RE: Pine for Maildir

2001-04-15 Thread davidu

Great notes on getting the newest pine working with Maildir.

One thing I noticed when I set mine up:

you wrote:
> NOTE: Apparently, you must set inbox-path as an absolute path (which
> means you can't set it to ~/Maildir because pine doesn't seem to
> recognize ~/ as /home/$USER/).

For me it was the opposite.  "/home/$USER/Maildir" did not work whereas
"~/Maildir" did -- even for root.

I have no idea why it is opposite for us, but its just something to consider
and "one for the archives" as you say. ;-)

To make the change global for all users I added this to my

##Qmail Maildir Support##


> - You can set inbox-path for pine globally by editing /etc/pine.conf or
> you can force your users to use that inbox-path by editing
> /etc/pine.conf.fixed
> > i've never used pine with imap, so i'm not sure how that works.
> Well, I've been devoting a couple of hours to understanding courier-imap
> in all of its intracacies and I'd say that your method is loads simpler
> yet just as reliable.
> > -tcl.
> By the way, for those of you trying to obtain a copy of the file
> pine-maildir-4.33 to patch pine with, I realize Larrson's site is down
> so I have an alternate copy up at
> To apply the patch, just copy the file into the directory you extracted
> pine into and do `patch -p1 < pine-maildir-4.33'
> --
> Keith
> Network Engineer
> Triton Technologies, Inc.

[ MAPS Zone Changes]

2001-04-15 Thread Adam McKenna

I don't know how many people hear read NANOG, but just in case you don't,
this is an FYI.


- Forwarded message from Margie Arbon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Margie Arbon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Margie Arbon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  MAPS Zone Changes

The MAPS domain hosting agreement with Vixie Enterprises has expired 
and will not be renewed.  Accordingly, domain names ending in the old 
MAPS.VIX.COM suffix will shortly become invalid.

As of 30 April 2001, all users of the MAPS RBL or DUL must use 
MAPS' native servers to continue their service. Please change any 
configurations and/or any documentation you are responsible for to the 
following zones:

Was:  Should be:
Was:  Should be:

There are no changes required for the RSS ( 
or  RBL+ (

Please note that RBL+ queries are only permitted via subscription as 
are zone transfers of RBL and RBL+.  The MAPS RSS  and MAPS DUL 
will continue to be available for normal queries, but full zone 
transfers will be secured and available only by subscription in the 
near future.

Please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the appropriate 
contracts if you are interested in subscribing to these services.

Margie Arbon   Mail Abuse Prevention System, LLC

- End forwarded message -

Adam McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "No matter how much it changes,   |  technology's just a bunch of wires 
GPG: 17A4 11F7 5E7E C2E7 08AA|  connected to a bunch of other wires."
 38B0 05D0 8BF7 2C6D 110A|  Joe Rogan, _NewsRadio_
 01:52:58 up 5 days,  8:08, 12 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.09, 0.08

qmail Digest 15 Apr 2001 10:00:00 -0000 Issue 1335

2001-04-15 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 15 Apr 2001 10:00:00 - Issue 1335

Topics (messages 60716 through 60737):

vpopmail doesn't deliver mails
60716 by: Christian Maier

Re: Pine for Maildir
60717 by: Stefan Laudat
60729 by: Nick (Keith) Fish
60730 by: tc lewis
60731 by: Nick (Keith) Fish
60736 by: davidu

Re: reality check not working (was: smtp and pop not working)
60718 by: David Young

qmail-pop3d and supervise
60719 by: Rehan Zaidi
60720 by: Mark Delany
60721 by: David Young
60722 by: Rehan Zaidi
60726 by: Tim Legant
60727 by: Rick Updegrove
60735 by: Rehan Zaidi

