Re: [Qgis-user] Cant open hdf files

2019-09-27 Thread Alex M
On 9/27/19 06:51, Fielding, Eric J (US 329A) wrote:
>>   Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 10:28:08 +0530
>>From: Neeldip Barman 
>>   Hi,
>>  I have tried both QGIS 3.8.3 and 3.4 but QGIS cant open HDF files from
>  >  MODIS. I always get this error :
>  >  *"Raster layer provider is not valid". *
>  > Is it a bug with the software cause? Cause in the file types .hdf file is
>>   there.
>>I really like using QGIS for my work for the simplicity but this issue.  
> The NASA MODIS data is stored in a type of HDF4 file called HDF-EOS. This is 
> readable by GDAL. The QGIS downloads should include GDAL, but perhaps you did 
> not install GDAL during your QGIS installation? The other possibility is that 
> you have GDAL installed but the file was corrupted at some step.
> ++Eric

It works but the syntax is a little confusing in QGIS 3.x
You have to append the subdataset name to the file name to get it to open.

Apparently we answered this previously, Nov 2018

It will look something like:

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Re: [Qgis-user] problems reprojecting in equal earth

2019-08-21 Thread Alex M
I had this issue once also, I think the clipping method is the most
reliable. If I recall the odd/invalid polygons depended on which scale
of Natural Earth you use. Try downloading a different scale. I remember
actually trying to fix the polygons and Russia was just too complicated
to deal with at the time.

This is a common problem anytime you wrap the dateline with world data,
and you might find more solutions using those search terms.


On 8/21/19 11:10, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Good idea Calvin,
> Anyone else with a simpler, faster  solution?  If not, I will try.
> Nicolas
>> Le 21 août 2019 à 13:43, C Hamilton  a écrit :
>> The way I more or less solved something like this was by pre-clipping the 
>> Natural Earth data at the boundaries of the projection and made two 
>> different vector layers You then will not get the wrap around. If need be 
>> you can shift the longitude of one of layers by 180 degrees and then attempt 
>> to merge the two pieces together. For countries that now have a cut line 
>> down the middle you can then merge the pieces together. It can be time 
>> consuming, but will work. I don't know if there is an easier way.
>> Calvin
>>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 1:17 PM Nicolas Cadieux 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> These are the nasty polygons.  I am hoping you will see the image.
 On 2019-08-19 12:26 p.m., Nicolas Cadieux wrote:

 Trying to help another Qgis user that posted earlier. 

 We have Natural Earth vectorial Data that we what to reproject in Equal 
 Earth.  We want Austria to be in the middle of the map so we created a 
 Equal Earth Project using  custom CRS  using +proj=eqearth +datum=WGS84 
 +wktext +lon_0=136 with the help of Using  lon_0=136 
 puts Australia in the middle and limits the distortion in that longitude. 

 Data was reprojected and saved in the new projection (vector/Data 
 Management tools/Reproject Layer).  Project is also in the Equal Earth 
 projection so no reprojection on the fly is happening behind the scenes. 

 Question: How so we take care of the nasty polygons that appear when we 
 add the "+lon_0=136" parameter?  See the zip. 

 You can find the data here: 

 Qgis 3.8.1 on Windows 10_64 



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Re: [Qgis-user] Fwd: Sunrise, Sunset, Lunar Calculations

2019-06-27 Thread Alex M
+1 it would be useful

In particular when planning drone flights users often want solar noon,
not whatever local time is. It's also a good reference for lots of other

As Chris mentioned there may be python libraries out there that just
need a QGIS interface.


On 6/27/19 13:47, Christian Yrrman wrote:
> Hi Calvin.
> did you have look at the python library "pvlib"? It's a library for
> photovoltaic modelling and does contain solar positions. Not sure about
> lunar positions though.
> Best
> Chris
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 9:15 PM C Hamilton  wrote:
>> How much interested would there be for a plugin to display sunrise and
>> sunset information for a particular location on the earth's surface. Is
>> anyone already working on this? There doesn't seem to be a capability for
>> this, but perhaps I have missed it. Are there other astronomical
>> calculations that would be worth while in QGIS? (Moon asimuth/position,
>> phase)
>> I a trying to get a sense of interest and also make sure I am not
>> duplicating a capability someone is already working on.
>> Thanks,
>> Calvin
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Re: [Qgis-user] [EXTERNAL] Re: Working with second band of two-band GeoTIFF

2019-06-24 Thread Alex M

That is indeed strange behavior. I can not replicate on QGIS 3.4 +
Linux, hopefully another Mac user can jump in to test. At first I
thought maybe the lack of band stats but that doesn't seem to be an
issue. For me I can see it in the Raster Calculator without issue.

As a workaround, I found in the toolbox "Rearrange Bands" which will let
you save out specific bands (it's gdal_translate with the -b option).

+1 for feature request that selecting bands should be on the Save As
dialog for rasters.

Also take a look at the Information tab and see if it differs from
gdalinfo, just to verify QGIS is reading the file correctly.


On 6/24/19 09:04, Fielding, Eric J (329A) wrote:
> Alex,
> Here is the output of gdalinfo on the file:
> ==
> gdalinfo filt_topophase.unw.geo.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: filt_topophase.unw.geo.tif
> Size is 4866, 6076
> Coordinate System is:
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> Origin = (104.5072225,28.7702778)
> Pixel Size = (0.0002778,-0.0002778)
> Metadata:
> Image Structure Metadata:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  ( 104.507,  28.7702778) (104d30'26.00"E, 28d46'13.00"N)
> Lower Left  ( 104.507,  27.0825000) (104d30'26.00"E, 27d 4'57.00"N)
> Upper Right ( 105.859,  28.7702778) (105d51'32.00"E, 28d46'13.00"N)
> Lower Right ( 105.859,  27.0825000) (105d51'32.00"E, 27d 4'57.00"N)
> Center  ( 105.1830556,  27.9263889) (105d10'59.00"E, 27d55'35.00"N)
> Band 1 Block=512x512 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
>   NoData Value=0
>   Overviews: 2433x3038, 1217x1519, 609x760, 305x380, 153x190
> Band 2 Block=512x512 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=0
>   Overviews: 2433x3038, 1217x1519, 609x760, 305x380, 153x190
> ===
> I can see that band two has ColorInterp=Undefined. I don't know what that 
> means.
> The GeoTIFF file is automatically generated by some SAR interferometry 
> processing scripts we have and it is over 300 MB. The direct link to the file 
> is:
> Thanks,
>   ++Eric
> -Original Message-
> From: Alex M 
> On 6/23/19 11:11, Fielding, Eric J (329A) wrote:
> > I only recently switched to QGIS 3, so I am not sure whether I am 
> missing something that was moved to a different place or the handling of 
> raster layers changed. I am using 3.6.0 on a Mac. I have a two-band GeoTIFF 
> image, and I want to run the Raster Calculator on the second band of the 
> image. When I open the Raster Calculator, it only shows me band 1 of the 
> image (image_name@1). I tried forcing it to use band 2 with @2, but that did 
> not work. I looked at layer Export->Save As and I don’t see a way to save the 
> second band there. I finally went to the terminal and used “gdal_translate -b 
> 2” to save the second band to a separate file. In QGIS 2, it showed me the 
> two bands of the image in the Raster Calculator. Is there a way to do this 
> inside QGIS 3?
> > 
> Eric,
> Can you provide a sample 2 band raster file?
> Also what does the Information tab in the layer Properties show (should
> be similar to gdalinfo)?
> I'm wondering if it thinks your 2nd band is an Alpha/Mask layer and
> treats it differently.
> Thanks,
> Alex

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Re: [Qgis-user] Is location info included in metadata when save an image file?

2019-06-04 Thread Alex M

I just did a test like Kirk png and jpg do not contain EXIF coordinates.
For the purposes of this discussion the original poster wants to know
which formats drop the location data, and it appears jpg and png are
safe for that purpose. I would advise that not every format will behave
the same, as we all seem to agree a tiff from the Image Save should have
the location in it's metadata. Though I know a good way to strip that
out - GIMP or Photoshop, open & export usually kills all metadata,
command line Photography tools might also (e.g. imagemagick).

Tested with QGIS 3.4


On 6/3/19 16:16, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 09:13, Fernando M. Roxo da Motta  wrote:
>> On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 11:01:06 -0300, Kirk Schmidt
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Ert:
>>> You can save locational data in jpg and pdf files from within the
>>> Print Composer window.  Under composition tab on the right hand side
>>> of the window, scroll down and check the Save World File checkbox.
>>> Export your map/composition as a jpg or pdf and the geolocation data
>>> will be written to a world file for a jpg and internally for a pdf.
>>   Just to be sure that I understood it correctly.   If I save as jpg
>> the geolocation information will be only written to the world file if I
>> check the Save World File checkbox.   That means that, regardless to
>> check or not that checkbox, the jpg image will not contain any
>> geolocation information.
>>   Is that correct?
> Incorrect. It will always be embedded directly inside the image
> metadata where possible. The "create world file" checkbox only
> controls whether an external text file with the referencing
> information is also created.
> Nyall
>>> Good luck
>>> Kirk Schmidt
>>> On 6/2/2019 4:26 AM, Ert Four wrote:
 Thank you Alex and Roxo for your replies.

  From what I can tell the SVG and JPG files probably don't have
 location info in them, but it's also hard to tell what exactly the
 data is in some places, especially in the SVG.

 It looks like qgsmaprenderertask.cpp was written two years ago,
 which was after 2.14 came out.

 I will post on the developer list per Alex's suggestion. All of
 this is trying to prove that something doesn't exist -- which is
 always hard.

 Thanks again.

> On June 1, 2019 at 4:41 PM "Fernando M. Roxo da Motta"
>  wrote:
> On Thu, 30 May 2019 17:09:59 +0200 (CEST), Ert Four
> <> wrote:
>> Does any coordinate or location data get embedded in the image
>> file if I use Project > Save as Image or Composer > Export as
>> Image/PDF/SVG?
>> I'm using QGIS version 2.14.3 Essen, although I would like to know
>> about more recent versions, too, for when I upgrade later.
>> (I'm aware of the option to check "World file on" and create a
>> separate world file. What I need is to make sure there is no
>> identifying info whatsoever from the project file in the image
>> file itself.)
>> Eg, say I have a basemap like OpenStreetMap open for a country
>> and I load points in another layer that are inside that country.
>> Then I zoom in on a group of points from my data layer, I turn
>> off the basemap layer, and make a map with just my data points. I
>> want to preserve the relative spatial relationships between my
>> points but not reveal where in the world the map came from. If I
>> publish this image file, might the metadata reveal the location?
>> For the work we do, it's critically important we not unknowingly
>> publish specific locations.
>AFAIK, if you save in PNG or JPEG format no coordinate
> information is stored in metadata of the image:
> $ exiftool Inhambu.jpg
> ExifTool Version Number : 10.80
> File Name   : Inhambu.jpg
> Directory   : .
> File Size   : 49 kB
> File Modification Date/Time : 2019:06:01 11:37:04-03:00
> File Access Date/Time   : 2019:06:01 11:37:04-03:00
> File Inode Change Date/Time : 2019:06:01 11:37:24-03:00
> File Permissions: rw-r--r--
> File Type   : JPEG
> File Type Extension : jpg
> MIME Type   : image/jpeg
> JFIF Version: 1.01
> Resolution Unit : inches
> X Resolution: 96
> Y Resolution: 96
> Image Width : 917
> Image Height: 665
> Encoding Process: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
> Bits Per Sample : 8
> Color Components: 3
> Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling: YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
> Image Size  : 917x665

Re: [Qgis-user] Is location info included in metadata when save an image file?

2019-05-31 Thread Alex M
The QGIS Developer list might be the better place to get confirmation.

For the Save as Image I think this is the code, starting around line 106

Which appears to render an image, and save. If it was geographic it
would use the ogr based data writing method.

I did not go looking for the SVG export which is Qt based.


On 5/31/19 06:32, Ert Four wrote:
> Thank you, I didn't know SVG was XML/text based, I will check that out.
> Sometimes I will need to export a PNG or JPG. Sorry, I need to be really 
> careful, have you or has anyone reading this read the relevant parts of the 
> code, by chance?
> For now I'm taking screenshots to be sure nothing is transmitted, but that 
> has limitations.
> Thanks.
>> On May 30, 2019 at 5:47 PM Alex M  wrote:
>> On 5/30/19 08:09, Ert Four wrote:
>>> Does any coordinate or location data get embedded in the image file if I 
>>> use Project > Save as Image or Composer > Export as Image/PDF/SVG?
>>> I'm using QGIS version 2.14.3 Essen, although I would like to know about 
>>> more recent versions, too, for when I upgrade later.
>>> (I'm aware of the option to check "World file on" and create a separate 
>>> world file. What I need is to make sure there is no identifying info 
>>> whatsoever from the project file in the image file itself.)
>>> Eg, say I have a basemap like OpenStreetMap open for a country and I load 
>>> points in another layer that are inside that country. Then I zoom in on a 
>>> group of points from my data layer, I turn off the basemap layer, and make 
>>> a map with just my data points. I want to preserve the relative spatial 
>>> relationships between my points but not reveal where in the world the map 
>>> came from. If I publish this image file, might the metadata reveal the 
>>> location?
>>> For the work we do, it's critically important we not unknowingly publish 
>>> specific locations.
>>> Thank you, first time posting, very much appreciate QGIS and its community!
>> Save Image should be safe for this use if you do not include the world
>> file with a png or jpg.
>> I believe this is also true for Composer exports to the formats you
>> mention, but could easily be checked by exporting and SVG and then
>> viewing the SVG (XML) in a text editor.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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Re: [Qgis-user] Is location info included in metadata when save an image file?

