Re: [Ql-Users] [ql-users] Sudoku. Was: screenshoots

2014-08-03 Thread QL-MyLink (f/len)

Hope you soon feel better Ian,

John in Wales
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 v4.02 released

2014-02-11 Thread QL-MyLink (f/len)

Dilwyn said -

Marcel, I don't know how to start thanking you for all this - you have been
a central pivot for the QL community for many years now with your work on
QPC2, SMSQ/E, WMAN2  and everything else. Thank you.

My sentiments too, Marcel,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] A seat in the lifeboat?

2013-09-14 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Hi Peter,

I invested a lot of time into some QL
hardware and software projects.

but todays PCs are so fast that
emulation easily beats it.

Many thanks for your extensive work for the QL community.

Alas it seem to be true that 'todays PCs are so fast that emulation easily 
beats it'; and I have no 'lifeboat' preferences.

But I do send my best wishes for the more circumspection future.

John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Phillips CM8833 Monitor

2013-09-02 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Does anyone have the correct lead to connect a QL to a Phillips 8833
monitor - it has a scart like socket and an 8 pin din on the back.

Unfortunately, the standard QL monitor lead only has a 6 pin din on the
monitor end...

Hi Rich,

Sent me (alas, off list!) digital pictures of the sockets you wish to 
connect in to.  I may have at least one of the required males to donate!

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] EasyPtr

2013-08-28 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Hi François,

Regarding your reference to Fabrizio's -

"Attached you can find a screenshot of my desktop"

Fabrizio included a dynamic link which I sucessfully used to see his fine

I'll reproduce it below in the hope that it might take you where you wanted
to go -

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Updates

2013-08-28 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dilwyn wrote:

It already had Win XP Service Pack 3, so I didn’t expect too long to update.
Two hours later it’s still only got as far as update 19 of 127. Is this a

Two months ago I had just this Xp experience.  Par for the course.  Sometime
before 6 hours, it completed all 128.  Make a cuppa, go for a run, read
about Linux, curse M$. .

Best wishes to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QPC2 v3.40 Beta 2

2013-07-29 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dilwyn wrote -

 Gives me a nice feeling that Windoze is under QPC control ;-))

 the longed for 'Promised Land'. at last!

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Email advice needed

2013-07-16 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Hi Geoff,

Re: My problem is that btinternet is Yahoo under an assumed name and Yahoo 
does have security issues. Both Yahoo and Microsoft seem to want you to put 
your address book on their servers and, for obvious security reasons, I want 
my address book to remain firmly on my own machine,

Like you, I would never choose either (or any similar web-based servers).  I 
(attempt to) keep my address book etc 'safe'  by using desk-top e-mail via 
an e-mail client program.  For years, I have been very happy with it, and 
with my non-mainstream ISP (as are all my 'clients' where I have installed 
the same set-up).  I dread helping those who have problems and/or are very 
busy with web-based accounts - and that dread is very hard-earned!

Of course, e-mail direct should you like more detail.

Greetings to all,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] It's not a QL on a Raspberry Pi yet, but .....

2013-07-08 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)
There's quite a comprehensive Pi hard/software feature in the current 
edition [401] of Computer Active pp48 - 53 incl.


I don't have one  yet - so can't comment further!


John in Wales

There were these ten Welsh men who went to Australia. . 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL Today

2013-03-22 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Tony said -
" ... but grammar is the foundation of language *and* understanding.
Let grammar slip and meaning becomes less clear, or even entirely 

No one, least of all those who write 'code', could fail to see the 
importance of this.

But this list is open (and usually overtly welcoming) to everyone's' 

If contributors - no matter how correct they may be - choose to 'publically' 
correct (even humiliate) contributors here [as I am unashamedly attempting 
to do now] the excellent spirit we all usually enjoy will be spoiled and 
some would-be contributors will become/remain 'lurkers'.  We shall all be 
the poorer then.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL Today

2013-03-21 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

George wrote -

"A long time ago I used to pause while reading articles when I found "faulty

'The Times' is in current QL-List mode.  But it's especially concerned with 

disposition and future safety of CHAR(39)! (16-03-13 etc.)

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Window redraw in PE

2013-03-19 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Marcel said -
"Well, that was meant to be private... thank you, eMail program ;-)"

OK Marcel, I'll pretend I haven't seen it - just until you tell us again.  

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Fw: QL Today

2013-03-19 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

I agree with Peter -

"The QL Today team have done wonders over the years and it's going to be a 
big miss."

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator

2013-01-28 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

  You've been watching too much Taggarrrt on TV!

I may never have drunk whiskey/whisky but I know that as 'Taggarrrt' was 
playing a Glaswegian, it should be 'Tgut'!

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator

2013-01-26 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Hi Wolfgang,

Re your:
If I had had those "speeds" when developing - SMSQmulator wouldn't have
seen the light of day.

I realised that after I posted here - a few days ago - that I forgot to say
'congratulations' to you on SMSQum'.

May I say it now, please.