Did my first email make it through?
60723 by: Br. Kurt Van Kuren OSB

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
60724 by: alexus

Re: Qmail Works, But I'm Sure It's Running Backwards!
60725 by: Johan Almqvist

Procmail headaches
60728 by: David Gómez
60732 by: Tim Legant

Many Thanks Guys!
60733 by: Br. Kurt Van Kuren OSB

Better network file system for qmail ?
60734 by: Irwan Hadi

60737 by: Adam McKenna


To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

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I've set up qmail with vpopmail. Now I created a domain and a user by using
vpopmail. Every time I send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it doesn't deliver
the mail to ~user/Maildir and I don't get an error message from the server.
Here is a part of my maillog (new entry when mail arrives):

Apr 14 13:17:36 hostname qmail: 987247056.830997 status: local 0/10 remote

Christian Maier

> Actually, last I checked those patches don't work with the newest pine
> sources.
> In this case RTFM'ing wouldn't help now would it.  Perhaps he should have
> asked the list; oh wait he did.

did I say the patches work on the latest pine version ? umm... nope.
if he's so eager to have the latest version with maildir (which it doesn't support
it by default) maybe he's ambitious in modifying it to suit his needs :-X

> -davidu

Stefan Laudat
"- I think my men can take care of one little penguin. 
 - No Mr. Gates, your men are already dead."

Stefan Laudat wrote:
> there are patches for pine Maildir access, please rtfm at
> I've tested that and worked a couple of months ago.

I am working on this issue right now.  What it's boiled down to has
been my installing the courier-imap package with the intent of having
Pine access that.  I've patched pine's source code with Mattias
Larsson's pine-maildir-4.33 patch; but couldn't figure out how to
configure Pine to access the Maildirs (namely due to lack of
documentation on Larsson's patch, and his site seems to be down as
well).  I would be interested to hear of the patch you used and the
configuration adjustments you made to Pine.
By the way, I must say that I do not care for mutt.  The interface is
rather dirty (I don't mean its aesthetics) and the configuration rather
cryptic.  Maybe I just didn't devote enough time to it?  Anyways, it's
not a viable option.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Nick (Keith) Fish wrote:
> Stefan Laudat wrote:
> > there are patches for pine Maildir access, please rtfm at
> > I've tested that and worked a couple of months ago.
>   I am working on this issue right now.  What it's boiled down to has
> been my installing the courier-imap package with the intent of having
> Pine access that.  I've patched pine's source code with Mattias
> Larsson's pine-maildir-4.33 patch; but couldn't figure out how to
> configure Pine to access the Maildirs (namely due to lack of
> documentation on Larsson's patch, and his site seems to be down as
> well).  I would be interested to hear of the patch you used and the
> configuration adjustments you made to Pine.
>   By the way, I must say that I do not care for mutt.  The interface is
> rather dirty (I don't mean its aesthetics) and the configuration rather
> cryptic.  Maybe I just didn't devote enough time to it?  Anyways, it's
> not a viable option.

i use that same patch for pine 4.33.  it appears to work much better than
whatever i was using before.  something with pine 4.10 i think.

in pine's config i simply set inbox-path to the string: $MAIL
/etc/profile.d/ exists to set $MAIL (and $MAILDROP) properly.
that profile file came with Bruce Guenter's qmail rpms
(  typically $MAIL would look like:
/home/user/Maildir/ (with the trailing slash).

i've never used pine with imap, so i'm not sure how that works.

i nev

QMail and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Christian Maier

I've installed QMail on my Redhat 7.0 system.
PHP uses sendmail but I heard that Qmail has got a sendmail program, too. So
is it possible to send an email per "mail(...)" command of PHP with Qmail? I
copied the Qmail Sendmail to /usr/sbin/sendmail and set the path to QMail
Sendmail in the php.ini, but no EMail are sent and I don't get an error

Christian Maier

Re: QMail and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Lukasz Felsztukier

Christian Maier wrote:
> Hi!
> I've installed QMail on my Redhat 7.0 system.
> PHP uses sendmail but I heard that Qmail has got a sendmail program, too. So
> is it possible to send an email per "mail(...)" command of PHP with Qmail? I
> copied the Qmail Sendmail to /usr/sbin/sendmail and set the path to QMail
> Sendmail in the php.ini, but no EMail are sent and I don't get an error
> message!
Hi Christian
I'm using PHP ver. 4.03pl1 and latest qmail. I have to say I was pretty
impressed the way this duo worked 'out of the box'. PHP uses sendmail to
send emails - as far as I know 'qmail' sendmail behaves exactly like the
original. Just check if your paths are OK using 
command (look for sendmail).