2019-05-30 Thread Alex M
On 5/30/19 08:09, Ert Four wrote:
> Does any coordinate or location data get embedded in the image file if I use 
> Project > Save as Image or Composer > Export as Image/PDF/SVG?
> I'm using QGIS version 2.14.3 Essen, although I would like to know about more 
> recent versions, too, for when I upgrade later.
> (I'm aware of the option to check "World file on" and create a separate world 
> file. What I need is to make sure there is no identifying info whatsoever 
> from the project file in the image file itself.)
> Eg, say I have a basemap like OpenStreetMap open for a country and I load 
> points in another layer that are inside that country. Then I zoom in on a 
> group of points from my data layer, I turn off the basemap layer, and make a 
> map with just my data points. I want to preserve the relative spatial 
> relationships between my points but not reveal where in the world the map 
> came from. If I publish this image file, might the metadata reveal the 
> location?
> For the work we do, it's critically important we not unknowingly publish 
> specific locations.
> Thank you, first time posting, very much appreciate QGIS and its community!

Save Image should be safe for this use if you do not include the world
file with a png or jpg.

I believe this is also true for Composer exports to the formats you
mention, but could easily be checked by exporting and SVG and then
viewing the SVG (XML) in a text editor.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Filegeodatabase editing

2019-03-19 Thread Alex M
Did you recently upgrade ArcMap? I'm wondering if your gdb changed
internal versions?


On 3/18/19 11:35, Tyler Veinot wrote:
> Correction, I can edit the layers I have not recently edited with ArcMap,
> anything I edited with ArcMap last week I cannot edit in QGIS now.
> I checked and the .lock files are all gone and ArcMap is completely shut
> downs so not sure what is locking the layers.
> Tyler
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 3:24 PM Tyler Veinot  wrote:
>> So far I discovreed it either has something to do with the qgz file or
>> permissions on the server. I can edit the file geodatabase when it is on my
>> localdisk, I can edit it when it is on the network drive when I just open a
>> new qgz file add a featureclass and edit, but when I use my working qgz map
>> document it keeps saying I don't have permissions. It was working but now
>> it is doing it again not sure what is up. I have the read only unchecked in
>> the map doc too...
>> Tyler
>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 2:55 PM Rick Rupp  wrote:
>>> Hi Tyler,
>>> I can create, edit and save to fileGDB with QGIS 3.6.0 (OSGEO4W).
>>> -Rick
>>> --
>>> *From:* Qgis-user  on behalf of Tyler
>>> Veinot 
>>> *Sent:* Monday, March 18, 2019 8:18:36 AM
>>> *To:* Antongeo76
>>> *Cc:* QGIS User List
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Qgis-user] Filegeodatabase editing
>>> Thank you for the reply but I think you might be refering to a Personal
>>> Geodatabase, those need an ODBC driver and cannot be edited in QGIS. A
>>> Filegeodatabase on the other hand can be edited directly in 2.18.x using
>>> the OGR Filegeodatabase driver that can be installed using the advanced
>>> options in the OGR installer; the issue of not being able to edit is
>>> recent. Last week I could edit, this week I cannot.
>>> I did a clean install of the QGIS3 application using the OSGeo Installer
>>> and the editor is working using the OGR filegeodatabase drive but when I
>>> select save edits I get " OGR error creating feature -2: Failed at
>>> writing Row to Table in CreateFeature. (The user does not have permission
>>> to execute the operation.)"
>>> I noticed all my file geodatabases are showing a "read only" attribute
>>> that will not go away. I can still edit them in ArcMap but nothing else. I
>>> checked for *.lock files and removed them as well. Tyler
>>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:52 AM Antongeo76 
>>> wrote:
 Tyler Veinot-2 wrote
> Hi All;
> Has anyone had issues editing filegeodatabases in QGIS?
> In 2.18X I was editing file geodatabase data painlessly but since QGIS
> went to 3.4.x and switched over I get an error on saving (you do not
> permissions to edit this data). I tried running QGIS as administrator
> I
> tried reinstalling 2.18.x but now 2.18.x will not even give me the
> to start editing, the pencil is greyed out.
> I uninstalled the filegeodatabase drive and installed the
> filegeodatabase-dev drive and now the oencil icon is greyed out in
> and 3.6.x.
> Has this happened to anyone else before? How did you resolve it?
> Tyler
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 HI tyler,
 Yes I use currently .gdb in QGIS but the ODBC drivers are read only then
 don't be able to directly editing .gdb  I save te feature I need to edit
 .shp then I can edit It



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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS package broken on Ubuntu Bionic with UbuntuGIS PPA

2019-03-04 Thread Alex M
Thanks for the report, I'm forwarding to the Ubuntugis list and QGIS
Developers list, the 2 groups that manage these things.

I believe I have this combo working on a machine, will need to check.

Looking at the repos, I see new version of packages went up 10 hours
ago. It is possible the QGIS release on ubuntugis repo needs to
be rebuilt against these new packages, which usually happens within 24


On 3/4/19 14:39, César Augusto Ramírez Franco wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, so apologies if it
> isn't.
> Today I updated my system through apt and the gdal package got upgraded to
> 2.4.0 and at the same time the qgis package got removed.
> I'm using the ubuntugis-unstable PPA and the QGIS repo for ubuntugis:
> deb bionic
> main # ubuntugis
> deb bionic main # QGIS
> When I try to install QGIS again, apt complains of unmet dependencies:
> # apt install qgis
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
> or been moved out of Incoming.
> The following information may help to resolve the situation:
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  qgis : Depends: gdal-abi-2-3-0 but it is not installable
> Depends: libqgis-analysis3.6.0 but it is not going to be installed
> Depends: libqgis-app3.6.0 but it is not going to be installed
> Depends: python-qgis (= 1:3.6.0+28bionic-ubuntugis) but it is not
> going to be installed
> Recommends: qgis-plugin-grass but it is not going to be installed
> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
> I read online that removing ubuntugis and installig from the ubuntu repo
> would solve the problem but I'm relying on some ubuntugis package versions,
> so what's the recommended solution? Shouldn't QGIS 3.6 be able to run with
> GDAL 2.4.0?
> Thanks in advance
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] geojson file permission settings

2019-02-21 Thread Alex M
On 2/21/19 08:50, Groene Bij wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using qgis and qgis2web to produce webmaps. Each layer is stored as a
> javascript file containing the geojson data. This contains the geometry and
> the attributions.
> When publicly publishing the webmap I want people to view the map. But I
> also want to protect the map data (geometry and attributions) from being
> copied. It's my time and effort to produce the map (geometry and
> attributions) and I don't mind people viewing it, but I do mind if map data
> is being copied.
> When I set the file permissions to 640, the webmap will not show. If I set
> it to 644, the geojson data file is easily found (the index.html shows you
> where it is stored) and then copied.
> Are there other ways to easily host and publicly show webmaps but keep the
> actual data protected?

The only way to achieve that is to rasterize the output map. This is
basically what a WMS, or Tile server does. If you output your QGIS
project as a GeoTiff layer I believe Openlayers would allow you to setup
a map. But otherwise using QGIS Server, Geoserver or Mapserver, etc, to
serve your map in raster/tile would be the way to go.

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Re: [Qgis-user] KML into map

2019-01-02 Thread Alex M
On 12/31/18 21:41, Phil Wyatt wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I seem to remember that you could drag and drop kml's onto the map but this
> no longer seems to work. Does anyone know what has changed? No longer works
> in 2.18 or 3.4.
> In particular I am looking at live feeds. I can however open the feeds using
> the URL's within the kml via vector/URL etc
> Cheers - Phil


The kml you sent is a network linked file, it doesn't contain the actual
data. kml files with the actual data still work in QGIS as expected.

$ogrinfo  gearth.kml "Tasmania Fire Service"
INFO: Open of `gearth.kml'
  using driver `LIBKML' successful.

Layer name: Tasmania Fire Service
Geometry: Unknown (any)
Feature Count: 0
Layer SRS WKT:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Name: String (0.0)
description: String (0.0)
timestamp: DateTime (0.0)
begin: DateTime (0.0)
end: DateTime (0.0)
altitudeMode: String (0.0)
tessellate: Integer (0.0)
extrude: Integer (0.0)
visibility: Integer (0.0)
drawOrder: Integer (0.0)
icon: String (0.0)


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Re: [Qgis-user] Installing either qgis 2.X and qgis 3.X

2018-12-19 Thread Alex M
I've gone the route of schroot, and also lxd (similar to docker but a
little easier to manage) would be an option on Ubuntu.

I noticed people mentioned Flatpak and AppImage, what about SNAPS.
Pretty sure SNAPS would let you have multiple versions on the same
machine at the same time. Didn't realize Flatpak doesn't.


On 12/18/18 04:02, Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> there is also, docker
> or conda
> to have moltiple version in kind of sandboxes
> cheers
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 at 10:47, Andre Joost 
> wrote:
>> Am 17.12.18 um 22:53 schrieb Giacomo Fontanelli:
>>> Hello forum
>>> I'm using QGIS 3.4 on my laptop with Ubuntu 18.10.
>>> Is it possible to install also qgis 2.18 along with qgis 3.4?
>> On Ubuntu, only by putting the second in a virtual box.
>> Windows allows for separate installtions, but not Ubuntu.
>> HTH,
>> Andre Joost
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Re: [Qgis-user] Raster Clipper Tool

2018-12-18 Thread Alex M

Yes you've noticed, Clip raster by * is actually the same underlying
tool as Translate gdal_translate. They are just different GUI to
make it easier for the user to make relevant parameter selections.

You could go full command-line if you want, even if you don't this will
help you understand the options:


On 12/6/18 14:57, Steven Lowman wrote:
> Alex,
> Yes I have 3.4 installed now, I see it split thanks.  Settings are different 
> (improved) so I need to figure them out as my old notes are not longer the 
> same under the current settings.  Batch setup is different than my notes.
> With the split of this took I am wondering if what I need is now under Raster 
> > Conversion > Translate
> Thanks this gets me on the right track.
> Steve
> ==
> On Thursday, December 6, 2018, 3:50:47 PM MST, Alex M 
>  wrote:  
>  Steve,
> I assume you are now using QGIS 3. It's still there but has been split
> into two items:
> Clip raster by extent
> Clip raster by mask layer
> In the old dialog these were choices, now they are separate tools.
> A quick search of the Toolbox with 'clip' will also turn up both of these.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 12/6/18 14:38, Steven Lowman wrote:
>> It has been a while since I used the Raster Clipper tool and not sure where 
>> to find it.
>> All references have it listed under   
>>     - Open 'Clipper' tool from Raster → Extraction → Clipper.
>> I checked extensions and there is a Clipper tool installed but under 
>> Extraction no clipper is listed?It has been a while but used this to batch 
>> convert some Tiff images to compressed JPG files.
>> Steve
>> ==
>> Steven K. Lowman GISP
>> GIS Analyst
>> Sheridan, WY 82801
>> 44°46'55.76"N 106°56'25.77"W
>> Elevation 3782 Ft 1152 Meters==

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Re: [Qgis-user] IFC data in QGIS?

2018-12-12 Thread Alex M
On 12/12/18 02:13, johnrobot wrote:
> Hi
> Are there any plans on adding support for reading IFC data
> ( in QGIS? That
> would help bridge the gap between the GIS/BIM/CAD worlds.
> Regards,
> Magnus

Most of the supported formats come from the gdal/ogr library. It might
be good to inquire with that project.

That does not rule out the possibility that someone might write a tool
to read the format but it's more likely to come via OGR.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Best Tablet Options for GIS Fieldwork with Students

2018-12-12 Thread Alex M
On 12/10/18 11:11, David Gwenzi wrote:
> I am exploring this option of running QGIS on a tablet PC with an
> internal/external GPS for teaching purposes. Does anyone here use
> tablet PCs for teaching a mobile mapping class? Which tablet device do you
> use and based on your experience, what options do you recommend?
> Thanks for your time.

Full QGIS, so a Windows or Linux tablet?
QField on an Android Tablet?

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Re: [Qgis-user] Raster Clipper Tool

2018-12-06 Thread Alex M

I assume you are now using QGIS 3. It's still there but has been split
into two items:
Clip raster by extent
Clip raster by mask layer

In the old dialog these were choices, now they are separate tools.

A quick search of the Toolbox with 'clip' will also turn up both of these.


On 12/6/18 14:38, Steven Lowman wrote:
> It has been a while since I used the Raster Clipper tool and not sure where 
> to find it.
> All references have it listed under    
>- Open 'Clipper' tool from Raster → Extraction → Clipper.
> I checked extensions and there is a Clipper tool installed but under 
> Extraction no clipper is listed?It has been a while but used this to batch 
> convert some Tiff images to compressed JPG files.
> Steve
> ==
> Steven K. Lowman GISP
> GIS Analyst
> Sheridan, WY 82801
> 44°46'55.76"N 106°56'25.77"W
> Elevation 3782 Ft 1152 Meters==
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Re: [Qgis-user] HDF Bug [Was: Raster formats in Qgis 3.4]

2018-11-29 Thread Alex M

Thanks for testing, after your note I tried on another machine 3.4.2 and
it works. However my original test machine did get the 3.4.2 update and
is still broken.

Both machines are Ubuntu 16.04, QGIS 3.2.4, GDAL 2.2.2 + ubuntugis unstable repos

The only difference is the broken one is a chroot env, and not a full
system install. But to me that should be cleaner.

I'm going to try and find additional systems, maybe even windows and
test some more. If others on list can try that would be helpful too.


