 1})
 '(2, 3, 4) 1'

You're choosing to favor the '.chain()' method over the '.fill()'
method for the behavior of '%'.  I don't think you've justified it

 Format( %r %i ).chain( ( 2, 3, 4 ) ).chain( 0 )
'(2, 3, 4) 0'
 Format( %r %i ).fill( ( 2, 3, 4 ), 0 )
'(2, 3, 4) 0'

Plus, I almost think we've almost attained defeating the purpose.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-21 Thread MRAB

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 6:14 pm, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 10:58 am, MRAB wrote:

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 21, 10:31 am, MRAB wrote:


The original format is a string. The result of '%' is a string if
there's only 1 placeholder to fill, or a (partial) format object (class
Format?) if there's more than one. Similarly, the format object
supports '%'. The result of '%' is a string if there's only 1
placeholder to fill, or a new (partial) format object if there's more
than one.
  f = %r %i
type 'str'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
type 'Format'
  f = f % 1
type 'str'

Alright, so how are you handling:

f= %s %i
type( f )

type 'str'

f= f% '%i'  #now '%i %i'
type( f )

type 'Format'

f= f% 1
type( f )

In other words, are you slipping '1' in to the very first available
slot, or the next, after the location of the prior?

Let's assume that Format objects display their value like the equivalent
string format:
  f = %r %i
'%r %i'
  f = f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
  f = f % 1
'(2, 3, 4) 1'
  f = %s %i
'%s %i'
  f = f % '%i'
Format '%%i %i'
  f = f % 1
'%%i 1'

I assume you meant '%i 1' since there are no more flags in f, and it's
returned to a regular string.


'f %= 1' doesn't work any more as in-place modulo, since one time, 'f'
is a Format object, the other, 'f' is a string.  Just raise an
exception for that (or assign to __class__ IINM if I'm not mistaken).

All assignments rebind, even the augmented form:

  class C1(object):
def __mod__(self, value):
return C2()

  class C2(object):
def __mod__(self, value):
return C2()

  f = C1()
__main__.C1 object at 0x00D144F0
  f % 0
__main__.C2 object at 0x00D143F0
  f %= 0
__main__.C2 object at 0x00D145B0

Actually, the class you showed is kind of nifty.  Tuples are correctly
interpolated.  I think on the whole you'll use more parenthesis, since
each term in the tuple appears separately, and might be an expression
(have a lower-precedence op.), as well as more modulo signs.
You can currently do-it-yourself, you just need a constructor in the
format string.

f = Format(%r %i)

type 'Format'

f = f % (2, 3, 4)

type 'Format'
Or, as someone suggested earlier, a new literal marking:

Yes, I suggested that earlier, but it isn't needed because you can
create a format object with Format(string). However, most of the time
you won't bother to create a format object explicitly because of:

class str(object):
 def __mod__(self, value):
 return Format(self) % value

f = f%r %i

type 'Format'

  # Explicitly
  f = Format(%r %i)
Format '%r %i'
  f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'
  # Implicitly, relying on the __mod__ method of str
  f = %r %i
'%r %i'
  f % (2, 3, 4)
Format '(2, 3, 4) %i'

I'd also like to add that there's nothing to prevent format objects from
having other methods where multiple placeholders can be filled in one call:

  # By position
  f = Format(%r %i)
Format '%r %i'
  f.fill([(2, 3, 4), 1])
'(2, 3, 4) 1'
  # By name
  f = Format(%{tuple}r %{int}i)
Format '%{tuple}r %{int}i'
  f.fill({tuple: (2, 3, 4), int: 1})
'(2, 3, 4) 1'

You're choosing to favor the '.chain()' method over the '.fill()'
method for the behavior of '%'.  I don't think you've justified it

Format( %r %i ).chain( ( 2, 3, 4 ) ).chain( 0 )

'(2, 3, 4) 0'

Format( %r %i ).fill( ( 2, 3, 4 ), 0 )

'(2, 3, 4) 0'

Plus, I almost think we've almost attained defeating the purpose.

The disadvantage of the chaining method is that it's positional, 
left-to-right. For the purposes of i18n you want tagged placeholders, 
whether they be integers or names. I think... OK, if the placeholders 
include a positional tag, eg %(0)s %(1)s, then they could be filled in 
according to _that_ order. Not sure about named placeholders, though. 
Perhaps, like at present, if a dict is given to a format with named 
placeholders then several placeholders could be filled, the problem 
being how to fill a _single_ named placeholder with a dict.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Jeremiah Dodds
On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 12:30 AM, r wrote:

 Why could't we improve on what we had instead of
 making radical changes? Thats all i am asking.