Re: QMail and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Alex Kramarov

> Christian Maier wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> > I've installed QMail on my Redhat 7.0 system.
> > PHP uses sendmail but I heard that Qmail has got a sendmail program,
too. So
> > is it possible to send an email per "mail(...)" command of PHP with
Qmail? I
> > copied the Qmail Sendmail to /usr/sbin/sendmail and set the path to
> > Sendmail in the php.ini, but no EMail are sent and I don't get an error
> > message!
> >
> Hi Christian
> I'm using PHP ver. 4.03pl1 and latest qmail. I have to say I was pretty
> impressed the way this duo worked 'out of the box'. PHP uses sendmail to
> send emails - as far as I know 'qmail' sendmail behaves exactly like the
> original. Just check if your paths are OK using 
> command (look for sendmail).

well, from my experience php has some problems with qmail's sendmail, but I
was able to get past that by editing php.ini :


works for me ...

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread Tim Hunter

Comments about Courier-IMAP.  (note. I am biased for Courier-IMAP because I
am a very happy admin and user of it)
It does support folders outside INBOX, if you setup your client correctly.
I use Courier-IMAP daily from Outlook Express, Eudora, and Outlook.  I also
access this at times from Mutt locally on the machine.  I have never had a
problem with storing "Sent Items" with Outlook Express, but like I said I
have a properly configured client.
I know that Courier-IMAP is a VERY standard imapd, and thats why it doesn't
work around stupid little bugs in many clients.  You can ./configure
with --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs which helps a bit.  My
opinion is you took the lazy route out and never bothered to read or join
the very helpful lists at

-- Tim

- Original Message -
From: "alexus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Peter Cavender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

> - Original Message -
> From: "Peter Cavender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "alexus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 1:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > .. let's start from right note here .. by sayin' i'm using qmail w/
> Maildir
> > > and imapd (doesn't really matter which one but if someone wants to
> i'm
> > > using the one the came with pine package (uw-imapd)) ..
> >
> > Ummm, it DOES matter, because IMAP accesses the mail
> >
> even though that i said it doesn't matter i still desided to specify it...
> if you read more carefully you'll see it says
> i used pine's imapd (uw-imapd)
> with a patch of maildir from website
> > > and i'm using very
> > > popular client known as Outlook Express and/or Outlook and i'm sure
> > > more will have same problem/thing..
> >
> > It shouldn't matter WHAT client you are using...
> >
> i know, that's what i'm trying to accomplish .. to be as much as more
> compatible with all clients
> > > since there is no Inbox from client point of view (it points to god
> knows
> > > where probably standard unix box /var/mail/$user or somethin),
> >
> > Not at all, it is ~/Maildir
> >
> > > I have to
> > > browse for an additiona folder which would be in $HOME/Maildir.. and
> also
> > > addes this folder in the list of others.. unfortinatly I can't just
> change
> > > name of that folder Maildir to Inbox due to conflict with existing on
> e-mail
> > > client end (and none existing on server side) folder/file.
> > >
> > > what i need is: I want everyone's standard e-mail client to take
> as
> > > a Inbox
> >
> > Then configure your IMAP / POP server to serve the right folder...this
> > should all be server-side!
> >
> configure.. it's not like it has options for that.. basicly i'd have to
> re-write part of the code for that.. and i'm not a programmer .. i realize
> that gotta be done on server side.. *duh* that's what i'm trying to write
> this whole letter all about how to do it on server side!
> > >
> > > my question is: how do i do that?
> >
> > CourierIMAP
> Courier IMAP is the most not standard imapd is ever, you can't create any
> folders outside of Inbox.. all other imapd allows you to do that.. plus
> "sent mail" doesn't goes into "sent mai" in courier imap ('cause there is
> one and once again it can not be created 'cause it outside of inbox)
> >
> > > solution: .. maybe i can somehow trick my system in that Maildir is
> > > really a dir and it's just a file? this way I can put a symbol link
> > > /var/mail/$user to that file that's somehow is directory (Maildir) ?
> > >
> > > or maybe there are other solutions for that?
> > >
> > > it's really uncomfortable for me to do it and for for others users to
> > > explain to add Maildir in their clients and there are some other
> > > complications to that (which I dont really want to bore you with)
> > >
> > > please e-mail me any possible solutions here
> > >
> > > thanks in advance
> > >
> > > Bye
> >
> > I hope this seems you are coming at the problem from the
> > direction..
> so far it didn't...
> >
> > --P
> >
> >