On 11/28/18 13:41, Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the example. I was able to read it without any problem (in
> current QGIS master version).
> I'm still using GDAL 2.2.3.
> You can see the dialog at
> I didn't trace the fix, but the problem is already solved (I think).
> Regards,
> Jorge Gustavo
> Às 18:30 de 28/11/18, Alex M escreveu:
>> On Qgis-user an issue was reported with loading HDF5 files in QGIS 3.4
>> no Windows 10.
>> I was able to confirm that HDF5 files fail in QGIS 3.4.1, on Linux also.
>> Not just the user's file but file I also have. In both cases the files
>> work fine in QGIS 2.18.
>> This appears to be a regression related to subdatasets (sublayers). No
>> dialog comes up asking the user which subdataset to load, and hence the
>> load fails with a Provider is not Valid message.
>> Only bug info I can find was an old patch that solved this 7 years ago:
>> Here's a MODIS image in HDF5 for people to test with.
>> A secondary, minor issue, the Browser doesn't see the file if it has an
>> extension beyond .hdf, in this the case .h5 was what the user supplied.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 11/27/18 10:26, Alex M wrote:
>>> Yes, please share with the group.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> On 11/27/18 10:20, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>>>  Thank you very much for your answer. I use Windows 10 and I have just
>>>> installed version 3.14 Madeira of the Qgis software. I enclose the error
>>>> message in a screenshot. I'll see if I can send you a link to the image.
>>>> Thank you very much Anabel
>>>> El mar., 27 nov. 2018 a las 14:33, Alex M ()
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> Anabel,
>>>>> QGIS 3 supports all the same formats, however the loading dialog did
>>>>> change.
>>>>> Sometimes there can also be a slight variation in which drivers are
>>>>> included in the gdal install, though that usually only applies to
>>>>> proprietary formats like MrSID and ECW.
>>>>> What operating system are you using, which version of QGIS 3.4.?, and
>>>>> can you send a link with an example file others can test with?
>>>>> Do you get an error message? Please explain more about how it's not
>>>>> working.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> On 11/27/18 09:17, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>>>>> Good afternoon: I need to open some radar satellite images (Cosmo Skymed)
>>>>>> that are in .h5 format (of the hdf type). With the previous version 2.18
>>>>> it
>>>>>> could open without inconvenience. I need help on this. Is there any
>>>>> add-on
>>>>>> to open this type of raster format? Thank you in advance! Anabel
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> Libre
>>>>>> de virus.
>>>>>> <
>>>>>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>> Qgis-user mailing list
>>>>>> List info:
>>>>>> Unsubscribe:
>> ___
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> List info:
>> Unsubscribe:

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Re: [Qgis-user] [QGIS-Developer] HDF Bug [Was: Raster formats in Qgis 3.4]

2018-11-28 Thread Alex M
Workaround, assuming you know which subdataset you want to load (by
using gdalinfo on the commandline). Put the full path in to the dataset.

In a terminal or osgeo4w shell
$ gdalinfo MOD09A1.A2016313.h21v09.006.2016322094441.hdf | grep SUBDATA

copy the line for the layer you want to load

Append the full path to the file, example here is /home/user/, like
C:/user/username on Windows.


Paste this into the load Raster dialog in QGIS 3.4.1

Not ideal but highlights that the driver is fine, it's just the
detection and selection of subdata layers that's not working.


On 11/28/18 10:30, Alex M wrote:
> On Qgis-user an issue was reported with loading HDF5 files in QGIS 3.4
> no Windows 10.
> I was able to confirm that HDF5 files fail in QGIS 3.4.1, on Linux also.
> Not just the user's file but file I also have. In both cases the files
> work fine in QGIS 2.18.
> This appears to be a regression related to subdatasets (sublayers). No
> dialog comes up asking the user which subdataset to load, and hence the
> load fails with a Provider is not Valid message.
> Only bug info I can find was an old patch that solved this 7 years ago:
> Here's a MODIS image in HDF5 for people to test with.
> A secondary, minor issue, the Browser doesn't see the file if it has an
> extension beyond .hdf, in this the case .h5 was what the user supplied.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 11/27/18 10:26, Alex M wrote:
>> Yes, please share with the group.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 11/27/18 10:20, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>>  Thank you very much for your answer. I use Windows 10 and I have just
>>> installed version 3.14 Madeira of the Qgis software. I enclose the error
>>> message in a screenshot. I'll see if I can send you a link to the image.
>>> Thank you very much Anabel
>>> El mar., 27 nov. 2018 a las 14:33, Alex M ()
>>> escribió:
>>>> Anabel,
>>>> QGIS 3 supports all the same formats, however the loading dialog did
>>>> change.
>>>> Sometimes there can also be a slight variation in which drivers are
>>>> included in the gdal install, though that usually only applies to
>>>> proprietary formats like MrSID and ECW.
>>>> What operating system are you using, which version of QGIS 3.4.?, and
>>>> can you send a link with an example file others can test with?
>>>> Do you get an error message? Please explain more about how it's not
>>>> working.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex
>>>> On 11/27/18 09:17, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>>>> Good afternoon: I need to open some radar satellite images (Cosmo Skymed)
>>>>> that are in .h5 format (of the hdf type). With the previous version 2.18
>>>> it
>>>>> could open without inconvenience. I need help on this. Is there any
>>>> add-on
>>>>> to open this type of raster format? Thank you in advance! Anabel
>>>>> <
>>>>> Libre
>>>>> de virus.
>>>>> <
>>>>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>>>> ___
>>>>> Qgis-user mailing list
>>>>> List info:
>>>>> Unsubscribe:
> ___
> QGIS-Developer mailing list
> List info:
> Unsubscribe:

Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] HDF Bug [Was: Raster formats in Qgis 3.4]

2018-11-28 Thread Alex M
On Qgis-user an issue was reported with loading HDF5 files in QGIS 3.4
no Windows 10.

I was able to confirm that HDF5 files fail in QGIS 3.4.1, on Linux also.
Not just the user's file but file I also have. In both cases the files
work fine in QGIS 2.18.

This appears to be a regression related to subdatasets (sublayers). No
dialog comes up asking the user which subdataset to load, and hence the
load fails with a Provider is not Valid message.

Only bug info I can find was an old patch that solved this 7 years ago:

Here's a MODIS image in HDF5 for people to test with.

A secondary, minor issue, the Browser doesn't see the file if it has an
extension beyond .hdf, in this the case .h5 was what the user supplied.


On 11/27/18 10:26, Alex M wrote:
> Yes, please share with the group.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 11/27/18 10:20, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>  Thank you very much for your answer. I use Windows 10 and I have just
>> installed version 3.14 Madeira of the Qgis software. I enclose the error
>> message in a screenshot. I'll see if I can send you a link to the image.
>> Thank you very much Anabel
>> El mar., 27 nov. 2018 a las 14:33, Alex M ()
>> escribió:
>>> Anabel,
>>> QGIS 3 supports all the same formats, however the loading dialog did
>>> change.
>>> Sometimes there can also be a slight variation in which drivers are
>>> included in the gdal install, though that usually only applies to
>>> proprietary formats like MrSID and ECW.
>>> What operating system are you using, which version of QGIS 3.4.?, and
>>> can you send a link with an example file others can test with?
>>> Do you get an error message? Please explain more about how it's not
>>> working.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> On 11/27/18 09:17, Anabel Lamaro wrote:
>>>> Good afternoon: I need to open some radar satellite images (Cosmo Skymed)
>>>> that are in .h5 format (of the hdf type). With the previous version 2.18
>>> it
>>>> could open without inconvenience. I need help on this. Is there any
>>> add-on
>>>> to open this type of raster format? Thank you in advance! Anabel
>>>> <
>>>> Libre
>>>> de virus.
>>>> <
>>>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>>>> ___
>>>> Qgis-user mailing list
>>>> List info:
>>>> Unsubscribe:

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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.4 macOS still doesn't install GRASS properly, ... 'sigh...'

2018-11-05 Thread Alex M
I did discuss with Larry once about buying a Mac mini and racking it so
we could have a build/test machine. These days there do seem to be a few
companies that offer this as a service, perhaps we should try one.


On 11/5/18 03:44, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> It's a technical and legal limitation. You "can" workaround using a
> custom/hacked Virtual Machine, aka a Hackintosh, but still, how viable is
> that for building and testing purposes?
> Luis Puerto  escreveu no dia segunda, 5/11/2018 às
> 11:25:
>> I didn’t thought about that… and I always assumed that you needed a mac do
>> develop in mac, but if you Google about it I think it’s more a legal issue
>> that a technical issue and people is just virtualizing macOS on VMware and
>> other software. Seems that has downsides, but people say it’s workable.
>> Anyhow, I understand about the legal side of the issue.
>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 02:43, Alexandre Neto  wrote:
>> Not to read as an excuse, but just to bring one interesting fact, that may
>> explain the lack of will or interest by non Mac developers to solve an
>> issue that affects only Mac OS users:
>> You can build and test for windows using a Linux or Mac operating system
>> with a windows virtual machine.
>> You can build and test for Linux using a Windows or Mac operating system
>> with a linux virtual machine.
>> You CAN'T build nor test for Mac using a Linux or Windows operating system
>> with a Mac OS Virtual Machine unless you use Mac hardware.
>> Apple doesn't make it easy, you need proprietary software AND hardware to
>> help support qgis on Mac OS.
>> Best regards,
>> Alexandre Neto
>> A sáb, 3/11/2018, 15:20, Adam Dershowitz  escreveu:
>>> QGIS is supported on macports and works “out of the box” there.  It is
>>> annoying that using both homebrew and macports together isn’t supported,
>>> but that is not a QGIS issue, but a more general package manager issue.
>>> --Adam
>>> On Nov 3, 2018, at 5:07 AM, Luis Puerto  wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>> Thanks for the hint. I already knew and I’ve been trying to collaborate
>>> there as much as my ruby knowledge allow me. I have installed both QGIS2
>>> and 3 with homebrew in my machine, which usually take me (us) some effort
>>> every time there is a new release since I like to build in my machine. For
>>> that reason I say I don’t understand why there isn’t any support —as far as
>>> I know— from QGIS development to have real up and running Homebrew tap, so
>>> users just have to type in their terminal brew install qgis3 and then
>>> use the app *out of the box*.
>>> On 2 Nov 2018, at 21:21, Alex M  wrote:
>>> Is the more or less official attempt to support brew install of QGIS and
>>> friends. If you are a Mac user who would like to help with that effort,
>>> that's the place.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> On 11/2/18 00:31, Luis Puerto wrote:
>>> I just want to give my two cents about “the issue” in macOS.
>>> I really agree with others that rage and anger aren’t going to take us to
>>> anywhere productive although I understand the frustration when you have the
>>> feeling that something is more complicate in your platform for not reason
>>> at all.
>>> I understand that we, macOS users, are the least concern, since we are
>>> perhaps the lesser ones. And on top of that macOS seems more complicated to
>>> make things just work. And on top top of that seems that there are few
>>> developers of QGIS on macOS. A vicious circle.
>>> I really appreciate all the work and effort of everyone involve in the
>>> development of QGIS for all the platforms, and specially for macOS, since
>>> it’s the one I’m using. I really really really appreciate the work even
>>> more since I know that a lot of that effort is for free. This is an open
>>> source community and a lot of the people involve just invest hours in solve
>>> problems and to bring new features to users just for their love to this
>>> project. That is really admirable!
>>> As a Homebrew u

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.4 macOS still doesn't install GRASS properly, ... 'sigh...'

2018-11-02 Thread Alex M

Is the more or less official attempt to support brew install of QGIS and
friends. If you are a Mac user who would like to help with that effort,
that's the place.


On 11/2/18 00:31, Luis Puerto wrote:
> I just want to give my two cents about “the issue” in macOS. 
> I really agree with others that rage and anger aren’t going to take us to 
> anywhere productive although I understand the frustration when you have the 
> feeling that something is more complicate in your platform for not reason at 
> all. 
> I understand that we, macOS users, are the least concern, since we are 
> perhaps the lesser ones. And on top of that macOS seems more complicated to 
> make things just work. And on top top of that seems that there are few 
> developers of QGIS on macOS. A vicious circle. 
> I really appreciate all the work and effort of everyone involve in the 
> development of QGIS for all the platforms, and specially for macOS, since 
> it’s the one I’m using. I really really really appreciate the work even more 
> since I know that a lot of that effort is for free. This is an open source 
> community and a lot of the people involve just invest hours in solve problems 
> and to bring new features to users just for their love to this project. That 
> is really admirable! 
> As a Homebrew user I wondering why QGIS development for macOS isn’t more 
> involved into bring QGIS through that tool, since, at least in my opinion, 
> make thing easier. It’s true that for a lot of people work with the terminal 
> is scary. It was for me when I have to return to work with the terminal for 
> some projects, and remember working with MS-DOS when I was in high school, so 
> it wasn’t something new. But, if you can install something as QGIS just 
> typing in your terminal “brew install qgis3” or “brew cask install qgis3” and 
> after that everything just works it’s just wonderful. And sometimes just do. 
> Again, thanks a lot, and I hope we can workout the issues in macOS. 
> Best Regards
> Luis Puerto
>> On 1 Nov 2018, at 19:52, Ivano Giuliano  wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> wise words.
>> Best,
>> Ivano
>> Il giorno gio 1 nov 2018 alle 18:31 Nicolas Cadieux 
>>>> ha 
>> scritto:
>> Hi Stace,
>> This is a help list made up of mostly of users responding for free and if we 
>> don’t know the answer we can’t help.  Your problem has been acknowledged, 
>> you received confirmation that the current download is broken “Yes, this one 
>> was broken, now there is a new version to download that is fixed (and 
>> shouold stay fixed in the future, for this specific problem)” and that they 
>> have found $3000 for a permanent fix for making an easier Mac installation 
>> which is what you are looking for if I am not mistaken. A link to this 
>> project was sent to you. You could contact that team to see the evolution of 
>> that project and see how you can help them with the trouble shooting.  That 
>> would be a positive contribution on your part and it may get you to your 
>> solution faster than you think.
>> I know it can be frustrating to be stuck with a software problem when you 
>> need a quick fix but please remember that this is an OpenSource project 
>> where volunteer users and developers are try to be helpful and try to 
>> contribute in a positive manner. 
>> Nicolas Cadieux
>> (list user with no link with the QGIS project)
>> Le 1 nov. 2018 à 11:35, Mr. Stace D Maples > > a écrit :
>>> 11 responses about how I should contribute more, how my problem was posted, 
>>> how I can give money…
>>> Not one suggestion for how to fix the issue.
>>> In F,L,
>>> Stace Maples 
>>> Geospatial Manager 
>>> Stanford Geospatial Center
>>> @mapninja 
>>> G+, Skype, Hangout: stacey.maples
>>> 214.641.0920
>>> Find GeoData: 
>>> Get GeoHelp: 
>>> stanfordgis Listserv: 
>>> "I have a map of the United States... actual size. 
>>> It says, "Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile." 
>>> I spent last summer folding it." 
>>> -Steven Wright-
>>> From: William Kyngesburye >> >
>>> Reply-To: William Kyngesburye >> >
>>> Date: Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 6:28 AM
>>> To: "Mr. Stace D Maples" >> >
>>> Cc: Qgis-user>>
>>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.4 macOS still doesn't install GRASS 
>>> properly, ... 'sigh...'
>>> I don't know why you're saying not having a working installer with GRASS, 