Often times improving on what you have involves radical changes, especially
if the goals of what you have change, or were not fully understood during
their original implementation.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I have no objection to 
 the addition of the format() method (although I wonder whether it might 
 have been better as a function).

I actually learned about the String.format() method in Java a while after
having read about str.format() in Python, and my first reaction was to
recognise how stupid you'd have to be to make that a static method that
ignores the string it's called on. :)

I think '...'.format() makes sense given that we already have '...'.join().


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:12:00 -0800, r wrote:

 Why move away from a concise and widely accepted way of sting
 formatting, just to supposedly make it a little easier for n00bs? (which
 i disagree this is easier) In turn, creating more syntactical clutter.
 (%s %f %d) is all you need to remember. If people can't understand that,
  i fear for the future of Humans as a species!

Yeah, doomsday is near.  Curly brackets and a number instead of a percent 
sign followed by an 's' is a sure sign of the end…

You're a funny little troll, Sir.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steve Holden
Stefan Behnel wrote:
 I think '...'.format() makes sense given that we already have '...'.join().
Sure it does, but that doesn't stop a lot of people disliking str.join()

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steve Holden
r wrote:
 On Dec 19, 10:04 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
 r wrote:
 Thanks Steven,
 We need a real Pepsi challenge here to show the insignificance of this
 change. I am not against change. But when we lose something as -
 compact- as %formating i'm going to want to see a damn good reason for
 it! Especially when this breaks code, and the French Connection is
 not good enough reason for me :)
 Christian said this was not going to be depreciated until 3.2, but
 that still puts the accepted way on the chopping block.
 If Python is so important to you it's a pity you haven't been playing
 any active role in its development. Do you expect the developers to be
 I just recently started to have an opinion about these things. The
 squeaky wheel get the grease, just allowing my voice be heard. It
 might seem that i am trashing Python dev, but that could not be
 further from the truth.
 Many great changes have been made in 3.0, i just feel strongly about C
 style formating. Why could't we improve on what we had instead of
 making radical changes? Thats all i am asking.

I wasn't really a part of the decision-making process, but I anticipate
that the developers' reply would be that the new scheme is much more
adaptable, both to new data types (which can implement their own
__format__ method) and to internationalization (because it's possible to
alter word order in the format strings).

Thanks for clarifying your approach, by the way, which isn't as
unreasonable as it first seemed if you've only recently started using
Python. You will find over time that the developers are right about
these decisions much more than they are wrong, and you still have a
couple of years to get used to it ;-)


Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 19, 12:43 pm, excord80 wrote:

 Also, I like having only *one* special symbol (`%') to worry
 about in my strings instead of two (`{' and `}').

Actually the new way has, at least three special symbols: ( '{', '}' ,
'.') as well as the method name format so

%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()


{0}={1}.format((k, v) for k, v in params.items())

or something like that.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:

 Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  

Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people
have with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people
complain about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the
speed. Lots of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have
not come across any complaints about the string formatting.

In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
seem to be non-problems.

I dunno, maybe it's just me.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r

Would you be kind enough to translate this code to the new syntax?

 s = 'python'
 n = 12
 f = 1.3
 '%s %05d %0.2f' %(s,n,f)
'python 00012 1.33'

i want to see how casting is handled. Thanks

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 19, 10:55 am, wrote:

 Regarding the speed of Python3 programs,
 they will go faster

The net result of the 3.0 generalizations is that Python 3.0 runs the
pystone benchmark around 10% slower than Python 2.5.

 (Ruby programs are often slower
 than Python ones (because Ruby
 is a little higher level than Python)

As I understand it, that may have been true at one time. But, Ruby 1.9
very significantly sped up the language. While Python has been made
slower, Ruby has been made much faster.

I am no expert on the subject, I am just going by stuff I have read on

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 20, 4:34 pm, r wrote:

 Would you be kind enough to translate this code to the new syntax?

I am sorry, but I just don't know the new syntax well enough. I am not
sure if the examples that I have posted, so far, are correct.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
Thanks, i understand. Maybe some of the pro new syntax guys will
show a translation


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread MRAB

walterbyrd wrote:

On Dec 19, 12:43 pm, excord80 wrote:

Also, I like having only *one* special symbol (`%') to worry
about in my strings instead of two (`{' and `}').