Re: QMail and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Uwe Ohse

On Sun, Apr 15, 2001 at 01:37:28PM +0200, Lukasz Felsztukier wrote:

> I'm using PHP ver. 4.03pl1 and latest qmail. I have to say I was pretty
> impressed the way this duo worked 'out of the box'. PHP uses sendmail to
> send emails - as far as I know 'qmail' sendmail behaves exactly like the
> original.

Sorry, it doesn't.

Sendmail parses addresses given on the command line in the same way it
parses mail headers ("To:"). The qmail sendmail clone doesn't do this.
Qmails sendmail clone doesn't know about a number of sendmail
commandline options. This usually isn't a problem, as almost nobody
knows this options.
And then there is the fact that the original sendmail doesn't
generate "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" addresses ...

Regards, Uwe

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread David Young

Could you share with us how to properly setup the client?

> From: "Tim Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 12:19:45 -0400
> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
> Comments about Courier-IMAP.  (note. I am biased for Courier-IMAP because I
> am a very happy admin and user of it)
> It does support folders outside INBOX, if you setup your client correctly.
> I use Courier-IMAP daily from Outlook Express, Eudora, and Outlook.  I also
> access this at times from Mutt locally on the machine.  I have never had a
> problem with storing "Sent Items" with Outlook Express, but like I said I
> have a properly configured client.
> I know that Courier-IMAP is a VERY standard imapd, and thats why it doesn't
> work around stupid little bugs in many clients.  You can ./configure
> with --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs which helps a bit.  My
> opinion is you took the lazy route out and never bothered to read or join
> the very helpful lists at
> $0.02
> -- Tim
> - Original Message -
> From: "alexus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Peter Cavender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 3:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Peter Cavender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "alexus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 1:37 AM
>> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
 .. let's start from right note here .. by sayin' i'm using qmail w/
>> Maildir
 and imapd (doesn't really matter which one but if someone wants to
> know
>> i'm
 using the one the came with pine package (uw-imapd)) ..
>>> Ummm, it DOES matter, because IMAP accesses the mail
>> even though that i said it doesn't matter i still desided to specify it...
>> if you read more carefully you'll see it says
>> i used pine's imapd (uw-imapd)
>> with a patch of maildir from website
 and i'm using very
 popular client known as Outlook Express and/or Outlook and i'm sure
> many
 more will have same problem/thing..
>>> It shouldn't matter WHAT client you are using...
>> i know, that's what i'm trying to accomplish .. to be as much as more
>> compatible with all clients
 since there is no Inbox from client point of view (it points to god
>> knows
 where probably standard unix box /var/mail/$user or somethin),
>>> Not at all, it is ~/Maildir
 I have to
 browse for an additiona folder which would be in $HOME/Maildir.. and
> it
>> also
 addes this folder in the list of others.. unfortinatly I can't just
>> change
 name of that folder Maildir to Inbox due to conflict with existing on
>> e-mail
 client end (and none existing on server side) folder/file.
 what i need is: I want everyone's standard e-mail client to take
> Maildir
>> as
 a Inbox
>>> Then configure your IMAP / POP server to serve the right folder...this
>>> should all be server-side!
>> configure.. it's not like it has options for that.. basicly i'd have to
>> re-write part of the code for that.. and i'm not a programmer .. i realize
>> that gotta be done on server side.. *duh* that's what i'm trying to write
>> this whole letter all about how to do it on server side!
 my question is: how do i do that?
>>> CourierIMAP
>> Courier IMAP is the most not standard imapd is ever, you can't create any
>> folders outside of Inbox.. all other imapd allows you to do that.. plus
> all
>> "sent mail" doesn't goes into "sent mai" in courier imap ('cause there is
> no
>> one and once again it can not be created 'cause it outside of inbox)
 solution: .. maybe i can somehow trick my system in that Maildir is
> not
 really a dir and it's just a file? this way I can put a symbol link
> into
 /var/mail/$user to that file that's somehow is directory (Maildir) ?
 or maybe there are other solutions for that?
 it's really uncomfortable for me to do it and for for others users to
 explain to add Maildir in their clients and there are some other
 complications to that (which I dont really want to bore you with)
 please e-mail me any possible solutions here
 thanks in advance
>>> I hope this seems you are coming at the problem from the
> wrong
>>> direction..
>> so far it didn't...
>>> --P