With the myriad of QL related configurations world-wide, how could anyone
possibly guard against some less than design-efficient situation arising

I have not installed your simulator yet, but I have read here so much
appreciative feedback that I know that the QL community has received from
you something very, very, worthwile.

Please don't scrap it in despair... I haven't tried it yet!  ;-)

With best wishes,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator

2013-01-24 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Hi Wolfgang.

Thank you for your work on the emulator.  And thanks too to all the listers
who have carefully added their comments and experiences.

For the moment it's all collected into a folder - where I shall dig,
sometime soon, to be wiser when I install the program.

Best wishes to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] SMSQmulator

2013-01-24 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

jon wrote -

   I think the keyboard issue is specific to my Lenovo desktop pc...not 

what the problem actually is, but in QPC I don't get the correct characters
from the keyboard making work difficult. SMSQmulator fixes it


On my Lenovo G575 W7/64bit laptop, something precipitated a similar and 
frustrating keyboard  problem.
It was noticed after I had just commissioned Windows Live Mail - though I 
cannot be sure it can be blamed.

Reading from my hard-copy log, this is what I wrote at the time -

1. WORD & E-mails now demonstrate a wrong character set.

2. Set international settings (somehow changed to 'US' from 'UK') to 'UK' 
and hot reboot.  No cure!

3. Change 'system locale' to 'UK'' and hot reboot.  - No cure!
4. Change 'Input Language Keyboard to 'UK' - and hot reboot.  - Cured! 
[£,#,\,' etc sorted]

HTH jon

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Snowbound?

2013-01-18 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)
So, we in the UK  are all at home in snow chat-mode! (Our fellow 
Scandinavians will laugh, I know.)

I was 19 miles from home last evening on my push bike when the snow started 
(West Cheshire).  And then it went dark!  I had all the 'gear' and I likes a 

Some denial of service today on my ADSL line.  But now it's back, the speed 
is up from (sorry Dilwyn) 15.3 to 18.9mbps and I've just seen the (welcome) 
note re: W7 and QPC-2.

So, all round, the snow, and the central heating, has made me happy.

Cheers to all,  John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Happy New Year

2013-01-02 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Frank said -

"May I be the first to wish the entire QL community a very happy new

Thank you Frank; and may I be the first to thank you on behalf of all list 
readers? [Promotion... at last!]

Regards and best wishes to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The QL got a mention in recent web-articles on "theuntold story of the first British laptop"

2012-12-13 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Thank you Urs, for the TinyURL.

I found the whole related article very interesting.

Goodaye all,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Surgery: 3.5" floppies

2012-10-17 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Norman said -

"This is true, however, a number of the floppies in the drive (some
older, some newer than some of the affected ones) still work and still
have the data. At least, I can read them.

From experience -

If push comes to shove - peel off the floppy's slide-cover.  The spring is
now somewhere on (in) the carpet!

Prise open the cover shell from the top (adjacent to the exposed platter, by
the notch) - catching the r/w window-cover is optional.

(A samurai sword is too thick for prising.)

Remove the platter-padding from the *lower* (drive side) side.

Insert in drive.

Oh yes it will - and it may be ejected as 'normal'.

Get your data copied (?)

Write a pointed e-mail on this list.  ;-)

There.  That didn't hurt did it!


John in Wales

PS My last two mails to the list are still in cyberspace  :(

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] My slice of Pi

2012-10-12 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Brian asks -

"Will the Pi work through the video input? Otherwise I have got video i/p on
the TV.


In the current 'Computer Active' (382) at page 12, a correspondent has 
written -

"I have been using my Pi with a HDMI to VGA adapter which costs about £14.
Using the composite output produces very poor resolution but on my VGA it is
extremely good."

Greetings to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] ADSL speed up

2012-09-29 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dilwyn said -

" but as usual the north west of Wales always seems
to be last to get anything, way behind the M4 corridor and north east

But just think Dilwyn, if you didn't have people (like me) in north East
Wales, you in the west would be next door to England yourselves.  There have
to be some compensations for us!  ;-)

(Not to mention the Distant Dunbar Duchy.)

Here's hoping you soon get an improved service.
Billy mentioned -

" intermittent drop out,"

I've had that - see my improved service at the head of this thread.  I since
changed my exchange line setting to 'interleaved' and - so far - that seems
to have helped.

During this (unannounced and since) undeclared upgrade, BT surreptitiously
changed my setting to 'non-interleaved' behind my back. :(

I don't have to explain how all this has to do with QLing do I?!

Best wishes,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] .wiz files

2012-09-28 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

 Dilwyn said -

".. there is nothing on this computer to handle “.wiz” files (whatever those
might be). It’s not just one specific .doc file it happens with, it’s each
and every one.

Anyone with any idea what’s going on?"


.wiz files are produced by M-S Publisher.

There does not appear to be an official converter (covert or otherwise!)
which converts from doc. to wiz.

Perhaps you should market your copy Dilwyn?! ;-)

Best wishes with it,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] ADSL speed up

2012-09-26 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)


I live in the UK and have a BT ADSL connection (400 metres by wire to the 

Generally, bandwidth was in the order of 6 to 8Mbps - usually the latter 
provided I did not switch of my router too frequently.