Actually the new way has, at least three special symbols: ( '{', '}' ,
'.') as well as the method name format so

%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()


{0}={1}.format((k, v) for k, v in params.items())

or something like that.

{0}={1}.format(k, v) for k, v in params.items()


{0}={1}.format(*i) for i in params.items()

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
Just to be on record, i am OK with adding a new way to do this as long
as the old C style str format does not ever go away. I don't like 20
ways to do the same thing, but i really like the compact way of
%formating now. My complaint is the deprecation of %formating. Maybe
i'll use the new syntax to print a tuple or two, but that is the only
use i have for it ;).

Slowing down Python even more than it is, is suicide. Sure high level
languages are slower than there complied brethren, but a line has to
be drawn in the sand somewhere. As CPU speeds increase so does the
complexity's of modern software. GUI toolkits hog more resources as
they need eye pleasing glass effects.

You can't just blindly Parrot off.. well CPU's get faster every

Python must stay fast, and simplistic(but not too simplistic), to
compete with other high level languages.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:
  Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  
 Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people
 have with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people
 complain about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the
 speed. Lots of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have
 not come across any complaints about the string formatting.
 In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
 seem to be non-problems.
 I dunno, maybe it's just me.

I had an interesting experience with this recently.  I was giving a 
co-worker quick python into.  He's an experienced programer in various 
languages, but this was his first exposure to python.

He got really hung up on the % syntax.  By (bad) luck, he was trying to 
print a tuple (let's call it t), did

format % t

and was surprised at the result.  It set him off on a but that's stupid, 
blah, blah, blah rant.  I haven't absorbed the new syntax well enough to 
figure out if people will get hung up by this with the new syntax.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
On Dec 20, 5:27 pm, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:

  Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  

 Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people
 have with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people
 complain about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the
 speed. Lots of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have
 not come across any complaints about the string formatting.

 In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
 seem to be non-problems.

 I dunno, maybe it's just me.

You are exactly right Walter. I have not even considered this angle
yet. Most of the complaints i hear are the redundant use of self.
Which I lamented about but have become accustom(brainwashed) to it. I
would remove this if it where up to me. I also hear a lot of
complaints about speed. But never once in my life a problem with new
users and string formatting.

hmmm... food for thought


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread MRAB

r wrote:


Would you be kind enough to translate this code to the new syntax?

s = 'python'
n = 12
f = 1.3
'%s %05d %0.2f' %(s,n,f)

'python 00012 1.33'

i want to see how casting is handled. Thanks

 '{0} {1:05} {2:.2}'.format(s, n, f)
'python 00012 1.3'


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
On Dec 20, 6:05 pm, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,

  walterbyrd wrote:
  On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:

   Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  

  Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people
  have with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people
  complain about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the
  speed. Lots of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have
  not come across any complaints about the string formatting.

  In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
  seem to be non-problems.

  I dunno, maybe it's just me.

 I had an interesting experience with this recently.  I was giving a
 co-worker quick python into.  He's an experienced programer in various
 languages, but this was his first exposure to python.

 He got really hung up on the % syntax.  By (bad) luck, he was trying to
 print a tuple (let's call it t), did

 format % t

 and was surprised at the result.  It set him off on a but that's stupid,
 blah, blah, blah rant.  I haven't absorbed the new syntax well enough to
 figure out if people will get hung up by this with the new syntax.

It is stupid, more reason to fix the current problem instead creating
a whole new one.

One more big complaint THE BACKSLASH PLAGUE. ever tried regexp?, or
file paths?. All because that little backslash char is a line
continuation character, maybe we should fix that. Would your life end
if '\' was not a continuation char? Mine would not because i don't
write my code to need it. Python has real warts that need fixing, and
thats really hard for me to say, because i am such a fanboy of Python.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
Thanks MRAB,
except the float is not 2 decimal places, but its there

Come on... They did this for the interpreter not us. It's easer to
parse this string with positional arguments and a dict of format
descriptions. Come on pydev, at least be honest about it!

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread bearophileHUGS
 As I understand it, that may have been true at one time. But, Ruby 1.9
 very significantly sped up the language. While Python has been made
 slower, Ruby has been made much faster.