Re: smtp and pop not working

2001-04-15 Thread Greg White

On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 02:41:22PM -0700, Steven Katz wrote:
> I'm calling it to protect it's identity as it's currently 
> in an extremely vulnerable state (which should be obvious from my 
> questions). What's the big deal?
> Steven

You have not protected its identity -- search for my hostname in your
mail log files. You'll find that I verified that you provided correct
munged information in your first post (You did -- if I substitute the
right domain name into your original message, everything is as you
stated). Your mail server is still broken, though -- I get 'Relaying
denied' attempting to send you mail... :)

Anyone capable of rooting your box already has enough information to
start digging. This is a public server, with public DNS entries, and
knowing that it runs qmail is _not_ an advantage to an attacker
interested in root compromise. Period.

BTW, your 'isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts' is a FAQ -- search the
archives. You have a selective relay problem. Also, you'll want to fix
control/locals[1] and control/rcpthosts to reflect that you want to
recieve mail for ''. You still haven't stopped pointing MX at
CNAME, and two of your nameservers are broken -- '' and
'' both refuse queries.

Summary -- I asked the first time that you please post correct
information, but offered help anyway (it appears that noone else did,
probably because most of the list ignores obviously bogus DNS
information). You not only did not post the information asked for, you
posted another message with mangled DNS information, and asked a FAQ at
that... Look at this from the list's perspective -- who is in the wrong
here? If you knew for sure what information the list needed to help you,
you'd hardly need the help, right? (Trying to keep this friendly, and
polite, but people constantly doing this gets frustrating...)

[1] or control/virtualdomains -- depends on your setup, of course. ;)
Greg White
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
-- John F. Kennedy

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread Robin S. Socha

* David Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010415 13:18]:
> Could you share with us how to properly setup the client?

[snipped endless miles of broken quotes]

Did it ever occur to you, David, that this is a technical mailing list
dealing with an MTA? It's not a support forum for people lazy to even
try to comprehend what the difference between an MTA, and MUA and an
IMAP server is?
Robin S. Socha,

Re: RFCs?

2001-04-15 Thread D. J. Bernstein

David Benfell writes:
> I keep hearing rumblings about how Dan plays fast and loose with the
> RFCs in qmail and his other programs.

Mud-slinging 101: Claim that the program won't work for most people. 
Claim that it's a research prototype not meant for serious use. Claim
that nobody uses the program. Don't worry about the truth.

These claims are effective as long as the program is not perceived as
being popular. Readers using the program will know that you're lying,
but they aren't your target audience.

Mud-slinging 102: Claim that, while the program seems to work, it is a
disaster waiting to happen. Claim that it has interoperability problems.
Claim that it violates RFCs. Don't worry about the truth.

