Re: login length...

2001-06-20 Thread Daniellek

W dniu Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 12:04:44PM +0200, Henning Brauer wystukał(a):
>> Is there some strict login length defined in qmail?
>> I'm using qmail+mysql patches, and i'm transfering domains from M$ Exchange
>> (which dies ones a week :) and have user with 33 character login...
>If memory server my right this is limited to 32 chars.

Is there some place in source to change it in one place or i'll have to edit
number of files?

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
Q:  How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?
A:  Two, one to hold the giraffe, and the other to fill the bathtub
with brightly colored machine tools.
===- -===< +48604628083 >

client is blocking my mail server...

2001-02-12 Thread Daniellek

On of my clients two times a week sends his "info" letter which is about 300KB
and adressed to ~2000 accounts...

I had concurrencyremote set to 40, but with this setting it blocked my queue
for several hours! (some of receipments are very far from me), so i switched 
to 120 and it's better because queue is blocked for 30 minutes at most, but
i takes all my bandwith...

I'm searching for some solution which could make "private queue" for this
I read something about serialmail, but as far as i read it takes all traffic
from server.

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
Reincarnation: Life sucks, then you die. Then life sucks again.
===- -===< +48604628083 >

Re: client is blocking my mail server...

2001-02-13 Thread Daniellek

W dniu Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 03:54:38PM -0500, Dave Sill wystukał(a):
>>I had concurrencyremote set to 40, but with this setting it blocked my queue
>>for several hours! (some of receipments are very far from me), so i switched 
>>to 120 and it's better because queue is blocked for 30 minutes at most, but
>>i takes all my bandwith...
>>I'm searching for some solution which could make "private queue" for this

He injects through SMTP...

>If he injects them via SMTP, it's a bit trickier. You could run
>/var/qmail2/bin/qmail-smtpd on a non-standard port, e.g., 2500, and
>tell him to configure his mail client to use port 2500.
>You could also configure your main tcpserver to listen to port 25 on
>the existing IP address (and and set up another tcpserver
>on an aliased IP address dedicated to that client. Then you'd have to
>tell him to configure his mailer to that IP alias.

Ok, this solution would work but isn't best... I't would block all my client
traffic (even short - one recipient letters).

Following this thread - is there possibility to check before sending mail to
queue if it has more than (for example) 50 recipient it wolud be forwarded to
this second qmail-queue. This would be ideal solution...

There's tarpit patch which checks if there are no more recipients that number
from control/tarpitcount file. Maybe it is possible to alter this patch to
suit my needs... I mean without rewriting whole qmail :)

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
No, I don't have a drinking problem.
I drink, I get drunk, I fall down.  No problem!
===- -===< +48604628083 >

Re: client is blocking my mail server...

2001-02-15 Thread Daniellek

W dniu Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 01:35:17PM -0500, Dave Sill wystukał(a):
>>Ok, this solution would work but isn't best... I't would block all my client
>>traffic (even short - one recipient letters).
>I don't know the nature of your client(s) or their mail usage
>patterns, but if the offending messages are sent by a particular user,
>you could give that single person the alternative SMTP host or
>port. That would subject only that one person to waiting for the big

This is some sort of info/newsletter and it happens to be big (500KB message),
it's why it's a problem for us.

>>Following this thread - is there possibility to check before sending mail to
>>queue if it has more than (for example) 50 recipient it wolud be forwarded to
>>this second qmail-queue. This would be ideal solution...
>>There's tarpit patch which checks if there are no more recipients that number
>>from control/tarpitcount file. Maybe it is possible to alter this patch to
>>suit my needs... I mean without rewriting whole qmail :)
>Sure, it's a SMOP (Simple Matter Of Programming).

Yesterday noon, i've searched through qmail source (it was hard to recall C
programming :) but found a way to do this efficiently :)

If everything goes OK, patch should be ready tomorrow :)

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
- czy linux będzie działał gdy na innej partycji będę miał windows?
- tak, choć z lekkim obrzydzeniem  (robmar)
===- -===< +48604628083 >

debugging qmail...

2001-02-26 Thread Daniellek

I'm writing a patch for qmail, and have some problems...

I've tried to do some debugging (using gdb), but though i compile with "-g"
flag (set in conf-cc and conf-ld) gdb still says:

(gdb) file qmail-remote
Reading symbols from qmail-remote...(no debugging symbols found)...done.

Do you know why is that happening to me? ;)
Any hints?

PS. Small test program which i wrote (few lines) compiles with debugging and
gdb works on him...

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-===-ICQ #37739641-
"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly."
  (Batman Costume warning label)
==- -==< +48604628083 >

Problem running second qmail on aliased interface...

2001-03-07 Thread Daniellek

I have problem like this:

There's "qmail" binded to IP1 port 25
And there's "qmail2" binded to IP2 port 25

IP1 is on eth0
IP2 is an alias - eth0:0

My problem is that I want to pass some of mail's to "qmail2" using smtproutes,
but qmail'a seems to treat this mail as a local delivery and gives me errors

> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
> it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)

where [EMAIL PROTECTED] is recipient address.

How can I teach qmail to treat IP2 as a remote?

Daniel Fenert--==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
==-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-=-ICQ #37739641-==
Shhh be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm haunting wabbits!
===- -===< +48604628083 >