Move over copper, glass has arrived.

Stable reported speed (W/Xp system tray) for the past 3 days? 21.3Mbps.

I like glass... and I had to tell someone. ;-)  [Also might be of teccy 
interest - eh?]

Best wishes to all,

Through the glass,

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] A3 scanner

2012-09-12 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dilwyn said -

I need to scan some documents (with photos) of roughly A3 size and stitching 
2xA4 scans together doesn’t really work – the ‘stitching’ looks awful when 
the two halves are joined after scanning.

My local 'STAPLES' offers a discrete scanning service.

Greetings to all,

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Raspberry Pi

2012-07-16 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Thanks Norman for helping a lazy bloke into the Raspberry Pi websites!

I've just spent more time in there than certain persons have recently wasted
in QJewels ;)

Read all the MagPi magazines.  Fascinating and informative.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Daisywheel Printer?

2012-07-09 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Rich said -

Does anyone have a daisywheel printer for sale ...?

I have an Epson DX100 (wide carriage) in perfect working order.  {Guts of it
made by Brother?}

Have relevant selection of perfect daisy wheels.

Have several relevant new carbon ribbons.

Have documentation with allocations of ASCII codes etc.

I might have more - if prodded!

Contact me privately Rich - if this is of interest.

John in Wales

PS How I miss the staccato/machine-gun rattle of background daisy-wheel
music!  I once had code to make it 'sing' and me to smile. 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL Forum

2012-02-25 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)
Lee asks - 

"What will they think of next as the new hip thing - Progs?"

No, it's about time "Comms" was dusted off.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL manual

2012-02-16 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dilwyn (and Adrian Ives, Andy Dansby)

Thanks for this at -


Must have been finnicky OCR and "changing-formats" jobs.  Much appreciated.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL compatible Printers

2011-12-27 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

   printer which is recalcitrant if it is

allowed to be dormant for any period of time ... if one did not know
better, one would think that it, too, was broken.

When THAT happens, it is necessary to spend 5-to-10 minutes (maybe, it
took a longer time -- who can remember?) pressing the button which tells
the printer to CLEAR its print jets (whatever the process is called to
re-initiate the printer).

The process also uses much ink - and money!

This is exacerbated with *some* printers if the head is not 'parked' and
thus sealed beforehand.  i.e. Switch off *on* the printer and wait for its
indicators to go out, before cutting the power supply to it.

In my experience - I have 5 printers and some stand still for months - this
practice has proved very worthwhile - and I've had my sanity back for some
time now ;).

With best wishes to all for 2012,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] n00b alert & an introduction of sorts

2011-12-13 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

. now if you were 13 in 1979.  !

and yet enthusiasm is *still* alive and well. ;-)

I thought SST stands for Super Sonic Transport when, all the time, it really 
designates Silicon Storage Technology

from a Sinclair Schoolyard Trader.

You're doubly qualified.  Welcome SST Allie.

John in Wales

(Anyone seen a Higgs boson hereabouts toady (!)?) 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QBBS

2011-11-29 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Tony said -

Does anyone use the BBS now?
If not, it probably makes sense to retire this machine

Not I, any longer.  But it has been of tremendous utility.

Thank you Tony for all the associated work .and for meeting its power 
bills! (You did, didn't you?!)

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QaLendar 2012

2011-11-20 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Re: 2012 Calendar

Thanks Dilwyn.  Just what I was looking for.

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL2K on Windows 7

2011-08-24 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)
. chances are Dilwyn that your W7 recovery software will be (or will 
offer an option of - if you're lucky) the W7 32bit version.  If push comes 
to shove... and you should get all 'unhappy' again, start once more with 


John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] WORD by any other name

2011-08-20 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Norm' (him wots against Jpegs) said -

Given that you are John in Wales, how about "Taffs" instead of Tifs? ;-)

I have some near neighbours (each with a different base-1 OS).  They are 
famous for their 'tiffs'.  The Tales of Wales!

On this list, I've always answered to 'John in Wales'. When I joined (last 
century) there were already more than enough 'John's' to go 'round (and 

However, you can go far with a 'Dunbar'.

Best wishes to all,

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] WORD by any other name

2011-08-19 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Malcolm  said -

Does anyone use Word for HTML's?

By coincidence - because I'm to distribute some text intended for the widest
possible non-technical/academic audience - I've recently done one or two
tests i.e. -

   saving MS-WORD docs in HTM format and using a web browser to view them

Results are *so* bland.

Don't you dare respond... this is OT.  ;-)

Goodnite all,

John in Wales

PS Yes, .pdf's!, tif's and more, are up for evaluation.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Few: Message via contact form

2011-04-05 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

   I received this email this morning.

I have no idea if it is genuine...anyone know anything about it?

Dilwyn Jones


My WLM uncharacteristically filtered your mail
directly into my junk-items - with a notice to me.

As this rarely happens, I wonder if that was triggered because the embedded
link is somehow dodgy?