I have already answered regarding Python3 in this thread. Regarding
Ruby you are right, in computer science there are lot of ways to speed
up things. So it may be quite possible for Ruby to become faster
than CPython.
For example this may speed up the PythonVM some:
Optimizing direct threaded code by selective inlining:


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 r wrote:

 You can't just blindly Parrot off.. well CPU's get faster every

Sure you can :-)  There was a nice treatment of this on slashdot today 
(  The executive 
summary is I'm willing to accept that Python is (big handwave) 10x slower 
than C++, because *I'm* 10x faster writing in Python than I am in C++, and 
I cost more than my computer.

Moore's laws says (small handwave) CPU speed doubles every 24 months.  At 
that rate, and assuming I remember enough high-school algebra to solve a 
compound interest problem, hardware gets 10% faster every 3 months.  If 
Python gets 10% slower every 10 years or so, it's ahead of the curve.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread MRAB

r wrote:

Thanks MRAB,
except the float is not 2 decimal places, but its there


 '{0} {1:05} {2:.2f}'.format(s, n, f)
'python 00012 1.33'
 '{0:s} {1:05d} {2:.2f}'.format(s, n, f)
'python 00012 1.33'

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 16:20:38 -0800, r wrote:

 On Dec 20, 6:05 pm, Roy Smith wrote:

 I had an interesting experience with this recently.  I was giving a
 co-worker quick python into.  He's an experienced programer in various
 languages, but this was his first exposure to python.

 He got really hung up on the % syntax.  By (bad) luck, he was trying to
 print a tuple (let's call it t), did

 format % t

 and was surprised at the result.  It set him off on a but that's
 stupid, blah, blah, blah rant.  I haven't absorbed the new syntax well
 enough to figure out if people will get hung up by this with the new
 It is stupid, more reason to fix the current problem instead creating a
 whole new one.

Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on, 
sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR 
like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an 
arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

 One more big complaint THE BACKSLASH PLAGUE. ever tried regexp?, or
 file paths?. All because that little backslash char is a line
 continuation character, maybe we should fix that. 

This makes no sense whatsoever. How does the line continuation character 
make any difference to backslashes inside a regex or a file path?

Again, instead of whinging, what's your suggestion to fix it? Another 
suggestion, because your first:

 Would your life end if '\' was not a continuation char?

is just stupid. The line continuation character is *irrelevant* to the 
problem of backslashes inside strings. For all the use it is, you might 
as well suggest changing the name None to Null.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 15:27:43 -0800, walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 19, 10:25 am, Michael Torrie wrote:
 Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.
 Really? You know, it's funny, but when I read problems that people have
 with python, I don't remember seeing that. Loads of people complain
 about the white space issue. Some people complain  about the speed. Lots
 of complaints about certain quirky behavior, but I have not come across
 any complaints about the string formatting.

There are some things that some people whinge about, often just to hear 
the sound of their own voice (or the look of their own font, if you 
prefer). Whitespace and speed are two of those: they attract trolls and 

(That's not to say that there aren't real problems related to them. But 
it seems to me that the real problems are drowned out by the trolls.)

Then there are things that people don't complain about, they just shrug 
and code a work-around. If % doesn't do what you want, do you cry about 
it, or do you code around it?

I can't speak for others, but what I did was ask the question, discover 
that % was not powerful enough, and coded around it:

 In fact, from what I have seen, many of the problems being fixed
 seem to be non-problems.
 I dunno, maybe it's just me.

It's just you.

Sheesh, I've never seen such a bunch of cry-babies sooking that their 
favourite language just got *more* power and flexibility. If 
functionality was being removed, I could understand the response, but 
this? It's just crazy.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 16:20:38 -0800, r wrote:
  On Dec 20, 6:05 pm, Roy Smith wrote:
  I had an interesting experience with this recently.  I was giving a
  co-worker quick python into.  He's an experienced programer in various
  languages, but this was his first exposure to python.

  He got really hung up on the % syntax.  By (bad) luck, he was trying to
  print a tuple (let's call it t), did

  format % t

  and was surprised at the result.  It set him off on a but that's
  stupid, blah, blah, blah rant.  I haven't absorbed the new syntax well
  enough to figure out if people will get hung up by this with the new

  It is stupid, more reason to fix the current problem instead creating a
  whole new one.

 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
 sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
 like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
 arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

 Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

  One more big complaint THE BACKSLASH PLAGUE. ever tried regexp?, or
  file paths?. All because that little backslash char is a line
  continuation character, maybe we should fix that.