Re: [Qgis-user] Problem with quick map service plugin

2018-10-31 Thread Alex M
On 10/31/18 08:12, GobaA wrote:
> Greetings
> I have a problem with quick map service plugin for accessing google satellite 
> maps, whenever I am trying to install it, the reply message displays that 
> there is an error in loading plugin and I must contact the author (Please see 
> the screen capture attached). Kindly help solving this problem.
> Regards
> Ayanda A Goba
> Resource Auditor: King Cetshwayo District & EThekwini Municipality
> Department: Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (Land Use and Soil Management)
> T: 033 345 3515/57 - F: 033 394 6161 - M: 082 523 6501 -
> [cid:image003.jpg@01D4713C.D5316E70]

What operating system are you on and which installation method did you
use? It appears that your python installation is missing the requests
library. You will need to add this. Installation method will vary
depending the answer to my first question.

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Re: [Qgis-user] English only list or Main list?

2018-10-19 Thread Alex M

I think you raise a valid points, and that the end of the day we need to
be as welcoming as possible to the entire community. As a reminder for

The question is how do we best address the issue? The list of alternate
language lists is good but not a complete solution. We should absolutely
offer those when responding to a non-english post, and perhaps an
explanation that English is the most common language on the list because
it's comprehended by the most subscribers, so it is most likely to get
you the most help. A lot of assumptions in that.

As a native English speaker, I actually do attempt to figure out the
posts in other languages I have some familiarity with, and try to reply
with a poorly translated response & the english response, along with a
link to a language specific list if I know one as an alternative.

Sounds like we do need to fix the website to better direct people to
other language lists if they prefer.

Any else have suggestions on how to improve this?


On 10/19/18 08:54, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi Jürgen,
> You are not offended because you have probably never been repeatedly
> told not to speak German in Germany.  For people who do not live in a
> country where this is often the case, I understand they cannot relate to
> what I am stating.  My rant is culturally - country specific and
> perhaps, not appropriate for this forum.  I acknowledge this but I am
> tying to make people aware of a situation that can really tick people off.
> I understand this list is primarily used by people who understand
> english and that this facilitates communication.  I usually publish in
> English, or write on this list in English for this very same reason.   I
> agree that pointing people to language specific list can help those who
> have a poor understanding, or no understanding of English.  I have done
> that in the past and have also translated messages from French or
> Spanish to English when I see unilingual posts, even when I don't know
> the answers to the questions. This way they can still get helped and
> others can benefit from the post as you point out. Unfortunately, the
> other lists that I have visited are not as dynamic as this one... but
> that's another story.
> You don't get my last point because, in your case (and in the case of
> most developers) you have _chosen_ to communicate in English for all the
> good reasons and are not regularly mocked at when using your mother
> language in public.  You are not from a country where you are expected
> to speak in English and to make that effort while anglophones (in my
> case) are not making any efforts to communicate with you in French. 
> While this is thankfully changing in Canada as more and more anglophones
> learn French and make the efforts (and are actually starting to realize
> the importance of learning more than just one language), this is not the
> case in other countries like the US where Spanish speaking people are
> often the target of outright racism and regularly told "this is an
> English speaking country".
> I too appreciate the use of English in this list, specially when the
> writer is German, Austrian or from Iceland because Google translation
> just does not cut it when talking in technical terms. I am simply
> stating that this is a courtesy to be appreciated and not to be taken
> for granted.  While Europeans regularly speak many languages, this is a
> richness not appreciated in many parts of North America.
> Yours truly,
> Nicolas Cadieux
> On 2018-10-19 10:22 AM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> On Fri, 19. Oct 2018 at 09:07:36 -0400, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
>>> This is a public rant.  I find it extremely offensive to read
>>> comments like
>>> “this is the English list” to people who write to this list in any other
>>> language than English.
>> I don't.  This is the main user list and it's in English - because
>> that's the
>> language everyone here understands - if you don't understand English,
>> there's
>> not much point subscribing in the first place.
>> Using a language other than that excludes the majority of the
>> subscribers from
>> benefiting from what is being said and from contributing to the
>> discussion.
>> And I don't find a response that clarifies this and also points to a
>> better
>> suited list offensive either.  Maybe even with a English translation
>> if the
>> original posting seems relevant to all.
>>> If you disagree, please note that the QGIS site refers to this list
>>> as the
>>> “The MAIN list for user questions: used for discussion of QGIS in
>>> general, as
>>> well as specific questions regarding its installation and use.”  The
>>> MAIN
>>> list... not the ENGLISH list. This message is also repeated in other
>>> languages as can be seen here.

Re: [Qgis-user] How do I stitch drone images together to make an orthomosaic?

2018-10-16 Thread Alex M
On 10/16/18 10:02, Daniel Adee wrote:
> Hello all!
> I am completely new to QGIS. For my job I do crop scouting of agricultural
> fields, and I would like to stitch images together from a drone to create
> an orthomosaic image of a field. The drone will fly a set pattern so the
> images overlap. The images will be geo-referenced. Is this possible to do?
> If so, how would I do this?
> Thank you,
> Dan

Unless you want to do it by hand with georeferencing...
OpenDroneMap(OpenSource), Photoscan($), or Pix4d($$). There are also
several good and relatively inexpensive online options like DroneDeploy,
MapsMadeEasy, etc...

Yes the images will have a center point but that's not the same as being
geo-referenced, that's actually called geo-tagged.

The results can be viewed and analyzed in QGIS.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
For those following, Emily and I worked on the problem and figured out a

CropScape claims to provide data in EPSG:102003, however on inspection
the data is actually EPSG:5070

My QGIS 2/3 on linux properly read it as 5070, however QGIS 3 on windows
on Emily's machine read it as 102003 for some reason. Changing that in
the properties puts the file in the correct place.


On 08/03/2018 01:52 PM, Alex M wrote:
> Yes added the tif file, tried, drag & drop, the Browser Panel, and the
> Add Raster menu.
> In all cases it lines up correctly.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 08/03/2018 01:46 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
>> Alex,
>> How did you import the Cropland Data Layer into QGIS? Did you just import
>> it as a tif file? And did it line up with the correct location on World
>> Imagery?
>> Thanks,
>> Emily
>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Emily Wine  wrote:
>>> Alex,
>>> I added World Imagery by pasting this code into the Python Console:
>>> *qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer("","raster;
>>> <,%22raster%22>)*
>>> Thanks so much,
>>> Emily
>>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:33 PM, Alex M  wrote:
>>>> Ah, it changed in QGIS 3. How did you add the World Imagery?
>>>> Your CDL file and one I downloaded worked fine for me in QGIS 2 and QGIS
>>>> 3.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alex
>>>> On 08/03/2018 01:16 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>>> Alex,
>>>>> I don't see any option to enable on the fly transformation. I've
>>>> attached a
>>>>> link showing what I see on my screen.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>>  crs project properties.PNG
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Alex M 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 08/03/2018 12:50 PM, Alex M wrote:
>>>>>>> On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>>>>> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't
>>>> get my
>>>>>>>> layers to line up.
>>>>>>>> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
>>>>>>>> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area
>>>>>> projection.*
>>>>>>>> Currently, I have three layers:
>>>>>>>> Site Coordinates
>>>>>>>> World Imagery layer from ESRI
>>>>>>>> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
>>>>>>>> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer.
>>>> However,
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
>>>>>>>> CDL Extent:
>>>>>>>> 48885.,2818725. :
>>>>>>>> 117585.,2930685.
>>>>>>>> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a
>>>>>> .vat.dbf.tif
>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.
>>>>>>> Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.
>>>>>>>> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded
>>>> in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?
>>>>>>> Nope, thats a value attribute database file.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Emily
>>>>>>> It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
>>>>>>> incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see
>>>> what
>>>>>>> projection QGIS assigned the layer.
>>>>>>> Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> PS: Do you have projection on the Fly (OTF) enabled?
>>>>>> with_projections/working_with_projections.html#define-on-
>>>>>> the-fly-otf-crs-transformation
>>>>>> -Alex
> ___
> Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
Yes added the tif file, tried, drag & drop, the Browser Panel, and the
Add Raster menu.

In all cases it lines up correctly.


On 08/03/2018 01:46 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
> Alex,
> How did you import the Cropland Data Layer into QGIS? Did you just import
> it as a tif file? And did it line up with the correct location on World
> Imagery?
> Thanks,
> Emily
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Emily Wine  wrote:
>> Alex,
>> I added World Imagery by pasting this code into the Python Console:
>> *qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer("","raster;
>> <,%22raster%22>)*
>> Thanks so much,
>> Emily
>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:33 PM, Alex M  wrote:
>>> Ah, it changed in QGIS 3. How did you add the World Imagery?
>>> Your CDL file and one I downloaded worked fine for me in QGIS 2 and QGIS
>>> 3.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>>> On 08/03/2018 01:16 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>> Alex,
>>>> I don't see any option to enable on the fly transformation. I've
>>> attached a
>>>> link showing what I see on my screen.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Emily
>>>>  crs project properties.PNG
>>>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Alex M 
>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 08/03/2018 12:50 PM, Alex M wrote:
>>>>>> On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>>>> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't
>>> get my
>>>>>>> layers to line up.
>>>>>>> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
>>>>>>> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area
>>>>> projection.*
>>>>>>> Currently, I have three layers:
>>>>>>> Site Coordinates
>>>>>>> World Imagery layer from ESRI
>>>>>>> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
>>>>>>> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer.
>>> However,
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
>>>>>>> CDL Extent:
>>>>>>> 48885.,2818725. :
>>>>>>> 117585.,2930685.
>>>>>>> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a
>>>>> .vat.dbf.tif
>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.
>>>>>> Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.
>>>>>>> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded
>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>>>> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?
>>>>>> Nope, thats a value attribute database file.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Emily
>>>>>> It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
>>>>>> incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see
>>> what
>>>>>> projection QGIS assigned the layer.
>>>>>> Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>> PS: Do you have projection on the Fly (OTF) enabled?
>>>>> with_projections/working_with_projections.html#define-on-
>>>>> the-fly-otf-crs-transformation
>>>>> -Alex

Qgis-user mailing list
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[Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
Interesting, that also works fine for me. Out of curiosity what order
did you add the layers in?

A workaround that might be more reliable would be to install the
Quick_Map_Services plugin (Check it's settings and add the Contributed
Pack). You'll be able to add the same layer from ESRI via that plugin
and it's usually pretty good about checking the projection issues.


On 08/03/2018 01:37 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
> Alex,
> I added World Imagery by pasting this code into the Python Console:
> *qgis.utils.iface.addRasterLayer("","raster;
> <,%22raster%22>)*
> Thanks so much,
> Emily
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:33 PM, Alex M  wrote:
>> Ah, it changed in QGIS 3. How did you add the World Imagery?
>> Your CDL file and one I downloaded worked fine for me in QGIS 2 and QGIS 3.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 08/03/2018 01:16 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>> Alex,
>>> I don't see any option to enable on the fly transformation. I've
>> attached a
>>> link showing what I see on my screen.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Emily
>>>  crs project properties.PNG
>>> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Alex M 
>> wrote:
>>>> On 08/03/2018 12:50 PM, Alex M wrote:
>>>>> On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>>> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't get
>> my
>>>>>> layers to line up.
>>>>>> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
>>>>>> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area
>>>> projection.*
>>>>>> Currently, I have three layers:
>>>>>> Site Coordinates
>>>>>> World Imagery layer from ESRI
>>>>>> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
>>>>>> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer.
>> However,
>>>> the
>>>>>> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
>>>>>> CDL Extent:
>>>>>> 48885.,2818725. :
>>>>>> 117585.,2930685.
>>>>>> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a
>>>> .vat.dbf.tif
>>>>>> file.
>>>>>> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.
>>>>> Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.
>>>>>> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded in
>>>> the
>>>>>> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?
>>>>> Nope, thats a value attribute database file.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Emily
>>>>> It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
>>>>> incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see
>> what
>>>>> projection QGIS assigned the layer.
>>>>> Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Alex
>>>> PS: Do you have projection on the Fly (OTF) enabled?
>>>> with_projections/working_with_projections.html#define-on-
>>>> the-fly-otf-crs-transformation
>>>> -Alex

Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
Ah, it changed in QGIS 3. How did you add the World Imagery?

Your CDL file and one I downloaded worked fine for me in QGIS 2 and QGIS 3.