John in Wales

PS However, the project sounds fascinating.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL Blog

2011-03-09 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dave said -

"Well, I got married yesterday, "

Well Dave, congratulations and every best wish to you both - now you are 
soldered to one PCB.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Another Shocking Event

2011-02-22 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Norman  said -

"My main task was to hold onto the bare plug lead wire while he cranked
the engine over - to see if it was generating power!"

I had nearly finished installing a 240v generator in an unroaded village
remote in the Eritrean Highlands -  and had strung up much bare copper in
the vicinity of the school - neatly, and all out of reach on poles and
buildings mind you. But I knew by the questions by-standers had asked - that
many had yet no real idea of what it was all about.

But for boys who were always throwing sticks into trees etc to bring down
snakes, and others who had already secretly blessed me as they ignorantly
straddled their washing on this new Village Amenity, I knew (like Norman's
Dad) that a little education was necessary - but *before* switch-on day.

So, we assembled all 120 or so pupils at the school and I got them to stand
around me in a large circle under the blazing sun.  Then - with a bit of
play-acting I shall miss out here because it would be non-electron and
therefore off-topic(!) - I broke the circle and handed the child on either
side of me a bared wire each to hold.  The wires were already attached to my
'Mega Tester' with its crank-handle (thumb on the opposite side) and its
500v generator.

I made a speech! Then, with a *very* careful eye on the Mega's reading, I
cranked the handle *very* slowly until it suddenly fell to zero.  There
followed a very animated and switched-on discussion.  This cycle was of 

tingle and discuss was repeated some few times and although (disappointing
to Tony) there were no wet tongues involved, spitting on hands was part of
the advanced and shocking drills conducted (!)  Who would stay in the ever
diminishing circle developed into a sort of macho party game.

I'd probably be locked up today for that.  But I never (in the years that
followed) received a report of anyone receiving a shock - even in the
rains - and that day added not a few new words to my vocabulary of the local

Are you shocked?!

John in Wales

PS When the Ethiopian Army arrived, they were very puzzled at the presence -
40 miles from the nearest town - of those 'telephone wires'.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Spring 2011 QL Survery

2011-02-16 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

I've followed this thread... or so I though,  but Dave (Plastic)

what does this mean please? -

   "strong characters"

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Spring 2011 QL Survery

2011-02-13 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

As Ralph said -

"Quite right. It [QPC2] is *the* QL software emulator."

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Fingers and Thumbs

2011-02-10 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

It has recently been said -
   > That is what I was saying - 'digits' means both fingers and thumbs
in English.  We usually say (incorrectly) that we have five fingers on each
hand.  We don't.  We have four fingers and one thumb.

I always think of thumbs as a sub-set of fingers; like, just for for
instance,  I think of Serial Ports as a sub-set of Dilwyn; Sheds as a
sub-set of Tony and that Programming Language (the name of which I can't
just now remember) as a subset of Norman.

Of course, there are many other worthies, with soft and hard sub-sets
amongst us, but you get my drift, I'm sure.  ;-)

John, a sub-set of Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Wondering...

2011-02-07 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Dave said -

It seems I will have to start saving for a UK spec QL, pronto. Having a 

QL to work on is important to me.

Before Norman pulls muscle in his attic AND/OR goin' down the Post Office... 
what about a possible PSU 50/60Hz mains supply problem - especially if Dave 
is in The States?

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to parsing in SuperBASIC

2011-02-06 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

221 lines of code!

Tobias, do have more 'lazy Sunday afternoons', please.

Wish I could have written the same - it's poked some valuable ideas into my 
memory.  Thank you.

In there however, is a small shadow, specifically regarding your SELect 
ON's.  Does your code rely on the additional utility provided by SBasic but 
which is not present in (Jan Jones') SuperBASIC?

Will the code perform in the 'all native original QL' platform that Dave is 
anxious to use?

Goodnight all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Approaches to parsing in SuperBASIC

2011-02-06 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Tobias helpfully said -

the "manual" is right here and your memory is wrong ;-).

Brave Dave, 

Do you have a copy of Jan Jones?

It's great for *all* SBasic INSTR-uctions.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 12th February 2011

2011-02-05 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

What do  I  know about Derby?

It's where they say Twosdee.  That is, unless it isn't.

And "give over", if you 'avn't.  I hear it a lot!

John in Wales

PS: Off topic?  Of course not - it's a space-filler for the Toady Editor ;) 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] OT - Proposed cut to BT broadband charges in rural areas

2011-01-22 Thread QL-MyLink (f/fh)

Re: Malcom's and Dilwyns recent references to Wales and broadband speeds.

I pay for 'up to 8Mbps'  About 20% of the time I get a reported (and 
experienced!) '8.1'

This, I have enjoyed for about 15 months.  Lucky me. '5.8' is the lowest 
report I have seen - and there's a constant display in the Xp System Tray.

Have fun 'plastic user'

Avergoodaye all.

John in Wales.

P...t  In a reasonable North Easterly wind, I can spit as far as the 
local telephone exchange.  :) 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Quanta mags

2010-12-30 Thread QL-MyLink-DT

I know.. I know... Dilwyn said "hasn't"!

