Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-27 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian
Greetings all.
I will have about 2 weeks to pursue some Python related activities and
would like to learn more about the graphical end of things. In that
vein I would like some opinions regarding Tkinter and wxPython.
(The previously recommended PyGame is appropriate for me for now, but
I am looking ahead)
I am especially interested in terms of learning curve, documentation,
portability across platforms Linux/Windows and anything else you care
to add. As I know only what I have read on this forum & surfing the
web I would really appreciate the input of those who have used both,
or decided to use one over the other.
Thanks a bunch,
ps: this is basically the same query as posted December 10 “Re: GUIs:
wxPython vs. Tkinter (and others)”

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-27 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian
My post wasn't complete, sorry for the additional post:
ps: this is basically the same query as posted December 10 “Re: GUIs: 
wxPython vs. Tkinter (and others)” by Erik Johnson which really seemed 
to end up comparing PyQt (?)

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-27 Thread Michael McGarry
Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:
My post wasn't complete, sorry for the additional post:
ps: this is basically the same query as posted December 10 “Re: GUIs: 
wxPython vs. Tkinter (and others)” by Erik Johnson which really seemed 
to end up comparing PyQt (?)
I recommend PyQt because of the easy to use designer progam that speeds 
up GUI development. Designer allows you to design your UI visually and 
establish handlers for events. It outputs a .ui file.

You then call 'pyuic myui.ui >' to turn your ui into a python class.
The Qt framework is very straightforward to use as well and maintains good documentation on the framework.

Check it out:
PS: You can also use your .ui files to output C++ classes with 'uic' 
instead of 'pyuic'. I also think there is a 'puic' to create Perl code. 
So, that single ui description can be used in multiple languages.

My two cents,

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-27 Thread flaxeater

Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:
> Greetings all.
> I will have about 2 weeks to pursue some Python related activities
> would like to learn more about the graphical end of things. In that
> vein I would like some opinions regarding Tkinter and wxPython.
> (The previously recommended PyGame is appropriate for me for now, but
> I am looking ahead)
> I am especially interested in terms of learning curve, documentation,
> portability across platforms Linux/Windows and anything else you care
> to add. As I know only what I have read on this forum & surfing the
> web I would really appreciate the input of those who have used both,
> or decided to use one over the other.

Well I would recomend Tkinter because it's the easiest to use.  I
recomend using this document.  I used it
and just worked my way through it.  I found it very useful.


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Alejandro Weinstein
> I am especially interested in terms of learning curve, documentation,
> portability across platforms Linux/Windows and anything else you care
> to add. As I know only what I have read on this forum & surfing the
> web I would really appreciate the input of those who have used both,
> or decided to use one over the other.

I was in the same shoes a time ago. I started with Tkinter since is 
the standard GUI for Python. I read some tutorials, but didn't go to 
far, and didn't like the Tkinter looks too much. Then I tried 
wxPython, and things were better. And were much better when I started 
using wxGlade.

IMO, wxPython has a softert learning curve (specially if you use 
wxGlade), is portable between unix/windows/mac, with the advantage 
over Tkinter that it has a native look. Regarding documentation, 
there is plenty of it.

I must admit that my background regarding GUIs comes from Delphi, so 
that might bias my opinion.

In case you take the Tkinter route, I founded this tutorial useful :



Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Steve Holden
Michael McGarry wrote:
Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:
My post wasn't complete, sorry for the additional post:
ps: this is basically the same query as posted December 10 “Re: GUIs: 
wxPython vs. Tkinter (and others)” by Erik Johnson which really seemed 
to end up comparing PyQt (?)
I recommend PyQt because of the easy to use designer progam that speeds 
up GUI development. Designer allows you to design your UI visually and 
establish handlers for events. It outputs a .ui file.

You then call 'pyuic myui.ui >' to turn your ui into a python 

The Qt framework is very straightforward to use as well and maintains good documentation on the framework.

Check it out:
PS: You can also use your .ui files to output C++ classes with 'uic' 
instead of 'pyuic'. I also think there is a 'puic' to create Perl code. 
So, that single ui description can be used in multiple languages.

My two cents,
Just a bit less-than-helpful when the original post specifically asked 
for comparisons *between Tkinter and wxPython* in the context of having 
two weeks to work on *Python* ;-)

Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Peter Hansen
Esmail Bonakdarian wrote:
I will have about 2 weeks to pursue some Python related activities and
would like to learn more about the graphical end of things. In that
vein I would like some opinions regarding Tkinter and wxPython.
This is an area where personal preference reigns strong.
You really ought to try both out.  Following through a
tutorial or examining some example code and trying to
make a few changes on your own will give you a far better
perspective than anything you learn from others here.
For example, I see "flaxeater" has just said that Tkinter
is "the easiest to use".  I, however, found it anything
but, and had no end of trouble figuring out how to make it
do the things I wanted.  In spite of its "better" documentation,
too, I might add.
When I switched to wxPython, I faced some of the typical
wxPython issues (the docs simply aren't as good), and yet
I was able to make progress faster and get closer to my
goals.  The demo program, for example, is worth its weight
in gold.  (Well, bad analogy in the computer world. :-(   )
Try them both out for an hour or two, and go with whichever
one "feels right".  You very likely won't be making a mistake.