 This makes no sense whatsoever. How does the line continuation character
 make any difference to backslashes inside a regex or a file path?

 Again, instead of whinging, what's your suggestion to fix it? Another
 suggestion, because your first:

  Would your life end if '\' was not a continuation char?

 is just stupid. The line continuation character is *irrelevant* to the
 problem of backslashes inside strings. For all the use it is, you might
 as well suggest changing the name None to Null.


i prefer None over Null myself, just another Pythonic beauty! ;)

Would you like to elaborate on -why- escaped backslashes are needed in
strings... i waiting???

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
 sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
 like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
 arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

 Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.

This behavior is currently legal:

 %i %%i % 0 % 1
'0 1'

So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

 %i %i % 0 % 1
'0 1'
 %r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1
'(2, 3, 4) 1'
 %r %i % (2, 3, 4)
'(2, 3, 4) %i'

Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 16:01:58 -0800, r wrote:

 Just to be on record, i am OK with adding a new way to do this as long
 as the old C style str format does not ever go away. I don't like 20
 ways to do the same thing, but i really like the compact way of
 %formating now.

% formatting isn't compact unless you are only doing trivial 

 My complaint is the deprecation of %formating.

% formatting hasn't been deprecated. All this Sturm und Drang over 

 i'll use the new syntax to print a tuple or two, but that is the only
 use i have for it ;).

Good for you. If your code is that trivial, then you're lucky.

 Slowing down Python even more than it is, is suicide.

Oh noes, we're all gonna die!!!

Just out of curiosity r, how old are you? 14? 15? You're remarkably 
mature for a 15 year old.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:54:09 -0800, r wrote:

 Would you like to elaborate on -why- escaped backslashes are needed in
 strings... i waiting???

If you can't escape backslashes in strings, how do you create a string 
containing a backslash?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread MRAB wrote:


As I understand it, that may have been true at one time. But, Ruby 1.9
very significantly sped up the language. While Python has been made
slower, Ruby has been made much faster.

I have already answered regarding Python3 in this thread. Regarding
Ruby you are right, in computer science there are lot of ways to speed
up things. So it may be quite possible for Ruby to become faster
than CPython.
For example this may speed up the PythonVM some:
Optimizing direct threaded code by selective inlining:

Interesting. The re module uses a form of bytecode. Not sure about the 
relative cost of the dispatch code, though.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
Answering a question with a question, that leaves me with a question
of my own??

 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
 sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
 like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
 arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

Instead of being a blind fanboy and chastising everyone who dares to
question pydev, Guido, or YOU... why don't you offer a good rebuttal?
If i did not give a rats behind about Python i would not be here
arguing with you. I would give up and require my packages ;). I
prefer to import

I believe Python has the best chance of surviving and becoming the
king of high level languages, IF we don't muck it up!

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:55:35 -0800, Aaron Brady wrote:

 On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go
 on, sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY
 OPERATOR like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal
 with an arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special

 Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.
 Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.
 This behavior is currently legal:
 %i %%i % 0 % 1
 '0 1'
 So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)
 %i %i % 0 % 1
 '0 1'

Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced. You have 
implicitly silenced the TypeError you get from not having enough 
arguments for the first format operation. That means that you will 
introduce ambiguity and bugs.

%i %i %i %i % 5 % 3 %7

Here I have four slots and only three numbers. Which output did I expect?

'%i 5 3 7'
'5 %i 3 7'
'5 3 %i 7'
'5 3 7 %i'

Or more likely, the three numbers is a mistake, there is supposed to be a 
fourth number there somewhere, only now instead of the error being caught 
immediately, it won't be discovered until much later.

(BTW, if you want that behaviour, you should look at the string module.)


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread MRAB

Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 20, 7:38 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go on,
sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY OPERATOR
like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal with an
arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special cases.

Go on. Take your time. I'll be waiting.

Hi, not to take sides, but, there is a possibility.

This behavior is currently legal:

%i %%i % 0 % 1

'0 1'

So, just extend it.  (Unproduced.)

%i %i % 0 % 1

'0 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

'(2, 3, 4) 1'

%r %i % (2, 3, 4)

'(2, 3, 4) %i'

Which is quite clever and way ahead of its (posessive) time.

A couple of problems:

1. How do you handle a literal '%'? If you just double up then you'll 
need to fix the string after all your substitutions.