But, as I'm John in Wales and West of Chester.

I report that I recieved my QUANTA yesterday (Wednesday), bearing an 'audit
trail' -

Manchester 07.08 pm.  etc. etc. On which date?  aaah... that's far too
smudged to read - even with a magnifier.  Funny that - everything else is 

It's Quite Logical; they know you're onto it Dilwyn! :-)

Happy New Year to All

J i W

QL-Users Mailing List


2010-12-23 Thread QL-MyLink-DT







system - crash!... these thingfs happen!

J i W

QL-Users Mailing List


2010-12-23 Thread QL-MyLink-DT

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] TEST please ignore

2010-12-06 Thread QL-MyLink-DT
TEST please EST please EST please EST please EST please EST please EST 
please EST please EST please ignore

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] List of QLing 'Terms'

2010-11-18 Thread QL-Mylink

Sorry Dilwyn not to be able to get this *first* privately to you, but you've
accidentally set something in motion following your misunderstanding of what
I wrote privately to you.  I have to post this here now to try and stop
possible wrong results.

Dilwyn wrote -

I've made a start on this by sending "John in Wales" (John Hitchcock)
my Glossary_txt file with a request for him to add any other terms and
between us we'll try to "fill the gaps". Meanwhile, if anyone has
suggestions of QL terminology to add to the list to let John know so
he can add the terms to the list for me to write up when it's in a
ready state.

Unfortunately Dilwyn forgot to ask me what I think about this above.

Sorry, folks, but it's not my idea of a way forward.

Greetings to all

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] List of QLing 'Terms'

2010-11-15 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn said (15th October) :-

"Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
article sometime?"

I said:-

I'm on to it!  Will report back.

Reporting Back

I've waited to see if there are any further contributions to this (renamed)

Just Norman.  Thanks Norman.

To my mind, potential 'rej-oiners' to the QL World need a "catch-up-cache
[cuc]".Lurkers and others would also benefit.  I know, I'm one of them!

What I have in mind are essentially the same ideas I wrote on the list/and
or QUANTA many years ago.

This, below, does not deserve the heading 'specification' - it's more a

If writers/webmasters or whatever could have a reference list of
**distinctly QL** terms and were able to run any new work through it.

Hits - ignore.  Misses - write, say, at least 5 (?) words of explanation -
which is then added to the master list as the suggested 'Official Title of
The Term Appended ' (and ready for insertion to a Universal Alphabetical
Index [UAI].

A bit like Wikipedia - entries that may be freely amplified, explained
further by those with the knowledge and time and inclination.

Collection/ Assembly might begin at an agreed date, with any seeming new (or
old) term.

Better still, if this were supplemented by filtering QL historic written
banter already in soft copy.  Common occurrences in there which are without
a (then) current definition could be added, as they are uncovered - if
necessary simply as 'An Outstanding Term Needing to be Defined'.

Re (Dilwyn's) : ', even, John...'

Let's see how hot the pot is first.  But it's well within possibilities.  I
shall write/do more on this if it boils!

Could there be copywrite implications?  (I think not.)

What's the consensus on the idea, in principal?  Do our authors out there
like the idea? I'm full of ideas of how it might be brought about!  They
would begin with a 'specification'.

Ramblings all ramblings .

Greetings to all,

John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Tomorrow (X-1)

2010-11-06 Thread QL-Mylink

George wrote -

   "On 5 Nov 2010, at 18:16, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

Got a fixed dynamo myself -

I was cycling near Stirling in 1939 after the war had started. The bike
lights were operated by dynamo so they went out when I stopped. A policeman
came up and told me (what I knew) that the lights were out. Do you have to
have lights if you are stationary?"


Well, you 'wrote it' Dilwyn.  Ball's in your court...!  ;-)

a smug
John in Wales (Who [thinks] he knows the correct answer) but Q-uality 
L-ighting helps.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Tomorrow (X-1)

2010-11-05 Thread QL-Mylink

   Bob said -
  ". and lights are mandatory in the UK ."

Only between sunset and sunrise.  The rest of the time you may ride without 
them (fitted).

Got a fixed dynamo myself - you never know when some beautiful girl might 
temp you to stay out late to help her with her QLing, with or without 
spaces in your output.

And, I thought, "Tony does it in 'sheds'" or is that too obvious?!

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Peripheral of the day

2010-10-26 Thread QL-Mylink

Thanks Petri, I'm 'lightened'!

John in Wales   

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Today...

2010-10-15 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn bach said -

"Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
article sometime?"

I'm on to it!  Will report back.

Understandably, there's an inevitable profusion of acronyms*, technical
mnemonic* (and mnemonic) forms.

A glossary of those exclusive to our Great QL Environment (GQLE) should be a
minimum and, perhaps, only requirement.  Other techy terms are (usually!)
only a 'www' away!


John in Wales


[Below, more unpatronising O.T.T - just to make a point.!!

a word formed from the initials or other parts of several words, e.g.
'NATO', from the initial letters of 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

a short rhyme, phrase, or other mental technique for making information
easier to memorize.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Today...