On 08/03/2018 01:16 PM, Emily Wine wrote:
> Alex,
> I don't see any option to enable on the fly transformation. I've attached a
> link showing what I see on my screen.
> Thanks,
> Emily
>  crs project properties.PNG
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 1:03 PM, Alex M  wrote:
>> On 08/03/2018 12:50 PM, Alex M wrote:
>>> On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't get my
>>>> layers to line up.
>>>> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
>>>> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area
>> projection.*
>>>> Currently, I have three layers:
>>>> Site Coordinates
>>>> World Imagery layer from ESRI
>>>> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
>>>> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer. However,
>> the
>>>> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
>>>> CDL Extent:
>>>> 48885.,2818725. :
>>>> 117585.,2930685.
>>>> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a
>> .vat.dbf.tif
>>>> file.
>>>> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.
>>> Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.
>>>> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded in
>> the
>>>> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?
>>> Nope, thats a value attribute database file.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Emily
>>> It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
>>> incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see what
>>> projection QGIS assigned the layer.
>>> Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
>> PS: Do you have projection on the Fly (OTF) enabled?
>> with_projections/working_with_projections.html#define-on-
>> the-fly-otf-crs-transformation
>> -Alex

Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
On 08/03/2018 12:50 PM, Alex M wrote:
> On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't get my
>> layers to line up.
>> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
>> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area projection.*
>> Currently, I have three layers:
>> Site Coordinates
>> World Imagery layer from ESRI
>> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
>> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer. However, the
>> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
>> CDL Extent:
>> 48885.,2818725. :
>> 117585.,2930685.
>> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a .vat.dbf.tif
>> file.
>> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.
> Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.
>> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded in the
>> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?
> Nope, thats a value attribute database file.
>> Thanks,
>> Emily
> It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
> incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see what
> projection QGIS assigned the layer.
> Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.
> Thanks,
> Alex

PS: Do you have projection on the Fly (OTF) enabled?


Qgis-user mailing list
List info:

Re: [Qgis-user] Importing Cropland Data Layer

2018-08-03 Thread Alex M
On 08/03/2018 11:52 AM, Emily Wine wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I am completely new to QGIS (and mapping in general), and I can't get my
> layers to line up.
> * QGIS Version: 3.2.1-BonnStandalone-installerWindows 10 64-bit*
> *All of my layers are in the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area projection.*
> Currently, I have three layers:
> Site Coordinates
> World Imagery layer from ESRI
> Cropland Data Layer (CDL) from USDA-NASS CropScape
> My coordinates line up perfectly with the World Imagery layer. However, the
> CDL is floating somewhere out in the universe and won't line up.
> CDL Extent:
> 48885.,2818725. :
> 117585.,2930685.
> I downloaded the CDL as a zipped file containing a .tif and a .vat.dbf.tif
> file.
> I unzipped the file and uploaded it to QGIS as a .tif file.

Can you please provide a link to what you downloaded.

> Is it possible that the georeferencing for the .tif file is encoded in the
> .vat.dbf.tif file? How do I import the Cropland Data Layer to QGIS?

Nope, thats a value attribute database file.

> Thanks,
> Emily

It's very likely that QGIS is just reading the projection data
incorrectly. Check the Properties/Metadata tab for the layer to see what
projection QGIS assigned the layer.

Was there a tfw with the data? that would contain georeference.

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Re: [Qgis-user] New User: Cropping makes HUGE files (and I know about COMPRESS-LZW)

2018-03-09 Thread Alex M
Can you supply the bounding box you are using (or the full command).

Also which version of QGIS on which OS?

You are correct that something is odd.


On 03/09/2018 02:04 PM, Dennis Grant wrote:
> I did that, and I got a file that was 150 Gb (and still growing after an
> hour)
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Alex M <> wrote:
>> The Clipper dialog is missing GUI options to set the compression. In the
>> box at the bottom, edit the command to add the following "-co
>> That will apply compression to the output.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 03/09/2018 01:44 PM, Dennis Grant wrote:
>>> Hi all, I have a very specific problem I'm attempting to solve, and I'm
>> sad
>>> to say it has defeated me.
>>> What I am trying to do is generate a 3D model of the terrain relief in a
>>> certain area so that it can be fed into a CNC machine for subsequent
>>> carving.
>>> So then, step 1 - get a DEM GEOTIFF from EarthExplorer: done.
>>> Here's the thumbnail
>> n45_w067_1arc_v3.jpg
>>> (but I have the actual GEOTIFF too - I know that the thumbnail is not the
>>> Now what I need to do is crop the area covered by the GEOTIFF down to the
>>> roughly 4 sq km area I want to model.
>>> So I downloaded and installed qgis for Linux. Add new raster layer using
>>> the downloaded GEOTIFF, and that comes in fine.
>>> Problem: I can't narrow down the exact area I need. So I installed the
>>> OpenStreetMap plugin and added an OSM layer. Happily, the OSM layer and
>> the
>>> GEOTIFF raster layer line up as expected. So I'm able to adjust the zoom
>>> window to the area I want to carve.
>>> I go to Raster: Extraction: Clipper. Input file is the downloaded DEM
>>> GEOTIFF. Output file is a filename I pick for the extract. I select the
>>> area I want, and I see that it builds a command line for gdal_translate
>>> accordingly. OK, I get it, QGIS is a graphical front end for command line
>>> tools - that's a common Linux method for building applications. Seen that
>>> before. No worries.
>>> So then I execute, and after 10 minutes, it still isn't done, and the
>> file
>>> it is building is almost a gigabyte in size.
>>> Stop process, google for "qgis extract huge files" and I find that the
>>> issue is likely compressed vs uncompressed TIFF, and there are a couple
>> of
>>> options to feed gdal_translate to turn on compression (via the little
>>> pencil icon) OK, add that, and set it off.
>>> Come back an hour later, still not done, and the file is 150 Gb in size.
>>> Something is not right. The base GEOTIFF is 25 Mb. A drastically cropped
>>> version - even uncompressed - should not be that large.
>>> This happens even if I delete the OSM layer.
>>> What is going on here? What have I missed?
>>> DG
>>> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] New User: Cropping makes HUGE files (and I know about COMPRESS-LZW)

2018-03-09 Thread Alex M
The Clipper dialog is missing GUI options to set the compression. In the
box at the bottom, edit the command to add the following "-co

That will apply compression to the output.


On 03/09/2018 01:44 PM, Dennis Grant wrote:
> Hi all, I have a very specific problem I'm attempting to solve, and I'm sad
> to say it has defeated me.
> What I am trying to do is generate a 3D model of the terrain relief in a
> certain area so that it can be fed into a CNC machine for subsequent
> carving.
> So then, step 1 - get a DEM GEOTIFF from EarthExplorer: done.
> Here's the thumbnail
> (but I have the actual GEOTIFF too - I know that the thumbnail is not the
> Now what I need to do is crop the area covered by the GEOTIFF down to the
> roughly 4 sq km area I want to model.
> So I downloaded and installed qgis for Linux. Add new raster layer using
> the downloaded GEOTIFF, and that comes in fine.
> Problem: I can't narrow down the exact area I need. So I installed the
> OpenStreetMap plugin and added an OSM layer. Happily, the OSM layer and the
> GEOTIFF raster layer line up as expected. So I'm able to adjust the zoom
> window to the area I want to carve.
> I go to Raster: Extraction: Clipper. Input file is the downloaded DEM
> GEOTIFF. Output file is a filename I pick for the extract. I select the
> area I want, and I see that it builds a command line for gdal_translate
> accordingly. OK, I get it, QGIS is a graphical front end for command line
> tools - that's a common Linux method for building applications. Seen that
> before. No worries.
> So then I execute, and after 10 minutes, it still isn't done, and the file
> it is building is almost a gigabyte in size.
> Stop process, google for "qgis extract huge files" and I find that the
> issue is likely compressed vs uncompressed TIFF, and there are a couple of
> options to feed gdal_translate to turn on compression (via the little
> pencil icon) OK, add that, and set it off.
> Come back an hour later, still not done, and the file is 150 Gb in size.
> Something is not right. The base GEOTIFF is 25 Mb. A drastically cropped
> version - even uncompressed - should not be that large.
> This happens even if I delete the OSM layer.
> What is going on here? What have I missed?
> DG
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] script filegdb to spatial lite

2017-11-09 Thread Alex M

Each layer is a separate table within the database, you can have as many
as you like. As with most spatial formats I would avoid mixed geometries
in the same layer.

Here are some of the docs about spatialite


On 11/08/2017 08:21 PM, Matt Boyd wrote:
> Thanks martin,
> thats an excellent starting point for me. I'd already started digging into
> ogr2ogr and the options you have there are good.
> Does spatialite allow points, lines and polygon in the same database / file?
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Martin Bain 
> wrote:
>> Matt,
>> Have a look into the ogr2ogr.exe which is installed with QGIS.
>> It’s a command line program that converts formats.  You could make a batch
>> script to get the data you want one layer at a time into a single
>> spatialite db.  I’m afraid you got a bit of work to do to figure out the
>> options for your input and output formats.
>> Here’s a sample I found on my hard drive that I did some time ago to get
>> data from a SQL Server table into Spatialite, to give you an idea of what’s
>> involved.  I don’t remember what all options are :P
>> C:\OSGeo4W\bin\ogr2ogr.exe -f SQlite "C:\output7.sqlite"
>> "MSSQL:server=;database=;trusted_connection=yes;" -sql "SELECT *
>> FROM lOT" -a_srs "EPSG:28356" -dsco SPATIALITE=yes -nln "LOT" -nlt
>> PROMOTE_TO_MULTI -geomfield SP_GEOMETRY –append
>> Good luck.
>> *From:* Qgis-user [] *On Behalf
>> Of *Matt Boyd
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 9 November 2017 2:53 PM
>> *To:* qgis-user 
>> *Subject:* [Qgis-user] script filegdb to spatial lite
>> Hi QGISers,
>> I'm working from a corporate dataset, mostly geodatabases located on a
>> network drive.
>> I'd like to make a portable version of the datasets that I use that's
>> updated either automaticaly, or whenever I run a script.
>> I'm not 100% sure how spatialite works. Is everything in a single file
>> database? I'd like to just create a script only grabbing the data I specify
>> from the network drive and save that locally.
>> I don't do the database updating so it's only a one way process.
>> Has anyone done something like this? are there shortcuts?
>> Thanks
>> Matt
>> This email is intended for the named recipient only. The information it
>> contains may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient you
>> must not reproduce or distribute any part of this email, disclose its
>> contents to any other party or take any action in reliance on it. If you
>> have received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately
>> and delete the message.
>> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] [Ubuntu] GRASS support lost (again) on Ubuntu/Mint

2017-09-27 Thread Alex M
On 09/27/2017 10:53 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 09/27/2017 07:21 PM, Alex M wrote:
>> Ah that makes sense, if builds against ubuntugis, then GRASS
>> updates will always cause this, since a rebuild of is not
>> triggered.
>> Seems like some logistics could be worked out.
> The qgis packages needs to depend on the virtual ABI package again so
> that the dependency will be unsatisfied when grass is updated and qgis
> hasn't been rebuilt yet.
> I've pushed a change for the package in Debian for the above. The QGIS
> developers will need to do the same for their packaging.
> Kind Regards,
> Bas


Forwarding to the QGIS team in case they have questions. Do you have a
changeset that shows what you did?

Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] GRASS support lost (again) on Ubuntu/Mint

2017-09-27 Thread Alex M
On 09/27/2017 10:08 AM, Andre Joost wrote:
> Am 27.09.2017 um 18:57 schrieb Alex M:
>> My recommendation is that you do not upgrade QGIS as soon as the update
>> shows up but wait a day or two. Make sure the corresponding GRASS update
>> is available.
> In this case, QGIS 2.18.13 worked for just one day, then GRASS got
> updated and broke the qgis plugin. If you'd refused the GRASS update, it
> would still work. There is nothing that the ubuntugis maintainers could
> do for it now.
> So lets hope that QGIS 2.18.14  may live longer.
> Greetings,
> André Joost

Ah that makes sense, if builds against ubuntugis, then GRASS
updates will always cause this, since a rebuild of is not

Seems like some logistics could be worked out.


Qgis-user mailing list
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Re: [Qgis-user] GRASS support lost (again) on Ubuntu/Mint

2017-09-27 Thread Alex M
On 09/26/2017 01:36 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
> After the recent update to QGIS 2.18.13, GRASS support is gone. No plugin and 
> no 
> provider.
> My apt sources includes:
> deb xenial main
> deb-src xenial main
> deb xenial main
> deb-src xenial 
> main
> The packages are installed:
> $ dpkg -l | grep plugin-grass
> ii  qgis-plugin-grass 1:2.18.13+24xenial-ubuntugis amd64  
> GRASS plugin for QGIS
> ii  qgis-plugin-grass-common 1:2.18.13+24xenial-ubuntugis 
> all  GRASS plugin for QGIS - architecture-independent data
> $ dpkg -l | grep provider-grass
> ii  qgis-provider-grass 1:2.18.13+24xenial-ubuntugis 
> amd64GRASS provider for QGIS
> More info:
> $ gdalinfo --version
> GDAL 2.2.1, released 2017/06/23
> $ grass --version
> GRASS GIS 7.2.2
> Running 'qgis --debug & ' does not show anything unusual.
> This is getting tiresome - every few months a routine system upgrade trashes 
> GRASS support.
> Any suggestions are welcome,
> Thanks, Micha
> -- 
> Micha Silver
> Ben Gurion Univ.
> Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
> cell: +972-523-665918


I can at least explain why this has happened in the past. When a new
version of QGIS or GRASS comes out, all the dependencies in the repo
need to be rebuilt. It's somewhat circular too with the link between
grass, gdal and QGIS.

This can take a few days. Until then the package versions are not quite
in sync. You could say it's a design flaw of Launchpad, there's no wait
until all the packages in the repo are rebuilt before pushing feature.