These claims remain fairly effective even after the program is perceived
as being popular. Members of your target audience won't have any reason
to think that you're lying: they haven't read the RFCs, and they aren't
familiar with the tiny protocol details that affect interoperability.

> Robert Banz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) says, "the author [DJB] has been
> known to 'scoff' at the thought of RFC compliance (from Lisa '98)"

I wasn't at LISA '98.

> Michael H. Warfield



Re: Fw: supervise scripts error

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Carl Jeptha wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Carl Jeptha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 7:25 PM
> Subject: superscripts error
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for your help. But I cannot rebuild the supervise scripts. It ends
> > with an error - cannot find the command: Patch.
> >
> > Could you please assist? Thank you.
> >
> > You have a good day now
> >
> > Carl A Jeptha
> >

Umm . . my guess is that this particular install of Linux doesn't have
the patch binary installed.  You can find the source for it at

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: clustering

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Brett wrote:
> The search engine always says it's
> broken when I try to search the archives so I apologize if this is in there
> somewhere. Thanks in advance.

I always use this search engine for the archives:

Make sure you are typing in queuries as just single words and not any
+"bla" or boolean operations.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread Tim Hunter

- Original Message - 
From: "David Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

> Could you share with us how to properly setup the client?

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread David Young

Yeah, I've read it. Done what it suggests, doesn't work. I thought Alexus
may be on to something undocumented.

> From: "Tim Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 16:28:27 -0400
> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
> - Original Message -
> From: "David Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 1:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
>> Could you share with us how to properly setup the client?

Re: RFCs?

2001-04-15 Thread Russ Allbery

David Benfell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, I give up.  I'm guessing other MTA's have at least as many real,
> documented issues with RFC compliance as qmail.  And I only see a couple
> things that might be important.  Am I wrong?  What's the deal?

There are some RFCs that Dan has chosen not to implement in qmail, and the
few complaints about RFC compliance that I've seen backed up with actual
data have been about that.  The primary ones that I've seen mentioned are

I understand the reasons for both of these, mind, and am not arguing that
qmail should necessarily implement them.  Not implementing those
extensions certainly doesn't make qmail a non-RFC-compliant e-mail system,
just one that doesn't implement some optional features.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

2001-04-15 Thread Tim Hunter

Works for me, I can give you screenshots if you want.  I have about 40
folders and subfolders not inside the INBOX.

- Original Message -
From: "David Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]

> Yeah, I've read it. Done what it suggests, doesn't work. I thought Alexus
> may be on to something undocumented.
> > From: "Tim Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 16:28:27 -0400
> > Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "David Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 1:15 PM
> > Subject: Re: Maildir (dir) to file for /var/mail/$USR (Inbox) [imapd]
> >
> >
> >> Could you share with us how to properly setup the client?
> >>
> >
> >
> >

"an alias can never override a valid user's deliveries" ???

2001-04-15 Thread Adam Andrzej Jaworski


at (part: 3.5. Aliases):

Note that because of the way aliases are implemented in qmail, an alias can never 
override a valid user's deliveries. E.g., if rachel is a normal user, 
~alias/.qmail-rachel will not be used.

for aliases I am using fastforward with /etc/aliases.cdb
and have problem with above rule when there exists aliases
with the same name in different domains _and_ if exists
real user with that name, say we have user "john" but
want have also aliases [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED], etc. for others, pointed to different real users,
and because of that rule all messages sent
to these aliases goes to one Maildir of user "john" however he has
his own domain and alias [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So, how to override this?

thanks for any help


Re: "an alias can never override a valid user's deliveries" ???

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Adam Andrzej Jaworski wrote:
> for aliases I am using fastforward with /etc/aliases.cdb
> and have problem with above rule when there exists aliases
> with the same name in different domains _and_ if exists
> real user with that name, say we have user "john" but
> want have also aliases [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc. for others, pointed to different real users,
> and because of that rule all messages sent
> to these aliases goes to one Maildir of user "john" however he has
> his own domain and alias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So, how to override this?
> thanks for any help
> --Adam

We alias all of our mail for our server with the domain first:

(excerpt from /var/qmail/users/assign):



(excerpt from /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains)

Is this not a viable option for you?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: "an alias can never override a valid user's deliveries" ???