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Cameron Laird
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alejandro Weinstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>the standard GUI for Python. I read some tutorials, but didn't go to 
>far, and didn't like the Tkinter looks too much. Then I tried 
>IMO, wxPython has a softert learning curve (specially if you use 
>wxGlade), is portable between unix/windows/mac, with the advantage 
>over Tkinter that it has a native look. Regarding documentation, 
While people seem to mean a range of different things when they
write, "Tkinter doesn't look 'native'", most of them are being
addressed in revisions currently underway.  In fact, new look-
and-feel are available in early releases for those interested in

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian
I have found ALL of the posts useful, thank you so much.
Please keep them coming! I am learning a lot.
I will probably play a bit with Tkinter and wxPython and see how
each feels, just as Peter Hansen suggested). PyQt also looks
interesting, so I will take a look at that at some point down the
line aswell.
Thanks again, this is a great resource.

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread F. GEIGER

"Esmail Bonakdarian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi
> I have found ALL of the posts useful, thank you so much.
> Please keep them coming! I am learning a lot.
> I will probably play a bit with Tkinter and wxPython and see how
> each feels, just as Peter Hansen suggested). PyQt also looks

It couldn't have been said better than Peter has.

I might add this: Try both *and learn both*. Despite the fact, that I do
most GUI stuff with wxPython, I sometimes face situations, where I need to
be able to do some Tkinter stuff (mostly by use of PMW). This could happen
to you too, more likely than you might think now.

As for the wxPython path: I recently prototyped a GUI-app for Windows with
wxPython and then (alas) had to port it to C++. I simply could download the
wxWidgets (which wxPython is built upon) and kind of simply translate the
Python stuff into C++! It really helped me *a lot* having a working
wx/Python app, and saved me a lot of time, of course (but no as much as I
had saved, if I hadn't to port it to C++).

And while I am at it: It was a big benefit for me to *not* use a GUI builder
(which could be the next thing you might ask for), when I started Python
programming. When I started Python programming with 1.5.2 there wasn't a
descent GUI builder for wx (or at least I couldn't find one). And today,
where there are a few options (wxDesigner, Boa, to be concrete), I'm really
glad never having used one: Everything I do is under *my* full control, and
I guess this is the only way to get the most out of wx/Python. And for sure,
it's the only way knowing what you do.

As Peter said, the wxPython demo is a bonanza - use it.

Summary: Taking all my experience into account, I'd advise you to learn
Tkinter, to learn wxPython and to not use a GUI builder (which could be not
what a newbie likes to hear).


Concerning PyQt: Yes, so far I only can speak for Tkinter and wxPython. But
as soon as I will be on Linux (hopefully next year), I'll try PyQt. So if
you would have asked me next year, I had said (phew, is that correct
English?): Learn Tkinter and wxPython and/or PyQt and no GUI builder :-)

> interesting, so I will take a look at that at some point down the
> line aswell.
> Thanks again, this is a great resource.
> Esmail


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Cameron Laird wrote:
IMO, wxPython has a softert learning curve (specially if you use 
wxGlade), is portable between unix/windows/mac, with the advantage 
over Tkinter that it has a native look. Regarding documentation, 
While people seem to mean a range of different things when they
write, "Tkinter doesn't look 'native'", most of them are being
addressed in revisions currently underway.  In fact, new look-
and-feel are available in early releases for those interested in
Well, while on Windows "native" look exists, on X11 "native" has other 
meaning. On my wife's desktop it's KDE that is native, GNUStep is native 
on mine and I strongly object calling GTK "native", as one can read on 
SWT/Eclipse website. There's no "universally native" look on X11. Some 
toolkits look better, but this is a matter of personal taste, for 
software developer clean, stable API and suitable widgets are of much 
higher value.

Jarek Zgoda |

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread Michael McGarry
Definitely look at PyQt. It was the GUI framework I chose when going 
through the same process 3 weeks ago. I have to disagree with F.Geiger 
(sorry, F.Geiger), I think a GUI builder is a necessity. It saves you a 
lot of time. The alternative is to keep changing your code until your 
GUI looks as you want. With a GUI builder you "draw" what you want and 
have the tool generate the Python class for the GUI. It also sets up 
event handlers for you too.

Visual elements are best designed visually!!!