I know Sebastian and Angelos try to build all in the Test repo and then
copy over to Unstable. But sometimes that just doesn't go smoothly.

The place to report issues is the ubuntugis mailing list on

My recommendation is that you do not upgrade QGIS as soon as the update
shows up but wait a day or two. Make sure the corresponding GRASS update
is available.


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Re: [Qgis-user] plugin for drones

2017-08-15 Thread Alex M
Sort of, WebODM appears to install a virtual machine, which is how
OpenDroneMap is distributed. So it probably talks over a local network.
I guess a plugin could be written where you just provide the url/ip of
the server for processing.


On 08/15/2017 11:01 AM, Lene Fischer wrote:
> Not correct.
> You can install WebODMon windows too.
> Look at
> I have judt been giving a workshop at FOSS4G in Boston about the topic.
> It has a very poor GCP interaction - but in a very short time it would be 
> better. Stephen Mather was 5 minutes to tell about the issues.
> Regards
> Lene Fischer
> Associate Professor
> University of Copenhagen
> Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management
> Forest and Landscape College
> Nødebovej 77a
> 3480 Fredensborg
> Denmark
> MOB +45 40115084
> -Original Message-
> From: Qgis-user [] On Behalf Of Alex M
> Sent: 14. august 2017 22:05
> To: Alexandre Neto; Nuno de Santos Loureiro;
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] plugin for drones
> My colleagues and I just tested the following Android apps:
> DroneDeploy
> Litchi (Use this website to make the plan and download it Litchi
> Pix4d Capture
> PrecisionFlight
> OpenDroneMap is an open source option for stitching your photos. It produces 
> a Geotiff you can use in QGIS. You could wrap it in QGIS, but only on a Linux 
> box.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 08/14/2017 11:48 AM, Alexandre Neto wrote:
>> Nuno,
>> Foe
>> A seg, 14/08/2017, 19:05, Nuno de Santos Loureiro <>
>> escreveu:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Can anyone be so kind to send suggestions about flight planners for 
>>> DJI Phantom drones that run in android devices?
>>> And QGIS plugins to make georeferenced aerial coverages using a few 
>>> hundreds of DJI Phantom vertical pictures?
>>> Many thanks for your attention,
>>> Nuno
>>> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
>>> Nuno de Santos Loureiro (PhD)
>>> Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - DCTMA - Ed. 8 Universidade do 
>>> Algarve Campus de Gambelas
>>> 8005-139 FARO   (Portugal)
>>> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
>>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>>> ___
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>>> Unsubscribe:
>> ___
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>> Unsubscribe:
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] plugin for drones

2017-08-14 Thread Alex M
My colleagues and I just tested the following Android apps:
Litchi (Use this website to make the plan and download it Litchi
Pix4d Capture

OpenDroneMap is an open source option for stitching your photos. It
produces a Geotiff you can use in QGIS. You could wrap it in QGIS, but
only on a Linux box.


On 08/14/2017 11:48 AM, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> Nuno,
> Foe
> A seg, 14/08/2017, 19:05, Nuno de Santos Loureiro 
> escreveu:
>> Hello all,
>> Can anyone be so kind to send suggestions about flight planners for
>> DJI Phantom drones that run in android devices?
>> And QGIS plugins to make georeferenced aerial coverages using a few
>> hundreds of DJI Phantom vertical pictures?
>> Many thanks for your attention,
>> Nuno
>> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
>> Nuno de Santos Loureiro (PhD)
>> Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - DCTMA - Ed. 8
>> Universidade do Algarve
>> Campus de Gambelas
>> 8005-139 FARO   (Portugal)
>> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
>> ___
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>> Unsubscribe:
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] GeoJSON Dropping Nulls

2017-07-07 Thread Alex M
On 07/07/2017 02:25 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
> On vendredi 7 juillet 2017 16:16:18 CEST Michele M Tobias wrote:
>> I'm seeing some strange behavior working with geojson files in newer
>> versions of QGIS (2.18.9 and 2.18.10, but not 2.18.6) with GDAL 2.2.0 (but
>> not 2.1.3). When I use "save as" saving to geojson or edit a geojson file
>> and save the edits, any null values disappear.  This is particularly a
>> problem for a project I'm working on where I need to keep a standard
>> attribute table and fill in nulls for any missing values to be updated in
>> later.  I have more details about the problem here, including example
>> files: It's not GDAL alone
>> that's causing the problem - I tried saving a file into geojson in the
>> osgeo4w shell with ogr2ogr and it didn't cause the same problem.
> We discussed about that with Alex Mandel on QGIS IRC a couple hours ago.
> He filed about that

Yes there was a weird time delay (hours) in the mailing list, this email
was actually sent before our conversation. I've mentioned it to OSGeo
Sac but maybe a mailman expert/list admins can look into the server to
make sure everything is good.


>> Thanks for your help!
>> Michele
>> Michele Tobias, PhD
>> GIS Data Curator
>> Data Management Program
>> UC Davis Library
>> 161 Shields Library
>> (530)752-7532
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Database options

2016-09-30 Thread Alex M
You have to implement m:n relationships yourself inside of your plugin
if you need that. I recommend trying to use an ORM like sql-alchemy to
make life easier.

FYI there's also some cool Offline plugins that let you take Postgis
tables offline in a temporary spatialite db, and then sync when back online.


On 09/30/2016 11:37 AM, Tyler Veinot wrote:
> That was my thought for a solution, do the data entry in QGIS and use that
> as the primary got to for entry and data retrieval using data entry forms
> and widgets. Issue has been the m:n relationships. I downloaded postgreSQL
> portable to try and since upgrading to 2.16.3 I have not tried my SQLite
> forms to see if they work better as of yet; hoping to get to it this
> weekend but I got quite a bit of work to do before I can get back to it.
> Likely going to have to go with PostgreSQL; it is the only one that works
> well with both platforms.
> Tyler
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Alex M <> wrote:
>> I looked for this unicorn many moons ago. It sadly doesn't exist. I have
>> not found any interface quite like Access (which I have successfully
>> used via ODBC to sqlite). Libre Base comes close but there's been many
>> years of them saying they'd implement sqlite as a 1st class db and no
>> movement, they always prefer Java based solutions it seems.
>> The conclusion I reached is that you need either a web or local
>> interface to your db. For data entry I looked into writing a custom
>> Python application with the widgets I wanted for data entry, a node type
>> app could work also (share code between a web interface and desktop
>> interface). One option would be to make custom forms, or a plugin for
>> QGIS and do all your data entry there.
>> For writing queries there's lots of GUI tools, I usually use Spatialite
>> GUI, QGIS QSpatialite Plugin, or Firefox SQLite Manager (non-spatial
>> queries only). But both of these would be terrible for mass data entry.
>> You could also, do a spreadsheet->csv->db script
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 09/28/2016 11:06 AM, Tyler Veinot wrote:
>>> Luigi;
>>> Thanks, I will give it a try. Also tried using using MS Access to connect
>>> to the SQLite database following steps I found online using an ODBC
>>> connection. Got no useable sqlite3.dll found. It doesn't tell me where it
>>> is looking or anything; the ODBC driver install did put an sqlite3.dll in
>>> the system32 folder so I am not sure what the issue is, if the file is
>> not
>>> what access is looking for or if it is looking in the wrong spot for it;
>>> Libre seems to be able to find it no problem.
>>> Tyler
>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 1:22 PM, Luigi Pirelli <> wrote:
>>>> Tyler may you try with latest backported bugfixes on sqlite ogr
>>>> provider? Probably related with your problem ("unable to commit
>>>> changes to the database"). Check if it is similar following these
>>>> steps:
>>>> regards
>>>> Luigi Pirelli
>>>> **
>>>> * Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
>>>> * LinkedIn:
>>>> * Stackexchange:
>>>> * GitHub:
>>>> * Mastering QGIS:
>>>> **
>>>> On 28 September 2016 at 17:54, Tyler Veinot <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I would prefer to go with postgre but I think that is going to have to
>>>> be a
>>>>> future project; right now we use a file geodatabase because it can be
>>>> copied
>>>>> and distributed. Some of our PC's are disconnected from a network
>> and/or
>>>>> have very limited network access. To my knowledge I cannot just copy a
>>>>> Postgres, MySQL, Maria, or other like databases to a PC or tablet and
>> run
>>>>> them. I have run Postgre as a local service doing some testing and
>>>> playing
>>>>> but I have no place to put it for e

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS communication platforms

2016-07-18 Thread Alex M
I'd recommend to whoever does pickup social media tasks, that there are
tools that will allow you to cross post news to all of them from 1
interface (and even schedule the posts).

Hootsuite, Buffer, etc...

Just might help to make it more manageable at least for things like
release announcements. Might even be able to redirect RSS of those
announcements from main website to social media.


On 07/18/2016 10:44 AM, Anita Graser wrote:
> Hi Mats,
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Mats Elfström 
> wrote:
>> Second, I am a volunteer. I run a Facebook page for QGIS in swedish, and
>> try to pick up news on QGIS development and QGIS use of a general interest.
>> Time is a factor, of course, but using FB I need not spend any time to
>> maintain userlists, login procedures, web servers etc. I can spend the time
>> I can offer to maintain the content of the page, which is what should
>> matter in the end.
> ​Thank you for volunteering! Please get in touch with Nathan ​who manages
> the FB account. It would be great to have someone who takes care of it. I
> think we're quite well represented on Twitter but FB has been neglected so
> far.
> Best wishes,
> Anita
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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS Viewer

2016-06-30 Thread Alex M
On 06/30/2016 09:40 AM, James Keener wrote:
> How are users accessing the data?  If they're connecting to a
> database, can you simply not give them update permission?  If it's
> files, can you can keep read-only master copies on a public
> store/shared drive?
> Jim
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Tyler Veinot  wrote:
>> Hi again;
>> Just wondering if there is a QGIS Viewer available, or any suggestions as to
>> what I can use that is open source with some basic spatial search
>> capabilities and can view filegeodatabases?
>> I have been deploying QGIS to our staff to view our GIS Data and I am
>> starting to get a little nervous where someone could easily do some awesome
>> geoprocessing damage to our data if they got to messing about. So does QGIS
>> have something like Esri's Arc Explorer?
>> Thanks
>> Tyler

The other approach I've seen is to use a plugin to disable and hide most
of the interface.


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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.14.3 with ubuntugis dependencies on Ubuntu xenial?

2016-06-23 Thread Alex M
On 06/23/2016 03:10 PM, Claas Leiner wrote:
> Does somebody know,
> When QGIS 2.14.3 with ubuntugis dependencies (gdal 2.1!) is available
> for Ubuntu  xenial?
> Best wishes,
> Claas

I'm forwarding this to the Ubuntugis list. Should only take a few days,
mostly someone in the know with the keys having a chance to upload it.

2.14.1 is there already.

Looks like 2.14.3 is in the osgeolive nightly builds so I'll check with
Angelos if we can just copy it.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Ubuntu and gdal 1.11

2016-04-13 Thread Alex M
On 04/13/2016 10:16 AM, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> Hi Randal,
> On Wed, 13. Apr 2016 at 12:59:40 -0400, Randal Hale wrote:
>> I hate to ask,  I was checking fedora last night and they are up to
>> at least gdal 2.0. Osgeo4w is at 2.02. Ubuntu seems to be in a happy
>> spot with 1.11.2. Are there any plans to move to gdal 2.0 on
>> Ubuntu/UbuntuGIS anytime soon.
> Dunno.  Debian unstable is a 2.0.2 too.  I guess Ubuntu will pull it in at 
> some
> point (xenial is at 1.11.3).   The ubuntugis list is
> Jürgen

Yes there are plans. Looks like that list isn't archived on nabble. We
were waiting in part on 2.0.x making Debian (wasn't there in Feb).
Angelos and Martin Landa are organizing and IRC meeting to coordinate an
Ubunutgis package refresh.

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Re: [Qgis-user] how to upgrade from 2.8.2 to 2.8.7

2016-03-04 Thread Alex M
On 03/04/2016 09:38 AM, Tom Rockclimber wrote:
> there doesn't appear to be a way to upgrade from 2.8.2 to 2.8.7, the only
> option is to go to 2.14?
> due to collaboration, I want to stay on 2.8.x
> thanks,
> Tom


What operating system are you using? Old installers are generally
available for Windows and Mac. If you're on linux then its slightly more


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Re: [Qgis-user] Question about a Custom SR!

2016-03-03 Thread Alex M
On 03/03/2016 02:02 PM, Daniel Basile wrote:
> Hi, I'm a new user! I've downloaded QGIS just yesterday, and I think is a
> great program.
> I'm italian, anyway, the problem is:
> I have some coordinates, with a EPSG:4326 SR, from Google Maps.
> Using the "OpenLayers" Plugin, I'm opening the OpenStreetMap Layer with a
> EPSG:3857 SR.
> I've imported the coordinates in a degrees form with the "Create a Layer
> from a Delimited Text" function.
> All is working, but there's a problem with the X coordinates or the
> Longitude. Anything is slighty off to west by 300-400 meters, and by 5-10
> meters to south!
> The solution I choose is to make a "Custom SR", but I can't do it.
> The EPSG:4326 say: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
> I've tried to insert a "+x_0=(space)" a "+lon_0=(degrees)", but without any
> results.
> The coordinates will return to a "0,0" point of the map, as the SR isn't
> correct at all.
> Probably with a "+proj=merc" the solution is simple, I don't know.
> There's anything I'm missing? There's a method to shift any coordinates to
> the east(or right) of the map?
> Why Google Maps isn't working inside OpenLayers giving a Blank Page?
> Thanks to anyone will give me a reply, and have a nice day! ;)
> OS: Windows 7 64Bit
> Qgis Version 2.14

Try the QuickMapServices plugin instead. Weird offsets can happen with
the Openlayers plugin depending on your zoom and projection on the fly
settings (should always be set to 3857 for that plugin)

A custom projection should not be needed if your coordinates are truly
Lat/Lon WGS (aka 4326).