2010-10-15 Thread QL-Mylink

I quote this list -

"Perhaps a help guide to QL jargon was necessary."

I have raised this several times here (and earlier in QUANTA*, with
suggestions as to how it *might*, be done).  As far as I remember, there has
never been any response.

I'm still flying this banner* and, of course, am willing to dig around
(sweat) for a hole in which to firmly place it.  I have insufficient
knowledge/experience to provide items - but I might be able to stitch then
into a reasonable and helpful display!

Best wishes to all

John in Wales
a long piece of cloth, often bearing a symbol or slogan, and attached at
each end to a pole or hanging from the top of a pole


QUANTA is the independent user group for Sinclair QL users. It was formed in
February 1984 with the aim of providing an independent source of support
for, and sharing information about, the Sinclair QL. In time, it has
expanded its brief to include compatible systems such as the ICL OPD (One
Per Desk), CST Thor, Aurora and Q40/Q60, as well as emulators of the
Sinclair QL running on other platforms.

QUANTA is a non-profit organisation run by an elected committee of honorary
officials. Membership is by SUBSCRIPTION (currently 14 GBP); the membership
fee has not changed for many years. There is now the option of an email
version of the magazine (in pdf format) available to all, but primarily
intended to eliminate the postage surcharges levied on overseas members.
Full details are available on the Membership Form or from the Membership
Secretary. The subscription includes a bi-monthly magazine, access to
QUANTA's large free QL software library, advice and help with QL-related
matters, workshops (QL shows held in various areas) and support for local


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Blurry Picture on Microvetic Cub

2010-10-08 Thread QL-Mylink

Tony said -

Yes indeed. Use plastic tools, and be careful. One thing worth doing
with the Microvitek, and with power *long* off is to hoover it.  It is
mightily prone to high voltage sparks when very dusty.  When this
happens, it kills the 8301.  I have seen many examples of failed QLs
due to this, and actually saw (and heard) the spark myself on one of my QLs.

Yes!  I once had a loud crackle (and smell)  but 'got away with it'  :)

Thereafter, I lifted the monitor into a coolish airing cupboard for a couple 
of days if it had been long dormant.

There's more to this computing lark than the general public appreciate!

Best wishes to all

John in Wales
PS Though I had crossed a demarcation line - I didn't do the ironing! 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ethernet adapter for QL ?

2010-09-27 Thread QL-Mylink


Petri said "thank you for taking the time to write this - wonderful 

So do I.

John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] io.fline end of line

2010-09-13 Thread QL-Mylink

Re: Malcolm's -


I've noticed some inconsistent handling of text files in QPC2. The
problem was reading text files with both carriage return and line feed
at the end of line. Several programs could read these files from the drive without complaint. However the same file being read from a
dos or ram drives caused problems. One particular program that got upset
was the GST assembler.  I finally tracked the problem down to the
io.flin trap. It was converting the carriage return to a line feed, but
only on the win drive. Is there any switch to change this behaviour and
have it working on all drives? Or is this a bug?


Thank you Malcolm.  You've revealed a previously unkown scource of some of 
my historical headaches.

Best wishes,

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Hello and a question

2010-09-13 Thread QL-Mylink

Re; Tony's -

 "BTW to reply to what John (in Wales?) said about line broken URLs. "

Not me sir! - but now everyone knows why - just not being 'any boring old
John' - I've always *proudly* qualified it here ;-)

Best wishes to all,

John in Wales

PS Adding our country, as a postscript, contributes to 'list camaraderie' as
well as aiding contributor-identity? 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-08-04 Thread QL-Mylink

Thank you Stephen, Dilwyn, Bob and Arvid for your suggestions.

I'd never considered the printer (Epson Stylus 640) to be QPC compatible.
I had activated a local procedure in Archive, and accidentally chosen my
(P)rinter instead of my (S)creen.  The troublesome 'buffered' result must
have lain dormant on the machine for weeks - i.e. until I next used 'its'
printer.  And that's when the problem came up/out!

Fortunately I have not yet had to revisit the scenario - but *all* comments
**are noted**, for future reference.

I have to admit that, when the problem occurred, I did not think of exec-ing
QPC-2 on the( printer's) parent machine but only attacked the problem via
the OS (W/Xp).  Even when there was no print job in Xp's Task Manager, the
problem persisted.

I had not been quite as patient as Bob's generous  '10 minute' rule!  So,
was it buffered in the printer?!  Certainly the printer's RAM could not have
contained *all* of it.

In future, I must remember to check the JOB queue in QDOS/SMSQE.

Thanks again,

John in Wales


'originals' only below -

Evening all.

Perhaps my posting of 28 06 2010 (copy below) became randomly corrupted or
something. I am grateful for advice offered, I’m more than a bit puzzled by
the responses, as the appear on my screen.

Have a look at this:

I wrote -

“However, even as it merrily wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no
current print job - and thus the 'job' could not be removed from the spool
queue in the usual way.”

I should have been explicit that the list was unpopulated?