2. What if a substitution introduces a '%'?

I suppose a possible solution would be to introduce a special format 
string, including a literal, eg:

f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1

and then convert the result to a true string:

print(str(f%r %i % (2, 3, 4) % 1))

(although print() would call __str__ anyway).

The format string would track where the last substitution occurred.

Hmm... I think I'll just learn the new method. :-)

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 18:23:00 -0800, r wrote:

 Answering a question with a question, that leaves me with a question of
 my own??
 Instead of just whinging, how about making a suggestion to fix it? Go
 on, sit down for an hour or ten and try to work out how a BINARY
 OPERATOR like % (that means it can only take TWO arguments) can deal
 with an arbitrary number of arguments, *without* having any special
 Instead of being a blind fanboy and chastising everyone who dares to
 question pydev, Guido, or YOU... why don't you offer a good rebuttal?

Because I thought it was obvious even you could see it. I'm disappointed 
to be proven wrong.

A binary operator can only take two arguments: one on the left, and one 
on the right:

2 + 3
5 * 7
x == 2
%i % 7

The typical use-case for string formatting operations requires more than 
two arguments. Since % is a binary operator, it can only take two 
arguments. One of those arguments must be the template string, so the 
other argument has to wrap all the rest of the arguments into one object:

The %s ate %d slices of %s. % (python, 7, spam)

Python could have insisted that even single arguments be wrapped in a 

%s % (python,)

At the cost of breaking backwards compatibility, that would solve the 
problem of treating tuples as a special case, but it seems wasteful and 
silly to be forced to write this:

The answer is: %d % (5,)

instead of 

The answer is: %d % 5

especially when people will invariably leave out the comma and then 
complain about the wart or bug that:

The answer is: %d % (5)

doesn't do what they expect. So tuples are treated as a special case: you 
only need to wrap a single argument in a tuple if that argument itself is 
a tuple:

%s % ((0, 1, 2),)

and everything else just works as you would expect.

Again, at the cost of breaking backwards compatibility, Python could 
change the special case from tuples to something else, but what? And why 
bother? There will always be a special case, one way or another.

Consequently, there is no way to fix the special casing of tuples 
without just shifting the problem. The problem is fundamental to the 
nature of binary operators: you can't fit an arbitrary number of 
arguments into two places (the left hand side, and the right hand side) 
of the % operator without having to special case something.

The real solution is to stop trying to force arbitrary numbers of 
arguments into a single place, and instead use a function or method that 
takes multiple arguments. That's what the .format() method and the 
format() function do.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 20, 5:05 pm, Roy Smith

 He got really hung up on the % syntax.

I guess it's good to know that there is, at least, one person in the
world doesn't like the % formatting. As least the move was not
entirely pointless.

But, you must admit, of all the things people complain about with
Python, the % formatting is probably one of the least common
complaints. Complaints about Python's speed seem much more common.

Yet, 3.0 makes the speed worse, and fixes a non-problem.

I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 20 Dez., 02:54, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 Debated by who? The entire Python-using community? Every single Python
 programmer? Or just the small proportion of Python developers who are
 also core developers?

If I'd asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a
better horse.

Henry Ford

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-20 Thread r
On Dec 20, 11:11 pm, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 20, 5:05 pm, Roy Smith

  He got really hung up on the % syntax.

 I guess it's good to know that there is, at least, one person in the
 world doesn't like the % formatting. As least the move was not
 entirely pointless.

 But, you must admit, of all the things people complain about with
 Python, the % formatting is probably one of the least common
 complaints. Complaints about Python's speed seem much more common.

 Yet, 3.0 makes the speed worse, and fixes a non-problem.

 I can see where the new formatting might be helpful in some cases.
 But, I am not sure it's worth the cost.

This all really comes down to the new python users. Yea, i said it.
Not rabid fanboys like Steven and myself.(i can't speak for walter but
i think he would agree) Are we going to make sure joe-blow python
newbie likes the language. And doesn't get turned off and run over to
ruby or whoever. Like it or not, without newusers python is doomed to
the same fate as all the other great languages who had their 15 mins
of fame.

We must proactively seek out the wants of these new users and make
sure python stays alive. But we also must not sell are pythonic souls
in the process.

It would be nice to get a vote together and see what does the average
pythoneer want? What do they like, What do they dislike. What is the
state of the Python Union? Does anybody know, Does anybody care? I
think python is slipping away from it's dominate foothold on the
world. Google's use of python may be the only thing holding this house
of cards together. Ruby's hype is defiantly growing and unless we
strive for greatness, python may fail. I think ruby may have their act
together a little better than us right now. And since Ruby is such a
hodge-podge of different languages, the __init__ hold is there for

what does joe-python want???