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Re: [Qgis-user] style files

2016-02-18 Thread Alex M
Please keep conversation on list.

So did you try saving 1 style per table to the db? I don't think there's
any benefit to the shapefile route. Now if you want to create the style
once, and then copy it for each table, that might be a little trickier
but probably possible with a little bit of crafty SQL. Or the manual
way, copy style - paste style - save style.


On 02/18/2016 02:13 PM, Kyle T. Kouri wrote:
> So I have been experimenting for past few days.  Save as default does not seem
> to work with one file and multiple tables.  But once i go to lets say a shape
> file that has one table it works perfect.  I think I am stuck at having a 
> bunch
> of shape files instead of one DB file with multiple tables.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 04:25 PM, Alex M <> wrote:
> On 02/18/2016 12:44 PM, Kyle T. Kouri wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a spatial lite db file that has 15 tables in it.  I am trying to
>> figure
>>> out a way to create style files for each table and then when ever I open
>> this
>>> the styles are saved with it.  Right now I have to open one at a a time for
>>> each table in the spatial lite DB.  My goal is to have multiple .sl3 db
>> files
>>> with the same tables (different data) for each of the national
>> parks in the
>>> USA.  But when I send the data out people can just open up the .sl3 file in
>>> QGIS and see the style the way I want set it.  So they dont also have to
>> load
>>> all the .qml or .sld files. 
>>> Kyle Todd Kouri
>> This is the closest thing I know of
>> I was wondering what would happen if you had multiple styles for the
>> same layer, and I think the Save as Default style box is the key there.
>> Otherwise I would save QGIS projects, and send the project file with the
>> data, and tell users to open the projects.
>> You could potentially write a plugin that does the autoloading of
>> associated styles and tables too.
>> Enjoy,
>> Alex
> Kyle Todd Kouri

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Re: [Qgis-user] style files

2016-02-18 Thread Alex M
On 02/18/2016 12:44 PM, Kyle T. Kouri wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a spatial lite db file that has 15 tables in it.  I am trying to figure
> out a way to create style files for each table and then when ever I open this
> the styles are saved with it.  Right now I have to open one at a a time for
> each table in the spatial lite DB.  My goal is to have multiple .sl3 db files
> with the same tables (different data) for each of the national parks in the
> USA.  But when I send the data out people can just open up the .sl3 file in
> QGIS and see the style the way I want set it.  So they dont also have to load
> all the .qml or .sld files. 
> Kyle Todd Kouri

This is the closest thing I know of
I was wondering what would happen if you had multiple styles for the
same layer, and I think the Save as Default style box is the key there.

Otherwise I would save QGIS projects, and send the project file with the
data, and tell users to open the projects.

You could potentially write a plugin that does the autoloading of
associated styles and tables too.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Continentality

2016-02-11 Thread Alex M
On 02/11/2016 11:15 AM, Michael.Dodd wrote:
> Can 'continentality' be derived just using gis with land masses and latitude 
> and if so how using qgis?  I am not a meterologist/climate scientist. On one 
> hand it would seem a simple thing to look at distances to the coast and 
> assume bigger distance to coast = bigger temperature range = higher value of 
> continentality but there is probably more to it than this with other regular 
> factors large scale weather systems such as monsoons and topography playing a 
> role?
> -- The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an 
> exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 
> 038302). The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial 
> Conduct Authority.

Technically yes, QGIS contains the necessary tools to do such analysis.
This is not a simple task though and would be informed by reviewing
previously published methods from scientists.

The simplistic method, would be to take your dependent variables
(distance to coast, elevation, latitude, etc), and say historical
temperatures or temperature ranges (e.g. and create a
statistical model (linear regression to start). That would tell you how
much each of those variables influences the result. This is a raster
approach + statistics.

As I mentioned before though this is a very rough way to do it, there
are much more sophisticated methods. So it all depends on your end goals
how deep you get into doing these sorts of things.

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Re: [Qgis-user] adding points within polygons

2016-02-08 Thread Alex M
It comes with QGIS, as long as you installed python support (default on
most things, except some Linux platforms). To activate it enable the
ftools plugin in the plugin manager. FYI there should also be options in
the Processing Toolbox.

I will also take this moment to note, that Centroid will not ensure your
point is always inside the polygon (Think quarter moon shapes, or multi
polygons). There is a function in Spatialite, Postgis, etc, called Point
on Surface that ensures you get a centroid like point that is guaranteed
to be inside the polygon.


On 02/08/2016 10:54 AM, rsweeny wrote:
> Brent
> So kind of you to respond. I am afraid "geometry tools" is not an option
> on my Vector pull down menu or toolbar. Do I need a plug-in?
> I quite agree with you about the centrality of a proper relational
> database underpinning the gis. It is getting from one to the other that
> is giving me the headaches.
> Robert
> On 08/02/2016 7:01 PM, Brent Wood wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> You can create a layer of points for each polygon using:Vector -
>> Geometry Tools - Polygon Centroids
>> if you have a common field in this and the census data, you can then
>> join the two:
>> Layer - Properties - Join
>> But I recommend the use of an underlying database tool to manage your
>> data, such as Postgis or Spatiallite, and join the data there to be
>> used in QGIS. A collection of files does not provide the power of a
>> database for managing data, even when accessed by QGIS.
>> Well managed data is the foundation your analysis, model or GIS sits
>> on...
>> Cheers
>> Brent Wood
>> *From:* rsweeny 
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 9, 2016 2:10 AM
>> *Subject:* [Qgis-user] adding points within polygons
>> Hi
>> People's answers to Grant's question were so clear I'm hoping that
>> something similar might exist to facilitate my task. I have 32k of
>> polygons representing every lot in the city of Montreal in 1903. I also
>> have the 1901 census returns coded by household (95k of them) to those
>> lots. Is there a simple way to have Qgis place points within each lot
>> polygon for the corresponding households?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Robert
>> -- 
>> Robert C.H. Sweeny
>> Professor of History
>> Memorial University of Newfoundland
>> St John's NL, A1C 5S7
>> Canada
>> 709-864-8440, 709-864-2164 (fax)
>> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] ARCGIS Geodatabase import raster

2016-02-08 Thread Alex M
On 02/08/2016 03:51 PM, Grant Boxer wrote:
> Thank you for the information on the geodatabase files. It appears my
> problem might be that the geodatabase files I am trying to open are raster
> files. I can now open geodatabase vector files no problem - thanks to
> everyone's input. Should raster files also open, or is there a different
> process required?
> Grant Boxer
> Consultant Geologist (FAIG R.P. Geo)
> Perth, Western Australia

Rasters inside File Geodatabase are not currently supported by either
the OpenFileGDB or the ESRI FileGDB drivers of GDAL. Unfortunately you
will need to find someone with a copy of Arc to convert those out to
formats that can be used.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Best way to work in QGIS as 'clean install'

2016-01-11 Thread Alex M
On 01/11/2016 10:59 AM, Michael Treglia wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I'm updating some training material I use in a course, and want to make
> sure I'm viewing things as new users with a clean install would (while
> maintaining a copy with everything as I want it configured).  I've figured
> out a way to do this, but wanted to see if others have a better solution.
> My method that works just fine (and lets me do screenshots and such) is to
> work on QGIS within a Ubuntu virtual machine, from my host Windows pc.
> It seems like a slightly easier way would be to have a separate install of
> QGIS on Windows - tried that using two different install methods on the
> same user account (OSGeo4W vs Standalone installer), but the standalone
> picked up the settings from my OSGeo install.  To work as desired, would
> that have to be done on a separate user account?
> Thanks for your thoughts - Cheers,
> mike

+1 Virtual Machine
It's the only real way to ensure it's 100% separate. You can also make
cheap clones of the VM (only stores the differences), so that you always
have a clean base VM to roll back to.

I suppose you could login to a different windows account and that would
at least not look at your users customization. But I'm not sure if all
other settings would be unique.

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Re: [Qgis-user] Projection like Google Earth?

2015-12-16 Thread Alex M
On 12/16/2015 08:11 AM, Joris Hintjens wrote:
> Hello,
> Sometimes I am very proud that I have self-studied Qgis.
> Sometimes I feel very stupid and cannot get to understand things that seem 
> very simple. This is one of these moments of doubt:
> Is it possible to create a map like the globe in Googel earth, where the map 
> is an infinite that can be turned around instead of panned? is is a question 
> of the right projection? 
> Thanks for your reactions. 
> Joris

I think this was the intent of the QGIS Globe plugin

Note Marble, Worldwind, and OSSIM are other possible tools.

Keep in mind once you zoom in far enough you've re-entered the 2D
projection world.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Photo2Shape plugin

2015-12-08 Thread Alex M
The python exifread library needs to be installed separately.


On 12/08/2015 01:38 PM, Nuno de Santos Loureiro wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to install the plugin Photo2Shape on QGIS 2.12.1-Lyon
> running on a Mac with OS X Yosemite 10.10.5.
> However I can't load the plugin and I receive the following message:
> The plugin is broken. Python said:
> No module named exifread
> Can somebody send me some tips to fix the problem?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Nuno
> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
> Nuno de Santos Loureiro (PhD)
> Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - DCTMA - Ed. 8
> Universidade do Algarve
> Campus de Gambelas
> 8005-139 FARO   (Portugal)
> -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> ___
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Re: [Qgis-user] Attribute Table Column

2015-11-24 Thread Alex M
On 11/24/2015 02:30 PM, Keith Burr wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to know how to make the number of characters larger in a
>  column in an attribute table. I have an existing column in which  I need
>  more characters.  It is for a link to PDF's that I am creating on our
>  network.
>   Thanks for your time on this.
>   Keith Burr
>Keith Burr, Survey Technician -
>560 North Loudoun Street
>Winchester, VA 22601
>Phone: 540-667-0468
>Fax: 540-667-0469  

Depends on the data format. Are you using Shapefiles to store your
information? If so, I think the maximum width is 254 characters.
If you have something smaller than that right now, you might need to add
a new column with the max width and then copy the data from the old
column (field calculator).

If you need more than 254 characters you'll need to save to another
format that supports that. I don't have any recommendations since I'm
not sure how you plan to use the files later.


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Re: [Qgis-user] SRTM-plug-in?

2015-11-19 Thread Alex M
On 11/18/2015 10:21 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 18/11/2015 19:44, Alex M ha scritto:
>> On 11/18/2015 06:14 AM, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> there once was a plug-in in the repository, that downloaded SRTM-DEM
>> Did the plugin do 30m or 90m SRTM?
> Hi all,
> agreed, it would be good to have it back. BTW, there is a growing number
> of plugins dowloading data (e.g. from NASA, from FAO, etc.). it would be
> good to have a general framework where a single service could be plugged
> in, instead of developing over and over very similar stuff.
> Any interested dev?
> All the best.

A framework for the common parts would be nice, or an easily clone-able
basic plugin that just needs a specialized function to each service.

Of course, this is kind of the point of CSW, WCS and WFS standards. And
we really should encourage the use of standards.

This idea is similar to the getData function of the Raster package in R:

Which does include the 90m SRTM already processed (CGIAR version

I'd be interested in moving this discussion to the developer list and
participating. I'm involved with the management of the data for the
above mentioned R function.

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Re: [Qgis-user] SRTM-plug-in?

2015-11-18 Thread Alex M
On 11/18/2015 06:14 AM, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi,
> there once was a plug-in in the repository, that downloaded SRTM-DEM
> data for your canvas area.
> This was a quite convenient function. The "normal" way to find the
> websites, browse through clunky dialogs etc. and then download sth which
> then maybe has to be stitched together to be usable is not so nice.
> Does anyone has an idea where this plug-in came from and where it went
> to? Were there some legal issues, or hasn't it just been updated and got
> deprecated?
> I would really like to see such a function come back into QGIS,
> especially in combination with the QGIS2threejs-plug-in, it would give
> the opportunity to create quick 3D-visualizations of your area.
> Cheers
> Bernd

I can't think of a legal reason (the data is Public Domain), though you
do need to login to download from the USGS.

Did the plugin do 30m or 90m SRTM?

I have everything that's been released for 30m on my university servers,
just haven't gotten around to setting up the WCS on top of it. Once
that's done, a redo of such a plugin should be quite easy.

For 90m DEM there actually quite a few easily accessible variants of it
around the web that could be scripted against. Though I think you'd need
to use a tile index to pull the needed tiles, and then cut to canvas.


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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
SQLite stores the geometries differently than Spatialite.

Biggest side effect I can think of is that you can't use the spatialite
query mechanisms on WKB/WKT without converting. Which includes spatial
indexes (not sure anything in QGIS utilizes these currently). I'm also
not sure that SQLite files via OGR are even editable (never tried). If I
recall QGIS has a spatialite driver built in and does not use the OGR
one in order to access more of the features.

I'm sure someone else will know more.