Puzzlingly, Malcolm's retort was -

“….It is usually a case of killing the print job in the printer queue….”

and Derek’s, in a similar vein -

“……, you can delete jobs from the printer queue on the machine that is the
print server.”

Further confirmed by Malcolm in -

“Derek is right, for a home PC network the printer queue will be on the
computer that you set up as the master machine, with the printer(s)
attached to it.”

I exercised Malcolm's  “administrative privileges, to be able to kill off
those corrupted print jobs or the malicious ones” on the "master machine".
That, of course, is how I tried to … “[remove] from the spool queue in the
usual way.”

But with an unpopulated queue ..?

Anyone anything to add please?.


John in Wales

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-07-30 Thread QL-Mylink

Evening all.

Perhaps my posting of 28 06 2010 (copy below) became randomly corrupted or
something. I am grateful for advice offered, I’m more than a bit puzzled by
the responses, as the appear on my screen.

Have a look at this:

I wrote -

“However, even as it merrily wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no
current print job - and thus the 'job' could not be removed from the spool
queue in the usual way.”

I should have been explicit that the list was unpopulated?

Puzzlingly, Malcolm's retort was -

“….It is usually a case of killing the print job in the printer queue….”

and Derek’s, in a similar vein -

“……, you can delete jobs from the printer queue on the machine that is the
print server.”

Further confirmed by Malcolm in -

“Derek is right, for a home PC network the printer queue will be on the
computer that you set up as the master machine, with the printer(s)
attached to it.”

I exercised Malcolm's  “administrative privileges, to be able to kill off
those corrupted print jobs or the malicious ones” on the "master machine".
That, of course, is how I tried to … “[remove] from the spool queue in the
usual way.”

But with an unpopulated queue ..?

Anyone anything to add please?.


John in Wales

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] Fooling 'Spooling' from QPC-2

2010-07-26 Thread QL-Mylink

Hello everyone,

Had a real teaser last evening.  I was networking (LAN) a document to be
printed on a 'remote' (not QPC approved)  printer attached to a peer in the
network.  In other words it was all in (this) house!

When the printer had initiated, it attempted to print stuff from its local
machine, stuff which originated from that W/Xp's machine's copy of QPC-2!
It had been (accidentally) spooled to the HD from ARCHIVE , some days ago,
after the printer was last on-line.

Incidentally, some was plain text, some was gobbledegook and many were
new-page codes! The only way to stop it, I found ,was to force an error by
denying paper to the muncher.  Then I would reboot the local (to the
printer) machine and the printer.  It was still there. :(

O.K. I (think) I understand all that behaviour.  However, even as it merrily
wasted ink,  the O/S reported that there was no current print job - and thus
the 'job' could not be removed from the spool queue in the usual way.
Again, I (think) I understand.

There now follows an appeal for help on behalf of the "Save my Sanity, Ink
and Paper" party.

Is there a 'magic' way of removing, what has, in effect, become a 'rouge'
job, from QPC-2, on the O/S spooler, please, anyone?

Be good all.  Its not raining here.

John in Wales.

PS: QPC-2 in innocent!

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The QL Future

2010-06-28 Thread QL-Mylink

[Beginners All Symbolic Instruction Code - 'BASIC']

Stephen said -

I'd disagree greatly with a lot of these arguments for people just
starting out. Line numbers, although a pain for advanced programmer, do
help novices think about order. Data types confuse things and make it
more complex than it needs to be. Let's face it, some real-world
languages don't have them as such, e.g. Perl.

In time, once the novice has grown out of the language they can move on.
It's not as if we're saying to banish them.

I agree entirely with all Stephen's postings on this.  I'm also with 
"Johnny's" Dad!

Thank you for the interesting and informative URL's etc.

John in Wales  

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The QL Future

2010-06-16 Thread QL-Mylink

Dilwyn said -

"...OK, it'll always be handy to be
able to write quick s*basic programs for my own use  ."
& now George has said -

".Rewriting for a PC or whatever is just not an option for

I also use QPC2 for programming, both in SBASIC especially for quick one off
results, and in Assembler. I have tried Visual Basic on a PC and I did not
like it. Assembler on Intel chips is pretty ghastly. A new user of QPC2,
say, would, I imagine, almost certainly want to use it for programming - and
almost certainly not for the word processors etc available. "

I entirely agree.  The easy access to s*basic is one of the major
trump-cards in the hands of QLers.

Many of us began in a 'home-programming' type environment .  Remember the

Taking on board the comments of Malcolm and other contributors I continue to
believe (as I wrote in QUANTA some ? years ago) that to get the best in the
QL community,  novices or returners must be comfortable with QL community
jargon.  I remember that, in that article, I gave sample facts and figures
(re: jargon, albeit *necessary* jargon) from the then current QL community

What I suggested then was something like - the next time a 'QL Post Uncle
Clive Techie
Term' [QLPUCTT!] was published, it should be added by the writer to a
central QL glossary [CQLG?] (if it were not already listed, of course).
There would be one master glossary which would be widely known and
bundled into QL legacy speak, practice and publications.