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 19 Dic, 17:01, walterbyrd wrote:
 I have not worked with Python enough to really know. But, it seems to
 me that more I look at python 3.0, the more I wonder if it isn't a
 step backwards.

 To me, it seems that this:

 print %s=%d % ('this',99)

 Is much easier, and faster, to type, and is also easier to read and
 understand. It also allows people to leverage their knowledge of C.

 This (if it's right) is much longer, and requires more special

 print( {0}={1}.format('this',99))

 Maybe it's worth all the extra trouble, and breaking backward
 compatibilty, and all. But, I never had the idea that the old way was
 all that big a problem. Of course, I could be wrong. Was the old way
 all that big of a problem?

You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:

Python 3.0 (r30:67507, Dec  3 2008, 20:14:27) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 print(%s=%d % ('this',99))

--- Giampaolo

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread r
if 3.0 looks like... print( {0}={1}.format('this',99)) , WTF...
thats retarded and looks like Ruby code. Thats not intuitive thats
madness! What happens when you need a conversion to string from an
integer, more code?? My faith is slipping. Have the python Gods gone
mad??. Please tell me i am wrong.

Pythons likeness to C is one of its great powers. I always thought of
Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

I am sticking with 2x(which i had planned to do anyway) I have heard
of nothing significant enough to compel me to make the change yet. And
with that example from 3.0, i am really setting my ways now. i may
have to support the continuation of 2.x beyond 2.9.

Guido! please don't play Russian roulette with Python! I have loved
python all the way up through the 2.x line. And i carry a great
respect for you and your accomplishments. Python must feel at home to
a C programmer. That, i feel, is the professional following for
Python. I also feel Python is a gateway to the C language for n00b
programmers. Let Ruby have the Perl programmers, we don't need them!

Excuse me, I think i am going to cry now :(

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:

Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
that would be.

It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
going to be slower to boot.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Michael Torrie
r wrote:
 if 3.0 looks like... print( {0}={1}.format('this',99)) , WTF...
 thats retarded and looks like Ruby code. Thats not intuitive thats
 madness! What happens when you need a conversion to string from an
 integer, more code?? My faith is slipping. Have the python Gods gone
 mad??. Please tell me i am wrong.

You are wrong.

 Pythons likeness to C is one of its great powers. I always thought of
 Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

I have to confess, I have no idea what you are talking about.  I have
never ever seen Python as an intuitive way to write C code.  That's kind
of bizarre.

 I am sticking with 2x(which i had planned to do anyway) I have heard
 of nothing significant enough to compel me to make the change yet. And
 with that example from 3.0, i am really setting my ways now. i may
 have to support the continuation of 2.x beyond 2.9.

 Guido! please don't play Russian roulette with Python! I have loved
 python all the way up through the 2.x line. And i carry a great
 respect for you and your accomplishments. Python must feel at home to
 a C programmer. That, i feel, is the professional following for
 Python. I also feel Python is a gateway to the C language for n00b
 programmers. Let Ruby have the Perl programmers, we don't need them!
 Excuse me, I think i am going to cry now :(

Okay, you're welcome to.

So funny that now that Python 3.0 is actually released we have people
acting all surprised like they've never seen any of the new features in
Python 3.0 coming.  However these features have been discussed for
years!  And debated!

Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  And
they way it has been implemented is a thing of beauty.  Basically the
burden of formatting strings has been moved from the print
statement/function to the objects themselves.  Furthermore, the new {}
notation allows many, many more options for formatting to be used.  Want
to display a floating point number with $#.## notation, and ($#.##) for
negative?  It's all now possible.  Couldn't be done before.  Want to
have the ability to format your own custom object in a particular way
when printing with print()?  Just define a __format__ method in your
object.  print() will ask it to format itself.

In short, this is a huge improvement, and backwards compatibility is
preserved for the 2.x style for those that wish it.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Michael Torrie
walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:
 Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
 completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
 with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
 the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
 that would be.
 It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
 going to be slower to boot.

How is this?  With projects like PyPy eventually enabling the JIT'ing of
python3 code, I don't see how this is going to be slower.  If anything
we have a python that can be made to run faster than ever before.

Please qualify your remarks.  Are you a Python core developer?

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