On 11/12/2015 10:17 AM, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Am 12.11.2015, 17:49 Uhr, schrieb Andrea Peri :
>> You need study better the spatialite formats.
>> :)
>> Also the shapefile format and also the geopackage format.
>> So you will be able to understand why spatialite is 4mb and other not.
>> :))
>> A.
> Well, this time I didn't refer to the difference between GeoPackage and
> SpatiaLite, but between what is called "spatialite" and "sqlite" in the
> Save as .. dialog in QGIS.
> The sqlite files are really small. For normal work where people do not
> need to set up views or whatever db internal stuff,  but just want to
> get intermediate results while working with data, and have long column
> names and unrestricted field lengths, those sqlite files seem to be so
> much better usable than standard ESRI shapes.
> So again, what would be the caveats using this small sqlite stuff as
> default? (Besides the column resorting/renaming stuff for which
> workarounds/fixes see to be available)?
> Cheers
> Bernd
>> Example: a shapefile point layer with quite some attributes and 999
>>> features
>>> has 4.4 MB
>>> saving this as spatialiate: 4.6 MB
>>> saving as sqlite: 86 kB !
>>> The sqlite file is 5 times smaller than the ESRI shape file while the
>>> spatialite file is about the same as the shape.
>>> Here on 2.8.3 at the office I have no geopackage option to test with.
>>> So, whats the difference between sqlite and spatialite in detail?
>>> Cheers
>>> Bernd

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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
Yes we should implement a cheat in QGIS (core) to handle this issue.
Other SQLite GUIs do this. Spatialite GUI and SQLite Manager (Firefox

The basic process:
1. Make a new table the way you actually want it.
2. SQL INSERT records from Old to New (Mapping old columns to new if
name changed).
3. Remove old table
4. Rename new table to old name
5. Vacuum to recover extra pages allocated in the shuffle.

Nothing else should be needed, since you use the same name, spatial
indexes and geometry_column records should stay the same unless the
Geometry column is renamed.

This method will apply to both GeoPackage (If editing is allowed),
Spatialite tables, and any non-spatial sqlite tables.


On 11/12/2015 04:30 AM, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> The main issues with spatialite are IMO: It's based on sqlite so
> deleting columns and renaming columns is not supported by design. We
> could offer some hacks to bypass this (annoying restriction) from the UI
> - there is a risk of side effects though. Another property of it is,
> that it's already 4-5MB big, even when empty. I consider this a major
> limiting factor as well. Other issues which we were not yet able to
> solve are its management of the information scheme which keep duplicate
> entries of tables and columns which need to be properly updated which we
> apparently do not manage (yet).
> Geopackage is also based on sqlite, so the column delete/rename
> restrictions apply as well (with the same workaround possibilities). I
> haven't checked the file size, but if that's smaller, that would be
> quite nice (does somebody know?).
> All the best
> Matthias
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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
Sure you can clarify there.

I have tested spatialite in ArcGIS 10.2+


On 11/12/2015 08:57 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> As the better ML for ask for any differnce between the spatialite and
> geopackage is the ML Spatialite.
> Also for ask if the Arcgis is really capable to read a true spatialite
> or instead is reading someone surely is not the QGIS ML,
> perhaps the Spatialite ML could know something, but perhaps no.
> A.
> 2015-11-12 17:54 GMT+01:00 Alex M <>:
>> On 11/12/2015 04:12 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
>>> On 12/11/2015 14:10, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Bernd Vogelgesang
>>>> <<>> wrote:
>>>> Am 12.11.2015, 08:01 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini
>>>> <<>>:
>>>> Il 12/11/2015 00:31, Bernd Vogelgesang ha scritto:
>>>> I repeatedly ask for this, and do not receive much positive echo. What 
>>>> are
>>>> the reasons for people to prefer ESRI shapes over sqlite files? Are 
>>>> they
>>>> not aware of the benefits or do I just miss sth completely obvious 
>>>> that is
>>>> an argument against sqlite?
>>> Well there's still the problem of exchanging data with users of the other
>>> proprietary GIS software. Spatialite is still, unfortunately, not that 
>>> popular.
>> FYI, ArcGIS as of 10.2 can read Spatialite files. Even more recent
>> ArcGIS can read GeoPackage.
>> -Alex
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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
The spatialite db contains spatial reference tables of projections.
Thats where those MB come from. As Andrea pointed out the full answer of
what else is in those MB would be on the Spatialite mailing list.


On 11/12/2015 08:49 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> You need study better the spatialite formats.
> :)
> Also the shapefile format and also the geopackage format.
> So you will be able to understand why spatialite is 4mb and other not.
> :))
> A.
> 2015-11-12 17:34 GMT+01:00 Bernd Vogelgesang :
>> Am 12.11.2015, 16:17 Uhr, schrieb Paulo van Breugel
>> :
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Neumann, Andreas 
>> wrote:
>>> I believe the main difference between SpatiaLite and Geopackage is that a
>>> SpatiaLite database contains a lot of query functionality and additional
>>> data (e.g. a big list of CRS) - while Geopackage does not
>> That would be a very big list of CRS, or does the query functionality take
>> that much space? I often used spatialite, but given that I normally use it
>> to store many layers, I had actually never noticed the large initial size.
>> This is imho indeed a clear disadvantage when used for data sharing.
>>> When you checked filesizes for shp: did you only look at the shp, or also
>>> include dbf, shx, prj, etc.? Otherwise you comparing a complete dataset with
>>> attributes and metadata against just geometry.
>> All files, not only the *.shp file. I just created a simple vector layer in
>> QGIS and saved it as shapefile, geopackage and spatialite file.
>> Seems I'm a bit confused by the differences between spatialite and sqlite.
>> A spatialite db is always 4 MB + x which makes a huge difference for small
>> layers, but I guess the differences become closer when having "normal" sized
>> layers.
>> What is irritating me is, when I use a small layer and perform some
>> processing function and then save it as .sqlite to a file, the result is
>> only a few kb and not 4 MB.
>> So, having sqlite as default temporary output in processing would not make
>> any difference to ESRI shape sizewise!
>> Example: a shapefile point layer with quite some attributes and 999 features
>> has 4.4 MB
>> saving this as spatialiate: 4.6 MB
>> saving as sqlite: 86 kB !
>> The sqlite file is 5 times smaller than the ESRI shape file while the
>> spatialite file is about the same as the shape.
>> Here on 2.8.3 at the office I have no geopackage option to test with.
>> So, whats the difference between sqlite and spatialite in detail?
>> Cheers
>> Bernd
>>> Andreas
>>> On 2015-11-12 15:36, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Matthias Kuhn 
>>> wrote:

 The main issues with spatialite are IMO: It's based on sqlite so
 deleting columns and renaming columns is not supported by design. We
 could offer some hacks to bypass this (annoying restriction) from the UI
 - there is a risk of side effects though. Another property of it is,
 that it's already 4-5MB big, even when empty. I consider this a major
 limiting factor as well. Other issues which we were not yet able to
 solve are its management of the information scheme which keep duplicate
 entries of tables and columns which need to be properly updated which we
 apparently do not manage (yet).

 Geopackage is also based on sqlite, so the column delete/rename
 restrictions apply as well (with the same workaround possibilities). I
 haven't checked the file size, but if that's smaller, that would be
 quite nice (does somebody know?).
>>> Just checked saving a shapefile of 941 bytes as Spatialite and Geopackage
>>> file. The first is indeed 4.4MB. The Geopackage is 12.3kB, i.e., larger then
>>> the shapefile, but the increase is small compared to the spatialite file. I
>>> am not familiar with the differences, but this makes the Geopackage a better
>>> candidate imho.

 All the best
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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
On 11/12/2015 04:12 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
> On 12/11/2015 14:10, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Bernd Vogelgesang 
>> <> wrote:
>> Am 12.11.2015, 08:01 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini
>> <>:
>> Il 12/11/2015 00:31, Bernd Vogelgesang ha scritto:
>> I repeatedly ask for this, and do not receive much positive echo. What 
>> are
>> the reasons for people to prefer ESRI shapes over sqlite files? Are they
>> not aware of the benefits or do I just miss sth completely obvious that 
>> is
>> an argument against sqlite?
> Well there's still the problem of exchanging data with users of the other 
> proprietary GIS software. Spatialite is still, unfortunately, not that 
> popular.

FYI, ArcGIS as of 10.2 can read Spatialite files. Even more recent
ArcGIS can read GeoPackage.

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Re: [Qgis-user] columns in spatialite

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
You are correct. In my mind the workflow is get GeoPackage -> up convert
to Spatialite -> do work -> Convert to GeoPackage to give to other people.

This is actually the same workflow that's been pushed in other software
too. Get exchange format, import to internal best database format, do
work, export to exchange format.

The export to exchange of whole projects/databases needs to be made
super simple (1-2 clicks) for it to become common.


On 11/12/2015 06:48 AM, Neumann, Andreas wrote:
> I believe the main difference between SpatiaLite and Geopackage is that
> a SpatiaLite database contains a lot of query functionality and
> additional data (e.g. a big list of CRS) - while Geopackage does not 
> When you checked filesizes for shp: did you only look at the shp, or
> also include dbf, shx, prj, etc.? Otherwise you comparing a complete
> dataset with attributes and metadata against just geometry. 
> Andreas 
> On 2015-11-12 15:36, Paulo van Breugel wrote: 
>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Matthias Kuhn  wrote:
>>> The main issues with spatialite are IMO: It's based on sqlite so
>>> deleting columns and renaming columns is not supported by design. We
>>> could offer some hacks to bypass this (annoying restriction) from the UI
>>> - there is a risk of side effects though. Another property of it is,
>>> that it's already 4-5MB big, even when empty. I consider this a major
>>> limiting factor as well. Other issues which we were not yet able to
>>> solve are its management of the information scheme which keep duplicate
>>> entries of tables and columns which need to be properly updated which we
>>> apparently do not manage (yet).
>>> Geopackage is also based on sqlite, so the column delete/rename
>>> restrictions apply as well (with the same workaround possibilities). I
>>> haven't checked the file size, but if that's smaller, that would be
>>> quite nice (does somebody know?).
>> Just checked saving a shapefile of 941 bytes as Spatialite and Geopackage 
>> file. The first is indeed 4.4MB. The Geopackage is 12.3kB, i.e., larger then 
>> the shapefile, but the increase is small compared to the spatialite file. I 
>> am not familiar with the differences, but this makes the Geopackage a better 
>> candidate imho.
>>> All the best
>>> Matthias
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Re: [Qgis-user] coordinate conversion

2015-11-12 Thread Alex M
Datum Transformation might be a reason. Different implementations of the
calculation could also account for it. (Datum Transformations)

There is always some accuracy/precision loss reprojecting too.

Which UTM Zone 32 proj did you use?

If you really want to see the code, it's in the PROJ4 project.


On 11/12/2015 10:01 AM, francesco_lucca wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a point in WGS84 UTM32 coordinate
> E 589747.816
> N 4871699.496
> I saved in EPSG 3003 with the following coordinates:
> E 1589776.553
> N 4871716.117
> A colleague made the same conversion using free software "traspunto"
> ( developed by the Italian
> Enviromental Ministry. He got this result (EPSG 3003 coordinates):
> E 1589776.054
> N 4871716.382
> I try another online tool
> (
> and I found these EPSG3003 coordinates:
> E 1589776.554
> N 4871716.119
> Summary: QGIS and sardegnageoportale seem to give the same results,
> traspunto is different (0.50 meter difference). Which is the correct result?
> Where can I found the calculation for the conversion from a system to
> another?
> Thanks
> Francesco 
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Re: [Qgis-user] Fwd: QGIS hardware recommendations?

2015-10-21 Thread Alex M
On 10/21/2015 11:27 AM, Brent Wood wrote:
> One point to note - be careful on your cpu choice. I7 does not mean faster 
> than I5, but does generally mean more cores. Clock speed is also misleading, 
> an I5 2.67 cpu can be substantially slower than an I5 2.6Ghz (I have one of 
> each in front of me right now - with same memory & disk).
> eg: from PassMark CPU Benchmarks - High Mid Range CPUs
> Intel Core i7-2640M @ 2.80GHz  3,914 
> Intel Core i7-4550U @ 1.50GHz   3,893 
> Intel Core i3-4110M @ 2.60GHz  3,873 
> Intel Core i3-2120 @ 3.30GHz 3,869 
>  Intel Core i7-3537U @ 2.00GHz   3,857 
>  Intel Core i5-5300U @ 2.30GHz   3,849 makes it really easy to compare the cpu before buying.

(PS: if you want to overclock you need the models that end in K)

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Re: [Qgis-user] qgis-plugin-grass

2015-10-14 Thread Alex M
At this time it is not possible. The QGIS GRASS Plugin is currently
being rewritten for compatibility with GRASS 7, and is expected back in
QGIS 2.12

I think you need to build/install nightlies or master in order to test
this functionality:


On 10/14/2015 09:40 AM, Martin Landa wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any possibility how to install plugin for GRASS 7 from
> UbuntuGIS repository (for QGIS 2.10)? I just found package
> `qgis-plugin-grass` with content which points to GRASS 6.
> Thanks, Martin
> $ dpkg -L qgis-plugin-grass
> /.
> /usr
> /usr/lib
> /usr/lib/qgis
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass/modules
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass/modules/qgis.d.rast6
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass/modules/qgis.g.info6
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass/bin
> /usr/lib/qgis/grass/bin/qgis.g.browser6
> /usr/lib/qgis/plugins
> /usr/lib/qgis/plugins/
> /usr/lib/qgis/plugins/
> /usr/lib/qgis/plugins/
> /usr/bin
> /usr/bin/qgis
> package diverts others to: /usr/bin/qgis.bin
> /usr/bin/qbrowser
> package diverts others to: /usr/bin/qbrowser.bin
> /usr/share
> /usr/share/doc
> /usr/share/doc/qgis-plugin-grass
> /usr/share/doc/qgis-plugin-grass/copyright
> /usr/share/doc/qgis-plugin-grass/changelog.Debian.gz
> /usr/share/doc/qgis-plugin-grass/changelog.gz
> /usr/share/lintian
> /usr/share/lintian/overrides
> /usr/share/lintian/overrides/qgis-plugin-grass

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Re: [Qgis-user] how open/manage .raw data

2015-09-22 Thread Alex M
On 09/22/2015 08:53 AM, Carmine Massarelli wrote:
> Dear,
> is it possible to open/manage /.raw/  data in qgis?
> Thanks
> Carmine

Please clarify what you mean by .raw files? Are you referring to images
taken with a DSLR camera?


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