2001-04-15 Thread Adam Andrzej Jaworski


Thanks, but I was moved to qmail from Zmailer with large aliases list,
(it worked on Zmailer without any problem) and this is the reason why
now I'm using this shortcut (aliases -> aliases.cdb and fastforward)
instead of any "native" qmail technology so I need an advice on
how to do that with this set of tools...


at [16/Apr/2001Mon 00:06] You Wrote in [Re: "an alias can never override a valid 
user's deliveries" ???]:

> We alias all of our mail for our server with the domain first:
> (excerpt from /var/qmail/users/assign):
> =triton-net-ennui:virtual:1008:100:/var/qmail/popboxes/triton-net/ennui:::
>   ...
> (excerpt from /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains)
>   ...
> Is this not a viable option for you?


2001-04-15 Thread cedric


   I need to implement a log for the POP service. Any suggestions?
I'll probably have to modify qmail-pop3d's code, any hints?

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R 0 pop3 \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /
/usr/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

Thank you,

Cedric Veilleux


2001-04-15 Thread Rick Updegrove

- Original Message - 
>I need to implement a log for the POP service. Any suggestions?


2001-04-15 Thread Rick Updegrove

- Original Message - 
>I need to implement a log for the POP service. Any suggestions?

my /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-pop3d log/run script 

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/pop3d


2001-04-15 Thread Willy De la Court


check i have a poplogging patch there for qmail-pop3d 
and qmail-popup

Willy De la Court

On Monday, April 16, 2001 01:54, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hi,
>I need to implement a log for the POP service. Any suggestions?
> I'll probably have to modify qmail-pop3d's code, any hints?
> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
> tcpserver -H -R 0 pop3 \
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /
> /usr/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
> Thank you,
> Cedric Veilleux

Re: RFCs?

2001-04-15 Thread Andy Bradford

Thus said "D. J. Bernstein" on 15 Apr 2001 19:31:35 -:

> See

Wow, I've never seen a more clueless sysadmin.[1]  It's apparent that he
doesn't understand what the problem was and decided to make qmail the
scapegoat.  What's sad is that there are people out there that would
believe what he has to say because he poses as an ``expert''.

[1] Actually I have. :-)
[---[system uptime]]
 10:01pm  up 9 days,  1:17,  4 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00

Re: Q problem.

2001-04-15 Thread Rizwan

Hi there, I got this reply from Peter,

They will be retried periodically for up to a week, 
after which theywill be bounced. Change /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime 
(man qmail-send) to do this earlier.

Greetz, Peter.

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Sumith wrote:
> Hello,
> I am facing a similar problem,
> qmail-qstat
> messages in queue: 3697
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
> qmail-qread
> 11 Apr 2001 16:29:39 GMT  #1377194  15538  <>
> 11 Apr 2001 16:38:45 GMT  #1377217  15549  <>
> 11 Apr 2001 16:53:52 GMT  #1377355  15543  <>
> 11 Apr 2001 17:03:56 GMT  #1377401  15539  <>
> 11 Apr 2001 17:12:14 GMT  #1377539  15540  <>
> All these messages belong to this particular remote host...which doesn't
> even have an MTA running. How can I safely delete these messages and stop
> them from re-occuring.
> FYI, I am running Qmail installed from memphis RPMS on RH6.2
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Sumith
> > > These mail have been there (or thats what i thik) since yesterday.
> > > How do i delete them or force them out.
> >
> > They will be retried periodically for up to a week, after which they
> > will be bounced. Change /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime (man
> > qmail-send) to do this earlier.
> >
> > Greetz, Peter.
> >
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 
 Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world; 
   Most Gracious, Most Merciful; 
   Master of the Day of Judgment. 
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. 
 Show us the straight way, 
   The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, 
 those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray. 
Qur'aan Ch:1