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-28 Thread M.E.Farmer
I have to agree with F. Gieger learning to code a framework by hand
only helps you.
Sure wxGlade/Boa/etc can help speed design and layout up, but what
happens when you want to do non standard things or just get stuck
because some thing just isn't working.
Check recent threads .All the newbies needing help are using
wxGlade or Boa and it helps them get neck deep into trouble before they
even realize what they are doing wrong.
Because they have not worked directly with the framework  they don't
understand the framework . But YMMV


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Alejandro Weinstein
> Sure wxGlade/Boa/etc can help speed design and layout up, but what
> happens when you want to do non standard things or just get stuck
> because some thing just isn't working.

Then you add the necesary hand crafted code to the automatic 
generated code. At least is what I did when I needed.

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Steve Holden
Alejandro Weinstein wrote:
Sure wxGlade/Boa/etc can help speed design and layout up, but what
happens when you want to do non standard things or just get stuck
because some thing just isn't working.

Then you add the necesary hand crafted code to the automatic 
generated code. At least is what I did when I needed.
I've tried a number of these tools, including BlackAdder, wxDesigner, 
wxGlade and BoaConstructor. I even paid money for some of them. They all 
have their problems, and I keep coming back to good old PythonCard. It's 
kinda clunky (though I have most experience with the 0.7 prototype, and 
the newer releases are improving), but it's definitely the most usable 
of all the ones I've tried. Dammit, you can actually *do stuff* with it 
rather than spend all your time fighting the tool.

The only complaint I have is the need to add components from a menu 
rather than a tool, but I patched 0.7 to fix that, and I believe it will 
be possible to patch the 0.8 series to operate the same way.

Whether I'll ever persuade Kevin Altis to include the patch in a live 
release is, of course, a question for another day :-)

Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Thomas Bartkus
"Jarek Zgoda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Cameron Laird wrote:
> Well, while on Windows "native" look exists, on X11 "native" has other
> meaning. On my wife's desktop it's KDE that is native, GNUStep is native
> on mine and I strongly object calling GTK "native", as one can read on
> SWT/Eclipse website. There's no "universally native" look on X11. Some
> toolkits look better, but this is a matter of personal taste, for
> software developer clean, stable API and suitable widgets are of much
> higher value.

What I think people mean by "native" is that it follows the design scheme
selected for the desktop.

When run under Linux, my wxPython programs follow the look and feel of my
Gnome desktop.  When the same program is run on Windows, it follows that
desktop theme. Both Gnome and Windows XP alter the the controls design
according to user preferences.  wxPython GUIs reflect this automatically and
the controls always look and work like the underlying system.

I may be wrong but I don't think you get that with TKinter!
Thomas Bartkus


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Jp Calderone
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 13:37:22 -0600, Thomas Bartkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Jarek Zgoda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Cameron Laird wrote:
> >
> > Well, while on Windows "native" look exists, on X11 "native" has other
> > meaning. On my wife's desktop it's KDE that is native, GNUStep is native
> > on mine and I strongly object calling GTK "native", as one can read on
> > SWT/Eclipse website. There's no "universally native" look on X11. Some
> > toolkits look better, but this is a matter of personal taste, for
> > software developer clean, stable API and suitable widgets are of much
> > higher value.
> >
> What I think people mean by "native" is that it follows the design scheme
> selected for the desktop.
> When run under Linux, my wxPython programs follow the look and feel of my
> Gnome desktop.  When the same program is run on Windows, it follows that
> desktop theme. Both Gnome and Windows XP alter the the controls design
> according to user preferences.  wxPython GUIs reflect this automatically and
> the controls always look and work like the underlying system.

  I think you're right about what "native" means.

> I may be wrong but I don't think you get that with TKinter!

  Tk has native widgets for many platforms.


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Jim Smith
Steve Holden wrote:
> I've tried a number of these tools, including BlackAdder, wxDesigner,
> wxGlade and BoaConstructor. I even paid money for some of them.
I have also tried each of these and paid money for the first two.  My 
personal favorite is wxDesigner.  It is very polished and worth every 
cent it costs.  Try them all and choose the one that fits you.

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-29 Thread Bernd Schmidt
Thomas Bartkus schrieb:
When run under Linux, my wxPython programs follow the look and feel of my
Gnome desktop.  When the same program is run on Windows, it follows that
desktop theme. Both Gnome and Windows XP alter the the controls design
according to user preferences.  wxPython GUIs reflect this automatically and
the controls always look and work like the underlying system.
Sure, but on my Linux, I use KDE, never Gnome, other people use 
Windowmaker or something else. wxPython with KDE-Look? What is the 
native look with wxPython and KDE? I don't think there is something like 
this, and the problem is that there isn't a free QT on Windows.


Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-30 Thread Steve Holden
Bernd Schmidt wrote:
Thomas Bartkus schrieb:
When run under Linux, my wxPython programs follow the look and feel of my
Gnome desktop.  When the same program is run on Windows, it follows that
desktop theme. Both Gnome and Windows XP alter the the controls design
according to user preferences.  wxPython GUIs reflect this 
automatically and
the controls always look and work like the underlying system.

Sure, but on my Linux, I use KDE, never Gnome, other people use 
Windowmaker or something else. wxPython with KDE-Look? What is the 
native look with wxPython and KDE? I don't think there is something like 
this, and the problem is that there isn't a free QT on Windows.

Well, of course, the problem with X Window has always been when you ran 
an application built using one toolkit under a window manager built 
using another. *Then* the ugliness is due to the fact that different 
parts of the window are decorated by different toolkits. That's always 
going to be ugly.

remembering-motif-under-open-windows-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2004-12-30 Thread Nick Coghlan
Steve Holden wrote:
Bernd Schmidt wrote:
Sure, but on my Linux, I use KDE, never Gnome, other people use 
Windowmaker or something else. wxPython with KDE-Look? What is the 
native look with wxPython and KDE? I don't think there is something 
like this, and the problem is that there isn't a free QT on Windows.


Well, of course, the problem with X Window has always been when you ran 
an application built using one toolkit under a window manager built 
using another. *Then* the ugliness is due to the fact that different 
parts of the window are decorated by different toolkits. That's always 
going to be ugly.
Not always - the KDE and Gnome folks are doing a fair bit of work to make apps 
written with each others' framework blends in with the currently running window 

To answer Bernd's question, a wx-based app will looks as good on KDE as any 
other GTK app does. For most distros, the app should look fine, since the vendor 
generally sets up the Gnome and KDE themes to be virtually identical.

As I understand it, there are a couple of cross-theming engines that allow you 
to set GTK to 'use the KDE theme' and vice-versa so that apps written with the 
'other' toolkit track any changes you make to the theme used by your window manager.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

RE: Tkinter vs wxPython

2005-01-27 Thread Gabriel Cosentino de Barros
Title: RE: Tkinter vs wxPython

*warning* My very own opinions ahead. no flame intended.

> Try them both out for an hour or two, and go with whichever
> one "feels right".  You very likely won't be making a mistake.

i did that for java+swing, python+tk, python+gtk, python+wxWindow and python+glade

I limited myself in one hour, and at a maximum 2 hours if the docs aren't perfect (i had zero experience at the time with all of them)

The program code was already written, it only needed the gui.

Java took me 3 hours to hook all the ungly hacks for dealing with threads in the AWT... but i will not elaborate on it because it would be kicking a dead horse. now for something completely diferent: python :)

tk: the docs where superberb! done everything in 25min! then spent an hour polishing and adding status bars for everything :)

gtk: had to use the C api docs. wasted some time figuring it out, gave up after one hour and a half and ended up with a window layout that didn't maximezed well.

wx: Almost two hours. Once you get used to the docs and get the knowledge to read some examples all is fine. i liked the result. and liked the api but disliked the sea of constants necessary (i hated it in gtk also)

glade: i gave up after 2hours of reading licenses and dealing with broken libs. Also, i can't run in beOS or tweak widgets. bah! rather go back to visual basic ;)

Now going back on topic: A think that neighter Tk nor wxWindow is a good choice for python. They both suck much of it when it came to abstraction. They're still better than glade or gtk. But could improve a lot. wxWindow has simple an ugly API, and Tk has a huge sin in the syntax to pass actions to the buttons.

But after all, i'm using exclusively TK for now. But things might change as i'm in a project with a huge need of non-ortodox input, so i may be going back to read about wxWindow event handlers or even pygame.



Re: Tkinter vs wxPython

2005-01-27 Thread Ed Leafe
On Jan 27, 2005, at 12:17 PM, Gabriel Cosentino de Barros wrote:
Now going back on topic: A think that neighter Tk nor wxWindow is a 
good choice for python. They both suck much of it when it came to 
abstraction. They're still better than glade or gtk. But could improve 
a lot. wxWindow has simple an ugly API, and Tk has a huge sin in the 
syntax to pass actions to the buttons.
	I agree with that assessment, although I preferred wxPython over Tk. 
One of the fundamental design goals of the Dabo framework is to wrap 
the UI toolkits to hide all that ugliness, and present a uniform, 
simple API for all the UI controls. We are using wxPython initially as 
our UI toolkit of choice, but the long-term plan is to wrap Tk, too, so 
that the interface to both is the same. IOW, the same app code will 
work with wxPython or Tk. That's a lofty goal, but one that I think is 
essential to bring Python UI development up to level available to other 

 Ed Leafe