Then, I for one, would have a better chance of catching up - of course I
already know Jan Jones et al intimately (!)

"Sir, wot's a Coldfire?"; "Sir wot's a Hermes?"; "Miss, where can I find out
wot's a Miracle Expansion?","Can I wear it?" etc etc..  Purely
rhetorical boys and girls!

With universal and unambiguous best wishes,

John in Wales  (or 'GoBoyGo' as Tony called me!)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Miss Quoting, or Mess

2010-04-30 Thread QL-Mylink

Rich says -

"(I thought we had settled on bottom posting)"

Unless I've accidentally missed some postings, this issue is still in the 
melting pot - which is somewhere on a back burner!  I suggested that Bruce 
might care to lift the lid and give it a stir; or that we might poll members 

On 3 April I wrote -

"What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote"

Then, again, Bruce (list owner) might have a deciding view.

It's the voting season gals and boys.

John in Wales (Volunteer 'teller' built in ;-)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] PCI - modem

2010-04-20 Thread QL-Mylink


 Just put MRI-1456 PCI-S into Google and the first hit brings a Windows
XP driver.

Or you could try


Thanks Derek.  Done!


John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] PCI - modem

2010-04-19 Thread QL-Mylink

Hi everyone!

I'm stuck, but not in an airport!!

I've just upgraded a PC o/s

I need a device driver for a PCI modem with w/Xp.

The modem (card) is labelled "MRI-1456 PCI-S".  PSB is "Tean DS1 94v-0"

Of course, it's 'catch-22' to accept the free scans and updates via the 

I need it to access QL-sites! ;-)

I'll be grateful.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Miss Quoting, or Mess

2010-04-03 Thread QL-Mylink

David wrote

".. Heavy endorsement. Such a tiredome trek 'cos there is so little

Has Tony  counted the votes ?
Was that a quorum ?"

As I proposed - without tongue in cheek - (31 March):

"What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote"

Then, again, Bruce (list owner) might have a deciding view.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Ql-Users Digest, Vol 73, Issue 21

2010-04-01 Thread QL-Mylink

Paul said -
   I forgot to add this ,  you can also explore

to inventory your PC hardware and software, is free, and very informative 

out any security concerns

Extremely pleased with it.

Thank you Paul.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Top Quote/Bottom Post

2010-03-31 Thread QL-Mylink

subject was - "Cakking Dilwyn"

I've changed the subject line  - Dilwyn's bin well and truely 'Cakked'
already, poor lad  :o)

Norman said -
If we choose the "standard" bottom posting then we can read the salient
points of the conversation from the top downwards - like reading a
newspaper or book etc.

Mind you, that does rather depend on people trimming out all the cruft
and leaving only the salient points.


I'm not 'Thunderbird' or 'usenet' or nowt else,   I'm just 'me' and I agree
with Norman and Co's salience.  I intuitively think, it's 'intuitive'.

What about a binary vote - eh?  :)

0 -Top Quote/Bottom Post
1 - TopPost/Bottom Quote

In passing, I notice that -
1) Norman did not commit himself to 'top down' *programing*.
2) This posting is neither 0 nor 1!  It's 0 with a 'header' and
'footer'.  but I do hope it's 'intuitive'!


John in Wales

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] 24 Pin Dot Matrix Printer Needed

2010-03-29 Thread QL-Mylink

Rich asks -

"Does anyone have a 24 pin dot matrix printer for sale "?

I could have!

EPSON LQ 100+  (Epson Software Codes 2).

I bought it new. Hardly used (a "backup" machine).  Mint condition.

Complete with user manual.

Situated 50 miles west of Manchester.

If it could be 'the business', contact me , off list, for further details 
and/or an offer please.


John in Wales


QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] "Winchester HD"

2010-03-23 Thread QL-Mylink


   > With the QL, I think the "win_" drive name came from "winchester"..."

My understanding (c1978) is that someone familiar with the winchester rifle
likened hard-drive technolgy to its action.

That is,  to reload, "sweep a segment" [seek], collect object of sweep
[read] and put the payload [data] into the (business end) breech [a ram
array]. Repeat until the object of the exercise is achieved (or not (!)  -
as the case may be).

This is a Welshman's understanding.  As has been noted, we know a thing or
two about 'rams'.

This list has kept me chuckling all day...  Thank you contributors.  :)

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] @evans

2010-03-22 Thread QL-Mylink

"@evans ..."

Surely this is something to do with living in Wales.

John in Wales 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Missing Sinclair QL Software Titles

2010-03-16 Thread QL-Mylink

   Rich wrote -

" a host of Sinclair QL items which are missing in action - does
anyone have any of this missing software, as we would like to preserve it:"

I feel like a very poor relative.  Sorry Rich, I've only heard of one on 

list - though I used to have quite a library of QL s/w (or, so I thought!).

I've looked under the setee. There's a note saying "Time you vacuumed here" 

Happy hunting,

John in Wales

PS: AlasTony, I've now now given up your "sheep dog" commands  But do
come to Wales and hear the real thing  ;-) 

QL-Users Mailing List